Tablets De-nol. Overdose

De-nol is a combination of bismuth tripotassium dicitrate and minerals. Tablets are prescribed for the treatment of stomach ulcers, gastritis associated with H. pylori infection. Reviews about the drug De-nol are ambiguous: due to the large number of side effects, patients often do not drink the eight-week course to the end, which ultimately leads to a rapid relapse of the disease.

Reviews of patients taking De-nol

“I just finished an eight-week course of De-nol, and it feels like I went through chemotherapy. Side effects began already on the third or fourth day of treatment: nausea, vomiting of undigested food, black stools, brownish urine. I studied the reviews of those who took De-nol and realized that this is a normal, common reaction.

From about the fourth week of therapy, I began to struggle with severe fatigue, headache, and fever. At the end of the treatment, I fell ill with ARVI (it seems to me that this is due to a weakening of the immune system) and the course of a trifling illness was complicated by real bronchitis. It seems that pharmacists have released a real low-dose poison and called it a cure.

In any case, the pills helped to overcome the infection, and I forgot about the pain in my stomach (although I had suffered from gastritis for over a year before). The second time I would not drink De-nol, but would ask the doctor to choose an analogue. The only advice I can give to others is not to drop the course of treatment in the middle. After all the torment, recovery will really await you. ”

Romanets Andrey Igorevich, 39 years old

“First of all, I want to say that, despite all the negative reviews and side effects, De-nol is really the best medicine for killing Helicobacter pylori bacteria. At the age of 22, I was diagnosed with gastritis, which was caused by the aforementioned bacteria. The gastroenterologist advised me to take a four-week course of De-nol.

I re-read all the possible reviews of those who took De-nol with Helicobacter pylori, and was ready for complications. But surprisingly, there were no side effects in the first week. In the second week, I noticed a coppery taste in my mouth, loss of appetite, dark patches in the stool, persistent bad breath. In general, such symptoms were expected, and therefore tolerable. By the beginning of the fourth week the condition worsened much: constant nausea, aching headaches and constant fatigue. But by the end of the course of therapy, the gastroenterologist confirmed that the gastritis was completely cured.

Aramas Polina Romanovna, 23 years old

“For those who doubt whether to drink De-nol or not, I want to remind you that the body of each person is unique and may react differently to the same drug. After reading numerous reviews, I already tuned in to serious side effects.

But in fact, in the first seven days of taking the pills, there were no side effects at all. In the second week, headaches appeared, and in the third I began to suffer from heartburn, nausea (although it did not come to vomiting).

By the end of the course (I was prescribed to drink De-nol for four weeks), constipation appeared, and the feces and urine became dark. In my experience, I can say that most side effects can be smoothed out if you take De-nol with plenty of water and do not forget about the additional use of probiotics. Ultimately, thanks to this drug, I cured erosive gastritis. ”

Grigoriev Nazar Valerievich, 40 years old

“I tried to drink De-nol for four weeks as prescribed by a doctor. Prior to this, gastritis was treated with amoxicillin, but a relapse occurred within a year. De-nol seems to have cured gastritis (there have been no exacerbations for more than a year), but it shook the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract: dysbacteriosis appeared, the pancreas began to act naughty. After 8 weeks of treatment, I restored the microflora for more than a year with black seed oil, natural honey.

Such folk remedies slightly improved the condition of the lining of the stomach, but the pain periodically appeared again and again. Now I take probiotics twice a day, follow a special preventive diet, and have completely given up alcohol and tobacco. The basis of the diet is eggs, vegetables and fish. Only thanks to this I manage to avoid a recurrence of gastritis.

Vitkovsky Klim Yakovlevich, 36 years old

“I was diagnosed with H. pylori gastritis about 6 years ago and have been on a probiotic diet all this time. Unfortunately, this did not save me from a relapse. My stomach hurt day and night, and the doctor advised me to drink De-nol. The price of a package of medicine was unpleasantly surprised (about 1000 rubles for 100 tablets), but health is worth any money. After 2-3 days of taking the capsules, the pain in the stomach went away, but some general fatigue appeared.

No serious side effects were noted. Now I am completing the 8th week of therapy and I can say that the medicine is effective. For those who still have strong side effects, I can advise you to try not to interrupt the course. After all, it will be extremely difficult to overcome Helicobacter in a different way. ”

Egorskaya Nina Olegovna, 28 years old


Astellas Pharma from the Netherlands has developed the drug De-Nol for the treatment of digestive organs from ulcers. It has a protective effect on the mucous membranes of the body. In order to use the medicine for its intended purpose and not have side effects, you should know more information by studying the instructions for its use.

De-Nol - indications for use

The antiulcer drug De-Nol (Latin international name De-Nol) is produced in round tablets with a cream-colored shell. Embossed on one side is the inscription gbr 152, while on the other side there is a graphic square design with rounded corners. Tablets are packed in 8 pieces in aluminum blisters, which are placed in a cardboard box of 7 or 14 pieces. The shelf life of the drug is 4 years. De-Nol belongs to the pharmacological group of gastroprotectors, inexpensive in price.

The tool is used to protect the digestive system from peptic ulcer. An ulcer is a defect in the mucous membrane formed by the action of enzymes, hydrochloric acid, bile, Helicobacter pylori bacteria on it. The drug De-Nol should be bought or ordered for gastritis (inflammation of the internal mucous membrane of the stomach) or gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the duodenum and pyloric part of the stomach). A gastroprotector is also prescribed for irritable bowel (IBS).

The composition of the drug

One De-Nol tablet contains 120 mg of the active substance. The main component (bismuth tripotassium dicitrate), after penetrating into the stomach at the site of the lesion, forms a protective layer that prevents gastric acid from corroding the damaged mucous membrane. Excipients of the drug:

  • ammonium and potassium citrates;
  • povidone K 30;
  • polyacrylinic potassium;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • corn starch;
  • macrogol 6000;
  • hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.

How De-Nol works

Constant stress, malnutrition, lack of sleep negatively affect health. The digestive organs are the first to react, which make themselves felt with stomach pains and intestinal discomfort. Helps to cope with diseases: instructions for use states that the medicine has a wide spectrum of action. Due to its mechanism of action, the drug is often prescribed for the complex treatment of the digestive system.

Protection of the gastric mucosa

When ulcers appear on the inside of the mucosa, this causes great discomfort to a person. Receiving De-Nol helps to create protection in the form of a film on damaged surfaces, due to which gastric juice cannot penetrate the irritated area. Due to this effect, the processes of scarring of ulcerative lesions are accelerated. According to the indications of the instructions, the drug improves blood flow through the capillaries, after which metabolic processes are accelerated in the cells, which helps damaged tissues recover quickly.

Fighting bacteria Helicobacter pylori

The main cause of peptic ulcer in the human body is the presence of microbes Helicobacter pylori. De-Nol tablets have an effect on bacteria, stopping their activity, due to the following properties:

  • penetrate into the deep layers of tissues, neutralizing bacteria;
  • reduce the aggressiveness and mobility of Helicobacter pylori;
  • impair the ability of the microbe to attach to the mucosa;
  • violate the integrity of the cell membrane of Helicobacter pylori;
  • inhibit the activity of bacterial enzymes, disrupting their vital functions.

Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate - instructions for use

The doctor prescribes De-Nol in dosages based on individual indicators and the patient's diagnosis. The duration of the course and its price depend on multiple factors, but you can not drink pills for more than two months. At the end of the intake, it is not recommended to carry out therapy with preparations containing bismuth for the next eight weeks, since the substance can accumulate in the body.

How to drink De-Nol for adults

According to the instructions for use, the tablets are taken orally and washed down with water (large amounts). Depending on the diagnosis, doctors treat with a gastroprotector with different schemes. As a rule, a remedy is prescribed at 480 mg / day, which are divided into 4 doses. Tablets should be taken half an hour before bedtime or meals. It is allowed to take 2 times / day for 240 mg.

How to take De-Nol tablets for children

Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate is prescribed for children 8-12 years old at 240 mg / day. Tablets should be taken 2 times / day before meals. If the patient's age is 4-8 years, then the indication of the daily norm should be calculated based on the weight of the child (8 mg / kg). The dose should also be divided into two doses. The duration of the drug is prescribed by the pediatrician on an individual basis. The medicine goes well with antibiotics.

Contraindications and side effects

In the officially confirmed instructions for the use of De-Nol, it is said that when the dose is exceeded, the digestive function is disturbed in a person, rashes appear on the mucous membranes. A sign of De-Nol poisoning is the appearance of dark spots on the gums. Uncontrolled use of the gastroprotector leads to the onset of irreversible renal pathologies. If an overdose occurs, you should immediately wash the stomach, then take activated charcoal, after which it is necessary to pass tests for the condition of the kidneys and the level of bismuth in the blood. Renal failure requires hemodialysis.

Since De-Nol treatment is long, patients have a question about how compatible it is with alcohol. With the immoderate use of alcohol-containing drinks, a person becomes intoxicated, and he starts the disease. Alcohol irritates the gastric mucosa, which leads to a weakened immune system. The most common diseases of alcoholics are pancreatitis and ulcers. The instructions for use of De-Nol do not indicate that the drug has no compatibility with alcohol, but since bismuth is a toxic component, the liver will suffer from such an interaction.

If the use of the drug occurs according to the instructions, then adverse reactions are observed very rarely. On the part of the digestive tract, constipation, vomiting, nausea sometimes occur, the stool can turn black. As for contraindications, De-Nol is strictly forbidden to be taken by pregnant women and women during lactation (bismuth penetrates into milk), with kidney diseases and hypersensitivity to the active ingredient.


You can order bismuth tripotassium dicitrate at a pharmacy or buy it at an online pharmacy. The price of a medicine depends on the policy of the point of sale, the manufacturer and the place of residence. You can buy De-Nol without a prescription at an average cost of 390 to 470 rubles per pack of 56 tablets. The price of a box of 112 pieces will cost about 670 rubles. If you order a large package via the Internet according to the photo, it is possible that the purchase will be cheaper. Given the fact that the course of treatment with De-Nol is long (up to two months), the price for it can be considered affordable.


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I am sure that most of you, like me, have experienced stomach problems. Due to the eternal rush and quick snacks, I developed gastritis and De-nol helped me escape from it.

Good day to all! My name is Anastasia and I am 30 years old. I work as a translator in a private company. Ever since my student years, I remember how my stomach sometimes grabbed, but this could be attributed to irregular and fast food. But as it turned out, the years passed, but the consequences remained. Of course, I wised up and began to drink coffee with a sandwich before work, but this is not enough for the whole working day. So she sat either hungry, or interrupted with dry food. Now periodically my stomach becomes inflamed and unbearable pains appear. I sit on oatmeal and drink painkillers to at least a little come to my senses. But the last time it took quite a lot that I even had to take time off from work. Despite all my persuasion to just lie down at home, my husband took me to a private clinic. After a full examination, the doctor confirmed the presence of gastritis, but warned that a little more and an ulcer would come. I was prescribed a strict diet and took a course of De-nol. The doctor said that in my case it is still possible to improve the functioning of the stomach and return to a full life.

Information that I learned about De-nol on the Internet

I will tell you right away that I am a very cautious person and I am wary of all medicines. For me, it is preferable to be treated with folk remedies, herbal teas and infusions. Because I'm afraid to treat one thing and automatically harm other organs. That is precisely why if I was already going to buy something from a pharmacy from medicines, then first I should properly familiarize myself with the information about the remedy. That's exactly what I did with De-nol. When we returned home from the clinic, I began to look for sites with a description of this medicine from the tablet. As it turned out, De-nol is a very popular drug that is designed to normalize the work of the stomach. The main action is that it effectively envelops the walls of the stomach, forming a protective film and promotes the healing of ulcers and erosions.

Another important feature was that it has a bactericidal effect against Helicobacter pylori. I knew about this microbe firsthand, because my father had this problem that is very difficult to get rid of. De-nol is a European drug manufactured by the Netherlands and it is perfect for the following diseases:

  • with stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • with gastritis;
  • with intestinal irritation;
  • with violations of the digestive tract caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

After a course of taking De-nol, the work of the digestive organs is normalized. The great advantage is that this medicine can be used from the age of four. It was this fact that gave me hope that this medicine heals and does not harm other organs.

Composition of De-nol

If De-nol can be taken even by children, then what components are included in its composition and provide safe treatment.

  • colloidal bismuth subcitrate;
  • corn starch;
  • polyacrynyl potassium;
  • povidone;
  • macrogol;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • hypromelosis.

So, I'll tell you honestly that I did not understand anything. It is possible to interpret and understand the composition given to people with a medical education. It is good that the reviews of specialists were on the site and thanks to them you can understand whether this medicine is worth attention.

“ Unfortunately, gastritis and ulcers have become all too common. People self-medicate, thereby exacerbating the disease. Do not forget that if you do not prescribe treatment on time, the disease will progress and can lead to a disastrous outcome. The drug De-nol is one of the best at present. I prescribe it to my patients and the results make me very happy. The advantage of this remedy is its bactericidal effect on the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes disruption of the stomach. ”

Anton Viktorovich, gastroenterologist, St. Petersburg.

Almost all the reviews of specialists that I found were in favor of De-nol. Doctors note the rapid dynamics of improvement in the condition. Relief comes after a few doses, and a full course allows you to get rid of not only the symptoms, but also the cause of the disease.

Feedback from customers who have taken De-nol

After reading the composition and reviews of specialists, I realized that the medicine can really help me with my problem. But the share of distrust in the depths of my soul did not leave me, I just needed to hear the reviews of people who drank the course of the drug and can tell me whether it is worth buying it or is it just money down the drain.

Fortunately, you can find everything on the Internet, on various forums I read a lot of opinions about De-nol. Someone drank it for two months, and someone for three weeks, but in the end, everyone had the same result - the medicine helped.

“ I started having problems with my stomach at the age of twenty, since then I have been suffering from terrible discomfort and pain. I tried many drugs, there were some that anesthetized well, but after a while spasms appeared again. My brother advised me De-nol, he says that he himself is only saved by him. I drank the whole course and it really became much easier for me. My stomach stopped hurting and after a long diet, I was finally able to taste some of the foods that I had not eaten for a long time. The price isn't cheap, but it's worth it. It's like I was born again. Very pleased with the result! ”

And there are many such comments. People praise the antispasmodic effect of the drug, due to its enveloping action. In addition, taking De-nol in combination with other drugs, many were finally able to get rid of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium and improve the functions of the digestive tract.

Where did I buy this product

I was very pleased after reading the reviews of people and was finally sure that I should also buy De-nol. I know that many people are now shopping on the Internet and I am no exception, but not in the case of medicines. It's good that there is a social pharmacy just in my house, where I can buy this medicine and where prices are much cheaper than other competitors. The pharmacist did not skimp on positive words about De-nol, and said that she also bought this drug for her son. I decided to buy a package, the price, of course, is a little expensive, but the main thing is the result.

Instructions for use and my impressions of taking De-nol

Returning home, I began to read the instructions in order to start taking it as soon as possible and alleviate my condition. The package was yellow, which contained seven plates of eight tablets each. The instruction turned out to be very simple and the medication was taken without problems. It was necessary to take 4 times a day 30 minutes before the main meal, drinking a glass of plain purified water. The course of treatment with De-nol is from a month to two. The instructions also describe how to take children, but I believe that here any responsible parent should consult directly with the doctor. So, I started taking it, taking it strictly following the instructions. The tablets have an oblong shape and are coated, since you need to immediately drink water without chewing, I did not feel any taste.

I didn't have any adverse reactions. The drug worked gradually alleviating my condition. I took a month, but after a week of taking I felt much better. I drank the course completely in order to improve the work of my stomach. In parallel with taking De-nol, I was on a diet. I am very satisfied with the effect of the drug, after a while I went for a second examination and the results were normal. I was satisfied with De-nol, the main thing is to start treatment on time and then you can prevent the complication and further development of the disease.

Given the fact that modern nutrition culture does not contribute to the normal functioning of the digestive tract, more and more people are faced with problems such as ulcers or gastritis. One of the most effective drugs for the treatment of these diseases is De-Nol. The composition of the product is designed in such a way as not only to eliminate the symptoms, but also to act on the cause of their appearance.

About the drug

The composition of the tablets "De-Nol" is based on bismuth subcitrate, which acts as an active substance. It is an astringent drug that has a wide range of properties. Antimicrobial and gastrocytoprotective effects are especially noted. This is due to the complex effect on all parts of peptic ulcer and gastritis. Once in the body, bismuth subcitrate precipitates proteins due to the formation of chelate bonds. Due to this, a protective shell is formed on the walls of the digestive organs.

Experts note the directed effect of the drug "De-Nol". Reception contributes to the formation of a protective film exclusively on those parts of the internal organs where erosive changes are observed. This helps to eliminate the effects of acids and other substances, and therefore tissue scarring occurs much faster. Thus, the acidic environment of the stomach does not irritate the damaged areas, but, on the contrary, acts as a catalyst for the effects of the drug.

The instruction will help to obtain comprehensive information about the preparation "De-Nol". The composition contains components that are credited with the ability to suppress Helicobacter pylori. Penetrating into the cellular structure of this microorganism, the drug blocks its fermentation, which eventually leads to the death of the bacterium. In addition, there is a decrease in the mobility of other microbes. Bismuth subcitrate dissolves well, and therefore penetrates quite deeply into the mucous membrane, where pathogens can be contained. Thus, there is not only treatment, but also the prevention of recurrence of peptic ulcer. To date, experts have not identified varieties of bacteria that would be resistant to the active substance of the drug.

Release form

In the form of tablets, "De-Nol" is produced. The composition causes a white color with a barely noticeable cream tint. The tablets are round and also have a bulge on both sides. An extruded pattern in the form of a square with rounded corners and intermittent sides acts as a kind of protection against fakes. The tablets do not have any odor, but in some cases a faint smell of ammonia is possible.

The drug "De-Nol": composition

The manufacturer of the drug claims that it contains substances that can overcome not only the signs of ulcers and gastritis, but also the cause - Helicobacter pylori. This is the reason for such popularity of the De-Nol product. Its composition looks like this:

  • bismuth tripotassium dicitrate;
  • bismuth oxide;
  • corn starch;
  • povidone;
  • sodium polyacrylate;
  • macrogol;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • hypromellose;
  • macrogol.

Mechanism of action

De-Nol is characterized by high efficiency. The intake of this drug is associated with the occurrence of a gastrocytoprotective effect, which is due to such mechanisms:

  • stimulation of the production of prostaglandin, which stimulates the formation of substances that form a protective barrier on the mucous membrane;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation in the area of ​​the duodenum and stomach, which helps to accelerate cell regeneration;
  • decrease in the intensity of production of hydrochloric acid by the corresponding glands of the stomach;
  • the drug is characterized by a cumulative effect due to a gradual increase in the amount of active substance in the blood;
  • the agent is completely excreted from the body with feces.

Indications for use

One of the most popular drugs for the treatment of gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is De-Nol. Indications for the appointment of this drug are as follows:

  • an ulcer of the stomach or duodenum in an acute form;
  • gastritis and gastroduodenitis in acute or chronic form;
  • irritable bowel syndrome, which is accompanied by stool disorder (diarrhea);
  • damage to the mucous membrane and walls of the stomach after the use of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs;
  • functional dyspepsia, which is not associated with gastrointestinal problems.

Main contraindications

Before drinking "De-Nol" for gastritis, you should make sure that you have no contraindications to this drug. The instructions include the following restrictions:

  • kidney failure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 4 years;
  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Application of the drug

De-Nol tablets have proven themselves well. The instruction contains comprehensive information about the method of application and dosage. So, adults should take 1 tablet four times a day. The first 3 doses are taken half an hour before meals, and the last one - before bedtime. A scheme is also acceptable when taking 2 tablets twice a day half an hour before meals.

Children under 12 years of age are prescribed 2 tablets of the drug daily. As in the previous case, eating is possible half an hour after taking the medicine.

A different scheme works for kids up to 8 years old. The daily norm is defined as 8 mg per kilogram of the child's body. The number of doses is equal to the number of tablets (or parts thereof) that meet the norm.

The composition of the drug "De-Nol" determines the fact that the treatment should last 4-8 weeks. In the next 2 months, treatment with any other drugs containing bismuth is prohibited. To make the fight against pathogenic bacteria that provoke erosive changes more effective, it is permissible to combine De-Nol with antibacterial agents.

Only in the case of strict adherence to all recommendations is a positive effect possible from taking De-Nol. The composition of the drug is such that in case of an overdose, a number of unpleasant symptoms may occur. The instructions noted a violation of the kidneys, which can be eliminated after discontinuation of the drug.

In order to alleviate the symptoms of an overdose, the first thing they do is gastric lavage. Further symptomatic therapy is carried out. So, in most cases, chelating agents are prescribed that help restore kidney function. If there is a serious violation in their work, they resort to the procedure of hemodialysis.

Interaction with other drugs

It is worth observing some caution when combining the De-Nol medicine with other means. The composition of the drug is such that it is able to block the absorption of tetracycline. Any other medicines, liquids and food (especially antacids, fruits, dairy products) significantly reduce the effectiveness of De-Nol. Thus, between their use there should be a half-hour interval.

The drug "De-Nol": side effects

Before using the drug, you must carefully read the instructions. So, the composition of the tablets "De-Nol" causes the following side reactions:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • frequent stool;
  • constipation;
  • skin rash;
  • encephalopathy.

These symptoms are temporary and are caused by the accumulation of the active substance in the body. In most cases, unpleasant manifestations disappear immediately as soon as the patient stops treatment with the drug.

additional information

The main characteristic that determines the effectiveness of such a drug as "De-Nol" is the composition. The instructions for use contain the following additional information:

  • long-term use of the drug for more than 8 weeks is not allowed;
  • it is not recommended to exceed the daily dose (this applies not only to children, but also to adults);
  • the drug should not be taken simultaneously with other drugs that contain bismuth;
  • during treatment, staining in black color of feces is possible;
  • sometimes there is a slight darkening of the tongue;
  • at the moment there is no data on the effect of "De-Nol" on the ability to drive vehicles;
  • during treatment with "De-Nol" it is not recommended to drink alcohol;
  • dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription.

Complex treatment

Often, the treatment of ulcers and gastritis requires an integrated approach. "De-Nol", "Amoxicillin" and other means are taken together to provide a comprehensive impact on the problem. So, the scheme of complex treatment can be as follows:

  • twice a day you need to drink 500 mg of "Clarithromycin";
  • according to the same schedule, but already 1000 mg are taken "Amoxicillin".

Sometimes a slightly different scheme is used to treat ulcers and gastritis:

  • twice a day, half an hour before meals, they drink "De-Nol";
  • four times a day take 500 mg of "Tetracycline";
  • in a similar dosage, but already three times a day, they drink "Metronidazole";
  • Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, or other proton pump inhibitors are taken as directed.

If you decide to undergo complex treatment using the drug "De-Nol", the medication should continue for 1-2 weeks. Complex therapy should not be abruptly stopped. After completing the course, De-Nol can be continued for up to 8 weeks. This will speed up the regeneration of the mucous membrane.

Popular analogues of "De-Nola"

The main disadvantage of advertised medicines is the high price. The most important characteristic of De-Nol is the composition of the drug. Analogues with similar components can cost an order of magnitude cheaper. At the same time, their efficiency remains the same high. So, the most popular substitutes for "De-Nol" are the following means:

  • Misoprostol is a synthetic analogue of prostaglandins, which are hormone-like substances. The action of this remedy is aimed at protecting the stomach from erosive changes by reducing the amount of gastric juice produced. In turn, the production of mucus and bicarbonate is greatly increased. It also improves blood flow.
  • "Carbenoxolone" is a drug based on licorice root. Its action is aimed at enhancing the secretion of mucus and increasing its viscosity, which has a positive effect on the condition of the walls of the stomach.
  • "Novobismol" is a domestic analogue of the drug in question, which is also made on the basis of bismuth. It is an antiulcer drug that has astringent, enveloping and antimicrobial action. This is one of the few analogues that, like De-Nol, suppresses Helicobacter pylori. Despite the fact that the product has a composition similar to the original, its release is carried out only by prescription. This is due to the insufficient amount of excipients that soften the action of the main component.
  • Ulcavis is similar to De-Nol in terms of the concentration of the main active substance. This tool also provides an enveloping, regenerating and antibacterial effect. The drug is available without a prescription, but it is desirable to carry out therapy under the supervision of a physician, since an excess of the concentration of the drug in the blood can lead to the development of encephalopathy. As a rule, this drug costs 2 times cheaper than De-Nol, but is not inferior to it in terms of quality.
  • "Ventrisol" refers to gastroprotective drugs. Like De-Nol, the drug works selectively, affecting only damaged tissues. In those places where there is no epithelial tissue, the active ingredient reacts with proteins, forming a protective layer to prevent further destruction, as well as for the purpose of subsequent regeneration.
  • "Vis-Nol" is a drug based on colloidal bismuth subcitrate. The action of the drug is based on the formation of a protective film, which will contribute to the process of scarring of ulcers.
  • "Vikalin" is a domestic drug, which is dominated by natural ingredients. In addition to the astringent and antiseptic effect, it also has antispasmodic and laxative effects. There is also a decrease in acidity.
  • "Ventrisol" is a Polish drug based on bismuth tripotassium dicitrate. Reduces acidity and fights Helicobacter pylori. Stimulates the active production of mucus, which serves to form a protective shell.

Positive reviews

Of course, before using any drug, you should consult with specialists. However, it is not uncommon for doctors to write a prescription based on advertising data, rather than user experience. Thus, before starting the reception, it is advisable to read the opinions of users. So, the following positive reviews can be heard about the drug:

  • in the course of treatment, the drug affects not only erosive changes, but also kills pathogenic microflora in the intestine;
  • after adaptation to the drug, side effects disappear without cancellation;
  • despite the fact that the drug kills gastric bacteria, it does not belong to antibiotics, and therefore its administration is not accompanied by problems characteristic of this group of drugs;
  • after completing the full course, the problem of Helicobacter pylori is solved, which is confirmed by appropriate tests before and after taking the medicine;
  • to protect yourself from buying a fake, you can call the manufacturer's hotline, which will confirm or deny the authenticity of the batch number indicated on the package;
  • reduces the level of acidity, which not only contributes to the recovery process, but also eliminates heartburn;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system as a whole;
  • in most patients, the drug is well tolerated;
  • in the instructions of the drug is a scheme of complex treatment.

Negative Feedback

Treatment with the same drug may have different effects on patients. So, there are a number of negative reviews about the drug "De-Nol". The most significant are the following:

  • the result does not come immediately, and significant relief is noted only after 2 months from the start of the intake;
  • in case of serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, De-Nol itself may turn out to be ineffective and requires taking an additional set of drugs;
  • in the first 5-10 days of treatment, side effects described in the instructions may be observed;
  • some patients report a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • high price;
  • long course of treatment;
  • the tablet is difficult to break in half and into smaller parts, which is required in the treatment of young children, and therefore the medicine simply crumbles and deteriorates;
  • given the high cost and popularity of the drug, there are many fakes on the market;
  • in some cases, 2 or more courses of treatment may be needed for complete recovery;
  • immunity from re-infection with Helicobacter pylori is not formed;
  • during treatment with De-Nol, dairy products should not be consumed.


For quite a long time, diseases such as gastritis and ulcers were difficult to treat. A significant step forward was the discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is the cause of such problems. So, recently one of the most popular and effective drugs is De-Nol. This tool is characterized not only by antimicrobial, but also by astringent and regenerating function. Thus, the “attack” on gastrointestinal diseases occurs on several “fronts” at once, which makes it possible to solve the problem completely.

Nevertheless, taking De-Nol alone is not enough to completely cure gastritis and ulcers. Comprehensive treatment with a number of other drugs (including antibiotics) is recommended. In addition, therapy is often long-term, which largely depends on the degree of development of the disease. And given the high cost of the drug, a full course may require significant material costs. Nevertheless, as practice shows, none of the currently known analogues can boast of the same high efficiency as De-Nol.

Among the huge number of drugs that are presented on the Russian market, it is difficult to find drugs that do not cause side effects. Despite the achievements of modern pharmaceuticals, almost all drugs, even if taken correctly and the dosage is observed, can cause some harm to the patient's body. However, it is impossible to do without medications at all, because in a number of diseases it is required to carry out therapy as quickly as possible.

The list of such problems is quite wide, and diseases of the stomach and duodenum occupy not the last place in it. When making such diagnoses, the doctor usually prescribes a course of treatment with De-Nol. This drug is considered one of the most effective and safe. Of course, this statement is true only if all medical recommendations issued simultaneously with the appointment are observed. However, most patients still have many questions regarding this drug. How many days does the course of treatment with De-Nol last for a stomach ulcer? How to take pills correctly? How often to repeat the course "De-Nol"? Is it normal for side effects to occur during treatment? What is the optimal course of "De-Nol" for gastritis?

Judging by the above questions, most often patients are trying to find out details about the duration of treatment. It is this topic that we will cover in the article. Readers will draw from it all the information they are interested in about the De-Nol treatment course. We will also briefly describe the drug itself and note all the features of its administration.

General characteristics of the drug

As soon as the doctor, after the treatment, diagnoses the patient with an "ulcer" or "gastritis", he will most likely immediately prescribe a course of treatment with De-Nol. How much to drink pills and how to do it, the doctor usually tells right there in the office, but he does not give a description of the medicine. Although this information is very useful for patients.

So, first of all, it is worth understanding that this drug is one of the most powerful. In addition, it allows you to comprehensively approach the problem, and this already makes it possible to prescribe a simplified scheme and course of treatment. Many patients confuse "De-Nol" and "Omez" with each other, considering them to be equivalent drugs and replacing them at will. However, this cannot be done, since the tool we are describing is unique in many respects.

How many days the course of treatment "De-Nol" lasts for gastritis and ulcers, we will tell a little later. Now let's find out what this drug is. The drug has both healing and antiseptic properties, which makes it indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It also has astringent properties that help the drug to cope with diseases more effectively. In addition, the course of treatment with "De-Nol" relieves the patient of Helicobacter pylori, which is the culprit of peptic ulcer. A huge plus of the drug is the fact that it does not apply to antibiotics. And therefore, will not cause serious side effects inherent in this group of funds.

I would like to mention that even with a long course of taking De-Nol, Helicobacter pylori cannot develop resistance to the drug. The drug is equally effective in primary and secondary treatment. Such characteristics are rarely combined in one drug.

Release form of the drug

Before starting a course of treatment with De-Nol for gastritis or peptic ulcer, you need to protect yourself from fakes. To do this, you need to study how the tablets should look.

The manufacturer produces the drug only in the form of tablets. They have a biconvex shape and are film-coated. Usually the color of the tablets is close to light cream, but slight deviations towards darker or lighter shades are also allowed.

The pills are very well protected from counterfeiting due to embossing. It is applied on both sides and consists of an inscription and a graphic drawing. Some patients who underwent a course of treatment with De-Nol complained of an unpleasant odor coming from the tablets. Pharmacists note that this is the norm. Original tablets may not emit a very pronounced smell of ammonia.

The manufacturer packs the drug in cardboard boxes. Each contains several blisters. They contain eight tablets. On average, from seven to fourteen blisters are invested in a pack. The maximum number of tablets in a package is one hundred and twelve.

Depending on the neglect and nature of the course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe both a minimum course of treatment with De-Nol and a maximum course with a possible repetition in a few months. Focusing on this, the patient has the opportunity to calculate in advance which package of tablets he will need.

The composition of the drug and dosage

Often, patients with peptic ulcer and gastritis try to independently compare De-Nol and Omez with each other. Treatment regimens and the course of taking these medications, however, vary greatly. And this is not surprising, because despite the fact that the drugs have similar indications for use, they contain different active ingredients.

"De-Nol" consists of active and additional substances. Bismuth oxide belongs to the first category. It is this substance that provides a wide therapeutic effect that the drug has. It is in each tablet 120 milligrams.

Auxiliary components are selected and included in the composition of the drug in order to contribute to the rapid absorption of the active substance in the gastrointestinal tract. This group of components includes:

  • corn starch;
  • povidone;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • potassium polyacrylate.

In addition, it is necessary to mention the components that make up the film shell of the tablets:

  • macrogol;
  • hypromellose.

All excipients are in the drug in small quantities.

Indications for taking tablets

In almost one hundred percent of cases, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment with De-Nol for stomach ulcers and gastritis. However, these are not the only indications for taking this drug. The list of health problems that pills effectively cope with is quite voluminous:

  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum in different stages of the course;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome (including with diarrhea as one of the symptoms);
  • dyspepsia;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum;
  • damage to the gastric mucosa.

Most often, the last of these problems occurs with long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The action of the drug

The spectrum of action of the tablets is quite wide, therefore, with peptic ulcer and gastritis, the course of treatment with De-Nol is so effective. Even after the initial intake, the drug forms a protective film that envelops the inner walls of the stomach. At the same time, it very effectively neutralizes Helicobacter pylori.

In parallel, the drug helps to normalize the acid-base balance, improve blood circulation in the stomach, and accelerate metabolic processes. It was also noticed that during the treatment process the rate of regeneration of damaged tissues increases.

Doctors say that the already damaged gastric mucosa is actively destroyed by the pepsin produced by the body. Its concentration is significantly reduced after a course of treatment with De-Nol (and Omez, by the way, you can achieve a similar effect).

It is impossible not to mention that the drug acts as a means to strengthen the immune system. It has been proven that a decrease in its activity creates all the conditions for the penetration of Helicobacter pylori into the body. The more reduced the immune system, the more the harmful bacterium penetrates. Initially, it manifests itself as a symptom of gastritis, then it becomes the cause of ulcers on the mucosa. And at this stage, it can already threaten the patient with oncology.

The mechanism of action of tablets on the causative agent of peptic ulcer

From our article, readers have already learned that De-Nol treats. The course of treatment with this drug successfully neutralizes Helicobacter pylori.

The mechanism of action of the drug on this harmful microorganism is quite simple. When taking the drug, the action is directly on the cell walls of the bacteria. They begin to break down, and as a result of this process, irreversible changes occur in the cytoplasm of the microorganism. After a while, he dies.

It is noteworthy that the active substance of the drug is able to penetrate into the deepest tissues and restore them. The moment of lack of addiction to pills is very important, even with prolonged use. Helicobacter bacteria cannot adapt to the components of the drug, so it is effective even with a repeated course.


Do not forget that De-Nol is not suitable for all patients, despite its high performance. Some health problems can be an obstacle to taking it. However, their list is limited to only a few items:

  • Reception of other means containing bismuth. This substance tends to accumulate in the body, so there should be a break of at least three to four months between therapeutic courses.
  • Childhood. Usually, a child under the age of fourteen is not prescribed De-Nol. But there are exceptions to this rule: in especially difficult cases, the doctor can prescribe this medicine to a baby from four years old. This can be done as part of complex therapy together with two antibiotics. Moreover, the course of treatment with De-Nol (such situations are not specified in the instructions for use) should be minimal.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. Women who are expecting a baby should avoid taking this drug. Its active substance has a negative effect on the fetus, as a result, the child may be born with serious pathologies. During lactation, "De-Nol" is also contraindicated. Its components very easily penetrate into breast milk and disrupt the functioning of the urinary and nervous systems of the crumbs. The result of such treatment of the mother can be very deplorable for the baby.
  • An allergic reaction to bismuth is uncommon, but it can still happen. Therefore, people prone to allergies should not drink De-Nol. Doctors do not prescribe it and with individual intolerance to any components of the drug.
  • The drug is categorically contraindicated in kidney diseases of a different nature and severity of the course.

The instructions for the tablets indicate that they should not be taken by people with problems associated with liver disease. In these cases, treatment can aggravate them and be supplemented by a number of side effects.

The drug "De-Nol". What course of treatment is considered optimal

The attending physician prescribes the drug to persons suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. However, they must definitely be over fourteen years old. The scheme of admission is only a doctor, it is categorically contraindicated to do it without permission. The specialist takes into account all the nuances of the course of the disease: its stage, severity, age of the patient, and the like.

On average, no more than four tablets of the drug are prescribed per day. Moreover, they should be taken at regular intervals. Depending on the treatment regimen, the doctor may divide the daily dosage into two or four doses.

The standard course of treatment involves a regimen in which the patient drinks one tablet four times a day. The first three doses take place before breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the last - at night. It is important to take the tablets thirty minutes before meals on a completely empty stomach. This concept includes not only the absence of food in it, but also liquid.

An alternative course of treatment is prescribed for other diseases. In this case, it is shown to take "De-Nol" two tablets twice a day - before breakfast and dinner. It is important to observe an interval of twelve hours between doses of the medicine.

The drug is required to drink only clean water. Juices, teas and other drinks, reacting with the components of the drug, disrupt the absorption of the drug and its mechanism of action.

It should be borne in mind that the tablets should not be chewed, broken or taken in parts.

The minimum course of therapy is one month, but often doctors advise that with obvious improvements in the condition, accompanied by the neutralization of unpleasant symptoms, stop treatment.

The longest course of "De-Nol" cannot be more than two months of continuous use. If during this period of time the stabilization of the condition has not occurred, then the next time you can start drinking the medicine only after a sixty-day interval

It should be borne in mind that the patient should not take other drugs containing bismuth in their composition. This substance gives the effect of accumulation in the central nervous system, which negatively affects its work.

Features of treatment

"De-Nol" is a fairly powerful drug, so some simple rules must be followed when taking it.

Patients should know that the drug is most effective when no food and liquid enters the stomach thirty minutes before the tablet enters the body and thirty minutes after that. The fact is that for the splitting of tablets, a large amount of gastric juice is required.

With vegetovascular dystonia, it is necessary to undergo the most minimal course of taking De-Nol. If this recommendation is not followed, the patient's condition will worsen due to regular headaches and dizziness.

Keep in mind that bismuth, which is the active ingredient of the drug, has the effect of turning feces black. Despite the fact that this reaction is natural, it must be reported to the attending physician.

If you notice a general deterioration in your condition in the first week of treatment, then perhaps these are side effects of the drug, which means that the course of treatment needs to be stopped.

A few words about side effects

If we analyze all the possible negative reactions of the body to taking pills, then most often they occur from the gastrointestinal tract. The main symptoms are nausea, vomiting, violation of daily stools (constipation, diarrhea, increased bowel movements, and so on). Flatulence is also possible, accompanying the patient throughout the day. In some cases, there is a decrease in appetite and a change in taste preferences. Sometimes in the course of treatment there is a persistent taste of metal in the oral cavity. The color of the tongue in many patients changes to dark brown after the first days of taking the tablets. All of these reactions are considered symptoms of the body's adaptation to bismuth. They usually go away on their own in one to two weeks.

Allergy is a good reason to stop treatment. This effect is manifested by skin itching, rashes on the skin and swelling of the tissues. Such symptoms should be reported to the doctor. After examining the patient, he must decide whether to cancel or change the treatment regimen.

A long course of treatment is possible only under medical supervision. It is prescribed in very rare cases, since the risk of side effects increases several times. In addition, many of them are hazardous to health. Such reactions include nephropathy, encephalopathy, gingivitis, and so on. Often, prolonged use of "De-Nol" is the cause of the development of colitis and arthralgia in patients.

Overdose. How to define it

Having started taking De-Nol, it is important to understand that an overdose of it is extremely dangerous. It causes irreversible changes in the body. Among them, acute renal failure can be distinguished, which in parallel leads to high slagging and increased pressure.

The most dangerous violations of the functions of the brain. Initially, the patient feels only weakness, then insomnia is added to it. If the drug is not stopped, the treatment can be fatal.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which have become chronic, are also one of the results of an overdose of De-Nol.

It should be borne in mind that an overdose of the drug occurs at such rates as one hundred milligrams of bismuth per liter of blood. This can only be determined in the laboratory.

Patients need to know that there is no antidote for bismuth. Therefore, as an emergency aid for overdose, doctors use gastric lavage and adsorbents. In severe cases, urgent hemodialysis is required.

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