How to activate the brain by 100. Brain activators

There is no limit to perfection! Every reasonable person is motivated to improve his life: an ideal body, comfortable housing, continuous self-development, caring for loved ones, peace of mind and harmony. To achieve all of these goals, not much is required: a positive attitude, well-being, physical and mental activity. In order to improve brain activity, you can use special drugs. They are recommended to be used in courses for prevention purposes, or on the eve of important events - exams, interviews or difficult negotiations. Also, special preparations are recommended for use during periods of great mental stress, in the off-season and during periods of nervous exhaustion. The use of drugs to improve brain activity is indicated for people of different ages. For adolescents and young people, it is recommended to take medications for the treatment and prevention of neurocircular and vegetative-vascular dystonia. At any age, the funds are prescribed to persons suffering from osteochondrosis, which interferes with the normal blood circulation of the brain, as well as during therapy after traumatic brain injury. For people of mature and elderly age, the use of drugs is necessary to restore brain cells after a stroke, in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the nervous system.

Drugs to improve brain activity have the following actions:

  • Increase the reaction rate;
  • Allows you to concentrate attention;
  • Improves memory;
  • Normalize blood circulation;
  • Enhance the nutrition of brain cells with oxygen and nutrients;
  • Stabilize the central nervous system;
  • They have an antioxidant effect.

Brain pills

More and more often I have to repeat the phrase: “It’s completely out of my memory!”, They forgot about the birthday of the best friend, at work it is not possible to assimilate the necessary amount of information - urgent measures must be taken. You can change your lifestyle, train your memory, or use drugs that stimulate the brain.

All pills to improve the work of "gray matter" are usually used only in case of emergency - exams, urgent work, or in complex therapy. True, before you start taking any special means to improve memory and attention, you should weigh the pros and cons and, if possible, consult your doctor.

Popular drugs to improve memory


This drug is familiar to everyone, without exception, and is the leader in popularity in Russia. It is usually taken to improve mental performance when under stress. Often used by students in preparation for exams and during the session. Available in the form of lozenges. It is recommended to take 1 tablet three times a day for a month.


Usually prescribed to patients with memory impairment, but it is sometimes drunk on perfectly healthy people in order to increase the efficiency of the brain. Available in tablet form. Method of application: a course of 30 days, 4.8 g per day. If you want to continue taking, then in the future the dosage is reduced and brought to 2.4 g per day.

Bilobil or bilobil forte.

The drug is recommended for a decrease in intellectual abilities and weakening of memory, insomnia and deterioration in concentration. Both drugs are available in capsule form. Bilobil is drunk in a course for three months, 1 capsule three times a day. Bilobil forte is taken 1 capsule in the morning and in the evening for three months.


With constant stress and strong nervous tension, sometimes it is impossible to do without medication. Intelan copes well in such situations, and is also effective in memory impairment, impaired attention. Available in tablet or syrup form. Adults are advised to take 1 capsule (2 teaspoons) twice a day after meals. Children under 15 years of age, no more than one spoon in the morning and evening.


The drug is indicated for memory and thinking disorders, mood swings, irritability. Available in capsule form. The recommended adult dose is 2 capsules three times a day. The course is designed for 1-3 months. Children are allowed to take fezam from 5 years old, 1 capsule twice a day, also for a course of up to three months.


Just like glycine, popular with students, it helps to speed up the learning process, improve memory. It is advisable to take this drug only when prescribed by a doctor. For treatment, it is necessary to take up to 400 mg of the drug (daily rate) three times a day. The course of treatment lasts from two weeks to six months, depending on the disease.


The drug relieves tension, fights stress, normalizes sleep, improves memory and attention. Popular with students during sessions and with athletes, as it helps to improve performance and IQ. Available in pill form. It is recommended to use it at 100-200 mg once a day in the morning for two weeks.

Vitrum memorial.

With a decrease in attention, loss of speed of reaction and thinking, to improve cerebral circulation, you can resort to this complex herbal remedy. Available in pill form. It is usually recommended to take 1 tablet twice a day for three months.


Regular vitamins will not harm in case of memory problems. To activate the work of the "gray matter", vitamins of groups B, E, C are most necessary. The optimal combination of these vitamins can be found in ordinary oil capsules of vitamin E and in a simple preparation "Undevit" (produced in the form of yellow dragees). You need to take it two pieces a day.


Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves metabolic processes in the brain, improves memory and blood supply. Available in tablet form. Adults are recommended to take it 0.5 g in the morning and evening before meals. After a week, the dose can be increased to 1 g. The drug should be taken in a course of three weeks to four months.


Normalizes metabolism and stimulates glucose metabolism in the brain, improves blood circulation, improves memory and increases efficiency. Available in the form of tablets and suspensions. The daily dose of the suspension for adults is 10 ml three times a day. The tablets are also recommended to be taken three times a day, 2 tablets. It is advisable not to drink encephabol later than three hours before bedtime.


They are prescribed for memory and attention disorders, improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, activates the supply of oxygen to the brain. Available in the form of tablets and solution in ampoules. Adults should take 2 tablets three times a day per day. The course of treatment can last from two weeks to two months or longer. Only a doctor can prescribe a dropper with Cavinton.


This drug (a nootropic agent) stimulates the brain, improves mental activity, strengthens memory and is a vascular drug, increases the body's resistance and resistance during great mental and physical exertion. Available in tablet form. You can drink at any time without being tied to food intake. The recommended dosage for adults with high mental stress is up to 0.08 g per day for 1.5 months.


Helps to improve metabolism in the brain. Contains a large amount of amino acids necessary to improve mental performance, restore memory. Available as a solution in ampoules. It is administered intravenously or intramuscularly at the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Ginkgo biloba

Contains Ginkgo biloba leaf extract. It has an active effect on brain function and is an excellent antioxidant. Available in capsule form. It is necessary to use the drug during meals, 2 capsules twice a day. Typically, the course of treatment lasts three months.



You do not need any opinion polls and statistical data to argue that the majority of the adult population of large cities (and not only large ones) are engaged in mental labor. Add to this a whole army of schoolchildren and students who are supposed to do it. In other words, both at work and in the course of study, the main load falls on the brain. Are we able to help him cope with it? The interview with the candidate of medical sciences Sergey Aleshin began with this question.

- Sergei Valentinovich, it is known that it is the strength of the mind that determines success in school, work and in general in life. It is no coincidence that, making up only 2% of the total body weight, the brain consumes 25% of all energy! Does this mean that he needs food that is appropriate?

- The brain is extremely sensitive to dietary habits. The brain needs activators and vitamins, or more precisely, special biologically active substances. Before talking about them, a small digression. Simplistically, the mental activity of the brain can be divided into two areas:

1. Intelligence - memory, attention, thinking, etc.

2. Emotions - feelings, will, courage, mood, level of anxiety, etc.

The flow of both intellectual and emotional processes depends on special chemicals in the brain - neurotransmitters. Nerve cells (neurons) exchange signals with each other. Along the processes of neurons, like wires, these signals are transmitted in the form of electrical excitation. The junctions between nerve cells are overcome with the help of those very neurotransmitters. So the health of the brain and its performance depends on the balance of various neuromeditals. When it is disturbed, there are disturbances in the intellect and emotions. It is possible to get rid of the deficiency of neurotransmitters in the structures of the brain by using the products from which they are formed.

- What are these products? Apparently, we are talking about the usual bread, milk or meat?

- You're right. If we are talking about the mental powers of the brain and the power of the intellect, then we primarily mean lecithin and arginine. The importance of the first of them is determined by its role in the construction of membranes of nerve cells and the production of acetylcholine - the most important neurotransmitter, through which signals are transmitted between nerve cells. It is worth emphasizing that lecithin is not one substance, but a mixture that includes: choline, inositol, phospholipids, phosphatidylinositol, polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc. For example, students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology took 3 g of choline per day. They showed a significant improvement in the results of the test on memorization and reproduction of the vocabulary list.

Arginine is better known for its sexual properties. The joy of sex is really greater, since this product is a source of nitric oxide or nitric oxide (NO). It, in turn, dilates blood vessels, which contributes to blood circulation in the male and female genital organs. But nitric oxide is also an important neurotransmitter for the course of intellectual processes in the structures of the brain. It is especially important for long-term memory, the foundation of intelligence. This was proved in 1991 by four independent groups of researchers: T. O'Dell and O. Orancio from Columbia University, E. Schuman and D. Madison from Stanford University, P. Chapman and employees of the University of Minnesota, G. Boehme with colleagues from France.

- But why are there still problems: exhaustion, lethargy, fatigue and lethargy of the brain? Visible reasons on the surface: great mental and emotional stress during work and study. And what is the mechanism of the processes occurring in the body?

- There are two amino acids that can have a profound effect on the state of the brain "lethargy-vigor". These are tyrosine and phenylalanine. It is from tyrosine (or L-tyrosine) that the well-known adrenaline and norepinephrine are formed. These are neurotransmitters that, in particular, have a tonic effect on the brain. It is with a lack of adrenaline and norepinephrine that sensations of mental fatigue, lethargy, lethargy, etc. arise. In particular, during stress, norepinephrine is used faster than it is formed in the body. In the end, the person experiences complete exhaustion, not only physically, but also intellectually and emotionally. Phenylalanine (in the form of DL-phenylalanine) causes a feeling of cheerfulness, a surge of strength, and emotional uplift. At the same time, unlike drugs, it is not addictive. If coffee depletes the supply of norepinephrine and after 5-10 cups a day leaves a person in a state of emptiness and irritation, then the amino acid phenylalanine helps to be at the peak of opportunities and successfully cope with stress, danger and anxiety. At the same time, emotional uplift is important not only in itself, but also because emotions are the engine of intelligence.

- Is it also possible to influence directly opposite states - sadness and melancholy, which sometimes seize so much that it seems that there is no way out - the efficiency is close to zero. Why is this happening?

- It's just that there is no serotonin in the brain structures. More precisely, we are talking about 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) - an amino acid that comes from tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin. Serotonin is the very neurotransmitter of happiness, satisfaction and tranquility. This is why serotonin-promoting 5-hydroxytryptophan is the best natural remedy for depression and anxiety. In terms of strength, it is not inferior to synthetic antidepressants. Moreover, melatonin is also formed from 5-HTP. This hormone regulates the sleep-wake cycle, provides natural sleep and is the best natural sleeping pill.

In a word, there is an opportunity to help the brain, to activate it (you can learn more about the products containing the above substances on the website of Sergei Aleshin You just need to use it wisely.

"PROducts for the brain"

Arginine rich in nuts, gelatinous desserts, chocolate, brown rice, oatmeal, raisins, sunflower and sesame seeds, wholemeal bread and all foods rich in protein.

Lecithin found in many foods, such as soybeans, cereals, brewer's yeast, fish, egg yolk, etc. Lecithin is present in human milk, which ensures the normal development of the nervous system of babies, but it is not in cow's milk.

Tryptophan found in brown rice, meat, cottage cheese, milk, fish, turkey, bananas, dates, cheese, peanuts, and soy products.

Phenylalanineenters the body with foods such as soy and bakery products, cottage cheese, almonds, peanuts, pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Name: Brain Activators
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”, As well as many articles on psychology for The New Yorker - talks about why we need to sleep more, spend less time on the Internet and stop being sprayed on several things at the same time.

You are, of course, a busy person. You try to keep your life afloat, plus work. Think about whether your smartphone helps you to cope with the tasks at hand? And 10-15 tabs in a browser? A stream of emails from emails that are pouring in one after another? At the end of the day, you try to fall asleep and rest for the five hours you deserve, knowing that this is not enough. But you just don't have time for more.

If in the previous paragraph you recognized yourself, then Maria Konnikova has something to offer you: stop, take a step back and realize how dear your habits cost you. PhD in Psychology, author of the psychology column for The New Yorker, knows what he's talking about.

I know I am fighting on the side of the losers. But I hope that at least someone will hear me say that hyper-productivity makes us much less productive.

Maria Konnikova

Based on the materials of Maria Konnikova, I offer you four ways to improve your lifestyle and make your brain work.

Get enough sleep

Until now, sleep deprivation has not been fully studied. But science knows for sure that the main function of sleep is to remove biochemical waste products from the brain, which appear as a result of its activity. This means that a lack of sleep can cause the build-up of harmful amyloid beta proteins. Beta amyloidswhich can lead to various diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease.

How to get rid of the habit of not getting enough sleep? You will have to change your lifestyle, which is not easy. It's not enough just to think, "I can't get enough sleep right now, but I'll do it this weekend." It won't work. Recovering from one sleepless night is easy, but chronic lack of sleep takes a lot of effort.

How long should you sleep? For an adult, 7 to 9 hours of sleep.

Stop eating internet junk

You were probably wondering how the Internet affects our brains? Doesn't the Net make us addicted, turning into a kind of drug? Status on Facebook, email, Twitter, an interesting article, and so on in a vicious circle. Maria Konnikova says that the main problem of Internet users is scattered. We constantly have to switch from one action to another, and this does not allow us to focus on important things.

How to get rid of this? Set a set of rules for yourself: half an hour email, half an hour Twitter, and so on. You can do it yourself, but if you know that willpower may not be enough, use the auxiliary ones.

Test your multitasking

Internet junk is just part of one big problem - multitasking. Modern culture encourages it and even forces us to do several things at the same time (for our own good). But have you ever seen an employer who needed someone with excellent multitasking ability? Hardly. Therefore, the benefits of multifunctionality are vague and are only in our heads. The main thing that needs to be achieved is complete concentration on one action. In this case, even if the task is incredibly boring, you will still feel much happier.

How to get rid of multitasking? For starters, try to develop the habit of noticing that you are doing several things at the same time. And, as with the internet, discipline yourself to take turns taking it.

Train mindfulness

Sherlock Holmes' most memorable trait is his incredible attentiveness. The ability to notice details that are beyond the control of other people. And, as Maria Konnikova says, inaction is at the heart of Holmes' crime solving. Often he just sits in a chair and does nothing. The eyes are closed and the body is motionless, unless he plays the violin. This is what helps Holmes to be concentrated and attentive to all the little things.

How do you start thinking like Sherlock Holmes? According to Maria Konnikova, all you have to do is start imitating the detective. Set aside 10-15 minutes each day to sit down and do nothing. Concentrate on your own breathing, on each inhalation and exhalation. This exercise will help develop your focus. Imagine that you are training a muscle and with each lesson it gets bigger and stronger.

Do not feel that it is difficult or impossible to do all this. Start with small habits and move on to global change. Lack of sleep, multitasking, and internet clutter make us less productive, creative, and happy. Try to use yourself to the fullest on both the mental and physical levels.

We have the same brains as the people who came up with string theory and canned beer. But when the third hour you cannot remember the Vatican capital, it seems that it is not the same. And you have to do something about it. Neurologist Alexander Gravchikov from the Atlas clinic told what exactly.

Ignat Sakharov

Eliminate interference

There is a myth that the brain works at 10%. In fact - always one hundred percent. But, if there is a feeling that it is you who are ten, the reason may not be in the brain at all, but in other organs with which there is a serious disorder.

Liver disease.

With them, bilirubin and ammonia increase in the blood. Both act on the brain like a glass of vodka in the morning on an empty stomach: a person is sluggish, sleepy and does not want to think. Donate blood for bilirubin, ALT, AST and GGT. If something is elevated, go to the doctor. Among other things, he will prescribe glutamic acid to remove excess ammonia.

Chronic renal failure.

Ammonia again, even more. In addition, diseased kidneys produce less erythropoietin. The number of red blood cells decreases, there is also less oxygen in the blood, and the brain is starving. A symptom of a problem is an increase in creatinine and urea in the analyzes.

Latent hypothyroidism.

In contrast to the obvious, which is easy to notice by the sudden impotence, here you only think tightly and tend to sleep. This is because there are few thyroid hormones, and they affect the speed of thinking. The main symptom is an increase in TSH in the blood.

Elevated prolactin levels.

Again, a strong increase is easy to notice: your breasts will grow. Not very big, zero. But even a slight rise gives lethargy and dullness. Prolactin grows with pituitary tumors and a dozen other pathologies.

Boost nutrition

If you have not found ailments in yourself, but your brain cannot guess the famous Russian president (five letters vertically), he, his brain, may not have enough food. This is not a three-course lunch with a vitamin for dessert.


If you are not yet blue, this does not mean that the brain has enough oxygen. Sedentary work indoors is enough to make him hungry. Banal fitness three times a week will revive thinking, but portable oxygen cartridges from the pharmacy and the drug "Hypoxen" can help as an urgent measure.


A low carb diet can be difficult to focus on. This is because glucose, like oxygen, is the main food for the brain. If diet is very important, but you also need to work, throw at least glucose tablets under your tongue.

Amino acids.

Some of them in the body are converted into neurotransmitters - substances that carry signals between neurons. If you add them to the power supply, the signal will get better. These are tyrosine (the precursor of dopamine and norepinephrine) and tryptophan (the precursor of serotonin). They are sold in the form of dietary supplements, but be careful with tryptophan, it cannot be combined with antidepressants from the MAOI group.


Even if you don't have hypothyroidism, a lack of iodine can lower thyroid hormone levels and slow down mental activity. Use iodized salt, that's enough.

B vitamins.

Almost all of them affect the transmission of nerve signals, and B6 also reduces prolactin levels. There is a drug called sulbutiamine - a vitamin B1 that has been modified so that it can easily enter the brain. It improves memory and relieves chronic fatigue, but you can take it no longer than a month.

Give acceleration

Suppose you are healthy like Fedor Emelianenko and your diet is full of amino acids and vitamins. But by the end of the week they were asked to come up with a simple scheme for the takeover of Gazprom through the pledge of promissory notes, and it was necessary to push the brain to work. That's what there is for it.


None of them have been tested according to the standards of the US FDA, so they are prescribed only in the countries of the former CIS and here and there in Eastern Europe. But they are actively appointed, and many say that it helps.


The very first nootropic, born in 1972. Enhances the action of the neurotransmitter glutamate on brain receptors. This improves the connections between neurons, and hence memory. Plus, piracetam increases the level of dopamine, which is responsible for motivation.


Improves the consumption of glucose by the brain and increases the level of adenosine triphosphate - the main fuel for all biochemical processes. Slightly stimulates the speed of thinking and speeds up the reaction.


It enhances the uptake and consumption of glucose, which makes the brain work at maximum speed if there is enough oxygen.



Those students who brew coffee with boiling Red Bull before the test are wasting their energy. Caffeine is the protagonist of all legal stimulants, including Red Bull. Even the famous guarana contains it. And chocolate invigorates because of caffeine, and the story about the "love hormone" phenylethylamine is a beautiful fairy tale. It is in chocolate, but it breaks down in the stomach and does not reach the brain.


It is forbidden in our country, in the West it is allowed, but only by prescription. And only for the treatment of narcolepsy, apathy and autism. However, many eat it there as M & M’s - for vivacity and acceleration of thoughts. Roughly the same story with modafinil, which we have banned.

Yohimbine and synephrine.

The first is used as an aphrodisiac, the second - by athletes for drying. Both improve brain function by stimulating the release of adrenaline. For the same reason, you can theoretically grab a stroke.

The ability to memorize and assimilate information is an ability that absolutely every person needs. You can only have this skill when your memory does not fail. If the incoming data is quickly processed and memorized, a person has a clear mind and can achieve a lot.

Everyone needs a good memory. It helps schoolchildren and students to quickly master the educational material and successfully pass exams, employees in various fields to cope with their assigned job duties and qualification tests, and the elderly to maintain an active brain activity and arrive in good physical shape.

Daily loads do not go unnoticed. They have a direct impact on the thought process when too much information comes in, most of which is unnecessary. As a result, a person begins to forget most of the important "little things", for example, when going shopping, they do not remember what they intended to buy, or whether they turned off the gas in the house when leaving. Forgetfulness cannot be ignored at any age, since the situation will only get worse with age.

Among the available ways to improve memory and brain activity, the following are considered the best:

  • Enrichment of the diet with carbohydrates.The structure of these nutrients is converted to glucose. To replenish the supply of this substance, it is enough to have breakfast with an omelet, a slice of bread baked from whole grains, and an omelet.
  • Dance and sports.You don't have to train for hours. It is enough to perform some kind of exercise to stimulate blood flow to the brain. Scientific studies have shown that people who actively move, assimilate information 20% faster than those who neglect physical exercise.
  • Typing.The development of memory is well promoted by texts typed with an unusual text, but the effect is noticeable not immediately, but gradually.
  • Search for information.You should not miss the chance to learn more, and not just fulfill your job responsibilities. This will undoubtedly help stimulate brain activity.
  • Fix places in memory.People who park their car in the parking lot can stand nearby for a while, look left or right to remember where the car is.
  • A small amount of quality alcohol.A small portion before dinner helps to develop memory well as it stimulates blood circulation.
  • High-quality cleaning of teeth using dental floss.A large number of bacteria remain on the gums from the food consumed during the day. And if you do not get rid of them carefully, they have a bad effect on the work of all organs.

These simple and affordable ways to improve your memory are pretty easy to implement in your life.

Pills to improve brain activity - TOP10

Modern pharmacology offers a variety of medications that stimulate the brain and memory:

The tool normalizes brain activity, metabolic processes, reduces intoxication. These pills improve the quality of sleep. They are a kind of vitamins with a certain metabolic effect that promotes the transformation of reactions in the body, support the basic processes of life.

Taking pills increases concentration, improves memory, and normalizes brain activity. The drug contains piracettes and other auxiliary compounds, is nootropic. Its reception helps to memorize information well, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves consciousness. The tablets do not excite the nervous system.

A tonic preparation containing natural minerals and vitamins. Regular intake of these pills stimulates metabolism, enriches the brain with valuable substances, reduces the degree of fatigue, and is indispensable during depression, stress and anxiety.

A drug with a nootropic effect, which is used to improve concentration, restores memory, relieves dizziness, hypertension, atherosclerosis, lethargy. The action of the tablets is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, reducing depressive conditions.

These nootropic pills improve the state of memory, the functioning of brain cells, greatly facilitate the process of mastering and memorizing new incoming information, help in passing exams, reports and passing certification. The drug supports the rapid exchange of information between the right and left hemispheres, as well as cells in an active state, improves mood.

It is a phytopreparation that helps to improve blood circulation, as it feeds the cells of the body with glucose. The tablets prevent blood clots, eliminate tinnitus, and restore visual acuity. They normalize blood circulation, which helps increase the brain's ability to learn.

Refers to nootropic drugs and is taken to normalize blood supply after suffering head injuries, strokes, migraines, and glaucoma. The drug helps to withstand mental and physical stress, and also reduces the manifestations of irritation and anxiety.

It is a pill prescribed to improve memory and brain activity, who have suffered diseases of the cardiovascular system and suffer from high high blood pressure, as well as from constant dizziness, atherosclerosis, developmental retardation in childhood, panic attacks, intoxication from drinking alcohol and medicines. Like many other drugs, it is a nootropic.

This is a medication that is prescribed for people suffering from epilepsy, schizophrenia. The drug is also taken by those who are constantly exposed to great physical exertion, have diseases associated with changes in the vessels of the brain. Nootropic pills can be prescribed for children with mental retardation with attention deficit disorder and stuttering.

The drug is an angioprojector. The product is formulated on the basis of herbal ingredients. It tones up blood vessels and normalizes metabolic functions. Memoplant is taken to relieve headaches, dizziness, noise not only in the ears, but also in the occipital region, as well as in case of insufficient blood supply to the extremities.

Drugs sold in pharmacies improve memory, brain function and increase the capabilities of the body.

Pills that stimulate memory and brain activity can be much more effective and no harm if you follow some nuances:

  • Glycine does not have any toxic side effects, so you can purchase the product without an appointment from your doctor.
  • Nootropil, on the contrary, cannot be bought on the free market. The body of a person who has suffered an injury or some kind of ailment may react differently to taking the drug, which requires careful and careful handling.
  • Without the advice of a specialist, you should not drink pills such as Intellan. It is better to start taking this remedy after consulting a doctor, following all the recommendations.
  • The effectiveness of Piracetam directly depends on the regimen. It is recommended to take this medication only as recommended by a specialist. The remedy is dispensed exclusively by prescription.
  • Taking Phenotropil stimulates the work of the brain cells responsible for memorization, but has many contraindications. Only a specialist is able to determine the effect of tablets on the body, so the product is dispensed with a prescription.
  • Tanakan is available as a pill and is available with a prescription and can be purchased commercially in liquid form.
  • Dosages of the drug Memoplant from 40 to 80 mg can be bought without a prescription from a specialist. When the amount of the purchased product is 120 mg or more, it is not dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

In the pharmacy, you cannot buy drugs such as Pantogam, Picamilon and Aminalon on free sale.

Folk Ways to Improve Brain Function

It is possible to activate and stimulate the work of memory not only with the use of pills, but also with various folk remedies:

  1. Clover tincture.To prepare a homemade preparation, you need to pour 500 ml of vodka into clover inflorescences, put in a cool place for 14 days. A tablespoon of this home remedy before bed is enough to improve the clarity of consciousness and mind, get rid of the noise in the head.
  2. Horseradish with lemon. The product is easy and simple to prepare. It cleanses blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation. Juice made from 3 lemons is mixed with a jar of horseradish and 3 tablespoons of honey. This mass is left in refrigerators for 3 weeks, and then taken in a teaspoon twice a day.
  3. Pine young buds.They flourish in spring. You don't need to cook anything from the kidneys, they are simply chewed before eating, which allows memory to be restored and slows down the aging process.

Nutrition has a positive effect on the body and memory. It should be rich in protein. The diet must contain dried fruits, baked apples or potatoes, stewed carrots, walnuts, sunflower seeds, salads cooked in olive oil, as well as dark chocolate. Frozen blueberries and fresh blueberries have a positive effect on visual acuity and blood circulation in the brain.

It is useful to start doing exercises for the mind at absolutely any age. There are quite a few simple brain training tricks:

  • Pronounce words starting with each letter of the alphabet from the first, and so on. This should be done as quickly as possible.
  • Repeat foreign words that were learned by heart while studying at school or institute.
  • Count the numbers in reverse order. You can start over at fifty to zero, and then gradually expand the limits.
  • Play towns when names are named according to the last letter of the previous one.
  • Coming up with synonyms for a wide variety of words.

It is useful to solve crosswords, memorize poems, solve complex problems.

There are many unconventional ways to restore memory. They sound pretty weird, but some people say pretty good about them.

"Golden Water" is one of the unconventional remedies, the effectiveness of which many say quite positively. Scientists do not confirm the fact that the noble metal enters into a reaction with water, but people who took it speak positively about this remedy.

To feel the efficacy of the precious metal, you can prepare a special remedy. In a half-liter bowl filled with water, put a gold jewelry without any inserts of precious stones. Next, the container is put on fire, the liquid is boiled so that the volume is halved, the resulting product is taken three times a day, one teaspoonful. Already after two weeks, according to the reviews, memory improves and the heart muscle strengthens.

What factors negatively affect memory?

The abundance of information and a huge amount of advice that a modern person has to deal with every day, for the most part, do not carry anything useful. This understanding, unfortunately, usually comes much later. The abundance of information flows overloads the brain, which begins to malfunction, expressed in the fact that useful information begins to be forgotten.

  • Do not eat a large number of flour and sweet products, pickles, which lead to the fact that the accumulated fluid in the body is poorly excreted, constipation and headaches begin. These negative consequences lead to the fact that the blood supply in the brain is disrupted.
  • Stop leading a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, as blood begins to circulate poorly when the internal organs and the brain no longer receive enough nutrition.
  • Don't spend all of your time at home because your brain needs adequate oxygen.
  • Refuse to take medications for which the doctor has not prescribed prescriptions, as side effects negatively affect health and can be addictive.

Drinking a lot of alcohol also has a negative effect on memory.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is the key to a good memory

Regular physical activity, a balanced diet and avoiding bad habits, especially smoking, have been shown to improve and stimulate memory.

Correct posture also plays an important role. It is necessary to try to keep your back straight even when there is some stoop. Straightened shoulders and tilted back neck improve blood circulation in the brain. You should closely monitor digestion, which largely depends on proper nutrition.

You can live a healthy and long life only by working on yourself, when it is necessary, even overpowering yourself, to exercise regularly, take walks, eat fresh food, and develop mental potential. And if you stay healthy, it means to be always happy.

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