The technology center of the 3M Russia company invites dentists to seminars with a practical course. Technological center of the company "3m Russia" invites dentists to seminars with a practical course Vagram Rubenovich Mkrtumyan Dentist


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  • Students of dental faculties of medical universities

Technological center of the company "3m Russia" invites dentists to seminars with a practical course

Doctor consultant Ayupova Lilia Ganiyatulovna - specialist in the field of aesthetic restoration, dentist-therapist of the clinic "Dentistry 31"
"Possible errors during the restoration of the anterior group of teeth" March 3, May 21 at 10-00 - 14-00 free
"Direct and indirect restorations of the lateral group of teeth" April 9, June 30 at 10-00 - 14-00 free of charge
"Clinical aspects of modeling the crown part of the tooth using the mock-up technique" June 18 at 10-00 - 17-00 cost 3000 rubles.
"Different kinds whitening teeth. Indications, contraindications and possible complications... Aesthetic restoration after teeth whitening "March 12 at 10-00 - 17-00 cost 3000 rubles.
"Microprosthetics in therapeutic dentistry"On April 30 at 10-00 - 17-00 the cost is 3000 rubles.

Zablotskaya Natalia Vitalievna - Ph.D., Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, dentist-therapist of the clinic "All Family"
"Algorithm for the use of composite materials in the treatment of the lateral group of teeth" March 5 10-00 - 14-00 free
"Endodontic aspects in aesthetic dentistry. Part 1" April 2 at 10-00 - 17-00 cost 3000 rubles.
"Endodontic aspects in aesthetic dentistry. Part 2" April 14 at 10-00 - 17-00 free of charge.
"New possibilities of using glass ionomer cements in aesthetic dentistry" December 18 at 10-00 - 14-00 free of charge.

Lomakova Marina Vladimirovna - dentist-therapist of the clinic "Kvinta", winner of the competition for aesthetic restoration (StAR)
"Functional and aesthetic aspects in the restoration of the angle of the coronal part of the frontal tooth" March 9, April 6, June 8 at 10-00 - 14-00 free of charge.
"Through defects. Features of restoration. Production of veneers by direct method from composite material" March 23, June 29 at 10: 00-17: 00 cost 3000 rubles.
"Restoration of a contact point. Active method. Restoration chewing tooth with the help of the new composite material Filtek Silorane "on May 18 at 10: 00-17: 00 the cost of 3000 rubles.
"The choice of accessories when working with composite materials. Cofferdam in the practice of a dentist" April 27 at 10: 00-15: 00 cost 1500 rubles.

Razumova Svetlana Nikolaevna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head. Department, Associate Professor of the Department of Propedeutics, Dentistry. RUDN University diseases
"Methods of restoration of anatomical and functional occlusion of molars and premolars" on April 22 at 10: 00-14: 00 free of charge.
"Selective teeth grinding in the practice of a dentist-therapist. Practical part with the use of an occluder" March 25, June 15 at 10: 00-15: 00 cost of 1500 rubles.

Nikolaev Alexander Ivanovich- dentist-therapist, associate professor of the State Medical Academy
"Ways to improve the efficiency of aesthetic restoration of teeth with a composite" March 21 at 10: 00-18: 00 cost 1000 rubles (lecture), 2000 rubles. (practice)

Kuzminskaya Oksana Yurievna - Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatric Therapeutic Dentistry
"Features of the treatment of dental caries in children and adolescents. Methods for the prevention and treatment of fissure caries. Endodontic treatment of permanent teeth with incomplete root formation. Treatment of deep caries of permanent teeth in children" April 18 at 10: 00-17: 00 cost 1000 rubles. (Lecture ), 2000 rubles (practice)

Adilkhanyan Vladimir Albertovich - Ph.D., implantologist, orthopedist, clinic ""
"Aesthetic aspects of fixed prosthetics in the frontal department" on April 8 at 10: 00-14: 00 free
"Metal-free prosthetics: the choice of material depending on the purpose of the prosthetics, especially the clinical stages" March 11 at 10: 00-15: 00 cost 1500 rubles.
Maksimov Sergey Valentinovich - orthopedic dentist, Zhemchuzhina clinic
"Soft tissue management in fixed prosthetics" April 13, June 24 at 10: 00-14: 00 free of charge.

Mkrtumyan Vahram Rubenovich - Orthopedic surgeon, clinic UDP on Grokholsky
"Aesthetic prosthetics in dentistry: constructions based on zirconium oxide (LAVA), impress" March 31, May 28 at 10: 00-14: 00 free of charge.

Remizova Anna Alexandrovna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the SSS MMA them. Sechenov, dentist - orthopedist, MMA medical center
"Principles of working with metal-free tabs" on April 17 at 10: 00-14: 00 free of charge.
"Peculiarities of preparation for locking clasp prosthetics" on June 5 at 10: 00–15: 00, the cost is 1500 rubles.

Attention! Registration for participation in seminars by phone: 784-74-79 from 9:00 to 16:00
Address: Moscow, st. Krylatskaya, 17, building 3, business park "Krylatskie Hills", office of the company 3M. Directions: metro station "Krylatskoye", the first car, exit twice to the right, free bus to the business center (travel time 10 minutes).
The schedule is posted on the website: (section "Medicine").

date Time Lecturer Seminar topic
March, 3rd 10-00 - 14-00 Ayupova Lilia Ganiyatulovna
9th of March 10-00 - 14-00 Lomakova Marina Vladimirovna
11th of March 10-00 - 15-00 Metal-free prosthetics: the choice of material depending on the purpose of the prosthetics, especially the clinical stages. *
12 march 10-00 - 17-00 Ayupova Lilia Ganiyatulovna Various types of teeth whitening. Indications, contraindications and possible complications. Aesthetic restoration after teeth whitening. *
March 21 (Saturday) 10-00 - 18-00 Nikolaev Alexander Ivanovich Ways to improve the effectiveness of aesthetic composite restoration of teeth *
March 23rd 10-00 - 17-00 Lomakova Marina Vladimirovna
March 25 10-00 - 15-00 Razumova Svetlana Nikolaevna
March 31 10-00 - 14-00 Mkrtumyan Vahram Rubenovich
6 april 10-00 - 14-00 Lomakova Marina Vladimirovna Functional and aesthetic aspects in the restoration of the angle of the coronal part of the anterior tooth.
8 april 10-00 - 14-00 Adilkhanyan Vladimir Albertovich Aesthetic aspects of fixed prosthetics in the anterior region.
9 april 10-00 - 14-00 Ayupova Lilia Ganiyatulovna
13 april 10-00 - 14-00 Maksimov Sergey Valentinovich
17 april 10-00 - 14-00 Remizova Anna Alexandrovna Principles of working with metal-free tabs
April 18 (Saturday) 10-00 - 17-00 Kuzminskaya Oksana Yurievna Features of the treatment of dental caries in children and adolescents. Methods for the prevention and treatment of fissure caries. Endodontic treatment of permanent teeth with incomplete root formation. Treatment of deep caries in permanent teeth in children. *
April 22 10-00 - 14-00 Razumova Svetlana Nikolaevna Methods for restoring anatomical and functional occlusion of molars and premolars
April 27 10-00 - 15-00 Lomakova Marina Vladimirovna The choice of accessories when working with composite materials. Koferdam in the practice of a dentist. *
April 30 10-00 - 17-00 Ayupova Lilia Ganiyatulovna Microprosthetics in therapeutic dentistry *
May 18 10-00 - 17-00 Lomakova Marina Vladimirovna Restoration of the contact point. Active technique. Restoration of the chewing tooth with the new composite material Filtek ™ Silorane *
May 21st 10-00 - 14-00 Ayupova Lilia Ganiyatulovna Possible errors in the restoration of the anterior group of teeth.
May 28 10-00 - 14-00 Mkrtumyan Vahram Rubenovich Aesthetic prosthetics in dentistry: constructions based on zirconium oxide (LAVA), impress.
30 June 10-00 - 14-00 Ayupova Lilia Ganiyatulovna Direct and indirect restorations of the lateral group of teeth.
June 18 10-00 - 17-00 Ayupova Lilia Ganiyatulovna Clinical aspects of modeling the crown part of the tooth using the mock-up technique.
June 8 10-00 - 14-00 Lomakova Marina Vladimirovna Functional and aesthetic aspects in the restoration of the angle of the coronal part of the anterior tooth.
June 29 10-00 - 17-00 Lomakova Marina Vladimirovna Through defects. Features of the restoration. Production of veneers by direct method from composite material. *
June 15th 10-00 - 15-00 Razumova Svetlana Nikolaevna Selective teeth grinding in the practice of a dentist-therapist. Practical part using an occluder *
June 24 10-00 - 14-00 Maksimov Sergey Valentinovich Soft tissue management in fixed prosthetics
June 5th 10-00 - 15-00 Remizova Anna Alexandrovna Features of preparation for locking clasp prosthetics *

* - paid seminar

Ayupova Lilia Ganiyatulovna specialist in the field of aesthetic restoration, dentist-therapist of the clinic "Dentistry 31"
Zablotskaya Natalia Vitalievna candidate of Medical Sciences, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, dentist-therapist of the clinic "All Family"
Lomakova Marina Vladimirovna dentist-therapist of the Kvinta clinic, winner of the competition for aesthetic restoration (StAR)
Razumova Svetlana Nikolaevna doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department, Associate Professor of the Department of Propedeutics, Dentistry RUDN University diseases
Nikolaev Alexander Ivanovich dentist-therapist, associate professor of the State Medical Academy
Kuzminskaya Oksana Yurievna associate Professor at the Department of Pediatric Therapeutic Dentistry
Adilkhanyan Vladimir Albertovich ph.D., implantologist, orthopedist, clinic "".
Maksimov Sergey Valentinovich dentist-orthopedist, clinic "Pearl"
Mkrtumyan Vahram Rubenovich orthopedic surgeon, clinic of the UDP on Grokholsky.
Remizova Anna Alexandrovna candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the SSS MMA named after Sechenov, dentist - orthopedist, MMA medical center

check in to participate in seminars by phone: 784-74-79 from 9-00 to 16-00
Address: Moscow, st. Krylatskaya, 17 building 3, Business Park "Krylatskie Hills", office of the 3M company.
Travel: Metro station "Krylatskoe", first car, exit twice to the right, free bus to the business center (travel time 10 minutes).
timetable posted on the site.


Head of the department,

Work experience 23 years.

She has been working at the Polyclinic since 1995.

In 1993 she graduated from the Moscow Medical Stomatological Institute named after N. A. Semashko (MMOM) with a degree in Dentistry.

In 1993-1995. clinical residency at the Department of Hospital Therapeutic Dentistry, Moscow Medical Institute.

The certificate "Therapeutic dentistry" was confirmed in 2020, valid until 2025.

Professional skills: treatment of caries and its complications, cosmetic dental restoration, treatment of periodontal and oral mucosa diseases, professional oral hygiene.

">Agafonova Lilia Yurievna Head of the department,

Dentist therapist

Work experience 23 years.

She has been working at the Polyclinic since 1999.

In 1994 she graduated from the Moscow Medical Stomatological Institute named after N.A. Semashko with a degree in Dentistry.

The certificate "Therapeutic dentistry" was confirmed in 2016, valid until 2021.

Professional skills: treatment of caries and its complications, aesthetic dental restoration, preparation of teeth for prosthetics, treatment of periodontal diseases (non-surgical periodontics), professional oral hygiene.

">Bogdanova Larisa Borisovna Dentist therapist

Dentist-therapist, highest qualification category

She has been working at the Polyclinic since 1994.

In 1992 she graduated from the Moscow Medical Dental Institute named after V.I. N.A. Semashko.

The certificate "Therapeutic dentistry" was confirmed in 2017, valid until 2022.

Professional skills: treatment of non-carious lesions of dental hard tissues, treatment of caries and its complications (pulpitis, periodontitis), dental restoration, treatment of periodontal diseases (non-surgical periodontology), professional oral hygiene.

Permanent participant in all-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences, forums, master classes.

">Borodina Marina Alexandrovna Dentist-therapist, highest qualification category
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