Poroshenko Marina Anatolyevna: biography, personal life, style. Petro Poroshenko and his wife Marina: a love story and exclusive photos from the family archive Where is Poroshenko and his family now

Citizen of Ukraine. Lives in Ukraine, in particular during the last ten years before election day.

Higher education. In 1995-2000 studied at the Kiev National Economic University, majoring in Law, and qualified as a lawyer.

1997-2003 – actor, screenwriter, artistic director of the team of the Club of cheerful and resourceful “Kvartal 95”.

2003-2011 – artistic director at the limited liability company “Studio “Kvartal 95”.

2011-2012 - General Producer at the private joint-stock company Inter TV Channel.

2013-2019 – artistic director at the limited liability company “Studio “Kvartal 95”.

Founder of the NGO “Youth Center “League of Laughter”. He did not hold any elected positions.

He has 10 full-length feature films to his creative credit. Winner of more than 30 awards of the National Television Award of Ukraine “Teletriumph”. He is also an award winner and laureate of many international film, television festivals and media forums.

He played the main role in the series Servant of the People, which won the WorldFest Remi Award (USA, 2016) and was one of the four finalists in the comedy film category at the Seoul International Drama Awards (South Korea). “Servant of the People” was also awarded the Intermedia Globe SILVER award in the “Entertainment television series” category at the international media content festival WorldMediaFestival in Hamburg (Germany).

From the very beginning of hostilities in Donbass, together with the Kvartal 95 studio, he helped the army. The actors donated funds and equipment to the soldiers, and visited the front lines and various military units with concerts.


Married. Wife: Elena Vladimirovna Zelenskaya. Has a daughter Alexandra and a son Kirill.

He has no criminal record that has not been expunged or expunged in accordance with the procedure established by law.

On April 21, 2019, he was elected President of Ukraine in the next elections, receiving the support of 73.22% of voters. On May 20, he took the oath before the people of Ukraine as Head of State.

The new president has a lot of work to do to justify the trust of those tens of millions of Ukrainians who checked his name on the ballot. I would like to believe that we - Petro Poroshenko and the other 45 million citizens of Ukraine - will succeed. And a qualitatively new stage of development awaits the country ahead, as the new president himself wrote in such a European way on his Facebook: “I respect and appreciate everyone’s choice. It doesn’t matter who you voted for, because your activity yesterday and tonight at the polling stations proved that Ukrainians are not indifferent to the fate of their state. We have a new country of conscious and active citizens, a new stage in the development of the state.”

Strict upbringing

The fifth president of Ukraine was born in 1965 in the small town of Bolgrad in the Odessa region, near the border with Moldova. The father of the future businessman and politician, Alexey Ivanovich, worked as the chief engineer of local agricultural machinery, and his mother, Evgenia Sergeevna, was an accountant there. The family lived in a small two-story building in a three-room apartment on the first floor. We can say that the residents of the house were only half city dwellers, since they did not lose touch with the land - they cultivated small vegetable gardens in their cozy courtyard and kept ducks and chickens in small sheds. Neighbors of the Poroshenko family, the Fazly couple, who still live in the same house, recall: the future president’s mother did not hide during her pregnancy that she wanted a girl, since she and her husband already had an eight-year-old son, Mikhail. However, fate decreed otherwise, and another boy was born, whom the family council decided to name Peter. The baby was born very similar to his father, and Alexey Ivanovich was very proud of this.

According to Stepan Fazly, the head of the Poroshenko family was a strict but fair husband and father. “When Alexey Ivanovich walked at our wedding,” Fazly shared in an interview with the Segodnya newspaper, “he said that if a person is single, he lives like a man and dies like a dog, and if he is married, then vice versa. But he had a very good family... Alexey Ivanovich was definitely the master of the house. He could even be harsh, and his sons and wife tried not to contradict him.”

The neighbors lived amicably. In the courtyard, parties were often held for the whole house in a common gazebo. Moreover, the initiators of such gatherings were often Poroshenko’s spouses. Alexey Ivanovich took the tape recorder out into the yard, the women set the table together, the men brought wine. The main dish of these feasts was either kebabs or kovurma - lamb cooked in a cauldron, which Alexey Ivanovich especially loved. After long, heartfelt conversations and songs accompanied by meat and wine, the neighbors cleaned up the yard together. Children were actively involved in cleaning so that they would get used to the work and not grow up to be white-handed. “Petya was accustomed to swinging a broom. With a tape recorder and pop songs,” Fazli recalled.

People who knew the Poroshenko family closely are sure that it was his parents, and first of all his father, who instilled in Peter the traits that later allowed him to become a successful businessman, leader and politician. This is how his colleague Nikolai Moshul characterizes Alexei Poroshenko in an interview with the Segodnya newspaper: “I had very close contact with Alexey Ivanovich at work in the 70s. His family was friendly, the children were raised in strictness, and Alexey Ivanovich himself was very energetic, loved to control the work, and with him all his instructions were carried out accurately! If it was necessary to go out at night, he could persuade anyone that this work had to be done at any time of the day. His wife, Evgenia Sergeevna, also loved to demand and lead. I remember Petya from about five years old. A small black boy, chubby, of medium height, dense, diligent. With dad, he even seemed to sit in line.” Knowing the tough temperament of her husband, Evgenia Sergeevna used to hide the tricks of her sons from him. Mikhail and Peter were not hooligans and did well at school, but boys are boys - there were fights and pranks.

Despite his father’s strictness, according to the recollections of his neighbors, Petya Poroshenko was not quiet as a child. He was friends with all the kids in the yard, took part in football and hockey battles, and went swimming with the yard group at the estuary. Peter and his friends had their own territory - a base where they felt like full owners. It was the garage where my father's Volga was parked. More precisely, not the garage itself, but its large sloping roof. With the onset of the first hot days, the boys set up their “headquarters” there, covering the roof with blankets and bedspreads. During the day it was nice to sunbathe there, and at night (at that carefree time parents easily let their little children spend the night in the yard) to dream and talk. Looking into the southern starry sky, the boys were probably talking about who would become who when they grew up. But, probably, even in his wildest dreams, schoolboy Petya Poroshenko could not imagine that he would become the president of his country.

Candy for girlfriends

Peter's gallantry was also manifested in the fact that he always defended his school friends from local hooligans. And if it was necessary to fight, he even fought with boys several years older. Despite his modest appearance, neat hairstyle, gentle and always slightly sad look, the future president worked quite well with his fists. Perhaps this is why his parents sent Peter to the judo section, in order to channel his energy in the right direction. In sports, as well as in studies, and then in business, Petro Poroshenko achieved notable success, becoming a master of sports and a winner of republican competitions. This happened already in the Moldovan city of Bendery, where the Poroshenko family moved after his father’s new appointment.

A good education, the habit of discipline and self-organization, which his parents and sports instilled in him, helped young Peter enter the prestigious Faculty of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. When he graduated from university, the country of the USSR ceased to exist, and young independent Ukraine plunged headlong into a market economy. Together with his father and older brother Mikhail, Peter acquired a Vinnitsa confectionery factory, which became the starting point in the creation of his Roshen business empire.

Today Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko is one of the richest people in Ukraine, and many financial analysts have written dozens of pages trying to explain the phenomenon of his career. The godmother of the president’s twins, Oksana Bilozir, believes that Pyotr Alekseevich would not have reached such heights in business and politics if he had not had a strong backing in the person of his wife Marina and four children.

Strong rear

The future president and the future First Lady met at one of the university discos. According to Marina Poroshenko, it was love at first sight. But the medical student and the international relations student began dating only six months after they met, when mutual friends invited them together out of town for a barbecue. After that they saw each other almost every day.

“We had dates almost every day. In order not to meet, we had to quarrel. Once, after a quarrel, I cried into my pillow for more than a day and kept repeating: “That’s it, this is the last time, I’m leaving!” And the next day we made up. Everything with us was romantic and unpredictable,” Marina Poroshenko says nostalgically.
After 12 months, the lovers submitted an application to the registry office. However, family life together had to be postponed for two long years, because a week after the wedding, Peter was taken to serve in the Soviet army. “When I saw my husband off to the army at the station, it seemed like life was over. Lord, how I cried! I thought that I would not survive the separation. I have never experienced such a tragedy in my life,” recalls the president’s wife. The lovers were saved by letters in which they put all their melancholy and feelings. “We wrote to each other almost every day. I still keep all the letters,” shares Marina Poroshenko.

Due to her husband’s service in the army, Poroshenko’s wife gave birth to their first child, Alexei, and raised her for the first year herself. During the birth of the next three children, twin daughters Evgenia and Alexandra and son Mikhail, Peter was always next to his wife.

“For the first time I was alone and for the rest of my life I remembered the feeling of loneliness, abandonment, uselessness to anyone,” recalls Marina Anatolyevna. - Doctors, nurses, everyone and everything was shouting at me. And then there was a man next to me, he held my hand, I saw his eyes, and it seemed to me that if he could do it instead of me, he probably would have done it. And this feeling - that they were taking care of me, that I was not alone, that everything was fine - was so amazing that even in the maternity hospital I said: “I want more.”

According to Marina Poroshenko, her husband is that “stone wall” that every woman dreams of hiding behind. His word in the house is law. “He’s great, he could replace me as a mother at any moment. “He couldn’t just breastfeed instead of me,” Marina told Ukrayinska Pravda about her husband. - In general, in our family everything is planned out, no one duplicates the work of another. If something is my responsibility, I do it. I try to do everything so as not to complicate his already difficult responsibilities.”

What are her responsibilities? She is a real homemaker. She is the one responsible for the upbringing and education of children. According to Marina Poroshenko, children live according to a strict schedule: schools, studios, tutors, clubs, and lessons take up almost all of their time. In rare free hours, she herself teaches the girls to knit, sew and embroider. The politician's wife believes that discipline and responsibility for one's actions should be instilled from an early age. Maybe not right away, but later the children will thank you for it. Thus, the eldest son Alexey, already an adult, admitted to his mother that he did not start smoking only for the simple reason that he constantly needed to run somewhere and do something while other guys were relaxing in the gateway with a cigarette.

For more than four years, Marina Poroshenko has been the First Lady of Ukraine and the subject of close public attention: what does she do, where does she appear, what does she wear? Yes, the wardrobe of the Guarantor’s wife is also under attack, and by the way, it’s quite possible to take style lessons from the First Lady. Today we propose to consider the features of Marina Poroshenko’s image and recall the most successful images in which she appeared in the world.

A few facts from the life of Marina Poroshenko

  • Born on February 1, 1962 in Kyiv;
  • Marina Poroshenko's father held a prestigious position - Deputy Minister of Health of the Ukrainian SSR;
  • Graduated from the Kiev Medical Institute with a degree in Cardiology;
  • She graduated with honors from the State Academy of Management Personnel of Culture and Art with a degree in Fine and Decorative Arts and received the qualification of an art expert in 2007;
  • Marina Poroshenko met her future husband at a university disco, but Peter and Marina began dating only six months later, after mutual friends invited them to a country picnic.
  • The First Lady loves to sew, embroider and cook;

All photos - Vogue.ua, Elle.ua, Tochka.net, Viva.ua, Unian.ua, Facebook.com/petroporoshenko/

  • Pyotr Alekseevich is 3 years younger than his wife;
  • Marina Poroshenko - Chairman of the Board of the Petro Poroshenko Charitable Foundation;
  • Since December 19, 2017, the First Lady has held the position of Chairman of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation;
  • Maximum feminine outfits, natural makeup and careless simplicity of hairstyles are the main components of Marina Poroshenko’s image;
  • For official and special events, Marina Poroshenko wears elegant pumps;
  • The First Lady prefers ;
  • Before ordering the outfit she likes, Marina Poroshenko gets to know the designer. According to her, it is very important for her to feel the energy of the person who sewed it.

We must pay tribute to Marina Anatolyevna’s bright, expressive facial features and impeccably slender figure (by the way, she is also the mother of four children!).

Marina Poroshenko prefers classic and ethnic styles

Marina Anatolyevna Poroshenko is rightfully considered the most elegant of all the wives of the Presidents of Independent Ukraine.

Business style of Marina Poroshenko can be safely called the ideal combination of current classics, elegant smart casual and bright Ukrainian ethno.

Casual style of Marina Poroshenko- this, of course, smart casual, and very sophisticated. Wherever she appears, she always wears comfortable and elegant clothes.

Marina Poroshenko loves the combination of black and white, black and red, as well as blue.

Marina Poroshenko during the opening of the exhibition “Vikna” in Mystetskyi Arsenal:

Marina Poroshenko at the opening of the Book Arsenal with a student from the inclusive educational institution School No. 168 for children with special needs:

The favorite length of dresses and skirts is midi, and in addition to semi-fitted silhouettes, the First Lady also loves an A-line silhouette.

The First Lady of Ukraine pays a lot of attention to ethnic motifs in her images. The colors of the National Flag and massive accessories in the Ukrainian style are indispensable components of her dress code.

12 striking images of Marina Poroshenko

Actually, all images of Marina Poroshenko can be called bright, expressive and appropriate to the situation. Therefore, we chose those that, due to the significance of the event, the President’s wife selected with special care.

Look No. 1: Marina Poroshenko in a suit for the official part of the Presidential inauguration

Marina Poroshenko arrived at the official part of the event dressed by Ukrainian designer Victoria Gres - in a strict and at the same time incredibly feminine suit (dress and coat to match). The amazing lavender color emphasizes the beauty of the first lady's eyes, and the decor is especially skillfully executed - unobtrusive and barely noticeable embroidery along the bottom of the garment and on the sleeves.

Look No. 2: Marina Poroshenko in an evening dress at the inauguration gala evening

The idea to use blue and yellow national colors belonged to Marina herself, but to make the dress look like the flag itself, which seemed to be wrapped around the body, was the idea of ​​designer Liliya Pustovit, who, in fact, sewed the outfit. The blue color was very deep, but the yellow, on the contrary, was unobtrusive, and on her neck the First Lady wore a pearl necklace from Roksoliana Shimchuk (Lvov).

The dress for the official part of the inauguration was made for Marina Poroshenko by designer Liliya Pustovit

Look No. 3: Marina Poroshenko in a democratic dress on Independence Day of Ukraine in 2014

It’s impossible not to mention a completely affordable dress (costing 899 UAH) from a Ukrainian clothing brand Must Have, in which the First Lady appeared at the celebration of Ukraine's Independence Day in 2014. She complemented the dress made of light yellow jacquard with a scarf and jewelry with blue splashes - again national colors. And the daughters of the presidential couple wore the same dresses from the mass-market brand, only in blue and white.

Image No. 4: Marina Poroshenko on Independence Day of Ukraine in 2015

The year before, on the Independence Day of Ukraine, Marina Poroshenko appeared in public in a dress from Ukrainian designer Olga Navrotskaya, who Best Fashion Awards 2014 received a special award “For Civil Position”. On the dresses of the First Lady and her daughters there is dill, a symbol of the steadfastness of the ATO soldiers fighting in the East of the country for the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Image No. 5: Marina Poroshenko on Constitution Day of Ukraine in 2016

On Constitution Day of Ukraine, Marina Poroshenko could be seen in a white embroidered shirt and a black pencil skirt. The waist was emphasized by a belt with Ukrainian ornaments.

Marina Poroshenko with her husband at ceremonial events on Constitution Day of Ukraine, June 28, 2016. Color scheme: black, white, red

Look #6: Marina Poroshenko in embroidered shirt on the cover of Elle

In September 2014, a photo session of Marina Poroshenko took place for Elle. The First Lady looked gorgeous and very feminine on the pages of the magazine with her hair down and in different outfits. But the most striking was the image from the cover - in a bright red embroidered shirt from Vita Kin. Agree, Marina Anatolyevna really suits bright shades!

Look No. 7: Marina Poroshenko in an embroidered dress at the celebration of the 1027th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'

Another embroidered shirt that will be remembered for a long time. And again from Vita Kin. Only this time not in the form of a blouse, but in the form of a full linen dress in a light and natural color with embroidery in shades of blue.

Look No. 8: Marina Poroshenko in a dress for Independence Day of Ukraine 2016

In 2016, on Ukraine’s Independence Day, the First Lady chose a pale blue silk dress from a design studio SVITLO. The brand's designers are Svetlana Kubrak and Natalya Shevchuk. The daughters of Marina and Petro Poroshenko are also wearing dresses SVITLO.

Marina Poroshenko's outfit for Ukraine's Independence Day 2016

Look No. 9: Marina Poroshenko in an embroidered dress from Vita Kin at the opening of Eurovision 2017 in Kyiv

For the opening ceremony of Eurovision 2017, the First Lady of Ukraine wore an embroidered dress from the brand Vita Kin. The opening ceremony took place at the Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Marina Poroshenko paired her embroidered dress with handmade beads made by the masters of the “Mrii Marii” art salon. The beads are made in a style reminiscent of the Eurovision 2017 symbol - intentionally. By the way, for the creation of the Eurovision 2017 symbol, Ukrainian advertising agencies Banda And Republique received the Grand Prix at the competition RED DOT AWARD 2017.

Photo — Vogue.ua

Look No. 10: Marina Poroshenko at the celebration of Independence Day of Ukraine in 2017

For the celebrations dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine in 2017, Marina Poroshenko, as well as her daughters Alexandra and Evgenia, wore outfits from the Ukrainian OKSANA POLONETS.

Marina Poroshenko and Brigitte Macron

More photos of Marina Poroshenko in 2017

The son of an accountant and engineer, a Soviet businessman, a “chocolate oligarch”, a politician, the President of Ukraine - the life path of Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko, a controversial political figure, raises many questions among residents of the post-Soviet space..

Childhood and family

Petro Poroshenko was born on September 26, 1965 in the town of Bolgrad, Odessa region, in the family of agricultural machinery specialist Alexei Ivanovich and accountant Evgenia Sergeevna Poroshenko. Family friends remembered Petya as a short, polite and sympathetic child who loved sweets very much. The family was not in poverty, and the father kept his sons, as they say, with a tight rein.

Some sources claim that the real name of Poroshenko’s father is Valtsman. Allegedly, Alexei disowned his Jewish surname and took his wife’s surname in order to ensure unhindered career growth.

Peter had an 8-year older brother, Mikhail, one of the founders of the Ukrprominvest enterprise, who died in August 1997 under mysterious circumstances. The press featured a variety of versions: from a banal accident to a contract murder.

When Peter was 9 years old, the family moved to Bendery (Transnistria). At the local school, the boy was not an excellent student, but he studied well. He was best at mathematics and French - because of this, his classmates, as a joke, changed his name into the French manner and called him Pierre until graduation.

Education of Petro Poroshenko

In his senior year, the young man spent a long time choosing between the career of a diplomat and the profession of a sailor. As a result, he entered two universities at once: MGIMO and Kiev State University. Shevchenko (Faculty of International Relations and Law), giving preference to the second. Interestingly, at the university he met and became friends with Mikheil Saakashvili. He was fond of freestyle wrestling and judo, earning the title of master of sports.

In 1984, a third-year student was forced to join the army. Petro Poroshenko served in Aktyubinsk. In 1987, he returned to civilian life, where his beloved Marina was waiting for him, and returned to the university, which he successfully graduated in 1989 with a degree in international economics. In 1989-1992, he studied in graduate school and simultaneously assisted at the department of international relations.

Closing the topic of education, we note that in 2002 he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Legal regulation of the management of state corporate rights in Ukraine.”

Business of Petro Poroshenko

Peter showed interest in business while still a student. In the late 80s, he and his classmates created a cooperative that specialized in the sale of cocoa beans. Some of Poroshenko’s classmates claim that Peter’s first enterprise was a video rental store, which provided super profits thanks to video cassettes with the latest Hollywood films. Many of them remember how in his fifth year Peter became the owner of a Volga - a student with a personal car seemed something incredible at that time.

The proceeds from the sale of cocoa allowed him to buy up a number of confectionery enterprises close to bankruptcy, which were later merged into the ROSHEN concern, today known as the largest producer of sweets in Ukraine. The name was invented by the entrepreneur’s wife: “Po-Roshen-Ko.” Ironically, Poroshenko himself does not eat his own products - he has diabetes.

From 1993 to 1998, Poroshenko held the position of General Director of the Ukrprominvest concern, concurrently was the head of OJSC Leninskaya Kuznya Plant, chaired the board of JSCB Mriya and was on the supervisory board of the Vinnitsa confectionery factory.

Having become the “chocolate king” of Ukraine, Poroshenko began investing in the domestic automobile industry, including the Lutsk Automobile Plant and the Bogdan holding. He also owns Channel Five (the third most popular channel on Ukrainian television) and the Leninskaya Kuznya shipyard. In 2017, his fortune was estimated at $858 million.

Poroshenko's political career

In 1998, Poroshenko received a deputy mandate from the United Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (SDPUo). After devoting two years to the faction, Poroshenko left, realizing that the leading positions in the party were occupied by Viktor Medvedchuk and Grigory Surkis, and not, as expected, by his supporters Leonid Kravchuk and Vasily Onopenko. After leaving the SDPU, he founded his own party, Solidarity.

In 2002, Petro Poroshenko became a member of the Our Ukraine faction. Subsequently, it was he who led the election campaign of Viktor Yushchenko. By the way, Poroshenko and Yushchenko are connected not only by politics, but also by strong friendship - they are godfathers. Peter took an active part in the development of the Orange Revolution, being one of its main financial guarantors. During this period, responding to Yushchenko's proposal to separate business and political activities, he transferred the formal management of Ukrprominvest to his father.

In 2005, he was secretary of the National Security Council, but left his post due to scandalous events. He and his team, namely Nikolai Martynenko, Alexander Tretyakov and David Zhvania, were accused of corruption and promoting personal interests.

In 2006, Poroshenko held a leadership position in the committee resolving issues of banking and financial activities. In 2007, he took the leading post of Chairman of the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine. In October 2009, Peter became the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, having worked in this position for a year. On March 23, 2012, President Viktor Yanukovych entrusted Poroshenko with the post of Minister of Economy and Trade of Ukraine.

Poroshenko, a supporter of Ukraine’s European integration, became an active participant in the events of the Maidan (2013-2014), helped the revolutionaries with money, interacted with Vitali Klitschko, and then sponsored the reconstruction of the Maidan after armed clashes.

President of Ukraine

After the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovych, early presidential elections were held in Ukraine. On May 25, 2014, Ukrainians had to cast their vote for one of 23 candidates, among whom were Yulia Tymoshenko (Fatherland), Oleg Lyashko (Radical Party), Anatoly Gritsenko (Civil Position), Sergei Tigipko ( “Strong Ukraine”), Mikhail Dobkin (“Party of Regions”) and non-party Petro Poroshenko. With a low turnout (59.5%), Petro Poroshenko won, receiving 54.7% of the votes.

Sensational interview with Petro Poroshenko

The presidential inauguration took place on June 7. More than 60 foreign delegations, including 23 heads of other states, took part in the holiday. During his speech, Poroshenko highlighted the main points of the direction of his activities: to preserve and strengthen Ukraine, return Crimea, ensure the country's membership in the European Union, and also increase the military power of Ukraine.

Despite confident steps towards European integration (in 2017, Ukrainians received the long-awaited visa-free regime with the European Union), sociological surveys show that less than half of Ukrainians approve of Poroshenko’s activities.

Poroshenko congratulated Ukrainians on visa-free travel

On June 20, 2017, Poroshenko met with US President Donald Trump at the White House.

Personal life of Petro Poroshenko

Poroshenko’s first meeting with his future wife Marina took place at a winter student dance. Marina studied to become a cardiologist. “It was love at first sight,” recalled the First Lady of Ukraine, “but we started dating only in the summer. All my friends left and we went on a picnic together, and then he volunteered to walk me home.”

In his free time, Poroshenko plays tennis and reads a lot, in particular English-language literature. He also considers himself an ardent fan of painting: he loves the works of the impressionist Claude Monet and collects paintings by Aivazovsky.

Petro Poroshenko now

In April 2019, Ukraine elected a new president. In addition to the current head of state, Yulia Tymoshenko, Igor Smeshko, Anatoly Gritsenko, ex-Minister of Ecology Igor Shevchenko, economist and agrarian Vitaly Skotsik, pro-Putin candidate Yuri Boyko and others put forward their candidacy - a total of 39 candidates were registered.

But perhaps the most unexpected candidate was comedian and producer Vladimir Zelensky. At first, few people considered Zelensky as a real candidate, but he confidently won the first round of elections, gaining more than 30% of the vote, while second-place Petro Poroshenko received only 15.95%. Thus, the second round was scheduled for April 21. In the interval between tours, Poroshenko and Zelensky met at a debate.

Debate between Poroshenko and Zelensky

In the second round, Zelensky confidently won (according to exit polls, more than 70% voted for him, but Poroshenko was the leader among Ukrainians voting abroad). Petro Poroshenko congratulated his opponent on his victory. The administration of the current president has scheduled the “Thank you, Peter” campaign for April 22, symbolizing gratitude to the man who has led Ukraine since June 2014. However, after losing the elections, Poroshenko does not intend to leave politics.

Secrets of the biography of Petro Poroshenko

During the election race, presidential candidate Petro Poroshenko said that he could raise Ukraine in the same way as he built his business - practically from scratch. In Transnistria, a city with such a telling name today - Bendery, which keeps the main secrets of the biography of Petro Poroshenko, they believe that this is not entirely true.

Poroshenko family secrets

The exemplary family of Petro Poroshenko, all in Ukrainian embroidered shirts: wife Marina and four children

An ardent European integrator, Poroshenko was born and raised in the most international places - he was born in the Odessa region, and at the age of 7, together with his parents and brother, he moved to Moldova (today Transnistria), to the city of Bendery. It is in this city that the carefully guarded secret of the new president is kept - the criminal case against the father of Petro Poroshenko, for which he was sentenced to 5 years in 1986.

“We all know that Petro Poroshenko’s initial capital and connections were given to him by his father, who was an influential and, for Soviet times, very enterprising man - he headed a repair plant in our city,” political scientist from Transnistria Anatoly Panin told us.

“Petrukha, as we called him then, was, of course, by today’s standards a golden youth, but in front of us, friends, he did not flaunt it,” said Poroshenko’s childhood friend Konstantin Nastenko. – To the river, to barbecue, to fight with someone – Poroshenko was the first everywhere. We were equally lost on the street, but Petya always managed to study with straight A's - he simply grasped everything on the fly.

“He has all A’s on his certificate, but his behavior is satisfactory, and that’s the only reason he wasn’t given a gold medal,” says school director Lyudmila Klepachevskaya.

– Poroshenko went out into the street like a dude - in fashionable jeans and sunglasses, and could return home with only glass and bent temples - he never shied away from a fight. What can I hide, I could have provoked it myself,” recalls friend Sergei Babenko.

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