Thioctic acid. Thioctacid bv - instructions for use Thioctic acid in Latin

Dosage Form: & nbspfilm-coated tablets Composition:

Dosage 300 mg

Active ingredient: thioctic acid - 300 mg.

Excipients (core): microcrystalline cellulose - 165.0 mg, lactose monohydrate (milk sugar) - 60.0 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 24.0 mg, povidone-K25 - 21.0 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 18.0 mg, magnesium stearate - 12.0 mg. Excipients (shell): hypromellose - 5.0 mg, hyprolose - 3.55 mg, macrogol-4000 - 2.1 mg, titanium dioxide - 4.25 mg, quinoline yellow dye - 0.1 mg

Dosage 600 mg

Active ingredient: thioctic acid - 600 mg.

Excipients (core): microcrystalline cellulose - 330.0 mg, lactose monohydrate (milk sugar) - 120.0 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 48.0 mg, povidone-K25 - 42.0 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 36.0 mg, magnesium stearate - 24.0 mg. Excipients (shell): hypromellose - 10.0 mg, hyprolose - 7.1 s macrogol-4000 - 4.2 mg, titanium dioxide - 8.5 mg, quinoline yellow dye - 0.2 mg


Dosage 300 mg

Round biconvex film-coated tablets from yellow to yellow-green in color, at the fracture - a core from light yellow to yellow.

Dosage 600 mg

Oval biconvex tablets with a scored on one side, film-coated from yellow to yellow-green in color, on the break - a core from light yellow to yellow.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:metabolic agent ATX: & nbsp

A.16.A.X.01 Thioctic acid


Thioctic acid (alpha-lipoic acid) is an endogenous antioxidant (binds free radicals); it is formed in the body by oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-keto acids. As a coenzyme of mitochondrial multienzyme complexes, it participates in the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid and alpha-keto acids. By the nature of the biochemical action, it is close to the vitamins of group B. Improves the trophism of neurons. Promotes a decrease in blood glucose and an increase in liver glycogen, as well as a decrease in insulin resistance. Participates in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates cholesterol metabolism, improves liver function.


When taken orally, it is rapidly and completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract; ingestion simultaneously with food reduces absorption. The time to reach maximum concentration is 40-60 minutes. Bioavailability - 30%.

Has a "first pass" effect through the liver. It is metabolized in the liver by side chain oxidation and conjugation.

The volume of distribution is about 450 ml / kg. The total plasma clearance is 10-15 ml / min. and its metabolites are excreted by the kidneys (80-90%). The half-life is 20-50 minutes.


Diabetic polyneuropathy, alcoholic polyneuropathy.


Hypersensitivity to drug components.

Pregnancy, breastfeeding period (there is no sufficient experience with the drug).

Children under 18 years of age (efficacy and safety of use have not been established).

Lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Pregnancy and lactation:

Taking thioctic acid is contraindicated during pregnancy and during breastfeeding due to the lack of sufficient experience in use.

Method of administration and dosage:

Administered orally, 600 mg once a day.

Side effects:

The incidence of side effects is brought in accordance with the WHO classification: very often (^ 1/10); often 1/100 to<1/10); нечасто 1/1000 до <1/100); редко (^ 1/10000 до <1/1000); очень редко (<1/10000).

From the gastrointestinal tract ", very rarely - nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain.

From the immune system: very rarely - allergic reactions - urticaria, skin rash, itching; very rarely - systemic allergic reactions (up to the development of anaphylactic shock).

From the nervous system: very rarely - a change or violation of taste


From the side of metabolism and nutrition: very rarely - the development of hypoglycemia (due to improved utilization of glucose), the symptoms of which include dizziness, increased sweating, headache, visual disturbances.


Symptoms: headache, nausea, vomiting.

Treatment: symptomatic. There is no specific antidote.

In the case of an acute overdose (when using 10-40 g), there may be serious signs of intoxication (generalized convulsive seizures; severe acid-base balance disorders leading to lactic acidosis; hypoglycemic coma; severe blood clotting disorders, sometimes leading to a fatal outcome).

If you suspect a significant overdose of the drug (doses equivalent to more than 10 tablets for an adult or more than 50 mg / kg of body weight for a child), immediate hospitalization is required.

Treatment: symptomatic (including gastric lavage, intake of activated charcoal), if necessary - anticonvulsant therapy, measures to maintain vital functions.


With the simultaneous use of thioctic acid and cisplatin, a decrease in the effectiveness of cisplatin is noted.

Thioctic acid binds metals, therefore it should not be used simultaneously with preparations containing metals (for example, preparations of iron, magnesium, calcium), as well as dairy products (due to their calcium content); the interval between taking such drugs and thioctic acid should be at least 2 hours.

With the simultaneous use of thioctic acid and insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs, their effect may be enhanced.

Strengthens the anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticosteroids.

Ethanol and its metabolites weaken the effect of thioctic acid.

Special instructions:

Patients taking thioctic acid should refrain from drinking alcohol.

In patients with diabetes mellitus, constant monitoring of blood glucose concentration is necessary, especially at the initial stage of therapy. In some cases, it is necessary to reduce the dose of insulin or an oral hypoglycemic drug to avoid the development of hypoglycemia.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles. Wed and fur .:The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms that require increased attention. Release form / dosage:

Film-coated tablets 300 mg and 600 mg.

On 10, 20, 30 tablets in a blister strip packaging from a film of polyvinyl chloride and printed aluminum foil varnished.

For 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 100 tablets in polymer jars for medicines. One can or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 blisters together with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box (pack).

Formula: C8H14O2S2, chemical name: 1,2-dithiolan-3-pentanoic acid (and as amide or sodium salt).
Pharmacological group: metabolism / other metabolism; metabolics / hypolipidemic agents / other hypolipidemic agents;
organotropic agents / gastrointestinal agents / hepatoprotectors.
Pharmachologic effect: detoxification, hepatoprotective, hypolipidemic, hypocholesterolemic, antioxidant.

Pharmacological properties

Thioctic acid is a coenzyme of oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-keto acids and pyruvic acid, regulates cholesterol metabolism, normalizes carbohydrate, energy and lipid metabolism. Thioctic acid improves liver function, reduces the damaging effect of exogenous and endogenous toxins on it. When taken orally, it is sufficiently fully and rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (food intake reduces absorption), the maximum concentration is reached within 25 - 60 minutes. The volume of distribution of thioctic acid is approximately 450 ml / kg. The bioavailability of thioctic acid is 30-60% (due to presystemic biotransformation). Thioctic acid in the liver is conjugated and oxidized. The half-life is 20-50 minutes. It is excreted in the form of metabolites (80 - 90%) by the kidneys. The total plasma clearance is 10-15 ml per minute.


Inside 25 and 12 mg: cirrhosis of the liver, fatty liver, hepatitis A, chronic hepatitis, poisoning with pale toadstool, intoxication (including salts of heavy metals), hyperlipidemia (including the development of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries - prevention and therapy). Inside, parenteral 600 and 300 mg: alcoholic and diabetic polyneuropathy.

Method of application of thioctic acid and doses

Thioctic acid is taken orally, injected intravenously. Neuropathy: intravenously in the form of infusion in saline slowly (up to 50 mg / min), once a day for 2 to 4 weeks 300-600 mg, then taken orally once a day, 300-600 mg. Liver disease and intoxication: inside, adults - 3 - 4 times a day, 50 mg. Children over 6 years old - 2 - 3 times a day, 12 - 24 mg. The course of therapy is 20 - 30 days. After 1 month, if necessary, a second course is possible.
During therapy, it is necessary to regularly monitor blood glucose levels (especially at the beginning of treatment) in patients with diabetes mellitus. During therapy, patients should refrain from taking alcoholic beverages.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity, age up to 6 years (in the treatment of alcoholic and diabetic polyneuropathy, age up to 18 years).

Restrictions on use

There is no data.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

The use of thioctic acid during pregnancy is possible if the expected effects to the mother are higher than the possible risk to the fetus. During therapy with thioctic acid, breastfeeding must be stopped.

Side effects of thioctic acid

Digestive system (if taken orally): nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea; allergic reactions: itching, skin rash, anaphylactic shock, urticaria;
others: hypoglycemia, headache;
with rapid intravenous administration - difficulty or short-term holding of breath, convulsions, increased intracranial pressure, punctate hemorrhages in the mucous membranes and skin, diplopia, a tendency to bleed (due to dysfunction of platelets).

Interaction of thioctic acid with other substances

Thioctic acid enhances the effects of insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents (a dose reduction of hypoglycemic drugs may be required). Thioctic acid (for parenteral administration) reduces the effectiveness of cisplatin. Alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of thioctic acid. Thioctic acid (for parenteral administration) is incompatible with Ringer's solution, dextrose solution, as well as with compounds that interact with disulfide and SH-groups.


In case of an overdose of thioctic acid, nausea, headache, and vomiting develop. Required: symptomatic and supportive treatment; there is no antidote.

In the article, we will consider what preparations of thioctic acid are.

Thioctic (α-lipoic) acid has the ability to bind free radicals. Its formation in the body occurs during the oxidative decarboxylation of α-keto acids. It participates in the oxidative process of decarboxylation of α-keto acids and pyruvic acid as an enzyme of mitochondrial multienzyme complexes. In terms of biochemical action, this substance is close to vitamins of group B. Thioctic acid preparations help to normalize the trophism of neurons, lower glucose levels, increase the amount of glycogen in the liver, reduce insulin resistance, improve liver function, and are directly involved in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.


When used orally, thioctic acid is rapidly absorbed. In 60 minutes it reaches maximum concentrations in the body. The bioavailability of the substance is 30%. After intravenous administration of 600 mg thioctic acid, the maximum plasma level is reached after 30 minutes.

Metabolism occurs in the liver through side chain oxidation and conjugation. The drug has the property of first passing to the liver. The half-life is 30-50 minutes (via the kidneys).

Release form

Thioctic acid is produced in various dosage forms, in particular in solutions for infusion. Dosages also vary significantly depending on the form of release and the brand of the drug.


Indications for the use of thioctic acid preparations are described in detail in the instructions. They are prescribed for diabetic and alcoholic polyneuropathy.


The list of contraindications for this remedy includes:

  • lactose intolerance or deficiency;
  • galactose and glucose malabsorption;
  • lactation, pregnancy;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • high sensitivity to components.

Intravenous administration of the drug should be carried out with caution in people over 75 years of age.

Instructions for use

Thioctic acid preparations in the form of tablets are taken whole, 30 minutes before breakfast, with water. The recommended dosage is 600 mg once a day. Taking pills is started after a course of parenteral administration lasting 2-4 weeks. The maximum therapeutic course is no more than 12 weeks. Longer treatment is possible as directed by a doctor.

The concentrate for the infusion solution is injected intravenously slowly. The solution should be prepared immediately before infusion. The prepared product should be protected from sunlight, in this case it can be stored for up to 6 hours. The course of using this medical form is 1-4 weeks, after which you should switch to the tablet form.

Which thioctic acid preparation is better is interesting to many.

Side effects

The following pathological conditions act as side reactions when using this medication:

  • vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, heartburn;
  • allergic reactions (skin rashes, itching), anaphylactic shock;
  • violation of taste;
  • hypoglycemia (excessive sweating, cephalalgia, dizziness, visual disturbances);
  • thrombocytopathy, purpura, in mucous membranes and skin, hypocoagulation;
  • autoimmune insulin syndrome (in people with diabetes);
  • hot flashes, convulsions;
  • increased activity of digestive enzymes;
  • pain in the region of the heart, with the rapid introduction of a pharmacological agent - increased heartbeats;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diplopia, blurred vision;
  • a feeling of discomfort at the injection site, hyperemia, swelling.

With the rapid introduction of the drug, intracranial pressure (passing on its own) may increase, difficulty breathing and weakness may occur.

Preparations containing this acid

The most common preparations for thioctic acid are the following:

  • "Berlition".
  • "Lipothioxone".
  • Octolipen.
  • "Thioctacid".
  • "Neurolipon".
  • "Tiogamma".
  • "Polition".
  • "Tiolepta".
  • Espa Lipon.

Medicinal product "Berlition"

The main active element of this pharmacological agent is alpha-lipoic acid, which is a vitamin-like substance that plays the role of a coenzyme in the process of oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-keto acids. It has antioxidant, hypoglycemic, neurotrophic effects. Reduces the level of sucrose in the blood and increases the concentration of glycogen in the liver, reduces insulin resistance. In addition, this component regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates cholesterol metabolism.

In patients with diabetes mellitus of any type, thioctic acid changes the concentration of pyruvic acid in the blood, prevents the deposition of glucose on vascular proteins and the formation of final glycosylation elements. In addition, acid promotes the production of glutathione, improves liver function in patients with hepatic pathologies and the function of the peripheral system in patients with diabetic sensory polyneuropathy. Participating in fat metabolism, thioctic acid is able to stimulate the production of phospholipids, as a result of which the cell membranes are restored, energy metabolism and the transmission of nerve impulses are stabilized.

The drug "Lipothioxone"

This thioctic acid preparation is an endogenous type antioxidant that binds free radicals. Thioctic acid plays an important role in mitochondrial metabolism in cells, and acts as a coenzyme in the transformation of substances with antitoxic effects. They protect cells from radicals that arise during intermediate metabolism or the decay of foreign exogenous substances, as well as from the influence of heavy metals. In addition, the base substance exhibits synergism with insulin, which is associated with increased glucose utilization. In diabetics, thioctic acid promotes changes in blood levels of pyruvic acid.

The medicine "Octolipen"

This is another medication based on thioctic acid - a coenzyme of multienzyme mitochondrial groups that takes part in the process of oxidative decarboxylation of α-keto acids and pyruvic acid. It is an endogenous antioxidant: it eliminates free radicals, restores the level of glutathione inside cells, increases the functionality of superoxide dismutase, axonal conductivity and neuronal trophism. Plays an important role in energy metabolism, has lipotropic efficacy, improves liver function. It has a detoxifying effect in case of poisoning with heavy metals and other intoxications.

During the period of treatment with drugs based on thioctic acid, one should refrain from taking alcoholic beverages. Patients with diabetes mellitus need regular monitoring of blood sugar levels, especially in the initial period of using a particular medication. In order to avoid the development of hypoglycemia, it may be necessary to adjust the dosage of insulin or hypoglycemic oral medication. If symptoms of hypoglycemia occur, the use of thioctic acid should be stopped immediately. It is also advisable in cases of developing hypersensitivity reactions, for example, itching and malaise.

The use of drugs during pregnancy, lactation and in children

According to the annotation on the use of preparations containing thioctic acid, these drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. The appointment of these funds in childhood is also contraindicated.

Drug interaction

It is necessary to observe an interval of at least 2 hours when using thioctic acid with medications that contain metals, as well as with dairy products. Significant drug interaction of this acid is observed with the following substances:

  • cisplatin: its effectiveness decreases;
  • glucocorticosteroids: enhancing their anti-inflammatory action;
  • ethanol and its metabolites: reducing the effects of thioctic acid;
  • oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin: their effects are enhanced.

These medicinal products in the form of concentrates for preparing an infusion solution are incompatible with solutions of dextrose, fructose, Ringer's solution, as well as solutions that react with SH- and disulfide groups.

The price of these drugs

The cost of drugs containing thioctic acid varies significantly. Estimated price of tablets 30 pcs. in a dose of 300 mg is equal to 290 rubles, 30 pcs. at a dose of 600 mg - 650-690 rubles.

The doctor will help you choose the best thioctic acid preparation.

It's hard to find someone who doesn't want to live longer but still look good and feel great. This goal can be achieved on condition that all biochemical processes in the body will proceed in a normal manner. Many substances are capable of ensuring the smooth operation of organs and systems, but only thioctic acid, or, as it is also called, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), is capable of working in several directions at once. It is often prescribed for metabolic disorders, as a hepatoprotector or antioxidant. We list and compare which thioctic acid preparations are available and what is the difference between them.

It has been scientifically proven that preparations containing thioctic acid regulate lipid and carbohydrate metabolism and can be effective in doses of 300-600 mg / day for 2-4 weeks in the complex treatment of diabetic neuropathy. Consider the pros and cons of the most popular drugs in this series, note their similarities and differences.


This drug is produced by domestic pharmacists. Like other drugs, which contain thioctic acid, Octolipen belongs to the group of endogenous antioxidants. This means that due to the presence of the main active component in the preparation, the process of self-cleansing is activated in the body. Octolipen has a very limited "niche" in terms of pharmacological effects, since the drug is prescribed only in two cases:

  • with diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • with peripheral disorders of the nervous system caused by alcohol.

For this indicator, Octolipen and Thiogamma (see below) are completely identical.

The mechanism of action of Octopilene is based on its ability to regulate blood glucose and liver glycogen levels. Also, the drug stimulates metabolism, it has a positive effect on the course of many metabolic processes.

Octopilene is produced in tablets (600 mg each) and capsules (300 mg), as well as in the form of a medicinal concentrate, which, after dilution, is introduced into the patient's body through a dropper. Of course, such a treatment regimen can only be used in a hospital setting. But tablets and capsules can be safely taken at home according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.

30 capsules of 300 mg

There are also certain disadvantages. For example, if the product of German manufacturers Berlition and Octolipen is compared in terms of the number of side effects, the domestic drug loses in this indicator.

The Octopilene remedy has one feature that should be remembered - it cannot be combined with alcohol intake. It is also recommended to limit the consumption of dairy products during treatment.


Manufactured in Germany. Thioctacid is also based on thioctic acid, which has a number of positive effects on many processes in the body. This drug has a fairly wide range of uses.

It is prescribed as part of the treatment:

  • neuropathies;
  • liver pathologies;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • disorders of fat metabolism;
  • various intoxications;
  • metabolic syndrome.

The drug is produced in tablets "Thioctacid BV" (600 mg), as well as in ampoules (25 mg / ml) with a solution for intravenous administration. Tablets for 100 pieces in a package are much more profitable in terms of 1 piece than 30 pieces / pack. The difference between the solution and the tablets in the better and faster assimilation of the active ingredient, but this form is more often used in conditions when independent food intake is impossible (for example, alcohol poisoning). If you take natochschak tablets half an hour before meals with a normally functioning intestine, then they will be close to intravenous injections in terms of the quality of lipoic acid assimilation.

It should be noted that Thioctacid is an analogue of another German remedy Thiogamma (see below). But these two drugs are united not only by the presence of the same active ingredient, they have a lot of society in pharmacological characteristics. For example, both drugs are endogenous antioxidants, they have a positive effect on metabolic processes.

According to individual characteristics, Thiogamma and Thioctacid differ from each other. Both drugs have a minimum of contraindications.


In a line of modern products based on ALA (alpha lipoic acid), Berlition is the most popular remedy. This product, like Thioctacid, is produced by a well-known German pharmaceutical company. In general, these two drugs have many characteristics in common.

Berlition is prescribed for violations of liver function, because it is positioned by the manufacturer as a hepaprotector. Possessing powerful antioxidant properties, the drug helps to cope with the consequences of heavy metal poisoning, atherosclerotic deposits in the main blood vessels. It is prescribed for osteochondrosis and diabetic polyneuropathies.

Therefore, doctors usually never have a question about whether Thioctacid or Berlition should be included in the treatment program for a patient with diabetes or any other disease from the specified list. For effective therapy, both the first and the second drug are suitable. The medicine lowers glucose and lipid levels.

Berlition is produced in two versions of pharmacy forms and three dosages:

  1. in tablets of 300 mg;
  2. in the form of a concentrate for subsequent dilution before infusion (ampoules of 300 or 600 mg).

Infusion is usually given in severe cases when the patient is unable to take the pills. Such an indication may be, for example, severe alcohol intoxication.

Side effects that can occur while taking the drug Berlition are mainly allergic manifestations and dyspeptic disorders, intracranial pressure can rarely increase.

Another product of German manufacturers, Tiogamma, is in demand in practical medicine. This drug is an analogue of Thioctacid. This drug differs from the rest of its group in its ability to improve tissue sensitivity in the course of various forms of diabetic neuropathy. In addition, the drug regulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, stabilizes liver function.

If Thiogamma and Thioctacid are compared for separate indicators, you can see the difference. Thiogamma refers to drugs with a narrow spectrum of action.

The drug is prescribed in two cases: with multiple lesions of peripheral nerves of diabetic and alcoholic origin. According to this parameter, Thiogamma is identical to the domestic product Octopilene.

This medicinal product is produced:

  1. in tablets of 600 mg;
  2. in vials of 50 ml in the form of a solution for intravenous administration (600 mg);
  3. ampoules with concentrate intended for the preparation of infusion solutions (600 mg).

30 tablets (300 mg)

The standard course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, but is usually 1–2 months. If necessary, the treatment is repeated. Of the side effects, violations of the hematopoietic system can be observed: thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic rash. Allergic manifestations and disorders of the digestive system are possible (nausea, diarrhea, etc.). Therefore, in terms of security, Thioctacid is superior to its Russian opponent, Tiogamma. If you take this medication with thioctic acid tablets, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. This combination significantly reduces the therapeutic effect.


The review of popular drugs based on thioctic acid, a product of a Ukrainian pharmaceutical company, Neurolipon, ends. It is prescribed only for alcoholic and diabetic neuropathies, like its analogues Tiogamma and Octopilene.

A metabolic agent is produced in capsules of 600 mg and in the form of a concentrate intended for the preparation of a solution for infusion.

Side effects during treatment can be the same as when taking the drug Tiogamma, that is, there is a risk of developing disorders of the hematopoietic organs.

There are also differences in the list of contraindications: Neurolipon capsules cannot be prescribed to persons with hereditary galactose intolerance, as well as to patients who have deficiency states due to a lack of lactase.

The course of treatment is standard from 2-4 weeks, after which it is necessary to carry out maintenance therapy for another 1-3 months. However, the need to extend the treatment is determined only by the doctor.


All of the above drugs have similar characteristics, but there are also differences that determine the choice in each situation, depending on financial capabilities and the presence of concomitant diseases. A doctor will help you choose the best thioctic acid preparation and its dosage for a specific disease. As for the cost, analogs of German production are naturally more expensive than domestic ones. An example is the Russian Oktolipen. This analogue of Berlition costs almost half the price for the same package of 300 mg tablets or capsules. However, even among the imported ones, the price range is quite large: Thioctacid is the most expensive, and according to the price / quantity ratio, Tiogamma looks like the best option.


On the basis of thioctic acid, preparations Thioctacid, Berlition and others have been created, which belong to active substances with medicinal properties. A large number of reviews confirm the effectiveness of the use of these pills and capsules for weight loss. The widespread use of lipoic acid is due to the fact that it is a natural antioxidant - a substance that regulates metabolism.

What is thioctic acid

Thioctic acid is a trace element of endogenous origin, which the body produces in the process of life. It is an antioxidant and therefore binds free radicals. Preparations based on this element regulate lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. According to their pharmacotherapeutic action, they are referred to the metabolic group.

A wide range of pharmacological results is due to the participation of thioctic acid in the decarboxylation of ketoglutaric and pyruvic acids. It is used in endocrinology, surgery, urology, toxicology, gastroenterology, cosmetology, and thanks to its formula it has a pathogenetic direction of action. It is able to accumulate actively in the peripheral nervous tissue.

Thioctic acid preparations

This acid has several names:

  • thioctic;
  • lipoic;
  • vitamin N;
  • ALA (alpha lipoic acid).

There are two ways to use it:

  • The first is the use of pure thioctic acid. Today Marbiopharm produces lipoic acid in a dosage of 25 mg.
  • The second method is the use of salts: trometamol (Thioctacid), ethylenediamine (Espalipon, Berlition), meglumic (Dialipon, Tiogamma).

The drug is produced in the following forms:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • ampoules;
  • concentrates for solution preparation.

Indications for the use of thioctic acid

The substance has antioxidant properties, therefore it has a general beneficial effect on the body, removing harmful substances and free radicals. It is widely used in medicine. Lipoic acid is especially useful for the liver: it improves blood circulation and removes cholesterol. It also frees up energy that is needed to participate in oxidative processes, which is why lipoic acid is used in bodybuilding to increase the effectiveness of training. It is also in demand for weight loss, in the field of cosmetology.

Instructions for use

The first two weeks, the dosage is 600 mg. This time is enough for the substance to accumulate in the body. Experts recommend using the drug in a single dose in the morning one hour before breakfast. Further, you can reduce the intake to 300 mg. The drug should be taken for 2-4 weeks. Small dosages of thioctic acid are prescribed when you need to lose weight, the dose is from 25 mg. Features of use:

  1. Lipoic acid during pregnancy is not used due to contraindications, although it is a substance that is produced by the body. Limit ALA intake during pregnancy so as not to harm your baby.
  2. Thioctic acid has no compatibility with alcohol; it significantly reduces its effectiveness.
  3. ALA enhances the action of insulin, which allows you to reduce the dose.
  4. Interacting with vitamins, the drug improves their absorption.


Thioctic acid is used as an additive, which accelerates metabolic processes, which has a positive effect on weight loss. The drug has a complex effect due to the following advantages:

  • activates metabolism, helps to lose weight faster;
  • has a natural, not synthetic origin, therefore it is easily absorbed;
  • reduces the feeling of hunger;
  • stimulates energy production;
  • improves the absorption of glucose by cells, reducing its level in the blood;
  • reduces the liver's tendency to accumulate fat;
  • has no contraindications for diabetic obesity, on the contrary, it is used to treat it;
  • has an affordable price.

For face

Free radicals are individual molecules that, in the process of moving through the body, damage neighboring cells, which often leads to the death of the latter. Although cells are renewed over time, the rate of regeneration decreases over the years. Lipoic acid (lipoate) is able to scavenge free radicals and is therefore used as an effective anti-aging agent. It is added to tonics, lotions and face creams, hair masks.

Due to its ability to normalize the metabolism in cells, ALA has such positive cosmetological aspects:

  • increases the activity of cells, promotes the production of collagen;
  • it is used to treat problem skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the sebaceous glands;
  • helps to assimilate useful elements and vitamins;
  • enhances the production of energy by molecules, which is important for aging and aging skin.

Thioctic acid treatment

The substance can be used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Diabetes. Helps to reduce the dose of insulin replacement therapy.
  2. Liver disease and hepatitis. Acts as a hepatoprotective agent.
  3. In case of poisoning and treatment of alcoholism. Antioxidant properties help remove harmful substances from the body.
  4. Multiple sclerosis and diseases of the nervous system. Berlition, accumulating nerve endings, promotes their recovery, improves blood circulation.
  5. To facilitate the course of cancer. Removes radicals from damaged cells.


Preparations with thioctic acid, for example, Berlition and Thioctacid, have analogues:

  • thioctic acid-Vial;
  • Thiolepta;
  • Thiolipon;
  • Lipamide;
  • Thiogamma;
  • Octolipene;
  • Lipothioxone;
  • Neurolipon;
  • Polition.

Thioctic acid price

After learning about high potency, are you wondering how much lipoic acid costs in the pharmacy? In Moscow, the price run-up is 80-3200 rubles. The cost depends on the dosage, form of release, the amount of the drug. For ALA 25 mg, you will have to pay from 80 to 800 rubles. Preparations that contain a complex of vitamins are expensive - 1700-3200 rubles. By choosing them, you will provide the body with all the necessary trace elements.

You can buy the product cheaply in online stores. They often hold various promotions and sales: for example, when the sale of the second and each subsequent package comes with a pleasant discount. Buying several packs at once will significantly save money. You can often order free delivery by mail or courier in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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