What ointment for mastopathy is effective? Ointments for the treatment of mastopathy Ointments for the cream for the treatment of mastopathy.

When applied correctly.

They have a natural base and are considered safe formulations, and therefore can be used almost without restriction.

The nomenclature of such external preparations is wide, and the choice of the necessary means presupposes taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body and the degree of neglect of the disease.

The etiology of mastopathy is associated with a violation of estrogen metabolism.

The essence of pathology

Mastopathy is a benign course that causes a pathological process in the mammary gland.

In fact, it is the response of the female body to a significant violation of hormonal balance in it.

As a result of this process, structural changes in glandular tissues occur, which is manifested by the proliferation of alveoli and connective tissue, the appearance of many fibrous and cystic components in the tissue structure, the development of seals or type.

Under the influence of unfavorable factors, this process goes in the wrong way, as a result of which the content of so-called "dangerous" estrogens increases sharply, and they begin to prevail over the "good" hormones.

In the mammary gland, "dangerous" estrogens alter the balance between the epithelial and connective components. A process of a hyperplastic nature develops, causing the proliferation of connective tissues.

This process leads to the appearance of nodes and seals, and further progression of the disease can cause serious complications, up to oncology.

By the nature of the manifestation, mastopathy is divided into 2 main types - nodular and diffuse.

In the first case, isolated, separate seals in the form of nodules are found.

In the second case, numerous foci of compaction are fixed.

Read about the symptoms of mastopathy.

Local therapy options

The basic method of treating mastopathy is systemic, hormonal therapy... It is based on the administration of drugs by injection or.

Their active substance normalizes the process of hormonal metabolism.

External funds are applied only to the affected area and do not penetrate into the blood.

They can only act locally. A logical question arises as to whether the treatment of mastopathy with creams and ointments is effective, i.e. by external means.

“Modern external drugs are very effective in the treatment of diffuse mastopathy. They do not enter the bloodstream to provide systemic effects, but when they enter muscle tissue, they help restore hormonal balance. At the initial stage of cure, a cure can be achieved by simply combining them with vitamin complexes. With an advanced disease, gels, creams and ointments can only complement systemic drugs. The choice of a product should be made only by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the organism. "

The principle of action of external drugs is based on the normalization of the hormonal balance in the gland in terms of stabilizing the ratio of progesterone and estrogen.

When rubbed, they are absorbed into glandular tissues, penetrating into muscle fibers and connective tissues. Here they block the production of prolactin, stopping the development of the imbalance.

The medicinal components of the agents in question suppress the painful symptom, have anti-inflammatory and anti-edema properties.

Special active substances accelerate the absorption of small benign lesions.

Pros and cons

External agents have an important advantage - they do not affect the work of other internal organs, and therefore practically do not have side effects.

All processes take place at the local level, i.e. within the breast. This allows them to be used even during pregnancy.

Topical remedies are usually prepared naturally. The harmlessness of the ingredients leads to an almost complete absence of contraindications.


Among the positive aspects, it should be noted that the combination of the use of ointments with the use of tablets can increase the effectiveness of treatment.

This makes it possible to reduce the dosage of hormonal drugs and shorten the course of their intake, which reduces the negative effect of drug treatment.

It is the complex treatment that is recognized as the best option for getting rid of mastopathy..

What are the disadvantages of external agents?

First of all, for all their safety, care should be taken and used only as directed by a doctor. This is due to the presence in some hypersensitive patients of individual intolerance to certain ingredients.

At an advanced stage, excessive confidence in the effectiveness of local therapy can adversely affect the results of treatment, because in these circumstances, potent drugs should not be neglected and their dosage should not be reduced.

What types of mastopathy can be treated with ointments and creams? Practice shows that they are ineffective in the nodal type of pathology and are used mainly in the development of diffuse mastopathy.

Features of the treatment

Creams, ointments and gels for mastopathy are applied by rubbing with hands into the mammary gland. This procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day.

The course of treatment depends on the type of agent, stage of the disease, the condition of the woman and is determined by the doctor.

On average, it is 5-9 months. Homemade ointments are rubbed 2-3 times a day, and the duration of treatment is increased by 1.5-2 times.

During the procedure, you must follow certain rules:

  • the product is applied in dosed portions and distributed over the chest surface, with the exception of the area around the nipple;
  • the procedure is carried out only after thorough cleansing of the affected area;
  • rubbing is done with light, smooth movements in a circle and by stroking;
  • you cannot press too much on the mammary gland - too sharp movements can provoke ruptures of formations and an inflammatory reaction;
  • do not apply the product to damaged areas - scratches, acne, abrasions, bruises.


The procedure can be carried out at home with the participation of another person and even independently.

However, it is best to trust a professional, whose actions completely eliminate the appearance of additional problems.

Range of outdoor products

Modern external remedies for mastopathy are available in the following forms:

  • ointments;
  • creams;
  • gels;
  • cream wax.

There is no universal remedy for all cases.

The choice is made by the doctor based on the results of diagnostic studies and taking into account individual sensitivity.


For the treatment of pathology, such ointments are widely used.:

  1. Traumeel S. This ointment belongs to homotoxic drugs. It is produced by Biologische Heilmittel Heel (Germany). Its composition includes medicinal plants arnica, echinacea, belladona, St. John's wort, comfrey. The product does not contain hormonal ingredients, but eliminates edema and inflammatory reactions. Ointment is applied up to 3 times a day.
  2. Troxevasin. The active substances of the agent are troxerutin and carbonar. The ointment is capable of anti-inflammatory and strengthening effects. It improves local blood circulation, reduces swelling, strengthens capillaries and vascular walls. The product is not recommended for use at the beginning of pregnancy.
  3. Indovazin. The drug is available in the form of an ointment and gel. The active substances are indomethacin and troxerutin. The course of treatment usually does not exceed 12-15 days. With longer use, side effects may occur.

With the external treatment of mastopathy, it should be noted the inadmissibility of using Vishnevsky ointment.

When rubbing it, the growth of connective tissue is accelerated, and diffuse mastopathy can transform into a nodular form.


Preparations in the form of a gel are widely popular in the treatment of mastopathy.:

  1. ... It contains natural progesterone, which, when released into the gland, lowers estrogen levels. Producers of the drug are Bezen Manufacturing Belgium (Belgium) and Bezen International (France). The course of treatment with a daily single use is at least 3 months.
  2. Apilak. This gel belongs to homeopathic remedies. The basis of the preparation is made up of components obtained from royal milk. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. Manufacturer - firm "Grindeks" (Russia).
  3. Traumeel-gel. This German herbal remedy is widely used in the treatment of mastopathy. The properties of the gel are in many respects similar to the above Traumeel S.
  4. Mamma gel. It is based on essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants. Most often, the gel is used as a prophylactic agent during pregnancy and lactation. The course of treatment can be 2-5 months.

The most active use has gel Progestogel.

Its hormonal basis can significantly reduce the dosage of systemic hormonal drugs.


Positive results in treatment are noted with the use of creams such as:

  1. Cream Healer. It contains: arnica, red palm oil, chaga mushroom, cinquefoil, aloe extract and some other herbal ingredients. The product has excellent antioxidant properties. At the initial stage of mastopathy, it turns out to be quite effective and promotes the resorption of formations. The course of treatment is 12-15 days.
  2. Mastofit (Evalar trade mark). This cream is considered an alternative to hormonal drugs. It is made from seaweed and soybean oil. The course of treatment is 1-3 months. You can not use the cream for thyroid pathologies.
  3. Malavit. The composition includes: mummy, sap, grape oil. The most effective drug in the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy.
  4. ... This cream-wax is made from beeswax and poison, propolis, with the addition of horse chestnut and resin. There are practically no contraindications to use, except for cases when a woman is allergic to beekeeping products. The course of treatment is 2-4 months.

The treatment regimen for mastopathy has an individual character.

Self-medication is unacceptable, because can backfire and speed up the process.

Complex treatment with the use of tablets and external agents can only be prescribed by a doctor. When treating pregnant women and nursing mothers, the participation of a gynecologist is mandatory.

Reviews on the effectiveness of using creams and ointments

An opinion on the effectiveness of the use of creams and ointments in the treatment of mastopathy can be drawn from the reviews of women:

((reviewsOverall)) / 5 Patient evaluation (7 votes)

In the case of diagnosing mastopathy for women, it is very important to start prompt and effective treatment in a timely manner. Today, in addition to medications, experts are actively using local remedies, which include medicinal ointments, creams and gels. They are pretty easy to use. All that is required is simply to apply the drug to the sore chest. As a result, it is possible to achieve a decrease in pain, swelling of the glands and discomfort that bother women throughout the disease.

Physiological features of the disease

In order for the treatment to be effective and safe, first of all, it is necessary to understand what factors could provoke the development of mastopathy. In most cases, scientists agree that the main cause of the disease is a change in the process of hormone production in women. That is, there is a change in hormonal levels.

During the period of illness, severe inflammation of the mammary glands occurs. This process is preceded by the formed nodules and seals in the breast tissue. Naturally, the breast is exposed to a strong negative impact - not only the supply of all the necessary substances and oxygen is disrupted to it, but also as a result, a very strong damage to the external soft tissues of the breast occurs.

The best choice is ointment

Today, for the treatment of mastopathy, they increasingly resort to the use of medicinal ointments that have a special hormonal component. Penetrating through the epithelial layer of the breast tissue, they receive the necessary hormone to stabilize the process of their functioning.

Since most of these drugs are made exclusively from herbal remedies, their use is considered absolutely safe for health. By the way, some types of drugs allow you to use them even during breastfeeding.

Ointments used for mastopathy have the following effects:

  • Decreases inflammation of the mammary glands.
  • The swelling of the glands decreases (they acquire the usual size and appearance).
  • The pain syndrome becomes less severe.
  • Breast tissue becomes resistant to negative tumor and pathological processes.
  • The mammary gland acquires a healthy appearance, and the soft tissues become elastic and tender.

As for Vishnevsky's ointment, every woman who has encountered mastopathy should understand that using Vishnevsky's ointment can only aggravate the course of the disease and worsen overall well-being. After all, the purpose of Vishnevsky's preparation is to accelerate the processes of suppuration of soft tissue areas, which leads to the leakage of pus.

And since there are no purulent formations in various forms of the disease, the use of this agent for treatment will not always be appropriate.


The inflamed gland is quite easily amenable to local type of treatment in the initial stages of the disease. For this purpose, experts advise using Progestogel gel.

"Progestogel" is made from natural ingredients and, in most cases, has no side reactions. Its use is applied topically to the skin of the breast. "Progestogel" includes a special hormone - progesterone. It is he who has the ability to block the process of estrogen productivity, which can reduce its accumulation in the woman's body.

"Progestogel" quite easily penetrates deep into the mammary glands, which makes it possible to accelerate the production of enzymes, the main task of which is to reduce the amount of estrogen. As a result of the use of "Progestogel" allows you to achieve the transition of estrogen to a safer hormone - estrol. It has been proven that Progestogel cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream, so its use is effective and safe for women at any age.

"Progestogel" in its composition has a special component that favors the fact that the liquid is not retained in the breast tissue. Thanks to this action, the mammary gland does not swell and hurt so intensely.

It is recommended to use Progestogel for at least 3 months. Throughout this time, the iron is lubricated with ointment and gently rubbed into the skin. It is best to carry out this procedure before bedtime and in the morning.

You can use the product even with the onset of menstruation. It is by no means recommended to stop the course of treatment. Otherwise, positive results will not be achieved.

The Endau ointment has a similar effect. However, before using it, it is recommended to first consult a doctor.


When treating mastopathy just before the onset of menstruation, experts recommend using a remedy called "Healer".

"Doctor" is made on the basis of red palm oil. It is palm oil that helps restore the blood circulation process in tissues, activates metabolic processes and allows lymph to circulate normally.

In addition, "Healer" is used as a natural antioxidant agent, which in turn has a beneficial effect on soft tissues and contributes to their healthy appearance. Also, the remedy "Healer" in its composition contains vitamins of groups A and E. When used correctly during the period of mastopathy, they help to maintain the elasticity and elasticity of breast tissue.

Ointment "Doctor" also includes such components as string, marigolds, exotic Japanese sophora, beeswax, sage-based oil, D-panthenol. All components in unity help to reduce the pain that occurs, relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and slow down the growth of formations.

To achieve a positive result, treatment with these ointments should be applied only in the second phase of the monthly cycle. The duration of use of the drug can be up to 30 days.


Means "Zdorov" belongs to the category of those drugs that can be used by both pregnant women and nursing mothers.

"Zdorov" includes only natural ingredients in its composition, therefore, in this case, the possibility of developing any allergic reactions is excluded.

"Zdorov" is suitable for women of any age. It can be effectively used both in the initial stages of the disease and in the later stages of mastopathy. The agent is applied directly to the skin of the mammary glands, so there can be no question of an overdose of the drug.

The “Zdorov” tool is used quite simply. All that is required is to apply it to the chest and rub in with gentle movements. The duration of treatment with this remedy is established by the doctor. Each situation requires an individual approach and different treatments.

Only regular application of Zdorovye gel will help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease in a relatively short period of time.

An excellent analogue to this tool can be "Mastofit".

Remember that the treatment of mastopathy is not only the application of medicinal creams and ointments. At the same time, it is very important to follow diets, engage in light physical activity and avoid nervous overstrain.

Many women over the age of 30 face mastopathy. The main reason for its appearance is hormonal imbalance in the body. As a complex therapy, the doctor prescribes internal drugs, injections, as well as external agents. Cream for mastopathy is an indispensable component of complex treatment. It contains hormonal extracts or herbal extracts, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, relieve swelling and redness.

Additional remedies for the preparation of mastopathy in the form of a cream, ointment or gel help to get rid of the problem locally. Thanks to external means, it is possible to reduce the dosage of tablets, thereby minimizing the impact on the internal organs and accelerating the treatment.

The principle of using the cream is quite simple. A small portion is applied to the breast area along with the inflammation, avoiding the nipple area. While rubbing in the drug, you can do a light massage, without undue pressure on the reddened areas. It is necessary to correctly distribute the cream with stroking movements from the bottom up and from the center to the periphery. It is recommended to use the products twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Such therapy helps to stop the growth of existing foci of inflammation and prevent the formation of new ones.

Breast cream for mastopathy has practically no contraindications, with the exception of intolerance to individual components in the composition. Unlike tablets, external drugs act only on the area of \u200b\u200bneoplasms, without touching the internal organs and without changing the hormonal background. The doctor will advise which cream to use, based on the results of analyzes and diagnostics.

How to choose the right breast cream for mastopathy

The most effective drugs are those that include the hormone progesterone. Their main task is to reduce the amount of estrogen. They correct the hormonal background of a woman, contribute to the gradual resorption of fibroids, and reduce swelling.

The selection of this or that cream should be performed only by a mammologist after a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient. Self-medication can not only not lead to the desired results, but also aggravate the situation. The rules for choosing a cream include:

  • all medicines are purchased only with full certification in pharmacies. Never buy drugs in the markets, from friends or through illegal Internet sites. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the quality and originality of the cream;
  • each medicine has in its composition components suitable for one woman, but causing persistent intolerance in another. In order to avoid allergic reactions, strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations, do not buy yourself a cream for mastopathy, the name of which you have heard from a neighbor or girlfriend;
  • it is especially important not to self-medicate with hormonal drugs. Such drugs have contraindications, for example, pregnancy and concomitant diseases.

Competently selected creams, together with preparations for internal use, can positively affect the results of treatment in a short time and prevent the further spread of the inflammatory process.

Review of the most effective creams and ointments for mastopathy

As a remedy, doctors prescribe ointments and creams of two groups: hormonal and herbal. The use of the former allows you to reduce the amount of hormones taken in tablet form, accelerate treatment without complications. Creams based on herbal extracts are safer for women, their effect is milder, they have practically no contraindications.

The drug is available in the form of a gel or ointment. It contains 1% of the hormone progesterone and natural ingredients that do not cause side effects. The main task of "Progestogel" is to restore the disturbed hormonal background, to reduce the inflammatory process, the causes of which are the excessive production of estrogen. Also, the drug has a tonic effect on the body.

After application, the drug is quickly absorbed into tissues, providing a therapeutic effect. At the same time, its components do not penetrate into the blood, which makes the cream absolutely safe for patients of any age. Treatment with mastopathy cream "Progestogel" lasts on average 12-14 days. Every day in the morning and before going to bed, the drug is applied to the breast area and rubbed into the skin with gentle stroking movements.

Cream-wax Healthy from mastopathy

The cream is produced by a Russian pharmaceutical company for the treatment of diffuse and nodular mastopathy. It is highly effective at all stages of the disease. Cream-wax "Zdorov" from mastopathy includes only natural ingredients:

  • bee venom reduces pain symptoms;
  • beeswax is involved in tissue regeneration;
  • propolis nourishes the skin with beneficial substances, has an antibacterial effect;
  • olive oil generally has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the breast;
  • horse chestnut extract stimulates the growth of healthy cells;
  • siberian cedar resin relieves puffiness, promotes healing.

Cream-wax "Zdorov" from mastopathy can be used to treat or prevent breast disease. The cream reduces swelling, pain in the chest area, eliminates cystic formations.

The drug stops the appearance of nipple discharge, improves skin condition. Using the drug in a course helps to restore the shape of the breast, tighten the skin. Because the cream contains bee products; it has contraindications for use for women with allergies to these components. Allowed to use the cream-wax "Zdorov" from mastopathy during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is applied twice a day for 14-30 days.

Cream MastofitEvalar

The drug belongs to the group of non-hormonal and is used in the complex therapy of the disease. Cream for mastopathy Evalar is often prescribed for diffuse and nodular form to normalize metabolic processes, reduce painful manifestations and prevent fluid stagnation in tissues. The cream contains the following components:

  • broccoli concentrate is an antioxidant, cancer protector and detoxifier;
  • fucus extract saturates tissues with iodine, helps dissolve cysts and prevents swelling of breast tissue;
  • vitex fruit extract saturates the body with essential oils and iridoids;
  • pork, badger, mink fats;
  • glycerol.

Cream "Mastofit" can be used not only for the treatment of mastopathy. It is prescribed for mastitis, and also as a prophylactic agent for engorgement of the mammary glands during PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

Apply the cream 1-2 times a day to the inflamed areas, gently massaging until completely absorbed. The treatment time is up to 2 months. Do not use the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Breast cream is used for the nodular form of the disease, painful sensations and discharge. The cream contains only natural ingredients:

  • lanolin;
  • vitamin E;
  • red palm oil;
  • beeswax;
  • D-panthenol;
  • extract of coltsfoot, string;
  • marsh cinquefoil extract.

Together, all these components have an excellent therapeutic effect. Regular use of the “Doctor” cream for mastopathy can reduce swelling, eliminate pain, and restore damaged breast tissue. Also, the drug is used to prevent skin aging, restores blood circulation, and prevents tissue disorders.

The "Doctor" is applied 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. If necessary, the duration of the course can be increased.


Non-hormonal multifunctional remedy for the treatment of various external and internal breast diseases. When applying cream "Apilak" from mastopathy, pain is reduced, the appearance of the mammary glands improves. Additionally, it stimulates cellular metabolism, improving tissue trophism.

It is necessary to carefully apply the cream in the presence of neoplasms, because the royal jelly included in the composition can stimulate their growth.

Also "Apilak" is used for neurodermatitis, dryness and skin irritation. Cream for mastopathy is inexpensive, but effective. The tool copes well with swelling of the mammary glands during PMS. The drug is applied at least 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Contraindications include intolerance to bee products.

Cream for mastopathy Fitol

The drug is made using environmentally friendly herbs. Acts on the problem in a complex way:

  • reduces inflammation;
  • stimulates tone;
  • relieves pain;
  • prevents the formation of new cysts.

The composition includes glycerin, beeswax, ferula, sophora, aconite. Apply cream for mastopathy "Fitol" 2-3 times a day, applied in a thin layer on the chest. The course lasts from 1 to 3 months, twice a year.

Doctors do not prescribe the ointment in the form in which it is found in pharmacies because of its direct purpose - the removal of purulent masses through the skin. The use of the drug is carried out only in combination with other components. The Vishnevsky limits have positive reviews from women suffering from breast mastopathy.

For the treatment of the mammary gland, recipes are used, which include a certain amount of Vishnevsky's ointment:

  1. Three parts of the ointment are mixed with 7 parts of fir oil and baby cream. The mixture is applied on a gauze cut, applied to the inflamed area and wrapped in a film. The bandage is changed 3-4 times a day;
  2. A cabbage leaf is smeared with Vishnevsky ointment and applied to the chest. Fasten with a plaster or wrap it with a bandage, wrap it on top with a film. Make lotions 2-3 times a day.

It is contraindicated to use mastopathy ointments during pregnancy and lactation.

Celandine ointment

In addition to pharmacy names, preparations are widely used, prepared independently, at home. They are no less effective than pharmaceutical creams, and they are inexpensive and affordable for everyone.

To prepare an ointment from celandine, take 1 kg of a fresh plant during its flowering period. The raw materials are sorted out, washed and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting composition is filtered through a double layer of gauze, and the resulting juice is mixed with ghee or lard until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Celandine ointment is transferred to a clean glass jar and stored in a cool dark place. It is better to prepare the drug in a small amount, which will be enough for several uses.

The composition is applied to the affected area, covered with a film and fixed. You need to walk with the ointment for at least 3 hours, then rinse with warm water. Apply 2 per day.

You can prepare an ointment from dry celandine. For this, 1 tsp. chopped herbs are mixed with 2 tbsp. l. ghee and heated in a water bath. After cooling, the composition is rubbed into the chest, covered with a gauze bandage and fixed with a handkerchief or bandage. They walk like this for 4 hours, then wash off with warm water. The course of treatment lasts 12 days.

Propolis ointment

Propolis has long been famous for its anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Therefore, the best cream for mastopathy is one prepared using this component. The medicine can be purchased at pharmacies or prepared by yourself.

  1. In a 1: 2 ratio, mix crushed propolis and deodorized oil. The well-ground mixture is heated in a water bath until completely dissolved. The resulting composition is stored in the refrigerator. Apply at night by rubbing into the inflamed area for 2 weeks.
  2. Honey 1 tbsp. l., propolis oil 1 tbsp. l., the yolk of one egg. All ingredients are mixed until smooth. The product is applied to the mammary gland, which is wrapped in a warm scarf.
  3. In equal parts, take sea buckthorn oil and propolis. Mix and warm up in a water bath for 30 minutes. The filtered and cooled product is applied to the mammary gland 1-2 times a day.

It should be remembered that the best therapeutic result can only be achieved with an integrated approach.


The use of one or another drug for mastopathy requires careful study of the instructions. In addition to the fact that the composition of creams for mastopathy includes substances prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation, some components are contraindicated in liver and kidney pathologies. Also, you can not use funds in the presence of malignant formations, inflammatory processes in the body, especially purulent ones. The selection of a complex for the treatment of mastopathy can only be carried out by an experienced doctor after collecting a complete history of the patient.

Can breast mastopathy be treated with ointments? This question is of interest to women who have encountered an unpleasant disease and are now making every effort to get rid of it. It cannot be said that ointment is the best remedy for mastopathy, but it increases the effectiveness of treatment very well. The disease must be acted upon both from the inside and from the outside. Doctors prescribe hormones, vitamins, and external agents. Which are the best? This can be determined by the reviews of women who have used ointments or creams. Ichthyol, heparin, homemade ointments contribute to a faster recovery.

Treatment of mastopathy can only be effective if combined therapy is used, that is, different methods aimed at normalizing hormonal levels and relieving symptoms of the disease. What are ointments for? Means for external use increase the effectiveness of treatment, allowing several times to reduce the dosage of medicines. The latter can cause various side effects, negatively affect the urinary organs.

One of the most effective ointments, judging by the responses of women, is Progestogel.

By the way, it is this drug that is most often prescribed by doctors, like heparin ointment. The product contains progesterone (1%), castor oil. As a result of regular use of this ointment, the condition of the mammary glands is significantly improved.

The action of the tool is as follows:

  • relieves puffiness;
  • soothes painful sensations;
  • prevents further proliferation of breast tissue;
  • strengthens blood vessels, lowers the permeability of their walls.

The main advantage of this remedy over other hormonal drugs is that the ointment has only a local effect.

Progestogel comes in the form of an ointment or gel. Their action is approximately the same, the method of application is the same. As the reviews say, a small amount of the product needs to be squeezed out of the tube, applied to the breast and gently massage the breast, moving from the center. Progestogel is much more effective than conventional heparin ointment, but it also costs more.


You can buy this drug over the counter without a prescription. It has a very limited list of contraindications, does not cause the development of side effects, allergies or irritation. Ointment "Zdorov" can be used to treat mastopathy by pregnant and lactating women.

This product is absolutely safe for the body, as it is made on the basis of herbal ingredients. It helps to quickly cope with the signs of the disease, relieve painful sensations, inflammation. Women leave only positive reviews about this ointment, they buy it much more often than heparin.

Before using the product, be sure to consult with your doctor. Only he determines the duration of the course of treatment, and the specialist is also obliged to constantly monitor the condition of the woman's mammary glands. Using the ointment is very simple. You just need to put a little on the chest and massage. An analogue of this drug is the advertised cream "Mastofit".


Ointment "Doctor" is an effective remedy for external use, which doctors recommend to use for mastopathy. Both doctors and ordinary women leave positive reviews about this ointment. Unlike heparin ointment, this product has a richer natural composition.

Ointment "Doctor" contains the following components:

  • extract of calendula flowers;
  • palm pulp oil (red);
  • natural wax;
  • panthenol;
  • extracts of medicinal plants (sage, string);
  • vitamin E.

A non-hormonal agent can be used for a patient's mastopathy, regardless of age and health status. The ointment helps to cope with the manifestations of the disease, improves the condition of the mammary glands. In addition, the product has a rejuvenating effect, makes the skin of the breast more firm and elastic.

Women, who have always used heparin ointment, switch to "Doctor". The product can be simply applied to the breast skin and rubbed or massaged.

Homemade ointments

Not only pharmacy products, but also homemade products can be effective for mastopathy. Some patients make their own ointments based on herbal ingredients. If you choose the right components and proportions, you get an effective tool.

Good reviews about cabbage compresses, and their effectiveness can be increased if you first apply ointment to the mammary glands.

Recipe 1

Grind dry herb celandine into powder, pour into a glass container, add a little olive oil. You should get a thick mass that is applied to the chest at night. You need to put a napkin on top.

Recipe 2

Mix two parts of natural, thick honey and one part of beetroot grated on a fine grater, apply on the chest, put a cabbage leaf on top.

Recipe 3

Grate propolis and mix it with soft butter, place in an earthenware pot. Put a brick on the stove, on top of a container with the future ointment, cook over low heat for about three hours, stirring. Strain the finished product, wait until it cools. Apply ointment to the affected breast.

With mastopathy, home remedies, heparin, ichthyol ointment, various creams and gels can be used. To choose the most effective product, you should familiarize yourself with the patient reviews about this or that remedy.

Among breast diseases in women, the most common disease is mastopathy. Such a disease in women is diagnosed when an excessive proliferation of benign mammary tissue occurs. The reason for this growth is the inflammatory process of the mammary glands, caused by hormonal disorders.

Mastopathy increases the risk of developing breast cancer. But with a careful attitude to one's health and adherence to all medical recommendations, negative consequences can be avoided, as well as the disease itself can be overcome.

For treatment, both external drugs and those used internally are used. Various creams, ointments, gels have an external effect.

What groups of medicines can be used?

When rubbed in, the effect is not on the entire body as a whole, but directly on the desired area. This allows you to prevent hormone overdose.

This means that many negative consequences of their use can be avoided.

Preparations containing hormones

When using these ointments, it is possible to reduce the dose of hormones taken in tablets. The result of using an ointment or cream containing hormones is more pronounced than when using an ointment without hormones, as a result of which mastopathy in women can pass faster.

But there are certain disadvantages of using such medications - these are contraindications to the use of funds, for example, you cannot use such ointments during pregnancy, for certain diseases.

The following means are used for treatment:

Herbal preparations

The natural composition of these products makes them safe for all women. The only exceptions are women who are allergic to any component of the drug. The effect of herbal ointments and creams is milder.

It must be remembered that the reason for purchasing a medicine can only be its appointment by a doctor. Only a medical specialist will determine, after a detailed study, at what stage the disease is, which drug will bring the maximum benefit.

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