Thyroid overweight. How are the thyroid gland and excess weight related? - extra weight that is difficult to get rid of

Overweight and hypothyroidism are closely related. It happens that a woman has tried all the ways to lose weight, but the weight remains the same. It is this fact that may indicate that extra pounds are caused by thyroid disease. We will tell you how to return thyroid health with the help of vitamin complexes and give valuable recommendations on nutrition.

Thyroid disorders as a cause of weight gain

Not everyone knows that disorders in the thyroid gland - one of the main reasons for weight gain. To be more precise, the reason lies in the insufficient production of hormones by this gland, resulting in a slowdown in metabolic processes. As a result, carbohydrates are not completely absorbed, but are deposited in the form of fat reserves.

Lack of iodine affects the function of the thyroid gland, it is iodine that converts calories into energy, and not into fat. The main mass gain is due to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which regulates the production of two thyroid hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). It is these most important substances that regulate the processes of energy formation in the body.

As a result of hormonal failure, the tissues are filled with fluid, this process is called hydrophilicity. The result is fat deposition. In order to know exactly what contributes to weight gain dysfunction of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests and obtain a doctor's opinion. Only then can treatment begin.

We would like to draw the reader's attention to the importance of metabolic processes. It is because of the failure of metabolism that obesity develops. With hypothyroidism, kilograms quickly accumulate, causing moral and physical harm to a person. But if you follow thyroid gland, to not allow violations in her work, then you can avoid the problem of excess weight, which is very difficult to solve.

How does hypothyroidism occur?

Most often, the body responds with increased weight to a lack of iodine in it, and a lack of iodine is a manifestation of hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism- the most common type of thyroid dysfunction. This is a form of pathology in which there is lack of thyroid hormone production. Let's consider, ToHow does hypothyroidism occur?

As we said above, thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH controls the production of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). If the thyroid gland ceases to produce them in the required volumes, then in arises such a disease like hypothyroidism. Note that there is a close relationship between these three substances. If at least one of them ceases to be synthesized in the required volumes, the entire endocrine system immediately begins to suffer. With age, the level of TSH begins to fall, in addition, its amount decreases with a pituitary tumor.

To understand which hormone is lacking in the body, you must first take a blood test. Endocrinologists, by the way, write out a direction for both analyzes at once, since the mechanism of these hormones is interconnected.

In fact, a violation in their interaction is one of the causes of excess weight in humans. The second reason is the pathology of the thyroid gland itself, caused by a number of reasons: medication, surgical interventions, radioactive exposure, etc.

The main manifestations of hypothyroidism

Speaking of problems with the thyroid gland, it should be called main manifestations of hypothyroidism. So, in patients with a lack of T4 hormone, the following symptoms are observed:

  • decrease in working capacity;
  • slowdown of energy processes;
  • decreased attention and hearing;
  • weight gain;
  • slow heartbeat;
  • manifestation of dryness of the skin;
  • constant feeling of cold;
  • fragility of nails is observed;
  • hair loss;
  • observed malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver enlargement;
  • metabolic disease.

In addition, frequent companions of this disease: swelling of the limbs and face, muscle weakness, headaches.

Hypothyroidism also harms the psychological state of a person. Interest in the environment disappears, there is passivity and a constant desire for rest. In the female half, the reproductive functions of the body are disrupted, the cycle is lost, and there are problems with conception. There is puffiness of the face, bulging of the eyeballs.

A few words about where the thyroid gland is located. Thyroid functions

Thyroid - endocrine gland, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the whole organism. Hthe thyroid gland is located on the neck, under the larynx, covering the trachea. It looks like a butterfly or a shield. This important organ weighs only 12-25 grams, but is of great importance for humans. So let's consider thyroid function.

The most important task of our small but very significant gland is to fill the body with thyroid hormones. T3 - triiodothyronine and T4 - thyroxine. These hormones are responsible for the filling of cells with oxygen, for the work of muscles, the musculoskeletal system, the heart, and the brain. From the production of these hormones depend: human growth, psychological state, metabolism, puberty, childbearing, the formation and bearing of the fetus, the digestive system, circulatory system, immune system, weight, energy metabolism, body temperature.

Hypothyroidism: disease statistics

It is worth talking a little about disease statistics hypothyroidism. Every year the number of cases increases by 5%. Moreover, women are exposed to such a pathology 7-9 times more often than men. The total number of patients with this disease in the world is about 700 million people, the risk group includes one and a half million.

In Russia, 15 to 40 percent of the country's population suffers from hypothyroidism, in some regions the figure reaches almost 100 percent. In the United States, statistics on the development of thyroid pathology suggests that 27 million people are sick with hypothyroidism. A study was conducted in Ukraine: out of 50,000 people, almost half had thyroid disorders. In fact, the figures are much higher, since many do not even suspect that they have this disease.

Why is this happening? On 70 percent of Russian territories, iodine is not enough not only in the soil, but also in water. This problem is becoming more and more urgent.

Nutrition for hypothyroidism

According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization, a person should consume at least 150-200 micrograms of iodine per day. In fact, the population of Russia consumes two to three times less valuable mineral. As a result, this leads to severe pathologies. That's why nutrition for hypothyroidism and for its prevention should contain iodine.

For example, children under one year old need about 90 micrograms of iodine per day for full development; from two years to five - 110 - 130 mcg; older than 7 years - it is necessary to increase the dose from 130 to 150 per day; starting from the age of 12, 150-200 mcg is considered the norm.

Pregnant and lactating women should increase the daily dose of iodine to about 300 micrograms. But it should be remembered that an excess of a mineral, just like a deficiency, is harmful to the body.

We all know what is healthy nutrition- the key to a long and fulfilling life, and with hypothyroidism this statement is doubly true. The human body has all the protective mechanisms to resist the influence of adverse external and internal signs. The thyroid gland is our guardian, which controls the immune processes in the body. It must be protected from abuse. Armed with knowledge about hyperthyroidism, you can safely resist it. One of the most important points is proper nutrition.

It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day in small quantities. This helps the digestive system absorb nutrients and vitamins. It is important that the food is warm. Not everyone knows that the body spends a lot of energy on digesting cold or hot food, and with hypothyroidism this worsens the tendency to recovery. An important factor for normalizing the state of the thyroid gland is the presence of ascorbic acid in the diet. It well strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thereby eliminating puffiness.

Bad foods for hypothyroidism

Surely, many will be useful to know about harmful foods for hypothyroidism. Basically, it is food that interferes with the absorption of iodine. Note that malnutrition can aggravate the development of the disease. Therefore, a diet for hypothyroidism is an obligatory moment in its treatment. Let's name the products that need to be excluded from your diet in case of hypothyroidism:

  • soy (may inhibit the thyroid gland).
  • broccoli, turnip, mustard;
  • fatty meat of animals and poultry;
  • fatty milk;
  • mushrooms;
  • brains, liver, kidneys;
  • fish caviar;
  • alcohol.

Cooking with lard, vegetable and butter is contraindicated. And it is recommended to cook for a couple so that the food is easily digested. It is also better to replace sweets with dried fruits. Tea or coffee must be brewed weakly, otherwise metabolic processes can be harmed. And it is better to replace tea and coffee with natural juices or compotes. You should also limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates.

What to eat with hypothyroidism?

Often the cause of excess weight lies not in overeating, but in hormonal failure. And therefore, training, diets will not cope with a similar problem. You need proper nutrition with sufficient iodine intake, some vitamin complexes will also be useful. What food is optimal for replenishing our body with iodine?

Mandatory products that should be included in the diet of a person with hypothyroidism, of course, should be rich in iodine. The best helper in this is variety. You already know about harmful dishes for hypothyroidism, and below you can read what you need to eat to stop the development of the disease and gain extra pounds . So, we advise you to include the following foods in your daily diet:

  • seaweed;
  • greens, potatoes; carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • seafood;
  • fruits;
  • cereals, buckwheat porridge;
  • chicken eggs (only protein);
  • low-fat dairy products and not salty.

Foods high in iodine

Cranberry- this is a unique berry, which contains, in addition to iodine, potassium and vitamin C. Another unique effect is that when it is used, mental processes are noticeably accelerated. No wonder cranberries belong to foods high in iodine, 100 grams of berries contain 350 micrograms of this mineral.

Prunes normalize metabolism

This type of dried fruit is useful for the whole body and contains a variety of components that help keep the whole body in good shape. Important, that prunes normalize metabolism. It is a good protector of the body against cancer and can help prevent diabetes. Eliminates obesity in hypothyroidism, especially effective in the initial stages of thyroid disease. The product is rich in iodine, one piece of prunes contains approximately 2.7 micrograms of the mineral.

The drug "Tireo-Vit" helps to lose weight in patients with hypothyroidism

A good helper in obesity due to hypothyroidism is the drug "Tireo-Vit". This dietary supplement is based on medicinal plants such as white cinquefoil, kelp, purple echinacea. "Tireo-Vit» is produced in Penza, and its main components are grown in an ecologically clean region of the Sursky region. The dietary supplement contains plants that are useful for the thyroid gland, which means helps to lose weight.

Not everyone knows that in our country such valuable grass grows as White bloodroot. It has many names: five-leafed, five-ringed, interhyper, five-fingered, Potentilla alba. Scientists of the former USSR G.K. Smyk and V.V. Krivenko. In the treatment of patients with hypothyroidism with cinquefoil white, an improvement in the state of the thyroid gland or a complete restoration of its functions was revealed. An important consequence of the use of the plant was the reduction in the weight of obese patients. Due to its properties, cinquefoil stimulates the thyroid gland, as a result helps also lose weight.

Overweight and Hypothyroidism

Novosibirsk scientists have found that this plant contains little iodine, but a lot of flavonoids and tannins. It also includes many minerals: silicon, zinc, selenium, manganese, iron. If there is little iodine in white cinquefoil, then why is it able to affect the thyroid gland? According to the professor of the Department of Pharmacology of the Penza State University E.F. Semenova, who is studying the beneficial properties of cinquefoil, we need to talk about the complex action of all substances of the plant.

There is also an opinion that the therapeutic effect is achieved due to tannins that can remove toxins and radionuclides from the body.

Knowing these features of Potentilla, the creators drug "Tireo-Vit" enriched it with kelp - an additional source of iodine. All three components of this dietary supplement act synergistically, effectively complementing each other.

Rare and valuable plant Potentilla white

Pyatipal is harvested and dried in the fall, when the time of flowering and seed ripening has passed. Rhizome plants cinquefoil white becomes suitable for treatment only in the fourth year of its growth. By the way, it reaches a length of one meter. The underground part of Potentilla is also useful for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, it helps with goiter.

White bloodroot- quite rare plant, it is even listed in the Red Book in many cities of Russia. However, biologists have learned how to introduce it (introduce it into culture), thanks to which it is grown in many regions, including in the Bryansk and Penza regions, in the North Caucasus. Potentilla white rhizomes are an important component of the Tireo-Vit supplement, which improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Let's talk about the chemical composition white cinquefoil plants. These are, first of all, saponins, tannins (up to 17%), iridoids, phytostyrins, carbohydrates, phenolcarboxylic acids. It contains amino acids that are involved in all biochemical processes of the body. Flavonoids improve vascular permeability. They have anti-inflammatory, immune effects. Thanks to the properties of the rhizome of the white cinquefoil, in addition to the thyroid gland, the vessels, intestines, blood circulation of the brain, liver, mineral metabolism, and heart return to normal.

The rhizome contains almost half of the periodic table of Mendeleev. To be more precise, the plant includes 38 chemical elements: silicon, zinc, selenium, manganese, iron and others.

The influence of hormones on the vital activity of the human body is in no way comparable with the size and weight of the endocrine gland. The main gland that regulates metabolic processes in the body is the thyroid gland, which is a very small organ in volume. The weight of the thyroid gland ranges from 5 grams in newborns to 25-30 grams in adults. Moreover, in women, the thyroid gland is always larger in volume and heavier than in men. Despite such a modest weight of the thyroid gland, the substances produced by it can radically change the fate of a person, spoil not only the figure, but also significantly reduce the quality of life.

How does the thyroid gland affect a person's weight?

The thyroid gland produces three types of hormones:

  • T 3 - triiodothyronine;
  • T 4 - thyroxine;
  • Calcitonin;
  • In smaller quantities, somatostatin and serotonin are produced, which also affect the metabolic processes in the body.

Among all the thyroid hormones, T3 and T4 are considered the most significant, since they are the catalysts for the breakdown of nutrients entering the body and are responsible for their absorption by the body.

Of all thyroid diseases, three main groups are known:

  • Normal;
  • Low (hypothyroidism);
  • Increased (hyperthyroidism).

Under normal production excess weight is not from the thyroid gland but on completely different factors. First of all - increased consumption of carbohydrates (passion for overeating) and from a passive sedentary lifestyle. But pathologies that directly affect changes in blood levels have the most direct impact on body composition.

Hypothyroidism - causing problems with weight

How does the thyroid gland affect weight? If an excess of thyroid function helps to accelerate metabolism - metabolism. All carbohydrates, proteins and fats that enter the body are quickly broken down, absorbed and excreted from the body, then with T3 and T4 deficiency, the opposite picture is observed - the metabolic process in the body slows down sharply. The first symptoms of hypothyroidism are the retention of excess fluid in the body - swelling appears on the face, limbs, and a set of excess weight unprovoked by excessive food intake.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. During normal metabolism, they are broken down and used to ensure the functioning of the body. The excess turns into fats, which are stored as a reserve. An imbalance between the body's energy needs and the rate of absorption of nutrients leads to the fact that even a small amount of food taken by the patient is not spent on maintaining life processes, but is converted into useless fats. In addition to the desire of the patient, his body weight begins to grow.

How to deal with weight in diseases of the thyroid gland

Independent measures of a general preventive nature:

  • diets;
  • Decrease in the amount of food consumed;
  • Increased physical activity in hypothyroidism.

They not only do not achieve an effect, but can be harmful, since as a result of self-treatment, a person struggles not with the cause that gives rise to an increase in excessive volumes, but with the consequence of much deeper processes in the body. At this time, the progression of a dangerous disease is possible, the gradual manifestation of symptoms that affect vital systems, such as the central nervous system or the genital area.

The most effective means of combating overweight is a timely visit to an endocrinologist. This is especially true for women who have crossed the forty-year milestone in life. It is this category that accounts for up to 75% of patients with hypothyroidism. Having passed a blood test for the content of T3 and T4 in it, the patient immediately receives an answer to the main question - about their level in the blood. Further - the doctor determines. It is usually enough to adjust the level thyroid hormones that affect weight How is the normalization of body weight, improvement of general well-being. In about 2/3 of the population, thyroid problems are caused by a lack of the trace element iodine in food and water. For preventive purposes, iodine-containing drugs, food rich in this element and artificially iodized and fluorinated table salt are prescribed.

Age after 40 years almost always entails a decrease in a person's physical activity. Physiological mechanisms are activated that contribute to the deposition of fatty tissues, a person becomes fat. If pathology is superimposed on these age-related changes, weight gain at sick thyroid gland happens much faster. To neutralize the impact of age and pathological factors, it is necessary to follow a diet that maximally limits the intake of carbohydrates into the body.

The basis of such a diet is protein-vegetable food. The abundance of low-calorie fiber, vitamins, microelements contained in fresh plant foods - vegetables and fruits helps to speed up metabolic processes. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated - the intestinal motility increases, and the excess of hard-to-digest food is removed from the body. Vitamins act as catalysts. Their effect on metabolism can be comparable to that of the thyroid gland, but not replace them.

Self-selection of a diet to reduce excess weight due to the thyroid gland during the treatment of hypothyroidism is harmful and dangerous. This should be done by a dietitian. Many vegetables and fruits contain high amounts of microelements and organic acids and salts, which can cause side effects if consumed excessively - gout, calcification and stone formation in the gallbladder and bladder, allergic reactions.

Especially harmful are "mono-diets" - when immoderate consumption of any one product is offered as a panacea:

  • Kefir;
  • apples;
  • Nut kernels;
  • Raw food.

Any diet should be balanced, justified, controlled by periodic analyzes of the content of hormones and trace elements in the blood and urine. It is almost impossible to provide this at home.

Treatment of hypothyroidism usually entails the normalization of the patient's well-being. When the endocrinologist is satisfied with the state of the gland, maintaining the optimal level no longer depends on him, but on the patient.

More than once we have heard from obese women the phrase “I don’t eat anything at all, but the weight doesn’t go away!”. In fact, “I don’t eat anything” turns out to be not entirely true - a woman eats less than before, but the calorie content of the food that enters the body is enough to maintain body fat in the same amount.

But sometimes all the conditions are really met, the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed is reduced, and the arrow on the scales stubbornly stands still.
So, it's time to contact an endocrinologist to check how your and the "thyroid gland" are connected.

Functions of the "thyroid gland"

Place your hand on the front of your neck. Slightly bring your fingers together, you can easily find a small seal in the front. This is the "thyroid gland" - a small gland that has a huge impact on the work of the whole organism. It produces hormones that regulate basic metabolic processes - the absorption of carbohydrates, the breakdown of proteins and fats. All this happens with one goal - from any resources to give us the energy needed for the operation of each cell, like fuel for a car.

This energy is provided primarily by carbohydrates. When there are not enough of them, the body takes up the processing of fats. Low-carbohydrate diets are based precisely on this rule of involving fat burning.

What happens when all reserves are used up? Energy must be taken somewhere, and the “digestion” of muscle tissue begins. This is exactly what happens to those who, voluntarily or forcedly, are constantly seriously malnourished. "Skin and bones" is about them.

Overweight and thyroid

Malfunctions of the "thyroid gland" can be caused by various reasons. In this article, we will look at something else - what are the failures and how they affect weight.

The first type is low activity of hormone production, otherwise hypothyroidism. Its first signs:

  • constant fatigue
  • laziness,
  • dulling of emotions
  • vague anxiety,
  • irritability.

The fact is that the production of dopamine (hormone of joy) and serotonin decreases, to compensate for them, the production of adrenaline and cortisol, which are responsible for tension and stress, increases. And now you are exhausted and alarmed at the same time. The metabolic rate in hypothyroidism decreases, proteins and fats are processed more slowly and carbohydrates are absorbed worse. Plus a decrease in vitality. And kilograms begin to grow even without an increase in the volume of food.

The second type is hyperactivity, hyperthyroidism. In short - the gas pedal of your body is constantly pressed, all processes are accelerated. Heart, blood flow, digestion, metabolism - everything is working faster than it should. The body is out of balance. A person suffers from insomnia, inability to concentrate, irritability, rapid pulse, shortness of breath. And all this against the background of weight loss, no matter how much food is eaten.
The list of diseases in both cases is huge. But it cannot be otherwise, when the basis of vital activity is violated - the metabolic processes that unite the thyroid gland.

Overweight due to the thyroid gland

Low activity of hormone production and metabolism physiologically directly leads to weight gain. In addition, for example, with hypothyroidism, the body temperature drops below 36.6 degrees. With chills, we try to drink hot, keep warm under a blanket and eat something, switching TV channels. That is, excess weight due to the thyroid gland is aggravated by a decrease in overall tone and malnutrition.

What to do? First of all - to address to the endocrinologist, to hand over a blood. Nowadays, there are a number of analyzes that give an accurate assessment of the failure of the "thyroid gland". Hypothyroidism is treated with hormone replacement therapy, which is designed to very gently “wake up” the thyroid gland and stimulate metabolism.

Don't be afraid to gain more from hormones. In this case, they are designed to speed up metabolism, that is, they directly contribute to the processing of fat!

Normalization of nutrition is the second important aspect of treatment. Vegetables, unsweetened fruits, fiber, bran, white fish, lean meats, cottage cheese. We need buckwheat, oats, seafood and algae, figs and dried apricots. And drink water!

Remember that hypothyroidism takes 3-4 times longer to "lose" weight than a healthy person. It is important to restore vigor and vitality - start with walks, gradually increase physical activity, try to experience more positive emotions. And then the body will begin to return the metabolic rate more and more actively.

In life, there is often confirmation that hormonal imbalance causes serious fluctuations in body weight. Particularly "sin" by the influence on the metabolism of the sex glands and, oddly enough, the thyroid gland.

So how are the thyroid gland and being overweight related? The up-to-date medical data and video in this article will answer the main questions - “who is to blame?” and “what to do?” if the arrow of the scales inexorably creeps up.

Before you figure out how the thyroid gland affects weight, you need to find out what biological role it performs in the body. The thyroid gland is a small organ of internal secretion, consisting of two lobes connected by an isthmus.

Its follicular cells secrete the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which perform the following functions in the body:

  • stimulation of growth and development;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • increased excretion of metabolic products and ballast substances from the body;
  • lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • stimulation of the nervous system by accelerating the transmission of an electrochemical impulse between the neurons of the brain and spinal cord;
  • increase in the synthesis of protein compounds;
  • increasing the rate of cell division.

Thus, thyroid hormones - and triiodothyronine - are activators of metabolism and start processes in the body that help get rid of extra pounds and harmony.

When hormonal imbalances can cause weight gain

How can the thyroid gland and excess weight be connected if thyroxine, which is secreted by the endocrine gland, is called the hormone of harmony by doctors? The fact is that there are diseases associated with dysfunction of the organ and a decrease in the production of thyroxine. The most popular of them are presented in the table below.

Table: Classification of hypothyroidism:

Primary hypothyroidism Secondary hypothyroidism Tertiary hypothyroidism
Peculiarities Hormonal disorders are associated with the pathology of the thyroid gland itself Thyroxine deficiency is associated with a decrease in the production of thyrotropin (a hormone that stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland) in the pituitary and hypothalamus. Postglandular hypothyroidism associated with inactivation of thyroid hormones in the blood
  • hypo- / aplasia of the thyroid gland - congenital underdevelopment of the organ;
  • thyroiditis - inflammatory changes in the thyroid gland;
  • endemic goiter associated with a lack of iodine in food;
  • caused by medical manipulations (removal of the thyroid gland, radioiodine therapy, long-term use of thyreostatics).
  • hypopituitarism - congenital atrophy of the pituitary gland;
  • defect in the synthesis and transport of thyroliberin by the hypothalamus.
  • sepsis;
  • shock conditions;
  • acute pancreatitis.

Any of these diseases causes a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones and provokes:

  • slowing down metabolism;
  • ballast retention in the body;
  • violation of fat metabolism, increased cholesterol levels in the blood.

All this causes extra pounds, which are very difficult to fight.

Thus, weight problems can occur with thyroid pathology, which is caused by primary, secondary or tertiary hypothyroidism. - increased production of thyroid hormones, on the contrary, is accompanied by an acceleration of metabolism and a sharp weight loss, despite increased immunity.

Thyroid diseases, in which the functional activity of the organ remains normal, also do not affect weight gain.

Note! Excess weight is not always a sign of hormonal disorders. Often, we just make excuses for ourselves by cutting down on sweets and fast food every day, but at the same time attributing weight gain to thyroid problems.

Principles of weight management in patients with hypothyroidism

It is known that excess weight in the pathologies of the thyroid gland is difficult to correct and hard to go away. To combat it, an integrated approach is required and, above all, the treatment of hormonal disorders. If you have hypothyroidism - obesity will not disappear so easily: get ready for a long struggle.

Balanced diet

All patients with hypothyroidism who are trying to lose weight should follow the principles of a healthy diet and follow the following rules:

  1. Carbohydrates should be limited at the expense of fast - sweets, confectionery, pastries, including those prepared by oneself. Slow carbohydrates - cereals, pasta made from whole grain flour - should be consumed in sufficient quantities.
  2. The basis of the diet should be vegetables and unsweetened fruits.
  3. Fiber, bran, and other non-digestible fibers are important for patients with hypothyroidism as foods to stimulate digestion.
  4. Protein needs should be met by high-quality nutrients (lean meats, lean fish, dairy products).
  5. In sufficient quantities, it is necessary to drink clean non-carbonated water, decoctions of dried fruits.
  6. It is recommended to consume 1600-2000 kcal per day. There is no need to starve: due to the variety of products and the large number of vegetables and fruits in the diet, the need for all nutrients is provided.

In the summer season, the price of vegetables and fruits is very small, and the benefits are huge.

Important! Do not forget about the need for a sufficient content in the diet of trace elements that positively affect the functioning of the thyroid gland: zinc, selenium, iodine. The diet of a patient with hypothyroidism should contain seaweed, fish, seafood, buckwheat and oatmeal, dried apricots, figs.

Physical activity

Increased fatigue and a decrease in overall activity literally chain patients with hypothyroidism, whose only desire is to sleep, to the sofa.

A sick thyroid gland should not dictate a lifestyle: weight loss will occur only when a person begins to lead an active lifestyle:

  • daily walk in the fresh air;
  • play sports - swimming, running or walking, aerobics or gymnastics;
  • travel and arrange outdoor recreation;
  • learn something new every day.

Techniques to speed up your metabolism

There are several rules that will help in the fight for a slim figure.

Following them, you will accelerate your metabolism and lose a few extra pounds:

  1. Eat small meals, but often - 5-6 times a day.
  2. Do not forget about healthy sleep: 7-8 hours of night rest in a calm atmosphere not only help restore strength, but also contribute to weight loss.
  3. Train your muscles. At the same volume, muscle tissue burns three times more calories than fat.
  4. Be sure to have breakfast. In the first 30 minutes after waking up, the body starts metabolic processes and is in dire need of amino acids and glucose.
  5. Drink water.
  6. Eat fat burning foods. Pineapple, grapefruit, kiwi and ginger are not only tasty, but also a healthy way to lose a few extra pounds.

Medical treatment of the disease

And yet, the main method remains the use of synthetic analogues of the hormone thyroxine (Eutirox, L-thyroxine). Replacement therapy shows good results even in the absence of a diet.

The selection of the dose of the drug is carried out by the doctor individually (the instruction recommends starting with a standard dosage of 50 mcg / day). Hormonal treatment, as a rule, is long-term, and allows you to eliminate all the pathological symptoms of hypothyroidism, including excess weight.

Note! Taking thyroxin preparations with intact thyroid function in order to lose weight is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. It can lead to the development of acquired thyrotoxicosis, accompanied by symptoms such as tremors in the limbs, insomnia, irritability, exophthalmos, palpitations, diarrhea, etc.

As we found out, the thyroid gland is not always the cause of excess weight: obesity occurs for a number of different reasons that are not related to each other. If the increase in body weight is associated with hypothyroidism, its reduction by general methods is ineffective for a long time. Therefore, the main way to lose weight is to eliminate hormonal disorders.

Thyroid hormones are involved in the regulation of numerous functions: brain activity, heart rate, intestinal tract and metabolism. Hypothyroidism tends to slow down these processes and put the body into sleep mode. With hypothyroidism, the symptoms characteristic of this disease appear, and one of them is weight gain. What are the mechanisms behind the development of hyperthyroidism in the body, how can you identify this condition, and how can you reduce unwanted effects?

The thyroid gland plays an important role in metabolism
The thyroid gland is a small gland located at the base of the neck, in front of the windpipe, and is essential for the healthy functioning of the body. Disorders such as decreased thyroid function (hypothyroidism) or increased thyroid activity (hyperthyroidism) can have consequences on the brain, heart rate, intestinal motility, kidney function, body temperature, and weight, which becomes one of the main complaints in patients, suffering from this disease.

The thyroid gland secretes two main hormones: T3 (triiodothyronine), produced in small amounts, and its inactive precursor, T4 (thyroxine), which is transformed according to the needs of the body. The production of these hormones depends on the third hormone TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), which is secreted by the pituitary gland. When T3 and T4 levels are low (hypothyroidism), the pituitary gland releases more TSH to stimulate them. When the level of T3 and T4 is higher, the secretion of TSH decreases.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism
Thyroid function is assessed by testing the blood for these three hormones. Hypothyroidism is defined as TSH above 4 mU/l in combination with a low level of T4. The body seems to be in sleep mode: the heart beats more slowly, the activity of the intestines is reduced, tangible physical and mental fatigue, lack of appetite, but at the same time there is a tendency to gain more and more weight. In general, hypothyroidism affects about 10% of the population.

Hypothyroidism may be asymptomatic when TSH is lower than 4 mU/L in combination with T4 at normal levels. Effects become non-specific and generally negligible even when TSH remains at 10 mU/L. Subclinical (asymptomatic) hypothyroidism does not necessarily require treatment and occurs in a third of patients with hypothyroidism.

Among those who suffer from hypothyroidism, there are often complaints of weight gain or difficulty in losing weight, including subclinical hypothyroidism and when treatment provides normal levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). How seriously do these violations affect weight?

Hypothyroidism can have a limited effect on weight
There is an inverse relationship between TSH levels and body mass index (BMI). On average, BMI increases by 0.41 kg/m2 per TSH unit in women and 0.48 kg/m2 in men, which means a 1 kg increase for a woman who is 165 cm tall and weighs 60 kg. Therefore, you can only gain a few kilograms to your original weight if the TSH level is 5.6

In fact, gaining additional weight does not exceed a few kilograms, except in cases where TSH levels reach extreme values. This is partly due to the appearance of edema. However, when treatment is balanced and hormone levels drop to normal levels (TSH is 2.3 mU/l), there is no reason to gain weight. If, nevertheless, there is a set of excess weight, then this is hardly due to hypothyroidism.

What explains the significant changes?
Almost a third of the expenditure of expended energy (REE) is controlled by thyroid hormones. In a group of hypothyroid patients with thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels between 0.1 and 10 mU/L, the REE was reduced by 15% 8. This could have led to some of the weight gain that patients sometimes observed.
Hypothyroidism can also stimulate weight gain indirectly. People begin to feel tired - another symptom of the disease - which leads to a decrease in their physical activity. Other people, knowing that they have a disease, become more anxious and compensate for the discomfort with food.

There are other causes of thyroid dysfunction, which are usually related to weight. In addition to worrying about the discovery of the disease, people begin to think more about their weight, and unwittingly begin to eat an unbalanced diet.

Finally, hypothyroidism is more common in older patients, as there is often a decrease in activity due to retirement. It also sometimes occurs after menopause, which causes hormonal imbalances, including weight gain.

But not all actions of thyroid hormones are well known. Perhaps there is an inverse relationship: changes in adipose tissue, weight gain, contributes to an increase in the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).

Weight loss
Weight fluctuations can be explained by many reasons. Once hypothyroidism is confirmed, the first step is to select a treatment where synthetic T4 hormones are prescribed. After 4-6 weeks, sometimes a little more, TSH will return to normal. Only in some cases, the level of hormones will not change after treatment: weight change, pregnancy or illness.

Some patients sometimes ask if it is possible to increase the dose by an order of magnitude, which will help them lose weight faster as a result. But it is absolutely not recommended due to the risk to heart health. For the same reason, hyperthyroidism must be treated even if the patient is only concerned about weight gain.

Hypothyroidism does not require a special diet. A balanced and healthy diet combined with regular physical activity (3-4 times a week) is enough to lose those extra pounds.

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