Treatment of adenoma with folk methods: burdock, wormwood, black cumin, potato juice. Burdock for prostatitis: principles of treatment, contraindications and reviews Prostate adenoma treatment burdock root

Very effective burdock for prostatitis. This unique plant has amazing benefits. Especially valuable, including, at, is the root part of the grass.

The benefits of burdock in the treatment of prostatitis

Burdock, as the name of the plant sounds in an analogy, has a wide spectrum of action. Burdock in the process of normalizing sexual function allows you to get:

  • Antimicrobial effect due to the unique biochemical composition of the product. An unusual combination of substances has a powerful effect on sexual impotence, allowing you to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Analgesic effect, which is explained by the possibility of relieving pain. Burdock works especially productively in combination with other painkillers.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect, which is achieved by the influence of active substances. The herbal remedy contributes to the sclerosis of the prostate and the effective fight against scarring.
  • Immunological effect, achieved through the help of burdock in increasing the defenses of the male body. Means created to normalize potency, based on burdock, are not only remarkably absorbed. They still effectively act on the very cause of prostatitis, without causing malfunctions in the functioning of other organs.
  • Antispasmodic effect, which allows to relieve spasms of blood vessels. Burdock contributes to the normalization of metabolism directly in the prostate. The herbal remedy has a wonderful effect on the vascular wall, normalizing its mobility and elasticity. The muscles relax, the quality of the seminal fluid increases, and the erection improves.

    It is useful to reinforce therapy with burdock: the complex effect of a unique plant, medicines and physiotherapy will achieve the best result.

Effective recipes with burdock for prostatitis

You can use burdock for prostatitis in various ways. But the most effective are decoctions and infusions based on the root of this plant. There are several effective recipes:

  1. The recipe is based on the use of a powder created from dried burdock root. You will need to use 2 large spoons of the product. This volume of the product must be infused with 500 ml of boiling water. The product is boiled for about two hours, after which the mixture must be cooled. It is necessary to apply the medicine 3-5 times a day. One serving is equal to 0.5 cup of the drug.
  2. Another recipe involves the use of fresh burdock roots. Chopped burdock root in a volume of 15 grams must be poured with 400 ml of boiling water. The remedy should be infused for a couple of hours, after which the mixture can already be consumed. The composition can be applied 4 times a day.
There are other effective recipes based on burdock that help in the treatment of prostatitis.

Herbal medicine for inflammation of the prostate gland is not only an effective preventive, but also a therapeutic method. Many supporters of alternative medicine recommend the use of burdock (burdock) for prostatitis. Medicines prepared on its basis can be included in complex therapy or used as an independent remedy.

A common plant is in great demand among healers due to a number of useful properties that help relieve inflammation of the prostate and prevent the development of complications.

Medicinal properties

Due to the rich complex of biologically active compounds, burdock has pronounced anti-inflammatory, diuretic, absorbable and antibacterial properties. Medicines based on it have an excellent disinfectant and antiseptic effect. Healing herb has a laxative, antiglycemic (sugar-lowering), diaphoretic and choleretic effect.

A useful plant is able to reduce swelling, improve blood circulation and have a regulatory effect on the body's immune system. Decoctions and infusions prepared from burdock are an effective and affordable antipyretic, vasoconstrictor, antiallergic, antispasmodic and analgesic. Traditional medicine claims that medicines made from burdock help regulate stomach acid levels.

How to prepare burdock root

For the treatment of the inflammatory process of the prostate, you can use both burdock root and its leaves. It is better to give preference to plants located in places open to the sun, since they accumulate more nutrients than when growing in the shade.

It is necessary to harvest burdock roots in late autumn after the leaves wither, since the concentration of active components during this period reaches its maximum. It is important to take into account the fact that the root of 1-year-old burdock is the most valuable raw material. A young plant is easily distinguished by the absence of stems with inflorescences (thorns). The roots of this burdock are fleshy and juicy. In older perennials that have lost their medicinal properties, they become dry and flabby.

Burdock roots are long, deep-seated in the ground, so it is better to dig them out of damp ground. In order for the plant material not to lose its medicinal properties, it is advised to dry it immediately after collection. It is necessary to dry thoroughly washed and finely chopped roots at a temperature of + 40 ... + 50 ° C, so it is more convenient to use dryers.

If this is not possible, then you can use the oven.

Due to timely and proper drying, the raw material retains the maximum amount of biologically active substances. Ready-to-use burdock roots have a sweet and slightly bitter taste. Medicinal raw materials placed in cardboard or paper packaging can be stored in a dry and cool (up to + 18 ° C) room for 3 years.

Folk recipes with burdock

Alternative medicine offers several recipes to help the body cope with prostatitis, namely:

  • decoction;
  • infusion;

They are effective both for the treatment of common urological pathology and for the prevention of relapses. The technology for preparing folk remedies is quite simple and does not take much time.


To combat the inflammatory process, the recipe for a decoction of burdock root is in special demand. In order to prepare it, you need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Put the saucepan on low heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain the cooled broth and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of therapy is 14 days.

In chronic prostatitis, this decoction, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5, is used for hot baths.


For the treatment of a common pathology, men are recommended to use an infusion prepared on the basis of the underground part of burdock. Pour the powdered root (12 g) into a thermos or a glass container with a screw cap and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Let the liquid brew for 2-3 hours. Drink the finished product 3 times a day for half a glass before meals for 3 weeks. After a 14-day break, the course of administration can be repeated.


As a therapeutic agent to eliminate the inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate and improve metabolism in the body, it is recommended to use juice from burdock leaves. A healthy drink is obtained using a blender or juicer.

It is recommended to start drinking it with small volumes (5 ml 2 times a day), gradually increasing to 15 ml. Before use, it is better to dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1. Freshly squeezed juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days. If necessary, it can be repeated after 10 days.

Application efficiency

In practice, it has been proven that burdock-based medicines help to destroy the bacterial infection that caused the inflammatory process. They perform the following functions:

  1. Reduce swelling.
  2. Normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  3. Improving the outflow of secretions from the ducts of the gland.
  4. Increasing the intensity of metabolic processes in the focus of inflammation.

The active substances of the medicinal plant relieve pain, relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the bladder and prostate, thereby improving the quality of urination. Homemade medicines from burdock not only relieve inflammation, but also accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues, increase the tone of the walls of blood vessels, and restore their elasticity.

In addition, the medicinal plant has a beneficial effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. The presence of minerals and vitamins in high concentrations in burdock improves the general condition of a man, and also helps to increase libido and impotence.

In order for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland with the help of burdock to give positive results, you need to consult a doctor, since the improper use of folk remedies based on it can aggravate the course of the disease and delay the healing process. To avoid negative consequences, dosages should be strictly observed and the instructions for preparing recipes should be strictly followed. It is also important not to violate the frequency of administration and not to exceed the duration of the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor.

For the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, not only medications are used, but also herbal remedies. They have a mild effect on the body, without provoking the appearance of side effects. Burdock root for prostatitis is used as an addition to the main therapy. It is considered a source of substances that have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects on the body. Burdock root is allowed to be taken in the initial stages of the disease, before serious complications appear.

In the article we will tell:

Medicinal properties of burdock

The main part of patients positively tolerates treatment with folk remedies, since they almost never provoke allergic reactions, side effects and addiction. Burdock root therapy is no less effective than medications. The plant is used to make creams, decoctions and infusions.

For the treatment of prostatitis with burdock, a young root at the age of about a year is suitable. The substances that make up the plant have an intense diuretic property.

They normalize mineral metabolism and help strengthen the immune system. With inflammation of the prostate, when sclerotic changes have already begun to appear, it is very useful to use a decoction of burdock root.

Its medicinal properties are as follows:

  • elimination of puffiness;
  • reduction of pain;
  • participation in metabolic processes;
  • antimicrobial effect.

The beneficial effect on the prostate gland is due to the rich composition of the plant. It includes: tannins, essential oils, inulin, phytosterol, palmitic acid and vitamins. Essential oils help to strengthen local immunity.

Palmitic acid takes part in regeneration processes, which is important during the recovery period after an illness. Phytosterol prevents tumor growth.

Tannins direct their action on pathogenic microorganisms, thereby eliminating the focus of inflammation. The presence of vitamins in the composition helps to strengthen the immune defense.

How to use burdock root - recipes

Burdock for prostatitis is used subject to a special recipe. Its violation reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

The following recipes are especially popular:

  1. Chopped burdock root and parsley are mixed in equal proportions. For 2 cups of boiling water, it is advisable to take 10 grams of each component. Within 2 hours, the drink is infused. It should be taken warm, 100 ml before each meal. The total duration of treatment is 1 month.
  2. Licorice and burdock root in the amount of 2 tbsp. it is necessary to pour 500 ml of hot water. Within 10 minutes, the drug should be boiled over low heat. After that, the pot with the broth must be wrapped in towels and put in a dark place for 1 hour. After filtering, the drink is taken 100 ml 3 times a day. Reception is carried out half an hour before meals. The infusion is taken for at least 3 weeks.
  3. 20 grams of crushed root should be brewed in 2 cups of boiling water. Within 2 hours, the drug comes to full readiness under the lid. It should be taken 50 ml 4 times a day. The minimum treatment period is 2 weeks.

Treatment of prostate adenoma with burdock juice

Elimination of prostate adenoma with the help of burdock root is possible at the first two stages of the development of the disease, only after consulting a urologist. The healing plant has an analgesic effect and acts as a powerful diuretic, which is necessary for adenoma.

It is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • the leaves of a young plant are thoroughly washed and dried;
  • using a blender, they turn into gruel;
  • using clean gauze, the juice is separated from the gruel into a separate container.

The resulting drug must be taken in 1 tbsp. three times a day. The duration of treatment is 6 days. Such therapy is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of adenoma. It helps to prevent the development of complications of chronic prostatitis.


In the next step, the roots are cut into large pieces, after which they are strung on a rope. In this form, the plant dries naturally. The roots should break when touched. For ease of use, dried rhizomes should be ground to a powder.

Contraindications for use

Some compounds in burdock can act as an allergen. Therefore, it should be used with caution. The development of an allergic reaction is evidenced by skin rashes, itching, intense coughing and lacrimation.

In this case, the drug is canceled. To eliminate discomfort, antihistamines and sorbents are taken.

Treatment of prostatitis today can be carried out both by methods of official medicine, and using folk remedies for therapy and prevention.

As a rule, in folk medicine, medicinal plants and herbs are used that have a composition rich in useful substances, thanks to which it is possible to effectively treat certain diseases, carry out disease prevention and rehabilitation after diseases.

Most patients perfectly tolerate treatment with folk methods, since infusion, decoction and ointment based on medicinal herbs almost never cause allergic reactions, side effects, addiction. So the treatment of prostatitis with burdock root can be no less effective than medications.

Composition of Burdock Root:

  • essential oils that improve blood circulation in the prostate gland;
  • proteins that help stabilize the condition of the walls of blood vessels;
  • tannins;
  • fatty acid;
  • vitamins.

A wide variety of dosage forms are prepared from the burdock root: decoctions, infusions, ointments, creams, in order for the medicine to be effective, the recipe must be followed exactly. The use of a decoction should help you relieve pain in acute prostatitis, a chronic form of the disease.

For therapy with burdock, a young root at the age of one year is suitable. The substances that make up the burdock root have a strong diuretic property, improve mineral metabolism, and help increase the level of immunity. With prostatitis, when sclerotic changes in the prostate have already begun to manifest themselves, it is very useful to use a decoction of burdock root, it is also effective in inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.

Medicinal infusion is prepared quite simply: crushed and dried burdock root is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 1 - 2 hours. It is necessary to filter the infusion through several layers of gauze and take a ready-made homemade decoction before meals, 30 minutes in advance, in a warm form.

Medicinal properties of burdock root for prostatitis:

  • Helps relieve vasospasm, which improves metabolic processes in the prostate gland, making it more elastic and active. It also increases the amount of seminal fluid and improves its quality.
  • Burdock root contains a unique set of antimicrobial substances that inhibit the development of infectious prostatitis.
  • Relieves pain and swelling.

Contraindications to the use of burdock root may be individual intolerance to the plant and the substances that make up its composition. As a rule, treatment with burdock root and decoction for prostatitis gives more effective results if you combine herbal medicine with physiotherapy, taking medications, burdock is also useful as a prophylactic.

Burdock root from prostatitis: folk recipes and cooking methods

Today, burdock root for prostatitis is not widely used, but many patients prefer traditional methods of treatment. Among the large number of medicine fees, you can pick up a simple recipe that does not require effort to prepare.

Burdock root infusion for acute prostatitis:

  • Chopped burdock root (12 gr.), pour boiling water, 2 cups.
  • Insist for 2 hours.
  • Reception is carried out 4 times a day, half a glass, always in a warm form, regardless of the meal.

Herbal infusion of burdock root and parsley:

  • Mix the crushed burdock root and parsley root (10 g each), pour boiling water, in the amount of 2 cups.
  • Insist for 2 hours.
  • Take 3 to 4 times a day in the form of heat, half a glass, 30 minutes before meals.

Such a medicinal and healing collection is also widely used, which includes burdock root and licorice from prostatitis:

  • Take 2 tbsp. chopped burdock root and licorice, pour boiling water (0.5l).
  • Boil over low heat for 10 minutes, then wrap the saucepan.
  • Insist 1 hour.
  • Drink 100 g of infusion three times a day, warm, 20-30 minutes before meals.

Even the reviews of doctors who recognize only official medicine suggest that folk prescriptions for treatment are in many ways more effective, especially if you take action in the early stages of treating prostatitis. If you practice the systematic use of infusion or decoction of burdock root, you can not only improve the condition of the prostate gland, but also other health problems.

For example, prevent various disorders in the cardiovascular system, lower blood sugar levels, help nourish all tissues of the body, including the prostate gland, prevent prostatitis, and restore normal levels of good cholesterol. Burdock root has a very beneficial effect on the entire reproductive system, and on each organ separately.

The statistics are ruthless, and according to its data, it is known that after 50 years, a huge percentage of the male population of the planet suffers from one or another disease of the prostate gland. An enlarged prostate disrupts the smooth flow of a man's life and affects its quality. Some pathological processes are quite common, others may puzzle even urologists who have seen a lot in their practice, but, in any case, before starting prostate treatment, a correct diagnosis should be established. And then choose the method and place of treatment. These can be methods of traditional medicine, and folk recipes, and treatment in Germany, but in any case, the doctor should give the go-ahead for this. Let us dwell on the most common pathologies: prostatitis, cyst, stones, tumor (hyperplasia and prostate cancer), and consider the methods of their treatment.


To make a correct diagnosis for a man, many different methods have been developed to help doctors. Finding out the state of the prostate gland, not only manual methods are used, but also instrumental ones. All this can be done in a clinic or at your place of residence, or abroad, in particular in Germany.

For the purpose of diagnosis, the following methods are used:

  1. Manual - digital rectal examination.
  2. Prostate secretion analysis.
  3. General blood analysis.
  4. Analysis of urine.
  5. PCR diagnostics.
  6. Ultrasound or TRUS of the prostate.
  7. Biopsy.

All of the above methods allow you to timely diagnose a particular disease of the prostate gland. And only after that treatment is prescribed. And which method is more suitable for a man, only the doctor determines, no matter where the prostate is treated - at home, in Germany, Israel or in a hospital in his area. Only a doctor can say what the patient needs: take pills, make injections, treat with a laser, supplement the treatment with folk remedies, using various folk recipes, and maybe decide on an operation.

Inflammation of the prostate

Among all diseases of the prostate in men, prostatitis firmly holds the palm. Many factors contribute to the development of this pathology. The main causes of prostatitis are:

  • Injuries;
  • hypothermia;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Stagnation in the pelvic area;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Infections and STDs.


Most often, with inflammation of the prostate, men complain of increased body temperature, especially in the perineum, pain in the lumbar region, groin and lower abdomen. The patient is concerned about the disorder of urination: rapid, with pain, burning, there are frequent urges and at night. There are signs of intoxication. With acute inflammation, the symptoms are pronounced, with a chronic course, the symptoms of inflammation are smoothed out.

Therapeutic measures

After all the necessary studies have been carried out, treatment is prescribed. And since the disease has many different types, the specifics of treatment will be considered for each case separately. In case of refusal of treatment, a man develops complications: a cyst, calculi, a tumor, and other unpleasant consequences. Treatment methods can be:

  1. The use of drugs. First of all, the treatment of the prostate affected by inflammatory processes begins with antibacterial drugs. These drugs are selected individually and allow you to effectively deal with the pathogen. Do not bypass and immunomodulatory drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins.
  2. The treatment of the prostate affected by prostatitis in the chronic stage is successfully carried out with the help of various physiotherapeutic procedures. Inflammation is treated with a laser, magnetic field, ultrasound, reflexology is used, but all these procedures are used only after the acute phase of the disease has been stopped.
  3. It is also important for a speedy recovery and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the use of special gymnastics and massage.
  4. Perhaps in this case, the treatment of the prostate with herbs. Alternative medicine offers various folk recipes. In the first place in terms of effectiveness are pumpkin seeds. Parsley, hazel, aspen and many other herbs are not inferior to them. But before experiencing the treatment of folk remedies, you need to consult with a specialist.
  5. A separate direction is to highlight the treatment of the prostate in men with the help of bee products. Propolis treatment recipes are widespread, often combining herbal treatment with honey. Many experts in traditional medicine claim that the impact on prostatitis with dead bees gives a stunning effect. But whatever method you like, the doctor must approve it.
  6. Specialists in Germany have achieved great success in treatment using various methods and drugs.

With timely diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis, the outcome is favorable. If the disease is not treated, then various complications are possible. These adverse effects include swelling, stones, and prostate cysts.

Stones and cavities

Cysts and stones are formed in the prostate gland most often due to the lack of adequate treatment of chronic prostatitis. After conducting various studies (wherever they are carried out - in Russia or Germany), treatment is prescribed. The doctor selects the methods of treating this organ in men individually.

Medical measures
Therapeutic measures Cyst stones
Medicines With a reliable determination of the causes of the formation of cavities, drugs are used to eliminate them. Mostly antibiotics are used. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics and substances that affect the tone of the muscles of the prostate and bladder neck.
Surgical intervention In the absence of the effect of drug treatment, puncture is used. If the cyst is re-formed, then surgical removal of its capsule is performed. Stones are removed surgically only in emergency situations, such as acute urinary retention, severe pain, lack of urination, and acute renal failure.
Laser treatment Cyst is not treated with laser Relatively new and minimally invasive method. The perineal region is irradiated with a laser, and stones are crushed under its influence. Especially common in Germany.
Folk remedies Medicinal herbs and bee products are used. Burdock root, walnut shell, flax seeds and much more are used for treatment. They use honey, propolis, and also use dead wood. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required. To remove stones from the prostate with folk remedies, it is suggested to use medicines based on madder, horse chestnut and rose hips. All used folk recipes must be approved by a doctor.

These pathological changes in the male prostate require a serious approach. No need to self-medicate. Trust your health to a specialist.


The influence of various pathological factors can be an impetus for the formation of a tumor of the male gland. Malignant neoplasms of the prostate are called cancer. Formations of benign genesis in medicine are called BPH (benign hyperplasia) or prostate adenoma.

The main danger of neoplasms is that in the early stages, the symptoms of benign and malignant tumors of the prostate are largely similar. And only timely diagnosis and treatment can give a favorable prognosis for the life and health of a man. A high level of efficiency is carried out medical measures in Germany.


How are the similarities shown? The tumor forms and grows, gradually squeezing the urethra. There are problems with urination.

A malignant tumor of the prostate and hyperplasia differ not only in the ability to form metastases, but also in the nature of growth. The main landmark in the diagnosis of cancer is a high level of prostate specific antigen.

cancer therapy

As in other areas of oncology, the favorable outcome of prostate cancer treatment depends on the stage and differentiation. These data are established by means of a prostate biopsy.

Prostate therapy for forms of cancer without metastases is possible using the following methods:

  • Medicines. The treatment of the prostate is carried out with drugs containing hormones. These substances inhibit the growth of a malignant neoplasm and alleviate the condition of a man. It is used quite rarely and only in cases where other methods are contraindicated.
  • Radiation therapy. Treatment consists of irradiating the prostate and regional lymph nodes up to a total dose of 70 Gy.
  • Brachytherapy. Radioactive grains are injected into the affected prostate. This tool allows you to increase the exposure of cancer and minimize the exposure of surrounding healthy organs and tissues.
  • Removal of the prostate. At the present time, the laparoscopic technique for removing the prostate gland is the most common. Nearby lymph nodes and seminal vesicles are also subjected to extirpation. Some manipulations can be carried out using a laser.
  • At the present time, prostate treatment is widespread in Germany. German specialists for cancer therapy use the latest advances in medicine. But if the tumor is in a neglected state, then even there they will not be able to give any guarantees.

Hyperplasia Therapy

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is amenable to several treatments. They are quite diverse, but only a doctor should deal with the appointment, since the effectiveness of any remedy depends on the stage of the disease and the causes that caused it. At the initial stage, with the permission of a specialist, it is possible to treat the prostate with herbs, other folk remedies and beekeeping products, including dead bees.

Hyperplasia of the prostate in the initial stages is cured with medications. Prescribe drugs that relax the muscles of the prostate and bladder neck. This facilitates the act of urination. Medications that block the production of testosterone shrink the prostate gland and prevent urethral obstruction.

Surgical intervention is resorted to only in the later stages of the disease. Previously, open surgery through the abdominal wall was widely used, but at the present time, the laparoscopic method has come to the fore. In addition, laser treatment is gaining momentum. During this manipulation, access to the enlarged prostate occurs through the urethra, and the so-called vaporization of the prostate tissue is carried out with a high-power laser.

All diseases of the prostate gland (prostatitis, cyst, stones, hyperplasia, cancer, and others) can be treated adequately only if they are diagnosed in a timely manner. You should not self-medicate, as you can see, the symptoms of prostate diseases are very similar to each other, and mistakes can be fatal. And where to be treated - here or in Germany - it's up to you. The main thing is to fulfill all the appointments of the urologist and take medications. Be healthy!

The very first signs of liver cirrhosis are: pain in the hypochondrium, the appearance of papillomas and moles on the skin, long white grooves on the nails. After that, cholesterol in the blood rises significantly, blockage and atherosclerosis of blood vessels begin, the formation of stones in the gallbladder begins, which will bring other problems.

Cirrhosis is the last stage of various liver diseases. As a result of diseases, healthy liver cells die and are replaced by fibrous ones, the entire structure of the liver is rebuilt. If the structure of the liver is disturbed, then its functions worsen.

Most often it is caused by alcohol consumption and hepatitis of varying degrees. The development of this disease can be contained. The sooner you contact a specialist, the better. You can add to the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver treatment with folk remedies.

If the complications of cirrhosis are prevented, the patient may well live a normal life. To do this, you must completely get rid of alcohol, follow a diet, do not overeat.

Treatment with folk remedies

Volodushka and galangal from cirrhosis

Kalgan or cinquefoil is an excellent assistant in the fight against many diseases. Potentilla has many types, but only the galangal has four petals.

For the treatment of cirrhosis, it is necessary to make a tincture of galangal: pour thirty grams of galangal with a liter of vodka on the floor, put in a dark place for twenty-one days. Then strain and drink thirty drops three times a day, diluted with water twenty minutes before meals.

You can enhance the properties of the tincture with the help of a volodushka. It has such strong properties that even when the body is exposed to the strongest poison, the volodushka can save a person from death.

Milk thistle for cirrhosis

It is necessary to take milk thistle powder five times a day, half a teaspoon, be sure to drink warm water. This herb has no side effects. It is the best medicine in the fight against liver diseases.

The powder must be taken for one month. Then take a break for two weeks. The course needs to be repeated for a long time.

Horseradish for cirrhosis

The first way is a solution of milk with one teaspoon of horseradish flowers. Drink it twice a day. Another way: take a sprig of horseradish with flowers and leaves, chop, add half a liter of vodka to the mixture and leave for two weeks in a dry place.

After you need to strain the tincture and drink one spoonful in the morning for a month. Another recipe: pour five large horseradish leaves on the floor with liters of vodka and leave for five days in the dark.

Strain and drink a teaspoon three times a day thirty minutes before meals.

Chicory for cirrhosis

Can be taken as a tincture or juice. Juice take half a teaspoon five times a day before meals. The infusion is made like this: two tablespoons of the root are poured over the floor with liters of boiling water and insisted for two hours. Then drink half a glass of infusion four times a day before meals.

Collection from cirrhosis

Here you need to take a whole set of herbs: mint, volodushka, chamomile, Gmelin's wormwood, motherwort, calendula, celandine, lespedets, nettle, wild rose, senna, burdock, strawberries, agrimony, dill, hill hodgepodge. One tablespoon of herbs pour two cups of boiling water. Leave for one night.

Drink a third of a glass three times a day before meals. Infusion of herbs can be stored for no more than three days.

Tartar prickly with cirrhosis

To a tablespoon of prickly tartar leaves, add the same amount of eucalyptus and pour a liter of boiling water. Let the liquid brew for an hour and drink in parts all day.

mixture for cirrhosis

Make any of the herbal infusions given in this article. Mix the juices of burdock, sweet clover, carrot, yarrow, nettle and oats. Freeze them in ice cube trays.

After that, add an ice cube to a glass of infusion and drink four times a day before meals. You can also take a teaspoon of mixed flower and pine pollen three times a day before meals.

Umbilical cirrhosis

It is necessary to prepare navel tincture. Not all people can drink alcohol infusion with such a disease. Therefore, a water-based infusion will be well applicable.

Grind the flowers or stems of the navel, pour two teaspoons of raw materials with one glass of boiling water, leave for four hours. Then strain and drink one tablespoon four times a day.

Ready recipes

Well suited for cirrhosis of the liver treatment of folk remedies for any person. Herbal treatment is no less effective than medicine.

Below are a few simple recipes suitable for any patient.

  1. It is necessary to take in equal quantities burdock root, tansy flowers, St. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, drink half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.
  2. Take two tablespoons of bedstraw, pour two cups of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, strain and take one hundred milliliters three times a day.
  3. Make a collection of herbs: chicory root, dandelion root, wheatgrass root, agrimony, peony root, marigolds. Pour three tablespoons of the collection with three cups of boiling water. Leave for twelve hours and drink four times a day before meals.
  4. Pour two tablespoons of pharmacy asparagus with two glasses of boiling water, leave for several hours and drink one hundred grams four times a day.
  5. Place dandelion flowers with sugar in three or four layers. Put something heavy under something for four weeks. Use as a jam.
  6. Pour one tablespoon of agrimony herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for about two hours, strain and drink a third of a glass three times a day before meals. You can add honey.
  7. Boil sixty grams of willow bark in a liter of water for about twenty minutes. Let it brew for a day, and then drink a third of a glass three times a day before meals.
  • Take a decoction of oats twice a year;
  • constantly eat honey one teaspoon at a time;
  • use herbs such as agrimony, St. John's wort, milk thistle, elecampane, wild rose, dandelion, nettle, choleretic fees;
  • take vitamin B, A, E, C, folic acid, zinc and lipoic acid;
  • eat six small meals a day. Eat more vegetables.

galangal root

Features of galangal root

Galangal root is an amazing find! It is a find from China. Outwardly, the galangal looks like a reed and reaches more than a meter in height, and the leaves are up to thirty centimeters in length.

It contains useful essential oils, starch, tannins, resins and ascorbic acid. This plant is able to cure diseases such as jaundice, dyspepsia, enteritis, colitis, dysentery, gastritis, stomach ulcers, stomach and pancreatic cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, prostatitis, joint pain.


It is impossible to use tinctures based on the galangal root for those who have increased stomach acidity, high blood clotting or hypertension. If an overdose occurs, then severe vomiting and cutting pains in the stomach may occur in sensitive people.

That is why tinctures with galangal must be drunk very carefully, without getting carried away.

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