Lecithin - indications for use. Lecithins Lecithin Description

Lecithin formula for blood vessels.
A natural complex to improve vascular function and nerve fiber conduction.

Contains in its composition lecithin, ginkgo biloba, as well as vitamins and minerals necessary for the functioning of the brain.

  • Improves metabolism, tissue nutrition, blood microcirculation, strengthens the nervous system.
  • Improves the conductivity of nerve fibers.
  • Improves blood flow to the brain.
  • Increases mental and physical performance, concentration, improves memory.
  • Strengthens blood vessels, has an anti-atherosclerotic effect.

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Lecithin and Omega-3 Brain Products in the Amrita Product Line
Lack of lecithin in the human body is often the cause of irritability, fatigue, insomnia, depression, nervous exhaustion, memory impairment, impaired attention, all these symptoms can be minimized with regular use of lecithin as a dietary supplement, the main source of choline necessary for normal activities nervous system.

The use of lecithin is advisable in the treatment of neuritis, neurosis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, traumatic infectious lesions of the nervous system, with mental and physical overload. The use of lecithin is invaluable for the restoration of motor and mental functions in people who have suffered a stroke.

Complex "Lecithin - formula for blood vessels" - normalization of metabolic energy processes at the cellular level.

Expands coronary vessels and cerebral vessels; improves the work of the heart muscle; helps to normalize blood pressure.The complex consists of two drugs:

« Lecithin, selenium and vitamins C, E, B12, B5, B2» + « Lecithin and ginkgo biloba"30 caps. everyone.

Ginkgo biloba- extract from the leaves of the ginkgo tree - has so many properties in protecting the brain that it is difficult to say which one is most important. Scientists have praised the powerful antioxidant effects of ginkgo. They have proven that ginkgo kills two of the most harmful free radicals - hydroxyl superoxide - that literally eat up brain cells. Scientists also note that ginkgo neutralizes nitric oxide, which stimulates inflammation, thereby damaging blood vessels and brain cells. Ginkgo activates blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain capillaries by reducing blood viscosity. This alone makes ginkgo an excellent brain stimulant. Ginkgo enhances glucose metabolism in the brain, which also contributes to the preservation or rejuvenation of memory.

Stroke develops in 15 million people worldwide every year

Since the beginning of 2000. MORTALITY OF 25-30 YEAR-OLD PEOPLE FROM CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES INCREASED BY 80%,and among those who are from 35 to 40 years old - DOUBLE.In Ukraine, every year is registered50 thousand myocardial infarctions and about 120 thousand strokes.

INFARKTannually takes away more than 90 thousand lives, and is in first place among the main causes of death.

STROKE annually claims more than 50 thousand lives, putting a killer disease in third place annually claims more than 50 thousand lives, putting a killer disease in third place(after heart disease and cancer) among the leading causes of death.

More than 1/2 million Ukrainians are now disabled due to stroke or heart attack.


after illnesses it can last from 6 months to 2-3 years, and in some cases even longer.

annually takes more than 90 thousand lives, and is in the first place among the main causes of death.

It claims more than 50,000 lives annually, placing a killer disease in third place.

The body needs to be maintained regularlyand phytocomplex " will cope with this better than anyone!


\u003e 1400 mg

Vitamin B2

\u003e 5.2 mg

Ginkgo biloba

\u003e 60 mg

Vitamin B5

\u003e 52.0 mg


\u003e 30.0 μg

Vitamin B12

\u003e 0.1 μg

Vitamin S

\u003e 60 mg

Vitamin E

\u003e 3.1 mg

The body needs to be supported and phytocomplex« LECITHIN - FORMULA HEART AND VESSELS»Will handle it better than anyone!

Packaging: consists of two preparations of 30 capsules: "Lecithin, selenium and vitamins", "Lecithin and Ginkgo biloba"

  • The preparation is the maximum, well-balanced nutrition for your nervous system.It is necessary for the prevention and complex treatment of strokes, cerebrovascular accidents, chronic heart failure:
  • prevents the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques;
  • reduces oxygen starvation of body tissues;
  • has a pronounced anti-edematous effect on brain and peripheral tissues;
  • helps to eliminate inflammatory processes in various tissues, it is necessary for autoimmune diseases.

Lecithin, selenium and vitamins C, E, B12, B5, B2, calcium stearate and silicon oxide.
The composition of "Lecithin and Ginkgo biloba":
lecithin, ginkgo biloba leaves, vitamin C, calcium stearate and silicon oxide.

Natural, from the window of nature itself, the products of the Amrita company, as before, give you health!We offer to drink vegetable forms.


Biologically active additive (BAA) Lecithin is a universal drug that increases the liver's resistance to damaging factors, restores its homeostasis and increases antitoxic activity. Lecithin contains the active ingredient of the same name, improves brain activity and strengthens the nervous system. Read the instructions for using the product.

What is Lecithin

The general term lecithin is a group of by-products from the refining of vegetable oil. The chemical compound phosphatidylcholine is composed of phosphoric acid, glycerol, higher fatty acids, and vitamin-like choline. The latter serves as the basis for the production of neurotransmitters that transmit nerve impulses. Starting from the embryonic stage, the human body needs phospholipids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, this need persists throughout life.

Phosphatidylcholine is a complex lipid that is part of the cell membrane. It is especially abundant in the nervous tissue, brain and spinal cord. Phosphatidylcholine also serves as the basis of hepatocytes - liver cells. The substance is used as a building material, a transport substance of nutrient molecules and vitamins, it is necessary for the correct synthesis of hormones, organic phosphorus for the structure of tooth enamel, bile.

The benefits of the substance are obvious - a deficiency leads to memory disorders, mood swings, insomnia, and decreased concentration. The lack of a component affects the work of digestion, a person feels bloating, a rejection of fatty foods, he has frequent diarrhea, an increase in pressure. Its weight is reduced, and the development of speech may slow down in children. The additive has no side effects, but it is important to choose the right one.

An emulsifier, soy lecithin (E 322), is often found in food products, which is obtained from the waste of oil and soy products. The additive is in the composition of margarine, milk, chocolate, baked goods. Soy product is harmless if taken in reasonable (minimal) amounts, and if the dose is exceeded, allergic reactions may develop. The danger may lie in the fact that the supplement is often obtained from genetically modified soybeans, the safety of which has not yet been proven.

Another form of lecithin in products is polyglycerin E 476. The substance is obtained chemically and is used to stabilize the viscosity and improve the consistency. The additive is found in chocolate, mayonnaise, margarine, ketchup, ready-made sauces, liquid ready-made soups. It costs less, but does not differ in taste from dietary supplement E 322. According to research data, polyglycerin is harmless, not an allergen, but it can be produced from genetically modified raw materials.

Do not give foods with additives to children and people with stomach diseases.The natural component is best obtained from food: eggs (literally translated from Greek as "yolk"), chicken and beef liver, heart, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, legumes, sunflower oil, soybeans.

Composition and form of release

There are several forms of drug release. Depending on this, their composition differs:

Release form



Natural soy lecithin, composed of phosphatides, linoleic acid, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, linolenic acid

Soybean oil lecithin concentrate, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids

Sunflower lecithin, monoglycerides, moisture


Lecithin, a complex of vitamins

Coral club

Liquid Soy Lecithin

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The product is one of the most versatile biologically active food supplements. It is a part of cell membranes, serves as a material for the repair and renewal of cells, the production of hormones, the metabolism of fats and cholesterol. Useful properties of the additive:

  • restores the structure of the liver, prevents the formation of gallstones, prevents the development of cirrhosis in alcoholism, prevents the development of fatty liver and its damage by free radicals;
  • improves metabolism, work of the cardiovascular system, brain, muscle tone;
  • is a means for the prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • restores the immune properties of macrophages, lymphocytes, phagocytes;
  • helps to reduce excess body weight, remove nicotine;
  • improves blood pressure indicators, detoxification processes;
  • forms the meninges and the nervous system of the fetus in the womb;
  • positively affects the reproductive system;
  • stimulates the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract.

The substance consists of choline and inositol, which are substances that ensure the normal functioning of the brain. Choline is responsible for intellectual activity, coordinates muscle contractions, and forms short-term memory. Inositol has a positive effect on mood, coordination, behavior, reduces nervousness and irritability.

Indications for the use of Lecithin

According to these instructions, the agent is a universal drug that can be used as a prophylaxis for many diseases. These include:

  • fatty liver degeneration;
  • acute, chronic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • food, drug intoxication;
  • liver damage by alcohol and radiation therapy;
  • cardiovascular diseases, vascular atherosclerosis;
  • violation of neuropsychic activity;
  • distracted attention, decreased memory;
  • traumatic, degenerative, infectious diseases of the nervous system;
  • alcoholic polyneuritis;
  • psoriasis;
  • kidney disease;
  • alzheimer's disease (to improve memory);
  • recovery of muscles after strenuous sports activities;
  • hepatic coma;
  • stress, decreased performance, psycho-emotional overload;
  • insomnia;
  • cardialgia;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • hyperlipidemia;
  • recovery after childbirth, endometriosis, breast or cervical cancer, fibrocystic breast disease.

Method of administration and dosage

Instructions for the use of Lecithin recommends taking the drug for a long time. The course of therapy ranges from one and a half months to several years. An individual duration of treatment is assigned for each patient. There are also restrictions on the intake of capsules or granules - some funds can be taken from 6 years old, and some - only after reaching 18 years old.

Lecithin granules

A common form is a granular formulation. It is sold in single-use sachets. According to the instructions, the contents of the sachet are diluted in water or fruit juice, taken 1-2 times a day. If the granules are presented in a jar, then at one time you can use 1-2 teaspoons of a dietary supplement. It is best to do this after eating.

In capsules and tablets

The more common form of the drug is Lecithin in capsules or tablets. According to the instructions, the daily dose for an adult is 1.05–2.1 g of the active substance per day. This dose is divided into three doses and taken at regular intervals. Capsules and tablets are washed down with water, taken during or after meals. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Lecithin powder

Powdered product is accepted similarly to granules. For adults and children over 12 years old, you need to take 350-700 mg of the drug three times a day with meals. According to the instructions, the powder is diluted with juice or mixed with food. The approximate course of treatment with a dietary supplement is three months. If necessary, the time is increased according to the needs of the patient.


A more convenient form of medication for children is a gel. It can be spread over biscuits, crackers, or spooned. Children from three years old are prescribed 2 scoops (about 10 g) twice a day with meals. The instructions say that you need to continue taking at least a month. The indications for admission are memory disorders, impaired brain function.


It is extremely rare to find a drug in the form of an oral solution. This dietary supplement is taken three times a day, 20 ml each (about two dessert spoons). The instruction does not limit the time of taking the drug solution, the course can last 1.5–2 months or longer, if the attending doctor prescribes this to his patient.

special instructions

Tablets are a common form of drug release. Such dietary supplements (BAA) contain a complex of vitamins that have a positive effect on the development and functioning of the body. According to the instructions, lecithin is not toxic, has no carcinogenic and mutagenic effects.... Before using it, you need to consult a doctor. There are no other special instructions.

During pregnancy

The instruction indicates that it is impossible to use the drug during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. The substance does not cause mutations, teratogenicity, toxicity and carcinogenic properties, but its use in bearing a child is poorly understood. Similarly, these drugs should be taken with caution when breastfeeding.

Lecithin for children

Already in the first weeks of fetal development, the fetus needs lecithin, because the component is involved in the formation and development of the central nervous system. The surfactant, which is lined with the alveoli of the lungs of newborns, is 75% of this substance. When breastfeeding, the baby receives lecithin in milk. With a lack of substance in the child's diet, the child's attention and ability to learn decrease.

Lecithin helps babies to quickly cope with the stresses that overtake him during adaptation to kindergarten, school. First-graders, the substance is especially necessary for stimulating brain activity, increasing concentration, improving memory, and reducing fatigue. During adolescence, the component is essential for cell building and growth. The instructions recommend giving children the product in the form of a gel or soluble capsules.

Slimming Lecithin

The remedy can often be found in weight loss programs. This is justified, since with excess weight, the substance stimulates the process of fat burning and does not allow fat to accumulate in the tissues. It is useful to take vitamins based on lecithin and in the presence of cellulite. The use of drugs will smooth the skin on problem areas, eliminate swelling and remove excess fluid.

Drug interactions

It is not known how the component interacts with other drugs. The instructions do not say anything about the drug combination of the substance. Presumably, it can be combined with taking any other tablets and capsules, except for those that are sorbents - this can disrupt the absorption of active components and reduce the effectiveness of treatment with a dietary supplement.

Side effects

Based on these studies, adverse reactions very rarely occur while taking the medication. If they appear, this is due to increased sensitivity to the components of the product. During the use of the funds, it is possible to disrupt the functioning of the digestive system: this is manifested by nausea, increased salivation, and dyspeptic symptoms. Allergies may develop.


To date, not a single case of drug overdose has been identified. This is due to the fact that the active component of the drug is similar to that in the human body. Rarely, dyspepsia, allergies, and nausea may occur. You can eliminate possible signs of an overdose by canceling the drug intake, there are no specific antidotes and methods of therapy.


The drugs are used with caution during pregnancy, lactation, in the presence of gallstone disease, in exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. According to the instructions, it is forbidden to take the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy, children under three years old without consulting a doctor, with individual intolerance, hypersensitivity or allergy to the components of the composition.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is dispensed without a prescription, stored at room temperature for three years from the date of manufacture.


It is impossible to replace the medication, it is unique. The analogs of the drug are the same drugs based on the active ingredient, but under a different name:

  • Lecithin Vitamax - tonic vitamins;
  • Lecithin NSP - fortifying drug;
  • Lecithin Art Life - a means to improve brain function;
  • Buerlecithin is a plant phospholipid complex;
  • granulated Lecithin Granules - soluble granules based on soy raw materials;
  • Doppelgerts Vitalotonic is a general tonic and sedative solution containing plant extracts.

Lecithin price

You can buy drugs in pharmacies or online. Their cost is influenced by the manufacturer's pricing policy, the type of issue, the volume of a pack or bottle. Approximate Moscow prices:


Release type

Internet price, rubles

Pharmacy price tag, rubles

Doppelherz asset

Capsules 30 pcs.

Capsules 150 pcs.

Granules 250 g


Capsules 90 pcs.


Capsules 30 pcs.

Capsules 100 pcs.

The full functioning of the human body provides a number of useful substances and minerals. And an acute shortage of even one of them can lead to serious consequences and impairments at any age. Lecithin belongs to the group of the most important substances affecting all organs. It strengthens the nervous system, improves metabolism in cells, and normalizes blood cholesterol levels. This is the body's energy resource, without which you can forget about good good health.

For the first time, lecithin was synthesized from egg yolk, and today it is produced from soybean oil, making the cost of the drug affordable for everyone. Moreover, soy lecithin contains all the most important substances for the body. It is used as a medicine, nutritional supplement, and also for prevention. If you still do not know about all the beneficial properties of this substance, then you should definitely read the information in this article.

What is lecithin, its composition

Soy lecithin combines triglycerides and phospholipids, as well as other beneficial substances.

Its most important components are:

  1. Stearic acid. Strengthens the energy potential of the body.
  2. Choline. Lecithin contains the most of this substance, almost 20%. It affects the transmission of nerve signals by synapses, thereby regulating the activity of the nervous system and activating the brain.
  3. Palmitic acid. Restores body fat balance.
  4. Arachidonic acid. Helps to normalize the functioning of many organs, such as the liver and adrenal glands.

In addition to the above substances, it contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D, inositol, folic and phosphoric acid, phosphatidylsirine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, omega-3, omega-6 and carbohydrates. Other auxiliary fats and fatty acids, some proteins, amino acids and sugars are also part of its composition. Lecithin is sold as a dietary supplement in a variety of forms. This can be a tablet, capsule, gel, or powder that is added directly to food.

What foods contain lecithin

If you do not wish to use a pharmacy supplement to maintain a sufficient concentration of lecithin, a diet based on certain foods is an alternative. It is abundant in some foods. These include:

  • Eggs (a very high concentration of lecithin is observed in chicken yolks);
  • In lentils and peas;
  • In soybeans;
  • In fish roe and some meat products;
  • In different varieties of cabbage;
  • In vegetable oil, nuts and seeds;
  • In fatty cottage cheese.

In general, the maximum amount of the substance can be found in foods with a high concentration of fats of various origins. These are meat, liver, eggs, fish oil, sunflower oil, which are best eaten unrefined. In lesser amounts, you will find it in many plant foods, such as beans, green peas, cabbage, carrots, buckwheat, and wheat bran. But do not forget that you need to be able to properly prepare these foods so that lecithin is absorbed in the body.

Interesting fact: Our liver is 50% lecithin. In a healthy state, it produces enough of it to support the body. But with age or due to an unhealthy lifestyle, its production decreases. Then soy lecithin supplementation becomes a necessity.

Synthetic lecithin

While researching the information on lecithin, a little confusion can arise as this product is used in a wide variety of fields. It is very popular in the food industry and is used as a synthetic additive in many products: margarine, baked goods (to extend the shelf life and add fluffiness), icing, cookies, chocolate, various sweets, dairy products. This lecithin is made from the by-products of oil and soy flour. At the moment, there is no unequivocal opinion about the harm or benefits of synthetic lecithin. But it is not recommended to give foods with its content to young children.

In addition to the food industry, this type of lecithin is used as an additive in vinyl coatings, solvents, paper, ink, paints, fertilizers.

How to know if you are missing lecithin

As a rule, an acute shortage of lecithin begins in elderly patients. But it is often observed in young and middle-aged people who have congenital pathologies or acquired abnormalities in the liver. The negative consequences of such a deficit can be very different. For example, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, difficulty in remembering, unreasonable headaches, weakness, dizziness, high or low blood pressure. With such effects, a person's quality of life noticeably worsens. He becomes more irritable, less stress-resistant. If the lack of lecithin has reached its maximum levels, then this often leads to disruptions in the functioning of the digestive, genitourinary and respiratory systems.

Perhaps it will be difficult to find a substance that could compare with lecithin in the number of its properties that have a beneficial effect on the body. Its benefits extend to all organs and systems. Therefore, it is so important to maintain normal lecithin levels in the body.

After taking the substance, the following effects can be expected:

Lecithin: when it is used

  • With violations of the nervous system, which manifests itself in depression, insomnia, neurosis, fatigue;
  • Women in position and during lactation;
  • In case of vitamin deficiency and suppressed immunity;
  • If children have a delay in intellectual and physical development;
  • For various heart diseases: ischemia, myocarditis, angina pectoris;
  • In case of excess body fat and diabetes mellitus;
  • Elderly people who have memory impairment;
  • Those who wish to get rid of nicotine and alcohol addiction;
  • In acute chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, gastritis or cholecystitis);
  • With an increased concentration of cholesterol in the blood and atherosclerosis;
  • In case of liver dysfunctions;
  • If the patient is diagnosed with psoriasis, neurodermatitis, or eczema;
  • With diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • If you have multiple sclerosis or another autoimmune disease;
  • With diseases of the respiratory system: tuberculosis, bronchitis;
  • If you regularly play sports with great physical activity;
  • In case of violations of the reproductive system;
  • For diseases of the oral cavity and teeth: caries, pulpitis and periodontal disease;
  • If you have eye problems (such as retinal degeneration);
  • With increased intracranial pressure.

Dosage and method of administration
lecithin depends on the form in which you use it. For example, for the prevention and general health improvement of the body, adults are advised to consume one teaspoon of lecithin powder three times a day during meals. Usually, the instructions say that the powder can be mixed with food if it is not hot. In the case of treating severe diseases, you will need to increase the dosage to 5 tablespoons.

Unlike many other beneficial substances, lecithin is absorbed as quickly as possible and gives a result almost immediately after taking it. Doctors recommend taking a spoonful of the drug an hour before an important interview or other event that requires extreme brain activity and concentration. And together with vitamin B5, it helps to get rid of stress faster and get rid of insomnia.

Lecithin can be added to milk for babies from 4 months, a quarter teaspoon 4 times a day. The older the baby, the more you can take the dose, up to one teaspoon per day.

  1. Patients with exacerbated cholecystitis, gallstone disease and pancreatitis need to be especially careful with the dosage of the substance and use lecithin only as directed by a doctor.
  2. If you consume lecithin in large quantities, more than three tablespoons a day, then you need to consume vitamin C with it.
  3. An open package of powdered lecithin can be stored for no longer than two months, after which its quality begins to deteriorate.

What can be the harm from lecithin

Basically, the unpleasant consequences of lecithin can occur if it is made from low-quality soybeans. Choose a product carefully, as a product made from genetically modified raw materials can cause allergic reactions in the body. And in older people, serious disturbances in the functioning of the brain can occur, up to dementia. Pregnant women should be especially careful when choosing a supplement. Low-quality lecithin can negatively affect the formation of the nervous system of the unborn child.

Speaking about the dangers of lecithin, you should immediately understand what kind of substance is meant. As you know, lecithin is a food additive with the E322 code, which is found in many products around the world. And in most disputes about adverse effects, we are talking about the genetically modified substance, and not about the supplement that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

According to some studies, abuse of commercial lecithin can impair the absorption of amino acids, decrease intellectual activity, especially memory. Back in the 60s, a number of experiments were carried out in the United States, which showed that due to the use of soy supplements, thyroid function can be disrupted. In many countries, doctors do not recommend feeding children under three years of age with foods containing lecithin, because it can lead to allergies, obesity, diabetes and problems in brain development.

As for soy lecithin
high quality, its harm has not yet been proven. Moreover, it is a part of many of our organs, therefore it is necessary to maintain good health. In any case, when purchasing supplements, it is worthwhile to exercise the utmost vigilance and study the composition.

Popular lecithin supplements

When purchasing lecithin at the pharmacy for the first time, you may face a little difficulty. It is found in a wide variety of food additives, and the quality of the product is determined only by experience. Therefore, a logical question arises, what is the difference between lecithin from different manufacturers, and which of them will really benefit the body.

The difference between food additives lies not only in the form of their release, but also in the composition. Manufacturers use different raw materials for the production of lecithin, and in some cases it may be of poor quality. Basically, the substance is synthesized from sunflower, and even more often from soy products. However, in order not to be mistaken in the choice, we bring to your attention the following biological supplements, which have already proven their high efficiency and benefits:

Lecithin from the Coral firm

From the instructions of the supplement, you can find out that lecithin "Coral" normalizes heart functions, restores liver cells, strengthens the immune system, activates the body's protective functions, improves mood and intellectual abilities, and also has a positive effect on fetal growth in pregnant women.

The main components of the drug are inositol and choline. It is available in capsules and is recommended to be taken as directed by your doctor. The price for a jar of lecithin from the Coral company (120 capsules) will cost you an average of 690 rubles.


This company occupies a leading place among the manufacturers of vitamin complexes and supplements in the world. Lecithin from this manufacturer is made from high-quality natural soy and includes such additional components: choline, phosphorus, inositol. It helps to normalize the circulatory system, improve metabolism, and is very often used for weight loss and hair and skin care.

Lecithin from "Solgar" is indicated both for general strengthening of the state of health and for the treatment of various diseases or aging changes. It will also be useful after alcohol or food poisoning. A vitamin product is made in the form of a gel and capsules. The recovery course lasts 30 days, during which time you should drink 2 capsules per day with meals. One jar of lecithin, which contains 100 capsules, costs about 1050 rubles.

Another brand that makes high quality lecithin. The preparation contains a concentrate of sunflower phospholipids. It is prescribed in case of abnormalities in the work of the nervous system, with kidney ailments, psoriasis, problems with the cardiovascular system. Bad lecithin is made in the form of capsules. It is especially convenient that it is produced in seven forms with a different set of additional vitamins, elements, enzymes and herbs. This allows everyone to choose the necessary vitamin complex for themselves.

According to the instructions, the supplement should be eaten twice a day before meals (one capsule at a time). This is the standard dosage for adults and adolescents 14 years and older. The cost of lecithin pleases with its loyalty. A jar with 30 capsules can be purchased for only 95-100 rubles.

This manufacturer does not make lecithin in its pure form, but with the addition of different groups of vitamins. This is a whole complex, which includes the most useful active substances for the body: vitamins E, B2, B1, B12 and B6, nicotinamide, lecithin, folic acid, choline, linoleic acid. Soybean oil, water, gelatin, glycerin, glycerol monostearate, sorbitol and dyes are used as additional components.

"Doppelgerz lecithin" is one of the most effective means of improving brain function. Due to the content of important vitamins, the properties of lecithin are enhanced, metabolic and protective functions of the body are restored faster. The complex is produced in the form of gelatin capsules in carton packs of 30 pieces. The supplement should be taken one tablet per day, and the doctor should prescribe a course of recovery. The price for one package in pharmacies ranges from 260 to 360 rubles.

In general, reviews of Doppelgertz lecithin are in most cases positive. The patients to whom it is prescribed note its positive effect on the nervous system, improving the functioning of the heart and the tone of the whole organism.

"Lecithin Forte"

This is a quality drug from RealCaps, which contains soy lecithin and a group of phospholipids: sphingomyelin, phosphatidylcholine cephalin, photfatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol. Taking such a supplement helps to quickly restore cells and tissues after diseases, improve lipid balance, increase brain activity, and improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. It is available in the form of yellow capsules, 30 pieces per pack.

The duration of the medication is 1 month, in some cases it is repeated 2-3 times a year. Usually as prescribed by a doctor, in situations of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. Adults need to take 3 capsules per day with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Lecithin forte will cost you 200 rubles.

Lecithin "Art Life"

The main difference and advantage of this manufacturer among others is the high content of phospholipids - 93%, in contrast to the standard 60-70%. The remaining 7% include auxiliary herbal ingredients. Lecithin of this company is made from soybeans and is sold in polypropylene cans in the form of granules (odorless and tasteless) 300 grams each. One can will cost you about 440 rubles. Granules can be added directly to food only if its temperature is not higher than 45-50%.

Lecithin "Art Life" is prescribed for both adults and children. Babies under three years old should be given a quarter teaspoon with food two to three times a day. Children from three to seven years old can already take half a teaspoon of granules 1-2 times a day with meals. Teenagers from 7-12 years old are recommended to consume half a teaspoon three times a day. Adults and children over 12 years old should take one teaspoon 2-3 times a day. On average, a health improvement course lasts at least 1.5 months. But according to the doctor's prescription, it can increase up to six months.

Every expectant mother should take care of the state of her body during pregnancy. For the fetus to develop normally, it needs all the nutrients in sufficient quantities. And lecithin is an important component that influences the future development and formation of all organs of the baby. Therefore, gynecologists often prescribe this substance with other vitamins during the second trimester. During the first months, the body itself produces a sufficient amount of lecithin.

In expectant mothers, the need for lecithin increases by about 30%. This is approximately 8-10 grams of the substance. At the same time, doctors advise not to compensate for such a deficiency with fatty products of animal origin, but to use additives with lecithin in its pure form.

Of course, women in a position should be very careful to take even such a useful substance. First, take a close look at all the ingredients in lecithin when purchasing. Each manufacturer may have different additional substances to which you should not have an allergic reaction. Secondly, the dose of the drug must be prescribed by the doctor.

The first years of a baby's life are accompanied by the active growth of all organs, especially the nervous system. At this time, the main source of lecithin is mother's milk, where this substance is found in high concentration. However, if for some reason a woman cannot breastfeed, already at this time she needs to take care of compensating the lecithin for the baby in another way.

According to some studies from Columbia University, the amount of lecithin that a baby received in the first year of life lays the volume of his memory for life. It is obvious that this factor plays a role in the intellectual activity of a person.

Lecithin is no less important for an older child. At the age of three, he begins to develop speech and the reaction of the nervous system to the environment. This is accompanied by the manifestation of strong emotions. When a child goes to kindergarten, an even more difficult period of adaptation begins. It is especially important to control the presence of lecithin in the baby in case of stress. A sufficient concentration of the substance will help prevent unnecessary stress on the nervous system. A similar situation develops in the primary grades, when the child needs to learn a lot of information and make friends with the team. Here, lecithin will help increase brain activity, support immunity, and reduce fatigue.

There are some factors that can determine a child's lecithin deficiency. These are inattention, irritability, distraction and difficulty remembering, insomnia, headaches, poor appetite. If at least a few of the symptoms listed above are manifested in a baby, then it makes sense to seek a recommendation from a pediatrician.

When it comes to choosing supplements for children, lecithin in a fruit-flavored gel or soluble capsule is best. Usually manufacturers add the necessary complex of vitamins to children's lecithin.

One of the beneficial properties of lecithin is to stimulate cell regeneration. Therefore, it is often used in cosmetology to prevent early wrinkles, smooth the skin and relieve irritations. It works especially beneficially in combination with vitamins A and E.

Usually, lecithin masks are used for skin with age-related changes. For young girls, its use as a dietary supplement has a sufficient effect on their appearance. You can purchase a mask with lecithin at the store, but it is better to make one yourself, especially since it does not take much time. We offer you a simple mask recipe that includes the following ingredients:

  • Soluble lecithin or egg yolks - 2 pcs;
  • Castor oil - 25 ml;
  • One lemon with zest;
  • Carbolic acid - 10 ml;
  • Glycerin - 6 ml;
  • Ammonium alcohol - 5 ml;
  • One teaspoon of Pantocrinum;
  • One ampoule of Folliculin 5000 units.

Mix all the ingredients to a single mass, with the last two added at the very end. It is necessary to keep such a mask from half an hour to an hour, and then you can simply wash it off with warm water. To get a decent result, it is enough to apply this mixture on your face every day for a month. After it, age spots and irregularities disappear, excessive fat content disappears. The skin is completely toned, becomes matte and clean, all regeneration processes are launched.

Lecithin: reviews

Maria, 29 years old. I usually take lecithin when a strong vitamin deficiency begins, in spring or early autumn. This tool just saves me. During these periods, severe weakness begins to disturb me, memory, concentration deteriorate, mood deteriorates, I want to sleep all the time. After a week of taking lecithin, the body returns to normal. Cheerfulness returns, you want to move, play sports and just live!

Anna, 45 years old. She began to notice strong emotional changes, stress and insomnia in her ten-year-old child. It was a very stressful reaction to the change of school. The doctor prescribed us soothing herbs and lecithin. We spent only a month on drink, and his condition improved many times over. Firstly, he began to fall asleep faster and eat more (before that he still had problems with appetite). A month later, he stopped being nervous and began to pay more attention to his studies. Lecithin really has a very positive effect on the nervous system of children.

Lecithin E322 is a food supplement of plant origin, a powerful antioxidant. If we translate the word "lekithos" from the Greek language, it means. The maximum amount of lecithin is found in the yolks, as well as meat products, various types of vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables.

This substance can be found in the cells of the human body. With its lack, it is difficult for a person to cope with various diseases and ailments: fatigue, irritability, insomnia, depression, exhaustion of the nervous system, weakening of memory, constant inattention and others.

The emulsifier lecithin helps create uniform emulsions that are used in many applications. and soybeans contain the maximum amount of E322. When refining vegetable oils, in particular, an industrial food additive is obtained.

Soy lecithin is composed of: glycerin, fatty acids, phosphoric acid and. It is prepared from refined soybean oil with minimal temperature exposure (processing). The active substance is responsible for the integrity of cells in the body, the transport of metabolic products and metabolism.

The positive properties of lecithin

Before you include any of the food additives in your diet, you need to clearly know about its positive and negative effects on the human body. Benefits of lecithin: effectively combats a large indicator, is a means for the prevention of the onset and development of atherosclerosis, promotes uniform absorption of fats. The use of a dietary supplement improves mental activity, memory, helps to overcome depression and get rid of stress. With neurodermatitis, it is imperative to eat foods that contain lecithins.

This substance consists of 50 percent of the liver and one third of the brain tissue. It is primarily a building material that helps to regenerate damaged or diseased cells. Lecithins ensures full and smooth functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system

The use of lecithin is advisable in the treatment of neuroses and neuritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, with injuries and lesions of the nervous system, with physical and mental constant stress. Reviews of the food supplement are only positive, it is taken by people who have suffered strokes in order to fully restore physical and mental health. It is critical for children and pregnant women to include the beneficial lecithins in their diet.

Women using this dietary supplement will experience less painful labor and a healthy and strong baby.

Vitamins with lecithin have a positive effect on the formation of the brain and nervous system of the baby, who is still in the womb.

Vitamin complexes for adolescents are invaluable, they improve the process of growth and development of the child, help to learn to concentrate and develop mental abilities.

The energy value of lecithin is 913 kilocalories per 100 grams of the product.

The food supplement is useful for people of any age category: from babies to grandparents.

Lecithin contraindications

Lovers of healthy food are careful about food additives, therefore, before starting to use them, find out what are the benefits and harms of active substances. The harm of the emulsifier:

  • with individual intolerance to lecithin, allergic reactions may occur;
  • a food supplement made from can bring both benefits and negative consequences, since it is made from genetically modified raw materials, and the effect of GMOs on the human body has always been negative and unpredictable.

When E322 is used in small quantities, it can only bring a positive effect. In case of exacerbation of diseases (cholecystitis, pancreatitis), it is necessary to consult with the attending physician so that he takes into account the patient's indications and allows the use of the supplement.

Lecithin in the food and non-food industries

Soy and sunflower lecithins perform critical functions in food preparation and storage. They are irreplaceable emulsifiers and. As an emulsifier, E322 is found in the composition of bakery products, dairy products, confectionery and chocolate products.

The additive is widely used in the preparation of emulsions for lubricating metal molds and sheets in bakeries. The substance is an excellent food antioxidant. An emulsifier is also added to stay fresh longer.

In cosmetology, you can often find E322 because of its positive properties and beneficial effects on the skin.

Bakers and confectioners repeatedly say what lecithin is good and in demand, because it increases the shelf life of various products. Its most important property is to prevent the baking from sticking to baking dishes.

The non-industrial sector also needs lecithin due to its functional characteristics. E322 is widely used to create dietary supplements. The active substance is used as a raw material for the production of solvents and paints. Animals are fed with lecithin, plants are fertilized. It is very popular in medicine and cosmetology. They even make explosives and ink from it.

Instructions for the use of lecithin

You can find this valuable nutritional supplement in the pharmacy, it is sold in special packaging: sometimes it is produced in the form of capsules, sometimes as a soluble mixture. The instructions for use will help you to independently choose an individual dosage, but it is better to use the doctor's recommendation.

Diet supplement instruction is something that should not be neglected in order to get the most out of the drug.

The recipe for a delicious cocktail with lecithin: you need to take 1 cup, 1 teaspoon of lecithin, 2 teaspoons. Ingredients are calculated for 1 serving. 3 teaspoons of milk is whipped with lecithin, then the remaining milk is boiled. The liquids should be cooled and combined with honey. The nutritious cocktail is ready.

Lecithin is a fat-like organic substance that is a complex of phospholipids. It is, without exaggeration, fuel for the human body. He is a building material for cell membranes. Strengthens the nervous system, is indispensable for the liver and brain. Lecithin also helps to establish lipid metabolism in the human body. The indications for the use of this drug are very wide. It is necessary both for the development of a growing organism and for maintaining the health of people of mature age.

Lecithin for liver health

This drug is the liver's best friend. Most of the lecithin in our body is contained in this organ - 65% of the total. Therefore, the lecithin preparation is prescribed for any liver pathologies - hepatitis, liver obesity, intoxication, cirrhosis.

When intoxicated with alcohol, lecithin will also support liver health and reduce the unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal symptoms (hangovers). It activates the body's ability to resist toxins and stimulates the production of bile, provokes active regeneration (restoration) of liver cells. Although drinkers need to treat not the liver, but the head.

In addition, lecithin is a powerful antioxidant that can remove toxins from the body.

Lecithin against cholesterol

Since cholesterol is found in the same foods as lecithin, the benefits and harms of consuming such foods seem to equalize. Lecithin keeps cholesterol in solution and, accordingly, prevents its deposition on the walls of blood vessels. Additionally, lecithin entering the body promotes the elimination of cholesterol that has already begun to be deposited, reducing its total level by 15-20 percent.

In addition, lecithin activates the work of enzymes for the breakdown of fats, stabilizes fat metabolism, promotes better absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K. Phospholipids activate blood microcirculation in the body. Therefore, lecithin, practically without side effects, is indispensable for the prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis. It is also prescribed for patients during the recovery period after heart attacks and strokes.

For little geniuses

Lecithin is necessary for a child from the first days of life - primarily for the formation and development of the central nervous system. When breastfeeding, the baby receives lecithin from the mother's milk. If, for some reason, natural feeding is impossible, the lecithin deficiency must be additionally eliminated.

It is especially important for a baby to receive his obligatory daily dose of lecithin in the first year of life. Recent studies at Columbia University have proved that the amount of lecithin received in the first 12 months of a baby's life determines the volume of its memory in the future, as well as the resistance of memory to age-related changes. And this means successful studies at school, interesting projects at the university and a worthy career.

Also, the child's body is especially vulnerable to a lack of lecithin during stress. The first serious experiences begin during the adaptation period, first in kindergarten, then at school. There is a separate conversation about first-graders. During this period, lecithin is simply necessary. It stimulates brain activity, reduces fatigue. Improves memory, attention, increases stress resistance.

For schoolchildren, lecithin in the form of a gel is best suited. The child does not associate it with pills, on the contrary, manufacturers make it pleasant to the taste, with a fruity smell. Another option is lecithin in soluble capsules. Children rarely refuse a vitamin drink. Most often, children's lecithin also contains a complex of vitamins necessary for a growing body.

And for the lovely ladies

Lecithin is good for everyone, but women's health is particularly dependent on this unique phospholipid complex. And the most important thing is the healing effect of lecithin on the nervous system.

17% of nerve fibers consists of lecithin - not comparable to the liver, but the percentage is serious. The slightest lecithin deficiency in the body - and now insomnia, tearfulness, irritability, up to full-fledged nervous breakdowns. And since stress is the most constant companion of women's life (a nagging boss, bored colleagues, family affairs, growing children, worries about the budget), you cannot do without lecithin supplementation. It is great for helping to strengthen the nerves and successfully resist stress.

Lecithin is often prescribed to their patients and doctors, for the prevention and as part of the complex therapy of various female diseases: mastopathy, endometriosis, uterine fibroids - up to uterine cancer. Lecithin helps to align the menstrual cycle, relieves the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Therefore, its reception is a full-fledged prevention of diseases of the female genital area.

For female beauty, lecithin is also indispensable - it's not just that world cosmetic brands actively include it in cosmetic products. Phosphatidylcholine - the active substance in lecithin - smoothes the skin of the face, making it soft and tender. It also helps to relieve inflammation, allergic rashes, remove excess fat and restore freshness to the face.

And the best part: lecithin provides a full-fledged metabolism and helps to control weight.

Versatile, efficient, safe

Taking lecithin is effective for many diseases, as well as for their prevention. For example, with physical and psycho-emotional stress, constant stress, taking lecithin will help improve the general condition of the body and the nervous system.

Lecithin is able to protect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract from harmful effects. Therefore, its reception is indicated for people suffering from gastritis, colitis and peptic ulcer disease.

With psoriasis and dermatitis, taking lecithin will significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, it is often used in the complex treatment of skin diseases.

Another magical property of lecithin is the ability to normalize blood sugar levels. It strengthens the membranes of cells in the pancreas, in particular beta cells, which are responsible for the production of insulin. Thus, in type 1 diabetes mellitus, lecithin reduces external insulin demand. In type 2 diabetes, it compensates for the lack of phospholipids and essential fatty acids.

Lecithin is indispensable for the brain. It has been proven that regular intake of lecithin can stop multiple sclerosis (breakdown of the myelin sheath of the brain), improve brain activity in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's syndrome.

Such varied and broad indications for the use of lecithin are explained very simply - it is contained in the cells of all body systems. However, it does not have serious side effects.

How does the body react to a lack of lecithin?

The first to suffer from a lack of lecithin is the nervous system. Memory disorder, constant mood swings, decreased attention, insomnia - these are the main symptoms of lecithin deficiency in the body.

In addition, if the lecithin supplied with food is not enough for a person, digestive upset begins - aversion to fatty foods, frequent diarrhea and bloating. The liver and kidneys work down.

Blood pressure may increase, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, as well as joints, progress.

If the body regularly receives less of its vital lecithin, a person's risk of chronic diseases is seriously increased:

  • hypertension and ischemic heart disease;
  • atherosclerosis (since there is no lecithin, there is no one to control harmful cholesterol);
  • ulcer - gastric and duodenal ulcer;
  • cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis.

Early osteoporosis, persistent irritability, nervous breakdowns are all consequences of a lack of lecithin. The skin also suffers from a deficiency of beneficial phospholipids. Psoriasis, allergic rashes, food dermatitis can also be triggered by improper diet without the required lecithin volume.

Natural sources of lecithin

The name of the substance comes from the Greek "lekithos", which means "egg yolk". Accordingly, there is a sufficient amount of lecithin in eggs, as well as in foods containing a large amount of fat - beef or chicken liver, seeds and nuts, fish, sunflower oil and meat.

One of the leaders in lecithin content is walnut flour. This "flour" delicacy is a real storehouse of healthy fats that energize us, help us withstand stress and keep a sharp mind. You can add nut flour to cottage cheese, morning porridge or vegetable salad (if you are on a diet), make cookies and muffins from it (for incorrigible sweet teeth).

Some vegetables and fruits also contain lecithin. So, there is a lot of lecithin in legumes, in particular in soy. The raw materials for the production of industrial lecithin are most often soybean oil, soybeans and products of its processing. Rich in lecithin phospholipids and fatty fruits - avocado and Asian durian. And in our beds, in addition to peas with beans, carrots, green salad and white cabbage will provide you with lecithin.

Lecithin as a food supplement

Supplements are an inevitable nightmare for everyone. We constantly search the Web for tables with useful and harmful additives, learn by heart the dangerous numbers under the E code, in stores we persistently read the contents of the packages, looking for insidious chemicals. And here's the irony of fate - one of the most popular nutritional supplements is soy lecithin, the beneficial properties of which have long been beyond question.

Soy lecithin can be found in a wide variety of manufactured products that have become an integral part of our lives:

  • margarines, butter and vegetable oils, spreads;
  • almost all confectionery (sweets, cookies, waffles, gummies, etc.);
  • bread and bakery desserts (rolls, cakes, muffins, especially with cream);
  • formula for baby food (from the first months of life).

So what is soy lecithin, a necessary and beneficial ingredient, or a potentially harmful preservative? To begin with, lecithin phospholipids are the very ingredient that makes common treats the way we love them. They prevent fats from crystallizing (this is very important for baking with soft cream), increase the shelf life of flour sweets, and also make muffins, cakes and cookies easily come off the mold during baking.

This additive is officially allowed in many countries, including those who are especially strict about the quality and benefits of products - in the USA, Australia, the European Union and Russia. Lecithin is considered not only harmless, but also a useful addition to products, and painstaking scientific research is still underway. Just in case, so as not to overlook potential danger.

The only question here is about soy lecithin, which is often made from genetically modified soy. This is the next point.

Where to buy lecithin?

Lecithin is commercially produced from either soybean oil or sunflower seeds. Considering that soybeans are often genetically modified, we would recommend using lecithin, which is produced from sunflower seeds, which, in principle, has not been genetically modified. Another serious advantage of the second option is that endocrinologists do not recommend soy lecithin to men because of its estrogen content.

Of the manufacturers we know, we can recommend you the products of the company "Our Lecithin" - this is a domestic manufacturer, they have been operating since 2001, their products are available in many pharmacies and online stores and, most importantly, their lecithin is 100% from sunflower seeds. If we are not mistaken, this is almost the only company that produces lecithin only from sunflower seeds, the rest use soy as well. Check out their website:

How to use?

Lecithin is included in various vitamin complexes, and is also produced as an independent preparation in the form of capsules, gels, granules, tablets, liquids. In liquid form, lecithin can even be mixed with food before consumption.

The daily dose of lecithin is 5–6 grams for an adult and 1–4 grams for a child. This is not counting the lecithin that we can get from food. It is usually consumed before or during meals three times a day. The course of treatment (prophylaxis) is on average at least three months, but it can be continued even longer, up to several years.

The final dosage and duration of administration is determined by the doctor.

With all the variety of lecithin forms, lecithin in granules remains the most popular and in demand among buyers. An important advantage of such healing phospholipids: in this case, it is very easy to trace the quality and suitability of lecithin.

If the medicinal additive is not stored correctly (or it is expired), the taste of lecithin changes greatly, it becomes rancid, like real fat. If you swallow such a capsule, you will not feel a trick, and you will immediately feel the dubious taste of granulated lecithin.

In lecithin granules, it is also captivating that such a supplement can be taken in different ways (like liquid lecithin). You can simply eat it with spoons in the required dosage with water or juice, or you can add it to your favorite food. Almost any dish is suitable - it is allowed to mix lecithin into porridge, muesli, cottage cheese and yogurt, sprinkle on salads, and its benefits will not suffer a bit.

There are few contraindications, but they are

To whom is lecithin contraindicated? The instructions for use state that the drug should not be used only if there is an individual intolerance. The problem is, lecithin allergies are common. Therefore, if you are susceptible to allergic reactions, try not to miss the first signs and stop taking the drug.

In addition, it is undesirable to take lecithin during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester) and breastfeeding.

Among the side effects, in very rare cases, nausea and increased salivation, dizziness are noted.

Take lecithin exactly as directed. It is better if you consult with your doctor and he will prescribe you the course of the drug that is necessary for your specific situation and for specific health problems.

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