Grass woodlouse reconciliation and properties. Ordinary weed is not so simple! Medicinal properties of wood lice herb, traditional medicine recipes

Healing wounds and ulcers, stopping itching, improving digestion, relieving coughs - all these healing effects are provided by wood lice. This inconspicuous herb is known by many names - chickweed, chicken weed, heart grass, satin flower, mosquito grass.

The plant is part of many recipes for cardiovascular, skin, gynecological and nervous diseases. Decoctions, herbal teas, tinctures, compositions for water procedures are prepared from it.

The habitat of starfish is very large - from temperate Russian latitudes to tropical jungles. More than 120 species have been described in botany with the common name Stellaria. In Russia, 50 species grow, but for treatment it is better to take Bunge starfish.

The herbaceous annual is very unpretentious to the climate and soil type. It can be found in meadows, fields and along roads, in wastelands and in deciduous forests.

Mokritsa is considered one of the most "malicious" weeds. Settling in garden beds, she quickly takes up all the free space. The grass has excellent regeneration, so it is very difficult to remove it from the garden.

The ability to grow quickly is used in landscape design - woodlice are used as a lawn plant. It creates a dense green cover on garden lawns that does not need complex care.

What does wood lice look like - description, photo

The grass is distinguished by an unusual structure of the stem - it winds along the ground, not rising above 10 cm. The length of the lash of woodlice can reach 0.5 m. The surface of the stem is pubescent with fine hairs.

Rounded leaves of bright green color are attached to the petioles, and in the upper tiers - directly to the top of the plant. The edges of the leaves are covered with wet cilia, from which the names "louse", "louse" come from.

Starting its growth in autumn, the grass develops under the snow, and blooms in mid-spring. White flowers with a calyx 2 cm in diameter resemble stars in shape. They are cross-pollinated - pollen from the stamens of one flower is transferred to the pistil of another.

At the end of summer, oval fruit-boxes are formed. When ripe, they open and sow small seeds.

The raw materials for medicinal potions are only the leaves and young stems of woodlice. Due to their pleasant taste, these parts of the plant are used in cooking. Salads, soup dressings, pie fillings are made from them.

Important! For treatment, it is better to collect grass from May to August. At this time, the wood lice blooms, and useful biocomponents are concentrated in its foliage as much as possible.

Medicinal properties

The beneficial effect of chickweed on human health is determined by the chemical composition of the herb. It contains a wide range of medicinal substances, including:

  • Carotene. This natural pigment blocks free radicals, slowing down aging and cell death.
  • Ascorbic acid. Increases resistance to infections, improves the absorption of iron.
  • Vitamin K. Forms skeletal tissues, regulates blood clotting.
  • Tocopherol. Responsible for the health of the skin and reproductive system.
  • Zinc. Regenerates skin lesions, accelerates cell growth.
  • Potassium. Normalizes the balance of fluid in the body.
  • Iron. Participates in hematopoiesis, synthesizes proteins.
  • Magnesium. Responsible for the functions of muscles, blood vessels, nervous system.
  • Essential oils. Remove toxins from tissues.
  • Phytoncides. Destroy pathogenic microbes.
  • Alkaloids. Relieve pain, soothe nerves.

Nature has given people many medicinal plants for healing various ailments, often valuable medicinal raw materials grow right under our feet, and we don’t even know about it. Today we will talk about an inconspicuous plant, which many consider an ordinary weed, and which has the richest healing potential. You will learn about the beneficial properties and uses of the herb wood lice in folk medicine.

Where does wood lice grow

It has a weak stalk of a curly structure, which is attached and rooted in a nodular form, its height is from 10 to 35 centimeters. The branched stems of the plant can both spread along the ground and reach to the top. The creeping branched grass stem is covered with fine hairs that are able to collect moisture from the air into the plant and store it in it.

The leaves are located on the stems and have a rounded-oblong shape, they have cilia along the edges and seem slightly moist to the touch, hence the name of the grass - wood lice. The upper leaves sit on the stem, and the lower leaves are located on the petioles.

The flowers of the grass are white, small, connected in sprawling inflorescences and resemble small stars, so another name for the grass is stellate. Flowering grass continues for quite a long time, from May to August. And as a result of this, fruits appear - boxes of dark brown color with many seeds.

The fruit of the plant is a box of oblong or spherical shape, it contains round, tuberculate seeds. Seeds in a box ripen from late July to October, during this period of time the box opens at the base.

The geography of its growth is quite extensive, the wood lice grows throughout Russia, Europe, throughout the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. This grass gives many problems to gardeners and summer residents, as it multiplies quickly and it is difficult to get rid of it, which is why many mistakenly consider wood lice to be a weed.

Wood louse blooms for a long time, from May to August. It is desirable to collect grass in May, it is during this period that it is the freshest, juiciest and best suited for further use as a medicinal raw material.

For medicinal purposes, traditional healers use the entire aerial part of the plant. It can be used both fresh and dried. The collected grass should be dried in the shade and turned over every 2 days. For storage, it is advisable to use canvas bags or glass jars. Shelf life of dried herb wood lice is 1 year.

The composition and useful properties of the herb wood lice

Grass wood lice is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. The plant contains essential oils and lipids, organic acids, carotene, sinalic acid, tannins, saponins, wax, many vitamins and trace elements: magnesium, copper, iron.

  1. The high content of vitamins C and E in biting midges make it indispensable in the treatment of anemia, beriberi, scurvy.
  2. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, strengthens the entire body and is a tonic.
  3. The herb is used as an anti-inflammatory, choleretic and analgesic agent.
  4. Woodlice can stop blood and heal wounds faster, improve metabolism, stimulate the cardiovascular system, positively affect the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.
  5. It helps in the treatment of hypertension, gynecological problems, with the help of starch you can relieve joint pain in sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism, gout - the grass must be steamed and applied to sore spots.
  6. For skin diseases, rashes, dermatitis, eczema - take baths with infusion of wood lice.
  7. An infusion of the herb is taken orally for diseases of the liver (even with hepatitis), lungs, and liver.
  8. With severe weight loss, beriberi, weakness, heart disease, cholecystitis, use fresh juice or essence of chickweed.
  9. Woodlice increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

The infusion is prepared as follows: wood lice - 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of boiling water - 1 cup. Cover the container and leave overnight, then strain. Drink a quarter cup of the infusion before meals.

A decoction of woodlice is prepared as follows: fresh grass - 200 grams, chop and pour boiling water - 1 liter. Boil the broth over low heat for 10 minutes. Then let cool to room temperature and strain.

It is thanks to its beneficial properties that the herb woodlouse in folk medicine has found its well-deserved place and has long been used by healers to treat many ailments. The juice of the plant contains vitamin E, which rejuvenates the body, cleanses blood vessels, improves blood and removes harmful substances and toxins from the body.

Woodlice are used fresh, as well as in the form of infusions and decoctions from leaves, flowers and grass stems. For example, an infusion of chickweed helps to treat eye diseases well. Also, its infusion is used to treat stomach ulcers, coughs, colitis, scurvy, heart, lung and kidney diseases.

With a rash on the skin, ulcers, festering wounds and scrofula - use the infusion of wood lice externally, in the form of baths.

Healing tea

It has a general strengthening and calming effect on the body: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of grass with a glass of boiling water, insist under the lid for 5 minutes. Drink the resulting healing drink, like regular tea, half a glass, three times a day.

Infusion of herb wood lice for the eyes

  1. For cooking, we take fresh grass - 1 tbsp. spoon, pour boiling water over it - 1 cup.
  2. We insist the infusion for one hour, without shaking.

Then strain the finished infusion and instill 1-2 drops into the sore eye, three times a day.

Woodlice juice for the eyes

The juice of the plant, which has just been squeezed out of fresh grass, is used as therapeutic drops for various diseases of the retina and cornea of ​​​​the eyes - fresh juice is instilled 1-2 drops, 4 times a day.

Juice preparation:

  1. We take fresh grass woodlice - 500 grams, rinse it well with water and squeeze the juice with a juicer or crush the grass with a pusher and squeeze the juice through gauze.
  2. Then pour into a bottle and store in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 days.

Squeezed juice is suitable for treating eyes, treating long-term non-healing, purulent wounds.

From tired legs

A very simple and effective recipe that gardeners often use. To relieve pain and fatigue from your feet, you need to pick fresh grass woodlice, and put it instead of insoles in your shoes.

Woodlice infusion for stomach pain

  1. To prepare the infusion, take woodlice - 1 tablespoon and fill it with clean vodka - 300 milliliters.
  2. Let's send it to infuse in a dark place for two weeks.

It is necessary to take the tincture in a diluted form, before meals - 20 drops of tincture in 1 glass of water.

Woodlice for lactation

Take fresh grass juice - 1 teaspoon, mix it with honey - 1 teaspoon.

Take this remedy before meals, three times a day, 1 teaspoon.

A decoction of wood lice for erosion, fibroids and cysts

  1. We take grass - 2 tablespoons, pour boiling water - 500 milliliters.
  2. Pour everything into an enamel saucepan and put in a water bath for 30 minutes.
  3. We filter the broth and add it with boiled water to the original volume.
  4. The resulting medicine should be taken before meals, 4 times a day, 50 milliliters.

This decoction is also taken to treat weakness, anemia, dizziness.

Help with skin diseases

You need to take a decoction of wood lice and moisten pieces of gauze in it. On the problem area of ​​the body, apply a lotion of wood lice. You need to do this several times a day.

Woodlice from tumors and oncology of the breast

For treatment, you need to take fresh grass woodlice, and make a compress from it, this compress is applied to the sore chest and held for 20 minutes. These medical procedures are carried out 3 times a day.

Strengthening the nervous system

Ready infusion of wood lice should be taken 50 milliliters, 4 times a day.

Infusion for the treatment of eczema, ulcers, poorly healing wounds


  1. In order to prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass woodlice (fresh or dried) and pour boiling water - 1 cup.
  2. Insist under the lid for 4 hours, then strain through cheesecloth.


  • For external use: wash the wounds with this infusion, and also make compresses on the affected skin.
  • For internal use for joint pain: drink 4 times a day for a quarter cup, before meals.

If you suffer from kidney disease or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then use this recipe as an antiseptic: woodlice - 1 tablespoon, pour boiling water - 1 cup and insist under the lid for 1 hour. Then strain.

Infusion drink before meals a quarter cup, three times a day.

Decoction of wood lice for skin diseases

For the treatment of dermatological diseases, such a decoction is prepared:

  1. Grass wood lice - 4 tbsp. spoons, pour water - 1 liter.
  2. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Then insist 2 hours and strain.

Apply the resulting medicinal decoction in the form of compresses for skin diseases.

Vodka infusion for stomach pain

For diseases and problems of the gastrointestinal tract, the kidneys need to prepare and apply such an infusion:

  1. Dry star grass - 1 tbsp. spoon, pour vodka - 300 grams.
  2. Insist in a dark place - 2 weeks. Then strain.

Take once a day - 15 drops in a glass of water.

Woodlice juice for acne

To cure teenage acne, you need to apply the juice of a fresh plant:

Fresh grass - 500 grams, you need to wash and squeeze the juice out of it on a juicer or through cheesecloth.

Lubricate acne and affected skin with fresh juice 4 times a day.

Infusion of herb wood lice

This healing infusion is used for many health problems.

If you have problems with sleep, then you need to prepare the medicine according to this recipe:

  1. Take fresh chopped grass 15 tbsp. spoons and pour it with boiling water - 1 liter.
  2. Insist under the lid - 8 hours. Then strain.

Ready infusion to drink from insomnia in a quarter cup.

To improve lactation, half a glass.

From this infusion, you can make compresses from edema.

With mastopathy

Grass is doused with boiling water, cooled and applied to a sore chest.

For Women's Health

  • A decoction of woodlice is recommended for women to take 10 days before menstruation, then there will be no delays and severe pain.
  • For female diseases: cyst, fibroids, erosion, you need to make a cotton swab, soak with a decoction of herbs and use at night (insert the swab into the vagina). You need to do the procedure for 5 days, and then a break for 5 days and repeat this procedure again and do such cycles until complete recovery.


  • Woodlouse has the ability to lower blood pressure, therefore, it should be used with caution for the treatment of people with low blood pressure - hypotension.
  • Some people, in rare cases, may have an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of itching or a rash.


You need to know that in nature there is a related plant, which is called starfish lanceolate. This grass is also called wood lice, but you need to be careful and extremely careful - it is poisonous!

Fresh woodlice herb is good for mashing, it can be added to first courses, pastry fillings, and you can also cook vegetarian cutlets with buckwheat or oatmeal with it.

Salad with wood lice

For the prevention of vitamin deficiency, strengthening the body, a salad made from fresh wood lice, boiled eggs, green onions and seasoned with sour cream will be very useful.


  1. We chop the greens of wood lice and onions in equal parts.
  2. Add chopped egg and salt a little.
  3. Top with sour cream and mix.

We decorate the vitamin salad with dill and serve.

Salad with dandelion and wood lice

Another vitamin salad, which is prepared with fresh herbs to prevent beriberi.


  1. We chop the greens of the wood lice, add half as much chopped lettuce and dandelion leaves.
  2. Add to the dish a little curdled milk, sugar, salt to taste and mix.

Seasoning from wood lice

This healthy seasoning is served with fish and meat dishes.


  1. Wood louse - 200 grams, chop, add ground horseradish - 2 tbsp. spoons and crushed garlic - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Add salt and pepper to the seasoning to taste and mix.

Serve with meat or fish dishes.

Dumplings with wood lice


  • wood lice greens - 200 grams;
  • wheat flour - 300 grams;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • melted butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • half a glass of sour cream and salt.


  1. We make the filling - wash the young shoots of wood lice, cut, salt.
  2. Add fried onions and 2 raw eggs. Let's mix the stuffing.
  3. Knead and roll out the dough.
  4. We make dumplings and boil them in salted water.

We serve the dish to the table with sour cream.

Fried eggs with woodlice


  • wood lice - 150 grams;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • one onion, herbs, salt, ghee.


  1. Scald greens of wood lice with boiling water and cut.
  2. Slightly fry the onion in a pan.
  3. Add wood lice, dill, parsley and ghee to the onion.
  4. Salt and stew everything under the lid.
  5. Then pour in the eggs, mix and fry until cooked.

Borscht with wood lice

Summer borsch with wood lice, a tasty and healthy dish.


  • grass wood lice - 100 grams;
  • beet tops - 100 grams;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 1 large potato;
  • medium bunch of green onions, a few parsley leaves;
  • tomato - 1 piece or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato paste;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Put water on fire - 1 liter.
  2. While the water is boiling, peel the carrots, potatoes, beets and chop them finely.
  3. Dip chopped vegetables in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. We cut the tomato, pass it and add it to the borscht.
  5. We cut the washed beet tops, sauté, add lemon juice, sugar and dip in borscht.
  6. Finely chop the washed wood lice and add to the borscht, salt the dish to taste.


We have examined in detail the beneficial properties of the herb wood lice and we can conclude that this inconspicuous plant has deservedly found its use in traditional medicine and helps to cure many diseases.

And the use of starfish in cooking makes dishes with it tasty and healthy. Amazing plants, rich in their healing power, are close to us, you just have to stretch out your hand and you can see the generous gifts of nature that it gives to man for his good.

Each of the gardeners at least once found an inconspicuous weed grass wood lice on his site. She carefully spreads along the ground, pleases the eye with her asterisk flowers, but it is very difficult to get rid of her. Let's open a secret: this is not necessary - wood lice are not an ordinary harmful and annoying weed, but a real green pharmacy under your feet, which will come in handy in the kitchen, during home spa treatments, and in treatment.

Annoying weed...

The “real name” of wood lice is medium stellate, among the people it is lovingly called heart and canary grass, and also wood lice and wood lice. So the ubiquitous grass was nicknamed for its unique feature - in any weather, even on a foggy morning, even on a hot afternoon, it remains juicy and wet, drawing water from the earth and air. That is why it is very problematic to expel her from the garden, even if every day we stubbornly weed and tear out the biting midge from the root.

For those who are interested in the medicinal properties of woodlice herb, the photo will show a modest plant climbing along the ground, with neat green leaves and elegant white flowers. Biting midge blooms all summer - from May to August, because of this, bees are especially fond of grass. And also, if your garden-garden was occupied by wood lice, then you have a personal meteorologist. Many summer residents will confirm - if the mokrichka keeps the flowers tightly closed until 9 in the morning - it will be summer rain.

...or a garden doctor?

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers always knew that wood lice are an excellent remedy for loosened nerves. To treat the nervous system and forget about daily city stresses, not only work on the ground and fresh country air will help, but also wet infusion.

The classic recipe: finely chop a tablespoon of leaves and stalks of woodpecker, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours, then filter. Drink such an antidepressant - twice a day for half a glass, and once again - at night.

The same wet recipe will help if the heart is messed up, as well as to cleanse the blood. For the hematopoietic system, wood lice are especially important - its medicinal properties, and wet infusion is especially recommended for women during menstruation.

Woodlouse is a repository of vitamins E, B and C, various acids and elements, which makes it an excellent general tonic. For in the cold season, you can drink healthy mosquito tea: two tablespoons of dried chickweed grass per half liter of boiling water, brew for one hour in a thermos. If desired, you can add honey, and - the drink will become very fragrant, and the benefits will only increase.

Almost like a blueberry

Woodlouse is a herb full of surprises, its healing qualities are very diverse. Among the people, she was especially revered for her ability to relieve inflammation and pull out tumors.

An infusion of woodlice was instilled into the eyes for inflammation and visual impairment, but if you are not ready for such experiments, you can simply wash your tired and reddened eyes with wet decoction - the effect is no worse than from or.

If in the spring and summer you don’t get out of the country, then you are familiar with muscle fatigue and joint pain after an active day in the garden. And here the grass woodlice will help - its benefits and harms have been known for a long time, it was used for arthritis, arthrosis, bruises and sprains. With bruises, you can simply attach the chopped grass to the sore spot, tie it with a scarf and leave it for a couple of hours. For problems with the joints, it is advised to drink a classic infusion of chickweed, a quarter cup a day, and also take a bath.

Wet bath: a jar of 0.25 ml of dried or 0.5 l of chopped fresh woodlice is steamed with a liter of boiling water, insisted for 15-20 minutes under a towel, poured into the bath. Spa treatment time - no more than 20 minutes!

The benefits of the mosquito mushroom have long been appreciated by young mothers - they gave babies a decoction of chickweed with urinary incontinence. Interestingly, women's forums assure that this recipe is still popular, and most importantly - very effective!

If the weed woodlice has settled in your home first-aid kit, its useful properties will pleasantly surprise you, and contraindications will surprise you even more. Starfish has practically no dangerous properties (provided that you follow the dosage and do not drink decoctions of miracle grass in large quantities). The only advice is that woodlice significantly lowers blood pressure, therefore, with hypotension, it is better to refuse such treatment.

Mokritsa in cosmetology

Woodlouse is a plant that all women love, because chickweed is an excellent beautician of a rare profile.

With the help of inconspicuous grass, you can easily get rid of cracked heels, calluses and corns, but beautiful heels in summer sandals are the dream of every lady. If you work on the ground all day, you can just pick up a mosquito and put it in galoshes or rubber slippers. And it's soft on the feet, and it's good for the skin. And in the evening, just wash your feet, spread with fat baby cream and put on cotton socks for the night.

If the cottage for you is the time to lie down in a hammock with a book, the recipe can be slightly changed: the same socks, but with chopped weed grass inside. Four hours of rest, then your favorite cream - and you're done!

If skin problems are more serious: an allergic rash, small sores or even boils, a bath with mosquito and will help. For 3 liters of water - 2 cups of medicinal herbs, boil, insist for 2 hours, then pour into the bath.

Grass wood lice, photo and description which are presented in our article, its properties and methods of application are little known to gardeners, because many of them take the plant for a weed and seek to get rid of it.

Photo and description

Woodlouse(Stellaria media) - annual grass, also called medium stellate, represents a class - dicotyledonous herbaceous plants, a family - cloves. It also has such folk names as mokrichnik, canary grass, biting biting, gryzhnik, heart grass.

Grass has a branched stem creeping along the surface of the soil with oblong rounded leaves. There are fine hairs on the stem, and the edges of the leaves are covered with wet cilia, thanks to which woodlouse got its name. The flowers of the plant are white, shaped like stars, which is why grass also called stellate.

Bloom woodlice begins in May and lasts until August, after which the fruit appears in the form of a dark brown box. It contains seeds that ripen from mid-summer to October. During this time, the box opens from time to time.

Where does it grow

Meet woodlice you can mainly in the garden, in the garden or farmstead, on the banks of a river or stream, on the side of a road or forest edge. The plant prefers moist soil, likes to be located near an open reservoir, which provides it with ideal growing conditions.

Important! It should be distinguished from woodlice by a poisonous plant very similar to it, which is called lanceolate stellate. Its use is dangerous to human health.

Woodlouse bears a strong resemblance to poisonous grass stellate lanceolate, which also has a name - forest stellate or hard-leaved stellate. It differs from useful herbs that is a perennial plant and has a thin creeping rhizome. In its turn, woodlouse is an annual plant that leaves behind multiple viable seeds.

Both plants belong to the stellate genus and have similar flowers, at the same time, differing in leaves. In stellate lanceolate leaves - pointed shape, woodlouse has rounded leaves. Before the end of flowering, the length of the starburst lanceolate is up to 0.35 m (sometimes up to 0.6 m). Dimensions woodlice substantially less.

An interesting fact about wood lice

The plant is known for its ability to predict the weather, as it is sensitive to air humidity and ambient temperature. Formerly among the people woodlice used as a barometer to predict the weather for the coming day. It is noticed that if the flower of the plant does not open by 9 o'clock in the morning, it will be rainy. Rain, wetting woodlice, makes it look like crystal, thanks to the stems shining under the sun, filled with moisture during rainfall. Perhaps this was the reason for the name of the plant woodlice.

The composition of woodlice

Woodlouse rich:

  • vitamins C, E and K;
  • organic acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • carotene,
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides;
  • lipids;
  • potassium, iron, zinc, boron, copper, magnesium, cobalt.


Grass wood lice known for many useful properties, at the same time, it has minimal contraindications for its use. The plant, when used correctly, has various positive effects on the human body:

  • eliminates pain;
  • reduces nervous tension;
  • stops bleeding;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • removes phlegm and bile;
  • accelerates the healing of skin lesions;
  • disinfects;
  • constricts blood vessels;
  • stimulates the work of the intestines;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • tones;
  • has a general strengthening effect;
  • rejuvenates;
  • removes excess fluid;
  • improves metabolism;
  • has a softening effect.

The use of wood lice

Fresh is used for treatment. woodlouse, as well as juice, infusion, tincture, tea or decoction from it. It is also possible to use baths from herbs. To prevent diseases, strengthen the immune system, saturate the body with vitamins and other useful substances, salads, sandwiches and vegetable soups are prepared from the plant.


To make juice from woodlice, should take about 0.5 kg of fresh herbs, rinse thoroughly in clean water. Then squeeze the juice with a juicer, and in its absence, soften the raw material using a pusher, and then squeeze it with gauze. Store the finished product in a bottle.

Juice from woodlice helps in the treatment:

  • stomach ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • arthritis
  • osteochondrosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • epilepsy;
  • inflammation of the eyes;
  • mastopathy;
  • swelling and ulcers, rashes and inflammation of the skin.

To get rid of migraine, beriberi, fatigue and irritability, improve memory, juice from woodlice take daily 4 times a day. For this, 1 teaspoon of juice is diluted in 1 glass of water and 1 teaspoon of bee honey is added.

Important! Fresh juice from the herb woodlice is stored in the cold for up to 48 hours. If continuous use of fresh juice is not possible, pasteurization should be resorted to.

In this case, the juice must be filtered, then heated over a fire, from which it should be removed immediately before boiling. Store in a sterile glass jar closed for no more than 72 hours.


The method of preparing the infusion herbs:

  • to 1 st. spoon woodlice add 1 cup boiling water;
  • insist for an hour, at this time do not mix or shake;
  • strain the finished product;
  • store in a small container.


  • eye treatment - instill up to 2 drops 4 times a day;
  • strengthening the nervous system - inside 50 g four times a day.


The tincture is prepared in a 0.5 liter jar, adding 1 tbsp. spoon woodlice and the usual forty-degree vodka in the amount of 0.3 liters. The jar is stored in a dark place for 14 days. When the tincture is ready, it is taken before meals, pouring 20 drops of the product with one glass of water, which helps to get rid of diseases of the digestive system.


used to make tea, which is a sedative and general tonic.

Tea is prepared by pouring boiling water over 1 tbsp. spoon woodlice, then the container is covered with a lid and the drink is infused for about 5 minutes. The remedy is used instead of regular tea, 100 ml 3 times a day.


To prepare a decoction, it is preferable to use enameled dishes. The drink is steamed.

  • 2 tbsp. spoons woodlice pour 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • steamed in a water bath;
  • filter with gauze and add boiled water to the original volume.

Taking 50 g of decoction 4 times a day before meals helps to treat erosion, fibroids, cysts, and also helps to overcome dizziness, anemia and general weakness.


Advice! Rheumatism, sciatica, arthrosis, joint pain are treated with hot baths, in which woodlice herb brewed earlier is added.

Taking such baths relieves ulcers, purulent wounds, skin rashes, scrofula.

With the help of infusion herbs achieve a general calming effect, relieve premenstrual syndrome. For this, 2 tbsp. spoons woodlice pour 1 cup of boiling water, keep on low heat for up to 10 minutes, then insist for about 30 minutes, after which the infusion is filtered and taken 50 g three times a day before meals.

Thanks to this tool, you can normalize the menstrual cycle, get rid of delays and severe pain. Start taking the decoction should be 7 days before the first day of the cycle twice a day before meals.

Watch the video! Useful herb - wood lice

With anemia and anemia

You can prepare the remedy as follows:

  • 1 st. spoons woodlice;
  • brew with boiling water in an amount of 200 ml.
  • It is better to use enamel or glassware.
  • Insist for 30 minutes. Strain. Add water to original volume.

For treatment, take 4 times a day 50 g of infusion before meals.

With erosion, myoma, cyst

  • Take 100 g woodlice;
  • pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • insist about 1 hour.

Treatment is carried out for five days with swabs soaked in infusion, which are left overnight. Then they take a break for 5 days, then, if necessary, repeat the course.

For joint pain

Woodlouse steamed and used to apply compresses.

With sciatica

  • Fresh woodlice grass placed in a jar with a volume of 3 liters;
  • pour 0.5 liters of vodka and about 2 liters of clean water;
  • insist 3 weeks;
  • grass squeeze, and then filter the product.

For treatment, use 100 ml of infusion every day for 2-3 weeks.

from ischemic disease

  • 1.5 st. spoons of fresh leaves woodlice;
  • pour 200-300 ml of boiling water;
  • insist for 1 hour and filter.

Take before meals 0.5 cups of infusion 4-5 times a day. This remedy also helps with high blood pressure.

For pain in the stomach and intestines

  • 1 st. spoon woodlice;
  • add boiling water in the amount of 1 cup;
  • insist in the dark for 2 weeks.

Take the infusion before meals, dissolving 20 drops in 200 ml of water.

With inflammation of the eyes

Treatment of diseases of the cornea or retina is carried out with the help of fresh juice herbs, instilling it 1-2 drops 4 times a day.

For the treatment of skin diseases

Apply lotions with decoction herbs, which are applied to damaged areas of the skin for a quarter of an hour. The procedure can be carried out several times during the day.

For the treatment of skin inflammations, rashes, swelling and ulcers, it is effective to use gauze, which is moistened with juice woodlice.

To improve lactation and with mastopathy

When overweight

- a dietary plant that is suitable for human consumption. To reduce excess weight, the use of plant juice helps a lot. It is used alone or in combination with fruit juices 100 g three times a day before meals for three months.

In cosmetology

To rejuvenate the skin of the face, apply the following mask:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of fresh chopped wood lice herbs
  • mix with 1 teaspoon of cream and bee honey.

Distribute on the face, leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with water.

Healthy! To improve the tone of the skin of the face, compresses are used, applying a small terry towel soaked in a decoction of the plant, which is covered with another dry towel and left to act for 20 minutes. Then the face is washed with water.

In the fight against acne and acne, it is effective to use a decoction of stellate for washing. At the same time, the skin also becomes softer and more tender.

Well cleanses the skin bath with the addition of decoction herbs by improving its metabolic processes. For this, 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh or dry, carefully crushed plants are poured into 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse for about 2 hours, it is good to use a thermos. Then the product is filtered and added to bath water.

Rejuvenating effect woodlice also appears when using masks from herbs, with the help of compresses and decoctions, they improve the elasticity and softness of the skin.

At home

  1. Woodlouse, blooming throughout the summer, is an excellent honey plant;
  2. The plant is loved by poultry as food, due to which it received the name - bird grass;
  3. Chickweed is used to dye wool blue, it is also possible to obtain a light green dye from it.

Culinary recipes with wood lice

Vegetable soup


  • 100 g woodlice;
  • 4 potato tubers;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • greens (dill, parsley);
  • 1 liter of water or broth.


  1. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, add 1 liter of water or broth and put on fire;
  2. After chopping onions and carrots, they are fried a little in vegetable oil and stewed for five minutes, then transferred to a saucepan with potatoes and boiling water (broth);
  3. Carefully cut and sent to the soup woodlice;
  4. When the soup is almost ready, some greens and salt are added to it to taste;
  5. Served with sour cream and fresh herbs, if desired.



  • 100 g wood lice herbs;
  • 2-3 eggs (hard boiled);
  • 100 g of beet tops;
  • 1 red onion;
  • dill (small amount);
  • sour cream to taste.

Preparation: the components of the salad are finely chopped, mixed, salted to taste and seasoned with sour cream.

Green cocktail


  • a handful of greens woodlice;
  • 2 tangerines;
  • 2 medium sized apples;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Preparation: all components are loaded into a blender and crushed at high speed for two to three minutes, then the drink is poured into glasses.


Usage restrictions woodlice exist at:

  1. individual intolerance herbs or allergic reactions when using it;
  2. low blood pressure (for internal use);
  3. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  4. early childhood.

Stem woodlice has a unique ability to accumulate and retain moisture, which is used to survive the plant during heat and drought. Nutritious and healing properties this t R Ava are amazing, but often, not knowing the value of the plant, they destroy it in vain, mistaking it for a weed.

Watch the video! Woodlouse - a useful weed for beauty and health

which have healing properties. Many of them are well known and widely used in folk medicine and official pharmacology. But what kind of plant is wood lice grass, and why it is useful - not everyone knows, since most gardeners and gardeners consider it to be destroyed.


Woodlouse (Starworm) is a branched stem creeping along the ground, on which leaves are oblong-rounded. The stem is covered with fine hairs, and on the edges of the leaves there are cilia, when touched, moisture is felt, hence the name woodlouse.

When flowering, inflorescences of white color are formed, and the flowers themselves resemble small stars in their appearance, hence second name - asterisk.

After a long flowering (from May to August), fruits appear in the form of boxes of dark brown color, which contain many seeds. Seeds ripen from July to October and during this period the boxes periodically open.
The main places of growth are farmsteads, banks of streams and rivers, roadsides, forest edges. Ideal conditions for the growth and development of this plant provide moist and location next to an open body of water.

What the grass woodlice looks like can be seen in the photo below, but what it has, and whether there are contraindications to its use, we will find out further.

Did you know? The flowers of woodlice can predict the weather. If by nine o'clock in the morning they have not opened, then it will rain in the afternoon.

The composition of woodlice

It was not by chance that the woodlouse found its application in. One can only envy such a quantity of useful substances, as in this plant. The herb contains:

  • vitamins of groups C, E and K;
  • carotene;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • potassium salts;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • lipids;
  • iron, zinc, boron, copper, magnesium, cobalt.

Using a plant with such a rich composition for medicinal purposes, you can easily replenish the lack of vitamins, nutrients and trace elements in the human body, as well as get rid of many diseases.

Pharmacological properties

Woodlouse has many useful properties, and there are almost no contraindications to its use. It can be used as a medicine with the following effect:

  • painkiller;
  • sedative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • expectorant;
  • choleretic.
For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, the herb is used as a remedy for:
  • increase immunity and general strengthening of the body;
  • speeding up recovery from colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and some other lung diseases;
  • anesthesia for bruises, dislocations, sprains;
  • fight against rheumatism, arthritis and joint diseases;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • restoration of strength during their decline;
  • improving the performance of the heart and relieving heart pain;
  • treatment for diseases of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland;
  • elimination of flatulence, constipation, treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • activation of hemoglobin production;
  • speedy healing of purulent and poorly healing wounds.


Woodlice, as a medicine, are used fresh, as well as in the form of juice, infusion and tincture, tea, decoction and even a bath.

This herb, for preventive purposes to increase immunity and obtain nutrients and vitamins, is eaten in the form of salads, vegetable soups and sandwiches.


Standard juicing looks like this:

  1. Fresh grass breaks down, no more than 500 g.
  2. Rinse thoroughly under running water.
  3. The juice is squeezed out of the grass with the help of a juicer, and if one is not available, then it is softened with a pusher with further squeezing through gauze.
  4. The juice is poured into a bottle for further storage.
Fresh juice of woodlice is used for instillation in diseases of the cornea or retina, 1-2 drops four times a day.
During lactation in women, one teaspoon of juice is mixed with the same volume of honey and taken three times a day, before meals.

Important! Freshly squeezed woodlice juice can be storedno more than 2 days and onlyin a refrigerator!


Infusion of wood lice is prepared as follows:

  1. One tablespoon of fresh herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Infused for 1 hour without stirring and shaking.
  3. The prepared infusion is filtered and poured into a small container for storage.
  • to strengthen the nervous system - 4 times a day, 50 ml;
  • as eye drops - 1-2 drops no more than 4 times a day.


To obtain a tincture, 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs is poured into a half-liter glass jar and 300 ml of ordinary forty-degree vodka are added. Then the bank is placed for two weeks in a dark place.

After a 2-week period, the tincture can be taken before meals for pain in the stomach or intestines, 20 drops each, which should be diluted in a glass of water.

Did you know? There is a popular belief that if you find and eat a seven-petalled flower of woodlice at dawn, then any, even the most cherished desire, will come true.


Woodlice tea affects the body as a tonic and sedative.
To prepare tea, one tablespoon of herbs is poured with boiling water and insisted under the lid for 5 minutes. You can drink such a drink three times a day for half a glass, like regular tea.

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