Old Slavic massage of the abdomen and back at home. Abdominal massage as a universal method of treating gastrointestinal diseases Procedure for massage of the internal organs of the abdomen

Gym training and proper nutrition do not always help to make the tummy flat and the waist thin. If the hated fat does not want to leave, then a special anti-cellulite massage will help. This procedure will increase blood circulation, smooth out bumps, restore skin tone and make the body beautiful. It takes a little - find a good master or master the correct technique for performing massage at home.


Effectiveness of belly massage

It is impossible to foresee in advance how the anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen will work in a particular case. Some girls get the perfect result for the course. Other people are forced to repeat it in order to finally solve the problem. It depends on many factors: the amount of fat and the degree of cellulite, nutrition during the course, individual characteristics. But the result will appear in any case, the first changes are usually noticeable after 5-6 procedures.


  • cellulite, fatty layers;
  • loose skin, weakened turgor;
  • hanging folds.

The best result can be achieved with an integrated approach. It is advisable to combine massage with body wrap, sports, and other cosmetic procedures. Regular scrubbing of the problem area will also help get rid of the orange peel and tighten the belly. If your skin is dry, then you need to choose a good moisturizer.

Rules and preparation

Anti-cellulite abdominal massage is always performed only on the fat fold. You cannot put pressure on the internal organs, clap, touch large areas, as is done when working on the back, hips. Deep movements can only be done in the direction of the colon. If there is no idea about the structure of the organ, it is wiser to abandon this venture, to limit the course only to adipose tissue.

Basic Rules:

  1. The procedure can be done one hour before a meal or two hours after it. You cannot carry out any manipulations with the abdomen immediately after lunch or dinner.
  2. The duration of one session is at least 20 minutes. Short five minutes are ineffective.
  3. Massage is desirable daily. The maximum break should not exceed 48 hours, that is, two days. If you skip a few days, the results will be much worse.
  4. During the course, you need to make a nutritional correction. At least for a while, give up fast carbohydrates (flour products, sweets), as well as fried foods that are quickly deposited on the stomach.
  5. It is advisable to carry out the massage on the heated skin. Before starting the technique, the abdominal skin must be thoroughly rubbed, but you can simply steam it in the shower. It is useful to carry out the procedure after a bath or sauna, in this case the volumes will go even better.

After the procedure, you need to give the body rest and recovery time. Therefore, it is advisable to engage in the stomach in the evening or before lunchtime.

Video: How to massage for cellulite

Classic (regular) massage for cellulite

The classic procedure on the abdomen can be carried out independently, but often the basic techniques are included in other massage courses, for example, with honey or with vacuum cups. In this case, regular exercises prepare the skin for additional manipulations. The basic manual technique is not difficult, and it gives good results in itself, but only when done systematically.

Self-massage can be done while standing or lying down. If a master or other person is involved, then it is better to take a horizontal position.

How to do a regular belly massage

The classic procedure can be done on a dry body, but it is better to use lubricants. These are any creams, oils, gels. Anti-cellulite cosmetic products will help to enhance the effect. If the body is sweating, then before the session you need to cleanse the stomach with soap so that the released salt and dirt are not absorbed back.

Technique of anti-cellulite home massage of the abdomen:

  1. Stroke your stomach clockwise 15 times, then against it 15 more times.
  2. Knead the skin for 2 minutes. Carefully work through the folds with your fingers.
  3. Swing. Put your palms together, grabbing some skin. Roll over the entire area.
  4. Saw. Rub the skin with the ribs of both palms across the waist, starting from the back, gradually moving towards the navel.
  5. Light pats. You can do them with your palms or knuckles.
  6. Going over. Small folds are captured one by one. First you need to "go" down, then go up.
  7. Pinches. Only the top layer of the skin and fat are affected.
  8. Stroking. Complete the massage session, you can rub in an anti-cellulite cream at the same time.

On a note! A rough anti-cellulite brush or washcloth will be an excellent help in removing fat deposits. They can be used in the shower or rubbed on a dry body before the procedure.

Honey massage on the stomach

Anti-cellulite honey massage of the abdomen is a unique cosmetic procedure that allows you to transform your figure in 10-15 sessions. It is very important to trust a professional or study all the rules so as not to harm. To achieve the desired effect, you need good natural honey. The variety of the product does not matter, as does the density, if necessary, it can always be melted. If honey is not natural, the effectiveness of the procedure will be no more than 20%.

Why massage with honey is useful:

  1. Removes cellulite. Honey penetrates into the deep layers, promotes the splitting of the fat layer, breaks the seals, intensifies metabolic processes.
  2. Takes care of the skin. Honey prevents flabbiness, sagging, helps prevent stretch marks. The skin tightens like a piece of rubber, it becomes elastic.
  3. Removes toxins. It is very important to throw away honey residues after the massage, thoroughly cleanse the skin, as harmful substances and decay products will come to the surface.

Honey massage, in addition to the main contraindications, has its own - an allergic reaction to bee products, it occurs quite often.

It is advisable to warm up the skin before the honey massage. This can be done in the shower, bath, just attach a hot towel. Alternatively, pinch, stroke the fat layer, this will cause a rush of blood, warmth will appear.

How is the massage performed:

  1. Apply a thin layer of warm honey to the surface of the abdomen from the lower part of the chest to the pubis, stroke the skin with your hands.
  2. Make light pinches of the fat layer, which will additionally warm up the stomach and increase blood circulation.
  3. Place your palms on the surface of the abdomen, tear off with a rolling motion. Attach and tear again. This is the main moment of the massage, in which the nutrients of honey penetrate inside, toxins, dirt, unnecessary deposits are drawn out.
  4. Apply a towel soaked in hot water, then a cold cloth. Repeat several times.

The duration of the massage will be determined by itself. As soon as the honey stops sticking to your hands and pulling the skin with it, you can stop.

Important! Honey massage is painful and is not suitable for people with a low pain threshold. Small bruises may remain after the procedure. You need to act carefully, you cannot tear your hand off abruptly, all movements are smooth.

Video: Honey massage, or how to remove the stomach in 15 sessions

Cupping vacuum massage

Vacuum massage jars are sold at the pharmacy and can be purchased online. The cost of the device is low, and the effect is amazing. It is most convenient to use cans made of rubber, silicone. The basic rule of anti-cellulite can massage of the abdomen remains unchanged - this is accuracy. It is impossible to press on the abdominal cavity, stretch the skin and carry out any other manipulations that can somehow harm. The work goes only on the fat fold.

It is advisable to combine the canning technique with classical massage, since it cannot be carried out in all areas. In addition, the usual strokes, pinching, wrinkling of folds warm up the body better than any shower or bath.

How to do honey massage correctly

Banks should suck in the skin along with the fat layer, but at the same time slide over the body. Without lubrication, nothing will work. You can use special massage oils, creams, anti-cellulite cosmetics.

Step by step technique:

  1. Apply the slip agent to dry, preferably warmed-up skin. Smear over the entire surface.
  2. Press the fat fold on the abdomen with your hands until light redness, you can do a pinch massage, capturing small areas of the skin.
  3. Lubricate the edges of the cans with oil or cream additionally, apply to the stomach. The skin should be retracted by about 1.5 cm.
  4. Run the can on the sides, being careful not to touch the center around the navel. You cannot do vacuum massage on it.
  5. Apply anti-cellulite cream, cover yourself, lie under a blanket for 20-30 minutes. You can just put on a warming belt.

The course of cans is also 10-15 procedures. If there is cellulite on the thighs, buttocks, then you can massage the entire lower body at once, but this will take more time.

Contraindications to abdominal massage

You can not carry out a course of massage during or immediately after suffering colds, infections. If a surgical operation was performed on the abdominal cavity, then you will need to wait for the suture to heal completely and obtain a doctor's permission.

Main contraindications:

  • oncological diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • skin problems and diseases;
  • violation of blood clotting.

The massage cannot be done during pregnancy, but it can be used after childbirth. The procedure will help remove fat, promote skin contraction. It is important to remember that all manipulations are carried out exclusively on the folds, the internal organs should not be under pressure. If you have any doubts about the safety of the procedure, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

It is no secret that a “bundle of nerves” on the abdomen with age is often formed in both men and women. In this case, a person may not even be overweight. A large belly on a thin body looks especially ugly.

Fat deposits on the abdomen are not only unaesthetic, but also dangerous: it indicates a malfunction in metabolism and can contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Contribute to the appearance of fatty deposits in the abdomen, a sedentary lifestyle, frequent consumption of beer, and an improper diet.

Of course, you need to lose weight, at least for the sake of preventing a heart attack. Including with the help of a special massage of the abdomen for weight loss, which you can learn to perform on your own.

Abdominal massage: indications and contraindications

Abdominal massage is indicated for weakness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and unrestrained hernias in this area.

It is useful to perform abdominal massage in specialized clinics and only by professional massage therapists also in the following cases: with chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastroptosis, duodenal ulcer, chronic colitis and enteritis, chronic cholecystitis and after hepatitis.

However, you must remember that you cannot massage the abdomen during pregnancy and during the first two months after childbirth or after an abortion.

Contraindications to abdominal massage are also any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation, a tendency to bleeding of the stomach or intestines, tumors of the internal organs, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs and tuberculosis of the digestive system.

In general, any malaise, fever, even because of the banal ARVI, is a contraindication to massage. You need to go to the massage parlor in a good mood and condition in order to leave it healthier than before.

Slimming belly massage

Fat from the abdomen will go away faster if, with the help of a special massage, the lymph flow and blood circulation are increased, which contributes to the natural burning of fat. Both men and women can do a simple belly massage for weight loss at home. The main thing here is not to overdo it, but at the same time observe the regularity of the procedure: do this massage every day.

Self-massage of the abdomen for the purpose of losing weight is best done while standing, while straining the abdominal muscles. Remember: all your movements should be directed at the fat deposits on the abdomen, and not at the internal organs behind the abdominal wall. Deep pressing should be avoided.

Start by lightly stroking your abdomen with both hands, one on top and one on the lower abdomen. Massage in a clockwise direction. Pick up the folds with your fingers and, pulling slightly, roll them alternately between your fingers. Then pat your belly again soothingly. Then continue to massage the adipose tissue with your knuckles from top to bottom. Finish this massage by stroking with both palms.

At home, you can also perform a pinch massage of the abdomen to lose weight. By the way, it is also useful for improving skin tone and elasticity by improving blood flow in it.

Before a pinch massage, moisturize your skin with a cream or massage oil. This massage is very simple: lie on your back and in a spiral, starting from the navel, begin to pinch the skin along with the fat deposits in a clockwise direction.

With each turn of the spiral, your pinches should become more tangible. Do this massage three times in a row. Repeat the next day. The abdomen should be slightly red from the pinches. Finally, rub your abdomen with a terry towel in a circular motion.

It is useful to do a water massage of the abdomen in the shower as soon as possible to get rid of belly fat. Just direct the shower water onto your stomach and move it clockwise. You can change the pressure and temperature of the water. This shower change will only benefit your skin.

Do the above-described independent types of abdominal massage every day, and in combination with proper nutrition and physical activity, the result will not be long in coming.

However, if the excess weight is significant and the amount of body fat is very large, it is worth seeking help from a doctor. Abdominal massage in this case will not be very effective.

Chinese medicine has long been recognized throughout the world, and this is no coincidence. Indeed, it is in China that the most effective and safe methods of treating cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the nervous system, and, especially, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract have been developed.
The most common treatments in China are:

- massage

Chinese massage is especially interesting. With the help of special techniques of Chinese massage, you can get rid of lower back pain, muscle pain and even headaches, for this, acupressure of the head is used. And with the help of a special technique of abdominal massage, a general improvement of the intestines occurs, and toxins are removed. In addition, abdominal massage promotes fast and safe weight loss.

If in the whole civilized world complex bowel diseases are treated with medication or even surgery, then abdominal massage - a special technology of which has been stored for centuries by Chinese masters, will help to establish intestinal patency.

There are many massage techniques, the most common techniques are rubbing based on linear and spiral movements. So, in order to improve the permeability of the intestine, rubbing is carried out in spiral movements in a clockwise direction, in order to strengthen the chair, the movements are performed in the opposite direction.

In order for the massage to be more effective, special oils with extracts of medicinal plants are used during its implementation. What is attractive about abdominal massage is that it can help a person get rid of numerous diseases of the stomach and intestines without the use of medications. Massage is especially attractive for people suffering from allergic reactions to medications.

Chinese massage technologies can be used independently, for this you should purchase special massage oils. So, in order to improve intestinal permeability, sesame oil or lime oil should be used. It is necessary to rub the oil in spiral movements, in a clockwise direction, while the spiral should be unfolding. That is, its beginning should go from the navel area and the spiral ends in the lateral area. In this case, it is important not to press too hard with the hands on the stomach area, with firmer movements you can massage the lateral abdomen.

But, of course, in case of acute problems, you should turn to professionals. So, in Moscow and other large cities of Russia there are special centers of Chinese medicine, where you should apply for a qualified massage of the abdomen or acupressure of the head.

Dear friends, today we will get acquainted with another method of helping ourselves at home - visceral chiropractic, Old Russian abdominal massage. The article was prepared by my wonderful colleague, Svetoyar Vakhnin, a competent person in this matter; I met him and his master class on Slavic massage during my trip to Ukraine in April 2013.

It has now been proven that almost any disease begins with vasospasm and impaired blood flow. Displacement of organs, tension of tissues occurs very often, starting from childhood. If these tensions are not eliminated, they accumulate and lead to various diseases. Medication is often directed at treating symptoms rather than the underlying cause.

Old Slavic massage of the abdomen is aimed at eliminating the CAUSES of diseases: displacement of organs, tension in tissues.

Contraindications: acute inflammation and infectious diseases, tissue necrosis, tumors, thrombosis, bleeding, aneurysm of the abdominal aorta.

Indications: most of the currently known diseases.

But first it is necessary to clarify the understanding of the disease (disease).

For this we turn to the knowledge of the laws (KONs) of the existence of the World. Let's consider the basic diagram on which it is figuratively easier to understand where the disease comes from. According to her, all Existing and Carrying is formed from the Primordial Light - the Spirit of the Most High, the active form of which is Alive. The Primordial Light includes all possible spectra and levels of energy, just as white light contains the entire visible spectrum. And from it, coming from the Center of the World - the Stone of Alatyr, all other forms of energies and matters manifest themselves through transformation and densification. Jiva - an individual, self-luminous particle of the Primordial Light, is the true "I" of Man. It is the Jiva that fills the Images with energies that are on different shells of our Soul. Transforming through images, as through a lampshade, the Primordial Light creates our physical shell and the entire surrounding world in all its diversity. Our illnesses and problems are manifestations of some images of our Soul.

My experience as a healer shows that working with one physical body is not enough. Moreover, work with soul images is much more efficient and faster, and gives more lasting results. That is why I have deep respect for different forms of talent, and without them I can no longer imagine my practice.

Let's just start simple, start with the physical body.

This text describes a simple and gentle massage technique, part of an abdominal massage that you can safely do to yourself and your loved ones (observing three rules). Let the specialists do more complex manipulations. By doing only the first round of massage (described below), you will still achieve results, just not so "quickly", for example, in case of a serious illness, instead of two weeks with a specialist, you will heal yourself in 1-2-3 months. Are you in a hurry somewhere? We earn sickness through years of "hard work".

Massage rules:

1. Until a slight pain! You do not need to endure severe pain, loosen the pressure to light pain!

2. One press no more than three minutes! It is very important not to cause ischemia (oxygen starvation in the tissues). Ischemia is manifested most often by increasing acute pain in the area where you cut off the blood supply (not always at hand, but below).

If the pain has passed, we rearrange the hand, without waiting for three minutes.

If the pain does not go away in three minutes, we still move the hand. Then we can come back to this point again to work with it more.

3. Press gently, gently remove your hand. Soft does not mean weak.

Massage procedure:

1. We look for the first point like this: from the navel to the bottom of the sternum, set aside 1/3, two fingers to the right (not length, butfinger width). This is the reflex point of the gallbladder. We press on it vertically (description taking into account that the person lies on his back, partially bent his knees). Until mild pain. Sometimes a trickle gurgles near at hand, it pours bile from the bladder into the intestine.

The main signs of a full gallbladder are: dizziness, nausea, pain in the temples and, often in the front of the head, crunching knees when squatting, pain in the knees (more often in the right). As well as digestive disorders, chronic diseases of the nasopharynx (including rhinitis, sinusitis), hemorrhoids and varicose veins, pain in the neck, right shoulder and under the scapula, joint diseases. Removal of the gallbladder leads to stopping digestion and collapse of the joints. In this case, it is necessary to do daily massage of the liver, which, increasing, takes on the function of the gallbladder. Possible endocrine disorders (thyroid dysfunction), decreased libido, menstrual disorders.

When this point is pressed, the symptoms disappear, for example, headache in the temples or anteriorparts of the head, or no longer "rocked" in transport, joints are lubricated again, and the risk of injury is reducedat times (in sports).

2. From the first point we press along the line 1/3 all the way to the left edges. Pancreas projection.

The gland itself is located quite deep, and during massage it is often possible to reach it only after a considerable time (a week of daily massages), until all the overlying tissues relax. If problems in the gland are caused by stretching of its ligaments with the stomach and the omentum of the small intestine, then abdominal massage is the only effective method of treatment.

We push each point vertically.

The characteristic pathology of the pancreas is diabetes (an increase or decrease in blood sugar), allergies, skin rashes, a tendency to infectious diseases, growth retardation in children.

3. Right hypochondrium. Liver area. We start two fingers below the corner of the costal arches. We press not vertically along the ribs and not under the very ribs, but at an angle of 45º, as if inward. We pass the entire hypochondrium twice from top to bottom. If, with pressure, nausea, lightheadedness appears, click on the first point and hold until the pain and symptoms of an overflowing gallbladder disappear. Then we continue to massage the liver.

Symptoms of excessive liver function: pain in the right hypochondrium, headaches, yellowness of the skin, dry throat, as well as sore eyes, irritability, insomnia.

Symptoms of insufficient liver function: bowel upset, pelvic pain, pale skin color, as well as weakness and fatigue, depression, decreased vision and twilight blindness. In women, prolapse of the uterus, urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids are possible.

4. Left hypochondrium. Also push inward at a 45º angle, passing each point from top to bottom. Reflex zone of the spleen. In case of disorders in the spleen, nose and other bleeding (including uterine), hemorrhagic manifestations are possible. Dry and pale lips, change in taste.

All of the above massage together forms the "roof of the house".

5. Next point: from the corner of the right pelvic bone to the navel by 1/3 . The area of \u200b\u200bthe ileocecal valve, the place where the small intestine passes into the large one. Here is the cecum, appendix, the beginning of the ascending colon. Edema of the valve is often manifested by bloating (bacteria penetrate through the inoperative valve from the large intestine into the small intestine, where they should not be), and it is enough to relieve the swelling by pressing and take two teaspoons of dill seed inside, drinking water, then the bloating disappears. In oriental medicine, the small intestine has a strong connection with the heart. When the abdomen is bloated, the diaphragm and the heart lying behind it tighten, which leads to various heart diseases, heart attacks and sudden death syndrome (I fell asleep and did not wake up - my heart stopped, but, it turns out, I just ate something wrong in the evening).

6. Further along the spiral. Big round. Passing each point, we rise to the right ribs; from the left ribs we go down, along the lower abdomen. Press gently enough, about 30̊º to the horizontal plane, so as not to press on the perirenal space. And one more turn around the navel, about 5-6 cm from the navel, we press at a steeper angle, about 60º to the horizontal plane, a small turn. If you mentally draw a vertical axis through the navel, then all presses will be inward, in the direction of this axis. It is important not to move the organ (intestine) in an unnatural direction. Here I would like to mention that gynecology of women begins under the stomach and small intestine. Edema in these organs impairs the blood supply to the pelvic organs, which leads to various problems. The gynecologist treats below, working only with the consequences of insufficient blood supply, without eliminating the cause. Why visits to the gynecologist become regular, complicating life for the whole body by the side effects of drugs and manipulations, the consequences of operations, etc.

7. Navel. Press it vertically. Through it, we can remove edema from the vessels, improving the blood supply to the pelvic organs, kidneys, and lower extremities.

Items 5,6, and 7 are combined into a "spiral".

This massage should be done to yourself every day, once at night, lying in bed, when you are in no hurry. We lay down, bent our knees and massage the abdomen. Preferably in a Reiki / Alive state. A plastic half-liter bottle is great for independent work, you will press the cork ... When the abdominal pains completely disappear, then it is enough to do massage, as a prophylaxis, every two to three weeks, or with any discomfort. For example, you are on a holiday today and poison your body with excess food for your pleasure, I advise you to do a massage the next day so that the consequences of poisoning go away faster. Or they ate something wrong.

If you do a belly massage, you will have a result; If you do not, then there will be no result, there is no one to be offended. It's good to massage each other. And support, and exchange, and results faster.

As I wrote above, well-being is the result of the state of our soul. What programs (images) are captured on it, such is our life. The psychological component is very important. As an example, I suggest closing your eyes and deliberately causing feelings of resentment and anger. And stay in this state for at least a minute. Remember the responses in the body at this moment, tension, pressure, pain. And remember your health problems. The connection is there.

Happiness, joy, health and new knowledge to you !!!

Svetoyar Vakhnin, correction of the Vedan text

Literature: 1. Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov. All books and videos.

2. Victoria Butenko "Greenery for Life".

“Gnawing, gnawing a hernia” was condemned by old women in the village, when the umbilical hernia, which often appeared in restless babies, was set with teeth through a diaper.

Without suspecting it, grandmothers-healers performed visceral massage sessions, because they treated the child's internal organs, exerting a direct mechanical effect on his anterior abdominal wall.

Perhaps it was the technique of hernia reduction that formed the basis of this technique. It is believed that it goes back to the ancient Slavs - this is one of the few massage methods that has a Slavic origin. But it was widely used in eastern countries (in particular, China and Korea), as well as in Tibet and the Philippines.

Today, a new wave of interest in visceral massage has risen, which is largely due to the active work in this direction of Professor and Academician A. T. Ogulov. Ogulov's visceral massage is currently the most relevant technique.

The technique of performing visceral massage differs from the classical one and is based on manual (manual) action on the connective tissue formations surrounding the organs.

Such formations are: ligaments, capsules, peritoneum, and on the very tissue of organs located in the abdominal cavity, through the anterior abdominal wall. Pressing the skin and subcutaneous tissue, as well as the abdominal muscles, the masseur:

  • activates blood flow;
  • normalizes lymph outflow;
  • irritates nerve receptors;
  • stimulates intestinal peristalsis;
  • promotes the movement of the food lump and gases through the intestines.

As a result of his actions, the course of various metabolic processes is accelerated. Blood delivers nutrients and oxygen faster from one organ to another, from one cell to another.

In this case, the products of the vital activity of cells are formed faster, in particular, enzymes and hormones. They are better evacuated from the cells, easily move along the ducts. All unnecessary substances are removed from the organ faster. The process of tissue self-healing, resorption of fibrous formations, adhesions, connective tissue strands is stimulated.

When the internal organs of a person work normally, and no pathological processes develop in them, then palpation (palpation) of the abdomen does not cause unpleasant sensations.

In such cases, doctors write in the medical history and medical card: "The abdomen is soft, painless, accessible to deep palpation."

If the function of an organ is impaired, if its tissues or surrounding tissue are inflamed, then palpation of the abdomen in the projection of the inflamed area will be accompanied by pain. At the place of localization of pain, doctors determine what exactly hurts at the moment: liver, stomach, intestines, bladder, etc.

When the inflammation stops, the pain will subside, but there will be a seal, slight discomfort. And the liver or gallbladder may remain enlarged. The local therapist is unlikely to detect these changes when examining the patient. But a visceral therapist can easily identify them during a massage session: areas of compaction and changes in tissue structure are the main targets for its effects.

By flexing the space around the organ, a masseur, chiropractor or chiropractor seeks to eliminate these changes. Thus, it contributes to the improvement of the abdominal organs and the improvement of the patient's health in general.

The result of mechanical action is an increase in the tone of the deep muscles, strengthening of the ligaments.

Therefore, with the help of visceral massage such anatomical defects as age-related prolapse of organs (in particular, the uterus) and anomalies of their location (prolapse of the kidney, displacement of an organ, etc.) are corrected.

Restoration of natural anatomical relationships in the abdominal cavity ensures the normalization of the functions of displaced organs, improves the overall blood flow.

Please note that this massage in the bath can be performed as a preventive procedure.

Important! If you experience sharp pain or discomfort during the massage, be sure to tell your doctor about it. Treatment may need to be postponed until the diagnosis is clarified.

Influence on various organs and systems

The techniques used in visceral massage regulate the work of internal organs:

  • increase or decrease the secretory activity of the stomach, that is, normalize the acidity level of gastric juice;
  • stimulate the outflow of bile, accelerate or slow down its formation;
  • relieve spasm from the ducts of the pancreas and prostate, ensuring the excretion of enzymes and secretions;
  • slow down or stimulate intestinal peristalsis;
  • establish the process of formation and excretion of urine;
  • promote the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs;
  • restore the hormonal activity of the prostate gland, ovaries.

As a result, blood circulation and lymph flow is accelerated, the degree of the body's immune defense increases. A normal hormonal background is formed, favorable conditions for self-healing are created.

The general state of health and even the appearance improves: skin rashes disappear, a healthy blush appears on the face. The lost feeling of health, joy of life and willingness to act is returning.

If you want to get rid of toxins, then honey massage will help very well.

Basic indications

The benefits of visceral massage of internal organs are indisputable in the presence of diseases such as:

  • chronic cholecystitis (including against the background of biliary dyskinesia);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • dysfunction of the liver and pancreas, hepatosis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • chronic gastritis with increased and decreased secretory activity;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • spastic or atonic colitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • bowel dysfunction (constipation, unstable bowel movements, irritable bowel syndrome);
  • renal failure, kidney stone disease;
  • prolapse of the kidney;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • frequent cystitis;
  • non-infectious (congestive) prostatitis;
  • stagnation of blood in the small pelvis and its consequences: chronic inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, decreased fertility, infertility;
  • functional ovarian cysts;
  • prolapse and bend (retroflection) of the uterus;
  • infantile uterus;
  • painful periods, irregular menstrual periods;
  • unrestrained inguinal, umbilical, femoral hernias.

This type is not an anti-cellulite massage, and does not directly contribute to weight loss.

Important! By improving the work and general condition of the abdominal organs, the visceral therapist affects the work of the body as a whole. Therefore, abdominal massage can be useful for chronic and frequent diseases of the endocrine, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, migraine and vascular dystonia, as well as pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Any chronic disease affects the state of other organs and systems. By normalizing the work of the affected organ, the doctor strengthens the patient's health as a whole.

For example, by massaging the kidneys, it helps to cope with arterial hypertension, which has developed as a result of malfunctions in the renin-angiotensin system.

And by normalizing intestinal digestion, it creates optimal conditions for the development of intestinal microflora, which, in turn, takes an active part in the formation of the immune barrier.

There are also conditions in which there is no obvious disease, but there are prerequisites for its development. These include:

  • excess weight;
  • lack of weight (emaciation, dystrophy);
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • irrational or special nutrition (for example, vegetarianism, which, if used incorrectly, can lead to anemia and weakness of the connective tissue);
  • high physical activity (of a professional nature or associated with intense sports);
  • menopause (hormonal changes in the body);
  • puberty, especially in the stage of rapid growth;
  • increased mental activity (at work, school, etc.).

In this case, preventive massage of the abdominal organs will help to avoid possible health problems.

The main contraindications

Visceral massage: contraindications play an important role, while their number is quite small. First of all, the presence of:

  • tuberculosis;
  • tumor processes (oncology), including uterine fibroids, prostate adenomas, etc .;
  • pathology of internal organs in the acute stage (exacerbation stage);
  • infectious diseases (including ARVI, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, etc.);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • blood clotting disorders (increased tendency to bleeding or vascular thrombosis);
  • pregnancy;
  • internal bleeding (stomach, intestinal, etc.), as well as menstruation;
  • mental illness.

It is advisable to undergo a complete examination, including laboratory tests, ultrasound and x-raysto clarify the nature and stage of development of certain diseases, as well as to make sure that there are no contraindications.

Do not start massage when the patient is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is necessary to warn the doctor about taking any medications.

Important! Visceral massage has a strong effect on all body systems. Therefore, in the presence of any chronic disease, it is recommended to discuss the possibility and feasibility of its use with your doctor.

Performing at home

Theoretically, it is quite possible to master the technique of visceral self-massage of the abdomen. But you need to understand that in the process of giving yourself a massage, the line between objective and subjective sensations will be lost.

And this will impede an adequate assessment of the situation, the calculation of the force and time of pressure, the determination of the nature of the movements. Therefore, at home, it is recommended to limit visceral massage sessions to light strokes of the anterior abdominal wall in a clockwise direction.

You should start stroking in the iliac region on the right, then going up (to the ribs) and, smoothly bending around the navel, going down to the left iliac region. With each movement, you need to get a little closer to the navel.

For a more competent self-massage, it is recommended to undergo a special training course.

Self-massage is not carried out after meals and on an empty stomach. The optimal time for it is one to two hours after eating.

Video lesson: how to do inhealing abdominal massage

Watch a helpful video about belly massage:

Salon selection and cost

Often, when choosing a clinic or salon for a massage course, patients are guided by the average cost of the service. Today it can range from 1,500 rubles to 5,500 rubles per procedure. A full course usually includes 5 to 12 procedures.

The lower cost should not become the basis for choosing the institution in which it is installed. It is necessary to pay attention to the level of training and experience of the specialist performing the massage. Preference should be given to masseurs and chiropractors with a medical background.

Visceral massage in the hands of a skilled specialist can be a powerful tool in the fight against various pathologies of the abdominal organs.

But in case of violation of the technique of its implementation, ignoring contraindications, it can lead to the opposite of the desired result. Therefore, you need to take a serious approach to choosing a massage parlor, entrusting your health only to professionals.

Depending on the tasks to be solved, you can choose other types of massage procedures that are better suited for you.

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