Reasons why you are constantly thirsty. Constant thirst: reasons and recommendations of a therapist Why you constantly want to drink cold water

The manifestation of thirst (polydipsia) is quite normal and understandable after sports training, hot weather, after eating salty, spicy food. Thirst appears when the body's fluid supply decreases. But, it happens that a person wants to drink constantly, regardless of how much liquid he has already drunk.

Constant thirst, the reasons for its appearance are varied. We will talk about these reasons today on the pages of our website

The amount of fluid in the body decreases due to increased sweating, vomiting, diarrhea. The body quickly loses moisture due to increased body temperature, while on a diet, as well as from prolonged exposure to the sun. Especially diuretics and steroids contribute to fluid loss.

When the amount of fluid decreases, the body draws moisture from saliva. Therefore, the mucous membrane of the mouth becomes dry. Also, facial features sharpen, the skin becomes flabby, folds form on it. It is urgently necessary to replenish the body's water supply, otherwise headaches, weakness, fatigue, a feeling of decreased overall tone and performance will appear.

What reasons cause constant thirst?

Diabetes: People with this disease drink a lot of water, but they still want to drink all the time. If a strong thirst occurs with the use of insulin, sugar-reducing drugs, an exacerbation of the disease is expected. In these cases, you should be tested for high sugar, and then immediately start taking drugs that lower glucose levels.

Brain Injury: After head injuries, neurosurgery, there is also intense thirst. It begins acutely, a person can drink 10 or even 20 liters of water per day. Diabetes insipidus begins to develop, there is a deficiency of hormones that limit urination.

Excess hormones: In this case, the function of the parathyroid glands increases, which is accompanied by intense thirst. In this case, pain appears in the bones, fatigue, rapid weakness, and a sharp decrease in weight occur. The urine becomes whitish due to calcium leaching from the bones. If you have these symptoms, you should seek the advice of an endocrinologist.

Kidney disease: Diseased kidneys lose their ability to effectively retain water, resulting in an increased desire to drink. Diseases such as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, polycystic kidney disease cause an increased body need for fluid. Also, these ailments are characterized by the presence of edema. Renal failure is a serious complication - a dangerous condition for human life. To avoid this, you need to urgently contact a specialist nephrologist.

Taking some medicines: Thirst can be provoked by taking clonidine, which is used to lower blood pressure, taking tetracycline antibiotics, phenothiazine, and lithium. Also, self-administration of diuretics, such as hypothiazide, furosemide, can also cause a constant desire to drink water.

Also, many people with an unbalanced psyche are constantly suffering from a lack of fluid. Basically, women who are prone to whims, irritable, conflictual suffer from this. Drug addicts suffer from constant thirst. Therefore, if your teenager puts a cup of water near the bed at night, pay attention to this.

Here are some more reasons for constant thirst:

Excessive consumption of strong coffee, alcohol, salty food causes the desire to drink. Some internal infections, burns, cirrhosis, hepatitis, dehydration, various bleeding, and mental disorders also contribute to this.

How to get rid of constant thirst?

Try to drink before you feel the urge to drink water. To prevent thirst from making itself felt, drink half a cup of clean water every hour. Increase the amount of fluid you drink if you are in a dry, warm room for a long time. It is recommended that you drink eight glasses of liquid throughout the day.

Watch your urination. To rid your body of dehydration, you should drink enough liquid so that the urine will not be dark or too light in color. Indicator of sufficient fluid content - urine of normal, moderate yellow color.

Drink clean water during physical work, sports training. During hard work, a person loses from 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid and only after that he feels thirsty. Therefore, to stay hydrated, drink half a glass of water 15 minutes before starting work or playing sports. Then drink water every 15 minutes. during and 15 minutes after finishing work or training.

If the thirst is constant, you drink a large volume of fluids per day, but you still want to drink, you need to take a blood test for high sugar. Since diabetes can be the cause of constant thirst, you need to undergo a medical examination, and, if necessary, adhere to a special treatment program, follow a diet.

So we talked about why there is a constant thirst, the reasons for how to get rid of them told. When the above symptoms appear, you should immediately seek advice from an endocrinologist or a therapist. If you feel thirsty after a head injury, then you need to go to an appointment with a neurologist or traumatologist. Having established the cause of constant thirst, it is easier to get rid of this obsessive state. Be healthy!

The most common causes of excessive thirst are: excessive sweating during heat, during physical activity, bronchitis, dehydration with diarrhea, and fever. Constant thirst occurs with water-electrolyte imbalance. In the body, salts and liquid interact clearly. The main ions that can determine the blood plasma salt level are potassium and sodium. As for the negatively charged ions - the anions that determine the salt composition of the tissue fluid, these include chlorides. The water-salt balance in the body ensures the vital activity of cells and determines the osmotic pressure in the tissues. If the water-electrolyte balance in the tissues is disturbed, constant thirst appears. What can provoke such manifestations and the occurrence of dry mouth and the desire to drink?

Groups of causes of constant thirst and dry mouth

There are 5 reasons for the violation of the water-salt balance in the body and, accordingly, constant thirst:

  1. The process of removing fluid from the body increases.
  2. The amount of fluid entering the body decreases.
  3. The amount of salts in the body increases.
  4. The process of removing salt from the body is reduced.
  5. Thirst increases with brain diseases.

Reason # 1 - The process of removing fluid from the body increases

There are several ways through which fluid is removed from the body:

  • kidneys;
  • leather;
  • intestines;
  • airways.

Removal of fluid through the kidneys

Frequent urination occurs while taking diuretics or other drugs that can enhance the excretion of water from the body. Herbal remedies and weight loss products have a quick diuretic effect.

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Drinks that are high in ethanol (beer) can also increase urine production and cause subsequent thirst.

Unquenchable thirst against the background of excessive secretion of light urine (more than one liter per day) can become a symptom of diabetes insipidus. This disease causes renal water incontinence and rapid circulation. It is necessary to solve such a problem after consulting an endocrinologist.

In addition, excessive urination is inherent in the following diseases: chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis (acute and chronic), kidney wrinkling (primary or secondary). These ailments increase urination, the body dehydrates faster and there is a strong thirst. It is necessary to treat such conditions together with a urologist and a therapist.

During osmotic diuresis, together with salts or glucose, fluid is “washed out” from the body. For example, with the loss of glucose, there is also intense thirst, that is, during the development of diabetes. As a clue that high urine output and thirst are the causes of diabetes, itchy skin may be present.

Loss of fluid through the skin

If persistent thirst is due to excessive sweating and has no additional symptoms, excessive exercise or fever is the cause of the dry mouth. These are harmless causes in which thirst is eliminated with a one-time fluid replacement.

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If excessive sweating and severe thirst are accompanied by increasing pathological symptoms and worsening of the condition, you should immediately go for examinations. Such signs may indicate the development of thyrotoxicosis, pathological menopause, a number of endocrine diseases, Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Removal of water through the intestines

In a situation where there is severe vomiting and frequent loose stools, a feeling of thirst will be present due to dehydration of the tissues. This can be a sign of diarrhea, as a less dangerous disease, or a bowel tumor, as a more serious ailment.

Loss of water through the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract

Dry mouth and thirst appear during mouth breathing: during rhinitis, enlargement of the adenoids, chronic snoring. If the mouth breathing is rapid, the mouth dries up even more and you always want to drink. Breathing quickens with bronchitis or pneumonia, heart failure, or fever. Also, respiratory failure can develop against the background of cerebral oxygen starvation.

Reason 2. - The amount of fluid intake in the body decreases

With a lack of fluid, a person will feel dry mouth and thirst. This is a natural process if you drink very little water per day. The level of fluid in the body depends on gender, age, weight. Even the field of activity partially determines how much water a person needs to drink. On average, the body needs 1.5-2 liters of water per day, and with intense training, in hot weather or hard physical labor, you need to drink more than 2 liters.

Reason 3. - The amount of salt in the body increases

If you eat a lot of salty or smoked food, salts in the body will begin to accumulate and be absorbed into the blood. As a result, osmotic pressure in the tissues will begin to increase and the body will need to turn on protection - thirst in order to quickly remove toxins and restore the balance between salts and water.

Reason 4. - The process of excretion of salt from the body decreases

The retention of salts in the tissues occurs in chronic renal failure. Therefore, it is extremely important to establish the cause of the salt retention in order to prevent the critical development of the disease.


Reason 5. - Impaired brain activity

The so-called "thirst center", under the control of which the desire to drink arises or dulls, is located in the hypothalamus. During brain problems, these functions are disrupted, thirst arises as a result of mental disorders, brain injuries, brain tumors.

  • Monitor the amount of fluid you consume throughout the day.
  • Avoid drugs that provoke thirst, food and drinks that are constantly thirsty.
  • Consult a physician, endocrinologist or urologist for advice.
  • Take basic tests to clarify the situation: a general analysis of urine and blood, a biochemical blood test, an X-ray of the lungs and an ECG.
  • Further clarification of the causes of constant thirst follows after receiving the results of the basic tests.

Thirst can be a simple signal from the body that there is not enough water and needs to be replenished. But, strong and constant thirst can also serve as the first "bell" of serious electrolyte imbalance and the development of disease. It is better to consult with a specialist and find out the true causes of thirst.

The problem of thirst in a person's life

Why do people drink:

  1. To maintain water-salt balance
  2. To ensure thermoregulation
  3. To improve well-being
  4. To ensure a normal metabolism
  5. To thin the blood
  6. For joint lubrication
  7. For energy
  8. To improve digestion

According to research, the average daily intake of fluids for a person is about two liters. But some drinkers manage to drink a lot more. Some do not even experience the discomfort of frequent toilet visits or a full stomach. Why are you constantly thirsty? Where does the desire to saturate the body with life-giving moisture come from?

Reasons for the frequent desire to get drunk:

False drinks.

It has been proven that any liquid other than water cannot truly quench your thirst. After all, only H2O is a drink for the body, and everything else is food. Moreover, some drinks, especially sweet or alcoholic ones, cause dehydration. Everyone knows what dry wood is in the morning after drinking alcohol in the evening. Also cause thirst for lemonade and cola due to increased blood sugar.

Wrong drinking process.

If you quickly drink a lot (1-3 liters) of water or other liquid in large sips, then the stomach will fill up immediately, and the thirst will not recede. Because the brain will process the signal to receive moisture only for 10 minutes. It is not surprising that during this time you will want to drink more and more, especially if there was no opportunity to drink right away.

With renal and heart failure, diabetes, liver disease, there is constant thirst. This is due to a violation of the functions of vital organs, while the body's water balance is disturbed, because too much fluid is excreted uncontrollably.

Trauma or pathology of the brain.

The center responsible for the feeling of thirst is in the brain, if it is damaged due to trauma or affected by a tumor, then it sends distorted signals.


If a person is in conditions of dry and warm air, he will be thirsty all the time, because the consumption of fluid in the body will increase due to drying out of the mucous membranes and increased sweating.

Improper nutrition.

It is known that after eating salty, sweet, smoked, spicy and floury foods, you are drawn to water. It is quite logical that if you eat such foods all the time, the thirst will not disappear, because the body will need water to assimilate the "heavy" food and remove the harmful substances contained in it.

Work specifics.

People who, by virtue of their profession, have to talk a lot (teachers, politicians, presenters, etc.) often feel thirsty due to the dryness of the oral mucosa. Who works in dry, warm rooms, especially physically. After all, the amount of fluid excreted by the body increases to maintain normal body temperature.

Smoking, alcohol, drugs.

Heavy smokers and drug addicts often suffer from thirst. This is due to the fact that the body is trying to remove toxic substances that poison the blood and all organs. If you consume alcohol in large doses in the evening, then the next morning the body will suffer from dehydration, which is confirmed by the so-called dry forest. Also, thirst is one of the main signs of a drug user.

Taking medicines.

Some drugs have a side effect of dry mouth, which makes you thirsty. These include diuretics, antibiotics, expectorants, sedatives.

Frequent stress or anxiety.

It has been proven that when a person is worried or worried, he feels dry mouth, this can be regarded as thirst. The reason lies in an increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and often excessive sweating, caused by stress.

Why you can't drink a lot

Frequent thirst leads to the fact that you have to drink a lot in order to satisfy the body's desire. But excessive fluid intake adversely affects a person. Even fatal cases of "intoxication" with water have been recorded in history. What kind of troubles can await vodokhlebi?

  1. The body's salt balance is disturbed
  2. The kidneys and heart are overloaded
  3. The stomach is stretched

How to deal with desire

To begin with, you need to learn how to drink plain clean water. Not even mineral, and, moreover, not carbonated. Scientists claim that tea, soda and other drinks do not quench thirst. On the contrary, they dehydrate the body, because simple water is required for their assimilation.

Next, you need to establish the correct drinking process. It consists in drinking water slowly, taking small sips. After all, it has long been proven that the feeling of thirst disappears about 10 minutes after drinking the liquid.

It is recommended to drink the daily water intake regularly in equal portions, without waiting for the appearance of thirst. But it should be borne in mind that under certain conditions (playing sports, an increase in body temperature, strong sweating), the amount of H2O must be increased.

It is also advised to make it a habit of drinking clean water in the morning immediately after sleep and before each meal, about 10-15 minutes. Drinking in the morning will help the body wake up faster.

A glass of water before a meal will help determine if the body really needs food or if hunger is simply intertwined with thirst. If you do not want to eat 10 minutes after drinking water, then there was a signal about the need for water. If the feeling of hunger has not passed, then it's time to eat.

For abnormal thirst, it is best to see a doctor. Determining the cause of regular thirst will help to understand the problem and avoid deteriorating health. In such a situation, it is better to take tests, the first of which is a blood sugar test. Perhaps, MRI of the brain, ultrasound of the kidneys, liver will be recommended.

It is interesting:

The so-called drinks are not actually drinking, but food. This is explained by the fact that for the assimilation of any substance, except for water, the body must spend a certain amount of energy. Therefore, earlier used expressions such as "have tea".

Lack of salt in the body is just as dangerous as excess. If a person restricts salt intake, drinks a lot of water, then a disease such as hyponatremia may well develop.

It is believed that if you drink more than three liters of water in an hour, you can die from brain, lung edema or a decrease in the level of potassium in the body.

Thirst occurs when the body is already 2% dehydrated. With a loss of 10% of the fluid, a person begins to dizziness, speech impairment, coordination of movement, and at 20-25% - death.

For long distance runners, a special drinking regimen has been developed to quench their thirst and not harm the body with an excess of fluid.

Frequent thirst can have many causes. In any case, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, regular and balanced diet, drink 1-2 liters of water per day. Mineral water is best used only for treatment as directed by a doctor. Then the body will work like a clock, and the drinking regimen will enter into its norm, the thirst will cease to disturb.

What is thirst

Thirst is one of the main human biological motivations that provides the body with a normal existence. This sensation helps maintain a balance between the concentration of water in the body and salts.

Severe dryness of the oral mucosa is due to a decrease in salivary secretion, which occurs due to a lack of fluid.

In addition to true (normal) thirst, a person may encounter false thirst. It happens due to prolonged active conversation, smoking, eating too dry food. It is easy to quench it - you just need to moisten the oral cavity. Whereas true thirst, moisturizing the mouth only softens, but does not eliminate.

How to get rid of common thirst

To avoid the onset of thirst, you must regularly replenish your fluid reserves. But you need to know its own norm. It is calculated according to a simple formula: daily, an adult should consume about 30-40 g of liquid for every 1 kg of body weight. But, making such calculations, a number of factors should be taken into account (they increase the body's need for water):

  • stressful situations;
  • active lifestyle;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • high ambient temperature;
  • colds, infectious diseases occurring with fever, vomiting and diarrhea.

Doctors say that, on average, a person should consume at least 1.2-1.5 liters of liquid per day. By the way, this includes not only drinking water, but also the liquid that is in the food.

Signs of abnormal thirst

When a person experiences a constant, insatiable thirst and wants to drink all the time, this turns into a pathology. Moreover, a person feels a desire to drink water even after drinking a significant amount of liquid.

The pathological thirst in the medical environment is called "polydipsia".

Unfortunately, most of the citizens completely ignore such alarm bells. But we must remember that some dangerous ailments begin with just such simple symptoms. Unquenchable thirst is a signal from the body that deviations begin in its work.

To understand that thirst has become abnormal, remember how much water you drink at a time. If this amount is not customary for a particular person, this is a reason to think. Moreover, one should pay attention to a change in the water diet that lasts for a long time, when there are no additional culprits for an increase in the daily water intake.

Thirst as a consequence of illness

Sometimes, looking for an answer to the question of why you want to drink a lot of water, you should look for the reasons in your own health. Sometimes a long and unquenchable thirst becomes evidence of the onset of a certain disease. This first symptom of the disease cannot be ignored.


Often, abnormal thirst indicates the appearance of such a dangerous pathology. Therefore, if an increased urge to drink is observed for a long time, and especially if there is a predisposition, you should immediately visit a doctor and pass the necessary tests.

By the way, diabetes mellitus is an insidious disease. Many of the patients for a long time do not even suspect that they have such an ailment and do not receive the necessary treatment. Sometimes it happens that the diagnosis is made only after a sharp deterioration in health, when the patient is taken to the hospital in an ambulance.

With timely diagnosis and competent treatment, a person can avoid dire consequences. And the result of neglected diabetes mellitus is quite difficult things:

  • complete blindness;
  • death;
  • gangrene and amputation of the legs.

Renal failure

An increased desire to drink water can also indicate that a person has kidney problems. When you often feel thirsty, it means that the kidneys are no longer able to cope with their work and are unable to retain water in the body. In the presence of such a problem, a violation of the water-salt balance is observed, which becomes the cause of dehydration.

Doctors define renal failure as a pathology that accompanies various diseases. Depending on the intensity of changes, there are chronic and acute renal failure.

According to statistics, acute renal failure is diagnosed annually in 100 out of 500,000 people.

Doctors attribute the following factors to the culprits of kidney failure:

  • diabetes;
  • organ injury;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • severe viral infections;
  • illiterate use of medicines.

Liver disease

Sometimes, the reasons why the mouth is dry and thirsty is a variety of liver problems. Alcohol abuse is one of the common culprits of such problems. According to WHO experts, at the moment about 200 million people in the world suffer from various liver diseases. Liver disease is one of the ten most common causes of death.

The work and condition of this organ should be checked if, along with insatiable thirst, a person also experiences the following symptoms:

  • persistent nausea;
  • severe dizziness;
  • pain in the hypochondrium.

Night thirst

The insatiable urge to drink that appears at night is a fairly common phenomenon. The reasons are both unpleasant factors (diseases and disorders) and completely harmless situations.

Thirst at night as a sign of illness

Some personalities do not react to the strangeness that appears and ignore this symptom, which is unacceptable. Indeed, in most cases, night thirst indicates the presence of ailments. Such as:

  • diabetes;
  • aldosteronism (neoplasms in the adrenal glands);
  • hyperparathyroidism (lack of calcium), this condition is accompanied by frequent urination;
  • dehydration (a phenomenon observed in infectious pathologies), accompanied by increased dryness of the mouth and tongue;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system, thirst appears as a result of difficulty in supplying oxygen and blood to internal organs;
  • cholera algid (with such a pathology, complete dehydration is observed), additional symptoms include profuse, prolonged diarrhea and vomiting;
  • kidney stones, formations in the organs make it difficult to separate urine, which gives rise to a strong thirst due to a violation of water-salt metabolism, in the presence of stones, the patient feels painful urination.

Other causes of night thirst

Often the night cravings to constantly drink water is the result of banal overeating. Also, this syndrome can be triggered by high consumption of alcohol, tea and coffee on the eve..

Ethyl alcohol actively promotes the washing out of the liquid, along with it, useful trace elements leave the body. This provokes the development of intense thirst.

Some medications are also involved in the appearance of an unpleasant symptom. Diuretics are especially helpful for dehydration. Also, the following situations are attributed to the reasons for night thirst:

  • nasal congestion;
  • viral disease;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • oncological processes;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • inflammation of the organ urinary system;
  • carrying out radiation therapy in the neck and head.

How to avoid night thirst

How to get back to normal and healthy sleep? First of all, you should visit a doctor, carry out a complete diagnosis of your own body and take care of your own health. And what to drink so that you don't feel like drinking at night? There are some things you can do to avoid the nightmare:

  1. Before going to bed, consume a glass of kefir (preferably low-fat).
  2. Pure water with lemon juice is an excellent way to quench thirst.
  3. You can drink green tea the day before. But it should not be consumed before going to bed, as this product can provoke insomnia.

Morning thirst

Dry mouth and increased urge to drink water in the morning are as common and frequent as nighttime thirst. Most often, this symptom indicates that a person has some kind of disease (just as in the case of night thirst). But there are a number of other reasons that are not hazardous to health. They are as follows:

  1. Intense loads. Hard physical work on the night shift and active sports in the evening lead to dehydration.
  2. Illiterate food. One of the most common reasons for this syndrome. It arises through the fault of a person's increased love for fatty, heavy and salty foods.
  3. Taking medications. Some of the medicines have increased diuretic properties. As a result, large reserves of moisture leave the body. And the body requires its replenishment, especially in the morning, when a person does not drink for a long time of sleep.

You can overcome the morning desire to constantly drink water by adjusting the diet. It is necessary to adjust the water-salt balance by adjusting the daily ration of fluid intake. This is especially necessary if the person is being treated with diuretics.

Let's summarize

Having carefully read everything that has been said, there are seven main culprits that provoke increased thirst in a person. There is no reason for panic if you feel thirsty in the heat, after strenuous physical activity or after consuming salty foods. But the situation changes when thirst arises completely unreasonably.

So, the following reasons become the most frequent culprits of an increased desire to drink water:

  1. Dehydration. The culprit of the syndrome is an illiterate diet, excessive exercise, heat, excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee and tea. The reasons also become health problems, diseases that pass against the background of a high temperature, indigestion. To defeat the attack, you should drink daily the prescribed norm of drinking pure water.
  2. Diabetes. In the presence of such a pathology, the body needs an increased amount of drinking, and you always want to drink. The main reason is the rise in blood sugar levels. Well, getting rid of indomitable thirst is possible only with adequate and constant treatment of the underlying disease.
  3. Problems in the work of the parathyroid gland. This organ is responsible for the presence of calcium in the body. In case of failures in his work, a person is faced with the problem of constant thirst. In this case, you should seek help from an endocrinologist.
  4. Long-term medication. Many medications, especially with a long course of therapy, cause a number of side effects, including increased thirst. These drugs include diuretics, antibiotics, antihistamines, and expectorants. In this case, consulting a physician and adjusting the course of medication will help.
  5. Kidney disease. The main task of this paired organ is to regulate the water-salt balance. Problems and irregularities in their normal operation lead to this problem. Plus, in this case, a person has pain and difficulty in urinating.
  6. Liver pathology. One of the striking symptoms of the development of a disease of this organ is increased thirst.
  7. The consequences of injury. An increased and persistent urge to drink often manifests itself with a head injury. When brain edema develops as a result of severe damage.

It is almost impossible to cope with any of the above problems on your own. In the case when you have to deal with such a symptom as an increased desire to drink, you need to contact a medical specialist and undergo a complete examination of your body.

A strong feeling of thirst can be completely normal after intense physical activity, on a hot afternoon, and even after eating something salty or spicy. But thirst, which appears for no reason and which is almost impossible to quench, is a serious signal sent by the body. But what should a person who wants to drink constantly - no matter how much he has already drunk - do? How alarming is this? What diseases is indicated by constant thirst, let's talk further.

The syndrome of constant thirst is called polydipsia by doctors. This is a pathological phenomenon that indicates a clear lack of fluid in the body. Loss of fluid can be associated both with the above phenomena, and after a malfunction of the body (vomiting, increased sweating, diarrhea).

Those diseases, which are evidenced by constant thirst, can be quite serious, so this alarming "call" cannot be ignored. Most often, thirst is provoked by liver or kidney disease, infectious diseases, increased blood sugar, improper water metabolism, and burns. In addition, doctors also add what diseases it is worth thinking about when a constant desire to drink appears. These are mental illnesses, nervous disorders, schizophrenia, obsessive and depressive states, a feeling of thirst often occurs after head injuries, possibly resulting in a concussion.

Natural causes of thirst

Evaporation of water with sweat. The body produces sweat when exercising or when the ambient temperature rises. If you are sweating and now thirsty, then this is normal. Don't worry - this is a normal reaction. Excessive sweating should be feared. Sweating levels vary from person to person. Sweating should be considered excessive if you observe a sharp increase in sweating compared to your normal level. Such a change can be a symptom of a number of diseases of the lungs, kidneys, heart, nervous system, immune system, and inflammatory processes. Inflammatory processes can be identified by elevated body temperature. Diagnosis of other factors will require medical attention and tests, laboratory tests.

High body temperature can cause thirst. Take your temperature and see your doctor if it's hot.

Very dry air. If the air around is very dry, then the body loses moisture and a strong desire to drink arises. Air conditioners are especially dry. If, with the normalization of humidity, thirst passes, then the reason is not in your health, but in dry air. Drink plenty of water. Get some plants. Plants evaporate a lot of water, raise humidity.

Soft water. If you drink water that is insufficient in mineral salts, you may experience constant thirst. Mineral salts promote water absorption and retention in the body. Try drinking bottled water with a normalized mineral content, or, if this is not contraindicated for you, then sodium chloride mineral water with a low salt content. If it does not help, then the reason is not in the water, but in something else.

Hard water, excess salt in the diet. An excess of mineral salts can also cause thirst, since salts, if they are in excess, attract water and interfere with its normal absorption by cells. The kidneys remove excess salts with water.

Diuretic food. Some foods are diuretic. For example, coffee. I can't drink coffee at all. After him I die of thirst. Diuretic products help remove water from the body. You become dehydrated and thirsty. Try to give up such food for a while. If the thirst has disappeared, then everything is fine with health, such thirst is safe, you can return to normal food consumption, drink water for health.

Spicy or salty foods. Spicy or salty foods simply irritate the mouth and throat. The thirst arises reflexively. Refuse such food for a while. If the thirst has passed, then there is no point in further worrying. You can return to your normal diet. Drinking spicy and salty foods with plenty of water is completely normal.

Causes of pathological thirst

Some of the most common causes of pathological thirst (polydipsia) are:

  • Lack of water and salt in the body (for example, as a result of sweating, diarrhea, vomiting).
  • Taking some medicines.
  • Excessive use of alcohol, caffeine and salt.

Possible diseases

Thirst can be a sign of a more serious medical condition and is caused by:

  • Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar);
  • Diabetes;
  • Diabetes insipidus (violation of water metabolism);
  • Kidney problems (eg, Fanconi syndrome);
  • Dehydration;
  • Liver disease (hepatitis or cirrhosis);
  • Bleeding (for example, in the intestines);
  • Burns or infection;
  • Head injury;
  • Mental disorders (schizophrenia, obsessive compulsions that cause thirst).


Certain medications can make you thirsty.

  • Diuretics. Used in the treatment of hypertension, diabetes and heart failure. Also prescribed for edema and diabetes insipidus. They lead to frequent urination and dehydration.
  • Antibiotics of the tetracycline series. Used to treat bacterial infections. They remove sodium from the body.
  • Lithium. Used to treat bipolar disorder and other psychiatric disorders.
  • Phenothiazine. Used to treat schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders.

How to get rid of constant thirst?

Try to drink before you feel the urge to drink water. To prevent thirst from making itself felt, drink half a cup of clean water every hour. Increase the amount of fluid you drink if you are in a dry, warm room for a long time. It is recommended that you drink eight glasses of liquid throughout the day.

Watch your urination. To rid your body of dehydration, you should drink enough liquid so that the urine will not be dark or too light in color. Indicator of sufficient fluid content - urine of normal, moderate yellow color.

Drink clean water during physical work, sports training. During hard work, a person loses from 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid and only after that he feels thirsty. Therefore, to stay hydrated, drink half a glass of water 15 minutes before starting work or playing sports. Then drink water every 15 minutes. during and 15 minutes after finishing work or training.

If the thirst is constant, you drink a large volume of fluids per day, but you still want to drink, you need to take a blood test for high sugar. Since diabetes can be the cause of constant thirst, you need to undergo a medical examination, and, if necessary, adhere to a special treatment program, follow a diet.

So we talked about why there is a constant thirst, the reasons for how to get rid of them told. When the above symptoms appear, you should immediately seek advice from an endocrinologist or a therapist. If you feel thirsty after a head injury, then you need to go to an appointment with a neurologist or traumatologist. Having established the cause of constant thirst, it is easier to get rid of this obsessive state. Be healthy!

On average, a person should drink a classic one and a half to two liters of liquid per day. Obsessive thirst, when you constantly want to drink, is just the situation that cannot be ignored, these can be dangerous symptoms of a serious illness. Even if the weather is hot, the need for water increases, which is quite natural, because we sweat, and the body needs to restore its reserves.

Of course, there is nothing surprising if thirst gets a person after eating something - not be salty. The body must maintain a balance of potassium and sodium, with the "help" of salt, the sodium content in the blood increases. When we drink, balance is restored and the increased "desire to drink" disappears after a while. If the thirst is strong or if you want to drink and want to drink all the time, then the body is not all right.

Guilty toxins

If there is intense thirst, then this may be a sure sign of intoxication. A classic example in this sense is the no less classic hangover. After "brute force" and absorption of alcohol into the blood, the body is poisoned by the products of its decay, and in order to get rid of them, the body already needs more water, because together with it the toxins will be naturally removed from it.

And if you don't drink alcohol, but you want to drink constantly, then you should think about whether there is an infection in the body or, even worse, a virus. The process of their life is also accompanied by the release of toxins. The presence of tumors also poisons our body with harmful substances, which is why if there is an increased need for drinking, referral to specialists and examination is vital. When the underlying disease is eliminated, thirst ceases to bother.

Sweet disease

When you complain of intense thirst, most likely you will be advised to do a test not "for a tumor", but for "just" diabetes. One of the main symptoms of diabetes is the constant need for water. Due to the disease, the glucose content in the blood stream increases, which leads to an increase in the formation and excretion of urine, and this is dehydration. A person can drink up to a bucket of water per day due to the desire to replenish water by the body.

To get rid of the constant need for drinking, diabetes has to be compensated for using insulin injections or taking antihyperglycemic drugs. Treatment is selected by a doctor - endocrinologist, after confirming the diagnosis, established on a blood test for glucose or glycated hemoglobin.

The feeling of thirst is a leading symptom related to another type of diabetes, the so-called non-sugar diabetes, which develops due to a lack of vasopressin, a hormone produced by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Its deficiency also leads to increased urination and general dehydration and intense thirst. This case is treatable with hormone replacement therapy.

Medical professionals will tell you about the dangers of sweet soda water in this video:

Problem kidneys

If the thirst is more pronounced than usual, this may indicate damage to the urinary tract with the kidneys - cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerular nephritis, polycystic kidney disease. In such a situation, the need for moisture increases simultaneously both due to intoxication of the infected organism and due to increased urination.

All of the above requires treatment. But the reality is that not everyone comes to the doctor's office, and naturally not immediately. If cystitis will almost not be unnoticed, then pyelonephritis often, at first, manifests itself only by increased thirst with increased urge to "light".

These symptoms should not be ignored when there is a strong thirst, and even constantly thirsty, especially when the desire to urinate comes almost hourly at any time of the day. This is a hallmark of kidney disease when urgent intervention by a nephrologist is required. Next, we will consider who needs to drink water and how much per day.

Who needs to drink and how much water per day

In the body of an adult, sometimes not, a person contains about 40 liters of fluid, it turns out that our body, more than half, consists of water. With the help of the liquid, vitamins and minerals are delivered to our cells. Without water, there is no well-coordinated work of the nervous, cardiac and vascular systems, with its help the intervertebral discs are nourished, shock-absorbing cushions are created in the joints, therefore, it is so important to know who and how much water should be drunk per day.

Also, with water, proper digestion is ensured with regular stools, because a glass of water drunk on an empty stomach is considered a recognized remedy for constipation. And the most important thing in the water is that it is a source of youth. Scientists believe that a lack of fluid in the cells is directly related to the aging process.

This is due to the fact that with age, the amount of water in the body decreases, the feeling of thirst is greatly dulled, a situation occurs when the body literally dries up. Therefore, older people should be especially careful about their fluid intake.
It is easy to calculate how much water your body needs, the daily requirement of 1 kilogram of body weight in liquid is about 30 ml, this is only for people with an average weight of 70 kg. If you have a heroic build, then you should drink more.

However, if you don't feel like drinking at all, then you can supply the body with moisture by eating a bowl of soup or making a "snack" from fresh vegetables or fruits, they contain quite a lot of moisture.

When your favorite dish is "lard," or pork chop, you shouldn't be surprised by the swelling that appears. The explanation is that our body secretes fluids during the oxidation of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and most of all water is released when processing fatty foods. So fats are a "good" load for the liver and kidneys.

You should not drink water on the go, sip from a bottle. When this becomes a habit, the receptors in the mouth will lose sensitivity, while the feeling of thirst gradually dulls. This is especially true in the elderly.

It is best to start the day with one or two glasses of water to create a kind of "depot of liquid" from where the body will draw moisture during the day.

When the water is too cold, there is a chance of catching a sore throat, and if it is drunk after a full meal, then the contents of the stomach are evacuated into the intestines without being digested, which can lead to indigestion with other digestive problems. For food, the optimal temperature is 7 - 16 Cº.

Fans of mineral water should not forget that it is not suitable for their daily use, table mineral waters are used, where the salt content per liter is 1-2 mg and no more. Healing waters are not drunk in large quantities, because every medicine is every contraindication.

To the question - why you constantly want to drink and your mouth is dry, even when it is accompanied by abundant drinking, almost inalienable signs of "sweet illness", when donating blood for sugar is required, discussed a little above, it should also be added that there can be a sharp weight loss or its increase also and dizziness, when a visit to a specialist becomes simply mandatory.

People who are thirsty all the time often do not even think that this state of affairs is not the norm. They don't even notice how they drain countless glasses, mugs and bottles of liquid, be it tea, coffee, juice, compote, mineral water or just water. Even their relatives get used to such "peculiarities" of behavior and do not pay attention. In fact, finding the root cause is very important to health.

  1. To maintain water-salt balance
  2. To ensure thermoregulation
  3. To improve well-being
  4. To ensure a normal metabolism
  5. To thin the blood
  6. For joint lubrication
  7. For energy
  8. To improve digestion

According to research, the average daily intake of fluids for a person is about two liters. But some drinkers manage to drink a lot more. Some do not even experience the discomfort of frequent toilet visits or a full stomach. Why are you constantly thirsty? Where does the desire to saturate the body with life-giving moisture come from?

Reasons for the frequent desire to get drunk:

False drinks.

It has been proven that any liquid other than water cannot truly quench your thirst. After all, only H2O is a drink for the body, and everything else is food. Moreover, some drinks, especially sweet or alcoholic ones, cause dehydration. Everyone knows what dry wood is in the morning after drinking alcohol in the evening. Also cause thirst for lemonade and cola due to increased blood sugar.

Wrong drinking process.

If you quickly drink a lot (1-3 liters) of water or other liquid in large sips, then the stomach will fill up immediately, and the thirst will not recede. Because the brain will process the signal to receive moisture only for 10 minutes. It is not surprising that during this time you will want to drink more and more, especially if there was no opportunity to drink right away.

With renal and heart failure, diabetes, liver disease, there is constant thirst. This is due to a violation of the functions of vital organs, while the body's water balance is disturbed, because too much fluid is excreted uncontrollably.

Trauma or pathology of the brain.

The center responsible for the feeling of thirst is in the brain, if it is damaged due to trauma or affected by a tumor, then it sends distorted signals.


If a person is in conditions of dry and warm air, he will be thirsty all the time, because the consumption of fluid in the body will increase due to drying out of the mucous membranes and increased sweating.

Improper nutrition.

It is known that after eating salty, sweet, smoked, spicy and floury foods, you are drawn to water. It is quite logical that if you eat such foods all the time, the thirst will not disappear, because the body will need water to assimilate the "heavy" food and remove the harmful substances contained in it.

Work specifics.

People who, by virtue of their profession, have to talk a lot (teachers, politicians, presenters, etc.) often feel thirsty due to the dryness of the oral mucosa. Who works in dry, warm rooms, especially physically. After all, the amount of fluid excreted by the body increases to maintain normal body temperature.

Smoking, alcohol, drugs.

Heavy smokers and drug addicts often suffer from thirst. This is due to the fact that the body is trying to remove toxic substances that poison the blood and all organs. If you consume alcohol in large doses in the evening, then the next morning the body will suffer from dehydration, which is confirmed by the so-called dry forest. Also, thirst is one of the main signs of a drug user.

Taking medicines.

Some drugs have a side effect of dry mouth, which makes you thirsty. These include diuretics, antibiotics, expectorants, sedatives.

Frequent stress or anxiety.

It has been proven that when a person is worried or worried, he feels dry mouth, this can be regarded as thirst. The reason lies in an increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and often excessive sweating, caused by stress.

Why you can't drink a lot

Frequent thirst leads to the fact that you have to drink a lot in order to satisfy the body's desire. But excessive fluid intake adversely affects a person. Even fatal cases of "intoxication" with water have been recorded in history. What kind of troubles can await vodokhlebi?

  1. The body's salt balance is disturbed
  2. The kidneys and heart are overloaded
  3. The stomach is stretched

How to deal with desire

To begin with, you need to learn how to drink plain clean water. Not even mineral, and, moreover, not carbonated. Scientists claim that tea, soda and other drinks do not quench thirst. On the contrary, they dehydrate the body, because simple water is required for their assimilation.

Next, you need to establish the correct drinking process. It consists in drinking water slowly, taking small sips. After all, it has long been proven that the feeling of thirst disappears about 10 minutes after drinking the liquid.

It is recommended to drink the daily water intake regularly in equal portions, without waiting for the appearance of thirst. But it should be borne in mind that under certain conditions (playing sports, an increase in body temperature, strong sweating), the amount of H2O must be increased.

It is also advised to make it a habit of drinking clean water in the morning immediately after sleep and before each meal, about 10-15 minutes. Drinking in the morning will help the body wake up faster.

A glass of water before a meal will help determine if the body really needs food or if hunger is simply intertwined with thirst. If you do not want to eat 10 minutes after drinking water, then there was a signal about the need for water. If the feeling of hunger has not passed, then it's time to eat.

For abnormal thirst, it is best to see a doctor. Determining the cause of regular thirst will help to understand the problem and avoid deteriorating health. In such a situation, it is better to take tests, the first of which is a blood sugar test. Perhaps, MRI of the brain, ultrasound of the kidneys, liver will be recommended.

It is interesting:

The so-called drinks are not actually drinking, but food. This is explained by the fact that for the assimilation of any substance, except for water, the body must spend a certain amount of energy. Therefore, earlier used expressions such as "have tea".

Lack of salt in the body is just as dangerous as excess. If a person restricts salt intake, drinks a lot of water, then a disease such as hyponatremia may well develop.

It is believed that if you drink more than three liters of water in an hour, you can die from brain, lung edema or a decrease in the level of potassium in the body.

Thirst occurs when the body is already 2% dehydrated. With a loss of 10% of the fluid, a person begins to dizziness, speech impairment, coordination of movement, with 20-25% - death.

For long distance runners, a special drinking regimen has been developed to quench their thirst and not harm the body with an excess of fluid.

Frequent thirst can have many causes. In any case, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, regular and balanced diet, drink 1-2 liters of water per day. Mineral water is best used only for treatment as directed by a doctor. Then the body will work like a clock, and the drinking regimen will enter into its norm, the thirst will cease to disturb.

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