Who and how formed the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. How to choose the right sweet oranges and exactly without chemicals? Application in traditional medicine

The root family - Rutaceae.

Citrus subfamily - Aurantioideae.

Orange sweet (lat.Citrus sinensis ) is an evergreen tree with a dense, compact crown. Leaves are dark green, elliptical, pointed, with winged petioles. Flowers at orange white, strongly fragrant, bisexual. The calyx is small, leafy, of five sepals, a corolla of five petals. Numerous stamens grow together in several bundles. Pistil with a spherical, multi-celled upper ovary, a slender post and a rounded stigma. Fruit orange yellow, orange or orange-red, of various shapes, with a leathery aromatic pericarp, juicy sweet and sour pulp. There are over a hundred different varieties orange... Plant height 3-12 m.

Flowering time: sweet orange blooms almost constantly.

Spread: is bred in subtropical regions. Homeland orange - China.

Place of growth: sweet orange is cultivated in gardens and plantations.

Applicable part: fruits and fruit peels.

Collection time: November December.

Chemical composition: sweet orange fruits contain sugars, organic acids, salts, various nitrogenous and coloring substances, fiber, phytoncides and several vitamins (A-0.16-0.25mg%, B1-0.08mg%, B2-0.008mg%, C- 66mg%). There are several types of essential oils in the rind (skin) of the fruit.

Collection and procurement:collect the fruit of a sweet orange. At home, mature fruits are best stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the fruit compartment for no more than 10 days. Then they dry out, the taste deteriorates, the peel separates from the pulp worse.
In the retail chain, sweet oranges are stored in different conditions depending on the degree of ripeness: orange at a temperature of 1 ° -2 ° C and a relative humidity of 85-90%, yellow - at 3 ° -4 ° C and a relative air humidity of 85-90% , with greenery - at 5 ° -6 ° С and relative humidity of 82-85%. If sweet oranges are intended to be consumed within a week, then they are stored at room temperature.

Contraindications: fruits of sweet orange have pronounced allergenic properties, they are classified as allergens of plant origin. Therefore, oranges should be introduced into the diet of children, especially young children, with great care. It is also not recommended for adults to consume more than one glass of juice a day.

Oranges and juice from them have a pronounced sowing effect, therefore, their use should be limited during exacerbations with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, enterocolitis and pancreatitis. Suffering from these diseases, juice can be included in the diet only in a diluted form.

Peel of sweet orange should not be used for many diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, biliary tract due to the high content of essential oils in it. Essential oils and other substances in the peel have been reported to reduce the toxicity of animals.


Sweet orange was widely used in the Middle Ages to treat a variety of diseases. An alcoholic tincture of sweet orange peel was considered a good antifebrile remedy, and an aqueous decoction of the peel, especially a decoction of unripe oranges, together with the peel, served as a hemostatic agent for excessively heavy menstruation and other uterine bleeding.

Orange juice or pulp taken on an empty stomach stimulates appetite and improves bowel function. The juice quenches thirst well in case of febrile diseases, due to the presence of phytoncides it has an antiseptic effect and can be used to treat long-lasting wounds and ulcers.

Sweet oranges are successfully used for vitamin deficiencies caused by an acute lack of vitamins A, B1, C in the body. These properties of an orange were established by the practice of traditional medicine long before it was used in modern scientific medicine.

Orange sweet

Sweet orange essential oil has anti-fever and disinfectant properties. It stimulates digestion, gallbladder, kidney, bladder, and heart function.

Orange (sweet) essential oil is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, palpitations, neuroses, and a decrease in the body's immune defenses. It improves vision if it is associated with hypovitaminosis and fatigue. An aqueous or oily solution of essential oil is used to treat stomatitis, periodontal disease (eliminates inflammation and bleeding of the gums, destructive changes in tissues).

In cosmetics, it is added to creams used to care for aging skin, as well as to obtain a quick and beautiful tan.

Orange oil cleanses the skin well, brightens age spots, promotes cell renewal, and improves complexion. To do this, orange oil is added to cosmetic creams, balms, lotions, etc. Orange oil is especially effective on dry skin.

Oil increases optimism, self-confidence and charm. It restores the aura after a serious illness and emotional stress. Recommended when you need sympathy and warmth.

The use of orange oil in the aroma lamp has a positive effect on the nervous system of children. Helps to focus, improves performance and concentration.

Aromatic baths with orange oil are effective against insomnia (can be used in combination with lavender oil), with nervous excitement, as well as cellulite.

When used internally, orange oil stimulates the elimination of harmful substances from the body, normalizes the intestines and carbohydrate-fat metabolism, has a choleretic effect, prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder, cleanses the blood, and also helps to reduce weight and reduce cellulite.

Psychotherapists use orange oil for nervousness, anxiety, sadness, and lack of self-control.

It is also used for the preparation of vodka and tinctures, aromatization of confectionery and creams.


Oil burner:3-5 drops (for colds).

Bath:5 drops or mixed with other essential oils (for weight loss, cellulite, insomnia).

Massage:5 drops per 10 ml of massage oil (cellulite).

Rubbing:7-8 drops per 10 g of base (joint pain, myositis, neuralgia).

Enriching shampoos:5 drops of oil per 10 g of base (dandruff, dry hair).

Enrichment of low molecular weight creams:cream 10 g + 3 drops of orange oil (stimulates regeneration processes in the skin, cleanses, whitens, moisturizes the skin).

Internal use:1 drop per glass of tea or juice 2 times a day (lowers blood pressure, effective for insomnia, diseases of the stomach, liver and biliary tract, stimulates metabolism).

Attention! When applied to the skin, a burning sensation is possible for 2–3 minutes. This reaction is natural and should not be scary.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Benefits, medicinal properties

The benefits of oranges for the health of the body in its useful, medicinal properties for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, diseases of the liver, heart and blood vessels, metabolism. The pectins contained in oranges contribute to the digestion process, enhance the motor function of the large intestine and reduce putrefactive processes in it.

Latin name: Citrus sinensis.

English name: Orange, Sweet orange.

Synonyms: Ordinary orange, sweet orange.

Family: Root - Rutaceae.

Popular names: Chinese apple.

Parts used: fruit.

Botanical Description: orange is the fruit of the orange tree. Smaller evergreen tree than with fewer thorns (or no thorns at all). The pulp of the orange fruit is sweet, the membrane has no bitter taste.

Common orange (sweet)

Habitat: the sweet orange comes from China. It is widely cultivated in the USA (California, Florida), in the Mediterranean region (France, Spain, Italy). The oil is produced in Israel, Cyprus, Brazil and North America.

Dry orange juice is part of vitamins for children Vitazavrikamanufactured in the USA according to the international GMP quality standard for medicines.

Nutritional table for 100 grams of orange

Table 2 . The composition of 100 grams of orange pulp (without peel) includes:

Water - 86.75 g
Calorie content - 47 kcal
Proteins (proteins) - 0.94 g
Fat - 0.12 g
Starch - 0.44 gr
Carbohydrates - 11.75 g
Sugar - 9.35 gr
- 2.4 g
Ash - 0.44 g
- 225 UI
- 0.087 mg
- 0.040 mg
- 0.282 mg
- 8.4 mg
- 0.250 mg
- 0.060 mg
- 30 mcg
- 0.00 mcg
- 53.2 mg
- 0.18 mg
Carotene, alpha - 11 mcg
Carotene, beta - 71 mcg
Cryptoxanthin beta - 116 mcg
Lycopene - 0 mcg
Lutein + Zeaxanthin - 129 mcg
- 0.0 mcg
Minerals (macro- and microelements)
- 0.10 mg
- 181 mg
- 40 mg
- 10 mg
- 0.025 mg
- 0.045 mg
- 0 mg
- 0.5 mcg
- 14 mg
- 0.07 mg
Amino acids
Alanine - 0.050 gr
Arginine - 0.065 g
Aspartic acid - 0.114 g
Valine - 0.040 gr
Histidine - 0.018 g
Glycine - 0.094 g
Glutamic acid - 0.094 g
Isoleucine - 0.025 g
Leucine - 0.023 g
Lysine - 0.047 g
Methionine - 0.020 g
Proline - 0.046 g
Serine - 0.032 g
Tyrosine - 0.016 g
Threonine - 0.015 g
Tryptophan - 0.009 g
Phenylalanine - 0.031 g
Cystine - 0.010 g

Nutritional value table 100 grams, (calories in kcal, content of vitamins, carbohydrates, protein, macro- and microelements, fiber).

The benefits and medicinal properties of orange

Oranges - a wonderful dessert, they improve appetite, are useful as a general tonic. Due to the presence of a complex of vitamins and other biologically active substances in them, these citrus fruits are recommended for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, diseases of the liver, heart and blood vessels, and metabolism. The pectins contained in oranges contribute to the digestion process, enhance the motor function of the large intestine and reduce putrefactive processes in it.

Health benefits of oranges and medicinal properties

Sweet orange juice is a good antiscorbutic agent.

Sweet orange juice quenches thirst well in case of fever; due to the presence of phytoncides, the juice has an antiseptic effect and can be used for washing wounds and ulcers that do not heal for a long time. Oranges are successfully used for vitamin deficiency caused by an acute deficiency in the body of vitamins A, B, C.

  • Oranges have tonic properties, help to cope better with fatigue, and even reduce sensitivity to cold.
  • Due to the large amount of potassium, ascorbic acid and other vitamins, oranges are useful for hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, liver disease, and gout.
  • Orange juice has anti-microbial properties. These natural antibiotics are effective and are used both in medicine and in cosmetics and food industries.
  • When treating hypo- and avitaminosis and just for prevention, it is useful to use sweet oranges, which contain many vitamins.
  • The sweet and sour orange pulp, its juice - fresh or canned - stimulate appetite and improve digestion, stimulate the secretion of bile.
  • In folk medicine, oranges were used to treat infected wounds and ulcers, as oranges contain strong phytoncides that kill some pathogenic microbes.
  • If you eat a few slices of a sweet orange along with fatty foods, then it will be digested better, the cholesterol level will decrease, and this will significantly reduce the risk of blockages and heart attacks.
  • The pectin substances contained in oranges improve intestinal function, promote the elimination of harmful substances and inhibit putrefactive processes.
  • Elderly people suffering from chronic constipation are advised to eat oranges, drink juice in the morning on an empty stomach (with normal stomach acidity) or in the evening before bedtime.
  • Oranges serve as a good sedative, help to relieve palpitations, cramps, hysteria. Sour orange juice is believed to help reduce the incidence of epileptic seizures.
  • The complex of substances useful for the body, contained in oranges, accelerates the healing process and promotes the elimination of metabolic products from the body.
  • Essential orange oil helps to cope with depression, rejuvenate and improve mood.

Photo of an ordinary orange tree (sweet)
Orange - traditional medicine recipes
  1. For gastritis and liver complaints, use a mixture of equal parts of chopped orange peel, three-leaf watch leaves, etc. Brew 2 teaspoons of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes under the lid and filter. Take 200 g 3 times a day after meals.
  2. To prepare a soothing herbal tea, 1.5 teaspoons of chopped orange peel along with 1.5 teaspoons brew 1.5 cups of boiling water, close tightly, leave for 15 minutes, filter and add 1.5 teaspoons of valerian tincture and honey to taste. Drink 150-200 g 2-3 times a day.

The benefits of orange peels

Nutritional table for 100 grams of orange peels

Table 1 . 100 grams of fresh orange peels contain:

Orange peels (like the main white pulp, or core of an orange) are rich in hesperidin, a flavonoid that has been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in animal studies. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

It has been found that in overweight middle-aged men, diastolic blood pressure is significantly lower after four weeks of using hesperidin in oranges.

The polymethoxylated flavones (PMPs) in orange peel have also been shown to lower cholesterol more effectively and without side effects than prescription drugs.

"Our research has shown that polymethoxylated flavones have the strongest cholesterol-lowering effect of any other citrus flavonoid ... We believe they can potentially compete and even surpass the cholesterol-lowering effect without the risk of side effects of some prescription drugs."

Orange peels against cancer

According to research, the flavonoids in orange peel inhibit a protein (called RLIP76) that has been linked to cancer. The peels also contain another compound called limonene, which may reduce the risk of cancer.

Other research suggests that citrus peels are generally effective in preventing cancer ().

Orange peel improves lung health

Due to the high content of vitamin C, orange peels help to remove phlegm and clear the lungs. Vitamin C also boosts immunity and this helps prevent lung infections. The increased immunity also prevents illnesses such as colds and flu.

Orange peels for diabetes

Orange peels are rich in pectin, which is known to regulate blood sugar levels. It can help people with diabetes. Research has also shown how orange peel extract treatment can help prevent diabetic nephropathy (). And then we have the protein that we discussed earlier - RLIP76. Eliminating this protein from the system prevents diabetes - and that's what orange peel does.

Improving heart function

Orange peels are rich in a flavonoid called hesperidin, which lowers blood cholesterol and blood pressure (). Orange peels also have anti-inflammatory properties, and since heart disease is often caused by inflammation, they can help in this regard.

Another set of compounds in orange peel are polymethoxylated flavones, which lower cholesterol levels better than some prescription drugstore drugs.

Improving the digestive tract

The fiber in the peel of the fruit helps the gastrointestinal tract. Research also shows that citrus peels have been used since ancient times to treat digestive disorders ().

Orange peels improve vision

While there is less information on this, some sources suggest that compounds such as limonene, decanal, and citral in orange peel may help improve eye health. They have anti-inflammatory properties that fight infections and improve vision.

Anti-inflammatory properties

One study in New York showed that orange peel has excellent anti-inflammatory properties (). Like indomethacin (an anti-inflammatory drug), it suppresses inflammation.

Orange peel flavonoids penetrate cell membranes and heal inflammation.

Benefits for facial skin

Orange peel has beneficial properties for facial skin as it heals acne, removes dead cells, acne and blemishes, and brightens skin. To lighten skin or remove sunburn, you can use the recipe below.

Orange peel face mask

2 teaspoons of dry orange peel powder;
2 teaspoons of natural yogurt (can be replaced with kefir);
1 teaspoon of honey;

Recipe. Orange peel powder (grind dried peel with a blender or coffee grinder), mix with yogurt and honey.

Self-medication is dangerous! Consult with your healthcare professional before home treatment.

Orange treatment

  1. Asthenic syndrome (increased fatigue) - mix 100 g of grated with half an orange. Add seeds 10. Instead of nuts, you can take a few tablespoons of whipped cream, and instead of an orange - 2 tsp. and the same amount of honey. Take throughout the day.
  2. Atherosclerosis... Pour 1-2 teaspoons of orange peel with a glass of water, bring to a boil, leave for 10 minutes. Drink before bed.
  3. Atherosclerosis... Pour 50 g of orange peels with 1 liter of vodka, leave for 4 days, strain, add 300 g of sugar dissolved in 500 ml of boiled water at room temperature, pour into a bottle. Drink 25-30 ml of tincture after dinner with cerebral atherosclerosis.
  4. Intestinal atony... Drink orange juice with a tablespoon of honey, 50 ml, but not more than 200 ml per day, before meals.
  5. Insomnia... Pour 1-2 teaspoons of orange peel with a glass of water, bring to a boil, leave for 10 minutes. Drink before bed.
  6. Insomnia... Pour 50 g of orange peels with 1 liter of vodka, leave for 4 days, strain, add 300 g of sugar dissolved in 500 ml of boiled water, pour into a bottle. Drink 25-30 ml of tincture after dinner.
  7. Acute bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi). Take 8 tablespoons of orange peels, 50 grams of fresh buds. Grind everything, pour 1 liter of vintage red wine, leave for a week, strain. Top up to the original volume with boiled water. Drink 50 ml before meals in the morning and evening. This folk remedy acts as an antiseptic and sedative.
  8. Bronchitis... To facilitate breathing (especially in acute bronchitis), orange inhalations are made: the patient should breathe in vapors of a decoction from grated orange peel and leaves of an orange tree for 30 minutes.
  9. Low acid gastritis prepare an infusion of equal parts of sweet orange peel, watch leaves,. 1 tablespoon of raw materials is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, boiled in a water bath in a sealed container for 15 minutes, cooled at room temperature and filtered. Take the infusion 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 100 grams.
  10. Vegetovascular dystonia (vegetative neuroses). Mix 100 grams of grated apples with 1/2 orange fresh juice, add 10 peeled walnuts. Instead of nuts, you can use a few tablespoons of whipped cream. This is a one person serving for a day. Take in case of increased fatigue.
  11. Diabetes mellitus... Drink orange juice (without sugar) 50 ml during the day before meals with 1 tablespoon of spring honey.
  12. Uric acid diathesis... Drink 50 ml of orange juice, but not more than 200 ml per day, before meals with 1 tablespoon of honey. Add honey before taking.
    Contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic enterocolitis and pancreatitis, gastritis with high acidity.
  13. Constipation... Drink 50 ml of sweet orange juice, but not more than 200 ml per day, with 1 tablespoon of honey.
  14. Constipation... For constipation, a decoction of orange peel is prepared, and (1: 1: 8). Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, cool, filter. In the morning and in the evening they drink 200 g each.
  15. Exhaustion of the body... Dilute one egg yolk with lemon or orange juice, add 1 teaspoon of spring honey. Eat for breakfast.
  16. Leukemia (leukemia). The day before the start of the lymph cleansing procedures, boiled water (preferably spring water) should be poured into an appropriate dish and placed in the freezer (no raw meat should be in it). When the water freezes, take to a warm place, carefully drain the melted water to separate the sediment. This water will need 2 liters.
    1st day: prepare 900ml fresh juice, 900ml fresh orange juice, 200ml lemon juice. Mix everything and dilute with 400 ml of melt water. In the morning, do an enema cleansing, then drink 1 tablespoon of Glauber's salt, dissolved in 100 ml of boiled water. Get in a hot shower right away and sweat well. Drink 100 ml of the mixture every 30 minutes until you have drunk all 4 liters.
    2nd day: enema in the morning, and then everything is the same as on the 1st day.
    3rd day: enema and everything is the same as in the 1st and 2nd days. In 3 days of this regime, the lymph will be completely cleansed of toxins. Do it once a year.
  17. Migraine... take 100 grams of grated horseradish, 500 grams of oranges (chop with the peel), 300 grams of sugar and 1 liter of red wine, heat in a boiling water bath for 1 hour. Take 75 ml 2 hours after meals.
  18. Angina pectoris (angina pectoris). Drink 50 ml, but not more than 200 ml orange juice during the day, before meals with 1 tbsp. honey. Add honey before taking.
  19. Urolithiasis disease and some diseases of the gallbladder. It is useful to drink a mixture of juices made from sweet orange and lemon, sweetened with honey (diabetics can cheat).
  20. Lead poisoning... A decoction of orange peel is good for the effects of lead poisoning as an antidote. 2 tablespoons of the peel for 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil over low heat under a lid for 5 minutes, infuse for 20 minutes, filter and drink 1 glass warm every 5 hours. Additionally, it is recommended to drink 200 g of sour orange juice daily.
  21. Eczema... For dry eczema, apply orange peel at night.

Contraindications. Oranges are contraindicated for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice.

22.01.2016 Vladimir Zuikov Save:

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we continue to talk about citrus fruits. And the topic of our conversation today will be an orange comrade - an orange. After this article, you will always know how to choose the right delicious and juicy oranges.

Just a question. Did you know that good oranges contain more vitamin C than even the best lemons? Yes, that's the way it is. Moreover, you can eat more oranges than lemons. Polya and I this week mostly eat fruit.

And what and how many citrus fruits do you, dear friend, usually eat at a time? Write below in the comments, I'm interested in which of them you can give more information about in future articles.

I think you know that you can buy an orange in the market and in the supermarket both in winter and in summer. In winter, we have them the most delicious when it is in season in the places where they are grown.

But in the summer, I do not recommend buying acitrus fruits, they are dry and there it was not without enhanced chemistry treatment. And why do you need them in the summer when there are plenty of other fresh fruits? Therefore, I will show you how and which oranges to choose in the winter season.

How do you choose sweet oranges?

I am sure that everyone wants to buy exactly sweet oranges, and not the bitter sourness that makes you want to make a face. The most useful are citrus fruits with a sweetish flavor, not sour ones. Even the same lemons, the best are sweetish, not sour. But we will talk about lemons and their choice separately.

Why are oranges generally sour or sour-bitter? Much depends on the soil in which the orange tree grows. Also, oranges are often picked too green, and then chemically treated to give an orange color. Do you need these citrus fruits? I think no.

Remember, you only want the sweet-sour orange fruits. Sour ones are immature greens.

1. Our orange season starts from late December to mid-March. It is better not to buy earlier and later, so as not to run into chemistry.

2. Oranges most often on sale can be found from Turkey, Egypt, Spain, South Africa and Peru. The most delicious from Spain. From Turkey and Egypt, there are also cool, if not plucked green. Do not take from South Africa and Peru, they always pick them unripe and stuff them with chemistry.

3. When buying, feel each fruit. If it is soft and dull, it starts to deteriorate or dry on the inside. If the fruit is too hard, it also tastes bad. You don't need those.

4. When I buy oranges, I do the following test for each fruit. Weigh it in my hand. The fruit should be heavy. If it is light, it means dry inside.

5. When buying, smell the fruit. A good ripe orange always smells good. Of course, when I buy on the street or in the pavilion in winter, they are usually cold and therefore do not smell. After lying at my house, they begin to smell good.

6. The normal peel color of an orange can be orange-yellow or bright orange. The peel should be more or less smooth, without excessive tuberosity. Here's something like this:

Too orange, bumpy peel or with yellow spots indicates that the fruit was picked green and treated with chemistry to give the fruit a beautiful color. It is also best to avoid oranges when there is a small label on each fruit. What do you think it says about?

7. Sweet oranges can be either thick-peeled or thin-peeled. If the orange has a thick skin, this is an additional protection against chemical processing on the outside. But if the crust is too thick and all lumpy, this is a bad fruit, do not take it.

By the way, it is more difficult to clean the slender ones than the thick ones. I chew oranges as well as pomelo. Very fast and convenient. You can see how this is done.

8. The most delicious oranges are with a navel. That is, at the site of the ovary of the flower (the reverse side of the green stalk), there should be a thickening and a small protruding tubercle.

And when you peel the fruit, there is this notch inside. Here I cut one orange to show her:

9. There is a misconception that the larger the orange, the better. This is far from the case.

  • Firstly, a large fruit contains more water, less nutrients and does not have the best taste.
  • Secondly, such a fruit is more likely to be grown using chemistry.

In general, overgrown ones do not need to be bought. I take medium and small fruits. Little oranges, by the way, are sweet like honey. Of course, try it personally, because there are different varieties.

10. If you come across sour oranges, know that they are picked green. You should not wait until they are ripe, for example, as can be done with bananas. If they are sour, they will stay that way. Do not eat them, give them to someone who prepares cooked food, let them bake for themselves.

It can be difficult to pick tasty fruits at first. But by experimenting, you will quickly get your hands on it. Buy a few different oranges and have them taste tested. Fine! Now you know how to choose oranges?

How to store oranges?

I don't store oranges for a long time. I buy 5 kg, no more. Because an orange is a juicy fruit, you can't eat much of it in winter. In any case, I can always go to the market and buy more. So, I keep oranges for no more than a week separately from other fruits at room temperature. It is better not to store in the refrigerator, so as not to eat cold fruits later.

Make sure the fruit doesn't start to rot. If soft spots appear, the orange will soon start to rot. Therefore, you should not buy a lot, and then bother. Better to go to the market once again and choose fresh and tasty ones. What do you think?

By the way, good oranges, unlike tangerines, can sometimes be bought even in supermarkets. They are brought to us from the same countries. The main thing is to look at the factors that I listed above when buying and not to take chemistry.

Some news

1. Guys, I have a little news for you. Now I am actively working on updating compatibility tables ... So, I want to say that the tables will not work ... Because already a whole guide to compatible nutrition on a raw food diet is obtained! How do you like this option?

I want to cover in as much detail as possible not only the compatibility of raw products, but also very important topics that are directly related to compatibility. This information has not yet been on the blog, and in general, rarely anyone talks about it even in passing, and this is incredibly important for the formation correct microflora on a raw food diet.

In the manual, I described everything in detail, but without water, specifically and to the point. I just have to issue it. I'll find a couple of hours on the weekend. This tutorial is just a bomb! Wait, it will be soon!

2. We had snow almost waist-deep yesterday. There have been no such snowy winters for a long time. The frost also hit. But fun, real winter!

What about you? How is the weather, friends? Write in the comments how you are doing: how much snow fell and what is the temperature on the thermometer. Do you remember such snowy winters when they were in your memory?

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