Research Institute of Immunology and Virology named after Ivanovsky. Department of Immunology and Virology

The Institute is one of the world's largest research institutions in the field of studying the ecology, epidemiology and molecular biology of human and animal viruses. On the basis of the Institute there are a number of Centers of the World Health Organization, the All-Russian Center for the Ecology of Viruses, the State Collection of Viruses of the Russian Federation, the Expert Council on Virology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Ethics Committee, the Dissertation Council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations, residency and postgraduate studies, the Department of Virology (at the Moscow Medical Academy named after I. .M. Sechenov), several diagnostic centers, a clinical department (at the infectious diseases hospital No. 1 in Moscow) and an experimental production department for the production and quality control of test systems and antiviral vaccines.

Consultative and diagnostic center

The center has been operating for many years on the basis of the Institute of Virology Research Institute named after. DI. Ivanovsky.

The doctors working in the center are highly qualified specialists, candidates, doctors of medical sciences and professors with extensive experience.

It is important to note that all types of analyzes and research are carried out in the laboratories of the institute itself,
highly qualified specialists, employees of the institute.

The main areas of work of the center:
Treatment and Diagnosis

  • viruses of the herpes group (herpes, “fever”, herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus, infectious mononucleosis, etc.)
  • viral hepatitis A, B, C, G, TTV
  • rubella virus
  • influenza virus, parainfluenza, adenovirus, RS virus
  • human papillomavirus, diagnosis and treatment of cervical pathology
  • chlamydial infections, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trichomonas
  • prolonged increase in temperature
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • secondary immune deficiency that develops against the background of a long-term illness caused by a virus
  • Epstein-Barr
  • And much more.

The center is base organization countries within Scientific Council on the complex problem of "Microbiology", coordinates the scientific activities of institutes and institutions of the relevant profile and carries out research programs on the epidemiology of infectious diseases and nosocomial infections, natural focal human diseases, medical microbiology, genetics and molecular biology of bacteria, theoretical and applied infectious immunology, biotechnology, nanotechnology.

Centers of the Russian Ministry of Health

Based on the center's laboratories, there are 9 Centers of the Russian Ministry of Health on bacterial infections (rickettsiosis, leptospirosis, brucellosis, tularemia, legionellosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, clostridiosis, borreliosis), most of which are the only specialized medical laboratories of the relevant profile in Russia.

The international cooperation

The center conducts fruitful international scientific cooperation. Three research programs are carried out jointly with foreign scientists and major scientific centers abroad. Joint developments are carried out within the framework of current issues in biomedical science.

WHO centers

Until recently, the WHO Collaborating Centers for Rickettsial Diseases and Legionellosis operated on the basis of the center's laboratories.

Target programs

Over the past years, the center has been involved in the following federal, regional and departmental target programs scientific research: "Health of Russia", "Viral infections", "National priorities in medicine and healthcare", "New drugs", "Infectological aspects of early childhood mortality" (Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation), "Vaccine prevention" (Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation), "Prevention and the fight against diseases of a social nature" (Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation), "Antihepatitis", "AIDS" (RAMS), "Molpolydiagnostic (international)" (Ministry of Industry and Science of the Russian Federation), "New generation vaccines and medical diagnostic systems of the future" (Ministry of Industry and Science of the Russian Federation), " Research and development in priority areas of development of science and technology of the Russian Federation" (Ministry of Industry and Science of the Russian Federation), "Security of Moscow" (MGTs GSEN), "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2013" (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), “Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia for 2009-2013” ​​(Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), “Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 and beyond” (Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation). Basic research is supported by 6 grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and 4 grants from state support from the President of the Russian Federation. Some developments are financed by central and regional bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Actively functioning Academic Council center, which includes 79 leading specialists in specialized areas of activity. At meetings of the Academic Council, scientific reports on topical problems of modern medical and biological science are heard, the most important research results are discussed, issues of long-term planning, structure and staffing are considered, and priority areas of scientific research are determined.


Training of scientific personnel

Center leads preparation highly qualified scientific personnel for Russia, near and far abroad countries.

Postgraduate and doctoral studies

State institution Research Institute of Virology named after. D. I. Ivanovsky Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Director Lvov Dmitry Konstantinovich
Postgraduate studies postgraduate and doctoral studies
Location Moscow
Legal address Moscow, st. Gamaleyi, house 16

State institution Research Institute of Virology named after. D. I. Ivanovsky Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is a research institution in the field of studying the ecology, epidemiology and molecular biology of human and animal viruses.


The Institute is located at the address: Moscow. st. Gamaleyi, house 16.

The team of scientists of the institute includes 2 academicians, 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 43 doctors (25 of them have the academic title of professor), 112 candidates of sciences. There is a Dissertation Council and graduate school in the following specialties: molecular biology, virology, infectious diseases.

Area of ​​activity

The main activities of the Research Institute of Virology named after. D.I. Ivanovsky is researching on the problems of viral diseases: influenza, HIV-AIDS, hepatitis, arboviruses, rabies, herpesvirus diseases, secondary immune deficiency that developed against the background of a long-term illness caused by a virus, etc.

The Institute replenishes the State collection of viruses, collections of cell cultures and plasmids.

In its work, the institute collects field material in the epidemiological center of diseases, molecular genetic, high-tech methods, peptide synthesis, methods of biotechnology, cellular and genetic engineering.


The institute includes: laboratory of herpesvirus infections, centers of the World Health Organization, All-Russian Ecology of Viruses, State Collection of Viruses of the Russian Federation, Expert Council on Virology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Ethics Committee, Dissertation Council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations, Department of Virology at MMA named after. I.M. Sechenov, Consultative and Diagnostic Centers, Clinical Department at Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 1 in Moscow, Experimental Production Department for the production and quality control of test systems and antiviral vaccines.

Patient care, therapeutic and diagnostic procedures


Medicine. Treatment. Health. Diseases. Infections. Diseases. Clinic. Medical Center. Immunology. Institute of Immunology.

You can learn about the most common causes of immune disorders on the page “CAUSES OF IMMUNOPATHOLOGIES.”

About the role of immunopathologies in the occurrence and development of viral diseases, see the page “IMMUNOPATHOLOGIES AND VIRUSES”.

For information on modern methods of organizing treatment in children and adults for various immunopathologies and related diseases (allergies, immunodeficiencies, diathesis, dysbiosis, bronchitis, dermatitis, various bacterial and viral infections), see the page “DIAGNOSTICS AND TREATMENT”.

You can find a list of diseases associated with impaired immune status on the “LIST OF DISEASES” page.


1. Regional non-profit organization


Diagnosis and treatment in children and adults of complex forms of immunopathologies and related diseases that cannot be permanently cured in other medical institutions.

Address: Moscow, Romanov per. 2, page 1 (metro station "B-ka named after Lenin").

Patients are admitted for treatment only upon requests from the relevant medical institutions.

The Department of Pediatric Immunology receives children from the neonatal period.

Telephone number of the doctor on duty, where you can get comprehensive information on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.:


Postal address: Moscow, Kashirskoe sh., 24, bldg. 2 (metro station "Kashirskaya").

reference: t

115478, Moscow, Kashirskoe sh., 24, bldg. 2

Reception department and deputy Ch. doctor:


Postal address: Moscow, Bronnaya M. st., 20, building 1 (Tverskaya metro station).


Postal address: Moscow, Generala Kuznetsova str., 11, bldg. 1 (metro station "Vykhino").



Postal address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 117, bldg. 3

staff room:




Postal address: Moscow, Admiral Makarova st., 10 (metro station “Vodny Stadion”).

7. VACCINES AND SERUM Research Institute named after. I.I. MECHNIKOV RAMS (NIIVS)

Postal address: Moscow, Kazenny M. per. 5a (metro station "Kurskaya").


Postal address: Moscow, st. Shchukinskaya, house 1 (metro station “Schukinskaya”, “Oktyabrskoe Pole”).


Postal address: Moscow, st. Gamaleya 16 (metro station "Shchukinskaya").

Director, secretary:


Postal address: Moscow, st. Miklouho-Maclay 16/10


Postal address: Moscow, Voikovsky 5th Ave., 12


Postal address: Moscow, Dolgorukovskaya st., 4

Laboratory of Immunology:



Postal address: Moscow, Pekhotnaya st., 3, bldg. 3 (metro station "Oktyabrskoye Pole")


Postal address: Moscow, Pekhotnaya st., 3, City Clinical Hospital No. 52, bldg. 4


Postal address: Moscow, Kashirskoye sh., 34A

Jesus Christ, seeing many people suffering from illness, returned to earth in the form of a doctor.

I got a job as a local therapist at a district clinic and started making appointments.

They roll the first patient to him on a gurney - a non-ambulatory invalid since childhood.

Jesus Christ came up, laid his hands on his head and said: “Get up and walk.”

The patient got up and walked, went out into the corridor, and there those sitting in line asked him:

- “Well, how is the new doctor?”

- “Yes, the same as everyone else - I didn’t even measure my blood pressure!”

Millions more people will fall victim to hay fever, or hay fever caused by pollen, in the coming years. Researchers attribute this to climate change and global warming, which causes more and more pollen to be released into the atmosphere.

The volume of the commercial drug market in March 2017 amounted to 59.3 billion rubles, which is 23.6% more than in the same period last year. When compared with the indicators of February 2017, a significant increase was also noted – by 11.3%. This is evidenced by data from DSM Group received by the editors of Remedium.

Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova, at a meeting of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects, asked Vladimir Putin to allocate additional funds for the development of the healthcare system.

The article gives a general idea of ​​respiratory infections in children, characteristic clinical manifestations of ARVI depending on the type of pathogen. The characteristics of cough in various diseases in the form of respiratory infections are described in detail. Much attention is paid to mucolytic therapy, in which the drug Fluditec occupies a special place. Data on the clinical effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of respiratory diseases in children are presented.

Division Institute of Virology named after D.I. Ivanovsky

FSBI "N.F. Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Medicine" of the Russian Ministry of Health

Along with the study of fundamental aspects of virology, the institute develops and improves modern diagnostic methods, tests new preventive and therapeutic drugs against particularly dangerous and socially significant viral infections. The Institute carries out experimental production of test systems and regular large-scale monitoring of viral infections on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Particular attention is paid to the study of viruses with a high degree of genome variability that can cause emergency epidemic situations, which include, first of all, influenza viruses, arboviruses, HIV, and parenteral hepatitis viruses. To predict the occurrence of epidemic situations and analyze them, the ecology of pathogens is studied using an extensive arsenal of interdisciplinary approaches to assessing population interactions in the virus-host system.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2016 No. 1477/nk on the basis of the federal state budgetary institution “Federal Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation allowed the creation of council D 208.130 .03 for the defense of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences and for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science in scientific specialties 03.01.03 – Molecular biology (biological sciences) and 03.02.02 – Virology (biological sciences, medical sciences). The composition of the Dissertation Council D 208.130.03 has been determined.

Institute of Immunology FMBA

Extremely inappropriate attitude towards patients: irritable; interrupts; does not hear or does not want to hear what is said to him; does not perceive the child’s medical history when other doctors are mentioned. Unprofessional consulting: I spent 5,000 rubles and did not receive ANY adequate answer to my questions. Everything I heard I read on the Internet. Emotional instability. I thought that I would have to call a doctor for him himself. It seems that my child disappointed Yartsev because his diagnosis was not justified. And all other health problems did not interest him.

The next day, half of my face was paralyzed. Diagnosis of Bell's palsy. She spent time in the hospital of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It’s good that there were normal doctors at the Central Clinical Hospital. We were treated for a month in the hospital. Hard therapy. They injected me with hormones, IVs, and even strong painkillers. Then 50 sessions of acupuncture. A year has passed. There are still consequences from the vaccination from the Institute of Immunology. Business is business for them. Toxic vaccine poisoning. These are the “wonderful” doctors. And no liability for any harm caused to health.

I REMIND you that the “INSTITUTE OF IMMUNOLOGY FMBA RUSSIA SSC” is a STATE INSTITUTION located on the territory of a land of public legal entities, which means that restricting the right of movement on these lands is prohibited!

And the territory of the municipality is not the personal property of education employees and is not intended for personal use for employee cars!

The head doctor or the head of a hired private security company cannot give an order to restrict entry!

If there is such an oral or written order or verbal from the head of the doctor, then this is an abuse of power or arbitrariness! This is a punishable act up to and including dismissal from office!

Next time I come, if they don’t let me in, I’ll have to check the legality of the installation of means of restricting travel and the grounds cited by the security! I advise you to think about it!

My negative review is not about the place, but about the doctor. My younger sister was literally saved in the children's department of this center. But I had absolutely no luck with the doctor in the adult department. And I strongly do not recommend anyone to see Dr. Erokhin.

I have never seen such an attitude from the medical staff in my life. And in general, never in my life have I encountered such a boorish attitude. I left the doctor in tears.

I received a referral to this center at my local clinic and made an appointment by phone (the appointment was made more than a month in advance). At the first appointment, I was prescribed 8 tests, and the reaction to 7 of them was positive. The doctor casually looked at my hand, did not comment in any way, did not give any recommendations and told me to make an appointment next time to do other tests. I made an appointment for the next appointment and waited another month. I had 8 other tests done, this time they were all positive, the reaction was very strong. The doctor again did not comment on this and told me to sign up again, this time for food tests. Since my condition had deteriorated greatly over the past month, I asked her if, while waiting for my next appointment, I could start changing something in my life to make me feel better. To which the doctor silently took a sheet with the inscription “Conclusion”, made some notes, gave it to me and said that I was free. I tried to achieve at least some kind of dialogue, asked when I should come for food tests, to which I received the answer “I changed my mind, everything is clear here even without tests, I wrote everything, goodbye.” I asked for some comment on the notes written in illegible handwriting. The answer was in a very irritated tone: “DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN EYES? READ FOR YOURSELF, THIS IS YOUR CONCLUSION.” The first point is “Dieting”. I asked what diet I should follow since we still didn’t know what food I was allergic to. The answer was literally a cry: “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU CAN’T HAVE WITH AN ALLERGY TO GRASSES AND TREES? “I asked what I should do about cats, to which I am also allergic. The answer was “TAKE IT TO THE TRASH TRASH.” I asked when I should come again, the answer was “WHENEVER YOU WANT”. I never want to come to her again. I was never able to read most of the “recommendations” from the report, and the doctor refused to read them to me. I asked the receptionist to sign me up for a consultation with another doctor, they signed me up without any problems (apparently, I’m not the first person who wants to change doctor). But it's a terrible waste of time. The next appointment is in mid-May; many procedures for allergy sufferers cannot be performed at this time.

Research Institute of Virology named after. d.i. Ivanovsky Ramn

Russia, Moscow, Gamaleyi street, 16

You can call the Virology Research Institute named after. d.i. Ivanovsky Ramn by contact numbers:

73-95,-26-97, change phone

Research Institute of Virology named after. d.i. Ivanovsky Ramn is located at the address: Russia, Moscow, Gamaleyi street, 16. It is located in the section: Scientific research institutes (research institutes) of medicine. If you are interested in the services or products of this organization, call the phone(s): -64-90, -73-95, -26-97, -08-70. Reviews from clients and employees about the Research Institute of Virology named after. d.i. Ivanovsky Ramn You can read or write in the form below.

Question - answers:

Posted by: Svetlana (07/07/2017)

How can I get an appointment with a virologist?

To make an appointment, you must pay for our services.

Posted by: Elena (07/03/2017)

How can I get consultation and treatment from a virologist? Do you need to have a referral with you initially?

Answered by: Consultant. (07/09/2017)

Posted by: Father (07/09/2017)

Answered by: Father (07/09/2017)

Posted by: Valery (02/16/2018)

Joints hurt. Rheumatic tests are negative. What tests can you expect? Get tested?

Posted by: lyudmila (02/09/2018)

I would like to consult with a virologist, because my blood test exceeded the reference values ​​for herpes 1 and 2, and the values ​​for cytomegalovirus exceeded the permissible values ​​by 100 times, and the first results were obtained six months ago and now a repeat analysis confirms this. I have serious problems and relevant specialists recommended consulting with a specialized organization

in different medical institutions they cannot determine my disease. They make different diagnoses - psoriasis, herpes. I wanted to clarify the diagnosis and carry out treatment

Posted by: Natalya Evgenievna (02/03/2018)

I want to have a consultation with a virologist. How to do it?

Posted by: Edena (01/12/2018)

My son has been ill for 4 years, diagnosed with cerebral vasculitis, he has already had 3 hemorrhages,

now, but this is a consequence, the reason why this is happening has not been established. At the moment there is a suspicion that he has a viral disease

and presumably Hurst disease, he needs consultation with a virologist, perhaps consult your research institute.

Posted by: Genera (01/10/2018)

A 79-year-old grandmother was diagnosed with solar plexus neuritis after acute respiratory viral infection. Treatment did not improve the condition. There is an assumption about herpes zoster. Where to go, what treatment to get?

Can you get a blood test for herpes?

Posted by: Natalya (01/10/2018)

Hello. How can I get a blood test for herpes type 6?

Posted by: Ekaterina (12/25/2017)

Hello! Please tell me how I can get a paid appointment with a virologist or immunologist?

Posted by: Shahin (12/17/2017)

Hello! I was infected with an STI a long time ago, but was cured. However, I still have pain in the urethra and below the belt in the area of ​​the bladder. There is a burning sensation and the duct somehow hurts dully. There is absolutely no discharge. The dry duct is somehow suspicious. The prostate hurts and cannot be treated. What should I do, where should I start?

Posted by: Sheikhali (11/17/2017)

My son Alexander is infected with the Toxacarosis virus. I want to refer him to your clinic to determine his condition and the required treatment. Preferably permanently.

Posted by: Natalya (11/17/2017)

How can I make an appointment with a 4 year old child?

Posted by: Elena (11/13/2017)

Good afternoon. How to make an appointment and get tested for HPV?

Posted by: Valentina (11/11/2017)

The drug Papilight, developed by your institute, is it effective? Or is this another scam

Posted by: Igor Ivanovich (10/26/2017)

Herpes. Two years ago, herpes zoster was on the right side. I treated with Acyclovir externally for 2 months, in the summer. A red painful stripe (from the nose) passed on the body but CONSTANTLY above the upper lip. In the evening there was “sand” in the eyes, a heavy head. Discharge from the bronchi when coughing.

Posted by: Igor (10/26/2017)

Herpes. Two years ago, herpes zoster was on the right side. I treated with Acyclovir externally for 2 months in the summer. Externally, the body went away, but there was a CONSTANT red painful stripe above the upper lip (from the nose). In the evening there was “sand” in the eyes, a heavy head. Acyclovir did not help.

Posted by: Elena My son suffers from ARVI for a long time every month, he is allergic, how to get a consultation with a doctor and get tested, how much does an appointment and tests cost (10/13/2017)

My son suffers from ARVI for a long time every month, he is allergic, how can I get a consultation with a doctor and get tested? How much does an appointment and tests cost?

Posted by: Tatyana (09/30/2017)

Get vaccinated with hepatitis B and A Twinrix price for adults

Posted by: manana (09/30/2017)

Is it possible to get tested for intestinal microbiota at the institute?

Posted by: Good afternoon, we need to conduct blood and biomaterial studies on monkeys. (27.09.2017)

Good afternoon, we need to conduct blood and biomaterial tests on monkeys. You can conduct research at your research institute

Posted by: Tatyana (09.22.2017)

I took tests - a smear showed 56 popiloma virus, histology showed changes, what should I do?

Posted by: Galina Pavlovna (09.20.2017)

I need to make an appointment with the doctor. A large number of warts and papillomas on the body.

Posted by: Elena (09/07/2017)

Hello! I want to get a vaccine against genital herpes.

Posted by: Natalya (09/02/2017)

please tell me, can I see a doctor about psoriasis?

Posted by: Tatyana (09/01/2017)

Hello, I would like to get advice from a rabiologist.

Posted by: Olga (08/31/2017)

there is a cure for the herpes virus CMV

Posted by: Elena (08/31/2017)

Hello! All telephone numbers of the Institute of Virology listed here on the website are non-working. What is this connected with? Is the institute open? The questions I wanted to ask are related to the possibility of purchasing medications for treatment. Sincerely, Elena

Posted by: Svetlana (08/27/2017)

My daughter is approximately 2 months pregnant. Tests for rubella: for the presence of infection negative, for antibodies negative. , on the aniteli m position. throughout the entire pregnancy. There are no signs of rubella. What does it mean? We are very worried about the child's health.

Posted by: Elena (08/15/2017)

I am writing to you with a question about the drug Papilight, which is widely advertised online.

All sites refer to the development of this drug by the Research Institute of Infectology and Virology, the search returned your institute.

I ask you to provide information on whether this drug was really developed by your research institute, how effective it is and, if so, where can I buy it without fear of stumbling upon a counterfeit?

I will be very grateful to you for your answer.

I would like to buy it for my father, but I'm afraid of facing another scam.

Posted by: Evgenia (08/08/2017)

Good afternoon. My name is Evgenia. I took the tests and my hepatitis C was positive, so I immediately took a PCR test and the answer came back and the detection sensitivity was 60 mel/ml. What does this mean?

Posted by: Svetlana (07/31/2017)

Hello. It’s difficult to move (weakened leg muscles), I lose my balance. What tests need to be done to establish a diagnosis?

Posted by: Yana (07/21/2017)

Hello, I would like to get an appointment with virologists at the virology office at Gamaleya 16. I called there and they said that they don’t accept patients...they do science. and on the internet people say that they were there for a reception. please explain where is the truth?

Posted by: Hello, how can I make an appointment? (07/20/2017)

Hello, how can I make an appointment?

Posted by: Larisa (07/15/2017)

Has the drug papilovir been tested?

Posted by: Elena. How can I get consultation and treatment from a virologist? Do you have to have a direction from somewhere? (07/03/2017)

Posted by: Vyacheslav (06/28/2017)

To film the film, you need laboratory equipment for a blood laboratory. For rent.

Posted by: Nadezhda (06/10/2017)

Hello, I would like to make an appointment with a doctor about herpes. How can I do this and where can I see a list of doctors with whom I have an appointment?

Posted by: Tamara (06/04/2017)

Hello, for six months I have been worried about almost constant colds with symptoms of pharyngitis (sore throat), tests show a high titer of antibodies to CMR and Ebschnein-Barr, interferon deficiency, increased ESR to 40. Attempts to be treated with antiviral drugs, antibiotics (always in cultures some bacterial flora is released) - without effect. Can they help me?

Posted by: Valery (05/30/2017)

The diagnosis is toxic-allergic uveitis, the consequences are retinal detachment OD, is it possible to find out the nature of uveitis and its treatment in this case

Posted by: Leila (05/13/2017)

Hello! Is it possible to make an appointment with a doctor for a consultation?

Posted by: Elena (05/12/2017)

Hepatitis C was discovered in 2001. It didn’t bother me and doesn’t bother me now, I haven’t been treated. Now: biochemistry is normal. RNA (qualitative study) hep C detected, no reference values ​​detected. Genotype 1. RNA (quantitative) 2.1*10 to the 6th power Linear measurement range 300-1*10 to the 8th power. Ultrasound of the liver without focal changes. Diffuse changes in the liver are slightly pronounced. I am 47 years old. I live in the Moscow region. Do I need treatment? Cost of consultation? Is it possible via compulsory medical insurance?

I am 54 years old, diagnosed with thrombocytopenia, blood clot. drop to 2000, no one knows the reason, I want to know what tests need to be done to identify the reason for their decrease. Tel:

Posted by: Shamilya (05/11/2017)

I am 54 years old, diagnosed with thrombocytopenia, blood clot. drop to 2000, no one knows the reason, I want to know what tests need to be taken to identify the reason for their decrease.

Posted by: Svetlana telephone85 (05/02/2017)

Can you be vaccinated against encephalitis ticks? Are there any contraindications? If so, how can I get an appointment?

Posted by: alla (05/02/2017)

how to make an appointment with a virologist-gynecologist at the Ivanovsky Institute?

Posted by: Rinat (04/28/2017)

Good afternoon I am diagnosed with endocarditis. Is it possible for you to take passive blood tests and what indicators should you take? Phone 59 68

Posted by: nina. (04/15/2017)

Is it possible for you to have a tick tested?6

Can you have a tick tested?

Posted by: nina. (04/14/2017)

I removed the tick from myself. But I don’t know whether there is a bite or not, because I can’t examine myself properly. I hid the tick in a jar. I would like to have it analyzed. What should I do?

Posted by: Yuri (04/02/2017)

Epstein-Barr virus DNA was detected less than 1.0 Enlarged lymph nodes periodically appear in a 28-year-old daughter I would like to consult a specialist

Posted by: Olesya (03/31/2017)

Sellers of papilovir and papilux refer to the fact that the drugs have been successfully tested at research institutes. Is this really true?

Posted by: Lyubov Ilyinichna (02.22.2017)

I am 60 years old and a papilloma grew in the armpit 3 years ago. from time to time this area turns red, itches, itches, after this the papilloma grows longer and everything calms down, but the attachment of the papilloma is red. Lately the papilloma has been hurting, especially at night. Tell me which specialist I can see for an appointment with my problem. I live in Moscow.

Posted by: Sergey (02/14/2017)

How can I get an appointment with a virologist?

Posted by: Tatyana (02/13/2017)

How can you make an appointment with a doctor at the Institute of Virology

Posted by: Alexey (02/07/2017)

I want to make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist, how do I do this?

Posted by: Vera (02/05/2017)

The zoster virus left me with shooting pains in my head, weakness, and nausea.

Posted by: Svetlana (02/05/2017)

I would like to make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist

Posted by: Kasatkin Nikolay Nikolaevich (01/28/2017)

Please tell me, your institute is referred to on the Internet as an institution where the clinic was successfully completed. testing the drugs papilovir and papilux. Is this true?

Posted by: Meladze Inga Rolandievna (01/23/2017)

Hello! My mother has had cytomegalovirus for four years. Now there is a severe relapse: weakness, temperature up to 39. We would like to see a virologist for an appointment.

Posted by: Irina (12/28/2016)

Does the institute work with patients who have Epstein Barr virus? How to get consultation and treatment?

Posted by: Do you work with patients with Epstein Barr virus? How to get consultation and treatment? (12/28/2016)

Does the institute work with patients with Epstein Barr virus? How to get consultation and treatment?

Posted by: Arina (12/26/2016)

How to get to a consultation? cytomegalovirus detected, 500 times higher than normal

Posted by: Andrey (12/14/2016)

Good evening. I need to get vaccinated against typhoid and hepatitis. When can I do it, how much does it cost. Thank you.

Posted by: Sasha (01.12.2016)

Good evening! After treatment for stage 1 dysplasia and HPV, I want to ask you what is in the blood and how to make an appointment with you as a virologist

Posted by: Oksana (11/28/2016)

I have herpes, can the institute help with anything?

Posted by: Maxim (11/22/2016)

EBV was detected in the nasopharynx and HPV type 39 in a urethral smear. How to undergo treatment?

Posted by: Natalya (11/22/2016)

Is it possible to do tests on: tank. blood culture, tank. urine culture, blood for malarial plasmiditis? How much does each test cost and how do you get there from the metro?

Posted by: Konstantin (11/17/2016)

I get sick pimples on my body

Posted by: Elena (08.11.2016)

My child (17 years old) suffered from infectious mononucleosis last August. A year has passed, and the Epstein Barra virus has not left the body (Mg remains) Please advise a good doctor. The child also has Gilbert's disease. Mononucleosis proceeded like a sore throat.

Posted by: Hello, my name is Andrey, 41 years old, I am worried about papillomotosis in the nasal cavity, it relapses once a year, it has been removed 13 times, can I make an appointment for a paid consultation with a virologist? (03.11.2016)

Hello, my name is Andrey, 41 years old, I am worried about papillomotosis in the nasal cavity, it relapses once a year, it has been removed 13 times, is it possible to sign up for a paid consultation with a virologist?

Posted by: Good evening! Tell me, can you be tested for hepatitis? (10/12/2016)

We would like to anonymously take a test for hepatitis C

Posted by: Hello. I have hepatitis C genotype 3a, I wanted to know how much it would cost to see a specialist (10/03/2016)

and is there an optimal and inexpensive course of treatment for this genotype?

Posted by: Svetlana (09/19/2016)

Good evening! I would like to make an appointment with a virologist-immunologist for my son (24 years old). Since childhood, the immune system has been weakened, often herpes, barley, almost constantly elevated temperature 37.3-37.8, frequent headaches. What tests need to be taken before your appointment and how soon can you make an appointment with a virologist-immunologist?

Posted by: Galina (09.18.2016)

Good afternoon We are from Kazakhstan. My daughter has HPV type 18 and is in her second year. Based on reviews, we accidentally found out about your research institute. We would like to come for treatment to Dr. ELENA MAGOMEDOVNA. Unfortunately, we don’t know the last name. Everything our doctors prescribed was ineffective treatment. My daughter is 28 years old. no children. Thanks for any information.

Posted by: Elena (09/14/2016)

Good evening. How can I get an appointment with a doctor with a problem with HPV type 18?

Posted by: Matvey (09/13/2016)

Please tell me how to get to your appointment only for a fee or is it possible by referral from the clinic?

Posted by: Tatyana (09/05/2016)

Anti-CMV Ig 971.3 AE/ml with a reference value of less than 6. Is there a need for further examination and treatment. There are problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Posted by: Irina Yurievna (08/22/2016)

Need advice about Lyme disease.

Posted by: Vladimir (08/20/2016)

undergo treatment for hepatitis B

Posted by: Lilia (08/19/2016)

Good afternoon The problem is the following - the elevated temperature of 37.3 persists for a long time, while feeling unwell (weakness, headache,

feeling of heat, nausea, rashes on the face. As a result of the examination, CMV and Epstein viruses were detected

Barra, herpes 1 treatment was carried out with Valvir, isoprinosine, Valtrex, suppositories, injections, polyoxylonium, Viferon, etc. I contacted an immunologist in Gamaleya and Gabrichevsky. in 2013 and 2014, until the cause was found, it was a terrible condition, wild weakness. At the moment I only take Valvir, but the problem is that as soon as I stop drinking it, my health worsens. again fever, weakness, headache, etc. The infectious disease specialist from the clinic throws up his hands, I’ve been taking it for about 2 years (2015 and 2016), only there were different regimens of Valvir, now - 1 t. 500 ml once a day, we tried to stop at 2 tablets a week, the condition immediately worsened i.e. While I’m drinking it, I still feel fine, well, I can’t take it for the rest of my life, I started having stomach problems, I think it’s caused by it, I’m planning a pregnancy. If the problem is not viruses, then why does one feel normal when taking it? If the treatment is correct, then why is the effect not permanent and why does the immune system itself not cope with this virus? Immunity tests are normal, i.e. it exists, but it’s these viruses that you can’t shave with, how can this be? What to do, tell me! Thank you.

Posted by: Anna (08/19/2016)

How can you make an appointment at the diagnostic center of the Research Institute of Virology named after. d.i. Ivanovsky Ramn"

Posted by: Vladimir (08/19/2016)

Is it possible to get a consultation with a pediatric virologist-immunologist today?

Posted by: Svetlana (08/10/2016)

what is needed to get a consultation with a virologist for a patient from Odintsovo

Posted by: can you call me back on phone85? (08.08.2016)

can you call me back on phone 85?

Posted by: Tatyana (08/01/2016)

Hello. Is it possible to consult with you at your institute and possibly prescribe treatment for multiple papillomas on the body?

Posted by: Hello! I need a consultation with Professor Lvov regarding chronic cytomegalovirus infection (07/29/2016)

I need a consultation with Professor Lvov regarding chronic cytomegalovirus infection. We want to come from Rostov-on-Don

Posted by: Lyudmila (07/19/2016)

I am 43 years old, have reduced immunity, frequent labial herpes, I want to make an appointment with an experienced immunologist-virologist in the coming days

Posted by: LENA (06/27/2016)


Posted by: Tatyana (05/11/2016)

Hello. I need to consult a virologist. How can I make an appointment and how much does this service cost?

Posted by: Alena (04/16/2016)

Hello! I was diagnosed with Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus. In July 2015, I discovered a lump in the groin. An ultrasound showed inflammation of the lymph nodes on the left and right.

In April 2016, inflammation of the lymph nodes persisted after a course of treatment. Plus, enlarged lymph nodes were found in the neck and under the arms.

Consultation with a virologist and immunologist is necessary. The doctors who see me are afraid of sarcoma.

Please let me know about the possibility of making an appointment at t.73.

Posted by: Tatyana (04/13/2016)

An ophthalmologist, a virologist, accepts. ?

Posted by: Elena (04/11/2016)

Is it possible to take a blood test for an immunogram and how much does it cost?

Posted by: How to get an appointment with a doctor diagnosed with cytomegalovirus, is there treatment? Price. (04/08/2016)

How to get an appointment with a doctor diagnosed with cytomegalovirus. Cost of admission.

Posted by: Irina (03/31/2016)

For my 5-year-old granddaughter, the upper eyelid under the skin has a small seal under the skin, which is almost invisible, but only the immune system is weakened (the child has a cold, etc.), the eyelid swells, turns red, and in severe cases it appears as if there was a stye. Treatment does not bring results. As soon as the child recovers, the eyelid “quiets”, but this subcutaneous mark never disappears.

Question: is it possible to have tests done on you, and what tests need to be done (the doctor said that you need to take a tear for culture), it is assumed that you have some kind of virus.

Sincerely, Irina

Posted by: Irina (03/18/2016)

how to find doctors in Lviv or Malinovskaya

Posted by: trouser leg Inna Yuryevna (03/04/2016)

Your clinic accepts patients

Posted by: Olga (02/26/2016)

My son has hepatitis B. We want to make an appointment with a hepatologist, but we can’t get through to anyone on the phone. Please tell me how to do this. Thank you.

Posted by: Dmitry (02/14/2016)

Good afternoon! Please tell me how I can make an appointment with Dr. N.D. Lvov. for a paid appointment? And how much does it cost?

Posted by: Olesya (02/05/2016)

Hello, I need your help. I am 20 years old, I have been diagnosed with PAPILLOMA VIRUS type 16, for half a year, maybe even more. It’s very scary because I’ve heard that cancer is possible. I heard that at the Institute of Virology a girl was treated for it, this was around 2011 or earlier... Right now everything is clean with her, she is checked every time. How to contact you? How to get into this institute. I'm very afraid

Are you kidding? Where to look for the answer?

Posted by: Elena (02/04/2016)

can you sign me up for a consultation?

Posted by: Good evening! My name is Elena, (02/04/2016)

I want to make an appointment for a consultation about cytomegalovirus in a child, how to do it quickly

Posted by: EKATERINA (02/03/2016)


Posted by: Nikolay (01/31/2016)

What subjects must be taken upon admission?

Posted by: Do I need to continue vaccinations after a dog bite if the dog is alive on the 10th day? Is it possible to test for the rabies virus at the research institute? (01/27/2016)

Do I need to continue vaccinations after a dog bite if the dog is alive on the 10th day? Is it possible to test for the rabies virus at the research institute?

Posted by: Arina (01/21/2016)

How can I make an appointment with a virologist?

Posted by: Solody Svetlana (01/18/2016)

Good afternoon, I am a resident of Pyatigorsk. I am 45 years old. For 4 years now I have been tormented by mucus, sputum discharge, it is not clear from the throat or nose. I visited all the doctors in the Stavropol region, they prescribed ENT treatment, but nothing helps. They found Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus. The temperature remains 37-37.2, ESR -31. Exhausted. constantly, something is bothering me in my throat, I constantly have to cough up, I’m just in despair, I stopped sleeping because when I lie down I can’t sleep at all, I’ve lost 6 kg, in the morning I clear my throat and yellow clots come out. I cough up all the time, my husband left me, because of the feeling of disgust, I constantly cry. My life has turned into hell. Tell me if I can get examined at your hospital. Or tell me where to go with these symptoms in Moscow. I will be very grateful to you.

Posted by: Maria (01/16/2016)

Hello. I took tests using the PCR method.. the results of HPV18 chlamydia and ureaplasma came back! There was a short-term frozen pregnancy! They prescribed metronidazole Viferon bifidumbacterin doxycycline for the first course! Is the treatment correct? * In gynecology they said the smear was good but there was some kind of inflammation! I’m very worried! I want to live, I want children! And I’m only twenty years old!

Posted by: Nadezhda (01/14/2016)

Good afternoon. How can I get to you? I can't get through for 2 days. You need to make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist

Posted by: Vera (12/25/2015)

I was diagnosed with toxiplasmosis. Who should I contact?

Posted by: Lilya (11/27/2015)

Good afternoon My daughter is 18 years old. I would like to consult my doctor about getting vaccinated against cervical cancer.

Posted by: Alena (11/19/2015)

Hello! Please tell me if you have a specialist who can provide advice and prescribe treatment for genital papillomas type 6.

Posted by: Ekaterina (11/16/2015)

How can I get tests ordered by a doctor? Do I need to pre-register and where should I go?

Branches 1

Moscow, Gamaleya street, 16

Mon-Fri: from 09:00 to 18:00


Institute of Virology named after. DI. Ivanovsky

The Institute is one of the world's largest research institutions in the field of studying the ecology, epidemiology and molecular biology of human and animal viruses. On the basis of the Institute there are a number of Centers of the World Health Organization, the All-Russian Center for the Ecology of Viruses, the State Collection of Viruses of the Russian Federation, the Expert Council on Virology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Ethics Committee, the Dissertation Council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations, residency and postgraduate studies, the Department of Virology (at the Moscow Medical Academy named after I. .M. Sechenov), several diagnostic centers, a clinical department (at the infectious diseases hospital No. 1 in Moscow) and an experimental production department for the production and quality control of test systems and antiviral vaccines.

Consultative and diagnostic center

The center has been operating for many years on the basis of the Institute of Virology Research Institute named after. DI. Ivanovsky.

It is important to note that all types of analyzes and research are carried out in the laboratories of the institute itself,

highly qualified specialists, employees of the institute.

Virology Research Institute named after. DI. Ivanovsky Ramn Clinic

About the institution

We bring to your attention Medical and diagnostic centers and other medical institutions in the city of Moscow.

Organization of Virology Research Institute named after. DI. Ivanovsky Ramn Clinic is located at: Volokolamskoye Highway, 63. You can make an appointment by phone: ; , or at your location, by planning a route using the interactive driving map. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the description of the institution, the list of services provided, the experience and qualifications of the medical staff.

Institute of Virology and Immunology

The National Academy of Mycology invites you to take part in the Anniversary Conference on Mycology and Microbiology.

For the first time, the conference will be held with the support of new mycological societies in Europe, and an international council of medical mycologists is planned. During the conference, plenary and sectional sessions will be held, as well as thematic educational lectures and seminars, problem symposiums and reports on a wide range of problems of mycology, microbiology, epidemiology and infectology, veterinary mycology and biotechnology, the development and production of new antibiotics and biological products.

The conference agenda includes events marking important anniversaries in Russian and European mycology and microbiology: the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Department of Mycology and Algology at Moscow State University, the 100th anniversary of the outstanding Soviet mycologist N.D. Sheklakov, 110th anniversary of A.Kh. Sarkisov and the 120th anniversary of Z.V. Ermolyeva.

Detailed information on the website

Scientific and practical conference of young scientists 2018

April 17-18, 2018 at the Federal State Budgetary Institution NIIVS named after. I.I. Mechnikov will host a scientific and practical conference of young scientists and specialists dedicated to current issues of epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious and oncological diseases.

To participate in the conference, you must submit a file with an application for a report to the organizing committee no later than April 1. The application must include full name. (in full) and status (graduate student, student, junior researcher or others) of the speaker, title and abstract of the report (1-2 pages), name of the laboratory, full name. scientific supervisor or consultant. The application must reflect the share of personal participation of the speaker in the execution of the work. Send applications to:

Meetings of the conference will be held at Maly Kazenny per., 5a in the conference hall of the main building of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Internal Medicine named after. I.I. Mechnikov. As part of the conference, it is planned to hold a competition for the best scientific work.

Advice from young scientists:

FGBNU NIIVS im. I.I. Mechnikov

Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific Research Institute named after G.F. Gause

FGBNU FNTSIRIP im. M.P. Chumakova

Participation in federal target programs

In the Scientific and Organizational Activities section, information on the progress of research on the topic “Obtaining recombinant proteins containing antigenically significant fragments of hepatitis E virus proteins intended for the creation of test systems for the serodiagnosis of hepatitis E” has been published.


VIROLOGY SRI IM. DI. IVANOVSKY RAMS is located in the heading “Research Institutes”. The company operates in Shchukino at the address: Moscow, Gamaleya St., 16. Exact coordinates on the map: longitude - 37.460601, latitude - 55.799482.

Working hours of the company “VIRUSOLOGY NII IM. DI. IVANOVSKY RAMS": daily: 10:00.

In the “Info” section you can find all the contact information of the organization VIRUSOLOGY NII IM. DI. IVANOVSKY RAMS.


Address Moscow, Shchukino, Gamaleyi st., 16, metro station Shchukinskaya (address on the map)


8 (499) Secretary

Official website open

E-mail (electronic mail) write to the organization

Institute of Virology and Immunology

The department originates from the laboratory of immunology and virology, organized in 1961 on the basis of the laboratory for the study of the causative agent of trachoma that existed since 1949. From 1961 to 1982 The laboratory was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor N.S. Zaitseva, the founder of a new and promising direction in domestic ophthalmology and the creator of the school of ophthalmic immunologists. From 1982 to 2006 The head of the laboratory was Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.O. Angelov, a pioneer in the study of adenoviral eye infections in the USSR. Since 2008 the laboratory, and from 2015 to 2016 The Department of Immunology and Virology was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor O.S. Slepova is a bright, talented scientist and meticulous experimenter. Research by O.S. Slepova were devoted to fundamental issues of organ-specific autoimmunity, the role of infectious factors in inducing immunopathological reactions, the search for methods of immunodiagnosis, pathogenetic substantiation and monitoring of treatment for a wide variety of forms of ophthalmopathology.

The department includes subdivisions: immunology, virology and microbiology.

Directions of scientific research

The main activity of the Department is clinical ophthalmoimmunology:

  • Development and implementation into practice of methods of etiological and differential diagnosis, prognosis and control of treatment of infectious and autoimmune eye diseases.
  • Determination of the principles of clinical and immunological monitoring when monitoring therapeutic and surgical treatment of eye diseases.
  • Scientific substantiation and development of immunological criteria for prescribing immunocorrective therapy.

The topics of scientific research are determined by the broad profile of the institute and cover a wide range of nosological forms of eye diseases: inflammatory diseases of the anterior and posterior parts of the eye, cataracts, dystrophic diseases of the retina and optic nerve, myopia, glaucoma, eye injuries, keratoplasty and other surgical interventions.

In the range of laboratory studies, the main attention is paid to ophthalmotropic infections (human herpes viruses, toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, chlamydia, etc.), organ-specific (to eye tissue antigens) and interorgan autoimmunization, cytokines and growth factors, subpopulations of lymphocytes, a number of indicators of innate immunity (phagocytosis , complement system, etc.)

Leading researchers:

Balatskaya Natalya Vladimirovna - leading researcher, candidate of biological sciences.

Studying the role of immunological factors in the mechanism of development of vascular and neurodegenerative eye pathologies (including in association with systemic vascular diseases; hypertension, atherosclerosis); development of approaches to early prognosis, scientific substantiation of pathogenetically-oriented treatment and prevention.

Krichevskaya Galina Isaakovna - leading researcher, candidate of medical sciences.

Development and evaluation of the effectiveness of laboratory methods for differential diagnosis of viral and other infectious eye diseases, study of the role of chronic infections in the etiopathogenesis of inflammatory and non-inflammatory ophthalmopathology (herpes group viruses, adenoviruses, chlamydia, opportunistic infections).

Krichevskaya G.I. - leading researcher, candidate of medical sciences, clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor of the highest category

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