How long does the sprain go. How is ankle sprain treated? Victims of beauty and more

Joint injury can occur for a variety of reasons. Depending on the severity of the damage to the ligaments, a person completely drops out of his usual life for a certain period, since the ankle ceases to be functional.

Most believe that such injuries are characteristic of people involved in an extremely narrow sports orientation: football, parkour or, for example, dancing. However, according to medical statistics, this can happen to absolutely anyone. Ankle ligament rupture - fairly frequent household damage.

Causes of ankle sprain

Excluding the most dangerous sports, in everyday life, sprain injuries in the lower extremities occur under the following circumstances:

  • the fall;
  • a sharp change in the position of the foot when moving (walking, running)
  • ankle dislocations when wearing unsuitable shoes on an uneven or slippery surface (high-heeled shoes for women, various types of sports shoes that are not fixed on the ankle joint);
  • blow or bruise traumatic and leading to an unusual position of the foot.

Exist a number of factorsthat increase the risk of ankle sprain:

  • inherited weak ligaments at birth, increasing the likelihood of such injuries throughout life;
  • regular small sprains, due to which a more serious rupture can occur;
  • great physical and sports loads on the ankle;
  • congenital high arch of the foot or abnormal development in the initial period of the formation of the body;
  • other various pathologies.

How long does an ankle sprain heal?

Only when the moment of injury comes, a person understands how important the function of the legs is in everyday and habitual life. The question immediately arises: how long does an ankle sprain heal?

The duration of recovery depends on the complexity of stretching the ligaments themselves and natural tissue regeneration, while the joint cannot be moved, and stepping on a sore leg is strictly prohibited.

There are three levels of damage: light, medium, and severe.

The first degree is a small micro-stretching of several fibers of the ligaments, as a rule, it proceeds without edema of the limb, a slight swelling forms at the site of injury, and mild pain is present. This stretch is treated at home. It is healed within 10-15 days.

Medium is a more complex ankle injury. With the second degree of stretching, a person cannot stand, a partial rupture of tissues occurs, as a result of which edema occurs with a pronounced hematoma. With any movement of the foot, a sharp sharp pain occurs. Even in a calm state, the patient feels aching painful sensations. Minimum duration of treatment - three weeks... For the entire time period, the leg should be completely immobilized.

The degree of complex is a serious injury to the ankle, accompanied by a complete rupture of the ligaments or dislocation of the joint. The injured limb has a pronounced hematoma and burgundy edema. Severe pain, the absolute inability to step on the limbs, sometimes to the point of loss of consciousness, characterizes the third, most dangerous degree of damage to the ankle joint. Hospitalization is indispensable here; sometimes surgery is used to restore the integrity of the ligament fibers. The duration of the therapy period is minimum from four weeks to one and a half months. The rehabilitation period, depending on the degree of difficulty, can last within three to six months.

The speed of recovery is greatly influenced by the provision of first aid, correct diagnosis and therapy, compliance with all doctor's prescriptions.

First aid

First of all, when the ankle joint is stretched, it is necessary to consult a traumatologist to confirm the exact diagnosis and analyze the severity of the injury. Only a doctor can diagnose the degree of limb injury.

With the help of X-rays it is necessary exclude the presence of closed fractures, dislocations and formation of punctures on the bone.

An X-ray cannot show the presence of a sprain or rupture of ligaments, such a pathology can only be diagnosed by a traumatologist, based on the appearance of the limb and the pain indications of the injured person himself. X-rays only exclude the possibility of dislocations and / or fractures.

In the absence of an opportunity to get to the nearest hospital or emergency room, first of all, it is necessary to immobilize the diseased limb, that is, completely immobilize it, so as not to damage the ligaments even more.

You should also take off your shoes, in the future, the edema may increase, which will bring an additional number of concerns for the injured joint.

Place under the affected limb folded fabric, the joint should be above the level of the heart to ensure blood flow and reduce swelling.

It is important to apply ice to the injured ankle as quickly as possible for thirty minutes, and for the first 48–72 hours, continue to apply cold at intervals of 30/30 minutes. When cooled, the blood vessels constrict, and this eliminates pain and swelling. However, the skin should not come into direct contact with ice; it is better to put it in a plastic bag and wrap it with one layer of fabric. It is also impossible to abuse hypothermia, chilled ligaments will not contribute to a speedy recovery.

During the provision of first aid, the next necessary step is to apply a tight elastic bandage on the damaged ligaments, not overtightening, but tightly fixing the foot. Important is correct bandage an injured limb and leave it motionless.

Never take a hot bath or sauna for two to three weeks after injury. Heat will negatively affect damaged ligaments and increase inflammation.

Drug treatment

With such a pathology, it is impossible to do without a traumatologist and X-ray. Some fixing bandages and cooling compresses too. There are a number of medications of the NSAID group (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and various analgesics, with the help of which they eliminate pain and relieve inflammation. Are used in the form of tablets, ointments and injections.

The first degree of stretching of the ankle joint - cooling is applied only on the first day.

It is important to relieve pain syndrome, especially pronounced in the patient. In drug treatment, a number of drugs are prescribed, such as Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Nimesil, Ortofen, Tempalgin, etc.

A number of these medicines have a number of contraindications. Use as directed by your doctor.

On the second third day, they begin to apply warming, anti-inflammatory ointments, such as Apizartron, Kapsikan, etc. The warming effect promotes improved blood circulation and accelerates fiber regeneration.

To relieve puffiness, ointments are used:

  • Troxevasin,
  • Venitan and others.

Ointments for the treatment of sprains without personal allergic intolerance do not negatively affect the body. Their medicinal the impact is local.

The fixation bandage is worn from three days to a week. After removing the elastic bandage, the minimum load on the ankle is gradually added with the use of therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics. Subsequently, try to minimize a certain time of load on the injured leg.

The second degree of rupture of the ankle ligaments - in addition to drug treatment, a plaster cast is installed for a period of 10-15 days. At first, it is important to place your foot on a hill as often as possible for the outflow of blood. On the second and fourth day, dry heat is applied to the site of local pain. You will have to move on crutches, with a point of support on a healthy leg.

After removing the splint a number of physiotherapy procedures are prescribed (electrophoresis, paraffin, magnet, UHF), exercise therapy, massage and health-improving gymnastics, with the introduction of a gradual, minimal load on the sore leg.

Massage should be carried out with such damage by a specialized masseur, otherwise, re-injury to the fibers is possible.

The third degree is the most difficult, so the treatment of this stage is the longest.

To fix the leg, a plaster cast is used for a minimum period of four weeks to one and a half months. It is recommended to spend the initial period in a hospital.

Pain medications are prescribed by a doctor depending on the nature of the pain... These can be strong pain relievers, in some cases, injections are prescribed.

Important! When restoring damaged fibers with any sprain, it is necessary to provide the joint ligaments with absolute rest during the treatment period. Add loads during the rehabilitation period after a course of drug treatment with great care. The absence of pain does not mean complete recovery!


Unfortunately, there is no prevention of the disease as such. To minimize the risk of spraining the ankle joint should be properly and well warm up the ligaments specific and correct exercises before various sports. Choose comfortable orthopedic shoes prescribed by an orthopedist.

If an injury has occurred and the correct, full course of treatment is carried out together with rehabilitation, it should be remembered that heavy loads for the articular ligaments are contraindicated for a very long time.

The lower limbs of a person have the maximum load when moving: they take on the entire weight of his body. Partial rupture of the ankle ligaments is a trauma typical not only for professional athletes, but also for ordinary people. Symptoms of the problem and treatment are determined by the nature and severity of the injury. With a slight tear, a person experiences slight discomfort and limps on one leg, with a severe one - he feels a burning, almost unbearable pain, cannot move without assistance. Therefore, such questions as “how long does a ligament rupture heal”, “how to treat it”, etc. are very burning, the answers to which will be given below.

Causes of ligament damage

According to statistics, sprains account for 20% of all ankle injuries.

The reason for the gap is most often:

  • Hitting the foot or lower leg.
  • Bending backward of the leg, which can occur while jogging or briskly walking up stairs or uneven terrain.
  • Tucking the foot to the outside or inside, possible when moving on a flat surface, performing physical exercises.

Doctors identify a set of factors that make the ankle ligaments more vulnerable to external actions and prone to rupture.

This category includes:

  • hypodynamia, making the ligaments inelastic;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • overweight;
  • degenerative changes in bones and joints due to advanced age;
  • congenital or acquired disorders of the anatomically correct position of the foot;
  • intense sports training;
  • the wrong choice of shoes: uncomfortable models, 12-centimeter heels, etc.

Regardless of the reasons leading to the rupture of the ankle ligaments, the problem is treated within 2-5 weeks, depending on the severity of the case. For this period, a person is forced to abandon the load on the lower extremities or move with the help of crutches.

Signs of ankle ligament rupture

The reason for going to the doctor is the first signs of rupture of the ankle ligaments:
  • Sharp, burning pain that appears immediately as soon as the ligamentous apparatus is injured. Its intensity cannot be judged on the severity of the injury.
  • Edema - in the first 2-3 hours, the entire ankle area swells. The swelling persists for up to a month after injury.
  • Hematoma - bruises and subcutaneous hemorrhages are more pronounced, the stronger the tear. If few fibers are torn, they may be missing.
  • Mobility disorders - a person begins to limp when walking or cannot stand on his foot, take at least a step. When palpating the ankle, severe discomfort is felt.

The appearance of these symptoms is a good reason for visiting a doctor. In the emergency room, a person will be prescribed an X-ray or MRI to determine how much tissue has been damaged, to exclude the likelihood of a fracture and to choose the right treatment.

Ankle injury

There are three types of ankle rupture severity. They depend on the number of torn fibers, which determines the intensity of the symptoms and the severity of the case as a whole.

  1. First degree

The overall integrity of the ligament is not compromised, therefore it remains operational. Only its individual fibers are affected. Signs of injury are limited to mild ankle pain and lameness.

2. Second degree

This is a more significant, but incomplete tear of the ligament, which, due to the damage that has occurred, becomes inoperative. A person experiences unbearable pain, cannot move without a cane or crutches, and edema appears at the site of injury.

3. Third degree

This is the rarest and most serious type of injury. The ligament breaks completely, due to which the person loses the ability to move independently. Vivid symptoms occur: pain, swelling, hematoma. Often this damage is combined with a violation of the integrity of the bones.

External symptoms are not enough to accurately determine the severity of the problem. To prescribe the treatment of the ankle ligaments, the doctor directs the person to laboratory tests: X-ray and MRI.

First aid to the victim

The quality of further therapy and the speed of recovery is determined by the correctness and timeliness of first aid to the injured person.

  • Remove the sock and boots from the injured leg so that nothing squeezes the torn ankle ligaments.
  • Immobilize the affected joint. For this, you can use an elastic or inelastic bandage. To apply a bandage, you need to make a few turns around the ankle, and then wind the "figure eight", grabbing the foot. It is important that the revolutions are sufficiently tight, but do not disrupt natural blood circulation.
  • Apply cold to the damaged area. This will relieve the pain of ruptured ligaments, stop the formation of puffiness and hematoma.
  • Position the victim so that the injured limb is slightly raised from the knee. So the blood will drain, the discomfort will decrease, and the formation of edema will slow down.

24 hours after the rupture occurred, the damaged area can be exposed to heat. It is recommended to take a hot bath or use a heating pad.

In case of a ligament rupture, a timely visit to a traumatologist is necessary. Remember: only first and second degree damage can be treated at home. The third therapy is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting.

How to treat an injured limb?

Treatment of ankle ligament rupture has the following tasks: restoration of fiber integrity, elimination of unpleasant symptoms (pain, swelling, hematoma), normalization of gait and functioning of damaged tissues of the lower limb.

The following methods are used to achieve therapeutic goals

1. Immobilization of the ankle area

You need to put a tight bandage on the affected leg, which will ensure its immobility and prevent the torn ligaments from stretching. The bandage can be wrapped in the following ways:

  • "Sock". This is the most common type of dressing used for grade 1 or 2 injuries. An elastic bandage is wrapped several times around the ankle, then applied in a "figure eight" grip on the foot.
  • Bandage. This is a type of dressing with minimal retention used for minor tears. It is most often used simultaneously with warming compresses, which improve blood circulation in the damaged area, help eliminate edema and hematomas.
  • Orthosis. Used in the treatment of ruptures of the second or third degree. The construction consists of rigid elements and laces that allow you to adjust the tension. The brace reliably fixes the foot in the anatomically correct position, it can be worn together with normal shoes.

The timing of healing and the wearing of bandages depends on the severity of the injury. In mild forms of rupture of ligaments, a week and a half is enough, with more severe - three weeks, in the most difficult situations - up to one and a half months.

2. Drug therapy

Ankle ligament tear is characterized by unpleasant symptoms: the patient feels severe pain, edema appears, and the temperature rises. To eliminate discomfort, analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used: Diclofenac, Voltaren, Ibuprofen, Nise and others. NSAIDs have a triple effect: they eliminate pain, relieve inflammation and eliminate fever. With unbearable pain, patients are injected with novocaine into the damaged area.

In the first hours, the unpleasant symptoms of ligament rupture are relieved by exposure to cold. Warmth is recommended a day after injury. Warming external agents are used, for example, Finalgon, Kapsikam and others.

To eliminate puffiness and promote the speedy resorption of the hematoma, a patient whose ligaments are torn is prescribed angioprotectors, for example, Troxevasin, Lyoton and others.

Important! The use of ointments and gels is allowed only if there are no deep scratches, abrasions, open wounds at the site of injury. The list of medications used to heal an injury must be agreed with a doctor.

3. Physiotherapy

What to do in case of a ruptured ankle ligaments for early healing? Add to drug therapy and immobilization physiotherapy. They can be started one day after injury. The greatest effect is given by trays with medicinal herbs, UHF, paraffin applications.

4. Therapeutic gymnastics

This is an integral part of the recovery period following the end of the immobilization stage. The task of exercise therapy is to develop a damaged ankle, to return it to its normal state, which was undermined by an injury.

If a person has a partial rupture of the ankle ligaments, a set of exercises is selected with the attending physician, the first classes are carried out under his control. Subsequently, gymnastics can be performed at home.

How long does a ligament rupture heal?

Patients who have suffered a tear of the ligaments are interested in the question of how long the leg will recover from an injury. The duration of healing depends on the severity of the injury.

If the patient has a first-degree ligament rupture, wearing a tight bandage will take no more than a week and a half. After that, you can immediately return to your usual pace of life.

In case of second-degree damage, wearing the "sock" is extended to three weeks. A smoother exit from treatment is provided: you will need to undergo a course of rehabilitation therapy.

The most difficult answer to the question about the rupture of the ankle ligaments, how long does it heal with damage of the third degree of severity. The treatment lasts from three weeks to one and a half months. In some cases, the patient will need to wear a tight bandage for up to two months: this will help restore the limb and prevent repeated tears.

Important! For the fastest healing of torn ligaments, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions and abandon the "initiative".


Video - Ruptured ankle ligaments

Home trauma treatment

To help the damaged ankle ligaments heal faster, medical therapy can be supplemented with home treatment. On the second day after injury, it is recommended to apply heat to the affected leg. The best option is a bath.

Doctors recommend carrying out water procedures with aroma oils: they relieve pain and inflammation, have a beneficial effect on the general condition and mood of the patient. To make a healing composition, you need to add 1-2 drops of oil per liter of warm water. Geranium and mint are effective against inflammation, chamomile and bergamot for pain, geranium and patchouli for puffiness.

To cure a simple sprain, you can use folk recipes. In order to avoid adverse consequences, it is recommended to agree with your doctor in advance.

There are the following tips to relieve swelling:

  • Grate raw potatoes and apply to the sore spot for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
  • Make a "mask" from a creamy mixture of white clay and water. Keep on the ankle for 30-40 minutes.

To relieve pain, you can apply crushed aloe to your leg. The plant is brought to a state of gruel, applied to the damaged area and bandaged. The dressing should be changed as it warms up.

A ruptured ankle deltoid ligament is a serious diagnosis that requires medical attention. The consequences of unsuccessful self-medication can be the most serious: up to the loss of the anatomical functions of the foot. Immediately after injury, it is recommended to undergo diagnostics and follow all the recommendations given by doctors.

The ankle joint plays an important role in a person's ability to move. Walking, running and jumping are only possible due to its normal functioning.

At the same time, this joint is very often subject to various kinds of injuries, which is associated with intense loads and increased human motor activity.

Ankle ligaments are often injured

According to statistics, most of the damage to the ankle is due to the rupture of its ligaments. It is with this diagnosis that traumatologists and patients of trauma centers often deal. Therefore, the question of how much a ruptured ankle ligament heals, doctors hear almost every day.

Why is there a problem?

The rupture of the ankle ligaments occurs as a result of a strong displacement of the foot relative to the shin bones. At this time, the ligaments holding the joint are very stretched, which leads to their mechanical damage, namely the appearance of tears.

Most often, such injuries are diagnosed in athletes who are involved in running, football, athletics, as well as people leading an active lifestyle.

Signs of rupture of the ankle ligaments are determined in people who have received injuries of the lower limb in everyday life, which were accompanied by twisting of the leg. A less common variant of the development of damage is a joint injury caused by a blunt object with a violation of the integrity of the ligaments.

For more information about the causes of ruptured ankle ligaments, see the video:

Along with the main causes of tears, experts identify several factors that contribute to these injuries, including:

  • obesity;
  • congenital joint defects;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes, high heels, deformity of the foot;
  • age-related disorders of the structure of the elements of the musculoskeletal sphere;
  • violation of the normal metabolism in the body, which leads to the accumulation of salts in the joint and the loss of the necessary elasticity by the ligaments;
  • multiple joint injuries.

You may also be interested in learning about ankle sprains. The leading cause of sprains doctors say is twisting of the leg, when the ankle moves sharply outward, and the heel is tucked inward.

Clinical picture

Signs of trauma are non-specific and are manifested by a set of pathological changes in the joint:

  • pain at the site of the lesion;
  • pronounced swelling of the ankle;
  • limitation of physical activity, which is manifested by the inability of a person to stand on his feet, walk, run, and the like;
  • the formation of a hematoma as a result of hemorrhage in soft tissues;
  • local hyperthermia.

Pain, swelling, and bruising may indicate a ruptured ligament

The severity of the symptoms of rupture of the ligaments of the ankle joint depends on the degree of damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the joint:

  • With a mild form of tear, individual fibers are damaged.This variant of the course of the disease is accompanied by moderate pain syndrome, slight swelling and no signs of hemorrhage in soft tissues. At the same time, a person retains the ability to move normally and practically does not change his gait;
  • Before determining an ankle ligament rupture of moderate severity, doctors rule out severe stretching. In patients with a violation of the integrity of the ankle tendons, pronounced edema, limited mobility in the joint, and a change in gait are observed.

    In addition, within a few hours after the injury, a hematoma with a characteristic red color appears on the lateral surface of the foot.

    How long does a partial rupture of the ankle ligaments heal? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body, its age and susceptibility to therapy for a pathological condition. On average, the recovery process after injury is about 3-4 weeks;

  • Severe or complete rupture of the ligaments is clinically manifested by severe pain and extensive swelling.In this regard, the victim completely loses the ability to walk. An objective examination in such a victim is diagnosed with a large hematoma of the distal parts of the lower limb and an increase in the local temperature of the skin. The consequences of a severe rupture of the ankle ligaments are not long in coming and are manifested by dislocations, subluxations of the articulation, its fractures. The recovery period after a ruptured ankle ligaments lasts at least 1-2 months.

Complete healing of ligaments can take up to 2 months


Additional examination methods can be used to confirm the diagnosis of rupture of the tendon fibers of the ankle and to determine the severity of the disorders, namely:

  • ankle X-ray;
  • ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound in case of rupture of the ankle ligaments makes it possible to assess the localization of damage, its extent and the presence of complications in the form of intra-articular bleeding);
  • in controversial cases - magnetic resonance imaging.

You will learn more detailed information about modern methods of hardware diagnostics of joints in this article ...

Features of modern treatment

What to do if the ankle ligaments are torn? Treatment of ankle ligament tears should be started at the preclinical stage. First aid after an injury with a suspicion of a violation of the integrity of the tendons consists in competent immobilization of the injury site. Such measures are implemented by imposing a splint or a blunt bandage on the diseased joint, which will prevent the appearance of an extensive hematoma, reduce pain and eliminate the likelihood of complications.

First aid for a ruptured ankle ligaments makes it possible to shorten the rehabilitation period and resume the normal function of the articulation. Recently, special orthoses made of plastic, fabric or metal, which are easy to use and easy to apply, have been increasingly used as an immobilization agent. In addition, this type of fixation is very easy to remove, which allows you to maintain body hygiene at the proper level.

Special orthoses are very comfortable to use

Treatment of ankle ligament tears has several goals:

  • restoration of the functionality of the joint and the integrity of the ligaments;
  • elimination of pain;
  • improved gait.

In practice, this treatment of ankle ligament rupture is carried out by applying an ice bag or other cold to the affected joint, which can reduce swelling, pain and bruising. After two days of cold procedures, they should be replaced with thermal methods of therapy, which is easiest to do with heated flax seeds, warm sand, and the like.

Before treating a ruptured ankle ligaments, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis and determine the nature of the damage. This will enable specialists to prescribe the patient the only correct therapy aimed at rapid recovery and restoration of joint mobility. In most clinical cases with injuries of this kind, doctors prescribe a gel or ointment to the injured for ruptured ankle ligaments, which include a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory component that helps eliminate local manifestations of inflammation.


Rehabilitation after a ruptured ankle ligament is an important step in the recovery process from injury. During this period, physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises are carried out with dosed loads on the joint.
Physiotherapy to restore the ankle after a ligament rupture includes several effective techniques, in particular:

  • phonophoresis with the use of drugs from the group of glucocorticoids;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • applications with paraffin;
  • electrophoresis.

Exercise therapy for rupture of the ankle ligaments consists of a gymnastic complex that allows you to resume the normal range of motion in the joint and return the person to his usual gait. The volumes and types of exercises in the rehabilitation period are established by the doctor and are recommended for execution for 2-3 weeks.

What exercises can be done - see the video:

As a rule, a tendon rupture does not require surgical correction. Although in isolated cases it is still indicated for patients with complicated forms of trauma, which are accompanied by intra-articular fractures.

Ligament tears heal on their own without suturing, but this period lasts several weeks.

Patients do not need hospitalization, with the exception of severe forms of pathology, when a person may need the supervision of medical personnel and the use of special medical manipulations.

Three bones - the tibia, the tibia, the talus of the foot - form the ankle joint. Its functionality is provided by the ligamentous apparatus - three groups of connective tissue cords that fix the bones together. Ligaments maintain the stability of the joint, somewhat limiting the mobility of its components. They also "control" rotation, abduction and adduction of the foot.

When the volume of movement of the foot exceeds the allowable value, the ankle ligaments can be torn. In the people, such an injury is called a sprain.

Ankle ligament sprain occurs when the permissible range of motion of the foot is exceeded

The ligaments along the outer ankle are most susceptible to it. Why does the ankle ligament sprain occur, how long does it take to heal, and what measures will accelerate recovery?

Victims of beauty and more

The leading cause of sprains doctors say is twisting of the leg, when the ankle moves sharply outward, and the heel is tucked inward. This situation is familiar to almost all lovers of high heels. If an unsuccessful "start" in heeled shoes is accompanied by a crunch or crackle, a complete rupture of the ligament or bone damage should be suspected.

Rolling your legs in high heels is one of the most common causes of stretching

Sometimes the tendon-ligamentous apparatus is weakened from birth, or there are congenital changes in the configuration of the foot - then the slightest traumatic effect is fraught with stretching of the ligaments.

And only in 6 out of 1000 patients, damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint occurs during sports battles. Most often, emergency care is required for skaters and skiers, who, with sudden braking at high speed, rotate the foot inward, followed by stretching of the ligaments.

Among other reasons for the "tear" of the ligamentous fiber - overweight, carrying heavy loads, excessive physical activity caused by professional necessity, as well as a number of diseases - flat feet, arthrosis and inflammation in the joint.

Ay, it hurts!

Depending on the extent of damage - complete or incomplete rupture - there are 3 degrees of sprain of the ankle ligaments, each of which is characterized by the following signs:

  • Degree 1- delamination of the fibers of the bundles. Swelling and tenderness in the ankle, slight. the victim limps;
  • When the ankle ligaments are stretched 2 degrees swelling of soft tissues is pronounced, the victim experiences severe pain, a hematoma forms in the joint area. Movement is difficult;
  • Ankle sprain symptoms 3 degreesindicate a complete rupture of the ligaments: the injury is accompanied by severe edema with extensive hematoma and hemarthrosis; local hypothermia or increased body temperature. The sharp pain makes it impossible to stand on the leg or take a step, but the foot is unnaturally mobile.

Ankle sprain

What to do if the ankle is stretched?

In case of significant injury - if the victim cannot lean on his leg - an ambulance should be called and first aid should be provided to the victim, which, when the ankle is stretched, consists in the maximum immobilization of the joint by applying a splint from "improvised" means.

For this purpose, a narrow board is used, which is bandaged, covering the lower leg, ankle and knee.

With a slight sprain of the ankle ligaments, an eight-shaped bandage is applied. It is fixed by making a loop at the level of the ankles, and gradually, in eight-shaped loops, they are lowered onto the foot.
Be sure to apply ice to the injured area and give the victim a drug for pain.
Sometimes a complete rupture requires a plaster cast.

How is ankle sprain treated?

Having received the qualified help of a traumatologist or surgeon, the victim continues the treatment of sprains of the ankle at home.

How to fix the foot

Within 7 days, the damaged ankle needs to be fixed and completely unloaded. Retainers - bandage or tape (elastic bandage held by a bandage) - should not be left on for more than 2-3 hours. They should not be too tight, otherwise the vessels adjacent to the injured tissues will be compressed and the cyanosis will increase.

Taping while stretching the ankle will help fix the foot

Taping the ankle joint when stretching the ligaments should be done correctly as follows:

  • The patient is laid; feet at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • The rise of the foot is lubricated with petroleum jelly and 2 shock-absorbing pads are applied to it, covering the entire damaged area;
  • 3-4 strips of tape are wrapped around the shin. The strips must be overlapped;
  • From 3 subsequent strips a "stirrup" is formed, overlapping the lower bandage;
  • Close the "stirrup", making 7-8 turns from top to bottom towards the foot. The strips are overlapped;
  • The foot is wrapped with 2-3 strips of tape and, fixing it on the instep, is taken across the foot to the sole and brought under the heel;
  • Draw the tape around the heel and fix it in the part of the ankle where the instep was started. The strip is cut off;
  • The heel is fixed by applying a new tape of tape across the foot and passing it through the sole;

A more affordable and versatile fixation device is an elastic bandage - indispensable in the case when the treatment of injury is accompanied by the imposition of a plaster cast.

How to apply an elastic bandage to the ankle:

  • Moving in a circle, form the beginning of the bandage slightly above the ankle;
  • Covering the heel with a bandage, grab the foot twice;
  • Next, the bandage is moved in a cruciform motion: from the foot to the lower leg and again to the foot;
  • Once again, returning to the shin several times, cover the ankle and fix the bandage.

You will learn how to apply a bandage correctly from the video:

In addition to the elastic bandage and tape for the ankle, when stretching the ligaments, special retainers are used - elastic medical, suspending the inflammatory process, or rigid, providing maximum immobilization in case of serious injury.

For basketball fans, special sneakers with a lock are also produced.

How to relieve swelling

A bruise and sprain of the ankle with a swelling "puts" the victim to bed for several days.
To reduce the swelling of the foot, it is recommended to lie with the legs raised up.

On the first day, ice compresses are applied to the injured area covered with gauze. Do them, keeping 15-20 minutes, then - half an hour break - and the sore spot is cooled again.

The next day, they switch to warming procedures. A hot heating pad, warm baths relax muscles, accelerate blood flow, and promote healing.
In the absence of bone damage, the swelling will disappear by the 3rd day, and the hematoma, even a large one, after 4 days.
If, after 14 days after the ankle sprain, the swelling still does not go away, you should pay a visit to the doctor, who will recommend detailing the consequences of the injury by means of an X-ray examination and MRI.

How to relieve pain

Anti-inflammatory therapy is a mandatory component of the treatment of ankle sprains.

On the first day, injections of ketanov, analgin, renalgan will ease severe soreness. On the second day, they are replaced with tablets.

From the third day, the treatment is made more intense, connecting ointments to it - when stretching the ankle ligaments, these are drugs that promote anesthesia - nicoflex, finalgon, as well as the outflow of blood and "resorption" of hematoma - troxevasin, dolobene, lyoton, indovazin.

Ointments will relieve pain and swelling

Is it possible to walk with a sprained ankle?
You can walk if it doesn't hurt. In the presence of pain, orthopedic surgeons and traumatologists do not recommend "loading" the ankle, or advise to move, leaning on crutches.

How to repair stretched ligaments?

Not a serious injury allows you to start rehabilitation from 3-4 days.

This early onset will prevent joint stiffness and muscle atrophy.

Exercise therapy

Simple gymnastics will speed up the recovery of the ankle ligaments after stretching:

  • Flexion-extension of the ankle is very effective, incl. with little burden; spinning them;
  • Gently move around the room, bending and unbending your fingers and turning them over;
  • Shift from heel to toes and back;
  • With your toes, hook on the leg of the chair, pull it towards you.

More exercises for stretching the ankle ligaments, you will learn from the video:


It starts with a favorable course from 2-3 days. When the ankle ligaments are stretched, massage begins with stroking and kneading the area just above the injury site. Then, covering the adjacent muscle tendons and trying to penetrate deep into the joint with your fingers, they stroke and rub the ankle itself.
The massage effect promotes the outflow of exudate and resorption of subcutaneous hemorrhages, accelerates the splicing of ligaments.

Physiotherapy treatment

It is prescribed to reduce pain, in combination with exercise therapy and massage. For sprains of the ankle joint, physiotherapy includes laser and paraffin treatment, diadynamic therapy and UHF. Magnetic therapy is also used to accelerate lymphatic drainage and increase vascular tone.

Read more about the methods of physiotherapy treatment in this article ...

Folk remedies for sprains of the ankle

With the permission of the doctor, it is useful to supplement the treatment of an ankle sprain with natural remedies at home.

The best of them - various lotions and compresses - will help to quickly cope with swelling when the ankle ligaments are stretched and ease painful sensations:

  • Soak a bandage or gauze in vodka, apply to the place of damage. Cover the top with cellophane wrap and cotton wool (you can use a woolen cloth). Leave on for 6-8 hours. Compresses are made from warm milk in the same way. On the second day, the edema subsides;
  • Pass 2 onion heads through a meat grinder, mix the gruel with 1 tbsp. salt. Put a layer of gauze on the ankle, on top - the mixture, and cover with gauze. You can mix onion gruel with a mixture of two grated potatoes, cabbage leaf and sugar;
  • It is possible to significantly relieve pain and inflammation with the help of a compress made of diluted up to 50% Dimexide: when stretching the ankle ligaments, it is placed for 15-20 days for an hour;
  • An excellent effect is obtained by a combination of 50 ml of a diluted drug with 30 ml of water and a 2% solution of novocaine with the addition of 1 ampoule of hydrocortisone solution. Withstand the compress for 40 minutes.

More recipes for folk remedies for the treatment of sprains, you will learn from the video:

Instead of a conclusion

The most unpleasant consequences of sprained ankle ligaments - if you do not pay attention to it, the joint may become "loose" and there is a high probability of its repeated injuries in the future.

Therefore, do not neglect the doctor's advice, and be healthy!

The ankle is stressed during movements of various nature and intensity: walking, running, jumping, descending and ascending stairs. Ankle ligament rupture occurs not only in athletes: there are many causes of dangerous tissue damage with painful symptoms.

How to prevent ankle sprains and ruptures? How to provide first aid? The recommendations of orthopedists and traumatologists will be useful to people of different ages and professions.

  • Causes of ligament damage
  • Symptoms
  • Medications
  • Physiotherapy
  • How long does the injury heal
  • Preventive recommendations

Causes of ligament damage

The defeat of the ligaments often occurs against the background of the action of two opposite factors:

  • active sports;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

In the first case, the articular-ligamentous apparatus constantly experiences high loads during prolonged high-intensity training. Unsuccessful jumps, falls provoke problems with ligaments. Injuries of this kind often haunt football players, skiers, track and field athletes, and skaters.

In the second case, lack of movement reduces elasticity, accelerates muscle and ligament atrophy. Without sufficient load, the connective tissue becomes thinner, becomes loose, and cannot withstand even minimal loads. Ligaments can be torn even by twisting your leg.

Another common situation: damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint when walking in high heels. Body weight above normal increases the severity of the lesion. If the foot is tucked inward, all the weight is transferred to a small area; with low tissue elasticity, stretching and tearing of the ligaments often occurs.

One of the reasons is a strong blow, causing injury to the ankle. One of the unpleasant consequences: weak ligaments are often torn.

Provoking factors:

  • professional sports;
  • overweight;
  • uncomfortable shoes, high heels;
  • deformity of the foot: flat feet, clubfoot;
  • ankle injury;
  • weak elasticity of the ligaments due to metabolic disorders or low motor activity;
  • degenerative-dystrophic changes in the parts of the musculoskeletal system in the elderly.

Read helpful information about early signs, symptoms, and treatment of patellar chondromalacia.

How is carpal tunnel syndrome treated? Effective therapy options are collected in this article.


A ruptured ankle ligament has more striking symptoms than a sprain. The patient suffers from acute pain in the affected area, it is impossible to stand on the problem leg, it is difficult to move without support.

There are other signs:

  • swelling of the affected area;
  • internal hemorrhage;
  • ankle hot to the touch;
  • redness of the skin over the problem area.

The severity of symptoms depends on the degree of damage to the ligamentous apparatus:

  • first. Sprains, tears of tissues in a small area. Slight swelling, limb mobility is preserved, pain syndrome is rather weak;
  • second. The tear affects most of the fibers in the ankle area. A sharp pain is felt, it is difficult to move, swelling is noted in the upper part of the foot and lower leg. Hematoma often appears;
  • third. The ligaments are completely torn, the pain is excruciating, sharp, internal hemorrhage occurs, the edema is significant, independent movement is impossible, treatment in a hospital is required.

First aid rules

Ankle injury often catches a person by surprise. The victim and bystanders of the injury often do not know what to do. Untimely or inappropriate help intensifies negative symptoms, the patient experiences severe pain.

First aid: five important rules:

  • limitation of mobility. Fix the ankle with an elastic bandage, a piece of fabric, a scarf, any means at hand. It is important to bandage the problem area with a "figure eight" in order to fix the ankle well. Do not squeeze too much tissue;
  • cold to the affected area. A carton of milk, cold water, ice in a cloth bag, packaging of frozen vegetables will do;
  • the sore leg needs to be slightly raised: this will reduce blood flow to the affected area;
  • taking an anesthetic drug. Any analgesics that the victim or others have will do, even Analgin;
  • contacting an emergency room or trauma department hospitals. The sooner the patient gets to see the doctor, the less chances for complications to develop.

Methods and rules for further treatment

After examining the ankle, X-ray, MRI, the traumatologist determines the degree of damage to the ligamentous apparatus. Therapy is carried out in several directions: elimination of negative symptoms, prevention of complications, restoration of the integrity of the ligamentous apparatus. After the fracture zone heals, the functionality of the ankle is restored, gait is normalized.

With active hemorrhage, severe swelling, the removal of excess blood from the problem area is required. The traumatologist performs a puncture of the ankle joint. For anesthesia, a solution of Novocaine is used. In severe cases, the help of a surgeon is required.

Restricted ankle mobility

Correct fixation of the affected area is a prerequisite for a speedy recovery. Lack of mobility in the initial period of treatment, optimal pressure on the ankle is necessary for proper tissue fusion.

The type of pressure bandage depends on the degree of damage:

  • first degree - standard 8-shaped elastic bandage;
  • second degree with ligament tear - plaster splint. Wearing period - up to ten days;
  • third degree - circular plaster cast. The duration of use is from 14 to 21 days.


Therapy objectives:

  • stop pain;
  • reduce swelling;
  • improve blood circulation in the affected area;
  • reduce the degree of the inflammatory process;
  • accelerate the healing of ligaments and soft tissues.

To treat a ruptured ankle ligament, a complex effect is required:

  • potent non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds (NSAIDs): Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Nimesil, Nise;
  • analgesic formulations: Analgin, Solpadein, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, with the severity of the case - Ketanov (no more than five days);
  • injections of Hydrocortisone and Novocaine in the ankle area with severe pain;
  • ointments and angioprotective gels. The drugs activate blood circulation, accelerate the resorption of hematomas, and reduce the swelling of the problem area. Effective means have a positive effect on soft tissues: Lyoton, Troxerutin, Troxevasin, Heparin Ointment, Horse Chestnut Gel, Venoruton;
  • warming ointments are allowed from the third day, the first 2 days - only cold. Effective formulations for topical application: Finalgon, Kapsikam, Viprosal, Apizartron;
  • ointments, gels with anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect: Deep Relief, Diklak-gel, Voltaren-emulgel, Dick Hit, Aescin-gel.

Important! Treatment with ointments of a swollen, inflamed ankle is allowed only with the integrity of the skin. There is a minimum list of local products that are allowed to be applied to damaged areas. One of the preparations is the popular Salvator balm for wound healing (green and white stripes are applied to the tube). But this remedy is less effective in stretching and tearing ligaments than angioprotectors, NSAID ointments or warming compounds.


The procedures accelerate the healing of the problem area, reduce swelling, relieve inflammation, and reduce pain. Physiotherapy begins on the second day after the injury.

Effective treatments:

  • medical baths with medicinal injuries, saline, pine extract;
  • warming up UHF;
  • applications with ozokerite and paraffin;
  • electrophoresis with hydrocortisone;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • massotherapy.

Special gymnastics is permitted after removing the fixation bandage. Dosed load prevents muscle atrophy and improves blood circulation.

How long does the injury heal

Every person who is faced with an ankle injury dreams of restoring the condition of the problem area as soon as possible. Many patients are irritated by limited mobility, elastic bandage, analgesics, physiotherapy, the need for exercise in the exercise therapy room. But it is impossible to rush to the end of treatment - an early load on the affected ligaments delays the moment of recovery, provokes complications.

Find out useful information about the common symptoms and treatment of knee arthritis.

Effective treatments for hand sprains are collected in this article.

Go to the address and read about what tenosynovitis is and how to treat the disease.

The recovery time depends on the severity of the case:

  • first degree - full recovery of mobility takes 10 to 15 days. The ligamentous apparatus completely returns to normal, a person can go about their usual activities. A prerequisite is the limitation of loads on the lower limbs;
  • second degree. The therapy takes about three weeks. After rehabilitation, you cannot immediately start active training, it is important to gradually enter the usual rhythm;
  • third degree. The treatment is longer, taking 30–45 days. After a course of therapy, a two-month rehabilitation is required.

With a severe degree of damage to the ligamentous apparatus, the patient must wear a fixing bandage for two months. This measure will prevent repeated rupture of the ligaments, reduce the load during the rehabilitation period.

Reduce the risk of ankle injury by simple measures:

  • reasonable loads on the lower limbs;
  • physical activity to maintain the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • wearing comfortable shoes with a heel height of no more than 6–7 cm;
  • regular exercise for the ankle;
  • control of body weight;
  • minimizing the risk of sports injuries;
  • treatment of diseases that worsen the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

Ligament injury provokes negative symptoms and limits the patient's mobility. Competent first aid, timely therapy prevents complications after varying degrees of damage to the ankle ligaments.

The following video shows simple exercises for restoring an ankle after a fracture or ligament rupture:

Attention! Only today!

The ankle is stressed during movements of various nature and intensity: walking, running, jumping, descending and ascending stairs. Ankle ligament rupture occurs not only in athletes: there are many causes of dangerous tissue damage with painful symptoms.

How to prevent ankle sprains and ruptures? How to provide first aid? The recommendations of orthopedists and traumatologists will be useful to people of different ages and professions.

Causes of ligament damage

The defeat of the ligaments often occurs against the background of the action of two opposite factors:

  • active sports;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

In the first case, the articular-ligamentous apparatus constantly experiences high loads during prolonged high-intensity training. Unsuccessful jumps, falls provoke problems with ligaments. Injuries of this kind often haunt football players, skiers, track and field athletes, and skaters.

In the second case, lack of movement reduces elasticity, accelerates muscle and ligament atrophy. Without sufficient load, the connective tissue becomes thinner, becomes loose, and cannot withstand even minimal loads. Ligaments can be torn even by twisting your leg.

Another common situation: damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint when walking in high heels. Body weight above normal increases the severity of the lesion. If the foot is tucked inward, all the weight is transferred to a small area; with low tissue elasticity, stretching and tearing of the ligaments often occurs.

One of the reasons is a strong blow, causing injury to the ankle. One of the unpleasant consequences: weak ligaments are often torn.

Provoking factors:

  • professional sports;
  • overweight;
  • uncomfortable shoes, high heels;
  • deformity of the foot: flat feet, clubfoot;
  • ankle injury;
  • weak elasticity of the ligaments due to metabolic disorders or low motor activity;
  • degenerative-dystrophic changes in the parts of the musculoskeletal system in the elderly.


A ruptured ankle ligament has more striking symptoms than a sprain. The patient suffers from acute pain in the affected area, it is impossible to stand on the problem leg, it is difficult to move without support.

There are other signs:

  • swelling of the affected area;
  • internal hemorrhage;
  • ankle hot to the touch;
  • redness of the skin over the problem area.

The severity of symptoms depends on the degree of damage to the ligamentous apparatus:

  • first. Sprains, tears of tissues in a small area. Slight swelling, limb mobility is preserved, pain syndrome is rather weak;
  • second. The tear affects most of the fibers in the ankle area. A sharp pain is felt, it is difficult to move, swelling is noted in the upper part of the foot and lower leg. Hematoma often appears;
  • third. The ligaments are completely torn, the pain is excruciating, sharp, internal hemorrhage occurs, the edema is significant, independent movement is impossible, treatment in a hospital is required.

First aid rules

Ankle injury often catches a person by surprise. The victim and bystanders of the injury often do not know what to do. Untimely or inappropriate help intensifies negative symptoms, the patient experiences severe pain.

First aid: five important rules:

  • limitation of mobility. Fix the ankle with an elastic bandage, a piece of fabric, a scarf, any means at hand. It is important to bandage the problem area with a "figure eight" in order to fix the ankle well. Do not squeeze too much tissue;
  • cold to the affected area. A carton of milk, cold water, ice in a cloth bag, packaging of frozen vegetables will do;
  • the sore leg needs to be slightly raised: this will reduce blood flow to the affected area;
  • taking an anesthetic drug. Any analgesics that the victim or others have will do, even Analgin;
  • contacting an emergency room or trauma department hospitals. The sooner the patient gets to see the doctor, the less chances for complications to develop.

Methods and rules for further treatment

After examining the ankle, X-ray, MRI, the traumatologist determines the degree of damage to the ligamentous apparatus. Therapy is carried out in several directions: elimination of negative symptoms, prevention of complications, restoration of the integrity of the ligamentous apparatus. After the fracture zone heals, the functionality of the ankle is restored, gait is normalized.

With active hemorrhage, severe swelling, the removal of excess blood from the problem area is required. The traumatologist performs a puncture of the ankle joint. For anesthesia, a solution of Novocaine is used. In severe cases, the help of a surgeon is required.

Restricted ankle mobility

Correct fixation of the affected area is a prerequisite for a speedy recovery. Lack of mobility in the initial period of treatment, optimal pressure on the ankle is necessary for proper tissue fusion.

The type of pressure bandage depends on the degree of damage:

  • first degree - standard 8-shaped elastic bandage;
  • second degree with ligament tear - plaster splint. Wearing period - up to ten days;
  • third degree - circular plaster cast. The duration of use is from 14 to 21 days.


Therapy objectives:

  • stop pain;
  • reduce swelling;
  • improve blood circulation in the affected area;
  • reduce the degree of the inflammatory process;
  • accelerate the healing of ligaments and soft tissues.

To treat a ruptured ankle ligament, a complex effect is required:

  • potent (NSAIDs): Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Nimesil, Nise;
  • analgesic formulations: Analgin, Solpadein, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, with the severity of the case - Ketanov (no more than five days);
  • injections of Hydrocortisone and Novocaine in the ankle area with severe pain;
  • ointments and angioprotective gels. The drugs activate blood circulation, accelerate the resorption of hematomas, and reduce the swelling of the problem area. Effective means have a positive effect on soft tissues: Lyoton, Troxerutin, Troxevasin, Heparin Ointment, Horse Chestnut Gel, Venoruton;
  • warming ointments are allowed from the third day, the first 2 days - only cold. Effective formulations for topical application: Capsicam, Viprosal, Apizartron;
  • ointments, gels with anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect: Deep Relief, Diklak-gel, Voltaren-emulgel, Dick Hit, Aescin-gel.

Important! Treatment with ointments of a swollen, inflamed ankle is allowed only with the integrity of the skin. There is a minimum list of local products that are allowed to be applied to damaged areas. One of the preparations is the popular Salvator balm for wound healing (green and white stripes are applied to the tube). But this remedy is less effective in stretching and tearing ligaments than angioprotectors, NSAID ointments or warming compounds.


The procedures accelerate the healing of the problem area, reduce swelling, relieve inflammation, and reduce pain. Physiotherapy begins on the second day after the injury.

Effective treatments:

  • medical baths with medicinal injuries, saline, pine extract;
  • warming up UHF;
  • applications with ozokerite and paraffin;
  • electrophoresis with hydrocortisone;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • massotherapy.

Special gymnastics is permitted after removing the fixation bandage. Dosed load prevents muscle atrophy and improves blood circulation.

How long does the injury heal

Every person who is faced with an ankle injury dreams of restoring the condition of the problem area as soon as possible. Many patients are irritated by limited mobility, elastic bandage, analgesics, physiotherapy, the need for exercise in the exercise therapy room. But it is impossible to rush to the end of treatment - an early load on the affected ligaments delays the moment of recovery, provokes complications.

Go to the address and read about what tenosynovitis is and how to treat the disease.

The recovery time depends on the severity of the case:

  • first degree - full recovery of mobility takes 10 to 15 days. The ligamentous apparatus completely returns to normal, a person can go about their usual activities. A prerequisite is the limitation of loads on the lower limbs;
  • second degree. The therapy takes about three weeks. After rehabilitation, you cannot immediately start active training, it is important to gradually enter the usual rhythm;
  • third degree. The treatment is longer, taking 30–45 days. After a course of therapy, a two-month rehabilitation is required.

With a severe degree of damage to the ligamentous apparatus, the patient must wear a fixing bandage for two months. This measure will prevent repeated rupture of the ligaments, reduce the load during the rehabilitation period.

Reduce the risk of ankle injury by simple measures:

  • reasonable loads on the lower limbs;
  • physical activity to maintain the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • wearing comfortable shoes with a heel height of no more than 6–7 cm;
  • regular exercise for the ankle;
  • control of body weight;
  • minimizing the risk of sports injuries;
  • treatment of diseases that worsen the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

Ligament injury provokes negative symptoms and limits the patient's mobility. Competent first aid, timely therapy prevents complications after varying degrees of damage to the ankle ligaments.

The following video shows simple exercises for restoring an ankle after a fracture or ligament rupture:

A large percentage of injuries to the musculoskeletal system occur in the ankle joints. Physical inactivity (a sedentary lifestyle) contributes to the weakening of the ligaments and muscles, which in most cases leads to their damage during exertion. The consequences of this are quite dangerous, ranging from partial incapacity for work to complete disability.

Ankle injuries

Damage to the ligaments and muscles of the foot occurs during twisting and sharp support on the foot. Often this is facilitated by jumping without special shoes with an unsuccessful landing on a hard or soft surface.

In addition, chronic diseases of the tendons or ligaments are the cause of injuries, which inevitably leads to their weakening and disruption of proper functioning.

In such cases, it is enough for a person to get even a minor injury to seriously damage the ankle.

The most serious diagnoses for injuries:

  • sprain;
  • ligament rupture;
  • dislocation of the joint.

Despite the seeming harmlessness, in many cases they require long-term treatment, accompanied by painful sensations.


This diagnosis is facilitated by the strong tension of the layers of connective tissue, due to which, in the event of an injury, the ligaments of the foot are torn in a weaker area. The various symptoms of a sprain depend on the severity of the injury. They are:

  • Mild, with no or mild edema.
  • Moderately, with tearing of the fibers that make up the ligaments. In this case, there is a sharp and aching pain with edema and hematoma in the foot area.
  • Severe degree. It is determined by the appearance of severe pain, leading in some situations to loss of consciousness.

Very often there is a combined injury that combines several types of injuries.

Ligament rupture

It is characterized by partial or complete rupture of the outer group of tendons and ligaments. There are 2 degrees of injury:

  • 1 degree - incomplete separation or rupture of the structure of the ligaments of the foot;
  • Grade 2 - rupture of most of the fibers with a reduction in the functional abilities of the ankle joint.

Symptoms are also determined by the extent of the injury. As a rule, these are painful sensations during walking and on palpation, edema on the foot and ankle, hematomas with varying intensity of bruising.

Joint dislocation

One of the most common injuries, the result of which is the displacement of the articular surface of the bones relative to each other, accompanied by rupture of ligaments and tendons. Symptoms are classified into 3 different degrees of severity:

  • Slight swelling with pain on walking and palpation with minimal deformity.
  • Edema of the entire plane of the outer side of the ankle, accompanied by severe pain and problems when walking, the joint is visually deformed.
  • Internal hemorrhage of the entire foot, including the sole of the foot, accompanied by acute pain. The joint is sharply swollen and deformed. Movement is impossible.

The type of injury received and the correct treatment can be determined only after taking an X-ray.

Rehabilitation of ligament injuries

Ankle injuries primarily require emergency medical intervention. There are certain rules, observing which any person nearby, and often the victim himself, will be able to provide first aid. They consist of the following steps:

  • Ensuring rest of the injured limb with its location on an elevation in order to avoid severe edema.
  • Applying a bandage using an elastic bandage.
  • Applying ice or applying a freezing spray to the ankle area.
  • Taking pain relievers (ibuprofen, aspirin, diclofenac).

How quickly and correctly such actions are performed, in many respects depends how much sprain heals.

If the pain does not subside, and the swelling remains, it is better to consult a doctor, as the consequences can be unpredictable. It should be understood that if the ligaments are damaged, the duration of treatment depends on the nature and causes of the injury.

Deep and large tears take much longer to recover than mild stretches. This is explained by the fact that the regeneration of connective tissue occurs rather slowly, therefore, the treatment is greatly delayed.

Severe lacerations and sprains of the ankle suggest no stress on the affected leg with proper care. The attending physician will also prescribe you a complex medication treatment. After its completion, complete rehabilitation follows.

It is possible to fully restore the function of the ligaments of the foot using an integrated approach, which includes the following types of prevention:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • exercise therapy exercises.

Consequences of dislocation

In terms of its severity, consequences and methods, the elimination of the displacement of the ankle joint requires special attention. It often happens that such an injury is the result of complete separation of the ligament and ankle fracture. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, otherwise untimely and independent treatment can lead to improper fusion of the ligaments and deformation of the foot.

As a result, the possibility of the following unpleasant consequences is not excluded:

  • Contracture and joint deformity.
  • Progressive development of arthritis and arthrosis.
  • Recurrent ankle injuries.
  • Rough scar formation.
  • Inflammatory processes of the soft tissues around the ankle.
  • The formation and growth of bone growths.
  • Hemorrhages in the foot tissue of chronic etiology.
  • Complete or partial atrophy of muscle tissue.

If you receive a dislocation of the ankle, you need to urgently consult a doctor who will take an X-ray and determine the severity of the injury. If a fracture occurs, then a plaster cast should be applied. In case of damage without serious consequences, reduction of the joint is necessary. After bandaging with an elastic bandage, the specialist will offer treatment with tablets, special ointments and compresses.


After the swelling has subsided and the pain in the leg subsides (about 7-10 days after the dislocation), you can slowly start special exercises aimed at restoring the correct functioning of the ankle joint and developing movements in the joint.

Self-training should be carried out on a flat and non-slip path. It is important that the stride is short and the pace is slow. At the same time, we roll from heel to toe, avoiding turning the foot outward. Classes stop as fatigue appears. Over time, the duration of the walk increases, reaching the transition to light running.

Nowadays, many polyclinics practice the use of various courses of rehabilitation therapy (for example, mechanotherapy), the passage of which patients give excellent results.

Recovery time

The approximate recovery time after dislocation of varying degrees is divided in time into several periods:

  • easy - 14 days;
  • medium - 30 days;
  • severe - 60-180 days.

After these periods have passed, you should not abruptly start intense physical and sports activities. It is necessary to enter into the usual rhythm of life gradually, without giving the leg an intense load.

Do not neglect the help of doctors in cases of sprains, ruptures or dislocations of the ankle ligaments. This can lead to irreversible consequences, in which only surgery can help or, even worse, you can remain completely disabled.

Every 8 people complain of heel pain in the morning or after rest, most often women. They cannot get out of bed and immediately begin to actively move, they have to walk slowly until the pain passes. To avoid serious consequences, do not attribute the painful sensations in the heels to simple fatigue of the legs. It is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance and eliminate it, because a progressive disease can end in complete disability.

Main reasons

Of the 26 bones of the foot, the calcaneus is the largest and most loaded, it experiences the pressure of the entire body weight. Many blood vessels and nerve fibers pass through it. Pain can occur both in a limited area and cover the entire foot, be general and diffuse. The main reasons for its appearance are associated with overstrain of the foot, when too much pressure is applied to its middle, which can cause the following:

  • long walking, running or standing for a long time;
  • excess weight;
  • dancing or athletics;
  • enhanced training on leg muscle simulators;
  • uncomfortable shoes that taper down or don't provide adequate cushioning.

In older people, pain can appear due to the thinning of the fat pad on the heel or with the development of flat feet, when the arch of the foot drops, and the tissues connecting it to the heel stretch and microcracks appear in them. Such problems most often arise in those who have a high arch of the foot from birth.

In children, the heels can hurt when there is a lack of calcium and magnesium in the body.

Possible diseases

The main cause of pain in diseases of the musculoskeletal system is inflammatory syndrome. It hurts to step on the heels in the morning after sleep, most often due to inflammation of the fascia of the rigid connective tissue that runs along the foot and connects the heel bone with other bones.

This pathology is called plantar (or plantar) fasciitis. It is difficult for the patient not only to take the first steps in the morning, but also to walk after a long sitting, climb stairs. The pain is localized in the area 3-4 cm from the front of the heel, this place is soft to the touch.

During the night, during sleep and rest, the fascia is shortened due to the accretion of damaged areas, but at the first steps, the tissues begin to stretch and break again until the fascia lengthens. This causes pain that can be mild and subside after a minute of walking, or sharp and exhausting when the heel cannot be stepped on. Most often, the pain subsides during the day, and in the morning it repeats.

If fasciitis is left untreated, constant tears of the bone tissue are allowed, they grow and form heel spurs or osteophyte bone. The growth on the heel is in the form of a thorn or hook 0.5–1 cm in size, which constantly presses on the soft fibers, causing their inflammation, coarsening of the skin and sharp sharp pain, the peak of which occurs in the morning when you have to get out of bed after rest. Heels on both limbs can hurt.

The same symptoms are typical for the initial stage of the following diseases:

  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • gout;
  • spine (lumbar) injuries;
  • inflammatory process in the Achilles tendon;
  • reactive arthritis.

Treatment methods

Treatment of all of these conditions is prescribed by a doctor. With fasciitis, conservative therapy can last 6-12 months. The patient is treated at home. To recover, you need to do the following:

  1. Exercise regularly to stretch the Achilles tendon, several times a day.
  2. Wear a splint on the foot at night to prevent the contraction of the fascia. In severe cases, a cast is applied to the shins or an orthosis is put on.
  3. Use a heel pad while walking to relieve stress on the heels.

To alleviate the condition, pain relievers with anti-inflammatory effects are used, for example, Advil or Ibuprofen. If the pain persists, steroid injections are given, but these injections have many side effects, can lead to rupture of the plantar fascia and unrecoverable flat feet.

If there is a direct threat of ligament rupture in case of irreversible dystrophic changes in the tissues of the ankle, the patient is offered fasciotomy - removal of a part of the altered fascia tissue so that it does not pull the bone when walking, and the bone outgrowth itself. The operation can cause complications, including injury or rupture of adjacent nerves, so it is prescribed in extreme cases.

Surgery is increasingly receding into the background; treatment of heels is carried out by hardware methods. A special place among them is occupied by extracorporeal shock wave therapy (SWT), which acts directly on bone and cartilage tissue, calcium deposits. Shock waves penetrate deep into the fibers of the heel and activate the processes of cell regeneration and renewal, improve metabolism.

After 5–7 procedures, bone growths on the heels disintegrate, microvessels begin to grow in the treated area, tissues receive nutrition, inflammation and edema subside. For some patients, the sessions are too painful, therefore, before starting treatment, you should discuss with your doctor all the potential benefits and risks. Simultaneously with the UHT, a specialist can prescribe the following physiotherapeutic agents:

  1. Ultrasonic phonophoresis. A medicine is applied to the painful area of \u200b\u200bthe heel, and then it is exposed to an ultrasonic emitter for 2-5 minutes. The treatment does not correct the bone build-up.
  2. Laser (quantum) therapy. The beam penetrates deep into the heel tissue, cells are activated, blood flow improves, spurs dissolve, and pain is eliminated. During the procedure, the patient feels only pleasant warmth. The laser is used in courses.
  3. Magnetotherapy. Exposure to constant and alternating low frequency magnetic fields improves the nutrition of the heel tissues. The method is most suitable for elderly and debilitated people with an initial stage of fasciitis or for its prevention.


The use of non-traditional means must be agreed with the attending physician. Traditional methods help relieve inflammation and pain in the heel in the morning in the following ways:

  1. Compresses. They are put on the heel at night and wrapped around the leg. They use cabbage leaves with honey, warm clay, grated raw potatoes or bischofite diluted in water (1: 1). The number of procedures is 10-14.
  2. Foot baths. With Epsom salt or added oils such as eucalyptus, rosemary and juniper to promote relaxation. The procedure lasts 15020 minutes.
  3. Contrasting baths.
  4. Massage. You can do it yourself by rubbing anti-inflammatory ointment into your feet in a circular motion. Then they put on warm socks. The procedure will be most beneficial before bedtime.
  5. Kneading the heels with a rolling pin, door sill, or other object.

It is not recommended to knock on the sore spot, as this further injures the soft tissues. Do not recklessly use products that can harm your legs, for example, vinegar essence, since it can burn the skin.

It is useful to wear special orthopedic insoles. The best ones are those that are made individually from a cast. The pad should adhere to the foot over the entire area - only then will it restore the height of the arch.

Elderly people often refuse to heal the heels, considering pain in them a natural companion of age. If nothing is done, in 6–10 months it can go away on its own, but then it will return. It is imperative to treat fasciitis using several methods at the same time.


First of all, you need to get rid of the reasons leading to foot overload: lose weight, choose comfortable shoes with heels no higher than 3-4 cm, and those who have to be on their feet all day are advised to visit the pool.

A simple preventive measure for heel pain is a massage mat. Its rubber spikes of different heights act on the foot so that its muscles contract and at the same time the entire ankle joint is strengthened, trains tendons and improves blood circulation. The thorns massage biologically active points on the foot, thereby increasing the tone of the whole organism.

To stretch the muscles of the feet, it is useful to do the following exercises:

  1. Sitting on a chair, bend and unbend your feet for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Pick up scattered small objects with your toes and put them in a box.
  3. In a sitting or standing position, with your hands or with a tape, pull your foot towards you to maximum flexion and hold in this position for 15 seconds.
  4. Walk on toes and on the inner and outer edges of the foot for 5-20 minutes a day.
  5. Rotate the feet 10 times in each direction.

Before doing the exercises, do a warm-up, stretching and warming up the area of \u200b\u200bthe calf muscles. Remedial gymnastics does not take a lot of time and effort and can help relieve heel pain when done regularly.

Performing some kind of work, you cannot stay in one position for a long time, since this can also provoke discomfort in the joints of the legs. Treatment of heels with increased loads is slow, so you should reduce activity. However, it is important not to abandon it altogether.

For those who are involved in jogging, experts recommend changing sports shoes after 600-800 km of run, and during training, in order to prevent relapse, do not step on uneven surfaces. If the shoes have hard heels, for better fixation, silicone liners are placed under the heels, increasing the comfort when walking.


So that your legs do not fail to a ripe old age, you need to take care of them. And if there is a pain in the heel in the morning, do not hope that it will go away on its own - seek qualified help.

As a result of self-treatment of fasciitis, the patient can get the following complications:

  • increased pain in the heels during the first steps after sleep;
  • swelling of the ankle;
  • arthritis or arthrosis of the thumb joint.

The first results of treatment are noticeable in a month. But if your health has not improved after 1.5 months of therapy, the doctor will select other methods. For success, you need to start the course as early as possible, follow the recommendations and be patient.

How long does a rupture and sprain of the ankle joint heal?

Despite its small size, the ankle takes full body weight when walking. By nature, it is sufficiently protected by the ligaments that connect the joints, but no one is immune from tear or rupture of the ankle ligaments.

Joint injury can occur for a variety of reasons. Depending on the severity of the damage to the ligaments, a person completely drops out of his usual life for a certain period, since the ankle ceases to be functional.

  • Causes of ankle sprain
  • How long does an ankle sprain heal?
  • First aid
  • Drug treatment
  • Conclusion

Most believe that such injuries are characteristic of people involved in an extremely narrow sports orientation: football, parkour or, for example, dancing. However, according to medical statistics, this can happen to absolutely anyone. Ankle ligament rupture is a fairly common everyday injury.

Causes of ankle sprain

Excluding the most dangerous sports, in everyday life, sprain injuries in the lower extremities occur under the following circumstances:

  • the fall;
  • a sharp change in the position of the foot when moving (walking, running)
  • ankle dislocations when wearing unsuitable shoes on an uneven or slippery surface (high-heeled shoes for women, various types of sports shoes that are not fixed on the ankle joint);
  • blow or bruise traumatic and leading to an unusual position of the foot.

There are a number of factors that increase your risk of a sprained ankle:

  • inherited weak ligaments at birth, increasing the likelihood of such injuries throughout life;
  • regular small sprains, due to which a more serious rupture can occur;
  • great physical and sports loads on the ankle;
  • congenital high arch of the foot or abnormal development in the initial period of the formation of the body;
  • other various pathologies.

How long does an ankle sprain heal?

Only when the moment of injury comes, a person understands how important the function of the legs is in everyday and habitual life. The question immediately arises: how long does an ankle sprain heal?

The duration of recovery depends on the complexity of stretching the ligaments themselves and the natural regeneration of tissues, while the joint cannot be moved, and it is strictly forbidden to step on the sore leg.

There are three levels of damage: light, medium, and severe.

The first degree is a small micro-stretching of several fibers of the ligaments, as a rule, it proceeds without edema of the limb, a slight swelling forms at the site of injury, and mild pain is present. This stretch is treated at home. It is healed within 10-15 days.

Medium is a more complex ankle injury. With the second degree of stretching, a person cannot stand, a partial rupture of tissues occurs, as a result of which edema occurs with a pronounced hematoma. With any movement of the foot, a sharp sharp pain occurs. Even in a calm state, the patient feels aching painful sensations. The minimum duration of treatment is three weeks. For the entire time period, the leg must be completely immobilized.

The degree of complex is a serious injury to the ankle, accompanied by a complete rupture of the ligaments or dislocation of the joint. The injured limb has a pronounced hematoma and burgundy edema. Severe pain, the absolute inability to step on the limbs, sometimes to the point of loss of consciousness, characterizes the third, most dangerous degree of damage to the ankle joint. Hospitalization is indispensable here, sometimes surgery is used to restore the integrity of the ligament fibers. The duration of the therapy period is at least four weeks to one and a half months. The rehabilitation period, depending on the degree of difficulty, can last for three to six months.

The speed of recovery is greatly influenced by the provision of first aid, correct diagnosis and therapy, compliance with all doctor's prescriptions.

First aid

First of all, when the ankle joint is stretched, it is necessary to consult a traumatologist to confirm the exact diagnosis and analyze the severity of the injury. Only a doctor can diagnose the degree of limb injury.

With the help of X-ray, it is necessary to exclude the presence of closed fractures, dislocations and the formation of punctures on the bone.

An X-ray cannot show the presence of a sprain or rupture of ligaments, such a pathology can only be diagnosed by a traumatologist, based on the appearance of the limb and the pain indications of the injured person himself. X-rays only exclude the possibility of dislocations and / or fractures.

In the absence of an opportunity to get to the nearest hospital or emergency room, first of all, it is necessary to immobilize the diseased limb, that is, completely immobilize it, so as not to damage the ligaments even more.

You should also take off your shoes, in the future, the edema may increase, which will bring an additional number of concerns for the injured joint.

A tissue folded into several layers should be placed under the diseased limb, the joint should be above the level of the heart, to ensure the outflow of blood and reduce swelling.

It is important to apply ice to the injured ankle as quickly as possible for thirty minutes, and for the first 48–72 hours, continue to apply cold at intervals of 30/30 minutes. When cooled, the blood vessels constrict, and this eliminates pain and swelling. However, the skin should not come into direct contact with ice; it is better to put it in a plastic bag and wrap it with one layer of fabric. It is also impossible to abuse hypothermia, chilled ligaments will not contribute to a speedy recovery.

During first aid, the next necessary step is to apply a tight elastic bandage on the damaged ligaments, not overtightening, but tightly fixing the foot. It is important to properly bandage the injured limb and leave it motionless.

Never take a hot bath or sauna for two to three weeks after injury. Heat will negatively affect damaged ligaments and increase inflammation.

Drug treatment

With such a pathology, it is impossible to do without a traumatologist and an X-ray. Some fixing bandages and cooling compresses too. There are a number of medications of the NSAID group (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and various analgesics, with the help of which they relieve pain and relieve inflammation. They are used in the form of tablets, ointments and injections.

The first degree of stretching of the ankle joint - cooling is applied only on the first day.

It is important to relieve pain syndrome, especially pronounced in the patient. In drug treatment, a number of drugs are prescribed, such as Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Nimesil, Ortofen, Tempalgin, etc.

A number of these medicines have a number of contraindications. Use as directed by your doctor.

On the second third day, they begin to apply warming, anti-inflammatory ointments, such as Apizartron, Kapsikan, etc. The warming effect promotes improved blood circulation and accelerates fiber regeneration.

To relieve puffiness, ointments are used:

  • Troxevasin,
  • Venitan and others.

Ointments for the treatment of sprains without personal allergic intolerance do not negatively affect the body. Their therapeutic effect is local.

The fixation bandage is worn from three days to a week. After removing the elastic bandage, the minimum load on the ankle is gradually added with the use of therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics. Subsequently, try to minimize a certain time of load on the injured leg.

The second degree of rupture of the ankle ligaments - in addition to drug treatment, a plaster cast is installed for a period of 10-15 days. At first, it is important to place your foot on a hill as often as possible for the outflow of blood. On the second and fourth day, dry heat is applied to the site of local pain. You will have to move on crutches, with a point of support on a healthy leg.

After removing the splint, a number of physiotherapy procedures (electrophoresis, paraffin, magnet, UHF), exercise therapy, massage and health-improving gymnastics are prescribed, with the introduction of a gradual, minimal load on the sore leg.

Massage should be carried out with such damage by a specialized masseur, otherwise, re-injury to the fibers is possible.

The third degree is the most difficult, so the treatment of this stage is the longest.

To fix the leg, a plaster cast is used for a minimum period of four weeks to one and a half months. It is recommended to spend the initial period in a hospital.

Pain relievers are prescribed by a doctor depending on the nature of the pain. These can be strong pain relievers, in some cases, injections are prescribed.

Important! When restoring damaged fibers with any sprain, it is necessary to provide the joint ligaments with absolute rest during the treatment period. Add loads during the rehabilitation period after a course of drug treatment with great care. The absence of pain does not mean complete recovery!


Unfortunately, there is no prevention of the disease as such. To minimize the risk of ankle sprain, the ligaments should be properly and well warmed up with specific and correct exercises before various sports. Choose comfortable orthopedic shoes prescribed by an orthopedist.

If an injury has occurred and the correct, full course of treatment is carried out together with rehabilitation, it should be remembered that heavy loads for the articular ligaments are contraindicated for a very long time.

Recall that the ligaments on the leg contain a lot of different nerve endings that react to absolutely any injury with pain syndrome. When the ankle ligaments are stretched in the local area, severe pain is noted, the joint itself and adjacent tissues swell, and a bruise appears over the ligaments after a short period of time.

It is noteworthy that with the help of an X-ray study, it is essentially impossible to establish exactly whether you have a given traumatic condition or not: the image shows only information about a dislocation in a joint or a bone fracture, respectively, the above diagnosis is made on the basis of a differential study, visual examination and analysis of patient complaints.

Trauma care professionals usually diagnose three degrees of problem severity:

  1. The first is characterized by a slight pain syndrome, moderate swelling.
  2. The second is usually accompanied by bruising, severe pain, swelling and disability in the short term.
  3. The third stage is a serious rupture of the ligaments with extremely severe, sometimes shock pain, the occurrence of a large hematoma and persistent disability for a long period of time. After recovery, the joint may be unstable for several years.

The reasons

In the overwhelming majority of cases, ankle sprains are caused by a common household injury, although in some sports there is an increased risk of getting it, in particular in football, gymnastics, hockey, parkour and even parachuting.

Main reasons

  1. Falls;
  2. Sharp turns of the foot during movement on uneven surfaces;
  3. Mechanical impact on the ankle (blows, sharp pressing, broaches);
  4. In some cases - twisting of the leg due to the wrong shoes, not designed for specific activities, weather or events.

Factors that increase the risk of ankle sprain:

  • Congenital ligament problems that make them extremely weak;
  • Frequent small sprains of the croup of the ligaments that hold the joint in place. A number of minor injuries "loosening" the entire system and can lead to a serious sprain of the ankle ligaments;
  • Sports overvoltage;
  • High arch at the foot, arising from birth or is a pathology of bone development in the early years;
  • Various diseases.


Ankle sprains can and should be treated! Otherwise, you risk getting serious problems and defects of the musculoskeletal system.

First, you need perform a first aidto localize and reduce stretch marks.

  1. Remove shoes from limbs;
  2. Keep the injured ankle at rest;
  3. Place any fabric under the joint, preferably in several layers;
  4. Raise the injured leg above the chest to accelerate the outflow of blood from the local area;
  5. Apply something cold to the ankle, preferably dry and through one layer of cloth. In this case, the ice must be kept for at least fifteen to twenty minutes, after which it is worth taking a break and repeating the procedure again several times during the day;
  6. Secure the ankle with an elastic bandage, tightly, but not very tightly, if necessary, take pain relievers.

1st degree

It is necessary to apply elastic bandages for three to four days. In this case, ice is applied only for the first day. Starting from the second day - heat treatment to normalize blood circulation and the fastest healing of torn ligaments. From the third or fourth day, the fixing bandages can be removed, while remembering to strengthen the muscles with a series of health exercises.

In the first two days, to relieve pain, apply Diclofenac or Voltaren ointments, then smoothly switch to special agents that improve venous outflow - these are Lioton, Troxevasin or Heparin gels. After three days, the effect is fixed with warming medications - Apizartron or Kapsikam ointments.

2nd degree

In this case, it is necessary to immobilize the joint for two weeks. For the first three to four days, apply ice (1st day) and heat (2-4 days) and keep your foot on a hill as often as possible. The pain reliever due to severe pain syndrome in tablet form is Ketanov.

During treatment, active movement is contraindicated with the prohibition of loads on the ankle. After removing the elastic bandages, slowly increasing loads, as well as physiotherapy in the form of exercise therapy for a month.

3rd degree

In this difficult case, most likely, you will need the imposition of plaster instead of bandages, and sometimes surgery to restore the fibers of the ligaments. In this case, immobilization lasts at least four weeks, sometimes up to one and a half months. Pain relievers and pills should only be taken as directed by a doctor, so as not to worsen the patient's condition. The recovery period can last from three months to six months, it is desirable to be temporarily in a hospital.


There is no specific prophylaxis against ankle sprains. All the main measures aimed at preventing injury lie in the plane of the correct warm-up before playing sports, the competent selection of specific footwear especially for athletes, pregnant women, the elderly or active people, precautions when moving on slippery and uneven surfaces, as well as adequate treatment of diseases that provoke weakening or degradation of the ankle ligaments.

Try to adhere to the above recommendations for the prevention and treatment of sprains of the ankle joint, follow the recommendations of the doctors, be sure to undergo post-traumatic recovery procedures, and the problem will not bother you in the future! Good luck and quick treatment!

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Stretching the ankle ligaments always heals for a long time, since the ligaments are a slowly regenerating part of the body, which is also subjected to constant stress even during the patient's inactivity. The duration of treatment after stretching is individual. It depends on the method of therapy, compliance with the prescriptions of the therapist, the patient.

The rehabilitation period also depends on the severity of the injury. The rate of cell regeneration is different for everyone: faster in children, slower in adults, and almost zero in weakened people. How long will the recovery take in each case?

The sprain has several degrees of varying severity. The greater the severity, the longer the patient will have to be immobilized and heal his own ankle.

There are three degrees of stretching:

  • minor injury;
  • moderate injury;
  • severe injury.

Mild degrees can be treated at home, but the next two steps cannot be cured at home.

It is important to understand that self-medication for serious injuries will only lead to negative consequences, and in the long term - to disability. And the period of rehabilitation in the absence of medical assistance also increases.

Minor injury

A mild injury is characterized by a slight swelling in the ankle area, however, this is not yet edema. The swelling goes away soon, within a day. The structure of the ligaments does not change much: stretching occurs plus a weak micro-tear of tissues. This leads to painful sensations, but only when walking and moving the foot. Hematoma does not occur, since there is no extensive tissue rupture and hemorrhage.

It is recommended to immobilize the patient as much as possible, appoint him to bed rest. It is acceptable to treat a weak micro-tear at home. With proper adherence to bed rest, the sensation of pain will completely disappear in 10-15 days. And if you perform proper restorative exercises, use medications (only with the permission of a doctor), then rehabilitation will be accelerated one and a half times.

A sports patient recovers even faster. At this degree, sick leave is not prescribed.

Moderate injury

If a sprain of moderate severity occurs, it is no longer possible to do without hospitalization and a professional examination. Suppose that after the examination it is permissible to spend the rest of the treatment period at home, prescribe all the necessary medications, a traumatologist or surgeon should conduct the initial therapy.

With this injury, edema necessarily occurs. It can be extensive, but the hematoma always turns out to be of different sizes. Even the appearance of a small bruise indicates that the sprain is serious.

The painful sensation of injury prevents the patient from standing, he feels a desire to relieve tension and stress from his legs. So it is necessary to do: completely protect the damaged area from any impact, and also be sure to visit the emergency room. With an average degree, the therapist prescribes treatment for a period of three weeks to a month or even a longer period of time.

In less than three weeks, the ligaments do not heal even in record-breaking rapidly regenerating people.

Severe trauma

The last degree of severity is characterized by severe pain.

With it, edema and hematoma occur, but the worst thing is constant discomfort. Even in a relaxed state, the leg constantly aches, throbs and gives the owner inconvenience. He cannot step on the ankle at all, he experiences severe discomfort even with a slight touch of the diseased area. The rupture of the ligaments can be complete, which is the most dangerous situation in which surgery is needed.

Ankle rupture heals at least 3 months. For some, it can last up to 6 months or more. According to the classification of diseases, the ICD indicates that it is strictly forbidden to move the ankle during the entire recovery period.

Regeneration rate depending on age

The recovery period directly depends on the age of the patient who was injured. Conventionally, there is a division into:

Soft tissues and ligaments in children are restored much faster, because they are constantly growing and enlarging due to natural processes. The body does not even need to readjust for treatment, because the necessary cells were already produced in almost the same volume. Therapists note that the healing of any wounds in children occurs on average 1.5 times faster.

This is also confirmed by studies of the VOL. With ankle injuries and sprains, children with a weak degree of the problem recover in 10 days, and with an average in 15. A complete rupture of the ligaments is followed by rehabilitation after 3-4 months. At least one day a month should be given to a doctor's examination.

The elderly are particularly slow to recover. The growth processes of their cells stopped long ago, the tissues are only renewing. The body cannot immediately rebuild some of the cells for healing and the creation of connective tissue. Therefore, the healing process is often delayed up to several months. The rupture of the ankle ligaments takes a long time to heal even with a mild form of the disease.

Older people also have the highest risk of disability or abnormalities even after healing: some remain lame and cannot fully step on their feet, and they do not fully recover.

What speeds up healing

Rehabilitation according to the recommendations of a therapist is always complex. It includes medication treatment, massage, physiotherapy, and occasionally surgery. But most patients do not go to a therapist for treatment, and another part of patients forgets to follow the instructions. This reduces the rate of recovery from sprains.

The injury will heal faster when using the following items:

  • physiotherapy (hydromassage, electrophoresis);
  • gypsum;
  • massage (both independent and performed by a master in a medical institution);
  • physiotherapy exercises (only after the primary healing of the ligaments);
  • properly conducted first aid;
  • taking medications (ointment or tablets as prescribed by a doctor).

If one or more elements were prescribed by the therapist, then their observance is mandatory. If the appropriate appointment has not been reported, then you should not "prescribe" yourself procedures and drugs.

Medication can be treated only after consultation with a person with medical education.

Correct first aid

The degree of internal hemorrhage (hematoma), the level of fixation of the leg when traveling to the doctor depends on first aid. First aid should be aimed at:

  • blocking the movement of the leg and ankle so that the ligament cannot be torn during transportation;
  • partial relief of pain by gentle pressure of the bandage;
  • partial analgesic effect;
  • stopping bleeding, if any.

With proper fixation of the ankle, the ligament, even if torn, will not be completely broken in its structure. There is a high risk of injury when transporting a patient by ambulance to the hospital (when driving on uneven roads), therefore a tightly applied bandage that blocks movement is a mandatory requirement for first aid. In some situations, health care providers may not have time to apply the bandage themselves. The patient or his companion should try to carry out the procedure themselves: tie the ankle with a herringbone, trying to create an area of \u200b\u200bincreased pressure in the area of \u200b\u200binjury.

A well-applied bandage prevents:

  • the final rupture of the ligament tissues;
  • the occurrence of severe edema;
  • spread of hematoma;
  • soft tissue injury with an open fracture;
  • severe displacement of the joint if dislocation occurs.

Only people with basic medical knowledge should apply the bandage. An ankle that is improperly wrapped can cause many problems.

And with proper fixation, the damaged area will hurt and pulsate less.


Physiotherapy exercises are prescribed for the rehabilitation period. They do not require leg tension, therefore, they are carried out both during the recovery of the ligament and after. The following procedures can be prescribed:

  • electrophoresis;
  • hydromassage;
  • UHF therapy;
  • mud baths.

Electrophoresis stimulates the muscles and signals the ligaments to repair themselves. Hydromassage allows the tissues around the ligament to receive additional nutrition, which allows the damaged area itself to recover faster.

Mud baths are a controversial physiotherapy procedure that must necessarily take place in the clinic. It is aimed more at reducing puffiness than ligament rehabilitation.

Home exercise

Exercise therapy is a course of therapeutic exercises. They can be carried out at home or in a medical institution. The decision on the place of the procedure should be made by the therapist Usually, the procedures begin to be carried out under the supervision of an exercise therapy specialist, and a third of the remaining course is carried out at home. The ligaments will grow together for a long time, and you cannot stay in the hospital all the time.

Exercises can be started after primary tissue healing. The start of the course is determined by the attending physician. The consequence of premature physical activity is repeated rupture of the ligaments.

Summing up

Rehabilitation after a sprain takes at least 10 days. The time varies depending on the age of the patient and the procedures performed during rehabilitation.

To speed up rehabilitation, you need to strictly follow the instructions of the therapist and perform additional procedures. Physiotherapy and exercise therapy, a prescribed medication, on average, can speed up the healing process by 20%.

Despite its small size, the ankle takes full body weight when walking. By nature, it is sufficiently protected by the ligaments that connect the joints, but no one is immune from tear or rupture of the ankle ligaments.

Joint injury can occur for a variety of reasons. Depending on the severity of the damage to the ligaments, a person completely drops out of his usual life for a certain period, since the ankle ceases to be functional.

Most believe that such injuries are characteristic of people involved in an extremely narrow sports orientation: football, parkour or, for example, dancing. However, according to medical statistics, this can happen to absolutely anyone. Ankle ligament rupture - fairly frequent household damage.

Causes of ankle sprain

Excluding the most dangerous sports, in everyday life, sprain injuries in the lower extremities occur under the following circumstances:

  • the fall;
  • a sharp change in the position of the foot when moving (walking, running)
  • ankle dislocations when wearing unsuitable shoes on an uneven or slippery surface (high-heeled shoes for women, various types of sports shoes that are not fixed on the ankle joint);
  • blow or bruise traumatic and leading to an unusual position of the foot.

Exist a number of factorsthat increase the risk of ankle sprain:

  • inherited weak ligaments at birth, increasing the likelihood of such injuries throughout life;
  • regular small sprains, due to which a more serious rupture can occur;
  • great physical and sports loads on the ankle;
  • congenital high arch of the foot or abnormal development in the initial period of the formation of the body;
  • other various pathologies.

How long does an ankle sprain heal?

Only when the moment of injury comes, a person understands how important the function of the legs is in everyday and habitual life. The question immediately arises: how long does an ankle sprain heal?

The duration of recovery depends on the complexity of stretching the ligaments themselves and natural tissue regeneration, while the joint cannot be moved, and stepping on a sore leg is strictly prohibited.

There are three levels of damage: light, medium, and severe.

The first degree is a small micro-stretching of several fibers of the ligaments, as a rule, it proceeds without edema of the limb, a slight swelling forms at the site of injury, and mild pain is present. This stretch is treated at home. It is healed within 10-15 days.

Medium is a more complex ankle injury. With the second degree of stretching, a person cannot stand, a partial rupture of tissues occurs, as a result of which edema occurs with a pronounced hematoma. With any movement of the foot, a sharp sharp pain occurs. Even in a calm state, the patient feels aching painful sensations. Minimum duration of treatment - three weeks... For the entire time period, the leg should be completely immobilized.

The degree of complex is a serious injury to the ankle, accompanied by a complete rupture of the ligaments or dislocation of the joint. The injured limb has a pronounced hematoma and burgundy edema. Severe pain, the absolute inability to step on the limbs, sometimes to the point of loss of consciousness, characterizes the third, most dangerous degree of damage to the ankle joint. Hospitalization is indispensable here; sometimes surgery is used to restore the integrity of the ligament fibers. The duration of the therapy period is minimum from four weeks to one and a half months. The rehabilitation period, depending on the degree of difficulty, can last within three to six months.

The speed of recovery is greatly influenced by the provision of first aid, correct diagnosis and therapy, compliance with all doctor's prescriptions.

First aid

First of all, when the ankle joint is stretched, it is necessary to consult a traumatologist to confirm the exact diagnosis and analyze the severity of the injury. Only a doctor can diagnose the degree of limb injury.

With the help of X-rays it is necessary exclude the presence of closed fractures, dislocations and formation of punctures on the bone.

An X-ray cannot show the presence of a sprain or rupture of ligaments, such a pathology can only be diagnosed by a traumatologist, based on the appearance of the limb and the pain indications of the injured person himself. X-rays only exclude the possibility of dislocations and / or fractures.

In the absence of an opportunity to get to the nearest hospital or emergency room, first of all, it is necessary to immobilize the diseased limb, that is, completely immobilize it, so as not to damage the ligaments even more.

You should also take off your shoes, in the future, the edema may increase, which will bring an additional number of concerns for the injured joint.

Place under the affected limb folded fabric, the joint should be above the level of the heart to ensure blood flow and reduce swelling.

It is important to apply ice to the injured ankle as quickly as possible for thirty minutes, and for the first 48–72 hours, continue to apply cold at intervals of 30/30 minutes. When cooled, the blood vessels constrict, and this eliminates pain and swelling. However, the skin should not come into direct contact with ice; it is better to put it in a plastic bag and wrap it with one layer of fabric. It is also impossible to abuse hypothermia, chilled ligaments will not contribute to a speedy recovery.

During the provision of first aid, the next necessary step is to apply a tight elastic bandage on the damaged ligaments, not overtightening, but tightly fixing the foot. Important is correct bandage an injured limb and leave it motionless.

Never take a hot bath or sauna for two to three weeks after injury. Heat will negatively affect damaged ligaments and increase inflammation.

Drug treatment

With such a pathology, it is impossible to do without a traumatologist and X-ray. Some fixing bandages and cooling compresses too. There are a number of medications of the NSAID group (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and various analgesics, with the help of which they eliminate pain and relieve inflammation. Are used in the form of tablets, ointments and injections.

The first degree of stretching of the ankle joint - cooling is applied only on the first day.

It is important to relieve pain syndrome, especially pronounced in the patient. In drug treatment, a number of drugs are prescribed, such as Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Nimesil, Ortofen, Tempalgin, etc.

A number of these medicines have a number of contraindications. Use as directed by your doctor.

On the second third day, they begin to apply warming, anti-inflammatory ointments, such as Apizartron, Kapsikan, etc. The warming effect promotes improved blood circulation and accelerates fiber regeneration.

To relieve puffiness, ointments are used:

Ointments for the treatment of sprains without personal allergic intolerance do not negatively affect the body. Their medicinal the impact is local.

The fixation bandage is worn from three days to a week. After removing the elastic bandage, the minimum load on the ankle is gradually added with the use of therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics. Subsequently, try to minimize a certain time of load on the injured leg.

The second degree of rupture of the ankle ligaments - in addition to drug treatment, a plaster cast is installed for a period of 10-15 days. At first, it is important to place your foot on a hill as often as possible for the outflow of blood. On the second and fourth day, dry heat is applied to the site of local pain. You will have to move on crutches, with a point of support on a healthy leg.

After removing the splint a number of physiotherapy procedures are prescribed (electrophoresis, paraffin, magnet, UHF), exercise therapy, massage and health-improving gymnastics, with the introduction of a gradual, minimal load on the sore leg.

Massage should be carried out with such damage by a specialized masseur, otherwise, re-injury to the fibers is possible.

The third degree is the most difficult, so the treatment of this stage is the longest.

To fix the leg, a plaster cast is used for a minimum period of four weeks to one and a half months. It is recommended to spend the initial period in a hospital.

Pain medications are prescribed by a doctor depending on the nature of the pain... These can be strong pain relievers, in some cases, injections are prescribed.

Important! When restoring damaged fibers with any sprain, it is necessary to provide the joint ligaments with absolute rest during the treatment period. Add loads during the rehabilitation period after a course of drug treatment with great care. The absence of pain does not mean complete recovery!


Unfortunately, there is no prevention of the disease as such. To minimize the risk of spraining the ankle joint should be properly and well warm up the ligaments specific and correct exercises before various sports. Choose comfortable orthopedic shoes prescribed by an orthopedist.

If an injury has occurred and the correct, full course of treatment is carried out together with rehabilitation, it should be remembered that heavy loads for the articular ligaments are contraindicated for a very long time.

How much ankle sprain heals

Ligaments play a large role in the functioning of the ankle joint. By connecting the bones of the foot, they provide the joint with stability, proper mobility, as well as its limitation. But in the case of a sprain of the ankle ligaments, their functionality is disrupted until the moment of complete healing.

Stretching means a partial violation of the integrity of one or more ligaments. External ligaments are usually affected. If there is a complete rupture of the ligaments, then it is accompanied by a displacement of the joint itself, then we are talking about dislocation. But dislocation of the ankle joint is a rather rare occurrence, in contrast to sprains of the ankle ligaments.

Sprained ligaments

If we talk about the causes of sprains, then they are extremely simple. Sprains are usually the result of twisting the leg in everyday life. It can be provoked by walking on an uneven road, high-heeled shoes, less often - carelessness. Also, ankle sprains are quite common in athletes during exercise.

Excessive load on the foot, which occurs in such cases, can also provoke stretching of the ligamentous apparatus:

  • overweight;
  • increased physical activity associated with professional activity, active sports life;
  • carrying weights;
  • flat feet;
  • uncomfortable shoes.

Causes of ankle sprain

In any case, regardless of the reasons that provoked the sprain, you need to know about its signs in order to be able to provide first aid to the victim in a timely manner, contact a medical institution for qualified help.

Signs of stretching

All signs of ankle sprain can be combined into a small list:

  • pain in the ankle joint;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • hematoma;
  • increased skin temperature in the area of \u200b\u200binjured ligaments;
  • difficulty walking.

It is worth noting that all these signs may not appear. The number of symptoms of a stretch depends on its degree. For example, if the integrity of the ligament itself is not violated, and only its individual fibers are torn, then the victim will feel only slight pain, and slight lameness will also be observed.

If we talk about a tear of the ligaments, then in this case the pain will be stronger, it will be quite difficult to walk, and edema will appear. Only with a complete transverse rupture of the ligaments are all the symptoms from the above list observed. So the leg swells, a hematoma (bruise) immediately appears, the victim cannot move independently.

What to do when stretching - first aid

Before going to the hospital, you need to provide first aid to a person who has a sprain in the ankle. This is not difficult to do. The first step is to take off your shoes, because in the case of severe stretching, swelling will soon occur, which then prevents this from being done.

First aid for trauma

Next, you need to fix the foot in a perpendicular position relative to the lower leg, apply a bandage. You should also apply something cold to the stretch site in order to slightly remove puffiness, avoid the appearance of hematoma, and slow down the inflammatory process. After first aid is provided to the victim, he must be taken to a medical facility.

Stretch treatment

If we single out the main goals of the treatment of ankle sprain, then these are: relieving pain and swelling; removal of blood (if there is a hematoma); restoration of motor function.

First of all, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. These can be: voltaren; indomethacin; ibuprofen. These drugs belong to the category of NSAIDs, they have not only anti-inflammatory effects, but also have an analgesic effect. These drugs can be given as pills or injections. If we talk about pills, then the treatment takes place within 7-14 days, depending on the severity of the injury, the testimony of the doctor. As for injections, just a few procedures will be enough.

Instead of such drugs, ointments and gels can be prescribed, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect. They are applied topically, so they do not have a negative effect on the body. With the use of such ointments, pain and swelling quickly disappear.

In order to enhance the effect obtained from drug treatment, the patient must be prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures, which in this case have good results. After undergoing the main treatment, the patient is prescribed exercise therapy exercises that will help restore joint mobility.

How long will the stretch heal

If you are interested in the question - how much ankle sprain heals, in this case it is impossible to give a definite answer. The duration of treatment depends on several factors:

  • the complexity of the injury;
  • quality of treatment;
  • state of immunity.

As for sprains, accompanied by damage to several fibers of the ligament, such an injury is often treated at home. For this, folk recipes are used that help relieve puffiness and pain in 1-2 days. In this case, the treatment of the injury is limited to these two days, because there is no question of any rehabilitation period.

With a more serious form of sprain, which is characterized by partial damage to the ligaments and slight swelling, most people also prefer to use folk remedies. Compresses made from vodka or raw potatoes, gruel made from a body sponge, help to restore the joint to its former mobility after 3-5 days. During this time, all signs of stretching completely disappear, a person can lead a full life.

Degeneration of the ends of the tendon in chronic rupture

If we talk about the rupture of the ligaments, then in this case, the treatment will be carried out in the hospital, it will take several weeks. In such cases, a plaster cast may be applied to the patient or a special longent may be used to immobilize the ankle joint.

After the drug treatment has been carried out and the joint fixator has already been removed, the patient has to undergo another rehabilitation course, which will drag on for several more weeks. In treatment, you need to be patient and follow the sequence, because a ruptured ankle ligaments can provoke complications.

It is worth noting that in most cases, doctors try to cure sprains with the help of drug therapy and physiotherapy, even if it takes several weeks, or even a month. As for the surgical intervention, it is performed only in extreme cases - if the sprain and rupture of the ligaments is accompanied by a fracture. In this case, of course, the restoration of the ligaments and bones will take several months.

But the good news is that such cases do not occur so often, and the usual sprain of the ankle ligaments, resulting from a banal twisting of the leg, is treated quite successfully at home, heals in a few days.

Home treatment can only take place with minor trauma

But, home treatment is allowed only for minor injuries. If the sprain is serious, accompanied by edema, hematomas, severe pain, then after providing the victim with first aid, you must definitely go to the hospital.

Video - How much ankle sprain heals

Causes of ligament damage

Tearing ankle ligaments can occur when playing sports (skiing, football, athletics), wearing high-heeled shoes, walking or running on uneven terrain, as well as in situations where the load on the ligaments exceeds their permissible limit.

Ligaments can be damaged when the foot is tucked outward (peroneal group) or inward (deltoid group, tibial ligament group). Most often, damage to the outer group of ligaments occurs.

Causes predisposing to damage to the ligamentous apparatus

Anomalies in the development of the skeletal system.

Connective tissue diseases.

History of ankle ligament injuries.

Strong blow to the foot, without twisting it inward.

Rolling the foot inward.

Rolling the foot outward.

The most common cause of ankle sprains is leg twisting. This type of injury can be triggered by walking on uneven roads, wearing high-heeled shoes, icy conditions or common negligence.

The increased load on the ankle is observed in athletes during intensive training.

  • overweight;
  • dragging heavy loads;
  • professional activities when a person walks a lot or is engaged in active sports;
  • active recreation (parachute jumping, alpine skiing and others);
  • flat feet;
  • uncomfortable shoes.

According to statistics, sprains account for 20% of all ankle injuries.

  • Hitting the foot or lower leg.
  • Bending backward of the leg, which can occur while jogging or briskly walking up stairs or uneven terrain.
  • Tucking the foot to the outside or inside, possible when moving on a flat surface, performing physical exercises.

Doctors identify a set of factors that make the ankle ligaments more vulnerable to external actions and prone to rupture.

  • hypodynamia, making the ligaments inelastic;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • overweight;
  • degenerative changes in bones and joints due to advanced age;
  • congenital or acquired disorders of the anatomically correct position of the foot;
  • intense sports training;
  • the wrong choice of shoes: uncomfortable models, 12-centimeter heels, etc.

Regardless of the reasons leading to the rupture of the ankle ligaments, the problem is treated within 2-5 weeks, depending on the severity of the case. For this period, a person is forced to abandon the load on the lower extremities or move with the help of crutches.

The severity of the injury

There are several degrees of sprain:

The first degree is characterized by a slight tear of the bundle or microscopic fibers. The volume of joint mobility is practically not disturbed, the symptoms are mild, it is possible to palpate the damaged joint. For a while, the victim can step on his leg.

The second degree is characterized by a more significant number of torn fibers in comparison with the first degree. Symptoms of damage are more pronounced, the pain syndrome may resemble the sensation of a fracture of tubular bones, the victim can hardly get on the leg. The ability to work is disrupted for a period of 5-7 days at least.

The third degree is characterized by complete separation of several or one ligament, this is the most severe ligament injury. According to clinical signs, the damage resembles a fracture of the ankle bones, and in some cases even exceeds them. The emphasis on the leg is impossible due to the anatomical change in the ratio of joint elements and severe pain syndrome, the function of the foot is completely disrupted.

Ankle sprain symptoms

In some cases, an ankle fracture can be mistaken for a second or third degree sprain, therefore, for any damage to the ankle, it is necessary to contact an orthopedic traumatologist to rule out more serious injuries and provide qualified assistance.

A first-degree sprain does not reduce a person's physical activity, symptoms are mild, and damage may not immediately bother. The patient's symptoms and complaints appear the next day, these are: post-traumatic inflammation, progression of hematoma, edema.

The person continues to lean on his leg, but when he walks he has to limp due to pain. An increase in local temperature, hemorrhage in the subcutaneous tissue (bruise) may develop.

For second and third degree sprains:

Pain syndrome appears immediately after injury and, in its severity and intensity, can exceed a fracture of tubular bones. The pain of high intensity lasts about an hour, after which it subsides slightly, but attempts to step on the injured leg lead to the resumption of pain.

In mild stages of injury, the victim can hardly move independently, but in severe cases, the pain syndrome does not allow this. Edema contributes to pain syndrome, since its growth leads to increased pressure on the vascular bundles and nerve endings.

Stretching of the ligaments of the foot has several degrees of severity. First aid and treatment directly depend on the degree of ligament injury. After all, what is commonly called stretching is actually a rupture of the ligament fibers.

The greater the number of torn fibers, the more the ligament is damaged and the longer it will heal, which means that it will take longer to restore the person's motor activity.

A traumatologist can diagnose:

  1. First degree stretch, characterized by low fiber breakage. At the same time, the overall integrity of the ligament is preserved, and the ligament is able to fulfill its role. The patient has a slight limp, slight swelling and moderate pain in the ankle joint.
  2. A second-degree sprain is called a ligament tear. This means that a large number of fibers are torn, but the ligament is still intact. However, it can no longer perform its functions normally. It is difficult to walk with such an injury, it is very painful to step on the foot, it does not support the weight of the body. Along with this, swelling and bruising develops in the area of \u200b\u200bthe outer ankle.
  3. A third-degree sprain involves a complete transverse rupture of the ankle ligaments. In the vast majority of cases, such an injury is accompanied by a dislocation or fracture of the lower leg bones. A person cannot move independently, swelling around the ankle and on the foot grows very quickly, the pain is very intense (sometimes shock), a hematoma appears, and blood can accumulate in the joint cavity. When palpating, you can notice the pathological uncontrollable mobility of the foot.

There are three types of ankle rupture severity. They depend on the number of torn fibers, which determines the intensity of the symptoms and the severity of the case as a whole.

The overall integrity of the ligament is not compromised, therefore it remains operational. Only its individual fibers are affected. Signs of injury are limited to mild ankle pain and lameness.

2. Second degree

This is a more significant, but incomplete tear of the ligament, which, due to the damage that has occurred, becomes inoperative. A person experiences unbearable pain, cannot move without a cane or crutches, and edema appears at the site of injury.

3. Third degree

Signs of ankle sprain

Ankle sprain can be suspected by the following symptoms:

  • Sharp pain when trying to step on an injured leg.
  • Swelling of soft tissues.
  • Hematoma.
  • Violation of movement in the ankle joint.

These symptoms are typical for other ankle injuries, so you cannot do without a doctor in establishing an accurate diagnosis. You may even need to do an x-ray to help rule out a dislocation or fracture.

The appearance of these symptoms is a good reason for visiting a doctor. In the emergency room, a person will be prescribed an X-ray or MRI to determine how much tissue has been damaged, to exclude the likelihood of a fracture and to choose the right treatment.

Symptoms and first aid

  • painful sensations;
  • limited joint movement;
  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • an increase in temperature at the site of damage;
  • hematoma;
  • difficulty walking

The manifestation of symptoms depends on the degree of damage to the ligaments. They are distinguished by 3:

  1. The first degree - there is a stretching of the ligaments with rupture of some fibers. In this case, there is moderate pain, slight swelling, but a person can move independently.
  2. The second degree is rupture of a significant part of the fibers of the ligaments. The pain is severe, movement is limited, and edema extends to the lower leg and foot. Hematoma may appear.
  3. The third degree is a complete rupture of the ankle ligaments. In this case, the pain is very strong, there is a hematoma and tissue edema near the site of the lesion. In this case, walking is almost impossible.

In most cases, the mechanism of tensile injury involves the following situations:

  • falling, for example, on a slippery surface;
  • a sharp change in the axis of the joint when running or walking, often on an uneven surface;
  • a side impact to this area, as a result of which the foot takes an unnatural position;
  • tucking of the leg as a result of using uncomfortable or improper shoes (high heels, sports boots that do not support ankles) in everyday life and during sports activities.

The symptoms of a sprain help distinguish this injury from other more serious conditions (fracture, dislocation, soft tissue rupture). These include:

  • soreness in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage;
  • increased joint mobility;
  • edema and hyperemia of the skin and other soft tissues;
  • hematoma formation (small);
  • severe pain syndrome that prevents the use of the foot of the injured limb.

In some cases, it is difficult to identify specific lesions, since this area is swollen and does not allow a full examination of all bones and joints.

In this case, it is better to consult a doctor, since the tactics of treating patients with a fracture is completely different than with a dislocation. In order to detect damage to the bone structures, it is sufficient to perform a conventional X-ray examination (preferably in two projections).

Symptoms and treatment of foot sprains Article rating: 3.80 / 5 (Votes: 10)

Stretching the ligaments of the foot is a fairly common injury to the lower limb. Ankle ligament injuries are most common.

The tendons of the foot are damaged by twisting the leg. Injury can happen when wearing shoes with high, unstable heels, or when unsuccessfully falling or jumping from a height. Damage to the ligaments of the lower extremity is especially common in winter.

Symptoms of leg ligament injury

In ICD-10, the sprain is in the S00-T98 group. To be more specific, in ICD-10, sprain and dislocation are referred to as S93.

The ICD-10 code for ankle dislocation is S93. 0

Moreover, the ICD-10 code of the ankle is in the first place in the list of dislocations.

After an unpleasant situation has occurred, it is important to determine by the symptoms whether it is stretching or not.

After all, before being delivered to the hospital, the victim needs to be provided with first aid. Almost always, damage occurs explicitly and openly, and the victim feels this not only physically, but also visually sees the twisting of the leg.

Ankle sprain symptoms:

  • edema appears at the site of damage;
  • excessive mobility of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • a hematoma is formed;
  • the victim feels pain at the site of injury;
  • often the pain syndrome reaches the point that a person cannot even step lightly on the injured leg.

In the first minutes after the determination of the stretch, it is necessary to fix the joint, since even more traumatic damage to the ligamentous apparatus can occur. For this reason, after the injury, the situation can be aggravated and the treatment will last longer. For fixation, you can use a bandage, which needs to quickly fix the ligamentous apparatus. To reduce swelling and pain, the injured leg must be cooled. Also, to reduce swelling, it is best to place the leg above the level of the head (put the victim, and raise the leg). Temporarily, after stretching, you do not need to put on shoes on your leg, this can lead to increased swelling, soft tissues will be compressed, which can have unpleasant consequences.

After providing first aid, it is best to get the victim quickly to the hospital.


Treatment for ankle injuries has several directions. First of all, it is necessary to restore the integrity of the ligaments.

It is also very important to eliminate the symptoms that cause inconvenience to the patient - to relieve pain, swelling, to speed up the process of hematoma "leaving". Then you need to restore the normal functioning of the joint and normalize the gait.

The basic treatments are the same for any type of injury, but there are some differences.

Non-drug methods

First of all, a tight bandage is applied to fix the lesion site. Which one it will be depends on the degree of injury. So, in case of ruptures of the first degree, the usual 8-shaped pressure bandage is applied.

At home, the most important thing is to ensure peace. If you manage to stop the load on the injured leg for at least a few days, then healing will occur much faster.

Additionally, you can use other commonly available techniques to speed up the regeneration process. To reduce the symptoms of the disease, various topical agents are used:

  1. Bom Benge ointment consists of menthol and petroleum jelly. It improves microcirculation in the damaged area and relieves pain.
  2. Medicines containing voltaren and diclofenac help reduce inflammation.
  3. Deep Relief is used for bruises and sprains. It contains a non-steroidal analgesic and cooling components.

You should not take a hot bath or visit a sauna for several weeks after an injury. Additional heating can increase the severity of inflammation and thus pain.

Treatment depends on the degree of sprain, which is why it is important to take an X-ray, this will also exclude a dislocation or fracture.

How long the treatment will last depends not so much on how the doctor will treat, but on the timely provision of first aid. It is not always possible to quickly cure such a problem, because the connective tissue heals for a long time.

It is very important to relieve swelling in the first time after injury, this will help heal the sprain faster. Also, treatment is accelerated if there is no accumulation of blood in the joint area after the injury.

If the patient feels that after receiving an injury, the joint hurts for a long time and strongly, then, in addition to stretching, a fracture is possible, which is why in such cases they are often given a referral for x-rays.

How long the treatment will last and how long the damaged area heals directly depends on the degree of stretching. In case of damage of the first degree, it is most simple to treat the victim, because the damage is minor.

After such a stretch, the patient can walk, since the leg does not hurt for so long, and the pain is tolerable. The second degree is characterized by edema, the pain is felt more strongly.

It is important in such cases to remove the swelling, the restriction in movement does not last very long.

Severe stretching is the third degree. Movement is almost impossible, the doctor in such cases prescribes a sick leave, the damaged area hurts for a long time, in such cases it is possible to walk only after prolonged treatment.

In a situation with stretching, folk remedies are used to treat the sore spot. Such remedies help relieve swelling and relieve pain.

A common treatment with folk remedies is a vodka compress. Using such means, you do not need to make tinctures, it is enough to moisten a bandage or gauze in vodka and apply it to the damaged area overnight, having covered it with cellophane and wrapped it in a woolen cloth. It is believed that such means can relieve swelling.

You can also treat folk remedies with milk as a compress. Warm milk can be taken, but hot milk cannot be treated.

Recipes with garlic, grated potatoes and others are also used, it is difficult to say that these remedies can cure sprains, but they help relieve pain and swelling.

Treatment of ankle ligament rupture has the following tasks: restoration of fiber integrity, elimination of unpleasant symptoms (pain, swelling, hematoma), normalization of gait and functioning of damaged tissues of the lower limb.

The following methods are used to achieve therapeutic goals

1. Immobilization of the ankle area

You need to put a tight bandage on the affected leg, which will ensure its immobility and prevent the torn ligaments from stretching. The bandage can be wrapped in the following ways:

  • "Sock". This is the most common type of dressing used for grade 1 or 2 injuries. An elastic bandage is wrapped several times around the ankle, then applied in a "figure eight" grip on the foot.
  • Bandage. This is a type of dressing with minimal retention used for minor tears. It is most often used simultaneously with warming compresses, which improve blood circulation in the damaged area, help eliminate edema and hematomas.
  • Orthosis. Used in the treatment of ruptures of the second or third degree. The construction consists of rigid elements and laces that allow you to adjust the tension. The brace reliably fixes the foot in the anatomically correct position, it can be worn together with normal shoes.

The timing of healing and the wearing of bandages depends on the severity of the injury. In mild forms of rupture of ligaments, a week and a half is enough, with more severe - three weeks, in the most difficult situations - up to one and a half months.

2. Drug therapy

Ankle ligament tear is characterized by unpleasant symptoms: the patient feels severe pain, edema appears, and the temperature rises. To eliminate discomfort, analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used: Diclofenac, Voltaren, Ibuprofen, Nise and others. NSAIDs have a triple effect: they eliminate pain, relieve inflammation and eliminate fever. With unbearable pain, patients are injected with novocaine into the damaged area.

In the first hours, the unpleasant symptoms of ligament rupture are relieved by exposure to cold. Warmth is recommended a day after injury. Warming external agents are used, for example, Finalgon, Kapsikam and others.

To eliminate puffiness and promote the speedy resorption of the hematoma, a patient whose ligaments are torn is prescribed angioprotectors, for example, Troxevasin, Lyoton and others.

Important ! The use of ointments and gels is allowed only if there are no deep scratches, abrasions, open wounds at the site of injury. The list of medications used to heal an injury must be agreed with a doctor.

3. Physiotherapy

What to do in case of a ruptured ankle ligaments for early healing? Add to drug therapy and immobilization physiotherapy. They can be started one day after injury. The greatest effect is given by trays with medicinal herbs, UHF, paraffin applications.

4. Therapeutic gymnastics

This is an integral part of the recovery period following the end of the immobilization stage. The task of exercise therapy is to develop a damaged ankle, to return it to its normal state, which was undermined by an injury.

If a person has a partial rupture of the ankle ligaments, a set of exercises is selected with the attending physician, the first classes are carried out under his control. Subsequently, gymnastics can be performed at home.

To help the damaged ankle ligaments heal faster, medical therapy can be supplemented with home treatment. On the second day after injury, it is recommended to apply heat to the affected leg. The best option is a bath.

Doctors recommend carrying out water procedures with aroma oils: they relieve pain and inflammation, have a beneficial effect on the general condition and mood of the patient. To make a healing composition, you need to add 1-2 drops of oil per liter of warm water. Geranium and mint are effective against inflammation, chamomile and bergamot for pain, geranium and patchouli for puffiness.

To cure a simple sprain, you can use folk recipes. In order to avoid adverse consequences, it is recommended to agree with your doctor in advance.

  • Grate raw potatoes and apply to the sore spot for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
  • Make a "mask" from a creamy mixture of white clay and water. Keep on the ankle for 30-40 minutes.

To relieve pain, you can apply crushed aloe to your leg. The plant is brought to a state of gruel, applied to the damaged area and bandaged. The dressing should be changed as it warms up.

A ruptured ankle deltoid ligament is a serious diagnosis that requires medical attention. The consequences of unsuccessful self-medication can be the most serious: up to the loss of the anatomical functions of the foot. Immediately after injury, it is recommended to undergo diagnostics and follow all the recommendations given by doctors.

First aid to the victim

Before taking the victim to the trauma center for examination by an orthopedist-traumatologist and X-ray examination, he needs to be provided with first aid. Thanks to timely and competent assistance in the first minutes after an injury, it is possible to reduce swelling, pain, the amount of blood leaked under the skin and inflammation.

Here's a rough procedure:

  1. Remove shoes from injured feet.
  2. Never step on a sore leg.
  3. Position the victim so that the injured foot is higher than the head or chest. This will improve blood flow from the ankle, reduce swelling, and reduce pain.
  4. Wrap a towel or other folded cloth over your ankle.
  5. Place an ice pack or frozen foods (peas, meat, etc.) over your ankle. They keep the cold for 15-20 minutes, then take a break and repeat the procedure for 2 hours. Cold is shown on the first day after injury, then warming procedures begin.
  6. Secure the ankle joint perpendicular to the leg with an elastic bandage. Note that the dressing should be loose enough not to cause pinching of the vessels.
  7. If necessary, give the patient pain relievers - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Ortofen or Analgin.

In order for the healing period to be as short as possible, a patient with a sprained ankle must be properly provided with first aid. It consists of the following activities:

The quality of further therapy and the speed of recovery is determined by the correctness and timeliness of first aid to the injured person.

  • Remove the sock and boots from the injured leg so that nothing squeezes the torn ankle ligaments.
  • Immobilize the affected joint. For this, you can use an elastic or inelastic bandage. To apply a bandage, you need to make a few turns around the ankle, and then wind the "figure eight", grabbing the foot. It is important that the revolutions are sufficiently tight, but do not disrupt natural blood circulation.
  • Apply cold to the damaged area. This will relieve the pain of ruptured ligaments, stop the formation of puffiness and hematoma.
  • Position the victim so that the injured limb is slightly raised from the knee. So the blood will drain, the discomfort will decrease, and the formation of edema will slow down.

24 hours after the rupture occurred, the damaged area can be exposed to heat. It is recommended to take a hot bath or use a heating pad.

In case of a ligament rupture, a timely visit to a traumatologist is necessary. Remember: only first and second degree damage can be treated at home. The third therapy is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting.

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