Nettle for strengthening and restoring hair - old recipes. Nettle decoctions to strengthen hair: recipes and tips for beauty and health How to make a decoction of nettle for hair


Nettle decoction for hair growth: what is useful, how to brew, recipe

Hair is, of course, the main argument of a woman at the “daily bride fair”. Beautiful lush hair or stylish short hairstyle - fashion trends change, but the demand for shine and health of the hairline remains unchanged. Today, many cosmetic companies offer an increasing number of products for the care of the main visual weapon of a woman. You can change your hair color, curl or straighten unruly curls, add volume or get a smooth and mirror-like shine, maybe even lengthen (a definite achievement since the days of wigs). However, all these manipulations damage the hair structure, make it lifeless, and, over time, ensure permanent hair loss. Isn't it better to turn to traditional folk methods of grooming so that beauty manifests itself in all its splendor? Perhaps it is worth heeding the advice of the older generation, which did not have so many chemicals and synthetic additives in their cosmetic arsenal?

I would like to start a review of natural products for the care of curls with ordinary, and at the same time, unusual nettle. Why is nettle good for hair? How to make your hair thick and shiny, as well as healthy and easy to comb? Let's find out about it right now.

Nettle: healing properties for hair

Stinging weed is just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that improve hair structure. But first, I would like to talk about the areas in which nettles were used by our intelligent ancestors.

  • First, whole panels were woven from grass, which became sails for Slavic ships;
  • Secondly, it was used to make cloth for clothing. In Russia, of course, they preferred flax, but in China (the Celestial Empire), the Philippines, Japan and Indonesia, it was the nettle that became the main raw material for mastha clothing;
  • Thirdly, an infusion of nettle helps zealous growers to fight aphids (a pest that devours flowers and trees);
  • Fourthly, samurai shields were made from dry stalks of grass, and a bowstring for their bows was made of twisted fibers.

We will no longer list industrial, pharmaceutical and even perfumery advantages, we will move on to discussing the organic composition of the herb. The benefits of nettle for hair are due to the presence of:

  1. Vitamin A, which heals scratches and wounds left by combs. This vitamin promotes metabolic processes and makes the inactive bulbs open, "releasing" new hairs out;
  2. Vitamin C, which helps the cells of the head to receive oxygen, which, in turn, adds length to the curls;
  3. Vitamin K, which fills every hair with shine;
  4. Beta-carotene, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. Oily hair will be a thing of the past if nettle is included in the list of care products;
  5. Tannins, which glue the scales of the hair, making it smoother and more elastic;
  6. Flavonoids, which strengthen the bulbs themselves and ensure the strength of the hair in them, so that you can forget about;
  7. Organic acids that are essential for hair growth.

Nettle is ideal for strengthening hair, because it is also an important factor in the beauty and healthy appearance of hair.

You can use any nettle for hair:

  • Dried;
  • Fresh;
  • As a separate component;
  • In combination with other herbs;
  • Nettle juice;
  • Infusions and decoctions of herbs.

What problems can be solved with nettle

In fact, the list of them is huge, so we will list the main "bonuses" that cannot be overlooked.

  • Getting rid of dandruff;
  • Stopping hair loss;
  • Elimination of fragility;
  • Accumulation of strength and color;
  • Increase in density;
  • Leveling eczema and dermatitis;
  • Prevention of skin diseases;
  • Activation of blood circulation;
  • Restoration of the structure of each individual hair;
  • Boosting immune defenses;
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • Elimination of itching and flaking.

Split ends are a problem for modern girls. Ecology, sunbathing and burns, pollution, car gases and exhaust fumes are not conducive to the health of the hairline. Add an unbalanced diet to any office worker, and the curls have no chance of being attractive and strong. A decoction of nettle for hair easily eliminates all the effects of everyday stress and restores vitality and shine to curls.

How to make your own nettle harvesting

Although you can buy nettles at any drugstore, now we will talk about how to properly collect and dry the grass with your own hands. Firstly, it is a good idea for those who want to be confident in the quality of raw materials. Secondly, there are several nuances that should be taken into account when collecting and which affect the further result.

  • The ideal time for picking is from May holidays to the end of June;
  • Do not take leaves and stems if they are damaged;
  • Do not forget about gloves, so as not to be like Eliza from the fairy tale of Christian Andersen;
  • Fresh grass must be thoroughly washed, preferably with hot water;
  • It is necessary to dry it indoors or under a canopy so that direct sunlight does not burn the grass;
  • Drying time - from one and a half to two weeks;
  • The most useful 0 are leaves, but the stems can be crushed for further storage;
  • Shelf life - no more than two years, in a separate paper bag.

You have learned how to make an independent workpiece. Now we will learn how to brew nettles for hair.

How to brew nettles for hair correctly

First, you need to decide on the goals, because there are several ways how to use nettle. You can do:

  • Nettle decoction for hair;
  • Nettle infusion for hair;
  • Rubbing mask;
  • Water for shampooing.

Naturally, the concentration of nutrients is different in each individual case. We'll walk you through all the options to fully reveal why nettles are good for your hair. So, let's move on to practical advice.

How to make hair nettle

The collected leaves (about about 250 grams dry, and 500 grams fresh) are poured with clean water (about 2 liters) and put on a small burner fire. You need to wait until the mixture boils, after which the boiling solution is filtered through a fine sieve and allowed to cool to a comfortable temperature.

How to prepare the infusion

It is better to take dried leaves, in the amount of 400 grams. Pour the leaves with boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Then strain the infusion, as in the first option;

Nettle mask recipe

How to brew herb for making a mask is often asked on women's forums. We answer: the leaves and stems of dry nettles must be chopped as much as possible (you can in a blender). Then 200 grams of herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water and put on low heat. Cook for at least half an hour. The thick mixture is cooled and rubbed into the skin at the roots. Such a mask can be on the head for up to half an hour, after which it is washed off without using shampoo. We learned how to brew the herb for the mask, now let's move on to rinsing.

How to prepare a rinse infusion

Rinsing hair with nettles is one of the oldest rituals. Yes, this is exactly what our great-grandmothers belonged to. Firstly, rinsing helped to comb long hair. Secondly, nettle was used against hair loss in women in labor (during pregnancy, the mother's immunity was weakened). Thirdly, even little hostesses were taught how to wash their hair with nettles, so that the hair in girlhood could be braided into a braid of 12 strands (a sign of a bride). So how do you make a rinse infusion? You need to take 500 grams of dried herb, or 15 live stems with leaves. Pour 6 liters of water and put on fire. Previously, buckets were used for this, but today's fashionistas will have to allocate a separate pan. Wait until the broth turns brownish-greenish and remove from heat. Strain and add more water, in a ratio of 1 to 4. Wash your hair with shampoo, and then simply pour the diluted broth over it. Vinegar was sometimes added to it to make the hair shine more.

How to make combined infusions and decoctions

How to brew nettle for hair correctly, we have already learned. But even better reviews deserve multicomponent decoctions with nettle. Here are some proven recipes:

  • For growth: 50 grams of vodka is mixed with freshly squeezed grass juice in equal proportions. Rubbed into the skin and leave for a couple of hours, warmed with a towel;
  • For oily roots: mix blue clay (2 tbsp / l) and nettle broth until thick, then apply to hair and leave to dry. Rinse off with nettle water for greater effect;
  • For dry hair: the first mixture is a decoction of nettle and chamomile for rinsing. The second is to apply decoctions from oak bark, mother and stepmother, chamomile and stinging nettle (all concentrated) to the curls, and hold, without rinsing, for a couple of hours.

Herbal infusions are quite popular in the field of cosmetology. They are effective, easy to prepare, and most importantly, the ingredients in their composition are readily available. Today we will take a look at a decoction of nettle for hair, which, when properly prepared, will heal them of many cosmetic defects.

This tool is an activator of their growth and acts much more powerful than many store preparations, since nettle is an inexhaustible source of nutrients. It strengthens the bulbs, saturates each hair with vitamins, making them shiny and healthy.

How does this remedy work?

Nettle contains in its composition a huge amount of useful substances that penetrate into each hair and subcutaneous layers and begin to work actively. Let's consider the action of each component of the tool separately:

  • vitamin A - promotes active hair growth, "awakens" frozen bulbs and heals wounds on the scalp;
  • vitamin C - stimulates blood circulation in blood vessels and saturates tissues with oxygen, which also makes hair grow much faster;
  • vitamin K - makes hair shiny and shiny, is responsible for pigmentation and gives it a rich color;
  • carotene - very important for oily hair, as it intensively saturates the scalp with moisture and normalizes the sebaceous glands;
  • tannins - have a soothing effect on irritated areas of the scalp, make the curls elastic and smooth, thanks to them, the hair becomes obedient and easily fits into the hairstyle;
  • flavonoids - help fight hair loss by effectively strengthening each follicle;
  • organic acids - activate metabolic processes in the hair follicles.

It is important to know! Nettle is capable of showing a rather aggressive effect, so you should use the broth according to all the rules. Otherwise, you run the risk of harming your hair and scalp.

Many women forget about the high effectiveness of folk remedies, preferring cosmetic procedures using synthetic drugs. Undoubtedly, the decor and courteous service in beauty salons is often overwhelming, but pharmacological agents often do more harm than good. A decoction of nettle copes with the task more than well - it eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair follicles and stops their loss. The natural shade of the curls is restored in a short time, they become soft and silky.

Nettle broth is used most often as a hair rinse. It stimulates their growth by activating the activity of each bulb. With its regular use, you can see the result after 2 months - the hair will become much thicker and longer. In addition, the fat balance will be restored, and they will become smooth, shiny and elastic.

Cooking recipes

Nettle decoction is very simple to prepare. The main thing is to choose and prepare the right raw materials. A dry pick is available at the pharmacy, but fresh leaves should be used for best results. Both young and mature shoots of nettle are suitable, but in the latter case, only the upper leaves need to be plucked, you can directly with inflorescences and seeds.

As mentioned above, the broth is most often used for rinsing, but in addition to this method, there are also rubbing into the hair roots. Let's take a closer look at each recipe.

Broth for rubbing

  1. Chop the leaves and roots of the nettle.
  2. Pour 200 ml of water over two tablespoons of raw materials.
  3. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.
  4. Cool the broth at room temperature and filter.

Rub a warm product into the scalp after washing your hair.

Decoction for rinsing

  1. Put 500 g of nettle leaves in a container.
  2. Pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  3. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Cool and filter the product.

The prepared broth should be used to rinse the hair after each wash.

Important! Each time you should use a freshly prepared product, only in this case you will achieve the desired effect.

How to rinse your hair correctly?

Any procedure requires compliance with certain rules, and rinsing with broth is no exception. What needs to be done?

  • The finished broth should be diluted in warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 4.
  • Add a teaspoon of baking soda to soften the product.
  • Pour the diluted broth into a convenient container - a basin.
  • Lean over the pelvis and water the hair with the product for 5 minutes.
  • At the end of the procedure, wrap the hair with a towel, blot, but do not wipe dry.
  • Let the curls dry at room temperature.

Rinsing can be done every other day. The duration of the course is 20-30 days. After a month break is taken and the course is repeated.

By following these guidelines, you can significantly improve the condition of your hair. Regular use of nettle broth will allow you to restore hair health in a fairly short period of time without the use of expensive preparations.

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, a consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Nettle is a very common plant found in many countries, on virtually every continent, on almost every side of the road. Maybe because of this, people do not pay due attention to her.

Meanwhile, it helps with diseases such as inflammation of the gallbladder, respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, poor blood clotting and others.

Decoctions from it are quite popular in cosmetology, as they are very effective and at the same time simple, publicly available, and sometimes free. Nettle strengthens the hair follicles, saturates the hair with vitamins and gives it shine and silkiness. How to brew it to use it as decoctions, masks and oils will be discussed in this article.

How to collect and dry nettles

You will need scissors, gloves, and a bag or basket where the grass will fold.

Choose a plant that is intact with diseases with green, not old leaves. It is best to harvest it in the first half of the day, when the dew dries up and the weather is dry (a wet plant can simply rot). Cut off the top of the nettle stalk.

A thin layer of it is laid out on paper and dried either in the shade in the fresh air or in a ventilated room. After about five to seven days, if you turn it over from time to time, the plant will be ready.

Since nettles can be brewed for washing hair within two years after assembly, you need to store them properly. For this, glass jars, paper bags or cotton cloth are suitable.

Beneficial features

Many people think of nettles as just a weed. And yet it is a fairly useful medicine. In addition to its other medicinal properties, the plant is useful for It gives them shine, silkiness and softness.

How does

Nettle contains many useful substances:

  • vitamin A helps hair growth, awakens bulbs and heals wounds;
  • vitamin C - enhances blood circulation and oxygenates tissues;
  • vitamin K - makes it shiny and rich;
  • carotene - normalizes the sebaceous glands, which is especially useful for;
  • organic acids improve metabolic processes in the roots.


  • saturate and improve the hair structure vitamins C, K, E, group B, sulfur, iron, manganese, aluminum, barium, phytoncides, tannins, flavonoids;
  • in ascorbic acid, nettle is ten times richer than lemon.

And also this plant:

  • prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth;
  • relieves dry skin;
  • regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, soothes itching, eliminates dandruff;
  • prevents split ends.

How to make hair nettle

For rubbing, the leaves and roots of the plant are crushed, two tablespoons are poured with two hundred milliliters of water and boiled for half an hour over low heat, after which they are cooled and filtered. This cooking method is suitable for the roots.

To make the remedy more effective, you need to know how to brew correctly. Five hundred grams of leaves are taken, poured with water and brought to a boil. After cooling and filtering, the broth is ready for use. You should not boil nettles for rinsing in boiling water, as many of its beneficial properties, which have a good effect on the condition of the hair, will be lost.

How to brew fresh nettles to rinse your hair

Usually, the strands are rinsed after shampooing and using conditioner. The broth should be filtered through a fine sieve so that the leaves do not remain on the hair.

To achieve the optimal effect, you must follow certain rules on how to brew nettles to rinse your hair:

    the broth is diluted in warm water in a ratio of one to four;

    add one teaspoon of baking soda to soften;

    the diluted liquid is poured into a basin;

    bend over him and water his hair for five minutes;

    hair dries gradually at room temperature.

Rinsing is carried out in a complex, every other day, for a month. After that, you can take a month break and repeat the procedures again.

Dry hair recipes

For this type, a combination of nettle and chamomile is perfect, even if you just rinse the curls after brewing the nettle for hair. These herbs are especially suitable for blondes by nature and dyed, because they do not have a coloring effect.

You can prepare a mask based on a decoction of nettle and nettle, add chamomile and apply to the hair, holding the mixture for at least one hour.

For loose, dry strands, a combination of stinging nettle and dioecious coltsfoot will benefit. After brewing the nettle for hair, you need to cool the broth - and you can rinse your curls with it.

Another recipe for dry hair is a mask that contains honey, sea buckthorn and nettle. The berries are crushed, honey is added to them, and then three tablespoons of nettle broth. In addition to the nourishing effect, the mask will help lighten hair if you add lemon to the ingredients.

You can also make a cream. To do this, take a balm that suits your hair well, nettle tincture and vitamins B12 and E. The prepared conditioner will be a good nourishing agent, thanks to which the curls will gain strength and shine, and will also become easier to comb.

Recipes for oily hair

To increase the tone, owners of this type of hair need to use minerals. For this purpose, a normalizing and purifying mask of nettle and blue clay, which is mixed in a ratio of one to two, and applied. The composition must be left on the head until dry. It is better to wash off such a mixture with nettle broth, so the effect will be stronger. How to brew nettles for rinsing hair is described above.

To get rid of dandruff, the decoction of the plant is mixed with apple cider vinegar and bread crumb. The mask is rubbed into the roots. The procedure is repeated every other day.

To thicken thinned hair, add gelatin and tonic to the broth (to make it easier to wash).

Another good recipe: take rosemary seeds, burdock oil and nettle in equal proportions. The mixture is poured into a glass of water and rubbed into the roots once a day.

A quick effect can be achieved using celandine and nettle. Dried herbs are poured over with hot water, calendula and motherwort are added. The liquid is rubbed into the hair from roots to ends for two weeks. As a result, both the scalp and hair are restored. And the motherwort included in the composition will also cure damaged ends and protect the strands from the external aggressive environment.

Recipes to Boost Hair Growth

In order for the curls to please their owners every day, not only with the general condition, but also with the quantity, they use nettle to prevent loss. However, it is not recommended to use it on too dry, blond-dyed hair, as ethyl alcohol can severely dry out the strands.

Two tablespoons of vodka and broth are mixed. You can also add hop flowers in oil or infusion. The prepared mixture is applied to the roots and left for two hours.

A decoction of nettle and horsetail will help with seborrhea and baldness. The herbs are ground into powder, filled with hot water and infused for six hours. The broth helps to reduce itching and strengthens the strands.

Here's how to properly brew nettle for hair in case of baldness in old age: calamus is added to the prepared leaves, poured with infusion of black tea and after a few hours is applied to the hair.

Nettle masks

In addition to brewing nettle for rinsing your hair, make masks from it from time to time, this is useful. This will help saturate the roots and speed up the growth of curls. The ingredients may vary depending on the purpose. All masks are applied to clean hair for half an hour. After application, put on a shower cap and wrap a towel around your head. This will achieve the best result.

Here are some interesting recipes.

Vitamin mask: Nettle leaves are crushed with a blender or food processor. You should make two tablespoons of powder. A spoonful of burdock oil and a spoonful of honey are added to it.

To accelerate hair growth: the leaves must also be crushed, after which they are mixed with chamomile and the protein of two eggs. This mask is applied to the hair for only five to six minutes, so that the protein does not have time to tighten the skin.

To strengthen the roots: three tablespoons of the powder are mixed with an incomplete glass of low-fat kefir and one spoonful of mint.

Nettle oil

This remedy helps with dandruff, brittle hair and hair loss due to the content of a large amount of vitamins. The oil can be purchased at any pharmacy, but it is not difficult to prepare it yourself.

To do this, you need to take four tablespoons of a dry plant and a glass of olive oil. The ingredients are mixed and left to infuse in a dark place for two weeks. Then the oil is filtered through cheesecloth. Store it in a closed container in a dark place at room temperature.

It is best to collect the grass in May, as this is the time when it has the most nutrients.

The plant can also be consumed internally. Thus, slagging will decrease, and toxins will be removed from the body.

For natural lightening, nettle is mixed with chamomile, and caffeine is added for a good tonic effect.

So how do you brew fresh hair nettles? You just need to add hot water to it, not boiling water.

You can also add a decoction to your shampoo or cream to enhance their effect.

If for some reason it is not possible to collect the plant, and there is no time to apply all the recommendations on how to brew nettle for hair, then you can buy ready-made mixtures at the pharmacy, which are very cheap.

In addition, there are many domestic manufacturers that produce hair cosmetics with the addition of nettle.

Many, underestimating the high effectiveness of folk recipes, ignore them and use exclusively cosmetics purchased in stores, or visit beauty salons. However, pharmacological agents will ultimately do more harm than good. By giving preference to folk remedies, you can quickly get rid of dandruff, strengthen hair, stop or prevent hair loss. Curls will quickly become soft and silky.

If you follow all the simple rules described on how to brew nettle for hair and use it, the condition of the curls will improve significantly. Regular use of recipes with this plant will allow them to return to health without expensive salon procedures.

Nettle is a well-known plant that loves moist soil and shady places, and is considered by many people to be a weed. Despite the cautionary pungency of the leaves, the plant is widely used in manufacturing, medicine and cooking.

Ropes were woven from the stems, strong canvas was woven, shirts were sewn. Juice was used to treat wounds, indigestion and "female" diseases. Leaves are also the main ingredient in a number of dishes, the most famous being green cabbage soup.

Nettle for hair (rinsing against hair loss, moisturizing masks, lotions, etc.) was used by our great-grandmothers. The main wealth of the plant is “beauty vitamins” (K, E, C and B). Nettle surpasses even citrus fruits in the amount of ascorbic acid.

In addition, the leaves of the plant secrete phytoncides (active substances that kill bacteria), are saturated with essential oils and acids. Nettle contains calcium, iodine, potassium, iron, manganese and other trace elements.

All this has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair and skin cells. In particular, nettle juice is used:

  • to strengthen the roots and prevent baldness;
  • to eliminate the cause of dandruff;
  • to stimulate the growth of strands;
  • from the fatness of the curls;
  • to restore a healthy look - the strands become smooth, strong, shiny.

Nettle is a real source of health and beauty of curls. It will not be difficult to prepare or purchase grass: nettle grows in summer cottages and is sold in almost every pharmacy.

For a noticeable positive effect, rinsing with nettles against hair loss is enough to do 3 times a week

Interesting fact! In nature, there are 50 species of nettles found in different parts of the world. Nettle was used to make canvases in China, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, and the Philippines. In Russia, dioecious and stinging nettles are widespread.

Rules for using nettle for hair

To achieve the desired result and fascinate passers-by with the splendor of your hairstyle, you should adhere to some rules for using nettles for different types of hair.

Problem Act
1. Damaged, falling out, weakened strandsRinsing against hair loss and a firming mask will help. Nettle promotes blood flow, which ensures greater oxygenation and nutrient saturation of skin cells
2. Oily curlsStinging nettle can help reduce sebum production, but rinsing may not be enough. Masks made from chopped fresh nettle leaves are more effective, as well as infusions
3. Dry and split curlsNettle dries hair slightly, makes it stiffer, therefore, with dry hair, it is better to refuse rinsing and use thick masks and oils. Nettle can be mixed with egg yolk, honey, olive oil, sea buckthorn or almond oil. Hair will become strong, elastic and shiny
4. Light strandsNettle has a coloring property, so rinsing gives a greenish tint to light curls. To avoid this effect, it is recommended to add a spoonful of honey and lemon juice to the tincture or decoction. In addition, only leaves and stems give green color, so they can be replaced with rhizome

Note! Nettle for hair (rinsing against hair loss, nourishing masks, infusions) is used after or instead of shampooing and requires periodic repetition of the procedure. Also, the effect largely depends on the initial state of the strands.

Nettle hair mask recipes

Nettle for hair is not only rinsing with a solution against hair loss, but also effective masks made from ground leaves with the addition of natural products. A few simple recipes will preserve the beauty of the curls and return them to a healthy look.

Useful nettle masks for dry hair

With henna

  • dried nettle - 100 g;
  • colorless henna - 10 g;
  • boiling water - 200 ml;
  • yolk.

Steam nettles and henna with boiling water, cool. Add yolk, mix.

Leave the resulting mixture on the hair for 2 hours, rinse the strands.

Instead of henna, liquid vitamins B1 and B6 can be added to 100 g of nettle broth (in ampoules). In this case, the hair with the applied mask must be wrapped in plastic and a towel.

After an hour of procedure, wash off the mixture with shampoo. Yolk and vitamins effectively nourish the hair.

Yeast mask

  • nettle decoction (unstrained) - 250 ml;
  • yeast - 50 g;
  • honey - 60 g;
  • olive oil - 60 g.

Distribute the components mixed in the broth over the head, hold for 20 minutes and rinse with shampoo.

Nettle masks for oily hair

With chamomile and protein

  • ground fresh nettle - 30 g;
  • ground fresh chamomile - 30 g;
  • protein of 2 eggs.

Mix all ingredients and apply mask to hair. Leave for 7 minutes (no more than 10 minutes).

With mint and kefir

  • fresh chopped mint - 30 g;
  • kefir (0%) - 1 glass;
  • fresh ground nettle - 40 g

Peppermint has a cooling effect and lowers fat production by strengthening the roots (keep the mask for 15 minutes).

Salt mask (sea or table salt)

Aimed at the roots of the hairs. It is necessary to keep such a mask for 30 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every 3 days. Proportions:

  • nettle juice - 50 g;
  • salt - 3 g.

Strengthening masks against hair loss

To strengthen and stimulate the hair follicles, it is recommended to use concentrated nettle juice. To obtain it, you need to grind fresh nettle leaves or roots (60 g) with a blender.

The juice is rubbed into the areas of hair growth and kept under cellophane and a towel for no more than an hour. The procedure must be completed by rinsing under warm water.

A recipe with black bread and apple cider vinegar will help get rid of dandruff and make it strong and shiny. To do this, you need to prepare:

  • bread pulp;
  • nettle infusion - 60 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar - 30 ml.

Make gruel, soak crumbled bread in infusion and vinegar. Distribute the resulting mass with massaging movements over the strands and wrap in cling film and a towel. After an hour, rinse the curls with water.

How to make a nettle hair rinse solution

Nettle retains its properties for a long time, therefore, both fresh and dry nettle are suitable for solution.

The only condition is the collection period - May and June. At a later time, nettle wastes nutrients and becomes less effective.

Important to remember! Dried nettles are stored for 2 years. Therefore, when purchasing herb in a pharmacy, you should pay attention to the collection period and check the expiration date.

Instructions for making an infusion of nettle for hair

The infusion is made without boiling, but requires a long exposure. To prepare it, pour 60 g of dried nettle with boiled water (500 ml). The resulting solution should be infused for 7 hours (overnight).

If desired, honey (5 ml) can be added to boiling water. It nourishes the curls, gives them a healthy shine and elasticity.

Pure infusion of nettle (without the addition of other herbs and oils) is used to stimulate growth and strengthen curls. For the procedure to be effective, it should be repeated every other day.

How to make fresh nettle decoction

If it is May outside the window, then it is enough to pick a handful of nettle leaves. The summer plant will need more. It is best to collect the top juicy leaves. Both seeds and inflorescences are suitable for a decoction. Only damaged and diseased leaves should be avoided.

Nettle has been very beneficial for hair since ancient times. Thanks in part to its properties, our grandmothers wore silky, bouncy braids.

A decoction of nettle for hair (rinsing against hair loss) is prepared according to the following instructions:

  • rinse well the freshly harvested nettle, shake and dry;
  • put the prepared plants in a saucepan and pour cold water (500 ml);
  • put the pan on the stove and heat for 15 minutes;
  • turn off the heat and drain the broth.

Without missing a single day, rinse the washed curls with a chilled broth for 10 days.

Instructions for making a decoction of nettle leaves and roots

Nettle for hair (rinsing against hair loss) can be applied completely: leaves and roots are great for decoction.

Usually ground or chopped roots are mixed with leaves.

How to prepare a decoction:

  1. add water (200 ml) to the ground rhizomes and leaves (60 g);
  2. bring to a boil over low heat;
  3. without adding heat, cook for half an hour;
  4. turn off heat, let cool and drain.

The broth is used to rinse or rub into the scalp (do not rinse).

A decoction of nettle and vinegar: a recipe

Vinegar is an effective remedy for dandruff. The combination of a decoction of nettle with a bite will help you quickly achieve a visible result: the hair will acquire elasticity, softness and silkiness.

Fresh or dry herb nettle is mixed with 9% or apple cider vinegar. The proportions are as follows:

  • nettle - 100 g;
  • vinegar (9%) - 500 ml per 1 liter of water;
  • apple cider vinegar (6%) - 500 ml per 500 ml of water.

First, chopped nettle is poured with water. Then vinegar is added, and the container with the future broth is placed on the stove. The solution must be boiled for 30 minutes and drained.

The strands are washed with a decoction in a diluted form without using shampoo every day for 4 weeks.

How to enhance the effect of nettle: useful herbs for decoctions and infusions

To strengthen the roots and against fat content, a decoction with sea buckthorn juice, used after washing, is suitable.

Boil the broth for 30 minutes. Components:

  • nettle - 60 g;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn juice - 0.25 ml;
  • water - 0.5 l.

A recipe with burdock roots can help eliminate dandruff and give your strands a healthy shine. What do you need:

  • nettle - 25 g;
  • heather - 25 g;
  • burdock rhizome - 25 g;
  • hop cones - 25 g;
  • boiling water - 1 liter.

Make a mixture of herbs and add hot water. Heat over low heat for 10 minutes. Turn off the stove and leave for half an hour. Wash your hair and rinse with broth.

Using a water bath (10 minutes), a decoction with chamomile is prepared, with which it is effective to rinse the strands after washing. For the broth you will need:

  • nettle - 50 g;
  • chamomile flowers - 50 g;
  • hot water - 500 ml.

A decoction with coltsfoot and calamus is prepared from the fat content of the strands and is applied every 2 days.

For the broth, you need to prepare:

  • nettle - 40 g;
  • mother-and-stepmother - 40 g;
  • calamus root - 40 g;
  • hot water - 1 liter.

Herbs filled with boiling water, keep on low heat for about 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour.

Nettle - natural care for hair from roots to ends. Any housewife can prepare a tincture or a decoction without much difficulty, and the effect of the remedy will not be long in coming.

Learn from the video about the benefits of nettle for hair:

Rinsing with nettle decoction against hair loss:

Medicinal herbs are often used in hair care. This is not surprising, since the healing composition of the plants will cope with any problems. Nettle is gaining special popularity, the "pungency" of which fights dandruff, excessive sebum secretion, itching. A specific herb requires compliance with certain nuances, without which the caring procedures will become inaccessible. Let's talk about everything in order, consider possible options for folk recipes with nettles.

Hair nettle: chemical composition

  1. The herb is rich in chlorophyll, which is responsible for eliminating massive hair loss. The element prevents the early appearance of bald patches and gray hair.
  2. A large accumulation of vitamins valuable for hair excludes other problems. We are talking about the contained tocopherol, retinol, vitamins of group K, riboflavin, etc.
  3. Trace elements found in fresh and dried nettles have a beneficial effect on the scalp and entire hair. The most valuable are iodine, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, silicon, chromium, calcium.
  4. In addition to the above components, the medicinal herb includes phytoncides, tanning compounds, tannin, secretin, carotene, fatty acids useful for hair.

The rich composition is considered the ideal healer for depleted, lifeless strands. With the help of nettles, you can get rid of dandruff and seborrhea of \u200b\u200ball kinds, accelerate the growth of hair. Thanks to the “hotness” of the main ingredient, you will increase the blood flow in the scalp, awaken follicles that have been dormant for years, saturate the bulbs with oxygen.

Effects of nettle on hair

  • fights dandruff and itchy scalp;
  • makes hair shiny, silky, smooth;
  • relieves brittle hair;
  • regulates the secretion of fat;
  • adds strength and elasticity to hair;
  • restore the shock from the inside;
  • eliminates cross-section, both along the entire length and at the ends.

Nettle infusions for hair

Rinsing the strands with nettle infusion is the most effective way to enrich your hair with useful elements. The procedure must be carried out for a month with a frequency of 2 times a week. It is preferable to apply the composition after the usual shampooing.

Classic nettle infusion

  1. To prepare the composition, take a glass container and a nylon lid to it. Boil 1 liter. filtered water, send about 100 gr. dried or fresh nettle (leaves).
  2. Seal the container and place in the dark for 9 hours. After the specified time has passed, filter, then keep the infusion in a cold place until use.
  3. It is easy to apply the composition: scoop it with a ladle, water your hair after using shampoo and balm. The product acts as a leave-in conditioner.

Infusion with nettle and ginseng

  1. To make a rinse, measure out a handful of dried ginseng and 60 g. nettle leaves (fresh or dried, it doesn't matter). Turn the raw materials into small crumbs.
  2. Send the herbs to a 1-liter jar of boiling water, stir and cover. Leave it cool for a few hours, then filter. Scoop the infusion into a ladle and rinse the strands, do not rinse.

Infusion of mint and nettle

  1. Optionally, you can replace the mint with lemon balm, the infusion will not lose its effectiveness. Take 45-60 gr. herbs, mix with 90 gr. nettles in any form (dried, fresh).
  2. Send the plants in a glass container and add 900 ml. steep boiling water. Soak in the dark for about 5 hours. After the allotted time, drain the liquid, rinse the strands with it.

Infusion of burdock and nettle

  1. Measure out 90 g. burdock root and 110 gr. fresh nettle leaves. Place the components in a glass container, add 1.2 l. hot water (about 85 degrees).
  2. Cover the heat-resistant dishes with a lid, wait until the product cools down. After that, filter the raw materials, proceed to the usual rinsing after washing.

Infusion with chamomile and nettle

  1. The tool is suitable only for fair-haired and fair-haired young ladies, because chamomile has bleaching properties. So, prepare 55-65 gr. dried or fresh chamomile inflorescences, 70 gr. nettle leaves.
  2. Send the composition to a glass container, add 850-1000 ml. boiling water, 10 drops of orange essential oil (you can not add). Insist the product for 1.5 hours in the dark.
  3. After a specified period of time, strain the mixture through a gauze and cotton wool filter. Transfer to a glass bottle and close. Keep cold.

Broths are suitable for spraying hair. It is enough to collect a little of the product in a spray bottle, then sprinkle the broth on dry or damp curls. The main thing is that the strands are clean, and the contents of the spray are cold.

Classic nettle decoction

  1. Take a fresh nettle meal or 3 handfuls of dried raw materials. Send the composition to a saucepan, add 700 ml. water. Place the saucepan on the stove and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Instead of boiling, you can pour the raw material with hot water and let it brew for 5 hours. When the broth is ready, cool and strain. Pour into a spray bottle, use as directed.
  3. Nettle decoction facilitates combing, fights split ends and breakage. Regular use (at least 3 times a week) will make colored and natural hair shiny.

Broth with sea buckthorn and nettle

  1. Pick 20 ripe sea buckthorn berries, rinse and pat dry. Now squeeze the juice using any available method. Stir in 450 ml. boiling water.
  2. Add 2 fresh nettle leaves (torn), close the container with a lid. Insist the composition for 1 hour, then boil over low heat for another 12 minutes.
  3. Pour the product into a spray bottle, cool. You can supply the broth with retinol or tocopherol, vitamins are sold in ampoules. The product is used chilled.

Decoction of marigold and nettle leaves

  1. It is advisable to use fresh plants, dry ones lose some of their beneficial properties. Measure out 90 g. marigolds, combine them with 380 gr. fresh nettle leaves.
  2. Transfer the ingredients to a refractory cooking container, add 3 cups of boiling water. Boil the plants for 8 minutes, stir constantly. After this period, remove the container from the burner.
  3. Cover with a lid, let stand until cool. Filter the liquid, add 3 ml. retinol (vitamin A oily solution). Apply 3-4 times a week, spraying on clean hair.

Nettle and vinegar decoction

  1. The tool is more suitable for girls whose hair is devoid of shine. In the case of colored hair, you will keep the pigment in the core for a long time.
  2. Brew 3 bunches of fresh nettle leaves with boiling water (1-1.3 liters), leave for 4 hours. After the allotted period of time, filter the composition, add 2 ampoules of vitamin E and 40 ml. apple cider vinegar.
  3. Apply nettle vinegar infusion every time you wash and dry your hair. Spray not only the entire length with the tips, but also the root area.

Decoction of mother-and-stepmother with nettle

  1. To prepare a caring spray, you need to take calamus root, coltsfoot, nettle. Measure the herbs to make 80 grams each.
  2. Grind the raw materials, place in a saucepan and add 1.3 liters. hot softened water. Simmer the ingredients over low heat for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Cool the mixture at a specified interval and strain it. Pour into a convenient spray bottle, use as directed. The spray fights dandruff, seborrhea, oiliness and dullness.

Decoction of hops and nettles

  1. Rinse young hop buds, you need 100 g. Grind them with a coffee grinder or grater. Now stir in 60 gr. burdock, 1 bunch of fresh nettle.
  2. Pour herbs into a saucepan, add 1.1 l. hot water. Send for cooking, after 12 minutes remove from the burner. Let the broth stand for 2.5 hours, then strain and start using.

The funds must be used 1-2 times a week, changing the recipe every 3 days. For greater effectiveness, apply masks to dirty hair, then wash and spray the curls with a spray.

Nettle and yogurt mask

  1. Buy 100 gr. thick natural yogurt, combine it with 60 gr. homemade cottage cheese and two yolks. Separately mash 20 leaves of fresh nettle in a mortar, add to the first mixture.
  2. Apply the product to the root area, rubbing in gently. After that, stretch the product to the ends, cover with plastic wrap. Wait 35 minutes.

Salt and nettle mask

  1. Mash half a bunch of fresh nettle leaves in a mortar, fill them with 60 ml. hot vegetable oil. Let it sit for 3 hours, then strain out the liquid foundation.
  2. Take 30 ml. the resulting extract, combine with 20 gr. finely ground sea salt. Apply to scalp, rub in for 5 minutes. Now wait another third of an hour.

Mask with nettle leaves and vitamin E

  1. Squeeze the juice from 1 handful of fresh nettle leaves. Mix 1-2 ampoules of tocopherol (vitamin E) to it. Leave on for 20 minutes, then apply directly to hair.
  2. Particular attention is paid to the area of \u200b\u200bthe roots. Rub in the composition while massaging the scalp. The composition is aimed at eliminating all problems associated with hair (dandruff, dryness, oily, etc.).

Dandruff Nettle Scrub

  1. Wash 2 bunches of fresh nettle leaves, place in a blender and make a porridge. Pour in 5 g. baking soda, 10 gr. sea \u200b\u200bor table salt, rye bran menu.
  2. If the mixture is very dry, pour in 7 ml. olive oil. Apply to scalp and massage for 10 minutes. Then wash off the product, rinse the curls with infusion.

Oil with nettle for dryness and section

  1. You can use both dry and fresh raw materials. You will need 65 gr. nettle leaves. Make a powder / gruel out of them, add 280 ml. warm olive oil.
  2. Insist products for 3 weeks, then strain and pour into a dark bottle. Rub a little product into the roots once a week. Stretch the compound to the tips to combat the split.

Nettle juice to fight oily hair

  1. If after washing your hair becomes greasy after 5-8 hours, regularly rub nettle juice into the root section. You can prepare it by turning fresh leaves into porridge. Then strain the composition through cheesecloth.
  2. After all the manipulations on application, do not forget to insulate yourself with plastic wrap and a towel. Soak products for at least 40 minutes.

Most often, nettle for hair is used in the form of decoctions and infusions. The first option is suitable for spraying hair in order to facilitate further combing and soften the strands. The second type is designed for rinsing after washing, thereby eliminating scalp problems.

Video: saving hair with nettles

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