Why does the gum hurt at the end. The gum hurts and swollen at the end of the lower or upper jaw: what to do if a wisdom tooth grows? The gum hurts a lot: causes and how to relieve pain

If your gums are swollen and sore at the end of the lower jaw, this indicates an inflammatory process. In this case, it is necessary to get an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible to find out the causes of inflammation and prescribe adequate treatment. There are many factors that can provoke such symptoms, and we will consider the most likely of them below.

Causes of pain in the gums at the end of the lower jaw


If symptoms such as swelling and redness of the gums, its bleeding, soreness are observed, this may indicate a fairly common disease - periodontitis. With this pathology, the inflammatory process affects the gum tissue that surrounds and holds the tooth. The progression of the disease leads to suppuration, loosening and loss of teeth. The main cause of periodontitis is the development of a bacterial infection in the oral cavity against the background of:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • insufficient oral hygiene;
  • tartar formation, etc.


In the case when the gum at the end of the jaw is inflamed, its hyperemia and soreness are observed, as well as swelling of the cheek and chin, an increase in the submandibular lymph nodes, periostitis may develop. This disease consists in the course of an infectious-inflammatory process in the tissues of the periosteum. Most often, the pathology affects the lower jaw. It can also increase body temperature and cause headaches. Both odontogenic infections (caries, periodontitis, etc.) and non-odontogenic factors can provoke periostitis:

  • lympho- and hematogenous (otitis media, tonsillitis, measles, etc.);
  • traumatic (surgical interventions, wounds, etc.).


A common cause of pain and swelling of the gums is inflammation of the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth, which consists of connective tissue. This process is called periodontitis and is most often caused by the transfer of infection from neighboring tissues (mainly due to caries). Inflammation can also be provoked by mechanical trauma to the tooth and the penetration of certain potent medicines into the tissues. A characteristic symptom of the disease is increased sensitivity and pain when pressing on the tooth.


With the appearance of redness, swelling and pain in the gums at the end of the lower jaw, the development of pericoronitis can be assumed. This pathology is an inflammation of the soft tissues of the gums surrounding the erupting tooth. This often happens with the growth of wisdom teeth. With such inflammation, not only the gums hurt, but it also becomes painful to swallow, open your mouth, talk, and your general well-being may also worsen. The main cause of pericoronitis is lack of space for an erupting tooth.

Tumors of the jaw

The cause of pain and swelling of the gums at the end of the jaw may be a tumor. There are many varieties of tumors of the lower jaw, among which are benign and cancerous, affecting different tissues - soft, connective or bone, etc. The main factors provoking the formation and growth of jaw tumors are injuries and long-term inflammatory diseases. processes in the tissues of the jaw. The most common are ameloblastomas - odontogenic tumors of the jaws that develop intraosseously and can grow into the soft tissues of the gums.

Treatment for pain in the gums at the end of the jaw

Methods of treatment are determined by the type of disease and the causes that caused it. In many cases, gum problems require the removal of dental plaque from the teeth, as well as the use of local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. In more severe cases, oral antibiotics may be required, as well as surgical treatment.

If the gum hurts above the tooth when pressed, then you should consult a doctor, since diseases of the oral cavity can be the cause of pain.

Also, the cause of discomfort can be poor-quality treatment.

But, one way or another, before you start taking medications, you should consult a dentist. The doctor will help determine the cause and provide the necessary assistance.

Causes of sore gums when pressed

There are a number of reasons why pain can occur when pressing on the gum or tooth.

Causes of pain when pressed include:

  1. infectious diseases of the oral cavity;
  2. periodontitis and periodontal disease;
  3. flux and other formations of an inflammatory and purulent nature;
  4. non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

Infectious diseases of the oral cavity can lead to inflammation of the gum tissues. In this case, the gum turns red, there is an unpleasant pain when pressed. There may also be some bleeding.

Periodontitis and periodontal disease is one of the main causes of pain when pressed. Gingivitis can develop into periodontal disease, in the absence of adequate therapy. For this reason, it is necessary to visit the dentist regularly and treat existing inflammatory diseases.

Flux may appear in the presence of caries, the accumulation of pathogenic microflora leads to the appearance of pus. In this case, the gum turns red, inflammation appears and pain occurs.

Improper gum hygiene leads to the fact that bacteria and food debris accumulate in the oral cavity. Soft plaque quickly turns into hard. As a result, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity may occur.

For this reason, it is worth not only brushing your teeth twice a day, but also visiting a dentist once every six months, who will remove tartar.

In this case, therapy begins with the elimination of the root cause.

In addition to all of the above reasons, pain can occur due to the strong sensitivity of the tooth.

It appears as a reaction to hot and cold food, and can also be aggravated by taking solid food.

How to relieve pain?

There are a few simple tips that will help relieve unpleasant pain, or at least reduce their intensity.

What will help relieve gum pain:

  • anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • Alternative medicine;
  • antiseptics.

Anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out on the recommendation of a dentist. It is prescribed after certain dental procedures. If necessary, you can take two tablets of Ibuprofen, the drug will help relieve pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Alternative medicine includes the use of decoctions of herbs: chamomile, oak bark sage.

These herbs have a positive effect on the oral cavity and speed up the healing process.

Chlorhexidine and Miramistin can be attributed to antiseptics, if there are wounds and injuries on the gum, then rinsing with antiseptics will accelerate the process of cell recovery and regeneration.

As a simple rinse, which will have an antiseptic effect, you can use a solution of soda and salt. Salt and soda are mixed in equal proportions, and then the solution is cooled and the mouth is rinsed with it. To prepare the solution, you can use both sea and table salt.

Possible complications

There are a number of complications that can occur after gum disease, the most severe of which is perhaps a cyst.

In difficult cases, the removal of the cyst takes place in several stages and is carried out only surgically. Drug treatment acts as an additional therapy after surgery.

If the cause of inflammation is gingivitis, then it can develop into periodontitis. In this case, the teeth loosen, fall out, and an unpleasant, putrid odor comes from the oral cavity.

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If, when you press a tooth or soft tissues, pain occurs and the gums are inflamed, red, then you need to seek help from a dentist. Only a doctor can determine the cause of discomfort and provide timely assistance to the patient.

The gum hurts a lot: causes and how to relieve pain?

Many dental problems are united by one unpleasant symptom - the gum hurts a lot. If the problem appears when pressed with a finger or during a snack, we are talking about a complication of the inflammatory process. Often it becomes chronic and develops into aching soreness, accompanied by bleeding and itching. Without proper treatment, pathology threatens to destroy teeth, damage soft tissues and other points.

Why does the gum hurt: the main reasons

Most patients carefully monitor their teeth, try to keep the enamel clean, completely forgetting about the gums. This part of the mucous membrane in the mouth is permeated with blood vessels and supplies nutrients to the roots. Therefore, not only the attractiveness of a smile, but also the general well-being, the moral state of a person depends on their health.

If the gum or a bump on it is very sore, a person should not ignore this problem. It speaks of the onset of the disease or warns of the development of inflammation inside the periodontium. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms and correctly diagnose the pathology at an early stage. The main possible causes of pain:

  1. dental inflammation and processes;
  2. injuries received during training, in a fight or when cracking hard bones, crackers;
  3. accidental damage to the gums and tissues deep inside during the work of the dentist;
  4. consequences of poor daily hygiene.

There are a number of pathologies and diseases in which the gum hurts a lot. If the sensation increases when taking hot or cold food, ichor is released from the sinuses, it is necessary to check the oral cavity for periodontal disease. Distinctive signs are redness and swelling near the base of the teeth, burning and bleeding. The patient complains of severe itching, which intensifies and becomes very painful.

Similar symptoms are observed with exacerbation of gingivitis. The disease is inflammatory in nature and quickly leads to loosening of the soft tissues in the mouth. The gum becomes hyperthermic, swells and ceases to adhere tightly to the enamel. A person notes that the gum under the nose hurts if you press your finger on the area above the upper lip. This is caused by damage to the roots and nerve endings, which are strongly pressed by the liquid inside the periodontal tissue.

Aching pain is sometimes neurotic in nature. It appears only after hypothermia or stress. The same problem occurs with the accumulation of tartar. With improper hygiene, plaque remains on the neck of the tooth. Under the influence of bacteria and saliva, it hardens. This is an ideal soil for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, giving food to fungi and microbes. The stone presses on the mucous membranes, increases their sensitivity and destroys fragile enamel.

If the gum above the tooth is very sore, and a rounded bump protrudes on the gum, we are talking about a cyst or fistula. These neoplasms have a similar nature of appearance: a huge amount of pus accumulates under the mucosa inside the periodontium. The disease is accompanied by fever, weakness and chills, acute toothache, which is of a "shooting" character. The exudate breaks out or in, penetrates into the bone tissues and leads to their destruction.

Severe pain in the gums with periodontitis

When a patient complains that his gums above the tooth have been hurting for a long time, the dentist assumes a serious problem - periodontitis. This is not just a disease, but a serious complication after improper dental treatment, prolonged inflammation during periodontal disease or gingivitis. Other causes of a lesion inside the jaw:

  • with untreated caries, bacteria with saliva penetrate the canals and lead to the development of infection;
  • ingestion of arsenic-based solutions that destroy the jaw bones and tooth root;
  • an abscess formed that required surgical opening.

Periodontitis must be treated. It easily becomes chronic, complicated by purulent fistulas. Severe pain in the gums develops into a permanent one, which increases with the use of hot tea and subsides after applying ice.

How to remove discomfort in the gums

To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to cure the underlying cause. With periodontal disease or gingivitis, the dentist removes tartar, which compresses the gums and provokes discomfort. After cleaning from plaque, the mucosa is treated with antiseptic solutions, the gingival pockets are washed and disinfected using ultrasound. Usually, after the first physiotherapy, the swelling subsides and the pain subsides.

With periodontitis, one cannot do without opening the dental crown and cleaning the dental canals from pus and decay products. The procedure is quite unpleasant, so it is performed under anesthesia. The open pulp is washed several times a day with a solution of Miramistin or Chlorhexidine, closing with a temporary filling from bacteria. The level of pain quickly decreases as soon as the doctor removes the inflammation in the periodontium. The sharp pulsation disappears and the teeth become less sensitive when pressed.

How to get rid of severe pain in the gums

Unpleasant sensations exhaust a person, preventing him from concentrating on work and leisure with loved ones. Therefore, you should not endure discomfort: you can use special analgesics in the form of tablets:

If severe gum pain is associated with periodontal disease, gingivitis, or trauma, light gels can be used. Dentinox N, Dentol, Kamistad or Calgel contain lidocaine, quickly penetrate the epithelium and freeze the nerve endings. Within a few hours, the patient does not feel itching and burning, can sleep or have lunch. This type of anesthesia is more gentle for the stomach, therefore it is recommended for pregnant women and babies.

If there is pain in the gums, it is better to refuse warming up, do not apply a warm or alcohol compress. This will help to avoid exacerbation with the accumulation of pus. It is recommended to take anti-allergic and decongestant drugs that will reduce pressure in the soft tissues.

Folk ways to get rid of pain

There are situations when severe pain in the gums is taken by surprise. To relieve the thrill without pills, you can use simple recipes and recommendations. Acupressure helps well, it is carried out with fingertips. To do this, knead the gums with light circular movements, trying not to put pressure on the base of the teeth. This will improve blood flow, cleanse the gum pockets of accumulated fluid and pus.

A mild analgesic effect gives the use of the following compositions:

  • every 30–60 minutes, the oral cavity is carefully treated with a barely warm decoction of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort;
  • 1 tablet of aspirin and analgin must be crushed and mixed, poured onto a cotton swab and applied to the inflamed area;
  • the mouth is rinsed with a strong solution of sea salt, trying to retain the liquid in the affected area.

To strengthen the gums, you can rub tea tree or sea buckthorn oil, treat with infusion of oak bark, birch buds or flax seeds. During treatment, it is necessary to observe hygiene more carefully and use toothpastes based on herbal extracts, lightly massage the mucosa with a brush.

What to do if the gum above the tooth hurts when pressed or chewed, how can you rinse the mouth: methods of treatment

If a person does not pay attention to his health, postpones a visit to the doctor, then the inflammatory process develops rapidly and reaches a state that requires complex and expensive treatment, there is a risk of complications. Pain in the gums when pressed is the reason for contacting the dental clinic.

Possible causes of pain when pressing on the gums

Gum pain occurs with the following diseases:

  1. Irregular dental care provokes the formation of plaque, which hardens over time and causes the development of gingivitis and periodontitis.
  2. Poor quality work of the dentist causes the multiplication of bacteria and leads to periodontitis.
  3. Injury to the gums, obtained mechanically or by eating hard and irritating food. Its damage is also caused by poor processing of the edges of the seal.
  4. Pain under the crown or prosthesis of the tooth with a loose installation, due to which food gets there and inflammation develops. The reason is the natural wear of the implant.
  5. Other causes: stomatitis, diabetes mellitus, beriberi, pregnancy.

Possible Complications

Running gingivitis provokes periodontitis, a person is threatened with tooth loss. Pregnant women are at risk of premature birth.

Frequent complications of periodontitis are fistulas and cysts in the gums. Granulations destroy tissues, a hole appears, reaching the periosteum. The fistulous course can affect the skin and muscles of the face. If the granulations dissolve, then cavities filled with liquid appear. When they break, a fracture of the jaw is possible.

Treatment with folk remedies

If the gums hurt when chewing or pressing, the following folk remedies are often used:

With home treatment, warm compresses should not be done. It is forbidden to rinse with hot liquids, to open the flux yourself.

Medical treatment

When faced with a similar problem, a person needs to seek medical help and undergo a diagnosis. It will help to figure out why the gum over the tooth hurts when pressed. Having established the root cause of the disease state, the dentist will make a choice of the most effective treatment regimen and select the necessary drugs.


  • Analgin. Used for moderate pain.
  • Nurofen. Effective, but there are side effects.
  • Ketanov. For pain relief for up to 6 hours.
  • Nalgezin Forte. A strong drug with contraindications.


The following drugs are used for treatment:

Solutions for rinsing

  • Chlorhexidine. First, the oral cavity is cleaned with water, teeth are cleaned. Spend 2-3 rinses for 20-30 seconds, a tablespoon of the solution each. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day. The tool is also used after gum surgery to relieve pain and prevent suppuration. Treatment is carried out for at least 5 days.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Use a 3% solution. 15 mg of peroxide is mixed with 100 ml of warm boiled water and the mouth is rinsed for 5 minutes. The procedure is performed up to 4 times a day, at least 5 days.
  • A solution of potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate is dissolved in 100 ml of water to a pink color so as not to burn the mucous membrane. During the week, rinsing with 100 ml of solution is carried out 3-5 times a day.

Ointments and gels

When should you see a doctor?

It is advisable not to self-medicate, if the gum between your teeth hurts when pressed, you should immediately contact a specialist. This will help not to start the disease, which is much easier to cure at the initial stage.

Treatment at the dentist

  • With gingivitis, plaque and stones are removed, antibacterial drugs are prescribed for a course of up to 10 days.
  • Treatment for periodontitis is the same, in addition, curettage is performed (cleansing from pus).
  • With periodontitis, caries is treated, the filling is removed and the canals are cleaned. Install temporary protection. Antibiotics, painkillers, rinses are prescribed. In the absence of inflammation, the dentist proceeds to seal the canals of the tooth.
  • If there is a flux on the gum, then it is cut, the damaged area is cleaned. After that, the patient treats the wound with antiseptics.
  • If the pain is caused by an injury, rinse with antibacterial agents. When injured by the sharp edges of the filling, the doctor grinds it and polishes it.
  • For anesthesia during eruption of dental units, special gels are prescribed. In some cases, the doctor recommends making an incision in the gum at the top of the tooth.

Prevention measures

The appearance of inflammatory processes can be prevented:

  • daily oral hygiene, including cleansing the tongue;
  • selection of high-quality brushes;
  • flossing after eating;
  • examination at the dentist 2 times a year;
  • ultrasonic cleaning of teeth;
  • avoid food that traumatizes the gums (hot, cold, spicy, salty, hard).

Everyone at least once in their life faced a problem: the gum hurts at the end of the lower jaw, near the molar, and even the cheek is swollen. What to do in such a situation, there is only one option - to consult a doctor.

Signs that you need professional help include:

  • painful and unpleasant sensations when touching the gums or the teeth below;
  • bump on the gum;
  • it hurts to swallow or open your mouth;
  • pain radiates to the throat or ear
  • elevated temperature.

If you find these signs in yourself, you need to call and make an appointment with the dentist as soon as possible. If you need to wait for a long time, for example, a day or more, you can drink painkillers, but in no case just before the visit, as this reduces the effect of anesthesia and even nullifies it.

Wisdom tooth eruption

If the gum is swollen at the end of the lower or upper jaw, very often this is due to a wisdom tooth. Acquaintance with the "eights" occurs in the period from eighteen to thirty years. The problem is that they always erupt with a lot of trouble, because the bones of a person by this moment are already fully formed.

The tooth often lacks the space allotted to it, sometimes it tends to push the neighboring teeth. They bend, grow inside the gums, due to which it becomes not only painful for the owner to swallow, but even open his mouth or exhale sharply. At the same time, the temperature often rises, soreness of the gums gives to the head or ear. But this is not the only problem of the "eights". Very often they begin to collapse as soon as they were born, and sometimes even inside the gums.

That is why the problem cannot be dealt with without the help of a dentist, sometimes a dental surgeon. The doctor will examine the oral cavity, prescribe an X-ray examination, and if the tooth is simply cut, without “surprises”, then the patient has enough painkillers. But in the case of an impacted (ingrown inside) "eight" or signs of destruction, the teeth are removed under local, less often general anesthesia. There is no need to be afraid of this, modern anesthetics guarantee the complete absence of pain and discomfort.


The term "gingivitis" refers to inflammation of the gums. It is characterized by swelling of the gums, erosion, small wounds, and often bad breath.

The main cause is plaque and tartar. It is also provoked by long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.

For the treatment of gingivitis, antibacterial pastes and rinses are prescribed. If left untreated, it can spread further and progress to periodontitis, in which the necks of the teeth are exposed, the teeth loosen and fall out quickly.


The increase in the periodontal pocket and the inflammatory process of the tissues surrounding the tooth is the leader among all periodontal diseases. With an illness, the fixing tissues lose their ability to hold the tooth, they weaken, exposing the necks of the teeth, which then loosen and fall out. If you ignore the disease, it leads to periodontal disease, which requires much more complex treatment.

Periodontitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • gum itching;
  • increase in pockets;
  • pain when pressing on a tooth or gum;
  • unpleasant or painful chewing;
  • bloody or purulent discharge from under the gums (more advanced stages).

Periodontitis is treated quite easily by itself - antibacterial ointments and rinses are prescribed. With systematic observance of the rules of oral hygiene, it passes quickly. The problem is that this misfortune never develops on its own, as they say, from scratch. It is usually caused by a number of factors:

  • plaque;
  • tartar;
  • problems with teeth, including orthodontic ones.

With the elimination of plaque and calculus, regular professional dental hygiene procedures, oral cavity sanitation and bite correction, the disease is completely cured. In general, the prognosis is favorable, but if the disease is neglected, it turns into periodontal disease and leads to tooth loss.


The fear of a drill has been preserved by many citizens from the Soviet era to the present day, when no one is afraid of dentists for a long time. However, caries, if left untreated, turns into pulpitis, and then into periodontitis - a disease in which the inflammatory process from the pulp passes to the root of the tooth. The gum swells, it hurts, a flux appears, sometimes a fistula appears, pus comes out, the swelling subsides and it seems that the danger has passed. It's not like that at all. Yes, at the same time, the pain often disappears, because tissue necrosis is noted along with nerve endings, but in the end, the case may end in the loss of a tooth.

The dentist, after establishing the diagnosis, prepares the affected tooth cavity, then cleans the periodontium, after which a filling or a stump tab is installed, and then a crown.

Inflammation of the periosteum

About this disease most often they say "puffed out the cheek." The gum swells, then the lip, then the swelling passes to the neck and even the eyelids. However, the wind has nothing to do with it, although it, coupled with the cold, can act as a provocateur of inflammation. Periostitis, which is the scientific name for inflammation of the periosteum, occurs as a result of pathogenic bacteria that have fallen on the alveolar process from untreated teeth, also from injured areas. Sometimes the cause of periostitis is poor-quality work of a prosthodontist or general systemic diseases.

If the gum hurts at the end of the upper jaw (it doesn’t matter if it has swollen or not), you should also not delay a visit to the dentist. Perhaps these are the first signs of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. What to do? The worst thing that can be advised is to warm the swelling with a compress or hot rinses. Rotting of the tissues of the tooth with baths or heat cannot be cured. So you will only aggravate the inflammatory process, and then you will have to solve the problem in the department of maxillofacial surgery.

For treatment, the doctor performs either sanitation or tooth extraction, lays the medicine, then (usually after a few days) cleans the canals and installs a permanent filling or crown.


In no case should you try to independently determine what is happening to you.

The diagnosis is established only by a doctor, he also prescribes adequate treatment.

To establish a diagnosis, the dentist examines the oral cavity, prescribes an x-ray examination (panoramic image and images of individual areas).

How is the treatment going?

Gums rarely get sick on their own, as a rule, this is due to dental problems. Because Treatment methods include:

  • sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • bite correction;
  • professional teeth cleaning;
  • the appointment of special rinses and gels.

Sometimes the intervention of a surgeon is required.

When is it necessary to do without surgery?

Often the problem lies much deeper and you have to resort to the help of a dental surgeon., namely with such ailments as:

  • impacted "eight";
  • phlegmon;
  • other pathologies of the roots of the teeth.

Treatment is performed under local, rarely general anesthesia.

How to save yourself from pain?

While it's time for a visit to the dentist, you can take painkillers. However, one should not get too carried away with them, as this causes an overdose or can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the anesthetic by the doctor.

To get rid of pain, Ibuprofen, Ketonal, Ketorol, Nurofen, Analgin, Solpadein, Paracetamol are used.

Many dental problems are united by one unpleasant symptom - the gum hurts a lot. If the problem appears when pressed with a finger or during a snack, we are talking about a complication of the inflammatory process. Often it becomes chronic and develops into aching soreness, accompanied by and. Without proper treatment, pathology threatens to destroy teeth, damage soft tissues and other points.

Most patients carefully monitor their teeth, try to keep the enamel clean, completely forgetting about the gums. This part of the mucous membrane in the mouth is permeated with blood vessels and supplies nutrients to the roots. Therefore, not only the attractiveness of a smile, but also the general well-being, the moral state of a person depends on their health.

If the gum hurts or is on it, a person should not ignore this problem. It speaks of the onset of the disease or warns of the development of inflammation inside the periodontium. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms and correctly diagnose the pathology at an early stage. The main possible causes of pain:

  1. dental inflammation and processes;
  2. , in a fight or when cracking hard bones, crackers;
  3. accidental damage to the gums and tissues deep inside during the work of the dentist;
  4. consequences of poor daily hygiene.

There are a number of pathologies and diseases in which the gum hurts a lot. If the sensation increases when eating hot or cold food, an ichor is released from the sinuses, it is necessary to check the oral cavity for. Distinctive signs are redness and swelling near the base of the teeth, burning and bleeding. The patient complains of severe itching, which intensifies and becomes very painful.

Similar symptoms are observed during exacerbation. The disease is inflammatory in nature and quickly leads to loosening of the soft tissues in the mouth. The gum becomes hyperthermic, swells and ceases to adhere tightly to the enamel. A person notes that the gum under the nose hurts if you press your finger on the area above the upper lip. This is caused by damage to the roots and nerve endings, which are strongly pressed by the liquid inside the periodontal tissue.

Sometimes it is neurotic. It appears only after hypothermia or stress. The same problem occurs when congesting . With improper hygiene, plaque remains on the neck of the tooth. Under the influence of bacteria and saliva, it hardens. This is an ideal soil for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, giving food to fungi and microbes. The stone presses on the mucous membranes, increases their sensitivity and destroys fragile enamel.

If the gum over the tooth hurts a lot, and it protrudes on the gum, we are talking about or a fistula. These neoplasms have a similar nature of appearance: a huge amount accumulates under the mucosa inside the periodontium. The disease is accompanied by fever, weakness and chills, acute toothache, which is of a "shooting" character. The exudate breaks out or in, penetrates into the bone tissues and leads to their destruction.

Severe pain in the gums with periodontitis

When a patient complains that his gums above the tooth have been hurting for a long time, the dentist assumes a serious problem -. This is not just a disease, but a serious complication after improper dental treatment, prolonged inflammation during periodontal disease or gingivitis. Other causes of a lesion inside the jaw:

  • if untreated, bacteria with saliva penetrate the canals and lead to the development of infection;
  • ingestion of arsenic-based solutions that destroy the jaw bones and tooth root;
  • an abscess formed that required surgical opening.

Periodontitis must be treated. It easily becomes chronic, complicated. Severe pain in the gums develops into a permanent one, which increases with the use of hot tea and subsides after applying ice.

How to remove discomfort in the gums

To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to cure the underlying cause. With periodontal disease or gingivitis, the dentist removes tartar, which compresses the gums and provokes discomfort. After cleaning from plaque, the mucosa is treated with antiseptic solutions, the gingival pockets are washed and disinfected using ultrasound. Usually, after the first physiotherapy, the swelling subsides and the pain subsides.

With periodontitis, one cannot do without opening the dental crown and cleaning the dental canals from pus and decay products. The procedure is quite unpleasant, so it is performed under anesthesia. The open pulp is washed several times a day with a solution or, closing it with a temporary filling from bacteria. The level of pain quickly decreases as soon as the doctor removes the inflammation in the periodontium. The sharp pulsation disappears and the teeth become less sensitive when pressed.

How to get rid of severe pain in the gums

Unpleasant sensations exhaust a person, preventing him from concentrating on work and leisure with loved ones. Therefore, you should not endure discomfort: you can use special analgesics in the form of tablets:

  1. Tempalgin;
  2. Ketorol;
  3. Nise;
  4. Nurofen;
  5. Pentalgin;
  6. Nimesil.

If severe gum pain is associated with periodontal disease, gingivitis, or trauma, light gels can be used. , Dentol, or contain lidocaine, quickly penetrate the epithelium and freeze the nerve endings. Within a few hours, the patient does not feel itching and burning, can sleep or have lunch. This type of anesthesia is more gentle for the stomach, therefore it is recommended for pregnant women and babies.

If there is pain in the gums, it is better to refuse warming up, do not apply a warm or alcohol compress. This will help to avoid exacerbation with the accumulation of pus. It is recommended to take anti-allergic and decongestant drugs that will reduce pressure in the soft tissues.

Folk ways to get rid of pain

There are situations when severe pain in the gums is taken by surprise. To relieve the thrill without pills, you can use simple recipes and recommendations. Acupressure helps well, it is carried out with fingertips. To do this, knead the gums with light circular movements, trying not to put pressure on the base of the teeth. This will improve blood flow, cleanse the gum pockets of accumulated fluid and pus.

A mild analgesic effect gives the use of the following compositions:

  • every 30–60 minutes, the oral cavity is carefully treated with a barely warm decoction of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort;
  • 1 tablet of aspirin and analgin must be crushed and mixed, poured onto a cotton swab and applied to the inflamed area;
  • the mouth is rinsed with a strong solution of sea salt, trying to retain the liquid in the affected area.

To strengthen the gums, you can rub tea tree or sea buckthorn oil, treat with infusion of oak bark, birch buds or flax seeds. During treatment, it is necessary to observe hygiene more carefully and use toothpastes based on herbal extracts, lightly massage the mucosa with a brush.

When the gum hurts at the end of the upper jaw, a person immediately suspects the root teeth located here, or rather the wisdom teeth.

But pain sensations that do not always occur in this area appear due to their growth, often some diseases affecting the gums are the cause.

What is really hidden behind the aching pain in the upper jaw?

Possible diseases

The development of pain in the gums contributes to the occurrence here of one of the diseases. Consider the most common of them.

Defeat with gingivitis

This pathology affects the gums against the background of a person ignoring the norms of personal hygiene. Because of this, the tooth surface is covered with hard plaque, which is a favorable environment for the vital activity of pathogens. This plaque irritates the gums, causing them to bleed, ache and become inflamed.

Against this background, the formation of corresponding pockets is observed - “retreats” of the gums from the tooth. Over time, gingivitis turns into a more serious disease - periodontitis. This pathology is characterized by the penetration of pathogens into the corresponding "pocket", causing damage to the bone tissue located here.

Healthy and gingivitis-affected tooth

It is patients with periodontitis or gingivitis who suffer from pain at the end of the upper jaw. Both periodontitis and gingivitis are dangerous for the body, because:

  • are sources of immunodeficiency;
  • provoke the occurrence of severe pain;
  • lead to the formation of ulcers on the surface of the tongue;
  • cause bleeding gums;
  • form "pockets";
  • appear due to non-compliance with hygiene rules for the care of the oral cavity.

Bleeding gums can lead to unpleasant consequences. But sometimes you can deal with the problem yourself. Read more.

What to do if the gum hurts when teething a wisdom tooth, read.

After the removal of a wisdom tooth, the gums may hurt. Follow the link to learn how to relieve pain after this type of intervention.

Development of stomatitis

This disease occurs with the appearance of an inflammatory process on the oral mucosa. There are both independent development of stomatitis and its progression against the background of other diseases, for example, thrush. When an inflammatory process occurs on the surface of the tongue, doctors talk about the development of glossitis.

There are some factors that predispose to the defeat of the body with stomatitis.

Among them are:

  • overeating salty or sour foods;
  • hot meals with cold appetizers;
  • smoking;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • exacerbation of chronic "sores" in the internal organs.

To date, the following types of stomatitis are distinguished:

  • aphthous (yellowish coating on rounded ulcerations);
  • ulcerative necrotic (gray ulceration on the gums);
  • catarrhal (pronounced redness of the mucosa with difficulty swallowing).

All varieties of stomatitis, when manifested, are characterized by the occurrence of the following symptoms:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • pain sensations;
  • tissue swelling;
  • redness of the membranes of the oral cavity.

glossitis infection

This disease is not only superficial, but is also manifested by damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Often, a purulent inflammatory process appears on the affected area, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • temperature increase;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • swelling of the tongue.

The appearance of pain in the gums is helped by the formation of an appropriate plaque in this area, the use of a brush with a hard bristle, and an incorrectly placed filling.

Manifestations of periodontitis

This pathology affects the soft tissues around the teeth. Often the cause of the development of periodonitis are manifestations of hypovitaminosis, against the background of a lack of vitamin "P" or "C". It also causes characteristic pain in the upper and lower gums.

Severe pain in the upper and lower jaws is a signal for an immediate visit to the dentist, otherwise you can lose healthy teeth.

Wisdom tooth

The eruption of a wisdom tooth can also cause characteristic pain at the end of the upper jaw.

In this case, there is often a slight swelling at the site of the diseased area.

The painful eruption of the wisdom tooth is due to the lack of the necessary area for this tooth on the gum.

Nature determined these “teeth” to appear last, therefore, at the end of any jaw, they often lack space. As a result of this, the “molar” begins to look for a free area for itself, sometimes deviating to the side or lower jaw. Against the background of all this, characteristic pain sensations appear.

In some cases, the pains that appear are so strong that the person cannot endure them and starts screaming. Here, an ambulance of a dentist is needed, which will either remove an unerupted wisdom tooth or help it come out and take its place in the dentition. At the same time, self-treatment of this tooth with “handy antibiotics” is not welcome, since the nature of the pain can only intensify.

Pain at the end of the upper jaw can appear not only due to the fact that the wisdom tooth has not yet erupted, but also due to injury to them during the eruption of gum tissue.

In this case, you should also visit the dental office to find out the exact cause of the discomfort and its subsequent elimination.

Sore gums after tooth treatment at the end of the upper jaw

Pain in the gums can also appear after dental treatment in dental offices.

Usually, the doctor seals the diseased tooth, thereby preventing the penetration of pathogens into it.

In some cases, such actions can become sources of pain at the end of the upper jaw after a short amount of time.

The main reason for the appearance of such pain is the wrong actions of the dentist when healing a diseased tooth. Most often, before filling, the doctor either did not clean the canal well, or did not perform the necessary anesthesia. However, the appearance of pain after healing a tooth at the dentist serves as a signal for a second visit to this doctor.

In some cases, the dentist removes a filling from an improperly healed tooth and, after performing all the necessary actions, heals it again, or removes it permanently. This is the only way to defeat the emerging pain in the gums after the treatment of diseased teeth.

Pain Relief

How to rid the body of unbearable pain in the upper jaw? This situation implies an immediate appeal to the dentist, who will help to correctly determine the cause of the pain that occurs and prescribe the necessary treatment. Only an experienced doctor will be able to distinguish between the focus of inflammation in these pains, which can be located both inside the tooth and inside the gum.

Regardless of the source of the pain, treatment will include taking mandatory antibiotics that will help eliminate the inflammation that has begun and kill pathogens.

Antibiotics should be prescribed only by the attending physician, but by no means the patient himself.

Self-medication in such cases can lead to the most deplorable consequences.

At home, you can relieve gum pain for a while with the help of:

  • cold compress;
  • rinsing with chamomile infusion;
  • propolis tinctures;
  • turnip broth;
  • soda solution;
  • chicory;
  • tinctures of sage;
  • oak bark.

The use of these funds gives only a temporary effect, which will help make the pain less pronounced and weak. At this time, it is necessary to consult a doctor who can prescribe the necessary treatment and prescribe medications.

This dentist can additionally prescribe the following therapeutic agents to the patient to relieve the inflammatory process and pain:

  • special ointments;
  • special toothpastes;
  • gels;
  • rinse solutions.

Gingivitis and periodontitis lead to inflammation in the gums. If so, you need to take action.

An algorithm for the treatment of bleeding gums is presented.

Therapeutic procedures prescribed by the doctor will help not only to cope with the source of severe pain at the end of the upper jaw, but also prevent the development of undesirable health complications. Often, treatment may include surgery, which, under local anesthesia, is completely painless.

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