Consultation with an ophthalmologist: can vision deteriorate after laser correction? Doctor's recommendations: recovery after laser vision correction Laser eye surgery consequences.

The laser correction used in modern ophthalmology does not always pass without undesirable phenomena. Like any operation, this method can lead to the development of negative conditions. The consequences of laser vision correction can take the form of:

  • discomfort;
  • visual disturbances;
  • other unpleasant conditions.

Complications caused by laser exposure to the organs of vision can be short-term or long-term (occurring after several months or years). Sometimes they occur directly during the procedure. The development of undesirable conditions is not always associated with insufficient qualifications of the surgeon or the conditions of the procedure. Frequent causes of their occurrence are the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the reaction of the visual apparatus to the performed manipulations.

According to statistics, complications after laser correction can occur in 3-7% of patients. In the absence of serious medical indications, doctors do not recommend using a laser beam on the eyes and recommend using other methods of treatment.

In surgical ophthalmology, there is the concept of "undercorrection". This term refers to residual myopia subject to repeated laser exposure. The intervention is performed two months after the first operation. It should be understood that the repetition of the procedure leads to an additional load on the weakened eye.

Some people who are preparing for laser treatment have a fear of completely losing their sight. Experts say that such a probability is almost completely excluded, which is explained by the high manufacturability and constant improvement of the technique, the impact of the laser beam exclusively on the surface tissues of the cornea. Punctures and deep incisions are not performed during the procedure.

Specialists in the field of surgical ophthalmology claim that in the entire history of the existence of laser correction, not a single case of blindness in patients has been recorded.

Why vision may decrease after the procedure

In some cases, against the background of laser exposure, vision may not improve, but on the contrary, it may become less sharp. This phenomenon can manifest itself both a few weeks after the operation, and after a longer period of time.

The condition in which the operated patient has a drop in vision is called by ophthalmologists "regression of the surgical effect."

This can happen in people with a high degree of nearsightedness or farsightedness. In the dark, patients perceive the surrounding objects in a distorted form, complain of poor vision in dim lighting.

Failure to comply with the doctor's recommendations during the rehabilitation period often leads to a deterioration in visual function. An irresponsible attitude to medical prescriptions provokes not only a slowdown in regenerative processes, but also the development of regression.

The following categories of patients are at risk of losing normal visual acuity:

  • subjecting the eyes to abnormal loads in the first days after the operation (working with a computer or other gadgets, engaged in long reading);
  • neglecting the protection of the visual apparatus from ultraviolet radiation, water, dust, tobacco smoke;
  • lifting weights, not limiting themselves in sports;
  • using low-quality eye makeup;
  • refusing to use drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Vision may deteriorate again in older people experiencing natural age-related changes, in pregnant and lactating women, whose body is exposed to hormonal surges.

Undesirable consequences of the intervention can also be manifested in the form of clouding of the cornea, bulging of its thinned areas, retinal detachment, flap shift, and corneal insufficiency. In some cases, the regression of the surgical effect provokes pain and burning in the organs of vision, adhesion of the eyelid and mucous membrane, a feeling of a foreign object getting into the eye. In this case, the eye sees objects dimly, in a foggy haze.

Short-term effects of correction

After the laser procedure, many patients are worried about severe itching that occurs against the background of healing of eye tissues. In addition to this symptom, other temporary side effects may occur, taking the form of:

  • decrease in visual acuity;
  • sensation resembling the presence in the eyes of a foreign body, "sand";
  • redness or swelling of the conjunctiva;
  • inflammatory reactions;
  • uncontrolled lacrimation;
  • increased susceptibility to lighting (photophobia);
  • blurring or bifurcation of visible objects;
  • hemorrhages in the structures of the eyeball;
  • deterioration in twilight vision.

Such conditions can last for several days or weeks, but tend to disappear spontaneously, without intensive therapeutic measures. Ophthalmologists refer them to the normal reaction of the organs of vision to external intervention and rarely consider them as a pathology.

According to statistics, every second patient who underwent laser correction develops dry keratoconjunctivitis.

With such a violation, discomfort, burning, pain, itching in the eye, pronounced redness of the mucous membrane occur. The operated person may blurry vision of surrounding objects.

The appearance of dry keratoconjunctivitis is caused by minor damage to the tear film that occurs during an ophthalmic procedure. This structure is designed to protect the eyeball from drying out, infections and irritation.

The following are most at risk of developing pathology:

  • women during menopause;
  • persons suffering from dry eyes before surgery;
  • patients using soft or hard contact lenses, prone to myopia, hypovitaminosis, thyroid diseases;
  • people taking certain medicines.

Short-term discomfort phenomena are successfully eliminated under the supervision of a doctor. It is possible to get rid of them thanks to the use of ophthalmic drugs prescribed to patients immediately after surgery.

Another complication of laser surgery is excessive or insufficient correction. In the first case, there is a transition from minus to plus. Usually vision improves over time. To correct age-related farsightedness, insufficient correction is introduced intentionally.

The situation may become more serious when the patient develops systemic complications. Even disappearing over time, they can negatively affect the quality of vision in the future. Systemic complications often need to be eliminated by surgical methods. This group of possible consequences of laser correction includes impaired corneal curvature, loss of a corneal flap cut by a laser (this happens when injured in the first postoperative month), growth of fibrous epithelial tissue that can expand under the incision of the cornea.

Intraoperative problems

Intraoperative complications are problems that arise directly during laser correction. Such conditions are also classified as temporary.

The list of intraoperative phenomena includes the human factor in the work of an ophthalmologist surgeon, the presence of hidden contraindications in a patient, complex anatomical features of the structure of the visual apparatus. The consequences of unforeseen factors can be:

  • a sharp exacerbation of chronic inflammation;
  • expansion of the eye cornea with its further protrusion (ectasia);
  • loss of vacuum in the body of the eyeball.

If the corrective procedure is performed using outdated medical equipment, the presence of halos around light sources can disturb the patient after the intervention, or one eye may see worse than the other.

Laser vision correction is a technically complex procedure that requires the confident actions of an experienced ophthalmologist, as well as the availability of modern high-tech equipment. Sometimes during the intervention it is not possible to accurately calculate the severity of the laser impact on the stratum corneum, which has individual mechanical characteristics for each person. Competent preoperative preparation, mapping of the cornea using a wave analyzer helps to reduce the risk of unforeseen events.

Under favorable circumstances, intraoperative disturbances resolve on their own over the next few days. In complicated cases, they can be eliminated only during a surgical operation.

Long-term complications

Long-term effects of the procedure may appear in the coming months or years following the operation. The incidence of such complications on average does not exceed 3%.

The most common long-term effects of laser vision correction include:

  • defective course of metabolic processes, causing malnutrition of tissues, the development of dry eye syndrome;
  • frequent inflammatory processes in the visual system;
  • the occurrence of astigmatism, leading to blurry vision at various distances;
  • progressive clouding of the eye cornea;
  • deterioration of visual function in farsighted or nearsighted patients;
  • deformation of the cornea, complemented by a violation of light transmission and the occurrence of keratectasia (bulging of thinned corneal areas);
  • increase in intraocular pressure;
  • thinning of the corneal tissue, the formation of keratoconus.

When such problems appear, there is a need for detailed ophthalmological diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

How to avoid side effects

To exclude the development of complications, laser correction should be carried out only after a detailed examination of the patient, in the absence of any contraindications. The procedure is not safe for pregnant and lactating women, patients under the age of eighteen, people who have crossed the threshold of 45 years.

The intervention should not be carried out in people with the following ophthalmic pathologies:

  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • keratoconus;
  • spasm of the lens;
  • presbyopia;
  • detachment of the retina of the organs of vision;
  • inflammatory processes in the eye area.

Among other diseases that act as an obstacle to the operation, but do not directly affect the visual apparatus, there are diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, anomalies of the vascular system, AIDS, serious neurological or mental disorders.

Laser correction can be rescheduled for another period if the patient has a cold that occurs with cough and rhinitis. Some individuals have individual limitations to surgical procedures.

If the procedure was successful, the patient who wants to avoid its negative consequences must follow all the recommendations of doctors. During the postoperative recovery period, you will need:

  1. During the first two days, completely eliminate touching the eyes or rubbing the organs of vision.
  2. For three days, avoid washing your hair, taking a shower or bath.
  3. Rinse your face only with boiled water at room temperature, avoiding its penetration into the eyeballs.
  4. Refrain from intense visual and physical exertion.
  5. Give up decorative cosmetics, products for the care of the eye area (the time for the resumption of cosmetic procedures should be agreed with the doctor).

Within a month, it is necessary to exclude trips to baths, swimming pools, fitness clubs, solariums, and refuse to swim in natural reservoirs. During this period, it is also forbidden to independently drive vehicles, expose the organs of vision to bright sunlight, smoke and consume alcoholic beverages. For three months, you need to reduce the time you spend in front of a computer monitor. If you need to work with office equipment, you should take frequent breaks.

Some patients during the rehabilitation period are prescribed to wear occluders - special ophthalmic devices in the form of patches that help avoid injury to the operated eyeball.

To prevent the development of undesirable conditions and obtain only positive results, contacting a reliable ophthalmological clinic with competent medical staff and modern equipment will allow. The correction performed by a surgeon with a high medical degree, who knows all the nuances of the laser technique, will become the safest and most effective. The operations performed by such doctors most often take place without any errors and undesirable consequences.

If the patient carefully observes the basic principles aimed at preventing negative postoperative phenomena, the likelihood of developing them is reduced several times. With a responsible attitude to medical recommendations, the negative effects of laser treatment may occur no more than in 0.02-0.05% of cases (in one person out of several thousand who applied to ophthalmological surgeons).

A person perceives about 90% of information through the organs of vision. With his eyes, he evaluates the size, color, shape and position of objects. When a person has myopia or farsightedness, the ability to see absolutely everything is much reduced. The worse a person sees, the more his quality of life decreases. Therefore, for many patients, the question of

The procedure for laser correction has appeared much recently. In 2003, a program was completed to improve the method using a femtosecond laser. This made the operation even faster, better and further reduced the risk of injury to the corneal tissues. With the correct laser manipulations, tissue trauma is minimal, and the dissected epithelium heals quickly enough.

Currently, only 5% of patients may experience complications after surgery. To prevent this from happening, it is important to carefully follow all the recommendations of your ophthalmologist and try not to injure your eyes with your hands, other objects, water, etc.




What is laser vision restoration?

The patient begins to see thanks to a special device - a laser beam that is directed at the cornea. The beam vaporizes layers of cells, the thickness of which is measured in microns. Thus, a new area of ​​the cornea is formed. The procedure is very technological, while completely safe for the patient.

Laser correction is performed on an outpatient basis, preparation for it and the operation itself can take as little as 30 minutes. After the diagnosis, examinations and consultation of a surgeon, the patient lies down on a medical couch.

The ophthalmologist instills drops in the eyes - anesthesia and fixes the eye so that it does not open. After that, the doctor forms a thin flap of the cornea with a keratome instrument and takes it aside (in modern methods, this procedure is performed by a computer - a femtosecond laser).

After that, the laser beam evaporates part of the cell from the middle layer of the cornea, thereby giving the desired shape so that the patient can see clearly. After all the manipulations, the flap is returned to its place, smoothed out.

Next, antibacterial drops are instilled into the eyes, the fixative is removed from the eyes and the patient is sent home, while giving important recommendations. However, in many clinics, the patient is often asked to stay for an hour or two to conduct additional examinations of the operated area.

REFERENCE! The operation is completely painless, there is no discomfort or burning sensation. If during the manipulation, the patient accidentally shifts his gaze, then he has nothing to worry about: the innovative laser always follows the eyeball and cannot make a mistake. In the event of a sharp and strong movement, the laser automatically ends its work.

Contraindications for laser vision correction

Laser vision correction is a micro-operation, therefore, it cannot be performed for absolutely all patients. There are a number of medical contraindications that exclude laser vision correction:

  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • operated retinal detachment in the past;
  • progressive myopia;
  • changes in the fundus of the eye;
  • degeneration or dystrophy of the retina;
  • inflammatory diseases of the eye apparatus;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • diabetes mellitus in the form of decompensation;
  • the presence of a herpes infection;
  • autoimmune diseases (arthritis, collagenoses) and immunodeficiency states (eg AIDS).


  1. "Radial keratotomy" appeared in the 30s of the 20th century and was by no means made by a laser. The method consists in the fact that notches were made on the cornea of ​​​​the eye (from the pupil to the periphery), which soon grew together. Thanks to this complex process, the cornea was deformed and the person began to see better. However, there was no 100% guarantee of results and complications often occurred, such as corneal clouding and loss of vision. Some patients' wounds could take weeks to heal, and surgeons' instruments weren't as accurate as lasers. In the 70s, the famous ophthalmologist-surgeon Svyatoslav Fedorov gave the method of vision correction a second life. Microscopes and new instruments made of diamonds appeared, but the technique still required a long and complex rehabilitation of the patient. Doctors also could not give a prognosis for the result, and only a few patients achieved ideal vision with a “one”. So doctors began to consider other possibilities for correcting vision and came up with the next method - keratectomy.
  2. "Photorefractive Keratectomy". In 1976, an excimer laser appeared based on the developments of IBM - it was engaged in engraving with a laser beam on computer chips. In 1985, the first laser vision correction was performed. Unlike the previous method, it was not required to make incisions on the cornea, since its shape changed itself under the influence of laser beams. This method minimized side effects as much as possible, but the patient's adaptation period was also long - about 4 weeks.
  3. Lasik- the most popular technique to date, originated in 1989. The principle of the method lies in the fact that the laser does not affect the surface layers of the cornea, but only evaporates the middle ones. Microkeratome is a special device that bends the initial layer of the cornea with a thickness of 150 microns. After that, the laser vaporizes the middle layer and the superficial flap is placed in its place, it is securely fixed and almost instantly restored. The Lasik technique makes it possible to perform the operation in 15 minutes, under local anesthesia (drops in the eyes). The period of rehabilitation of the patient also significantly decreased. In addition, immediately after the operation, it is possible to go home and rest there.
  4. Femtolasik- an innovative method of laser vision correction, was discovered in 2003. The microkeratome was replaced with a femtosecond laser, the precise beam of which can bend the outer layer of the cornea without complications and in a gentle mode. The latest method helps to restore visual acuity, and a bonus to this is good contrast, bright colors and the ability to see perfectly in twilight light. Femtolasiq has almost no contraindications and the high level of safety of the method has been proven by numerous studies and practitioners.
  5. ReLEX SMILE- the latest approach in the treatment of myopia and astigmatism (hyperopia does not correct). A femtosecond laser cuts a lenticule from the cornea. An incision in the form of a bracket is made with a laser, the epithelium is lifted and a thin lens is taken out. This helps to damage the least amount of tissue in the cornea. The technology is instant, after such a correction the patient recovers quickly, however, the price of such a procedure is much more expensive.

Preparing for the operation

Before the ophthalmologist-surgeon conducts the patient, he will give some recommendations:

  • It will be necessary to undergo a complete vision diagnostics to predict the result of the correction, identify contraindications to these manipulations and threats, as well as prescribe auxiliary procedures to strengthen the eye tissue.
  • You will definitely need to donate blood for tests: general, for hepatitis B and C, for Rw and for HIV.
  • A week before the operation, it is necessary to completely abandon the wearing of soft contact lenses (a month - from hard ones). It is also important to remember that after the operation, wearing lenses will bring discomfort, so even colored lenses will be very difficult for the patient to put on.
  • It is forbidden to drink alcohol and other substances poisoning the body three days before the procedure.
  • do not use perfumes and decorative cosmetics;
  • put on a cotton shirt with a fastener in front, or a jacket with a wide and low neckline;
  • have a change of shoes, shoe covers;
  • bring sunglasses with you;
  • you can eat and drink the usual food, except for alcohol;
  • do not forget your passport and other documents.

Basic rules of rehabilitation

In order for the rehabilitation to be successful, it is important to observe the following rules:

  1. After the procedure, it is necessary to stay at the clinic for 1-2 hours so that the ophthalmologist has the opportunity to do follow-up examinations.
  2. If lacrimation occurs, it is forbidden to rub your eyes with your hands, it is best to blot them with a napkin or a clean handkerchief. Try not to touch your eyes for 24 hours after your vision correction (preferably three days).
  3. After 1,3,7,17,30 days, as well as after 3 months, it is necessary to undergo scheduled examinations by a specialist. After that, visit an ophthalmologist regularly to check your vision.
  4. If the ophthalmologist prescribes special drops or medicines that protect against infection, do not ignore this.
  5. During the day, after the procedure, you can take painkillers - ketorol, ketanov, analgin, etc.
  6. On the first night after the correction, you need to sleep on your back.
  7. Avoid getting soap and other products on the eye area for 3 days.
  8. In the first 7 days it is forbidden to visit the pools, sauna and swim in the reservoirs.
  9. Physical activity during the week of rehabilitation is prohibited.
  10. Do not use aerosols (deodorants, hairspray, etc.) for 7 days.
  11. In sunny weather, you need to wear glasses, sunbathing is contraindicated.
  12. You should refrain from drinking alcohol.

The length of the recovery period after different types of operations

  1. recovery period after photorefractive keratectomy is 4 weeks - at this time the patient has discomfort, pain, photophobia and burning. In this case, you need to wear protective lenses for several weeks.
  2. Lasik, Femtolasik, laser keratomileusis allow the patient to return to normal after a few days. Itching and pain can be felt for 24 hours. Blurred vision occurs within a day. IMPORTANT: not suitable for patients with thin corneas.
  3. Relex Smile relieves discomfort within a few hours after the correction. The next day, the patient can live as before the operation. Dry eye syndrome is unlikely.

  1. On the day of surgery, the patient must be accompanied by a relative or other close person.
  2. it is not recommended to immediately fly in air transport, since the eyes have increased photosensitivity during the rehabilitation period.
  3. If travel is planned for the next month after surgery, they should be discussed with your doctor.
  4. In the postoperative period, it is important not to be nervous and to be in a relaxed state.
  5. Eye movements should be kept to a minimum.
  6. It is not recommended to close your eyes and rub your eyes.
  7. Using a computer, watching TV and using a gadget for a long time is best excluded.
  8. It is necessary to exclude alcohol from the diet in order to avoid complications and dry eyes.
  9. After the operation, you need to rest a lot.
  10. Before using eye drops, which the ophthalmologist will prescribe after correction, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly. When instilled, it is forbidden to stretch the eyelid and touch the bottle of drops to the eye.
  11. To cleanse the eye area, you can use gauze soaked in warm boiled water, but do not touch the eyes themselves.
  12. If there is a sensation of a foreign body in the eyes or dryness, you need to buy artificial tears without preservatives at the pharmacy.
  13. If swelling, itching, redness and other types of allergies appear, it is important to immediately contact your doctor at the clinic.

What is contraindicated after surgery?

  • rub your eyes for the first 3 days;
  • visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools;
  • washing with strong streams of water and soap;
  • apply makeup for 3 weeks;
  • use of aerosols and perfumes;
  • sleeping on your side or on your stomach. If the patient sleeps on his back, then healing will be faster, and injuries are practically eliminated;
  • long walk. It is important not to forget to wear sunglasses with a UV filter;
  • overstrain your eyes: read, use a gadget and a computer. In the evening, it is better to turn on the lamps, and not the overhead light;
  • take alcohol and other substances poisoning the body;
  • sports, physical activity, exercise;
  • driving a car within 7 days after the correction. At night, it is worth refusing to drive a vehicle for 30 days.

Physical activity restrictions

It is very important not to neglect the recommendations of the ophthalmologist to exclude physical activity and sports from the patient's life for a certain period. It is important to forget about running, dancing, playing sports, gymnastics and exercising in the gym for a while. Also, there is usually a ban on tilting the head back and lifting weights.

REFERENCE! The ban on physical activity is removed one of the latest, you need to return to play sports gradually.

IMPORTANT! Even athletes will have to be patient and not train. Excessive loads, sharp turns of the head and eyes can provoke microtrauma, hemorrhage and many different complications.

Features of outdoor activities

As stated above, the patient is forbidden to visit establishments with humid air - baths, saunas and swimming pools. Also, you can not swim in the reservoirs and stay outside for a long time in daylight. Every time you leave the house, you need to take sunglasses with a good UV filter. During the recovery period, it is better to avoid noisy holidays with alcohol; a quiet rest at home will be much more valuable for the body. Within six months, it is advisable to abandon long-distance plane trips to hot climatic zones.

Nutrition rules

The patient's diet should not differ significantly from the diet that was present in his life before the laser vision correction. However, for a good recovery, it will be useful to include more fresh berries, vegetables and fruits in your menu, as well as foods high in vitamins and minerals: fresh herbs, nuts, fish, seafood, avocados.

As with any postoperative period, it is better to give up fast food, fried and fatty foods, spicy and pickled foods. Drinking alcohol during rehabilitation FORBIDDEN.

Taking soothing infusions and teas from herbs and berries (rose hips) will help the patient to be in a relaxed, calm state, which is important in the postoperative period.

Permissible load on the eyes

After all the manipulations, it is important to give rest to the visual organs. It is necessary to blink more often and close your eyes so that the iris is provided with darkness. You can sleep longer, or just lie with your eyes closed.

Doctors allow minor eye strain in the form of watching TV, reading, using the phone.

For the full rehabilitation of the patient, doctors advise performing an additional technique to relax the eyes. This includes therapeutic gymnastic exercises that help restore the functioning of the optic nerves and prevent various complications that may appear after surgery. Therapeutic exercises for the eyes affect the following properties:

  • restoration of accommodation - correct focusing of the gaze;
  • relaxation of the muscles of the eyes;
  • complete restoration of vision;
  • increased blood circulation in the epithelium around the eyes.

Gymnastics can help not only restore the activity of the optic nerve, but also prevent diseases such as cataracts, high myopia.

Eye exercises

The most high-quality, uncomplicated and productive exercises for relaxing and relieving tension from the eye muscles are:

  • frequent blinking of the eyes for 20 seconds - this light exercise will help to relax the muscle structure of the eye as much as possible and relieve tension;
  • fairly quick movements of the eyeballs up and down, left to right for 15 seconds. Such an exercise will improve the blood circulation of the visual vessels;
  • change of focus - first, you need to look into the distance for a few seconds (at a tree, a house outside the window, etc.), and then look at an object nearby. For even greater effect, you can focus your eyes on the index finger extended in front of you. This gymnastics will reduce eye strain, so it should be performed every 40-45 minutes;
  • it is useful to sit with your eyes closed for 10 minutes, you can even take a nap - this position of the eyelids relaxes and gives rest to tired eyes.

IMPORTANT! In no case should you strain your eyes while doing gymnastics. If the slightest tension occurs, it is necessary to stop exercising and give your eyes a rest, preferably closed.

Your ophthalmologist will definitely prescribe drops for you to recover from the operation.
IMPORTANT! Don't try to prescribe your own medication.

Rules for the use of eye drops:

  1. 1. Be sure to wash your hands before each use of eye drops
  1. 2. Bury the medicine while standing with your head thrown back; look at the ceiling
  1. 3. Gently place a drop of medicine directly on the eyeball. You can not pull the eyelid!
  1. 4. Do not touch the eye or eyelid with the drop bottle itself.

ATTENTION! If the patient forgot to take the medicine, do not replace the missed dose with an increased dose! Ask relatives to help you with instillation of drops in the eyes, for the greatest comfort.

Precautions for using drops:

  • You can not give drops for use by other people.
  • It is important to ensure that the neck of the bottle does not touch any objects.
  • The bottle with drops must be closed with a lid immediately after use.
  • The tightly closed vial should be stored in an upright position.
  • After the end of the course of treatment, it is necessary to throw away all used bottles with drops.
  • Do not exceed the dose of medication recommended by your doctor.
  • Store drops should be in accordance with the instructions, you can not leave them in the light.

sleeping position

No matter how tired the patient is after the operation, it is forbidden to sleep immediately after it, when he comes home. The fact is that when a person closes his eyes, the amount of tear separation decreases and the cornea does not feed, because during the period of wakefulness the glands moisturize the organs of vision. In addition, without tears, you can easily move the corneal flap. A person should wait for the evening time, and go to bed at his usual time.

On the first night after laser correction, you should try to sleep on your back. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury to the eyeball. On subsequent nights, you can sleep on your side, but if the patient can do this carefully. You can not sleep on your stomach with your face buried in a pillow, so as not to get complications.

Useful video

How quickly does the eye recover after laser vision correction?

Eye protection after correction

  • Avoid places where there is a lot of dust, harmful fumes and there is a risk of injury. If there are such conditions at the patient’s work, you need to take sick leave.
  • You can not give a large number of visual loads on the eyes at first. After - look at how you feel: if you are tired, you need rest. Excessive eye strain can delay the healing period.
  • The first three hours, during photophobia, it is imperative to wear sunglasses. After that, you need to look at your feelings. But the glasses protect well from dust and dirt on the street. Some doctors even advise sleeping in sunglasses a few nights. They will help a person not to rub his eyes.
  • It is forbidden to arbitrarily apply various kinds of bandages to the eyes. Such a device can easily move the corneal flap.

Driving after laser vision restoration

If the patient had laser vision correction based on the LASIK technique, then on the second day he acquires visual acuity, which allows him to sit behind a vehicle and become a participant in the movement. At the same time, it is important not to forget to remove the note in the driver's license: "Driving the vehicle only using vision correction products."

In any case, it is important for the patient not to rush to get behind the wheel, as there are individual cases that can cause disturbances, for example, the presence of high-grade bilateral refractive pathologies.

IMPORTANT! To find out exactly when you can drive, consult your ophthalmologist after surgery.

Eye care after laser correction

After laser vision correction, it is important to remember one rule: do not touch your eyes, touch them with anything and wash them. It is important to avoid commercial cosmetic eye care products. The only thing that is allowed to come into contact with the organs of vision is special drops with artificial tears without preservatives, prescribed by your ophthalmologist.

Hygiene procedures

In the first days of recovery, it is important not to rub your eyes, do not wash them with a large jet of water. If you need to remove dirt around the eyes, this should be done with a gauze swab.

When applying lotions, tonics, creams, it is important to be careful not to touch the eyes themselves. It is necessary to wash with cotton wool or gauze dipped in warm clean water. The use of soaps, gels and foams for washing is prohibited.

It is forbidden to wash and wash your hair for three days after the procedure, as well as to be in rooms with excessively hot or dry air.


Within 10-14 days after laser vision correction, it is forbidden to rub the eyes and apply makeup on the mucous membranes, eyelashes and eyebrows. It is necessary to temporarily stop using mascara, eyeliners, shadows, etc. The best option would be to refuse decorative cosmetics for a month after the operation.

Possible complications after surgery

After laser vision correction, the patient can see glare, stars in front of the eyes. Also, the mucous membrane of the eye can dry out and there is a feeling of discomfort - to avoid it, you need to use special drops. Vision is usually blurred for a while, especially at dusk. In some cases, there is double vision and increased sensitivity to bright light. All of the above are normal symptoms that should subside over time.

  • conjunctivitis;
  • ingrowth of the epithelium with improper healing;
  • hemorrhages.

In rare cases, after laser correction, visual impairment may occur. This is usually caused by an incorrect incision of the corneal epithelium flap or an erroneous calculation of the depth of penetration into the cornea.

REFERENCE! It is extremely rare that myopia turns into hypermetropia, and the refractive indices of astigmatism change. It is important to report this to your doctor immediately if you experience visual impairment!

When to see a doctor urgently

  1. If epithelial cells have grown under the corneal flap, an additional operation is required to remove excess tissue.
  2. Ptosis- drooping of the upper eyelid - an urgent reason to consult an ophthalmologist. When the corneal layer is removed, undercorrection or overcorrection may occur. An auxiliary operation is required to eliminate them.
  3. Debris- a postoperative complication, when evaporated pieces of the cornea remain under the superficial flap. Usually this situation goes away on its own over time (everything resolves). However, if particles of the cornea prevent you from seeing well, then an auxiliary surgical intervention is performed.
  4. Keratitis- inflammation of the cornea. In such cases, the doctor prescribes medication for treatment.

Memo to the patient after laser vision correction

  1. After the operation, it is important to invite a loved one - a friend or relative - to accompany you home.
  2. On the first day after the laser correction, you should avoid eye contact with anything.
  3. In the first 24 hours, it is important to observe the regimen of instilling special drops into the eyes, not forgetting to wash your hands before doing this.
  4. Within three days (better more) you can not touch the operated eyes.
  5. Three days after the operation, you can not wash your hair and wash your face.
  6. Within 3-7 days it is forbidden to take alcohol.
  7. During the week, you need to limit the use of a computer, TV and gadgets.
  8. It is recommended not to drive a car for seven days, especially at night.
  9. Two weeks after laser correction, you should avoid bright light, in the evening it is better to turn on nightlights.
  10. For two weeks, very hot or cold air should be avoided.
  11. Within two weeks it is forbidden to use cosmetics - mascara, shadows, pencils, etc. You can't rub your eyes!
  12. It is forbidden to use toilet water, perfumes and aerosols for a month - varnishes, air fresheners, deodorants, etc.
  13. During the month, a bath, sauna, solarium, swimming in the pool and various reservoirs are prohibited.
  14. For a month, you can not wear things with a narrow neck that are worn over the head.
  15. During the month you can not find on the beach without sunglasses.
  16. During the month, physical activity is prohibited - a gym, running, jumping, football, gymnastics, dancing, etc. Also, you can not lift and carry weights, you should entrust it to loved ones.


The recovery period after laser correction should not be a huge amount of time, but for this the patient must responsibly treat the operation performed and avoid those conditions that can damage the corneal tissue, thereby causing complications.

Restrictions on physical activity, driving a car, sitting at a computer are given for a reason: after the manipulations, the eye needs rest, relaxation, and also the exclusion of bright light. You can do relaxation exercises (but not on the first day after the micro-operation!), you can just lie down with your eyes closed, the main thing is to ensure peace.

For a while, you should forget about noisy meetings with friends and alcohol. If you want to see the world around you in excellent quality, bright, beautiful and are afraid of complications, you should be more careful about the rehabilitation period.

is the most commonly performed ophthalmic procedure.

After it, the eyeballs are completely restored. It eliminates both myopia and hypermetropia.

That is, the patient will be able to see well near and far. There are postoperative conditions when visual acuity decreases again. Therefore, it is important to first highlight all the positive aspects and disadvantages of the operation. If after it the visual acuity decreases again, it is necessary to immediately contact an ophthalmologist surgeon.

Causes of vision loss after surgery

Laser vision correction involves opening the cornea, which causes redness, small hemorrhages in the postoperative period. Therefore, the following negative conditions may appear:

  • thinning of a certain area of ​​the cornea;
  • insufficiency of the functionality of the cornea.

A complicated condition occurs as a last resort and not in all patients. A predisposition to the appearance of these conditions is formed with already formed diseases of the eyeballs. The risk of decreased visual acuity after surgery is formed in the following categories of patients:

  • suffering from glaucoma, cataracts;
  • having a high degree of myopia or hypermetropia;
  • suffering from systemic diseases, about which the patient did not tell the doctor.

In order not to cause a decrease in visual acuity, it is important for the patient to tell the doctor about all the disorders in his body that he knows about before the operation.

After laser vision correction, a temporary decrease in the functionality of the eyeballs is possible. The patient sees distant objects well, but poorly near ones. Vision may drop sharply, blurred. The patient may experience a decrease in visual acuity at dusk.

Most often, such conditions are temporary, associated with a violation of the integrity of the eyeballs. After healing of all tissues, they pass.

Immediately after the operation, small hemorrhages are formed in the cornea, an inflammatory process. The first condition goes away on its own when the blood clots resolve. To prevent complications of the inflammatory process, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory eye drops.

Why complications occur after laser vision correction

Before the operation, the doctor talks about the possible risks for the functionality of the patient's eyeballs. A person must take this into account when agreeing to the procedure. There may be temporary minor complications that disappear with time. But there is a risk of serious deviations in the functionality of the eyeballs. The reason may be the following factors:

  • low qualification of the doctor;
  • not modern equipment;
  • squeezing and convergence of the tissues of the eyeball when it is opened;
  • violation of the formation of a vacuum on the eyes for the procedure;
  • poor-quality diagnostics of the patient's condition before the procedure.

Some complications are eliminated over time, the functionality of vision is restored. Others lead to irreparable consequences for the organ of vision, for example, an increase in intraocular pressure and the formation of glaucoma, the development of cataracts, and retinal detachment.

What to do if vision deteriorates after laser correction

If the function of vision deteriorates sharply after the operation, the change does not go away within a few days, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe laboratory tests, examine the fundus. Perhaps this is a temporary condition that will be eliminated after the tissues heal and the shape of the eyeball is restored.

If the decrease in visual acuity is due to serious eye diseases, the doctor will prescribe the following treatment measures:

  • additional surgical intervention to eliminate retinal detachment, restore the shape of the eyeball, eliminate extensive hemorrhage, reduce the amount of intraocular fluid to reduce pressure;
  • antibacterial drugs in the development of infection;
  • replacement of anti-inflammatory drugs with stronger drugs;
  • the appointment of moisturizing drops with increased dryness of the eyes, which will prevent damage to the cornea.

In some cases, reduced visual acuity is a temporary process. To quickly eliminate this factor, it is necessary to adhere to complete rest.. It is recommended that a person be kept in complete darkness to prevent bright sunlight from reaching the inflamed cornea. If he goes outside, it is important to wear sunglasses, as long rays hitting the retina will lead to pain, progressive visual acuity reduction.

It is important to use all the medicines prescribed by the doctor: anti-inflammatory, painkillers, antibacterial, moisturizing drops. Then, in a few days, the function of vision will be completely restored to 100%, there will be no bacterial infection, inflammation will be eliminated.

A decrease in visual acuity after surgery, which is not eliminated over time, is a dangerous signal. Therefore, it is important to start treatment of complications after laser correction in a timely manner in order to prevent the formation of complete blindness.

Vision is restored up to 90%

Poor vision significantly worsens the quality of life, makes it impossible to see the world as it is. Not to mention the progression of pathologies and complete blindness.

During this time, many questions arose about laser correction and cataract treatment. Today Dmitry Fironov will answer the most popular of them.


How long will laser vision correction take from the moment of the first treatment?

Preoperative diagnosis and consultation will take about an hour. A complete eye examination and some additional examinations will be done. These studies allow you to clarify the optical parameters of the eye and choose a correction program. In the absence of contraindications, the operation can be performed the next or every other day.

A prerequisite is not to wear soft contact lenses until correction for at least 7 days, and hard contact lenses for 2 weeks! This will provide the most accurate measurement of the thickness and configuration of the corneal surface. If a retinal strengthening procedure is required, then laser vision correction can be performed 10-14 days after this procedure.

How long does laser vision correction surgery take?

The operation itself takes about 10-15 minutes for both eyes. However, in total, patients spend about 3-4 hours in the clinic. This includes paperwork, preoperative examination and preparation for surgery, surgery, an hour of rest and a doctor's examination after it, and recommendations for the issuance of medicines.

I live in another city. How many days do I need to come to Chelyabinsk to have my vision corrected?

Before laser vision correction, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnostic examination. After it, 2 scenarios are possible:

1. If during the diagnostic examination on the retina changes are found that require strengthening, then before the correction it is necessary to carry out the PPLKS procedure (peripheral prophylactic laser coagulation of the retina). 10-14 days should elapse between PPLKS and correction.

2. If during the diagnostics no contraindications to the correction are revealed, then, if there is a preliminary appointment, you can make the correction the very next day or even 3-4 hours after the diagnostics (operational day - Thursday).

The next day after the correction, a doctor's examination is mandatory, after which you can leave the city and, following our recommendations, be observed at the place of residence.

Can I lift weights after laser vision correction?

As such, there are no postoperative restrictions on weight lifting.

When can sports be resumed after surgery?

I recommend limiting physical activity and activities for two weeks - a month after vision correction in order to avoid any eye injury. Be sure to avoid direct blows to the eye and contact sports. You should limit visits to baths, pools, saunas, open water, long baths during the first 3-4 weeks.

How soon can I start working on a computer?

During the first 1-2 weeks, it is desirable to reduce visual loads to 1-2 hours a day, with a gradual increase to 3-4 hours a day or more.

When is the best time of year for laser hair removal?

It does not matter what time of the year to do the operation. The main thing is to avoid colds for the first two weeks after the operation.

Does laser treatment hurt?

Virtually painless procedure. Local anesthesia (in the form of drops) is applied during the procedure. During the procedure, you will only feel the doctor's touch. For the first 24 hours, a feeling of dryness and "powderiness" is possible. As a rule, the discomfort completely disappears within the first day.

Is it possible to make a correction before the birth of a child? Wouldn't this be a contraindication to natural childbirth?

Yes. The only limitation is that you can not make a correction during pregnancy and lactation. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, which can affect the result of the correction. At this time, the amount of nearsightedness or farsightedness may change, sometimes significantly. I recommend to see an ophthalmologist during this period and perform laser correction when the state of the body is stable.

Is it possible to give birth after laser correction?

This question "migrated" from those times when the technology of notches on the cornea was used. Often they were made very deep, and sometimes even through. Then the fears were really justified, since these places turned out to be quite vulnerable. As for laser correction, a completely different principle is laid down here, so the answer to this question, of course, is possible.

How soon after laser vision correction surgery can I plan a pregnancy?

Pregnancy can be planned 3-6 months after laser vision correction.

How quickly does vision recover after correction?

Your vision will be much better immediately after the correction and you will no longer need your glasses.

Will my vision get worse after the operation? Can I go blind?

No. If before the operation the patient had no contraindications to vision correction, and this is determined in the process of thorough diagnostics on a variety of devices and during a doctor's examination, then after the operation, vision will be guaranteed to be much better. It is very important to follow all the recommendations of experts. In the history of laser correction, there has not been a single case of complete loss of vision after surgery.

Are serious complications possible after the operation?

It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of complications, but they are not catastrophic. The risk of infection in the postoperative period after laser interventions is extremely insignificant and is due to the individual characteristics of the body. With minimal re-intervention after 3-4 months, all uncomfortable signs are eliminated.

Is it possible that after the operation there will not be a 100% result?

Your vision after the correction will improve significantly, exactly as much as you saw as much as possible before the operation with glasses or lenses. If your vision was, for example, 80% in glasses before the operation, then after the operation it will not be worse. Often there are cases when the patient acquires vision even higher than 100%. Finally, it will be possible to talk about your vision after correction after a thorough examination. In some cases, especially with high degrees of myopia and complex astigmatism, the operation is performed in two stages, and the patient must be warned about this possibility in advance during the diagnosis, this is an accepted worldwide practice.

Should I be afraid of laser vision correction?

Many people dream all their lives to have good eyesight, but are afraid to decide on an operation. Often this comes from incomplete awareness and inaccurate information. In practice, if you want to have good eyesight, there are actually no reasons not to have surgery, except for medical contraindications.

What happens if during the operation I want to blink or accidentally look away?

Nothing bad will happen. The operation is carried out under strict supervision. Before the operation, a blepharoplasty is installed on the eyelids, which will prevent you from blinking and thereby interfere with the operation. The laser system automatically calculates the depth of intervention and constantly monitors the position of the eye in space during the procedure. If you still try to look away, the automatic laser system will immediately stop the work, and it will resume only when you return the eye to its original place.

What age is optimal for laser correction?

There is no such age. Laser correction can be done at any age, starting from the age of 18, if the general state of health allows it. Practice shows that most often laser correction is performed by people aged 20-25 to 40-45 years, but this is most likely due to the fact that this age is the most efficient.


I have a cataract. Is it possible to do without surgery?

Unfortunately, neither medicines and dietary supplements, nor any “miracle” devices can cure cataracts. Cataracts can only be corrected with surgery.

When to do the operation? Should I wait for the cataract to mature?

If your vision is getting worse and it starts to bother you, you should consider surgery. The decision can only be made by you after consultation with an ophthalmologist. But there is no need to wait for the maturation of cataracts.

How long will I be in the clinic?

You will spend 3-4 hours in the clinic. The cataract surgery itself lasts an average of 20-30 minutes, after the operation you go home.

Do I need an artificial lens?

An artificial lens is now a mandatory step in cataract surgery. If it is not placed in the eye, then vision can only be obtained with thick glasses or contact lenses. The artificial lens creates visual acuity, it will become part of your eye and you will not feel it.

Will the improvement in vision after the operation remain forever?

Cataract surgery guarantees permanent results.

Could there be any complication?

Postoperative complications are rare, but, as with other operations, it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of their occurrence. However, at present, cataract surgery belongs to safe eye operations.

What to do after the operation?

After the operation, your eye will be more receptive to light, so it is recommended to wear sunglasses for a few days. To speed up the recovery period, it is important to follow the regimen of dripping drops prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Immediately after the operation, avoid activities that may irritate the eye (physical exertion, dust, smoky room, swimming pool, sauna, etc.).

How long after surgery will I be able to see well without glasses?

Vision improves within a few hours after the operation, and within two to three weeks, sharp vision will be completely stabilized.

Is there an age limit for cataract lens replacement surgery?

Any surgical intervention is associated with risks of complications, and laser vision correction is no exception. The frequency of side effects is less than one percent, yet it is worth familiarizing yourself with them.

In general, there are a large number of myths and prejudices around laser vision correction that have nothing to do with reality. Patients often have unreasonable fears and fear of losing their sight.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and is virtually painless. High-quality drugs are used for anesthesia. Immediately after the correction of vision, it is allowed to read, write, work at a computer.

And what can be said about the fear of some people to go blind after manipulation? It's just impossible! The very idea and manufacturability of laser surgery eliminates the possibility of visual impairment and even more so blindness. The laser beam affects only the superficial tissues of the cornea. Punctures and deep incisions are not made. In the entire history of laser surgery, there has not been a single case of a patient losing sight.

Over the years, the visual improvements achieved through the correction do not change. An exception is some ophthalmic diseases, in which additional correction may be required. The manipulation lasts about twenty minutes. There is no need for the patient to be in the hospital.

Surgery eliminates blood loss and the need for suturing. Due to this, the duration of the rehabilitation period is significantly reduced. The procedure can be performed on both eyes at the same time. The laser beam has a high-precision effect on tissues without affecting healthy areas of the cornea.

The automated system minimizes the human factor. The possibility of an error in the operation of the laser is excluded. The procedure is prescribed to correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. As a result, we get consistently good vision. Modern equipment has simplified the manipulation. Millions of people around the world have given up glasses and contact lenses, regaining their sight. Along with unconditional advantages, there are also some negative sides. What are the consequences of laser vision correction?

Possible Complications

Experts openly talk about the disadvantages of laser surgery. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get rid of astigmatism and farsightedness. The same can be said about high myopia. Most of the time, the process is useless.

Sometimes there are inaccuracies in calculations and diagnostics, which is fraught with insufficient correction. It should be understood that laser correction is the correction of an already existing visual defect, but it cannot protect against possible dysfunctions. That is why in patients who underwent surgery at a young age, the risk of presbyopia (senile farsightedness) is not excluded. Moreover, due to the early operation, the pathology can proceed unpredictably.

Laser vision correction can lead to the development of such complications:

  • fluctuations in visual acuity;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • photophobia;
  • redness, swelling, tearing;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • retinal damage;
  • the spread of the infection;
  • deterioration of twilight vision;
  • astigmatism;
  • the appearance of light halos.

Dry eye is caused by damage to the nerve endings involved in the work of the lacrimal glands during surgery. It may be necessary to moisturize the organs of vision for six months after the procedure.

Twilight vision may weaken for several months. Longer-lasting visual disturbances occur in less than one percent of patients.

Another complication of laser surgery can be excessive or, conversely, insufficient correction. In the first case, this means a transition from minus to plus. Usually vision improves over time. To correct age-related farsightedness, insufficient correction is deliberately introduced. Since one organ of vision is operated for high-quality vision in the distance, and the second - near. Only in two percent of all cases there is a need for a second procedure.

Why does vision deteriorate after laser surgery? Normally, the effect occurs after a couple of days and has no regression. Recovery of visual function may be suspended for some time, and then resume again. But vision loss is extremely rare.

Nevertheless, in some patients, a decrease in visual acuity is observed after a few weeks after correction. Most often, patients themselves provoke the development of such events. For example, not all patients consciously follow the recommendations of a doctor and begin to engage in intense physical activity or overload their eyes. Such an irresponsible attitude to one's health can lead not only to a slowdown in regeneration, but also to regression. But the deterioration will stop as soon as the patient stops violating the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Dry Eye Syndrome (DES)

Despite the fact that laser surgery minimally destroys the tissues of the eye apparatus, approximately every second patient has keratoconjunctivitis sicca after correction. The patient feels the presence of a foreign body. It seems to him that the eyelid sticks to the eyeball. Usually discomfort is accompanied by pain, burning, pain, itching, redness. Lachrymation brings no relief. Visual acuity changes throughout the day. There is a blurry vision of objects.

Dry eye syndrome is a common complication of laser eye surgery.

During surgery, the tear film is damaged. But it is she who protects the eyeball from drying out, infection and irritation. In addition, during the procedure, the outer part of the cornea is cut off, which destroys the nerve endings responsible for the production of tear fluid.

The risk of dry keratoconjunctivitis increases in the following cases:

  • dry eyes before surgery;
  • myopia;
  • thyroid disease;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • menopause;
  • taking certain medications;
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • prolonged stay in an air-conditioned room.

If risk factors are detected, tear replacement therapy is performed a few weeks before the operation. Artificial tears are an effective treatment for DES.

You can also cope with excessive dryness with the help of active blinking. This contributes to the uniform distribution of tear fluid over the entire surface of the eyeball. In addition, experts recommend increasing the intake of vegetable and animal fats. Fish oil and linseed oil are of great benefit to the visual apparatus.

The main focus in the treatment of DES is to stimulate tear production and improve film stability. In parallel with this, the primary causes of the pathological process and disturbing symptoms are eliminated.

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide variety of moisturizing drops. Such drugs differ in consistency, duration of therapeutic action and the presence of an active ingredient. For patients leading an active lifestyle, disposable dropper tubes have been developed. They are not only easy to use, but also provide hygiene and prevent the development of an infectious process.

Preference is given to medicines that gently moisturize the organs of vision, and also effectively combat insufficient tearing. It is best to choose natural-based drugs that have a long therapeutic effect.


Keratoconus is a disease in which the cornea is damaged. This is a progressive bilateral disease that can lead to visual impairment and even disability.

A complication may arise due to such reasons:

  • undiagnosed keratoconus before laser correction;
  • the presence of latent keratoconus;
  • violation in the technique of the operation.

Clinical symptoms of this complication usually appear some time after the procedure. The patient's vision may deteriorate so much that he cannot even count the fingers on his hand. When looking at a light source, halos appear. Another manifestation of the disease is pronounced astigmatism, which cannot be corrected.

What to do when such a dangerous complication is detected? Unfortunately, conservative therapy in most cases is ineffective. Specialists manage to stabilize the condition with the help of crosslinking. The essence of this procedure is the exposure of the cornea to ultraviolet radiation. In severe cases, a second refractive surgery or corneal transplant is performed.

How to avoid side effects

Any medical procedure has a number of contraindications for use. There are also certain limitations to laser correction. If they are ignored, the risk of undesirable consequences increases dramatically. So, laser correction is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • patients under eighteen and over forty-five;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • keratoconus;
  • spasm of the lens;
  • diabetes;
  • AIDS;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • inflammatory processes of the eye;
  • arthritis;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • presbyopia;
  • retinal detachment.

Relative contraindications include colds, which are accompanied by a runny nose and cough. In addition, after a preliminary examination, the ophthalmologist can detect individual limitations to the manipulation.

Deterioration of vision after laser correction with intense visual or physical exertion in the first days of the postoperative period

Separately, I would like to highlight some of the absolute contraindications. Why is surgery prohibited for minors? The fact is that in childhood, the tissues of the eyeball are still developing and forming. Because of this, visual acuity may fluctuate. Even when one hundred percent vision is achieved, the physiological processes in the body can affect the result.

As for the state of the immune system, the weakening of the body's defenses in itself is not a limitation to the operation. Nevertheless, violations in the work of the immune system can increase the risk of complications and lengthen the recovery period.

If we talk about such serious diseases as cataracts, glaucoma and retinal detachment, they require prior treatment. In the presence of such pathologies, it is difficult for a specialist to establish the features of a violation of visual function and correctly carry out a correction.

With ophthalmic diseases of an inflammatory nature, a laser procedure can further enhance the course of the pathological process. The rehabilitation period in this case will last much longer.

In the presence of skin diseases, such as eczema, psoriasis or neurodermatitis, there is a high probability of the formation of keloid scars. As a reaction to the procedure, cicatricial processes can also occur on the tissues of the eye, and this is fraught with complete blindness.

And of course, the procedure is not performed on patients with serious neurological or psychological conditions. Unforeseen inappropriate behavior during surgery or the rehabilitation period can lead to self-injury.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers experience hormonal imbalance. This can negatively affect the healing process of the visual organ. It is also worth considering the fact that after surgery, patients are prescribed antibacterial agents to avoid complications. Antibacterial agents can affect the development of the fetus. And during lactation, because of this, you will have to transfer the baby to artificial feeding.

A sharp drop in visual acuity during the year is also a contraindication to manipulation. The fact is that a drop in vision can be a manifestation of some hidden pathologies. Therefore, first of all, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination and conduct drug treatment.

The consequences of laser correction will be minimized through proper preparation and planning. The main element of the preparatory measures is to conduct a comprehensive examination for the presence of contraindications. During the diagnosis, the doctor determines the characteristics that are subsequently used to adjust the laser device.

ATTENTION! Most often, complications arise due to non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor and the rules of personal hygiene.

In the presence of any chronic pathologies, the patient should notify the ophthalmologist about this. Immediately before the manipulation, it is forbidden to use any cosmetics, including creams and lotions.

In the first few days after the procedure, the patient may experience severe itching. He shouldn't be afraid. The appearance of this symptom indicates tissue healing. In no case should you rub your eye, this can lead to injury to the operated area.

There will be increased sensitivity to sunlight for several days after the operation, so it is best to bring sunglasses with you. Also, in the early days, doctors do not recommend driving a car.

Doctors do not recommend washing at all in the first days. Try not to get water into the eye, and even more so cosmetics. Baths and saunas are prohibited. The ingress of moisture can disrupt the healing process of tissues.

If the patient's professional activity is not associated with intense visual or physical stress, he can start work the very next day. Laser vision correction refers to cosmetic procedures, so sick leave is not issued in most cases.

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