Motor ship rt. Motor ship RT did not enter the turn

Max. speed, km / h 17 Length, m 28,6 Width, m 6,9 Height with folded mast, mm 8,6 Draft, m 1 Engines Designation according to GOST 6CH12 / 18 Brand 3D6 Number 2 Power, h.p. 300

RT- a universal designation for river pusher tugs built in the USSR since the 50s according to several different projects.

RT is an abbreviation for R eternal T gag.

General scheme for the formation of the full designation of the RT-ABB vessel, where A is a number indicating the power of the main engines, BB is a number indicating the number of the vessel.

For instance:

  • RT-336- power 300 HP, vessel number 36;
  • RT-457- power 450 HP, vessel number 57;
  • RT-690- power 600 HP, vessel number 90;
  • RT-804- power 800 HP, vessel number 4;

The designation RT was assigned to the ships of the following projects:

  • 911B, 911V
  • R-14, R-14A
  • 1741, 1741A


All pusher tugs of the Republic of Tatarstan are motor ships. They are built on a twin-screw scheme, each screw is driven by its own main motor. The engine room is located approximately in the middle of the ship, a little closer to the stern. The superstructure is also located approximately in the middle of the ship, slightly closer to the bow. The hull has in the front part two bow stops for barge running. For quick coupling with the pushed barge, the vessels have an automatic coupler in the bow and two mooring winches. In the aft part there is an electrically driven towing winch and two mooring winches.

Project 911 ships

Pusher tug RT, project 911B

The largest number of vessels that received the designation RT belong to this particular project. Within the framework of the project, there were several modifications, differing in the shape of the superstructure and the power of the main engines. They have a cable steering system with a steering wheel in the wheelhouse. The ship's control automation is not foreseen by the project. The ships of the initial design did not have navigational devices and could only be operated under conditions of visual observation of navigational marks and other ships. Some of the vessels in the process of re-equipment were partially automated and supplemented with navigation equipment, which allows them to navigate in fog. The minimum crew is 5 people.

Ships of the R-14 project

Pusher tug RT, project R-14A

The vessels are designed for Siberian rivers. The height of the superstructure has been reduced (to allow passage under low bridges in high water). The propellers are installed in annular nozzles (for increased thrust and protection from damage by stones and broken ice). The hull is ice-strengthened. The vessels of the project R-14 are not pushers, but tugs, since do not have (in accordance with the original design) stops for pushing. The ships of the later release were equipped with stops and some of the earlier ones were refurbished. The ship is controlled remotely, partially automated, which allows for a minimum crew of three.

Project 1741 vessels

The ships of the project 1741 were designed to operate on Siberian rivers in a strong current. They have main engines power 600 - 720 hp. The ship's control is automated. The ships were originally equipped with an echo sounder, radar, long-range and short-range radio communication stations. Vessels are allowed to travel in fog and on reservoirs out of sight of coastal landmarks.

Pusher tug RT project 1741


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Once upon a time, Intourist cruises along the great river began in Kazan

River cruises are one of the types of tourism that God himself ordered Tatarstan to develop. Volga, Kama, Vyatka ... The length of waterways across the republic exceeds the distance from Kazan to Moscow. What historical and architectural masterpieces are located on the banks of the rivers, I think, you can not remind - only Bolgar, Sviyazhsk, Elabuga are worth something! Indeed, even twenty years ago, 14 local travel companies organized cruises on 22 motor ships per season. Today? Today - only two, I was stunned by a full member of the National Academy of Tourism, Chairman of the Commission for the Development of Tourism and the Sanatorium Complex of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan Vyacheslav Samolin.

Vyacheslav Andreevich, how is it that in European countries the demand for river travel is growing steadily. And with us, it turns out, is everything the other way around? Has the demand dropped dramatically?

There is a demand. This year, Tatarstan travel agencies regularly sold vouchers for cruises along the Volga, Kama and Don. But the organizers of these cruises, that is, tour operators, were Moscow, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod firms. Kazan now had only two of its own motor ships. For the first time. In previous years, we always had a dozen of our own tour operators, many routes began in the capital of Tatarstan, and vouchers for our cruise ships were bought both by residents of other regions and by foreigners.

But as a potential client, I honestly don't care who organizes the tour, a local company or an overseas one. The main thing is the level of service and prices ...

If you buy a tour not directly from a tour operator, but from a travel agent, the voucher, subject to certain rules, will not become more expensive. But if the cruise is organized not with us, but, for example, in Moscow, you have less chances of getting a suitable voucher for the passing motor ship. And the tourism product, created in the neighboring region, "works" primarily to develop the tourism potential of their region. And if your ship sails past the wonderful island-town of Sviyazhsk, without even noticing it, I will not be surprised.

And now the most important thing. If this year, in Tatarstan, 14 tour operators, like twenty years ago, acted as organizers of cruises on twenty-two motor ships, the republican budget would receive millions of rubles in taxes alone. In comparison with the named amount, the taxes that were transferred to the budget by local firms selling vouchers of tour operators-neighbors are, excuse me, cat's tears ...

The rules of economics are simple: if there is income from sales, there is investment - the industry is healthy. No - it means that there can be no question of any development. So it is in tourism. I'm not talking about lost jobs ...

- Why did the Tatarstan organizers of the tours unanimously switch to the category of agents? Can't stand the competition?

It is almost impossible to develop river cruises in the region without government support. In Samara and Nizhny Novgorod, river tourism is supported, and not in words, but in deeds. For example, they organize trips for children, veterans, etc. There are targeted programs that are implemented by the local executive authorities. Therefore, today there are more than twenty motor ships on the Samara cruise market! Unfortunately, we do not have such programs in our republic. Of course, the industry needs to be supported on a competitive basis - unaddressed subsidies are useless ...

Today firms themselves are striving to return to tour operator activity. But renting a motor ship, even if you have funds for it, is a very big risk. Volga cruise ships were manufactured in Czechoslovakia, Hungary or the GDR decades ago. The requirements for the safety of navigation have risen sharply, and huge investments are needed for the fleet to meet them.

In Tatarstan, I repeat, there are only two cruise ships. The fleet has long been distributed. It is concentrated mainly in shipping companies and large owners. If, nevertheless, we manage to rent a motor ship, then in such a way that the lessee has to invest serious funds in its repair and reconstruction. Yes, and these costs still do not guarantee anything, I know from the experience of the company "Volga Travel", which I head.

Or maybe we are over-dramatizing the situation and today's cruise market is in line with demand? Is it just now fashionable to have a rest not on your Volga, but in Turkey or Egypt?

Sociological studies show that there are much more people who want to go on a river trip than those who fulfill their desire. Some are not satisfied with the level of comfort. Others are not willing to pay per night on board a price comparable to that paid by guests of four to five-star hotels in Egyptian and Turkish resorts. Such prices are not at all a consequence of the excessive appetites of tour operators. This is again the result of the use of an uneconomical fleet and, to a greater extent, the absence of a pricing policy in the domestic market. Even parking in any port becomes an expensive pleasure for cruise ships. For each meter of the quay wall, you need to pay twelve rubles per hour. Multiply this figure by the length of the ship - and you will understand why parking lots in cities are getting shorter. But you have to pay not only for parking, but also for port services. Prices for it in Kazan, for example, are among the highest on the Volga. If we want to become a tourist country and seriously replenish the budget through inbound tourism, prices must be comparable to world prices. The service on our ships is comparable to the WTO standards, but the prices ...

What to do? Should we wait for the release of new economical motor ships and incentives for the development of river tourism in Russia?

I think that we have almost no time left for further waiting. Let's delay, and a western tour operator will come to our rivers, with a modern economical fleet and its own rules of the game. With the entry of the country into the WTO, such an alignment is quite possible. And then taxes will flow not just to the neighboring region, but outside the country.

But there is a way out. Tatarstan is a unique region. We have the Zelenodolsk Central Design Bureau, which, I know, has already designed modern cruise ships, there is a shipbuilding plant and two ship repair plants that can implement design ideas and provide the necessary service. Finally, there are qualified personnel who are able to offer the market unique tourism products. If we use all the available potential, we can return to the position of twenty years ago, when Kazan, by the way, was the starting point even for Intourist cruises around the country: foreigners began their journey along the Volga to Moscow, St.
Rostov-on-Don is from the capital of Tatarstan.

The question is whether we can find a travel company capable of ordering the construction of at least one modern cruise ship.

It is unlikely. Here all the hope is for public-private partnership, for a well-thought-out program. I think it is in the interests of the state to develop such a scheme of cooperation that will make it possible to implement the idea by joint efforts. For example, a republic, some holding company acts as a customer of the vessel, and then transfers it to lease or lease to a travel company or a group of companies. I am convinced that the costs will then pay off many times over. And the option is also possible when a group of our budget-forming enterprises will act as the customer of the vessel. There are options for solving the problem - there would be a desire. I'm not even talking about the fact that by initiating the construction of modern cruise liners in Tatarstan, the republic will then be able to sell them all over the country - there are no competitors yet, but there is potential demand.

Let's say Tatarstan will have a modern cruise ship or even its own fleet. Where can it be used?

There are many options. It is possible, for example, to significantly increase inbound tourism in Tatarstan - interest in the third capital is growing rapidly. It is possible to form an original tourist product within the republic - a 215-kilometer stretch of the Volga and a 375-kilometer stretch of the Kama River allows you to create it in various variations. How do you, for example, cruise Kazan - the island city of Sviyazhsk - Bolgar - Elabuga - Kazan? I am absolutely sure that such a route, with proper organization, will be popular, and not only among Tatarstan tourists. And for short tourist trips with an excursion program, you need to create a modern small-size fleet.

What do you mean by proper organization? Aren't our historical gems already a guarantee of success by themselves?

Of course they do. Provided that it will be possible to approach them on any motor ship, regardless of the water level in the Volga and Kama, and the quay wall will make it possible to conveniently moor any motor ships and in any quantity. And so far, even in Kazan, cruise liners line up in front of the river station with four sides, which is extremely inconvenient for tourists. And even a three-deck motor ship cannot yet approach Sviyazhsk - it is necessary to deepen the bottom.

A quality cruise also means green parking. There are none of them in Tatarstan yet ... Imagine how great it will be if there are three or four parking lots. Let's say, one in a Russian village, one in a Tatar, in a Mari, Chuvash village ... And at each such parking lot we will acquaint tourists with the distinctive culture of each nation. With Sabantui, festivities, food, etc. But even here, the tourist industry alone cannot cope with the task.

We have directly simulated a tour for the guests of the Universiade. The only pity is that it will hardly be possible to realize it in the remaining time.

The Universiade is not the last large-scale event to be held in Tatarstan. There will also be world championships in water sports, football ... And guests will always have a demand for quality cruises. It is our duty to satisfy this demand. And it is quite possible to prepare new routes, green parking lots in the remaining time. Of course, by joint efforts, with the help of all interested parties. For this purpose, by the way, we are also resuming the work of our club of Volga travel lovers. Anyone who cares about river tourism, who would like to co-author the development of new routes, can become its member.

Trust my experience: Volga cruises in the republic have wonderful prospects. And they can bring income to the treasury no less than other innovative projects - the world practice of tourism development proves this. And from the point of view of popularization of Tatarstan and its beauties, achievements in the country and in the world, river tours are generally a unique product. It is only important that the responsible persons also realize this. They will understand - there will definitely be a result.

RT, RP, BTT is a universal designation for river pusher tugs and raft tugs built in the USSR since the 50s according to several different projects.

RT is an abbreviation for River Pusher.

RP is an abbreviation for River Plotter.

BTT is an abbreviation for push-and-pull motor ship.

The full designation of the vessel is an abbreviation consisting of letters denoting the purpose of the vessel (RT, RP, BTT) and three numbers, the first of which indicates the power of the main engines, and the next two - the number of the vessel assigned by the shipping company.

All pusher tugs RT, RP, BTT are motor ships.

They are built in a twin-screw design, with each propeller driven by its own main motor.

The engine room is located approximately in the middle of the ship, a little closer to the stern.

The superstructure is also located approximately in the middle of the ship, slightly closer to the bow.

The hull in the front part can have bow stops for pushing barges and freight trains.

For quick coupling with a pushed barge, vessels can have an automatic coupler in the bow and two mooring winches. In the aft part there is an electrically driven towing winch and two mooring winches.

As propellers, propellers in combined rotary nozzles are used.

The motor ship RT-300 is shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2. RT-300

The characteristics of the RT-300 are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Characteristics of the RT-300

The RT-300 device is shown in Fig. 3-8.

Figure 3. Towing winch

Figure 4. Stern anchor

Figure 5. Nose pads (modification without automatic coupling)

Figure 6. View of the aft part of the vessel

Figure 7. Wheelhouse.

Figure 8. Roof mounted radar for low visibility.

The pusher tug RT-300 is shown in Fig. 9.

Figure 9. Pusher tug RT-300, project 911B

Vessels RT-300 911B

These vessels had a roller steering system with a rudder in the wheelhouse. The ship's control automation was not foreseen by the project. The ships of the initial design did not have navigational devices and could only be operated under conditions of visual observation of navigational marks and other ships. Some of the vessels in the process of re-equipment were partially automated and supplemented with navigation equipment, which allows them to navigate in fog. The minimum crew is 5 people. The ladder leading to the wheelhouse is open.

The early ships of the 911B project have a 110V DC power grid, powered by a generator driven by the main engine. These vessels do not have a separate diesel generator. Later, ships of project 911B received a 220 / 380V alternating current network with a separate diesel generator. The ships were built at five factories.

Description m / v Volgo-Don project 1565

Main dimensions.

Purpose of the vessel: transportation of general, bulk, bulk, timber cargo, as well as heavy cargo.

Navigation area The motor ships of this project operate in the inland waterways of the Russian Federation, as well as between the ports of the Baltic, North and Mediterranean seas.

The motor ship Antaries, Volgo-Don type, project 1565 is shown in Fig. 10.

Figure 10. Motor ship Antaries, type Volgo-Don project 1565

The characteristics of the motor ship Antaries, Volgo-Don type, project 1565 are given in table. 3.4

Table 3. Characteristics of m / v Antaries, type Volgo-Don project 1565

Table 4. Overall dimensions of m / v Antaries, type Volgo-Don project 1565

The class of the vessel is "O-M, M-SP, M-PR" of the Russian River Register.

Type of vessel: dry-cargo twin-screw m / v with bow thruster.

RT, RP, BTT- a universal designation for river pusher tugs and raft tugs built in the USSR since the 1950s according to several different projects.

  • RT is an abbreviation for R eternal T gag.
  • RP is an abbreviation for R eternal P lottery driver.
  • BTT is an abbreviation for B acetic T gazing T sailboat.

The full designation of the vessel is an abbreviation consisting of letters denoting the purpose of the vessel (RT, RP, BTT) and three numbers, the first of which indicates the power of the main engines, and the next two - the number of the vessel assigned by the shipping company.

For instance:

  • RT-381- power 300 liters. s., vessel number 81;
  • RT-457- power 450 liters. s., vessel number 57;
  • RT-611- power 600 liters. s., vessel number 11;
  • RT-711- power 740 liters. s., vessel number 11;

The designation RT was assigned to the ships of the following projects:

  • 911 and its modifications 911B, 911V, 911L (the designation BTT is also applied to the ships of this project)
  • R-14A
  • 1741, 1741A

The designation RP was assigned to the vessels of the R-14 and R-14A projects.


Until 1957, river steamer tugs were massively built in the USSR (project 732 was the last series). However, after the XX Congress of the CPSU adopted a decision in 1955 to stop the construction of steam locomotives, the Council of Ministers soon followed and stopped the construction of steam ships. Tug boats were produced in the USSR before, but these were either unique vessels built in a single copy (for example, "Anastas Mikoyan"), or very small and low-power boats of the "Kostromich" type and the like. In these conditions, it was required to create a project for a new vessel, which could be massively built both at shipyards that previously produced steamships, and at various repair and operational bases of the fleet during the inter-navigation period. As the first solution, it was proposed to establish the production of wheeled motor ships in Project 732 hulls, replacing steam engines with diesel engines with final drives. Two projects were prepared: number 1518 - with one engine (like a steamer) and number 1721 - with two. This decision had obvious advantages. The shipyards had all the necessary equipment for the production of steamship hulls. The state of the waterways of the USSR in the late 1950s left much to be desired and wheeled tugs had significant advantages. However, by the end of the 1950s, the 732 project was already outdated and did not meet the increased technical and sanitary and hygienic requirements (for example, the latrine on the steamers of the project 732, traditionally for ships of this type was located on the ramp and was essentially a hole in the deck). In the same period, the USSR began to master the progressive method of driving barges by pushing, for which the 732 project was not particularly suitable. For this reason, it was decided to develop a new vessel with a progressive type of propulsion system - a propeller in a rotary ring nozzle. Such a propeller provides good maneuverability of the vessel, propeller protection in shallow water. The project of such a pusher tug, numbered 911, was developed by the Central Design Bureau of the USSR Ministry of River Fleet and approved in November 1959. Despite the fact that the vessel turned out to be structurally uncomplicated, it met all the requirements of that time. In 1961, the lead ship was built at the Limend shipyard, which received the designation RT-301. For many years this vessel project became the main one on the rivers of the USSR. Later, on its basis, constructively similar projects were developed for raft tugs R-14 and R-33, which were later also converted into pushers. An interesting fact: rejected in 1958 in favor of the future Republic of Tatarstan, the project of a tug ship of project 1721 based on the steamer of project 732 was nevertheless implemented, and since 1973, ships of the type shallow-draft wheel tugs-motor ships BTK were built for the Irtysh and Lena.

By the mid-1970s, the pusher tugs of the 911 project and its modifications no longer met the ever-increasing requirements for both power and living conditions on board. Therefore, new project 1741 pusher tugs were put into production, which had an increased power of the power plant.


All pusher tugs RT, RP, BTT are motor ships. They are built in a twin-screw design, with each propeller driven by its own main motor. The engine room is located approximately in the middle of the ship, a little closer to the stern. The superstructure is also located approximately in the middle of the ship, slightly closer to the bow. The hull in the front part can have bow stops for pushing barges and freight trains. For quick coupling with a pushed barge, vessels can have an automatic coupler in the bow and two mooring winches. In the aft part there is an electrically driven towing winch and two mooring winches. As propellers, propellers in combined rotary nozzles are used.


Project 911 ships

Pusher tug RT, project 911B

The largest number of vessels that received the designation RT belong to this particular project, or rather to the 911B project. Within the framework of the project, there were several modifications, differing in the shape of the superstructure, the power of the main engines and the type of control system.

911A and 911B

These vessels had a roller steering system with a rudder in the wheelhouse. The ship's control automation was not foreseen by the project. The ships of the initial design did not have navigational devices and could only be operated under conditions of visual observation of navigational marks and other ships. Some of the vessels in the process of re-equipment were partially automated and supplemented with navigation equipment, which allows them to navigate in fog. The minimum crew is 5 people. The ladder leading to the wheelhouse is open.

Project 911A vessels and early vessels of Project 911B have a 110V DC power grid, powered by a generator driven by a main engine. These vessels do not have a separate diesel generator. Later, ships of project 911B received a 220 / 380V alternating current network with a separate diesel generator.

The ships were built at five factories.


Pusher tug RT, project 911V

Development and deep modernization of the 911B project. They have a modified superstructure with an enlarged wheelhouse. The gangway to the wheelhouse is located inside the superstructure. The steering gear is hydraulic, there are navigation devices: compass, log, echo sounder.

The vessels have a three-phase AC on-board network. Voltage 220 / 380V. They have a diesel generator, which provides the ship with electricity when the main engines are not running.

Ships of the R-14 project

Pusher tug RT, project R-14A

The ships are designed for the northern and Siberian rivers on the basis of the 911 project. They have a reduced superstructure height and a lower draft, as well as ice reinforcements of the hull. The main engines are increased to 450-600 hp. With. power. The vessels of the original P-14 project are not pushers, but tugs, since they do not have push stops. These ships, mainly, have the designation RP, which in a number of shipping companies was retained for the pushers of the P-14A project.

Project 1741 vessels

The ships of the project 1741 were developed for work on the river. Irtysh, Ob, Yenisei, Lena in a strong current. The vessels are equipped with an automatic coupler of the UDR-50 type. They have a main engine power of 600 hp. With. These ships were built at the Tyumen Shipyard (Russia, Tyumen). River register class: R.

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definition - RT (motor ship)

RT (motor ship)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Project, g.1959
Project designation911
Produced, years.1960 - present
Propeller typePropellers
Max. speed, km / h17
Length, m28,6
Width, m6,9
Height with folded mast, mm8,6
Draft, m1
Designation according to GOST6CH12 / 18
Power, h.p.300

RT- a universal designation for river pusher tugs built in the USSR since the 50s according to several different projects.

RT is an abbreviation for R eternal T gag.

General scheme for the formation of the full designation of the RT-ABB vessel, where A is a number indicating the power of the main engines, BB is a number indicating the number of the vessel.

For instance:

  • RT-336- power 300 HP, vessel number 36;
  • RT-457- power 450 HP, vessel number 57;
  • RT-690- power 600 HP, vessel number 90;
  • RT-804- power 800 HP, vessel number 4;

The designation RT was assigned to the ships of the following projects:

  • 911B, 911V
  • R-14, R-14A
  • 1741, 1741A


All pusher tugs of the Republic of Tatarstan are motor ships. They are built on a twin-screw scheme, each screw is driven by its own main motor. The engine room is located approximately in the middle of the ship, a little closer to the stern. The superstructure is also located approximately in the middle of the ship, slightly closer to the bow. The hull has in the front part two bow stops for barge running. For quick coupling with the pushed barge, the vessels have an automatic coupler in the bow and two mooring winches. In the aft part there is an electrically driven towing winch and two mooring winches.

Project 911 ships

The largest number of vessels that received the designation RT belong to this particular project. Within the framework of the project, there were several modifications, differing in the shape of the superstructure and the power of the main engines. They have a cable steering system with a steering wheel in the wheelhouse. The ship's control automation is not foreseen by the project. The ships of the initial design did not have navigational devices and could only be operated under conditions of visual observation of navigational marks and other ships. Some of the vessels in the process of re-equipment were partially automated and supplemented with navigation equipment, which allows them to navigate in fog. The minimum crew is 5 people.

Ships of the R-14 project

File: Buksir R-14-457.JPG

The vessels are designed for Siberian rivers. The height of the superstructure has been reduced (to allow passage under low bridges in high water). The propellers are installed in annular nozzles (for increased thrust and protection from damage by stones and broken ice). The hull is ice-strengthened. R-14 vessels are not pushers, but tugs, because do not have (in accordance with the original design) stops for pushing. The ships of the later release were equipped with stops and some of the earlier ones were refurbished. The ship is controlled remotely, partially automated, which allows for a minimum crew of three.

Project 1741 vessels

The ships of the project 1741 were designed to operate on Siberian rivers in a strong current. They have main engines power 600 - 720 hp. The ship's control is automated. The ships were originally equipped with an echo sounder, radar, long-range and short-range radio communication stations. Vessels are allowed to travel in fog and on reservoirs out of sight of coastal landmarks.


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