Riga balsam how to use. Riga balsam

Riga balsam is a famous Latvian drink, which, like the Baltic resort of Jurmala or amber jewelry, is a symbol of the country. Over the 200 years of its existence, neither the recipe for the drink nor the technology for its preparation have changed at all.

The fragrant herbal infusion was initially considered exclusively a medicinal product, the production of which was carried out by the local pharmacist Abram Kuntze. Since then, this bittersweet taste has been loved not only by local residents, but also by guests of Latvia, and it began to be consumed both in its pure form and as part of numerous cocktails.

Composition and varieties of Riga balsam

The recipe for making Riga Black Balsam is kept strictly secret and is available only to a few employees of the Latvijas Balzams enterprise, where the drink is produced. However, its composition has long been no secret.

It includes 24 components, including:

  • herbs grown in various regions of Latvia (mint, blueberries, raspberries, nutmeg, birch buds, etc.);
  • honey flavor;
  • water;
  • cognac;
  • Peruvian balsam oil;
  • grain alcohol;
  • burnt sugar, which gives the drink a dark color.

The balm has 4 varieties:

  1. Riga Black Balsam is a classic black balsam with a velvety soft taste of a bouquet of berries, fruits, herbs and roots.
  2. Riga Black Balsam Currant is a composition consisting of classic bitters with the addition of natural blackcurrant juice.
  3. Riga Black Balsam Cherry is a composition consisting of classic bitters, natural cherry juice and ginger.
  4. Riga Black Balsam Element is a drink that combines the tastes of classic bitter and high quality rum.

Drink strength

Initially, the strength of the Latvian herbal infusion was only 16% vol. But over time, the drink became much stronger.

Now the classic Riga Black Balsam has a strength of 45% vol., Balsam Element - 40% vol., Balsam Currant and Balsam Cherry - 30% vol. each.

Benefits and harms

Back in 1762, when bitter first appeared, its creator advertised his product as a panacea for many diseases, including:

  • toothache and headache;
  • fever;
  • stomach colic;
  • tumors;
  • dislocations;
  • frostbite;
  • bites of poisonous snakes and insects;
  • limb fractures;
  • stab and chopped wounds.

History is silent about how effective treatment with herbal infusion was for each of the diseases described above, but in some cases positive results are documented.

For example, the balm came to Russia and became popular due to the fact that with its help Empress Catherine II was cured of stomach colic, and during the Napoleonic wars, the herbal infusion was widely used in hospitals on the battlefields to treat fractures, stab and chopped wounds.

Today, Riga Balsam, whose benefits in the treatment of many diseases have been proven by many years of practice, is included in the official list of medicinal products in Latvia.

  • colds;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart diseases;
  • rheumatism ().

The herbal infusion should be taken with great caution by people with chronic diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • pancreas;
  • liver.

However, do not forget that the drink is alcoholic and quite strong. Therefore, drinking the infusion will bring more benefit or harm, depending on the dosage.

The maximum single dose of the drink for women should not exceed 20 ml, and the daily dose should not exceed 50 ml. For men, a single dose can be 50 ml, and a daily dose can be 75 ml. Exceeding these dosages may cause.

How to drink Riga balsam?

Black balsam is usually served in special liqueur glasses. To improve digestion, it is taken before meals as an aperitif. The herbal infusion has a powerful tonic effect, so it can be taken in the morning, adding 1-2 tsp. in coffee or after a hard day at work, adding it to tea.

In order not to interrupt the aroma of the drink, snacks are never served with it.

To use the beneficial properties of bitter for medicinal purposes, it should be consumed in courses, starting with 2-3 drops and gradually increasing the dose to 30 ml. Because Since the balm is a medicine, the doctor should determine the timing of treatment depending on the disease and the patient’s health condition. Now you know .

Cocktails with black balsam

Riga balsam is widely used in cooking, adding to ice cream, desserts, and baked goods. Bitter is drunk in its pure form and added to other drinks, such as coffee or tea. But much more often it is used to prepare alcoholic drinks. Cocktails with Riga Balsam are distinguished by their unique herbal aroma and ease of execution.

Tram of Desires

To prepare the cocktail, add 40 g of Balsam Currant and 120 g of pomegranate juice to a highball glass filled with crushed ice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Serve with a slice of orange.

Black Night Dancer

To prepare this cocktail, you need to shake 20 ml of black balsam, 10 ml of blackberry syrup and 5 ml of lemon juice in a shaker with ice. Pour the contents of the shaker through a strainer into a Coupe glass, add 40 ml of Coca-Cola drink and garnish with a cocktail cherry.

Riga's Fruity Summer

To prepare this drink, squeeze the juice from ½ lemon and ½ orange and shake in a shaker with 100 ml of Ginger Ale lemonade. Then pour 40 ml of Balsam Currant into a highball glass filled with crushed ice and add the contents of the shaker.

Black Shooter is a two-layer drink that is drunk in one sitting. To prepare it, you should pour 20 ml of peach juice into a (small glass for drinks that are drunk in 1 sip) using a bar spoon, and then the same dose of classic bitter.

Mulled wine with Riga balsam

To prepare it, you need to mix 750 ml of dry red wine with 100 ml of classic bitter in a saucepan, then add a pinch of nutmeg, 1 cinnamon stick, 3 cloves and cardamom to taste.

Heat the mixture over a fire to 50-60°C, add orange slices, heat a little more, but do not bring to a boil. Remove the mulled wine from the heat, cover with a lid and let steep for 10-15 minutes. Serve the drink in a warm glass, after straining and adding 4 tbsp. l. honey

To prepare the cocktail, you need to thoroughly mix in a shaker 1 part classic balm, 2.5 parts strawberry juice, 1.5 parts peach juice, 1/4 part caramel syrup and fresh lemon juice.

To prepare a cocktail, you need to mix 1 part of Riga balsam well with 2.5 parts of fresh milk and ¼ part of caramel syrup. The mixture is poured into a wide-necked glass and a scoop of ice cream is placed on top. If desired, the drink can be sprinkled with grated dark chocolate.

Place ½ lime, cut into wedges, into a highball glass and fill it with 4 parts Sprite soda and 1 part bitters, then add a small amount of sweet fruit syrup (any kind), and fill the remaining space with crushed ice.

To prepare a cocktail, you need to take 30 ml of balm and 60 ml of apple juice and mango juice. Mix everything well, pour into a glass filled with crushed ice and add 3 g of fresh mint leaves.

Fresh Black Cranberry

To prepare the drink, you need to mix 30 ml of bitter with 120 ml of cranberry juice and 15 ml of cranberry balm. Serve in a glass filled with crushed ice.

Riga balsams have been the hallmark of Latvia for many years. This is an alcoholic strong drink with a rich sweet-bitter taste, belonging to the category of bitters. It is made from natural leaves, herbal extracts, roots and berries.

The popular drink is produced in ceramic containers, which protect it very reliably from changes in temperature and light. Riga balsams have received worldwide recognition throughout their history. They have earned about fifty international awards. Balsam is the main souvenir purchased by tourists in Latvia.


Riga balsam, the price of which is 3-10 euros, contains 24 ingredients, as well as specially prepared water. The drink contains natural plant extracts (ginger, raspberry, linden blossom, St. John's wort, lingonberry, etc.), high-quality ethyl grain alcohol, cognac, sugar, natural honey flavor, Peruvian balsam oil.

Despite the fact that the ingredients of the balm have been known to us for a long time, its recipe is kept secret. Representatives of the company “Latvijas Balzams” claim that only three people know the recipe for the national drink: the master of the liquor workshop, as well as two apprentices.

The taste of the balm is maintained at the highest level. This is due to strict adherence to a long-standing unique recipe and the use of only high-quality ingredients to make the balm. For example, the birch buds that are included in the composition are taken exclusively from Latvian birch trees, which grow in the Kemeri Nature Reserve.

Benefits and healing properties of balm

Riga balsam, the price of which is low, was first sold by Abraham Kuntze, a Riga pharmacist. The product was positioned by them as a miraculous elixir that helps against various diseases. The healing properties of the balm have been confirmed repeatedly over several centuries.

It is interesting that Riga balsams are currently included in a manual on various medicines in Latvia, intended for doctors.

The medicinal properties of the product are difficult to overestimate. It actually has pronounced medicinal properties.

Balsam Riga black

This remedy is a traditional version of the drink, famous since 1752 in Europe. This is a strong dark balm that has unique healing properties. He has received numerous international awards and worldwide recognition. Available in bottles of 0.04-3 liters.

Riga Balsam “Element”

It is a slightly modified composition of the product, which has retained the quality and uniqueness of the original recipe. The masters of Latvijas Balsams, relying on the modern preferences of customers, slightly changed the ingredients of the drink with a 300-year history. The composition of "Element" is also based on 24 ingredients with the addition of some original ingredients and rum. The strength of this drink is 40 percent.

Riga balsam currant

Currant Riga balsams began to be produced in Latvia not so long ago. At the same time, they are already very popular among guests of the country and local residents. The drink, created on the basis of traditional black balsam with ginger and natural blackcurrant juice, has a strength of 30 percent. It has a delicate aroma and an original pleasant taste. This drink successfully combines 2 favorite flavors - ginger with black currant and Riga balsam.

Black creamy balm

He represents another species. The drink has the taste of sweet cream liqueur. The classic taste of black balsam is diluted with vanilla-caramel aroma and a creamy composition. The strength of this drink is 17 percent.

How to drink the balm?

Riga balsam is usually used in its pure form and as part of a wide variety of cocktails. The residents of Latvia will be happy to tell you how to drink it, but we will look at the most common methods.

Mostly in Latvia it is served in small, cute glasses along with coffee or tea. Riga balsam is especially useful with hot green tea.

Not everyone knows how to drink it. You can do this in one gulp to experience its unique taste and interesting warming effect. It is added to ice cream, milk, desserts and sweets. Latvians themselves prefer to experiment with this drink. They add it to champagne, Coca-Cola, even regular tomato juice. Cocktails based on this balm are incredibly popular here.

Balm bar

In recent years, among the main attractions of the Latvian capital, a balm bar called Riga Black Magic has taken its place, and, by the way, deservedly so. It is located in the very center of Old Riga, next to the Town Hall Square.

The interior of this establishment is designed in the interesting style of an ancient pharmacy of the eighteenth century, while the staff wears beautiful historical costumes.

Buying Riga balsam

You can buy it in large supermarkets, Latvijas balzams stores and others. There are only fifty specialized stores open in Latvia. You can recognize them by the brown inscription Latvijas balzams, placed on a yellow background.

The price of Riga balsam primarily depends on the capacity. It fluctuates between 2-7 lats. When making a purchase worth more than 100 lats, customers in stores are given a 10 percent discount.

Many medicinal balms eventually became popular alcoholic beverages. Today we will talk about Riga balsam. This bitter is known throughout the post-Soviet space, which says a lot.

1 How did medicine become an alcoholic drink?

People first started talking about Riga balsam in 1789. It was then that the enterprising pharmacist Kunze offered his medicine to Catherine II. And although the balsam in its modern form began to be produced only in 1845 at the factories of Albert Volschmidt, they began to drink it as alcohol even under Catherine. Although the period of 56 years increased the strength of the bitter from 16 degrees to 40 degrees, which makes a big difference.

On the one hand, Riga black balsam is simply pleasant to drink. It contains many herbs and berries that make the drink delicious. On the other hand, a strength of 40 degrees allows you to achieve the classic effect of alcohol. Many people like the idea of ​​drinking and getting healthier, although it only works for those who know how to keep it in moderation.

If you’re going to drink a balm, the benefits and harms of which depend on the amount you drink, then drink it correctly! The daily norm is 50 ml. This amount of bitter will enhance the taste of your morning coffee and evening tea, and will act as an aperitif or digestif. On holiday, you can add balsam to vodka to brighten its taste, or make other cocktails with it. The main thing to remember is that the benefits of alcohol (and Riga black balsam is a strong alcoholic drink) are always associated with compliance with moderation. Violate it, and the medicine turns into poison.

2 Where and from what is Riga balsam made?

Riga bitter is produced today by the plant Latvijas Balzams, which during the Soviet Union was called Riga distillery distillery. Today, the composition of this tincture has been greatly changed compared to the pharmacist Kunze’s recipe. However, many ingredients were retained and others were replaced at the Volshmidt plant.

For classic bitters from Riga, tinctures of raspberries and currants, ginger and blueberries are used, as well as cognac and balsam oil from Peru. The main component is highly purified ethyl alcohol. Due to alcohol and special protection from light, the drink has a very long shelf life. However, this is not a reason not to check it when purchasing.

3 Useful properties of the balm

Many people take Riga black balsam. In most cases, it helps to improve the overall tone of the body. Its composition is quite rich, which allows you to get the necessary healing effect.

  • The balm has a tonic effect, it has a positive effect on brain function, speeds up metabolism, and adds vigor.
  • The herbs that make up this bitter have a good effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The antiseptic effect and microelements in the balm allow you to adjust the intestinal flora, which gives the desired result.
  • Bitter can be drunk when there is a threat of colds and when a person has already caught a cold.
  • For systemic insomnia and stress, it is recommended to use the balm for its sedative properties. It's better to do this before bed. However, it is important to remember the measure.

Provided that the drink is original and its expiration date meets all standards, the balm can be taken simply for prevention. There are no significant age restrictions. From the age of 20, anyone can use it. The balm is especially relevant for older people who get tired quickly. Although constant fatigue has become a normal thing today for both young people and middle-aged people.

4 Possible side effects of Riga bitters

Riga balsam can only be harmful in a few cases.

  • Despite the fact that this bitter is regarded as an alcoholic drink, it should not be abused. Regularly exceeding the norm will simply turn it into forty-proof alcohol, with all the ensuing consequences from ethyl alcohol poisoning.
  • If the drink's expiration date has expired, you should not drink it. In this case, the medicinal qualities of the drink literally evaporated, and the strength of the alcohol dropped. Riga bitter has a long shelf life, and this is another reason not to take risks when it expires.
  • It is important to buy an original drink. If you don't want to harm yourself, beware of fakes. To do this, you need to check the composition on the label, the ceramic bottle and the cork. The composition was discussed above. As for the packaging, the bottle has a very characteristic shape and must be ceramic. The cork is made from oak; a plastic cork speaks volumes about a fake.

Here are three cases when Riga black balsam can be harmful to human health. Of course, there are also individual reactions to components in the form of allergies. Also, people with liver and kidney problems should not drink this bitter, although they should not drink alcohol in principle.

Riga balsam is not the most delicious alcohol in the world if you evaluate it as an alcoholic drink. Despite this, the fashion for it does not go away.

Today, beater from the Riga plant is imported into 30 countries around the world, and not because everyone wants to be healthy or was brought up in years of total shortage. The drink is really worth attention, and respect for its medicinal properties. Do an experiment. Buy a well-known ceramic bottle in a store and see how long it will remain intact in your home. If it doesn’t last long, then this drink is suitable for you too.

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Latvia. This is a truly elite drink, which has earned more than 30 national and international awards over its 250-year history. A real miracle of pharmaceuticals and winemaking, designed for those who know how to choose, appreciate and savor drinks.

Riga Balsam is a strong, rich, dark-colored drink. Its country of origin is Latvia. The balsam is infused in oak barrels, due to which it acquires a unique bitter taste, noble and aristocratic.

It was the favorite drink of Alexei Kosygin and Charles de Gaulle, and today it is in particular favor with the English. It is especially valued in Russia, the USA, Denmark and Israel.

Today, in Latvian cafes and bars, balsam is perhaps the most popular component of almost all types of dishes: desserts, salads, sauces, hot dishes, cocktails, etc. It is ideal as a digestif. found application in both cooking and pharmaceuticals.

A little history

In the mid-18th century, the Riga pharmacist Abraham Kunze made this drink and in 1789 offered it to Catherine II as a cure for colic, which the Russian Empress suffered from, who was visiting Latvia at that time. Catherine II appreciated the healing effect of the balm.

In 1845, industrialist Albert Volschmidt became the founder of a starter and alcoholic balsam factory in Riga. The main craftsmen at the factory were the Schrader brothers, who owned the secret of making balm. They did not sell the original recipe even to the owner of the factory. With their departure to Germany, the recipe for the “miracle drink” was lost.

For almost two centuries, the method of making the balm was kept secret. In the USSR, after World War II, they began to collect ancient recipes bit by bit, and in 1954, the production of balsam was established.

Riga balsam: composition

The drink contains 24 components, the main ones being specially prepared water, purified ethyl alcohol, plant extracts, Peruvian balsam oil, raspberries, cognac, ginger, natural flavors and sugar. In addition, the drink includes mint, gentian, lemon balm, linden blossom, valerian, serviceberry and hyssop.

An extract of 16 herbs, which is a biologically active component of the balm, makes up only about 4% of the drink. To give the drink the desired shade, it is diluted with a special color - caramel syrup, raspberry or blueberry juice and exclusively Armenian or French cognac.

"Subtleties of Drinking"

The balm has a bitter-sweet original taste, its strength is 45 degrees. The drink is often served as a dessert with coffee. There are no exact instructions on how to drink Riga Balsam.

Traditionally, it is consumed in small glasses in pure form or in combination with tea (coffee). If you prefer tea, then 1-2 tablespoons of balm per cup is enough. The subtlety of brewing the most delicious tea lies in the fact that the balm must be added after it has lightened a little from the lemon (it is advisable to remove the slice from the cup before adding the balm).

The most popular type of this drink is Riga Balsam, which is drunk hot in winter and cold in summer.

Storage Features

The balm is produced in original ceramic bottles made of a special type of clay, which can perfectly protect the contents from temperature changes and sunlight. Clay was not chosen for the manufacture of containers by chance, because Hippocrates established that only in clay containers can medicines best preserve their qualities. In addition, it is believed that only after standing in these bottles for at least two weeks does the balm acquire exactly the inimitable taste for which it is valued. The drink is not sold by glass and is not produced in any other container.

Riga black balsam (Latvian: Rīgas Melnais balzams) is a dark, strong balsam (45% vol.) with a rich and slightly bitter-sweet taste, originally from Latvia. Its taste is emphasized by various natural additives, including linden blossom, birch buds, raspberries, lingonberries, and ginger root. Riga balsam is produced in ceramic bottles that protect the contents from sunlight and sudden temperature changes.


Goethe called it “the elixir of youth” and praised it in the poem “Faust.” He was greatly revered by Alexey Kosygin and Charles de Gaulle, and among his current fans is the English royal family. It is rightfully considered the hallmark of Latvia. We are talking about Riga balsam.


The history of Riga Balsam dates back to the mid-18th century and is connected with Russia and its then Empress Catherine II. Once she came to Latvia and fell ill there. The Russian Empress suffered from colic.

Then the Riga pharmacist Abraham Kunze offered Catherine a “miracle balm” as a cure for her illness. It was called by the name of its manufacturer, that is, “Kunze Balsam.” The pharmacist had an old recipe from the 17th century, which described the preparation of a vodka infusion from medicinal herbs. It is not known for certain how strictly Kunze adhered to this recipe, but his medicinal balm consisted of 75% aromatic water, 22.5% alcohol tincture and 2.5% saffron tincture. With this combination of components, a drink with a strength of 16 degrees was obtained.

The most painstaking and precise work had to be done to obtain aromatic water. To obtain it, a composition of lavender leaves, peppermint, sage and rosemary, dill fruits and cinnamon bark was poured with 87% alcohol (volume 75 ml) and water (300 ml). After 24 hours it was all distilled. The result is 200 milliliters of aromatic water.

But let's return to the Russian Empress. Catherine II was very pleased with the healing properties of the balm sent to her. He cured her of an illness, the empress was delighted and granted the pharmacist from Riga the privilege of making a "miracle balm". The enterprising Russian merchant Sergei Lelyukhin heard about this and bought the recipe from Abraham. Lelyukhin came to grips with this matter: starting from 1789, 300,000 ceramic bottles with this drink were sent to Russia from Riga every year. So, thanks to the Russian ruler, the Riga black balm came into fashion at her court and began to appear more and more often on the tables of the nobility of Russia, and later throughout Europe.


In the 40s of the 19th century, the production of balsam was put on an industrial basis. From 1847 until the beginning of World War II, the starter and alcohol factory of Albert Wolfschmidt was engaged in the manufacture of the "Riga Herbal Balm". During this time, or to be more precise, in the period from 1860 to 1935, Riga Balsam received 33 gold and silver medals at international exhibitions.

The Schrader brothers worked as craftsmen at the factory, and it was they who kept the secret of making the drink. In 1939 they had to leave for Germany. They left and took this secret with them, not succumbing to the persuasion and requests of the then owner of the factory to sell the recipe. Neither during the war, nor for a long time after it, nothing was heard of the balm. Most likely, the Shraders were never able to use the technology they had. In Latvia they began to believe that the original recipe was lost forever.
The Soviet history of the brand began in 1954. They decided to resume production of the legendary balm at the Riga Distillery Factory (now Latvijas Balzams). Technologist Maiga Podračniece collected information bit by bit: she looked for ancient recipes, met with masters. In the seventies, the recipe, classified since its inception, was published in some industry collection, and the balm began to be counterfeited. Although, according to the chief production technologist Aya Zablotskaya, the taste of “Riga Black Balsam” can only be recreated in Latvia - its secret is not only in the set of ingredients, but also in the method of mixing them, in the halo of the “symbol of Riga” and in the Latvian soul. By the way, even in Soviet times, masters, like the Schraders, tried to pass on the art of preparing the drink to their sons - just knowing the recipe for producing balsam is not enough, and without secret knowledge, real “Riga Black Balsam” cannot be made.


Throughout the second half of the 20th century and to this day, “Riga Black Balsam” is rightfully considered the hallmark of Latvia. It is very popular among tourists; it is taken as a souvenir both to Russia and the CIS countries, and to Europe and distant America. The success of this Latvian brand is explained primarily by the unique taste and quality.
It contains 24 ingredients. What gives the drink its bitterness is not wormwood, as is commonly believed, but aging in an oak barrel (30 days) and buds of balsam birch growing in Latvian swamps. This birch is listed in the Red Book, but the enterprise annually receives permission to collect a certain number of buds. To prepare the balm, you also need ginger, mint, lemon balm, gentian root, linden flowers, nutmeg, hyssop, serviceberry, and valerian.
The biologically active extract of 16 herbs makes up only 4% of the finished drink. The master making the infusion today has been working at the plant for 30 years, and tastes the herbal extract every day to ensure it meets the standard. The liquid is vigorous. To obtain “Riga Black Balsam” it is diluted with kohler (caramel syrup), blueberry and raspberry juice, alcohol, French and Armenian cognacs, Peruvian balsam oil and natural honey.
The drink is produced in original ceramic bottles, which are made from special clay (Hippocrates established that only in earthenware are all the healing properties of any product preserved). Ceramics not only retains its healing properties, but also protects the contents from the effects of sunlight.
Clay jugs for balsam were previously made at a porcelain factory in Riga. But in 2000, special-order equipment was installed at Latvijas Balzams. The new line requires high precision work, and after its installation the company switched to German bottles - microcracks sometimes appeared in locally produced ceramic jugs.
The balm is not stored without containers and is not sold by bottle - it is believed that the drink acquires its final taste after standing corked for two weeks. A clay jug protects the balm from exposure to light and sudden changes in temperature.
Unfortunately, ceramic bottles do not protect the balm from counterfeits. Thus, about 10 years ago, a counterfeit Riga black balsam was discovered, closed with a plastic cork (not the original oak one), with a strength of 50.4% instead of the required 45%.
The director of the Latvijas Balzams plant, Juris Gulbis, believes that the target audience of the balm is people who drink good wines and cognacs: “These are those who have achieved something in life, who know how to choose and savor drinks.” By the way, according to marketing research, the Riga Black Balsam trademark has been known to the vast majority of Russians since Soviet times. In addition to the republics of the former Union, it is also drunk in Denmark, the USA and Israel. Both in cocktails and in its pure form, the balm is good as a digestif.


The current composition of the balm includes more than fifty components from carefully selected herbs, berries, fruits, flowers, oils, juices and roots. This black, viscous and very aromatic drink is usually served with coffee in small liqueur glasses.

If you prefer tea, then feel free to add 1-2 tablespoons of balm to it. There is a little trick in its preparation: alcohol should be added after the tea has already lightened from the lemon thrown into the cup. It’s even better to remove the citrus slice before splashing on the balm. This way, the bitterness of the lemon peel will not overwhelm the aroma of the drink.

Such tea drinking will lift your spirits and relieve stress. The Latvians themselves experiment as much as they can: they add balsam to beer, to Coca-Cola, and mix it with champagne, ice cream and even tomato juice.

In Riga there is a bar “Riga Balsam”, where bartenders indulge in the national drink to the fullest. For example, they prepare a cocktail Ziemelmeita (“Maid of the North”). If the ingredients are carefully poured over a bar spoon or knife blade, the substance turns out funny striped. So, pour crushed ice into a glass, add alternately 15 ml of Blue Curacao and the same amount of balm, and then slowly pour in 100 ml of champagne.

If you simply mix Riga with sparkling wine, the proportions are usually one to four.

signature Riga cocktail: one part of blackcurrant juice is mixed with two parts of black balsam, all of which is drunk warmed up.

Black mojito
1 part Riga Black Balsam, 4 parts Sprite, half a crushed lime, fruit syrup, crushed ice.
Black energy
1 part Riga Black Balsam, 4 parts energy drink, ice.
Sugar Black
2 parts Riga black balsam, 1 part coffee liqueur, 1 part cream, ice.
Black Cranberry
1 part Riga black balsam, 4 parts cranberry juice.

You can use Riga balsam when marinating meat and fish for grilling:

Fire marinade (for fish and meat)
120 g vegetable oil, 5 tbsp. spoons of balsam (any, for example “Riga”), 120 g of red wine, 4 pods of bitter green pepper, 6 cloves of garlic, salt.
Mix vegetable oil, balm and wine. Finely chop the pepper pods and crush the garlic. Mix everything and heat without bringing to a boil. Cool.

Enterprising citizens who have organized the production of liqueurs and tinctures at home will also find the Latvian miracle useful. It is good to flavor finished products with balm before serving or a little earlier.

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