Squirt is a self-achievement technique. Squirt: How It's Done Why Do Girls Squirt

A woman's cervical fluid plays the same role as a man's semen. Since men are always capable of procreation, they constantly produce seminal fluid. Women, on the other hand, are capable of conceiving only during a few days, close to ovulation, and as a result, their body produces the substance necessary for the movement and nutrition of spermatozoa only during this period. This is inherent in nature. Sperm for its viability needs an environment suitable for life, movement and nutrition of sperm, otherwise they die. Once sperm move from the penis to the vagina, they need a vital environment. But since the viability of sperm is important only at the moment of ovulation in a woman, her body produces the necessary substance during these few days of the cycle.

In essence, fertile cervical fluid functions in the same way as a man's seminal fluid. It provides an alkaline environment, protecting the sperm from the normally acidic environment of the vagina. In addition, it provides nutrition for sperm, acts as a filter and medium for their advance.

In short, a woman's cervical fluid begins to change and become similar to a man's seminal fluid in a completely understandable way. After menstruation and directly under the influence of estrogen, cervical fluid usually begins to develop in the following way:

In other words, immediately after menstruation, you may feel dryness in the vagina and not find anything at the exit from it. Or, you may feel a slight dampness, as if you touched the inside of your cheek for a second. The moisture from your finger will evaporate in a few seconds. This is exactly the picture you see at the entrance to the vagina immediately after menstruation.

After about a few days of this dryness, you may begin to produce cervical fluid, the nature of which is perhaps best described by the word "sticky" - it is very similar to the glue you used in grade school. Sometimes it can even resemble rubber, since it is slightly "elastic" to the touch. But most importantly, it is not watery. The sticky and rubbery types are not suitable for the vital functions of sperm, but are considered potentially fertile if they occur just before ovulation.

The next type of cervical fluid that you may see for several days is oily or creamy. It creates a cool sensation in the vaginal opening, just like you feel cool when touching a cosmetic cream. Sometimes cervical fluid is so watery that it is difficult to detect by touch (its consistency resembles skim milk), but the most pronounced evidence of its fertility is the feeling of high moisture in the vagina that you experience during this period.

Finally, the most fertile cervical fluid resembles raw egg white. It is very stringy and can reach 1 to 10 inches. It is usually very clear and can be extremely watery. The defining moment is the feeling of a wet and slippery vagina. It can leave wet tears of the correct round shape on your underwear due to its highly watery consistency. * *

The most important feature of the most fertile cervical fluid is its lubricity. It is very important to pay attention to the viscous nature of the cervical fluid when ovulation is approaching. You may also notice the lubricating effect of cervical fluid for one to two days after the pronounced egg white period. Take this very carefully, because this nature of the cervical fluid indicates your readiness for fertilization. Of course, vaginal sensation should not be confused with the lubricant released at the time of sexual arousal. The vaginal sensation is what you experience all day long without even paying special attention to the nature of the cervical fluid.

After the estrogen content peaks and then drops sharply, the nature of the cervical fluid also changes dramatically, sometimes within a few hours. This process is explained by a sudden drop in estrogen levels and a rise in progesterone levels after ovulation. In other words, it takes about a week for the cervical fluid to reach its most fertile quality, but then it loses this property in less than a day. This sudden "drying out" is the best evidence that estrogen has given way to progesterone. Insufficient cervical watery fluid usually lengthens the cycle

(C) Tony Weschler, if anything :))))))))))

Self-love is a deep confidence that you are a good person, worthy of love and respect a priori, simply by the fact of your birth. No life circumstances and collisions can shake this conviction. You are good, period! True love is expressed in an attentive, careful, caring, condescending attitude towards oneself in any situation.

Lack or lack of self-love in a person can be recognized by merciless self-criticism. T That is, those who are susceptible to it regularly engage in exhausting dialogues with an inner vicious critic, who does not miss the opportunity to reprimand and shame for the slightest offense.

"Troll" who is always with you: How to learn to love yourself

  • True self-love
  • The Prism of Self-Dislike
  • Self-love prism
  • How to “build up” self-love

The claims of the "critic" do not relate to the behavior of a person in a particular situation and not to his personal manifestations. The inner "troll" categorically does not like the person himself as a person, therefore, for example, in a situation of failure, he maliciously hisses to his victim: "You are clumsy, you do not learn anything, you have hook hands and a head without brains."

A person who loves himself, finding himself in such circumstances, receives a different message from the “inner voice”: “Unfortunately, you did not manage to complete this task. But you have gained valuable experience and next time you will surely cope. "

Painfully familiar voice from a terrible childhood

The reasons for not loving oneself, as a rule, lie in childhood. Cold, narcissistic parents who begin to scrutinize the child as soon as he is born, and are usually unhappy with him, create a negative attitude in him: “Don't be who you are. Be the way I want! Be perfect! "

The gullible little person concludes: “I can get the love of my parents only when I meet their expectations” - and enters the path of self-denial, learns to ignore his true desires and needs, humbly obeys the will of adults who “know better” how he should be that he is obliged to love, with whom he can be friends.

Such a child gets used to the fact that his value is measured exclusively by his achievements: got a five - "Well done!" And over time, it "grows" in itself a harsh and insensitive "inner parent" - in the image and likeness of real parents. People who realized that they did not love themselves and started working with this problem in psychotherapy are overwhelmed by the discovery: "In my head is the voice of the mother (father) who criticizes me!"

True self-love

Self-love is a deep confidence that you are a good person, worthy of love and respect a priori, simply by the fact of your birth. No life circumstances and collisions can shake this conviction. You are good, period! True love is expressed in an attentive, careful, caring, condescending attitude towards oneself in any situation.

For example, a person who loves himself never works for wear and tear. He notices his fatigue in time and knows that it is time to give himself a break, to recuperate. He does not deny himself small pleasures: an extra piece of cake, a walk in the fresh air, a trip to the sauna. He, without regret or hesitation, interrupts communication with people who treat him badly. So, he will not agree to work under the command of a scandalous and boorish boss for no price, nor will he get stuck in a relationship with a partner who practices emotional or physical violence.

The life of such a person is harmoniously balanced: there is a place for his favorite work, family, friends, and hobbies. He will not sacrifice anything from this list, it simply will not occur to him! He does not curse himself for imaginary and real imperfections in appearance or extra pounds, does not fight them with savage methods, because he understands: no matter how thin, thick, with a long nose, pimples or lisp, he is still good and worthy love. He does not rack his brains over the question: “What do I need to do in order for others to love me?”, But always listens to himself sensitively: “What do I feel now? What do I want now? What makes me really happy? Am I living the way I really want to? Am I realizing my potential? "

The Prism of Self-Dislike

It is not difficult to recognize people whose “inner child” has received less parental love. Many of them are extremely attracted to the role of "discerning judge". They are ruthless not only in relation to themselves - they also do not forgive others for mistakes and weaknesses, they harshly condemn for the slightest mistake, judge people only by their achievements, are guided by external signs of success.

The other extreme is the self-awareness "I'm not okay, others are okay." People who have lived with this thought since childhood are usually reserved. Any communication causes them difficulties and mental discomfort up to pain. Of course, it is very difficult for them to communicate with representatives of the opposite sex, because an evil "inner critic" tirelessly reminds: "You cannot feel sincere sympathy and interest", "It is impossible to love such an imperfect creature like you."

People with a lack of tenderness for themselves often become victims of unrequited love and get involved in codependent relationships - for example, with alcoholics, drug addicts, psychopaths. They rarely attempt to prove themselves in interesting, well-paid jobs because they are firmly convinced that they are not worthy of it. And even if they dare to apply for the desired position, they quickly turn on the "internal saboteur", unconsciously crave to find themselves in a situation of failure - in order to throw up their hands with deeply hidden relief and enthusiastically brand themselves with shame. What is the reason? Alas, it is difficult for them to accept the idea that it is natural for a person to make mistakes - this is natural and absolutely normal, and any business needs to be learned.

Self-love prism

Self-love helps a person to build harmonious relationships with others - warm, sincere, accepting. He does not delude himself with the thought that he himself and other people are capable of being the embodiment of perfection, he does not expect that someone will be able to guess his desires. With others, he is in dialogue, he can not only support, but also without emotional torment, ask for help, ask for what he needs.

Refusal is calm. A failure in love for such a person is not the end of the world - situations from the series "the white light has come to you like a wedge" are unknown to him, because he believes that in any case he is worthy of love and respect. This means that sooner or later on his way there will definitely be someone who responds and falls in love.

How to “build up” self-love

You can start with this exercise:“Imagine yourself in the form of a small child who has failed at something. He is very afraid that he will be scolded and severely punished - he covers his face with his hands, swallows bitter tears, trembles like an aspen leaf. Console this frightened baby, hold him to your heart, tenderly address him with the words that you yourself passionately wanted to hear from your parents in childhood, but for some reason did not wait.

For example: “My little one, you are the most beautiful and intelligent girl in the world! I'm so sorry you failed! Maybe next time you will succeed. And if not, it doesn't matter! Please remember that I love you and will always love you! " Include this "kind parent" whenever you notice that you are immersed in dialogue with a vicious inner critic. "

How to Befriend a Constructive Critic

The big breakthrough on the path of self-love will be made by those who ignore the inner evil critic and listen to the quiet "voice" of the inner constructive critic. How can you tell them apart? The goal of a constructive critic is not to humiliate or shame, but to support in difficult times and suggest what is best and more useful.

Compare the speeches of opposing internal critics: “Today your soup burned. This is, of course, sad. But, firstly, it is still edible, and the family will not be left without lunch. Secondly, it's great that you cook yourself, and don't poison your beloved husband with instant noodles. Thirdly, now you know exactly when it's time to take the pot of soup off the stove. " - “You are a lousy mistress! How could you spoil such a simple dish ?! All because you are gaping! Do not even dream that you will ever learn to cook passably! And as soon as your husband puts up with you ?! "

Elizaveta Zubova

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we are changing the world! © econet

In erotic books, a lot has been written about the final chord of love. Achieving an orgasm is a whole art, a delicate and entirely voluntary matter. An indispensable condition for emotional and sensual sex is mutual passion and trust in a partner. And, of course, the right conditions. In other words, you are unlikely to be able to experience an orgasm while having sex on a heap of dry leaves if you are cold and bitten by mosquitoes. But you will most likely come to the ending of passion if the sensations in the same heap are associated with fresh air, wild deserted forest and the spicy scent of nature.

Orgasm is a highly individual experience. Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity tests it in her own way. We can only roughly describe it, and in no case should we be equal to other descriptions, try to try on someone else's experience on ourselves.

There are no frigid women. There are only those whose sensuality has not yet been awakened. Why? Perhaps a childhood or adolescent trauma played a role, or simply did not meet a loving and at the same time sufficiently skillful man. In fact, sexuality is gradually awakening even in the coldest beauties. True, like everything beautiful in life, orgasm takes effort. But enjoy your efforts.

First hint:Tune in. If you are tired or not inclined to sexual intimacy, if intimate relationships have long ceased to amaze, it is better to sit in an armchair with a love story or a cup of aromatic coffee. If you're in a playful mood, pick up an erotic novel or newspaper. Practice shows that the most vulgar tabloid story can start, not to mention fiction novels. Watch a romantic movie starring a sexy man. Modern Hollywood actors have a professional talent to arouse sexual desires and immerse themselves in sweet dreams.

Second hint: Wake up your sensuality. While taking a bath before the night of love, pour the fruit gel over your body, imagining that the hands of your beloved will touch your body after a while. Remember your nights, remember what pleasure you experienced from his caresses. Pamper your body with all kinds of masks, creams, lotions. Passing the mirror, wrapped in a fluffy robe or a terry towel, do not forget to admire your beauty. Give yourself compliments in your mind: awesome, gentle, sexy, subtle, intoxicating, delicious.

Third hint: Create a setting. Do something for your chosen one: cook something interesting for dinner, breathe new perfume, make the bed beautiful linens. By the way, men are stimulated to have sex by bright colors: dark pink, variegated, tropical. Call him at work and purr that you are waiting for him. Send him a love message. You can meet him in the hallway in a dressing gown on his naked body and sandals with high heels. Be very affectionate with him all evening before sex, do not skimp on tenderness. Sensuality includes not only sex, it must be present in the voice, place, behavior. Hint your loved one about what awaits him, tease your imagination.

Fourth hint: Try it. Experiment. Before the night of love, you can drink a little alcohol, it disinhibits sensuality well. If you have always used condoms up to this point, try without them once. Feelings will be unusual and new. Choose an unusual place to make love. Unusual posture. Unusual time. Surely you both have a lot of unfulfilled desires. Right now is the best time to start bringing them to life.

Fifth hint: Drop the shame. Do what pleases you. Let yourself be frank. If you have a desire to love him in bright light, on a chair or carpet in the kitchen, do not hinder yourself. Knock the blanket over on him and undress him, while remaining dressed.

Sixth hint: Be bold and daring. Unpredictability and spontaneity are the best sex advisors. Do what you didn't have the courage to do before. Often the most unforgettable pleasure can be achieved only in those positions that previously seemed not too decent. It should be remembered that there is no vulgarity outside the bedroom door of two lovers. Listen to your feelings. If during sex you feel the urge to raise your hips and start moving towards your loved one, do it. Walk your hands over his body. Ask him to do the same.

Seventh hint: Feel his caresses. Tell, do not hesitate, where to caress you and how to do it. He must drive you to a frenzy. Do not forget that only a part of women reach orgasm vaginally, and the rest - clitoral. Don't take away your pleasure. Let him try to find your G-spot - it is located on the front wall of the vagina.

Eighth Hint: Let him talk. About anything. Let him whisper sweet words in your ear about how he loves you, how wonderful and beautiful you are. Some are shivering from the hot breath around this erogenous zone. Ask him to talk about what he is doing with you at the moment. Voicing passionate desires and fantasies is an indescribable doping. Don't hold back your screams.

The main rule of a sexy woman is to freely express her desires. If you feel the urge to make love in the morning, right before work, allow yourself to do so. If he wakes you up in the middle of the night, respond to his caress. Women who do not limit themselves in desires usually do not have difficulty with orgasm. In a word, you need to relax and, as they say in erotic stories, sail on the waves of your passion.

People are always. They are trying to invent something incredible or forbid. One of the more mysterious moments is squirting (female) orgasms. Often some difficulties are attributed here,. Let's try to simplify. And at the same time, we will start a series of articles about sex and relationships in a new style. Attention, it will be an adult, 18+.

What is squirt? Usually this word denotes a situation when, during sex, fluid is released from a girl through the urinary canal. There is a lot of controversy about what kind of liquid it is. In fact, orgasm is very common, especially when it happens for the first time. Then the constant jokes about the need to dry a sofa, mattress, sheet or car seat. And there is a lot of talk that this is very cool.

So let's start with the fact itself. It is necessary to achieve a pleasant fluid release. As any observations made show, this fluid is in no way urine. You can trace the pattern that if a girl just went well and pee, it will be hard to squirt. Science still does not fully suggest how and what because, we will assume that a liquid is released without urea in it. Close to neutral in smell and taste.

There is a lot of strange literature where some kind of recommendations are given. But today there are many videos with this type of orgasm, where you can watch everything. The only question is the pressure, will there be already a fountain and so many in a row that it is rather a big, big rarity. Therefore, we will consider the most effective, which always works for any girl. Although no, rather only for cute and pleasing.

What you need to get started. Ideally, a girl who really wants to know and try, and also trust and general relaxation. At the same time, a comfortable place. This can often be done with your hands or, more traditionally, during sex. There is little left to do. Do. It should be noted right away that incredible descriptions and sensations are rather so vivid in their first, unusualness. There is nothing too supernatural in this - just differently. There is a small percentage of girls with whom this happens on its own. Consider a sure-fire guide.

What do you need from a guy. A firm hand or a good erection, good physical fitness and the ability to hold out at least some solid time without ejaculation. Ideally, no need for condoms (another type of contraception). The circuit is very simple. The idea is that you need a pretty good excitement of the girl "before" and, accordingly, almost an excess of lubrication. The challenge is to force the muscles in the vagina to contract. This is usually achieved by arbitrary (in depth) powerful and short-lived movements, then, on a light peak, you need to completely remove the impact with your fingers (usually the middle and ring) or with a sexual cannon. Remove, and, most likely, for a few seconds. Repeating over and over again, acting sharply and feeling the situation.

You need to methodically try to play so that it becomes very narrow. One of the magical actions - during the "taking out" is to "beat" a member of the clitoris or just touch your fingers. And so to continue. Ideally, the girl lies on her back with at least knees raised up. As a maximum - legs are thrown almost to the head with knees.

After the peak of tension is reached, it is worth entering sharply, rather for a long time, and methodically rhythmically pressing precisely on the well-known G-point, choosing the ideal pose for yourself. And each time it is more powerful and sharper, a little deeper and without stopping, thus touching the clitoris along the way. If it did not work the first time, then it is worth repeating the maneuver with the achievement of the maximum tension of the vaginal muscles. With experience, this skill can be developed very strongly and squirt literally in a minute or two from the very beginning. Of course, in each case there will also be some nuances, details that will be situationally useful somewhere.

Of course, if it has already worked out a couple of times, then it will be easier with the same partner, and with others, if necessary. Based on the collected statistics, the method always works for everyone. In most cases, guys have a member bent up - which makes it easy to put pressure on the J-point. The better the position for pressure is chosen, the more effective. In general, this effect will depend little on the size of the genitals, except in very rare cases. Moreover, the same can be done with your fingers.

Often people try or add something to this occupation. But this can be done almost always, there are no secrets. With good physical fitness and mood, the desire is almost 100% efficiency. Whether it is worth doing this always and pouring all the mattresses with sofas is a question. Often "accidentally" comes out in those couples when the size of the genitals ideally matches (often the penis is larger than average). It also happens when a girl is on top and controls the process.

If the first time does not work out, you should be patient. The only thing that is definitely not worth doing is when the girl does not want it, she resists. Although, with very good physical indicators - and this is not a hindrance, but it is worth showing rationality and not engaging in violence. Another point lies in the fact that when squirt is very easy to make a series of orgasms, which. And a good squirt is a guarantee of having an orgasm, most likely far from one.

So, nothing mythical or. Situations are possible when it will turn out to make a squirt without the direct described effect, but more indirect.

P.S. Most of the material on the topic of hearing loss, tinnitus. How to improve hearing, obtain objective improvement, correct hearing, get rid of tinnitus.

Female orgasm myths and reality.

7 myths about the female orgasm.

The female orgasm is shrouded in a veil of secrets, so it is not surprising that there are so many different myths about the female orgasm. Some of the myths exist exclusively in the head of men, and some even mislead women. Therefore, we will try to understand some common myths, find out where is the truth and where is fiction.

Myth number 1. Women cannot ejaculate.

Not true. With enough G-spot stimulation, some women are able to ejaculate. They can eject clear liquid both before orgasm and during the onset of orgasm. Some women who are able to ejaculate try to avoid sex or orgasm because they are simply embarrassed about their ability to ejaculate.
This is the so-called squirt.
The term "squirt" comes from the English word "squirt" - a jet - and denotes the release of a transparent specific white liquid in a volume of 15-45 ml from the vagina at the time of orgasm or in front of it. Synonyms for "squirt": "squirting", "female ejaculation".

The controversy around squirt has been going on for a long time. Does female ejaculation exist or not? Where does the ejaculate come from in the ladies? Why does it look like urine? How to achieve a squirt? We have to answer all these questions today.

Currently, the prevailing point of view is that the walls of the vagina are not an erogenous zone. However, there is one amazing place in the vagina - the so-called G-spot. This is an accumulation of nerve endings, the stimulation of which leads to orgasm. It is located on the anterior wall of the vagina at a depth of 5-7 cm.
During the stimulation of the G-spot, many women experience the very female ejaculation that we strive for.

Women who experience ejaculation are often embarrassed by such manifestations, sometimes they regard it as involuntary urination. In fact, this is a normal physiological phenomenon.

Modern scientists explain the phenomenon of female ejaculation by the presence of the so-called Skene's glands, which are located on the front wall of the vagina around the lower end of the urethra. They are also called the small vestibular, paraurethral, ​​U-point, or female prostate glands. The glands open into the urethra near its outer opening.

It turns out that in women, just like in men, the urethra excretes not only urine. In the specialized paraurethral glands of Skene, under the influence of stimulation, secretions are released, which have an alkaline reaction, chemically similar to male semen.

Myth number 2. Women who have never had a vaginal orgasm are a problem.

Not true. It is not known where it came from, perhaps because of Freud, who believed that there are 2 types of orgasm: vaginal and clitoral. He believed that a woman in adulthood is obliged to experience only a vaginal orgasm, and then it was widely believed that any woman can experience an orgasm from vaginal penetration. But the truth is that only 1/3 of women are capable of having a vaginal orgasm every time they have sex. If a woman cannot reach a vaginal orgasm, then she will certainly be able to reach a clitoral orgasm, and this is quite normal!

Myth number 3. Vaginal orgasms are better than clitoral orgasms.

Not true. The strength of orgasm can vary in women in different ways depending on the situation. Most women always orgasm with the same strength, and some women experience even more intense orgasms from clitoral orgasms. Therefore, do not underestimate the clitoral orgasm.

Myth number 4. Sex without orgasm does not give a woman satisfaction.

Not true. This myth is more common among men than women, because women know that good sex can be a lot of pleasure without orgasm.

Myth number 5. Women are more likely to be satisfied if their partner has a long penis.

Not true. It was found that the G-spot is located approximately 5 cm from the entrance to the vagina. From this we can conclude that the size of the partner's penis is not important for a woman, the main ability of a man to dispose of his "dignity". In general, the size of the penis is more important for men themselves than for women.

Myth number 6. Only women fake orgasm.

Not true. No one denies the fact that some women fake orgasm in bed, but men are not far behind in this regard. Sometimes even men fake orgasm during sex. What's the point, you ask? The fact is that men, unlike women, are always able to achieve orgasm, and if a man suddenly cannot ejaculate for a long time, then it will be easier for him to simulate an orgasm.

Myth number 7. A woman needs an orgasm to get pregnant.

Not true. Although scientists have proven that it will be easier for a woman to become pregnant after orgasm, achieving orgasm is not a prerequisite for conceiving a child. A woman may well become pregnant without an orgasm.

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