What is nervous prostatitis? Chronic prostatitis and nerves What causes prostatitis in men.

The disease is most often the outcome of acute prostate cancer. Chronic prostatitis of non-infectious origin sometimes develops as a result of stagnation of secretions in the follicles of the prostate gland. Prolonged irritation of the mucous membrane of the follicles by the decay products of stagnant secretions causes its aseptic inflammation - the so-called stagnant prostatitis. The cause of stagnation is atony (loss of tone) of the follicles and their excretory ducts due to sexual excesses, masturbation, and prolonged sexual arousal.

Pathoanatomical changes in the gland in chronic forms of inflammation are extremely diverse, both in localization and distribution, and in histological picture. At the same time, desquamative catarrh (inflammation with detachment of the mucous membrane) of the excretory ducts and small cell infiltration of their walls can be detected.

Subjective complaints in chronic prostatitis are sometimes absent, and only some sticking of the urethral sponges and a small number of threads in the urine forces the patient to consult a doctor. In this case, patients can consider themselves absolutely healthy, while the already inflammatory secretion of the prostate gland, released into the urethra, irritates the nerve endings.

Progressing, the inflammatory process leads in patients from 14 to 50 years old to partial sclerosis of the prostate tissue and their focal hyperplasia (proliferation), and from 51 to 76 years old - to atrophy (death) of the prostate gland, complicated by various pains (40 - 80%) , development of secondary lumbosacral radiculitis (in 90% of patients) due to malnutrition and toxic effects on the nerve roots of the spine, urination disorders (up to 83%), impaired renal function (68%), disorders of sexual function (74%), hemorrhoids (17%), neurovegetative and mental changes (sweating, fatigue, depression, decreased performance, insomnia, irritability, conflict), observed in 20 - 71% of patients with prostatitis. Often these patients come for an appointment not with a urologist, but with a surgeon and neurologist.

All this makes the recognition and effective treatment of chronic prostatitis particularly relevant. In chronic prostatitis, to identify the infectious or non-infectious nature of the prostate disease, its secretion is necessary.

To do this, you need to massage the prostate gland, as a result of which its secretion is obtained, it is sent for bacterial culture for the targeted administration of antibiotics.

In some cases, patients complain of itching in the urethra, in the anus, in the perineum, dull pain in the sacrum, lower back, kidney area, testicles, thighs, along the sciatic nerve, etc.

The clinical picture of chronic prostatitis includes various pathological processes. In less than half of patients, the causative agent of the disease can be identified. In many cases, complaints are based on functional disorders of the nervous system, various changes in the rectum and urethra. Despite the widespread prevalence of prostatitis, it is often difficult to clarify the cause and origin of the disease, and doctors have different technical capabilities.

Meanwhile, chronic prostatitis can drag on for a long time, sometimes leading people to complete despair. Impaired urination and pain in various organs, loss of sexual desire and the development of impotence can make a man’s life simply unbearable.

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis can be divided into three groups: general, local and sexual disorders.

General symptoms are not specific enough. These are increased irritability, lethargy, fatigue, loss of appetite, anxiety, sleep disturbance, decreased performance and creative activity.

It happens that pain in the lower back and sacrum leads to the erroneous idea of ​​radiculitis. In case of inflammatory diseases of the heart and joints, one should always exclude a process in the prostate gland, which is often the source of infection, as are tonsils and carious teeth. The functions of the prostate gland, as well as the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, are regulated by the autonomic nervous system, which is connected to the brain. This can explain the occurrence of functional disorders of various systems in the body. Associated mental disorders lead to depression, decreased productivity, rash decisions and actions.

Mental changes, manifested to a greater or lesser extent, are observed in most patients with chronic prostatitis. The vast majority of patients are in complete control of their reactions, and the correct approach to the disease can already lead to some improvement. A positive outcome of treatment largely depends on the participation of the patient himself in this process, and on the support of his partner. You have to work hard to improve your mental and physical health. Finding a rational approach is also not easy: both reproaches and excessive care can lead to a deterioration in mental state. Autogenic training (a relaxation method), yoga exercises, and daily exercise can help.

Of the local symptoms, patients most often note urinary disorders and pain. As a rule, frequent urges, pain at the beginning or end of urination, constant aching pain radiating to the subpubic area, perineum, sacrum, scrotum, glans penis, rectum, and groin area are disturbing. In some patients, pain intensifies both after sexual intercourse and with prolonged abstinence. The intensity of pain often does not depend on the severity of the pathological process; in some cases, pain is considered a symptom of other diseases (cystitis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis). Often there is itching, increased sweating, and a feeling of cold in the perineum. Changes in skin color in the pelvic area associated with circulatory disorders may also appear. Other symptoms include discharge from the urethra, especially after bowel movements or physical activity. This is due to weakening of the tone of the prostate gland.

Psychologically patients suffer especially painfully from sexual dysfunction.

After suffering from gonorrheal prostatitis, a number of complications are possible: narrowing of the urethra, inflammation of the seminal tract, sexual dysfunction, infertility. Gonorrhea continues to be a common disease among young people and should not be underestimated. Frequent changes of partners and neglect of hygienic precautions are also significant in the spread of gonorrhea.

The causative agent of the disease, gonococcus, lives on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. An exception is the cornea of ​​a newborn's eye, which can become infected during childbirth and lead to blindness. For this reason, immediately after birth, a solution of silver nitrate of men is instilled into the eyes of the child after infection, already on the second day (the incubation triode can last up to 9 days!) yellow-green mucous discharge appears from the urethra, upon microscopic examination of which a large number of leukocytes are detected (a sign inflammation) and gonococci. The body's defenses are not always able to cope with infection and remove microorganisms from secretions. Therefore, with insufficient treatment or in its absence, the pathogen from the anterior urethra moves into the next parts of the urethra and into the prostate. In addition, gonococci suppress the normal flora; after successfully getting rid of gonorrhea, an additional inflammatory process caused by other microorganisms, including chlamydia and mycoplasma, may develop.

Symptoms of gonorrhea are determined by inflammatory swelling of the mucous membrane of the sensitive urethra: burning, itching, pain and significant purulent discharge. Urination at times; so painful that waiting for it can be unbearable. More serious complications are also possible, for example, inflammation of the epididymis (epididymitis), prostate abscess, as well as inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin (balanitis, balanoposthitis). Gonococcal damage to the eyes and joints is also possible.

Acute symptoms of gonorrhea pass after a few days, minor pain and discharge, especially in the morning. This form of the disease is dangerous because it can remain contagious, while the chronic inflammatory process inevitably leads to a decrease in the ability to fertilize. Independent unqualified treatment can also lead to this: the dangerous flora does not die, but is only suppressed, remaining a source of infection and chronic inflammatory process. Therefore, underestimation of this disease leads to its further spread.

Antibacterial treatment of gonorrhea for many years has led to variability and adaptability of a number of strains of the pathogen, which has changed the course of the disease. Quite often there is no violent onset after infection, sometimes the symptoms are insignificant. It is not uncommon for several men to have one partner - the source of infection, and only some of these men became ill. A mandatory symptom of the disease is discharge. Women often consider them to be a harmless nuisance and are surprised when their partner (usually after visiting a doctor) suggests they go for a checkup. In addition, an illness that is not cured in a timely manner often gives rise to resentment, divorce and other complications in people’s relationships.

Syphilis is a disease known to mankind since ancient times. It began to be treated effectively only after the advent of antibiotics, in particular penicillin, which to this day remains the main and effective means of influencing the pathogen (treponema pallidum).

Infection with syphilis most often occurs during sexual intercourse, when pathogenic bacteria enter the body of a healthy person from the patient. There are no symptoms of the disease in the first three weeks after infection; the incubation period is usually from 10 to 60 days. Then a small ulcer with clear contours appears on the genitals at the site of the initial introduction of the pathogen. This ulcer - a chancre - resembles a small crater with jagged, hard edges. The surface of the ulcer has a characteristic pink color, there may be one or several. A few days after the appearance of chancre, an increase in the inguinal lymph nodes is noted. The primary stage of syphilis lasts from one to five weeks.

If the patient does not pay attention to these ulcers, then healing occurs on their own, and for two to ten weeks there may be no symptoms of the disease, and then a small rash appears on the skin, the patient may not even remember the previous suffering. Meanwhile, the appearance of such a rash indicates the beginning of the second stage of the disease. If treatment is not started, the rash may appear and disappear periodically over the next two years.

Next, the disease enters the hidden (latent) stage. It must be remembered that during the first two years the patient continues to be a source of infection for others. It is difficult to predict the subsequent development of the disease. While some people remain asymptomatic throughout their lives, others experience damage to many internal organs, including the cardiovascular system, spinal cord, brain, etc. Of course, a number of changes in these organs can often be incompatible with life.

If signs of the disease are detected, you should immediately consult a venereologist.

Trichomonas prostatitis. A significant part of non-bacterial prostatitis is inflammatory processes caused by Trichomonas. Unlike viruses and bacteria, they belong to the lower forms of the animal world - the simplest single-celled microorganisms that tend to form colonies. It is important that they are not sensitive to conventional antibacterial drugs. Detection of trichomoniasis is important, since specific medications are used for its treatment. Detection of pathogens in urine is possible only with massive damage to the urethra and bladder. More precisely, a microscopic examination of the secretion of the prostate gland, which is obtained after a finger massage of the organ. This is often an unpleasant and painful procedure, but it is necessary for correct diagnosis. The research process is complemented by microscopy of vaginal discharge from the partner. It is known that the most attractive habitat for Trichomonas is a humid environment, most often in public toilets (door handles, shared towels, toilet lids), in public baths (at work), and swimming pools. Thorough, timely treatment of these surfaces is more a dream than a reality, so you should worry about precautions (disposable towels, modern disinfectants). Yet the main route of infection is sexual contact. In some cases, when the discovery of trichomoniasis is surprising, this leads to serious family quarrels.

Treatment of trichomoniasis is theoretically simple. According to statistical studies, the vast majority of patients recover after the first course of treatment with a special drug - metronidazole or new generation drugs such as secnidazole. However, in practice the situation is more complicated.

If treatment and control are insufficient or there is drug intolerance, the effectiveness is 10%.

Chlamydia occurs in more than half of men who have had gonorrhea.

Prostatopathy is a disease of the prostate gland, the clinical picture of which is largely reminiscent of chronic prostatitis. The variety of symptoms can explain the many names of this pathology - prostatopathy, prostatodynamia, prostate neurosis, vegetative urogenital syndrome, congestive prostatitis, nervous dysregulation of the prostate.

With prostatopathy, unlike chronic prostatitis, infectious agents and inflammatory cells are not found either in the urine or in the secretions of the gland. Cytological studies also show a normal picture. It is known that the autonomic nervous system is responsible for all processes in the body that are not subject to the will, for example, for regulating the activity of digestion, heart, blood vessels, and smooth muscles. Dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system can affect almost any internal organ. Therefore, there are often people who complain of dysfunctions, for example, of the heart, rectum, in which no organic changes are found. Among the external manifestations, some may experience frequent redness of the facial skin. Violation of the autonomic regulation of the prostate gland can lead to changes in its functional activity and blood circulation of varying degrees of severity. A prerequisite for a violation of autonomic regulation is a certain predisposition. Evidence of so-called vegetative lability is frequent redness or paleness of the skin, cold, wet hands, palpitations, and trembling fingers.

The trigger mechanism for the disease is stressful and conflict situations in everyday life, especially sexual ones. This applies primarily to able-bodied, sexually active young men aged 20 to 40 years. Later this disease occurs less frequently. Prostatopathy can be caused by increased or decreased (service, long-term illness) sexual activity, excessive masturbation, frequent interrupted sexual intercourse, conflicts based on infidelity. To a certain extent, prostate concussions (car drivers, motorcyclists, tractor drivers, horse riders) can also contribute to this.

With prostatopathy, patients' complaints are almost identical to those with prostatitis.

Patients indicate urinary disorders that occur following a stressful situation.

Dull, vague painful sensations in the perineum and anus, a feeling of cold in the glans penis, testicles, inner thighs and groin are possible. Sexual disorders (weakening erection and premature ejaculation) have a purely vegetative, that is, mental, cause.

During examination, patients note pain even when lightly touching the prostate gland, which is quite natural, since those suffering from autonomic lability are sensitive to any touch. As a rule, a doctor requires significant attention and time to explain to the patient the true cause of the disease and help him remove the fear of eliminating the impact of adverse factors. To do this, the patient often has to take a vacation, have a positive attitude, and use physical measures to strengthen the nervous system and the whole body. Automotive training (progressive relaxation method) and yoga are useful. Intervention by a psychotherapist is also possible. Subsequently, treatment is prescribed aimed at; to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, reduce prostate swelling, and regulate bowel movements. Since there is no inflammatory process, antibacterial therapy is meaningless. It is important to adjust your lifestyle and diet (it is recommended to avoid spicy foods and spices, alcohol). Local heat is useful (sitz and mud baths, microenemas, short-wave therapy, woolen clothing on the lower part of the body).

Nervous cystitis occurs due to disturbances in the functioning of the brain. Its symptoms are especially often observed during prolonged stress. The risk of its development increases with infectious diseases and bladder catheterization. The brain signals the need to remove urine, which causes the muscles to begin to contract.

If nerve endings or certain parts of the central nervous system are damaged, the bladder does not function properly. Neurogenic urinary disorders are the general name for problems with the excretory system associated with impaired innervation.

Causes of the disease

Cystitis can be caused by brain tumors, cerebral palsy, herpetic infections affecting the nerve endings of the pelvic and sacral regions, multiple sclerosis, systemic ataxia, Parkinson's disease, stroke or diabetic neuropathy. The removal of metabolic products from the body is a complex process that is regulated by certain parts of the central and peripheral nervous system.

In the absence of infection in the bladder, dysfunction of the brain or spinal cord can be suspected. The development of cystitis can be triggered by compression of nerve endings caused by a herniated disc, injury or osteochondrosis.

Impaired urination is associated not only with somatic problems, but also with mental disorders that occur after stress. The autonomic nervous system is directly involved in the processes of urination. Violation of its functions leads to a frequent urge to urinate and pain when performing this act.

There are many provoking factors, among which are constant stress, psycho-emotional overload and problems with intimate life. With prolonged exposure to these causes, cystitis becomes chronic, characterized by an undulating course.

Periods of exacerbation are followed by remission, the disease is difficult to treat. Cystitis associated with dysfunction of the nervous system can occur due to poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and hypothermia.

A person’s psycho-emotional state is directly related to his health. Constant stress negatively affects the functioning of all organs and systems, including the genitourinary system. In medicine, there is a special branch that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies that arise against the background of psycho-emotional overload.

Fear, anger, loneliness, and sexual failure can contribute to the deterioration of a person’s general condition. Cystitis most often occurs in women who are unable to fully express their emotions. Having gotten rid of negative thoughts, a person forgets about this disease once and for all.

Neurogenic diseases of the excretory system do not respond to standard treatment. Only the patient himself can rid himself of unpleasant symptoms. You need to learn to respond adequately to stressful situations and improve the state of your nervous system. Don’t hold back your emotions and pay attention to the reactions of others. You need to express your opinion without fear of being wrong.

The expression of emotions prevents the appearance of signs of neurogenic cystitis. Negative emotions have a stronger effect on the human body than positive ones. It is often impossible to cope with them on your own. A consultation with a psychotherapist comes to the rescue.

How does this disease manifest itself?

The symptoms of neurogenic cystitis are similar to those of inflammatory cystitis. These are an increased urge to urinate, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In most cases, the disease is accompanied by the appearance of dystrophic changes in the excretory system.

The most common complications of neurogenic cystitis are: pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, chronic renal failure. Bladder dysfunction contributes to the emergence of psychological disorders. A person cannot live normally in society; he develops complexes and phobias.

In women, cystitis occurs suddenly after stress. There are no symptoms of inflammation or infection, the patient has no chronic diseases, so what causes problems with urination? They may be associated with previous difficult births or surgical interventions. In this case, not only an increased urge to urinate appears, but also symptoms of a depressive disorder.

These signs cannot disappear on their own; the woman will need the help of a urologist and psychotherapist. In men, bladder problems appear in old age; prostate diseases, high physical activity, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep contribute to this. The clinical picture is similar to manifestations of infectious cystitis or prostatitis.

A child can be diagnosed with neurogenic cystitis only after reaching the age of two. The disease can be caused by congenital pathologies or external factors. Birth trauma can also cause damage to the nerve endings responsible for bladder function. The safest drugs are used to treat cystitis in a child.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

If you have problems with urination, you should begin your examination by visiting a urologist. The doctor will help determine the cause of the disease, because the symptoms of all forms of cystitis are almost the same. The examination plan includes urine tests according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, and cystoscopy.

If during these studies no organic and functional changes in the excretory system were identified, diagnostic procedures are prescribed to assess the state of the nervous system - EEG, MRI, x-ray examination of the spine.

The disease almost always has a favorable prognosis.

Treatment must begin with eliminating the cause of urinary problems. The therapeutic course includes the use of medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, psychotherapeutic techniques and physical therapy. The treatment regimen is selected individually.

Consultation with a psychotherapist is indicated for depressive disorders that accompany a period of exacerbation of neurogenic problems with urination. Homeopathic medicines are effective in the early stages of the disease; advanced forms are not amenable to such treatment. Good results are obtained by using decoctions of medicinal plants that have sedative and anti-inflammatory properties.

What causes prostatitis in men?

Half of the world's male population suffers from a disease such as prostatitis, have suffered from it before, or are predisposed to its occurrence at a certain age. This is evidenced by the facts of international medical statistics. In men from 40 to 50 years old, this disease is in third place in terms of frequency of occurrence. It is increasingly occurring at younger ages. What causes prostatitis?

The disease develops when the prostate gland becomes inflamed as a result of the penetration of an infectious agent into it. This is facilitated by the anatomical location of the organ. Infection can occur from the urethra, bladder, rectum, or through blood vessels from nearby organs.

The mere fact of infection entering the prostate does not necessarily mean the development of the disease. Moreover, given the location of the gland, this is a common phenomenon that does not threaten a healthy man. For the development of the disease, predisposing factors must be present.

Anatomical process of development of prostatitis

The prostate gland (prostate) is an unpaired male organ located in the pelvic area between the pelvic diaphragm and the bladder. The vas deferens and the urethra (urethra) pass through it. The prostate measures about 3 cm and takes an active part in the urinary, sexual and reproductive functions of the male body.

The organ produces a secretion that serves as a component of sperm and plays an important role in the reproductive functionality of the male body. The rhythms of sexual activity and the normal functioning of the erection mechanism depend on the work of the gland. Without the prostate gland, the process of conception would be impossible.

Prostatitis is divided into two main types: congestive and infectious. The structure of the prostate has some features that predispose to the development of prostatitis. The organ itself lacks large blood vessels, and its blood supply occurs through small vessels from other sources. Therefore, the rate of blood circulation in the prostate gland is initially low.

The vessels of the prostate are connected to the circulatory system of the pelvis, and when the activity of the latter decreases, congestion occurs in the prostate gland. When the blood supply to the organ deteriorates, congestive prostatitis develops.

The congestive type of prostatitis causes poor circulation in the pelvic area. Stagnation of blood in the veins of the organ can occur due to a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, irregular sexual relations, due to wearing tight underwear and alcohol abuse.

The penetration of various viruses, bacteria and fungi causes infectious prostatitis. Physicians include weakened immunity, disruption of the nervous-vegetative system, and hormonal abnormalities as factors contributing to this process.

Factors influencing the development of the disease

The main factors leading to the development of prostatitis include a weakened immune system.

A person with normal protective functions of the body can also get sick, but with appropriate treatment he can easily cope with the disease.

In a patient with a weakened immune system, acute inflammation can easily turn into a chronic stage, making treatment a complex process. The weakening of the body’s protective functions is facilitated by:

  • deficiency of microelements and vitamins;
  • violation of allergic status;
  • stress;
  • hormonal imbalance.

The causes of prostatitis include exposure to the herpes virus, and less commonly, influenza. According to statistics, more than 40 million adult men suffer from genital herpes. Every year, about half a million infections with this disease are recorded, which subsequently recur.

Chronic mechanical effects on the perineum, experienced by motorcyclists, riders, and drivers, also have a certain influence on the development of prostatitis. More than half of men suffering from chronic prostatitis have professional activities associated with physical activity of this nature or constant sedentary work.

Increased incidence rates are observed in regions with cold weather conditions and high humidity. Colds with decreased immunity predispose to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and their penetration into the prostate gland. The risk group includes men who work in adverse weather conditions and fans of extreme sports - skiing, kayaking, diving, winter fishing.

But such statistics do not mean that if you are a clerk, driver or walrus, you will definitely get prostatitis. It is important to combine sedentary work with physical activity, and not to allow excess cold, physical (as well as mental) stress. Once every six months it is necessary to undergo examination by a urologist, since advanced disease is always more difficult and more expensive to cure.

Contrary to popular belief, prostatitis is unlikely to be caused by sexually transmitted infections. Many experts completely exclude the development of prostatitis in this way. There is no substantiated evidence in the scientific community that chlamydia, ureaplasma, etc. can cause the disease.

Manifestation of the disease, prevention and treatment

Prostatitis is not easy to diagnose at an early stage. Its symptoms are often no different from those of other diseases. The structure of the prostate gland has an abundance of nerve fibers. Therefore, the earliest and most common symptom of its inflammation is pain, which has a variety of localizations. But sharp and acute pains are rare; usually there is discomfort and heaviness in the perineum.

The clinical picture of the disease sometimes manifests itself with such minor symptoms that the patient may simply not pay attention to them. If the disease nevertheless manifests itself suddenly, its symptoms are accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 38-39˚ C, painful urination, pain in the groin, perineum and behind the pubis.

For the prevention of prostatitis, physical activity, physical exercise, and increasing immunity through hardening procedures are of great importance. These measures should be supported by abstinence from alcohol and smoking.

The influence of the physiological rhythm of sexual relations also deserves attention. Prolonged sexual intercourse and incomplete ejaculation can cause a disorder of blood microcirculation in the prostate and stagnation of secretions. Therefore, for the normal functioning of the prostate gland, both long-term sexual abstinence and prolonged sexual arousal without ejaculation are undesirable.

Getting rid of prostatitis is not an easy task, especially when it becomes chronic. If the diagnosis is inaccurate at an early stage, it is often very difficult to choose the right course of treatment leading to complete healing.

The level of modern medicine is increasing every day, new treatment methods, effective drugs, etc. are being developed. Periodic examinations of the condition of the prostate gland and timely contact with a urologist-andrologist will help avoid the development of prostatitis.

  • Prolonged sexual abstinence, as well as excessive sex life. Both causes are equally harmful to the body, but mostly have a negative effect on the condition.
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases are the main causes of prostatitis. These include chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, and carious teeth that have not been treated.
  • The most common causes of prostatitis in men are associated with urological and venereal diseases. Any other condition that contributes to the suppression of the body’s immune system (lack of sleep, poor and irregular diet, chronic stress). All of these factors either facilitate the infection’s path of penetration into the prostate gland, or worsen the blood supply to the male pelvic organs, causing a stagnant process, which contributes to the increase in microorganisms and the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Prostatitis is a disease that can begin to develop quite suddenly, like an acute inflammatory disease with all the accompanying symptoms. In this case, the child will develop fever, fever, increased body temperature, pain in the perineum, painful urination and defecation.

    However, much more often prostatitis develops in a chronic form, without disturbing the man too much. In this case, all symptoms are present to a minimal extent, sometimes attracting absolutely no attention. The temperature can only occasionally rise to 37, periodic pain in the perineum, discomfort during urination and defecation, during which there may be slight discharge from the urethra - this is one of the most obvious symptoms of chronic prostatitis.

    The causes of prostatitis in young men are sometimes caused by complications of a chronic sexually transmitted infectious disease, such as chlamydia, ureaplasmosis or trichomoniasis. In this case, during the course of the disease, small changes may be noticeable - unpleasant sensations of urination, which may become stronger, to which you can add pain in the perineum, discharge from the urinary canal during defecation.

    After some time of prostatitis, men may experience problems with erection. This can be explained by the inflammation of the nerves that are responsible for erectile function; they pass through the prostate gland in men. Chronic prostatitis has a very bad effect on a person’s general well-being; he becomes irritable, dissatisfied and concerned only with his own well-being. Sometimes this manifests itself so strongly that successful treatment requires not only a good doctor, but also an experienced psychologist.

    What happens if prostatitis is not treated?

    If a patient with acute chronic prostatitis refuses professional help from a urologist, it is likely that a prostate abscess will develop - focal purulent inflammation. In this case, the body temperature can jump to 39-40 degrees, while a drop of up to 1 degree can be observed, high fever changes with severe chills, urination is difficult due to severe pain in the perineum, and defecation becomes impossible altogether. After some time, swelling of the prostate gland may develop and, as a consequence of all this, acute retention of urine. It’s good that men try not to bring the disease to this stage and consult a urologist in time.

    The causes of prostatitis in men have a different explanation if the prostatitis is chronic. It occurs in waves, with periodic exacerbations, which can be followed by long-term remissions, during which the disease does not make itself felt. Because of this, many representatives of the stronger sex prefer to stay at home instead of going to the hospital. However, this is not the best way out of the situation, because each exacerbation of the inflammatory process spreads further and further. If the disease spreads through the urinary system, it can lead to the development of cystitis and pyelonephritis. However, the most common consequences are inflammation of the seminal vesicles, or inflammation of the testicles and their appendages. In the worst case, chronic prostatitis can cause infertility, the treatment of which will be very long and difficult.

    The causes of prostatitis in young men are completely different, but they all boil down to the fact that the person who develops prostatitis has a weakened immune system. Diagnosis of chronic prostatitis occasionally presents difficulties for the doctor. After questioning and a general examination, the urologist performs a rectal examination of the prostate gland and takes prostate secretions using prostate massage. This is an extremely unpleasant and painful procedure during the inflammatory process, however, it is absolutely necessary.

    Chronic prostatitis is not only a complex of somatic symptoms, but is also characterized by a whole set of psychological problems that mask the clinical picture of the disease and complicate its treatment.

    Psychological aspects remain insufficiently studied. A certain degree of psychological problems (anxiety, depression, emotional lability, weak male identification, sexual complaints) according to psychological tests (MMPI) and consultations was identified in 80% of patients with chronic prostatitis, with a high degree of severity in 20-50%.

    The true proportion of psycho-emotional disorders in chronic prostatitis is clearly underestimated; masked, erased depression, characterized not so much by depression and melancholy as by a feeling of inferiority, loss of former interests and drives, is usually not taken into account by specialists.

    The question arises whether prostatitis leads to such changes, or whether premorbid characteristics contribute to the development of the disease.

    Personality characteristics have been studied by several researchers, and at least 4 different psychopathological types of patients with prostatitis have been identified:

    1. Psychosomatic type (the prostate suffers due to a disorder of the nervous system).
    2. Alexithymic type.
    3. Borderline type.
    4. Narcissistic type (narcissistic).

    Other reports, on the contrary, deny the possibility of identifying certain personality types characteristic of patients with symptoms of prostatitis.

    Name of service Price
    Prostate, seminal vesicles and bladder / TRUS 1,900 rub.
    Appointment with a urologist-andrologist, therapeutic and diagnostic, outpatient 1,500 rub.
    Appointment with a urologist-andrologist, C.M.N., diagnostic and treatment, outpatient 1,800 rub.
    Summarizing the examination results and drawing up an individual treatment program of 2nd degree of complexity 1,000 rub.
    Female cystoscopy / with anesthesia 4,000 rub.
    Instillation of the urethra / without the cost of the drug 1,300 rub.
    Therapeutic prostate massage 1,500 rub.
    Shock wave therapy (conservative) for erectile dysfunction, Peyronie's disease, chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (Storz Duolith) / 1 procedure 4,950 rub.

    2Array ( => Andrology => Urology => Prostatitis) Array ( => 3 => 24 => 30) Array ( => https://andrology.policlinica.ru/prices-andrology.html => https://urologia .policlinica.ru/prices-urology.html =>.html) 30

    At the same time, it has been shown that busy, nervous, pedantic patients are 2-4 times more likely to have such complaints than balanced and calm ones.

    The development of chronic pelvic pain syndrome is predisposed by such accentuated personality traits as a tendency to delay, stuck negative emotional reactions, anxious-suspicious or depressive reactions.

    Anxiety and fear for their condition and their lives determine almost every step of the so-called “urinary” or “prostatic hypochondriacs”. Their behavior is usually classified as “withdrawal from illness and detachment from reality.”

    Completely absorbed in their prostate gland, they read specialized literature and persistently delve into their past in search of a specific cause of the disease. Convinced of its organic nature, they constantly think about this topic, diagnosing themselves with infectious processes and prostate tumors, stubbornly go from doctor to doctor with complaints characteristic of diseases of the urogenital area, trying to find a “real specialist” who will finally discover they have some pathological changes in the genitourinary organs. They actively seek more and more urological examinations and undergo many specific procedures, persistently demanding repeated urethroscopy and almost daily microscopic examinations of their urine, semen and prostate secretions, the results of which they always do not trust.

    Using skillful “squeezing,” they spend hours squeezing out a drop of secretion or at least urine from the urethra and carefully study the flakes and sediments formed in the urine, develop certain dietary and hygienic regimens, resort to the advice of people of dubious competence, take countless medications advertised in all available sources, They give themselves endless courses of antibiotics and become resistant to all types of antibacterial agents, finally leading themselves to the development of traumatic urethritis or chronic prostatitis, often avoiding sexual activity.


    - 25%primary
    Doctor visit
    therapist on weekends

    The reasons for predisposition to psycho-emotional disorders in prostatitis also lie in the social status of men.

    In terms of employment and education, patients differ from healthy men; those with higher education and profession are less likely to suffer from prostatitis than those who have only completed high school. Workers report symptoms of prostatitis less often than unemployed people or disabled people, who get sick even more often. Finally, the incidence of the disease depends on income: men with lower incomes are more likely to have complaints characteristic of chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

    It should be considered that, on the one hand, the chronic pain that haunts patients makes them dependent, helpless and justifies them in seeking psychological support. Patients with long-term recurrent prostatitis easily fall into a vicious circle: chronic stress causes organic changes in certain biological systems, which affect the psycho-emotional state of the patient, which, in turn, supports the somatic suffering of patients.

    It must be remembered that a recurrent pain symptom is more likely to cause further development of the internal organs already present in persons with a disordered psyche. On the other hand, a psychosomatic disorder can play a leading role without any organic evidence (even if it existed in the past).

    At the same time, knowing that the source of chronic pain is not always “psychological”, but actually occurs in the prostate gland, these men should not go around with the nickname “neurotics”, “hypochondriacs” or “prostatics”.

    Treatment of patients with prostatitis often consists only of multiple courses of antibiotics (although the presence of infectious agents is not always established), without taking into account psychosomatic disorders. Rarely do urologists involve psychiatrists or psychoneurologists in examining patients, as they feel that psychological factors play an important role in the symptomatology of prostatitis.

    The range of mental disorders in nonspecific chronic urethritis is very wide.

    Mental disorders in inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system are most often formed by psychosomatic mechanisms. In most patients, deep intrapersonal conflict is caused by the intimate nature of experiences regarding such possible negative consequences of the disease as infertility and sexual disorders.

    For many, a psychologically traumatic moment is the thought of the venereal nature of their illness, that it is the result of non-compliance with the rules of sexual hygiene, masturbation, etc. Although in fact, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system in most cases arise for other, rather prosaic reasons (hypothermia, banal infection, etc.), and the patient’s alertness in terms of the origin of the disease is unfounded.

    As a result of the resulting “vicious circle,” psychosocial factors, in particular dysfunctional interpersonal relationships with a wife or other sexual partner, acquire a special, psycho-traumatic significance.

    The close relationship between the psychological and physical state of a person has long been proven. Many diseases arise or get worse due to stressful situations. This is a well-known psychosomatics that affects the functioning of the body. It often leads to esophageal ulcers, migraines, hypertension, and prostate problems in men. We are talking about the so-called nervous prostatitis, which develops against the background of malfunctions of the central nervous system.

    Manifestation of nervous prostatitis

    What is “nervous prostatitis”

    Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland. It is infectious or non-infectious in nature. The latter often occurs against the background of an unhealthy lifestyle and constant stress. The modern rhythm of life contributes to this.

    In medicine there is no term “nervous prostatitis”. This is the common name for a pathology caused by disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. He explains not the form of the disease, but its cause - nervous overexcitation and emotional stress. Unfavorable psychological factors accompany a man every day, which ultimately leads to physiological disruptions in the body.

    The main causes of the disease are:

    • hard, exhausting work;
    • family problems;
    • poor sleep and insomnia;
    • lack of rest;
    • emotional tension;
    • depression;
    • irritability, short temper;
    • sexual problems.

    Taking tests for prostatitis

    The long-term influence of these factors disrupts the conduction of nerve impulses from the brain to the prostate. Real physical symptoms of illness appear: discomfort in the perineum, sexual dysfunction, urination problems, poor health. This, in turn, leads to the development of prostatitis or exacerbation of its chronic form. Constant emotional overload is fraught with serious complications not only from the prostate, but also from the heart, blood vessels, and other organs and systems.

    The mechanism of prostatitis due to nerves

    The psychosomatic reasons for the development of many diseases are absolutely logical and explainable. The human nervous system works on the principle of impulses that are transmitted from cells to the brain and vice versa. When this mechanism is disrupted, neurogenic disorders and accompanying physiological problems occur.

    It is impossible to accurately determine the role of somatics in the development of inflammation of the prostate gland, but this factor can be assumed with high probability. In particular, two main mechanisms of influence of a man’s psychological state on the functionality of the prostate can be traced.

    Prostatitis: structure of the genitourinary system
    • The first mechanism is the initial development of acute and then chronic prostatitis due to permanent overload of the nervous system. This can be hard and irregular work, difficult relationships in the team and family, accumulated fatigue over many years, dissatisfaction in personal life, the presence of serious personal complexes. As a result, unpleasant sensations appear in the perineum, the outflow of urine is disrupted, and sexual desire and libido decrease. At this stage, it is important to stop and think about changing the rhythm of life and attitude towards the surrounding reality. A timely response to alarm signals may well prevent the development of pathology and restore male strength.
    • The second mechanism involves the so-called vicious circle. When a man develops problems with the prostate gland, accompanied by pain and sexual dysfunction, a vicious circle arises. Because of his inability, a man experiences constant stress, psychological discomfort, irritability and nervousness. The work of nerve impulses is completely switched to experiences. As a result of fixation on the problem, the state of health worsens even more, the disease gets worse and more complicated, the number of relapses and the severity of symptoms increases. Thus, a circular reaction is formed, from which it is possible to exit only through the normalization of the neuropsychic state.

    Calmness and emotional stability are important components of a man’s health. It is very important to monitor your psychological state and lifestyle in order to prevent the occurrence of prostatitis or more serious pathologies. In addition, do not forget about timely consultation with a doctor and treatment of physiological disorders in the prostate gland.

    It is an immutable fact that not every case of prostatitis is the result of psychosomatic disorders. But it cannot be denied that the emotional state of a man plays an important role in the development and complication of the pathology. Especially when it comes to city residents. According to statistics, the level of stress among men living in a metropolis is much higher than those living in rural areas. Accordingly, the risk of problems with the genitourinary system increases many times.

    How does nervous prostatitis occur?

    In contrast to physiological changes, the functioning of the central nervous system can be successfully normalized by following the following recommendations:

    • treat prostate inflammation in a timely manner, so as not to be afraid of the lack of results from therapy in the later stages;
    • monitor your daily routine - do not overwork at work, eat well, get enough rest;
    • learn to respond adequately to stressful situations that arise in the team and family;
    • engage in moderate physical activity, which significantly reduces the reaction to external stimuli;
    • if necessary, visit a psychologist or psychotherapist;
    • develop confidence in yourself and your abilities, including sexual ones;
    • do not focus on existing problems with the prostate, but simply follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

    In addition to the physiological factor (predisposition, congestion in the pelvic area, injuries), urologists identify psychological causes of prostatitis. In almost 75% of cases, disturbances in the activity of the prostate gland occurred against the background of stress, problems in family life, and emotional disturbances.

    If the main factor in the development of the disease is not eliminated, it will not be possible to achieve stable remission. The course of formal therapy includes the help of a psychologist.

    What is the psychological cause of prostatitis?

    Psychosomatics is a science that studies the influence of psychological factors on the functioning of human internal organs and systems. With regard to prostate disorders, the relationship between a man’s emotional background and the development of pathologies is especially obvious.

    Urologists identify three main psychosomatic causes of prostate diseases:

    • Failures of erectile function - regardless of what caused the “failure” in bed, the man perceives the situation extremely acutely. The partner's goal is to calm him down. If this does not happen, subconscious anxiety and fear of failure appear, which creates the psychological preconditions for the occurrence of inflammation of the prostate gland.
      Constant anxiety leads to reluctance to have sexual relations and psychological impotence. And irregular sex causes stagnation and the development of inflammatory processes.
    • Family problems - psychosomatics of prostatitis is often associated with quarrels, protracted and unresolved problems with the wife. The nervous system that regulates sexual function is a complex mechanism that includes the influence of the subconscious on the emotional background and decision-making.
      Constant quarrels provoke psychological rejection of the sexual partner and reluctance to have intimacy with him. For psychological reasons, prostatitis or any other disorders may develop that lead to a decrease in erectile function.
    • Fear of the consequences of the disease - prostatitis from a psychosomatic point of view arises due to the projection of the symptoms of the disease onto oneself. As a result, inflammation of the prostate occurs even where there were no prerequisites for this.
      The difficulty is that when dysuric disorders or erectile dysfunction occur, a man rarely seeks professional help. Thus, by emotionally “twisting” himself, a man subconsciously catalyzes violations.
    It turns out that prostatitis can occur due to psychological and emotional trauma, fear of the disease, as well as one-time failures in bed. Mental disorders have an ambiguous effect on the functioning of the prostate: on the one hand, an increase in sexual desire is possible, on the other, a complete loss of interest in sex.

    The negative psychological consequences leading to prostate disease are a compelling reason to avoid stress and quarrels and have a regular sex life.

    How does prostatitis affect the psyche?

    Men are quite vulnerable if the matter affects their reproductive function and penis. Any diseases and disorders associated with this create psychological discomfort, which only aggravates the situation. Emotional disturbances are constantly increasing.

    The picture of changes in psychological personality with prostatitis is as follows:

    • Prostate dysfunction leads to decreased sexual desire and deterioration of erectile function. Interesting fact! Physiologically, a man is able to have sexual relations throughout the entire period of the disease, with the exception of advanced chronic inflammation. Despite this, urologists often diagnose emotional or psychosomatic impotence. Reluctance to have sexual relations leads to a worsening of the condition.
    • The psychology of a man with prostate diseases is often similar to the thinking of a “frightened child.” The fear of illness is stronger than the disorders themselves. The influence of prostatitis on a man’s mental state has been proven: the appearance of irritability, depression.
      In fact, the patient initially projects onto himself the worst scenario: impotence, loss of family, infertility, although in his case the disease is curable and the listed complications are rare.
    • Prolonged prostate disease can cause a man’s neuropsychic state. At this stage, understanding from loved ones is extremely important.
    In fact, prostatitis triggers a psychosomatic closed reaction. Inflammation of the prostate gland leads to decreased erection. A man develops a fear of failure in bed, which leads to psychological rejection of sex.

    Lack of regular sexual relations causes the development of extensive congestion. And stagnation leads to exacerbation of inflammation and its transition to a chronic form.

    Psychological symptoms of prostatitis, which urologists pay attention to in differential diagnosis:

    • Insomnia.
    • Constant irritability.
    • Changes in behavior and personality.
    • Panic fear of consequences.
    To obtain a complete clinical picture, it is recommended that a regular sexual partner, who is in a civil or official marriage, be present during the interview. The survey is conducted in a confidential and calm manner.

    Psychologically, men view prostatitis as a practically incurable disease that necessarily leads to impotence. Actually this is not true. Modern methods of therapy help cope with the disease in 80-85% of cases. Mental disorders associated with inflammation of the prostate significantly complicate therapy and reduce the effectiveness of medications.

    How to psychologically cope with prostatitis

    The psychosomatics of prostate diseases is currently an indisputable scientific fact, confirmed by many years of clinical research. A man’s mood largely determines the effectiveness of fighting the disease and even helps prevent inflammation from becoming chronic.

    Psychological treatment begins with conversation. The specialist discusses with sexual partners the reasons that caused the violations. During the survey, the reasons for decreased sexual activity are established. The consequences of the disease are explained to the patient and the possibility of complete healing is indicated. To achieve stable psychological remission in case of hormonal imbalances in the body, a course of antidepressants is prescribed.

    From a psychological point of view, the prostate in men is a second heart that determines behavior, psycho-emotional stability and behavioral factor. The patient’s recovery and the achievement of stable remission of the disease depend on the elimination of emotional factors, catalysts of inflammatory processes.

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