Who is prescribed birth control pills to treat fibroids? Contraceptives for myoma Which cook is better for myoma.

Myoma is a benign neoplasm that often forms in women of reproductive age in the uterus. It is completely hormone dependent. This means that any changes in the hormonal background can affect his condition. Including taking hormonal drugs, for example, contraceptives. Contraceptive pills for uterine fibroids are prescribed with some restrictions that are important to consider.


Contraceptives for myoma

Most contraceptives include analogues of the female sex hormones progesterone and estrogen. It is also known that fibroids are hormone-dependent. It grows precisely with an increase in estrogen levels. However, a lot depends on the level of progesterone. If estrogen is elevated relative to progesterone, then fibroids grow.

On the other hand, modern combined contraceptives do not have such an effect. They do not increase the level of estrogen in the blood. On the contrary, their correct (in accordance with the menstrual cycle) intake is able to normalize the hormonal balance. And, in addition, restore the menstrual cycle, disturbed by fibroids. Moreover, some schemes of conservative treatment of such neoplasms involve the use of combined oral contraceptives.

Types of fibroids in the uterus

At the age of 40, they are able to protect against unwanted pregnancy and normalize the cycle. After the age of 40, they are able to facilitate the course of menopause and the period before its onset. In any case, a properly selected contraceptive can positively affect the body with fibroids.

The action of contraceptives

At the age of 40 years, birth control pills for uterine fibroids produce their main effect - protection against unwanted pregnancy. In addition, if they are properly selected, taking them can normalize hormonal balance and stop the growth of fibroids. They also significantly affect the severity of symptoms.

Normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce the intensity of menstruation, bleeding. Sometimes even the pain syndrome becomes less pronounced. It is for this reason that some types of birth control are used as therapy in the treatment of tumors in the uterus.

In women over 40, another positive effect is possible. In addition to preventing unwanted pregnancy and a positive effect on fibroids, the pills have the following effect:

  1. Reducing the risk of cancer;
  2. Increase in bone density due to the normalization of hormonal balance;
  3. Reducing mood swings for the same reason;
  4. Improving the general condition - no fever, sweating;
  5. Increased sexual desire;
  6. Elimination of insomnia;
  7. Reduced anxiety and improved mood.

It is important to remember that you need to select the drug very carefully. It's better if the doctor does it. After the age of 40, drugs that increase estrogen production are not desirable. After all, they can adversely affect the myoma, accelerate its growth.


Despite the fact that oral remedies are considered safe, not everyone can take them. There are the following contraindications:

  1. Progestin contraceptives should not be taken by women over 40 with fibroids, as they increase estrogen levels;
  2. At any age are contraindicated in smoking patients;
  3. Should not be taken with diabetes;
  4. Prohibited for cardiovascular diseases and susceptibility to them (after 40 years);
  5. With frequent tonsillitis and laryngitis, you should not take the drug both before and after 40 years;
  6. Prohibited for obesity;
  7. Do not take with migraines and a tendency to headaches of a different type;
  8. Usually, contraindicated in case of a tendency to depression, mood changes;
  9. Should not be taken with varicose veins, etc.;
  10. With hypertension (especially in women over 40 years old).

The general recommendation is this. Oral contraceptives, especially gestagenic ones, are recommended only for those women who have a regular sexual life. Regardless of age, if this condition is not met, the remedy should not be taken.


All oral contraceptives that are currently on the market are divided into two groups - gestagenic and combined. They have various indications and contraindications for admission. They also have their own characteristics of influence on uterine fibroids.


These are simple one-component preparations. They have the same principle of action and approximately the same composition. Almost never in the presence of fibroids are not prescribed. These include tablets such as:

  1. Microlute;
  2. Ovret;
  3. Continuin;
  4. Charosetta;
  5. Primoliut-Nor;
  6. Lactinet;
  7. Exoluton.

These funds act on the body most gently. However, it is believed that their effectiveness is not high enough, compared with the following types of drugs. They are shown mainly to women under 40 years of age. Can slightly increase the level of estrogen in the blood. Therefore, they are not prescribed in the premenopausal and menopausal period.

Due to a small amount of estrogen, they can adversely affect the fibroid, accelerating its growth. On the other hand, properly selected by a doctor, they may not have a negative impact at all.


Such drugs are considered the most modern and safe. They are effective, do not have a strong negative impact on myoma. This is due to the fact that they do not significantly change the hormonal level of the patient, do not delay the onset of menopause. Contraceptive pills after 40 years should be prescribed by a doctor. Usually, this is one of the following drugs:

  • Jess or Jess plus has an antiandrogenic effect, has a positive effect on the gynecological area as a whole and does not cause edema. Shown for use at a younger age;
  • Depo Provera is the safest. It has a positive effect on the gynecological sphere. One of the newest hormonal agents of this group;
  • Silest inhibits ovulation and egg maturation by inhibiting the production of hormones by the pituitary gland. Does not have a significant effect on the neoplasm;
  • Regulon restores the reproductive cycle. Regulon with nodes is prescribed as a treatment, as it can stop its growth and even cause a decrease in the node;
  • normalizes hormone levels. This helps to stop the growth of fibroids in the uterus;
  • affects the mucous membrane, delays ovulation. It is also prescribed as a treatment for benign formations in the reproductive system of women. This is due to the fact that the agent can slow down the growth of the tumor or even cause it to shrink;
  • Femoden normalizes the reproductive cycle. It is indicated for neoplasms, as it reduces the intensity of bleeding and the likelihood of developing persistent anemia;
  • Triziston does not have a significant effect on education, as it acts differently;
  • Triquilar normalizes hormonal balance. Suppresses the production of sex hormones and the onset of ovulation. Indirectly affects the nodes in the uterus;
  • Marvelon shows a complex positive effect. Has high efficiency. Reduces body hair and improves skin. Normalizes hormonal balance, due to which tumor growth slows down.

Despite the fact that combined oral contraceptives are modern and safe drugs, they should be taken in consultation with your doctor. Only he can prescribe the most suitable remedy in each case.

Admission rules

Contraceptives for uterine fibroids (as well as without it) must be taken according to certain rules. Their observance will increase the effectiveness of drugs. And in the case of fibroids, it will allow the remedy to have the maximum positive effect on the body.

  1. Funds must be prescribed individually by a doctor;
  2. You can take them only if you have a regular sexual life;
  3. Start taking from the first or fifth day of menstruation;
  4. It must be taken at the same time;
  5. The remedy is taken in courses of three weeks, with breaks between them for one week;
  6. If funds are taken for the treatment of fibroids, then the regimen should be developed individually.

You should not hope that taking contraceptives will have a significant positive effect on the neoplasm. This can only happen if initially its dimensions were very small. In other cases, the method is ineffective.


Article outline

Many women wonder - is it possible to use birth control pills for uterine fibroids? Since the appearance of benign nodular tumors in the uterus is a common disease that occurs in an increasing number of women of reproductive age, the issue of choosing a method of contraception in the presence of myomatous nodes in the uterus is a priority.

Benefits of contraceptives for fibroids

Modern contraceptives contain synthetic hormones that are similar in properties to the hormones produced by the woman's body. Regularly using contraceptives for uterine fibroids:

  • the growth of existing myomatous neoplasms slows down;
  • no new nodes appear;
  • the amount of blood lost during menstruation is markedly reduced.

A developed disease without proper treatment provokes bleeding, which contributes to the development of anemia in women. In addition, frequent companions of uterine neoplasms are polyps and endometrial hyperplasia.

Contraceptives in the presence of myomatous nodes in the uterus:

  • contribute to the treatment of concomitant ailments;
  • save women from recurrent uterine bleeding;
  • enhance libido;
  • reduce pain during menstruation;
  • relieve symptoms of PMS;
  • prevent unwanted pregnancy;
  • when taken during menopause, they contribute to a more rapid onset of menopause.


Like any medicine, contraceptives also have contraindications from doctors. Hormonal contraceptive pills are used only for the treatment of sexually active women and are not used for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • heart disease;
  • obesity
  • the presence of frequent tonsillitis and laryngitis in history;
  • migraines and frequent headaches of various etiologies;
  • tendency to frequent depression;
  • varicose veins and other vascular pathologies;
  • hypertension;
  • smoking women of any age.

Rules for taking contraceptives

Methods of contraception with and without fibroids are selected by the attending physician individually, depending on the characteristics of the woman's body. And yet there are several rules for receiving these funds that must be followed.

Contraceptives for myoma (and in the absence of such a pathology):

  • cannot be used for self-treatment;
  • are taken daily in three-week courses with a seven-day break;
  • used daily at the same time.

What birth control pills are better to take with myoma

Gynecologists advise to use for the treatment of uterine fibroids:

  • combined contraceptive preparations based on estrogen and progestogen;
  • single-phase tablet preparations;
  • non-combined funds.

The contraceptive drug and the treatment regimen is selected individually by the attending physician.

For small knots

If there are small myoma nodes in the uterus, any contraceptive is suitable. The choice depends on the characteristics of a particular female body.

For large nodes

Not all contraceptives are suitable for women with large myomatous nodes, since large neoplasms in the uterus lead to its deformation and displacement. In such cases, it becomes impossible to use any intrauterine devices. And oral contraceptives with large diameter fibroids will not cope with the task. In such cases, more serious hormonal agents are prescribed, which are selected taking into account individual characteristics.

When combined with other diseases

Often, benign neoplasms in the uterus cause other pathological changes in a woman's body. When choosing contraceptives, you need to consider all concomitant diseases:

  1. In the presence of bleeding or anemia, the use of a hormonal intrauterine device is recommended.
  2. With endometriosis, combined and monocomponent contraceptives are indicated.
  3. For cervical erosion, only tablet preparations, patches or injections are suitable.
  4. With mastopathy, oral contraceptives are ideal.

For the young

For women under the age of 35, for the treatment of neoplasms in the uterus and the prevention of unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to use:

  • combined contraceptives in the form of tablets;
  • mini-drank.

But other means may also be used.

For women over 40

After overcoming the 40-year milestone, it is advisable not to use products that promote increased production of estrogen, since they can increase. After 40 years, doctors prefer prolonged forms of drugs, or even non-hormonal methods of contraception.

Birth control pills after 40 years reduce the risk of cancer and suppress the negative symptoms of menopause.

After removal of the fibroid

After the removal of fibroids, it is important to responsibly approach the issue of protection. Hormonal agents in various forms are considered optimal during this period, which will prevent the development of new fibroids. The choice depends on the patient's age and general health.

Possible side effects and complications after taking

An individual approach to the choice of contraceptives for fibroids does not give a 100% guarantee of the absence of side effects. Women with concomitant diseases are most likely to develop complications:

  • circulatory system;
  • nervous and others.
  • The most common side effects are:
  • smearing secretions;
  • breakthrough bleeding;
  • headaches;
  • migraine;
  • thrombosis;
  • thromboembolism;
  • decreased libido;
  • weight gain.

The appearance of headaches or migraines is an absolute indication for discontinuation of the drug.

Services table

Service name Price
Promotion! Initial consultation with a reproductologist and ultrasound 0 rub.
Repeated consultation of a reproductive specialist 1 900 rub.
Primary consultation of a reproductive specialist, Ph.D. Osina E.A. 10 000 rub.
Hysteroscopy RUB 22,550
Ultrasound gynecological expert 3 080 rub.
Therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy (1 category of complexity) 65 500 rub.
Therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy (2nd category of complexity) RUB 82,200
Program "Health of women after 40" RUB 31,770

Oral contraceptives for uterine fibroids

Women who were first diagnosed with uterine fibroids are at first very confused and have no idea what the treatment of this condition is, and also why drug regimens, especially hormonal ones, are prescribed. Indeed, in society, a stereotype has long been formed is the fact that hormonal drugs do nothing but harm the body. However, this opinion exists only among people who have never encountered serious problems related to hormonal disorders of the body, where without the appointment of steroid drugs.

In fact, there is a logical explanation for why it is impossible to do without hormonal treatment in the treatment of such a disease as uterine fibroids.

One of the main places in the etiopathogenesis of myomatous lesions of the female reproductive sphere is occupied by violations of hormonal regulation in the female body.

Indeed, until recently, only estrogens, or rather, their increased amount, the so-called hyperestrogenism, were considered to be the provoking factor for the incorrect growth of myocytes in the middle layer of the uterus. That is the hormonal factor. But how is it possible to influence the root cause of this particular disease? The answer is logical and simple: it is possible to act only through the same hormones. It is these means that are contraceptives for uterine myoma. Drugs such as Jess, Jess Plus, Yarina, Diana 35 are prescribed for uterine myoma.

Hormonal contraceptives for uterine fibroids

By the same mechanism do these drugs act in uterine myoma? The thing is that these funds in their composition have both an estrogen and a progestogen drug in certain concentrations. When taking these tablets, the active substances enter the female body, which is a rather complex complex with interrelated processes of regulation of the synthesis of sex steroids. The body understands that there is a sufficient concentration of sex hormones in the blood, which means that it is not worth synthesizing these hormones anymore. A cascade reaction occurs, in which their production stops. Daily incoming hormones support the work of this scheme. This creates an artificially fairly even and favorable background for fibroids, in which there are no surges of steroids and their excessive amounts. In recent years, studies have been conducted that have proven the existence of fibroids, the growth of which depends not on high levels of estrogen, but on progesterone, which is quite surprising, since previously it was progesterone that was used to treat all types of fibroids. However, despite this, the fact remains. It is the combined oral contraceptives that create a neutral hormonal background without any of its sharp fluctuations and drops. Therefore, neither estrogen nor progesterone can have a stimulating effect on fibroids in terms of its growth.

How to protect yourself with uterine fibroids?

Contraception for uterine fibroids is just performed by using the same drugs - combined oral contraceptives. Their contraceptive effect is explained as follows: due to the medicated hormonal background, in which the body does not produce hormones on its own, the ovary does not undergo cyclic processes characteristic of the ovarian-menstrual cycle, including the growth and maturation of the follicle, and therefore, ovulation. No ovulation, no egg, no pregnancy.

Contraceptive pills for uterine myoma after 40 are prescribed, however, a mandatory medical examination before using them is a prerequisite, since in the presence of neoplasms in the mammary glands, for example, which is a fairly common pathology of perimenopausal age, this group of drugs cannot be prescribed.

Kok with uterine myoma after 40 years

In women over 40, hormonal contraceptives are also used in the fight against fibroids. A feature of this therapy is that the appointment of this series of drugs must be justified and the woman must be subjected to a thorough examination before starting to take it. Since there are a fairly large number of contraindications for such treatment. It is also worth prescribing micro-dose or low-dose drugs, in which the estrogen content will be minimal. Representatives of such medicines are Jess, Yarina.

Yarina with uterine fibroids: reviews of doctors

In the treatment of myomatous lesions of the uterus, obstetrician-gynecologists often use a hormonal drug such as Yarina. It is also a monophasic two-component agent that is used both for contraceptive purposes and for medicinal purposes. These indications include uterine fibroids. The composition of the drug is simple, it contains ethinyl estradiol and the progesterone component - drospirenone, as in similar drugs, for example, Jesse. The main direction of its action regarding this pathology is to stop the effect of hyperestrogenism on myoma, with which it effectively copes.

Jess with uterine fibroids: reviews of doctors

Jess is a combined oral contraceptive that belongs to the monophasic group.
It consists of an estrogen drug in the form of ethinyl estradiol, as well as a progestogen drug - drospirenone.

By prescribing combined contraceptives, doctors are trying to influence the pathogenetic level of the problem - hormonal imbalance. When taking hormonal drugs such as Jess in a woman's body, hormonal balance is restored. The ovaries are "turned off" from the work of the reproductive system and rest. And for them, from the outside, hormones are supplied with the hormonal preparations taken. The level of hormones returns to normal and due to the restoration of this balance, the myoma nodes stop growing, and some formations tend to progress.

Jess plus for uterine fibroids: reviews of doctors

Specialists who used hormonal drugs in their practice, namely Jess or Jess Plus, note a significant positive trend in terms of regression of myomatous formations.

Myoma is one of the most common diseases in the field of gynecology. Nodes of various sizes can be found even in young girls. For this reason, the question of the selection of contraceptives for fibroids is especially relevant.

Contraceptives for fibroids, in addition to the key action - protection from unwanted pregnancy, can reduce the growth and formation of nodes.

Benefits of contraceptives

It has been confirmed that the constant use of hormonal contraceptives reduces the increase in the growth of fibroids, and in addition, to a certain extent, stops the occurrence of others. In addition, against the background of fibroids, a woman can develop pathological disorders. Taking hormonal contraception has a beneficial effect on these processes. And directly the constant intake of these drugs will contribute to the treatment of conditions such as:

  • Anemia and bleeding. When using oral contraceptives, the amount of menstrual blood is reduced. Correctly chosen hormones can even save a woman from surgical therapy.
  • With fibroids, along with nodes, endometrial hyperplasia, polyps and other similar diseases can often be found. Hormonal agents at the same time carry out the therapy of these conditions.
  • The use of oral contraception (and other forms of contraception - spirals, patches and others) is beneficial for women with mastopathy, since these diseases are closely related to hormone imbalance.
  • Pain during menstruation and the severity of premenstrual syndrome are reduced with correctly selected oral contraceptives.
  • The use of OK during premenopause can help a quick transition to the normal course of menopause, which will help solve many of the difficulties that are typical for this period.

In addition, it must be taken into account that it is preferable for women with fibroids not to become pregnant, since the risk of violations during gestation is very likely. Hormonal remedies provide the utmost possible protection when used correctly.

How do they work

Myoma is a hormonally dependent disease. Even if at first it may seem that some pathologies are difficult to notice, with careful diagnosis they are detected in the bulk of situations.

It is believed that the primary or secondary node, even at an early stage of its own formation, expresses inadequate susceptibility to the influence of sex hormones, mainly to prolactin, gestagen and estrogen. In the tumor, the number of receptors for them changes, which subsequently activates its increase. Nodes atypically react to estrogens, and their excessive number helps tissues grow and thicken the neoplasm. As a result, she is no longer able to regress even with a normal hormonal background.

An excessive amount of estrogen leads to a lack of gestagens, and this already contributes to the pathology of the cyclic production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones by the pituitary gland. In addition, the importance of prolactin in the formation of fibroids is unclear.

It turns out that with nodes in the uterus in a woman, it is possible to find an increase in the production of LH and FSH and an impaired balance of hormones in the genital area.

By using oral contraception, a woman introduces significant corrections to her own well-being. The key effect of contraceptives is through a decrease in the production of LH and FSH on the feedback principle. This fact leads to inhibition of the growth of nodes, even to a certain reduction in their volume.

There is an opinion that synthetic hormones that come with birth control pills bind to receptors in the nodes of fibroids. By this they imitate estrogens and progestogens. However, this does not trigger the subsequent mechanism of fibroid enlargement.

What are the best contraceptives for fibroids

Hormonal contraception can be different in structure and form. The most famous are:

  • Monophasic two-component (include estrogen and progestogen in their composition);
  • Mini-drank;
  • Gestagen funds.

Gonadotropic hormone agonists also provide a contraceptive effect, but are used for therapeutic purposes. This happens for the reason that they cannot be taken for a long time (more than six months) and because they have many secondary reactions.

If we take into account the form of drugs, then the most common are tablets. However, there are other types of hormonal contraception:

  • Ring inserted into the vagina (Novaring);
  • Spiral (Mirena);
  • Patch;
  • Intramuscular injections.

What kind and form of the remedy is suitable for each particular woman can only be a gynecologist, after the diagnosis.

For small knots

In order to prevent the onset of the disease and with small nodes, the typical means used to stop an unwanted pregnancy will do. It should be selected taking into account the design of the woman, the characteristics of her puberty, and the hormonal background. In addition, the use of mini-pills containing only progestogens and having fewer contraindications for use is effective and safe.

For large nodes

When using hormonal contraception with a bulky tumor, it must be taken into account that the fibroid will not go away on its own. Only with the use of serious drugs (Buserelina and similar drugs) can the volume of fibroids be slightly reduced with further surgical treatment. Simple contraception of a hormonal type will not bring a significant result.

In addition, large formations in the uterus can disrupt its cavity. This can cause incorrect placement of the intrauterine device (including its hormonal form), its movement and lunge.

This fact can cause inconvenience to a woman (pain, even during sexual intercourse, excessive bleeding during menstruation), and even provoke a spiral attack.

When combined with other pathology

Since the appearance of fibroids is closely associated with the production of sex hormones, “brothers” appear together with this disease. For this reason, the selection of contraception must be carried out taking into account this condition. The key options are:

Disease Selection of contraceptives
Anemia and excessive bleedingThe most rational solution in the bulk of such situations is an IUD with progestogen elements. The spiral is placed for a period of 5 years, provides a significant result and can often save you from surgical intervention.
Endometriosis and fibroidsIn such a variant, it will be favorable to use not only contraception with the content of estrogens and progestogens, but also monocomponent means. In certain situations, agonists and antagonists will have to be used.
erosion and fibroidsIf the cervix is ​​not healthy, then you do not need to use hormonal coils (for example, the Mirena coil). The tendrils of the spiral will additionally irritate the cavity of the epithelium. In addition, pathogens can easily take root on them. For this reason, due to the spiral in the zone of erosive formation, inflammation will always be visible, and this leads to the further development of the disease. For a similar reason, it is necessary to abandon the ring in the vagina. In this embodiment, it is better to use tablets and patches. If there is a need, then it is possible and injectable.
Endometrial disordersIf a violation of the endometrium due to fibroids is detected, simple contraception will not always help. For this reason, it is preferable to use prolonged forms and an intrauterine device.
MastopathyIf a woman has mastopathy and fibroids, then pills will be the perfect option in this case. They help relieve all signs of tension in the breasts and prevent the progression of the disease.

For young girls

If we take into account age, then up to 30-35 years it is more correct to use products containing estrogens and progestogens in the form of tablets and rings for the vagina. In addition, in such a situation, mini-pills are also suitable. In this age period, there are the least restrictive measures for any drugs.

After 45 years

When approaching menopause, it is necessary to take into account that the number of somatic diseases in a woman increases, as well as gynecological disorders. For this reason, it is more correct to use either non-hormonal methods of contraception, or prolonged forms. They will be able to help a woman gently approach menopause.

After deleting nodes

Modern techniques enable women to remove nodes without removing the uterus itself. After such therapy, the question may arise of how to properly protect yourself and whether the use of hormonal drugs is allowed.

In fact, hormonal drugs should be preferred. They help prevent the formation of new tumors. It is more correct to use tablets or injections containing progestogen. However, mini-pills and even simple single-component tablets may also be suitable. When selecting, it is necessary to take into account age, illness and plans for pregnancy.

Is it possible to treat fibroids with hormonal contraceptives

The constant use of hormonal contraceptives can stop the occurrence of other nodes and, to a certain extent, reduce the growth of old nodes. However, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the nodes by this method. In what situations can hormonal contraception be used to obtain a therapeutic effect:

  • For small knots;
  • In order to reduce the volume of blood during menstruation;
  • If concomitant disorders are present (endometrial disorders, mastopathy, etc.);
  • Stage of preparation for surgical removal of the tumor.

The treatment of fibroids in a woman must be approached individually. Since this violation develops under the influence of many conditions, and only in 2/3 of women, pathologies in the hormonal background are confirmed by laboratory.

Rules for the use of contraceptives for fibroids

The dosage regimen in any particular case is set personally. Only a specialist can determine the most correct reception table. What options can be:

  1. Traditional reception for 3 weeks with a break of a week (or dummy pills can be taken during this period). According to this scheme, patches and vaginal rings are used.
  2. The use of hormonal agents exclusively in the 2nd phase. As a rule, in the interval of 14-28 days.
  3. For prolonged forms - injections are carried out once every 21 days.
  4. The intrauterine device is placed for 5 years of continuous use.

Possible complications when taking oral contraceptives for fibroids

Even with the right choice of drugs, there is a certain risk of complications, especially in women who are predisposed to hematopoietic diseases, nervous pathologies, and others. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully take into account all contraindications.

The most common complications:

  • Periodic appearance of brown spotting blood discharge. There may even be heavy bleeding. As a rule, similar phenomena can be traced during the body's addiction during the first 2-3 months.
  • Headache, migraine. If they occur, you must cancel the funds. If a woman even has cases of migraine in her medical history, then this is a contraindication to the use of hormonal-based oral contraceptives.
  • Thrombosis. In particular, representatives of women with various diseases of the heart and blood vessels are subject to this fact. Hormonal contraception increases blood viscosity. For this reason, they may be contraindicated for those people who have had or have problems with blood vessels, heart attacks, strokes, and so on.
  • Decreased libido. Determined by hormonal changes.
  • A slight increase in the weight of a woman. Usually, no more than 3-5 kg.
  • Biliary dyskinesia, especially against the background of disorders that a woman already has. It is expressed by nausea and vomiting.

Hormonal contraception for fibroids can bring results, especially in girls. These funds can reduce the rate of tumor growth, stop the formation of new nodes and free a woman from such diseases in the gynecological field. However, the selection of funds must be taken seriously and this should be done only in conjunction with a doctor.

Doctors' opinion

Almost all experts agree that hormonal contraceptives can help with uterine fibroids. However, they cannot be completely cured.

Alexandra Ivanovna, gynecologist:

Many women come to me with the question of which contraceptive they should use if they have uterine fibroids. The selection should take place individually with each woman, since each has her own reactions and her own medical history. Hormonal contraception can even somewhat reduce the volume of neoplasms with the right selection. But the whole disease cannot be cured only with the use of OK. Moreover, a noticeable result will be only with small fibroids.

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What birth control pills should be used for uterine fibroids?

Oral contraceptives for uterine fibroids should be taken only under medical supervision. Currently, progestin contraceptives containing levonorgestrel (Microlut) or monophasic combined contraceptive pills containing desogestrel (Novinet, Regulon, Marvelon, Mercilon) can be used to treat uterine fibroids. No other oral contraceptives should be taken for the treatment of uterine fibroids, as they can, on the contrary, provoke increased tumor growth.

I am 44 years old. A year ago, an ultrasound showed that I had uterine fibroids for 7 weeks. Please tell me which hormonal preparation can be used for treatment. Thanks in advance.

For the treatment of uterine fibroids, various methods and treatment regimens are used. Only the attending physician can prescribe the necessary course of treatment for you, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease, the presence of indications and contraindications. As a rule, conservative treatment is based on such drugs as: gestagens, for example, Norkolut (the appointment is justified when uterine fibroids are combined with endometrial hyperplasia and adenomyosis), gonadotropin-releasing hormone (aGN-RH) agonists, antiprogestins, for example, Mifepristone is a synthetic steroid that It has both antiprogesterone and antiglucocorticoid activity. We recommend that you visit the attending gynecologist, who will prescribe an adequate treatment for you.

Which of the drugs (Novinet, Regulon, Marvelon, Mercilon) is the safest for the body? Thanks in advance!

Each of these drugs has its own characteristics, indications and contraindications, while all of them are safe and can be used for up to 5 years without interruption. Only the attending gynecologist can prescribe this or that drug to you after a personal examination, a general assessment of the state of health, the presence of indications and contraindications.

Hello, Please tell me, I took Jeanine for half a year, with a fibroid of 27 mm, a couple of days ago I checked for ultrasound, it became 38-27 mm, I was told that Jeanine is no longer an effective drug. what can you advise? I am planning a pregnancy, is it possible with such a myoma? how to proceed?

When planning a pregnancy, unfortunately, you must first undergo a course of treatment and achieve a stable absence of fibroid growth. We recommend that you first take a blood test for sex hormones, and then personally consult with a gynecologist-endocrinologist, who, after the examination, will prescribe you adequate treatment.

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Contraceptive pills - which are better for women to take and the rating of drugs without side effects

Any modern girl must take care of her health. Therefore, contraception plays an important role in the prevention of unplanned pregnancy. Today, medicine offers a huge range of various means, and a woman has the right to decide for herself which birth control pills to choose for her body.

Contraceptive pills after 40 years

Many women who have reached the age of forty are interested in the question, contraceptive pills - which ones are better to choose for protection and is it possible to choose such funds on your own? Only a qualified specialist will help determine the choice of drugs, who, having assessed the state of health, will be able to offer contraceptives for women after 40 years.

To prevent pregnancy, it is better to give preference to drugs that do not contain estrogen. This type of birth control is called a mini-pill. Their advantage is the ability to prevent the development of endometrial hyperplasia in its infancy. Other non-hormonal contraceptives in the form of ointments and suppositories are prescribed for women whose sex life is not permanent. The main difference between these drugs and the previous type is that they should not be taken daily, but only before sexual intercourse.

The modern pharmaceutical market is represented by a huge number of contraceptives. As a rule, after 40 years, gynecologists try to prescribe oral contraceptives, because. they 100% prevent pregnancy. In this case, the reception should be dosed, any deviations can cause unpleasant consequences. List of the best oral contraceptives after 40 years:

  • Depo Provera is a drug sold as an injection.
  • Jess - reduces puffiness.
  • Marvelon - prevents pregnancy and improves the condition of the skin.
  • Regulon is an effective contraceptive that normalizes the menstrual cycle.
  • Silest - inhibits the activity of the egg.

Hormonal contraceptives after 40 years

After forty years, hormonal drugs are a real salvation for the fairer sex. As a rule, women who have reached adulthood complain of deterioration in health and failures of various functions in the body. This is due to the onset of menopause. The following hormonal contraceptives after 40 years can come to the rescue:

  • Trisequence. Contains estrogen and progesterone, eliminates the painful symptoms of menopause.
  • Femoston. Includes Estradiol, it is advised to use the drug to increase bone tone.
  • Janine. Changes the state of the uterine mucosa, affects the appearance of ovulation.
  • Novinet. Normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces blood loss.
  • Silest. Suppresses ovulation.

Contraceptive pills after 40 years with myoma

In adulthood, many women experience diseases of the genital organs. The most common disease is uterine fibroids. The main danger of the disease is the formation of nodes that can burst and cause bleeding. Therefore, it is important to choose the right contraceptive. Experts advise giving preference to such contraceptive pills after 40 years with myoma:

  • Diana 35. It has an estrogenic, antiandrogenic, contraceptive effect.
  • Regulon. Reduces blood loss during menstruation.
  • Yarina. Blocks ovulation and increases the viscosity of mucus in the uterus.
  • Regividon. Oppressive effect on the production of gonadotropic hormones.

Many young women, when choosing contraceptives, are interested in the question, which birth control pills do not get better? Doctors advise, in the absence of contraindications, to take medium and low-dose hormonal contraceptives, which are convenient to use. Barrier and chemical protection methods (condoms, suppositories) at this age should not be used because of the high probability of pregnancy, but birth control pills up to 30 years old can help:

  • Charosetta contains desogestrel. The drug is suitable for breastfeeding.
  • Femulen. Increases antisperm aggressiveness.
  • Yarina. Changes the properties of the secret (mucus) that is in the cervix.
  • Logest. Inhibits the maturation of follicles.

Microdosed birth control pills

For nulliparous young women who are sexually regular, microdosed birth control pills are best suited. Preparations of this group do not have side effects and are easily tolerated by the body. Great for those who have never used hormonal contraceptives. List of the most popular microdosed tablets:

  • Qlaira. As close as possible to the hormonal natural background of a woman.
  • Jess Plus. It has a cosmetic (antiandrogenic) effect.
  • Zoely. Monophasic drug that contains hormones similar to natural ones.
  • Lindinet-20. Reduces the occurrence of ectopic pregnancies.
  • Dimia. Changes the endometrium and increases the viscosity of the secret, which is located in the cervix.

The best birth control pills for giving birth - rating

For women who have already experienced the happiness of motherhood, low-dose preparations are best suited, which, although they contain estrogenic components, are safe to use. From micro and high-dose drugs in mature women, unplanned bleeding may occur during menstruation. List of the best birth control pills for giving birth:

  • Silhouette. Inhibits ovulation, eliminates acne.
  • Midian. The action of the contraceptive is aimed at reducing the likelihood of ovulation.
  • Milisiston. It treats dysmenorrhea, eliminates the functional disorder of the menstrual cycle.
  • Silest. Changes the implantation ability of the endometrium.
  • Marvelon. Prevents the maturation of the egg.

The best birth control pills without side effects

Many girls refuse to use birth control pills because of the hormone content. But modern pharmaceutical companies have created the latest drugs, in which the content of synthetic hormones is minimized. This helps to reliably protect women from pregnancy and does not harm the body. At the same time, a decrease in the dose of hormones does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug. The list of the best birth control pills without side effects:

  • Yarina. Prevents the appearance of edema and weight gain, treats acne.
  • Janine. Reduces the intensity of bleeding.
  • Regulon. Resolves ovarian cysts, treats dysfunction of uterine bleeding.
  • Logest. Prevents the development of many gynecological diseases.

Good non-hormonal birth control pills

Non-hormonal drugs are not taken orally, but are inserted into the vagina. The mechanism of action of such contraceptives lies in the high content of active substances: nonoxynol or benzalkonium chloride. These compounds, damaging the membrane of spermatozoa, destroy them, which leads to the destruction of tadpoles. List of good non-hormonal birth control pills:

  • Pharmatex. The activity of the drug lasts for three hours.
  • Erotex. In addition to the contraceptive effect, it also has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Gynecoteks. The contraceptive effect lasts 4 hours.
  • Benatex. The activity of the tablet is maintained for 3 hours.
  • Patentex Oval. It has a high contraceptive activity.

Hormonal birth control

The essence of the hormonal contraceptive method is to suppress ovulation. For this, synthetic analogues of female sex hormones are used. Hormonal contraception is represented by two types: oral tablets and prolonged means. List of the most popular hormonal contraceptives:

  • Regulon. The main advantage of using pills is that the remedy does not add weight to a woman.
  • Lactinet. Does not affect the lipid spectrum of the blood.
  • Three-regol. Reduces the chance of sperm entering the uterus.
  • Femoden. Reduces the susceptibility of the endometrium to fixation of the blastocyst.

Combined birth control pills

To avoid unwanted pregnancy, you can use a new generation of combined contraceptive pills, which include synthetic substances in small therapeutic doses. Depending on the qualitative composition, the following classification of combined products is distinguished:

  1. Monophasic (Cilest, Belara, Logest, Demulen, Chloe, Mercilon, Regulon, Ovidon, Non-Ovlon). They contain gestagen and estrogen in a single dosage, painted in the same color.
  2. Biphasic (Anteovin). Consist of two tablets painted in different colors.
  3. Three-phase (Three-regol, Tri-merci, Triquilar, Triseston). They contain three groups of tablets, which are considered more adapted to the woman's natural cycle.

Cheap birth control pills - names

Inexpensive oral contraceptives contain only female hormones - gestagens and estrogens, expensive drugs additionally include antiandrogens - they have fewer side effects and a lower chance of getting fat. Moreover, the price of such funds is more than 1000 rubles for 28 tablets. Good cheap birth control pills are:

The price of birth control pills

You can buy contraceptives at a pharmacy. In addition, a suitable medicine can be found, ordered in online catalogs and bought in an online store. The cost of drugs, as a rule, depends on the number of tablets in the package, the manufacturer's company, the region where they are sold. Approximate prices for birth control pills:

How to choose birth control pills

To choose the right birth control pills with maximum effect and minimal side effects, you need to consult a doctor. Self-selection can cause negative consequences for the body. It is possible to determine the appropriate drug only after analysis. An approximate scheme for the selection of tablets will be as follows:

  • consultation of a gynecologist (the specialist must know the height, weight, age of the patient; whether there were abortions / childbirth, the duration and abundance of menstruation);
  • analysis for oncocytology;
  • contacting a mammologist;
  • cluster blood test for biochemistry, including determination of hormone levels;
  • OMT ultrasound on the seventh day of the cycle.


Contraceptive pills - reviews

Karina, 29 years old

For a long time I wanted to find a contraceptive from which you can not get fat. A friend advised me to pay attention to Pharmatex. After consulting with a specialist, I bought this drug. This contraceptive medicine should not be drunk, it should be placed inside the vagina before sex. You can't recover from pills.

Olga, 35 years old

My husband and I have been living for 10 years. Became protected only 5 years ago. During this time I tried different methods of contraception. She put a spiral, introduced a special ring. We used a condom, but there are only minuses from it. After consulting with the doctor, I bought inexpensive pills called Regulon. Both are happy with the result.

Elena, 30 years old

Non-hormonal contraceptives have always fascinated me. But I had to pay attention to them during lactation. After studying the reviews on the Internet, after consulting with a doctor, I chose Patentex Oval. The medicine is convenient to use, it is designed for one dose, which protects the body from the load of various medicines.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.


2018 Women's Health Blog.

The female hormonal background determines her health, general well-being and even mood. But there is also a feedback - stress, pathology from various organs can affect the ratio of hormones.

Interference with the natural fluctuation of their concentration can lead to serious pathology.

A benign tumor formed from the smooth muscle cells of the uterus is called a fibroid. It develops in women of reproductive age, but most often a few years before menopause.

The nodes can be single and multiple, have a different size, in advanced cases reach several kilograms. For convenience, the size of the fibroids is defined as the correspondence of the volume of the uterus to the gestational age.

The tumor can be located in the thickness of the muscles, closer to the inner cavity of the uterus or under the serous membrane. This determines the development of symptoms.

Causes of the tumor

For tumor growth, a combination of two factors is necessary - uterine trauma and hormonal imbalance. Traumatization can occur regularly - infections, abortions and curettage, childbirth with damage to the walls of the uterus or deep ruptures of the cervix.

In theory myometrial hyperplasia develops during the menstrual cycle. Smooth muscle cells appear in which the system of apoptosis (programmed death) is disturbed. Gradually, their number increases and it is they, as growing cells, that are exposed to damaging factors.

Hyperplasia, or an increase in the myometrium, occurs physiologically under the influence of progesterone, the concentration of which in the blood gradually increases after ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum. An increase in estrogen content supports a further increase in pathological foci.

Some of the changed cells are destroyed by the immune system, and the rest form myomatous nodes. At first, their growth is supported by a periodic increase in estrogen in the blood. With an increase in the size of the tumor, it itself begins to produce a hormone and switches to self-regulation.

Hyperestrogenism can develop through three mechanisms:

  • independent conversion of estradiol to estrone by the tumor, which affects the growth of the uterus;
  • the location of more estrogen receptors in tumor cells than in normal uterine tissue;
  • synthesis of estrogens from androgens in fibroid cells due to the high activity of enzymes of the cytochrome system.

Therapy to shrink the tumor

The sensitivity of fibroids to sex hormones directs treatment to eliminate the cause of tumor growth - elevated estrogen. It can be stabilized or reduced in various ways. But hormones cannot be used for every case, there are certain indications:

  • slow node growth;
  • the uterus is enlarged no more than 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • the size of the foci does not exceed 2 cm;
  • there is no violation of the functions of adjacent organs;
  • nodes are located intramurally or subsurozno;
  • other symptoms are expressed slightly;
  • There are no contraindications for groups of drugs.

In some cases, hormonal treatment is used before surgery to remove the nodes. With its help, they achieve a reduction in the size of the node, which is less traumatic and reduces blood loss during surgery.

Combined oral contraceptives

The drugs in this group consist of two components - estrogen and gestagen. During the reception, ovulation does not occur, which means that there is no increase in progesterone. Estrogen levels are also controlled by COCs.

Therefore, the growth of the tumor is restrained or it regresses backward. But this is possible only with small sizes of fibroids - up to 1.5 cm in diameter, until the mechanisms of autoregulation are formed. The state of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, ovaries and myometrium is normalized.

  • Lindinet contains ethinylestradiol and gestodene, one tablet is prescribed once a day at the same time. Start taking from 1 to 5 days of the menstrual cycle, continue along the arrow to 21 tablets. Then they take a 7-day break and resume the course. Price from 400 rubles.
  • Jess consists of ethinylestradiol in the form of betadex clathrate and drosperinone. Take from the first day of menstruation according to the arrow on the package to the last tablet. No break required. After the first, they immediately move on to the next package. The price is about 1000 rubles.
  • Logest includes ethinylestadiol and gestodene. Take from the first day of the cycle on a tablet at one time for 21 days. Take a break, during which menstrual-like bleeding begins. Resume after 7 days. Price from 700 rubles.
  • Regulon made from ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Reception is carried out as the previous drug. Price from 350 rubles.

GnRH agonists

This group of drugs affects the pituitary gland by binding to gonadotropic hormone receptors, preventing them from stimulating estrogen synthesis. Medical castration develops, the size of the tumor decreases.

The danger is that after the drug is discontinued and the function of its own hormones is restored, the tumor may begin to grow again. This treatment is used before surgery.

  • Zoladex is a depot form for subcutaneous administration. The capsule is placed under the skin on the 2-3rd day of menstruation and left for 28 days. Repeat the introduction within 4-6 months. Price from 8400 rubles per capsule.
  • Decapeptyl depot (active ingredient triptorellin) is applied once every 28 days under the skin of the abdomen, thighs or buttocks. Treatment up to 6 months. The price is about 8000 rubles.
  • Buserelin- nasal spray. Spray into the nose after cleansing it. Apply from the second day of the cycle daily for 4-6 months. Price from 600 rubles.


The drugs of this group are rapidly absorbed into the blood and enter the uterus, where they bind to progesterone receptors in the myometrium. This leads to a decrease in its effect on the uterus. Drugs are contraindicated in fibroids more than 12 weeks of pregnancy.

mefipristone take 50 mg once a day for 3 months. Price from 1500 rubles.


The action is based on the inhibition of the steroid function of the ovaries. Thus, the synthesis of estrogens is suppressed, the fibroids regress.

Danazol- the dosage and frequency of administration are selected individually. The minimum effective dose is selected, which should not exceed 800 mg / day. Price for 60 capsules of 200 mg from 19,000 rubles.


With conservative treatment using hormones at an early stage, a complete cure is possible. Often it depends on the number of estrogen receptors in the tumor and its individual sensitivity to hormone therapy.

Fibromyomas of larger sizes, approaching 12 weeks of pregnancy, regress under the influence of drugs. But if the cause of the increase in estrogen is not eliminated, then after the drug is discontinued, a relapse is possible. Therefore, conservative treatment is often used as a preparation for surgery.

The use of oral contraceptives in healthy women reduces the risk of developing uterine fibroids for two reasons:

  1. The hormonal background is normalized, the secretion of hormones by the ovaries is reduced, they are in the resting phase, there is no ovulation.
  2. No risk of getting pregnant and complete everything with an abortion, which injures the uterus, causes hormonal failure and contributes to the development of fibroids.


After removal of the uterus, the blood supply to the ovaries is disturbed, their hypofunction and gradual atrophy develop.. Therefore, the concentration of estrogen in the blood decreases. This leads to the appearance of endocrine, metabolic, vegetative and psychological disorders. Hormone replacement therapy helps eliminate the symptoms of hypoestrogenism.

In women with a removed uterus, there is no risk of developing tumors of the mucous layer of the uterus, in contrast to the processes that occur during natural menopause. So the hormonal background helps to restore pure estrogens, without the addition of progesterone.

This therapy helps to:

  • tides and temperature drops stop;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • attacks of shortness of breath and tachycardia stop;
  • the condition of the skin and hair improves, sweating stops;
  • eliminates vaginal dryness;
  • the risk of developing osteoporosis is reduced;
  • the mental state returns to normal, the mood rises, the woman comes out of depression.

Gradually, their ovaries, which were left after a hysterectomy, begin to function. But with severe manifestations of the posthysterectomy syndrome, HRT is continued until the age of the natural onset of menopause.


To prevent the development of a tumor, a woman must take care of her health. The body must perform its function. Just as breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing breast cancer, having children reduces the chance of fibroids.

At a young age, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary choose the right methods of contraception to prevent abortions. The best choice, if there are no contraindications, is oral contraceptives.

Obesity, eating foods rich in animal fats and excess cholesterol contribute to hyperestrogenism.. In adipose tissue, the androgens produced in the female body are transformed into estrogens, their excess occurs. Therefore, women with increased body weight, but not yet obese, fall into the risk group for the development of fibroids.

Chronic stress leads to a tense state of the female reproductive system. Excessive stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system leads to stimulation of the adrenal glands. Their area increases, the production of cortisol increases. This hormone is able to cause the deposition of adipose tissue, the menstrual cycle is disturbed.

Possible excessive hair growth. It also increases the production of androgens, which in adipose tissue are transformed into estrogens. So there is an increased level of female sex hormones, which contributes to the development of fibroids.

Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to avoid nervous overstrain, engage in auto-training in order to reduce the level of anxiety and stress.

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