Adaptogens in sports. Plant adaptogens to fight cancer

A lot of information is being thrown in now, I decided to systematize and generalize it a little, with your help I will supplement it if necessary and if there is interest in the topic.
Adaptogens- these are medicines, usually of natural origin, obtained from natural raw materials (parts of medicinal plants or animal organs), capable of increasing the body’s nonspecific resistance to a wide range of harmful effects of a physical, chemical and biological nature. Adaptogens have a long history of use (some of them have been used in Eastern medicine for thousands of years).
The mechanisms of action of adaptogens are diverse. The common effect for all adaptogens is to increase the adaptability (adaptation) of the body under difficult living conditions. Adaptogens practically do not change the normal functions of the body, but significantly increase physical and mental performance, exercise tolerance, resistance to various unfavorable factors (heat, cold, thirst, hunger, infection, psycho-emotional stress) and reduce the time of adaptation to them.
Since the effects of adaptogens on the body vary, It is recommended to combine and alternate adaptogenic drugs, thus enhancing their effect.

In speed-strength sports, the use of adaptogens is advisable at the first, second, third stages, as well as during the competitive period. (Here we mean the division into stages proposed in Soviet sports and used by many of our sports pharmacologists. I - Preparatory stage, II - Basic stage, III - Special training stage, IV - Pre-competition stage, C - Competition, B - Recovery)

Dosing - carried out individually, by reducing or increasing the amount of the drug taken. Small doses cause inhibition of processes, large doses activate them. The easiest way to dose adaptogens is in liquid form - tinctures, extracts.
You can start selecting doses with 6 drops, taking them in the morning on an empty stomach in 1/4 glass of water. After taking it, you need to analyze your own feelings during the day. If there is a surge of energy, a desire to work, then activating dose; if there is relaxation, lethargy, the dose is inhibitory. The next day, the dose must be either reduced or increased to achieve the desired effect. Small doses of adaptogens promote anabolic processes and are used during the period of muscle mass gain. Large doses of adaptogens enhance the processes of both anabolism and catabolism. At the same time, physical and mental performance increases significantly. Activating doses are indicated during periods of intense training loads and competitions.

Application of the most common adaptogens

  • Aralia Manchurian
  • Gerimaks- 1 capsule, course 5-10 days
  • Ginsana- 1-2 capsules, course 5-10 days
  • Ginseng(extract) - 1 g, course 10 days
  • Herbion ginseng- 1 capsule, 5-10 days
  • Zamanikha high(tincture) - 30-40 drops. 2 times a day, course 10-14 days
  • Cropanol - 1 cap. 2-3 times a day, course 10-14 days
  • Leveton forte - 2 tablets, course 3-4 days
  • Leuzea safflower - 3 tablets 2-3 times, course 2-3 days
  • Leuseya - 10-15 drops, course 10-14 days
  • Schisandra chinensis (tincture) - 20-25 drops. 2 times a day, course 10-14 days
  • Schisandra chinensis (powder) - 0.5 g. 2 times a day, course 10-14 days
  • Melaxen - 1 tablet. (3 mg), once
  • Milife - 100 mg, course 2-3 days
  • Pantocrine - 30-40 drops. 2 times a day, course 2-3 days
  • Revital ginseng plus - 1 capsule, course 5-10 days
  • Rhodiola rosea (extract) - 10-40 drops. 2 times a day, course 10-20 days
  • Saparal - 0.05 g. 2 times a day, course 10-14 days or once
  • Safinor - 2-3 tablets, course 10-14 days
  • Sterculia platanofolia (tincture) - 10-40 drops. 2 times a day, course 2-3 weeks
  • Elton-P - 3-4 tablets, course 20-30 days
  • Eleutherococcus-P - 2 tablets 2 times a day, course 3-4 weeks
It is acceptable to use several (2-3) drugs that complement each other or are most suitable for you or your tasks.

Adaptogens are recommended to be taken in the first half of the day, because their stimulating effect can interfere with the process of falling asleep and staying asleep at night. A single morning dose fits most harmoniously into a person’s biorhythm and improves performance well.

Adaptogens- a special class of biologically active substances used by humans. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are harmless to the body, optimize metabolic processes, have a universal restorative effect, without causing changes in the normal functioning of the body.
The widespread use of adaptogens according to indications during the stages of preparation for competitions and especially during competitions helps the athlete maintain health and significantly improve athletic performance.

Distinctive features of various adaptogens.

Schisandra to the greatest extent (from other adaptogens) it enhances excitation processes in the central nervous system. Its stimulating effect is sometimes not inferior in strength to some doping drugs from the group of psychomotor stimulants. Schisandra significantly increases mental and physical performance. Schisandra is used as a strong stimulant during the competitive period.​

Rhodiola has a strong effect on striated skeletal muscle tissue, as well as on the heart muscle (the contractility of the heart muscle increases). Even after a single dose of Rhodiola, muscle strength and endurance increase. Rhodiola rosea causes a distinct activation of cell bioenergetics. The size of mitochondria increases, their ability to utilize carbohydrates, fatty acids, and lactic acid increases. The glycogen content in the muscles and liver increases. Simultaneously with the intensification of the process of muscle contraction, muscle relaxation becomes stronger. As a result, muscle performance is restored faster. In terms of the strength of its general strengthening and tonic effect, Rhodiola is perhaps the most powerful adaptogen.​

Aralia has a strong hypoglycemic effect. However, the hypoglycemic properties of Manchurian aralia sometimes cause increased appetite.​

Zamanikha in terms of the spectrum of its effect on the body and the strength of its tonic effect, it is close to ginseng.​

Leuzea exhibits anabolic activity, which distinguishes it from other adaptogens. Leuzea's ability to enhance protein synthesis has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver. With long-term use of Leuzea, the composition of the blood improves: the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes increases, and the hemoglobin content increases. Leuzea has a mild physiological vasodilator effect.​

Eleutherococcus has the ability to increase the permeability of cell membranes to glucose. Eleutherococcus is also used to improve thermoregulation, enhance the oxidation of fatty acids, prevent colds, improve color vision and visual acuity, and in the complex treatment of overtraining.​

Gerimaks combination of ginseng root extract with vitamins and minerals. The main active ingredient of ginseng is panaxosides (triterpene glycosides). The stimulating effect of ginseng root extract is associated with the activation of the synthesis of nuclear RNA and liver RNA polymerase, protein DNA, lipids in bone marrow cells, an increase in the level of AMP in the adrenal glands, and an increase in the intensity of metabolism in general. Ginseng root extract increases productivity, reduces fatigue during physical exertion and stress. The drug has a beneficial effect on the function of the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure, and reduces blood sugar in diabetes. The minerals and vitamins included in the composition are necessary to enhance the activity of root enzymes, which generally activates metabolic processes in the body, improves energy supply, and promotes the balance of redox reactions.​

Cropanol a complex general tonic drug, the active component of which is pantohematogen dry. Obtained from the blood of deer, taken during the period of growth of antlers from animals (when it contains the maximum amount of biologically active substances) and processed by low-temperature dehydration and sterilization. Cropanol stimulates the central nervous system and has a restorative effect. Most suitable for recovery from illness or injury.​

Adaptogens enhance the effect of caffeine and guarana.​

And they weaken the effect of sedatives and sleeping pills.​

Adaptogens combine well with medications, vitamins, and other herbal preparations. It is especially effective to use a combination of adaptogenic drugs with bee products (honey, pollen, bread) in your own combination or ready-made forms.​

materials used: Bobkov Yu.G., Vinogradov V.M., Losev S.S. Smirnov A.V. Pharmacological correction of fatigue. - M: Medicine. 1984. - 208 p.; Volkov N.I. Bioenergetics of intense human muscular activity and ways to increase the performance of athletes: Dis. of biological sciences. -M., 1990. - 83 p. Kulinenkov O.S. Pharmacology of sports in tables and diagrams. - M: Soviet sport. - 2011. - 192s; wiki.

P.S. Later I will post a more detailed description of each drug on the list, which one is used for what and how to combine it. In turn, I will be very grateful for feedback from who has tried what. I’ll add it to my own and publish it as soon as I get more.

Adaptogens is a group of biologically active agents of synthetic and natural (plant and animal) origin that have a tonic effect on the body, stimulate the central nervous system, increase endurance, energy reserves and resistance to harmful influences.

The term “adaptogen” comes from the word “adaptation”, that is, in simple terms, adaptogenic drugs are drugs that increase a person’s adaptive capabilities and improve the body’s resistance/defense.

Pharmacology, drugs, medicines and adaptogen plants

The effect of the described agents is justified by their influence on the functioning of the nervous, immune, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Although the mechanism of action of some individual adaptogens is still not clear and remains a big mystery for scientists.

We also note that, as a rule, all natural adaptogens and their synthetic analogues have a rather complex composition, so their methods of action can vary significantly depending on the components. But for the most part, adaptogenic agents affect DNA synthesis, change the function of the central nervous system, regulate the secretion of hormones in a positive or negative direction, activate metabolism and enhance immune defense (due to the activation of humoral and cellular immunity).

By the way, plant adaptogens(herbs and their extracts/tinctures, etc.) usually contain substances such as: flavonoids, polysaccharides, hydroxylated fatty acids, glycopeptides, glycosides, terpenoids and phytosterols (ecdysterone). Artificial adaptogens can also consist of various components, however, they are not particularly applicable in sports, since they do not have the necessary effect on athletic performance (strength, endurance, and so on), so we will pay practically no attention to them.

Currently, the most popular and at the same time the best adaptogens that can be freely purchased are: lemongrass, Rhodiola rosea and ginseng. Also common adaptogenic agents include royal jelly, pollen, beebread and drone brood, however, their effectiveness has not yet been confirmed by clinical or laboratory studies.

Are you asking what effects natural adaptogens exhibit? Various. In sports practice, the most valuable qualities are:

  • Increased endurance indicators;
  • Increased fatigue threshold;
  • Acceleration of recovery and regenerative processes;
  • Activation of metabolism;
  • Elimination of physical and emotional fatigue;
  • Increased mental concentration;
  • Improved mood;
  • Increased energy reserves;
  • Increased appetite (without false feelings of hunger).

Also, all athletes planning to take adaptogens of plant origin, it will be useful to know what side effects drugs in this category can and do exhibit. Usually - none. In more detail, natural adaptogenic agents are non-toxic, even in large dosages. And those “side effects” that may arise, for the most part, are not capable of causing serious harm to the human body: allergic reactions, insomnia, individual immunity. In addition, all of these ailments are reversible: for them to disappear, you just need to stop taking the drug or taking the supplement.

In conclusion, we will highlight contraindications for use and recommendations that all people who have purchased general tonics and adaptogens to stimulate the body’s functioning must heed:

  • Do not take if you have increased nervous excitability;
  • Avoid if you have sleep disorders or high blood pressure;
  • Do not use during myocardial infarction - acute phase;
  • Do not use in case of high temperature or infectious diseases.

In addition, as reviews and instructions say, adaptogen drugs should not be taken by children, pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding. Otherwise, far from pleasant ailments and deviations may make themselves known.

Adaptogens of synthetic and plant origin in sports

The effectiveness of many adaptogenic agents has long been proven and is beyond doubt. Thus, it is reliably known that taking ginseng and eleutherococcus extracts allows typists to make fewer mistakes when typing text. Plant adaptogens in sports were also tested: cyclists who took Eleutherococcus throughout the day were able to significantly improve their athletic performance compared to the control group.

Generally, adaptogens in sports are used quite often, but the following are recognized as the most effective and useful for the athlete: the already mentioned Eleutherococcus and ginseng, Aralia, Leuzea and Rhodiola. These adaptogenic agents have the largest evidence base (more than a hundred different studies have now been conducted confirming their effectiveness and usefulness).

It's important to say that adaptogens in bodybuilding and in general in sports can be freely used. They are not doping and athletes are not punished by the disciplinary committee for their use. That is, an athlete can safely use, for example, ginseng extract to replenish energy reserves, strengthen the immune system and increase endurance, without fear of consequences.

However, to some extent, adaptogens can still be dangerous for athletes. What is it about? It's simple: about side effects caused by incorrect use of the described drugs. To avoid negative consequences, do not use natural and synthetic adaptogens in sports and tonic drugs too often or for too long. Follow the recommended course duration and do not exceed dosages (these indicators depend on the product you choose and will be described below). Otherwise, the body will not be able to properly adapt to their action and the effectiveness will be significantly reduced. By the way, to increase efficiency, you can use several adaptogenic substances in combination.

How to take adaptogens?

To begin with, let’s say that adaptogenic agents begin to act almost immediately after use; you can feel the effect within the first few hours. Now to the point: how to take Adaptogens correctly and how to do it in sports? As has already been noted, a lot here depends on the supplement you choose, so the most popular ones and how to take them will be presented below.

Let's begin to describe what how to take adaptogens, with ginseng. Typically, in sports practice and simply for therapeutic purposes, ginseng tincture is drunk 10-15 drops two to three times a day. It is recommended to do this shortly before meals (30-40 minutes before meals) for two to three full weeks. If you have problems sleeping, then shift your intake time to lunch.

We will also tell you how to take the adaptogen Eleutherococcus: drink its extract 30-40 drops once or twice a day for a maximum of three full weeks (take shortly before meals - 30-40 minutes). The next one will be radiola extract: take 7-10 drops two to three times a day about 20 minutes before meals (course duration - 3-4 weeks).

How is the use of plant adaptogens aralia and leuzia? It's simple: it is recommended to take the first tincture a maximum of 15 drops twice a day (before lunch) for three to four weeks, the second extract - a maximum of 25 drops half an hour before meals in the first half of the day, also for three to four weeks.

The rest of the remedies are not so effective and useful in sports, so we will describe the course and intake of adaptogens Schisandra, Zamanika and some others in a little less detail, but still in all the necessary details:

  • Tincture of bait - maximum 30 drops in the first half of the day (half an hour before meals) for 3-4 full weeks;
  • Schisandra tincture - maximum 25 drops three times a day for two full weeks (in the morning half an hour before meals);
  • Take the natural adaptogen pantocrine liquid - a maximum of three times a day, 40 drops, half an hour before meals;
  • Sterculia tincture - about 30 drops maximum twice a day half an hour before meals (preferably in the first half of the day) for two to three full weeks.

In the end, I would like to add that you cannot get a powerful, healthy and beautiful body only with the help of auxiliary means. More serious drugs are also needed here, such as anabolic steroids for muscle growth. The assortment here is large, so you will probably easily find a drug in this category that is ideal for you.


The main problem of our modern world is the lack of energy, which is necessary for every person. Each of us is familiar with the state of “loss of strength.” When, as a result of great fatigue, we experience apathy and complete indifference. It’s good when this state does not last long, and having rested, we “rush into battle” with renewed vigor. And yet, how to support our body, how to help it better cope with the stresses of the modern world?

It is most advisable to use natural energy sources - adaptogens, preparations of plant and animal origin that have a tonic and stimulating effect on our body.

The effect of use is especially noticeable against the background of fatigue, and the mechanism of action of adaptogenic drugs is associated with their active influence on the metabolic processes occurring in the body.

The great advantage of natural adaptogens is the absence of negative consequences and addiction to them in humans during their long-term use and a wide range of therapeutic effects. Plant adaptogens increase the level of physical performance in healthy people, the body's resistance to various negative influences on it, relieve a general feeling of fatigue and improve well-being.

A little history: the healing properties of ginseng “Root of Life” came to us from Chinese medicine, where it has been actively used since time immemorial. Experienced Siberian hunters knew that if you had Schisandra chinensis with you, you could go without food for a whole week without losing your ability to work. Eleutherococcus and aralia, as medicinal plants, were discovered for us by residents of the Far East and Siberia.

It is very useful to additionally take adaptogens for people who lead an active lifestyle to maintain their body and spirit in excellent condition.

Adaptogens are also widely used in sports. Taking stimulant drugs by bodybuilders significantly improved the quality of training and rest, and reduced the body’s recovery time.

Synthetic adaptogens are also used in sports, but we will dwell in detail on herbal preparations that you can prepare yourself or buy at a regular pharmacy without a prescription.

The most popular adaptogens in sports are: ginseng, Eleutherococcus, aralia, Rhodiola rosea, Leuzea.

Positive effects of adaptogens in sports

  • Excellent for increasing physical performance, especially increasing strength endurance.
  • Increasing the threshold of fatigue increases exercise tolerance and recovery after volumetric physical training.
  • Promotes the accumulation of glycogen in muscles, liver, and heart.
  • Improves the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins.
  • Increases mental performance.
  • Prevention of overtraining.
  • Activation of metabolism.
  • Improves mood.
  • Increase appetite.
  • They increase the adaptability (adaptation) of the body to difficult living conditions - they create resistance to various unfavorable factors (heat, cold, thirst, hunger, infection, psycho-emotional stress, etc.) and reduce the time of adaptation to them.
  • Promote antioxidant effect.


It is known that it has a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole. Serves as an excellent way to increase tone and libido in men. Ginseng root contains special substances - glycosides. They help improve the functioning of the heart muscle. Rich in essential oils, nicotinic and folic acids, peptides, saponins, resins, manganese, zinc, phosphorus.

Increases strength, reaction, helps increase the supply of oxygen in the body and its rapid absorption.

How to use

A 3% tincture of the root should be taken 3 times a day, 20-40 drops after meals. It has been proven to be highly effective when taken in the autumn-winter period. After 4 weeks of use, you need to take a break for 14 days.


A number of studies have been conducted that have shown that people taking it during intense training experienced the following effect: illness decreased, lung capacity increased, and overall well-being improved. Athletes recovered very quickly after training, felt a surge of energy, which led to an increase in muscle strength and endurance.

Thanks to these qualities, the tincture is widely used in bodybuilding as a highly effective and harmless energy tonic.

How to use

The tincture should be taken in the morning, after breakfast and before training. Start taking 10-15 drops, if there is no individual intolerance, increase up to 40 drops, 2-3 times a day. The course lasts 25-30 days, after which take a break of 2-3 weeks.

Rhodiola rosea

An extract from Rhodiola roots has a pronounced stimulating property and significantly increases human performance. This is especially noticeable when using Rhodiola tincture when performing heavy physical work. Rhodiola normalizes metabolic processes, promotes saving energy resources and their rapid resynthesis, improves energy metabolism in muscles and brain.

How to use

7-10 drops 15-20 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day for 3-4 weeks. If you have problems falling asleep, take the tincture only in the morning.

Leuzea (maral root)

The healing properties of Leuzea were discovered by observing deer who were looking for this root during their mating season. The tincture can be bought at any pharmacy. Increases contraction force and muscle performance, improves blood supply to muscles and brain. Leuzea is used for loss of strength, mental and physical fatigue, work in extreme conditions, and insomnia. It has proven itself well as a means for accelerated recovery after hard training.

How to use

20-25 drops 30-40 minutes before meals in the morning for 4 weeks. Then take a break for 2-3 weeks.


Aralia differs from other adaptogen plants in that it has the strongest hypoglycemic effect. It is effectively used in the treatment of diabetes. In terms of biological action, aralia is close to ginseng.

How to use

20% Aralia tincture is taken 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications for taking adaptogen drugs

When purchasing each drug at a pharmacy, carefully read the instructions and read the list of contraindications. Always follow the dosage. And remember, only the correct use of adaptogenic drugs will benefit the body.

The fast pace of modern life forces a person to adapt to increasing stress. Often, unfavorable conditions of a physical, chemical or biological nature seem to test our body's strength.

Adaptogens have the ability to help a person quickly and increase resistance to external negative factors. Preparations, the list of which consists of monoingredients and combined substances (elixirs, vitamins, balms, energy tonics and others), can be of plant, animal and mineral origin. There are also synthetic adaptogens (for example, Trekrezan tablets).

Mechanisms of action

General tonic (adaptogenic) agents have a slight specific effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, normalize endocrine processes, accelerate metabolic reactions, and force the body to adapt to unfavorable factors. Practically without changing the normal functioning of all human systems and organs, general tonics and adaptogens significantly increase mental and physical performance, promote better exercise tolerance, support the stability of our immunity in conditions of heat, cold, thirst, hunger, oxygen deficiency, the threat of infections, psycho-emotional stress and other unfavorable factors.

These natural herbal remedies significantly reduce the adaptation time without causing negative consequences for humans. The neuroregulatory effect of different doses of adaptogens varies depending on their magnitude: small doses inhibit nervous processes and have a relaxing effect, medium ones tone the body and moderately increase the overall tone of the central nervous system, and high doses mobilize it to the maximum. However, even very large doses of adaptogens that cause overstimulation of the body do not lead to malfunctions and serious disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems, and overexcitation, insomnia and excessive irritability go away due to drug withdrawal. These general tonic substances are able to be quickly absorbed in the digestive tract in full, and then distributed throughout all organs and systems. Adaptogens are excreted mainly in the urine; only a small part of them can leave the body along with feces.


First of all, adaptogen drugs and treatment with them are prescribed to those patients who experience heavy physical exertion (workers and athletes), as well as people working in hazardous industries or in harsh climatic conditions. General tonics also help to maintain good spirits for any person with emotional stress, increased fatigue (chronic fatigue syndrome, apathy, seasonal mood swings) and acclimatization, with hypotension or anorexia. During times of mental or physical overload, adaptogens improve adaptability without loss of muscle or brain activity.

In what cases are adaptogens (drugs) still indicated? The list can be supplemented with the prevention of colds, restoration of health during the rehabilitation period after acute infectious diseases, as well as with hypofunction of the gonads or decreased libido.

Types of adaptogenic drugs and agents

The classification of adaptogens depends on the category of the main active substance, obtained from different sources: plant or animal life, mineral environment, or created in chemical laboratories. The characteristics of these components determine the type of effect of the drug on the human body. Adaptogens of plant origin, the most popular of which are ginseng root and lemongrass, aralia and ginger and eleutherococcus, sea buckthorn and echinacea, sterculia and leuzea, are presented to humans by Mother Nature.

They are produced by manufacturers in the form of tinctures and liquid extracts prepared from a single plant. Balms - "Vigor" and "Monomakh", elixirs - "Grail" and "Svyatogor", "Antistress" (female and male formulas), "Vitastim" (complex tincture), as well as energy tonic preparations: "Ginseng royal jelly" and “Yansheng Hubao” - refers to combined general tonics, for the production of which recipes from many components are used. Adaptogens of plant origin, which contain several natural elements, can have different effects on a particular organism. Therefore, herbalists recommend contacting specialists who select special mixtures of soothing or tonic herbs to solve the patient’s individual problems.

In the world of fauna you can also find sources of adaptogens. They serve to effectively influence biochemical processes in the human body, protein synthesis, strengthen intercellular connections, which help increase the resistance and endurance of the immune system, improve the response to infectious attacks, and also prevent the occurrence of cancer. Their list includes: pantocrine (extract from young deer horns), rantocrine, pantohematogen, and musk (secret of musk deer glands), lipocerebrin obtained from cattle brain tissue, powder from bone tissue of bears and tigers, muscles of snakes, hedgehogs, as well as extracts and powders from snails, crickets, other insects and reptiles. General tonics made from beekeeping products (breadbread and pollen, (with ginseng), comb honey with adaptogen preparations (Rhodiola rosea, ginseng or leuzea) are widely known. Today, general tonic energy products from marine and oceanic mammals - cucumaria, marine lions and other animals: scallops, mussels, sea turtles.Mumiyo is in demand among mineral adaptogen preparations, and Trekrezan tablets are in demand among synthetic ones.

Contraindications and side effects

Even completely natural remedies, such as biologically active adaptogens (drugs), have a fairly impressive list of contraindications. They should not be taken by people with increased nervous excitability and insomnia, in the acute phase of myocardial infarction and hypertension, with acute infectious diseases and high fever. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as the patient's childhood (up to 16 years) are also reasons for refusing adaptogens.

In healthy people, general tonic dietary supplements cause virtually no side effects. The drugs are not toxic even in large doses. Sometimes occurring phenomena such as insomnia or individual intolerance, allergies or increased myometrial tone disappear immediately after discontinuation of the drug.

How to take adaptogens

Drugs, the list of which most often includes general tonics and restorative tinctures, are available today without a prescription at any pharmacy. However, the dosage and advisability of their use must be agreed with the doctor. There is no need to constantly use general tonics; people usually take courses of them in the off-season (autumn and spring) to strengthen their immunity. It is better to take adaptogens in the morning or early afternoon to avoid sleep disturbances.

Ancient “grandmother’s recipes” might recommend drinking lemongrass, eleutherococcus, ginseng and Rhodiola rosea in the morning, and soothing mint, valerian, oregano or motherwort before bed. It is better to entrust the prescription of dosage, which is very important when choosing adaptogens, to a doctor. If lemongrass stimulates the central nervous system with about five to six drops, then ginseng works already with two or three.

Important to remember…

The optimal amount of general tonic drugs is calculated experimentally. If a minimum dose, for example, (6 drops) helps the patient improve performance during the day and feel a surge of strength and energy, then it is sufficient. If after taking it no effect follows, then increase it by 1 drop until the effect is achieved. The maximum possible amount is 15 drops, then it is necessary to reduce the intake of aralia tincture gradually, reducing it by 1 drop per day.

Adaptogens (drugs): list for athletes

Adaptogens are widely used in sports, they are especially popular in the field of bodybuilding. General tonic drugs are prescribed to athletes (both during competitions and for recovery after serious strength and stress loads). They make it possible to increase energy reserves necessary for intense training and better digestibility of protein.

The best adaptogens of this type are ginseng root, Rhodiola rosea, and Elutherococcus. As a result of a two to four week course, they help improve performance, effectively combat overtraining of the body, and increase the concentration of testosterone in the blood. In addition to these three drugs, the following are popular among athletes: zamanika, sterculia, aralia, leuzea and eleutherococcus. Unique drugs are alternated to achieve maximum effect.

Features of the use of general tonics for athletes

Adaptogens for strength sports are a real “multi-station”: they help make the training process more effective, increase the production of testosterone, which promotes the activation of anabolic processes in the body, accelerate metabolic processes and improve concentration, as well as build muscle mass and feel comfortable during heavy physical activity. The surge of energy and desire to work that occurs after taking adaptogens allows you to successfully solve competitive problems and show better results. However, general tonics are not doping. Taken only in the form of tablets, capsules or powder, alcohol or balms are excluded.

Herbal adaptogens occupy their own special niche in sports, since their popularity is due, firstly, to high efficiency, and secondly, to low cost. This price/quality ratio has largely influenced the popularity of these substances, both in bodybuilding and in sports in general and even far beyond its borders. The cost doesn’t worry us much, since it is known that it is not quite high, but we just have to figure out their effectiveness.

When we talk about adaptogens, we definitely mean herbal plants. The same “herbs” from which, back in ancient times, potions were brewed and tinctures were prepared. And to tell the truth, they did this for good reason. Surprisingly, it would seem that the most ordinary wild bush, growing completely independently in the steppe, in the forest or in the mountains, is capable of having such a wide range of effects on the human body that could be achieved by taking a whole range of pharmacological drugs.

ADVICE. Since this category of pharmaceutical drugs stimulates physical activity, they can be used both for weight gain and weight loss. In this regard, it would not be superfluous, first of all, to competently build a diet and familiarize yourself with the articles “” and “”. Taking any sports supplements or pharmaceutical drugs is advisable only with a complete and proper diet that meets the goal.

Herbal adaptogens are the pharmacy analogue of the so-called sports “pre-workouts”. This is the name of pre-workout complexes, which are classified as sports supplements, and the composition of which is aimed at increasing the performance, efficiency and endurance of the athlete by stimulating the nervous system, dilating blood vessels, increasing blood flow and more. Plant adaptogens are considered a kind of analogue of them because they have approximately the same effect on the body. However, it is worth talking about this in more detail on each point.

IMPORTANT. This article is based on materials from the book by the author Davidenko F. Yu. “ ANABOLISM PROFILES» .

Aralia tincture

In medicine, an aqueous tincture of Aralia (20% alcohol) from the roots of the plant is used. This product belongs to the category of adaptogens, as it has the property of stimulating the nervous system, relieving fatigue and increasing performance. The tincture also equalizes blood pressure and reduces blood sugar. The body responds to a decrease in sugar by releasing somatotropic hormone, which overall has a powerful anabolic effect and allows you to qualitatively build muscle, including through increased appetite. Aralia tincture has stimulating properties and helps enhance the formation of new cells, tissues and hormones. It is precisely for these qualities that the tincture has gained wide popularity among athletes.

Pharmacological group:

Active substance:

Pharmachologic effect: stimulation of the central nervous system, relieving fatigue, increasing performance, stabilizing blood pressure.

Objectives in sports: The tincture increases endurance, the threshold of fatigue, accelerates regeneration processes, activates metabolism, and prevents overtraining.

Compound: alcohol extract from the roots of Aralia Manchurian.

Indications: used for symptoms of weakness, fatigue, decreased muscle activity. Aralia tincture relieves symptoms of depression and prevents the development of neurosis.

Contraindications: poor sleep, hypertension, high excitability, liver disease, alcoholism, brain diseases.

Side effects: increased excitability, tachycardia, euphoria, diarrhea, allergic reactions. Long-term use may cause sleep disturbances.

Interaction: The tincture enhances the effect of stimulants (caffeine, camphor, phenamine), and is an antagonist of central nervous system depressants.

Mode of application: orally.


Release form: bottles – 50 ml.


Manufacturers: JSC Dalkhimfarm (Russia).

Shelf life: 3 years.

Storage conditions:

Summary. Plant adaptogens are currently freely used in sports, as they are not included in the list of prohibited substances. The drug has stood the test of time, and to date more than a thousand studies have been conducted that have proven its high effectiveness. The immediate effect of using the tincture occurs within the first hour after taking it. It is realized by influencing the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, immune and cardiovascular systems. In general, almost all plant adaptogens affect DNA synthesis, the functioning of the central nervous system, regulate hormone metabolism, activate metabolism, increase immunity and more. By and large, adaptogens are substances that can increase a person’s adaptive capabilities.

Ginseng tincture

In medicine, an aqueous tincture (70% alcohol) from the roots of the plant is used. This product belongs to the category of adaptogens, as it has the ability to influence the functioning of the nervous system, relieve fatigue and increase performance. Ginseng has a fairly wide spectrum of action, but its main effect is on the central nervous system. It prevents the development of inflammatory processes, has a good effect on carbohydrate metabolism, the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and gonads. Taking the tincture increases oxygen consumption, activates tissue respiration, and stabilizes low blood pressure. The active components of Ginseng are plant steroids - eleutherosides. In the sports environment, along with other plant adaptogens, this is known as a means of increasing performance.

Pharmacological group: general tonics and adaptogens.

Active substance: a complex of biologically active components - flavonoids, glycosides, polysaccharides, phytosterols, terpenoids, fatty acids and glycopeptides.

Pharmachologic effect: stimulation of the central nervous system, relieving fatigue, increasing performance, has a beneficial effect on hypertension and hypotension.

Objectives in sports: The tincture increases endurance, the threshold of fatigue, accelerates recovery processes, activates metabolism, and improves concentration.

Compound: alcohol extract from Ginseng roots.

Indications: used for increased fatigue, decreased muscle activity, self-doubt, and frequent changes in mood.

Contraindications: insomnia, hypertension, increased excitability, hypersensitivity, arterial hypertension, epilepsy, liver disease.

Side effects:

Interaction: The tincture enhances the effect of stimulants and analeptics (caffeine), and is a physiological antagonist of the hypnotic effects of barbiturates.

Mode of application: orally.

Overdose: There may be an increase in dose-dependent side effects - nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, hypoglycemia.

Release form: bottles – 50 ml.

Analogues: other plant adaptogens.

Manufacturers: OJSC "Pharmaceutical Factory of St. Petersburg" (Russia), "VIFITECH" (Russia), "Pharmstandard" (Russia), "Dalkhimfarm" (Russia).

Shelf life: 3 years.

Storage conditions: store in a cool and dark place in a well-sealed bottle, at a temperature of 8-15 degrees Celsius.

Summary. General tonics and adaptogens, which include Ginseng tincture, are used in both aerobic and anaerobic sports. The effect on the body, manifested in increased performance, allows literally everyone to improve their results, from cyclists to weightlifters. At the same time, the ability of Ginseng tincture to increase mental concentration allows even chess players to use it successfully. Due to the fact that the tincture has such a significant range of effects on the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, immune and cardiovascular systems, this category of drugs is rightfully classified as a stimulant.

Leuzea tincture

This plant contains the active substances phytoexidons - steroid compounds with pronounced anabolic properties. In medicine, an extract from its roots in a 70% alcohol solution is used. This is another representative of the adaptogen category, which also has the ability to stimulate the nervous system, relieve fatigue and increase performance. In the body of an athlete, Leuzea tincture enhances the processes of synthesis of cells, hormones, proteins and their accumulation in the muscles, heart, liver and kidneys. The use of the tincture significantly increases physical endurance, intellectual performance and concentration. Long-term use of Leuzea helps to dilate blood vessels and improve overall blood circulation.

Pharmacological group: general tonics and adaptogens.

Active substance: a complex of biologically active components - flavonoids, glycosides, polysaccharides, phytosterols, terpenoids, fatty acids and glycopeptides.

Pharmachologic effect: stimulation of the central nervous system, relieving fatigue, increasing performance, improving blood supply to muscles.

Objectives in sports: increases the strength of muscle contraction, the threshold of fatigue, accelerates tissue regeneration processes, activates metabolism and protein synthesis.

Compound: alcohol extract from Leuzea roots.

Indications: weakness, fatigue, decreased muscle activity, mental imbalance. Leuzea tincture relieves symptoms of depression and manifestations of neurosis.

Contraindications: insomnia, arterial hypertension, epilepsy, liver disease, alcoholism, brain diseases. In isolated cases - schizophrenia.

Side effects: increased excitability, tachycardia, euphoria, diarrhea. Long-term use can develop hypertension and cause sleep disturbances.

Interaction: The tincture enhances the effect of stimulants and analeptics. It is a physiological antagonist of the sedative effect of tranquilizers.

Mode of application: orally.

Overdose: There may be an increase in dose-dependent side effects - nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, hypoglycemia.

Release form: bottles – 50 ml.

Analogues: other plant adaptogens.

Manufacturers:"VIFITEH" (Russia), "Pharmstandard" (Russia), "Dalkhimfarm" (Russia), "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory" (Russia), NPP "Kamelia" (Russia).

Shelf life: 3 years.

Storage conditions: store in a cool and dark place in a well-sealed bottle, at a temperature of 8-15 degrees Celsius.

Summary. Leuzea tincture, like other herbal adaptogens, is widely used in sports, as it is not a dope. Long-term use of Leuzea reduces the incidence of illness, increases self-esteem, improves health, reduces heart rate during physical activity, increases endurance and mental performance. A single dose of Leuzea extract has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. At the same time, the dynamic reaction to physical activity is softened and the recovery time after it is reduced (less than after taking Eleutherococcus tincture, but more than after taking Ginseng tincture).

Schisandra tincture

In medicine, a tincture of Schisandra seeds in 95% alcohol is used. Because Schisandra chinensis, in comparison with other adaptogens, excites the nervous system the most. At the same time, the tincture significantly increases physical and mental performance, due to which the sum of these factors is highly popular in the sports environment. Schisandra preparations, among other things, stimulate cardiovascular activity, improve lung function, and have a choleretic effect. Most often, the tincture is used for systematic physical and mental stress, to increase performance, reduce fatigue and more.

Pharmacological group: general tonics and adaptogens.

Active substance: schisandrin. With the support of organic acids, vitamins, microelements, essential and fatty oils.

Pharmachologic effect: stimulation of the central nervous system, relieving fatigue, increasing performance, relieving muscle fatigue and pain.

Objectives in sports: increase in body weight, muscle strength, fatigue threshold. The tincture accelerates recovery, metabolism, protein synthesis, and also improves mood.

Compound: alcohol extract from Schisandra fruits.

Indications: asthenic syndrome, overwork, complex treatment of decreased sexual function due to neurasthenia, mental and physical stress.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, arterial hypertension, excitability, epilepsy, convulsions, sleep disorders, acute infectious diseases.

Side effects: allergic reactions, tachycardia, headache are possible. During the course of taking the drug, sleep may be disturbed and blood pressure may increase.

Interaction: The tincture enhances the effect of stimulants and analeptics. The drug is a physical antagonist of tranquilizers and sedatives.

Mode of application: orally.

Overdose: There may be an increase in dose-dependent side effects - nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, hypoglycemia.

Release form: bottles – 50 ml.

Analogues: other plant adaptogens.

Manufacturers: NPP "Kamelia" (Russia), "Dalkhim Pharm" (Russia), "Vifitech" (Russia), "Vladivostok Pharmaceutical Factory" (Russia).

Shelf life: 3 years.

Storage conditions: store in a cool and dark place in a well-sealed bottle, at a temperature of 8-15 degrees Celsius.

Summary. Schisandra chinensis, along with other adaptogens, is very popular and widely used in sports. The effect of Schisandra preparations on the body is rather slow, but at the same time effective in the development of overwork and general fatigue. The effects of the tincture are felt within one to two hours after administration, but the substance reaches its peak of activity during the course of administration from 2 to 10 weeks. The tonic effect during a course of treatment is manifested in the activation of protein synthesis processes, increased muscle strength, vital capacity of the lungs, hemoglobin concentration and increased blood fluidity. The drug stabilizes blood pressure, quenches thirst, improves appetite, and relieves muscle fatigue.

Rhodiola tincture

In medicine, rhizome extract is used in a 40% solution of ethyl alcohol. The pharmacological effect of this herbal adaptogen is due to the content of active components such as rhodioloside and rhodosin. They are so effective in their field of application that sometimes they are even released as a separate drug. A characteristic feature of Rhodiola rosea is its strong effect on muscle tissue. During a course of taking the tincture, muscle strength and endurance significantly increase. At the cellular level, the activity of contractile proteins – actin and myosin – increases, and mitochondria also increase in size.

Pharmacological group: general tonics and adaptogens.

Active substance: rhodiolaside (English: Rhodiolaside).

Pharmachologic effect: Long-term use of the tincture increases muscle strength, normalizes heart function and stimulates mental activity.

Objectives in sports: The tincture increases muscle strength and endurance.

Compound: alcohol extract from Rhodiola roots.

Indications: neurasthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotension, fatigue, neurosis, colds, recovery period after hospital treatment.

Contraindications: hypertensive crisis, febrile states. Rhodiola preparations should not be used for high blood pressure.

Side effects: increased excitability, tachycardia, euphoria, diarrhea, allergic reactions. Long-term use can develop hypertension and cause sleep disturbances.

Interaction: weakens the intensity of the effect of neuroleptics (Aminazine), without having a depressing effect on the central nervous system.

Mode of application: orally.

Overdose: There may be an increase in dose-dependent side effects - nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, hypoglycemia.

Release form: bottles – 30 ml.

Analogues: other plant adaptogens.

Manufacturers:"Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory" (Russia), "Vifitech" (Russia), "Dalkhimfarm" (Russia).

Shelf life: 5 years.

Storage conditions: store in a cool and dark place in a well-sealed bottle, at a temperature of 8-15 degrees Celsius.

Summary. Rhodiola tincture is widely used both for medical purposes and in sports. If there is a need to quickly increase physical performance, it is usually recommended to slightly increase the dosage of the drug. This allows you to quickly adapt to the adverse effects of the external environment (work or training in mountainous areas, in thin air conditions), and increase physical and mental performance. Taking Rhodiola rosea tincture improves twilight vision. The use of excessive dosages of tincture increases the likelihood of side effects. However, in each specific case, such an overestimation of the dosage may be fully justified by the need to complete the task.

Eleutherococcus tincture

It is considered the most effective herbal adaptogen that stimulates physical activity. In medicine, a tincture of 40% alcohol from the rhizomes of the plant is used. Even a single dose of the substance accelerates (compared to tinctures of Ginseng and Leuzea) the restoration of parameters of the cardiovascular system, increases resistance to oxygen starvation, and physical activity is performed with less effort. But it is also worth remembering that, like other adaptogens, the stimulating effect of Eleutherococcus tincture is not significant when performing a maximum power load, but manifests itself mainly against the background of previous fatigue.

Pharmacological group: general tonics and adaptogens.

Active substance: eleutherosides, coumarins, essential oil, glucose, sucrose, starch, wax.

Pharmachologic effect: the stimulating effect is manifested through a decrease in fatigue, drowsiness, and an increase in sports and mental performance.

Objectives in sports: increased performance, active restoration of parameters of the cardiovascular system, increased resistance to oxygen deficiency.

Compound: alcohol extract from the roots of Eleutherococcus.

Indications: The tincture relieves symptoms of depression and is also used for low blood pressure and impotence that has developed against the background of neurosis.

Contraindications: The drug should not be used for high blood pressure, elevated body temperature, or emotional agitation.

Side effects: increased excitability, euphoria, diarrhea, allergic reactions. Long-term use can develop hypertension and cause sleep disturbances.

Interaction: The tincture enhances the effect of stimulants and analeptics (caffeine, phenamine), and is also an antagonist of central nervous system depressants.

Mode of application: orally.

Overdose: There may be an increase in dose-dependent side effects - nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, hypoglycemia.

Release form: bottles – 50 ml.

Analogues: other plant adaptogens.

Manufacturers:"Tathimfarmpreparaty" (Russia), "Rostov Pharmaceutical Factory" (Russia), JSC "Pharmstandard" (Russia), "Dalkhimfarm" (Russia).

Shelf life: 4 years.

Storage conditions: store in a cool and dark place in a well-sealed bottle, at a temperature of 8-15 degrees Celsius.

Summary. The plant adaptogen Eleutherococcus is widely used in sports, as it is not a prohibited drug. Eleutherococcus senticosus is a relative of Ginseng and has an almost similar effect on the human body and also has a pronounced stimulating effect. Taking the tincture significantly increases physical and mental performance, and also strengthens the immune system. The stimulating effect of Eleutherococcus does not produce any noticeable stimulation. His preparations, like those of Rhodiola, improve twilight vision. Pronounced adaptogenic activity makes it possible to use Eleutherococcus preparations both for rapid adaptation to changes in climatic and geographical zones, as well as time zones, and for adaptation to adverse anthropogenic influences - rarefied air, excessive humidity, high temperature.


Adaptogens, as a means of increasing the physical performance of athletes, are quite effective. Just like other supplements and medications, herbal adaptogens, when combined with proper nutrition and certain other medications, can enhance their effect on the body. They can cause harm only if the recommended dosage is excessively exceeded, while compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations makes their use completely harmless to the athlete’s health. Be that as it may, remember that taking adaptogens, just like any other pharmaceutical drugs, must first be discussed with your personal doctor.

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