I'm sweating very much what a woman to do. Increased sweating in women: why it occurs and what to do

Excessive sweating of the armpits, face, head, legs or generalized profuse sweating in medicine is called hyperhidrosis. Sweating is a natural process of cleansing the body, excretion of water secretion under the influence of physical factors, such as overheating of the body at an elevated ambient temperature, with intense physical exertion, nervous tension, excitement. This physiological process, as it were, saves the body from overheating, since when sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin, cooling and a decrease in body temperature occur. However, the causes of increased sweating can be many diseases, one of the symptoms of which is hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating can be a physiological feature of a person and not pose a particular threat to health, only cause psychological discomfort and worsen the quality of life for both women and men. But since there are no uniform assessment criteria, there are no devices that determine excessive sweating or normal, then the disease of hyperhidrosis should be discussed only if excessive sweating strongly affects the quality of human life.

You can identify excessive sweating on your own if you:

  • You have to make a lot of efforts to deal with the consequences of excessive sweating - take a shower several times a day, change clothes, etc.
  • You have to give up certain activities, workouts in gyms due to excessive sweating
  • You have to be at a certain distance when in contact with work colleagues, friends, you avoid communicating with people once again, you feel insecure and feel anxious about excessive sweating

Types of hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is divided into local (local, limited), that is, when:

  • only face sweats, head
  • limbs sweat - palms, feet, the most common localization, over armpits
  • sweat palms, feet, forehead, armpits, both separately and simultaneously

and generalized - when the whole body sweats, at the same time and profusely, as a rule, this occurs in case of feverish conditions, infectious and other diseases. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.

There is also a classification into primary and secondary:

  • Primary - happens during puberty, in adolescence in 1% of the population.
  • Secondary - is a consequence of a number of different somatic, endocrine, neurological diseases.

Sweat is odorless, however, each person smells different intensities when they sweat. Why does sweat smell? An unpleasant smell to sweat is caused by toxic substances from which the body is freed with the help of sweat glands, as well as bacteria that enter from the outside and decompose the protein components of sweat.

Increased sweating at night

If, while sleeping at a normal temperature in a room corresponding to bedding and a blanket, a person sweats, wakes up damp, sweats head or back, chest, it is imperative to determine the causes of increased sweating.

During sleep, the process of natural sweating decreases, since the person does not move, does not get nervous, the body is calm, all processes are slowed down. Therefore, the occurrence of increased sweating at night serves as a signal to see a doctor, as this may be a symptom of a serious illness.

With increased sweating at night, the reasons may be the following diseases: ARVI, influenza, pneumonia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, tuberculosis, malignant tumors, lymphomas, Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, thyroid disease, immune disorders, stroke, diseases of the cardiovascular system, systemic fungal infections, abscesses, hepatitis, AIDS, etc.

What can a doctor ask when contacting him?

To rule out or suspect serious pathological conditions, the doctor may ask the patient the following:

  • Persistent or intermittent sweating, does it increase with stress?
  • Is sweating limited to certain areas (forehead, head, palms, feet, armpits) or is it general?
  • Does anyone else in the family suffer from similar discomfort?
  • When do you sweat more often at night or during the day?
  • Do you feel hot when those around you do not feel this way or even freeze?
  • Do you experience increased fatigue, weakness, tremors, lack of coordination, fainting?
  • Does increased sweating affect your work, social, personal life?
  • Has there been a decrease in weight and appetite?
  • What medications do you take - for pain, hypertension, glaucoma, etc.?
  • Do you have a cough, fever, swollen lymph nodes?

Causes of localized increased sweating

Local hyperhidrosis is often familial.

  • Gustatory hyperhidrosis - increased sweating associated with food intake

This type of local manifestation of hyperhidrosis appears after eating certain foods, such as hot tea, coffee, chocolate, other hot drinks, as well as spicy foods, seasonings, sauces. In this case, increased sweating of the face appears, namely, sweating is localized more often on the upper lip and on the forehead. The cause may be a condition that occurs after severe viral or bacterial infectious diseases of the salivary glands or surgical interventions on the salivary glands.

  • Idiopathic hyperhidrosis

Increased sweating is associated with overstimulation or initially high tone of the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system. Most often, a person begins to feel the manifestations of idiopathic hyperhidrosis at the age of 15-30. Increased sweating appears both at once in all these areas, and in combination, most often it is the palmar and plantar. This type of disease often goes away on its own. It is believed that women are most susceptible to increased sweating due to constant hormonal changes - puberty, pregnancy and childbirth, menopause.

Men who exercise or sweat profusely in the gym 3 times a week should additionally take magnesium supplements. Scientists' studies have shown that bodybuilders, due to regular increased sweating during training, risk lowering the level of magnesium to a critical value, at which a loss of strength occurs, heart rhythm irregularities - cardiac arrhythmia. Therefore, men with increased sweating while playing sports should diversify their daily diet with products containing magnesium.

Causes of generalized increased sweating

Most experts are convinced that in 80% of cases, the causes of increased sweating are hereditary disposition. Pathological conditions that are family in nature and are manifested by hyperhidrosis include:

  • Diabetes
  • Thyrotoxicosis
  • Arterial hypertension

Hyperhidrosis can be a sign of somatic diseases, neuropsychiatric, and be the result of neglect of the rules of personal hygiene or taking medications. After infectious diseases against the background of antibiotic treatment, it can develop, which is also accompanied by excessive sweating (see 11 rules).

  • Infectious diseases, poisoning

Most acute and chronic diseases of viral or bacterial origin, poisoning (or toxic substances) - cause an increase in body temperature and, as a result, intoxication, chills, hyperhidrosis. Diseases such as malaria, brucellosis, septicemia are accompanied by profuse sweating. For pulmonary tuberculosis and extrapulmonary forms of the disease, high body temperature is not typical, most often patients have a subfebrile temperature of 37.2-37.5, and increased sweating at night.

  • Endocrine Disorders

Diseases such as thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus (low blood sugar), in addition to the main symptoms, are also manifested by generalized excessive sweating. Increased sweating in women is often observed during pregnancy, as well as during the premenopausal period, many women suffer from menopause, accompanied by hot flushes and sudden sweating (see). Generalized hyperhidrosis is experienced by 60% of patients with dysfunction of the pituitary gland - acromegaly. In pheochromocytoma, excessive sweating combined with hypertension is sometimes the only sign of the disease.

  • Oncological diseases

Any malignant tumor can be accompanied by weakness and increased sweating. Lymphomas, Hodgkin's disease are accompanied by a febrile state, alternating with a decrease in body temperature, increased fatigue and generalized excessive sweating in the evening and at night (see).

  • Kidney disease

With kidney disease, the process of formation and natural filtration of urine is disrupted, so the body strives to get rid of excess fluid through the sweat glands.

  • Vegeto-vascular dystonia

Very often with VSD, the patient suffers from increased sweating, including at night (see).

  • Taking certain medications

Taking insulin, analgesics (morphine, promedol), aspirin, pilocarpine, betanecol, antiemetics - in case of an overdose or with prolonged use, they cause increased sweating.

  • Lesions of the central nervous system

Neurological disorders such as stroke, tabes dorsum, and damage to nerve tissues in neurosyphilis can also cause hyperhidrosis.

  • Psychosomatic disorders

Against the background of stress, nervous overload, depression, fear, anger, rage, mechanisms are triggered that lead to hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, which is also accompanied by sweating.

  • Pain response

When a sharp intense pain occurs, many people are said to be covered with cold sweats. Therefore, during severe pain, spasms, chemical irritation, stretching of internal organs, increased sweating may occur.

Treatment of excessive sweating

If hyperhidrosis is an independent disease, and not a sign of the above-mentioned serious diseases, then to mitigate its manifestations, modern medicine today offers a lot of different methods and methods of treatment:

  • Antiperspirant use - the best of them are Odaban (effective up to 10 days), Drydry (1 bottle is enough for six months), Maxim (bottle is enough for almost a year)
  • Drug therapy - drugs based on belladonna alkaloids (Bellataminal, Bellaspon, Belloid), belladonna reduces the secretion of sweat glands and helps in the fight against hyperhidrosis without causing addiction. For local treatment, Formagel, Formidron are used
  • Sedatives, such as motherwort, valerian, belladonna, as well as hypnosis sessions, meditation, yoga classes, positive positive attitudes, affirmations that should be spoken daily - all this helps to calm the nervous system, relate to stressful situations more calmly
  • Physiotherapy procedures - coniferous salt baths, iontophoresis, electrosleep, etc.
  • Laser - with increased armpit sweating, doctors today use a laser that destroys 70% of the sweat glands.
  • Botox injections, Dysport - the effect of this method is long-term blocking of the nerve endings of the sweat glands, which reduces sweating.

Treatments such as Botex and laser are extreme measures that should only be used in special cases. These methods are actively advertised and recommended today, but they have a number of contraindications and can have long-term consequences. Sweating is a natural process of cleansing the body, removing toxins, which can be unsafe to interfere with using such methods and have long-term negative health effects.

Contents: 1) Reasons 2) Varieties of hyperhidrosis 3) Treatment of hyperhidrosis 4) Treatment of the general form of hyperhidrosis 5) Physiotherapy procedures 6) Surgical methods 7) Alternative methods 8) Advice for mature women 9) Preventive measures 10) General recommendations 11) Interesting video

Excessive sweating is not uncommon. It is the reason for a significant decrease in the quality of life and can even cause depression in girls, since it is not only wet spots on clothes, but also the presence of an unpleasant odor. It is important to determine the diagnosis in order to take all sorts of measures and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment, since there are many reasons for strong sweating in women.

The reasons

In itself, the process of sweating is necessary and beneficial, but provided that it goes well. But when the intensity of sweating increases, then problems begin. There may be several reasons for women why they sweat a lot.

Excessive sweating does not pose any danger to health or life. But this does not mean that you can ignore the disease. Wet clothes and disgusting smells create discomfort and interfere with daily life. In addition, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist about the causes of increased sweating in women, because hyperhidrosis can be an indicator of a number of diseases of internal organs.

Certain areas of the body may sweat profusely during times of intense excitement, fright, or depression. Most often in such cases it concerns the palms, feet or armpits. It can also appear on the face, for example, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle. This may be due to mild nervous system excitability. Sometimes, a lot of sweating in women can manifest itself just from the thought of an upcoming event or date.

Such unpleasant manifestations can really become a problem, since hyperhidrosis is also accompanied by a persistent disgusting odor. This often negatively affects the social life of the girl. Another disadvantage will be the remaining white stains on the clothes. Many women work or own a business, sweating can become a problem for them, since this kind of greeting, such as a handshake, is acceptable for business women.

Constantly sweating feet are an unpleasant factor. This can also contribute to the appearance of a fungal infection on the feet. There are several main reasons for profuse sweating in women:

  1. Stress... Any nervous strain will cause sharp sweating in women. During stressful situations, palms and feet are especially affected. They become wet and sticky, which can be a hassle. It is recommended to consult a psychotherapist or neurologist. The doctor will help you choose a set of drugs to help you calm down. It is important to find out the factors provoking increased sweating. The specialist can also schedule a psychotherapy session. Traditional medicine in such cases offers infusions and decoctions of herbs that have a sedative effect. It is recommended to use special drying lotions and liquid talc as an auxiliary agent.
  2. Climax... During this period, there are strong changes in the female body against the hormonal background. The work of brain activity is disrupted, signals about the state of the environment are perceived incorrectly and the vessels expand in the body even in extreme heat in order to keep warm. This is one of the causes of heavy sweating of the whole body in women. There are special medications that must be taken during menopause, they will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.
  3. Excess weight... Overweight women sweat much faster and harder than those of normal weight. A large body produces a lot of heat, and because of a thick layer of fat, a person cannot get rid of it. Thus, the body is cooled by perspiration. This is one of the most unpleasant causes of excessive sweating in women, because many of them work in offices, businesses, and different companies. The best solution to this problem is to lose weight. In this case, it is also recommended to take a shower more often and be sure to use antiperspirants after water procedures. From folk remedies, it is recommended to use a decoction of oak bark.
  4. Vegetovascular dystonia... This condition is considered one of the most common causes of sweating in women. Malfunctions of the autonomic nervous system lead to a similar problem. Due to disturbances in the work of the vascular, digestive and respiratory systems, heat exchange does not work well. In this case, it is recommended to do fitness or swimming. It is necessary to give up some foods and foods that promote strong sweating in women. For example, coffee, spices, very spicy foods, alcoholic beverages and honey can negatively affect this process. It is advisable to consult a neurologist who will explain the causes of frequent sweating in women and advise how to solve this problem.
  5. Increased thyroid function... There are many reasons for severe sweating of the whole body in women, and one of them is thyrotoxicosis. With this disease, fever is felt even in cold weather. Accordingly, a woman often sweats, which causes great discomfort. In addition to excessive sweating, signs of increased thyroid function are symptoms such as general weakness, insomnia, dizziness, severe irritability, and heart palpitations. In this case, one cannot do without consulting an endocrinologist, who will prescribe drug treatment.
  6. Pregnancy... The cause of severe sweating in women can be 1 trimester of bearing a child, because the body has not yet learned to cope with changes in hormonal levels. Then the volume of circulating blood will begin to increase constantly. This will also contribute to excessive sweating in women, but it will not manifest itself as much as in the first months of pregnancy. This condition does not require treatment. It is important to pay attention to personal hygiene. There is a good and reliable way to deal with sweating in this case. It is necessary to prepare a solution of 0.5 liters of cold boiled water, 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 large spoon of 9% vinegar. It is recommended to wipe problem areas with the resulting mixture. This solution can be stored in a cool place or refrigerator.
  7. Adolescence... Very young girls also have problems that are directly related to excessive sweating. The reason for this is a sharp change in hormonal levels. This condition does not require any therapy. This period must be patiently waited out. Particular attention should be paid to personal hygiene.
  8. Long-term use of antibiotics... Taking this kind of medication greatly changes the intestinal microflora. A sharp deterioration in the intestinal bacterial environment can cause excessive sweating in women. It is recommended to urgently restore the flora, for which you should drink fermented milk products and multivitamins. It is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist, who will prescribe suitable microbial preparations, which include a live culture of bacteria.
  9. Impaired glucose metabolism... The presence of diabetes mellitus may well cause increased sweating. It is necessary to normalize blood glucose levels, adhere to a diet and keep your disease under control.

Whatever the causes of hyperhidrosis in women, it is recommended to visit a specialist to rule out the presence of the disease.

Varieties of hyperhidrosis

The entire process of sweating is regulated by the sympathetic autonomic nervous system. If the system fails, then the quality of the glands is greatly reduced. As a result of such surges, even minor anxiety and nervousness end in sweating in women. A disgusting smell is also added to wet areas of the skin.

There are several types of hyperhidrosis:

  1. Generalized. In this case, we are talking about severe sweating of the whole body in women.
  2. Local. With this type of hyperhidrosis, only certain parts of the body sweat. Most often this applies to places such as the armpits, palms and feet.
  3. Constant. Regardless of the time of year and weather conditions, increased sweating is always manifested at any time of the day.
  4. Compensatory. This type of increased sweating in women usually occurs due to overlapping or blockage of the sweat glands.
  5. Seasonal. The activity of the sweat glands increases in summer due to the heat, and in winter, on the contrary, decreases.
  6. Primary. Excessive sweating occurs in adolescence, when there is an active period of puberty.
  7. Secondary. In this case, excessive sweating in women appears after an illness.

Any of these types of hyperhidrosis requires specialist advice.

Hyperhidrosis treatment

What could be more unpleasant than the smell of sweat? For this reason, any representative of the fair sex can get into an awkward situation, feel uncomfortable, and sudden sweating in women can cost her a career. Modern medicine offers many solutions to the problem, but it is necessary to tune in to the fact that it will not be possible to get rid of it quickly.

It is important to first establish the cause of the hyperhidrosis. To do this, you should visit several specialists who will offer an examination in order to make the correct diagnosis. When the causes of a woman's sweating are identified, the doctor will advise on how to get rid of it.

The patient needs to tune in to the fact that the treatment will be long, requiring several repeated drug courses and, accordingly, it will not do without significant financial costs. In addition, there is a possibility that the chosen therapeutic method may not be as effective, and you will have to start all over again and look for a suitable course of treatment for your body.

Today, botulinum toxin injections are considered one of the most optimal modern methods of treating hyperhidrosis. This is a fairly effective remedy for excessive sweating for women. After the injection, the transmission of signals from the nerve endings to the sweat glands is blocked, and they stop producing sweat. After the procedure, the skin is dry and clean.

The manipulation itself is not considered difficult, but you should prepare for it. If you plan to treat excessive armpit sweating in women using this method, you should carefully remove the hair in the armpits. If a procedure is planned on the legs, then it is necessary to do a pedicure.

It will not be superfluous to consult a specialist before manipulation. The doctor will offer to take tests and conduct an examination to first find out why the woman is sweating. After examining the skin, the therapist will be able to determine the presence or absence of any contraindications, which is very important for the procedure. If there are no prohibitions, then immediately after the consultation, you can start manipulating.

First, you need to calculate the required number of units of the drug. For women, 50 to 100 units may be required. The next stage is to carry out point injections, which are injected into the skin. Injections should be given to a specific depth, so it is very important that the procedure is performed by an experienced and qualified person. On average, this manipulation will take about 35-45 minutes, of which a quarter of an hour will be spent on the injections themselves.

The procedure itself does not require a mandatory recovery period, but there are a number of restrictions:

  1. You should stop using any cosmetic products, including antiperspirants and deodorants.
  2. It is forbidden to visit the pool, steam bath, solarium and sauna in the first 2 weeks.
  3. It is not recommended to go on vacation to hot countries immediately after manipulation.

If there are no other contraindications or restrictions due to illness, then you can lead a normal life.

Whatever the causes of increased sweating in women, they require treatment. You need to start by observing certain rules that will help to establish the work of all vital organs. The recommended rates include the following points:

  1. Diet... Eat a balanced diet. We need to give up bad eating habits. Substances such as caffeine and theobromine stimulate intense sweating, so it is best to eliminate all foods that contain them from your diet. These include chocolates, cola, coffee, cocoa, tea. Eating spices can also cause frequent sweating in women. Coriander, all types of pepper, horseradish, mustard, cloves and wasabi must be replaced with Provencal herbs. This will help avoid excessive sweating in women. Not the best way alcohol affects the body. It dilates blood vessels, and as a result, the problem only gets worse. A consultation with a dietitian will help determine the causes and learn how to get rid of heavy sweating in women. It is recommended to consume more foods enriched with nutrients, trace elements, vitamins, minerals, biologically active substances. It will be useful to focus on vegetables and fruits such as carrots, figs, herbs, lettuce, kohlrabi cabbage. The basis of the diet should be sour milk products, vegetables, fruits and herbs. It is recommended to replace sugar with honey. It should be remembered the importance of adhering to the drinking regime. A day you need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid, including green tea, fruit drink, compote, herbal infusions, mineral water.
  2. Compliance with hygiene rules... It is recommended to start the day with water treatments and end with a shower. This is especially important in the hot season. You should not buy clothes made from synthetic fabrics. It is necessary to give preference to shoes made of genuine leather.
  3. Regular use of aluminum chlorides... These drugs are much more effective than conventional antiperspirant deodorants. It is recommended to purchase "Odaban", "Drysol" or "Maxim". The use of these funds significantly reduces the attacks of sweating in women. In some cases, skin irritation may occur, and then treatment with these drugs will have to be abandoned.
  4. Medications... The advantage of medicines over folk remedies for sweating in women is that they allow, not only effectively, but also quickly get rid of this unpleasant problem. The method of treating hyperhidrosis can be prescribed only after examination. If this is a general form of pathology, then systemic drugs will be required. Funds with local action are used for local manifestation of sweating. Most often, Teymurov's paste is prescribed. It is known for its antiseptic, absorbent and antisecretory properties. The remedy is especially effective for increased armpit sweating in women, as it allows you to quickly get rid of the unpleasant odor.

The doctor will help you choose the right treatment method. Before resorting to drug therapy, it is recommended to try to adjust your diet and regimen.

Treatment of the general form of hyperhidrosis

If the problem is of a more global nature and it is not just a certain place that sweats, but the whole body, then the following drugs are recommended:

  1. Bellaspon... The drug is known for its sedative effects. It contains ergotamine, the main function of which is considered to be vasoconstriction, slowing down metabolism and reducing energy metabolism. All these factors contribute to a decrease in the amount of sweat produced.
  2. Valerian... It is known for its calming effect. Long-term use has a positive effect on the mental state of the patient in stressful situations and with neurosis.
  3. Atropine... With this medicine, you can achieve a significant reduction in the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands. But it can only be used as directed by a specialist and under his supervision.

Physiotherapy procedures

To decide what to do for a woman if she sweats a lot, you must first seek help from a therapist. A visit to the doctor will help determine the method of treating hyperhidrosis. There is an effective non-invasive treatment for increased sweating. To do this, you will need to buy an electrophoresis apparatus, with which you can fight hyperhidrosis at home.

This method has worked well. It can be used in case of mild to moderate sweating. But, despite all its advantages, it has a number of disadvantages that should be familiarized with before conducting a therapeutic course. The advantages of this physiotherapy procedure include the following aspects:

  • cheapness of the procedure;
  • ease of implementation;
  • the possibility of using for the prevention of exacerbation;
  • manipulation safety;
  • increasing the effectiveness of drugs and folk remedies;
  • no side effects;
  • the possibility of carrying out at home.

This procedure is well suited to those patients who have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Since medicines are applied directly to the skin, the mucous membrane will not be irritated.

With increased sweating of the lower extremities, you can also do baths with electrophoresis. But electrophoresis has several disadvantages:

  1. This therapy takes time and patience. One procedure will not be enough. Manipulations will have to be done repeatedly. After the course of treatment, it is necessary to take a break and then systematically do electrophoresis once a week.
  2. Such a physiotherapy procedure will not help to get rid of the cause of heavy sweating in women. Its purpose is to get rid of the symptoms of hyperhidrosis for a certain period of time.
  3. High efficiency of electrophoresis is provided only with local manifestation of perspiration. It will qualitatively help in the treatment of feet, armpits or palms.
  4. One manipulation will take at least half an hour, which will be very inconvenient for working women. If several problem areas need to be treated, it may take several hours.
  5. Electrophoresis is done only if all other methods have failed.
  6. Low frequency electrical current can provoke irritation or even inflammation if the skin is too delicate and sensitive.
  7. Despite the fact that the tingling sensation during the procedure is minor, people with a low pain threshold may not tolerate such manipulation well.

In order to begin such physiotherapy treatment, it is necessary to determine the causes of increased sweating in women.

Surgical methods

If drug therapy does not give any results and with the help of drugs it is not possible to get rid of an unpleasant problem, then you can resort to surgical intervention. But first you need to visit a doctor who will help determine the causes of increased sweating of the whole body in women. Four methods are considered effective:

  1. Sympathectomy... Most often, this operation is used to temporarily block or completely destroy the sympathetic trunks of the nervous system. If a drug block is performed, sweating will disappear for a period of time. If laser coagulation is carried out, then the destroyed nerve trunks are turned off.
  2. Skin excision... By itself, this method is simple, but it is considered very traumatic. It is used in cases where it is impossible to get rid of the reasons why the armpits of women sweat a lot. For this, the area of \u200b\u200bskin with the greatest accumulation of sweat glands is excised, after which it is sutured with a cosmetic suture. After such an operation, there will be no more sweating in this place.
  3. Curettage of the sweating area... This method is suitable for the local form of hyperhidrosis. Its essence lies in the subcutaneous scraping of adipose tissue along with the sweat glands. For this, two incisions are made under local anesthesia.
  4. Liposuction... A special preparation for destroying adipose tissue is injected into the problem area. Then two punctures are made and the fatty tissue is removed along with the sweat glands under local anesthesia.

Any surgical intervention requires a preliminary examination and delivery of all the necessary tests.

Folk methods

Treatment of sweating in women with folk remedies is very popular. From folk methods, they often resort to the use of medicinal baths and applications. The trays are prepared with the addition of salt, soda or vinegar. Essential oils can be added to the bath for a pleasant scent. The following recipes are considered the most popular folk remedies:

  1. Alcohol tincture of horsetail... It is very effective against underarm sweating. For one part of dry grass, you need to take ten parts of vodka or alcohol. Let it brew for 10 days. Then wipe the armpits with this liquid twice a day.
  2. Tincture of walnut leaves... Raw materials must be crushed and filled with alcohol. Let the tincture brew in a cool place away from sunlight for at least 10 days. In the evenings, wipe problem areas with the mixture obtained.
  3. Cold tea... If your face sweats heavily, you can rinse it with this product. It is better to give preference to green tea. This drink perfectly tones the skin, removes toxins and fights against increased sweating. It is not recommended to wipe your face, it is desirable that it dry naturally.
  4. Baths with white willow and sage... The causes of sweating of the legs in women can be different, but this type of hyperhidrosis can be treated with an infusion of these herbs. Dry leaves must be mixed in the same proportion. Then pour 5 spoons with two liters of cool water. It should be insisted for at least 7-8 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare such an infusion in the evening. It can be used in the morning. The liquid needs to be filtered and added to the bath. You can do foot baths to get rid of excessive sweating and strong odors.
  5. Sage juice... If the cause of increased sweating in women is a lack of vitamins and nutrients, then it is recommended to drink fresh sage juice. It should be taken orally one tablespoon in the morning and evening. In the cold season, it can be replaced with an aqueous infusion of dry sage leaves. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of leaves, pour two glasses of boiling water and insist in a sealed container. It is recommended to drink this herbal tea warm, it is necessary to do this three times a day.
  6. Infusion of mint leaves... If the cause of increased sweating in women is constant overexertion or neurosis, then this tea will help to cope with this problem. To prepare the mint infusion, pour a spoonful of raw materials with boiling water and let it stand for half an hour. Then it is recommended to strain the infusion and drink in small portions throughout the day. Don't add sugar to your drink. The resulting product can be used as a lotion. They need to wipe problem areas.
  7. Nasturtium... In the case when the cause of increased sweating in women is a lack of magnesium and calcium, the use of this natural medicinal plant will be an excellent solution to the problem. For tincture, you can use flowers, seeds or leaves. One tablespoon of raw materials will need a glass of boiling water. Insist until it cools down. Then drink in small sips throughout the day. The course of therapy is 3 weeks.
  8. Pea pods... Pour a glass of boiling water over several shutters. After cooling down, drink half a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening. It is recommended to do this 30 minutes after a meal. Bean pods can be used for the same purpose.
  9. Nettle... If the cause of increased sweating in women is a lack of silicon, then this metabolic disorder can be treated with this plant. It is recommended to brew both fresh and dry herb. It is enough to add one tablespoon of natural raw materials to a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to take such an infusion before meals. It is enough to drink 100 ml three times a day. Silicon is also found in Chernobyl, which is infused like nettle. In addition, it is recommended to drink blueberry tea. This will enhance the effectiveness of the herbal therapy.
  10. Tincture of calendula... You can prepare such a remedy yourself or buy it at a pharmacy. One glass of alcohol will need three tablespoons of dried flowers. It should be insisted for at least 10 days. Store this tincture in a glass container. The product is great for fighting heavy sweating in the armpit area. Wipe these areas every 3-4 hours. But before starting a course of therapy, it will not be superfluous to visit a therapist or endocrinologist in order to find out why the armpits in women sweat a lot. The reason may be serious, and then one tincture of calendula is indispensable.
  11. Salty water... Lotions or rubbing off problem areas will help reduce sweating. It is important to observe the concentration of the solution. One teaspoon of sea salt should be taken in a glass of water. It is not recommended to make a more concentrated solution. Its effectiveness will not increase, but skin irritation will be provided, especially in an area such as armpits. The skin in such places is very delicate and sensitive. Lotions should be done twice a day - morning and evening. The course of salt therapy is 10 days.

Treatment of increased sweating in women with folk remedies does not require any special costs, but it will be quite effective.

Even after 60, ladies can suffer from sweating, despite the fact that the period of menopause has passed. Usually at this age, they gain extra pounds, and this can be one of the reasons for strong sweating in women. It is recommended that you pay attention to your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. We must strive to get rid of excess weight.

The elderly also accumulate various diseases with age, and by the age of 60 they usually have a whole bunch of chronic diseases. They can be a cause of excessive sweating in women. This unpleasant phenomenon is often observed in cervical osteochondrosis. Dizziness and discoloration of the skin are additional side symptoms.

Some of the diseases can be quite serious, so you should pay attention to excessive sweating. The cause of hyperhidrosis can be one of the forms of oncology or tuberculosis. Such pathologies contribute to frequent sweating in women at night.

Frequent use of various medications can provoke an increase in the activity of the sweat glands. This is especially true for antibiotics. At this age, women are advised to follow some rules:

  1. Before going to bed, you should drink a cup of mint tea. This will make your sleep more restful and healthier.
  2. The most problematic areas can be wiped with a lemon wedge. This is a long-standing remedy for sweating in women and will keep skin fresh for hours.
  3. You can prepare an infusion of birch buds. Raw materials should be poured with vodka in a ratio of 1: 5. You need to infuse the mixture for at least a week. It is recommended to wipe your feet, palms and armpits in the morning and evening.
  4. A good option for sweating is herbal decoction. It is prepared from a mixture of three medicinal herbs. Sage, valerian and horsetail are steamed with boiling water and infused until the liquid becomes warm. This herbal tea is recommended to drink in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.
  5. To wipe wet underarms, a soda solution is suitable, to which you need to add a drop of essential oil.

Preventive measures

It is quite possible to avoid increased sweating in women if you observe the following preventive measures:

  1. It is recommended to visit your doctor regularly and not to shy away from routine examinations. This will help identify and eliminate even minor deviations.
  2. It is necessary to adhere to the daily regimen and avoid overwork. You need to go to bed at about the same time and not too late.
  3. In any weather, it is necessary to ventilate the room well before going to bed, and in the spring and summer period, it is recommended to leave the window ajar at night. The air temperature in the room should not be higher than 24-25 degrees. The optimal humidity is considered to be 60-70%.
  4. Choose a blanket carefully to suit the season and air temperature. It is recommended to opt for a product made of natural, breathable materials. The nightgown or pajamas should be made of cotton fabric that allows the skin to breathe, and not be too warm.
  5. Dinner should be light. Do not overeat before bed. After dinner, you should not drink strong coffee and tea, it is better to stop your choice on lactic acid products, herbal tea or compote. It is recommended to avoid heavy, too salty and spicy foods.
  6. It is necessary to avoid stressful situations, conflicts and such types of activity from which you can overwork. It is better not to plan for the evening time of the day activities that can negatively affect the psyche. Instead of a thriller, it will be more useful to watch a comedy or melodrama, and instead of hanging around a computer monitor, it is better to read a book.
  7. The decor in the bedroom should be as comfortable, cozy and calm as possible. This will help create the conditions for a healthy and sound sleep. For such purposes, you can turn on pleasant music.

But if a lot of sweating in women occurs at night, it is recommended to thoroughly reconsider your lifestyle and be sure to consult a specialist. He will help solve this unpleasant problem.

Excessive sweating is a lot of trouble and trouble. Therefore, it is not surprising that they want to get rid of it as soon as possible. For this, treatment should be started at an early stage. Do not delay the visit to the therapist or try to deal with the problem on your own. The doctor will help to understand the causes of sweating in women and select the most effective method to combat pathology.

In order to avoid an awkward situation in public, you must follow a few simple rules. It is recommended to wear comfortable clothing that does not hinder movement. It should be made of natural fabrics that allow air to pass through and prevent the body from overheating. Experts advise leaving the neck and décolleté area open. Synthetic fabrics can cause a lot of underarm sweating in women. The ideal option is clothing made from cotton or linen.

Care should be taken with cosmetics, as it can also negatively affect the work of the sweat glands. It is recommended to use only proven creams and gels. If perspiration appears after using them, then it is better to replace such funds.

You should always have a handkerchief or paper napkins with you in your purse. Frequent washing with clean cool water will be beneficial if your face sweats a lot. This manipulation will help you freshen up and feel better. It is recommended to moisten the back of the head and neck with cold water. Such a procedure will not eliminate increased sweating, but it will make it possible to avoid the growth of bacteria, due to which an unpleasant odor appears.

It is important to eliminate the cause of hyperhidrosis, and not its symptoms. Therefore, one cannot do without a doctor's consultation and examination.

There is increased sweating in women due to a wide variety of factors, some of which are physiological and do not require medical correction. But there are times when increased sweating is a signal of a dangerous disorder in the female body. That is why the uncharacteristic strong sweating in women should cause anxiety and suspicion, becoming a reason for a visit to the doctor.

Common Causes of Increased Sweating in Women

Constant excessive sweating often worries the female half of the population. This condition is associated with the specificity and physiological characteristics of the organism. Periodic excessive sweating of the body is not a sign of any dangerous illness. However, if sweating is constant, but before that the woman did not observe such a violation, plus there are uncharacteristic symptoms in addition, you should consult a doctor. The reasons for increased sweating in women can be the following:

  • hormonal changes;
  • poisoning;
  • psychosomatic disorder;
  • infectious and viral diseases.

How is hormonal changes associated with hyperhidrosis?

If serious hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, for example, during conception and bearing a child or in the phase of entering menopause, bouts of profuse sweating often begin to worry. Hormones affect the entire functioning of the body, therefore, with an excess or shortage of some women, severe sweating begins to worry. If hormonal changes occur naturally, nothing needs to be done; in case of a pathological disorder, specific treatment is required. Therefore, if a girl suddenly sweats, but this state is uncharacteristic for her, then you need to make sure that everything is in order with the hormonal background.

Poisoning is one of the causes of increased sweating

Do not ignore the problem, attributing it to individual characteristics.

Excessive sweating can be the result of severe drug, chemical and pesticide poisoning, or poor quality food. With such a dangerous violation, the main task of the body is to remove all toxic substances from the inside as soon as possible. Therefore, a person begins to vomit, diarrhea, increased sweating.

Psychosomatics also provokes pathology

The causes of sweating in women also lie in psycho-emotional instability. Often the cause of hyperhidrosis is frequent stress, lack of sleep, emotional fatigue, or just sudden violent emotions. It is important to learn to control yourself in such situations, and if this fails, the doctor will help get rid of the problems, who will prescribe special, sedative agents.

Infectious diseases

Fever, chills, aches, fever and profuse sweat production are the main signs of a viral infectious disease. The pathogen that has penetrated the body begins active life and reproduction. In response to this, the immune system instructs the body to activate its protective properties and begin to destroy the "stranger". As a result, the temperature rises, in order to normalize it, an abundant amount of sweat is produced, which removes excess energy from the body in the form of heat. Also, with the help of sweat, waste products of pathogenic microorganisms are removed from the body. Therefore, in order to avoid symptoms of dehydration and intoxication, during an exacerbation of a viral disease, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible.

Other, no less dangerous diseases

Many whites can provoke an ailment.

Sudden and uncharacteristic sweating can signal the development of other, no less dangerous pathologies in the body, including:

  • Endocrine Disorders. It can be thyroid or pancreatic dysfunction, or adrenal dysfunction.
  • Cardiological pathology. Often, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system provokes the release of cold or hot sweat, which is a consequence of the body's response to stress.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Development of neoplasms of various etiologies. Malignant tumors have a destructive effect on the entire human body, disrupting the functioning of all organs and systems. Therefore, with frequent bouts of sweating, weakness, unreasonable weight loss, you should undergo a diagnostic study.
  • Drug abuse that has this symptom on the list of side effects.
  • Congenital disorders of the functioning of the sweat glands. With this dysfunction, a person suffers from excessive sweating of the legs, palms, face, armpits and groin folds.

Excessive sweating, shortness of breath, tinnitus and sudden loss of consciousness are alarming symptoms that something is wrong with the body. And if such situations become more frequent, you need to immediately undergo diagnostic tests and determine the cause of the pathology.

Excessive sweating is quite common in women. The causes of this condition can be different, ranging from hormonal imbalance and ending with dangerous diseases. The causes of increased sweating after 50 years are most often associated with the onset of menopause. It was during this period that the female body undergoes serious hormonal changes. However, there are other factors that cause this disorder.

The main causes of female hyperhidrosis

There are a variety of causes of heavy sweating in women. In this case, various parts of the body can be exposed to hyperhidrosis. Moreover, this symptom can be present all day or only occur at a certain time of the day - day or night.

The most common causes of female hyperhidrosis include the following:

  • High emotionality. With low stress resistance and increased exposure to emotions, hyperhidrosis often develops. Situations when a person is faced with high psychological stress provoke sweating even in healthy people. If a woman suffers from hyperhidrosis, the situation is aggravated, which causes even more excitement.
  • Overweight. Obesity is often a problem. This is due to the effect of body fat on the thermoregulation of the human body. As a result, the sweating system also suffers. In addition, excess weight is often associated with hormonal changes, which also seriously affect the appearance of hyperhidrosis.
  • Endocrine system pathologies. In the functioning of the sweating system, the work of the endocrine glands plays an important role. It is often observed in diabetes mellitus, hyper- or. Ovarian failure may also be a provoking factor.
  • pathology. Certain types of tumor formations - for example, carcinoma or lymphogranulomatosis - affect the function of the endocrine glands. They also affect thermoregulation and the work of the sweating system. Timely diagnosis of such pathologies is extremely important, since they affect the functioning of the body.
  • , poisoning. Excessive sweating is often caused by an infection in the body. This condition may be associated with the development of tuberculosis or respiratory diseases. In such a situation, hyperhidrosis can occur at different times of the day. However, night sweats should make a woman see a doctor right away. In addition, poisoning with toxic substances or food can lead to a problem.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Heart failure and hypertension often trigger excessive sweating. This is due to the close relationship of the cardiovascular system with human thermoregulation. Other pathologies of the heart and blood vessels also often cause problems.
  • The use of drugs. Some substances can provoke the development of hyperhidrosis. In such a situation, you will have to stop using the product or apply corrective substances that can reduce the symptoms of sweating.
  • Genetic predisposition. A large number of sweat glands and a number of genetic characteristics of the autonomic system can cause hyperhidrosis.

Menopause is the main cause of sweating after age 50

A decrease in the synthesis of genital, namely, estrogens, provokes a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. As a result, hyperhidrosis develops. This condition is a kind of reaction of the body to a violation.

Read also: Causes of increased sweating in men: key factors

With a decrease in the number of estrogens, a violation of the thermoregulatory function occurs. This provokes the appearance of diffuse sweat. This symptom is especially intense at night. A woman has to change clothes several times a night and even change bedding.

Working women also have a hard time, because every two hours their body begins to sweat, and their face turns red.

Important! If such manifestations appear, you should immediately contact a specialist. To cope with these symptoms, your doctor will select hormone replacement therapy.

When should you see a doctor?

As a rule, when excessive sweating occurs, women are in no hurry to contact a specialist. This is due to the fact that the symptom is short-lived and has obvious causes. In other situations, you must definitely contact a gynecologist. Dangerous manifestations include the following:

  • intense sweating that appears suddenly and has no apparent reason;
  • sweating at night;
  • sweating combined with fever.

Important! It is imperative to call an ambulance if you experience cold sweating, anxiety, cool skin. It should also be done in case of sudden sweating combined with loss of consciousness and dizziness and the presence of diabetes mellitus.

Diagnostic tests

First of all, the specialist must analyze the medical history and determine the situations in which sweating is observed.

Then additional studies are prescribed:

  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound examination - performed on suspicion of insufficiency heart and lymphoma;
  • blood test - allows you to establish the causes of sweating, as it helps to see anemia, infectious diseases, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism or leukemia;
  • determination of temperature - always carried out with increased sweating;
  • electrocardiogram - helps to register the work of the heart;
  • blood pressure measurement - carried out when there are other manifestations, such as dizziness or the appearance of dark circles under the eyes;
  • bone marrow biopsy - needed if lymphoma or leukemia is suspected;
  • neurological studies - carried out to determine the work.

Sweating in women is a natural reaction of the body to various stimuli of the external and internal environment, in addition, sweating helps to remove harmful trace elements and quickly returns to normal body temperature in case of colds. However, in some cases, excessive sweating can indicate pathologies. Most often, the causes of increased sweating in women are hidden in disorders of the nervous system or in heart disease.

Heavy sweating of the whole body in women can be caused by factors such as:

  • Constant stress. With a highly excitable nervous system, it is able to provoke head sweating in women;
  • Long stay in a room with dry air;
  • Formations in the lymphatic system;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Improper functioning of the endocrine glands;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Malignant and benign tumors;
  • Hypothermia or overheating;
  • Obesity or overweight;
  • An unstable hormonal background may be associated with the work of the endocrine system;
  • Impaired thermoregulation;
  • Wrong metabolism;
  • Alcohol and nicotine abuse;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Side effect after taking certain medications;
  • Improper diet, frequent use of spices, sweets and spicy foods, excessive consumption of carbonated drinks;
  • Incorrectly selected diet;

Household reasons

Tightly fitting or improperly fitted clothing can cause a rise in body temperature and cause severe head and neck sweating.

Poor hygiene can cause discomfort. Find the right antiperspirant and apply it to clean, dry skin at night when the sweat glands are not active.

Infectious and viral diseases

Pathologies of an infectious or viral nature can provoke a high body temperature and profuse sweating.

Such violations include:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Colds;
  • Hepatitis (A, B, C, E);

In the fight against violation, you can use a contrast shower, hardening, phyto-gatherings.

Weak immunity

A weakened immune system (especially after prolonged illness and taking antibiotics) causes the sebaceous glands to work actively. At the same time, the back of the head, palms or feet sweat, and the back sweats especially strongly. If perspiration is observed systematically, you should consult a therapist.

Genetic predisposition

The systematic appearance of sweat or hyperhidrosis can be caused by a hereditary predisposition. At the same time, the head and back of the head sweat a lot. Treatment of a genetic predisposition requires special therapy.

Heart disease

Heart failure or other malfunctioning of the cardiovascular system can trigger morning sweats. At the same time, there is low blood pressure and an active pulse.


Diabetes mellitus causes disruptions in carbohydrate metabolism and an excess of acetone in the blood, as a result of which hyperhidrosis appears. At the same time, women sweat back when walking and the axillary area.


With cervical osteochondrosis, some nerve endings are pinched, which are responsible for the normal functioning of blood vessels and glands. In this case, excessive sweating is accompanied by dizziness, discoloration of the skin.

Acute poisoning

A sudden onset of sweat is the first sign of acute food poisoning and some toxic compounds. In this case, the patient has a high fever, weakness and vomiting.


Persistent nocturnal sweating after 45-50 years old can be caused by menopause. With menopause, the production of sex hormones quickly fades away, there is a sharp decline in the level of estrogen and progesterone, they affect the hypothalamus. At such moments, a woman is overcome by "", her body temperature rises, pulsation, weakness, drowsiness appear. Typically, these disorders are treated with hormone therapy. Self-treatment is strictly contraindicated.


During pregnancy, the body is subject to many changes. Pregnant women may experience not only toxicosis, but also intense sweating, especially in the dark. That is why it is necessary to monitor hygiene and use antiperspirants in a timely manner; drug treatment is not used in this case so as not to harm the fetus.

Postpartum and lactation periods

The postpartum period is a difficult stage in the restructuring of the female body. In the first month after the birth of a child, not only the armpits, but also the chest area, can sweat, mainly at night. This disorder is caused by excess fluid in the tissues after pregnancy. In this case, you need to use odorless organic antiperspirants. But if there is no improvement, you should seek the advice of your doctor.

Profuse sweating during lactation appears due to the following reasons:

  • Decline in estrogen levels.
  • Active work of the mammary glands.
  • Painful sensations when breastfeeding.

Doctors and Diagnostics

If the disorder in the body does not go away, you should seek help from a therapist. After the initial examination and passing all the necessary tests, the therapist can refer to a narrow-profile specialist to establish an accurate diagnosis and treatment. In addition, during the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a general blood test, a blood test for sugar and hormones.


After a comprehensive examination, the doctor prescribes appropriate therapy aimed at combating sweat. For this, a variety of interventions are used.

Drug treatment

Medicines are prescribed in cases where hygiene does not help, these can be the following:

  • Disinfectant creams. This method is used mainly with increased sweating on the palms and feet. Apply the cream in a thin and even layer on clean and dry skin.
  • Talc and other minerals. Talc-based powders quickly absorb moisture without destroying the acid-base balance.
  • Antiperspirants and deodorants based on aluminum salts. Aluminum salts stabilize the sebaceous glands in a short time and are safe for the skin.
  • Hormone therapy. This method of treatment is used to stabilize hormonal balance and normalize certain cycles in the body.

Surgical intervention

Operations are resorted to in cases where drug therapy does not have the proper effect on sweating. To do this, use:

  • Liposuction... This type of intervention is most effective. During the operation, the fatty layer and some nerve endings are removed, which provoke profuse sweating;
  • Curettage... The procedure is based on the removal of sebaceous glands and nerve endings;
  • ETS(endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy). With the help of an endoscope, nerve endings are pinched. In addition, this method is used at all stages of the manifestation of hyperhidrosis in women.


A violation can be prevented with the help of some preventive measures. These include: maintaining good hygiene, using organic body cosmetics, maintaining an active lifestyle, and eating fresh food.

Excessive sweating in women may indicate a serious medical condition. Therefore, you should promptly seek help from a specialized doctor.

List of references

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