Let's find out why it can hurt under the ribs on both sides. Pain under the ribs: nature, causes, treatment What hurts under the ribs on the left and right

However, the situation is complicated by this:

  • Some diseases have a similar clinical picture
  • The pain often does not concentrate in one place, but can capture a fairly wide area and even move around the body.

Why does it hurt in the back under the ribs

Even with seemingly identical symptoms, each disease has only its own characteristic features that allow it to be diagnosed.

Conventionally, these diseases can be divided into several groups:

  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
  • Diseases of the respiratory system
  • Myocardial infarction of the gastralgic type
  • Injuries of internal organs
  • Diseases of the spleen
  • Renal colic
  • Diaphragm pathologies
  • Hematomas and formations of the retroperitoneal space
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • Osteochondrosis

Back pain on the left under the ribs

In chronic form - pain under the ribs on the left of moderate strength, radiating to the back and under the left shoulder blade. Often takes on a girdle character, radiating to the right, front and back

  • Appears after eating fatty, sugary foods
  • In acute form - pain is sudden and sharp, not changing from a change in position, when breathing or coughing
  • Accompanied by nausea and non-relieving vomiting
  • In acute pancreatitis, there is increased intoxication, cyanosis of the skin, traces of petechial hemorrhages in the navel and on the sides
  • The pain is similar in nature to the pain syndrome in chronic pancreatitis, but is not associated with food intake.
  • With cancer of the body and tail of the gland, a pain attack occurs on the left in the hypochondrium of increased intensity with a return to the back

Myocardial infarction of the gastralgic form

  • A specific rare form affecting the lower part of the left ventricle
  • The pain initially props up under the heart and resembles an attack of gastritis with nausea, hiccups, and intestinal upset. This makes diagnosis very difficult.
  • Then, after taking analgesics, the pain attack becomes typical for a heart attack:

localization of excruciating pressing pain behind the sternum with a return to the left under the shoulder blade, collarbone, neck, arm and fingertips

Often the spleen is enlarged due to the following diseases:

  • Hemolytic anemia
  • Leukemia and lymphocytic leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Hypertension in liver disease
  • Infectious mononucleosis
  • Endocarditis, lupus erythematosus, etc.
  • Dull pain under left rib
  • Veins of the esophagus and subcutaneous venous arteries dilate
  • In parallel, hepatic failure develops

Back pain right under the ribs

Liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, tumor, fatty hepatosis, congestion)

  • They cause a dull pulling pain on the right under the ribs (it does not hurt the liver, but its capsule)
  • Blood test shows liver failure
  • Circulatory disorders occur
  • May have jaundice
  • Sharp pain under the right hypochondrium, radiating to the right under the scapula, above the collarbone and in the neck
  • Nausea with vomiting, fever
  • Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (optional)
  • Attacks of unbearably sharp pain on the right under the ribs, radiating to the back
  • Vomiting is absent, unlike cholecystitis,
  • When the stone exits the bile duct, the pain attack immediately subsides
  • The pain is moderate, occurs after eating fatty, fried spicy foods
  • Possible belching and vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth

Pancreatitis of the head of the pancreas and cancer

Have similar symptoms, reminiscent of bile duct dyskinesia:

  • They give pain in the right hypochondrium
  • May be accompanied by jaundice

Pain symptoms under the ribs in the middle

Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

  • They give dagger-type pains in front in the middle part of the hypochondrium and on the left, which can be given to the back. These pains are:

they increase on an empty stomach, after eating and also after stress

  • The patient is in a forced position, in which the pain syndrome is somewhat smoothed out.
  • There is blood in the stool (the stool may be black and tarry)
  • Pain during perforation is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition due to incipient peritonitis: nausea, vomiting, fever
    • Gives pain attacks, which usually appear at a late stage, when the tumor grows into the wall of the stomach and presses on neighboring organs
    • The disease is accompanied by weakness, weight loss
    • Taste preferences change (for example, an aversion to meat may appear)
    • Subdiaphragmatic abscess most often occurs with trauma to the abdominal organs or after surgery
    • It is characterized by sharp pain during inhalation in front under the ribs (in the middle), extending under the scapula and the area located above the collarbone
    • The patient may be in the supine or half-sitting position.
    • Fever and severe intoxication begin

    Pain under the ribs of various localization

    • Pain under the ribs that occurs when inhaling and coughing without a clear localization and is accompanied by fever
    • Possible irradiation of an attack down the abdomen with an imitation of an attack of appendicitis
    • Shortness of breath when moving
    • Nasolabial triangle - bluish color
    • Occurs with pulmonary pathologies (tuberculosis, lung cancer)
    • Pain on the left and right under the ribs, aggravated not only with respiratory, but also with normal movements, radiating to the back
    • Accompanied by rapid breathing and peripheral cyanosis

    Injuries of internal organs

    Most often, these are ruptures of the spleen or liver due to mechanical damage (catastrophe, fall from a height) or pathological processes (leukemia, cirrhosis) that violate the internal structure of organs.

    • Severe pain under the ribs on the left (in case of injury to the spleen), or on the right (liver), increasing due to blood accumulating under the capsule in a horizontal position
    • Due to severe blood loss, the pulse quickens, and blood pressure drops, the skin turns pale

    The danger of injuries is in their concealment: the victim may feel well and even walk, and then his condition deteriorates sharply, and he may die. Especially often this occurs in cases where the parenchyma of the organ is first damaged, and then after some time the capsule ruptures and hemorrhages into the abdominal cavity.

    Renal colic (kidney stone disease)

    • Pain in attacks in the back under the ribs, excruciating, radiating to the groin, thighs, abdomen
    • Due to the advancement of the calculus in the ureter, it moves from the costal region of the back to the lower lumbar region, and then to the iliac-sacral region
    • Pain attack is treated with antispasmodics and warm procedures
    • Surgical treatment is indicated when:
      • Obturation (blockage) of the ureter
      • Hydronephrosis of the kidney

    Retroperitoneal hematomas

    • Formed mainly as a result of injuries of the kidneys, adrenal glands and retroperitoneal part of the duodenum 12
    • Accompanied by pain in the hypochondrium in the back in the back and large blood loss:
      • the patient's blood pressure may drop sharply
      • decrease in hemoglobin in the blood
      • increasing pallor and weakness
    • Burning, piercing (sometimes dull) paroxysmal pain on the left or right under the ribs, which appears when inhaling
    • Given to a wide area:

    under the shoulder blades, lower back, heart

    • compression of the intercostal nerves
    • increased tone of the extensor and shoulder-scapular muscles

    The following diseases can provoke intercostal neuralgia

    Osteochondrosis, hypothermia, uncomfortable posture, stress

    • In the chronic form, it manifests itself in the form of constant aching pains in the back in the back under the ribs.
    • The peculiarity of pain is its distribution along the zone of innervation of the affected nerve:

    From the lumbar region along the back of the buttocks, thighs and lower leg

  • With exacerbation, the pain syndrome acquires the character of backaches that occur when moving, tilting or turning the body. The patient is forced to freeze in one position
  • Neuralgic autonomic disorders

    • Pain occurs unexpectedly and is not justified by objective reasons. The examination does not reveal serious pathologies, except for vegetovascular dystonia, with the following symptoms:
      • surge pressure
      • symptoms of respiratory failure
      • shortness of breath, palpitations, angina pectoris
      • irritable bowel syndrome
      • insomnia and irritability
    • It hurts everywhere: either on the left, then on the right, then in the middle part of the hypochondrium

    Pain under the ribs in the back can be due to many diseases, even the most unexpected ones.

    Video: Pain in the right hypochondrium

    The list of possible diseases with pain under the ribs on the left is large, therefore, in order to accurately determine the affected organ, you need to pay attention to where the pain is concentrated.

    Alexander, you are absolutely right. I had back pain just behind my ribs. So even the doctors could not make a diagnosis for several days - they had to donate blood, urine, and even an ECG. In general, self-medication is not worth it. Of the drugs, you can only take a pill for pain in order to somehow endure it before seeing a doctor. But then immediately to the therapist!

    Causes of abdominal pain - in the upper part, under the ribs on both sides, in the middle

    Improper diet and lifestyle, stressful situations, can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. According to statistics, 95% of the population in developed countries are recommended to visit a gastroenterologist. If problems with the gastrointestinal tract are identified, the success of treatment and a set of rehabilitation measures will depend on the timeliness of diagnosis. Periodic pain in the abdomen is an alarm signal, saying that the work of the organs of the digestive system is disrupted.

    Causes of abdominal pain

    The causes of pain in the abdomen are mistakenly considered to be various diseases of the internal organs. In fact, these diseases are only the consequences of malnutrition, disruption of the nervous system caused by regular stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. It is these factors that are the root causes of gastrointestinal diseases and provoke their development.

    The human digestive system consists of the stomach, duodenum, pancreas, small and large intestines, gallbladder, and liver. A disorder in any of these organs can lead to abdominal pain. When they appear, the list of “culprits” looks like this:

    Sometimes the genesis of pain in the abdomen is explained by a disorder of the nervous, genitourinary and respiratory systems, heart disease. So, if a person has a stomach ache under the ribs, then this may be the result of several diseases of the digestive tract that have similar symptoms, as well as a sign of intercostal neuralgia. Only a medical examination can give a complete picture and clarify why the stomach hurts, but a preliminary diagnosis can give characteristic signs of diseases.

    Characteristic pathologies

    • Gastritis

    Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. In the initial stages (erosive gastritis), the disease may be asymptomatic. During the period of exacerbation, it reminds of itself with pain in the solar plexus, lower ribs of the chest, aggravated after eating or during its breaks. Gastritis is often accompanied by heartburn, heaviness in the abdomen and belching. The combination of these factors is the reason for a visit to a gastroenterologist.

    • stomach ulcer

    Symptoms of a stomach ulcer are in many ways similar to those of gastritis. Both diseases are accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn, nausea, and loss of appetite. Pain in the upper abdomen is one of the symptoms of a stomach ulcer. Its characteristic feature is the occurrence of discomfort immediately after eating, or after 1-1.5 hours. Gastric ulcer is a chronic disease, the period of exacerbation of which occurs in autumn and spring. It requires regular monitoring by a gastroenterologist and a strict diet.

    Much easier to determine the symptoms of duodenal ulcers. Its characteristic features are "hungry" pains in the upper abdomen, disappearing immediately after eating. Often they are accompanied by dull, aching pain in the solar plexus. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum has a period of exacerbation and remission.

    During the period of exacerbation of a person, the stomach, as a rule, hurts between the ribs in the middle, night pains are also noted. An ulcer caused by Helicobacter pylori requires treatment with antibiotics. In general, the rehabilitation program in the treatment of ulcers is aimed at reducing the acidity of gastric juice, the aggressive action of which provokes the disease.

    Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pancreas, located to the left of the spinal column. This “culprit” of discomfort in the abdomen is easy to identify due to their localization. A distinctive sign of a violation in the work of the organ is pain under the ribs on both sides. This clinical picture is explained by the anatomical shape of the pancreas. It has an oblong shape, therefore, depending on the location of the lesion, pain in the upper abdomen can occur on both sides. So, if its tail is affected, a person will have pain under the ribs on the left, if the body and head are affected, it will hurt between the ribs.

    Pain may be stabbing, cutting or girdle in nature. Stool with pancreatitis has a fetid odor, as well as particles of undigested food. The transition of the disease to the acute stage causes serious disorders in the human body, up to pancreatic cancer, which is fatal in 98% of cases.

    • Colitis

    Colitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the large intestine. Pain resulting from colitis is predominantly localized to the left and right in the lower abdomen, but can often radiate to the back, the left side of the sternum. As a result, it can often be mistaken for problems with other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the heart, or the musculoskeletal system. Pain in colitis is dull, aching in nature. Litmus paper for detecting violations in the work of the large intestine are regular diarrhea and constipation. Their distinctive feature in colitis is blood impurities and mucous streaks in the stool. The transition of colitis to an acute form promises mechanical obstruction of the intestine, as a result of which the sides of the person hurt, while the pain on the left and right begins to be permanent.

    Enteritis is an inflammation of the lining of the small intestine. Its symptoms are in many ways similar to those of its “big brother” – colitis. Patients have regular diarrhea, watery stools with particles of food, nausea, and vomiting. If a person complains of pain near the navel, if rumbling occurs during palpation, these are signs of enteritis.

    If a person is concerned about the right side, then this indicates disorders of the liver or gallbladder. The gallbladder is located under the ribs on the right and is also involved in the process of digestion. Its inflammation is called cholecystitis. Pain in cholecystitis, aggravated after eating, localized in the right hypochondrium. However, a person may experience yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, fever. The first two signs indicate hepatitis - a disease that often accompanies cholecystitis.

    Finally, another “chameleon” among gastrointestinal diseases is appendicitis. Despite the fact that anatomically the appendix is ​​located in the right lower quadrant, with primary localization of pain, its middle suffers. After 3-4 hours, pain is shifted to the iliac region, periodically occurring on the left and right in the lower abdomen. They have a pronounced dagger, cutting character.

    You can diagnose appendicitis at home. If the pain intensifies while lying on the left side or when walking, then this is a clear sign of a lesion of the blind process. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, since the treatment of this disease requires only timely surgical intervention.

    The most common common cause of abdominal pain is food poisoning. It is the result of eating stale food. The bacteria contained in it lead to indigestion and intestinal colic. Symptoms of poisoning occur simultaneously and quickly. These include:

    Treatment of intoxication consists in abundant lavage of the patient's stomach.

    Sometimes kidney pathologies or other disorders of the genitourinary system can provoke the occurrence of abdominal pain. In case of violation of the kidneys, a person has girdle pains under the ribs, extending to the left or right side. In acute kidney disease, pain can radiate to the upper abdomen, masquerading as gastritis.


    The human digestive system performs a vital function - providing the body with nutrients. Violation of the functioning of the digestive tract adversely affects human health. It can be expressed by pain in the abdomen, between the ribs of the chest, radiating to the back. Depending on the characteristic symptoms and localization of pain, it is possible to determine the activity of which organ was impaired. Timely diagnosis allows you to avoid serious consequences in the form of the transition of diseases to the chronic stage or oncology. Thus, if abdominal pain is regular, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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    Thread: Pain under ribs right and left

    Ready to advise you internally and cure!

    Why were you in the hospital?

    Perform abdominal ultrasound and fecal analysis for dysbacteriosis.

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    Andrey Petrochenkov, abdominal surgeon, Smolensk

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    skypruble (petro148676)

    Perhaps age? -I'm 15.

    Until the age of 13, she ate unhealthy food. Now only healthy food, or maybe these are the responses of the past? Harmful food?

    Andrey Petrochenkov, abdominal surgeon, Smolensk

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    I really don't want to have a colonoscopy. Anything but this. I hardly survived FGDS, and when I had to do it the second time, I was shaking no matter what.

    Andrey Petrochenkov, abdominal surgeon, Smolensk

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    Find out why it can hurt under the ribs on both sides

    Pain under the ribs may indicate the presence of more than 50 pathologies of acute and chronic course.

    Sometimes even doctors find it difficult to determine what exactly provokes such pain, since the symptoms of several diseases may be similar.


    Different intensity and frequency of pain may indicate the likelihood of developing pathologies such as:

    1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis and peptic ulcer, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.
    2. Chronic infections: tuberculosis, mononucleosis.
    3. Injuries of the spleen and liver, in which their integrity is impaired.
    4. Pathologies of the lungs, including viral and infectious diseases.
    5. Myocardial infarction.
    6. Diseases of the genitourinary system: cystitis, urolithiasis.
    7. Pathology of the spine.

    In the presence of acute pain, you can not hesitate for a second. An ambulance should be called immediately, since only a qualified specialist can save the patient's life.

    Perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

    A perforated ulcer is a complex pathology, which is characterized by the presence of a hole (perforation) in the stomach cavity, through which all its contents seep into the abdominal cavity. This condition is intermediate between a common ulcer and peritonitis.

    Dagger pain occurs suddenly, but after a short attack, which can provoke the development of a painful shock, an imaginary relief occurs, which is the main symptom of a perforated ulcer. In the case when qualified assistance is not provided to a person in the first 1.5-2 hours, a fatal outcome occurs, as peritonitis progresses.

    Initially, the pain occurs in the solar plexus, smoothly moving under the right rib.

    A perforated ulcer develops only after a long progression of peptic ulcer, so the first stage of diagnosis includes taking an anamnesis. Next, the patient is given an ultrasound scan, on which they look for the place of perforation, and also assess the degree of infection of nearby organs. Also, the diagnosis is supplemented by:

    • general and biochemical blood test;
    • blood test for hepatitis, HIV and other dangerous infections;
    • radiography.

    The main method of treatment in this case is surgery. Depending on the diameter of the ulcer and the degree of infection, there are two types of surgery:

    1. Suturing a through defect - allows you to save the gastric mucosa, but is used only when the ulcer has an acute course.
    2. Resection of a part of the stomach with a perforation site - the place of the stomach that is closest to the ulcer is removed, thereby allowing the removal of the inflammatory process.

    Acute pancreatitis

    Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in the pancreas, as a result of which the organ ceases to perform its functions, which is reflected in the quality of food digestion. Most often, pathology develops with alcohol abuse, contact with toxic substances, and also in the absence of a balanced diet. The acute form is noted during the primary attack, and in the absence of proper treatment and refusal to change lifestyle, the pathology becomes chronic.

    The pain is sharp, girdle, occurs suddenly.

    Initially, the pain occurs in the left hypochondrium, after which it spreads to the entire peritoneum, radiating to the spine.

    Initially, the patient is interviewed, their temperature is measured, and urine and blood are taken. Next, an ultrasound is performed, on which the condition of the organ is assessed. In especially neglected situations, an MRI of the pancreas may be required, which allows you to assess the degree of the inflammatory process, its location, and also make a further prognosis.

    Therapy is aimed at:

    • reduction of pain syndrome;
    • stimulation of organ regeneration processes;
    • reducing the load on the digestive tract.

    Antispasmodics and analgesics in the form of injections will help to stop acute pain. Antibiotics help to reduce the manifestation of the inflammatory process. When introducing food, it is important to use enzymes that are identical to those produced by your own body, which will reduce the load on the organ.

    Acute cholecystitis and hepatic colic

    Cholecystitis is an inflammatory process in the gallbladder that develops in the absence of a normal outflow of bile and the formation of its stagnation in the ducts as a result of the formation of stones. Hepatic colic is a consequence of the stagnant process of bile.

    Hepatic colic develops when the stone moves along the ducts, and the main sign of its presence is the absence of vomiting and the short duration of the attack, after which relief occurs.

    With cholecystitis, the pain is acute, sudden. Accompanied by strong (phantasy) vomiting, after which relief does not occur. The pressure decreases, and a fainting state, pallor of the skin, and fever are also noted.

    Hepatic colic is defined by stitching, spasmodic and piercing pain, which is aggravated by movement and inspiration. There is yellowness of the skin, as well as cold sweat.

    Cholecystitis is manifested by pain in the right hypochondrium along the anterior wall of the peritoneum, which can radiate to the collarbones, back and shoulder blade.

    The doctor examines the patient, paying attention to the presence of yellowness of the skin, fever, vomiting, as well as painful palpation of the gallbladder area. When pressing on the right hypochondrium, an enlarged liver is diagnosed. Further diagnostics include:

    • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
    • blood and urine analysis;
    • radiography - allows you to determine the presence of stones in the ducts.

    In the case when the stones in the gallbladder and ducts have small diameters, their laser or drug crushing can be used. To relieve pain, NSAIDs are used, as well as antispasmodics: No-Shpa, Baralgin, Spazmalgon. They can resort to laparoscopy, removing stones through a small incision in the ducts themselves. In advanced cases, the complete removal of the gallbladder, as well as parts of the liver, where the foci of necrosis are the largest, can be used.

    Antibiotics are mandatory, as well as abstinence from food.

    Subdiaphragmatic abscess

    The pathology is explained by the presence of a purulent-inflammatory process between the diaphragm and adjacent abdominal organs. The inflammatory process most often occurs in the presence of staphylococci and streptococci, as well as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The situation is aggravated by pathologically reduced immunity, as well as frequent respiratory diseases.

    Pain tingling, shooting. Increases with inhalation. There is a feeling of a foreign body in the peritoneum. Accompanied by hiccups that do not go away for a long time, dry cough and causeless shortness of breath.

    Localization of pain directly depends on the location of the abscess. Most often it is located on the right, radiating to the right hypochondrium and scapula.

    After a blood test for infections and inflammatory processes, an x-ray or MRI is required. The latter procedure is more accurate, since it allows you to identify even the smallest purulent foci in the diaphragm.

    The main method of treatment is the drainage of the abscess. With the help of laparoscopy, a small puncture is made through the anterior wall of the abdomen into the region of the diaphragmatic abscess, removing all the contents. Antibiotics are injected into the cavity of the abscess, allowing to remove the inflammatory process as soon as possible.

    Severe injuries of the liver and spleen

    In the case when the peritoneal area was subjected to mechanical stress (squeezing, impact, falling from a height), there is a high probability of developing injuries to internal organs. Most often, it is the liver and spleen that suffer, since their structure is less dense and practically does not contain connective tissue. Blows and bruises can provoke a violation of the integrity of organs, resulting in bleeding with further outflow of blood into the abdominal cavity, which is fraught with a fatal outcome.

    The pain is sharp, constricting, contributes to the development of pain shock. Accompanied by the presence of a hematoma in the navel, as well as yellowness of the skin. The patient cannot take a horizontal position, as the pain in this case increases sharply. There is shortness of breath, breathing is difficult. The patient may periodically lose consciousness.

    Right hypochondrium, as well as the entire abdominal cavity.

    Ultrasound and MRI help to determine the presence of bleeding and damage to the integrity of internal organs.

    An immediate operation is required, in which the damaged areas are sutured, restoring the vital functions of the organ. Blood is pumped out of the abdominal cavity, after which the therapy is reinforced with antibiotics, analgesics and NSAIDs.

    Gastralgic form of myocardial infarction

    In the case when ischemia affects the posterior lower wall of the ventricle, an atypical form of a heart attack may develop, manifested by a gastralgic symptom.

    Spastic and squeezing pains in the left hypochondrium, as well as a feeling of fullness, are noted. Pain under the ribs is accompanied by symptoms such as:

    The focus of pain is in the left hypochondrium, but the pain itself can radiate to the shoulder blade and collarbone. In some situations, the sides hurt on both sides.

    Several signs still give out a heart attack of an atypical form:

    • purple lips;
    • bluish tint of the face;
    • swelling of the face;
    • inability to take a deep breath and rapid breathing (lack of oxygen).

    A favorable prognosis directly depends on how quickly the first medical aid was provided to the patient. Produce resuscitation of the patient, giving an oxygen mask, as well as introducing drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots. Pain is relieved with non-narcotic analgesics and antispasmodics, including muscle relaxants.

    Renal colic

    This disease is determined by the presence of cramping shooting pains in the kidney area, which occur when the ureters are blocked, disrupting the flow of urine from the kidney to the bladder. Calculi (stones) formed due to a large amount of a certain type of urine salts can provoke a similar phenomenon.

    The pain is spasmodic, paroxysmal, sharp, restricting movement. Increases with the slightest movement, as well as inhalation and sneezing. Accompanied by fever, fever, and lack of urination.

    The area above the waist, as well as the left or right hypochondrium. With extensive urolithiasis, colic can be on both sides at the same time.

    The primary diagnosis consists in assessing the clinical manifestations, as well as palpation (tapping) of the kidney area from the back.

    To normalize the outflow of urine, vasodilators (antispasmodics) are used, as well as antibiotics that contribute to the destruction of pathogenic microflora. When the stones are large, they need to be removed. There are 3 methods:

    • laser crushing of stones;
    • medical crushing;
    • surgical excision of the stone from the ducts.

    Retroperitoneal hematoma

    The formation of a hematoma of the retroperitoneal space is associated with injuries, falls and compression of the abdominal cavity. The hematoma itself can reach an impressive size, which is fraught with the development of bleeding. For quite a long time, the pathology can disguise itself as diseases such as osteochondrosis, indigestion and ulcers. It is not easy to determine it, especially in the early stages of development.

    The pain is aching, pulling.

    The area of ​​the right and left hypochondrium, as well as the lower back and shoulder blades.

    Suspicions of a hematoma arise after the characteristic traumas suffered, as well as palpation of the abdominal cavity, which turns out to be an extremely painful procedure. Further research involves ultrasound and MRI.

    Surgical intervention is performed only when there is a suspicion of a violation of the integrity of the internal organs, and also when the hematoma area is impressive. Usually, small hemorrhages respond well to conservative treatment, for which a tight corset bandage is used on the abdominal cavity, as well as medicines containing heparin.

    Right sided pneumonia

    Pneumonia is an inflammatory process of the lungs, which is provoked by the activation of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms of the genus pneumococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae. Right-sided pneumonia occurs more often, but is characterized by a aggravated course, which is explained by the peculiarities of blood microcirculation in this area of ​​the body.

    The pain is squeezing, aching. Increased by coughing. Accompanied by high fever, chills, deterioration of the general condition, as well as sputum.

    Left and right hypochondrium, shoulder blades. It hurts under the ribs at the back, but gives it to the growl.

    The definition of pneumonia is made using x-ray, which reveals the presence of blackouts in the lungs. They also examine blood, urine and sputum.

    Therapy is carried out according to the following scheme:

    1. Antibiotics, a course of at least 7-10 days - help to suppress pathogenic microflora.
    2. Antihistamines - remove swelling, reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction.
    3. Mucolytics - contribute to the thinning of sputum and its unhindered discharge.
    4. Plentiful warm drink and bed rest.
    5. Vitamin complexes.

    Chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum

    Chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum can be:

    Sharp, aching, tingling, girdle. The following symptoms may also join:

    • stool problems;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • lack of appetite;
    • sudden loss of body weight.

    The central part of the epigastrium, as well as the left and right hypochondrium.

    To identify chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diagnostic measures such as:

    During the period of exacerbation, it is important to stop the acute pain syndrome using the drugs prescribed by the doctor. It is not recommended to self-medicate, as this can provoke an aggravation of the course of ulcers and gastritis, which entails negative consequences.

    Chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer

    Since the pancreas is inflamed, the digestion process cannot be fully carried out. As a result, poorly digested food in the stomach cannot be fully absorbed in the intestines. The body is experiencing an acute shortage of nutrients.

    Oncology develops when irreversible processes begin in the body.

    The pain is systematic, manifested after eating fatty and sweet foods. It is accompanied by a violation of the stool, as well as a general depletion of the body.

    The region of the left hypochondrium and lower back.

    Blood, urine and feces are examined, after which an ultrasound of the pancreas is performed. If a tumor is present, a CT scan may be required.

    An exacerbation of a chronic disease requires hospitalization, as well as a strict diet. The patient is selected medications that will reduce the inflammatory process, as well as facilitate the work of the organ itself.

    Oncology is difficult to treat, but in the early stages of its detection, there are the most favorable prognoses.

    Chronic cholecystitis

    The inflammatory process in the gallbladder, which proceeds in a chronic form, is characterized by the presence of periodic pain attacks. In this case, the pain is less pronounced than during the acute course, but the frequency of its manifestations becomes more frequent. The following factors provoke the development of chronic cholecystitis:

    • malnutrition;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • untreated acute phase of cholecystitis, in which the disease becomes chronic.

    Aching, spasmodic pain, which manifests itself in short-term attacks (10-30 minutes), after which the state is relieved, up to the complete disappearance of the clinical picture of the disease.

    The right hypochondrium is the focus of pain, but discomfort can spread to the region of the right scapula and solar plexus.

    Chronic cholecystitis is detected using tests such as:

    • blood for the level of bilirubin, protein, cholesterol (liver tests);
    • feces for undigested particles and enzyme levels;
    • urine.

    If you suspect the presence of calculi in the gallbladder, X-ray, MRI and CT are performed.

    Outpatient treatment is performed only when there is no threat to life, which is established during a comprehensive diagnosis. Apply analgesics, antispasmodics, diuretics, as well as antibiotics that reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process. Diet is required, as well as the provision of physical activity to reduce congestive processes in the gallbladder.

    Chronic liver diseases

    The most dangerous hepatitis are A, B, C, D. They are practically untreatable, so a person is forced to take special medications throughout his life that support the functioning of the liver.

    Dull, aching, bursting pain, which is aggravated by movement or after eating fatty and fried foods. Pain under the ribs is accompanied by loss of appetite and bitterness in the mouth.

    Analyzes of urine, blood and feces give a clear picture of the work of the body, but a more detailed study using ultrasound, MRI and CT helps to make a specific diagnosis, as well as decide on further treatment.

    The patient is recommended to follow a strict diet that excludes fatty, fried and sweet foods, as well as to use hepatoprotectors. These drugs promote the regeneration of damaged liver cells, helping the body to return to its former working capacity.

    Enlargement of the spleen

    Splenomegaly can develop for many reasons:

    Aching, squeezing dull pain, which is accompanied by cyanosis of the skin around the navel.

    The enlargement of the spleen is determined by palpation, as well as by ultrasound examination.

    It is important to establish the cause that provoked the uncontrolled growth of organ tissues, after which the doctor himself decides on the need for one or another method of treatment.


    This disease is due to damage to the intervertebral cartilage, which serve as cushioning of the spine. Dystrophic processes lead to the fact that the vertebrae rub against each other, irritating the nerve endings and causing pain.

    Back pain under the ribs, shoulder blades - depending on which part of the spine is subject to the degenerative process.

    Spinal problems are diagnosed using radiography, MRI and CT.

    It is necessary to treat osteochondrosis for a long time and comprehensively. Use drugs such as:


    This disease, which has an acute course, is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process of the appendix of the caecum. There are many reasons for its development, but today it is impossible to determine a specific one.

    Sharp, spasmodic, restricting movement.

    The right iliac region, although initially discomfort occurs precisely in the navel.

    Appendicitis is determined by palpation of the right hypochondrium, as well as by ultrasound examination.

    In most cases, resection of the appendix is ​​performed, which eliminates the inflammatory process with its location.

    Vegetative-vascular dystonia

    VVD is a complex disease that includes a lot of symptoms and signs of a disorder of the autonomic system.

    It is difficult for a person to describe his condition, since the pain does not have a clearly defined nature and duration. It can hurt both the entire area of ​​​​the hypochondrium, and individual parts.

    The area of ​​the back and peritoneum.

    VSD is characterized by such a clinical picture as:

    • respiratory failure similar to asthma symptoms;
    • irritable bowel syndrome;
    • unstable psycho-emotional state;
    • tachycardia;
    • cold sweat;
    • panic attack.

    A number of neuroleptic drugs are selected, as well as drugs that normalize blood pressure and eliminate the clinical signs of pathology.

    In which case immediately see a doctor?

    Urgent medical attention is needed if the following symptoms appear:

    • vomiting or diarrhea with blood;
    • diarrhea lasts more than 3 days, dehydration on the face;
    • lack of appetite for more than 2 days, weight loss;
    • sharp pain in the abdomen, not allowing to straighten up;
    • cyanosis of the skin around the navel;
    • fever.

    This may cause pathologies that require immediate surgical resolution.

    Be sure to watch the video that might be helpful

    First aid

    Since there are a lot of reasons that provoke pain under the ribs, it is not recommended for the patient to take any medical preparations before the doctor arrives. Antispasmodics and analgesics can blur the clinical picture, which complicates the primary diagnosis procedure. The patient should be placed in a comfortable position and reassured. Drinking or eating is also not recommended, since if surgery is necessary, anesthesia will be needed to promote the natural emptying of the contents of the stomach.

    It can hurt both on both sides, and get sick specifically in one place. It is not worth the time with the diagnosis, since the first pain symptoms may indicate the presence of serious pathologies that are life-threatening.

    Editor and expert of the site zdorovya-spine.ru. Specialization: general practitioner. More than 10 years experience. City polyclinic, Smolensk. She graduated from the Smolensk State Medical Academy with a degree in general medicine. I love my profession very much.

    The Chinese have opened to the whole world a method of how to treat joints in 2 days! Write the recipe before it's deleted.

    Joints will become like in 25 years! Chinese doctor: To get rid of joint pain, it is necessary to exclude.

    The joints will stop breaking the next day, if you spread a penny in the evening.

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    Pain in the right side under the ribs warns of various diseases of the internal organs. After all, it is in this region of the abdominal space that organs important for the normal functioning of the body are located. The type of pain also plays an important role here. If a similar symptom occurs regularly and does not go away within three days, then this is a serious reason to visit the clinic and provide the patient with medical care.

    Side pain on the right side under the ribs often indicates inflammatory processes in the liver (other symptoms of a diseased liver can be found in), the gallbladder, and also the kidneys or intestines, can be a consequence of injuries. Painful sensations are pulling, aching or sharp, stabbing, cutting and unbearable. Their location can be local or extend to the entire side. Unpleasant sensations can give pain in the abdomen, ribs and even in the shoulder.

    Similar sensations indicate the following pathologies:

    • colic in the kidneys characterizes the pain of an acute manifestation in the right side;
    • diseases in the chronic form of the abdominal region are manifested by dull pains;
    • stabbing sensations speak of inflammation;
    • inflammation of the mucosa and gallbladder is manifested by aching pain on the right.

    What can happen in the body with right-sided pain under the ribs?

    Rezi and colic on the side speak of various pathologies or the consequences of an injury in a person. Painful sensations penetrating the back are characteristic of liver problems. Most likely, there was intoxication of the organ. This can happen after a meal, fatty and spicy, or alcohol abuse. Severe damage to the liver and smoking.

    Pain on the right can also come from due to. It is part of the endocrine system and produces insulin. When the symptoms are supplemented by nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, the development of pancreatitis can be suspected (read more about pancreatitis) . The reasons for its appearance can be different: trauma, alcohol addiction, surgical treatment.

    The factor that provoked pain in the right side may be appendicitis, although this is possible only with its atypical location, as well as inflammation of the gallbladder.

    Pain in the front in the right hypochondrium

    This kind of pain alerts a person to big problems with his liver. The patient may suffer from bursting pain with tingling. Toxic or alcoholic hepatitis is accompanied by additional symptoms: weakness, heartburn, lack of appetite and decreased functionality. You may also experience a burning sensation in the affected area.

    The sign also characterizes the development of cirrhosis of the liver, the appearance of cystic formations. The latter block the passage of bile, blood, which causes heaviness in the affected organ due to its increase.

    With heart failure, there is a malfunction in the blood flow throughout the body, swelling is formed, and the liver enlarges. This provokes pain in the studied part of the human body. Strong impulses of a painful nature develop with abdominal myocardial infarction.

    Able to stretch the colon. With such a pathological condition, a person is tormented by colic. Their intensity will increase with further stretching of the intestine.

    Cramps under the ribs on the right are manifested in digestive disorders, problems of the gastrointestinal tract: increased gas formation, diarrhea. Often, severe pain characterizes the manifestation of colitis. It is characterized by spasms, problems with the stool, flatulence.

    Pain syndrome can develop with echinococcosis. The cause of the onset of the disease is the activity of the Echinococcus worm, as a result of which cystic formations filled with fluid are formed in the right side of the liver. Cysts are able to gradually squeeze the capillaries and bile ducts. The result is an enlarged liver and pain signals. With further progression of education, an abscess of the liver occurs, causing sharp pain.

    The pain of a pulsating nature disturbs the patient with any movement. It can even hurt under the shoulder blade. If the disease is ignored, the body temperature rises, the peritoneum becomes inflamed, blood poisoning occurs.

    It is characterized by an atypical onset of the development of inflammation. The pains are aggravated by walking, decrease by lying on the right side. A concomitant symptom may be high body temperature, nausea, vomiting. After a few hours, pain can spread to the entire abdomen.

    Pain in the back of the right side under the ribs

    Painful sensations from behind from the back speak of the consequences of various injuries, problems in the functioning of the liver, paired organs, and the vena cava. Such impulses also occur in urolithiasis, when calculi, grains of sand descend through the ureters. In a baby, pain under the rib at the back causes pathologies of paired organs that have developed against the background of a decrease in immunity.

    Common causes are inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis), bruised ribs, malignant neoplasms, as well as necrosis of the renal papillae, herpes zoster, and intercostal neuralgia.

    The last pathological condition causes pulling pain, numbness of the side, pain in the ribs. If tingling occurs, a person may lose the ability to move. With inflammation of the muscles, myositis develops, causing twitching or colic.

    Severe pain is caused by a malignant tumor in the kidneys with an advanced disease, especially if the oncological formation has blocked the urinary tract. Under the ribs, it can also hurt with a tumor in the adrenal gland, when it reaches a sufficiently large volume.

    If there is a severe injury to the posterior segments of the ribs, a person may feel aching pain, aggravated by coughing, inhaling. A fracture is accompanied by a characteristic crunch, so if this symptom occurs, a person can analyze whether such an injury has occurred.

    Pain when inhaling

    When pain during inhalation is unbearable, this indicates the development of cholecystitis, an inflammatory process in the lungs, and peritonitis. With the progression of cholecystitis in the body, bile accumulates in the cavity of the biliary tract, which does not reach the intestine. Getting on the mucous membranes, it starts to bake, because its composition is salt. The pain intensifies, the body temperature rises. ABOUT

    Stitching sensations when inhaling or coughing can provoke pleurisy.

    Painful spasms in women

    The representatives of the beautiful half of the population have pain in the last days of menstruation due to a sharp hormonal failure. Severe pain occurs against a background of spasm of the bile ducts, which can radiate to the back. Therefore, often the cause of pain is the physiology of the female body.

    When taking hormonal contraceptive pills, a woman may feel tingling, burning and dull pain in the area of ​​​​the right rib. This is due to a violation of the bile duct.

    Carrying a child and pain under the rib on the right

    Women who are in position may experience pain in the side with pressure from the uterus on paired organs. If the liver is overloaded, the ureter will also suffer. During pregnancy, you should not worry about tingling or numbness of the right side, if this is not a constant phenomenon. Stab in the side of a representative of the weaker sex may be due to physical activity, so it is worth limiting sports.

    During pregnancy, progesterone increases the biliary tract, provoking fluid stagnation in them, a symptom of which is a burning sensation in the right side. A woman in position in order to avoid complications, you need to seek help from a doctor, take blood and urine tests, undergo an examination and ultrasound. If necessary, therapy will be prescribed.

    Important! Every expectant mother should remember the responsibility not only for her life, but also for her child. Therefore, to endure pain is absolutely contraindicated. In case of any deviations, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Sharp kind of pain

    Such sensations usually disturb a person with seizures. The phenomenon often occurs at night. In the right side, acute sharp pain indicates renal colic, which characterizes the progression of the stone along the ureter in urolithiasis.

    Painful sensations in the hypochondrium on the right also signal a duodenal ulcer, stomach. Here, the symptoms are supplemented by nausea, vomiting, and belching. It can also be a sign of rupture of a cyst, ovary or fallopian tube, gallbladder, appendicitis.

    Severe attacks are characteristic of cholecystitis in acute form. It can hurt under the rib on the right due to the progression of vegetovascular dystonia. However, the pain is not constant.

    Aching manifestations

    Pain of a aching nature can manifest itself with the following problems:

    A similar feeling becomes a frequent guest among athletes when running. Sometimes gives in the leg. Indicates stretching of the muscle capsule. The reason for this is a malfunction of the diaphragm with improper nutrition, a decrease in blood outflow.

    Getting rid of it is pretty easy. Athletes must perform a warm-up before training, breathe correctly (deep breaths, breathing with the stomach) during sports activity. In such a situation, it is not necessary to consult a doctor.

    But this kind of sign may indicate the development of right-sided pneumonia. Pain is accompanied by shortness of breath, fever, dyspeptic disorder and blue nasolabial triangle. Often the symptom expresses a disease of the right organ of the urinary tract.

    Dull and girdle pain in the side

    Dull sensations disturb a person with pathologies of the liver and pancreas. It can be a tumor, hepatitis, poisoning of the body, and also inflammation of the gallbladder or its head, enlargement of the liver.

    Girdle pain is often caused by neuralgia, pleurisy, problems with the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas. With pancreatitis, such pain is intense and sharp. It does not subside even when lying down. Concomitant symptoms of the disease are a blue tint of the skin, vomiting, small hemorrhages in the navel and on the sides.

    Important information about pain

    For each person, it is important to remember some points about pain in order to go to the clinic in a timely manner or call for help:

    1. Differences between acute and chronic forms of pain. In the first form, pain rarely occurs, the intensity can increase every hour. The chronic manifestation is usually dull, from which the patient may suffer for a long period of time. People need to distinguish between types of sensations in order to understand what is happening in their body. After all, with acute pain, you should immediately call the ambulance and go to the hospital. The situation may require surgical treatment. Chronic pain characterizes the long course of the disease.
    2. In case of acute pain in the abdomen, it is forbidden to take painkillers until examined by a doctor. Chronic sensations have no such contraindications.
    3. Painful sensations in the right region of the peritoneum do not always indicate diseases of the organs of this particular area of ​​the body. Sometimes it is radiating pain that occurs due to the characteristic features of the passage of nerve trunks.

    Diagnosis of pain manifestations

    To begin with, the doctor asks the patient about the type of manifestation of pain, its location. Important is nutrition, the condition of the muscles of the abdominal cavity and fatty tissue, the presence of injuries and infections. Further, the doctor examines the affected area of ​​​​the body by feeling. After directing the person to pass the necessary tests.

    Hardware studies may be additional. This is an x-ray of the gastrointestinal tract, ultrasound of the kidneys, liver, bile ducts. A biopsy is performed to diagnose cancer. Excretory urography, vertical aortography and radioisotope renography will become informative.

    Under what circumstances is it urgent to see a doctor?

    A person who does not stop vomiting, accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, should immediately consult a doctor.

    Important! Pain syndrome can often signal processes in the body that lead to the death of a person without proper treatment.

    First aid

    If people experience pain, you need to urgently call an ambulance. After all, there are many factors for the development of such a condition, and only a doctor can identify them after a complete examination of the patient. Before the arrival of medical workers, cold can be applied to the affected area. The patient needs to be helped to take an optimally comfortable position of the body. A person should calm down and relax as much as possible.

    After the diagnosis is made, the person will be prescribed the necessary medications: antispasmodics, analgesics, vasodilators and other drugs.

    Who can help with pain on the right side under the ribs?

    It is impossible to identify the exact disease only by pain symptoms above the waist. A person needs to undergo a full examination. First you need to contact a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination and questioning, according to complaints he will refer to a specialist of the required profile. It can be a cardiologist, surgeon, gynecologist, and also a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, traumatologist or infectious disease specialist.

    Self-medication is strictly contraindicated. Without knowing the exact cause of discomfort, you can harm your health, aggravate the situation. It is allowed to carry out therapy only after a doctor prescribes treatment based on the results of tests and a complete examination.

    How to relieve unbearable pain?

    With severe pain, antispasmodics are not recommended. Indeed, in this case, the exact clinical picture of the pathological condition is washed off. In rare cases, No-shpa is acceptable. In general, after a doctor's examination, a complex treatment is prescribed, which includes drug therapy aimed at getting rid of the underlying disease, a diet and a course of vitamins. In rare cases, surgery may be needed.

    Important! Under no circumstances should a heating pad or other heat be applied to the inflamed side. Let's just let it be cold.

    How to help a child with pain?

    If the baby has pain on the right side, you should immediately call an ambulance. It is contraindicated to give pills and other medicines for pain on your own.

    Compliance with the diet

    Proper nutrition is the key to quickly getting rid of pain in the right side, both in men and women. To do this, you need to give up bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse), if any. It is necessary to exclude from the diet fatty and fried foods, cooked with spices, spices. Carbonated drinks, canned food, smoked products are contraindicated.

    If a person has a chronic illness, such nutrition will contribute to a long-term remission, facilitate the work of a diseased organ. It is important not only the quality of food, but also the observance of the diet. With fractional nutrition, the metabolic process is accelerated, the outflow of bile returns to normal, the load on the internal organs becomes uniform.

    Pain relief methods

    If the patient is concerned about renal colic, doctors do novocaine blockade. In case of inflammation of the liver or exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis (in the absence of stones), tubage is indicated.

    When cholecystitis has caused severe pain, it can be relieved by pressure. Manipulation can be done independently. To do this, the patient is placed on his back, gently presses on the affected area of ​​the biliary tract. You need to press with your hand with insignificant pain and release after 20 seconds. When after a couple of minutes the discomfort intensifies, you need to press again. The procedure lasts until the complete cessation of pain.

    Alternative medicine in the fight against right-sided pain

    Means of folk production are indicated for chronic pain. Basically, herbs that have an alkaloid in their composition and have an antispasmodic effect will be useful here. These are mint, fennel, chamomile, St. John's wort and anise.

    With cholecystitis, immortelle, oregano, corn stigmas will become effective due to their choleretic actions. A decoction of potatoes will also be useful here. Boiled potatoes "in uniform" are crushed directly in the water, and eat one spoonful three times a day.

    With kidney discomfort, a remedy made from honey and cinnamon or lemon and olive oil will help.

    In folk medicine, there are many useful recipes for pain, but their use is allowed only after consulting a doctor and receiving his recommendations.

    Preventive measures against discomfort on the right

    In order for the pain syndrome not to take a person by surprise, it is necessary to follow a number of very simple rules:

    • seek medical help at the first sensation of pain;
    • do not eat a lot of fried, fatty and salty foods that are difficult for the stomach;
    • do not abuse alcoholic beverages;
    • do not neglect preventive visits to the doctor and examinations through ultrasound.

    There are many causes of pain in the right hypochondrium. Accordingly, the treatment for each situation will be different. It is important not to be your own doctor, and not to drink medicines on your own. In case of strong and sharp pain manifestations, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a medical professional, and act according to his recommendations. After examining and studying the results of the tests, the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary therapy to eliminate the pain and the factor that provoked the unpleasant sensation. Otherwise, you can greatly harm the body, which will end in failure.

    Anton Palaznikov

    Gastroenterologist, therapist

    Work experience more than 7 years.

    Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

    Each of us, and more than once in our lives, felt pain in the right or left hypochondrium. Today this is a fairly common occurrence. Pain in the organs of the chest or abdominal cavity can be triggered by a variety of diseases and physiological conditions. The most common of these are dietary disorders, environmental factors, bad habits and a number of pathophysiological causes. This article describes the possible causes of pain in the right and left hypochondrium, as well as the rules of conduct when they occur.

    Causes of pain under the ribs

    Possible causes of pain under the ribs in healthy people are as follows.

    1. Pain in the left or right hypochondrium (usually in the right) occurs during or after exercise. Typical physical activities that cause pain: running, torso bending, lifting heavy objects, carrying weights, etc. This is due to the fact that the liver fills with blood during physical activity, and the bile ducts spasm from the action of adrenaline entering the blood. This causes stabbing pains in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the back.

    Also, pains are more often in the right hypochondrium, but can also be caused by not heavy physical exertion. Spasms of the diaphragm provoke pain. The pain is usually dull, radiating to the back, aggravated by deep breathing, coughing, sneezing. Pain disappears after the cessation of physical activity.

    3. Menstrual cycle. Pain under the ribs in front with irradiation to the back in women may have a physiological origin. A few days before menstruation, pain may appear due to spasm of the biliary tract. The latter may be due to the cyclic release of hormones in the body of a woman or taking hormonal contraceptives. By nature, there can be both acute and dull pains.

    4. Pain under ribs after sleep. Often, pain under the ribs and in the back appear in healthy people after a night's rest. Such pains are caused by squeezing the nerves from an uncomfortable position of the body or bedding. Replacing the latter solves the problem.

    5. Pregnancy. Also a common occurrence is the appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium and in the back area in women during pregnancy. This is explained by the peculiarities of the physiology of the course of the period of fetal growth. The uterus in the last trimester of pregnancy noticeably increases, puts pressure on nearby internal organs. After childbirth, the pain disappears.

    Diseases that cause pain under the ribs

    1. Biliary dyskinesia . Causes of pathology: congenital formation of a septum inside the bladder, weakness of the bladder wall, congenital doubled number of ducts, inflection of the gallbladder, intrahepatic, double, abnormally located or mobile bladder. Characteristics of the pain syndrome: with a hypokinetic form (an immobility of the gallbladder), the pain is paroxysmal, dull, aching, more often occurs after eating or at night. The pain may radiate to the shoulder or shoulder blade. With the hyperkinetic form of dyskinesia, the pain is acute, the attack proceeds like biliary colic. Other symptoms of biliary dyskinesia: palpitations, itchy skin, yellowness of the skin and sclera, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, belching, diarrhea or constipation.

    2. Acute and chronic cholecystitis. In the acute form of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gallbladder, the pain syndrome is characterized by paroxysmal, cramping, sharp pain radiating under the shoulder blade, in the collarbone, neck on the right, in the left hypochondrium. In terms of the strength and nature of the pain, the attack resembles biliary colic, but lasts more than six hours, and the pain is much sharper. At its peak, nausea and vomiting often occur, which does not bring relief. In chronic cholecystitis, the pain is dull, in the form of heaviness on the right under the ribs, the pain can move to the left hypochondrium, upper abdomen. Pain is aggravated by malnutrition, physical and mental stress. Other symptoms: bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting, slight (up to 37 degrees) fever.

    3. Acute and chronic gastritis. In the acute course of the disease, pain (more often in the left hypochondrium) is cramping, can be pronounced or weak. They usually occur a few hours after eating. For the chronic form of gastritis, a "feeling of heaviness" is more characteristic. Feelings of pressure and fullness arise due to a violation of the processes of evacuation of the food bolus from the stomach into the duodenum. This condition occurs during or after eating. At other times the pain is dull and aching. Poor chewing of food provokes pain in gastritis. Bad habits (smoking, alcohol), long-term use of salicylates, indole alkaloids, anti-tuberculosis and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Stress is also a provocateur of an attack of pain in gastritis.

    4. Stomach ulcer . When an ulcer of the cardial part of the stomach (its upper part) appears, pain occurs immediately after eating, with an ulcerative lesion of the body of the stomach (its middle part) - 1-1.5 hours after eating. Pain in ulcerative lesions of the pyloric stomach (lower part of the stomach) appears 2-3 hours after eating, is characterized as "hungry" pain, occurs on an empty stomach and disappears after eating, as well as pain at night. Other symptoms of the disease: dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, sour eructation, nausea, vomiting at the height of pain, bringing relief, a tendency to constipation). Exacerbations of peptic ulcer of the stomach often occur in spring and autumn.

    5. Stomach cancer . Pain in stomach cancer has its own characteristics. Starting from the second stage of cancer, pain appears and becomes permanent. The intensity of pain does not change depending on food intake, time of day and season for a long period. In the terminal stage, the pain is very strong, unbearable. The patient loses weight, his appetite is reduced, the skin acquires a pale earthy tint. There is an aversion to meat food and fish. Other symptoms of cancer include nausea, vomiting, lack of satisfaction from eating, heaviness in the abdomen, irritability, and general weakness.

    6. Hepatitis. It should be noted that pain in various types of hepatitis is not the most common symptom. The pain syndrome is characterized by bursting, pulling and dull pains in the region of the right hypochondrium. Pain can also be felt in the entire abdomen. Other symptoms of hepatitis: bloating, weakness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, yellowing of the skin and sclera, dark urine, fever.

    7. Cirrhosis of the liver . Starting from the second stage of the development of the disease, the patient develops pain in the right hypochondrium and abdomen, which is dull, aching in nature and a feeling of heaviness under the ribs on the right. The liver is significantly enlarged in size, which is easily determined by palpation. It is the increase in the organ that stretches its capsule and causes pain. Increased pain after physical exertion, eating fatty foods and drinking large amounts of fluid. Sometimes the pain radiates to the back. Other symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver: nausea, vomiting of scarlet blood, weakness, malaise, low blood pressure, dizziness, black loose stools.

    8. Acute pancreatitis. In the acute form of pancreatitis, pain is always present. The nature of the pain depends on the form of the disease and the degree of involvement in the inflammatory process of the organs adjacent to the pancreas. Depending on this, the pains are sharp, dull, pulling, cutting. The death of tissues during necrosis of the gland causes such severe pain that it provokes a life-threatening condition - pain shock. Pain is localized in the epigastric region, and can also spread throughout the abdomen, give to the spine. Pain in acute pancreatitis does not depend on food intake, it lasts constantly and for a long time. Other symptoms of pancreatitis: dyspeptic disorders, nausea, vomiting, symptoms of dehydration, pallor of the skin.

    9. Abdominal injuries. Open injuries of the abdominal organs usually do not cause difficulties with diagnosis, but are dangerous to the life and health of the victims, and always require urgent surgical care. Cut, stab, chopped and lacerated wounds have a similar pain syndrome, which manifests itself in acute pain at the site of injury and is usually accompanied by bleeding. Closed (or blunt) abdominal injuries have a greater variety of symptoms and are the most difficult to diagnose. So, a bruise of the abdominal wall is accompanied by pain and swelling in the area of ​​damage, rupture of the muscles and fascia of the abdominal wall - more pronounced pain and swelling of the injury site. Rupture of the walls of the intestine is accompanied by increasing and spreading pain in the abdomen, tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall, increased heart rate and vomiting. Perhaps the development of traumatic shock. Most often, pain in the hypochondrium occurs with damage to the liver and spleen. Such injuries are life-threatening due to the development of imperceptible internal bleeding. Pain in liver injury is acute, radiating to the right subclavian region. Pain in case of injury to the spleen is localized in the left hypochondrium and radiates to the left shoulder. Hidden bleeding can lead to hemorrhagic shock and death of the victim. Damage to the pancreas occurs with severe injuries of the abdomen, accompanied by sharp pains in the epigastric region. Rarely, kidney damage occurs. With a bruise or concussion of the kidney, pain appears in the lumbar region, the injury is accompanied by the appearance of blood in the urine and an increase in body temperature.

    Other and rare pathophysiological conditions that can cause pain in the right and left hypochondrium: acute myocardial infarction, dry pleurisy, systemic lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis, malaria, hemolytic anemia, leukemia, bacterial endocarditis, lymphoma, infectious mononucleosis, subphrenic abscess , retroperitoneal hematoma, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis.

    First aid when it hurts under the ribs

    The pain syndrome that has developed in the hypochondrium is often a harbinger of the development of serious conditions requiring urgent surgical intervention. Here is a list of absolute indications for an immediate call to an ambulance:

    1. Sharp and sharp pains under the ribs on the left or right. They indicate an acute inflammatory process or the appearance of a complication of the current disease. Most often this manifests itself as cholecystitis, perforation of a stomach ulcer, renal colic.
    2. Girdle pains. They are usually a symptom of acute pancreatitis. Urgent hospitalization required.
    3. Sharp pains during respiratory movements. May indicate the development of a subdiaphragmatic abscess or pathology of the lower lobes of the lungs. Respiratory diseases can also be accompanied by stabbing pains.

    Before the ambulance arrives:

    1. Prepare your documents and outpatient card.
    2. Wait for the arrival of the doctor, while lying down and taking a position in which the pain decreases.
    3. It is forbidden to apply "heat" to the place of pain.
    4. Refuse to eat and drink.
    5. Do not take any medications.

    With severe pain, it is possible to apply cold to the stomach.

    Which doctor to contact if it hurts under the ribs

    In other cases that do not require immediate medical intervention, the following specialists provide assistance in the presence of pain in the right and left hypochondrium: gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, urologist, gynecologist, surgeon, cardiologist and therapist. All problems with finding the right specialist are solved when contacting any medical institution. In the absence of doctors of narrow specialties, you should contact a therapist.

    Even a perfectly healthy person at one time faced with such an unpleasant symptom as pain in the right god under the ribs.

    The rather tight contact of the right hypochondrium with the internal organs of a person, as well as a denser structure, makes it much more difficult to determine a clear diagnosis, therefore, during any painful symptoms of absolutely any nature on the right side under the ribs, you should not postpone going to the doctor.

    Causes of pain in the right hypochondrium

    The right hypochondrium is considered more reliable protection for a sufficient number of internal organs.

    First of all, pain in the right side indicates the following diseases:

    However, in order to correctly identify the very cause of these painful symptoms in the right side or back, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature and localization of pain.


    In the right side under the ribs, pain can have its own different kind of character:

    Taking into account the pain sensations themselves and the symptoms accompanying them, it is possible to identify exactly that internal affected organ.

    Strong pain

    Unbearable, hellish and very severe pain of the right side is characteristic of diseases, for example, of the liver, kidneys or gallbladder.

    Liver injury- this is when the pain becomes stronger and stronger at the moment when the patient assumes a horizontal position.

    You can observe signs of some blood loss (with weakness, poverty of the skin and mucous membranes, low pressure, the pulse becomes very quick, dizziness).

    • Liver failure;
    • Jaundice;
    • Violation of blood circulation.

    With all this, aching and dull pain is considered a sign of subsequent diseases:

    • In women, inflammation of the appendages;
    • Inflammation of the intestines;
    • An increase in the size of the spleen;
    • Polycystic kidney in the right side;
    • Malignant tumors of the lung, kidney, pancreas, gallbladder.

    stabbing pain

    Pain under the ribs on the right side, passing in a stabbing form, which become deeper and stronger than the previous ones, with each deep breath or cough, is considered a sign right sided pneumonia. Often, the pain diverges completely on the right side, and the specific time of its manifestation is very difficult to determine. There are accompanying symptoms:

    • High body temperature;
    • constipation and diarrhea;
    • Pale or blue nasolabial triangle;
    • Herpes eruption on right side;
    • Breathlessness.

    back pain

    Pain under the ribs on the right side may indicate problems with the kidney or pancreas.

    During the process of inflammation of the kidneys, the patient may experience some symptom of Pasternatsky(the syndrome is accompanied by very sharp pain even with a small blow with the palm from the back on the lower rib).

    During renal colic, pain under the ribs on the right side is paroxysmal, as well as intense, and can torment to a certain extent, when the patient cannot be at rest and constantly changes his position.

    During an illness like urolithiasis disease, the pain spreads to the very waist and throughout the vertebra.

    Pain on the right under the rib during the inflammatory process of the pancreas (in other words, with pancreatitis) appear very unexpectedly, its intensity does not change and has the form of manifestation in the form of a belt. The causes of the inflammatory process of the pancreas can be considered a violation of metabolic processes, the abuse of alcoholic beverages along with fatty foods, complications after surgery and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    Pain right under the ribs in front

    When it hurts on the right side under the ribs, then this is already considered a symptom of the disease of the following diseases:

    • Lungs (pneumonia or inflammation);
    • Liver (Hepatitis, cirrhosis, tumors, fatty degeneration of cells);
    • Stomach duodenal ulcer (peptic ulcer, erosion or gastritis);
    • Gallbladder (acute cholecystitis or chronic).

    In the moment lung lesions the pains on the right under the ribs are stabbing, and aggravated by inhalation and coughing, and with all this, there will be various signs of fever (weakness or fever) that distinguish all this from other pathologies of the internal organs in the right god under the ribs.

    During the defeat gallbladder the patient feels very strong pain sensations mainly in the right shoulder blade and pancreas. With encouraged cholecystitis, the same pain symptoms rush down the right ribs.

    When an aching or dull pain sets in under the right side, this can only speak and mean liver damage. Often, it is accompanied by the following symptoms of jaundice (when the whites of the eyes and the skin around the eyes take on a yellowish tint), with the exception of only benign tumors.

    During ulcers of the duodenum and stomach pain comes in front of the right side under the ribs, which passes into the back and lower back. Painful sensations are slightly dulled during pressure, so the patient may feel relief when he is in a horizontal position (lying on his stomach) or simply squatting.

    Pain on the right below the ribs

    Pain below the ribs on the right side is considered a sign of an inflammatory process:

    • Stomach and duodenum- with the so-called ulcer, pain sensations pass from the epigastric zone to the very bottom of the right hypochondrium;
    • Intestine(or to be more precise, the appendix). The main symptom is acute and sharp pain in the right side. With all this, the nature of the pain will tell the patient about the probable rupture of the appendix, so you need to go to the hospital very quickly.

    In addition to all this, pain under the ribs on the right side can occur even in the healthiest person while walking. All this comes out when the patient is exposed to uncharacteristic stresses for his body. In the full vein, which is located under the right lower ribs, the blood flow increases and it increases. Also, pain can manifest itself in very sharp tilts and turns, if the bones of the ribs border on the internal organs.


    Regardless of the type of pain under the ribs, only a highly qualified specialist can establish an absolutely accurate diagnosis. It is necessary to conduct examinations with a local therapist, who, if necessary, will refer the patient for an additional and more detailed examination to the next doctor.

    Diagnosis of pain in the right hypochondrium carries a number of the following steps:

    How to treat pain under the ribs in the right side

    The right side, or rather its ribs, are, so to speak, a “protective wall” that protect, first of all, internal organs such as the liver, intestines, pancreas and gallbladder. All these organs inside are very tight and fit tightly to each other, so it is very difficult to determine the root cause of pain in the right side.

    The first principle of treatment is a timely appeal to a specialist (district doctor, oncologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist).

    You can reduce pain yourself with the help of the following antispasmodic drugs:

    It is forbidden to use any hot compresses when you don’t know what your diagnosis is, you can only attach a piece of ice to the affected area, but this must be done if this ice will definitely anesthetize the place.

    It must be remembered that if the patient's pain is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, then an ambulance should be urgently called. Quite often, with a list of diseases, an urgent surgical intervention is needed (with inflammation of the urolithiasis or gallbladder, severe liver injuries).

    When your doctor has already diagnosed you, then in addition to medications, you can use alternative methods of treatment:

    • If liver hurts- mix five hundred milligrams of honey with two tablespoons of ground cinnamon. It is necessary to take this composition one spoonful after and naturally before meals;
    • If spleen hurts- 1 gram of mother's milk every day, or rosehip broth;
    • If gallbladder hurts- potato broth, it is necessary to boil the potatoes in their skins, then do not pour out the water, push it. It is necessary to let stand what happened and then drink it three times a day, two tablespoons.


    In order for your pain not to turn into a massacre on the surgical (operating) table, you must apply the usual, and most importantly, simple rules of prevention:

    Pain on the right side under the ribs is considered a rather dangerous symptom that will constantly “wave a pen” at you about serious illnesses of your internal organs, therefore, in the initial collisions with such signals, you should immediately consult a highly qualified doctor.

    With different ailments, the symptoms are different, as is the localization. Poor health haunts people with tumors, shingles, osteochondrosis, pinched spinal nerves.

    In the article: A detailed list of all diseases and the main symptoms for pain in front under the ribs and at the same time on the right. Brief and clear description of each cause of pain.

    On the right side at the top of the abdomen are many vital organs:

    1. gallbladder;
    2. Intestines;
    3. Pancreas;
    4. Lungs;
    5. Liver.

    Rezi in the right side speaks of diseases of the above organs. Sometimes discomfort appears due to damage to the central nervous system or vascular system. When the ridge is damaged, the right side hurts under the ribs on the side, but pain usually occurs behind the back on both sides - on the right and left.

    As soon as pain syndrome appears on the right side under the ribs, it is correct to immediately go to the general practitioner and undergo an examination.

    Note! Diagnosis, carried out on time, helps to cure the disease at the beginning of development. It's never worth it to endure.

    What hurts in the right side? Diseases, their causes

    With different ailments, the symptoms are different, as is the localization. Poor health haunts people with tumors, shingles, osteochondrosis, pinched spinal nerves. With spinal injuries, it is painful to step on your feet.

    Note! If there is a sharp pain without a corresponding injury, lasts more than half an hour and intensifies when walking, you should immediately call an ambulance. The victim needs to be treated as soon as possible.

    Why does it hurt in front under the ribs on the right from time to time?

    Everyone experiences a slight pain in the side sometimes, this is normal. Even in healthy people, it can hurt on the right side of the chest.

    It hurts in the right side under the ribs in front of a teenager or child during increased growth. During pregnancy, women sometimes feel pain in the upper abdomen.

    Such sensations are not dangerous. The main feature that distinguishes safe pain is short duration and low intensity.

    Causes of “healthy pains”:

    1. Engagement in physical labor. Cramps in the side are found in people with hypodynamia. When walking or running fast, adrenaline is released into the blood, the blood flow accelerates, it expands the vena cava, which is located on the right under the ribs. A large vessel presses on the liver and deforms it, which causes discomfort. Soreness appears even under the armpits.
    2. The period of gestation. The third trimester of pregnancy is marked by the rapid development of the fetus, which puts pressure on nearby organs. A pregnant woman has difficulty breathing.
    3. Premenstrual syndrome in women. Estrogens are released into the blood, causing pain in the abdomen. The bile ducts are constricted by spasm.

    Why does constant pain occur?

    Different diseases have their own individual symptoms.

    • Liver

    Cirrhosis and hepatitis most commonly affect the liver. Rezi cirrhosis appear only in advanced forms of the disease. It is pain that gets worse with movement. With hepatitis, the symptoms are not bright, the pain syndrome has a squeezing dull character, localized in the right hypochondrium. A person may feel heaviness in the stomach and in the side after eating. When pressed, the pain becomes stronger.

    Cirrhosis of the liver

    Liver diseases are accompanied by bitterness in the mouth, yellowness of the face and palms, rashes. These symptoms do not require an ambulance call, but it is necessary to go to the doctor for an examination.

    Lying in a comfortable position, the pain becomes less noticeable.

    • Pancreas

    Painful sensations in diseases of the pancreas are strong, aggravated after drinking alcohol on an empty stomach or junk food: fatty, salty, fried.

    Symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas - profuse vomiting, itching, yellowing of the skin, dark urine and fever.

    The soreness of the tumor of the pancreas is similar to sciatica, that is, burning, shooting. The intensity is not constant. With cholecystitis, bouts of unbearable pain are felt in the upper abdomen.

    If you find signs of pancreatic disease, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

    • gallbladder

    During cholelithiasis, it hurts strongly in the area under the chest, pain can radiate to the shoulder blade or shoulder. Symptoms become more noticeable after physical activity, stress or climate change.


    Stitching pains on the right side under the ribs is a serious reason for a visit to the doctor. In advanced cases, the organ is excised, after removal of the gallbladder, pain disappears.

    • Lung

    In a person with cancer, the lungs ache and pull for no reason when there is no cough. Pain spreads throughout the chest when inhaling. Sometimes they are confused with heart due to the proximity of these organs, but if the heart is affected, then swallowing and coughing do not cause discomfort.

    Painful bouts of coughing appear with pneumonia.

    Important! When coughing with bloody discharge, you need to call an ambulance.

    • Intestines

    It is difficult to localize, paroxysmal pain syndrome accompanies appendicitis.

    Worth knowing! If a person has a sharp sharp pain on the right, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever, he needs urgent medical help! These are symptoms of inflammation of the appendix.

    When the duodenum becomes inflamed, there are painful sensations of a dull, pulling and pressing nature.

    • Diaphragm

    Severe pains all over the body and under the ribs haunt people with hernias. A swelling of the diaphragm is accompanied by sensations of medium strength, felt throughout the body.

    The stomach hurts on the left and right, it becomes difficult to breathe. When inhaling, there is a strong pressure on the right side.

    • Heart

    Angina pectoris strongly compresses and squeezes a person's chest. With a heart attack, acute pain is experienced, spreading to the chest and under it.

    All cardiac pathologies require urgent medical attention.

    • Bud

    Feelings with urolithiasis depend on the stage. The pain is either dull or sharp. Pyelonephritis is characterized by dull periodic pain.

    Important! It is better to prevent the exacerbation of urolithiasis in time and not let it progress.

    • ovaries

    When the ovaries are infected, a woman may have pain under the ribs on both sides. The pain is localized in the right side of the lower abdomen next to the iliac bones, above the pubis, can give back.

    With inflammation of the female appendages, stretch marks appear on the abdomen, menstruation disappears, hair falls out.

    In pregnant women, discomfort may occur due to an ectopic pregnancy. If this pathology is detected, an urgent need to consult a doctor, as there is a risk of rupture of the fallopian tube.

    Worth knowing! In men, pain in this area is not associated with the genitals, rather, it is intestinal infections.

    What if the pain caught you by surprise?

    Go get help from a specialist. Do not try to anesthetize the problem area with a hot compress - this can cause irreparable harm to health. Cold compresses are acceptable. Doctors do not recommend using painkillers or anti-spasm drugs (like no-shpa) on their own. The clinical manifestations of the disease will be erased, the task of making a diagnosis will be complicated.

    When to call an ambulance:

    • Sharp pains suddenly appeared under the chest;
    • On the right side, it whines for a long time;
    • Stitching pains appeared for no reason, which last longer than 90 minutes and are aggravated by walking or running.

    If the pain under the ribs is weak, but does not cease to disturb and you feel sick, you should immediately go to the doctor on the same day.

    Which doctors should be contacted

    First of all, you need to go to a therapist. His main task is to find out the cause of the pain syndrome, establish a preliminary diagnosis, and give a referral to a highly specialized doctor.

    A surgeon and a traumatologist will help people with cracked ribs. A gastroenterologist and an infectious disease specialist will help with pathologies of the liver and intestines. The gynecologist will be able to save the patient from women's pain. An endocrinologist will help in cases where the soreness was caused by hormonal disorders. The help of a cardiologist will be needed for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Only a highly specialized doctor should tell you what to take and what procedures to perform. Self-medication brings harm, not benefit.

    The most common causes of pain

    There are a number of diseases that most often cause unpleasant symptoms.

    Cirrhosis of the liver

    A pathology in which healthy liver cells are replaced by connective tissue. Because of this change, the whole body suffers, as the body cannot cope with blood purification and other functions.

    The reasons include complications after hepatitis, disorders in the immune system, poisoning with chemicals or alcohol. Hereditary pathologies and long courses of certain medications are also causes.

    In the early stages, there are no symptoms, soreness is felt only when you press on the hypochondrium. At the next stage, heaviness appears under the chest. At an advanced stage, cirrhosis makes a person's life unbearable, he has hematemesis, cerebral encephalopathy, and jaundice.

    Pathology is treated individually, a therapeutic course is prescribed. A person is obliged to change his lifestyle and listen to the attending physician. Treatment with traditional medicine should be consistent with the recommendations of the physician.


    Cholecystitis is a lesion of the gallbladder. The disease appears due to an unbalanced and inconsistent diet, low physical activity, the use of contraceptive pills, allergies and heredity.

    The disease develops gradually, aggravated during stress and emotional overstrain. Due to overeating, soreness appears on the right side from below. Discomfort extends to the back area. The pain is manifested by attacks in the initial stages of cholecystitis.

    Signs - frequent vomiting with bile, rapid pulse, weakness and bloating. An experienced doctor can immediately diagnose. Therapy is carried out with the help of antibiotics, analgesics and choleretic agents.

    The gastroenterologist must deal with the selection of medications, who will take into account all the characteristics of the patient and tell you what to take.

    In severe cases, the organ is excised; after removal of the gallbladder, pain no longer worries the patient. People with sudden pains should immediately consult a doctor, because timely treatment will stop the complications of cholecystitis.

    Important! Cholecystitis is dangerous by rupture of the bile-producing organ, the appearance of peritonitis. These complications are often fatal.

    Urolithiasis disease

    This ailment leads to the appearance of stones (small stones) in the urinary tract. It is most often found in older men. The reasons lie in the wrong diet, dehydration, physical inactivity, heredity, infections. Hot climates and contaminated drinking water also cause urolithiasis. Some substances in the composition of drugs contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

    Urolithiasis disease

    The disease is initially asymptomatic. Often it is discovered at a random scheduled inspection. If a person does not undergo examinations, he may not know about his illness for a long time.

    Some patients notice intermittent pain on the right side of the upper abdomen that gets worse with running, walking, exercising, and other movement.

    A person has bloody discharge in the urine, tingling in the kidneys. With an increase in temperature and pressure, dizziness appears. In some patients, when walking, the area under the sternum hurts.

    Nephrologist helps with urolithiasis. When the stones move away, it is recommended to be treated in special institutions under the supervision of doctors. A urologist will help make it easier to transfer this disease in men. Pain is relieved with analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Small stones come out on their own, but large ones are crushed with ultrasound and physiotherapy, etc.

    duodenal ulcer

    Ulcers form in the duodenum. The disease develops due to stress, junk food, smoking, alcohol abuse.

    Lying in a comfortable position, no symptoms are felt. However, when moving, the pain expands to the area under the ribs.

    Gastric ulcer and 12 - duodenal ulcer

    The ulcer is accompanied by heartburn and constipation, eructations with a sour smell. After drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, the symptoms worsen.

    Treatment is carried out by a gastroenterologist, whose task is to reduce the acidity of the gastric environment and kill pathogens. If the patient is tormented by pain, he is prescribed antispasmodics and painkillers.

    Note! If the growing pain of an ulcer is ignored, the intestines can rupture or become severely narrowed.

    Lower rib fracture, bone fracture

    Pain on the right side of the upper abdomen may occur due to an injury to the lower rib. A small crack will not greatly disturb a person, however, a fracture will cause severe pain and radiate to the back and shoulder blades. Blows and wounds usually result in broken ribs.

    Tuberculosis of the bone or other chest infections also contribute to cracked ribs.

    As we age, bones lose strength and elasticity, which makes older people more prone to accidental fractures.

    Symptoms of a crack in the lower ribs first appear sharply, and then weaken. When you sit or lie in a comfortable position, no symptoms are felt. Edema indicates a fracture. Damaged ribs hurt and bulge. The patient has difficulty breathing. When pressed, a sharp pain is felt.

    The diagnosis is made by the therapist, the doctor preliminarily examines the patient, prescribes X-rays and tomography. A traumatologist deals with the treatment of fractures. If the damage is not severe, the patient can be treated for the damage at home.

    If the bone fragments are hooked on the insides, then hospitalization cannot be postponed.

    Diaphragm damage

    The diaphragm is a muscular membrane that separates the abdominal from the chest. Being a support, it plays an important role during inhalation and exhalation.

    Pathologies arise due to mechanical damage, congenital diseases or age-related changes. The muscle weakens and thins, hernias appear.

    The insides move from the abdominal to the chest, causing the patient severe discomfort. The lungs are bent and wrapped.

    There is pressure under the ribs. There is a feeling of heaviness, palpitations and shortness of breath. When inhaling, pain is given to the sides and even to the shoulders. It hurts on both sides when walking.

    The therapist diagnoses diseases of the diaphragm using an x-ray with a developing substance. Some fractional hernias can be treated with fractional diets, drugs to reduce stomach acid. Such hernias are not infringed. People are forbidden to carry heavy things and wear too tight clothes.

    Important! The remaining hernias are treated only surgically.

    Conclusion. Should I be worried about pain?

    Incessant pain on the right under the ribs in front is a serious reason for going to the hospital. However, remember that not strong periodic cramps in this area are normal if the cause is physical activity.

    When unpleasant sensations appear, you need to carefully analyze your day. Remember what was eaten, what pills were taken. Understanding the body will help determine the time to go to the hospital.

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