Presentation on the topic: "Some interesting facts in mathematics .... Did you know? Did you know that fish can count up to four? This interesting mathematical fact was confirmed."

Slide 2: American "City of the Sun" - a paradise for the elderly

Slide 3: American "City of the Sun" - a paradise for the elderly

The main condition for living in such a city is that its inhabitant must be 55 years of age or older. People under the age of 18 can only visit their relatives a total of 90 days a year. One of the close relatives over 18 years old can live in this family. The idea of ​​an old man's town is also attractive because there are low local taxes. There is almost no crime in closed cities, schools are not needed here. Most of the local work is done by the old people themselves - street cleaning, landscaping, etc. As a result, in Sun City, local fees are only $400 per year. The almost 50-year existence of Sun City has shown that local residents live 4.5 years longer than the US average. Hard work, many interesting activities, a homogeneous age environment - all these factors make life attractive here.

British researchers have concluded that physical contact can significantly improve the well-being and health of older people.

Slide 6: Kompai robot to help the elderly

Slide 7: Kompai robot to help the elderly

The robot can move independently, understands simple speech and can carry on a conversation with a person. Its main means of communication with people is speech, as well as an additional touch screen with a simple interface. Kompai reminds people of events, keeps track of the shopping list, plays music, and can also work as a video conferencing system when the user communicates with his doctor, relatives or friends.

Slide 8: Old people play computer games

Slide 9: Old people play computer games

In Britain, 18% of people over 60 regularly play computer games. According to online shopping discount website MyVoucherCodes, half of them admit to playing more than three times a week, and a quarter at least once a day.


Slide 10: Computer Academy for pensioners

natalia grigorova
Video presentation "Do you know?" - interesting facts about pets. senior preschool age

As is known, animals inhabit the entire planet Earth: directly land, as well as water areas. Many animals live far from humanity or invisible to us because of their size. Some, on the contrary, are constantly encountered by us, for example, insects, birds, animals.

Modern man is very often deprived of the possibility of any communication with wildlife, but he is surrounded by the descendants of the once tamed animals. between people and pets there is a beneficial exchange - our animals receive shelter, food and care, and in return they bring some benefit.

Dogs have a phenomenal sense of smell - thanks to a wet nose, they quickly determine the direction of the smell.

The pattern on the surface of a cat's nose is as unique as a human fingerprint.

A cow can go up stairs, but cannot go down them. That's why.

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Total in the topic 23 presentations

Do you know? Did you know that fish can count to four? This interesting mathematical fact was confirmed by Italian scientists. Christian Agrillo of the University of Padua, who participated in the experiment, said: "We have received evidence that fish are endowed with rudimentary mathematical abilities." Previously it was known that fish could tell the difference between large and small schools of fish, but this experience showed that fish can count how many fish are swimming around them. Monkeys, dolphins, and some people with disabilities have similar mathematical abilities. Did you know that fish can count to four? This interesting mathematical fact was confirmed by Italian scientists. Christian Agrillo of the University of Padua, who participated in the experiment, said: "We have received evidence that fish are endowed with rudimentary mathematical abilities." Previously it was known that fish could tell the difference between large and small schools of fish, but this experience showed that fish can count how many fish are swimming around them. Monkeys, dolphins, and some people with disabilities have similar mathematical abilities.

These interesting facts about mathematics are based on observations of female freshwater gambusia fish, which showed that when a male begins to hunt for a female, she tries to hide from him in the nearest largest school of fish. At the same time, choosing between groups of two, three or four fish, she is able to count the number of individuals and cling to the largest group. In addition, fish can visually distinguish larger numbers if their ratio is 2:1. The researchers obtained these data during the second series of experiments. So, for example, the female will see the difference between groups of 16 and 8 fish, but will not be able to distinguish between schools of 12 and 8 fish, since the ratio in this case is 3:2. These interesting facts about mathematics are based on observations of female freshwater gambusia fish, which showed that when a male begins to hunt for a female, she tries to hide from him in the nearest largest school of fish. At the same time, choosing between groups of two, three or four fish, she is able to count the number of individuals and cling to the largest group. In addition, fish can visually distinguish larger numbers if their ratio is 2:1. The researchers obtained these data during the second series of experiments. So, for example, the female will see the difference between groups of 16 and 8 fish, but will not be able to distinguish between schools of 12 and 8 fish, since the ratio in this case is 3:2.

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What mathematical law is revealed in the two policemen theorem? What mathematical law is revealed in the two policemen theorem? Some mathematical laws are called by analogy with situations in real life. For example, the theorem about the existence of a limit for a function that is “sandwiched” between two other functions that have the same limit is called the two policemen theorem. This is explained by the fact that if two policemen keep a criminal between themselves and at the same time go to the cell, then the prisoner is also forced to go there. Some mathematical laws are called by analogy with situations in real life. For example, the theorem about the existence of a limit for a function that is “sandwiched” between two other functions that have the same limit is called the two policemen theorem. This is explained by the fact that if two policemen keep a criminal between themselves and at the same time go to the cell, then the prisoner is also forced to go there.

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What insects are able to talk, count and perform simple arithmetic operations? What insects are able to talk, count and perform simple arithmetic operations? Ants are able to explain to each other the way to food, they can count and perform simple arithmetic operations. For example, when a scout ant finds food in a specially designed maze, it returns and explains how to get to it to other ants. If at this time the labyrinth is replaced with a similar one, that is, the pheromone trail is removed, the scout's relatives will still find food. In another experiment, the scout searches in a maze of many identical branches, and after his explanations, other insects immediately run to the designated branch. And if you first accustom the scout to the fact that food is more likely to be in 10, 20, and so on branches, the ants take them as basic and begin to navigate by adding or subtracting the desired number from them, that is, they use a system similar to Roman numerals.

What mathematical sequence describes the arrangement of leaves on plant branches? What mathematical sequence describes the arrangement of leaves on plant branches? The leaves on the branch of the plant are always arranged in a strict order, separated from each other by a certain angle clockwise or counterclockwise. The value of the angle is different for different plants, but it can always be described by a fraction, in the numerator and denominator of which there are numbers from the Fibonacci series. For example, for beech, this angle is 1/3, or 120 °, for oak and apricot 2/5, for pear and poplar 3/8, for willow and almond 5/13, etc. This arrangement allows the leaves to most effectively receive moisture and sunlight.

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"Do you know that…. Or some interesting language moments. Tashchilina Larisa Mikhailovna teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU secondary school No. 25, Voronezh

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The longest words ... In the state of Massachusetts (USA) there is a small lake, the name of which is not easy to pronounce without stopping, because it consists of 42 letters, and in English transcription it is even longer (44 letters). Judge for yourself: Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg. Translated from the local Indian language, this abracadabra means: "I will fish on this side, you will fish on the other side, and in the middle no one catches anything." Thus, the name of the lake recorded an agreement between two Indian tribes that once lived on its shores.

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In London, the capital of Great Britain, you can buy the world's longest train ticket (15 cm long and 4 wide) to a small station in Wales called Llanfairisiliogogogok (54, and in English transcription - even 58 letters). The name of the station, for ease of oral pronunciation, was shortened to Llanfire. As for the content of the name itself, it is translated from Welsh as "a church in a lowland overgrown with white hazel, near a river with a whirlpool near the cave of St. Tisilio." It is said that some ingenious prankster came up with the tricky name in the past to glorify his small, unremarkable village, which has since attracted the attention of tourists and made it possible for locals to earn money.

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And yet, probably the longest among the Gulliver names is the name of the capital, located in Southeast Asia of the Republic of Thailand, Bangkok. In translation, it sounds like this: "Place of the wild plum"; the full name has as many as 147 (!) Letters and means: “The great city of angels, the highest receptacle of divine treasures, the great land that cannot be conquered, the great and prosperous kingdom, the magnificent and wonderful capital of the nine precious stones, the place where the greatest rulers live and is located the great palace is the home of the gods, capable of reincarnating as spirits. It is this geographical name that is registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest in the world.

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“Simple words” in a difficult book ... In the Guinness Book of Records Book B, approximately in 2003 2003, a record was made of the Guinness Records for about a year, a record was made that the longest word, the word present present in the long Russian language, language, consists consists of 35 35 letters of Russian letters - highly contemplating - highly contemplating shchy. At the moment you can find shchi. words are much much longer. longer. In the first place of the word is the name of the name of a chemical chemical compound, a compound consisting of 44 44 letters of letters - consisting of mmnilacrylic acid, as is already clear, understandable, nylacrylic acid. There is still an adjective, an adjective, an acid. in which there is a hyphen hyphen out of 38 38 characters of characters in which agricultural–– agricultural machine building. In stock also available and machine-building. without hyphen hyphen (38 (38 letters) letters) –– withoutetoxypropylbutan. There is a literary literary word, a word consisting of an. out of 25 25 letters of letters - Napoleonic hatred. - Napoleonic hatred. from

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The German language turned out to be richer in long words. It has a word consisting of 79 letters, and this is donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitäte ngesellschaft, which, translated into our language, means: "Society of junior employees of the construction supervision authority under the head office of the electrical service of the Danube Shipping Company."

Slide 7

Well, the English language broke all records, in which it turned out to be the longest word in the world, consisting of 1916 letters: And no one doubts that this is another name for a chemical compound. Here it is in all its glory - C1289H2051N343O375S8. Such is the simple name of the protein.

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There is also the village of O in France, however, this is how it is read, although it is written not with one, but with four letters: Haux. Yu townships are located in France and Sweden. The name A is simultaneously given to rivers in the Netherlands, Germany, places on the Lofot Islands of Norway, as well as in France, Denmark and Sweden. There are also two small towns with the name I - one is located in the north of France, and the other on the west coast of Finland. NamesLilliputians.

Slide 9

E - this is the name of a town in Belgium and one of the ports of Burma. On the Caroline Islands in the Pacific Ocean, you can visit a town called U. A similar name is given to the left tributary of the great river of Southeast Asia, the Mekong, in the Republic of Laos and the city of South Korea

Slide 10

Village "Å", Norway. Å is a village in the municipality of Moskenes, Lofoten, Norway. It is traditionally a fishing village specializing in dried fish, but is now also a tourist destination. The city has the Lofoten Stock Fish Museum and the Norwegian Village Fishing Museum.

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River "D", USA. River D is a river in Lincoln, Oregon, USA. The once unnamed river, known as "the world's shortest river", has been listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's shortest river at 440 feet (130 m). This title was lost in 1989 when the Guinness Book of Records named the Row River in Montana as the world's shortest.

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River "E", UK. River E is a river in the Highlands of Scotland. It starts in the northwest of Monadh Liath southeast of Loch Ness. This river runs in a northwesterly direction for about 10 km (6 miles) and then flows into Lake Mhòr. River E has the shortest river name in and outside of Scotland.

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Unusual occurrence of names of geographical objects. In 1571, the Spaniard Fernande de Cordoba set off from the Cuban port of Havana to the shores of Honduras in order to capture more slaves for his plantations. However, a severe storm, which lasted several days, knocked the ship off course, and when the sea calmed down, the Spaniards found themselves near an unknown flowering land. When asked what it was called, the locals answered something like "Yucatan" or "Tektekan", which, as it turned out later, meant "I don't understand you." The Spaniards took these words for the name of the country. Since then, on the map of Central America, one of the peninsulas has been called Yucatan.

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