Drop everything and leave. Psychology of freedom: Why are we afraid to drop everything and leave? And if you drop everything and leave

I have an Internet friend, whose life I have been following in social networks for a little over two years. A sweet, smart and versatile girl, she blogs and works odd jobs. I recently decided to go to graduate school. In Europe. In a specialty that, for many reasons, will not help in getting a good job. It seems to me that she herself understands everything perfectly, because she speaks of this as an opportunity to learn new things and expand her horizons, and not as preparation for the future. Everything is fine, because she has the opportunity to lead such a free lifestyle. She sees no problem in being one of those who are always on the go, studying just for the sake of gaining new knowledge and loves long conversations over a good dinner.

My friend has a well-to-do family, so she can count, if not on full maintenance, then at least on support sufficient for a serene life. In the genetic lottery, this girl pulled out a lucky ticket, and there is no point in reproaching her for having the freedom given by birthright.

But what is worth reproaching is in relation to their capabilities. And not only her - among young people who do not need to take care of creating financial well-being, one idea is very popular. Yes, it's about necessity. Moving around the world is now considered almost a moral duty, obliging you to forget about platitudes such as money. A friend of mine posts beautiful photos with superficial inspirational quotes: "Drop everything and hit the road, quit your job you hate and enjoy the beauty of the world while you're young and free." This is ambition porn, teasing the viewer with images of a life they will never have and making them feel like a failure because of it.

For the wealthy classes, travel has become a way of praising themselves for doing what, strictly speaking, anyone with money can do.

A trip for the sake of a trip is not an achievement, the fact of doing it does not at all guarantee that you will become a more educated or sensitive person.

Anyone who has the privilege (yes, the privilege) to actively travel around the world in their youth is no better than anyone else. He is no wiser or more worthy than a peer who is forced to stay at home and plow with might and main for the hope of someday getting a job that a traveler would take for granted. This is a competition of wealth and opportunity, where advice not to worry about money only adds salt to the wounds of the obviously loser.

I could afford to visit different countries, and even though I earned my own money, it was still a direct result of a number of privileges. My family is middle class, so I didn't have to worry about financially supporting my loved ones. On the contrary, in case of difficulties, they would come to the rescue. Millions of people do not even have this, travel is simply not available to them - there is too little money and a lot of responsibility. Therefore, I am infinitely grateful even for my modest trips.

I understand (partly thanks to the experience of traveling around the world) that the presence or absence of the opportunity to travel says absolutely nothing about a person. It's just that some have more obligations and less income.

Someone is forced to endure an unloved job, because they need to take care of the family, someone pays for their own education, someone is step by step moving towards financial freedom. This does not mean that they are less willing to learn new things than avid travelers.

They cannot go on wanderings at the call of the soul, but develop and learn in the conditions that life offers them. They learn to work hard, save pleasure for later, and gradually improve themselves. Yes, this is not a hitchhiking trip through Eastern Europe, but who will say that such a life is worse for building character?

“Don’t worry about money”, “Drop everything and follow your dream” - such encouraging maxims reveal a deep misunderstanding of the meaning of the word “worry”. The indulgent traveler means not to have too much space in your life. It seems to him that you petty preferred an extra dollar to an incredibly important experience. But in reality, worrying about money is realizing that there is nothing left but to make it your priority. If you don't work or want to spend thousands on a trip to Southeast Asia to find your true self, you'll end up on the street. If anyone thinks that most people actually have a choice in this matter, he is being insultingly naive.

Each of us is forced to independently pave the way to the notorious financial independence. Perhaps you are lucky: you travel, do what you want, and try everything new, because you know that in which case your loved ones will help and support you. There is no reason to be ashamed or feel guilty, except because of the unproductiveness and uselessness of such a lifestyle.

But one who considers his own path to be the only true way to achieve enlightenment and inspires others to behave in the same way is a real scoundrel.

Most inspirational quotes are only for the lucky few who have met all their basic needs. And if you need money, God forbid you follow these tips. Traveling around South America and getting another education for fun is very interesting, but what will be left in the end? A souvenir keychain and an even bigger mess in life.

I decided to travel in March 2015, but I did not plan to leave for a long time and far. I have never hitchhiked or used couchsurfing. Having traveled several countries, I realized that I could go around the world. For two years I have visited Asia, South America and now I have returned to Russia.

Stereotypes prevent people from going on a trip: “it's expensive”, “I can't survive without knowing the language”, “I'll have to sleep on the ground”, “I'll lose my job”. In fact, everything turns out to be much simpler. The main thing is to leave the house with the right mindset.

The first thing to understand is that there are many more good people in the world than there are dangers. It just so happens that you will be treated well abroad just because you are a traveler. Everywhere people are very hospitable. The stories the locals tell teach you how to relate to others and what really matters in life.

There is nothing easier than crossing borders, a visa can be obtained in a neighboring country, and the documents for this are always the same. V in every country, if you search properly, you will find people with knowledge of English and this will be enough for you to travel.

Surprisingly, living while traveling is even cheaper than living at home. When you settle somewhere, you have a lot of expenses for entertainment, clothes and rent. I had a budget $5 per day, they left only for food, everything else was free. I looked for lodging for the night through couchsurfing, and hitchhiked. In addition, very often the locals simply treated me as a guest.

Yes, if you leave your home, you will lose your job. But this problem is easily solved. You can earn money freelancing, if the specialty allows. It is not difficult to find a permanent job on the spot even without a language. If we talk about the countries of Asia or South America, the European appearance opens many doors.

Family is not a hindrance to go around the world. I have friends who travel with a one year old child. Only the format of travel changes, they live in a certain country for as long as the visa allows and move on.

You can travel. It starts to get boring after about a year and a half. At one point, you just get tired of a lot of dynamics in life, you want to slow down a bit, because you can’t change cities every few days all your life. At some point, I realized that the people around me taught me a lot, I had an impulse to create.

The beginning of a journey is always an escape. People leave for another country either out of despair - when it is so bad that they no longer have the strength, or out of strength - when you go to see the world by a strong-willed decision.

Any trip around the world begins with small steps. No need to immediately take a ticket to the other end of the planet. Go to a neighboring country to understand how much money it takes to live, whether you can negotiate with people, how hitchhiking works. After that, you already need to make a decision: to return home or continue on your way.

It is enough to take one backpack with you, which will contain documents, credit cards and a minimum set of clothes. Everything you need can be found on the spot. There is also an esoteric moment: everything you need will come along the way. Perhaps this is the payment for your courage in striving to know this world.

On the way, you begin to appreciate simple things: a sense of security, slippers, sour cream, which is not found in most countries of the world. Living in greenhouse conditions and familiar surroundings, you run the risk of remaining a greenhouse plant and dying at the first draft. You need to take responsibility, not be afraid to radically change something in life.

* The material uses photographs from the personal archive of Pavel Andreevsky

You never had the urge to quit. No, not just do away with anything, but quit everything altogether. Start a completely new life. Move to some other country. The choice here is huge, countless countries. But how to live there without knowing any language without having a profession. If there are means of subsistence, then this is good, but if they are not. I have money for a ticket and for life, let's say I live for a month, and then what? To remain homeless in a foreign land? Not a very good alternative. What if in that other country you are lucky, there will be a job and even love? It would be just wonderful, once you know what it will be like that. I want to go to Jamaica, it seems to me that it will be great there, maybe it will even be easy there for a while and maybe even be able to find a job as a loader there, I will be poor but make ends meet. What do I have now? I have a lot of things: acquaintances, girlfriends, sometimes even a little money, I have an apartment and I live in it alone, I have Internet access, why I can’t be content with this, why I definitely want to drop everything and run away from it all. I wouldn't tell anyone, I would do it in secret. Then I would send a letter to my parents and very close friends. But they will never understand me, they will condemn and perhaps consider me crazy. But I'm not crazy, I just miss my life, I want to live in romance, not to know what will happen tomorrow, but to live for today.
I need to think about what awaits me here and there? I study at a very good university, already in my third year, if I finish it, then I think I will have a job, I will receive very good money. After I start a family, but no, it's too early to think about it. But I'm sure it will be very stable here, the only trouble that can happen is my expulsion from the institute, but I think this should not happen. And if I drop everything and leave, at first I will be happy as long as there are means of subsistence, and then what? Is it worth it to think about what will happen after? As the saying goes, live like it's your last day. All this is strange. But I think I have already decided everything for myself, I need to carry out my plan and go in search of a better life, maybe I won’t find anything better, but maybe I’ll find happiness ...

P.S. Everything written is quite reliable, and if someone is tired of everything and he is ready to go with me to this crazy world, then I will be glad. I do not promise that we will find happiness, maybe it will find us. Write to me and maybe we will go on this journey through life together ...

Let's drop everything and leave! Tired. People, surroundings. I want something special, some other life. Just what is not clear.

All normal people are waiting for a vacation, planning, then in the end they go to some Turkey or Egypt, have a rest and come back full of impressions until the next vacation.
You want another.

I want to go somewhere, I don't know where. It seems that there is some deep meaning in the very concept of “leaving”.

Ordinary trips do not satisfy this hunger. After all, this is not even a desire to go somewhere, relax with friends at a resort, change the situation. This is a desire to break out of the shackles, to be free, to fly away, to dissolve and be reborn again in another reality as a different person.

I want to go there - I don't know where

This desire is unstoppable. There are only problems at work, people are annoying, life does not bring any satisfaction, and there is no point in doing anything either.

You look at those who drop everything, hide somewhere far away and seem to find the very thing that you really want.

In order to go somewhere, you need to go and buy tickets, negotiate with people, do something, in general, go out into society - and this is exactly what you don’t want! I just want to take it and teleport to another dimension. When will it be possible to do this?

Why such thoughts sometimes overcome, the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan will help to understand.

As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, we do not always clearly feel our desires. After all, almost all of them lie in the plane of the unconscious. And sometimes our desires take on bizarre forms. So, the desire is not clear what is characteristic of the owners of the sound vector.

His desires do not lie in the plane of the material. All the inside of a person with a sound vector is aimed at understanding the meanings of ongoing events. After all, looking at the people around, thirsting for fame, money, honor, recognition and even love, a sound person understands that he has something different from them. Feels like an outcast to some extent.

And then the desire to leave does not mean a direct desire to travel, enjoy the views and make new acquaintances, as, for example, in people with a skin-visual bundle of vectors. It is felt as a desire to get rid of the suffering that haunts him because of the sense of the meaninglessness of what he is in the midst of. It seems that somewhere there, beyond the horizon, there is what he needs, but where exactly and what exactly is unclear.

Subconsciously, the sound engineer may even feel that the trip itself will not give anything, as it does, for example, to a person with a visual vector who needs a change of picture and emotions. The sound man needs something more.

Because the sound engineer does not receive the necessary meanings in everyday life, the mind clings to some idea of ​​moving, which seems like an exit in the literal sense of the state in which it is located. Like, somewhere beyond the horizon is another life, and, perhaps, with meaning.

Such a desire, when fixated on it, can fill everything with itself, become a fixed idea.
When they decide to travel, it is the sound people who wander around “Tibet” and Indian ashrams, and this even fills them for a while, but in the end the question of the meaning of life remains open. So what to do?

Entering a new level of reality

According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, when people with a sound vector begin to feel this meaning, they, like no one else, are able to implement the most unrealistic ideas. They are able to go through any obstacles in pursuit of their dreams.

No matter what thoughts overwhelm you, no matter how meaningless existence may seem, to help understand all these phenomena and states, to move to a new level of consciousness, the method of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is capable of.

“...Eeeh, I should have attended Burlan’s lectures about ten years ago, when I almost went crazy in exile and alone and didn’t understand what was happening to me! ..”
Nelli S., Italy

“... It was a bolt from the blue! Finally, something appeared that helped me to begin to distinguish between people, after so many attempts to study psychology, esotericism, NLP, etc. Further, deeper. The anchors fell away (10 years in emigration had an effect), I saw that I was living in the past and not moving forward, there was an ease in communication.

I began to feel little by little this unconscious, which lives with us and which Yury so often mentions in lectures. It has become easier to live! .. "

Agree that sometimes there are thoughts to quit this hated job, everyday routine. Get away from the bustle of the city, traffic jams, noise from endless construction sites. Leave for a quiet, peaceful corner where you can feel free and happy.

Naturally, there are enough minuses in moving to a village for permanent residence, but we will talk about the pluses, which are so great that they can cover all the shortcomings.

1. Housing
Buy a decent house 150 km. from the Moscow Ring Road for 2-3 million rubles. A odnushku on the outskirts of Moscow for 5-6 million (prices for 2015). Buying a house, you will provide yourself with housing until old age. And in the odnushka version, you will have to change it to a larger apartment after the birth of the first child.
With the money saved, you can buy several cars, for yourself and the second half. At the same time, several million will even remain.
So what will you choose? A cramped odnushka on the outskirts of Moscow or your own house with a plot and a private car park?

2. Health
You can improve your health in the village at every turn. The noise of tree leaves calms, fresh air heals and cleanses the lungs, walks in the forest relieve tension, depression and chronic fatigue.
A large city puts pressure on a person, its conditions contribute to the constant production of adrenaline. Thanks to this, many experience a sense of the speed of life, a constant “movement”. Constant life in this mode guarantees you health problems.

3. No neighbors, no one bothers you
When the neighbors have kids, it can really annoy you. Either they stomp hard, then they yell at night, then they run early in the morning. The same thing happens when neighbors make repairs. Because the walls are thin, you can hear everything. Whether you like it or not, you live as one big family. And everyone has to be patient.

4. Food
Now you will not surprise anyone with the fact that products from stores are of dubious quality. On this occasion, you can be indignant as much as you like, but, alas, nothing can be done about it yet. But you can protect yourself and your family from the tricks of unscrupulous manufacturers. Growing vegetables, berries and herbs on your own, you will learn the true meaning of the phrase "environmentally friendly product."

5. Silence and tranquility
This, of course, is the main reason why one wants to move to the countryside. Sleep here is strong and deep, which is facilitated not so much by the fresh country air, but also by undisturbed silence. And in general, this noise here is so exceptional that a rare tractor causes only pleasant emotions.

6. Ability to gather friends at a large table
Absolutely all the conditions to have a great time with friends or relatives - right at your home. What can replace a barbecue in the fresh air to the sound of a guitar? This is the best way to brighten up a quiet summer evening. Among other great ways to spend time, unfamiliar to residents of cities, relaxing in your own bathhouse and swimming in the lake nearby.

7. No urgent need for money
Living in the village, you can provide yourself with all the necessary food all year round, with the exception of some products. You can earn this by selling surplus from your farmstead (eggs, vegetables, etc.).

8. You can step back from politics
In the city, the actions of the authorities are better manifested than in the countryside. In the village, no one cares about a person, he lives the way he wants. Of course, without fanaticism - without breaking the law. In the countryside there is no such strict control by the authorities as in the city.

9. Expanse for outdoor enthusiasts
There are many more opportunities and places for sports in the village. For example, in winter you do not need to load your car with equipment and drive hundreds of kilometers to ski through a pine forest. And on the frozen pond you can skate, completely free of charge and without waiting for your session, as it happens in the city.

10. Aesthetics
On this point, I think there should be no controversy. The aesthetics of the wilderness can in no way be compared to the aesthetics of the city. These gray concrete houses, slush, dirt - causes only negative emotions in a person. Whether it's a beautiful forest, majestic mountains, murmuring rivers, sprawling meadows.

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