Means for herpes on the lips. Homemade ointment recipes

Health & BeautyFacial CareLip Care

Herpes virus

Such a common and very unpleasant disease, like herpes, can occur and worsen at different times of the year. This often happens in spring and autumn, when chronic diseases are exacerbated, as well as against the background of ARVI. Sometimes during these seasons there is a real surge in the incidence of herpes. Overwork and stress can also be the causes of the disease, as they weaken the immune system.

Herpes is called a cold or fever on the lips, but the essence remains the same: the disease is caused by the herpes simplex virus. This virus, one way or another, can be present in the body in 95% of people, and remains there for life.

Official medicine recognizes that drugs and effective treatments that completely destroy herpes virushave not received it yet. Herpes on the lips affects about 10 million inhabitants of Russia every year, and very many get sick several times a year. There are even people who get sick herpes lips 10 times a year!

Immunity to herpes virus only 5% of people have it, and medicine does not yet know its reasons. Probably otherwise effective herpes medicine would have already been found.

Where does the herpes virus get into the body?

From where herpes virus enters the body? This usually happens in childhood, in the fourth or fifth year of life. At this time, in most children, the amount of antibodies transmitted to them from the mother and preventing herpes virus.

As soon as the carrier of the infection kiss the child, or use the same dishes, a towel, etc., as the infection occurs. This can happen in contact with close relatives, friends, and even parents, older brothers and sisters.

Once in the mucous membranes, the virus begins to travel through the body, and gets to the nerve endings, allowing it to easily enter the nerve plexus in the cranial cavity. There the virus is in a "dormant" state until it is reactivated.

Why is the herpes virus activated?

Why then herpes virus activated? This happens when a person's immunity weakens, that is, most often, in spring and autumn, as well as during an influenza epidemic, with colds, overwork, stress and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Alcohol intoxication can also provoke the body's susceptibility to the virus, and for women, menstruation is also a dangerous period.

Herpes virus awakens, and along the same nerve endings reaches the mucous membranes and skin. Lips, gums, mucous membrane of the mouth, earlobe, and areas of the cheeks are most often affected. It is to them that those nerves come along which the virus moves back from the nerve plexus in which it "slept". As a result, a person gets what is called a "cold on the lips", but this disease is much more complex and insidious than a common cold. And how do you deal with it?

Zovirax - herpes remedy

Among the many medicines offered by modern medicine for herpes treatment, preparations containing acyclovir... It is he who is the main active antiviral substance of the cream " Zovirax”, Which has been known for a long time on the Russian pharmaceutical market.

Of course, there are other medicines, for example, ointments, which also include acyclovir - the so-called generic ointments. Generic drugs are pharmaceuticals that are identical in action and composition to the original ones, but they are cheaper, since the companies that produce these drugs do not develop. They are supposed to give the same effect as the original drug, but this is not the case with Zovirax.

Zovirax has a unique structure patented by its developers, and therefore its effectiveness is significantly higher than that of generic ointments. This structure of the cream allows the active substance, acyclovir, to concentrate much more actively in the areas of the skin affected by the virus. Absorption Zoviraxa happens very quickly - in just 39 seconds, and viruses are actively destroyed. When using generic ointments, acyclovir remains on the surface of the skin longer, is slower and not completely absorbed, due to which the effectiveness of the drugs is reduced.

Using Zoviraxa remission of the disease occurs much faster, moreover, a large amount of cream and its frequent use are not required.

Relapse herpes usually cannot be prevented, however, if you are on time and start treatment Zovirax before the first rashes appear, or at least in the first two days after their appearance, the duration of the relapse is significantly reduced, and the patient is much easier to tolerate his condition.

Application of Zovirax

The course of treatment "Zovirax" usually lasts 5 days. The cream is applied to the affected areas every 4 hours, 5 times a day, except at night. If the rash does not disappear completely, then the course can be extended up to 10 days.

There are no special contraindications to the use of Zovirax, except that individual intolerance to the components of the drug. There may be a momentary tingling or burning sensation when the cream is applied to the skin, but that's all. Pregnant and lactating mothers should of course consult their doctor before using "Zovirax"... We can say that the use of "Zovirax" can shorten the period of illness by half, reduces pain and prevents the virus from spreading further.

Fenistil Pencivir - a remedy against herpes

Deal with herpes virus one more antivirus helps - penciclovir... Just like acyclovir, it inhibits the DNA of the virus and shortens the course of the disease. However, penciclovir has advantages, since it is effective not only at the initial stage of virus development, but also at any stage of the disease. Penciclovir persists in a cell affected by herpes virus, up to 12 hours, while acyclovir can be stored in it for only about an hour.

Currently based on penciclovir launched a new drug - Fenistil Pentsivirtaking off quickly herpes symptoms... The healing time of the affected areas is also reduced - up to about 4 days.

As soon as Fenistil Pentsivir applied to the affected area, it immediately begins to act. Herpes virus quickly blocked, its propagation stops, and the effect is achieved even at the stage of bubbling.

Application of Fenistil

Apply Fenistil Pentsivir needed more often than Zovirax - every 2 hours, with a break for the night, and it is very important to apply the cream immediately after waking up, and a minute before going to bed. The course of treatment is only 4 days. Especially for the convenience of women, today a set is produced that resembles a powder box, in which there is a mirror, gel "Fenistil Pencivir" and disposable applicators.

There are also few contraindications to the use of this drug.: individual sensitivity, age up to 12 years, as well as very careful use for pregnant and lactating women. So which drug to choose for herpes treatment, it is best to decide on an individual basis, and it is advisable to consult a doctor.

How to avoid worsening herpes

How to avoid worsening herpes? In the same way as exacerbation of other diseases associated with impaired immunity. You should not be in the sun for a long time during a period of possible exacerbation, drastically change climatic conditions, allow yourself to have nervous breakdowns. Prevention of the disease and strengthening of immunity should be constantly dealt with, taking immunomodulators, and in the season of colds and viral infections, take antiviral drugs.

And one more important advice for women: do not try to mask rashes with powder, foundation or other cosmetics, otherwise herpes virus it will be easier to spread further.

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If you do not go into medical details about the effect of herpes on the entire body, then we can say briefly: it is very unpleasant. One of the troubles this virus is capable of is rashes on the red border of the lips. Painful, unaesthetic and scarring if treated with carelessness.

What to do? Resign or fight? Of course, the second, especially since pharmaceutical advances are making it easier to fight this ubiquitous virus. And we will consider the best remedies for herpes on the lips in detail in our article.



Acyclovir is the best inexpensive ointment for herpes on the lips. The cost of a tube of 5 g ointment is about 25 rubles. Analogs: Zovirax (185 rubles), Herperax (65 rubles).

Benefits.The active ingredient, acyclovir, is a powerful antiviral agent that penetrates the cell affected by the herpes virus and breaks the sequence in the DNA chain, thus preventing further multiplication of the virus. Since the virus is unable to create its own "clones" without the participation of human DNA, the forecast is clear: the "enemy" is defeated, justice has triumphed.

In addition, in the home medicine cabinet, Acyclovir ointment is useful not only in cases of "blooming" lips - shingles, chickenpox, genital herpes: all forms of the virus can be treated with this ointment.

Disadvantages. The most vulnerable category of patients - pregnant and lactating women - will not be able to take advantage of all the benefits of Acyclovir, since the active substance freely enters the fetus through the placenta and traces of acyclovir are found in breast milk. This means that herpes that appears on the lips during pregnancy requires a very careful approach to treatment with this drug: only when weighing the risks to the fetus and the benefits to the mother. It is a little easier for nursing mothers: during treatment with Acyclovir, you can switch to artificial feeding, and a week later at the end of the course, return to breastfeeding.

In addition, peeling of the areas where the ointment was applied can be an unpleasant surprise. Therefore, it is recommended to alternate the use of Acyclovir with antiseptic creams containing moisturizing and regenerating substances.

Conclusions. Despite serious contraindications for pregnant and lactating women, Acyclovir remains one of the best remedies for combating herpes. Rating: 10 points out of ten.

Reviews... "It fights very effectively against herpes on the lips and the price is human, but you need to make sure that after the ointment dries, remove its remnants - otherwise, untidy yellowish spots appear on the lips, which is not very pleasant, especially at work or in a public place."



The cost of a tube weighing 5g. is about 185 rubles.

Benefits... Although Zovirax is an analogue of Acyclovir, this cream deserves a special mention. The reason for this is propylene glycol, which is part of the drug. This substance greatly facilitates the fight against the virus, since thanks to propylene glycol, acyclovir, the active substance, more effectively penetrates into cells affected by the herpes virus.

In addition, unlike paraffinic or petroleum jelly-based ointments, Zovirax is better absorbed into the skin of the lips, without leaving greasy or wet marks on it.

disadvantages... The same as for Acyclovir, with the addition of allergies or intolerance to propylene glycol.

conclusions... The effectiveness of the drug against herpes is at its best. And if you use it according to the instructions (or even better - according to the doctor's prescription), then you yourself will give Zovirax a score of 10 points.

Reviews... “I really liked Zovirax. Compared to other herpes ointments that I have previously treated, this is the best. It does not melt or blur, leaving a characteristic film on the lips that is very annoying. Due to its light consistency, a small tube lasts for a long time, is very economical to use. "

Fenistil Pentsivir


The cost of a tube containing 2g. cream is about 240 rubles.

Benefits... In this cream, the active ingredient is penciclovir - an even more powerful antiviral substance than acyclovir.

Fenistil Pencivir cream, applied from the very beginning of herpes manifestations, can reduce the time during which the virus decorates your lips by almost 50%. And the auxiliary substances contained in Fenistil (liquid paraffin, white paraffin, etc.) protect the skin from drying out and prevent scarring of wounds. This complex action makes it possible to recommend the cream as a treatment for often or regularly recurring episodes of exacerbation of herpes (which, in fact, are the rashes on the lips).

disadvantagesThe stronger the effect of the drug, the more contraindications it has: the well-known pharmaceutical axiom. In the case of Fenistil Pencivir, there are no more prohibitions on its use - the same pregnancy and breastfeeding, but they are significantly stricter: only in cases where the benefits to the mother are immeasurably greater than the harm to the child. Breastfeeding requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor before starting treatment with this drug. Well, the ban on Fenistil treatment for children under 12 years old.

conclusions... If, after studying the shortcomings of the drug, you decide that Fenistil Pencivir is something like a weapon of mass destruction, do not rush to conclusions. This is one of the best, effective and safest remedies for herpes when used as directed. And if you ignore the package leaflet, then any medicine will be dangerous. Therefore, an unambiguous 10 points out of ten.

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At present, herpes is the most common viral disease, which are carried by 95 percent of the world's population. Despite the fact that it is impossible to completely remove the infection from the body, well-chosen treatment can quickly eliminate the clinical manifestations of the disease and achieve a stable and long-term remission.

This article will discuss which herpes remedy is most effective in combating the disease.

What drugs are there to fight herpes?

Conventionally, all antiviral drugs for herpes can be divided into several groups, depending on the main active ingredient.

Thus, we get the following classification:

What are the most effective remedies for herpes?

As practice shows, it is necessary to select a remedy for the treatment of herpes taking into account many factors, including the type and stage of the disease, as well as one's own capabilities.

People who are confronted with the clinical manifestation of the virus give preference to the topical preparations listed below.


Acyclovir is rightfully considered the best inexpensive ointment for herpes on the lips. The estimated cost of the product is about 25 rubles per tube with 5 grams of ointment. Analogue funds are somewhat more expensive: Herperax - about 65 rubles, and Zovirax - around 185 rubles.

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The active substance of this drug penetrates into the cell affected by the virus and destroys the sequence of the DNA chain, thus preventing the multiplication of pathological cells. Due to the fact that the virus is unable to recreate its own cells without the participation of human DNA, the disease recedes quite quickly.

Acyclovir is suitable for the successful treatment of not only herpes on the lips, but also shingles, chickenpox and genital herpes.

A significant disadvantage of this tool is inability to use the drug unhindered by pregnant and lactating women - the active substance enters the fetus through the placenta and breast milk, which is why not every woman can use acyclovir.

Another characteristic disadvantage of the ointment is the peeling of the treated areas. As a result, doctors recommend alternating this remedy with antiseptic and moisturizing creams.


The cost of a standard tube with 5 grams of ointment costs about 185 rubles. Despite the fact that the agent is an analogue of Acyclovir, its feature is propylene glycol in the composition, which promotes the penetration of the active substance into the cells affected by the virus.

In addition, unlike petroleum jelly or paraffin-based products Zovirax is absorbed into the skin faster without leaving the characteristic wet or oily marks on it.

The disadvantages of Zovirax are the same as those of the cheaper analogue, Acyclovir. However, allergic reactions or complete intolerance to propylene glycol are also common, which makes the remedy inaccessible to some patients.

Fenistil Pentsivir

Fenistil Pencivir is significantly more expensive than the previously described funds - about 240 rubles will have to be paid for a tube with two grams of ointment.

The indisputable advantage of the remedy is penciclovir - a more effective remedy than its “brother” - acyclovir.

With timely use Fenistil Pencivir is able to halve the course of the disease, and the auxiliary components contained in the composition protect damaged areas from drying out and prevent scarring.

At the same time, the drug has a number of contraindications, as a result of which, in most cases, the use of the drug by pregnant, lactating women and children under 12 is not allowed.


A thirty-gram tube with Panavir ointment costs about 800 rubles.

Related article:

Herpes on the tongue. How to treat at home?

Despite the rather high cost, the remedy is considered the best drug for people suffering from herpes and rejection of synthetic drugs. The plant polysaccharide in Panavir inhibits the activity of the virus and significantly improves the vital parameters of the affected cells.

Contraindications of the drug prohibit the use of the product for lactating and pregnant women without an appropriate doctor's prescription. Moreover, especially panavir should be used with caution in patients with kidney disease.

Practice shows that with the most common manifestation of herpes - the so-called "cold" on the lip - people try to avoid taking pills. However, doctors say that the most successful treatment for herpes will be with a combination of local therapy and taking appropriate pills.

In addition, an important part of antiherpes treatment is strengthening the immune system, which is why doctors often prescribe the intake of vitamin complexes and immunomodulators, such as:

  • Neovir;
  • Arbidol;
  • Ridostin;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Isoprinosine.

How to remove herpes in one with the help of means - video

What is the most effective folk remedy for herpes?

As practice shows, folk remedies are effective only in the early stages of the disease, and with an exacerbation of the disease, it will not be possible to do without drug therapy.

The most effective way to get rid of herpes at home is to use essential oils. The cost of a standard 15 ml bottle can range from 35 to 110 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

The main advantage of this method of getting rid of herpes symptoms is the antiviral effect of essential oils. In addition, patients report a more stable remission. This is due to the ability of essential oils to strengthen the body's natural defenses and maintain a person's immunity in good shape.

The most effective means are oils:

  • tea tree;
  • lemon;
  • carnations;
  • geranium;
  • fir;
  • pine trees.

At the same time, the use of essential oil can cause an allergic reaction, which is why this kind of means should be used with extreme caution. It should also be noted that essential oils are most effective as a prophylaxis against herpes, and at the aggravated stage of the disease, they are practically powerless.

Herpes treatment, remedies - video

In addition, with excessive use of essential oil it is possible to overdry the skin, which can lead to the approach of the next relapse of the disease.

There are also positive reviews about:

  • toothpaste (dries and disinfects the affected area);
  • balm "Gold Star" (successfully stops the first signs of the disease);
  • tincture of propolis (has antimicrobial and tonic effect).

The annoying herpes can appear at any time. And if the body is weakened by colds, then the likelihood of encountering unpleasant formations on the lips increases significantly. In spring and autumn, almost every third person encounters such a problem.

Currently, there is no drug in pharmacology that completely destroys the virus. Official statistics indicate that only 5% of the entire population of Russia have never encountered such a nuisance as herpes.

As a rule, at 4-5 years old, a child has a decrease in the number of antibodies that protect the body from herpes.

For infection, a short contact with the carrier of the virus is enough. For example, kissing or sharing utensils. After the virus has entered the mucous membrane, it wanders throughout the body. Then it settles in the nerve plexus of the skull and sleeps there until the next activation. That's when it appears in the form of annoying bubbles on the lips. Some pharmaceuticals help to effectively fight them.


Of the many remedies for herpes, experts isolate drugs that contain acyclovir... Zovirax is one of them.

Of course, in order to save money, you can use generics (drugs identical to the original, which are somewhat cheaper). But in this case, no one can give a 100% guarantee that the remedy will help. With Zovirax, on the other hand, healing is many times more effective. Its unique composition allows the active substance to concentrate in the lesion focus, quickly eliminating the rash. Compared to the same generics that remain on the skin for a long time, Zovirax is absorbed in less than a minute. And not so much cream is required for the course of treatment, which will please the economical owner.

Typically, therapy lasts 5-7 days, but if necessary, it can be extended up to 10 days. The product should be applied to the affected skin every 4 hours with breaks overnight. Today, experts do not identify any special contraindications. The only one of them is intolerance to the components.

When using the drug, a burning sensation and tingling sensation may occur at the site of application. Do not be afraid, this is a normal reaction of the body. The discomfort will disappear after a short time. But if it does not go away, the cream must be removed from the skin immediately.

Regarding use during pregnancy and lactation, it is better to consult with your doctor. One thing is for sure. Using Zovirax will allow you to heal twice as fast and prevent the virus from spreading.

Another popular herpes remedy is Fenistil Pentsivir. In this preparation, the main substance is penciclovir... Like acyclovir, it has a suppressive effect on the virus and reduces the duration of the disease. The biggest plus of this substance is that it effective at any stage of the disease... Penciclovir stays in the affected cell for up to 12 hours. Unlike acyclovir, which lasts no more than an hour.

In modern pharmacology, Fenistil Pentsivir is produced on the basis of this substance. This new remedy quickly relieves herpes symptoms and heals the skin within 4 days. Immediately after application, Fenistil begins to act, blocks the virus, preventing it from spreading.

For the cream to work properly, it must be applied every 2 hours. Break only at night. Note! Be sure to smear the gel immediately after waking up and a minute before going to bed.

Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components and extremely careful use during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, it is not recommended to use the drug in children under 12 years of age. In any case, before using this or that remedy, you need to consult a doctor.

Similarities between Fenistil and Zovirax

It should be noted right away that both Fenistil and Zovirax have been very popular lately. This is due to their high efficiency and relatively low cost. Plus, both funds are spent quite sparingly. And the periods before herpes recurrence are significantly increased, which makes it possible to use one or another cream much less often. But that's where the similarities end.

Differences between drugs

If you look deeply, then these are fundamentally different means. To begin with, you should pay attention to some components.


  1. The drug contains propylene glycol. Thanks to this substance, the cream is quickly absorbed into the skin and more easily penetrates the affected cells.
  2. Better absorbency is also provided by paraffin or petroleum jelly bases. The cream does not leave any greasy or wet marks.
  3. An important factor is the possibility of manifestations of an allergic reaction. Therefore, people with intolerance to propylene glycol should not use this ointment.


  • As already noted, the main active ingredient of this drug is penciclovir. It is much stronger than acyclovir and fights herpes more aggressively.
  • The composition includes vaseline oil and paraffin. They protect the skin of the lips from dryness and scarring.
  • The cream can be used often without fear of hurting yourself.
  • The only prohibition is age less than 12 years. Plus careful handling during pregnancy and lactation.

What, when and for whom is best?

Having studied the features of both drugs, you can draw conclusions which of them is more suitable for whom and in which case. For example, if herpes often begins to appear on the lips of a teenager during puberty, then it is better to treat it with Fenistil. Firstly, the body is rebuilding and the risk of getting an allergy in the bargain is not needed by anyone. And secondly, such a decoration, perhaps, will become a frequent guest while growing up. Fenistil will allow you to be treated without harming the skin of the lips.

If a young mother is faced with a similar problem, then Zovirax is definitely more suitable for her. Of course, provided that there is no allergy to propylene glycol. First of all, experts give preference to this tool because of the more rare application and less aggressive effects.

In any case, you need to remember: before using this or that drug, you must definitely consult with a specialist.

The best ointments and creams for herpes on the lips

If you do not go into medical details about the effect of herpes on the entire body, then we can say briefly: it is very unpleasant. One of the troubles this virus is capable of is rashes on the red border of the lips. Painful, unaesthetic and scarring if treated with negligence.

What to do? Resign or fight? Of course, the second, especially since pharmaceutical advances are making it easier to fight this ubiquitous virus. And we will consider the best remedies for herpes on the lips in detail in our article.



Acyclovir is the best inexpensive ointment for herpes on the lips. The cost of a tube of 5 g ointment is about 25 rubles. Analogs: Zovirax (185 rubles), Herperax (65 rubles).

Benefits.The active ingredient, acyclovir, is a powerful antiviral agent that penetrates the cell affected by the herpes virus and breaks the sequence in the DNA chain, thus preventing further reproduction of the virus. Since the virus is unable to create its own "clones" without the participation of human DNA, the forecast is clear: the "enemy" is defeated, justice has triumphed.

In addition, in the home medicine cabinet, Acyclovir ointment is useful not only in cases of "blooming" lips - shingles, chickenpox, genital herpes: all forms of the virus can be treated with this ointment.

Disadvantages. The most vulnerable category of patients - pregnant and lactating women - will not be able to take advantage of all the benefits of Acyclovir, since the active substance freely enters the fetus through the placenta and traces of acyclovir are found in breast milk. This means that herpes that appears on the lips during pregnancy requires a very careful approach to treatment with this drug: only when weighing the risks to the fetus and the benefits to the mother. It is a little easier for nursing mothers: during treatment with Acyclovir, you can switch to artificial feeding, and a week later at the end of the course, return to breastfeeding.

In addition, peeling of the areas where the ointment was applied can be an unpleasant surprise. Therefore, it is recommended to alternate the use of Acyclovir with antiseptic creams containing moisturizing and regenerating substances.

Conclusions. Despite serious contraindications for pregnant and lactating women, Acyclovir remains one of the best remedies for combating herpes. Rating: 10 points out of ten.

Reviews. "It fights very effectively against herpes on the lips and the price is human, but you need to make sure that after the ointment dries, remove its remnants - otherwise, untidy yellowish spots appear on the lips, which is not very pleasant, especially at work or in a public place."



The cost of a tube weighing 5g. is about 185 rubles.

Benefits... Although Zovirax is an analogue of Acyclovir, this cream deserves a special mention. The reason for this is propylene glycol, which is part of the drug. This substance greatly facilitates the fight against the virus, since thanks to propylene glycol, acyclovir, the active substance, more effectively penetrates into cells affected by the herpes virus.

In addition, unlike paraffinic or petroleum jelly-based ointments, Zovirax is better absorbed into the skin of the lips, without leaving greasy or wet marks on it.

disadvantages... The same as for Acyclovir, with the addition of allergies or intolerance to propylene glycol.

conclusions... The effectiveness of the drug against herpes is at its best. And if you use it according to the instructions (or even better - according to the doctor's prescription), then you yourself will give Zovirax a score of 10 points.

Reviews. « I really liked Zovirax. Compared to other herpes ointments that I have previously treated, this is the best. It does not melt or blur, leaving a characteristic film on the lips that is very annoying. Due to the light consistency of a small tube, it lasts for a long time, it is very economically consumed».

Fenistil Pentsivir


The cost of a tube containing 2g. cream is about 240 rubles.

Benefits... In this cream, the active ingredient is penciclovir - an even more powerful antiviral substance than acyclovir.

Fenistil Pencivir cream, applied from the very beginning of herpes manifestations, can reduce the time during which the virus decorates your lips by almost 50%. And the auxiliary substances contained in Fenistil (liquid paraffin, white paraffin, etc.) protect the skin from drying out and prevent scarring of wounds. This complex action makes it possible to recommend the cream as a treatment for often or regularly recurring episodes of exacerbation of herpes (which, in fact, are the rashes on the lips).

disadvantagesThe stronger the effect of the drug, the more contraindications it has: the well-known pharmaceutical axiom. In the case of Fenistil Pencivir, there are no more prohibitions on its use - the same pregnancy and breastfeeding, but they are significantly stricter: only in cases where the benefits to the mother are immeasurably greater than the harm to the child. Breastfeeding requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor before starting treatment with this drug. Well, the ban on Fenistil treatment for children under 12 years old.

conclusions... If, after examining the shortcomings of the drug, you decide that Fenistil Pencivir is something like a weapon of mass destruction, do not jump to conclusions. This is one of the best, effective and safest remedies for herpes when used as directed. And if you ignore the package leaflet, then any medicine will be dangerous. Therefore, an unambiguous 10 points out of ten.

Reviews. « I started using this cream and began to notice that herpes relapses happen much less frequently than before. And the sores pass faster. Maybe this is even due to the fact that the cream softens the lips and prevents the herpes bubbles from cracking, so these areas heal faster».



The cost of a tube with gel is 30 g. is about 800 rubles.

Benefits... Panavir will become the best remedy for herpes on the lips for people who simultaneously suffer from herpes and aversion to synthetic drugs. This gel contains a natural substance - plant polysaccharide, which inhibits the activity of the virus, and, importantly, improves the vital signs of infected cells. This means that cells invaded by the herpes virus are less likely to die ingloriously and even acquire the ability to recover from a viral attack.

disadvantages... Like any antiviral agent, the active ingredient Panavir easily penetrates the cell membranes in the tissues of the human body (otherwise it simply cannot reach the virus). It is this property that makes it possible for the polysaccharide to enter breast milk and the placenta. Then everything is obvious: for nursing and pregnant women, Panavir can only be used as directed by a doctor.

The instructions for the drug indicate that people with kidney disease should also not get involved in the treatment of herpes with Panavir.

conclusions... Panavir's natural origin is a huge plus. But the price, in our opinion, is too high. Therefore, we give it a rating of 9 out of 10.

Reviews. « The doctor prescribed to alternate Acyclovir and Panavir, so that the virus "does not get used". Indeed, 2 months after the almost constant use of these gels, herpes began to appear very rarely.».

Natural essential oils


The cost of a 15 ml bottle ranges from 35 to 110 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

Benefits... The volatile substances in essential oils have a number of beneficial properties. Antiviral is one of them. Tea tree, fir, pine, lemon, geranium, clove oil is an effective remedy to accelerate healing. But what is more important (especially for people suffering from frequent cold sores on the lips) is the ability of essential oils to prevent relapse. The mechanism of action is simple: herpes, once settled in the body, already nowhere and never disappears. He is just waiting for the immune system to be distracted by colds, flu, gastritis and whatever. And only then does the herpes peek out of hiding and begins to decorate your face with a rash on your lips or shingles on your stomach.

Natural essential oils enhance the body's natural defenses and keep the immune system in good shape. Therefore, they are an indispensable tool for the prevention of herpes. Moreover, they can be used in any way convenient for you: prepare an emulsion (1 part essential oil for 3 parts vegetable oil) and rub it into the temples, the "entrance" to the nostrils; do inhalations, apply in an aroma lamp, add to bath water. Agree, this is much more pleasant than applying a tasteless ointment on your lips and then enjoying its "hospital" taste for a long time.

disadvantages... Well, where can we go without them. Firstly, if you have a tendency to allergic reactions, then an allergy test should be performed before using the oils. And if the manifestations of your allergies are severe - shortness of breath, bronchospasm, etc., then you will have to give up the thought of treating yourself with essential oils.

Disadvantage number two: oils are quite effective as a preventive measure, but with an already exacerbated herpes, they are powerless.

And the last thing: essential oils can both soften the skin and dry it out to the state of parchment, which for the delicate skin of the lips can mean accelerating the onset of the next recurrence of herpes.

conclusions... With the right approach to the choice of oil and its use without fanaticism (and after conducting an allergy test on the skin of the inner side of the forearm), essential oils will become one of the best natural remedies for preventing herpes recurrence. But, given that they help in the treatment of this condition only conditionally - they facilitate the course of the disease as part of a complex therapy, we will lower the score to 9 points.

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