What are the best lenses or glasses for sight. Glasses or lenses for the eyes - which is better to choose and wear

Hello again, dear readers! People with poor eyesight have to resort to various correction methods in order to be able to see the world around them normally. For this purpose, corrective glasses and contact optical glasses - lenses are used. Today there are many models of such optics, which are selected depending on the degree of visual impairment and individual characteristics.

To answer which is better - glasses or lenses, first you need to learn about the features, advantages and disadvantages of these types of correction. This is what we will do now.

Devices with glass have long lost their former popularity and are no longer considered an effective way. Today, few people want to be reputed to be "bespectacled", especially since instead of bulky and inconvenient frames, you can choose compact and practical lenses for the eyes.

Despite this, eyepieces have their advantages, which are expressed in:

  1. Low cost. Of course, custom made products cost a lot, but there are many models of eyeglasses available at affordable cost.
  2. Practicality. It takes just a couple of seconds to put on and take off the eyepieces.
  3. Possibilities of complementing the image. Having successfully chosen a frame that will harmoniously combine with the shape of the face, you can add some flavor to your image.
  4. Long service life. The service life of the glasses depends solely on how careful the owner is. It can be either a year or 5 years.

As for the disadvantages of spectacle correction, these include:

  1. Physical limitation. Wearing the eyepiece also excludes any other physical activity involving sudden movements. This is especially true for glass optics.
  2. Some people using this accessory cannot get used to a foreign object on the bridge of their nose, so they constantly feel discomfort.
  3. In winter, glasses fog up, which causes a lot of inconvenience. In addition, it takes a certain amount of time to wipe them.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Contact Lenses

Compared to glasses, contact lenses have more advantages:

  1. They do not limit peripheral vision, allowing you to fully enjoy the surrounding space.
  2. Enhances the clarity of the image.
  3. You can play sports in them.
  4. The lenses are fog-free and do not need to be wiped clean.
  5. They are invisible, which is especially important for children aged 12-18 who are worried about their appearance, and often have complexes about wearing an eyepiece.
  6. They practically do not cause discomfort, provided that they are correctly selected.

Ophthalmologists remind that the lens should be movable and free, so that a liquid space forms between it and the cornea, and the access of tear fluid is not blocked. Today, soft optical glasses are a priority.

Contact lenses also have disadvantages, which are expressed in:

  1. Heavy addiction.
  2. Risk of eye infection when putting on and taking off optical glasses.
  3. The need for systematic replacement, which entails additional costs.
  4. Eye irritation and dryness occur if not removed.
  5. An allergic reaction occurs that leads to eye inflammation. This condition is quite often observed with colds.

Soft and hard lenses: indications

Contact lenses are made from soft and tough materials. Both those and others contribute to the restoration of visual acuity without distortion and errors, in contrast to the eyepiece.

With the help of soft and hard optical glasses, correction of many eye diseases is successfully carried out. They are prescribed for myopia and in order to achieve maximum visual acuity.

Indications for the use of contact lenses are also:

  • individual intolerance to glasses;
  • lack of positive dynamics in the process of correcting vision with eyepieces;
  • a significant difference (more than 2.5 D) in the visual acuity of the visual organs;
  • lack of a natural lens;
  • injury to the organs of visual vision;
  • congenital malformations of the eye;
  • lazy eye syndrome.

How to choose the right glasses for hyperopia? read!

Contact lenses or glasses - what should a teenager with poor eyesight choose?

In adolescence, you want to wear lenses, because they are much more comfortable and smaller than the eyepiece, however, both ophthalmologists and parents prefer spectacle correction.

According to many qualified ophthalmologists, before the age of 13, vision correction in children is best done with glasses, since this method is considered safer. However, there is another opinion on this matter.

It is very important for a teenager to feel confident in himself, which is not always the case with wearing an eyepiece. At least that's what psychologists say. They strongly recommend that parents give their child the right to choose - he himself must choose what is more acceptable for him - glasses or lenses.

Very often myopia develops in childhood, which can lead to significant visual impairment during adolescence. This happens as a result of eye strain at school, hobby for video games, malnutrition, hormonal changes, etc. As they grow up, the attitude of children towards themselves and the world around them changes.

When choosing the correct method of vision correction, the doctor's advice must be taken into account. It is clear that in aesthetic terms, modern contact lenses are superior in all respects to devices with glasses, but sometimes patients have no choice.

Correctly fitted lenses allow a person with vision problems to feel free and comfortable.

For example, with astigmatism, a high degree of myopia and hyperopia, the difference in refraction in 2 ophthalmic meridians of more than 2-3 D, contact optical glasses should be preferred.

Numerous patient reviews indicate that they are more convenient and comfortable. This is due to the high quality of polymeric materials that contain a lot of water in their composition.

Video: Life is great! Glasses or lenses?

Elena Malysheva from a company of experienced specialists provides a reasoned comparative analysis of lenses and glasses. Watch the video and the choice will be easier!


As you can see, both glasses and lenses have advantages and disadvantages. When choosing the most appropriate option, you should be guided by medical advice and your own priorities. Remember to consult an ophthalmologist before making a final decision. Cheers, friends!

What do you think - glasses can really ruin your image? Or, all the same, health is more expensive? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

There are two options for correcting vision without surgery - glasses or contact lenses. And each has its own pros and cons. However, both doctors and parents are more likely to prefer glasses. Although teenagers would much more happily wear contact lenses, which are really much more comfortable.

Who should decide?

Skeptical parents always have excuses for their child: "You don't need lenses, because glasses do an excellent job anyway", "You are not old enough to wear lenses", "You will not be able to properly care for them." .. Interesting results were shown by a study conducted in Britain among parents whose children need vision correction, and the children themselves. Almost half of children who wear glasses (44%) would like to refuse them and asked their parents to choose contact lenses for them, but these requests did not find understanding among adults.

507 parents took part in the survey, almost all (99%) were mothers, and 507 children, more than half (56%) were girls. Experts concluded that one of the most important criteria when choosing a method of vision correction in a child should be the effect of this method on his self-esteem. When choosing between glasses and contact lenses for a son or daughter, parents must necessarily take into account the opinion of their child, because it is for him to wear glasses or lenses and it is up to him to decide what is convenient, practical and inoffensive. The last word is the key in this row: the adolescent psyche is very vulnerable and sensitive, and the fact that the self-esteem of the majority of young bespectacled people suffers greatly, no one will deny. Not every child is able to adequately accept the news that now he must wear glasses, and no reasonable arguments of adults work here. Resentment due to nicknames and ridicule, embarrassment in the circle of peers due to the fact that you are not like everyone else, inconvenience when playing sports - all this is well known to those who began to wear glasses at school.

Opinions diverged

As a result of the survey, 70% of girls and 50% of boys said it was important for them to feel confident and comfortable when communicating with their peers. Parents, as shown by their answers, also understand the importance of this factor in the lives of children, but theories do not go further. Parents and children have different opinions about wearing contact lenses: four out of ten children interviewed asked to be allowed to wear contact lenses, but most parents said no. The main parental fears are that the child will not be able to care for the lenses, install and remove them on their own, so they risk infecting the eyes (although one-day soft lenses have long been invented for this case). Many parents do not know that children are allowed to wear contact lenses from the age of eight, British doctors say. Most moms believe the minimum age to start using lenses is 14 years old.

Doctors' conservatism

Generally speaking, British ophthalmologists are also conservative, they are much less likely to recommend contact lenses to their young patients than, for example, their American colleagues. Scientists from the London College of Ophthalmology conducted a survey among 748 ophthalmologists in the UK and found that 92% of them prescribed contact lenses to patients under 18 years old, but only 1.4% of them would recommend lenses for vision correction for children 8-9 years old and 7 years old. 1% - children 10-12 years old. True, the medical respondents noted: when making a decision on vision correction with the help of lenses, the maturity and consciousness of the child is more important for them than his age.

Freedom and comfort

Myopia usually begins to develop in children about eight years old, vision can deteriorate in adolescence, and the reasons for this are different: increased workload at school, addiction to computer games, hormonal changes in the body, and poor nutrition. Growing up children at this time change their attitude towards themselves, the world around them, they are actively immersed in the process of socialization - they study, communicate a lot with their peers, go in for sports. And an important condition for the normal development of a teenager's personality is a sense of self-confidence, regardless of whether he wears glasses or lenses, psychologists say.

According to surveys, 79% of British children in need of vision correction wear glasses and only 3% wear contact lenses, 18% of children were lucky with their parents: they bought both glasses and lenses and were given the right to decide when to wear what. Lucky people who wear contact lenses adore them because they feel more free when playing sports and look more attractive in the eyes of their peers.

People suffering from myopia or hyperopia are forced to correct their vision. One of the most popular and affordable correction methods is wearing prescription glasses.

But in recent years, the use of contact lenses has grown in popularity as an alternative to boring glasses. At first glance, it seems that lenses will be the ideal option for those who for some reason do not want to wear glasses.

But is it really so? It turns out that both methods of vision correction have both advantages and disadvantages.

Pros and cons of prescription glasses

It is necessary to understand that only an ophthalmologist can deal with the selection of glasses. Under no circumstances should you try to put on other people's glasses or choose glasses yourself in the optics.

The doctor will check your vision and write a prescription for making glasses that are right for you.

So, the advantages of wearing glasses with diopters include:

  1. Glasses can become a stylish accessory, if in harmony with your face type.
  2. This subject of correction does not come into contact with the eyes, therefore, it is not the culprit for the occurrence of various diseases of the organs of vision.
  3. The goggles protect the eyes from debris, sand in strong winds, etc.
  4. Glasses do not need constant complex care and are a simple and affordable method of vision correction.

Along with significant advantages, wearing glasses is accompanied by some inconveniences. These include:

  1. Distortion and limitation of vision while wearing.
  2. The constant presence of a foreign object on the face, which is glasses.
  3. If the glasses are not fitted correctly, unpleasant side effects may appear: dizziness, fainting, nervous disorders, etc.
  4. Fogging of spectacle lenses during temperature extremes, limiting visibility during rain and snow.
  5. Reflection of light, especially at night.
  6. Danger of losing or breaking glasses at the most crucial moment.
  7. Inability to wear sunglasses.
  8. The better the frame, the higher its cost.

Pros and cons of contact lenses

First of all, you need to know that, like glasses, only a doctor will help you choose the right one. Lenses have different parameters, so relying on reviews or listening to a consultant in the store is useless, you need to know exactly which lenses are right for you.

Contact lenses, although they are a more modern means of correcting vision, compared to glasses, still have both advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of contact lenses:

  1. Side vision does not deteriorate, objects are not distorted.
  2. No dependence on glasses (especially if they don't suit you).
  3. Lenses are not afraid of temperature changes.
  4. This type of correction allows you to go in for active sports.
  5. Lenses will help to change the "native" eye color.

Cons of contact lenses:

  1. Improper care or wear increases the risk of inflammation and infection.
  2. It is not recommended to shower and bathe in lenses in order to avoid the entry of germs.
  3. This method of vision correction is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.
  4. Causes discomfort for those suffering from dry eye syndrome.
  5. The risk of an allergic reaction to both the material from which the lens is made and the solution for them.
  6. Insufficient transport of oxygen to the eyes.
  7. Lenses should not be worn in dusty or chemical-laden environments.
  8. When worn, the endothelium - the inner layer of the eye cornea - can be damaged.
  9. Their cost is usually higher compared to glasses.
  10. Careful care required.

When wearing contact lenses, the cornea experiences stress on a daily basis, microtraumas appear on its surface, accompanied by pain symptoms, sensation of a foreign body in the eye, lacrimation and redness of the conjunctiva. To restore the tissues of the ocular surface, after injuries, as an auxiliary therapy, agents with dexpanthenol, a substance that has a regenerating effect on tissues, in particular, Korneregel eye gel, can be used. It has a healing effect due to the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol 5% *, and the carbomer included in its composition, due to its viscous texture, prolongs the contact of dexpanthenol with the ocular surface. Korneregel remains on the eye for a long time due to its gel-like form, is easy to apply, penetrates into the deep layers of the cornea and stimulates the process of regeneration of the epithelium of the surface tissues of the eye, promotes healing of microtraumas and eliminates the sensation of pain. The drug is applied in the evening when the lenses are already removed.

* 5% - the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol among ophthalmic forms in the Russian Federation. April 2017

There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

When lenses are contraindicatedWhen lenses are recommended
With diseases such as glaucoma, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids, acute sinusitis, AIDS, tuberculosis, etc.With astigmatism or myopia of moderate to high degree, accompanied by astigmatism
While using certain medications: vasoconstrictor drops and sprays, oral contraceptives, antihistaminesWith amblyopia (lazy eye syndrome)
During colds and flu, as viral inflammatory eye diseases can developWith degenerative thinning of the cornea (keratoconus)
With strabismus (angle more than 15 degrees)With anisometropia
If the cornea is sensitiveWith monocular aphakia (including after cataract removal)

It should be added that the problems with the care of contact lenses can be avoided by using daily lenses. In this case, the container is not required, as is the storage solution. Every day you use a new pair of lenses, and after the day you just throw them away.

Rules that must be followed when wearing contact lenses

  1. Do not touch the lenses with your fingernails when putting on or taking off to avoid damage.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and water before handling any lenses.
  3. Do not reuse lens solution.
  4. Observe the rules for additional disinfection of certain types of lenses.
  5. Do not use expired lenses.
  6. Change the lens container at least once a quarter.
  7. Try to always remove your lenses while you sleep.

What parameters should you pay attention to when choosing contact lenses

1. Oxygen permeability and moisture content. The higher the water content of the lenses, the lower the likelihood of unpleasant sensations (dryness, burning, etc.) while wearing them.

The oxygen permeability of the lens is equally important. It is generally accepted that 30 units are enough for comfortable daytime use. But in some silicone hydrogel lenses, the oxygen transmission level reaches 170 units, which certainly benefits the eyes.

2. Wearing mode. On the packaging, the manufacturer must indicate the time during which the use of contact lenses is allowed:

  1. Daytime (lenses are used only during the day).
  2. Flexible (not removable for up to two days in a row).
  3. Prolonged (can be worn for up to a week without taking off).
  4. Continuous (allowed to use for 30 consecutive days).

3. Frequency of replacement. By the period of wearing contact lenses can be divided into:

  1. One-day.
  2. One- and two-week.
  3. Monthly.
  4. Quarterly.
  5. Six months.
  6. Annual.

Decide how long you will use the lenses and choose based on your preferences. Daily lenses will cost you significantly more than, for example, quarterly lenses. But they are easier to care for, and the likelihood of protein deposits on the lens is practically zero.

4. Diameter and radius of curvature. Lenses with the following parameters are suitable for most people: radius of curvature from 8.4 to 8.6, diameter from 14.0 to 14.2 mm. However, you shouldn't buy lenses at random. Consult an ophthalmologist who will determine the parameters that are right for you.

Video - Which is better - glasses or contact lenses?

Glasses: glass or plastic?

If you decide to stay on such a method of vision correction as the use of glasses, then you need to know that spectacle lenses are made from both glass and plastic.

Glass spectacle lenses protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, minimize image distortion and are more scratch resistant than plastic lenses.

But glass lenses also have a number of disadvantages. They are heavy enough to break and, even worse, injure your eyes or skin.

Plastic spectacle lenses are relatively lightweight and safe. But plastic lenses in most cases transmit ultraviolet rays, which negatively affects vision. Although, now you can buy glasses with high-quality plastic lenses, which have a special protective coating: water-repellent, anti-reflective, antistatic, etc.

Working with a computer: glasses or lenses

If glasses for working at a computer are selected correctly, then the threat to eyesight is minimized. It is enough just to periodically arrange breaks of 10-15 minutes.

With lenses, the situation is more complicated: eye strain, coupled with dry air, cause noticeable discomfort when using a computer. Plus, dust that collects in the electrostatic space between you and your computer gets into your eyes, causing dryness and irritation.

Therefore, when working with a computer, it is better to give preference to glasses with diopters than lenses.

Which is better, lenses or glasses?

There is no definite answer to this question. Each method of vision correction has its own pros and cons. Therefore, you can alternate the use of lenses and glasses, depending on the situation.

For example, if you have a cold or just don't plan to leave the house, you can limit yourself to glasses. And if there is a gala event and glasses do not fit into your image, give preference to contact lenses.

According to statistics, more than 50% of the inhabitants of our planet suffer from vision problems, statistics is a stubborn thing, and it is useless to argue with it.

Today, the field of contact correction offers a wide range of methods to combat poor vision, the most popular of which are glasses and contact lenses. Question which is better glasses or contact lenses for many it remains open, since the question of choosing between beauty and health is an endless question.

In this article we will tell you about all the advantages and disadvantages of both methods. It is believed that glasses and contact lenses compete with each other, but this is far from the case, these are completely different means of correction, which cannot compete with each other.

Points their merits and demerits

First, let's look at the history of glasses. At first, the glasses were used by the ancient peoples of the north in order to protect their eyes from the bright sun and cold gusty winds. As you might guess, these were rather primitive glasses, compared to the current ones.

As historians assume, glasses were invented in Italy in the 13th century and, of course, the question of which glasses or contact lenses were better was not, for one simple reason, it simply did not exist, then there was no concept of contact lenses, not that choice. Since that time, much has been improved and changed.

Compared to that time, the quality has improved significantly, it would be strange if it was different. The quality of the glasses has become better, new materials have been developed from which the lenses are made. The lenses are now thinner and stronger. Now, even with high diopters, lenses can be thin.

Improved not only glasses, but the frames themselves, the materials from which they are made. In the manufacture of frames, a combination of different materials is used, which makes frames stronger and lighter than their predecessors. In the salons of optics there is a wide selection of frames for every color and taste, which makes glasses not only a means of correction, but also a fashionable accessory. Many wear glasses with empty lenses to keep pace with fashion.

Pros of glasses:

They are significantly less expensive than contact lenses.
- Glasses are quick and easy to take off and put on.
- Well-chosen glasses can hide flaws and highlight the dignity of your face.
- Points can not be changed for a long period of time.
- The glasses are very easy to care for.
- With the help of glasses, you can correct any vision.
- Using glasses, you can not be afraid to apply makeup.

Of course, it's best not to wear glasses or contact lenses, but to have good eyesight. But when the situation forces and you have to choose, you need to know not only the advantages but also the disadvantages of the chosen remedy.

Cons of glasses:

Glasses limit the range of vision, which in the future can lead to atrophy of the eye muscles. According to ophthalmologists, prolonged wearing of glasses is bad for eye health.
- Glasses impose restrictions on certain types of activities, for example, you cannot play sports, dance, swim, etc. wearing glasses. in these cases it is better to use lenses.
- Glasses are a means of attracting attention, for many it creates psychological discomfort.
- In winter, when the temperature changes abruptly, the glasses fog up.
- In the summer, people who wear glasses for correcting vision, unfortunately, cannot wear sunglasses. Now, of course, it is possible to make lenses with sun protection and with diopters, but it is quite expensive and not such lenses can be inserted into any frame, moreover, under such lenses you cannot always find a frame that suits you.

Those who are tired of wearing glasses and are looking for an alternative means of vision correction should pay attention.

Advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses

Before we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses, let's first turn to the history of their discovery.

Originally, the lenses were made of glass, they were hard lenses and were uncomfortable to wear. Soft contact lenses were invented in 1960 and were slightly more comfortable than those made of glass. The discovery of the possibility of making lenses and polymer material made soft contact lenses very popular. Their disadvantage was that they did not pass oxygen well. But recent developments in the field of contact correction have led to the emergence of silicone hydrogel lenses, which solved the problem of poor oxygen transmission. In addition, silicone hydrogel lenses have other benefits.

Pros of contact lenses:

Contact lenses will not shatter if dropped.
- They allow oxygen to pass sufficiently, the eye breathes fully.
- The duration of wearing the lenses for one day is 12 hours.
- Lenses do not limit the field of view.
- Lenses can correct vision by almost 100%.
- Lenses are always selected 1 diopter less than necessary due to the fact that they fit tightly to the front surface of the eye.

Disadvantages of contact lenses:

The discovery of silicone hydrogel lenses made contact lenses an excellent alternative to glasses, but unfortunately, the question is, which is better to wear glasses or contact lenses and remained unanswered. This is due to a number of disadvantages that contact lenses have.
- Contact lenses are a rather expensive method of vision correction. The lenses themselves are quite expensive, and you also need to buy additional accessories for care and storage. They require regular replacement.
- You need to get used to lenses, for some people it doesn't work.
- Removing and putting on lenses is a delicate procedure that takes time and skill.
- Even the most modern and according to manufacturers' safety lenses, 0 still injure the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye.
- If the lens has fallen out of the eye, it can be difficult to find. In addition, for a start, it must be dipped into a special solution, which is not always at hand.
- Lenses are not suitable for people with very sensitive eyes.
- There are some visual defects in which it is not possible to wear contact lenses.


Summing up and making a conclusion, it turns out that it is rather difficult to answer the question of which glasses or contact lenses are better. There are situations when this or that method has direct indications. But the practice and experience of people who use contact lenses as a means of correction sometimes wear glasses. That is, it turns out, they use both methods. This alternation of correction methods is very convenient. For example, you don’t need to go anywhere, you don’t have to force yourself in front of the mirror by putting on your lenses, but simply put on glasses. In addition, in case of inflammatory diseases, and not only the eyes, but especially, lenses cannot be worn, glasses must be used. It turns out the conclusion suggests itself, you need to use both glasses and contact lenses.

A person who first encounters vision problems is faced with the question of choosing between glasses and lenses. The first is preferred by older people. Habit plays an important role in this. Young and active patients prefer lenses instead of glasses. They look more aesthetically pleasing and practically do not need additional care. But there are a number of contraindications, due to which it is undesirable to use lenses. Therefore, the primary choice should be the advice of doctors.

What are they?

The quality of visual acuity is measured in diopters. They pay attention to them when choosing corrective devices.

Eye lenses are convex products made of a special material and intended to be placed directly in the eye. This invention appeared at the end of the 20th century and immediately gained popularity. The glasses are the same lenses, but placed in a solid frame. To feel the difference, a person should try both methods of vision correction. Only this way will help you make the right choice. If your vision improves while wearing glasses, you should stop at them.

Pros of glasses and benefits of lenses

It is very easy to store such a product.

Both human inventions have their positive and negative qualities. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the pros and cons of glasses and contact lenses before opting for any of them. Young people always choose the latest developments. Therefore, lenses that are difficult to see on the eye are always a priority. They do not slip or sweat, and do not need to be wiped clean. In addition, if a person has a big difference between diopters, anisometropia, he also needs to give preference to lenses. But glasses also have their positive qualities:

  • The ability to remove them at any time. This is necessary for periodic rest of the eyes.
  • A case is enough to store them. They do not need to be placed in a special solution.
  • Unlimited wear period. If the quality of a person's vision remains at the same level, he will not need new glasses for vision correction soon.
  • Lack of direct eye contact. This eliminates the risk of conjunctivitis and other purulent-inflammatory processes in the organs of vision.
  • The ability to wear in any physiological state of the body.

Cons of using

Such products should not be removed from the eyes without washing your hands.

It is not very comfortable to wear glasses. They constantly slip, make it difficult to dress and undress. People are often annoyed with glasses slipping off the bridge of the nose. They also have a limited viewing angle. But the respondents give priority among the negative aspects of wearing glasses to an unaesthetic appearance. Although the lenses look better, they also have a number of disadvantages:

  • Fixation in the eye. They cannot be retrieved at any moment. To do this, you need to wash your hands and have a special box with a storage solution nearby.
  • The inability to use them for children. A child who is not in control of their movements should not wear lenses, as the baby can accidentally damage them and injure the eye.
  • The need to purchase additional accessories for storage and care.
  • Limited term of use. This requires additional financial investments.
  • A number of contraindications for concomitant diseases of the organs of vision.
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