Christmas fortune telling for the future: lift the veil of secrecy. Christmas fortune telling: for the future, betrothed and fate Fortune telling for Christmas from January 6 to 7

Since ancient times, the most favorable time for fortune telling has been considered the night before Christmas or Christmas Eve. The rituals invented and tested many times in practice in ancient times have not lost their truthfulness in our time. Fortune telling on Christmas night can be done literally on anything that comes to hand: on paper, candles, rice, from a book, from shadows, from a comb, from water, and so on.

In this article we have compiled an extensive thematic selection of night fortune telling...

A selection of 30 fortune telling on Christmas night

History of Christmas fortune telling

According to ancient folk beliefs and hundreds of years of practice, fortune telling on the night before Christmas is the most accurate. It is believed that it was at this time that the boundaries between the real world of people and the “subtle” world are erased. The girls, using the magic of this night, made fortunes about their betrothed, about the future, about love, about desires, and even about the name of their future spouse.

Previously, literally not a single church holiday was complete without fortune telling; the most popular were always fortune telling at Christmas for the betrothed and for the future.

Often the rituals were carried out in a bathhouse, where all participants in the divination had to remove their pectoral cross and other amulets. Another prerequisite was to let your hair down.

Winter holidays, lasting 2 weeks, are called Christmastide or holy evenings. They begin on Christmas Day on January 6th and end on Epiphany on January 19th.

In ancient times, people sacredly believed in these customs. But is it worth believing that fortune telling on Christmas night is true in our age of the Internet, science and technology?

No one can answer this question accurately. But you understand that the main thing in predictions is faith, people’s faith in something works miracles. That is why they used to be taken so seriously, they believed in them, and they certainly came true!

Other fortune telling for Christmas, Christmastide and New Year

Christmas fortune telling in different countries of the world

Interesting fortune telling from different peoples of the world


A popular fortune telling at Christmas in England was fortune telling by firewood. As soon as night fell, the girl went to the woodpile, took some firewood at random and brought it into the house. In the morning they counted how much firewood the girl brought:

  • If the number turned out to be even, it means that this year the girl will receive a marriage proposal;
  • And if it’s odd, you’ll have to wait until at least next year for the wedding.


Similar fortune telling on Christmas night also exists in Russia. Unmarried girls approach the wooden fence exactly at midnight and, spreading their arms as wide as possible, try to grab as many boards as possible. Next, count the number of boards covered.

  • An even number means a quick wedding;
  • Odd – there is no wedding in the near future.


In the Czech Republic, fortune telling with apples is considered traditional. After a festive dinner late in the evening or at night on Christmas Day, a whole apple is cut crosswise and the cut is carefully examined. The coming year will be successful if the cut turns out to be an even, regular star made of partitions and seeds.

There is another type of fortune telling with apples in the Czech Republic, for love and mutual feelings. The fortuneteller must treat the object of his dreams and desires to the most beautiful and delicious apple in his opinion.

  • If an apple is eaten by a lover or beloved completely along with the core, it means that they will be together happily ever after;
  • If the apple is eaten to the core, it means the feelings are mutual;
  • If your loved one refuses to take the apple or even gives it to someone else, you should not expect reciprocal feelings.

An apple is generally sown with a unique magical tool, for example, the most powerful love spell is considered to be:


In Bulgaria, young girls fell in love with fortune telling, which allows you to get an answer to any question, it is called “Yes, no.” The answer in this case is asked from the book. Fortune telling is very simple, you need to mentally ask a question, then guess the page number, line number and count from above or below.

Next, you should open the page number in the book that you wished for and read what is written on the line that you wished for. The fortuneteller interprets what is written at his own discretion. If such a line does not exist on this page, the answer to your question is unequivocal - “no”.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:


In Greece, at Christmas they tell fortunes about the birth of a child using a cheesecake. A pie or cheesecake is placed on the table, the fortuneteller is blindfolded and given a knife with a wooden handle. Blindfolded, he must cut the cheesecake.

  • If the fortuneteller did not hit the pie with the knife, it means that children are not expected in the near future;
  • If the knife only touched the edge of the cheesecake, most likely a girl will be born, but this will not happen soon;
  • If the knife touches the very middle, expect a new addition this year and it will be a boy.


In Ukraine, people recognized what the coming year would be like by the shape of the frozen ice. Water was poured into a shallow dish and taken outside to harden. This was always done on Christmas night. In the morning we looked at the form in which the water froze:

  • A smooth ice surface means that the year will be smooth and stable;
  • Ice in waves suggests that the year will be different, there will be both sorrow and joy;
  • Rolling ice promises a good and happy year;
  • And if a hole has formed on the surface of the ice, the year will be difficult.

No matter how many fortune tellings there are, the easiest thing is to go to bed early. On Christmas night, all dreams are prophetic and tend to come true, the main thing is not to forget what you dreamed. Can be read to increase the chance of receiving a prophecy.

Christmas fortune telling for love

Christmas love fortune telling for any occasion

Fortune telling for your husband “With bulbs”

A week before Christmas, you need to take a few onions, write the names of your boyfriends on them and put all the onions in water. 7 days later, on Christmas night after the moon rises, you need to measure the sprouts that have emerged from the bulbs; whichever one turns out to be longer will be your husband.

If you have only one candidate for the role of husband, you need to take one onion and place it in water a week before Christmas; if it sprouted by Christmas, then this is the person you will marry.

You can look at others and you will probably like something!

Fortune telling for the groom “With a golden ring”

For this fortune telling you will need a ring, a thread and several small sheets of paper. The ring needs to be hung on a thread. You need to write the names of the candidates for the role of the groom on pieces of paper and place them on the table. Next, take the ring by the thread and move it over the pieces of paper.

The name over which the ring swings the most will be the name of your future husband.

Midnight fortune telling “In the name of the husband”

At night, go outside and at exactly 12 o’clock at night ask the first man you meet his name. This is what your future spouse will be called. Pay also attention to the appearance and status of the man. Your future husband will look like this passerby.

The most accurate fortune telling “For the betrothed”

To carry out this fortune-telling on the night of January 7 for your betrothed, you need strong faith, excellent imagination and courage. Using this method, you can see what your future spouse will look like and even find out his name. Fortune telling must be done alone.

  • At exactly 12 o'clock at night, you need to cover the table with a tablecloth, put down cutlery, except for the knife and fork, you cannot put them down. Now you need to stay alone in the room, lock all the windows and doors, sit at the table opposite the devices and say:

“Betrothed, mummer, come to dinner with me.”

  • Next, in silence, wait for the arrival of an otherworldly entity in the form of your future betrothed. It is best to carry out the ritual in twilight; it is good if the only light source is a candle.
  • Soon, you will begin to hear knocking on the door, windows, and the howling of the wind. All these sounds are signs of an approaching betrothed. After this, the groom himself will appear, or rather a spirit or brownie in the form of your betrothed.
  • When the groom appears, the girl should not be afraid, but should sit silently, calmly, without moving, examine and remember the appearance of her betrothed.
  • You can’t answer questions or talk to him, just silently look at him until you remember all the details.
  • The groom will sit at the table and try to get you to talk, do not give in to provocations, continue to look. Once you decide that you have seen enough, ask him sharply and directly:

"The name of?"

  • The guest will tell you his name and reach into his pocket to pull something out. At this moment you can’t get confused, you need to say out loud:

If the guest does not disappear, cross yourself. It is absolutely forbidden to look at what he pulls out of his pocket, and even more so you cannot accept gifts from the “groom”. There is a belief that an otherworldly entity can take a girl with him...

Fortune telling before Christmas

On the comb

This night you can see your betrothed in a dream. To do this, comb your hair well before going to bed, saying:

“Betrothed, dressed up, come to me dressed up.”

Place the comb under your pillow until the morning. In a dream, your betrothed will definitely come to you and comb his fiancee’s hair.

We discussed it in more detail in this article, if you have an idea to do it, be sure to read it.

For salt

On Christmas night, before you go to bed, eat something very salty. The easiest way is to drink highly salted water. Then immediately go to bed, and before falling asleep, say the following words of hex:

Who is my mummer? Who is my betrothed? Give me some water to drink...

At night in a dream you will see your betrothed, who will bring you water. Try to remember his appearance.

On the maps

On Christmas night, before you go to bed, place 4 kings from a new deck of playing cards under your pillow. At the same time say:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, I dream about him...

After this, go to bed calmly, your betrothed should come to you in a dream.


Make a small bridge from twigs or twigs; you need to place it next to your bed. For example, on the bedside table or under the bed. Next, read this conspiracy:

Betrothed, my mummer, come, take me across the bridge...

Go to bed, this night you should dream of your future spouse, try to remember the features of his appearance, and maybe remember his personality if you find out...

Night fortune telling on the character of the future husband

With glasses

For fortune telling, take 4 glasses and fill 3 of them with water. Stir a little honey in one glass, a little salt in another, dissolve a little citric acid in a third glass of water, pour a little wine into an empty glass.

Cover the glasses with opaque napkins so that the contents of the glasses are not visible. Swap the glasses. The fortune-telling girl needs to take any of the glasses and find out the character of her future spouse by the contents.

  • Honey - the future spouse will have a very good character and life with him will be sweet;
  • Citric acid - life will be boring and dull;
  • Salt - life with your husband will be sad and with tears;
  • Wine - the future husband will love to drink.

With the help of a cat

On Christmas night, mentally wish to get married, then pet the cat.

  • If the cat meows, the future husband will be walking and talkative;
  • If he purrs, the spouse will be kind and affectionate;
  • If the cat ran away, a wedding should not be expected in the near future;
  • If you scratched it, perhaps your future spouse will raise his hand against you.

With a rooster

For fortune telling, take a mirror, a live rooster and chicken and 2 plates. Place the plates on the floor, pour water into one, put coins or grain into the other, place a mirror and chicken next to it. Everything is ready, now you can let the rooster into the room and see where it goes first.

  • If he went to the chicken, the future spouse will be walking;
  • If the rooster goes to the water, the husband will be a drinker;
  • If you choose a plate with grain or coins, the spouse will be hard-working and rich;
  • If the rooster moves towards the mirror, the future spouse will be handsome, but selfish.

On the hook, the bread and the ring

Fortune telling is suitable for a small group of girls, or rather, the three of you need to tell fortunes. Place a ring, a piece of bread and a hook made of straw or wire on the floor. All this is covered with an opaque fabric on top.

Girls should hold hands, close their eyes and walk around objects. Then each turns 360 degrees 5 times and quickly takes 1 item from under the fabric. From the object in the hand, they learn about the future life in marriage.

  • A hook is not a good sign. The spouse will work hard all his life to feed the family. The girl will live with him in poverty;
  • A piece of bread - the girl is lucky, her husband will be a rich man;
  • The ring is an excellent sign; the girl will soon have a successful marriage for love.

With log

As soon as it gets dark outside, the fortune-telling girls go to the woodpile and pull out any log from it without looking. Next, it is carefully examined; the appearance of the log will tell everything about the future spouse:

  • Crooked log - the spouse will have physical disabilities or will be much older in age;
  • A log stripped in some places speaks of the poverty of the future spouse;
  • An even, smooth log - the husband will be handsome, kind, caring;
  • A log in reliable thick bark - to a very rich spouse;
  • A log with a crooked, rough bark means the husband will be ugly;
  • A log with knots - you will have a large family. The number of people in the family will correspond to the number of knots on the log.
  • A thick log means you will get a very strong husband.

With a tree

If you live in the city and finding a log is problematic for you, this fortune telling option is for you. Any place with a large number of trees (forest, park, garden) is suitable for fortune telling. Blindfold yourself, unwind and carefully go in search of the tree. Once you have found the tree, remove the blindfold and take a good look at your chosen one. All the characteristics from the previous fortune telling apply here.

By the barking of a dog

It’s not hard to guess from the name that fortune telling requires a dog. And it doesn’t have to be your dog, any dog ​​will do, even a stray or street one. Walk up to the dog and tell him:

“Bark, bark, dog, find out, find out, betrothed”

  • If the dog barked in response with a ringing bark, the betrothed will be young;
  • The hoarse barking of a dog means that the husband will be much older than the girl;
  • If the dog howls muffledly, the spouse will be divorced or widower.

By subject

For fortune telling you will need:

  • 4 mugs;
  • slice of bread;
  • burnt match or paper;
  • Golden ring.

Several people can participate in fortune telling. Leave one mug empty, put a gold ring in the next, a piece of bread in the third, and a burnt match or paper in the last. Place all the mugs on the table and cover so that the contents are not visible.

One by one you need to come up and choose a mug for yourself. For the truthfulness of fortune telling, one of the fortune tellers must rearrange the cups so that the girl choosing the mug does not know where and what is located. Next, based on the contents of the mug, they will find out what the future marriage will be like.

  • Empty mug - you have not yet met your future spouse;
  • A piece of bread - the marriage will be of convenience;
  • Ring - the marriage will be happy and long, for love;
  • Paper or a match - you have to live in poverty.

Fortune telling for marriage on Christmas night

Christmas hair fortune telling

On the hair

Pour water into a wide container, add salt, sugar, and a little ash. Mix everything thoroughly. Next you need to throw two hairs into this mixture. One hair is from your loved one’s head, the other is your own. In the morning, look at how the hairs are positioned. If they are far from each other it means separation. If the hairs come together and float nearby, a wedding awaits you.

Hair is a unique magical attribute; for example, it is considered one of the most powerful.

Which way will you get married?

Around Christmas, girls take off their shoes from their left feet and throw them over the fence or over the threshold of an apartment or house. Where the toe of the shoe points, that’s where your betrothed lives. If the toe of the shoe points to where it was thrown from, there will be no marriage in the coming year.

Most often, felt boots were used in this fortune-telling; it is by this name that it is known to all people...

You can tell your marriage fortune by barking dogs. You need to go outside and mentally ask the question: “Will I have a wedding or not?” Say loudly:

Bark, bark, little dog. Howl, little gray top!

Now stand and listen carefully. Whichever direction the dog barks, that’s the direction you’ll get married.

  • If a dog barked near the house, the betrothed lives next door;
  • If the barks are far away and barely audible, the wedding will not be soon or far from home.

During marriage

Fortune telling is carried out by a group of girls in a room with access to the street. Take turns rolling the ring towards the door. The one whose ring rolled straight to the door will get married very soon.

On Christmas night, unmarried girls go out onto the road (it’s better if it’s an intersection), draw a circle and stand in the middle of it. Then each makes a wish for her betrothed and silently listens to the sounds of the street.

  • If a girl heard swearing, lamentation, crying, she will not get married soon;
  • If singing and laughter are heard, the girl will get married soon.

Fortune telling on bread

Several girls take part in fortune telling. After Christmas dinner, in the evening or at night, each girl sculpts a small figurine of her betrothed from the remains of bread. All these figures need to be laid out on the floor outside the threshold of the room. Next, you need to bring the dog to the “grooms”.

  • If she sniffs them all and leaves without touching any of the figures, it means that none of the fortune-telling girls will get married this year.
  • Only the girl whose figurine the dog grabs first will receive a marriage proposal.

There is another version of this fortune telling. In it, girls bake small buns from wheat flour in the morning, take them out of the oven themselves and hide them. In the evening, all the girls gather in one room and place the previously prepared buns outside the threshold. Then everything happens as in the previous fortune telling. Whose dog takes the bun first will be the one to expect to get married this year. The rest will not get married soon.

With threads

Late in the evening, girls gather in company; a burning candle is placed in the center of the table. At night, after the moon rises, everyone takes a thread of the same length and simultaneously lights them with a candle.

  • Whose thread burns out faster will be the one who gets married first;
  • If the thread goes out without even burning to the middle, this girl will not get married within a year.

On matches

For this fortune telling you only need a box of matches. Take 2 matches, give them the names of the guy and the girl. Insert them into the sides of the matchbox and light it. If the burnt matches look at each other, it means the guy and the girl they wished for will live together.

You can read more about the modern variation in this article.

Christmas fortune telling for children

Simple hair fortune telling for Christmas

On the glass

Fortune telling is carried out on Christmas night. A transparent, clean glass needs to be filled with water, put a ring in it and left in the cold until the morning. In the morning you can evaluate the result of fortune telling.

  • If the water in the glass freezes evenly, without bumps or holes, a childless life awaits the fortuneteller;
  • The number of depressions on the frozen surface indicates the number of girls who will be born in this family;
  • The number of mounds indicates the number of boys.

With ring and thread

For fortune telling you will need a ring or a needle (optional) and the hair of the fortune telling girl. The ring must first be immersed in water, and if you have chosen a needle for fortune telling, then pierce the woolen fabric with it. The hair must be threaded through the eye of the needle or through the ring. Holding the object by the hair, you need to lower it towards your palm, you need to do this slowly.

  • If the ring or needle swings from side to side, it will be a boy;
  • If the movements are circular, it’s a girl.

One of the most ideal times for fortune telling is Christmas night (from January 6 to 7). However, you can try to look into the future and find out the most correct answer at any time during the winter holidays, i.e. from 7 to 19 January.

“Borderline” or “unclean” places that connect the world of the living and the dead are excellent for fortune telling. Many go to find out their fate in a bathhouse, at crossroads, in the attic or in abandoned houses. You can arrange a place for divination in an apartment - corners, thresholds, and doors are most suitable.

1. Fortune telling from a book, TV or radio

One of the simplest fortune telling. To know the future, you need to focus and mentally ask what the future holds for you. Then you name the page of the book and the line number. Open and read. The read phrase will be the answer to a question or a magical prediction. It's the same with TV and radio. Choose a channel or frequency, turn it on, and the first phrases you hear will be prophetic for you.

2. The cards will tell you about your betrothed

Take a regular deck of cards, preferably a new one, so that you can play with it and not guess. Remove all the jacks and kings from the deck and shuffle them. Before going to bed, put the cards under your pillow and say the magic words: “My groom, dream about me in a dream and tell me about yourself.” Then go straight to bed and don't talk to anyone. In the morning, also silently, pull out the first card you come across from under the pillow. If it is a jack, the groom will be younger than you or the same age; the king is talking about a betrothed much older than you in age. Next, look at the suit of the card: hearts - the groom is very close, in the immediate environment; spades - the husband will be a very wealthy man; baptize - you will find your betrothed unexpectedly; tambourines - friends or relatives will introduce you to the groom.

3. Candle to the rescue

Do you want to know what awaits you with your chosen one? Then during dinner, light a candle on the table next to him and watch its flame. An even and calm flame - to the same life together, love and serenity; flashes indicate that a man is hiding something; an incessant stream of wax can hint at tears and a difficult fate. If suddenly black smoke comes from the candle and a crackling sound is heard, then this is either an imminent separation, or your companion is experiencing a negative magical effect.

4. Gold will tell the truth

Fortune telling on a gold chain is simple and quite correct. At midnight, alone, take the chain in your hand, warm it until it becomes warm, then rub it between your palms. Mentally ask a question about what awaits in the future, transfer the chain to your right hand and throw it on a flat surface. Then look at what shape comes out of the chain, this will be a prediction. A straight line - luck and success in all endeavors; circle or oval - you may find yourself in a difficult situation from which it will not be easy to get out; one or more nodules - financial losses and illness; cloud - all dreams will come true; triangle - great love, luck; snake - betrayal; bow - wedding; the heart is a secret admirer.

5. Paper shadow

This fortune telling is also best done alone; you need a sheet of paper or newspaper, a candle and a plate. Crumple the leaf as chaotically as necessary. Then place the lump on a plate and light it with a candle. Before the paper is completely burned, carefully take the plate in your hands, bring it to the wall and peer into the shadow cast. In the outlines you can see signs of fate. If you yourself were unable to decipher what you saw, take the values ​​from the previous fortune telling with the chain.

6. Wax and water

Prepare a candle, matches and a cup of water. Light the candle and wait for the wax to melt; you need about a tablespoon of liquid wax. Then pour it or scoop it into the water, trying to form a blot. When the wax hardens in water, look at it and try to decipher it. Flower - for a wedding or meeting with a loved one; cross - troubles and health problems; beast - a bad person will appear nearby; wax flowed in stripes - a long journey or move; stars - career growth; tree leaf - to financial well-being; egg - you are ripe for a new stage in life; human outlines - meet a true friend; mountain - obstacles will arise on the way to the goal; fish - to pregnancy or new acquaintances; bag - a gift or unexpected profit; individual wax drops - to prosperity.

7. Fortune telling for the company

Together, as you know, it’s more fun, so we’re telling you an option for a group. Take several items (whatever you have): a coin, a little salt, a ring, sugar, a key, a handkerchief, a passport, a driver’s license, a flash drive, a spoon... Then either hide each item in a separate glass/container/pot, or lay everything out on the table and cover handkerchief. Then leave the room one at a time, the rest chaotically move containers with objects or place them under a scarf on the table. Those entering select a container or touch with their hand the first object they come across under the scarf. Then we look at the value. A coin - for money, salt - for difficult trials, a scarf - for bitterness, sugar - for a carefree life, a ring - for a wedding, a key - for moving, can also be interpreted as your or your husband’s future profession: a coin - for a rich man, a passport - a lawyer , driver's license - driver, flash drive - programmer, spoon - cook, etc. Take different objects and use your imagination, or even better, use your sense of humor.

8. Mirrors and candles

At midnight, place two burning candles between two mirrors and peer into the corridor of mirrors that appears in the reflection. There should appear images that will predict fate. Those who are especially happy see the reflection of the future groom.

9. Find out the gender of the child

Take the ring and hang it on your hair, hold it over a container of water. If it starts moving in a circle, wait for a girl, just as a pendulum waits for a boy. A stationary ring may indicate childlessness.

10. Loves - does not love

Simple fortune telling, but be careful with matches. Place a match on both sides of the box, make a wish on one for your loved one, and on the other make a wish for yourself. Light the matches. Then look at the burnt heads, if they are leaning towards each other - you are destined to be together and love each other, if not, then no.

11. 7 cherished desires

Write seven cherished wishes on 7 pieces of paper and put them under your pillow on Christmas night. Don't talk to anyone after that and go to bed. In the morning, take out the first piece of paper you come across, this wish will come true for you this year. Some people pull out three pieces of paper.

12. Where is the groom from?

You can go outside and throw your boot over your back onto the road. Where he turns his toe, that’s where your betrothed lives.

13. Needles and love

Take two needles rubbed with lard and put them in water. If the needles have sunk, troubles and illness await you; if they get together, they will get married; if they separate, there will still be a very long time before marriage.

14. On coffee grounds

Brew a cup of ground coffee, drink it, cover the cup with a saucer and tip it onto the saucer. Then lift up. Some of the coffee grounds will stick to its walls, and some will remain on the saucer. Guess by the signs and shadows of the coffee mass. Human shadow - date; buildings - wealth; earth and plants - discord, breakup, failure; animals - danger, bad news.

15. Basin and boat

Fill the basin with water. Write your wishes on strips of paper, bend the sheet and hang it on the sides of the basin. Attach a lit candle to half a walnut shell and launch the boat in the middle of the pelvis. Whatever wish he swims up to and sets fire to a leaf, it will come true. In the same way, you can tell fortunes about the name of your betrothed by writing men's names on pieces of paper.

Christmas is a special, mystical time. It is believed that Christmas Eve is the best time for fortune telling.

People say that on the night of January 6-7, Christmas Eve, the predictions are the most accurate and truthful. Christmas Eve is not only a big Orthodox holiday, but also the start of the famous Christmas fortune-telling - a period that lasts until January 19 (Epiphany).

According to popular beliefs, on this night all prohibitions are lifted and mysterious forces rush to Earth. Some are to harm people, others are to help. In the old days, girls, going to tell fortunes, were in a serious mood. They mentally fenced themselves off from the real world and turned to supernatural forces.

We have tried to collect the most interesting and reliable Christmas fortune telling, which we hope will help you unlock the secrets of the future.

The best time for fortune telling, as we have already reported, is the night before Christmas.

It is then that astral spirits and ghosts penetrate the physical world, making contact and communicating the facts of our future.

Another suitable period for winter attempts to look into your future is considered to be the period between January 8 and January 18. At this time, they are also guessing, recognizing their betrothed (name, hair color, character, class), an imminent or distant wedding, the number of children, a successful or unsuccessful marriage.

Vasiliev's evening is recognized as special when the result turns out to be highly accurate, even prophetic. This is January 13th.

Preparing for fortune telling

  • You need to get serious;
  • dissolve the hair;
  • untie all the knots that are on the clothes (belts, straps, decorative elements);
  • remove bracelets and rings;
  • mentally isolate yourself from the real world;
  • formulate the question precisely.

The best fortune telling

1. Fortune telling with cups

For fortune telling, you will need several cups corresponding to the number of fortune tellers. A ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt are placed in cups, and a little water is poured into one cup. With their eyes closed, each of the fortune tellers, in turn, chooses a cup.

Predictions for the future are as follows: ring - for a wedding; coin - to wealth; bread - to prosperity; sugar - for fun; onion - to tears; salt - unfortunately, and a cup of water - to life without much change.

2. Fortune telling with candles

You will need a bowl of water, halves of walnut shells in quantities equal to the number of fortune tellers, and the same number of small candles or pieces thereof. You need to insert the candles into the shells, light them and let them float in a bowl.

The girl whose candle burns out first will be the first of the fortune tellers to get married. Accordingly, the girl whose candle burns out last will be the last to get married. If someone’s shell with a candle sank, that girl will never be married at all.

3. Fortune telling on paper

Take a piece of paper and crumple it up. Place the crumpled leaf in the bottom of an upturned plate or saucer and set it on fire. After this, bring the saucer with the burnt paper to the wall and carefully turn the saucer until some shadow appears on the wall, by the outlines of which they judge the near future.

4. Fortune telling with wax

For fortune telling with wax, you will need two wax candles, one of which needs to be lit, and pieces of the other should be placed in a spoon and, heating the spoon over the burning candle, melt the wax. After this, the melted wax is quickly poured into a glass of cold water and, by the light of a candle, the future is judged from the resulting figure.

5. Fortune telling YES-NO

Hold your left hand over a jar with any cereal or grain, palm down. While concentrating, you need to ask the question that interests you. After this, take a handful of cereal from the jar and pour it onto the table, then count the number of grains. If the number of grains is even, this means a positive answer - YES, an odd number means a negative answer - NO.

6. Fortune telling on the number and gender of future children

On Christmas evening, you need to pour water into a glass, put a ring in it and put it out in the cold. Before going to bed, a glass is taken out of the cold and future children are judged by the icy surface formed in it. The number of tubercles indicates the number of boys, and the number of pits indicates how many girls there will be.

7. Fortune telling from a book

They took a book at random and asked a question. After this, they called the page number and the line number on it - what was written in this place in the book served as the answer.

8. Fortune telling on the king of diamonds

You will need a corresponding card, which you need to hide under your pillow and wish upon the man you want to see as your husband. Then go to bed. What you dream about next night will turn out to be your future. This night all dreams are prophetic.

9. Fortune telling with a chain

When everyone is asleep, you need to take the gold chain, rub it between your palms, hold it in your right hand, shake it and throw it on the table.

A circle has formed - closed troubles are expected; streak - luck; node - difficulties and illnesses; triangle - love success; bow – wedding; snake - betrayal; heart is love.

10. Fortune telling with a mirror

Considered the most mystical. You need to sit in absolute darkness in front of a mirror with a candle in the middle of the night. An important condition is that there should be no one else in the room. You must look carefully at the reflective surface. After about 5 minutes it will fade. Then the betrothed, or rather the devil who has taken his guise, will be reflected behind the glass. The girl must start cheating so that he disappears, saying Chur me! Otherwise, evil spirits will materialize.

Whatever happens to you in fortune telling, remember that good things will come true, but don’t believe in bad things. The main thing is to be confident in your happiness.

Christmas in Rus' has always been looked forward to. It was believed that this was a mysterious and mystical time in which a person had the power to change his life. A special place, of course, was occupied by such an activity as fortune telling on January 6-7 for the future.
Why did they tell fortunes at Christmas? During this period, people had free time when they could take time for themselves. We invite you to take a break from the harsh reality this Christmas and try to lift the veil of secrecy over the future, to find out what lies ahead?

Fortune telling for the future

With cups

To carry out the ritual, you will need as many cups, preferably from one set, as there are people telling fortunes. In each cup you need to put: in one a ring, in the second bread, a coin, sugar and onions, salt, pour a little water into the last cup. Now, one by one, the fortune tellers approach the cups with their eyes closed and choose one. The thing that is in the cup will be a prediction for the near future:
The ring symbolizes an imminent wedding;
The coin, of course, speaks of financial wealth;
Bread is a good symbol that indicates general well-being and a strong situation;
Sugar - for a fun and carefree life;
The bow indicates that tears await the person;
Salt prophesies misfortune;
A bowl of water is a neutral symbol. She says that there will be no significant changes in life;

With candles

To carry out this fortune telling, you will need to take a bowl of water, as well as halves of a walnut shell. There should be as many of them as a person guesses. Also, depending on the number of fortune tellers, you need to take candle stubs or just small candles. You need to insert each candle into a nut shell and put the shell in the water.

Each girl lights her own candle. Whoever loses it first will be the first to get married. If the candle burns the longest, then this girl will be the last to get married. If someone's shell sinks, then the girl should sit as an old maid.

In the name of the betrothed

Everything here is extremely simple. At midnight on Christmas Day, that is, at 00.00 from January 6 to 7, the girls go out into the street. They must walk along the road until they meet a man. One of the girls asks the man’s name: that will be her betrothed’s name too. It’s better, of course, not to walk in groups, so as not to get confused, but to go in different directions. But don't go far from home: it's night outside.

On paper

Popular among our grandmothers was this fortune telling on Christmas Day on January 6-7 for the future on paper. You need to take a piece of paper and crumple it well. Place on a plate and light it. After the paper burns, carefully bring the sheet to the wall and turn the saucer so that a shadow from the burnt paper appears on the wall. Next, using your imagination, you need to understand what this shadow resembles and what it promises for the near future.

On wax

Another fortune telling, for which you will not only need to carry out the necessary ritual, but also use your imagination. You need to take two wax candles. One is lit, and a piece of the second is placed on a spoon. The spoon must be heated with the first candle so that it melts. Now quickly pour the melted wax into a glass of cold water. Without turning on the light, according to the formed figure, unravel the secrets of your future.

"Yes or no"

This fortune telling will help answer questions of interest that can be answered in monosyllables. You will need to take a jar of cereal or grain and hold your left hand over it, palm down. Now you should ask a question (mentally) and take a handful of grains with your eyes closed. All that remains is to pour them onto the table and count the number of grains. If the number is even, then the fortune telling answer is “yes”. And vice versa.

On the ring

It is necessary for the fortune-telling girls to stand in the hallway and take turns rolling the ring. Whoever has the ring that rolls further to the door will be the first to get married.

By gender and number of future children

To perform this Christmas fortune-telling, you will need to pour water into a glass and put a ring in it. On the night of January 6-7, expose the glass to frost. In the morning, take a glass out of the cold, and by the surface of the ice that has formed, you can judge the sex of your future children. If the number of tubercles is greater, it will be a boy. If there are more holes, then there will be a girl. Also, how many tubercles there are, so many boys there will be, and how many pits there are, so many girls there will be.

For bedtime

This is fortune telling at Christmas for the future: pieces of paper are placed under the pillow on which some predictions are written. You just need to write: love, luck, wedding, death, money and the like. Next, put pieces of paper under your pillow and go to bed. In the morning, first thing after waking up, pull out one piece of paper. This is exactly what the year will be like, and the extended event will be the most important in the coming year.

To dream

Before Christmas we should put the King of Diamonds under our pillow. Before going to sleep, ask the king to show in a dream the person you are going to marry. It doesn't matter what you dream about this night. The important thing is that the dream will definitely come true.

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