The best remedy for herpes on the lip. What pills for herpes on the lips are - an overview of the most effective drugs

Herpes is a viral disease that manifests itself mainly on the lips of a person. It develops in autumn and spring, but can also manifest itself in summer and winter. The underlying factor in the development of herpes is not always infection from a sick person. In frequent cases, the disease manifests itself due to a weakening of the immune system, as a result of which a pathogenic virus multiplies in the human body.

For treatment, special ointments are mainly used, which allow local therapy. Pills are rarely used, as many believe that this is not necessary. They have a systemic effect on the body, but this effect is not always useful. After all, drugs designed to fight viruses often have a negative effect on various organs and systems of a person. In this material, we will find out whether it is possible to use pills for herpes on the lips, and which drugs are most effective in fighting the virus.

Herpes in each person proceeds differently, which depends mainly on the state of the immune system. Many simply do not pay attention to the appearance of a sore on the lips and wait for it to heal itself. Others use various antiherpetic ointments to avoid further development of the ailment on the lips. Still others use special pills that also help cure herpes. What are these funds, and when should they be taken? A systemic course of treatment is prescribed only in severe cases or when the disease is repeated too often. If a person suffers from herpes 1-2 times a year, then pill therapy is not necessary, and ointments can be dispensed with. But it is forbidden to make a diagnosis on your own, and even more so to prescribe treatment. To avoid unpleasant results and complications, you must definitely consult a doctor.

Herpes pills are divided into the following types:

  1. Antiviral drugs, which are also referred to as antiherpetic drugs. Their principle of action is based directly on blocking the spread of the virus and inhibiting its development. This group includes Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir.
  2. Medicines that stimulate the production of interferon in the body. Such funds can enhance the immune response to herpes pathogens.
  3. Immunomodulators. They accelerate the maturation of leukocytes, which has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system. Immunomodulatory drugs include: Levamisole, Isoprinosine; Polyoxidonium.

Ointment for herpes on the lips is a medicine for accelerated healing of damaged tissues. It not only suppresses the activity of pathogens of chronic infection or destroys them. A high-quality drug also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties, stimulates local immunity. After using it, burning sensation, soreness, and an intolerable desire to scratch the skin quickly disappear.

When choosing an ointment individually for a patient, the doctor takes into account many factors. He focuses on the severity of the course of herpes, the severity of symptoms, the patient's age. The doctor determines the optimal dosage, the duration of the therapeutic course.

Once it has entered the body of an adult or a child, the herpes simplex virus remains there forever. Most of the time, he peacefully "slumbers" in cages, showing nothing of himself. But as soon as the immune system decreases sharply, herpes viruses are rapidly activated. They begin to multiply, release toxic products of their vital activity into the surrounding space. The result is the development of an acute inflammatory process, damage to the tissues of the lips.

The first signs of infection are usually observed after hypothermia, change of climatic zones, during influenza and SARS. In medicine, there are several stages of herpes development:

  1. A small area (usually the border) of the lips turns red, when you touch it, there is a slight pain.
  2. Several bubbles are formed, filled with transparent exudate.
  3. The bubbles gradually merge, their contents from transparent becomes viscous, cloudy.
  4. The bubble opens, shrinks into a yellowish-gray crust, which disappears on its own after 5-7 days.
  5. In place of the bubble, a pigmented area remains, after some time acquiring a normal color.

In young children and debilitated patients, herpes recurrence often manifests itself as symptoms of general intoxication. This is a rise in body temperature above subfebrile values \u200b\u200b(37.1-38.0 ° C), gastrointestinal disorders. In such cases, ointments alone cannot be dispensed with - the use of systemic antiviral agents is required.

The first symptoms of herpes on the lips are tingling, peeling and redness.

Herpes ointment classification

Ointment for herpes on the lips can be single-component or combined. Such preparations consist only of synthetic components or contain ingredients of plant origin.

The pharmacy assortment contains two large groups of antiherpetic drugs:
  • antiviral. They have an effect on infectious pathogens, preventing their reproduction;
  • stimulating regeneration. They stop inflammation, promote the resorption of edema, and accelerate the recovery of damaged tissues.

Doctors often prescribe drugs with immunomodulatory effects to patients. This herpes ointment usually contains interferon or allows the body to produce it. External remedies correct the functioning of the immune system, increase the production of antibodies.

Herpes ointment is included in therapeutic regimens even with its acute course with general intoxication of the body. This allows you to reduce the dose of tablets and injection solutions. The pharmacological load on the liver, kidneys, and stomach decreases, and recovery occurs much faster.

Herpes ointment: composition and action

In the vast majority of cases, herpes on the lips disappears in a few days. Therefore, for treatment, it is enough to use drugs with a herbal composition, for example, Panavir. But sometimes the immune system simply cannot cope with the activated viruses. They quickly spread in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle, form new inflammatory foci.

This requires the use of an ointment against herpes on the lips with synthetic ingredients:
  • with acyclovir - an antiviral agent of the first generation, which is still in great demand in dermatology;
  • with interferon - a combination of proteins secreted by the cells of the body in response to the invasion of the virus,

Even if these drugs are ineffective, doctors prescribe drugs with glucocorticosteroids, for example, Sinaflan. But hormonal agents are used only for a few days due to their ability to lower local immunity.

In therapy, ointments for herpes on the lips are used with an antiseptic, disinfectant, improving blood circulation effect (Sulfuric, Zinc). And when a bacterial infection is attached, antimicrobial drugs (Levomekol, Tetracycline) are applied to the inflammatory foci.

Sinaflan is one of the few hormonal agents used to treat herpes

List of the best ointments for herpes on the lips

Only a doctor can choose the right medicine for a patient. He is well acquainted with the composition of drugs, the principles of their action. The dermatologist will definitely assess the condition of the skin, if necessary, supplement the treatment with antibacterial creams and gels. The best ointment for herpes on the lips is effective and at the same time as safe as possible. This is especially important in the treatment of children, debilitated patients, pregnant and breastfeeding women.


Acyclovir is often the first choice in the treatment of herpes infection on the lips. It quickly penetrates into inflammatory foci, immediately exhibits healing properties. The main component is incorporated into the viral DNA chain, blocking the reproduction of infectious agents. It acts exclusively on the cells in which the herpes pathogens are located.

Acyclovir is used up to 5 times a day. Treatment continues until a crust forms at the site of the bursting bubbles (about a week). This is a cheap external remedy, the cost of which does not exceed 40 rubles.


Herpes cream is the most famous structural analogue of Acyclovir. It has an identical composition and has the same pharmacological effect. The only difference is the more viscous, thicker consistency of the cream. It penetrates the skin more slowly, but it takes longer to exhibit its antiviral properties. Zovirax is ideal for application at the first sign of infection. With its help, it is possible to prevent the formation of painful blisters. The cost of the cream is about 190 rubles.

Zovirax is one of the most popular and effective remedies for herpes on the lips.


The active ingredient of the herbal preparation is the extract of potato shoots. It is a high molecular weight polysaccharide from the class of glycosides with a moderate antiviral effect. The use of Panavir helps to increase tissue immunity to external and internal negative factors. At the same time, the production of interferon increases, and recovery processes proceed at an accelerated pace.

Herpes gel is used when the first signs of infection are detected. The procedure is repeated up to five times a day, every four hours. With a strong spread of the rash on the lips, apply pointwise to each vial. Panavir's price does not exceed 150 rubles.

Oxolinic ointment

This antiviral agent is intended to be applied to the nasal mucosa. But it has proven itself well and the treatment of herpes affecting the lips. Oxolinic ointment has a virucidal effect. It prevents the reproduction of herpes viruses, reduces their activity.

In the treatment of colds on the lips, the remedy is used 2-3 times a day for a week. After tissue healing, it is canceled. Oxolinic ointment is also used for prophylactic purposes during periods of a sharp decrease in immunity. The cost of the drug varies from 12 to 30 rubles.

Oxolinic ointment is a well-known remedy for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases

Viru-Merz serol

Viru-Merz serol is one of the most effective remedies for the treatment of herpes infection. The active substance (tromantadine hydrochloride) inhibits the absorption and penetration of viruses into the cell. Infectious agents are not able to develop resistance to this drug. Therefore, it always quickly eliminates the pain, burning and itching characteristic of herpes. The duration of the course of the disease is significantly reduced.

The gel is applied to the affected skin up to 5 times a day for five days. Discontinue use and consult a doctor if symptoms persist after 2 days. You can buy Viru-Merz serol for 330 rubles.


It is a safe and effective drug for treating herpes infection. It contains an antiviral and immunostimulating ingredient - interferon. The gel is most effective in the initial stages of the disease, when a person is worried only about itching.

The drug is applied to the affected skin with a thin layer 2 times a day. Then it is dried for 10 minutes to form a protective film. The duration of the course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days. The drug is used until the damaged tissue is completely restored. Infagel's price is about 130 rubles.

Immunomodulating drug based on interferon - Infagel

Features and rules for applying ointment

Herpes simplex is extremely contagious and spreads easily from person to person. Therefore, during treatment, the patient needs to be allocated a separate towel, dishes, soap. These are the traditional rules for the treatment of infectious diseases.

But according to WHO statistics, more than 90% of the world's inhabitants are carriers of herpes viruses. Therefore, compliance with the rules of asepsis is necessary rather to prevent the spread of pathogens to healthy areas of the face.

How to properly use herpes ointment on the lips:
  1. Wash hands and face thoroughly with warm water and any hygiene product, dry.
  2. Take a little product (about a pea) from the tube, distribute it evenly on the bottle.
  3. Gently rub in, grasping about 0.5 cm of healthy skin.

Ointments for the treatment of herpes on the lips are best applied not with your fingers, but with an applicator or a cotton swab

When carrying out a treatment procedure, only sterile wipes or bandages should be used. After removing the drug, it is imperative to wipe the neck of the tube with an antiseptic solution (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin). This will help avoid the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the wounds - epidermal and Staphylococcus aureus.

During the day, do not touch the bubble or erosion with your hands. Otherwise, you can unwittingly contribute to the spread of herpes viruses to other areas of the face. There is a great risk of developing severe ophthalmic pathology - herpetic conjunctivitis.

The use of ointments for pregnant women

Herpes ointment is the safest dosage form for therapy. Its ingredients penetrate into the blood in small quantities. Sometimes it is quite enough for the development of local or systemic adverse reactions. And focusing on the origin of the components in these cases is impractical. For example, during pregnancy, the use of Panavir is strictly prohibited, despite the natural composition.

But during the bearing of a child, it is allowed to use products with synthetic active ingredients:
  • Acyclovir;
  • Zoviraxa.

During pregnancy, these drugs are used up to 4 times a day in reduced dosages. Many dermatologists recommend applying Zovirax and Acyclovir to the lips, which are intended for the treatment of ophthalmic pathologies. They have the same pharmacological properties, but the concentration of ingredients is lower.

For pregnant and lactating women, as well as for people with reduced immunity, doctors prescribe eye ointments in which the content of active active substances is less

Folk recipes

None of the folk remedies have even a weak antiviral effect. Therefore, homemade herpes ointment should be used as an adjunct treatment. It helps to relieve inflammation, eliminate swelling, soreness and itching, and repair damaged skin.

Such folk remedies have proven themselves especially well in the treatment of infection:
  • in a mortar, grind a tablespoon of aloe juice with the same amount of honey. With constant stirring, add 30 g of medical petroleum jelly;
  • in a mortar, grind 2 g of mummy in the form of a thick resin with 10 drops of cosmetic almond oil. Introduce 30 g of fatty baby cream in small portions.

Homemade ointments should be refrigerated for no longer than a week. You need to apply them 3-4 times a day, rubbing lightly into the skin. They are inexpensive, but very effective in eliminating all the symptoms of herpes infection.

The best ointments and creams for herpes on the lips

If you do not go into medical details about the effect of herpes on the entire body, then we can say briefly: it is very unpleasant. One of the troubles this virus is capable of is a rash on the red border of the lips. Painful, unaesthetic and scarring if treated with carelessness.

What to do? Resign or fight? Of course, the second, especially since pharmaceutical advances are making it easier to fight this ubiquitous virus. And we will consider the best remedies for herpes on the lips in detail in our article.



Acyclovir is the best inexpensive ointment for herpes on the lips. The cost of a tube of 5 g ointment is about 25 rubles. Analogs: Zovirax (185 rubles), Herperax (65 rubles).

Benefits.The active ingredient, acyclovir, is a powerful antiviral agent that penetrates the cell affected by the herpes virus and breaks the sequence in the DNA chain, thus preventing further multiplication of the virus. Since the virus is unable to create its own "clones" without the participation of human DNA, the forecast is clear: the "enemy" is defeated, justice has triumphed.

In addition, in the home medicine cabinet, Acyclovir ointment is useful not only in cases of "blooming" lips - shingles, chickenpox, genital herpes: all forms of the virus can be treated with this ointment.

Disadvantages. The most vulnerable category of patients - pregnant and lactating women - will not be able to take advantage of all the benefits of Acyclovir, since the active substance freely enters the fetus through the placenta and traces of acyclovir are found in breast milk. This means that herpes that appears on the lips during pregnancy requires a very careful approach to treatment with this drug: only when weighing the risks to the fetus and the benefits to the mother. It is a little easier for nursing mothers: during treatment with Acyclovir, you can switch to artificial feeding, and a week later at the end of the course, return to breastfeeding.

In addition, peeling of the areas where the ointment was applied can be an unpleasant surprise. Therefore, it is recommended to alternate the use of Acyclovir with antiseptic creams containing moisturizing and regenerating substances.

Conclusions. Despite serious contraindications for pregnant and lactating women, Acyclovir remains one of the best remedies for combating herpes. Rating: 10 points out of ten.

Reviews. "It is very effective in combating herpes on the lips and the price is human, but you need to make sure that after the ointment dries, remove its remnants - otherwise, untidy yellowish spots appear on the lips, which is not very pleasant, especially at work or in a public place."



The cost of a tube weighing 5g. is about 185 rubles.

Benefits... Although Zovirax is an analogue of Acyclovir, this cream deserves a special mention. The reason for this is propylene glycol, which is part of the drug. This substance greatly facilitates the fight against the virus, since thanks to propylene glycol, acyclovir - the active substance - more effectively penetrates the cells affected by the herpes virus.

In addition, unlike ointments based on paraffin or petroleum jelly, Zovirax is better absorbed into the skin of the lips, without leaving greasy or moist marks on it.

disadvantages... The same as for Acyclovir, with the addition of allergies or intolerance to propylene glycol.

conclusions... The effectiveness of the drug against herpes is at its best. And if you use it according to the instructions (or even better - according to the doctor's prescription), then you yourself will give Zovirax a score of 10 points.

Reviews. « I really liked Zovirax. Compared to other herpes ointments that I have previously treated, this is the best. It does not melt or blur, leaving a characteristic film on the lips that is very annoying. Due to the light consistency of a small tube, it lasts for a long time, it is very economically consumed».

Fenistil Pentsivir


The cost of a tube containing 2g. cream is about 240 rubles.

Benefits... In this cream, the active ingredient is penciclovir - an even more powerful antiviral substance than acyclovir.

Fenistil Pencivir cream, applied from the very beginning of herpes manifestations, can reduce the time during which the virus decorates your lips by almost 50%. And the auxiliary substances contained in Fenistil (vaseline oil, white paraffin, etc.) protect the skin from drying out and prevent scarring of wounds. This complex action makes it possible to recommend the cream as a treatment for often or regularly recurring episodes of exacerbation of herpes (which, in fact, are the rashes on the lips).

disadvantagesThe stronger the effect of the drug, the more contraindications it has: the well-known pharmaceutical axiom. In the case of Fenistil Pencivir, there are no more bans on its use - the same pregnancy and breastfeeding, but they are significantly stricter: only in cases where the benefits for the mother are immeasurably greater than the harm for the child. Breastfeeding requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor before starting treatment with this drug. Well, the ban on Fenistil treatment for children under the age of 12 years.

conclusions... If, after examining the shortcomings of the drug, you decide that Fenistil Pencivir is something like a weapon of mass destruction, do not jump to conclusions. This is one of the best, effective and safest remedies for herpes if used as directed. And if you ignore the package leaflet, then any medicine will be dangerous. Therefore, an unambiguous 10 points out of ten.

Reviews. « I started using this cream and began to notice that herpes relapses happen much less frequently than before. And the sores pass faster. Maybe this is even due to the fact that the cream softens the lips and prevents the herpes bubbles from cracking, so these areas heal faster».



The cost of a tube with gel is 30 g. is about 800 rubles.

Benefits... Panavir will be the best remedy for herpes on the lips for people who simultaneously suffer from herpes and aversion to synthetic drugs. This gel contains a natural substance - plant polysaccharide, which inhibits the activity of the virus, and, importantly, improves the vital signs of infected cells. This means that cells invaded by the herpes virus are less likely to die ingloriously and even acquire the ability to recover from a viral attack.

disadvantages... Like any antiviral agent, the active ingredient Panavir easily penetrates the cell membranes in the tissues of the human body (otherwise it simply cannot get to the virus). It is this property that makes it possible for the polysaccharide to enter breast milk and the placenta. Then everything is obvious: for nursing and pregnant women, Panavir can only be used as directed by a doctor.

The instructions for the drug indicate that people with kidney disease should also not get involved in the treatment of herpes with Panavir.

conclusions... Panavir's natural origin is a huge plus. But the price, in our opinion, is too high. Therefore, we give it a rating of 9 out of 10.

Reviews. « The doctor prescribed to alternate Acyclovir and Panavir, so that the virus “does not get used”. Indeed, 2 months after the almost constant use of these gels, herpes began to appear very rarely.».

Natural essential oils


The cost of a 15 ml bottle ranges from 35 to 110 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

Benefits... The volatile substances in essential oils have a number of beneficial properties. Antiviral is one of them. Tea tree, fir, pine, lemon, geranium, clove oil is an effective remedy to accelerate healing. But what is more important (especially for people suffering from frequent cold sores on the lips) is the ability of essential oils to prevent relapse. The mechanism of action is simple: herpes, once settled in the body, already nowhere and never disappears. He is just waiting for the immune system to be distracted by colds, flu, gastritis and whatever. And only then does the herpes peek out of hiding and begins to decorate your face with a rash on your lips or shingles on your stomach.

Natural essential oils enhance the body's natural defenses and keep the immune system in good shape. Therefore, they are an indispensable tool for the prevention of herpes. Moreover, they can be used in any way convenient for you: prepare an emulsion (1 part essential oil for 3 parts vegetable oil) and rub it into the temples, the "entrance" to the nostrils; do inhalations, apply in an aroma lamp, add to bath water. Agree, this is much more pleasant than applying a tasteless ointment on your lips and then enjoying its "hospital" taste for a long time.

disadvantages... Well, where can we go without them. Firstly, if you have a tendency to allergic reactions, then an allergy test should be performed before using the oils. And if the manifestations of your allergies are severe - shortness of breath, bronchospasm, etc., then you will have to give up the thought of treating yourself with essential oils.

Disadvantage number two: oils are quite effective as a preventive measure, but with an already exacerbated herpes, they are powerless.

And the last thing: essential oils can both soften the skin and dry it out to the state of parchment, which for the delicate skin of the lips may mean accelerating the onset of the next recurrence of herpes.

conclusions... With the right approach to the choice of oil and its use without fanaticism (and after conducting an allergy test on the skin of the inner side of the forearm), essential oils will become one of the best natural remedies for preventing the recurrence of herpes. But, given that they help in the treatment of this condition only conditionally - they facilitate the course of the disease as part of a complex therapy, we will lower the score to 9 points.

Herpes, aka "cold", aka "fever on the lip", affects millions of people around the world. Although the picture of infection is truly titanic - according to medical data, about 67% of people around the world are infected with the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) - but only every third of them from time to time on lips bubble formations filled with liquid appear. For health herpes on lips practically not dangerous, but it affects social life, and how - according to the survey, more than half of the sick admitted that they were embarrassed to go out on this day. Most often, sores on lips causes herpes the first type HSV-1. There is still a genital herpes, the virus of which belongs to the second type - HSV-2. However, if a person practices variety in sex, there is a chance of damage to the oral cavity - about 15% of cases herpes on lips will also be called HSV-2.

Usually people "pick up" herpes at a young age, when they are not yet twenty years old. Get infected herpesit can be done anywhere - through close contact with a person whose virus is in an acute stage, or through touching objects previously used by an infected person. This can be either a towel or dishes, a shaving machine, a toothbrush, and other personal items. If the recipient does not have antibodies against the herpes virus, he receives the virus.

What factors trigger the herpes virus on the lips to be active?

During primary infection, the herpes virus penetrates through the cells of the epithelium and dermis and enters the neurons of the trigeminal nerve, where it is located comfortably. After the first outbreak of the disease, it goes into the asymptomatic stage - this means that although herpes and is present in the body, it does not manifest itself in any way. However, some events can lead to the proliferation of the virus and, as a result, to the appearance of blisters on the lips. Such events may include:

  • heat
  • upper respiratory tract infection
  • a weakened immune system (for example, after a long illness or under the influence of immunosuppressants)
  • recent surgery, including dental surgery
  • cosmetic surgeries such as laser skin resurfacing or botox injections
  • injuries, burns to the face and lips
  • prolonged exposure to the sun, when it is most active, or exposure to ultraviolet radiation in a tanning bed
  • extreme cold or extreme heat
  • hormonal changes (for example, when taking medications and / or contraceptives, menopause, some diseases)
  • menses
  • stressful event (wedding, funeral, dismissal, getting a dream job, etc.)
  • overstrain, overwork, fatigue.

Herpes Symptoms

A primary infection may not cause any symptoms at all, except for a slight rise in temperature that the person does not even notice. Otherwise, the very first outbreak is the most severe. A week or two after infection, an adult may have a sore throat, lymph nodes in this area become painful, it is difficult to swallow, and an unpleasant odor (halitosis) comes from the mouth. The patient may suffer from muscle pain. On the lip area and on the skin next to them, multiple vesicle formations appear, grouped in two or three. After a while, the sores dry up and go away by themselves.

In children, primary herpes most often manifests itself in the form of gingivostomatitis, when bubbles and sores appear on the tongue, lips, gums, mucous membrane of the mouth and in the palate. The child is painful and difficult to swallow, and excessive salivation can lead to dehydration. The lymph nodes in the neck area swell, the temperature sometimes reaches 38 °. The child is nauseous, his stomach hurts, his appetite disappears. Another symptom of primary infection herpesom - persistent headache. In adolescents, the infection herpesom can cause pharyngitis, and its symptoms are similar to viral infectious mononucleosis. On average, the disease can last from a week to two, full of treatedit will take at least three weeks. Fortunately, such symptoms when infected herpesthey will appear only once - the virus cannot afford it anymore.

Re-infection manifests itself in a milder form. The body gradually learns to cope with it on its own, produces antibodies that prevent the virus from multiplying uncontrollably. Average herpes in an infected person, it goes into an active stage from force once or twice a year, but about 5-10% of those infected suffer from the appearance of sores on the lips six or more times a year. Symptoms herpes on the lips may include:

Itching, tingling in the lips - this specific sensation shows that a bubble filled with liquid will soon appear here.

The actual blisters on the lips and next to them, in some cases on the tongue, nose, gums. People with immunodeficiency can develop chronic ulcers on the tongue.

Stages of development of herpes on the lips

Stage I: about a day before the appearance of ulcers, the lips begin to tingle, itching, and slight redness appear.

Stage II: Liquid-filled blisters appear on the lips.

Stage III: Blisters burst, dry out and form ulcers.

Stage IV: The ulcers dry out and develop scabs that crack and itch.

Stage V: the crust falls off and healthy tissue is found underneath. Herpes entered the sleeping stage again.

With absence treatment the active stage of herpes lasts about 8-10 days. If you use antiviral drugs and mazand, the active phase of herpes is reduced to a few days.

How do you know if it is herpes or something else?

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis. Typically, on examination, he can take a sample for a laboratory, which later confirms (or refutes) the presence of the HSV-1 virus.

Complications of herpes

It all depends on the location of the ulcer. If on the lips, it is relatively safe; if before our eyes - much worse. Herpes can cause scarring on the surface of the cornea (the transparent tissue that covers the body of the eye) and, as a result, impairment of vision.

Other complications may include:

Frequent ulcers that require constant treatment.

Sores appear on other parts of the body.

The herpes virus can cause similar complications in young children whose immune systems are not yet fully developed, or in adults whose immunity is weakened in severe illness or after taking immunosuppressants.

See your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • heat;
  • find it difficult to swallow or breathe;
  • eyes turn red, irritated, tears flow from them.

Can herpes be cured?

At the moment, there is no medicine that can cure herpes completely. Once the virus has settled in the nerve cells, it remains there forever - until the death of a person. Even if it does not declare itself in any way or almost in any way. The only thing that remains for patients is to reduce the time of the active phase of the virus and reduce the inconveniences associated with it.

Mazand from herpes on the lips

Many people, when the herpes virus is activated, prefer to treat themselves with the help of mazher and creams that are sold without a prescription. They slow down the reproduction of the infection. Bestall these mazand and creamthey work if they are applied immediately at the first suspicion of a recurrence of herpes - when you are just feeling a slight itching and tingling sensation in your lips. They won't cure herpes on their own, but they will shorten the relapse time and prevent you from infecting other people. Usually, mazand is used several times a day (usually four to five times) for two to three days. Them bestdo not rub, but apply with soft patting movements so as not to injure the damaged tissue even more.

One of the pluses mazto her, creams and gelwith her treatedand herpes - due to topical application, they have practically no side effects. Sometimes a headache of moderate severity may occur, and if there is an individual reaction to individual components - an allergy, expressed in a burning sensation, pinching of the skin area where the medicine was applied.


Acyclovir, the main active substance of the multitude mazher and creamov is an antiviral medication that is especially effective against HSV-1 and HSV-2 herpes viruses. It does not kill the virus, but prevents its reproduction by blocking its DNA. This means that acylovir is of little use for treatment already developed sores on the lips. But if means apply as soon as the patient feels the symptoms of an exacerbation that has begun, then use mazand can reduce the number of blisters and their duration. If the infection has spread to the eyes - for this case there is a special ointment; usual for treatment the eye should not be used in any case.

Practically has no contraindications - you need to consult a doctor only in case of pregnancy, or if the patient has a weakened immune system (one mazand this may not be enough).

Application mazand based on acyclovir: the most bestth way is to use means every four hours while awake (for example, at 8 am, 12 pm, 4 pm, and 8 pm). Apply ointment onto a tampon, cotton swab or applicator and use gentle patting movements to "beat" ointment into the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. This is done so that the blisters do not break open - otherwise the patient will be itchy, and the virus will begin to spread around. Usually the term treatment mazew is about five days old. Remember to wash your hands before or after applying fundsand.

For a long time mazand based on acyclovir were considered the best fundsohm for herpes. But, unfortunately, the virus is able to adapt to drugs - at the moment, many strains of herpes have become resistant to acyclovir.

Acyclovir and hydrocortisone.

The recipe for this creamand for treatment herpes was invented relatively recently - ten years ago. The purpose of its creation was as follows: although acyclovir is able to shorten the time of exacerbation of herpes, it is unable to influence the symptoms accompanying the activation of the virus - inflammation, itching, pain. It would be logical to add to the composition mazand or creamand another substance that would cope with these unpleasant phenomena. So it appeared cream with a dual composition - acyclovir (5%), which is responsible for the antiviral part, and hydrocortisone (1%). This substance is a corticosteroid that reduces inflammation, relieves itching and dries sores on the lips. As a result, the application creambut reduced the time of virus activity (with early treatedui) compared to normal mazew on the basis of acyclovir by 5%, and the frequency of virus relapses decreased significantly.

Acyclovir, lidocaine, interferon alfa-2b.

In connection with the development of resistance to acyclovir, there is a search for new funds for treatment herpes on the lips. Ointment with a triple composition (acyclovir, lidocaine and interferon alpha-2b) is another step in this direction. Acyclovir inhibits viral replication, and lidocaine is one of the most commonly used local anesthetics.

Interferon alpha-2b is used for treatment various types of cancers and viral infections, and such serious ones as chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis C. This substance is similar to a protein that the body produces itself to fight against hostile microorganisms. It is believed that interferon alpha-2b affects the growth and functioning of cells and the body's natural defenses, that is, the immune system. According to research results, interferon alfa-2b can also affect the herpes virus - its use has led to an improvement in symptoms, a shorter time and a decrease in the number of exacerbations.

Like mazand based on acyclovir, apply this cream required 4-5 times a day with an interval of 4 hours between procedures... The duration of treatment is about 5 days.


Unlike acyclovir, penciclovir is exclusively a component mazto her, creams and gelto her. If taken internally, it is poorly absorbed by the body, but it is excellent for superficial application. Like its related acyclovir (both fundsand refer to nucleic acid analogs), penciclovir prevents the virus from multiplying by affecting its DNA. Although cream not cheap, but penciclovir works better than analogs - it relieves herpes faster (the difference, however, is 10-12 hours on the strength, but still). True, penciclovir has problems - its mechanism of action, like that of its relative, can cause the appearance of new strains of herpes resistant to both drugs.

For those who are very worried about their appearance during an exacerbation of herpes, there are creamand on the basis of penciclovir with a toning effect - they mask blisters and sores on the lips. Penciclovir-based creams should be used more often than similar fundsa - every 2 hours (about 8 times a day). The treatment time is 4 days.


Medicinal funds from herpes with docosanol not so much - this substance was discovered quite recently. If a mazand, based on acyclovir and penciclovir, prevent viral replication through inhibition of viral DNA, then docosanol (although scientists still do not understand exactly how it works) seems to restrict the virus by incorporating into the cell's plasma membrane. Therefore, it is almost impossible for the virus to develop resistance to it. However, if the virus gets on the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, docosanol is completely useless - it cannot be used to treat the eyes.

As with treatedand other ointments and creams for herpes, fundsand on the basis of docosanol, they are applied 4-5 times a day with an interval of 4 hours. The treatment period is about 5 days.


Ribavirin is often used to treat severe infectious diseases such as hepatitis C and viral hemorrhagic fever. However, recent studies of the action of ribavirin have shown that it is also useful in a new capacity - as means against herpes. According to new data, a cream based on ribavirin not only reduces the activity of the virus, but is also able to integrate into the viral genome, causing lethal mutations of the herpes virus. Also, ribavirin enhances the antiviral effect of acyclovir. True, medicinal means pharmaceutical products based on these two substances have not yet appeared on the post-Soviet market.

Apply the cream 4-5 times a day with an interval of 4 hours, up to 8 days; if there is no improvement during these days, you must make an appointment with the doctor. Ribavirin-based creams differ in a slightly larger number of contraindications - they cannot be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children under 18 years of age.

Hexose glucoside, composed of several organic compounds.

This gel - a recent original development of Russian scientists. They took shoots of common potatoes, purified the extract and isolated a complex organic compound that has immunomodulatory properties. It increases the body's immunity to infection, including the herpes virus, and also reduces inflammation and pain.

Thin layer geli apply to the damaged areas of the skin of the face 4-5 times a day, the treatment time is about 5 days.


Another own development of Russian scientists. It is believed that gel effective against herpes viruses of both the first and second types. The action of the medicinal fundsbut it stimulates the activity of a person's own immune system, namely, T-killer cells and NK cells, which are already fighting the virus themselves. Also, the use of the gel in the treatment of herpes relieves burning and itching, reduces inflammation and redness of the skin.

During treatment gel apply 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days. Interestingly, the use of gels based on allostatin as a side effect can cause a short-term increase in herpes sores - it is believed that this is how increased immunity reacts to the virus. In this case, it is recommended to consult a specialized doctor - immunologist.

Active substance Drug name Dosage form Manufacturer Price
Acyclovir Acyclovir Ointment Russia, Belarus From 26 rubles.
Acyclovir-Akrikhin Ointment Russia 38 RUB
Acyclovir-Belupo Cream Croatia 68 rubles, 85 rubles
Acyclovir-Sandoz Cream Switzerland 86 rubles, 147 rubles
Herperax Ointment India RUB 71
Vivorax Cream India RUB 101
Zovirax Cream United Kingdom 193 r
Zovirax Ointment ocular United Kingdom 286 r
Acyclovir and hydrocortisone Zovirax Duo-Active Cream United Kingdom 338 r
Acyclovir, lidocaine, interferon alfa-2b Gerpferon Ointment Russia RUB 250
Docosanol Erazaban Cream USA 425 RUB
Penciclovir Fenistil Pentsivir Cream Switzerland 348 r
Ribavirin Deviers Cream Russia 423 r
Hexose glucoside, composed of several organic compounds Panavir Gel Russia From 155 rub.
Allostatin Allomedin Gel Russia 335 RUB

Other remedies for herpes on the lips

For severe cases of herpes (if relapses occur more than six times a year, there are many ulcers and they affect other parts of the body besides the lips), the doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs in pills.

Acyclovir. Acyclovir works well against herpes, but does not kill the virus itself. The tablets are prescribed for severe stomatitis caused by the herpes virus. True, over time, many strains of herpes have become resistant to acyclovir.

Valacyclovir. Valacyclovir is an acyclovir ester and is used if vesicles and ulcers appear on the mucous membranes and for herpes zoster.

Famciclovir. Famciclovir is a penciclovir derivative, but unlike its “parent” it is better absorbed by the body. Famvir differs from other antiherpetic drugs in its prolonged action - its molecules stay in the cell for up to 12 hours.

These fundsbut won't help from herpes on the lipsbut can reduce the discomfort of the disease.

Paracetamol. Relieves pain, lowers fever, and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

Ibuprofen. Relieves inflammation, reduces pain, has a weak antipyretic effect.

Chlorhexidine. Has an antiseptic effect. This means rinse your mouth for herpes-induced gingivostomatitis.

Lidocaine. Facilities for external use on the basis of lidocaine have a local anesthetic effect.

Alginic acid salts, xylitol, guanine compounds. This gel relieves inflammation, helps tissue regenerate, relieves pain and itching.

Active substance Drug name Dosage form Manufacturer Price
Paracetamol Paracetamol, Panadol, Efferalgan Tablets Germany, Russia, Switzerland From 17 rub.
Ibuprofen Nurofen, MIG-400, Ibuprofen-Hemofarm, Faspik Tablets Russia, Italy, Serbia, Germany From 100 rubles.
Chlorhexidine Chlorhexidine, Curasept, Dentaid Liquid Russia, Spain, Switzerland From 100 rubles.
Lidocaine Kamistad Gel Germany 254 RUB
Alginic acid salts, xylitol, guanine compounds Herpenox Gel Russia 171 r

Or you can use your home fundsom - with an ice cube. Wrap an ice cube in a tissue and apply to the affected area. Throw away the tissue immediately after use.

Herpes safety rules

The following tips can help prevent infection with the herpes virus or the spread of the infection.

After the experienced active phase of the virus, boil all objects that touched the sick person's face (or other parts of the body if ulcers have arisen there). These can be towels, bed linen (especially pillowcases), dishes of the patient.

Under no circumstances should you use dishes, a shaving machine, a toothbrush and other hygienic items of a patient with herpes in the active phase.

Use strangers facilities from herpes on the lips it is impossible.

If the virus has passed into an active stage, you can neither kiss nor engage in oral sex with a person with herpes - labial herpes takes root well on the genitals.

To prevent the virus from spreading to other parts of the body, it is undesirable to touch the sores on the lips with your bare hands; if this happens, wash your hands immediately with soap and water. It is advisable to use cotton swabs, cotton swabs, or disposable applicators for applying ointments.

If you wear contact lenses, always wear them after washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water. There is a chance that without proper hygiene, you will inject the virus into your eyes.

Herpes ointment (cream) - a pharmacy remedy for the external treatment of herpetic rashes on various parts of the body - on the lips, face, torso or genitals. Many ointments contain an antiviral substance - acyclovir. Consider how this component works and whether there are other antiviral components and ointments.

Ointments and treatment of the herpes virus

Herpes infection is a virus. It penetrates into human cells and makes them work for their own good - to reproduce new viruses. It is difficult to fight the herpes virus, because, unlike bacterial infection, the body has to destroy not foreign organisms, but its own cells infected with the virus. Therefore, for a long time, the only treatment for herpes was a person's own immune responses.

The situation changed with the invention of acyclovir. This substance was synthesized in 1974. On its basis, external agents for treatment were released - ointments for herpes on the face, lips, trunk, genitals.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer several dozen different ointments with this component. The most famous of them are Gerpevir, Viroleks, Lipster, Atsik, Agerp. They differ in the manufacturer and in the presence of additional substances in the composition. And also the concentration of the active substance. How much does a herpes ointment cost - is determined by the listed factors and can vary from 150 before 1050 rbl... Since creams, ointments and gels contain the same active ingredient, they have the same therapeutic efficacy. This is the case when a cheap drug is as effective as a drug with a high pharmacy price. Consider how acyclovir works in the composition of ointments, what other antiviral drugs are used, and which ointment is better for herpes?

Herpes ointment: composition and action

Effective ointments and pills for herpes must necessarily contain specific antiviral substances. Often this is - acyclovir and its generics (penciclovir)... Other antiviral components are also possible - extract of nightshade plants, oxolin. Also, immunostimulants (interferons) are used as an antiherpetic component. The best ointment for herpes has a complex composition and contains antiviral and wound-healing substances, as well as antiseptics. It not only stops the spread of the virus, but also prevents bacterial infection of wounds, stimulates accelerated regeneration (healing) of the skin.

Cheap herpes ointment contains only an antiviral component, which is not always effective in action. The cheapest antiherpetic ointment is acyclovir. It is effective the first time it is used and loses its effectiveness with subsequent relapses and repeated treatments.

Herpes ointment classification

Drugs for the treatment of herpes cutaneous infection can be conditionally divided into two large groups: Herpes ointments - those compounds that directly limit the spread of the virus, contain an antiviral substance and cause the death of viral particles. Ointments that heal wounds from herpes - these are compositions in which there are antiseptics, stimulants of the regeneration of skin tissues. They do not cure the infection, but they prevent complications in the form of bacterial contamination. They also aid in the regeneration (repair) of the skin after blocking the multiplication of the virus.

What ointment to treat herpes - a special one based on acyclovir, penciclovir, or an ordinary antiseptic? Practice confirms that antiseptic drugs do not help with herpes... Despite their use, a new rash appears. Therefore, for the treatment of the virus, a specific composition with an antiviral effect is required. Consider what kind of antiviral ointments, creams and gels pharmaceuticals offer. And which ointment for herpes is the most effective?

Antiviral ointments for herpes: Acyclovir

Acyclovir is the simplest and cheapest ointment for herpes... The main active ingredient is the first antiviral and antiherpetic substance of the same name - acyclovir.

How does this antiviral component work?

Acyclovir is a synthetic analogue of one of the elements of viral DNA. It interacts with the enzymes of the virus and stops the processes of doubling its DNA... This renders the virus sterile. Herpes loses its ability to reproduce. Acyclovir becomes active only when it encounters a herpes virus (or an infected cell). Until contact, he remains inert, does not affect healthy uninfected cells, does not cause any changes in them... Therefore, drugs based on acyclovir are considered low toxic and safe for children and pregnant women, and are often used as herpes ointment for children.

Note: however, acyclovir has a list of contraindications. These are any allergic manifestations on the skin of an adult or child.

Acyclovir is most effective against labial (oral) and genital herpes... It works slightly worse against type 3 virus - Eelgrasswhich causes chickenpox and herpes zoster. It is even less effective against type 4 virus - Epstein-Barr... And even less effective - against cytomegalovirus (CMV). Acyclovir suppresses the virus, but it is unable to completely remove it from cells. Therefore, it helps the immune system, but cannot fight the virus on its own. It prevents the appearance of new rashes, can be used as a prophylaxis. And also reduces pain, accelerates healing, the formation of crusts on herpetic wounds.

With prolonged use of Acyclovir ointment for herpes, addiction occurs. The drug loses its effectiveness.

Zovirax: acyclovir cream

Zovirax is the trade name for acyclovir. It was under this designation that he went on sale 4 years after the invention of this substance. It is noteworthy that ointments were the first form of drugs based on acyclovir. And only later were pills with an antiviral component released.

Zovirax is available as a cream with a 5% acyclovir concentration, as well as an ophthalmic ointment with a 3% concentration Cream used to treat skin surface rashes. Eye ointment - from genital rashes and ophthalmic herpes (viral keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis).

The cream is used to treat blistering skin rash with oral and genital infections, as well as chickenpox. It is prescribed as an ointment for herpes on the lips and ointment for herpes zoster. The cream is applied to the vesicles 4-5 times during the day, while using a swab with a cotton swab, so as not to spread the infection to other parts of the body. Usually, treatment lasts 4 days, if necessary, it is extended up to 10 days.

Note: Zovirax herpes ointment is also allowed in the treatment of pregnant women. Features of treatment: acyclovir-based ointments are more effective at the onset of the disease. Therefore, the best result of external treatment is observed at the very beginning, when itching and soreness are felt in the place of future rashes, seals appear. Later, with the appearance of bubbles (vesicles), the effect of the ointment is less effective. If you start to smear the itchy area before the blistering rash appears, you can stop the herpes and cure it in 2-3 days. If you start to smear after the appearance of the rash, then the treatment will be longer and will take 6-7 or more days.

Panavir ointment against herpes and warts

Panavir is a new drug developed in Russia for the treatment of herpes. It has three dosage forms: powder for preparation of an injection, suppositories, ointment. Any form of medicinal substance contains an extract from the shoots of the nightshade plant (potato). Which is the main active ingredient, provides the antiviral effect of suppositories, gel. Note: manufacturers often do not advertise the content of potato greens extract in medicinal products. It is indicated that it contains an extract from the shoots of the Solanum tuberosum plant (the Latin name for ordinary potatoes). It has to do with thinking standards. Often buyers will be asked the question - how can edible potatoes cure the virus? The fact is that any nightshade plants contain the poison solanine. It provides the therapeutic antiviral effect of Panavir.

For external treatment, gel and spray forms of the drug are produced... They have a water-glycerine base and are sometimes called ointments. The form of the gel allows you to apply it to the mucous membranes, which is important in the treatment of rashes on the genitals and lips. therefore panavir gel and spray are used as an ointment for herpes in the intimate area... Also, the gel form of the drug does not leave greasy marks on the skin and does not stain clothes, therefore it is popular as an ointment for herpes on the body.

The effectiveness of using Panavir ointment for herpes has been tested on thousands of patients. How does Solanum tuberosum extract work?

The main component of Panavir is a broad-spectrum antiviral agent. It not only limits the development of the virus, but also exhibits immunomodulatory effects. It enhances the synthesis of interferon alpha, and thereby increases the body's resistance to other viral infections. Panavir also reduces inflammation, reduces swelling.

The complex action of Panavir gel ensures its widespread use. It is used in the treatment of the first three types of herpes viruses - oral (as an ointment against herpes on the lips), genital (as an ointment for genital herpes) and chickenpox... And also in the treatment of warts, genital warts, papillomas.

Fenistil: gel to relieve itching

Fenistil-based preparations exhibit antiallergic effect... They are used to block an allergic reaction - relieve itching and reduce rashes. They also have some anti-edematous effect (reduce capillary permeability, and thereby prevent fluid exudation from cells with the formation of edema). For external treatment, a gel form of the drug is produced, which is often mistakenly called an ointment.

Fenistil herpes ointment is used against itchy skin... It relieves unpleasant itching sensations with any rash. Often used for chickenpox to prevent scratching acne. Fenistil in any form ( gel, drip) is not used in children under one year old. It is also not prescribed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, since the drug has a whole list of side effects. It causes lethargy of the central nervous system, drowsiness. The listed side effects appear mainly in case of overdose. With external treatment, it is difficult to overdose the drug for an adult and possibly for small children. therefore Fenistil is strictly prohibited for children under 1 month old, and for premature and low birth weight - up to six months.

Fenistil Pencivir: analogue of acyclovir

This drug is an antiviral agent. Despite the name, it contains only an antiviral component - pencilovir, and does not contain antiallergic components. Shows antiherpetic action, used as an ointment for herpes on the face, lips, genitals, trunk... It is one of the most effective ointments for herpes.

Penciclovir is an analogue and generic of an antiviral substance acyclovir... It stops the multiplication of herpes, speeds up the healing of skin wounds and recovery. Wherein acts more effectively than acyclovir, is less addictive, fights viral infection even with repeated repeated use. Penciclovir exhibits antiviral activity at dosages lower than acyclovir. Helps in the treatment of herpetic complications of a neurological nature, the so-called herpetic neuralgia. This condition often occurs after shingles and manifests itself as severe painful sensations in the places of the former rashes.

Note: the drug is used only for the treatment of adults and children over 12 years old. Since there are no sufficiently large-scale studies on the effect of penciclovir on young children.

Oxolinic ointment

Oxolinic ointment or oxolinka is an antiviral drug known since Soviet times. It is a general purpose product. It is used to treat various viruses - influenza (adenovirus), herpes, warts, molluscum contagiosum. Prior to the invention of acyclovir, treating herpes with oxolinic ointment was the only available antiviral treatment. How does oxolin work?

The main substance of the ointment acts on the virus only upon contact with it. It blocks the binding of the virus to the cell membrane... And this prevents infection of new cells, stops the spread of infection. For the treatment of herpes on the face and trunk, it is used 3% oxolinic ointment. It is applied exclusively to skin rashes.... For the treatment of rashes on the mucous membranes, use a composition with a lower concentration ( 0,25% ). This is due to the fact that when applied to the skin, only 5% of the active substance is absorbed. And when applied to mucous surfaces, the absorption is 20%. Application 3% -th composition for the treatment of mucous membranes can cause severe burning.

Applying oxolinic ointment for herpes on lips uses concentration 0,25% ... This small concentration is also used as an ointment for herpes in the nose, and it is also popular as an ointment for genital herpes. Besides, 0,25% it is used in the treatment of ophthalmic viral infections (under the eyelid).

Oxolinic ointment for herpes can be applied both to the skin and to the mucous membranes of the eyes, lips, nose, and genitals. It can be used to treat children, since the active substance is not toxic and does not accumulate in the body. Babies are recommended to use a composition with 0,25% concentration of oxolin.

Note: a side effect of applying oxolinic ointment can be burning, blueing of the mucous membrane.

Sulfuric ointment

Sulfur ointment is ineffective against intracellular infection. It is able to counteract intercellular microorganisms. Therefore, the effectiveness of sulfuric ointment for herpes is zero.... It can give results in the healing phase after the body takes control of the spread of the virus. In this case, sulfuric ointment prevents bacterial infection of herpetic wounds, prevents the appearance of skin inflammations and complications, and also promotes early healing.

Hence the conclusions: sulfuric ointment is used as an external treatment for wounds after stopping the multiplication of the virus, as an ointment after herpes. Its use is relevant if blistering rashes have occupied a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin (for example, with herpes zoster, better known as herpes zoster).

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment - a means for drying skin inflammations... It is often used for weeping rashes - weeping dermatitis, diaper rash, to dry the skin and reduce exudate production.

Zinc is an antiseptic and has an antiseptic effect on the skin. Therefore, zinc ointment for herpes is used in the stage of wound healing, as a symptomatic treatment. It is also used as a preventive measure against bacterial contamination.

Tetracycline ointment

Tetracycline ointment is a traditional remedy for the treatment of purulent bacterial infections, skin inflammations... Contains in composition antibiotic tetracyclinewhich inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Antibiotics against viruses are ineffective, they often worsen the general condition. This explains why tetracycline herpes ointment is not used. It reduces the local immunity of cells and thereby provides the virus with additional opportunities for reproduction. At the stage of rashes and spread of infection, the use of tetracycline ointment will contribute to the extensive spread of blistering rash.

It is possible to use tetracyclic ointment with an antibacterial effect only if a bacterial infection has joined the herpetic wounds, herpes was complicated by extensive skin inflammation with the formation of pus.

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