How to make money on facebook pages. ways to make money on facebook

Everyone Have a good day. In this article " Facebook Earnings» I will tell you how you can earn on likes on the Facebook social network. This social network gained immense popularity all over the world, attendance is growing every day and today there are 1.32 billion registered users. Those who have their own Facebook page often like photos, interesting posts, and also join groups.

Why not get paid for these simple actions? You can earn on your account, for example, for one "Like" you can click on average from 50 kopecks to 1 ruble. What is stopping you from starting work today and receiving rewards to your WebMoney wallet or phone every day? If you don't have a Facebook account, you can easily create one, registration takes only five minutes.

Earnings on Facebook is similar to "". All work will consist of performing simple tasks, and money will be transferred to you for completing them. What tasks will you be paid for:

Do you think it’s not realistic to make money on Facebook by completing these simple tasks and you still have doubts? What prevents you from trying right now to start working and earn money online. A large number of users of this social network are already working while you are reading this article.

Who will pay me?

You will be paid by sites that have registered advertisers who pay for a certain type of task. Sites are intermediaries that take orders, and you fulfill them.

A lot of time has been spent to find the very sites that pay and do not cheat their performers. Only for you, sites were collected in one list for the convenience of registering on them.

Here is a list of sites I work on Facebook:

How to increase your income from these sites

I'll tell you a couple of secrets of how I increased my income from Facebook, thereby getting more and more tasks to complete.

Firstly, it's no secret that the main indicator for a page on a social network is the number of your friends, the more friends, the more tasks and more money received for them. How to add many friends, I personally didn’t do anything for this, since the applications came by themselves, and I had only to add friends. That's how many friends I added, and then I added only Russian people, more than 80% of the requests were from foreigners, I rejected them.

Second secret is to create several fake Facebook pages. Many sites allow you to work on several accounts at the same time, read the rules carefully.

Put these secrets together and earn real money on facebook effortlessly. You can work at any time convenient for you.

Hi all! Do you know that in such a "non-Russian" social network as Facebook, not only English-speaking, but also Russian-speaking users can earn money?

I will tell about this now.

→ Article e for the curious

After considering many options, I selected ten ways to make money on Facebook, available even for beginners in the Internet business:

1. Creating a thematic community for the purpose of selling. Mark Zuckerberg's social network has communities with a market value of several tens of thousands of dollars. To create a group, choose the classic "money" areas: health, furniture, interior, fashion, business, women, telephones, real estate, children, medicine, household appliances, games, construction, tourism, cars, politics and beauty. Be the first - enter these markets today, and tomorrow you will be "overtaken" by success.

2. Earnings using file hosting. Create a fan page for a series that has gained popularity and upload new series to file sharing services. Approximately 3,000 of the series' 10,000 fans will download each one. Considering that for every 1000 downloads the file hosting service pays from $5 to $10, one series will bring you $15-30 daily. And if you add free books and applications to the file hosting service, then the earnings will turn into a very substantial amount.

3. Placement on the community wall of advertising from direct advertisers

4.Posting sponsored links in community posts

5. Create games or apps. The main thing here is to correctly determine the idea. You can implement this way of making money with Facebook with a freelancer hired for little money. The possibilities of this option are endless - for example, our compatriot programmer earned $ 60,000 on the application "Where have I been".

7. Creating your own information product(focused on a specific target audience) and its promotion or promotion of partner networks programs.

8.Official work on Facebook. It sounds unrealistic, but in reality, every user of the social network has such an opportunity. True, there are no official places for the Russians yet, but their appearance is expected in the near future.

How easy it is to make money on Facebook for a beginner?

9. "Selling" your social activity. Almost every user of the social network puts "Like" to the pictures they like or interesting posts. Many join dozens of groups. This is social activity, which you can earn on with the help of intermediary sites, where advertisers order group memberships, commenting on messages, likes, and users who complete the necessary action receive money. Intermediary sites pay money for the following actions:

Tip - facebook is a rich company that offers good money in social networkson creating applications for it. Are you a programmer? Write applications for Facebook - this is a wide field for earning.

Are you a bit slow with programming, but do you want to work in social networks?

10. Try to create an online store group.

What to do if all the above ways of making money on Facebook do not suit you? Open an online store based on this social network - it will surely attract the attention of other Facebook users.

The service will help a lot with this. True, a free account has a limit of the maximum number of products equal to 50. On the contrary, the simplicity of changing the interface design will please you. Thus, the creation of Zuckerberg is easy to turn into a platform for your business. Behind this ease lies a lot of routine work, the daily implementation of which will surely lead you to success and big earnings. Get started and you'll be fine!

Warning: Be careful when following suspicious links on social media pages. Remember, like everywhere else, there are scammers here too.

→ Read -

Of course, Facebook is not a chest with money, but this social network can be a reliable source of income, if you spare no effort and do everything right. In this article, we will tell you how to make money with Facebook.



Affiliate and other pay-per-link programs

    Promote your programs. Post one entry for each program daily and follow the Facebook accounts. With a little bit of luck and a good main account with lots of followers, your other pages will start to follow as well. Every time someone clicks on a link on your page and buys a product, you will earn money.


    Write an e-book. E-books are book-sized publications that are distributed electronically and are not printed on paper. Since it costs next to nothing to publish such a book, anyone can do it.

    • Don't be too hard on yourself. Unlike a regular book, an eBook can have as many pages as you want. As a rule, most e-books that are created only for the sake of money are more like brochures than full-fledged publications.
    • Take a topic that may be of interest to many. It is better to write something non-fiction than fiction. Oddly enough, e-books that teach you how to make money selling e-books sell very well. At a minimum, they recoup the cost of writing.
    • Write about what you are good at. This will make your book more attractive. There is no need to flaunt all your merits, but it is always better to do what you know more about than a simple layman.
  1. Decide how you will publish your book. There are several ways to do this.

    Post your book online. If you use Createspace, the book goes online automatically. If you have self-published a book on your computer, there are several ways to sell it:

    • Amazon allows you to download and sell books as a Kindle edition for free. (Kindle is the brand name for Amazon's popular line of e-readers.) This service is called Kindle Direct Publishing, or KDP.
      • This is a fairly fast and flexible service. You can publish a book in just 5 minutes and set your royalties up to 70% (Amazon will get the remaining 30%).
      • At the same time, with this service, the book cannot be downloaded outside of Amazon. Readers who do not use Kindle e-readers will not be able to view or purchase your book.
    • You can list books on eBay for a fixed price. If you sell copies e-book you can earn quite a lot of money.
      • The beauty of eBay is its simplicity. Anyone with access to the site can become a potential buyer of your book. It does not require special devices or software.
      • The downside is the price. eBay charges a commission on just about everything, and those fees increase when you set a fixed price. Some commissions are percentages, while others are a certain amount that can seriously damage your business if you don't think about it in time.

How to make money on a Facebook page

  1. Create a fan page if you don't already have one. Don't have a fan page yet? Well, then you will have to create it, because it allows you to earn money. Create a fan page about what interests you: fishing, humor, travel, and so on.

    Create good content. Write interesting texts and invite as many people as possible. When your page starts to attract readers and get a large number of likes, you can move on to the next step.

How to make money with Facebook Market and Fanpages

    Become a contributor on the Facebook Posts Market or Facebook Fanpages Market. In both cases, you will find detailed step by step instructions on Facebook. If you are not proficient in PHP and/or HTML, you will still be able to use these services. No programming knowledge is required to use Facebook Markets.

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