Blood for hiv i. How to donate blood for HIV on an empty stomach or not, the timing of the availability of tests and the likelihood of false results

An HIV test is an accurate and only way to detect the human immunodeficiency virus in the body. Timely diagnosis allows you to live a full life, supporting the immune system with auxiliary drugs.

The transregulatory virus "attacks" from the inside, and for many years it can remain unnoticed in the body. An HIV blood test is an effective weapon to fight and contain the spread of the disease.

HIV virus analysis process in the laboratory of the Pomerini dispensary in Tanzania-Africa - a doctor performs a complete analysis to determine if the patient is affected by the HIV virus - Photo by Francofox

An HIV test can be taken at:

  • AIDS clinics;
  • Private laboratories;
  • District medical institutions (subject to their proper equipment).

The patient takes tests for HIV and AIDS on his own initiative. Other HIV diagnostic methods that are not related to venous blood sampling are not used.

Attention! The blood test for HIV and the results obtained are confidential. They are known only to the patient and are not reported even to his close relatives.

What is the name of the HIV test in the laboratory? In medical records and laboratory results, it is indicated as "blood from a vein on form 50."

The value of traditional methods of laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection:

  1. Primary establishment of the fact of infection and drawing up a treatment program in the early stages of cell infection.
  2. Determining the stage of the disease, making a prognosis of its further course and state of the body.
  3. Taking measures to prevent subsequent infection and monitor the results of treatment.

The considered method of diagnosing HIV infection detects antibodies that arise in the human body as a result of infection.

You can find out how to take an HIV test correctly, where blood is taken from for HIV and how doctors diagnose HIV, you can find out right now by carefully studying the article.

How to donate blood for HIV?

An HIV blood test is an opportunity to get rid of fears, protect yourself and your loved ones, and start timely treatment. To get accurate results, you need to prepare for an HIV test and get answers to questions about whether you can eat, drink coffee or alcohol before donating blood for HIV.

Blood for HIV donated on an empty stomach or not? Yes, it is necessary to take the test on an empty stomach. It is important that the time period between food intake and blood sampling is at least 5 hours.

You can’t eat before donating blood for HIV, since some products and their components can cause:

  • hormonal imbalance,
  • clouding of the blood
  • precipitation.

Is it necessary to donate HIV blood on an empty stomach? Yes, these changes, along with possible individual intolerance to certain food components, can lead to a distortion of the biochemical composition of the blood and a false result.

Can I eat before an HIV test in the evening if I donate blood in the morning? Yes, but dinner should be light and lean. Do not eat at night, limit yourself to drinking water.

Can I drink coffee before donating blood for HIV? No, tea and coffee are not water, refuse them 5-8 hours before the test. They can lead to a change in the hormonal background, which will affect the reliability of the results.

Can I drink alcohol before donating blood for HIV? No! You must stop drinking alcohol for 72 hours before the planned test. The presence of ethyl alcohol in the blood will not allow you to get accurate results.

Can I buy before donating blood for HIV? It is recommended that you stop smoking at least 1 hour before the test. This HIV test involves temporarily avoiding food, tea, coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes.

How to prepare for an immunodeficiency blood test? For your convenience, the information is presented in the table:

Observing the listed rules for donating blood for HIV, it will be possible to obtain reliable results and start timely treatment.

Do they take an HIV test in a hospital during hospitalization? No, only at the initiative of the patient and on the condition that the hospital is equipped to conduct such a study. In private medical centers, you can take the test by appointment.

Attention! Newborn babies are tested for HIV immediately after birth - tests are carried out on blood from the umbilical cord.

The test for the determination of antibodies to the immunodeficiency virus and the detection of the level of infected cells (stage of the disease) is carried out free of charge in public hospitals and specialized centers.

How is an HIV test taken?

What tests are given for HIV? Various types of laboratory tests can detect the presence or absence of antibodies in the blood:

  1. Qualitative Analysis. Direction - detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 antigens. They appear in the body from the 2nd week of infection (for a more accurate result, 2-3 months should pass). The disadvantage of the test is inaccuracy - a false positive result. An additional analysis, if they are positive or doubtful, is carried out after 2 weeks.

A separate type - a verification study by immunoblot is prescribed if the above analysis showed a positive result twice. Characterized by maximum accuracy.

  1. Quantitative Analysis. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) - the ability to determine the concentration of viral RNA in the plasma of the selected blood. Allows you to get results in the early stages of infection (7-10 days).

PCR is used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for an already diagnosed disease. Qualitative analysis is performed in infected women 4 weeks before delivery to decide on a caesarean section.

Are all these HIV tests taken on an empty stomach or not? Yes, the above rules apply to all tests listed. Failure to do so may result in false results.

The interpretation of the results of the HIV analysis based on the data obtained is carried out by the doctor:

Type of test Result What does it mean?

Qualitative Analysis


"Negative" A negative result means no antibodies in the blood (no infection)
"Positively" The presence of antibodies in the blood (there is an infection)


Darkening in the areas of protein localization gp 160, gp 140, gp 41

Diagnosis - "HIV"

Qualitative Analysis

20 copies/ml No infection
Up to 20 copies/ml Impossible to get an accurate result
20 to 10 6 copies/ml Reliable result
More than 106 copies/ml Infection detected

The doctor informs the patient of the result in a different form:

  1. « Positive". Talks about the presence of an infection or other serious disease of the immune system. A positive result must be retested.
  2. "Negative". Talks about the absence of infection or about the "window" (the period when the infection is in the body, but the concentration is minimal and not determined by tests). If there is any doubt, retake is carried out after 3-4 months.
  3. "Doubtful". With a low concentration of antibodies in the body (usually in the early stages of infection), as well as in the presence of diseases that have an autoimmune nature.

It is interesting that donating blood for HIV on an empty stomach according to ELISA and immunoblot tests, it is possible to obtain results of 99.7% reliability.

HIV blood test

To donate blood for HIV and get accurate results, you must follow the rules. Blood is taken from the cubital vein using a sterile syringe. The procedure is carried out in a special room, the sampling volume is 5 ml.

The result is communicated personally to medical professionals and is confidential. If the test took place in a specialized center for the fight against AIDS, then the answer can be obtained by the number assigned at the time of blood sampling.

Attention! The waiting period for a result after an HIV blood test is taken is from 2 to 10 days.

Deciphering the HIV test is done only by a doctor! Do not try to make a diagnosis on your own and start self-treatment - otherwise you will not be able to avoid irreversible consequences for the body.

What is the most accurate HIV test?? It is a verification study using the immunoblot method. It is a combination of 2 tests - standard ELISA and electrophoresis, so its maximum accuracy is guaranteed.

Remember that timely diagnosis and treatment of HIV is an opportunity to protect your loved ones from infection!

HIV infection and AIDS

An AIDS test must be given when registering with a antenatal clinic, before surgery and before donating blood for donation. Recommended for donation by direct contact with infected blood and when using non-sterile infection needles.

A blood test for AIDS takes no more than 5 minutes. After taking venous blood, the sampling site is treated with a disinfectant and sealed with a plaster. The test is performed on an empty stomach, so after it it is recommended to drink sweet tea and eat a piece of chocolate.

Tests for HIV and AIDS can be false positive and false negative. Among the factors preventing obtaining reliable results:

  • infectious diseases,
  • equipment failure,
  • non-compliance with the rules for preparing for the test,
  • an error in the presentation of the results ("human" factor),
  • pregnancy.

The likelihood of getting a false AIDS blood test result depends on how much time has passed since the potential infection.

Whatever AIDS test results you get, the key is to stay calm. Remember that a full life with an infection is not a myth, but a reality!


Method of determination Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

Material under study Serum

Combined detection of antibodies to HIV types 1 and 2 and HIV p24 antigen, a qualitative test.

Attention. In case of positive and doubtful reactions, the term for issuing the result can be extended up to 10 working days. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), belongs to the family of retroviruses. It is transmitted from person to person through the use of contaminated needles and syringes for intravenous drug use or therapeutic procedures, through sexual intercourse, both heterosexual and homosexual. Transmission of the virus can occur through the transfusion of infected blood and its products, donation of organs or seminal fluid, in healthcare workers - when injured by infected needles or instruments. HIV infection is possible through its transmission from an infected mother to a child (vertical route), although modern methods of prevention using antiretroviral therapy, if all recommendations are followed, can reduce this risk to a minimum.

The process of interaction of a virus with a cell includes a number of stages: binding of the virus to the cell, its release from the shell, penetration into the cytoplasm, DNA synthesis from viral RNA, and integration of viral DNA into the genome of the host cell. After this, the latent stage of infection begins. In this state, proviral DNA can exist for some time without showing activity and without affecting the vital activity of the host cell. As long as there is no expression of viral proteins, there is no immune response to the virus. Antibodies to HIV, which characterize the body's immune response, appear after the activation of viral DNA and the beginning of active reproduction of the virus. The duration of the latent period depends on a number of factors, including the individual genetic characteristics of the organism.

Antibodies to HIV may appear starting from the second week after infection; their content increases within 2-4 weeks and persists for many years. In 90-95% of those infected, they appear in the first three months after infection, in 5-9% - in the period from three to six months, in 0.5-1% - at a later date.

In the first weeks of infection, even before the appearance of antibodies to the virus (i.e., before seroconversion), the presence of HIV antigens, including its p24 capsid protein, can be detected in serum or plasma samples. Later, after seroconversion, it usually becomes undetectable.

Fourth-generation combination assays, such as the HIV Ag/Ab Combo test (Architect, Abbott), detect both HIV type 1 and 2 antibodies and the HIV p24 antigen, allowing for early detection of infection. The special characteristics of the screening test used in the INVITRO laboratory to detect HIV infection include the high specificity of the study (> 99.5%); 100% sensitivity of the assay to antibodies characteristic of the seroconversion period, and the sensitivity of the test to the p24 antigen is about 18 pg/ml.

The procedure for laboratory testing for HIV is strictly regulated by the orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and includes the stage of a screening (screening) study of the presence of antibodies to HIV by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) methods approved for use, and the stage of a verification (confirming) more detailed study in the laboratory of the city AIDS center. It should be noted that even the best screening ELISA systems do not guarantee 100% specificity, that is, there is some possibility of obtaining non-specific, false positive results associated with the characteristics of the patient's blood serum. Therefore, a positive screening ELISA result may not be confirmed in confirmatory tests, after which the patient will be given a negative or indeterminate result. If the result of the confirmatory study is indeterminate, testing should be repeated in dynamics in 2-3 weeks.

Laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection in children born to HIV-infected mothers has its own characteristics. Maternal antibodies to HIV (IgG class) can circulate in their blood up to 18 months from the moment of birth. The absence of antibodies to HIV in newborns does not mean that the virus has not crossed the placental barrier. Children of HIV-infected mothers are subject to laboratory diagnostic examination within 36 months after birth.


Special preparation is not required. Blood sampling is recommended no earlier than 4 hours after the last meal. General recommendations for preparing for research can be found. It is advisable to conduct a test for the detection of antigen and antibodies to HIV no earlier than two weeks after a possible infection, repeating it after three and six weeks in case of a negative result. Registration of applications for research at INVITRO LLC is carried out according to a passport or a document replacing it (migration card, temporary registration at the place of residence, serviceman's certificate, certificate from the passport office in case of loss of a passport, registration card from a hotel). The submitted document must contain information on temporary or permanent registration in the territory of the Russian Federation and a photograph. In the absence of a passport (a document replacing it), the patient has the right to make an anonymous application for the delivery of biomaterial. With an anonymous examination, the application and the biomaterial sample received from the client are assigned a number known only to the patient and the medical staff who placed the order. ! The results of studies performed anonymously cannot be submitted for hospitalization, professional examinations, and are not subject to registration with the ORUIB.

Indications for appointment

  • Enlargement of lymph nodes in more than two areas.
  • Leukopenia with lymphopenia.
  • Night sweats.
  • Sudden weight loss of unknown cause.
  • Diarrhea for more than three weeks of unknown cause.
  • Fever of unknown cause.
  • Planning for pregnancy.
  • Preoperative preparation, hospitalization.
  • Identification of the following infections or their combinations: tuberculosis, overt toxoplasmosis, often recurrent herpesvirus infection, candidiasis of internal organs, repeated herpes-zoster neuralgia, caused by mycoplasmas, pneumocystis or legionella pneumonia.
  • Kaposi's sarcoma at a young age.
  • Casual sex.

Interpretation of results

The interpretation of test results contains information for the attending physician and is not a diagnosis. The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. An accurate diagnosis is made by the doctor, using both the results of this examination and the necessary information from other sources: history, results of other examinations, etc.

Units of measurement in the Independent laboratory INVITRO: qualitative test. The form of presentation of the results: in the absence of antibodies to HIV 1 and 2 and p24 antigen, the answer is “negative”. In case of detection of antibodies to HIV or antigen in the screening ELISA test, the serum sample is sent for analysis by a confirmatory immunoblot method to the city AIDS center, which verifies positive and indeterminate results.

Positive result:

  1. HIV infection;
  2. false positive result requiring repeated or additional studies*);
  3. the study is not informative in children under 18 months of age born to HIV-infected mothers.

*Specificity of the screening test system Antibodies to HIV 1 and 2 and antigen of HIV 1 and 2 (HIV Ag/Ab Combo, Abbott), according to estimates provided by the manufacturer of reagents, is about 99.6% in both the general population and in the group patients with potential interferences (infections HBV, HCV, Rubella, HAV, EBV, HNLV-I, HTLV-II, E.coli, Chl.trach., etc., autoimmune pathologies (including rheumatoid arthritis, presence of antinuclear antibodies), pregnancy, elevated levels of IgG, IgM, monoclonal gammopathy, hemodialysis, multiple blood transfusions).

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is considered the plague of the 20th century. Currently, no cure has yet been invented for a complete cure for this insidious disease.

But medicine has made significant progress, as now it is possible to live a full life with HIV, supporting immunity with auxiliary drugs. It is possible to determine the amount of antibodies that appear in the blood serum when infected with HIV infection using laboratory analysis. This study is accurate and unique method of detecting the human immunodeficiency virus in the body. HIV testing can be done at specialist AIDS clinics or private laboratories. The results of the study are confidential and are not disclosed to relatives.

Used to test blood for antibodies to HIV deoxygenated blood, which is taken from a vein in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbow. The arm above the elbow is pulled with a tourniquet and a few milliliters of blood are taken with a syringe with a thick needle. The resulting material is placed in a special flask and sent to the laboratory for further research.

To obtain the most informative results, the analysis must be taken twice: four weeks after a possible infection and again three months later. If both results are positive, then there is a 95% chance of contracting the human immunodeficiency virus.

The average price of a blood test for the presence of antibodies to HIV infection is 500 rubles. Anonymous research may increase the price. In some cases, a GP can refer you for a free HIV blood test.

Analysis to take on an empty stomach or not?

An HIV test is required on an empty stomach. The time interval between the last meal and blood sampling should be at least five hours. Some food components can provoke hormonal failure, clouding of the blood, precipitation in the sample and individual intolerance. Such changes can distort the biochemical composition of the blood, which can lead to a false positive or false negative result of an HIV test.

The most convenient time for testing is early in the morning. Dinner before donating blood should be light and non-greasy. It is advisable to refuse food for the whole subsequent night, limiting yourself to drinking boiled water. After the analysis, it is recommended to plan a hearty breakfast with strong tea.

Analysis deadlines

The turnaround time for HIV test results depends on the flow of patients at the clinic and the capacity of the laboratory. As a rule, public health facilities process results within 2-3 weeks.

If necessary get results fast, it is recommended to take the analysis in a private clinic, where the conclusion will be ready in a couple of days. A certificate with the results of an HIV test is issued in person upon presentation of identification documents. As a rule, the results are reported in a separate room in order to provide psychological assistance and an explanatory consultation if necessary.

HIV infection during pregnancy

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus test is on the list mandatory medical studies necessary when planning a pregnancy, registering with a antenatal clinic and managing pregnancy. As a rule, during pregnancy, an HIV test is given twice: at the end of the first and at the beginning of the third trimester.

Timely detection of the immunodeficiency virus will help minimize the risk of infection and damage to the fetus. HIV infection can be transmitted from mother to baby: during childbirth and during lactation. If a pregnant woman turns out to be sick with HIV, then she is offered to abandon natural childbirth in favor of a caesarean section. In this case, it appears high chance of having a healthy baby.

When is the analysis given?

This study is carried out not only in cases where there is a possibility of infection. A blood test for the immunodeficiency virus is prescribed in the following situations:

  • When registering with a antenatal clinic. HIV-infected women need a special approach, as more careful monitoring is required.
  • When planning a pregnancy. Physicians must evaluate all risks in order to minimize the risk of infection to the fetus.
  • During pregnancy.
  • Before any surgical intervention.
  • When applying for a new job and obtaining a medical book (working with children, contacts with food and people).
  • After an accident unprotected sexual contact. It is worth noting that HIV can also be contracted through anal and oral sex.
  • After using injection needles of unknown origin.
  • Before a blood transfusion or donation for donation.
  • By direct contact with infected blood.
  • With persistent infectious diseases and sudden weight loss.

Deciphering the results

Antibodies to HIV do not appear in the body immediately after contact with an infected person or infected blood. The incubation period can be three to six months. It is possible to determine the presence of antibodies to HIV in the blood with the greatest accuracy only three months after the initial study. When passing the analysis after one month, the probability of obtaining a reliable result is only 50%.

When conducting an analysis in two months, the probability will already be 80%, and closer to three months, the probability will tend to 100%. It should be noted that obtaining a positive or negative result does not guarantee the unambiguity of the study.

Positive result Can mean:

  • Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus.
  • Incorrect or false positive result.
  • The patient's age is up to 1.5 years. If a child is infected by a mother with AIDS, then the infection can manifest itself only after a few years.

Negative result Can mean:

  • The absence of HIV infection in the body.
  • Incorrect or false negative result.
  • Too much early term delivery of the analysis.
  • Slow infection.

Upon receipt of a positive result twice in a row (3 and 6 months after a possible infection), the patient is assigned a control diagnosis of HIV infection, which is carried out by the immunoblot method.

Symptoms of infection

AIDS may not manifest itself for a long time. The first symptoms usually appear one year after infection. The symptoms of the human immunodeficiency virus are similar to those of a common infection, and appear as follows:

  • Weakening protective properties of the body, and as a result, frequent infectious diseases (up to twice a month).
  • gradual weight loss occurring without any external cause.
  • Pallor skin, cyanosis of certain parts of the body.
  • Deterioration of the teeth and hair loss.
  • Bone fragility, joint and muscle pain.
  • The appearance of a large number chronic diseases(bronchitis, tuberculosis, gastritis, human papillomavirus).

It should be noted that these signs are characteristic not only for HIV infection, but also for other diseases of the immune system and the whole organism.

Anonymous or not?

The patient has the right to be tested for the presence of HIV infection absolutely anonymous. According to federal law, a patient can be tested at the regional AIDS center without presenting identification documents. After the analysis, an individual code is issued, with which you can find out the results of the study simply by calling the laboratory and providing this information. Even if the HIV test is not anonymous, doctors do not have the right to disclose the results to relatives, friends and parents.

You can find out the result only at a personal consultation with the doctor of the AIDS center. Possible anonymity should be discussed with representatives of the clinic before the test, after signing the necessary documents.

Is there a medical error?

No laboratory can guarantee the absolute accuracy of an HIV test. There are a large number of factors that can affect the result.

When you get positive results for HIV, you should not get upset and depressed, as likelihood of medical error there is always.

A false positive or false negative result can be obtained in the following situations:

  • Malfunction of laboratory equipment, an error in the transportation and storage of blood.
  • Human factor. The laboratory assistant may confuse the flasks with biomaterial or sign them incorrectly.
  • Pregnancy. A pregnant woman's body undergoes major changes that can cause a false positive HIV test result. To refute this diagnosis, the analysis is repeated. If, upon re-examination, the number of antibodies to HIV has decreased or disappeared, then all suspicions are removed.
  • Diseases associated with impaired metabolic processes in the body(for example, diabetes).
  • Lack of immune response to antibodies. Occurs with long-term antiviral therapy, organ transplants, blood transfusions and the advanced stage of AIDS.
  • The delivery of the analysis in the "blind" period between infection and the onset of the production of antibodies to HIV infection.

In order to exclude the possibility of a medical error, it is necessary to take tests in several laboratories at once. If all studies give the same result, then the probability of error will be only 3%.

In the case of early diagnosis of an infectious disease, you can take control of the situation and protect yourself from the harmful effects of an advanced stage of the disease. A timely detected immunodeficiency virus will cause less harm to a person than he, but already detected by obvious signs of infection.

Although HIV infection cannot be completely cured, if it is diagnosed early, doctors successfully carry out antiretroviral therapy and prolong the life of the patient. To detect the virus, it is necessary to take a blood test for HIV, which is the main method of detecting the disease.

People who are faced with the problem of detecting HIV are interested in: how long after infection the analysis will show changes, is it necessary to donate blood on an empty stomach and where does it come from, how long does the analysis take and what is its decoding?

It is easy to take a blood test for HIV, if necessary, you only need to decide whether to contact state medical organizations or donate blood in private laboratories. To be tested for the human immunodeficiency virus, blood is donated:

  • In the clinic at the place of residence. In each clinic there are special rooms where they will take blood and provide all the detailed information. Anonymity remains your right.
  • In a private laboratory. Anonymity will also be ensured.
  • In the center of prevention of the fight against HIV and AIDS, which exist in all major cities.

To determine HIV, laboratory tests are given that allow you to identify early changes associated with infection and determine the degree of the disease if it is confirmed. Preparations, except for donating blood on an empty stomach, the examination does not require, in the case of a positive result of one of the tests, the patient is assigned a more informative diagnosis:

  1. General blood analysis. With proper preparation for a general analysis, biomaterial sampling on an empty stomach, this type of study will be informative. A general blood test for HIV will show:
    • How many leukocytes are in the patient's blood. In this case, a certain type of leukocytes is important - lymphocytes, they are responsible for immunity, and in the case of HIV infection, the index of lymphocytes in the blood will not be at the normal level.
    • How much hemoglobin and platelets are in the blood. A decrease in these components will indirectly indicate blood infection.
    • How much did the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) increase? In the case of an increase in ESR, we are talking about infectious processes in the body.

    However, these indicators are not able to indicate the presence of only HIV, since other diseases can also appear. Therefore, doctors, in case of suspected immunodeficiency virus in a patient, prescribe additional tests.

  2. Express tests. An express analysis does not require special equipment, and the patient receives the test results within half an hour. Both venous and capillary blood are suitable for conducting an express test, and sometimes urine or saliva is taken. Blood sampling is recommended to be carried out on an empty stomach, and in the absence of a virus, the test will show that no antibodies to HIV were found in the blood, and in case of infection, the test will determine how many antibodies appeared in the blood. However, in the case of a recent infection, it is not advisable to take an express analysis. It will not be informative, and you will have to repeat the test 3 months after a possible infection.
  3. Linked immunosorbent assay. Such a blood test for HIV is carried out using venous blood sampling strictly on an empty stomach. In the blood serum, ELISA looks for the presence of antibodies to HIV. And if they were found, then it is determined how many of them are in the patient's blood, which will help determine the stage of the disease. The analysis is done from 2 to 10 days. However, it is also inaccurate, false positive results may be detected in other autoimmune and chronic infections or in the case of oncological diseases.
  4. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This is the name of the blood test, which can be used to determine HIV, regardless of antibodies, by detecting the concentration of viral RNA in the blood plasma. The determination of HIV by this method can reach 99%. For analysis, the patient must donate blood on an empty stomach and wait for the results. In how many days will the analysis be ready? Depending on the capabilities of the laboratory, the results of the analysis can be obtained in 1-3 days.
All tests taken together and a complete clinical examination of the patient may be the basis for confirming the diagnosis of HIV.

Deciphering the HIV test

Normally, in the blood serum, when taken on an empty stomach, antibodies will be absent. Until a positive result of one or more tests is obtained, a person is considered healthy. However, the accuracy of the results of the study will be directly affected by the timing of possible infection.

Deciphering the results of the analyzes:

Indications for an HIV test

To take a blood test for HIV, the patient's personal desire is required, but there are situations when it is necessary to do the examination:

  • During the period of childbearing. Blood sampling for the determination of the HIV virus is carried out when a woman is registered and at 30 weeks of pregnancy.
  • The survey is shown to law enforcement and law enforcement agencies, as well as applicants to military educational institutions.
  • Blood sampling for the determination of HIV occurs in the case of donation of biomaterial.
  • Applying for a visa to some countries requires the exclusion of HIV.
  • In the case of forced sexual intercourse, donating blood for HIV is highly recommended.
  • When a sexual partner has HIV or AIDS.
  • When non-sterile needles were used in the process of tattooing or injecting.
  • In case of detection of a severe infectious disease, sexually transmitted, blood sampling is also indicated for HIV.
  • It is also advisable to take HIV tests after accidental unprotected intercourse.
Under any circumstances that contribute to HIV infection, one should not guess - after how long the first signs of a possible infection will appear, it is better to pass the necessary tests, and if the virus is diagnosed, then start treatment as early as possible.
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