Chicken salad with cheese and nuts. Chicken salads with cheese and nuts Smoked chicken salad with nuts recipe

If Olivier and mimosa are already boring, it’s time to try something new and time-tested. The combination of chicken and walnuts is one of the best in cooking. It is very nutritious and tasty. And you can serve such a dish in dozens of ways!

Turtle salad recipe

Ingredients Quantity
eggs - 4 things.
apples - 2 pcs.
smoked chicken - 170 g
leek - 1 PC.
lettuce leaves - 3 pcs.
Russian cheese - 120 g
walnuts - 130 g
mayonnaise - 180 ml
Cooking time: 20 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 183 Kcal

The process of preparing salad with chicken and walnuts:

  1. Cut smoked chicken meat into small pieces or disassemble into fibers;
  2. Boil the eggs until the yolk becomes firm. Cool them in cold water, peel off the shells, separate the yolks and whites. Grate each of these parts into separate bowls. Leave one egg whole for decoration;
  3. Grate the cheese coarsely;
  4. Peel the apples. If the apple is green, you can leave the peel. Cut out the core and grate the pulp too;
  5. Cut the peeled onion into quarter rings and pour over boiling water. Then rinse the root vegetable;
  6. Lightly heat the walnuts in a frying pan, leaving four halves for decoration. Grind the remaining nuts with a blender, knife or rolling pin;
  7. First, the whites are laid out on the dish. They need to be salted and lightly greased with mayonnaise;
  8. Place the chicken in the next layer, apply white sauce on top;
  9. Next, lay out the onions and apples; they do not need to be greased;
  10. Sprinkle cheese on top, add mayonnaise and spread it over the entire surface;
  11. Next come the yolks, lightly grease them too;
  12. Sprinkle chopped nuts on top of the salad;
  13. Place one egg as the head of a future turtle. The eyes can be made from black peas or cloves. Place four halves of a nut as paws;
  14. Use mayonnaise to make a mesh at the top, like a pattern on a shell. Garnish around with washed and chopped lettuce leaves.

Chicken salad with pineapple and walnuts

  • 60 g hard cheese;
  • 1 chicken fillet;
  • 60 g walnuts;
  • 120 g canned corn;
  • 5 pineapple rings (canned);
  • 45 ml mayonnaise.

How long to cook – 25 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g – 231 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the chicken fillet and cut off all excess veins. Simmer in water with spices for twenty minutes;
  2. Remove the corn from the jar and let it drain;
  3. The pineapple rings also need time to drain the syrup. After this, they need to be cut into small slices. If the pineapple is fresh, you can cut it right away. One ring should be left for decoration;
  4. Heat the walnuts in a dry frying pan or in the microwave, then chop them with a knife, not too finely;
  5. Grate the cheese or cut into small cubes;
  6. Allow the chicken time to cool in the broth. After this, disassemble it into small fibers or cut into cubes;
  7. Mix meat, chopped pineapple, corn and cheese in a salad bowl. Season everything with mayonnaise;
  8. Sprinkle nuts on top and garnish with the last pineapple ring.

Option with champignons

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 chicken fillet;
  • 1 onion;
  • 70 g walnuts;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 80 g hard cheese;
  • 120 g champignons;
  • 70 ml mayonnaise.

How long to cook – 30 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g – 217 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Remove the peel from the onion, then finely chop it with a knife;
  2. Clean the mushrooms from debris and boil in water with salt for about eight minutes. Let them cool and cut into slices or pieces;
  3. In a frying pan with butter, fry the mushrooms and onions together a little and let cool again;
  4. Boil the meat in a separate container, after washing it. Let it cool in the broth itself, then take it out and cut into small pieces;
  5. Boil the eggs until the yolk is completely firm. When they have cooled, they need to be peeled and grated;
  6. Grate the cheese and mix with peeled and chopped garlic. Alternatively, you can put it through a press;
  7. Add mayonnaise to the cheese and stir;
  8. Heat the walnuts in a frying pan and chop with a meat grinder or knife;
  9. Take a dish and place a culinary ring on it;
  10. Layer the ingredients into the ring. The first layer is the fillet, which must be greased with mayonnaise and, if necessary, add salt;
  11. Next you need to lay out the eggs and be sure to grease them too;
  12. Then you should lay out the already cooled mushrooms with onions and distribute them evenly and apply white sauce;
  13. The cheese and garlic mass also needs to be distributed over the salad;
  14. Sprinkle nuts on top and remove the ring. It is advisable to let it sit for about half an hour. You can decorate with greenery.

Salad: chicken + pineapple + cheese + walnut + egg

  • 2 chicken fillets;
  • 30 g walnuts;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 30 g pine nuts;
  • 240 g canned pineapples;
  • 180 ml mayonnaise;
  • 120 g cheese;
  • 30 g almond flakes.

How long to cook – 40 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g – 233 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the fillet in water with various spices and wait until it cools. After that, cut it into even cubes;
  2. Take a dish and a large culinary ring. Place the chicken in the first layer and brush it with white sauce;
  3. Cut the pineapples into the same cubes and place them as a second layer;
  4. Eggs, boiled until the yolk is firm, need to be divided. Grate the whites as a third layer, grate the yolks too, but set aside;
  5. Apply mayonnaise to the whites;
  6. Grate the cheese directly onto the whites, and sprinkle the yolks on top;
  7. Heat the walnuts and pine nuts a little and chop them with a knife;
  8. Mix them with almond flakes and sprinkle the salad with this mixture. Remove the ring;
  9. Let the ingredients soak for about an hour.

Original recipe with prunes

  • 120 g prunes;
  • 1 fillet;
  • 80 g walnuts;
  • 1 apple;
  • 10 g parsley;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 80 g mozzarella;
  • 90 ml mayonnaise.

Cooking time: 35 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g – 169 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour boiling water over the prunes and leave for fifteen minutes. When it swells, drain the water and finely chop the dried fruits;
  2. Walnuts also need to be chopped; the easiest way to do this is with a rolling pin;
  3. Grate the mozzarella balls or cut into small cubes;
  4. Boil the eggs (boil for at least ten minutes) and cool. Leave three yolks whole, grind all other parts;
  5. Rub the chicken with your favorite spices and fry in a frying pan as a whole piece. You can use a grill pan;
  6. Then give the meat time to cool and cut it into small pieces. Place on a plate as the first layer. You only need to take half the chicken, and the second part will go in layers above;
  7. Tamp down the chicken and immediately sprinkle mozzarella on top. Apply a little mayonnaise on top;
  8. After this, add the grated eggs;
  9. Peel and core the apple, rinse and grate. Place on top of eggs;
  10. Compact the layers again and place prunes on top. It needs to be coated with white sauce;
  11. Place the chopped nuts and the second part of the meat on top of them;
  12. Apply mayonnaise over the entire surface of the salad and sprinkle grated yolks on top. Decorate with greens.

The best way to make the taste of a salad more interesting and deeper is to make homemade mayonnaise. It's quite simple, quite cheap and fast. And the taste is several times better than store-bought.

You can move away from the traditional recipe for this sauce and make it based on different oils: hemp, sesame, mustard, etc. The mustard itself can also be varied, and you can even use grainy mustard. And for mayonnaise to have a nice creamy color, you need to take only the yolks.

Walnuts should be tasted before use. If they are a little bitter, they definitely need to be dried in a frying pan. When they have cooled, take a small part of the nuts in your hands and grind them over the table. Most of the husk should fall off - it is this that gives the bitterness. And then use the product according to the recipe.

Salads with chicken and walnuts are always a good choice for both a holiday table and an everyday one. The combination can always be supplemented and diversified, and therefore it does not become boring.

One of the simplest recipes for delicious and satisfying salads, which should especially appeal to men. Tender chicken breast, spicy pickled cucumbers, juicy onions and neutral-tasting chicken eggs combine quite interestingly with walnuts. This salad is prepared quickly and is perfect for both everyday meals and holiday tables.

I recommend seasoning this simple and tasty salad with mayonnaise - don’t be lazy and prepare homemade mayonnaise (here you can find the most basic recipe for homemade mayonnaise). If you wish, you can use a sauce based on mayonnaise and sour cream as a dressing, which you mix in equal proportions. Fresh herbs for garnish? Why not!


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The recipe for this simple and tasty salad includes chicken breast (can be replaced with other chicken fillet), pickled cucumbers (), peeled walnuts, chicken eggs (I have 4 very large ones, so you can take 5-6 small ones), large onion, and decent amount of mayonnaise. As always, I recommend using homemade mayonnaise - it’s made in a matter of minutes, and it turns out tastier and healthier.

First of all, let's put the chicken breast to boil. In general, there are two basic rules according to which chicken breast is cooked. If you need broth, place the meat in cold water, and when you are preparing the breast itself (for example, for the same salads), put it in boiling water. Then the breast will turn out juicy and very soft, since it will not have time to give all its juices to the broth. So, put the chicken breast in boiling water and cook at a moderate boil for about 15 minutes (after the water boils a second time - the boiling stops when you add the meat, as the water temperature drops).

Meanwhile, finely chop the peeled onion. If you come across a sharp onion, you need to scald it with boiling water (already chopped), then rinse it in ice water - the bitterness will go away. At the same time, set the chicken eggs to boil hard.

Peeled walnuts need to be chopped with a knife or chopped using a blender. The main thing is not to get fine crumbs, but to leave small pieces of nuts so that their texture can be felt.

The chicken eggs are ready: cool them under cold running water directly in the saucepan. This way they will cool faster and will be easier to clean. Chop them into the same cube. By the way, do you know how to prevent eggs from cracking during cooking? Firstly, they must be at room temperature (that is, remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance), as well as water. Secondly, when cooking, add a little vinegar or salt to the water.

The chicken breast is also ready - remove it from the broth, let it cool a little, then cut it into small cubes. If you calculate the cooking time correctly, the breast will turn out juicy, and the cubes will be perfectly smooth and non-fibrous.

So, you can gradually layer the finished ingredients. By tradition, I use deep bowls, which I completely line with cling film - this way the food won’t stick in the dishes and the salad will come out smooth on the dish. The layers are laid out in reverse, that is, the bottom of the bowl is the top of the salad. In general, if you are not particularly interested in the shape of the salad, you can mix everything and eat it right away. My first layer is chicken - we put half of all the cubes on the bottom, which have already cooled completely. It is important to coat each layer with a fairly generous portion of mayonnaise so that the salad is not dry.

And finally - chopped walnuts (leave a handful to decorate the finished salad). Don't forget the mayonnaise!

Simple recipes for a hearty salad with chicken and nuts, with the addition of cheese, pineapples, prunes, champignons - take your pick!

One of the simplest recipes for delicious and satisfying salads, which should especially appeal to men. Tender chicken breast, spicy pickled cucumbers, juicy onions and neutral-tasting chicken eggs combine quite interestingly with walnuts. This salad is prepared quickly and is perfect for both everyday meals and holiday tables.

  • chicken breast – 500 gr
  • pickled cucumbers – 300 gr
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs
  • walnut – 80 gr
  • onion - 150 gr
  • mayonnaise - 300 gr

First of all, let's put the chicken breast to boil. In general, there are two basic rules according to which chicken breast is cooked. If you need broth, place the meat in cold water, and when you are preparing the breast itself (for example, for the same salads), put it in boiling water. Then the breast will turn out juicy and very soft, since it will not have time to give all its juices to the broth. So, put the chicken breast in boiling water and cook at a moderate boil for about 15 minutes (after the water boils a second time - the boiling stops when you add the meat, as the water temperature drops).

Meanwhile, finely chop the peeled onion. If you come across a sharp onion, you need to scald it with boiling water (already chopped), then rinse it in ice water - the bitterness will go away. At the same time, set the chicken eggs to boil hard.

Peeled walnuts need to be chopped with a knife or chopped using a blender. The main thing is not to get fine crumbs, but to leave small pieces of nuts so that their texture can be felt.

After this, cut the crispy pickled cucumbers into small cubes. I won’t tell you the size of the pieces, since I don’t measure them, but they’re roughly the same size as you chop ingredients for Olivier salad.

The chicken eggs are ready: cool them under cold running water directly in the saucepan. This way they will cool faster and will be easier to clean. Chop them into the same cube. By the way, do you know how to prevent eggs from cracking during cooking? Firstly, they must be at room temperature (that is, remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance), as well as water. Secondly, when cooking, add a little vinegar or salt to the water.

The chicken breast is also ready - remove it from the broth, let it cool a little, then cut it into small cubes. If you calculate the cooking time correctly, the breast will turn out juicy, and the cubes will be perfectly smooth and non-fibrous.

So, you can gradually layer the finished ingredients. Traditionally, I use deep bowls, which I completely line with cling film - this way the food won’t stick in the dishes and the salad will come out smooth on the dish. The layers are laid out in reverse, that is, the bottom of the bowl is the top of the salad. In general, if you are not particularly interested in the shape of the salad, you can mix everything and eat it right away. My first layer is chicken - we put half of all the cubes on the bottom, which have already cooled completely. It is important to coat each layer with a fairly generous portion of mayonnaise so that the salad is not dry.

After the chicken, add half of the chopped pickled cucumbers, which we also don’t forget to coat with sauce.

Next is a layer of boiled chicken eggs and mayonnaise.

Then we lay out the chopped onions, coating them with mayonnaise.

And finally - chopped walnuts (leave a handful to decorate the finished salad). Don't forget the mayonnaise!

All that remains is to add the other half of the chicken cubes (mayonnaise!).

The final layer is the second portion of pickled cucumbers.

Cover the salad with the edges of the cling film and press all the ingredients a little with a spoon or directly with your palm so that the layers set. You can leave the salad in this form to soak in the refrigerator for several hours (I indicated the salad preparation time only from the point of view of our work).

When it’s time to serve the dish, cover the bowl with the salad with a flat plate and turn the structure over. Now remove the bowl and then remove the cling film, thanks to which the food does not stick to the walls of the dish. The salad turns out smooth and neat, the layers are clearly visible.

Your culinary imagination will tell you how to decorate the finished dish. I just sprinkled it with walnuts.

It turns out to be a very simple, but at the same time interesting, tasty and satisfying salad, which will surely appeal to many. Try it too!

Recipe 2, step by step: salad with chicken breast and nuts

Very tasty and beautiful salad. Very tender, with a pleasant nutty crunch. This dish will perfectly decorate any holiday table. The salad is very nutritious and satisfying. It is prepared quickly and easily. This recipe can be done by even the most novice housewife.

  • Chicken fillet – 250 g
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs
  • Hard cheese - 80 g
  • Walnuts – 50 g
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp
  • Raisins - 30 pcs
  • Salt - to taste

Prepare all the necessary ingredients and feel free to start cooking. Any mayonnaise or thick sour cream (at your discretion), as well as any hard cheese, is suitable for preparation.

At the first stage, you need to boil the chicken fillet in salted water, then cool and cut into small pieces with a knife.

While the meat is cooking, prepare the remaining ingredients of the dish. You need to split the walnuts and crush the kernels into smaller pieces in a mortar or other method. You can use both almond kernels and peanuts, it's up to you.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Also pass hard-boiled chicken eggs through a coarse grater.

Once you have all the ingredients ready, start preparing the salad. You need to take a wide dish, lyagan or a large flat plate. Evenly distribute the sliced ​​chicken fillet onto the bottom.

Then sprinkle nut crumbs over the meat layer, also evenly.

Apply a small amount of grated cheese to the nuts.

Then all the laid layers of the dish need to be covered with egg crumbs and pressed down a little with your hand to make it easier to apply the mayonnaise.

Now spread the egg layer evenly with mayonnaise.

In conclusion, we proceed to the final stage - the design of the dish. Cover the salad with a layer of the remaining cheese and garnish with steamed raisins. Instead of raisins, you can use any fresh seedless grapes.

The salad turned out very beautiful and delicate in taste. This dish can be successfully prepared for any holiday or family celebration. Cook and treat your friends and guests. Bon appetit everyone!

Recipe 3: Chicken salad with walnuts and mushrooms

Delicious festive chicken salad with walnuts and mushrooms, which will be very easy to prepare.

  • Chicken breast - 2-3 pcs.
  • Walnut - 0.5 cups
  • Champignons – 300 g
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon

How to make chicken salad with mushrooms and nuts: Wash the chicken breasts. Fill with water (1 liter). Bring to a boil and add salt (0.5 teaspoon of salt). Boil chicken breasts in boiling salted water for 15 minutes.

Cool the chicken breasts and chop finely.

Wash the champignons and finely chop them.

Heat a frying pan, melt the butter. Place the champignons. Fry in butter over medium heat, stirring (15 minutes).

Leave a quarter of the nuts for decoration. Grind walnuts in a mortar or blender.

Mix finely chopped chicken breasts with walnuts and fried champignons.

Set cheese (20 g) aside for decoration. Grate the remaining cheese. You can grate it on a fine grater, or on a coarse one - according to your taste.

Add grated cheese to the remaining ingredients, add salt (a pinch).

Season chicken salad with mushrooms and nuts with mayonnaise.

To decorate, grate the cheese on a fine grater.

The top of the chicken salad with walnuts and mushrooms can be decorated with grated cheese and nuts.

Recipe 4: chicken salad with prunes and nuts (with photo)

An unusual combination of prunes, chicken meat, nuts and garlic make this salad the favorite on any holiday table.

  • Chicken fillet - 200 g
  • Potatoes (medium potatoes) - 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 150 g
  • Prunes - 150 g
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs
  • Walnuts (I had less today) - 150 g
  • Garlic (more possible (to taste)) - 4 teeth.
  • Mayonnaise (to taste)
  • Sour cream (to taste (you need sour cream that is not very sour))
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Black pepper (to taste)

These are necessary products.

Fry the breast on both sides and cut into cubes.

Boil potatoes and eggs, peel, cool and grate on a coarse grater.

Steam the prunes, drain the water after a few minutes, dry and cut into cubes.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, chop the nuts not very finely, I just chop them.

Mix mayonnaise with sour cream, approximately one to one. Add finely chopped or grated garlic.

Place grated potatoes on a large flat plate, lightly add salt and pepper, and brush with garlic-sour cream-mayonnaise sauce.

Place the next layer of chicken breast and grease with garlic-sour cream-mayonnaise sauce.

Then grated cheese and garlic-sour cream-mayonnaise sauce.

The next layer is made of prunes and sauce.

Then add the grated eggs, salt and pepper, brush with sauce

Sprinkle generously with nuts.

Bon appetit and good mood to you and your guests!

Recipe 5: French Chicken Salad with Nuts and Pineapple

I offer a recipe for a delicious salad for the holiday table) There are many varieties of chicken salad, but this and another option are my favorites. Today we will prepare a salad with chicken fillet, canned pineapple, cheese and walnuts.

  • 250 g chicken fillet (one small chicken breast)
  • 150 g – hard cheese (for example, “Russian”)
  • 1 can canned pineapple slices
  • 150 g walnuts
  • mayonnaise for dressing (light)

Boil the chicken, lightly salt it. Cool the chicken. Then cut into thin strips. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Finely chop the walnuts.

Place in a flat salad pan in layers (spread each layer with mayonnaise):

Place the chopped chicken fillet on the bottom of the mold, grease with mayonnaise

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, place it on top of the pineapple, grease the cheese layer with mayonnaise, but do not smear the pineapple layer!!!

Walnuts (no need to grease the top!). Pour the chopped nuts on top of the mayonnaise and press firmly. Cover the salad with cling film or a lid, put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, optimally for 5-6 hours, the salad will be soaked and will be very tasty!!!

Recipe 6: Chicken salad with prunes and walnuts

A salad with chicken, prunes, walnuts and cheese is a win-win option for any occasion, but if such a dish appears on the table on an ordinary weekday, your loved ones will be simply delighted. All the ingredients for the salad are available; you only have to pre-cook (cook) the chicken, and everything else is just chopped or grated. Thanks to this, if you have already cooked chicken, the salad can be prepared in literally 15 minutes.

  • 200 g chicken fillet
  • 1 handful of prunes
  • 1 handful of walnuts
  • 1–2 pickled or pickled cucumbers
  • 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • 1/5 tsp. salt
  • 2–4 sprigs of greenery
  • 50 g hard cheese

Place the chicken fillet in salted water and cook until tender. To give the meat more flavor, you can add a couple of bay leaves and peppercorns to the broth. 25-30 minutes after the water boils will be enough, then cool the meat and cut into small cubes.

We will collect the salad immediately in bowls or in a large communal salad bowl. Place chicken pieces at the very bottom.

Cut the cucumbers into small cubes and place on the chicken.

You can take not hard cheese, but, for example, processed or soft pickled cheese. Hard cheese needs to be grated, and soft cheese can be mashed into fine crumbs with a fork. Pour the cheese into a salad bowl or bowl.

Place mayonnaise on a layer of cheese and sprinkle pieces of walnuts on top.

Cut smoked or dried prunes into pieces and also place on top of the salad.

Before serving, the salad can be decorated with fresh herbs. There is no need to insist on it, since the layers were not coated with mayonnaise. Already on the table, immediately before use, all the ingredients in a bowl or salad bowl need to be mixed.

Recipe 7: Salad with Chicken Breast and Walnuts

  • Chicken breast 250 g
  • Chicken egg 2 pcs
  • Red sweet pepper 1 piece
  • Walnuts 100 g
  • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp
  • Parsley (greens) to taste
  • Mayonnaise to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Mix of peppers to taste

Finely chop the chicken breast.

Season, salt

Fry the fillet until done

Hard boil the egg, chop finely

Pepper cut into cubes

Add chicken fillet

Finely chop the parsley

Chop walnuts with a knife

Add Mayo


The recipe for “Chicken and Nut Salad” is ready, bon appetit!

Recipe 8: salad with chicken, mushrooms and nuts (step by step)

Today I will show you a recipe for a salad of boiled chicken meat with champignons and walnuts, very tender in consistency and interesting in taste. This salad is prepared quite quickly and easily, and the end result is a very original dish that you can pamper your family with on holidays, and even on an ordinary weekday, serving it, for example, for dinner as a main course.

Salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts is very nutritious and satisfying and consists of the most healthy products. Chicken breast and mushrooms contain a lot of protein and valuable amino acids, which restore muscle tissue and strengthen the body's immunity. Nuts are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which support the functioning of the nervous system and stimulate mental activity. Eggs replenish the lack of vitamin D in the body, which is especially important during the cold season. And although this salad is not the most dietary dish, even after a small portion you will not want to eat for several hours, which compensates for the possible harm to your figure.

Well, the taste of this wonderful salad is not so easy to convey in words; you definitely have to try it. But take my word for it, it will not leave anyone indifferent. Soft and tender chicken fillet and eggs go perfectly with the rich taste of champignons, and onions fried with aromatic spices and spicy walnuts add their own special, unique note. Prepare a salad with chicken, mushrooms and nuts using this simple recipe and see for yourself!

  • 2 chicken fillets
  • 1 can of canned champignons (400 g)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 medium onion
  • 80 g walnuts
  • 80 g mayonnaise
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper, ½ tsp. spices for chicken

To prepare a salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts, cut the onions into thin quarter rings and fry in vegetable oil over medium heat until golden brown for 8 - 10 minutes.

Add chicken spices to the onion and cook for another 2 - 3 minutes.

Boil the chicken fillet in boiling water for 30–40 minutes, cool, cut into cubes, and place in a salad bowl.

Hard boil the eggs, peel them, cut into cubes and add to the chicken.

Drain the liquid from the mushrooms and cut them into small slices. I usually buy mushrooms already chopped, but they usually require additional chopping as well.

When serving, sprinkle the remaining nuts on top of the salad. Delicate spicy salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts is ready!

Surely, many of you have been in a situation where the budget for a festive table is sharply limited, but guests are planned and it is impossible to leave them hungry under any circumstances. I have several of these recipes that are called “instant satiation.” And now I can add one more to my list - chicken salad with prunes and walnuts. The set of products turns out to be ultra-cheap. Half a chicken breast, eggs, cucumbers, prunes, mayonnaise... Yes, yes, nuts are expensive these days. But you will only need 60-70 grams of them. For the hefty dish you see in the photo. Six servings. You eat one and you’re immediately full. And the mood is festive. After all, the salad is very tasty, it combines fresh and bright sweet and sour notes, plus you are pleasantly surprised to discover that there are crunchy nuts inside. I will definitely show you below how to keep them from getting soft. A trifle - but the salad wins by 200 percent compared to its analogues.


  • Chicken – 250 grams (1/2 chicken breast),
  • Prunes – 130 grams (5-6 pieces),
  • Walnuts – 60 grams (handful with top),
  • Eggs – 3 pieces,
  • Cucumber – 300 grams (1/2 greenhouse or 1-2 ground small),
  • Mayonnaise to taste

Cooking method

Preliminary preparation

For this salad we will need to boil hard-boiled eggs (8 minutes after boiling) and chicken breast. It needs to be poured with a small amount of water, salted, brought to a boil, turn the heat down to low and cook for 20 minutes. Next, the products will need to be removed from the water and allowed to cool. The prunes need to be washed, pour hot water and let stand for 10 minutes until they become soft.

Next we'll just walk you through the layers. Those who do not need a detailed description can go straight to where I have summarized everything in a short listing. Others who are interested or necessary can immediately start watching all the details of preparing a salad with chicken, prunes and walnuts with step-by-step photos.

1st layer – chicken and mayonnaise

I chopped the cooled boiled chicken into small pieces, about 3-4 millimeters in size. I placed it in a salad bowl in an even layer, trying to replicate the oval shape.

Apply mayonnaise to this layer. If you have chicken breast, then do not skimp on mayonnaise - it is lean and should be thoroughly soaked in sauce. I put 2 tablespoons. If you took fattier meat, for example, from a thigh, then the amount of mayonnaise can be halved.

2nd layer – prunes

The prunes will look like a sticky paste after soaking. I cut each berry in half, then into strips and crosswise into cubes. Then I laid it on top of a layer of chicken. So that it does not crumble around the edges. There is no need to coat prunes with mayonnaise!

3rd layer – walnuts

The nuts need to be cut with a knife. To prevent them from bouncing off and scattering across the table, first lightly press them down with the flat side of the knife, and then chop them into pieces. When laying them in a layer on the prunes, press them slightly to the surface. If some of it falls down, it’s okay. You will get a very cute baby. Essentially a natural design. We also do not apply mayonnaise to this layer!

4th layer – egg white and mayonnaise

We need to separate the eggs into yolks and whites. Set aside the yolks and finely chop the whites. There will be quite a lot of them. Place on top of the nuts, leveling and lightly compacting.

Immediately place a thick layer of mayonnaise on the whites. We don't regret it! I don’t really understand how people make a mayonnaise mesh. Apparently, they are transferring the sauce somewhere from a standard container with a thick plastic neck. I drop these balls from plastic packaging over the entire surface of the whites. And then I go over it a little with a tablespoon. My mayonnaise is thick, it forms nice waves along the edge of the salad.

5th layer – cucumbers and mayonnaise

If you have long greenhouse cucumbers, there is no point in peeling them - the thickness of the skin is not much different from the middle. If the cucumbers are ground or pimply varieties, be sure to remove the skin. Chop the cucumber into smaller pieces. I do this in cubes of 2-3 millimeters. Place it on top of the whites. Proceed carefully.

Apply a small layer of mayonnaise on top of the cucumbers, about 1.5 tablespoons. Distribute carefully.

6th layer – egg yolk

The salad preparation is coming to an end. All that remains is to decorate it with yolk. Grate it with a fine grater and, starting from the center, sprinkle the entire top of the salad. You can press the yolks a little, but then sprinkle them with more yolk crumbs on top to create a fluffy effect.

That's all. Let me briefly summarize the layers:

  1. boiled chicken + mayonnaise,
  2. prunes,
  3. walnuts,
  4. egg white + thick layer of mayonnaise,
  5. cucumber + mayonnaise,
  6. grated yolk.

Bon appetit and happy holidays!

Step-by-step recipes for various salads with chicken, pineapples and walnuts: aromatic, satisfying, light

2017-10-24 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

13 gr.

15 gr.


6 gr.

211 kcal.

Option 1: Classic salad with chicken, pineapples and walnuts

The traditional chicken, pineapple and walnut salad recipe uses fillet. It is boiled in a saucepan on the stove; if desired, this can be done in advance, but the bird can also be baked in the oven, pre-salted. This chicken is also great for salad.


  • 500 g fillet;
  • 160 g mayonnaise (Provencal);
  • 150 g cheese;
  • 70 g nuts;
  • 450 g pineapples.

Step-by-step recipe for salad with chicken, pineapples and walnuts

Wash the chicken fillet, place it in a saucepan, add water, but do not add a lot of liquid so that the taste does not escape. Boil until done. There is no need to overcook the bird; for fillets, 25 minutes is enough.

Cut the cooled chicken meat into small cubes. You can disassemble the bird into fibers, but in this case the puff salad will not be very convenient to pick up, pieces of fillet will pull other products.

Add half of the mayonnaise to the chicken, add salt and stir. This salad is convenient to make using a cooking ring; you can take the rim of a springform pan. Place on a plate and add chicken. But you can simply form a layer by hand with an ordinary spoon.

Cut the pineapples into cubes, approximately the same size as the fillets. Place on top of the bird, smooth and press lightly. Apply a little mayonnaise, lightly grease the pieces to hold the salad layers together.

Now the cheese. It is better to lay it out in two stages, then this layer will not be dry. Grate finely, separate about a third. Place most of it on the pineapples, grease with the remaining mayonnaise. Sprinkle dry cheese on top.

Chop the nuts into pieces and sprinkle over the entire salad. If the kernels are pre-fried, they will give a more pronounced aroma.

Send the salad to the refrigerator, let it brew and get stronger, 2-3 hours is enough. Then carefully remove the ring if it has been used. You can place a sprig of parsley on top of the nuts.

It is important to thoroughly cool the chicken before assembling the salad and combining the ingredients. In this case, the taste of the appetizer will be much better, and the chilled fillet will be neatly and beautifully cut.

Option 2: Quick salad recipe with chicken, pineapples and walnuts

This salad does not need to soak for long, as it is prepared with smoked chicken breast. That is, you can serve it immediately. There is also no need to collect layers or boil anything. Cooking will only take a quarter of an hour, but the taste will be quite decent.


  • 300 g smoked breast;
  • 100 g nuts;
  • 300 g pineapple;
  • 90 g cheese;
  • 150 g mayonnaise.

How to quickly prepare a salad with chicken, pineapples and walnuts

Cut the breast into cubes. There is no need to make large pieces, let them be about 5 millimeters each.

Cut the pineapples into the same cubes or slightly larger ones, first shake off the pieces to get rid of excess drops.

The cheese can be grated, but it is better to cut it into small cubes so as not to disturb the harmony of the dish. If you have boiled eggs, you can crumble 3-4 pieces into this salad.

Season with mayonnaise, stir, transfer to a salad bowl.

Scatter nut kernels on top. You can chop them, grate them, grind them, or use them whole.

For this salad you can use not only smoked breast, but also chicken legs. But it is advisable to remove the skin and remove excess fat from them; they do not go well with pineapples and are very harmful when combined with mayonnaise.

Option 3: Light salad with chicken, pineapples and walnuts

A light salad recipe with chicken, fresh pineapple, walnuts and cucumber. This option is low in calories and contains only healthy fats. Mayonnaise will be replaced with a sauce based on low-fat sour cream.


  • 300 g boiled fillet;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 170 ml low-fat sour cream;
  • 300 g fresh pineapple;
  • 3 tbsp. l. nuts;
  • 60 g cheese;
  • 0.5 tsp. mustard;
  • spices.

How to cook

Boil the fillet by steaming or in the usual way in a pan of water. Cool, cut into cubes. Pour onto a plate and even out the layer.

Mix sour cream and diluted mustard, pepper and salt, you can add chopped dill. Brush the sauce over the chicken.

The recipe indicates the weight of fresh pineapple; it is not as high in calories as its canned counterpart, and also promotes weight loss. Cut the product into cubes and coat the chicken.

Cut off the ends of fresh cucumbers, chop into small cubes, place on pineapples, and brush with sour cream.

A small amount of cheese is used only to cover the layer. Grate it finely, it is better to use hard varieties. Sprinkle greased cucumbers.

Dry the walnuts in a frying pan, chop into small pieces, add a layer of cheese. Give it an hour to soak, but no more, since there are fresh cucumbers inside.

This salad can be made for serving in portions, placed in small bowls or miniature salad bowls. Also, a snack in wide transparent glasses will look very beautiful and impressive.

Option 4: Salad with chicken, pineapples and walnuts “Pineapple”

This salad not only has pineapple, but it looks like pineapple. A very beautiful and tasty option for the holiday table. You will need a lot of nuts for decoration, it is advisable to use halves of kernels, they will imitate the rind of a pineapple, it will turn out very impressive.


  • 170 g nuts;
  • 1 chicken breast (2 fillets);
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 can of pineapple;
  • 1 bunch of onions;
  • 160 g cheese;
  • mayonnaise, spices.

Step by step recipe

Boil the chicken. Remove from the broth, cool, and chop finely. You can put it out right away, but it’s better to season it in a bowl with mayonnaise, spices, and stir well. Next, lay out the first layer, forming a pineapple, that is, an oval.

Place canned pineapples in a sieve. Once the syrup has drained, crumble into small pieces and place on top of the chicken, continuing to shape the pineapple. Apply a thin mesh of mayonnaise.

Chop the boiled eggs or cut into very small cubes, carefully place on the pineapple, press and then brush.

Now the cheese. Grate it finely, pour the salad on all sides, press it well with your hands, level it, coat it with sauce.

Place large walnut pieces on top of the cheese layer to resemble the rind of a pineapple.

Stick a bunch of fresh onion on the side. It will imitate a pineapple tail.

If time allows, it is better to cool the chicken fillet in the broth. The broth will saturate the bird, it will not turn out dry, the taste will be higher. Also, do not forget about spices; when cooking, you can add laurel, peppercorns, as well as vegetables: onions, carrots, garlic.

Option 5: Salad with chicken, pineapples and walnuts (with champignons)

A multi-layer version of the salad with fried champignons. It is better to use small mushrooms. They will make neat and beautiful records. But if you only have large caps, you can first cut them into four parts, then chop them into slices.


  • 250 g champignons;
  • 25 ml oil;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 100 g nuts;
  • 400 g pineapple (fresh, canned);
  • 100 g onion;
  • 300 g boiled chicken;
  • 80 g cheese;
  • mayonnaise, salt.

How to cook

Simply boil the chicken and eggs until tender and cool. Cut everything into cubes, but do not mix until put into different bowls.

Wash the champignons, cut the caps into slices. Pour into heated oil. Fry until all the water has evaporated.

Thinly chop the onion, about 1.5 heads. Pour over mushrooms. Continue frying, add salt, and cook until done.

Place the mushrooms on a dish; you can take a cooking ring. Level, but do not grease, as the product is cooked in oil.

Season the chicken with mayonnaise, mix, cover the arranged mushrooms.

Now cut the pineapple pieces. If there is no fresh product, then we take rings canned in syrup, removing excess moisture.

Grate the cheese, mix with eggs, add mayonnaise and spices to taste. Stir, then place on top of the pineapple layer and smooth out.

Chop the nuts. If the kernels are wet, lightly fry them first and pour the salad on top.

You can use oyster mushrooms for this salad; they also do not need to be pre-cooked; the mushrooms are chopped and fried. If other types are used, it is important to boil them for at least 20 minutes before frying.

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