How much potassium is in a pear. What vitamins and minerals are in pears? The effect of vitamins in a pear on the body

Juicy and fragrant, this plumper apple's friend is one of the recognized antidepressants. What else is a pear good for? Now let's figure it out!

The aroma was mentioned not by chance: the special essential oils contained in the pear invigorate, tone up and improve mood. That is why they are part of the products of many well-known perfume brands. In a baked form, the magical properties of a pear are available even for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases (fresh fruit can provoke bloating); the healing effect is manifested not only in diseases of the kidneys, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, beriberi and lack of appetite, but also in prostatitis! And for “young men after 40” at risk, it is recommended to eat 2-3 juicy pears a day for prevention.

Useful properties of pears

Useful properties of pears have been known for a long time: pear broth even bring down the temperature. When does modern medicine recommend it? Let's find out!
So, the pear is useful:

  1. With diseases of the genitourinary system;
  2. With problems with metabolism, digestive disorders;
  3. To keep the skin always young and beautiful, you can not only eat tender pears, but also make them nourishing face masks. Dry skin will be delighted with a gentle mass mixed with cream, and on oily skin you can simply apply a grated pear, along with the skin;
  4. Do you have frequent dizziness or palpitations? Of course, you need to visit a doctor. And in parallel, include the heroine of our today's review in the menu;
  5. Specialist consultations will also require problems with the pancreas. Sometimes, doctors who suffer from diabetes are allowed to include pears in their diet. They say that insulin is not required for the absorption of the glucose contained in them. Take note of this information, but be sure to ask your doctor if these fruits are suitable for you personally. After all, everything is individual!

What exactly makes it so useful? What vitamins are found in a pear, and does it contain special trace elements? Dietitians answer!

Pectin, fruit acids, valuable fiber, easily digestible sucrose and fructose (the latter, by the way, make sweet pears dangerous for those suffering from pancreatic diseases), vitamins and minerals - which is not in this healthy fruit! By the way, there are not as many calories in it as it seems: only 53 kcal per 100 g. However, this cannot be said about dried pears. However, all dried fruits are high in calories. But let's not digress from the topic. We arrange the benefits in descending order:

  1. The pear is priceless. While enjoying it, keep in mind: soon you will need to go to the "secret room" - this microelement has a powerful diuretic effect. In addition to normalizing the water balance, it is responsible for the work of the heart muscle and skeletal muscles;
  2. Slightly less than in, but quite a lot in pears (you probably noticed a characteristic darkening on the cut, associated with the presence of iron and vitamin P in the pulp) and. They help the body convert and assimilate vitamins, catalyze oxygen metabolism, iron is part of hemoglobin, and zinc is the most important catalyst for the production of male hormones and sperm, without it problems with the prostate begin. Women, however, need it no less: with its help, a number of anabolic hormones are synthesized, in particular, insulin and growth hormone .;
  3. Of those who care about the state of our nervous system, there is especially a lot of nicotinic acid in the fragrant fruit (it is also called B3 or PP). Taking into account the fact that “all diseases are from the nerves”, it helps not only with skin problems (nervous eczema and dermatitis), but also with intestinal disorders. Naturally, we are talking about the natural form B3. And it has nothing to do with cigarette nicotine;
  4. Rutin (vitamin P; the faster the cut of the fruit darkens, the more it is) is responsible for capillary permeability. Its lack causes "stars" on the skin and varicose veins.

In small quantities, pears also contain carotene (helps preserve vision, regulates the moisture content of the mucous membranes), (responsible for youthful skin, nail strength and hair health, and also participates in the production of female sex hormones) and, of course, vitamin C (strengthens the immune system, is prophylactic for viral diseases, more about its role).

It is recommended to eat this fruit separately from the main meal, two hours before or after it. It would be ideal to eat a couple of pears for an afternoon snack or second breakfast. This is especially good for those who sit in the office all day and tend to eat cookies and chocolates stress. Why not replace them with something just as tasty, but much healthier, especially now that you know what a pear is good for?

And in the video, we present you a simple recipe for an enchantingly delicious casserole, invented by Dasha Malakhova. Try it, you will like it!

With the advent of autumn, a juicy and fragrant fruit fruit called a pear begins to appear on our tables. It is tasty and healthy, and is also considered an excellent dietary and multivitamin product.

In ancient China, the pear was associated with longevity, due to its diverse rich composition and beneficial properties. Consider what vitamins are in the pear, and is it really so useful.

What vitamins are in the fruit?

Pear, as a rule, contains fiber and juice, consisting of a variety of vitamins, minerals, as well as pectin, phytoncides, organic acids and sugar. In the table below, you can see in more detail the vitamin content of this fruit, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

List of vitaminsTheir number in 100 gr. pears (mg)Effect on the body
WITH5,5 Develops the resistance of body cells to various types of infections, increasing immunity. Strengthens blood vessels, enriches them with oxygen.
TO4,5 It normalizes blood clotting, controls the stable functioning of the kidneys, takes part in the formation of bone tissue.
E0,4 It inhibits cell aging due to its antioxidant properties, heals various skin damage faster, and stabilizes the functioning of the sex and endocrine glands.
PP (niacin)0,2 It normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the condition of the mucous membranes, promotes better blood circulation and lowers high blood pressure.
H (biotin)0,1 Takes part in the process of metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It has a positive effect on the defenses.
IN 10,02 It activates brain activity, as well as the work of such systems as cardiovascular and endocrine.
AT 20,03 Restores visual functions, takes part in the formation of hormones and red blood cells.
AT 50,05 Improves intestinal work, leads to the speedy healing of injuries, supports immunity.
AT 60,03 Reduces the number of muscle spasms, reduces nervous excitation, prevents premature aging of body cells.
B9 (folic acid)2 It has an effect on digestion, plays an important role in the formation of new cells.

Of course, none of these vitamin substances can fully cover the needs of the human body. For example, to get the daily allowance of vitamins K, C and E, a person should eat 18, 11 and 25 pears.

Because of this, nutritionists strongly advise eating other fruits and foods along with pears, which also have beneficial properties.

Minerals in pear

The minerals contained in the fruit also perform their positive functions in relation to the body, satisfying its needs. The data are presented in the table.

MineralsTheir content in 100 gr. pears (mg)How do they affect the human body
Potassium155 Strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure.
Calcium19 It is a building material for bone and tooth growth, ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system, and fights stressful situations.
Magnesium12 Regulates the functions of the nervous system, takes part in all biological activities.
Sodium14 Replenishes cells with oxygen and the necessary nutrients, participates in the regulation of metabolic processes.
Phosphorus16 Supports acid and alkaline balance.
Iron2,3 It is a source of hemoglobin.
Cobalt6 Stabilizes the work of the pancreas, takes part in metabolic processes.
Silicon10 Reduces fragility of capillaries, provides tissue elasticity.

Eating a pear that weighs 150 grams. , as a rule, it is possible to enrich the body with microelements such as silicon and cobalt by 100%.

Healing qualities of the fruit

The constant use of this fruit improves immunity and helps to maintain beauty and health for a long time. Although pears taste sweeter than apples, they contain less sugar.

Please note that pear contains more fructose than glucose, so they can be consumed in moderation by people with diabetes. This is another plus of this fruit. However, before taking it, it is important to consult your doctor.

Importantly, a pear is a fruit that does not contain any allergens. As a result, it can be safely given to children. Doctors allow the baby at 8 months to introduce pear puree as complementary foods. Thanks to pectins, which are part of the pear, they regulate the stool of a small child, increase immunity.

A decoction of the seeds of this fruit is very useful when infected with helminths. But compote, which is cooked from dry fruits, removes toxic substances from the body very well and helps in the absorption of food. Therefore, it is useful to drink it during intoxication of the body and in the treatment of poisoning.

Doctors also advise pregnant women to use pear. This is due to the fact that folic acid, iron and calcium, which are contained in the fruit, help to strengthen and develop the baby in the mother's womb.

Baked pears are considered a source of energy. As a rule, in the event of stressful conditions, the constant intake of this fruit leads to the regeneration of nerve cells, as well as a general relaxing effect.

Who and when should not eat pears?

If it is wrong to eat this fruit, then bad consequences can occur. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to some points, namely:

  • Doctors do not advise eating a pear on an empty stomach. This is due to the fact that the coarse cell adversely affects the gastric mucosa.
  • It is forbidden to drink fruit with milk or raw water, this will lead to stool disorders
  • Eating tart, unripe fruits can lead to constipation

Having learned what vitamins are contained in a pear, we can confidently say that it is a rather useful fruit for the human body. Enjoy its taste, combining useful and pleasant qualities. And also do not forget to stock up on useful jam and dried pear fruits for the winter.



Of course, everyone is familiar with such a garden crop as a pear, since it can be found on every soda plot. And this fruit, by the way, is not only tasty, but also very healthy because many do not even realize that vitamins in a pear are in large quantities. The pulp of the fruit is very sweet and juicy with a great aroma. And the more the aroma is stronger, the more benefits the fruit will bring to the human body.

What are the benefits of a pear for the human body?

With the regular use of this product in the diet, immunity is significantly increased and the natural beauty of the skin and the health of internal organs are preserved for many years. Even though pears have a sweeter taste than apples, their sugar content is much lower. They contain not only vitamins, but also all trace elements necessary for normal life, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

  1. Pears contain a large amount of essential oils that help the body fight various types of infections and are simply an excellent remedy for depression;
  2. The pulp contains iron, which helps healthy cells divide. This is especially necessary in the process of constant physical exertion or increased fatigue;
  3. The main vitamins in a pear are, of course, C and E, which have properties that protect the skin from aging;
  4. Due to the low level of caloric content, the product can be used without fear during weight loss diets, but only, of course, in a normal amount, since the product contains a lot of carbohydrates. Also, these vitamins and trace elements have a positive effect on the pancreas;
  5. The pear contains a lot of fiber, which enhances metabolism and normalizes the intestinal microflora. Due to the presence of vitamin B in sufficient quantities, timely cell renewal occurs, and the available folic acid is very useful when carrying a child;
  6. The fruit of this group is saturated with potassium, which has diuretic properties, due to which even experts recommend the constant use of pears for people who have diseases of the urinary system or with hypertension. Of course, potassium also has its negative qualities, that is, with excessive saturation, cholesterol in the blood increases.

The main vitamins and minerals that make up the pear

Why is a pear considered such a healthy fruit? If the product is of high quality and ripened, an excellent aroma will come from it. And as mentioned earlier - the stronger the aroma, the more benefits the fruit has. It should be noted that the largest amount of vitamins and microelements will be contained only in a product that has not undergone any type of heat treatment.

Harm and possible contraindications

Those who are very fond of this fruit should definitely be aware of what consequences can occur if it is not eaten correctly. In order to avoid adverse effects, you can not eat a pear on an empty stomach. Since the composition includes a large amount of coarse fiber, which can adversely affect the gastric mucosa. The ideal option would be to consume a treat about half an hour after eating a "normal" meal. In addition to all this, the fruit should not be washed down with water, since this combination may soon simply cause an upset. Harmful is also the simultaneous use of fruit with meat.
Thus, even taking into account all the features and beneficial properties of the fruit, you need to introduce it into your diet gradually and not overdo it with the amount. This is especially true for the elderly, who simply have to avoid tart varieties due to poor absorption by the body. For older people, it is best to use a pear boiled or baked.

The pear tree is one of the most popular plants in summer cottages. All because of the delicious and juicy fruits. In addition to the fact that pears stand out for their unique taste compared to other fruit crops, they are, moreover, very useful.

The fruit of the tree is considered dietary, so it is often included in the list of products useful in diets. Scientists have noticed a pattern: if the aroma of the fruit is strong, then it contains much more vitamin. Interestingly, in ancient times in China, the pear was considered a symbol of longevity. However, about all this in order.


Surely, you have a lot of questions, the answers to which you would like to receive in this article. For example, why a pear is healthy, what vitamins are in a pear, and so on.

We answer! Pear contains vitamins in excess. The pear composition includes: fiber, pectin, fructose, various fruit acids, easily digestible sucrose, all kinds of vitamins and minerals.

Pear is truly rich in useful trace elements! Note the fact that there are few calories in fresh fruit. But when purchasing a dried product, you run the risk of adding a couple of kilograms, because all dried fruits, without exception, are very high in calories. However, we digress a little from the main topic of the conversation, namely: what is the use of fruit for a person.


We present to you rutin (or vitamin P), which is directly related to capillary permeability. If the routine in the human body is not enough, then the so-called asterisks may pop out on the skin or varicose veins may appear. That is why the pear is useful for people suffering from varicose veins.


Surely you have noticed that after eating these fruits, you want to go to the toilet. The fact is that the fruit contains a large amount of potassium. And this microelement is known for its diuretic properties.

Thus, the pear normalizes the water balance in the human body, and also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and skeletal muscles.

A nicotinic acid

Carotene, vitamins E and C

Some carotene is also found in the fruit. This trace element helps to strengthen vision, regulate the moisture content of mucous membranes.

There is also vitamin E in the fruit, which is known for its rejuvenating qualities. In addition, this vitamin strengthens nails and hair. Don't forget about vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. It is also part of the fruit.

iron, zinc

Note that pears contain a lot of iron. However, its amount is still less than in apples. The content of this substance is easy to determine. If you cut the fruit, the cut will darken.

This is due to the fact that the fetus contains iron, zinc and rutin. These substances provide the transformation and assimilation of vitamins by the body, oxygen exchange and much more. It is also known that iron is one of the components of hemoglobin.

Zinc, in turn, produces male hormones and sperm. The lack of zinc in the male body leads to problems with the prostate. For women, this substance is just as necessary as for men. After all, zinc synthesizes many anabolic hormones, such as the hormone responsible for growth, or insulin.

How to eat a pear

The pear should be consumed separately from the main dish, namely two hours before a meal or the same time after it. It is best to eat a couple of fruits during an afternoon snack or second breakfast.

In particular, the fruits are useful for those who have a sedentary job, which involves eating all kinds of cookies, sweets, chocolates without any physical activity. How many temptations.

The main secret lies in the replacement. Instead of a bun, eat a delicious piece of fruit. It is much healthier than all confectionery products and just as tasty!

We learned what vitamins are in the pear, then we'll talk about the chemical composition of the fruit.

The chemical composition of the fetus

The composition of the pear includes substances such as: sugars (from 6 to 13 percent), acids (about 0.2 percent), tannins, and of course ash (0.3 percent).

Some varieties also contain: tannin, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, catechin, rutin, epicatechin, carotenoids, leucoanthocyanins, hydroxycinnamic acids, hydroquinone, arbutin, neoxanthin.

Most of all flavonoids and vitamin C are found in newly formed fruits.

Basically, all varieties of plants abound in trace elements. It should be noted the high content of iodine in the fruit. Finally, fruits are rich in volatile substances such as esters and carbonyl compounds.

Naturally, the pear has a much richer chemical composition than the one we have given above. However, we do not see the point in listing all the trace elements, the name of which will not tell you anything. Therefore, we limited ourselves to the main ones. The ones you know about the benefits.

It would be foolish to talk about the vitamins and minerals contained in fruits, but not to mention the beneficial components of pear juice and the leaves of the tree itself.

So, pear fruit juice contains a lot of sorbitols and tannins. And in the leaves you can find about 5% arbutin, hydroquinone and flavonoids, which, by the way, are ten times more than in the fruits themselves. Pear stems and roots contain anthocyanins.

fruit calories

The nutritional value of a pear is up to about 50 kilocalories. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 3%:6%:88%, respectively. The energy value of a pear is as follows: 0.4 grams (or 2 kilocalories) is accounted for by proteins, fat in one fruit is 0.3 grams (or 3 kilocalories), but carbohydrates are 10.3 grams (or 45 kilocalories). By the way, 100 grams of pear contains 83.71 grams of water.

The benefits of pectin

I would like to pay special attention to such a substance as pectin. It is the most popular form of soluble fiber found in foods. Did you know that it is thanks to this substance that fruits are so hard?

However, we deviated from the topic ... The fact is that it brings double benefits to the human body.

Firstly, this substance reduces the content of cholesterol and sugar in the blood. Pectin is useful as a prophylactic against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc.

Second, it reduces the risk of cancer. How much fiber per day do doctors recommend? The optimal fiber intake per day is 20 to 35 grams.

We hope our article has helped you find out what vitamins are contained in a pear, and how to eat it with benefit.

It's no secret that fruits contain important trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the body. One of the healthiest fruits is the pear. Indeed, the vitamins in the pear are present in sufficient quantities. Let's figure out which ones and why they are so good for our health.

Pear as a natural vitamin complex

Perhaps you have never even thought about how useful a pear familiar to all of us can be. Meanwhile, it contains a huge amount of substances that many of us are trying to get artificially by using chemically recreated vitamin complexes. These are retinol, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamins E, P, PP. In addition, this fruit contains other important elements, the lack of which is often trying to make up for with the help of pharmaceuticals. These include magnesium, calcium, potassium, iodine, iron, zinc.

However, today scientists are inclined to believe that synthetic vitamin complexes cannot adequately compensate for the deficiency of the necessary micro- and macroelements, even though the composition of such products can be as close to natural as possible. This is explained by the fact that artificial vitamins are foreign chemicals for the body.

Nutritionists say that fruits, including pears, are indispensable products in a healthy diet. When these products enter the body, biosynthesis processes are launched, and the vitamins contained in fruits are perfectly absorbed in a natural way.

If you regularly eat high-quality ripe and juicy pears, you can significantly replenish the body's vitamin reserves without the help of synthetic additives.

The effect of vitamins in a pear on the body

If you still doubt that the pear is really so good for your health, then you should find out which vitamins in it affect which body systems. Surprisingly, it is a fact: the substances that a pear contains have a positive effect on almost every human organ.

  • retinol, better known as vitamin A, is one of the most important elements involved in maintaining the normal condition of the skin, hair and nails, and helps strengthen bone and dental tissues. It is also very important for vision. In addition, retinol has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system;
  • B vitamins are generally vital elements: they are responsible for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous system, and digestive organs. B6 is very commonly prescribed for pregnant women and children, and it is usually recommended to combine it with magnesium. Wise nature has already put this compound into the pear, making the fruit incredibly useful;
  • vitamin C, familiar to everyone since childhood with a pleasant sour taste, is found in pears in especially large quantities. It is an important "building block" for immunity, strengthens the body's defenses, helps fight stress, fatigue and premature aging. In addition, it strengthens the heart and vascular walls, and this is especially important for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system. An excellent company of ascorbic acid in protecting the heart and blood vessels is rutin (vitamin P), which is part of the pear. It prevents the oxidation of vitamin C, thereby contributing to better absorption of ascorbic acid;
  • Another protector of the circulatory system is nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). It prevents the formation of cholesterol in the vessels.

The fruit is ideal for those who are committed to a healthy diet, as it contains a small amount of calories and helps to normalize weight. Pear is a great complementary food option for babies who are just starting to try new foods.

It's important to know

In order for the vitamins present in the pear to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to remember what recommendations doctors give regarding the use of this fruit.

It is undesirable to eat it in the morning on an empty stomach; at least half an hour should pass between meals and pears. You should also not drink fruit with water or combine it with fatty dishes.

It is best to use a pear fresh or subjected to minimal heat treatment: this way it retains a larger amount of microelements important for the body.

You need to store the fruits in paper bags - so they will be protected from decay for a long time and retain their wonderful aroma.

The wild pear is considered the most useful. In second place is garden Chinese. By the way, if you collect the fruits yourself, you can not wait for them to fully ripen: special substances in their composition contribute to ripening even after the fruits have been removed from the branch (of course, subject to proper storage).

If you are shopping for pears, be sure to pay attention to the appearance of the fruit. Give preference to elastic fragrant fruits without spots and dents. If the surface of the fruit has too much gloss, this indicates that it was covered with special wax before long-term transportation for better preservation. It is better to refuse such pears.

Of course, it is impossible to make up for a serious vitamin deficiency by excessive consumption of pear fruit. But if you make it a rule to include a pear in your menu at least several times a week, you will be in a great mood, good digestion and strong blood vessels!

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