What people say about Medvedev. “Everything is fine, there is money”

The 52-year-old Prime Minister of the Russian government, Dmitry Medvedev, as many have noticed, looks a little sick after being missing for two weeks. In addition, at Medvedev’s first speech (it was originally announced on August 27, but took place on the 30th), its participants drew attention to Medvedev’s strange speech.

The prime minister spoke slowly, monotonously, taking long pauses between phrases, writes Moskovsky Komsomolets. The source also draws attention to the fact that the prime minister’s speech was practically devoid of accents and even the politician’s timbre is different from what it was just recently.

Many associated the slow speech with the consequences of the very sports injury due to which Medvedev was allegedly absent for two weeks. “Has it been replaced?”, “The voice is strange, and it’s also kind of swollen,” Russians write in the comments. And the telegram channel “Successor” even suggested that Medvedev had a mini-stroke:

On the eve of Medvedev, for the first time after his mysterious absence, federal channels showed “in large quantities”. And this is how the prime minister appeared: the right eyebrow is significantly higher than the left, there is an obvious scar or a well-disguised bruise above it, and the most important thing in this story is diction. Medvedev clearly had difficulty speaking, the right side of his mouth moved with difficulty, the prime minister paused and carefully pronounced words, intonation pauses in places unusual for his well-delivered speech, the channel writes.

Dmitry Medvedev's double himself does not comment on the rumors, for fear of being burned

The most interesting thing is that the government is generally silent on this topic, as if they all had their mouths taped shut. The fairy tale about a sports injury clearly no longer works: the Internet is littered with numerous rumors. It's gotten to the point where now the news is all about this. Not about pension reform in general. Yes, because something happened to him, instead of him there is some kind of bomb double walking around, who doesn’t really look like Medvedev

Who could have killed Dmitry Medvedev

The first version, what happened to Dmitry Medvedev, seems unlikely. He was relaxing at his dacha in the homeland of his ancestors. He built luxury apartments on several hectares of land. And the drunk decided to ride an ATV. On the way, I met some pensioner, and he wholeheartedly hit him in the face for the pension reform, breaking his jaw. This was exactly two weeks ago. The pensioner is now sitting, and Dmitry Medvedev cannot really say anything in public and eats porridge through a straw. You won't envy him here. But this is the version that circulates among deputies. Our version assumes that Dmitry Medvedev is no longer alive. And then some old man hit him in the jaw. He probably blew his head off with some rebar or something. But this version does not seem very plausible.

The second version of the idiocy occurring today in our geopolitical field. This is, of course, the murder of Medvedev. He could have been killed by CIA agents. Now there is a war, and Putin was made clear what would happen to him by poisoning Medvedev. This version is more plausible. And it only says that the stakes are too high. Naturally, Putin cannot announce it, since this is tantamount to declaring war on the United States.

So in the near future we will see what is actually happening. In my opinion, the double will now be shown much less and less, so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion.

The Internet continues to support the resignation of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who proposed not to compare the salaries of teachers and police officers and advised dissatisfied teachers to go into business. More than 155 thousand people have appealed to Russian President Putin with a demand to dismiss Medvedev on the portal. Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that he has not yet read the petition, but will definitely study its nature.

“The Cabinet of Ministers must be headed by a competent, educated person who cares for the country. Now we see the opposite picture,” in the text of the resignation letter. “The advertising face of Apple, the person sleeping at the opening of the Olympics, advising teachers to “work somewhere to earn extra money somehow in order to survive,” should not be at the head of the cabinet of ministers. The fish rots from the head, maybe this is where the “efficiency” of the work of the ministries comes from?! " – the authors of the petition continue.

Not long ago, Dmitry Medvedev wished “all the best” and advised “hold on” to residents of annexed Crimea who complained about small pensions. The prime minister was immediately reminded of the expensive clothes he periodically appears in public in.

​Political scientist Nikolay Petrov believes that, despite the petition gaining momentum, no resignation of Medvedev should be expected in the near future, because he is doing an excellent job with his role under Vladimir Putin:

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– It seems to me that this petition is a bit of a strange outburst, partly related to the election campaign, because Medvedev heads the United Russia party. Partly this is irritation after the strange statements that the Prime Minister has made recently. But it seems to me that this has nothing to do with any real political process. That is, now it makes no sense to talk about the prospects for Medvedev’s resignation. Another thing is that elections will be held in almost a month.

And based on the election results, it is quite possible to expect some changes, including in the government. It is possible that there will be a change in the prime minister. It seems to me that, firstly, this is a natural political decision, and secondly, it will be connected with the strategy that the Kremlin will or will not be able to adopt. So far, the government is fully coping with the responsibilities that it has, namely maintaining a certain balance and solving some minor current problems. As soon as a decision is made on the strategic direction of movement, it does not matter in which direction this movement will be made, the government must act as a united team with a skillful manager at the head, which Dmitry Anatolyevich is unlikely to be.

– If suddenly after the elections this government is really dismissed and there is a new prime minister, how will we remember Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev as prime minister?

He did not and does not have his own team

– It seems to me that he will be remembered for the fact that at some point he consciously made a choice between 140 million Russian citizens and one voter. All these years he remained faithful and devoted to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. He was probably a good manager in some positions (not the position of prime minister). But this does not exclude the possibility that he managed to be some kind of bright and memorable prime minister. Another thing is that the role that was assigned to him in this post even today excludes any serious movements in the formation of the team. It is important and characteristic that when Dmitry Anatolyevich came to power in 2008, he did not have a team, because he had never headed anything. The surprising thing is that even today, almost 10 years later, it seems to me that it is not worth talking about the fact that he has some kind of team.

– Dmitry Medvedev is a person from Vladimir Putin’s inner circle. Surely, even after his resignation from the post of prime minister, he will not disappear. What role do you think is destined for him?

Upon leaving, he will be offered a prominent post

– It seems to me that Dmitry Anatolyevich could be a very good leader, say, of the entire court system and responsible for carrying out judicial reform. Therefore, some experts say: look how long the chairmen of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts have been sitting in their posts. People keep this place for Dmitry Anatolyevich. In addition, the courts moved to St. Petersburg. It seems to me that he would be quite good at this job. Another thing is that he is not an organizer, not a manager. In this sense, his current position, on the one hand, does not allow him to reveal himself fully, but on the other hand, he is probably the best prime minister in it. Of course, with his departure he will be offered some very prominent post. And it could be anything,” says political scientist Nikolai Petrov.

The authors of the petition for the resignation of Dmitry Medvedev believe that his statements about teachers and salaries insult teachers. But the Honored Teacher of Russia, teacher at Lyceum No. 1525 “Sparrow Hills” considers these words to be ordinary stupidity and is not offended by the Prime Minister:

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– I just laughed. I saw this petition. In general, I often sign such petitions, because very often there is feedback and it is clear what those who signed the petition have achieved. I see that in some cases, it is indeed possible to do something like this by signing a petition. But in this case, I didn’t sign the petition, because it seemed to me, on the one hand, funny, and on the other hand, these glory seemed stupid to me, forgive me for such a description. Of course, if you look at it from another point of view, a person holding such a position had no right to speak out like that.

– What guides teachers who go to work at school, knowing about low wages?

Many teachers love their profession

– This is a very creative profession. I very often hear not only from parents, people who have nothing to do with school or education, but also from colleagues who work with teachers, for example, who give lectures to teachers, who are a little bit dismissive, but in any case not particularly high reviews. At the same time, I met a lot of interesting colleagues, in a variety of places. For example, I had to give lectures to village teachers. I remember in the early 90s I came to Kostroma to give lectures. People from surrounding villages came, but salaries were not paid then. And I remember very well the story of one teacher who complained that there was no money at all, but she had to pay 6 rubles for a bus ticket. And she arrived. I remember I lectured until I was hoarse, until I lost my voice. Not as many hours as I should have, but as many as I could. I was completely amazed by these people. The questions were wonderful, the faces were wonderful. I see a lot of colleagues like this. Of course, there are different teachers. But I think that many people love their profession.

– How much do teachers in Moscow and the provinces earn?

– I can speak completely freely on this topic. I must tell you that I am very often surprised by the figures that are announced in Moscow, at least. If they talk about the province, they usually quote very low numbers. When they talk about Moscow, they talk about some absolutely insane salaries of 50–70 thousand. I receive 40 thousand rubles in my hands, despite the fact that I am an honored teacher and, accordingly, have the right to a very significant salary increase. I don't have a very high workload because I can't handle a high workload. In fact, this is piecework, jewelry work with children.

– Children also know about the low salaries of teachers. Is this topic being discussed somehow? Can children afford to express some kind of disdain towards teachers because their salaries are not very high? Or are you surrounded only by amazing, well-mannered and wonderful children?

The teaching staff is becoming obsolete all the time

– I am surrounded by different children. I now work with children not only in the humanities, but also with children who study in classes of a different profile. Among them there are a lot of children who are not shy about showing me that they don’t need literature and, in general, why I’m trying so hard here is unclear. But I have never heard such open contempt in terms of the status of a teacher and his pay. Although I think, of course, when a child chooses his own path, this path is discussed in the family, the question inevitably arises. And the fact that there are absolutely no... Well, you can’t say that there are absolutely no young teachers at school. There are young teachers, of course. But still, the teaching staff is becoming outdated all the time. This is, of course, a very revealing thing.

– How does the state treat teachers?

– I can give an example that absolutely amazed me, not about the salary at school, although that is also indicative. This year, among several colleagues, I was invited to the Ministry of Education. We were asked to very quickly make a series of films about literature lessons. Businessmen were sitting right there. Apparently, representatives of those companies that were supposed to somehow technically provide the program. They have already decided - that’s it, they have come up with the form of the lesson. At the end of this conversation, my colleagues, who generally expressed doubt that something so serious could be done in such a time frame, who were accustomed to working thoughtfully and deeply, asked: how much will be paid for this work? After thinking and looking at each other, they told us how it was such a great favor: well, a thousand rubles each. Of course, this speaks about the attitude towards the teacher. And this is completely consistent with the words of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. In general, I think each of my colleagues sitting at this meeting felt a sense of humiliation,” said Honored Teacher of Russia Evgenia Abelyuk.

Dmitry Medvedev said his next “pearl” about teachers and their income on August 2, speaking at the “Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma” forum. In response to a question from a teacher at the University of Dagestan about the low salaries of young teachers and lecturers, he recommended that they try to earn “something more” and hinted that there are many places where this can be done faster and better. At the same time, he explained the high earnings of security forces by the danger of the profession.

Russians no longer know how to get rid of an overly clingy prime minister. Billions of his jambs cannot be adequately dismissed. So there was hope in the statement of Dmitry Medvedev, in which he stated that low salaries for teachers are the norm.

In response to a complaint from a teacher from Dagestan about low wages, the prime minister advised dissatisfied teachers to find part-time work or go into business: “You know, this is a calling, and if you want to earn money, there are a lot of great places where you can do it faster and better. Same business." This statement caused outrage in society.

Let us remember that before this, another statement by the prime minister became an Internet meme in May, when, during a meeting with Crimean pensioners, Medvedev told pensioners who complained about small payments: “There is no money. You hang in here, all the best, good mood and health to you!”

A day after the Prime Minister’s speech, Russians began to ask the President of Russia to dismiss Dmitry Medvedev. Several petitions appeared on the “change.org” resource on the morning of Thursday, August 4.

“An Apple advertising person who sleeps at the opening of the Olympics, a person who advises teachers to earn extra money in order to survive, should not be at the head of the Cabinet of Ministers,” writes the author of the petition, Alexander Lee, in the text of the post.

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov commented on the statement of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev about the low salaries of teachers. The presidential administration recalled the instructions given by Vladimir Putin in this regard, according to which teachers’ salaries should not be lower than the average salary in the regional economy.

“Nobody revised these parameters of the May decrees,” said presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, answering a question from Life.ru about the size of teachers’ salaries. In addition, he recalled that teachers’ salaries should be constantly increased and no one has canceled these tasks.

That is, the Kremlin made it clear to Medvedev that he had once again violated the President’s demands. And again with impunity. In addition, the Kremlin has not yet familiarized itself with the petition posted online calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. This was stated by the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, a Lenta.ru correspondent reports.

“No, we don’t know about that. I don't think this requires any reaction. I think it depends on the nature of the petition,” the official answered when asked by journalists whether the Kremlin is aware of the appeal that appeared on change.org and whether there will be any reaction to it.

Thus, democracy by collecting votes on the Internet turned out to be a fiction. If the Kremlin needs to fire someone, the Kremlin wants to do it with the hands of the people, then it posts a petition and draws its attention to it. If such a petition is posted by the people themselves, then the Kremlin doesn’t care.

And the people are reacting to Medvedev’s statement in exactly the opposite way to the Kremlin. Numerous polls have been launched on the Internet on the topic “How do you evaluate Medvedev’s words about teachers’ salaries?” All 77% of the votes were for the wording: “It’s high time for him to resign; in no other country in the world would the prime minister allow himself to say such words.”

Teacher of the Year 2009, physics teacher at Noginsk school No. 5, Vadim Muranov, commented on Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s statement about teachers’ salaries: “Dmitry Anatolyevich confuses bland with sweet. A teacher should not make ends meet, as he said in his speech. A teacher should not look for a way to earn money on the side. A teacher should work normally and comfortably. You can give a damn about our profession, as has actually been done for many years, but history shows that national security and teaching are very strongly interconnected, even more so than with the security forces.”

Obviously, Medvedev’s own teachers were frankly weak. Otherwise, he would have remembered the statement of Otto von Bismarck: “The attitude of the state towards the teacher is a state policy that indicates either the strength of the state or its weakness. Wars are not won by generals, wars are won by schoolteachers and parish priests.”

Ivan Orlov

Materials have begun to appear that promise the current Prime Minister a quick resignation. For example, the Financial Times published an article in which it predicted changes in the Russian government, including the resignation of Medvedev...

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, known for his memorable quotes, has finally broken the long pause. Today, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, whose statements “go to the people,” denied information about his illness, saying that he “wasn’t sick” at all. Although on March 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Dmitry Anatolyevich “was not saved” from the flu epidemic. Realnoe Vremya recalls the prime minister’s most striking statements.

“Yes, I wasn’t sick”

The protracted silence of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was broken today when, at a meeting with representatives of SMEs, he said that “he was not sick.”

“I wasn’t sick,” Medvedev said when one of those present congratulated him on his recovery.

Let us recall that on March 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Dmitry Medvedev fell ill with the flu. The head of state, discussing the epidemiological situation in Russia, said that the situation with influenza in the country “remains serious”, “and Dmitry Anatolyevich was not saved.”

Crimeans, and later the entire population of the country, heard almost the most striking quote from Medvedev on May 23, 2016. Photo youtube.com

“There is no money, but you hold on”

However, the residents of Crimea, and later the entire population of the country, heard almost the most striking quote from Medvedev on May 23, 2016. The head of government said it when one of the local residents complained that pensions were not indexed, and “eight thousand rubles are not enough to live on.” Medvedev responded to this by saying: “There is simply no money now. If we find the money, we'll do the indexing. You hang in here, all the best, good mood and health to you.”

“Anything can be aroused”

This is exactly what Dmitry Medvedev spoke about the bill, according to which law enforcement agencies are given back the opportunity to initiate criminal tax cases without materials from tax officials. It is interesting that the bill was introduced into the Duma by Vladimir Putin. Then many started talking about difficult relations in the political tandem. And the full phrase sounded even harsher:

“You can excite anything, especially by order and for money, which often happens when one structure fights with another!”

"About the cat"

The story of the cat Dorofey, Medvedev’s favorite, became one of the most discussed topics in Runet in 2012. The commotion was caused by information that the pet allegedly escaped from the residence in Gorki.

Dmitry Anatolyevich commented on the situation with a post on Twitter. “About the cat. From sources close to Dorotheus, it became known that he did not disappear anywhere. Thank you all for your concern!”

The story of the cat Dorofey, Medvedev’s favorite, became one of the most discussed topics in Runet in 2012. Photo instagram.com/damedvedev

“The government cannot be shaken like a pear”

With this phrase, Medvedev explained in 2011 why during the years of his presidency not a single minister left his post due to unsuitability. “Not all accidents depend on ministers; we really have a very difficult situation both in industry and in the economy. (...) The government cannot be shaken like a pear.”

“Barack, rest!”

So in 2010, Medvedev commented on the content of a telephone conversation with the American president on federal channels. In an interview with the press, Dmitry Anatolyevich then, in particular, said that his American colleague was “on vacation.” Therefore, he wished him to have a good rest.

“Barack, rest! You did your job well!” - Medvedev commented.

“What I say is cast in granite”

An equally popular saying by Dmitry Anatolyevich was his words spoken at the end of 2009 at a meeting of the commission on economic modernization and which, perhaps, were prophetic.

Then, in the status of the President of Russia, he, speaking at a meeting of the commission on economic modernization, interrupted the general director of the state corporation “Russian Technologies” Sergei Chemezov, who tried to give the president an explanation for his “remark.”

“No, you don’t need mine. Mine is no longer a remark, but a verdict. You have replicas, but everything I say is cast in granite.”

The saying was made by him after a fire in the Perm club “Lame Horse”. Photo rg.ru

"Scoundrels without brains and conscience"

Medvedev called unscrupulous entrepreneurs “without brains and without conscience” scoundrels. He made the statement after a fire in the Perm club “Lame Horse”, where more than 150 people died in December 2009.

"Freedom is better than non-freedom"

Russians also remember the statement Medvedev made in 2008 at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, where he gave a big pre-election speech as a presidential candidate.

“Our policy should be based on a principle that I consider, despite all its obviousness, to be the most important for the activities of any modern state striving to achieve high standards of living. This is the principle “Freedom is better than unfreedom.”

“No need to whine”

The quote also applies to 2008. With this phrase, President Medvedev, while in Magadan, responded to complaints from entrepreneurs.

“I understand that it is not easy for business to operate, that our bureaucratic apparatus is still heavy, but there is no need to whine.”

Damira Khairulina

This is not the first time we have turned to the opinions of ordinary people, to what problems bother ordinary citizens and what we would like to change. Today we will pay more attention to the economic problems of Russians and the difficulties faced by representatives of various professions.

Only interesting comments will be given, without curses or insults. Punctuation and spelling have been preserved.

“In our city they increased the prices for food and medicine, for clothes, and even for travel by as much as 10 rubles at once, but the salaries were the same and remained, and in 2017 they promise to raise prices again, how to live??? Everyone can’t go into business…” — user maksim_sertukov

“Russia helps other countries, but our children are dying from a lack of doctors”

“I’m against it, now I’m against it!!! I always loved Russia and respected the government, but when I ended up with a small child in the Morozovskaya hospital, the hair on my head started to stand up. Gentlemen, deputies! Are you out of your mind?!! How do you treat children! What stupid laws you are creating, you have ruined medicine. Do you know that children are lying in the corridors? There are no places in the hospital, it’s like in war, is it difficult to build another department or something? And take a dozen more doctors! I was shocked! How can doctors treat a children are being treated! But in our yard the asphalt has been changed; there’s nothing to do with the money. But Russia helps other countries, and our children are dying from the lack of doctors and hospital beds. It’s a shame! And you put doctors in such a framework that they don’t treat, but reports they write that there is no time to treat now, you need to fill out paperwork. It’s strange for me to look at all these photos now, everything is beautiful and your chairs are luxurious, but inside the country there is rot, and real rot. Don’t believe me?! Then put your child in therapy in Mozov hospital and you will feel the Russian spirit)))!!!” — user yulya_chr

“The prices are crazy and the wages are low”

“Thank God I don’t have any loans! And loans are taken by those people who do not have enough money to live! Because the prices are crazy and the wages are low!

“I’m also a doctor and I had to take out a mortgage on my apartment, now I’m on maternity leave and my husband’s entire salary goes towards the loan! For a one-room apartment in Balashikha we pay 43 thousand a month! There is not much left for living expenses, plus 5 thousand for utilities and I am silent about the kindergarten and what else not only my husband and I need to eat, but also the child…. It is useless to pray for conscience here, dear interlocutors! Nobody hears you, and even if they read what you write, it’s deep and far away for everyone, I mean our most honest government! For as long as I can remember, I have been working since college, in residency, then as a doctor... the salary is not high, we are not doctors anymore, but service staff ((it’s a shame... we live honestly, we work, but there is minimal help (((I hope and believe that that everyone is responsible for their own deeds, the earth is round..." - user tatalimak

“Maybe it’s time to work for the good of the people?”

“Guys, of course I understand everything, you have to work off your crazy salaries, but damn, maybe it’s time to get involved in Russia? It’s simply absolutely impossible to live. Maybe it’s time to work for the good of the people?” user denis_khalidov

“I voted for United Russia. Hoping for life to improve, not worse. Of course, the main thing is that there is no war and you can count on our support! But don’t forget that people need to live, and not be important..” user - bmwflyiing

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