Medicinal plants. Male fern (Dryopteris fílix-mas L.) Photos and illustrations

Date of publication or update 10.12.2017

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FERRY MALE EXTRACT THICK (Extratum Filicis maris spissum).

Pharmachologic effect.

Anthelmintic agent (acts mainly on tapeworms).

Indications for use.

Teniosis, diphyllobothriasis, hymenolepiasis.

Method of administration and dosage.

Inside (after special preparation).

With teniidosis and diphyllobothriasis, 4-7 g are prescribed within one day; with hymenolepiasis on an empty stomach for 20-30 minutes 1.5-2 g.

For children, the dose is reduced in accordance with age.

The highest single dose for adults inside 8 g (single dose).

Side effect.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, weakening of cardiac activity, degenerative changes in the liver.


Decompensation of cardiac activity, liver and kidney disease, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, acute gastrointestinal and febrile diseases, severe exhaustion, anemia, active tuberculosis, pregnancy.

The drug is not prescribed for children under 2 years of age.

Release form.

Capsules, 0.5 g, 14 pieces in a package (0-44).

Storage conditions.

List B.

In a dark place.

Shelf life.

Other plant names:

male duckweed, kochedyzhnik, black fern, devil's beard, magpie, perunov ogneflower, light, fire-flower.

Brief description of male fern:

Male fern (male fern) is a perennial herb, the leaves of which reach 1 m or more in height, of the centipede family (Polypodiaceae).

Male fern (male fern) is widespread in the middle climatic zone of the European part of Russia.

The rhizome of the plant has medicinal value.

Chemical composition of male fern:

Fern rhizome contains phloroglucinol derivatives, filixonic acid (filicin), filmaron, albaspidin, aspidinol, flavaspidic acid, tannins, flavonoids and essential oils, bitterness and starch.

All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of the male fern (male fern).

Pharmacological properties of male fern:

The pharmacological properties of the fern are determined by its chemical composition.

Experimental studies have confirmed that phloroglucinol derivatives and their decay products are especially toxic to the cell protoplasm. The strongest antihelminthic property is possessed by philicic acid.

The use of fern in medicine, fern treatment:

Galenic preparations of male fern are used as effective anthelmintic agents.

Fern preparations are naturally toxic for patients, therefore, when using them, care must be taken and applied according to a specific scheme under strict medical supervision.

Dosage forms, method of administration and dosage of male fern preparations:

The fern rhizome is used to make effective medicines and forms used in the treatment of many diseases. Let's consider the main ones.

Male fern extract:

Fern extract side effects:

Side effects of male fern extract include: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, weakening of the heart, degenerative liver changes.

Fern extract contraindications:

Contraindications for male fern extract include: circulatory failure, liver and kidney disease, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, acute gastrointestinal and febrile diseases, severe exhaustion, anemia, tuberculosis, pregnancy. The drug is not prescribed for children under 2 years of age.


Filixan (Filixanum) is the sum of the active ingredients of the male fern rhizomes. A reddish brown amorphous powder, odorless and almost tasteless. Prescribed for teniidoses orally once for adults, 14-16 tablets (7-8 g), children 2-5 years old - 2-5 tablets (1-2.5 g), 6-10 years old - 6-8 tablets (3 –4 g), 11–15 years old - 10–12 tablets (5–6 g). The highest single dose for adults (once) 10 g. Preparation of the patient, method of administration, possible complications and contraindications are the same as when using the extract of male fern thick.

Contains fern (philicic) acid and filicarone derivatives of filicic acid.

Act : antihelminthic (mainly acts on tapeworms).

Indications : teniosis (invasion by bovine and pork tapeworms), diphyllobothriasis (invasion by a wide tapeworm), hymenolepiasis (invasion by dwarf tapeworm); also used to treat enterobiasis

Method of administration and dosage : for the treatment of teniidosis and diphyllobothriasis, the extract is taken once in doses corresponding to age: 2 years 1 g, 3-4 years 1.5-2 g, 5-6 years 2-2.5 g, 7-9 years 3-3.5 g, 10-17 years old 3.5-4 g, 17-50 years old 4-7 g.

Before deworming, a urine test is done. 1-2 days before the treatment, a well-digestible, mainly dairy-vegetable food, poor in fats, is prescribed. On the eve of taking the medicine, in the evening, dinner is replaced with sweet tea or with breadcrumbs. A saline laxative is prescribed at night. Do not take castor oil. Children under 5 years of age are prescribed Viennese drink or purgen. In the morning, make a cleansing enema, after which they give capsules with fern extract in the above doses (wash down with water) In the absence of capsules, children are given the necessary dose of fern extract with honey, jam or sugar in 2 doses with a break of 15-20 minutes

Treatment of hymenolepiasis is carried out in three cycles with intervals of 10-12 days between them. Each cycle includes 2 days of the preparation written off above and one day of treatment. On the day of treatment, in the morning, they put a cleansing enema, after 20 minutes on an empty stomach, give the entire dose of the drug in 2 doses for 15-20 minutes, children 2 years old 0.3 g, 3-4 years old 0.6 g, 5-6 years old 0.9 g, 7-8 years old 1.2 g, 9-10 years old 1.5 g. 11-12 years old 1.8 g, 13-14 years old 2.2 g, 15-16 years old 2.5 g, over 16 years old 2.5-3 g.

A repeated course is possible no earlier than in 3 months. More than 2 courses are not held per year. Treatment of enterobiasis is carried out in 2 cycles. The highest single dose: for adults 8 g (single dose). The brown extract is not suitable for use. Treatment with the male fern extract is carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Side effects : nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (sometimes bloody), dizziness, headache, abdominal pain, sometimes convulsions, respiratory depression, optic nerve atrophy, weakening of cardiac activity.

With these phenomena, gastric lavage, the use of saline laxatives, abundant warm drinks, intravenous administration of an isotonic solution of sodium chloride or glucose, inhalation of oxygen, artificial, injections of cordiamine, caffeine, ephedrine, heating pads on the stomach and legs, with convulsions, if not, depression respiration, intravenous (slow!) administration of barbiturates.

Contraindications : decompensation of the heart, liver and kidney disease, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, acute gastrointestinal and febrile diseases, pregnancy, severe exhaustion, anemia, active tuberculosis.

Forms of issue :

  • 1. Bulk extract.
  • 2. Capsules 0.5 N. 10.
  • 3. Filixan - tablets. Dry extract from the rhizome of male fern (B), 0.5 g N. 10. Administered orally once for adults, 14-16 tablets, children 2-5 years old, 2-5 tablets, 6-10 years old, up to 6-8 tablets, 11 -15 years, 10-12 tablets. Preparation and method of application are the same as when using the essential extract of the male fern. The highest dose of Filixan: for adults 10 g (20 tablets).

Side effects and contraindications are the same as those of the essential extract of the male fern.

Ukr .: Shield-maker
ukrainian folk names: flea, boronitsya, worm, spool, kochedizhnik, panna baba, papara deaf, papara zavoyova.
Russian: Male shieldworm.
English: Male-fern, Schott.
German .: Gewohnlicher Wurmfarne.
Franz .: Fouge "re male.
Polish: Narecznica samcza.
Czech .: Karpad "samec.

Toxicology and side effects

The aerial part of the fern also has toxic properties. Poisoning of animals eating male fern is described. In the experiment, feeding Aspidium juxtaposita to rabbits led to the development of signs of anemia, leukopenia, and lymphopenia. The activity of glutamate oxaloacetate and glutamate pyruvate transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, urea and creatinine levels increased in the blood serum of animals. (Gounalan S. et al., 1999). In the early period after oral administration of Aspidium juxtaposita powder to rats, an increase in the content of reduced glutathione and a decrease in the concentration of lipid peroxides, acetylcholinesterase and catalase activity in erythrocytes were observed. In the long-term period (after 80 days), the level of lipid peroxidation in the liver, kidneys and brain of animals increased significantly, the activity of ATP-ase increased (Kataria M. et al., 1998). Histological examination revealed moderate vascular changes in the lungs and other internal organs, degenerative changes and vacuolization of hepatocytes, focal necrosis in the liver, degenerative changes in the testes. In the intestine, villous atrophy, epithelial hyperplasia and signs of increased secretory activity of the food glands were observed. In the lumen of the renal tubules, cylinders were identified, degenerative changes in the tubular epithelium developed. The toxic effect of the fern is associated with damage to cell membranes due to oxidative stress, which leads to degenerative and vascular changes. It is believed that the described pathological changes are due to the ptaquiloside contained in the plant.

At the same time, when mice were injected subcutaneously with ether and acetone extracts of male fern, which exhibit pronounced antimicrobial properties, it was found that their LD50 was\u003e 2.5 mg.

An aqueous extract of rhizomes of the thick rhizome fern (1: 1), even at a dilution of 1: 3000, retains the ability to cause contractions of an isolated rabbit uterus. When administered to animals at a dose of 0.03-0.1 ml / kg, the tone of the uterus sharply increases.

Male fern poisoning can occur when taking relatively small, even therapeutic doses. The initial symptoms are headaches, dizziness, increased reflex irritability, muscle weakness, and tremors. In more severe forms, stomach pains, nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, visual impairment in the form of diplopia, a change in color perception with a predominance of yellow color (xanthopsia), and even complete blindness are observed. Severe forms of poisoning are accompanied by tonic convulsions and loss of consciousness. Death occurs from heart or respiratory failure. About a quarter of the poisoning with preparations of male fern rhizomes ends in the death of the victims.

Treatment of male fern poisoning is symptomatic. In order to remove toxins from the body, they immediately give saline laxatives. Particular attention should be paid to maintaining the water-salt balance, since the body loses a significant amount of water during vomiting and diarrhea. For convulsions, barbiturates or benzodiazepine anxiolytics are given intravenously.

Therefore, the use of rhizomes of most ferns requires special care. A special, safest mode of using these funds has been developed, but often, even if all instructions are followed, the drugs cause side effects. Due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea may occur. Being absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the drug can cause changes in the nervous system (dizziness, fainting, headaches, occasionally - convulsions, respiratory depression), cardiovascular system (weakening of cardiac activity - decrease in strength and heart rate, collapse), liver (degenerative changes). Cases of toxic hepatitis with jaundice have been described. In high doses, the fern excites the central nervous system. The visual analyzer is relatively often affected, and temporary blindness, which develops immediately after ingestion of its drugs, can lead to atrophy of the optic nerve and persistent loss of vision. Due to the risk of complications, treatment with male fern extract should be carried out only in hospitals.

In case of complications due to the intake of male fern preparations (weakening of the pulse, loss of consciousness), prescribe hot drinks, heating pads, inject caffeine or cordiamine, norepinephrine or ephedrine, if necessary, give ammonia to inhale, then oxygen.

The use of male fern preparations is contraindicated in heart failure, liver and kidney disease, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, acute gastrointestinal and inflammatory diseases, severe exhaustion, anemia, tuberculosis, as well as children under 2 years of age. Male fern preparations are also contraindicated for pregnant women. In late pregnancy, as a result of reflex contraction of the muscles of the uterus, miscarriage is possible.

Clinical application

Galenic and neogalenic preparations of male fern are used to treat tenioses (invasion by bovine and pork tapeworms), diphilobotriosis (invasion by tapeworms), with less efficiency - for the treatment of hymenolepiasis (invasion by dwarf tapeworms) and enterobiasis - with the unsuccessful use of other drugs. As a result of paralysis of smooth muscles, worms are easily excreted from the body with feces. For this, treatment with male fern preparations is combined with the intake of laxatives (Mello E. B. et al., 1978).

In medicine, the essential extract of the male fern is widely used. Fern thick extract is prescribed on an empty stomach in gelatin capsules, in the form of an emulsion with soda, mint water and syrup; children - with jam and chalk. Bulgarian scientists have developed a cheaper and safer method for obtaining filicin by water-alkaline extraction of fern rhizomes (Dzherova M. et al., 1975). At home, pills are made from the broth (10 g of rhizomes per 200 ml of boiling water and evaporated to half): 5 ml of the broth is mixed with honey and divided into 10 pills, which are kneaded with flour. After 30 minutes after consuming the last portion of the medicine, the patient is given a laxative. The best remedy for cleansing the intestines from paralyzed worms is castor oil. Senna preparations can also be used.

In order to avoid possible side effects of high doses of fern extract on the body, it can be injected directly into the intestine through a duodenal tube, which reduces the dose of the drug to 4 g and gives a good therapeutic effect. Filiksan, a tablet preparation containing biologically active substances of male fern rhizomes, is comparatively less toxic.

For external use, a tincture of male fern is prepared (1 part of the crushed rhizome is poured for 14 days with 4 parts of alcohol), which is rubbed into sore spots several times a day. A decoction (1 kg of rhizomes is boiled in 5 liters of water for 2 hours) is used for baths, which are taken with varicose dermatitis and leg ulcers (1 liter of decoction per one bath), the course of treatment is 30 baths, the duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

As an antihelminthic agent in Korea, the essential extract of the rhizomes of the Sikhotin fern Aspidium sichotensis Kom is used. and thick-rhizome fern Aspidium crassirhizoma Nakai. The latter also showed therapeutic efficacy for ascariasis of the biliary tract and amoebic dysentery.

It was reported about the use of preparations of rhizomes of thick rhizome fern for uterine bleeding, but such treatment was recognized as quite dangerous.

Investigations of Aspidium crassirhizoma Nakai isolated from a leaf of the fern thick rhizome. fernena have shown its effectiveness in psoriasis. For the treatment of psoriasis and the prevention of parapsoriasis, the polar fraction of the leaf and rhizome extract was also used. This fraction does not contain filicin and therefore is characterized by low toxicity.

In the USA, complex herbal preparations with antiviral and immunostimulating activity have been patented, which contain polysaccharides and flavonoids extracted from the rhizomes of the fern Aspidium crassirhizoma Nakai as active ingredients.

Extract of male fern rhizomes is a part of complex homeopathic preparations Antihelmin, Helminton.

In veterinary medicine, male fern preparations in the form of powders from dried rhizomes, extracts and preparations of filixan and filmaron are used for helminthiasis of sheep, cattle, cats, dogs and chickens. These drugs are prescribed simultaneously with saline laxatives. Giving castor oil to animals in the treatment of helminthiasis with fern preparations is contraindicated (Zharikov I.S. et al., 1986).

In Vietnam, the rhizomes of the male fern are used as an insecticide.


Fern extract male thick (Extractum Filicis-maris spissum) Available in capsules of 0.5 g (14 capsules per package). Stored according to list B in a dark place. The highest single dose of the extract for adults is 8 g (single dose).

The course of treatment for hymenolepiasis includes 3 cycles at intervals of 7 days. Each cycle consists of one day of preparation and one day of treatment. The extract is prescribed in the following age doses: children aged 2 years - 0.2 g, 3-4 years old - 0.3 g, 5-6 years old - 0.5 g, 7-8 years old - 0.6 g, 9- 10 years old - 0.7 g, 11-12 years old - 0.9 g, 13-14 years old - 1 g, after 15 years - 1.5 g. If necessary, repeated courses are carried out no earlier than 2-3 months later. Filixan (Filixanum) - the sum of the active ingredients of the male fern rhizomes, available in the form of tablets of 0.5 g.

Prescribed for tenioses orally once for adults, 14-16 tablets (7-8 g), for children aged 2-5 years - 2-5 tablets (1-2.5 g), 6-10 years old - 6-8 tablets (3-4 g), 11-15 years old - 10-12 tablets (5-6 g). The highest single dose for adults (once) is 10 g. The preparation of the patient and the method of administration are the same as when using a thick extract of male fern. Digestodoron (Weleda, Austria) - tablets or oral solution containing extracts of male fern, centipede, centipede, bracken, purple willow and Salix vitellina. Applied as an anthelmintic, 1-2 tablets 15 minutes before meals with water.

An antihelminthic agent is produced abroad "Rosapin" and the drug "Toxifren".

Antihelminum (Antihelminum, NVFF "Alkoy", Russia) - complex homeopathic preparation in the form of granules containing Abrotanum C3, Cina C3, Sabadilla C3, Filix C6 and Nux vomica C6. It is used for invasions by round and tapeworms. Assign to adults 8 granules 3-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals under the tongue, children under 10 years old - 5 granules 3-5 times a day. Helminton (National Homeopathic Union, Ukraine) - complex homeopathic preparation in the form of granules containing Cina 200, Spigelia 30, Sabadilla 30, Teucrium 30 and Filix mas 30. It is used for helminthic invasions. Prescribe 3 granules 3 times a day before meals, the course of treatment is 1-2 months.

The male fern is considered a perennial medicinal plant. It has short, thickened rhizomes with thin brown roots. The plant can be found in forests. It usually occupies a large area. Forest ferns prefer to grow in damp, shaded areas. It grows in the form of continuous thickets. Fern is widely used in folk medicine.

This plant has always been considered sacred. Infusions and decoctions of rhizomes are of particular benefit. In ancient times, it was the fern that helped fight various diseases. Signs indicated that its flowering can be seen once a year at

Description of the plant

The fern is a perennial herb of the Shchitovnik family. It has a horizontal rhizome covered with brown and soft scales. Leaves are located at the top.

The shield bush reproduces by spores. They are located on the back of the sheet. But spores cannot be seen with the armed eye; they can only be seen under a microscope. They begin to ripen in the middle of summer. Leaves live for one season, and by autumn they wither.

Plant habitat

The male fern grows in spruce and oak forests, in places rich in humus. It can be found in mountainous beech forests in the Caucasus, in the spruce taiga of Siberia and cedar forests in the Far East.

The plant has spread throughout the territory of the CIS countries. It occupied huge areas in Ukraine, in the Moscow and Tver regions. Ferns can also be found in the garden.

How is the fern harvesting?

The male fern is not used entirely in medicine - only its rhizome is needed. When fresh, it has an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste. Having cut the rhizome, you can see that it is yellowish-green in color. Although it is poisonous, it has healing properties.

Rhizomes are harvested in mid-autumn or early spring. Ferns can be found in the garden. They need to be dug out, cut off young roots, cleaned from the ground and, if necessary, get rid of the rotted bottom. Then the rhizome must be cut up and down. It should be dried at 40 degrees. You can store such raw materials for only a year. Since it is poisonous, it must be stored in glass jars with a tightly closed lid.

Forest fern in some cases is used fresh. But then, for medicinal purposes, the leaves of the plant will be required. They are collected in the summer and dried in the fresh air. Then the raw material is used for the preparation of medicinal infusions.

Biologically active components

Forest fern has many biologically active components.

  • The root of the plant contains filixic acid and flavaspidic acid.
  • It also contains phloroglucinol, filmaron, albaspidin and aspidinol.
  • The rhizome contains essential oil and starch.

The main active ingredients are fern acid and filmaron. They are classified as muscle poisons.

Pharmacological properties of the plant

It is known that the anthelmintic effect is what the fern primarily possesses. Useful properties and contraindications are a very important point that you need to familiarize yourself with before using the plant.

Preparations made from fern rhizomes have a number of properties:

  • they are able to fight worms;
  • can relieve pain;
  • cleanse;
  • heal.

In medicine, preparations from the rhizomes of the plant are used to remove tapeworms. They are also necessary when bovine, porcine or tapeworm and other types of tapeworms are found in the body.

The product can be sold as an essential extract or tablets. It is necessary to take medications exclusively under the supervision of doctors. Fern extracts are needed for rheumatism, convulsions and hemorrhoids. They are also used for varicose veins and inflammation of the ovaries in women. Male fern can be used externally. Its properties help to treat skin conditions.

The use of male fern in traditional medicine

Everyone knows that the thyme is a poisonous plant. But people have learned to use it for noble purposes. In folk medicine, preparations from its rhizomes are used orally for pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Male fern is also used parenterally for mental and nervous disorders, diarrhea, eczema.

The medicinal tincture can be used as a pain reliever for neuralgia, arthritis and rheumatism. You can also use a bath with a decoction of the plant rhizomes. They are used for leg ulcers and nerve inflammation.

In addition, the male fern is able to heal purulent wounds and ulcers. To do this, it is enough to prepare a decoction from its rhizome. Then they need to wash the problem areas. Also, the herbal remedy is used as compresses.

But in any case, we must not forget that the fern is a poisonous plant, so it is necessary to monitor the dosage of drugs based on the thyroid. Basically, such funds are taken externally.

Medicines and their doses

A decoction of the rhizomes of the thyme is prepared from 10 g of dry raw materials and a glass of water. The ingredients should be combined and cooked until the liquid is reduced to half. Then the broth must be filtered.

  • children from 2 to 6 years old need to take the remedy 8 drops at a time;
  • children from 6 to 10 years old should take the drug 10 drops once;
  • from 10 to 16 years old - 12 drops;
  • adults - 15 drops.

The broth can be taken for other diseases, but in this case it will be necessary to mix it with vodka in a 1: 1 ratio. The finished product must be stored in the refrigerator.

A decoction for external use is prepared from 200 g of rhizomes and 2 liters of water. This tool needs to be cooked over low heat for about 2 hours. Then the broth must be filtered.

Side effects

As side effects, degenerative changes in the liver can occur. In addition, the following violations are observed:

  • Sometimes nausea and vomiting appear.
  • The use of drugs leads to diarrhea.
  • Dizziness and headaches may appear.
  • In some cases, there is a weakening of the heart.

Contraindications of the drug based on thyroid

  • Fern-based preparations should not be taken by children under 2 years of age.
  • Also, such a remedy is contraindicated in heart failure, liver and kidney diseases.
  • It is best not to take this drug if you are pregnant.
  • The drug is contraindicated for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
  • The drug is not prescribed for anemia and tuberculosis.

Folk recipes based on shitnikov

  • In case of ovarian inflammation, you need to purchase a dry or fresh fern leaf. You need to take a glass of boiling water and a large spoon with chopped leaves. Heat the product in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Then the medicine should be infused for 40 minutes. After that, the broth must be filtered. You need to take it 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course of admission can last up to 3 weeks.
  • With varicose veins, a remedy is prepared from a fresh plant root. It needs to be crushed to a state of gruel. The resulting mass must be combined with sour milk in a 1: 1 ratio. Compress from the finished product should be applied in a thick layer to the problem area and wrapped with gauze for 5 hours.
  • With oncology, you can prepare a remedy from a fresh root. To do this, you need to wash and grind it. The resulting gruel must be placed in a glass jar. Then pour in natural cognac and close the product with a lid as tightly as possible. It should be infused for about 3 weeks, but shake the liquid every three days. Such a remedy should be taken 15 ml 3 times a day between meals.

The fern is considered a poisonous plant, but medicinal. It is used to treat many different diseases. In addition to the usual decoctions and infusions, thyme-based baths are very popular. It is necessary to take the fern remedy with caution, as it has a number of contraindications and side effects. That is why it is very important to take into account the dose and in no case exceed it.

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