What causes the belly to swell in men. Causes of intestinal flatulence in men

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Gas formation is a normal physiological process that occurs in the intestine. Only pathological changes and an improper diet can lead to increased gas formation, which causes discomfort. So, consider the picture of the normal process of gas formation.

In any person, gases are formed in the gastrointestinal tract due to the swallowing of air, while in the intestines they appear as a result of the vital activity of many microorganisms. Usually? gases directly from the digestive system are expelled by belching, expelled through the rectum, or absorbed into the bloodstream.

It should be noted that approximately 70% of the gases contained in the gastrointestinal tract ( or GI tract) is the air that is being swallowed. It has been established that with each swallow, about 2-3 ml of air enters the stomach, while the main part of it goes to the intestines, while a smaller part exits through "burping with air". Thus, an increased amount of gas is observed in cases where conversations are carried out during a meal, with a hasty meal, while chewing gum or drinking through a straw. In addition, dryness in the mouth or increased salivation can also provoke increased gas formation.

Intestinal gases are a combination of carbon dioxide with oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and a small amount of methane. In this case, the listed gases do not have an odor. But still, often "belching air" has an unpleasant odor.
Why? It's all about sulfur-containing substances, which are formed in a fairly small amount by bacteria that inhabit the human large intestine.

And although gas formation is a completely normal and normal process, when it increases or the removal mechanisms are disturbed, very unpleasant symptoms appear. Understanding the reasons why bloating occurs helps to identify the best ways to solve this unpleasant condition.


There are two main sources of increased gas production: swallowed air and intestinal gases. Let's take a closer look at each of these reasons.

Swallowed air is gases that were formed as a result of the functioning of the normal intestinal microflora ( in other words, the colon).

It is the swallowing of air that is the main cause of bloating. Of course, any person swallows a small amount of air when eating food or liquids.
But there are processes in which excessive swallowing of air occurs:

  • Hasty ingestion of food or liquids.
  • Chewing gum.
  • Consumption of carbonated drinks.
  • Pulling air through the gaps between the teeth.
In these cases, the following picture is observed: the main part of the gases will be removed with an eructation, while the remaining amount will go into the small intestine, and, therefore, will be partially absorbed into the bloodstream. The part that is not absorbed in the small intestine enters the large intestine, after which it is excreted.

Let's talk about intestinal gas. And let's start with the fact that, while evolving, a person failed to adapt to the digestion of certain carbohydrates, including lignin and cellulose, pectins and chitin. These substances form the basis of fecal masses formed in the human body. So, moving through the stomach and intestines, some of them, when they enter the large intestine, become a “victim” of microorganisms. It is the consequence of the digestion of carbohydrates by microbes that gas formation becomes.

In addition, the intestinal microflora breaks down many other food debris that enters the large intestine ( e.g. proteins and fats). Basically, hydrogen and carbon dioxide are formed in the intestines. In this case, gases are excreted directly through the rectum ( only a small amount is absorbed directly into the bloodstream).

Do not forget that the individual characteristics of each person are of great importance, for this reason the same product can affect different people in completely different ways: for example, gas formation can increase in some, while others do not.

Mechanisms of excessive gas formation

To date, there are several underlying mechanisms for increasing gas production, which can lead to flatulence ( bloating associated with increased gas production in the intestines).

Eating foods that lead to increased gas formation.
Here is a list of such products:

  • legumes,
  • mutton,
  • black bread,
  • kvass and carbonated drinks,
  • beer.
Digestion disorders can also provoke increased gas formation. This mechanism may include insufficiency of digestive enzymes, as well as all sorts of problems with absorption. So, undigested products lead to an active state of microorganisms, during the breakdown of which products release a large amount of gas.

It is impossible not to say about the violation of the bacterial composition ( or biocenosis) intestines, which is a fairly common cause of bloating. Thus, an excess of microorganisms, as well as the predominance of flora, which is not normally found in the intestine, leads to an increase in the processes of fermentation and putrefaction.

Finally, let's talk about motor impairment ( or motor function) intestines. Due to the long stay of decay products in the intestine, gas production increases significantly.

This process is observed:

  • With anomalies in the development of the intestine.
  • After operations on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Under the influence of certain drugs.
In addition, various mechanical obstacles encountered in the intestines also lead to the formation and development of flatulence ( we are talking about tumors, polyps, adhesions). An increase in gas formation can be caused by impaired blood circulation in the intestines, not to mention psychogenic factors.

Types of flatulence

1. Alimentary flatulence arising from the use of products, during the digestion of which there is an increased release of gases in the intestine.

2. Digestive ( digestive) flatulence - a consequence of violations of the following digestive processes:

  • enzymatic deficiency,
  • absorption disorders,
  • violations of the normal circulation of bile acids.
3. Dysbiotic flatulence, which develops due to a violation of the composition of the microflora, which, in turn, leads to the breakdown of products and the release of a large amount of gases that have an unpleasant odor.

4. Mechanical flatulence, which is the result of all kinds of mechanical disorders of the so-called evacuation function of the gastrointestinal tract.

5. Dynamic flatulence resulting from violations of the motor function of the intestine. An interesting fact is that with this type of gas formation, neither an increased amount of gas nor a changed gas composition is observed, while the transit of gases through the intestines is significantly slowed down.

Causes of dynamic flatulence:

  • intestinal paresis,
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • anomalies in the structure or position of the colon,
  • spasm of smooth muscles due to various nervous disorders and emotional overload.
6. Circulatory flatulence is a consequence of a violation of the formation and absorption of gases.

7. High-altitude flatulence is formed when atmospheric pressure decreases. The fact is that in the process of raising to a height, gases will expand, and their pressure will increase.

Conclusion: factors of increased gas formation in the intestines are very diverse, and often not one mechanism, but several, operates simultaneously.

Foods that cause bloating

Increased gas formation is observed when eating foods that contain carbohydrates, while fats and proteins have much less effect on this process. Carbohydrates include: raffinose, lactose, as well as fructose and sorbitol.

Raffinose is a carbohydrate found in legumes, pumpkin, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, artichokes, and many other vegetables.

Lactose is a natural disaccharide that is present in milk and its components: ice cream, bread, breakfast cereals, salad dressings, milk powder.

Fructose is a carbohydrate found in many fruits and vegetables. In addition, it is used in the manufacture of soft drinks and juices. Fructose is used everywhere and as a filler in various drugs.

Sorbitol is a carbohydrate found in vegetables and fruits. It is widely used to sweeten all kinds of dietary products that do not contain sugar.

It provokes gas formation and starch, which is contained in most of the products used by the Slavs ( potatoes, corn, peas and wheat). The only product that does not lead to bloating and increased gas formation is rice.

Let's talk about dietary fiber, which is present in almost all products. These fibers can be soluble or insoluble. For example, soluble dietary fiber or pectins) swell in water, forming a gel-like mass. Such fibers are found in oats and beans, peas and many fruits. They enter the large intestine in an unchanged state, where the process of splitting and gas is formed. In turn, insoluble fibers overcome the path through the gastrointestinal tract with virtually no changes, and therefore do not entail significant gas formation.

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Clinical manifestations of gas formation:
  • bloating and rumbling in the abdominal cavity,
  • frequent burping,
  • unpleasant smell of emitted gases,
  • the development of a kind of psychoneurosis,
  • burning sensation in the heart,
  • cardiopalmus,
  • interruptions in heart rate,
  • mood disorders,
  • general malaise.
It should be noted that severe symptoms do not always depend on the volume of "excess gases". So, in many people, when gas is introduced into the intestines ( one liter per hour) there is a minimum number of these symptoms. At the same time, people who have any bowel disease often do not tolerate a much lower gas content at all. Thus, we can conclude that the clinical picture of gas formation is due, firstly, to the biochemical component ( namely, the incorrect organization of the processes of formation of gases and their removal), secondly, increased sensitivity of the intestine, which is associated with functional disorders of contractile activity.

According to clinical observations, increased gas formation may occur due to emotional disorders. Most often, this kind of flatulence is diagnosed in patients who are passive by nature, incapable of confrontation, not distinguished by sufficient perseverance in achieving their goals, and, therefore, have certain difficulties in curbing anger and discontent. These patients may develop avoidant behaviors leading to conflicts at home and at work.

To date, there are two main types of manifestations of flatulence. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Option one
The main signs of gas formation:

  • a feeling of overfilling of the stomach and its significant increase due to bloating of the intestines,
  • inability to pass gases due to spastic dyskinesia.
Relief of the general condition of the patient occurs most often after defecation or discharge of gases, while the symptoms are most pronounced in the afternoon, when the activity of the digestive processes reaches its climax.

One of the types of this variant of gas formation is local flatulence, in which gases are concentrated in a certain area of ​​​​the intestine. Its signs, combined with certain types of pain, can provoke the development of characteristic clinical pictures inherent in the following syndromes: splenic flexure, as well as hepatic angle and caecum. Let's talk about each of the syndromes.

splenic flexure syndrome
This syndrome is more common than others, and certain anatomical prerequisites are necessary for its formation: for example, the left flexure of the colon should be high under the diaphragm, fixed by peritoneal folds and forming an acute angle. It is this angle that can act as a trap designed to accumulate gas and chyme ( liquid or semi-liquid contents of the stomach or intestines).

Reasons for the development of the syndrome:

  • posture disorder,
  • wearing too tight clothes.
This syndrome is dangerous because when gas is retained, leading to bloating, the patient feels not only overfilling, but also quite strong pressure in the left side of the chest. At the same time, patients associate similar symptoms with angina pectoris. Correct diagnosis of the disease can be based on the data obtained during the physical examination. In addition, with increased gas formation, pain disappears after defecation, as well as after the passage of gases. An x-ray examination will also help in the diagnosis, during which an accumulation of gases in the area of ​​​​the left bend of the intestine is noted. The main thing is not to self-medicate.

hepatic angle syndrome
This syndrome appears when gas accumulates in the hepatic flexure of the intestine. Thus, the intestine is pinched between the patient's liver and the diaphragm. I must say that according to the clinical picture, the syndrome of the hepatic angle is similar to the pathology of the biliary tract. Patients often complain of a feeling of fullness or pressure observed in the right hypochondrium, and the pain spreads after some time to the epigastric region, to the chest, to the right hypochondrium, extending to the shoulder and back.

blind gut syndrome
This syndrome is typical for patients who have increased mobility of the caecum.


  • feeling of fullness
  • pain in the right iliac region.
In some cases, massage in the projection area of ​​the caecum leads to the release of gases, causing relief, for this reason, some patients massage the stomach on their own.

Option two
This option has the following characteristics:

  • constant flurry of flatulence
  • the presence of an odor
  • mild pain syndrome
  • rumbling and transfusion in the abdomen, which is heard by the patient himself and the people around him.
General flatulence occurs during the accumulation of gases directly in the small intestine, while lateral - with the accumulation of gases already in the large intestine. It should be noted that bowel sounds in this case can be either amplified or weakened, or may be completely absent ( it all depends on the causes of the swelling). During the palpation when examining a patient with fingers) a palpable caecum may indicate the localization of the pathological process; at the same time, the collapsed caecum speaks of small bowel ileus ( narrowing or closing of the intestinal lumen, causing intestinal obstruction).

Increased gas formation is diagnosed by conducting a survey radiograph of the abdominal cavity.


  • high degree of pneumatization ( the presence of air-filled cavities) not only the stomach, but also the large intestine,
  • a fairly high location of the diaphragm, especially the left dome.
The amount of gases is measured using plethysmography, a method based on the injection of argon into the intestines.

Since the symptom of excessive gas formation is rather non-specific and can be combined with various functional and organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is a careful study of the anamnesis, the competent identification of the characteristics of the diet, which are extremely important for approving the program for further examination and the course of treatment. Young patients who do not have complaints of other diseases and do not lose weight do not have to worry about serious organic abnormalities. Elderly people whose symptoms are progressive in nature should undergo a thorough examination in order to exclude oncological pathologies and many other diseases.

Main symptoms

The main symptoms of increased gas formation include:
  • burp,
  • increased gas emission flatulence),
  • bloating ( flatulence), accompanied by rumbling and intestinal colic,
  • stomach ache.

But with a high formation of gases, not everyone shows such signs. It all depends, first of all, on the number of gases formed, as well as the amount of fatty acids absorbed from the intestines. Not the last role is played by the individual sensitivity of the colon to increased gas formation. In cases where swelling occurs very often, while the symptoms are pronounced, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to exclude serious disorders and diagnose the disease in time.

Belching during or after eating is not unusual, as it helps to expel excess air that has entered the stomach. Very frequent burping is an indicator that a person has swallowed too much air, which is removed even before it enters the stomach. But also frequent belching can signal a person's diseases such as gastric and intestinal disorders, peptic ulcer, as well as gastroesophageal reflux and gastritis. An interesting fact is that people suffering from the listed diseases, on a subconscious level, hope that swallowing and, accordingly, belching air can alleviate their condition. This erroneous state of affairs leads to the development of an unconditioned reflex, which consists in the fact that during the intensification of unpleasant symptoms, a person swallows and burps air. Most often, the manipulation done does not bring relief, which means that pain and discomfort continue.

Frequent belching may be a symptom Meganblais syndrome found mainly in the elderly. This syndrome is caused by swallowing a large volume of air during a meal, which entails overdistension of the stomach, a change in the position of the heart.
Outcome: limitation of diaphragm mobility, leading to the development of an angina attack.

In some cases, the cause of increased gas formation and bloating of the stomach may be postoperative treatment of gastroesophageal reflux. The fact is that surgeons, in the process of eliminating the underlying disease, create a kind of one-way valve that allows food to pass only in one direction, that is, from the esophagus directly to the stomach. As a result, the processes of normal belching, as well as vomiting, are disrupted.

Increased gas separation is another sign of excessive gas formation. According to the norm, a healthy person gas separation is carried out about 14 - 23 times per day. With more frequent removal of gases, we can talk about serious disorders associated with the absorption of carbohydrates, or about the development of dysbacteriosis.

There is a misconception that bloating is caused by excess gas. At the same time, many people, even with a normal amount of gases, may well experience bloating. This is due to improper removal of gases from the intestines.

So, the cause of bloating is most often a violation of the motor activity of the intestine. For example, with SRTC ( irritable bowel syndrome) a feeling of bloating is due to the increased sensitivity of the receptor apparatus of the intestinal walls.

In addition, any disease, the consequence of which is a violation of the movement of feces through the intestines, leads not only to bloating, but often to the appearance of pain in the abdomen. The cause of swelling may be previous abdominal surgery, the development of adhesions, internal hernia.

It is impossible not to say about the excessive consumption of fatty foods, which can also cause an uncomfortable feeling of bloating, and this is due to the slow movement of food from the stomach directly into the intestines.

Abdominal pain
Sometimes bloating is accompanied by colic, characterized by the appearance of acute and cramping pain in the abdomen. Moreover, with the accumulation of gases in the left side of the intestine, the pain can be mistaken for a heart attack. With the accumulation of gases on the right side, the pain mimics an attack of biliary colic or appendicitis.

Which doctor should I contact for gas formation?

If you have a gas problem, please contact gastroenterologist (make an appointment), since it is in the sphere of his professional competence that the diagnosis and treatment of the causes of this unpleasant symptom lies. If for some reason it is impossible to get to a gastroenterologist, then with gas formation it is necessary to contact general practitioner (make an appointment).


Bloating, and, consequently, increased gas formation can be caused by many serious diseases, for the elimination of which a comprehensive examination is carried out. First, the attending physician finds out the features of the patient's diet and the main symptoms that bring discomfort. In certain cases, the doctor prescribes a study of the patient's daily diet for a specific period of time. The patient must keep a special diary, entering into it data regarding his daily diet.

If lactase deficiency is suspected, all foods containing lactose should be excluded from the diet. In addition, lactose tolerance tests are prescribed. If the cause of bloating is a violation of the excretion of gases, then in the diary the patient indicates, in addition to the diet, information about the time and daily frequency of excretion of gases through the rectum.

The most careful study of nutritional characteristics, as well as the frequency of fluctuations ( gas emissions) will help identify foods that provoke bloating.

Ascites should be ruled out in patients with chronic bloating ( or fluid buildup), not to mention the complete cure of inflammatory bowel disease. Patients over the age of 50 must undergo a gastrointestinal examination to rule out a disease such as colon cancer. For this purpose, an endoscopic examination is carried out, which is prescribed to people suffering from unmotivated ( causeless) weight loss, diarrhea.

If chronic belching is observed, the doctor may order an endoscopy of both the esophagus and stomach. In addition, an x-ray examination may be prescribed.

What tests can a doctor prescribe for gas formation?

As a rule, the problem of gas formation does not present difficulties in diagnosis, as it is associated with clear and unambiguous symptoms. However, in order to understand whether the normal amount of gases in the intestines in a person causes discomfort or there is a lot of gases, the doctor may prescribe an overview radiograph of the abdominal cavity or plethysmography. Both methods make it possible to understand whether there are many gases in the intestines or their normal amount, and painful symptoms are due to increased sensitivity of the mucosa, mental factors, etc. In practice and overview abdominal x-ray (make an appointment), and plethysmography are rarely prescribed and used.


Consider options for getting rid of gas formation. And to begin with, the most common causes of gas formation are the wrong diet and overeating.

In this case it is necessary:
  • Exclude from the diet foods that provoke gas formation: legumes, cabbage and apples, pears and white bread, as well as soda and beer.
  • Exclude the simultaneous use of protein and starch foods. So, give up the combination of meat and potatoes.
  • Avoid eating exotic foods that the stomach is not used to. If you are not ready to completely switch to traditional food, then you should limit the use of original dishes that are not inherent in Russian and European cuisine.
  • Don't overload your stomach with food Simply put, don't overeat.). Eat smaller meals, but do it more often.
Sometimes increased gas formation is observed after the use of various dairy products, which may indicate lactose intolerance. In this case, the only way out is to exclude dairy products.

Also, the problem of gas formation occurs due to the swallowing of air when eating. So remember: When I eat I am deaf and dumb". Take your time and chew your food thoroughly before swallowing it.

Smoking and alcohol can lead to increased gas formation, so give up these bad habits that provoke this delicate problem. To reduce swallowed air, reduce the use of chewing gum.

Pharmacological preparations

If we talk about the treatment of increased gas formation with the help of pharmacological preparations, then their use must be agreed with the attending physician, since their effectiveness depends primarily on the cause leading to the formation of gases.

With increased gas formation and bloating, the following drugs are most often prescribed: simethicone and activated charcoal, espumizan, as well dicetel and various enzyme preparations.
In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that simethicone will not have the expected effect with increased gas formation occurring in the colon. In this case, espumizan or activated charcoal is recommended.

With gastroesophageal reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, doctors prescribe: metoclopramide (Cerucal and Raglan), cisapride (Propulsid) and Dicetel.

Alternative treatment

Residents of the eastern regions of India, after each meal, chew a few pinches of flavored seeds of cumin, fennel, anise, which helps to eliminate gas formation. For the same purpose, a decoction of licorice root is brewed: for example, 1 teaspoon of the root is poured into a glass of water and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes.

mint decoction
Mint is a carminative that prevents the increased formation of gases, with any kind of mint. The recipe for such a decoction is simple: 1 teaspoon of mint is poured with one glass of boiling water, after which it is boiled over low heat for no more than 5 minutes.

rusty elm
This plant is considered to be an effective remedy for helping to eliminate severe cases of gas formation. This plant is most often taken in powder form, while the powder is washed down with warm water or tea. The decoction recipe has the usual taste, but has the appearance of a viscous mixture, because of which many refuse to accept the unsightly-looking mixture. Slippery Elm is a mild laxative that makes stools slippery. For rusty elm decoction, boil one glass of water, pouring into it half a teaspoon of elm bark, ground to a powder. Boil the mixture over low heat for about 20 minutes. It is necessary to take the strained mixture three times a day, one glass each.

yellow fluorspar
This stone has a huge number of beautiful shades and different shapes. Spar has an exceptionally positive effect on the nervous system, while a yellow stone has an excellent effect on digestion. So, if problems with increased gas formation were to some extent caused by nervous tension, then it is enough to place yellow fluorspar, shaped like an octahedron, on the affected part of the body, lie down and breathe deeply for five minutes. You will feel much better.


As you know, it is easier to prevent the onset of a disease than to treat it. Here are preventive measures, following which you will forget about the problem of increased gas formation.

Adjust your diet to eliminate foods that cause fermentation or gas.
These products include:
Constant lack of sleep, untimely eating, smoking and stress are the main causes of disruption of the intestines, which, in turn, leads to increased gas formation. For this reason, you should adhere to a certain daily routine, that is, sleep at least eight hours a day, eat right and in a timely manner, limit the amount of alcohol, and take a walk in the fresh air.

The food culture deserves special attention: for example, you need to chew your food thoroughly, excluding conversations during meals, which provoke increased swallowing of air, leading to gas formation.

Replacement therapy
Excessive gas formation may occur due to an enzyme deficiency or due to a violation of the circulation of bile. In these cases, replacement therapy is required, which involves the use of choleretic and enzyme preparations.

Bloating or flatulence- excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines, which develops due to increased gas formation, malabsorption or insufficient excretion.

Symptoms. Increased gas formation is manifested:

  • a feeling of fullness and fullness in the abdomen;
  • discomfort;
  • rumbling;
  • flatulence - the release of gases from the lower intestines, which may be accompanied by a sound of varying volume.
In addition, belching, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, burning in the heart area, general weakness, sleep and mood disturbances may occur.
Index Norm What does it testify
Leukocytes 4-9x109 Raise the number of leukocytes may indicate an infectious disease or inflammatory process of any organ.
Increase the number of stab neutrophils, the appearance of metamyelocytes (young) and myelocytes are called shift of the leukocyte formula to the left. It may indicate various pathologies: acute infectious diseases, intoxication, malignant tumors, etc.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR 2-15mm/h ESR increase can cause any inflammatory processes and infections, malignant tumors, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, Crohn's disease.

Most people with flatulence have a complete blood count without changes.
Index Norm Deviations that can be found
Form decorated Liquid or mushy stools occur with dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections, poisoning, inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, Crohn's disease, colon tumors, food allergies.
Color tan A whitish color indicates liver pathology: hepatitis, cholelithiasis.
Black color and tarry consistency may be a sign of bleeding from a stomach or duodenal ulcer.
Smell Fecal unsharp A sharp putrid smell indicates a lack of digestive enzymes and a sharp increase in the number of putrefactive bacteria.
Reaction Neutral An alkaline reaction is the result of the decay of proteins in the small intestine with a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes.
The acid reaction is the result of the fermentation of carbohydrates in the colon during a carbohydrate diet.
Muscle fibers are indigestible Not detected Undigested elements of meat food are present in feces with a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, chronic pancreatitis.
Connective tissue Not found The presence of particles of connective tissue from food is possible with chronic atrophic gastritis and inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which are accompanied by a deficiency of digestive enzymes.
hidden blood Not found The presence of blood cells may indicate bleeding gums, peptic ulcer, polyps of the stomach or intestines, tumors of the digestive tract, helminthic invasion, hemorrhoids.
Slime Not visible to the naked eye Increased secretion of mucus is observed in inflammatory diseases of the colon (colitis) and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as salmonellosis and dysentery.
indigestible fiber In moderation Fiber in large quantities indicates a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice and diseases of the pancreas, if they are accompanied by diarrhea.
Neutral fat Not found The presence of fat is caused by a lack of lipase secreted by the pancreas. It occurs mainly in patients with chronic pancreatitis.
Fatty acid Not detected The presence of fat indicates the pathology of the pancreas.
Starch grains are extracellular Not detected The presence of starch in the feces may indicate malabsorption in the small intestine and pancreatitis.
Leukocytes Not detected or 0-2 in view A significant number of leukocytes responsible for fighting infection is characteristic of inflammatory bowel diseases: colitis, intestinal infections.
Helminth eggs (worms) Not detected The presence of eggs or larvae of worms indicates infection with helminths.
yeast fungus Less than 10 3 An increase in the fungus confirms dysbacteriosis.
Iodophilic bacteria (cocci, rods) Not detected A high level of bacteria indicates poor digestion in the stomach, pancreatic enzyme deficiency, and increased fermentation processes.
Protozoa (amoeba, balantidia, giardia) Not detected The presence of protozoa indicates a decrease in local immunity (in the absence of symptoms) or infection with intestinal zooprotonoses (giardiasis, leishmaniasis).
Stercobilin and Stercobilinogen
75-350mg/day Absent in obstruction of the bile ducts.
Less than normal for parenchymal hepatitis, cholangitis, dysbacteriosis.
Exceeding the norm is possible with hemolytic anemia.
Bilirubin Not found in children older than one year and adults It is found in dysbacteriosis, rapid evacuation of food through the intestines.
Fecal calprotectin less than 50 mcg/g in adults and children over 4 years of age An increase in concentration indicates food allergy, celiac disease, diverticulitis, cystic fibrosis, intestinal infections of various origins.

Stool culture for the intestinal group and dysbacteriosis

Bakposev - a study of bacteria contained in feces, which allows to evaluate the ratio of "normal" and opportunistic microorganisms and identify pathogens.

Normal performance

Type of microorganisms Children adults
bifidobacteria 10 9 – 10 11 10 9 – 10 10
lactobacilli 10 6 – 10 8 10 6 – 10 8
Bacteroids 10 7 – 10 8 10 7 – 10 8
Peptostreptococci 10 3 – 10 6 10 5 – 10 6
Escherichia (E. coli) 10 6 – 10 8 10 6 – 10 8
Saprophytic staphylococci ≤10 4 ≤10 4
Enterococci 10 5 – 10 8 10 5 – 10 8
Clostridia ≤10 3 ≤10 5
Candida ≤10 3 ≤10 4
Klebsiella ≤10 4 ≤10 4
Pathogenic enterobacteria - -
Pathogenic staphylococci - -

Significant deviations from the norm indicate the development of dysbacteriosis.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs

    Gas bubbles in the intestines confirm flatulence. Other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are evidenced by such violations:

    • changes in the size, shape and structure of the organs of the digestive system;
    • the presence of infiltrates and foci of inflammation;
    • cysts;
    • tumors;
    • adhesions;
    • free fluid in the abdomen.
  • X-ray contrast examination of the intestine

    An x-ray examination of the intestine is performed after taking barium sulfate preparations. It, being a radiopaque substance, settles on the inner wall of the intestine and allows you to study its features.

    An x-ray of the abdominal cavity reveals signs of various pathologies accompanied by flatulence:

    • intestinal loops swollen with gas during flatulence;
    • narrowing of the intestinal lumen caused by spasm, constipated feces, adhesions, etc.
    • swollen pearls of the small intestine in chronic pancreatitis;
    • radiopaque gallbladder stones that interfere with the outflow of bile;
    • fecal stones;
    • rounded formations on the intestinal wall may be tumors;
    • fluid and gas in the lumen of the caecum and ileum indicate appendicitis;
    • signs of intestinal obstruction - the radiopaque substance does not spread into the lower intestines;
    • in the presence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, the image looks blurry - the effect of "frosted glass".
  • Treatment for bloating

    First aid for bloating

    Drug group Mechanism of therapeutic action Representatives Mode of application
    Adsorbents Particles of preparations actively adsorb various substances on their surface. They capture gases and remove them from the body. Activated carbon Apply 1 hour before meals at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight 3-4 times a day. It is advisable to grind the tablets (chew), drink ½ glass of water.
    Polyphepan 1 st. l of the drug is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Consume before meals 3-4 times a day.
    Polysorb 1 heaping tablespoon of powder is dissolved in ½ cup of water. Take 1 hour before or 1 hour after eating or taking other medications.
    Smecta The contents of 1 sachet are dissolved in ½ cup of water. Take before meals 3 times a day.
    Defoamers Surfactants break down the fine bubble foam containing gas, reduce its volume and reduce pressure on the intestinal wall. Espumizan Take 2 tsp or 2 capsules. Multiplicity of reception 3-5 times a day.
    colicid Take 1 tablet 3-5 times a day during or after meals.
    Prokinetics Contribute to the strengthening of intestinal peristalsis and the removal of gases. Strengthen motility, accelerate the evacuation of the contents of the intestine. They have an antiemetic effect. Motilium Instant lingual tablets. 1 tablet is placed under the tongue, where it quickly dissolves, after which the drug is swallowed without drinking.
    Passagex Adults: 1 tab 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
    Gastric juice Increases the acidity of gastric juice with reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid. Facilitates the digestion of food, reduces putrefactive and fermentation processes in the intestines. natural gastric juice 1-2 tablespoons during or after each meal.
    Enzyme preparations Contain pancreatic enzymes and auxiliary components. Promote the breakdown of fats and vegetable fiber, as well as the absorption of nutrients. Pancreatin Take 150,000 IU / day. Tablets or capsules are swallowed without chewing during meals, with 1 glass of non-alkaline liquid (water, juices).
    Creon Consume during each meal 20,000-75,000 units of lipase EF.
    Festal 1-2 tablets immediately after meals with a small amount of water.
    Antispasmodics Relax the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall, eliminating spasm. Reduce pain caused by bloating. Papaverine 40-60 mg (1-2 tablets) 3-4 times a day.
    No-shpa 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.
    Phytotherapy Infusions of medicinal herbs normalize intestinal motility and contribute to the speedy removal of gases. They also eliminate spasm and reduce soreness with the accumulation of gases.
    Medicinal herbs also stimulate the production of food enzymes.
    Camomile tea Brew 2 teaspoons with a glass of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.
    Infusion of dill, fennel, cumin Pour 2 teaspoons of seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave for up to 2 hours. Take ¼ cup every hour.
    Mint infusion Brew 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water. Drink in small portions throughout the day.

    Attention: the doses are indicated for adults. For children, drugs are available in the form of suspensions. The doctor selects the dosage based on the weight and age of the child.

    Gas tube can only be used as a last resort for infants and bedridden patients. Its frequent use, especially in children, can lead to addiction - the child will not be able to get rid of gases on his own. In addition, with careless administration, there is a risk of damaging the intestinal walls and causing bleeding.

    Do I need to call an ambulance for bloating?

    Bloating is not a life-threatening condition. Taking adsorbents and antispasmodics improves well-being in 20-40 minutes. Pain with flatulence disappears immediately after emptying the intestines or passing gases.

    If, after these measures, the patient continues to complain of severe pain in the abdomen, then this may indicate serious diseases:

    • an attack of acute appendicitis;
    • peritonitis;
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • ruptured ovarian cyst.
    If these pathologies are suspected, it is imperative to call an ambulance team that will take the patient to the surgical department.
    1. Complete sleep. Chronic lack of sleep leads to disruption of the work of all internal organs and slowing down of intestinal motility. A healthy 8-hour sleep improves intestinal innervation and accelerates motility.
    2. Sufficient physical activity. Hypodynamia leads to a delay in the contents of the digestive tract. Constipation violates the composition of the microflora and causes flatulence. Hiking and playing sports improve intestinal motility. Exercises that involve the abdominal muscles are especially useful: bicycle, scissors, torso.
    3. Lack of stress. Nervous shocks disrupt the innervation of the intestine, which entails a slowdown in its motility and reabsorption of gases.
    4. Limit smoking especially while eating. In smokers, a large amount of air and smoke enters the stomach, which contributes to an increase in the volume of intestinal gas.
    Diet for bloating

    Eliminate foods that cause or increase fermentation from the diet

    • indigestible meats: goose, pork, lamb;
    • legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils;
    • cereals: millet, barley;
    • easily digestible carbohydrates: fresh pastries, cookies, cakes and pastries, chocolate;
    • whole milk, cream, ice cream, milkshakes;
    • Borodino bread, bread with bran;
    • raw and pickled vegetables containing coarse fiber: cabbage of all kinds, radishes, tomatoes;
    • fruits and berries: grapes, dates, kiwi, pears, apples, gooseberries, raspberries;
    • greens: spinach, sorrel, green onions;
    • carbonated drinks, kombucha, kvass, beer;
    • mushrooms;
    • alcohol;
    • chewing gum.
    Include foods that improve intestinal motility in your diet
    • crumbly cereals from buckwheat and millet;
    • dairy products;
    • wholemeal bread from yesterday's baking;
    • boiled and baked vegetables and fruits.
    Prevention of "intestinal colic" in children under one year old.

    10 Alternative Remedies for Gas and Bloating

    Increased gas formation, which happens sporadically, reduces the quality of life in the male half of the population and often occurs with the wrong combination of various products. The situation is also common when the stomach in men often puffs up, but the reasons here can be different, up to the presence of a serious illness. We study the subtleties of a delicate failure in the body.

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    Bloating leads to excessive stretching of the internal tissues, so a person feels a feeling of internal distension, overcrowding and an increase in the size of the abdomen. In some cases, it really increases, in others, the transformation has an imaginary nature (the patient only seems to change the geometry of the body).

    The main reasons for the development of bloating:

    • improper eating. The rapid absorption of food is associated with the ingestion of air, which is not able to disappear in the body - manifestations of flatulence disappear only after the release of air in the form of belching or removal of gases (through the anus). In a hurry, a person chews food poorly, which also does not contribute to thorough assimilation. Most of all, lovers of lively conversations at the table swallow air, who quickly develop a rumbling in the lower abdomen.
    • sodas and sweets. Carbonated drinks provoke the entry of air bubbles into the body, which, when taken in large quantities, form bloating. Buns and sweets are easy to digest, but at the same time stimulate the appearance of fermentation in an adult, followed by an unpleasant feeling of fullness at the bottom.
    • stress. Psycho-emotional overload provokes an increase in the amount of gastric juice and malfunctions of the digestive tract.

    Nutritionists also do not recommend smoking before and after meals, use chewing gum (longer than 5 minutes). The male half of humanity is more likely to face the problem of increased gas formation, since they are less likely to follow diets and pay less attention to the inclusion of healthy foods in the diet.

    A large amount of fruits and berries is also not recommended: a high fiber content initiates the appearance of fermentation in the intestines.

    Flatulence as a symptom of the disease

    Even after the exclusion of gas-forming products and the observance of proper nutrition, bloating may not go away. In this case, you should think about a chronic physiological disorder that the man has not yet noticed.

    Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract are the main causes of discomfort in the lower body. Gastroenteritis, cholecystitis, duodenitis, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease (a negative reaction to protein gluten) and chronic dysbacteriosis disrupt the natural process of digestion. The appearance of dysbacteriosis kills the positive microflora and also leads to the fact that a person is constantly puffy. Prolonged use of antibiotics leads to the rapid development of pathogenic microflora. The strong half of humanity more often occupies leadership positions and traditionally bears more responsibility (for prosperity in the house, the well-being of children), which contributes to the development of nervous diseases - neurosis and neuritis, which stimulate food to enter the large intestine too quickly. In an insufficiently digested form, food quickly finds itself below (in the lower intestines) and the person feels that he is swelling.

    The tendency to drink alcohol also increases the likelihood of bloating: any alcoholic drink stimulates the formation of harmful substances. The presence of surgical interventions in the gastrointestinal tract can also permanently change the postoperative condition of the patient, for example, cause chronic flatulence. Mechanical disturbances in the evacuation function of the intestine, resulting from the appearance of tumors and adhesions, are the most dangerous causes of flatulence.

    Both climbers and those who like to visit mountains that are far from civilization can experience discomfort: climbing to a height leads to the expansion of gases that increase pressure on the intestines (the phenomenon is called high-altitude flatulence).

    Features of this condition in men

    Diarrhea, constipation, rumbling of the intestines, cramping pains are common symptoms that describe the clinical picture of this disease. Stitching pains occur in the left and right hypochondrium, where the anatomical folds of the colon are located. Chronic disorders lead to aggravation of health: headaches appear, a feeling of nausea develops, and the temperature rises. Extraintestinal symptoms also include the appearance of pain in the region of the heart and disturbances in the heart rhythm.

    Prolonged flatulence leads to a deterioration in mood, the development of insomnia and general weakness.

    How to get rid of bloating?

    You can get rid of gas formation if you use the recommendations of specialists, medicines and folk recipes.

    An unpleasant sensation in the lower body is better to prevent than to treat an already formed undesirable reaction in the body.

    • careful chewing and slow absorption of food;
    • reduction of gas-provoking foods in the diet;
    • refusal to overeat;
    • eating 5-6 times a day;
    • adherence to the rules of product compatibility.

    Eating more often means reducing portion sizes. Less stress on the gastrointestinal tract will contribute to better absorption of products, which means blocking gas formation.

    Physical exercise contributes to the improvement of a person’s condition, with the exception of jumping, which disrupts the calm process of digesting food.

    Top 5 medicines for bloating: description, contraindications, prices

    Activated carbon

    The sorbent made from charcoal effectively, like a sponge, absorbs poisonous and toxic substances. To avoid distension in the abdomen, you should take 1-2 tablets after meals. As a result, the stomach does not swell and excellent health is maintained.

    Restrictions on charcoal intake include: ulcerative lesions and internal bleeding.

    The price tag for activated carbon varies from 10 to 25 rubles per standard.

    Thanks to its enzymatic properties, it normalizes the work of the pancreas and helps to quickly promote the absorption of carbohydrates and the absorption of fats.

    Prohibited for use by persons suffering from hepatitis, gallstone disease, pancreatitis and intestinal obstruction.

    The cost of Festal varies from 140 to 160 rubles for 20 pills, a package of 100 pills costs from 650 to 680 rubles.

    The tool is used in the presence of dysbacteriosis - the tablets saturate the gastrointestinal tract with useful lactobacilli. It is designed for long-term use, therefore it does not have an instant therapeutic effect.

    The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

    Purchase costs - 490–520 rubles per pack (32 capsules).


    A directional carminative drug (if it puffs for a long time), which contributes to the destruction of gas bubbles.

    The tool can not be used for intestinal obstruction and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an obstructive nature.

    50 capsules cost from 450 to 470 rubles.

    Powdered medication, soluble in water, is absorbed faster and provides prompt assistance during swelling. It belongs to the group of antidiarrheal drugs, so it is recommended if there is a feeling of pain below and loose stools.

    Contraindications: intestinal obstruction, problems with the absorption of sucrase-isomaltase and glucose-calactose.

    Smekta (10 units of powder) costs from 150 to 175 rubles. Contains pleasant taste odorants - orange and vanilla.

    Long-term use of drugs is not recommended.

    Folk remedies

    • Parsley, dill, fennel. Natural herbs that suppress gas formation are recommended to be consumed with meals. Popular is "dill water", which is prepared from crushed fennel or dill seeds (1 tsp). The mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, the solution is infused for 40 minutes. Take a quarter cup up to 3 times a day, when the stomach has been swollen for a long time.
    • Yogurt and kefir. You can not buy expensive Linex, but simply include daily consumption of dairy products in your diet. The effect comes after a few days by reducing the number of harmful bacteria. It is permissible to use only in the absence of diarrhea.
    • Caraway. The crushed seeds of this plant are able to quickly calm the “storm” in the stomach. To prepare an aqueous solution, you need 3-4 teaspoons, which are poured with 2 cups of boiling water, after which it is infused for 2 hours.
    • Sagebrush. A bitter, but effective remedy, which is prepared by boiling 1 tbsp for 10 minutes. spoons of wormwood herb. Then the water infusion is left to cool for 1 hour. Heated broth is used for 1-2 tbsp. spoons after meals.
    • Massage. Stroking the abdomen in a clockwise direction reduces pain. While on the floor, the man places his feet on a chair and strokes his stomach. This posture contributes to a more rapid removal of an increased amount of gases.

    Diet: allowed and prohibited foods

    Changing food habits is an important tool to overcome bloating.

    By consuming other foods that provoke the formation of gases during digestion, a person also runs the risk of getting a certain reaction in the body.

    What is impossible, or from what puffs:

    • legumes;
    • grape;
    • kvass;
    • beer;
    • sweets;
    • ice cream;
    • white and cauliflower;
    • turnip;
    • sorrel;
    • chocolate;
    • sour fruits.

    It is also necessary to exclude any products that cause an individual negative reaction in a man. Most often they are dairy products.

    Drinking drinks containing sorbitol and aspartame also has a negative reaction on the body.

    What can be done with bloating:

    • crackers;
    • cereals;
    • steam meat;
    • lean fish;
    • greenery;
    • green and black tea;
    • seaweed;
    • fish and meat broths.

    A person suffering from bloating can also eat vegetables without restrictions - potatoes, beets, carrots, pumpkins. Eggs are equally acceptable, but only boiled. During cooking, it is recommended to use seasonings that improve food digestion (cumin, black pepper, ginger).

    Adherents of a healthy diet are advised to increase the amount of proteins in the diet, which are traditionally easily absorbed by the body.

    Menu for flatulence

    When forming a therapeutic diet, the presence of side effects, primarily diarrhea and constipation, is taken into account. Depending on the presence of a certain phenomenon, the diet also changes.

    Flatulence with constipation

    In the morning it is better to eat any cereal porridge seasoned with prunes or dried apricots. It is recommended to cook porridge exclusively on water, and not on milk. A few hours later, breakfast is repeated: a light snack of muesli and a glass of tomato juice helps to wait for dinner without feeling hungry. At lunchtime, an idea is boiled, skinless chicken, a broth prepared on the basis of poultry is served. Washed down with light green tea. In the afternoon, it is reasonable to serve buckwheat with steamed meatballs to the table and additionally add a baked apple to the snack.

    Before going to bed, you should eat yogurt, but if you have diarrhea, it is wiser to drink carrot juice or hibiscus tea, which has an antibacterial effect.

    Bloating with disorder

    In the morning, cook rice porridge or muesli, drink strong tea.

    At lunch, it is also permissible to eat light chicken broth with boiled meat, and drink it with jelly.

    Kissels made from dried blueberries, bird cherry and chokeberry demonstrate the best fixing effect.

    In the afternoon, you can eat applesauce, which strengthens (unlike raw apples).

    For dinner, it is useful to drink a rosehip-based decoction or “dill water” with any porridge. It usually takes a few days for the lower abdomen to stop hurting.


    Correction of the nutritional regime allows you to eliminate many causes of an unpleasant condition that prevents you from living a full life. Avoiding unhealthy foods and taking targeted medications will help minimize the risk of bloating.

    If flatulence does not allow you to live in peace for a long time, you need to undergo a thorough examination, which will be prescribed by your doctor.

    Check out the video for this issue.


    The presence of symptoms such as:

    • puffy stomach
    • smell from the mouth
    • heartburn
    • constipation
    • belching
    • heaviness after eating
    • stomach ache

    If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

    gastritis or ulcer. These diseases are dangerous for the development of serious complications (penetration, gastric bleeding, etc.), many of which can lead to


    exodus. Treatment needs to start now.

    Read the article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their root cause in a natural way. Read the material ...

    Increased gas formation, belching, unpleasant and even painful sensations in the abdomen - all these are symptoms of flatulence familiar to many men firsthand. The causes of bloating in men are varied, but there are many ways to treat them - all of them are effective to varying degrees. The main thing you need to know is that you can not only relieve the symptoms, but also cure the disease without much difficulty and save yourself the embarrassment associated with this disease.

    Symptoms that are hard to miss

    Bloating, or flatulence, is excessive gas formation in the intestines. Diseases of the digestive system more often overtake people who are nervous, with increased anxiety. This is due not only to the fact that the digestive system is sensitive to the emotional state of a person, but also to the fact that people prone to anxiety often eat quickly, swallowing too much air, which the body must then remove. Thus, excessive swallowing of air is one of the causes of bloating. Abdominal bloating: causes and methods of prevention.

    There are several ways to remove excess air: through belching, absorption into the blood through the walls of the stomach and intestines, and also through the release of gases. An unpleasant smell may be due to the fact that there are bacteria in the intestines that process gases.

    The main symptoms and signs of flatulence are:

    • Pain in the abdomen, which is spastic in nature, reaching colic, a feeling that "the stomach is bursting";
    • Constant belching Belching: why it happens and what it means;
    • Abundant release of gases through the anus more often than normal (that is, more often than 10-20 times a day);
    • An enlarged and tense abdomen, on palpation of which it is easy to detect accumulation of gases.

    Reasons: from overeating to serious illness

    Of course, from time to time, bloating can also occur in healthy men, for example, as a result of overeating or eating foods that are incompatible with each other. But often flatulence is a manifestation of some other disease. For example, the pancreas of a person suffering from chronic pancreatitis is simply unable to produce the enzymes necessary for digestion, then bloating appears constantly after any meal.

    If a man has irritable bowel syndrome, when his motor function is impaired, pain and bloating appear at the same time. Another disease, the symptom of which is bloating, is dysbacteriosis. When the balance of microflora is disturbed, and there are fewer beneficial microorganisms, harmful types of bacteria are activated and produce methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.

    Flatulence can be the result of a food intolerance, such as lactose or wheat protein. Such intolerance can be congenital, as in the case of celiac disease, or it can be age-related: older people sometimes lack enzymes that help digest milk sugar.

    Polyps and tumors can mechanically prevent the passage of gases, and, therefore, cause all the unpleasant symptoms of flatulence. Also, bloating can mask diseases of the liver, spleen and other abdominal organs. The doctor can diagnose the cause of swelling only during an internal examination by prescribing special diagnostic studies.

    How to relieve discomfort

    You should start with a revision of the diet: it is not for nothing that they say that food is the best medicine. Indeed, if the stomach and intestines can hardly cope with their duties, then they need at least a little rest. It is not at all necessary to arrange fasting - on the contrary, you need to provide the body with light food, for example, boiled rice with a little oil and suitable herbal teas (for example, mint and chamomile). Avoid sugar and salt for a couple of days.

    Such a short-term diet will relieve the symptoms, but in the future, in any case, you will have to revise the menu: replace fatty meat with white chicken, choose rice and buckwheat from cereals. It is recommended to temporarily remove milk from the diet, replacing it with kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt. You need to carefully monitor the reaction of the body to each product. The recommendation for separate meals is optional, but it will help to identify which foods provoke gas formation.

    For the normal functioning of all body systems, a person needs movement. In modern conditions, especially in the presence of a car, men are often physically inactive. To improve bowel function How to improve bowel function is a step-by-step process, long walks and jogs are recommended, to which you can add your favorite sport, gym or swimming.

    As an emergency, official medicine suggests taking enzyme preparations (Festal, Mezim, Motilium and others). Further treatment is prescribed depending on the diagnosis. In any case, if bloating is not caused by overeating, it is permanent, you should seek the advice of a doctor, since treatment can only be prescribed after the true cause of flatulence is discovered.

    One of the easiest ways to relieve the symptoms of bloating is to decide to take sorbents, in particular, regular activated charcoal. Activated charcoal - old, but indispensable at a dosage of 3 grams per day, is likely to successfully solve the problem. You need to carefully monitor the provision of the body with all the necessary substances, including fiber and vitamin B. It may be worth considering the option of using pharmaceutical preparations, and in some cases traditional medicines such as chamomile tea or ginger tea are effective.

    The causes of bloating can be due to both the physiological state and serious diseases of the digestive tract. Pathology has no gender differences. The condition can manifest itself equally in men and women. Despite this, the incidence of increased gas formation is observed more in women. Statistical data are based on the anatomical predisposition of the female body to the development of provoking factors (pregnancy, lactation, bacterial flora of the digestive tract).

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    Gas in the stomach and intestines

    Bloating is not a disease, but only characterizes the development of a pathological condition. With systematic flatulence, differential diagnosis should be carried out and the treatment tactics should be determined. Before treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will determine exactly what to drink with high efficiency in case of bloating.

    Features of the pathology

    The entire digestive process is based on the absorption and grinding of food so that it can be absorbed through the walls of the intestines and blood vessels. Nutrients entering the bloodstream move throughout the body, saturate the organs and systems with the necessary enzymes. Waste products inside the body are transported to the intestines, from where they are excreted through the rectum in the form of gases or feces. These processes characterize the possible appearance of bloating. During a normal digestive process, the volume of gases is insignificant and is not felt by a person, but with any internal disturbances, the volumes of gas increase and become noticeable to a person and others. Bloating and pain (otherwise, flatulence) are characterized by the accumulation of excess gases in the intestines due to various functional disorders of the stomach and intestines.

    The main symptoms are a feeling of internal distension, regular urge to defecate, an increase in the volume of the abdominal cavity. There are two main forms of flatulence:

    • physiological (episodic flatulence that occurs after eating specific foods);
    • pathological (systematic flatulence resulting from chronic diseases of the digestive tract).

    If bloating - what to do to reduce the volume of the peritoneum? For example, after a hearty lunch, you can walk around, do light exercises, drink activated charcoal.

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    Important! If episodic bloating is often not taken into account by patients, as it disappears after a few hours or after taking medications, then systemic flatulence is a serious reason to visit a doctor. Constant swelling in the epigastric region often signals functional disorders of the digestive system.

    The clinical picture of flatulence

    The appearance of bloating in women and men is characterized not only by discomfort in the intestinal area, but also by a deterioration in the general condition. The symptomatic complex with severe bloating is accurate, describes the features of the problem with an emphasis on the possible causes of the disease. The main signs of the development of the disease include:

    • rumbling in the stomach and intestines;
    • soreness in the organs of the epigastrium;
    • stool disorder (thinning and diarrhea along with constipation);
    • feeling of heaviness;
    • rapid separation of gases through the anus;
    • constant nausea, hiccups;
    • distention in the peritoneal region.

    The constant discharge of gases through the anus can become a real problem when it is impossible to endure, and separation is simply inappropriate. In such cases, sorbents or drugs such as Espumizan can come to the rescue. In addition to the main symptoms in patients with flatulence, mood decreases, anxiety increases, and belching appears. The bursting intestine strongly compresses adjacent organs, causing soreness and discomfort. Many patients with a swollen abdomen suffer from insomnia, general weakness of the body, and a state of apathy.

    TREAT THE CAUSE, NOT THE EFFECT! Remedy from natural ingredients Nutricomplex restores the correct metabolism in 1 month. Read the article>>…

    Causes of flatulence

    Bloating and other unpleasant conditions can be provoked not only by diseases, but also by a typical lack of food intake rules. If flatulence is formed against the background of absolute physical health, then the following can be considered the main reasons for the development of pathology:

    • lack of food intake;
    • fast food;
    • swallowing air when swallowing a large amount of food;
    • consumption of carbonated drinks and sweets;
    • emotional instability, stress;
    • prolonged chewing gum;
    • a large amount of fruits or berries in the diet (fermentation);
    • smoking.

    Swallowing excess air often occurs during table conversations, smoking, yawning. Fruits or berries are well absorbed, but with a large intake into the body, they provoke fermentation processes. Emotional experiences or stress irritatingly affect the walls of the stomach and intestines, which provokes their functional disorder.

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    Causes of appearance in women

    Bloating in the lower abdomen in women occurs much more often than in men for existing natural reasons. In many women, a feeling of bursting of the peritoneum and accumulation of gases is noted before the start of the active phase of the menstrual cycle. Before the onset of menstruation, fluid accumulates in the body due to hormonal changes, which increases blood flow to the pelvic organs. The liquid adds extra pounds, a small tummy appears. The main causes of bloating in women include:

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    • menstruation;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • systematic overeating;
    • increase in progesterone.

    Symptoms of flatulence in women

    Physiological flatulence disappears immediately after the cessation of provoking factors. Treatment of bloating in this case comes down to reducing food, aggressive foods. If pregnancy or menstruation is gone, and constant bloating continues for a long time, then the following conditions can be suspected:

    • development of uterine fibroids;
    • functional disorders of the liver, up to cirrhosis;
    • enterocolitis;
    • bowel disease;
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • dysfunction of the pancreas.

    Important! If the abdomen is swollen and the lower abdomen hurts, then fibroids can be suspected. Uterine fibroids in the early stages of development are latent, only occasionally manifesting as bloating and painful menstruation. If unpleasant symptoms persist, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity should be done. Usually this method is the fastest and most informative for primary diagnosis.

    Flatulence during pregnancy

    The development of flatulence during pregnancy is due to the constant growth of the fetus and the natural compression of the internal organs. In some women, flatulence manifests itself throughout pregnancy, starting from the moment of fertilization of the egg. A disturbing accumulation of gases is a reason for diagnosis in order to exclude conditions that are potentially dangerous to the fetus. The main causes of abdominal distension during pregnancy include:

    • the production of progesterone (against the background of relaxation of the muscle tone of the uterus and a decrease in the motor activity of the digestive organs);
    • pressure of the growing fetus on the intestines and adjacent organs;
    • uncomfortable or tight clothing;
    • malnutrition, lack of regimen;
    • the use of fruits or berries in unlimited quantities;
    • desire to eat sweets, flour, sour.

    Important! The body of a pregnant woman experiences severe stress, immunity is reduced to eliminate the risk of rejection of the fetal egg. Women help their body by making the right balanced diet.

    Before you eliminate bloating during pregnancy, an obstetric history should be taken into account. Some drugs or herbs can cause permanent harm to the fetus. Normalization of the diet, fractional frequent meals, an active lifestyle (if necessary) will help to avoid discomfort in the form of flatulence or heartburn.

    Causes of pathology in men

    Before using medicines against gases, it is worth finding out what bloating can be from. Feelings with flatulence in men and women are the same. Against the background of absolute health in men, increased gas formation and bloating occurs mainly for the following reasons:

    • swallowing excess air with food;
    • talking while eating;
    • consumption of fermentation products;
    • violation of the transportation of gases (stress, overeating, change in the usual diet);
    • consumption of carbonated drinks;
    • the presence in the diet of semi-finished products, fast food;
    • systematic intake of alcoholic beverages.

    Symptoms in men

    If the pathology persists for a long time, this is the reason for contacting specialists for additional diagnostics. The main causes of non-physiological flatulence include:

    • development of pancreatitis;
    • chronic dysbacteriosis;
    • colitis, enterocolitis, acute enteritis;
    • symptoms of intestinal obstruction;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • inflammatory processes of the digestive tract.

    Important! Alcohol and tobacco are more inherent in the male half of the population, so regular consumption of beer with any snack becomes a common cause of bloating. Smoking also provokes the absorption of air with smoke and the accumulation of excess gas in the intestinal cavity. In the presence of a burdened clinical history from gastroenterology, an additional study should be performed.

    Other causes of flatulence

    Important! The causes and treatment of bloating are usually related. Diagnosis of flatulence is not difficult for specialists. Based on the data obtained, optimal therapy is prescribed.

    Bloating can be eliminated by maintaining a stable diet, a balanced diet, and maintaining a sleep and wakefulness schedule. Moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air contribute to maintaining a healthy spirit and strong emotional health. Even in the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system, diet and sports are an integral part of medical or surgical therapy.

    But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause?

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    for acquaintance, contraindications are possible, consultation with the doctor is MANDATORY! Do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment!

    Features of treatment

    Before using medicines against gases, it is worth finding out what bloating can be from. Feelings with flatulence in men and women are the same. Against the background of absolute health in men, increased gas formation and bloating occurs mainly for the following reasons:

    • swallowing excess air with food;
    • talking while eating;
    • consumption of fermentation products;
    • violation of the transportation of gases (stress, overeating, change in the usual diet);
    • consumption of carbonated drinks;
    • the presence in the diet of semi-finished products, fast food;
    • systematic intake of alcoholic beverages.

    If the pathology persists for a long time, this is the reason for contacting specialists for additional diagnostics. The main causes of non-physiological flatulence include:

    • development of pancreatitis;
    • chronic dysbacteriosis;
    • colitis, enterocolitis, acute enteritis;
    • symptoms of intestinal obstruction;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • inflammatory processes of the digestive tract.

    Increased gas formation, which happens sporadically, reduces the quality of life in the male half of the population and often occurs with the wrong combination of various products. The situation is also common when the stomach in men often puffs up, but the reasons here can be different, up to the presence of a serious illness. We study the subtleties of a delicate failure in the body.

    improper eating. The rapid absorption of food is associated with the ingestion of air, which is not able to disappear in the body - manifestations of flatulence disappear only after the release of air in the form of belching or removal of gases (through the anus).

    In a hurry, a person chews food poorly, which also does not contribute to thorough assimilation. Most of all, lovers of lively conversations at the table swallow air, who quickly develop a rumbling in the lower abdomen.

    Sodas and sweets. Carbonated drinks provoke the entry of air bubbles into the body, which, when taken in large quantities, form bloating.

    Buns and sweets are easy to digest, but at the same time stimulate the appearance of fermentation in an adult, followed by an unpleasant feeling of fullness at the bottom. stress.

    Psycho-emotional overload provokes an increase in the amount of gastric juice and malfunctions of the digestive tract.

    Nutritionists also do not recommend smoking before and after meals, use chewing gum (longer than 5 minutes). The male half of humanity is more likely to face the problem of increased gas formation, since they are less likely to follow diets and pay less attention to the inclusion of healthy foods in the diet.

    The effect of stiffness of muscle fibers has more than one factor that causes such a phenomenon. The causes of a hard abdomen in men can be caused by systemic disorders of the internal organs. The feeling of fullness appears after overeating, drinking an excess amount of sweets, carbonated drinks. No action is required, just moving around is enough to improve the condition.

    • epigastrium;
    • mesogastrium;
    • hypogastrium.

    In this case, the edges of the costal arches and the xiphoid process are considered to be the external boundaries of the abdomen (

    ), as well as the iliac crests and the upper edges of the pubic bones (

    In the epigastric region, located directly under the xiphoid process, three segments are distinguished - the right hypochondrium, the epigastric region itself and the left hypochondrium.

    The mesogastric region is the middle of the abdomen and consists of the right lateral region, the umbilical region, and the left lateral region.

    The hypogastric region is the lower abdomen and includes the right iliac region, the suprapubic region, and the left iliac region.

    • collection of anamnesis;
    • physical examination;
    • instrumental research;
    • laboratory diagnostics.

    Collection of anamnesis

    The totality of information that the doctor receives by questioning the patient (

    • anamnesis of life;
    • disease history.

    An anamnesis of life is information that characterizes the social and professional status of the patient, his physical and mental state, as well as the presence of hereditary and acquired diseases.

    The anamnesis of the disease is a set of information about the disease that currently worries the patient. Here, the doctor needs to obtain information about how the disease began and developed, what is the dynamics of symptoms and what actions were taken by the patient himself (

    • the onset of pain e.g. acute or gradual development of pain);
    • the nature of the pain for example, dull, aching, throbbing, stabbing, or squeezing);
    • pain intensity ( e.g. mild, moderate or severe intensity);
    • localization and irradiation of pain ( determining the location of pain);
    • duration of pain e.g., subsiding quickly or lasting several hours or days);
    • the presence of factors that provoke or increase pain in the lower abdomen ( e.g. eating, exercise);
    • the presence of factors that relieve pain ( for example, a certain position of the patient);
    • associated symptoms ( e.g. nausea, fever, upset stool, bleeding).

    In general, the collection of anamnesis is one of the main methods of medical research. In some cases, it is through the collection of anamnesis and physical examination of the patient that the final diagnosis is made without any additional diagnostic methods.

    Physical examination

    A complex of diagnostic measures that a doctor performs with the help of improvised means and sensory organs.

    • examination of the patient;
    • palpation;
    • percussion;
    • auscultation.

    The patient is examined in a vertical and horizontal position. In order for all parts of the body to be accessible for inspection, the patient's body must be sufficiently naked. In this case, the inspection should be carried out in a special room with the optimum temperature (

    ) and in natural light.

    • the general condition of the patient;
    • state of consciousness;
    • body temperature;
    • body position;
    • condition of the skin and visible mucous membranes;
    • condition of the lymph nodes.

    When examining the abdomen, its shape, size, and also the movement of the abdominal wall are determined. An enlarged abdomen may be due to

    For all acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity, there is a collective term "acute abdomen". If an “acute abdomen” is suspected, a special action plan is carried out, the quality of which a person’s life may depend on.

    So, when providing first aid to a patient with symptoms of an acute abdomen, it is strictly forbidden to administer analgesics (

    • sexually transmitted diseases;
    • prostatitis;
    • prostate adenoma.

    For sexually transmitted diseases (

    ) in addition to pain, a man may experience discharge from the urethra of a different nature (

    ), as well as rashes, cracks or ulcers on the glans penis. It should be noted that in these diseases, pain, as a rule, is localized along the urethra and can be given to the inguinal and suprapubic region.

    With prostatitis (

    ) and prostate adenoma (

    ) pain during or after intercourse can be localized in the groin and lower abdomen.

    It should also be noted that pain can develop due to the presence of a man

    to certain types of contraceptives. For example, latex

    or the use of spermicides by a woman can provoke an allergic reaction in a man, which will manifest

    Burning and soreness of the penis.

    With pain in the lower abdomen in men, the reasons may be different. In women, 70% of problems in the lower abdomen are associated with gynecological causes, in the male body everything is much more complicated. To understand the cause, sometimes you have to go through a full course of diagnostic examination.

    Some causes of pain in the lower abdomen only affect men. These conditions are usually more serious and require medical attention. Localization of pain can also be different and be in any part of the lower abdomen.

    Inguinal hernia

    Treatment can vary depending on the nature and origin of the abdominal pain, with some treatments being as simple as prescription drugs, and more severe cases requiring emergency surgery.

    A balanced diet and the inclusion of regular exercise help keep the digestive system and overall health in excellent condition. Healthy habits can help you avoid pain and discomfort in the future.

    Some of these habits include:

    • drinking enough clean water;
    • saturating the body with vitamins with the help of fruits and vegetables;
    • avoidance of overeating;
    • reduced alcohol consumption;
    • use of over-the-counter medicines for stomach pain in mild cases (for example, after drinking).


    Bloating leads to excessive stretching of the internal tissues, so a person feels a feeling of internal distension, overcrowding and an increase in the size of the abdomen. In some cases, it really increases, in others, the transformation has an imaginary nature (the patient only seems to change the geometry of the body).


    Increased gas formation, belching, unpleasant and even painful sensations in the abdomen - all these are symptoms of flatulence familiar to many men firsthand. The causes of bloating in men are varied, but there are many ways to treat them - all of them are effective to varying degrees.

    The main thing you need to know is that you can not only relieve the symptoms, but also cure the disease without much difficulty and save yourself the embarrassment associated with this disease.

    Symptoms that are hard to miss

    VASHE ZDOROVIE / 21.06

    In our world it is difficult to find a person who does not like to eat tasty food. The use of favorite dishes and products gives a person one of the most pleasant pleasures. But often, delicious food is not the most healthy, and therefore, after eating such food, people often experience a feeling of overeating, and an unpleasant sensation and heaviness are accompanied by bloating after eating.

    Since most often bloating begins after eating, the most common cause of this phenomenon is problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If a person began to develop gastritis or dysbacteriosis, then unpleasant symptoms can appear just a few minutes after the person began to eat.

    Therefore, if you are regularly tormented by flatulence, then the first thing you should do is make an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

    1. Allowed cooking modes - stewing, boiling, steaming.

    2. Meals are served only warm and in small quantities. Eat food if the stomach is regularly swollen, preferably more often than usual - at least 5-6 times a day.

    3. You need to treat bloating by completely eliminating food on the go, late meals.

    4. You can drink water or other drinks only an hour after eating.

    5. If the stomach swells, it is unacceptable to use chewing gum due to unreasonable activation of the production of gastric juice.

    6. Sweet foods in combination with other foods can provoke gas formation, so juices and fruits are consumed separately from other dishes.

    7. If gases regularly leave, you need to drink at least a liter of clean water per day, which normalizes the processes of digestion of food and increases the effectiveness of treatment.

    Diet in the treatment of excessive gas and bloating involves the organization of meals using the following products:

    • Improving peristalsis of beets, carrots and pumpkins, provided they are properly prepared.
    • Eggs in the form of a steam omelette or soft-boiled.
    • Lean poultry, fish, lean meats.
    • Boiled vegetable entrees.
    • Dried wheat bread.
    • Low-fat kefir and cottage cheese.
    • Kash, with the exception of millet and barley.
    • Weakly brewed green tea.
    • Citrus juices (in the absence of gastritis).
    • Greens added in small quantities to ready meals.


    swallowing excess air with food; talking while eating; consumption of fermentation products; violation of the transportation of gases (stress, overeating, change in the usual diet); consumption of carbonated drinks; the presence in the diet of semi-finished products, fast food; systematic intake of alcoholic beverages.

    Symptoms in men

    development of pancreatitis; chronic dysbacteriosis; colitis, enterocolitis, acute enteritis; symptoms of intestinal obstruction; stomach ulcer; inflammatory processes of the digestive tract.

    Flatulence in women

    Collection of anamnesis

    With prostatitis (

    Inguinal hernia



    Symptoms in men

    Flatulence in women

    If gases do not pass for several days and become a daily occurrence, diarrhea, nausea, heart pain, headache or fever are added to the feeling of bloating, then the reason lies in the disease. In this case, you need to visit a doctor and undergo a diagnosis of the body.

    Bloating and other unpleasant conditions can be provoked not only by diseases, but also by a typical lack of food intake rules. If flatulence is formed against the background of absolute physical health, then the following can be considered the main reasons for the development of pathology:

    • lack of food intake;
    • fast food;
    • swallowing air when swallowing a large amount of food;
    • consumption of carbonated drinks and sweets;
    • emotional instability, stress;
    • prolonged chewing gum;
    • a large amount of fruits or berries in the diet (fermentation);
    • smoking.

    In addition to pathological disorders of organs or systems of the epigastric space, episodic gas formation, there are common specific factors called internal intoxications:

    Important! The causes and treatment of bloating are usually related. Diagnosis of flatulence is not difficult for specialists. Based on the data obtained, optimal therapy is prescribed.

    Bloating can be eliminated by maintaining a stable diet, a balanced diet, and maintaining a sleep and wakefulness schedule. Moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air contribute to maintaining a healthy spirit and strong emotional health. Even in the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system, diet and sports are an integral part of medical or surgical therapy.

    But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause?

    If in older children, the cause of flatulence in most cases is the consumption of gas-forming or allergenic products, as well as some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (if any), then in infants and toddlers up to a year, everything is a little more complicated.

    To begin with, it is necessary to determine exactly which foods cause strong gas formation and refuse to consume them in order to prevent unpleasant consequences. If the cause of bloating is any disease, you should consult a doctor to adjust your diet, diet and number of meals, as well as undergo adequate treatment.

    If a person has increased gas production, then the next day the digestive system needs to rest. On this day, it is recommended to eat only boiled rice, which should be washed down with herbal tea or green tea with the addition of herbs.

    Chamomile flowers, mint leaves, St. John's wort, natural green tea, ginger help digestion. In addition, it is recommended to add fresh parsley, cumin, dill, cardamom, fennel to dishes during their preparation.

    Help eliminate this problem and walking in the fresh air, playing sports, such as jogging or walking. Yoga classes and the implementation of special courses of exercises based on this system also allow you to effectively deal with flatulence and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

    Identification of the exact causes of severe bloating will quickly eliminate the disease, in addition, there are special drugs and tablets for the treatment of flatulence. When using medications, it is better to consult a specialist so as not to aggravate the problem even more.

    But the main treatment for severe gas formation remains dietary adjustment and the rejection of certain foods. If the use of fatty and heavy foods cannot be avoided, for example, at the festive table, when the meal is very plentiful and includes a variety of foods, it is recommended that you drink a glass of fresh orange juice or eat this fruit before you sit down at the table.

    After the feast, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should drink a cup of good green tea with lemon and honey. Such a measure will improve digestion, increase the production of digestive juices, thereby greatly facilitating the condition in such situations.

    Flatulence with constipation

    Flatulence is a common phenomenon characteristic of the modern population, which brings not only physiological inconvenience, but also psychological discomfort.

    Regular activated charcoal helps to quickly get rid of gas formation, which should be taken 1 gram 3 times a day. It is the reception of activated charcoal that can be called the most common and frequently used method of getting rid of such conditions.

    Flatulence in children develops even more often than in adults. And, as a rule, the cause of bloating is not yet fully formed digestive system.

    It begins to fully function at about the fifth year of life, and until that time it is necessary to carefully monitor what the child eats and try not to include empty harmful calories in his diet.

    • If we talk about newborn babies, then in this case, the diet of a nursing mother can become the cause of bloating. If she eats, for example, legumes, mushrooms or dried fruits, then flatulence will be provided to the baby. Another common cause of bloating in a newborn can be the wrong formula for feeding.
    • Sometimes even the most expensive mixtures are not suitable for the baby, and if the young mother does not understand this the first time, then the child may become restless, and he will have intestinal colic. Therefore, when buying this product, first of all, look at its composition, and only then be interested in the price. Remember, in a quality mixture there should be nothing else but powdered milk and a certain set of vitamins and minerals.
    • If the label says that there are also other components, then refuse this purchase. You also need to be very careful about how the baby eats. If during feeding he swallows air, then his tummy will definitely swell.

    Symptoms indicating the development of bloating in the bewitched:

    • Constant crying
    • Changing the shape of the abdomen
    • restless sleep
    • Belching with air
    • Refusal to eat

    For some reason, some people believe that diet alone can get rid of bloating. Of course, a properly adjusted diet helps to reduce the manifestation of symptoms, but if gastritis or dysbacteriosis has become the cause of flatulence, then in this case the diet may be powerless.

    Processes of an inflammatory nature must be treated with medication and, taking into account the intake of drugs, regulate your menu.

    • If flatulence began to overcome you in the country or on vacation, and you do not have the opportunity to quickly consult a doctor, then try to help yourself with affordable folk remedies. For starters, you can try making bran and baked onion healthy bread for your stomach.
    • To prepare it, you will need to mix these two ingredients together, add vegetable oil to them and bake it in the oven. If you replace purchased bakery products with this product, then, literally in a couple of days, the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract will begin to work harder, and this will contribute to better digestion of food.
    • Another quick measure to combat flatulence is dill water. It can be prepared both from the seeds of this plant, and from the fresh green part. It is necessary to take dill water half an hour before each meal.

    Flatulence with constipation

    Even after the exclusion of gas-forming products and the observance of proper nutrition, bloating may not go away. In this case, you should think about a chronic physiological disorder that the man has not yet noticed.

    When forming a therapeutic diet, the presence of side effects, primarily diarrhea and constipation, is taken into account. Depending on the presence of a certain phenomenon, the diet also changes.

    Flatulence with constipation

    Flatulence with constipation

    With constipation, it is useful to eat crumbly cereals: buckwheat, millet, pearl barley. It is worth giving up strong tea, coffee, chocolate, thick cereals, white bread, pasta.

    Flatulence with constipation

    Children often have tummy ache due to bloating

    carbonated drinks kvass, beer dairy products spicy spices and seasonings onions smoked legumes and marinades yeast dough pastries wheat and pearl barley soybeans sour fruits

    Flatulence with constipation

    lack of food intake; fast food; swallowing air when swallowing a large amount of food; consumption of carbonated drinks and sweets; emotional instability, stress; prolonged chewing gum; a large amount of fruits or berries in the diet (fermentation); smoking.

    Flatulence with constipation


    Very often, bloating is accompanied by other symptoms, which in most cases allows you to establish certain causes of this condition, identify the disease or disorders and find a way to get rid of the disease.

    If a normally healthy patient has encountered the pathology of a tight abdomen, and there is not a single sign listed above, another reason should be sought for why men have a hard stomach. There are several of them:

    1. strong stress, experiences. Nervous breakdowns disrupt the digestive tract, which can cause bloating. It is best to change the diet, making it easier and taking a sedative.
    2. Appendicitis. Often the symptomatology is blurred and ordinary pain on the right side, there is no temperature. In the event that the symptom does not resolve within an adequate period of time, a doctor should be consulted.
    3. Pancreatitis is another reason that the stomach is like a drum in men. The first symptom is pain in the navel with spread to the abdomen. Then vomiting begins, the stomach swells, sometimes diarrhea appears.
    4. Acute cholecystitis manifested by pain in the heart, fever, a man can sweat profusely.
    5. Hernia incarceration also leads to tightness of the abdominal muscles. Symptoms: sharp pain in the area of ​​the hernia, spreading in breadth. If the hernia cannot be repaired, the immediate assistance of a surgeon is required.
    6. Very tight belly- a symptom of peptic ulcer of the stomach and / or duodenum. When perforated, vomiting of blood begins, the stools turn black. The patient may lose consciousness. Lack of treatment will result in death.
    7. Due to trauma to the internal organs, the appearance of a swollen abdomen is also possible.

    A hard stomach in men occurs with abscesses, ascites of the abdominal cavity (dropsy), disruption of the blood vessel located on the abdominal wall. There are many reasons, and in order to prevent the development of the disease, one should be attentive to the symptoms that appear.

    The conditions listed below are the most common reasons why you may experience pain in the lower abdomen. Discomfort can be felt both on one side - on the left or right, and in the center or over the entire surface of the lower abdomen.

    With flatulence in adults, the appearance of such symptoms is characteristic:

    • an increase in the volume of the abdomen, internal distension and swelling;
    • short-term pain in the abdominal cavity;
    • rumbling in the stomach;
    • the release of accumulated gases to the outside, accompanied by various sounds;
    • belching;
    • nausea;
    • violation of the chair;
    • general weak condition;
    • burning in the region of the heart;
    • deterioration in the quality of sleep.

    However, all of the above are not the only cases requiring urgent treatment. There are other ailments that require immediate surgery or special drugs.

    Appendicitis often has a variety of symptoms that can be blurred. While the classic description of pain on the right side, nausea, and fever is the most common, the signs may be somewhat different.

    It is better not to guess and not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor.

    If the appendix is ​​not removed in a timely manner, peritonitis may begin, and this is much more dangerous, since there is a risk of death.

    medical supplies

    In the treatment of any disease, the main thing is to follow the recommendations prescribed by the doctor and take the prescribed medications. Self-medication can only aggravate the disease and lead to complications.

    On the pharmacy shelves are medicines that improve the condition of the body and speed up recovery.


    Pain accompanied by a hard stomach in case of malfunctions of the digestive system can be eliminated by taking sorbents: activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel.

    For pain associated with PMS, antispasmodics are used: No-shpa, Papaverine, Dicetel.


    Flatulence with constipation

    First aid for bloating

    Therapy of increased gas formation and bloating is based on the elimination of provoking factors. Episodes of flatulence in healthy people are eliminated by correcting the diet and the culture of eating food - in a calm environment, with careful chewing of small pieces.

    If a pathology that causes an upset of intestinal function is detected, its drug treatment is prescribed. In severe cases, it is possible to take drugs aimed at relieving the symptoms of flatulence.



    Sometimes after eating we feel discomfort in the abdomen, heaviness and bloating. These unpleasant symptoms can ruin both work and leisure. A bloated stomach causes a constant feeling of tension, distracting from the usual activities. In addition, excess pressure in the abdominal cavity can cause pain in the pubic area.


    Bloating can be eliminated in many ways. Many patients self-medicate with the help of folk remedies. Most turn to professional specialists for advice and a prescription for medications. Immediately after identifying the cause of swelling, symptomatic, etiotropic or pathogenetic therapy can be carried out. In severe advanced forms, surgery may be performed.

    medical supplies

    In order to relieve bloating, you can start taking probiotics.

    Flatulence with constipation

    Flatulence with constipation

    Flatulence with constipation

    Flatulence with constipation

    Flatulence with constipation

    Flatulence with constipation

    Causes of pathology in men

    With age, the required amount of enzymes involved in the breakdown of milk proteins is not produced in our stomach. Because of this factor, gases are formed.

    Bran and other whole grains develop the same problems. Our favorite sweets, cookies, muffins, ice cream, sodas, sugar, chewing gum all help stimulate gas.

    Collection of anamnesis

    With prostatitis (

    Inguinal hernia



    It's no secret that there are products that can even in completely healthy people provoke the development of flatulence. Most often, such food takes quite a long time to digest. And while such food is in the gastrointestinal tract, it gradually releases gases, which begin to stretch the stomach and increase the size of the waist.

    • But, nevertheless, not all products are capable of provoking such a problem as flatulence. There is food that is quickly and efficiently digested, leaving no half-life products behind.
    • For this reason, if you want everything to be normal with your body, and even a hearty lunch does not end with flatulence, try to make up your diet in such a way that it contains as many useful quickly digestible foods as possible. Of course, this does not mean that you should completely abandon tomatoes and fatty meats.
    • You can also eat them, but this should be done extremely rarely and in combination with healthy foods. For example, in no case should you combine pork with potatoes, even baked in the oven. After all, no matter how you try to reduce the calorie content of such a lunch or dinner, it will still overload the stomach, and this will immediately lead to the accumulation of gases.
    • The ideal dish for lunch can be lean meat, steamed, to which baked pumpkin flavored with olive oil and herbs will be served as a side dish.

    Products that do not cause gas formation:

    • Crackers
    • Lean fish
    • turkey meat
    • young carrot
    • bell pepper
    • Cherries
    • Greenery
    • celery root
    • Parsnip
    • Turnip
    • bitter chocolate

    Although herbs are very good at helping to fight flatulence, it is forbidden to take them for more than one month. A longer intake of such funds will contribute to the accumulation in the body of substances that can cause allergies, nausea and provoke dizziness.

    Therefore, no matter how well herbs help you, do not forget to take a two-week break from taking them after a month. During this time, the body will cope with everything that it has absorbed, and you can again safely use your favorite remedy.

    Symptoms in men


    The task of the specialist is to determine whether pain and bloating are the result of malnutrition or indicate pathologies of the digestive system. Diagnostics includes several stages.

    Collection of anamnesis

    To determine the cause that caused bloating, the doctor first probes the patient's abdomen. Palpation increases the soreness of the swollen area. In newborns with flatulence, the abdomen becomes convex and hard. When tapping the abdomen, a loud sound is noted above the place where gases are contained. The following tests will also be required:

    • general blood analysis;
    • blood chemistry;
    • coprogram;
    • stool culture;
    • ultrasonography;
    • radiography.

    Most of the above ailments require urgent surgical intervention, otherwise you need to contact a gastroenterologist and undergo a comprehensive examination, do an ultrasound scan and pass the prescribed tests. After that, appropriate treatment and a special diet can be prescribed.

    As a preventive measure, there are general recommendations, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and moderate exercise. For people with sensitive digestion, it is recommended to switch to eating homemade food prepared with a minimum of spices.

    In order to avoid infectious damage, it is important to adhere to the rules of hygiene: wash hands and fruits before eating, do not eat in establishments with a dubious reputation.


    The presence of symptoms such as:

    • Stomach ache
    • smell from the mouth
    • heartburn
    • diarrhea
    • constipation
    • belching
    • increased gas production (flatulence)

    If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

    gastritis or ulcer. These diseases are dangerous for the development of serious complications (penetration, gastric bleeding, etc.), many of which can lead to


    exodus. Treatment needs to start now.

    Read the article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their root cause in a natural way. Read the material ...



    To prevent flatulence from becoming a frequent and unpleasant guest in the body, you need to follow a number of certain rules. Firstly, you should not overeat, you need to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. Do not talk while eating and chew your food well. Do not drink with meals and minimize the use of carbonated liquids.


    The problem of where flatulence comes from is not the most popular for discussion. An exception is an appointment in the office of a gastroenterologist. There are many common causes and causes of bloating, in a particular situation they manifest themselves in different ways, often combined. Identification and timely treatment of digestive disorders, diseases that cause increased gas formation, is necessary to maintain physical health and mental well-being.

    Moderate or severe abdominal pain and bloating is not just an intestinal problem. The change in food products begins already in the oral cavity, and air enters the gastrointestinal tract along with food. The decomposition of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is provided by the digestive glands of the oral cavity, stomach, liver and pancreas.

    The food bolus travels a path longer than 5 m and enters the small intestine, where the final digestion and absorption of nutrients takes place. Water is absorbed in the large intestine. Undigested residues are excreted through the rectum. The accumulated gases are partially absorbed by the intestinal walls, the rest go out naturally.

    In case of violation of the functions of one of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the work of the entire digestive system changes. Flatulence is not necessarily a sign of a disease. The consumption of certain foods and drinks is often accompanied by bloating, which resolves by eliminating the irritant from the diet.

    Twelve questions about flatulence

    Accumulation in the intestines from 100-150 ml to 0.9-1 l of gas does not necessarily lead to bloating, if gaseous molecules enter the bloodstream and are excreted naturally through the anus. Flatulence occurs when these processes are disturbed.

    Answers to common questions about gases in the gastrointestinal tract:

    1. What is flatulence?

    This is an excessive accumulation of gas and distension of the intestines.

    1. What is another name for flatulence?


    1. Where does air come from in the digestive tract?

    Swallowed with food, drinks, swallowed while talking.

    1. What foods most often cause flatulence?

    Legumes, cereals, confectionery, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits.

    1. Is it harmful to hold back gases?

    Yes. The more air accumulates, the stronger the stretch and. To release gases, you should go to the toilet or go outside.

    1. How many gas outlets are considered normal?

    10 to 25 times a day.

    1. What is chronic flatulence?

    Bloating for more than 12 weeks.

    1. What is dangerous bloating with abdominal pain?

    The appearance of intestinal obstruction.

    1. How to determine which product causes flatulence?

    Eliminate “suspicious” dishes one by one from the menu to find out which one is associated with the appearance of bloating.

    1. Are food allergies and food intolerances the same disease?

    No. Allergy is an immune problem and incompatibility is a metabolic reaction. Occurs in case of deficiency of an enzyme that breaks down a certain substance.

    1. How is flatulence treated?

    They take carminatives, adsorbents, antispasmodics, probiotics.

    1. What plants are used to treat bloating?

    Ginger root, fennel seed, dill, chamomile flowers, mint leaves, green tea.

    Important! You can not treat severe bloating with a heating pad and enemas - they can worsen the condition of the intestines. The method is contraindicated in acute inflammation of the digestive tract.

    Flatulence is accompanied by many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, requiring immediate medical attention. Surgical intervention is necessary if there is intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, an ulcer has opened, a malignant tumor is growing.

    The most common complaints of bloating

    Flatulence is accompanied by physical discomfort, sometimes severe pain. Manifestations in different people vary depending on the composition of the food, the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the age of the patient.

    Feelings and symptoms:

    • rumbling, seething and other characteristic sounds in the intestines;
    • feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach;
    • bloating of the upper abdomen;
    • heartburn, nausea, belching, vomiting (sometimes);

    Exhaust gases have a complex chemical composition. The smell is absent when nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen predominate. The stench is explained by the release of hydrogen sulfide, volatile thiols, skatole, ammonia. The sound is caused by the vibration of the anal sphincter.

    Constant flatulence occurs with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Without establishing the cause, it is not always possible to cope with the discomfort. In such situations, the use of carminatives and adsorbents provides only temporary relief.

    The specialist who examines the patient pays attention to his appearance, asks about the time of onset and the nature of the symptoms. Diagnosis includes ultrasound, X-ray examination, panoramic computed tomography of the abdominal organs.

    The main causes of excess gas formation in the intestines

    Consumed foods can irritate the stomach and intestines, causing an increase in the activity of intestinal bacteria that produce gas. Many diets involve eating large portions of vegetables or proteins. When the food bolus reaches the large intestine, there are a lot of undigested residues in it, so putrefaction occurs more actively with the formation of gases.

    And bloating in a healthy person:

    1. Rapid absorption of food.
    2. Conversations while eating.
    3. Nervousness and haste.
    4. Soda.
    5. Fast food.
    6. Smoking.
    7. Stress.
    8. Alcohol.
    9. Binge eating.
    10. Physical inactivity.
    11. Change of diet.
    12. Moving, climate change.

    Foods and drinks that most often cause bloating and stomach: legumes, milk and its products, fried foods, fatty meats, plums, grapes, carbonated drinks.

    Attention! Active gas formation occurs even in people with a healthy digestive system after eating foods rich in complex carbohydrates.

    Sweeteners enhance fermentation in the intestines. It is advisable to use a safe sweetener - stevia. Legumes, some grains, and vegetables cause less gas after soaking in water for 6-12 hours. Bread is best eaten on the second day when it dries up.

    The occurrence of bloating in different populations

    The intestines must cope with those gases that enter with food and are formed in the large intestine. For many reasons, the natural process is disrupted. Each population group has its own list of external and internal causes of excessive gas formation.

    Among women

    The most common causes of flatulence are hormonal disturbances during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause. The growing fetus in the body of a pregnant woman compresses the internal organs. This reason, together with fluctuations in the hormonal background, disrupts normal digestion, leads to excessive accumulation of gases. Proper nutrition and feasible physical activity somewhat alleviate the discomfort.

    Increased blood flow to the pelvic organs, which causes pain and bloating in the lower abdomen in women at the beginning of each menstrual cycle. The use of antispasmodic and analgesic drugs alleviates premenstrual syndrome. Among the possible causes of severe flatulence, regardless of menstruation, are pathologies of the ovaries or uterus.

    After 45 years, the work of the digestive glands worsens, the absorption function of the intestine is disturbed. During this period, the causes of bloating and gas formation in women are associated with the use of milk, coffee, and fresh pastries. It is necessary to avoid foods that cause flatulence, take enzyme preparations.

    In men

    Most often, belching and bloating are caused by dietary errors, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress. Men often drink food with beer, strong alcoholic beverages, eat protein and carbohydrate foods together, which contribute to the formation of gases. Alcohol enhances appetite, fatty foods serve as snacks. Food is digested more slowly, the load on the liver and pancreas increases.

    It is harmful to eat at night when metabolic processes slow down. The appearance of the so-called beer belly also complicates digestion and absorption in the intestines. Such violations increase the risk of excessive gas formation.

    The child has

    Babies swallow air while suckling, then suffer from painful abdominal colic. The removal of gases through the blood by diffusion is difficult due to the immaturity of the digestive system. There are bloating and nausea in children against the background of food allergies, intolerance to certain products.

    Attention! A child only by the age of 7 acquires the physiological ability to digest the food that prevails in the daily menu of most families.

    The influence of diseases on increased gas formation

    Abdominal pain and flatulence are a burden on the body. Since digestion is disturbed, tissues and cells do not receive the necessary amounts of nutrients. An aversion to food or a pathological appetite may appear. As a result, the condition of the digestive tract, heart and blood vessels worsens.

    Functional dyspepsia, chronic gastritis - and their diagnosis is carried out in stages. Includes clinical blood tests, urine, feces, ultrasound endoscopy, biopsy and a number of other studies.

    Drug treatment:

    • Almagel Neo or Maalox - adsorbents, carminatives and antacids.
    • Ranitidine, Cymtidine, blocking H2-histamine receptors.
    • Omeprazole as a proton pump inhibitor.
    • Motilium to stimulate gastrointestinal motility.

    If you are concerned about constipation and constant bloating, the causes may be associated with a violation of bile secretion as a result of inflammation of the gallbladder, liver disease. Frequent rumbling and seething after eating occurs with pancreatitis. Symptoms disappear after taking enzymes in the preparations Mezim, Panzinorm, Festal.

    Violation of the optimal balance of microorganisms in the intestine leads to dysbacteriosis. The number of lactobacilli decreases, opportunistic and pathogenic fungi and bacteria multiply intensively. A person suffering from dysbacteriosis constantly feels severe bloating after eating.

    Intestinal atony is accompanied by frequent constipation. All this time, the masses in the large intestine undergo putrefaction with the formation of fetid gases. Rumbling, bloating, constipation or diarrhea occur with irritable bowel syndrome.

    Food intolerances and food allergies

    The intensity of swelling and the smell of gases are due to the individual composition of the intestinal microflora. Severe flatulence is most often accompanied by the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, which are poorly absorbed. Bloating begins shortly after eating a meal containing one or more "problem" carbohydrates.

    Lactase enzyme deficiency causes lactose intolerance in milk. In old age, after drinking milk and dairy products, heaviness and bloating, abdominal cramps also occur.

    Among the products, a group of strong allergens stands out, with which unusually strong reactions of the body to common food substances are more often associated. Often the disease is accompanied by flatulence and headache.

    With food intolerance and food allergies, insufficiently digested masses enter the intestines. Bacteria and yeasts in the intestinal flora "pounce" on food. During the life of microbes and as a result of chemical reactions, gases are released. Foods and drinks that cause flatulence should be avoided. It is important to observe the diet, do not drink carbonated water while eating.

    Anton Palaznikov

    Gastroenterologist, therapist

    Work experience more than 7 years.

    Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

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