Dualism is a philosophical doctrine that considers the foundation of the world. Dualism - what is it in psychology, philosophy and religion? Economic glossary of terms

DUALISM- 1. A concept that asserts the coexistence of two equal principles. 2. In psychology - a dualistic approach.

(Golovin S.Yu. Dictionary of practical psychologist - Minsk, 1998)

DUALISM(from lat. dualis - dual) - a philosophical doctrine proceeding in the explanation of existence from the presence of 2 versus. beginnings - material and spiritual. In the most developed form in the philosophy of modern times, D. is presented in the doctrine R.Descartes. According to Descartes, there are 2 substances - matter and spirit. The main property, or attribute, matter is extension, and spirit - thinking (understood more broadly than is now accepted). The properties of matter are not deducible from thinking, and vice versa; substances do not and cannot have any points of contact. For psychology, the most interesting is Descartes' formulation of the problem of a person in which the spiritual and material principles actually coexist. Descartes tried to solve this problem, relying on interaction hypothesis(cm. Interactionism), in which the role of mediator between the body and soul pinned on the pineal gland of the brain (pineal gland). In the formulation of this problem, a contradiction (inconsistency) of dualistic philosophy was revealed, namely the contradiction between the principle of natural causality and the presence of 2 substances, which, in essence, cannot be in causal dependence on each other. The further development of dialectics, primarily in philosophy occasionalism(N. Malebranche, A. Geilinks, G.Leibniz and others) showed that the solution psychophysical problem is possible only with a complete rejection of the principle of causality. The acting, real reason turned out to be carried out beyond the limits of the available substances, into the highest divine substance. Thus, it was shown that the substantiation of the principles of dialectic requires the introduction of a single foundation, a certain beginning of being, which in occasionalism is the substance of God.

In psychology, the influence of the dualistic tradition was very significant and manifested itself in the long history of the existence of the psychophysical problem, the problem of psychophysical interaction, psychophysiological problems etc. In the most developed form, the dualistic principles are presented in the teaching psychophysical parallelism(V.Wundt, F. Paulsen). A doctrine based on the opposition of independently existing souls and body, consciousness and brain, leads either to the need to reject the recognition of causal dependence, or to the reduction of the phenomena of consciousness to reflex, to brain processes. The logic of the need to introduce a single basis, revealed by the philosophy of occasionalism, turns out to be the result of any form of D.

Already in philosophy B.Spinoza the Cartesian formulation of the problem of man as "composed" of body and soul was removed in the affirmation of the existence of man as a thinking body. The universal nature of man is revealed, according to Spinoza, in the ability of the thinking body to build its own movement according to the logic of any other body.

(Zinchenko V.P., Meshcheryakov B.G. Big psychological dictionary - 3rd ed., 2002)

Dualism, everyone has an idea From the name itself it becomes clear that we are talking about the presence of two principles. That is, duality (dualism) is the idea of ​​the existence of two opposite principles, which cannot be reduced to one another, but at the same time they cannot exist without each other. Duality takes the form of some polar constructs in the human mind. After all, people operate precisely with such opposite concepts as good and evil, white and black, etc. The principle of dualism lies in the assertion that at the heart of everything that is in this world are two opposing principles. If we go further, then life itself is a struggle of opposites. In rest there is no life, development. In the struggle, truth is born.

Metaphysical explanation

The concept of two principles of all that exists is as old as the world itself. Dualism is not a division of the world into two levels, a plan, it is an inextricable relationship, a mutual conditioning of these opposite principles. As already mentioned, without one there is no other. One beginning is explained through the other. For example, without light there is no darkness, without evil there is no good, and the like.

Duality within us

According to the adherents of dualism, duality is also contained within the person himself. It is she who makes us look at the world as a confrontation of irreducible principles. As a person rightly notes, he never looks at the world as a whole, he always decomposes reality into an infinite number of opposites. Therefore, dualism is our nature. We, as part of the world, reflect its properties, and duality is an example of this.

Dualism of soul and body

Since ancient times, thinkers have always been interested in how the body and soul correlate, in what relations are these eternal substances.
There are several explanations, such as the theory of dualism. This theory occupies a special position between the theory of faith, which considers the body to be a perishable vessel, the “prison of the soul,” and the theory of denial, according to which there is no soul at all. The adherents of the ideas of duality believe that the body is a perfect substance, which may well function without a spiritual component. But the body is not a person. The essence of man, his mind and self-consciousness are contained in the concept of the soul. Followers of dualism believe that the soul is primary, and the body is its natural continuation. The theory of dualism claims that all living beings in the world (including humans) have an animal soul. And only a person, and even then not always, receives a spiritual soul, which defines him as a person. The animal soul provides life for the body, many people live their whole life without a spirit soul. Thus, dualism is the most complete and convenient explanation.This principle is very widespread due to the fact that consciousness (spirit, spirit soul) and body (matter) are recognized as equal in value substances, each performs its own functions, and at the same time they complement each other.


Thus, dualism acts as a teaching that recognizes the presence of two opposite principles in every moment of life. the ideal and the material are equal and irrelevant. In theology, dualism is expressed in the struggle between good and evil gods, this confrontation is eternal and unchanging.

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[dualis dual]

1. Philos. A philosophical teaching that recognizes the presence of two independent and equal principles, for example, matter and spirit, object and subject, good and evil, nature and freedom.

Metaphysical, epistemological, ethical dualism. Dualism of soul and body. The dualism of sin and virtue. The dualism of yin and yang.

2. Duality, duality of smth .; union, combination of two qualities, beginnings, etc.

Worldview dualism. Dualism of consciousness. Economic dualism, as the simultaneous existence of interfering modes of production, consumption, labor markets, is characteristic of transitional periods of development.

executive dualism

See (3 characters).

3. Scientific. The intersection of two fundamental classes of objects or principles, mutually influencing each other, but not changing their structure.

In quantum mechanics, dualism means the dual nature of a particle as a corpuscle and a wave.

4. Yur. Property of the system of law, expressed in its multifaceted bifurcation; division of law into public and private, material and procedural, civil and commercial, etc.

Legal dualism. Dualism in property rights. Adoption in many countries along with civil commercial codes is called the dualism of private law.

Encyclopedic information In the Russian Federation, the so-called entrepreneurial (commercial or economic) law has emerged: independent departments have been organized in law universities, corresponding academic courses are taught, etc. still no. (A. V. Ilyin)

Duality and dualism

I cannot understand the difference between duality and dualism.

You see, duality is the foundation on which all of this manifestation takes place. Thus, if duality is understood as duality, simply as polar opposites, then that one cannot exist without the other is understanding. This is enlightenment. Consciousness itself descended from the level of duality to the level of dualism, identified with each object and created this relationship "subject-object" so that this leela could have taken place. Thus, Consciousness has identified with itself and continues this identification for some time. Then a certain body-mind organism that has led a sane, healthy, and happy life is given the impetus to find out: Am I really separate from others? What does this whole life mean? The mind turns inward, and the seeker begins his path full of misfortunes! This process of disidentification continues until there is an understanding that this whole dualism is a joke, a cosmic joke. And this realization raises dualism back to the level of duality. When this level of duality also becomes unbearable, then the "me" and "you" also disappear.

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17. Dualism The theory according to which the soul is an immaterial substance, and therefore each person is a combination of an immaterial soul and a physical, material body. This theory has been repeatedly refuted, however, there are still those who continue in it.

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1. Dualism Materialism, spiritualism and panpsychism are types of monism and, moreover, of that monism, which I have called qualitative. Any such monism, as explained above, is untenable: mental and material processes are irreducible to each other; these are two sharply different

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3.4. Dualism and Monism So, if materialism fails when it tries to take the spirit out of matter, then spiritualism is unable to explain the illusion of materiality, it is incapable of "taking" matter out of the spirit. But perhaps there is a simple way out of this impasse in the form of dualism -

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2) Dualism. Dualism is the opposite pole of cosmism or worldworldly understanding of the world. He is characterized by the recognition of the creation of the world. However, the world for him was created not by one creator, but by two; “Together we created nature - the belbog and the gloomy chernobog”.

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5. Dualism The obvious fact that Hegel's philosophy is one of the most powerful variants of monism in the European tradition makes detailed explanations of the incompatibility of gnostic dualism and speculative philosophy superfluous. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that it is important for

From the book Popular Philosophy. Tutorial the author Gusev Dmitry Alekseevich

Dualism After all, we are all desperate dualists! Not in the sense, of course, that we regard the spiritual and the material as "equal principles", but in the sense that, since we cannot get away from either one or the other, monists from us do not come out, no matter how hard we try.

From the author's book

Dualism (Dualisme) A doctrine that sees the basis of existence in two principles that are not reducible to each other, mainly in two different substances, which are matter and spirit. Dualism is opposed to monism. In particular, the principle of dualism is applicable to a person, more precisely, to

From the author's book

3. Dualism Materialism and idealism are opposite philosophical views. Everything that materialism asserts is denied by idealism and vice versa. It is not surprising that the question was often raised in philosophy - is it possible to somehow reconcile these two extremes, to find

Collegiate YouTube

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    Corpuscular - Wave dualism. The quantum physics. Cubit show

    Neil DeGrasse Tyson - Explaining the 2-Slit Experiment (Observer Effect)

    There is no death - the arguments of quantum physics | Lanz biocentrism

    Physics. Corpuscular wave dualism. Katyuschik. Lecture on physics.


Types of dualism

Ontological dualism

Ontological dualism assumes double (heterogeneous) obligations about the nature of existence, as it relates to spirit (consciousness) and matter; can be classified into three different types:

  1. Substantial dualism(English substance dualism) asserts that consciousness and matter (body) are fundamentally different substances with an independent existence.
  2. Prophetic dualism(English property dualism) assumes that the ontological difference lies in the difference between the properties of consciousness and matter (as in emergentism).
  3. Predicate dualism(English predicate dualism) declares the irreducibility of mental predicates to physical predicates.

Epistemological dualism

Gnoseological (epistemological) dualism is also known as naive realism or representationism - a philosophical position in epistemology, according to which our conscious experience is not the real world itself, but an internal representation, a miniature virtual-real copy of the world.

Examples of epistemological dualism are being and thinking, an object and an object "given in feelings" (English sense datum) and things [ what?] .

Anthropological dualism

Metaphysical dualism

Metaphysical dualism in philosophy considers the use of two insurmountable and dissimilar (heterogeneous) principles to explain the whole of reality or some of its broad aspects.

Examples of metaphysical dualism are God and the world, matter and spirit, body and mind, good and evil. Manichaeism is the most famous form of metaphysical dualism.

Religious dualism

Ethical dualism

Ethical dualism refers to the practice of absolute evil and exclusively to a specific group of people who ignore or deny their own ability to do evil. In other words, ethical dualism basically depicts the existence of two mutually hostile things, one of which represents the origin of all good and the other of all evil.

Dualistic Views of Mental Causation

The problem of mind and body is a constant problem in philosophy of mind and in metaphysics, regarding the nature of the relationship between mind (or consciousness) and the physical world.

Dualism in the philosophy of mind

Substantial or Cartesian dualism

Another form of dualism, which does not recognize the existence of a special spiritual substance, is dualism of properties(qualities). According to the dualism of properties, there is no spiritual substance, but the brain, as a material formation, has unique, special properties (qualities) - which give rise to mental phenomena.


Epiphenomenalism denies the causal role of mental entities in relation to physical processes. Such mental phenomena as intentions, motives, desires, perceptions have no effect on physical processes and can be considered as side, accompanying processes - epiphenomena - in relation to the causal events of neural interactions occurring in the brain. Thus, mental phenomena - this is how a person feels the events of neural interactions that determine his behavior - and are not a cause in themselves.

Predicate dualism

Predicate dualism argues that it takes more than one predicate (when we describe the subject of judgment) to understand the world, and that the psychological experience we go through cannot be redescribed in terms of (or reduced to) the physical predicates of natural languages.

Prophetic dualism

Prophetic dualism (also known as symbolic physicalism) argues that consciousness is a group of independent properties that emerge from the brain, but it is not a separate substance. Therefore, when matter is organized appropriately (that is, the way human bodies are organized), psychic properties appear.

Dualism in religion

Term dualism has been used since 1700 to characterize the Iranian doctrine of two spirits and was understood as recognition of two opposite principles... Subsequently, scholars have come to the conclusion that dualistic myths are widespread and have many variations at all cultural levels and in many religions.

While ditheism / bitheism implies moral dualism, they are not the same, as bitheism / ditheism implies (at least) two gods, while moral dualism does not imply any "theism" at all.

Ditheism / bitheism in religion does not necessarily imply that it cannot be monistic at the same time. For example, Zoroastrianism, being a prominent representative of dualistic religions, contains at the same time monotheistic features. Zoroastrianism never preached overt monotheism (like Judaism or Islam), being in fact an original attempt to unify the polytheistic religion under the cult of a single supreme God. Religions such as Zurvanism, Manichaeism, and Mandeanism were all representatives of dualistic philosophies, but also monistic religions, since in each there is a supreme and transcendental First Principle from which two equal but opposite entities originated.

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