Church of Saints Peter and Paul Prokhorovka. Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

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1 Church of the Holy Primate Apostles Peter and Paul pos. Prokhorovka July 12, 1943 near Prokhorovka there was a grandiose in the history of wars oncoming tank battle, in which more than 1200 vehicles participated from both sides. July 12 was a turning point in the course of the Great Patriotic War. The battle of Prokhorovka took place on the feast day of the holy chief apostles Peter and Paul, and therefore the memorial church erected in Prokhorovka was consecrated in honor of these saints. It happened on May 3, 1995. The foundation stone at the construction site of this temple was consecrated on June 14, 1992. The temple was built on donations from individuals, public organizations, banks, joint-stock companies. There were over 5000 donors. A huge contribution to the construction of the temple was made by N.I. Ryzhkov, head of the administration of the Belgorod region E.S. Savchenko, our countryman journalist V.P. Beketov.

2 The construction of the temple was carried out under the direct control of E.S. Savchenko. They found funds for the manufacture of bells, issued an interest-free loan for laying the foundation. The project was prepared by the Moscow architect D.S. Sokolov: a candle-like temple of the centric type “like under the bells”, in the classical Russian style with four rows of kokoshniks, “lifting the flame of human prayers to the very dome”. And it is also a symbol of conciliar prayer. The explanatory note to the project says: "The centric composition and significant height (59 m) are due to the flat nature of the terrain and the desire to elevate and lift up the small candles of people's prayers to grief." The temple is located on a fenced plot in a complex with St. Nicholas Church, a home for veterans and a tourist center. In the interior of the temple, first of all, attention is drawn to the marble slabs on the walls, where the names of 8500 soldiers who died during the battle on the Prokhorovsky field are written in gold. Perhaps some of them were not baptized, but, undoubtedly, "baptism" in

3 fiery whirlwind of war gave them the right to perpetuate their memory on the walls of an Orthodox church. During the consecration, Patriarch Alexy II separately thanked for these lists of the fallen. In the temple, the earthly army echoes and is complemented by the icon-painting image of the Heavenly army. The four pillars that hold the vaults and the sky of the temple are painted with images of saints related to military duty. These are the holy noble princes Alexander Nevsky and Dimitry Donskoy, Daniel of Moscow and Andrei Bogolyubsky, Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir and the Monk Elijah of Muromets, the Holy Great Martyrs Demetrius of Thessalonica and George the Victorious. The theme of heavenly intercession on the main vault of the temple ends with the image of archangels and angels in the composition “Cathedral of the Archangel Michael”. The painting was carried out by an artel of icon painters under the guidance of a member of the Union of Artists of Russia L.S. Rabotnova. The design of the iconostasis also has a military theme. The royal gates are made in the form of a military order, and the bottom row is filled with images of St. George's crosses. CHRONICLE OF EVENTS On February 29, 1992, a group of representatives of the public of the Belgorod and Kursk regions appealed to their fellow countrymen to build a temple in Prokhorovka in memory of those killed in a tank battle. March 1992 Received the first contribution to the construction of the temple. It amounted to 342 rubles, and it was contributed by a pensioner. June 14, 1992. Juvenaly, Archbishop of Kursk and Belgorod, consecrated a stone on the site of the future church. September 1992 The rector of the temple was appointed, the parish council and the community were created. October 1992 In Prokhorovka, a house for a priest was built free of charge by the Tambovagromontazh association. June 16, 1993. The Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation allocated 150 million rubles. to implement a program to perpetuate the memory of the heroes of the battle of Prokhorov. July 1993 The construction of a small (Nikolsky) temple has begun. November 3, 1993. The newspaper Pravda published an article by N.I. Ryzhkov "Let's build a temple near Prokhorovka", which began with the words: "Following the field of Kulikov and Borodino, be the third field of military glory of Russia." November 23, 1993. The Prokhorovskoye Pole Board of Trustees was established to promote the construction of the memorial complex.

4 February 3, 1993. The regional headquarters for the construction of the Prokhorovsky memorial complex was created. February 11, 1993. Alexy II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, blessed the project of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Project authors: architect D.S. Sokolov, chief engineer E.N. Popov, chief designer S.A. Belov. February 7, 1994 The first pile was driven into the foundation at the site of the main temple. March 23, 1994. An appeal has been published by the team of Pobeda JSC to the labor collectives of collective farms, joint-stock companies, enterprises, organizations and institutions of the Prokhorovsky district, so that each employee transfers his one-day earnings to the settlement account of the temple. April 23, 1994. On Lazarus Saturday, a week before Easter, a divine service began in the small (Nikolsky) church. June 27, 1994. The Prokhorovskoye Pole Board of Trustees, at a joint meeting with the administration of the Belgorod Region, decided to build a House of Veterans at the temple. It was also noted that the entire complex of buildings and structures would be put into operation immediately on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Victory in June 1994. On the initiative and with the participation of People's Artist of the USSR Irina Arkhipova, charity concerts were held, the proceeds from which were transferred to the construction fund. August 22, 1994. In the building of the Prokhorovskaya administration, a meeting was held under the head of the regional administration E.S. Savchenko. At the meeting, important decisions were made on the energy supply of the memorial facilities under construction. On November 7, 1994, at a meeting of the Prokhorovskoye Pole Board of Trustees, the initiative of N.I. Ryzhkov about the creation on the basis of his personal books of a public library in the house of the clergy at the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. November 7, 1994 Moscow Art Theater M. Gorky showed a charity performance based on the play by Ostrovsky "Profitable Place". Fees from the performance are transferred to the construction of the temple. November 22, 1994. Laid the last brick in the building of the Peter and Paul Church. November 28, 1994. Having traveled a long way, a convoy of trucks arrived at the construction site, a gift from the Urengoygazprom team. April 3, 1995 Employees of the western customs of Russia donated to the temple several ancient icons seized during an attempt to export them abroad.

5 April 21, 1995 (Good Friday). Dome installation. April 22, 1995 (Holy Saturday). A cross was erected on the dome of the temple. April 26, 1995. Decree of the President Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin "On the creation of the State Military Historical Museum-Reserve "Prokhorovskoe Pole". May 3, 1995 The temple in the name of the Holy Primate Apostles Peter and Paul was consecrated by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II. The main monument of the Zvonnitsa Museum-Reserve was unveiled at the solemn meeting. The opening of the library of N.I. Ryzhkov at the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. September 1, 1999. A preparatory department of the Belgorod Orthodox Theological Seminary (with a missionary orientation) has been opened on the territory of the temple complex. April 2000 The main work on the painting of the temple has been completed. The head of the work is the muralist A. S. Rabotnov. May 3, 2000. On the territory of the temple complex there is a rotunda with the Bell of the Unity of the Slavic peoples. At the end of the Divine Liturgy, the Unity Bell was consecrated by Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia. The opening ceremony was attended by the first persons of the three Slavic states V.V. Putin, L.D. Kuchma, A.G. Lukashenko. April 2001 A new iconostasis was installed, made by the masters of the Belgorod region. December 7, 2003. On Prokhorovskaya land, opposite the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, an Orthodox orphanage for boys has been opened. The founders were the Belgorod and Stary Oskol diocese, as well as the department of education, culture and youth policy of the Belgorod region. May 2, 2010 Arrival of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to Prokhorovka land. Commitment of lithium for those who died on the Prokhorovsky field. Consecration and opening of the museum of military glory. Used literature: Davydov V.I. Spiritual springs of St. Belogorye / V.I. Davydov. Belgorod: Region. type, s. Third military field of the GREAT VICTORY / comp. Priest Peter Ivanov Belgorod: ZAO Belgor. region type". 59 p.

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The temple complex in the village of Prokhorovka was created in memory of the Prokhorovka tank battle and in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The general battle near Prokhorovka took place on July 12, 1943, on the day when the Church honors the memory of the holy chief apostles Peter and Paul, therefore the memorial church was consecrated in the name of the holy apostles Peter and Paul. The foundation stone was consecrated on June 14, 1992 by His Eminence Yuvenaly, Archbishop of Kursk and Belgorod. On November 23, 1993, the Prokhorovskoye Pole Board of Trustees was established to promote the construction of the memorial complex. N.I. Ryzhkov became the Chairman of the Council, the Council included His Eminence Kirill, Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad (now - His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia), Russian sculptor-monumentalist V.M. Klykov, Governor of the Belgorod Region E.S. Savchenko, journalist and writer V.P. Beketov, former chairman of the Gosstroy of the USSR Yu.P. Batalin and other prominent people of our country. The temple was built on donations from individuals, public organizations, banks, joint-stock companies. The chief architect of the project is D.S. Sokolov, the chief engineer is E.N. Popov, the chief designer is S.A. Belov. The joint-stock company "Unity and Commonwealth" became the general contractor. Teams "Belgorodagropromstroy" and other specialized organizations helped him. In the temple, on white marble slabs, the names of eight and a half thousand soldiers who fell near Prokhorovka are carved in gold letters. The church was consecrated by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia on May 3, 1995. In 2000, painting was completed in the temple, which was carried out for a year and a half by a team of icon painters under the guidance of a member of the Union of Artists of Russia A.S. Rabotnov.

The temple complex also includes a rotunda with the Bell of Unity, which was erected on the initiative of the Archbishop of Belgorod and Starooskolsky John and the governor of the Belgorod region E.S. Savchenko. On each pylon of the rotunda are images of saints who are especially revered by the three Slavic peoples: the image of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk. The bell itself was cast in Moscow, and the words of St. Sergius of Radonezh are inscribed along its upper belt: “We will be saved by love and unity.” On May 3, 2000, after the Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Holy Primate Apostles Peter and Paul, the Bell of the Unity of the Slavic Peoples was consecrated by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia in the presence of the Presidents of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus V.V. Putin, L.D. Kuchma and A. G. Lukashenko.

Also on the territory of the temple complex is the house of the clergy, in which the preparatory department of the Belgorod Orthodox Theological Seminary (with a missionary focus) has been operating since 1999.

On May 3, 1995, the bell bells spread the news of the opening of a new spiritual shrine of the Fatherland. With an unprecedented gathering of people in Prokhorovka, the Peter and Paul Church was consecrated, built on folk remedies in memory of those who died on the Kursk Bulge. The decisive event of the Battle of Kursk - the Battle of Prokhorov - took place on July 12, 1943, on the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. According to the canons Orthodox Church the temple is named after them.
A temple stood on the battlefield - a symbol of eternal grateful memory to the defenders of the Motherland. The lamp of the holy faith of Christ burns in it, a prayer rises to heaven for the repose of those who gave their lives for the faith and their native land, sounds "Many years ..." for those who are well.
The 59-meter white-stone temple was built in the best traditions of Russian architecture. Its composition resembles a lit candle. Gives a special solemnity to the temple White color Transfiguration, the color of purity and nobility of souls who have been honored with eternal life. Chief architect of the project D.S.Sokolov.

In the temple, about seven thousand names of soldiers who fell near Prokhorovka are carved on white marble slabs. On the left of big temple a "Memorial sign" was installed with the images of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, made by the method of color mosaic by the artists of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The names of the Heroes of the Soviet Union, the list of armies, units and formations that took part in the Battle of Kursk are engraved in gold letters on it. There is also a board with the names of the members of the Prokhorovskoye Pole Board of Trustees, which organized charity and coordinated all work on the construction of the temple (Chairman of the Board of Trustees - N.I. Ryzhkov).
Five thousand donors - individuals, public organizations, enterprises, banks, joint-stock companies made their contribution to the construction of the temple. Judging by the addresses, this grandiose construction turned out to be under the cordial patronage of all of Russia. A helping hand to the Russians was extended by the inhabitants of the near and far abroad including England and Yugoslavia.
In addition to financial assistance, many enterprises supplied Prokhorovka with equipment and materials free of charge, and carried out individual orders for the construction of the temple. The construction of the temple was carried out by Belgorod construction organizations.

The administration of the Belgorod region provided great support in organizing the construction. Being the deputy chairman of the Board of Trustees, the head of administration E.S. Savchenko took the construction of the temple under his control, found funds for the manufacture of bells, issued an interest-free loan for laying the foundation.
The first stone for laying the temple was consecrated on June 14, 1992, and in record time, after 14 months, the construction of the temple was completed. On the eve of the golden anniversary of the Victory, the bells rang over Prokhorovka: the dream of the leader of the initiative group, our countryman journalist V.P. Beketova, became a reality.

Next to the Memorial Temple, the buildings of a small church in honor of St. Nicholas for everyday church services, the House of the clergy with a hotel, a Sunday school and a library, the House of the Rector of the Church and the House of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War have grown. Thus, the memory of the dead was combined with concern for living veteran soldiers, for the spiritual, moral and patriotic education of the younger generation.
The temple has become the center of spiritual revival: pilgrims have reached out to Prokhorovka, there is a Sunday school and a public library, in the funds of which most The books were handed over by N.I. Ryzhkov.

Faith, spirituality, patriotism have always been and remain the most reliable guides in life. They, like inexhaustible sources, not only feed the memory of the people, but continue to invisibly build their soul, their character, their future.

For more than 15 years, the church has had its own choir, and since 1999, the preparatory department of the Belgorod Theological Seminary.

Patronal feast of the temple, the memory of the holy apostles Peter and Paul - June 29 / July 12

The address: 309000, Belgorod region, pos. Prokhorovka, st. Parkovaya, 46.
Phone: (47242) 2-20-02, 2-18-94, 2-26-35.
Rector: Archpriest Kirill Alexandrovich Yolkin.
Temple clergy: Archpriest Sergei Mikhailovich Soroka.

The temple complex in Prokhorovka was created in memory of the famous Prokhorovka tank battle and in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The general battle near Prokhorovka took place on July 12, 1943, on the day when the Church honors the memory of the holy supreme apostles Peter and Paul, therefore the memorial church in Prokhorovka is called Petro-Pavlovsky. The foundation stone at the construction site was consecrated on June 14, 1992.

The temple was built on donations from individuals, public organizations, banks, joint-stock companies. The chief architect of the project is D.S.Sokolov.

In the temple, on white marble slabs, the names of 8,000 soldiers who fell near Prokhorovka are carved.

To the left of the temple there is a memorial sign with images of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, made by the method of color mosaic by the artists of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

The names of the Heroes of the Soviet Union, a list of armies, units and formations that took part in the Battle of Kursk are inscribed in gold letters on it. The temple was consecrated on May 3, 1995. From the memoirs of old-timers it is known that in Prokhorovka there once existed a temple in the name of St. Nicholas, built in the 19th century. It was a three-altar church, the right (southern) limit of which was lit in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, and the left (northern) limit - in the name of the Holy Martyr Raisa. The Church of St. Nicholas was destroyed during the years of Soviet power even before the Great Patriotic War.

Therefore, in the new temple complex next to the Peter and Paul Church, a small St. Nicholas Church was built, and the temple complex also includes a belfry and the Unity Bell.

Special mention should be made of the Unity Bell. It was cast in Moscow. Four icons are reproduced on the walls of the bell: the Holy Trinity (Andrei Rublev), the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk (a saint especially revered in Belarus).

On the upper belt of the bell is the instruction of St. Sergius of Radonezh: "Let us be saved by love and unity."

The inscription on the lower belt of the bell reads: “This bell was consecrated by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia in 2000 from the Nativity of Christ on May 3 in the presence of the heads of three Slavic states: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.”

Not far from the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul there is an orphanage. Its grand opening took place on December 7, 2002. The full name is the orphanage-school for boys in the name of the holy supreme apostles Peter and Paul. The upbringing and education of the inhabitants of this orphanage has an Orthodox-patriotic orientation.

The orphanage-school was equipped with everything necessary - from furniture and household appliances to musical, video equipment and toys - by the Belgorod and Stary Oskol diocese.

The building of the orphanage-school was consecrated on the eve of its opening by Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol. In addition to the orphanage for boys, there is also a home for veterans and an orphanage for girls. The inhabitants of all these houses are served by Prokhorov's clergy. They often go there: they know the needs and aspirations of orphans, elderly grandparents. The latter often have to be confessed, unction and communion, regardless of personal time...

One of the most beautiful churches not only in the Belgorod region, but throughout Russia is the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the village of Prokhorovka. This church building impresses with its architecture, elegance and unusual layout. Inside the church is one of the largest memorials in memory of the soldiers who died on the Kursk Bulge. Be sure to visit this temple during your visit to the Prokhorovka Field Museum-Reserve.

The beginning of the construction of this magnificent temple in the village of Prokhorovka was timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and is dedicated to the memory of those who died in the large-scale tank battle that took place near the village. Money for the construction of the temple was collected on a voluntary basis, and already in March 1993 the first stone of the future church was laid. Construction was completed two years later, in April 1995. Today the temple is recognized as an architectural monument of regional significance.


The Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul is located on the territory of the Prokhorovka Field Museum-Reserve, not far from the St. Nicholas Church and the Bell of the Union of the Three Fraternal Slavic Nations.

An amazing feature of this building is its unusual architectural concept, created by the joint efforts of the architect D.S. Sokolov and engineer E.N. Popov. The locals call this building a “candle”: because of its shape, the church really resembles a candle with an ever-burning fire in memory of the brave warriors.

On the marble slabs located around the entire perimeter of this amazing church, the names of seven thousand soldiers who fell in the Prokhorov tank battle of 1943 were carved. But even these are far from all the names of the people who died in that terrible battle, and therefore a screen with a running tape from an endless list of the names of the dead soldiers was installed in a small museum on the territory of the temple. It is so large that it takes only 30 hours to fully scroll.

How to get there

The Orthodox church is located in the village of Prokhorovka, 65 kilometers from Belgorod. To get here, you can use the railway and get to the Prokhorovka station. The temple itself will be just a couple of blocks from the station. Traveling by car, you need to leave the center of the Belgorod region through the village of Severny, drive through Stroitel and in the Yakovlevo area turn onto the highway going to the right. Then you will pass Komsomolsky and reach Prokhorovka itself. You will need to follow the bypass road to the village of Borshchevka, then turn right onto Parkovaya Street and drive one block to the large memorial complex.

Coordinates 51°2′31″N (51.041921) 36°44′58″E (36.749323)

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