Why do the chest and lower abdomen hurt? The swollen chest pulls the stomach. The chest hurts and the lower abdomen hurts The chest is poured and pulls the lower abdomen

Every woman is familiar with periodic pains in the lower abdomen. Appear before menstruation or during menstruation. Often women complain that their stomach hurts in the middle of the cycle. Pulling pain occurs for a number of reasons, the main one is the onset of ovulation.

Ovulation occurs every month. At this point, the egg is released from the ovary. The period of maturation of the egg is considered a favorable moment for the conception of a child. The regular menstrual cycle depends on the time and presence of ovulation.

Statistics show that most of the fair sex do not know when the moment of the release of the egg comes. In a healthy woman, this is usually the middle of the cycle. During this period, the basal body temperature rises. There are minor pains in the lower abdomen, swelling of the mammary glands. To clarify the beginning of ovulation, it is recommended to do a special test (sold in a pharmacy).

Pain during ovulation

Pain in the abdomen during ovulation occurs due to the rupture of the ovarian follicle, a mature egg is released. The release process takes several minutes. But the sensations can last up to several days. The reason for this is the rupture of blood vessels and minor bleeding.

The localization of pain depends on the location of the ovary, where the egg came from. It has a diverse character: it can be pulling or sharp. The duration of pain is affected by:

  • The presence of adhesions of the fallopian tubes;
  • Scarring;
  • endometriosis;
  • Inflammation in the pelvic organs.

Only a gynecologist is able to identify the cause of pain in the middle of the cycle.

Pain diagnostics

It is difficult to determine the exact moment when the egg leaves the ovary. A woman will need some time to observe her own body, measure her basal temperature.

Measure it immediately after waking up. A mercury thermometer is inserted into the anus. Before ovulation, the temperature norm is 36.4-36.7. At the time of the release of the egg, the temperature will rise to 37-37.3 degrees, and will last until the start of the next menstruation. The method allows you to accurately determine the day of the onset of ovulation. To be on the safe side, a test is recommended.

It is important to set the duration of the menstrual cycle. It is counted from the first day of menstruation until the next. The length of the cycle of each woman is individual. The norm is the duration of 28 - 35 days.

Ovulation is accompanied by symptoms:

  • Mood swings;
  • Increased sexual desire;
  • Abundant clear discharge from the vagina;
  • Heaviness in the mammary glands.

Ovulation does not require medical treatment. A slight pain sensation is a normal process. During this period, it is recommended to drink more fluids, walk in the fresh air, eat vegetables and fruits more often, avoid stress and strong emotional stress.

Possible reasons

The absence or skipping of ovulation affects menstruation. It is considered normal to pass two or three times a year. From birth, a woman lays a certain number of eggs. As the reproductive function decreases, the number decreases. Monthly go, but poorly.

If ovulation is absent at the woman's fertile age, this indicates that the reproductive system is impaired. The result may be infertility or inability to bear a child. If the release of the egg does not occur for two to three months in a row, it is necessary to consult a doctor. After conducting research, the gynecologist will identify the causes of ovulatory dysfunction.

Increasing estrogen levels

Pulling the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle can be due to low estrogen levels. The activity of the uterus and the sensitivity of a woman are directly dependent on hormones. The maximum increase in estrogen occurs in women closer to 40 years. During this period, menstruation is accompanied by especially strong pain.

A change in the hormonal background causes PMS and algomenorrhea (lower back pain, sharp pains in the lower abdomen). Dizziness and nausea, weakness begin. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to drink analgesics.

Elevated levels of prostaglandins

The appearance of pain is the main sign of a high level of prostaglandins. Due to their increase, a failure in the hormonal background occurs. Accompanied by pain in the back and lower back during menstruation.

The purpose of prostaglandins is to cause uterine contractions during childbirth. Enzymes are produced in the uterus. When the follicle matures, pressure is increased, it breaks. Therefore, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, cramping pains occur.

Gynecologists call the process ovulatory syndrome. Often accompanied by headache, palpitations, nausea, chills, and vomiting.

The cause of the syndrome can be an infectious disease, which causes an inflammatory process in the ovary. Its walls are thickened, the release of the egg is difficult. For the egg to be released, a lot of pressure is required on the follicle. This is how blood vessels are damaged.

Thyroid enlargement

The thyroid gland is responsible for the work and creation of hormones in the human body. With its increase, the hormonal background is disturbed. During menstruation, a woman experiences pain syndromes, insomnia appears.

Enlargement of the thyroid gland leads to disruption of the entire body. Pathological inflammatory processes occur in the uterus and vagina. There are infectious and bacterial diseases, uterine fibroids, endometriosis.

The use of intrauterine contraceptives

Intrauterine contraceptives can cause pain in the middle of the cycle. Pain is caused by the presence of a foreign body. Also, the syndrome is sometimes provoked by the synthesis of prostaglandins.

If pain occurs frequently, it is better to abandon the intrauterine device. You need to see a doctor if:

  1. Throughout menstruation, there are sharp pulling pains in the abdomen and lower back.
  2. Pain intensifies and does not go away for more than 2 days.
  3. The syndrome is accompanied by discomfort, itching, burning of the genitals. Urination is accompanied by sharp pains. The vaginal discharge has a strong odor.
  4. There was severe bleeding during menstruation (in an hour, the gasket is completely filled).
  5. An increase in temperature against the background of the inflammatory process.

Possible pregnancy

The cause of pulling pain after ovulation is pregnancy. After fertilization, the egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. During this period, there are pains in the lower abdomen, which resemble pain syndrome as in the days before menstruation. In the early stages of pregnancy, the side where the egg came from hurts.

  1. The syndrome appears due to increased blood circulation in the uterus. The blood supplies oxygen and nutrients to the embryo. But increased blood circulation increases the tone of the uterus, the consequence will be a spontaneous miscarriage or its threat.
  2. Pulling pain sensations appear due to softening and stretching of the tissues and ligaments of the uterus. It expands and shifts. Rapid growth occurs in the first months of pregnancy. As a rule, by the second trimester the syndrome disappears.
  3. The cause of the pain is an increased level of progesterone. In this case, the sensation extends to the legs, back, lower back.

In order not to confuse pregnancy with illness, a woman should listen to her own body. As soon as conception occurs, the body of the expectant mother prepares for the birth of the child. The chest begins to grow and hurt at any touch to it.

Visit to the doctor

A doctor's consultation is necessary if the pain continues for a long time. The difficulty lies not only in ovulation and in the pathology of the pelvic organs. The stomach hurts due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, appendicitis and a number of other diseases.

When treating pain in the middle of the cycle, relying on painkillers is not worth it. Their action is aimed at relieving the symptom. If soreness appears for two or three cycles, it's time to see a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and studies.

An immediate trip will be required if a woman has found one or more symptoms that accompany pain: nausea, vomiting, weakness, a sharp increase in temperature, itching and burning of the genitals.

The appearance of unpleasant painful sensations in the lower abdomen can occur for various reasons, which include acute adnexitis, salpingitis, inflammation of the pelvic organs, etc. If a woman’s lower abdomen hurts a lot, which also happens during menstruation, there is an increase in temperature. Having accurately established the cause of the pain, there is a chance to eliminate it.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen in women

Adhesions that take place in the small pelvis can provoke the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen - an unpleasant feeling worries on the left or right, taking into account which side the operation was performed on. Another cause is inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The pains are pulling in nature, give to the thigh, anus and lower back. Unpleasant sensations increase several times with severe hypothermia, intimate relationships and high physical exertion.

During pregnancy

Pain in the lower abdomen can be observed during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • Premature detachment of the placenta. This pathology is accompanied by severe pain that manifests itself in the lower abdomen, there is a possibility of opening external bleeding of varying intensity. Immediate assistance is required, there is a risk of hypoxia and subsequent death of the fetus.
  • The threat of miscarriage - there is a discharge with an admixture of blood, the pains are aching in nature and do not go away for several hours. If the lower back does not just pull, but the pain becomes cramping, you need to call an ambulance.
  • Ectopic pregnancy - the stomach, back hurts a lot, slight discharge appears. But the main symptom is pain, the localization of which occurs on the side where the egg is attached (a pulling, aching sensation appears that does not go away for a long time). Blood pressure drops sharply, the woman loses consciousness, the temperature rises.
  • Disorder in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - there is an acute pain of a cramping nature. An irrational diet, flatulence, constipation is capable of provoking a painful syndrome. You can get rid of such an unpleasant, strong feeling by adjusting your diet.
  • Painful sensation provoked by physiological stretching of the abdominal muscles. During pregnancy, the uterus increases in size, putting pressure on the organs, causing a change in their location. As a result, the woman experiences discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • An acute abdomen is a condition in which certain diseases (pancreas, gallbladder, intestines, stomach, appendix) manifest themselves.

When walking

A common cause of patient complaints is severe pain in the abdomen of a different nature. In the abdominal cavity there are many different organs close to each other, which can be subject to a variety of diseases. There are aching, pulling pains in the abdomen when walking, they indicate that one of the abdominal organs is unhealthy and requires diagnosis. Only a specialist, after conducting the necessary tests, is able to determine the disease, relieve inflammation, anesthetize and conduct competent treatment.

With menstruation

Menstruation may be accompanied by severe pain that manifests itself in the lower abdomen. This phenomenon will be typical for young girls who have not yet stabilized the hormonal system. “Before” and “after” menstruation, pain will not appear, provided that all systems, as well as organs in the female body, function correctly, no dangerous deviations are observed.

Almost always, a woman has pain in her lower abdomen due to the strong dissonance that occurs between different types of hormones (progesterone and prostaglandins). Prostaglandins are produced by the uterus, but if there are too many of these substances, the number of contractions increases, which leads to an increase in soreness. An excess of this substance can lead to headaches, nausea, and there is a possibility of vomiting.

At ovulation

Gynecology explains the cause of the appearance of pain during ovulation - the follicle matures, the pain during uterine contraction worries. Many women suffer from discomfort that manifests itself in the lower abdomen during the maturation of the egg - the pain is of medium intensity and is considered a physiological norm. It is extremely rare that it lasts for a long time and acquires a cramping character.

What to do if the lower abdomen hurts when urinating?

If severe pain occurs directly during the process of urination, you should immediately seek medical help from a doctor. This sign indicates that an inflammatory process has begun, requiring an urgent and effective course of treatment. The medicine is prescribed only after examining the patient and determining the exact diagnosis. Recipes from traditional medicine can temporarily reduce pain:

  • We take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aspen buds, grind.
  • Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  • After an hour, we filter the solution and take it orally 5-6 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons.

Aches in the lower abdomen and gives to the lower back

In women, the appearance of pulling pains in the lower abdomen occurs for the following reasons:

  • Premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pain (soreness manifests itself in the middle of the abdomen and radiates to the lower back).
  • The beginning of inflammatory processes occurring in the uterus, vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes. All of these phenomena carry a great danger to the life of the patient.
  • Cyst, myoma, oncology (the appearance of a variety of tumors that are benign in nature).
  • The rupture of the ovary will be accompanied by the appearance of severe sharp pains, manifested in the lower abdomen, passing into the groin. The risk of developing sepsis (blood enters the abdominal cavity) increases.
  • Pain also appears when twisting the legs of the cyst.
  • After a recent abortion. This is the first sign of an incompletely removed fetal egg, which also provokes the development of sepsis.

How to prevent pain in the lower abdomen

To prevent pain in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to regularly perform a simple set of exercises:

  • We sit on the floor and cross our legs. We draw in the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, and pelvic floor as much as possible - we squeeze, then relax. This exercise helps to effectively train the muscles and ligaments of the small pelvis, uterus, vagina, improves the outflow of venous blood, blood circulation, the intestines begin to function properly.
  • We clasp our hands behind the lock (we put one hand over the shoulder, and hold the other towards it from below), sit on our heels. Changing hands, we repeat the exercise - the movement of blood through the vessels improves, the back muscles develop.
  • We spread our legs as straight as possible to the sides, raise our hands up (we inhale), make an inclination to the socks and reach for them, pressing our head to the dimple between the collarbones. This exercise helps not only strengthen the hip joints, but also improve the blood supply to the bladder, rectum, and genital organs.

Video: pain in the lower abdomen on the right and left

If there are severe pains in the lower abdomen, but there is no way to consult a doctor, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the following video, where you will find answers to almost all questions of concern:

Any symptoms associated with pain indicate possible changes in the body. If the chest and lower abdomen hurt, then first you need to remember about menstruation - when there were critical days, if there was a delay in menstruation. With a regular cycle and the absence of pregnancy, pain in the abdomen and mammary glands may indicate the presence of a serious gynecological pathology.

Why does the chest and lower abdomen hurt

The mammary glands are a hormone-sensitive organ: the breast always responds to endocrine changes in the female body. Pain in the mammary glands that occurs before critical days or after menstruation may indicate the following conditions and diseases:

  • normal pregnancy (in the first weeks after conception, against the background of a delay in menstruation and the onset of hormonal changes, the chest hurts and swells);
  • successful conception with symptoms of a threatened miscarriage (pain or pulling in the lower abdomen in combination with swollen breasts);
  • (1-2 days before the onset of menstruation, there may be discomfort in the chest and abdomen);
  • pathology of the mammary glands ();
  • gynecological problems (diseases of the uterus and appendages);
  • diseases of internal organs (kidneys, intestines).

In each case, it is important to contact a specialist in time - the doctor will be able to find out the cause of discomfort. You can not postpone a visit to the doctor, especially if you want to keep the pregnancy or at a high risk of tumor diseases of the mammary glands and pelvic organs.

Chest hurts and pulls the lower abdomen - symptoms

In most cases, typical signs of women's problems are manifested by the following main symptoms:

  • changes in the menstrual cycle (any variant of atypically past periods or the absence of critical days);
  • reaction from the breast (swollen or sore);
  • pain of any severity in the lower abdomen and lower back, associated or not associated with the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms can be varied, but the first question that the doctor will ask at the appointment is when was the last menstruation? It is important to accurately divide all manifestations into normal and pathological: if the chest hurts and pulls in the lower abdomen against the background of the absence of critical days, then this is a completely normal situation associated with the possible presence of a desired pregnancy.

If symptoms occur after critical days and pain continues to persist in swollen mammary glands, then problems with women's health are possible causes.

Delayed menstruation due to symptoms

Every woman should carefully monitor the regularity of the cycle. If there are no periods on the prescribed days, the chest is sick and sore, then the first thing to do is the simplest and most affordable - a pregnancy test. A positive test result indicates a normal situation with women's health. It is much worse when, against the background of a confirmed pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen begins, which may indicate the following problems:

  • implantation pains (at the moment the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, a woman may experience unpleasant pulling sensations);
  • threatening spontaneous abortion at short terms;
  • wrong location of the embryo (ectopic pregnancy).

Pain in the lower back, lower abdomen and chest

The combination of pain in different parts of the body (mammary gland, abdomen and lower back) is a very real situation in the presence of serious problems with women's health. Multiple symptoms indicate the possible occurrence of the following diseases and conditions:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases during pregnancy (exacerbation of pyelonephritis);
  • the threat of miscarriage when the embryo is attached to the back wall of the uterus;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle against the background of general endocrine diseases or in an acute stressful situation;
  • ovarian cyst with hormonal disorders;
  • uterine fibroids with a subserous location of the node growing from the posterior uterine wall;
  • hyperplastic processes in the endometrium (polyposis of the body of the uterus);
  • endometrioid disease (all unpleasant pain occurs in the premenstrual period);
  • bowel problems in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle (constipation);
  • osteochondrosis (chronic pathology of the spine).

Pain that radiates to the lower back most often occurs against the background of gynecological diseases, therefore it is unacceptable to refuse a visit to the doctor - the earlier the diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the more chances there are for a successful solution of women's problems.

In the absence of gynecological diseases, the doctor will refer specialists (nephrologist or urologist, neuropathologist, therapist) for a consultation to rule out diseases of the internal organs.

Pain continues after period

Manifestations of the pathological condition in the postmenstrual period are typical for diseases of the mammary glands and gynecological diseases. If menstruation has passed, and the chest and lower abdomen are very sore, then you need to visit a doctor. According to the results of the examination, the following diagnoses are possible:

  • various options for benign neoplasms in the chest (,);
  • combination of uterine fibroids and mastopathy;
  • or an endometrial polyp;
  • undiagnosed pregnancy (a woman may mistake for normal critical days scanty spotting on the days of the expected menstruation).

For any type of pain in the abdomen and chest associated with the postmenstrual situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Normally, after menstruation, there is no and should not be any pain in the mammary glands, therefore it is extremely important not to postpone a visit to a specialist: most often, all manifestations from the chest and pelvic organs indicate the presence of female diseases.

The female body reacts sensitively and quickly to all external and internal changes. The normal situation includes the onset of pregnancy, the first symptoms of which may be a reaction from the breast (swelling of the mammary glands), problems with the digestive system (nausea, refusal of meat, loss of appetite, reaction to food odors). With a combination of pain in the mammary glands and the lower abdomen, the studies prescribed by the doctor should be performed to exclude gynecological pathology.

In each case, the choice of examination methods is individual: sometimes it is enough to do an ultrasound scan to make an accurate diagnosis, and in some situations, against the background of a comprehensive examination, the cause of pain is detected only after a few days. It is important to accurately and accurately follow the doctor's prescriptions in order to prevent dangerous complications and get rid of women's problems.

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Women quite often wonder why their lower abdomen is pulled and their chest hurts. There are many factors that cause these symptoms. Often they are caused by malfunctions in the menstrual cycle.

Regardless of the intensity of pain, their duration and other circumstances, women should not postpone a visit to a specialist.

A timely examination makes it possible to identify the problem at the preliminary stage of its formation, which greatly simplifies therapy and reduces the time it takes.

Chest hurts and pulls the lower abdomen

If the chest hurts and pulls the lower abdomen, then this may be a harbinger of the menstrual cycle. Initially, a pulling pain is formed, as there is tension in the uterus.

Thus, preparation for menstruation begins. After that, discomfort forms in the chest.

The lower abdomen pulls, mainly due to ovulation, at the same time, the pain itself will be pulling. This can happen due to the bursting of the follicle and the release of the egg.

In some women, ovulation does not have characteristic signs, at the same time the lower abdomen hurts, and then a significant amount of transparent discharge forms.

Discomfort in the chest, in the abdomen can manifest itself in the first days of the menstrual cycle. Unpleasant sensations will pass when menstruation ends.

Some patients are unable to endure pain, so they take painkillers.


The health of women is extremely fragile, therefore it is necessary to monitor your body and respond in a timely manner when the chest and lower abdomen hurt.

Such symptoms can go in combination with various diseases, talk about the approach of the menstrual cycle or about the pathological course of pregnancy.

There are a lot of reasons that provoke the occurrence of pain. The nature of the discomfort also differs in different cases.

Someone's chest swells, and there are pains near the mammary gland, intense discomfort appears in the lower part of the abdominal cavity.

The rest of the lower abdomen pulls, aching. You should not turn a blind eye to such signals, in order to avoid the formation of adverse consequences.

Cyclic mastodynia

The most common factor in why the mammary glands hurt, and why the lower abdomen hurts and pulls, is cyclic mastodynia or a combination of symptoms that are observed in most women before the start of the menstrual cycle.

During this period, a high concentration of progesterone is observed in the bloodstream. This is one of the main hormones responsible for preparing the female body for pregnancy.

Thanks to its influence, such important changes are carried out:

  • The endometrium will become more juicy due to the overgrown vessels and mucous glands.
  • The ovaries will temporarily switch to another “mode” of functioning in order to maintain the pregnancy.
  • The end section of the mammary gland will increase in size, the ducts will grow.
  • There is coarsening and an increase in the size of the nipples.

For many women, such changes are associated with such painful symptoms as:

  • Drawing pain in lower abdomen.
  • Pain in the nipples (at rest and during touching).
  • The chest hurts (or discomfort is felt).

Regardless of the severity of the symptoms, they are considered completely natural and may indicate that a woman is able to become pregnant and breastfeed.

Other reasons

Pain and discomfort in the abdomen can be a symptom of many other diseases that do not affect the reproductive system. These include:

  • Food poisoning. In the process of penetration into the gastrointestinal tract of products of inadequate quality, which contains toxins and pathogens, acute food poisoning is formed. Its symptoms are as follows: lower abdomen hurts, nausea, gag reflex, stool disorder, fever, loss of appetite, general weakness. Some patients experience chest pain. Sometimes they note that the mammary gland is swollen. After cleansing the digestive system of toxic substances and harmful bacteria, all symptoms will pass.
  • Acute appendicitis. It is the most common surgical disease during which the lower abdomen hurts, the temperature increases, nausea and stool disorder are observed. Such symptoms are caused by an inflammatory process in the appendix - a slight elongated growth that attaches to the large intestine. Mostly appendicitis is not associated with discomfort in the chest, but with severe pain in the abdomen, this pathological process must also be excluded.
  • Urolithiasis. During the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary ducts, renal colic often forms. In this condition, it pulls in the lower abdomen, urination is disturbed, blood impurities are noted in the urine. In women, the disease is observed frequently. Often during it, the nipples and chest hurt.
  • Neuralgia. With pathological processes of the spine, neuralgia is often formed - severe pain in the spinal nerve, aggravated during movements, bending over and taking a deep breath. In some situations, neuralgia simulates an acute surgical pathological process.

Causes of chest pain

There are also diseases and pathological conditions that are accompanied by pain and discomfort in the chest. These include:


A benign disease of the mammary gland, during which seals and nodules form inside its thickness.

Despite the danger of symptoms, in many situations this disease is not complicated by the oncological process.

Important symptoms: the formation of diffuse seals or nodes, chest pain, the appearance of discomfort in the nipples. The disease needs regular monitoring by a mammologist and proper hormonal therapy.


The inflammatory process of the mammary gland is often observed in the postpartum period.

The disease is caused by the penetration of harmful microorganisms into the ducts of the gland and the further formation of inflammation.

With the disease, the temperature increases significantly, there are throbbing pains in the chest, nipples hurt.

Mastitis belongs to the group of acute surgical pathological processes, and requires mandatory therapy.

Strong antibiotic agents, detoxification, infusion treatment are used. If adverse effects (abscess) appear, surgical intervention is necessary.

Intercostal neuralgia

In such a situation, damage to the nerves of the chest occurs. In some cases, shingles, a viral disease that is caused by the causative agent of chickenpox, begins with the symptoms of this disease.

Initially, the chest hurts a lot, the temperature increases. Next, a rash appears that resembles herpes. Shingles must be treated without fail with antiviral agents.

Mammary cancer

The most dangerous factor that hurts the chest. During such a disease, some cells of the gland overgrow, destroying nearby tissues, and then spread in the body with the formation of metastases.

The main symptomatology is retraction and other deformation of the nipple. Timely detection of the disease contributes to complete healing.

Therefore, upon reaching the age of 30, women need to constantly carry out a physical examination and mammography.

To establish why the chest hurts and pulls in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination.

Prevention measures

Many women wonder why when a specialist does not detect pathological processes, and after the menstrual cycle, the chest continues to hurt and pull in the lower abdomen.

The reason may be a violation of the schedule of rest and work. It is necessary to revise the sleep pattern, balance the diet, eliminate stressful situations and get rid of addictions.

You need to be more in the fresh air, play sports, master yoga exercises in order to relieve pain. If the stomach hurts after the menstrual cycle - this is a deviation from the norm.

You need to change something in your lifestyle, reconsider your habits and it is possible that the painful discomfort after the menstrual cycle will go away on its own.

If it pulls in the lower abdomen and the chest hurts, this is a dangerous signal that there are malfunctions inside the body. They should be eliminated until such time as they provoke the appearance of complications.

Self-treatment is not recommended. Many diseases that occur latently, which do not manifest themselves for a long time, have complex symptoms. Tests should be done to make sure that there are no health hazards.

Useful video

Quite often, women have pain in the chest and lower abdomen. There are many reasons for this. Mostly a provocateur is a violation of the menstrual cycle. Some women do not have pain at all, while others, on the contrary, suffer from unbearable pain. Unpleasant sensations are provoked by ovarian diseases, inadequate diet, hormonal changes, hypothermia and pregnancy. It is worth understanding why the chest and lower abdomen hurt.

During menstruation, female representatives quite often have chest pains and pulls on the lower abdomen. Features of the natural menstrual cycle are determined by the physiology of the body, which is quite normal, if not to talk about pathologies that provoke the appearance of pain.

About 70% of women during menstruation, especially in the first few days, experience pain of varying intensity: it can be moderate and weak, or it can be strong and unbearable.

50% of this number can endure discomfort "on their feet", while others suffer from pain, which makes it impossible to live normally on such days.

This kind of pain is commonly called algomenorrhea, represented by cramping and aching pain in the lower abdomen and chest. Quite often, this condition is accompanied by general malaise, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders, and a possible increase in body temperature.

It should be noted that women of the civilized world suffer more from pain in the chest and lower abdomen, while the fair sex of primitive tribes from Africa or India is less susceptible to this condition.

Algomenorrhea of ​​the primary type in a woman and pain in the chest and lower abdomen during the menstrual cycle occur due to poor blood flow in the uterine cavity. This condition is possible in stressful situations, various kinds of non-gynecological diseases, as well as overwork.

Due to the bending of the body or cicatricial narrowing of the uterine cervix after an abortion, women may also be disturbed by discharge and pain in the chest and lower abdomen.

Chest pain mainly appears before menstruation, but in the lower abdomen - only on the first day. In a large number of ladies, pain may be present only during this day, while others suffer until the third. Spasmodic pains will appear until the woman becomes pregnant, and after childbirth the syndrome subsides. However, if the pain syndrome with aching characteristics appears before the onset of menstruation, then most likely it will manifest itself until the onset of menopause.

In addition, the breasts can not only hurt, but also increase in size, which brings a large number of inconveniences. This condition, which begins before the onset of menstruation, is most often diagnosed along with an increase in the blood level of the hormone progesterone. The pain subsides only for 2-3 days from the beginning of menstruation.

The secondary type of algomenorrhea accompanies diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, a cancerous neoplasm of the uterine cavity. To stop such pain, it is worth finding out the causes, and then treating the disease itself.

Experts advise the fair sex, suffering from pain in the chest and lower abdomen, to switch to a specialized diet, in which the sugar and fat content is reduced, and alcoholic and caffeinated drinks are completely absent.

Causes of discomfort

If there is no menstruation and the lower abdomen hurts, then you should consult a gynecologist to solve this problem.

As mentioned above, predominantly this kind of symptoms appear before menstruation. So, first there is a aching pain syndrome, the uterine tone rises, which means preparation for menstruation. Only then does chest discomfort begin.

The lower abdomen hurts due to the ongoing ovulation, while the pain syndrome is pulling in nature. This is due to the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg. It is worth noting that this condition is also observed with a delay in menstruation.

Some women have a delay and the absence of characteristic symptoms, therefore, with pain in the lower abdomen, transparent discharge may appear. Discomfort in the chest occurs in the first few days of menstruation.

The pain will go away with the end of the menstrual cycle, and for those who cannot tolerate pain, it is recommended to take painkillers.


When the lower abdomen and chest hurt, most often there is a general malaise, the body temperature rises and weakness is felt. Sometimes vomiting and a feeling of nausea are possible. However, some say that such symptoms manifest themselves with hypothermia, which provoked inflammation in the reproductive system. Thus, often the appearance of urological pathology can be caused by similar symptoms.

As you can see, often pains in the lower abdomen and in the chest appear with a cyclic change occurring in the ovarian cavity and do not require medical intervention. However, it is still worth consulting with a doctor if the pain syndrome persists even after the end of menstruation.

The reasons for this combination of symptoms are few.

Pain during menstruation

Pulling pains in the lower abdomen are felt by almost every woman with the onset of monthly bleeding. Quite often, painful sensations in the mammary glands join them. This pathology is called algomenorrhea.

Additional signs - in addition to the fact that the chest hurts and pulls the lower abdomen - are:

  • general malaise;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • indigestion;
  • fever (relatively rare).

To provoke aching pain in the lower abdomen and in the chest can bend the body of the uterus or narrow the cervical canal caused by artificial termination of pregnancy.

The causes of primary algomenorrhea - when the stomach pulls and the chest hurts - lie in poor blood flow: the uterine mucosa has insufficient blood supply. This can be facilitated by stressful situations, gynecological pathologies and physical overwork.

But if soreness in the chest develops before the onset of menstruation, then pain in the lower abdomen occurs during the first day, simultaneously with the onset of bleeding. In some cases, the painful syndrome persists only on the first day, but sometimes it persists up to 3 days.

As a rule, pain in primary algomenorrhea persists until the onset of gestation. Pregnancy and subsequent childbirth in most cases help a woman get rid of pain. But if painful spasms developed before the onset of bleeding, then there is a chance that this symptom will persist at the onset of menopause.

Stomach and chest pain at the same time during menstruation

The chest can not only hurt. Sometimes it turns out that she swelled up and became more sensitive, especially the nipples. This condition is caused by an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood. Soreness in the mammary glands will pass on its own on the second or third day of monthly bleeding.

Secondary algomenorrhea is a complication of some diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular, it can be caused by cancerous tumors of the body of the uterus. Pathology treatment is carried out after diagnosis.

Women suffering from pain in the lower abdomen and in the chest are advised to follow the principles of dietary nutrition. The diet contains a low content of fats and sugars. In addition, all alcohol (even light) and caffeinated drinks are completely excluded.

The reason why the chest and lower abdomen hurts is the onset of pregnancy. The release of a mature egg occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If fertilization has occurred, then it moves through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity - the journey takes about a week - and there it is fixed in its mucosa.

It is from the moment of implantation that the development of pregnancy begins. You can confirm pregnancy at home only after a missed period. If you do a test earlier, it will be negative. Pain in the lower abdomen at the beginning of the development of gestation is considered an acceptable norm.

From the moment of implantation of the egg, the first symptoms of pregnancy appear in a woman:

  • Breasts hurt and become more sensitive. The reason is an increase in the hormone prolactin. Thus, the body prepares for the process of breastfeeding. Later, after the birth of a child, when breastfeeding is started, the breasts will increase significantly in size.
  • Nausea. The expectant mother is sick, reactions to smells appear - toxicosis develops.
  • Pain in the lower back and back. This is also an acceptable physiological norm, but if the lumbar region did not hurt too much and spotting did not appear. In the latter case, the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage is high.
  • Frequent urination. As a rule, this sign of pregnancy appears after confirmation of pregnancy and is due to an actively growing uterus. During these few weeks from the start of pregnancy, she has greatly increased in size and puts pressure on the bladder, forcing the woman to empty her bladder more often.
  • Elevated temperature. An increase in basal temperature will notify a woman about the onset of pregnancy. But the rise in overall body temperature is not excluded, which is explained by the current hormonal changes. The body actively produces the hormone progesterone, which is necessary to maintain pregnancy.

Mild pain in the lower abdomen with simultaneous pain in the chest may indicate the development of pregnancy

Other reasons

Pain in the lower abdomen and in the chest can be caused - in rare cases - by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, such symptoms may occur against the background of the development of dysbacteriosis. Sometimes the cause is the anatomically incorrect position of the organs of the reproductive system. Symptoms of pathology can become soreness in the lower abdomen with simultaneous pain in the chest.

The reasons for the pathological combination of such symptoms are not so numerous and, nevertheless, it is highly undesirable to self-medicate. With the development of the condition, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who will prescribe an adequate treatment for the condition.

The biological function of the female menstrual cycle is to prepare the reproductive system for the fertilization of the egg. Physiological changes in the body are related to the balance of hormones. Not only the organs of the reproductive system, but also other tissues react to failures in the production of estrogen.

Quite often, women complain of soreness in the chest, pulling pains in different parts of the abdomen. Before menstruation, such sensations of low intensity are considered normal. What to do if the breast is swollen and continues to hurt after menstruation? What are the reasons for this? Where to go, how to diagnose? Can problems be avoided?

Why can my breasts hurt after menstruation?

Pain in the mammary glands is called mastalgia. During ovulation and before menstruation, excess fluid accumulates in the glandular tissues. The condition is caused by a hormonal surge. Unpleasant sensations have a different character - they are sharp, pressing, pulling. In adolescence, the mammary glands often hurt before, after, during menstruation. This is due to their active growth and increased sensitivity at the age of 12-17 years.

Fluctuating hormonal balance, causing discomfort, can be triggered by menopause, oral contraceptives, tumors, sexually transmitted diseases, irregular sex life, genetic predisposition. Failure can occur due to treatment with sedatives, antidepressants.

After the egg is fertilized, the level of the hormone estrogen rises in the body. As a result, the tissues become denser, the breast is filled, increasing in volume. Initially, a test purchased at a pharmacy will help confirm the fact of conception. It must be remembered that mastalgia is a symptom of an ectopic, missed pregnancy.

Sometimes women complain of pain in one breast between periods. The reason that the gland began to ache and did not stop after menstruation is pathological processes:

  • mastitis;
  • structural changes (cyst, tumor, surgery);
  • abscess;
  • mechanical injuries, bruises, tissue compression.

The chest is swollen and pulls the lower abdomen - what does this mean?

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One of the most common problems in young women is a combination of chest discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation. According to statistics, from 10% to 30% of girls turn to the doctor with this complaint. It is impossible to give a clear and unambiguous answer why the chest hurts and pulls the lower abdomen, since these symptoms can be a sign of both physiological and pathological conditions.

The most common reason why the mammary glands and nipples hurt, as well as why the lower abdomen hurts and pulls, is cyclic mastodynia, or a set of symptoms observed in many girls before the onset of menstruation. During this period, there is an increased content of progesterone in the blood - one of the main hormones that is responsible for preparing a woman's body for pregnancy. Under its influence, the following important changes occur:

  • The endometrium, or the inner layer of the uterus, becomes more juicy due to the growth of blood vessels and mucous glands.
  • The ovaries are temporarily put into a new "work mode" in order to support an early pregnancy.
  • The terminal sections of the mammary glands increase in volume, the ducts grow.
  • The nipples are somewhat rough and increase in size.

For many women, these changes can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as:

  • It pulls and hurts the lower abdomen.
  • Sore nipples (both at rest and when touched).
  • Breasts hurt (or feel uncomfortable).

No matter how threatening these symptoms may look, they are completely normal and indicate that a woman is able to become pregnant, bear a child and breastfeed him.

Other common reasons why the lower abdomen hurts

Pain and discomfort in the abdomen can be a sign of many other diseases that do not affect the reproductive system. Among them, the most frequent are the following:

  • Food poisoning.
  • Acute appendicitis.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Neuralgia.

Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Food poisoning

When poor-quality products containing toxic substances and pathogenic bacteria enter the gastrointestinal tract, a picture of acute food poisoning develops. Its symptoms, known to almost everyone, include the following manifestations:

  • It hurts both the whole stomach and its bottom.
  • There is nausea, vomiting, loose stools.
  • The body temperature rises.
  • Appetite disappears.
  • General weakness, malaise develops.

At the height of the fever, some women may experience discomfort in the chest and nipples. As soon as the digestive system is cleared of toxins and harmful microorganisms, all symptoms will pass.

Acute appendicitis

The most common surgical disease in which the lower abdomen hurts, body temperature rises, there may be nausea and loose stools. These symptoms are caused by inflammation of the appendix, a small, elongated mass attached to the large intestine. Typically, appendicitis is not accompanied by discomfort in the chest, however, with severe pain in the abdomen that occurs against the background of complete health, this pathology should also be excluded.

The first signs of appendicitis

Urolithiasis disease

With the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract, renal colic often develops. In this condition, the lower abdomen hurts unbearably, urination is disturbed, an admixture of blood appears in the urine. In women, urolithiasis is quite common, and often nipples and breasts hurt with it.


In the pathology of the spine, neuralgia often develops - severe pain along the course of the spinal nerve, which is aggravated by movements, bending over and taking a deep breath. Sometimes neuralgia can even simulate an acute surgical pathology, such as appendicitis, when the lower abdomen begins to hurt.

Common reasons why breasts and nipples hurt

On the other hand, there are a number of diseases and pathological conditions, which in themselves can be accompanied by pain and discomfort in the mammary glands and nipples. These include the following:

  • Mastopathy.
  • Mastitis
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Mammary cancer.


Mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary gland, in which seals and nodes form in its thickness. Despite the alarming symptoms, in the vast majority of cases, this disease is not complicated by oncological processes.

The most important symptoms of mastopathy are the following:

  • In the thickness of the mammary gland, diffuse seals and / or nodes are formed.
  • Breasts hurt.
  • There is discomfort in the nipples, there may be unusual discharge.
  • The lesions are asymmetrical and predominate on one side.

Mastopathy requires regular monitoring by a mammologist and appropriate hormonal treatment.


Breast inflammation, or mastitis, is more common after childbirth. The disease is caused by the ingestion of pathogenic bacteria (usually staphylococci) into the ducts of the mammary gland and the subsequent development of a purulent-inflammatory process. With mastitis, body temperature rises significantly, throbbing chest pain appears, nipples hurt and swell, pus is released from them.

Mastitis belongs to the group of acute surgical pathology and requires mandatory treatment. Use powerful antibiotics, detoxification, infusion therapy. The contents of the mammary glands are evacuated using a breast pump. With the development of complications, such as an abscess, surgical intervention is required.

Intercostal neuralgia

Neuralgia was mentioned above. Intercostal neuralgia is the same, but in this case, the nerves of the thoracic region are affected.

Sometimes with symptoms of intercostal neuralgia, shingles, an infectious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, can begin. At first, the chest and nipples hurt very much, the body temperature rises. Then, at the point of greatest soreness, rashes appear, resembling herpes. Shingles must be treated with antiviral drugs.

Mammary cancer

The most dangerous cause of pain in the chest and nipples is breast cancer. With this disease, individual cells of the gland begin to grow excessively, destroying the surrounding tissues, after which they spread throughout the body with the formation of metastases. A key symptom of breast cancer is retraction and other deformity of the nipple.

Early detection of breast cancer is the key to complete cure and long life. Therefore, all women over the age of 30 should have regular check-ups and mammograms.

Reading time: 5 min

When a woman has pain in her lower abdomen and chest, the cause may be the approach of monthly menstrual bleeding, an abnormal pregnancy, or other diseases associated with gynecological problems.

The nature of the pain largely depends on its provocateur and the woman's pain threshold.

Additionally, other symptoms may be observed, such as swelling of the mammary glands, discharge from the nipples or vagina.

Regardless of the intensity of pain, their duration, and other things, a woman is advised not to hesitate to visit a doctor.

Timely diagnosis will make it possible to identify the problem at the initial stage of its development, which greatly simplifies the treatment process and reduces the time of its implementation.

Causes of pain

Many girls have chest pains and pulls on the lower abdomen a few days before the onset of menstruation.

As a rule, all symptoms begin to gradually subside after the onset of menstrual bleeding and completely disappear at its end.

Breast pathologies

If unpleasant symptoms occur under the sternum, then most likely there are problems in the functioning of the internal organs.

It is rather difficult to determine the specific cause of the pathology on the basis of the pain syndrome - a more detailed diagnosis is needed.

The beauty of the female breast should be complemented by health. The appearance of any, even minor, discomfort should not be ignored by a woman.

With this problem, you can contact a gynecologist, surgeon or mammologist.

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