Church in the usovo schedule of services. Elisabeth-Sergius Educational Society - Orthodox Educational Center "Usovo-Spasskoe

On Rublevo - Uspenskoe highway, 17 km. from the Moscow Ring Road, there is a very beautiful, modern Temple complex of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the village of Usovo, the center of which is a four-altar Temple with a baptismal, which outwardly resembles the churches of the XI century, its height is more than forty meters. The temple can accommodate over 250 people.
On February 5, 2012 Full members of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society visited the Temple complex of the Savior of the Image Not Made by Hands in the village of Usovo.

four-altar Temple

gate belfry

The meeting began with a small tour of the Temple complex, which includes a two-storey clergy house, a two-storey Orthodox Cultural and Educational Center and the Holy Water Chapel.

Temple complex

In the premises of the House of the clergy and the center there are multifunctional classrooms with modern equipment, two gyms, a theater for 120 seats, equipped according to the latest technical requirements. There is a library with a reading room, a museum with an exposition dedicated to the Great Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth (Romanova).

in the photo: Chairman of the Cyprus branch of the IOPS L.A. Bulanov (left), Deputy Head of the Scientific Section of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society R.B. Butova (center), Chairman of the Moscow Regional IOPS Office, Professor Yu.P. Smirnov (center) and Deputy Head of the Moscow Regional IOPS Office G. AND. Karavaev (right)

After the excursion in the Orthodox Educational Center Usovo-Spasskoye, the documentary film “The Romanovs. In memory of the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich ", who was the First Chairman of the IOPS and a meeting with A.N. Panin, author and director of the film, full member of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society. During the viewing, the conference hall of the House of the Clergyman was full; not only the parishioners and clergy of the Savior Church, headed by the rector, were present, but also pupils of the Sunday School of the Guslitsky Transfiguration Monastery and Full Members of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society.

demonstration of the documentary film “The Romanovs. In memory of the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich "


After the screening, the creator of the film, Alexander Nikolaevich Panin, spoke in front of the audience, according to whom the goal was to assess the importance of the personality of Sergei Alexandrovich in the history of Russia as a person devoted to Emperor Nicholas II and never made any compromises with opponents of state power, firmly upholding the original Orthodox traditions of people. The film was created on the basis of archival materials, so it immerses the viewer in the atmosphere of the events of the pre-revolutionary era of Russian history. Then the chairman of the Moscow regional regional branch of the IOPS, professor Yuri Petrovich Smirnov spoke. He briefly emphasized the lessons of history.

speech by Alexander Nikolaevich Panin

speech by the chairman of the Moscow regional regional branch of the IOPS, professor Yuri Petrovich Smirnov

The rector of the Savior Church, Archimandrite Nestor (Zhilyaev), on behalf of all those present, expressed gratitude to A.N. Panin and presented the author of the film with a fold with icons of the Savior and the Mother of God

As part of the event, an excursion for all guests took place in the museum of the cultural and educational center "Usovo-Spasskoye" at the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands, which was conducted by the Deputy Head of the Scientific Section of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, member of the Council of the Moscow Regional Branch R.B.Butov museum exhibits: photographs, books, icons. As a keepsake, all the guests were presented with a unique catalog of the museum "Our duty to serve and sow ... Missionary activity of the Monk Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna."



Chairman of the Cyprus branch of the IOPS L.A. Bulanov (left) and film creator Alexander Nikolaevich Panin (right)

Chairman of the Cyprus branch of the IOPS L.A. Bulanov (left), Chairman of the Moscow Regional IOPS Office, Professor Yu.P. Smirnov (center), Deputy Head of the Scientific Section of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society R.B.Butova (center) and film creator Alexander Nikolaevich Panin (right)

chairman of the Moscow Regional IOPS Office, Professor Yu. P. Smirnov (left), Rector of the Savior Church Archimandrite Nestor (Zhilyaev) (center), Chairman of the Cyprus IOPS Office L.A. Bulanov (center) and Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Regional Regional Branch of the IOPS G.A. Karavaev (right)

The event ended with a festive dinner. At the head of the table was the Rector of the Savior Church, Archimandrite Nestor (Zhilyaev). Chairman of the Cyprus branch of the IOPS L.A. Bulanov told the rector of the church about the site of the department, about its many sections and, in particular, advised him to look at the "Photo Gallery" section dedicated to Cypriot temples and monasteries, where there are many unique photographs of holy places.
Full member of the IOPS, head of the international center for the study of civil society of the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Anna Vitalievna presented a book with a dedication to the Cyprus branch of IOPS, and A.N. Panin his films and books.

The center of the temple complex of the Savior Image Not Made by Hands in the village of Usovo is a four-altar temple with a baptismal, which outwardly resembles the churches of the 11th century

The land near Moscow is inextricably linked with the Imperial House of the Romanovs. After the establishment of a new dynasty in 1613, the young Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich generously distributed the lands that were empty during the Time of Troubles and the Polish-Lithuanian campaigns to his entourage. Among them were the Sitsky princes. The steward Fyodor Alekseevich, who signed the letter on the election of Mikhail Romanov as Tsar, received the village of Usovo as a gift. In 1627, Prince Sitsky was listed as “the patrimony of the village of Usovo, and in the village the Church of the All-Merciful Savior of the Image Not Made by Hands.

And in the church there are images and candles and books, on the bell tower there are bells, every church building, near the church in the courtyard of priest Prokofey Timofeev. " In 1664, the ownership of the village was approved by Ivan Glebovich Morozov, but the real owner of the village was his widow, the famous Old Believer, boyar Feodosia Prokofievna Morozova. In 1672 the village of Usovo was granted to one of the close people of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Afanasy Ivanovich Matyushkin. His son Mikhail Afanasyevich Matyushkin (1695-1755), the future general-in-chief, the conqueror of Baku and the Kiev governor-general, the second cousin of Peter I, spent a lot of energy on the arrangement of the church and the village. In 1705 he built a new wooden church to replace the one that burned down in 1702. The stone church in Usovo was built in 1765 on an elevated open place near the Moskva River by Mikhail Mikhailovich Matyushkin. Significant damage to estates and villages near Moscow was inflicted during the Patriotic War of 1812. Usovo was burned, and the Church of the Savior was plundered. Since 1817, the village was owned by a colonel, state councilor Dmitry Pavlovich Runich (1780-1860), he is credited with bringing the temple into a splendid and comfortable look.

The next owner of the village, guard-ensign of the Preobrazhensky regiment, Alexander Petrovich Khrushchev, greatly rebuilt the church. “The alteration of the Spaso-Usovsky Church belonged to the architect A.G. Grigoriev. He gave the older structure of the mid-18th century an Empire style, adding columnar porticoes, altering the window frames, and decorating the neck of the faceted dome with Ionic columns. To this array the architect added a refectory with typical three-part windows. Inside the church, in this newer part of it, a chapel was built above the entrance doors to the temple, which retained an exceptionally stylish Empire style iconostasis: dark blue with white details and gold ornaments. The best link of the church, which was very successful for the master, is the bell tower associated with it - a high cylinder, circled below by columns with semicircular windows cut into it. The ringing tier was located in a kind of pavilion - a rotunda of four arches between double Ionic columns. Above is the dome and a typical Empire style spire. The combination of orange and dazzling white paint gives a bright and joyful architectural spot on the emerald grass of the meadows descending to the Moskva River, on which green shadows are cast by picturesquely spreading birches along the slope, ”wrote A. Grech.

In 1861, the Usov peasants, delighted with the abolition of serfdom, abandoned their farms and went to work. Usovo emptied, the majestic temple, deprived of outside help, fell into decay, and the clergy fell into poverty.

In 1867 Usovo was acquired for Empress Maria Alexandrovna. Having visited the village for the first time, she was amazed at the deplorable state of the church and ordered to issue 200 rubles. for urgent needs. At the empress's own funds in 1869-1872. The church was overhauled, the territory was surrounded by a stone fence, the interior was improved, heating was carried out. On September 2, 1873, Konstantin Georgievich Makhaev (1843-1932) was appointed to the post of priest of the Church of the Savior. The young priest put a lot of effort into the organization of his parish. In December 1873, Fr. Constantine was appointed a teacher of the law in the parish school, arranged by Empress Maria Alexandrovna. Archpriest Constantine was highly respected by the parishioners until his death in 1932, having served as rector. After the death of the empress, the estate of Usovo-Ilyinskoye in 1880 was passed on to Grand Duke Sergius Alexandrovich by her will. His wife, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, paid a lot of attention to the Usovsky church. Fr. Konstantin wrote that “since 1869 the Usovsky temple has seen kings and queens, royal persons and dignitaries, metropolitans and vicars, not only briefly visiting the temple, but also listening to services. In 1883, the church was again visited by the royal people, and again decorated with their royal generosity. At the present time, the fate of the church is fully assured, because in her Royal landowner she sees the everlasting, most thorough Trustee, the generous Benefactor. "

The feast day of the Savior of the Image Not Made by Hands was celebrated exclusively solemnly. It was a real folk holiday, in which all the villagers, both wealthy and poor peasants, and many children took part. Children's competitions were arranged, the winners were awarded prizes: toys, pipes, pipes, sweets, gingerbread, nuts. They played the lottery, receiving from the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna prizes for each ticket: scarves, chintz for dresses and shirts, samovars, porcelain teapots and cups and saucers. Launched paper balloons.

After the revolution, a rest house was organized in the Usovo estate. The Savior Church was closed in 1932, after the death of Fr. Konstantin Makhaev. By 1940, the bells were removed, the upper dome and the bell tower were demolished, and when the mass construction of state dachas began, the church building was rebuilt into living quarters. In 2004, the temple was restored with elements of reconstruction. Now it is the home church of the Novo-Ogaryovo residence.

In 1995, among the residents of the village. An initiative group was formed in Usovo, which began to take care of the return of the temple. In 1996 the Usovsky parish was registered. Through the prayers of parishioners in 2004, the historic Church of the Savior Image Not Made by Hands in the village. Usovo was restored in its previous architectural forms and services were resumed in it. Due to its location within the boundaries of the Novo-Ogaryovo residence, a full-fledged life of the parish was not possible. After zealous appeals from the church community, it was decided to build a new church.

In 2009-2010 under the care of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V.V.Putin, a new Spassky Church was built in the village of Usovo. On May 30, 2009, the foundation stone of a new church building took place, and on July 5, 2010, the first Divine Liturgy took place. The ceremony of consecration of the bookmark and the new church was performed by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

The modern temple complex was built according to the project of the architect V. N. Izhikov and consists of a church, the Holy Water Chapel, the House of the Clergyman and the Orthodox Educational Center "Usovo-Spasskoe". The center of the complex is the four-altar temple in the name of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, its height is more than forty meters. The temple can accommodate over 250 people. In its external appearance - harmonious proportions, stature and power of the white-stone silhouette - the traditions of ancient Russian temple architecture are embodied.

The altar of the upper church was consecrated in honor of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, the lower thrones: the central one - in honor of the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God, lateral: southern, in honor of the Hieromartyr Sergius Makhaev, son of the last abbot and associate of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, northern, in honor of the Great Martyr Elijah Feodorovna, mistress of the historical estate “Ilyinskoye-Usovo. The author of the concept of the interior decoration of the church and the altar icons is the outstanding modern icon painter Archimandrite Zinon (Theodore). Having rethought the heritage of early Byzantine church art of the 6th-9th centuries, he created a unique interior of the church.

The temple complex also includes a belfry and the Usovo-Spasskoye Educational Center with a Sunday school.

information about the temple:

Full title: Church of the Savior Image Not Made by Hands in Usovo (old)

Common name: Church of the Savior

The address: Moscow region, Odintsovo district, s. Usovo

Address for 1917: Moscow province, Zvenigorodsky district, p. Usovo-Spasskoye

Coordinates: 55.737719 ° N 37.207244 ° E

Diocese: ROC MP

First mention no later than the 16th century

The Church of the Savior is located at Moscow Region, Odintsovsky District, with. Usovo to Usovo. This temple belongs to the diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. The Church of the Savior was first officially mentioned in the archive no later than the 16th century. from the birth of Christ.

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Church of the Savior Image Not Made by Hands in Usovo (old)

A small stone church, built at the expense of M.M.Matyushkin, was completely rebuilt in the style of classicism in 1822-1824 at the expense of A.P. Khrushchev. At the same time, the bell tower was built, and the Kazan side-chapel was arranged in the choirs. Closed in 1932, in the middle. XX century overhauled, weddings broken, used for housing. In 2004 it was restored with elements of reconstruction. Located on the territory of the residence of the President of the Russian Federation Novo-Ogaryovo.

In the village of Usovo, Odintsovo District, Moscow Region, in 2009-2010, according to the project of architect V.N.Izhikov, the Church of the Savior Image Not Made by Hands was built. Since in the village since 1765 there was already a church of the same name, the new church received the additional name New. The design and construction of the new church and the complex assigned to it were carried out under the direct supervision of V.V. Putin, who at that time was the chairman of the Russian government. Currently, the complex is practically built and includes the New Spassky Church itself, the Holy Gates with a belfry, the house of the clergyman, the Vodosvyatskaya chapel. Also, an Orthodox educational complex has been built and operates on the territory of the complex.

In the small garden near the main square, between the church itself and the Holy Gates with a belfry, there is a monument to the Venerable Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. Together with her husband, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, Elizaveta Fedorovna took possession of the village, which at that time was called Usovo-Ilyinskoye, in 1880. With the generous donations of the royal couple, the church was actively developed and improved, the parish school worked and was supported.

On weekends and holidays, the Holy Gates, located in the western part of the temple fence, are thrown open to parishioners. On ordinary days, the entrance to the complex is through the gate in the northern part of the fence. Like the entire complex of the New Church, the Holy Gates were built in 2009-2010 by the architect V.N.Izhikov. Above the gate is a belfry stylized as a three-domed church, the central vault of which is decorated with a dome.

The Vodosvyatskaya stone chapel received from the source and religious attributes placed in it, intended for the sacrament of the consecration of water. A characteristic feature of the chapel are four facades, stylized as royal arched gates, in the entire volume of which windows are inserted, while three of them contain fully glazed doors. The vault of the chapel is crowned with a stone drum with a gold cupola and a cross.

In the building of the clergy house there are not only residential and utility rooms, but also a pilgrimage service. Also in the building there are classes of the Sunday School and all kinds of circles, in which classes are held in drawing, singing, weaving from beads, and there is a pottery workshop. All classes are conducted in several groups, organized by age.

Today the complex of the New Church of the Savior Image Not Made by Hands in the village of Usovo is not only a temple, a chapel, a magnificent belfry and a clergy's house. It also houses the Usovo-Spasskoye Orthodox Educational Center, built in 2010 and playing a huge role in the spiritual revival and development of Russian society. Today the center has spacious and well-equipped auditoriums, a conference hall for 120 seats, a library with a reading room, two sports halls and an exhibition hall. A special place in the complex is given to the memorial room dedicated to the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

Details 10/25/2013

“Happiness is not about living in a palace and being rich, you can lose all of this. Real happiness is that which neither people nor events can steal. You will find it in the life of the soul and in the surrender of yourself ... ”.

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna

A bit of history

According to legend, the name of the village of Usovo comes from the surname of the noble nobleman Lavrenty Usa, to whom the Grand Duke Vasily the Dark presented lands on the banks of the Moskva River. According to documents from 1627, a wooden church of the Savior Not Made by Hands with side-chapels was listed in Usovo, on the site of which a new stone church was built in the 1760s.

During the invasion of the French in 1812, estates and villages near Moscow suffered significant damage. The message of the clerk, Prince F.N. Golitsyn, who wrote: “In Glukhov, all the hay was taken by the enemy for forage. Half of the village of Dmitrovskoye burned down, as well as Timoshkino, Gribanovo, Sareevo and Usovo. In the village of Arkhangelskoye, fields were devastated, people died, the Zakharkovskaya crossing over the Moskva River was destroyed ”. The Spassky temple in Usovo was plundered and desecrated, almost all the utensils were plundered, the bell was broken. Only three icons decorated with silver vestments and stones - the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands and two icons of the Mother of God: Tikhvin and Bogolyubskaya - have survived in the church.

After the Patriotic War of 1812, the Church of the Kazan Mother of God in Laikovo was assigned to the Spassky Church. It was a small two-tier Baroque church with a rotunda, built by Princess M.A. Golitsyna in the middle of the 18th century. In 1812, the church was badly damaged: the building was on fire, the bell tower was destroyed. Historians believe that the French started a fire in order to melt the bells and use copper for casting cannons, but they did not have time. 24 pounds of melted copper was kept in the church in Usovo, and in 1822 the bell of the Savior Church, broken by the French, was cast from it. Only in 1880 the divine service was resumed in the Kazan Church.

In 1865-1867, Emperor Alexander II bought and presented the Ilyinskoye and Usovo estates near Moscow to his wife Maria Alexandrovna. By 1872, by the highest order, the Church of the Savior was magnificently decorated and surrounded by a stone fence, next to it was erected the building of a public school, which later became a parish school. In 1882 the Usovo estate became the property of the Grand Duke Sergius Alexandrovich. His wife, Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna, paid much attention to the Usovsky temple.

For 50 years, priest Konstantin Makhaev was the rector of the Church of the Savior. In 1912 he was elevated to the rank of archpriest and awarded the golden miter and the Order of St. Anna III degree, who was awarded for 20 years of diligent service as a teacher of the law of the public schools.

After the revolution, a rest house was organized in the Usovo estate. The Savior Church was closed in 1932, after the death of Fr. Konstantin Makhaev. In 1940, the bells and the upper dome were demolished and the building was rebuilt into a summer cottage. In 2004, the temple was restored with some reconstruction. Now it is located on the territory of the residence of the President of the Russian Federation "Novo-Ogaryovo". In 2009-2010, under the care of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in the village of Usovo, a new Spassky temple was built.

Sunday School

Today, the Orthodox Educational Center "Usovo-Spasskoye" is successfully operating at the Spassky Church, where classes at the Sunday School are organized. The main tasks of the school are the assimilation of the Orthodox doctrine and the formation of an Orthodox worldview, the education of love for God, neighbors, the Motherland, the acquisition of skills in spiritual life and building the church structure of the family.

With the blessing of the rector, Archimandrite Nestor, Father Mikhail Goryunov provides spiritual guidance to the Sunday School. Classes in the school are structured according to age so that children can receive the most necessary things for spiritual growth. The main subject is the Law of God, which is taught to all students of school age. Children take an active part in the life of the parish, in festive services, processions of the cross, some boys serve in the altar.

In musical developmental classes for the smallest, they learn songs dedicated to Orthodox holidays, children learn to communicate, move, draw, sculpt from plasticine, and do joint artwork. The ceramic workshop is very popular (pottery wheel, modeling, firing, enamels). Clay in the hands of children turns into wonderful crafts for the Nativity of Christ and for the Bright Resurrection of Christ. There are also courses on beading and needlework (crocheting and knitting, painting on glass, embroidery, applique), their purpose is to develop fine motor skills of the hands, the formation of aesthetic tastes and initial skills in working with various types of materials. Gold embroidery is not just a craft, but a special kind of church art. In the classroom of the theatrical circle, children are preparing performances for the Nativity of Christ and for the Bright Sunday of Christ. The child can try himself in different fields: learn to play the guitar and chess, sing in the choir, dance.

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