Lost interest in life? There is an exit! What to do if you lose interest in life? Lost interest in life what to do.

You are not the only person in the world who is not happy with anything and who sees life as gray. In fact, if you lose interest in life, you can immediately suspect depression. But sometimes that's not the point at all. It is boring to live in this world for various reasons. By the way, psychologists and magicians believe that if you don’t want anything, you won’t have anything. What is not a reason to want at least something?

What to do?

It must be said right away that there is no universal scheme that tells you what to do if nothing pleases you and you don’t want anything. There are many reasons for apathy and blues, so you need to look for appropriate ways.
  • Start doing something. The more there is in life, the more it drags on and the more we mess around. You need to do interesting things in such a way that you get tired of it. It’s good if there are no pauses in your day: exercising, working, cleaning snow or cleaning the yard, learning a foreign language, helping neighbors. ..We start and act like an automaton without brakes: work, hobbies, self-development ... let your day be filled to capacity with different activities, and not monotonous.
  • Go to a boarding school, a nursing home, an orphanage, a hospital. Communicate with the inhabitants, bring them the necessary things or sweets for children, support and share love and tenderness. You definitely have a lot of it, and when you understand that someone needs it, it inspires.
  • Take care of your body. A beautiful body has a beautiful and positive spirit. Therefore, find the kind of sport or activity in general that pleases you: fitness, hiking, swimming, horseback riding, dancing ... if you have been doing some kind of sport for a long time, you can change it for a while and diversify your activity. Most of all, hiking and social dances bring joy: here you have movement, communication, and a sea of ​​​​impressions.
  • Imagine that you have only a minute, a day or a week left to live ... If a person is put a gun to his head, he is unlikely to be sad and fall into apathy. That is why there are so many people who play with death and are fond of extreme sports or extreme sports in general.
  • Unblock your feelings. This refers to the negative, those that we hide from ourselves. To do this, you can go to a psychotherapist or look into yourself on your own. Just alone with ourselves and in complete peace, we focus on breathing and think about how we really feel for our parents, children, ourselves, our half. Immerse yourself in these feelings and don't be shy about them. So a lot of negativity will come out and the attitude towards relatives and friends will change for the better. And at the same time, interest in life will return.
  • Laugh. You can compose a whole one that you have not yet watched, and watch one at a time every day, you can read jokes or funny stories. You can peep and eavesdrop on funny things on the street, at work, on the bus. It does help! You can also smile at everyone you see on the street and not be afraid that you will be considered strange. Someone will count, and someone will smile in response.
  • Create your "party". Remember old friends, make acquaintances, organize interesting meetings, introduce people to each other, unite with a common interest or idea! Believe it or not, you can have a luxurious club of interests in your yard: chess, mafia, preference, needlework. Share with people what interests you and get energy from them. Just don't go inside!
  • Find your purpose. Or remember him. You can work with a psychotherapist, or you can scroll back your life and remember when you enjoyed life, burned and saw the meaning in your existence. When did it stop? When did you turn off this path? Why did it happen? Find that moment and rewrite life from there.
  • Take a rest. Stop, meditate, get out into the forest or to the river, listen to water and fire, listen to the forest, clean air and your soul. Nature and relaxation are also cures for depression.
  • Set a new goal. Or just a bigger task. It will be a crisis, which means a chance to grow and become better, change, move to a new step. Here it is important to take small steps, dividing your goal into stages and milestones. Not a day without a step towards your dream!

I am writing to you, although I don’t know where and why .. probably because it is impossible to write SMS to the LORD ... so we will assume that HIM, I am writing, and through you He will give me an answer .. psychiatrists, psychologists ... for during my illness, I myself probably became a good specialist .. but this doesn’t make it easier for me .. once I was a completely different person, although, signs of some light sadness, manifested themselves in my behavior, creativity (I am an artist, musician, wrote poetry , tried prose ..) but nevertheless, I loved life, and the thirst for knowledge overwhelmed me ..
looking at myself today, I see a completely broken person, desperately floundering in the muddy whirlpool of life .. I have been taking antidepressants (prescribed to me by a psychiatrist) for many years, tranquilizers and sleeping pills .. sometimes (extremely rare), there are states of remission, but mostly regression. .the state is constantly in gray-black tones .. melancholy, not just melancholy, but sometimes wild melancholy, guilt, (all sins lined up, like a storyboard for a film, scroll before my eyes, causing heartache and despair, tears .. a suffocating feeling of loneliness and uselessness .. worthlessness of me in this world .. complete lack of interest in life .. absent-mindedness, and fear, passing very often, like a rising wave into crazy aggression, and hatred for everyone and everything .. not adequate antisocial behavior .. contempt for others ... after, repentance, and the understanding that it's not about someone, but about myself .. thoughts of death do not cause fear, sometimes I even dream of death .. one separation (if I die) scares me son. in the rest, nobody and nothing keeps me in this world .. I understand that such a position is not true, moreover, that this is a delusion .. but, as I recently heard, one phrase, I realized that not everything depends on me ... this phrase was said by a psychiatrist in the film I liked, SHUTTER ISLAND, with Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role (greatly and very convincingly played the mentally ill, Teddy Daniels.
In the film, the psychiatrist says the following words:
after hearing this phrase, I realized that my hypothesis about my doom is quite plausible .. I read a lot about depression, major depression (diagnosis made by a psychiatrist) and there, it is quite clearly stated that with a single relapse of depression, the probability of repetition is 50 percent , in two cases of the return of the disease, to 75, and if depression returns three or more times, then there is practically no chance of recovery, they are given only 10 percent)))! The patient can count, at best, on a state of remission, not more (you say, is this not enough? No, of course, not enough, but you must admit, it's like walking a tightrope over an abyss, one careless movement, and that's it ... regress again.)
what led me to a similar state? genetics, or situations, stresses? I ask myself this question .. and I don’t find an answer .. as a child, my father beat me hard when I was 10-11 years old, me and my little brother (he 8 years younger) my parents left at home and went to visit. since I was independent, they often left me with my brother. on the front burner of the gas stove, my parents left the pan (there was no hot water in the house) instructing me to wash the dishes. we started playing with my brother, (thrown slippers and toys) and one of the slippers hit the pan. then the wild, heartbreaking cry of a scalded child ..
they saved my brother .. and I became an outcast, and the main culprit. They beat me even more, my father humiliated me, and did not call me by name, but simply insulted ..
for many years, I considered myself guilty of what happened, and the memory, just the thought of the tragedy, caused me a convulsive state .. I just blocked (then I still obviously knew how) thoughts and memories of the tragedy ..
I was offended at school, and since I could not answer the insults, I was simply spread rot, like in a movie, a scarecrow,
over the years, I met guys who later became my friends, who showed me a different world .. other relationships in families (in ours there was always an atmosphere of scandal and obscenity) and with their help, I became interested in sports. art in college, I found myself in a completely different world .. the first victories over my insecurities appeared, and when once again my father chased me to beat me (I was already 16) facing him, took a fighting stance. hmm .. I remember my dumbfounded father .. he stopped, and looking askance at his fists put forward, he gritted through his teeth: I will remember this stance for you ..
he didn't beat me again.
then there was a war, immigration to another country, an unsuccessful marriage, wasted years, desperate labor to raise money and move to Moscow with friends, disappointment, and the betrayal of my best friend, the betrayal of my wife, the prison in which she put me .. and in As a result, having reached the age of 46, having an apartment in Moscow, I have no friends, a wife, and no desire to live and work .. all I have is my son, whom I love madly. And the LORD, in whose Providence, alas, I often doubt.
and now, having written all this, through you, I want to ask the LORD, why did I live? After all, I can’t start a new life, it’s too late .. what do I create after myself, except for unfinished paintings, a forgotten instrument, abandoned poems, and dumbbells? I could not become anyone, and I could not give anything to anyone .. nothing but a cold, non-heating light that has cooled down like a frozen human planet .....


Hello, my name is Tatyana. Recently, I have lost interest in life. I eat, sleep, watch TV and sit at the computer. I do my homework through force. I took care of my old grandmother for a long time, the three of us lived, she, my child and I. My communication with people was limited for a long time, no interesting events happened. Last year my grandmother died. I suffered her death very hard. he is 11 years old. I got a job as a taxi dispatcher. This job seemed to be created for me. But I had to leave because of a conflict with my superiors. Then I got a job at hairdressing courses, I had to go to another city. I ended up in a completely different world. I was surrounded by creative people with eyes burning with a thirst for life, it was very fun and interesting to study, and I was always in the spotlight. Since I am a sociable person I like to joke, at school I was always the leader in the class, in companies - the ringleader. At the end of my studies, I returned home, and in my soul there was a feeling that I was going to bury myself alive. Although there were plenty of plans and strength to fulfill them at that time. At home, I couldn’t get a job and I couldn’t open my own business .Self-realization did not work out again. I have clients, but they are few and they come very rarely. And I want to see them less and less. I decided to move to the city where I studied, many friends and mentors remained there, everyone was happy about my move and were waiting for me. But it was at that moment that I found out that I was pregnant. My common-law husband and child were very happy about this news. Husband said that we should legitimize our relationship. In general, everyone is happy, they congratulate us, and I am more and more depressed. I live for my son and husband, that is, their life. But nothing happens in mine, I degrade, turn into a plant. I don’t want to sit on my husband’s neck, but I don’t see self-realization and I can’t understand what to do next. I can’t do hairdressing now. Advise me how to continue my life?

Hello, Tatyana! I can disappoint you, because. do not write out prescriptions describing how a person should live on. He must make such decisions on his own, since only he is responsible for his life. Let's try to understand your situation, but this will require additional information on your part. The first thing to understand is what do you want for yourself? What was your job before when you lived with your grandmother? How will you understand that you have realized yourself, and do not continue to degrade, i.e. what will your life look like with self-realization? Do I understand correctly that you perceive the lack of work, the inability to be the center of attention of others and the lack of communication as degradation or is it expressed in something else? I found some contradiction in your words: on the one hand, you trained as a hairdresser, but for some reason you don’t want to see the small number of clients that you have, although you tried to get a job in this specialty and open your own business. What is the reason, do you think? You write that everyone is happy about the news about yours. And you yourself rejoice at this and are you ready to legitimize your relationship with a common-law husband? I'm waiting for your answers.


Yes, you correctly understood me in what I consider degradation when I cannot work and communicate with other people. And I don’t even know whether I should be happy or not about my pregnancy. Having a child and caring for him will take me two or three years. All this time I will have to devote only to him. I am afraid that I will lose my skills during this time, fall behind fashion and new technologies in the profession. I am unsure about the future and do not appreciate now those few clients that I have, because I think that I will lose them anyway due to the birth of a baby. The husband says that we will definitely legalize the relationship, but does not say exactly when. I tried to talk about this topic, but he didn’t answer anything concrete and I decided not to put pressure on him. When I was taking care of my grandmother, I did not work anywhere. I tried several times to get a job, but each time I had to leave work when my grandmother was sick. In the end, I decided to devote myself completely to caring for her. After all, she raised me instead of my mother and I could not leave her. Communication with other people was limited for me then, as it is now. I became a very insecure person due to all these events. Therefore, I can’t imagine anything specific, how I can realize myself. I want to work, communicate with people and bring them positive emotions. Something like that.

Good evening, Tatyana! You know, now you remind me of the smart Elsa from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. In a fairy tale, parents sent their daughter to the cellar for beer for matchmakers. She went down to the cellar and suddenly noticed above her a pickaxe on the wall, which the masons had forgotten there by mistake. And then Clever Elsa began to cry and lament: “If I marry Hans, and we have a child, and he grows up, and we send him to the cellar to draw beer, suddenly a pickaxe will fall on his head and kill him to death.” Here she sits and cries, wailing with all her might about the impending misfortune. Also, you have not yet lost your customers, but are already sad about this. You have not lost your skills yet, but you are already afraid of losing them. Think, you do not live in the wilderness, you have the Internet and communicate with professionals, learn the latest fashion trends, exchange opinions on forums or in real time. You can also learn something new in hairdressing through webinars without leaving your home. So you can always keep up with the times. As for practical skills, you can discuss this issue with your husband and, for example, one hour or at any other time convenient for you, go to the client’s house or to a nearby salon. There are many options, choose the one that suits you best. It's sad only because you don't know whether you should be happy or not with your unborn child. As a rule, we either rejoice or not, but do not consider whether or not to do it. You write that you want to bring positive emotions to people, but unfortunately, you still don’t know how or you don’t allow to bring positive emotions to yourself personally, but you need to start with this. You consider the child as an obstacle to your self-realization, but for some reason you do not consider it as a gift from above, through which your self-realization can come. Start bringing joy to your child today and please him with your good mood and optimistic attitude! Read the children's book "Polyanna" by Eleanor Porter, you will not only enjoy it, but also give you good food for thought. As for the relationship with your husband, then choose a date and time when both you and he can calmly discuss the issue of legitimizing your relationship, because both of you are responsible for the child! If possible, I would recommend that you contact a specialist for a face-to-face consultation in order to work through your fears, work with negative attitudes and replace them with positive ones, find your resources and consider possible areas for your self-realization. An important issue is the analysis of your childhood and relationship with your grandmother, but this issue can be postponed due to your situation, and first of all concentrate on yourself, your child, your family. Peace and harmony to you!


Thank you very much, Svetlana Nikolaevna! I will try to follow your advice. And about my childhood, you are right - it was terrible. I don’t have the opportunity to consult with a specialist in person, after all, I live in the wilderness. And I can communicate with good specialists only through the Internet. Therefore, I look forward to our further communication with you.

Tatyana, good evening! If you have any questions or just want to discuss any situation that concerns you, do not hesitate to write. When you read the book, share your impressions, I would be interested to know about them. I recommend that you watch the movie "Baby" (Bruce Willis in the title role), perhaps it will help you understand yourself regarding the choice of profession. The film is very light and positive, it is available on the Internet at kinozal.tv. Good luck to you!


Hello, Svetlana Nikolaevna! I read the book "Pollyanna", I liked it very much. Reminds me a little of my childhood when I was the same naive and kind girl. And once again confirmed my opinion that we all come from childhood. But it seems to me that in adulthood it is impossible to remain constantly in this state. After all, life brings us so many disappointments. Although I think it’s worth trying to look for more positive moments in everything. Unbeknownst to myself, I began to look for more positive emotions lately, I began to laugh more. But communication with people is still limited. Therefore, I cannot yet share my joys with others, with the exception of my loved ones. But I already consider this my small victory over my oppressed state. For which I sincerely thank you, Svetlana Nikolaevna. You shook me up and showed me the right direction. Thank you again and look forward to further communication.

Tatyana, good evening! Thank you for your review of the book, I was pleased to know that you not only liked the book, but it reminded you of yourself as a child. It is also joyful that you are not sitting in a chair, but are already taking the first steps to pull yourself out of the "oppressive swamp". It is also important that you began to laugh, that you make your loved ones happy, and when loved ones rejoice, then this is doubly joyful! Super! As for disappointments, you know that life is like a zebra: a white stripe, a black stripe. If only white stripes, then sooner or later, life will become insipid and boring. But all sorts of obstacles and crises, this is a great chance for spiritual growth, because the very word "crisis" in Chinese means "danger" and "chance". True, in the first place, as a rule, we notice only the negative side, but the advantages are seen later, although many also lose sight of them. And if the situation is negative and it is no longer possible to change it, then you should at least try to change your attitude towards it. I am reminded of a parable on this subject. “Two angels stopped for the night in the house of a wealthy family. The family was inhospitable and put them to sleep in a cold basement. When the owners spread the bed, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and patched it up. When the younger angel asked why he did it, the older one answered : - Things are not what they seem. The next night they came to the house of a very poor but hospitable man and his wife. The couple fed the angels and put them to sleep in their beds. In the morning the angels found the owners of the house crying. Their only cow, whose milk was the only income of the family, she died. The younger angel asked the older one: "How did you let this happen? You helped the first family that had everything, and you allowed the poor family to lose their only cow. Why?" When we were in the basement, I realized that there was a treasure with gold in a hole in the wall and I repaired the wall, that the owners could not find it.When we slept in a poor family the next night, the angel of death came for the owner's wife. I gave him the cow. Things are not what they seem!" Now let's talk about your limited communication. Tell me, who or what exactly is this communication limited to? What specifically prevents you from communicating? Lack of work? What is there in your city that could interest you, where could you prove yourself? Maybe it's dancing or fitness for expectant mothers, or maybe it's some kind of courses, or maybe it's communication on Internet forums on professional interests, or maybe it's singing under karaoke, embroidery or finger painting? Please write 2 steps that you are ready to take in the near future to remove the restriction from communication and set the exact date when you will do this. If you have not yet registered on the site kinozal.tv, then do it. It describes in detail how to download movies. I recommend watching very positive films: 1) "The Last Vacation" (American with Gerard Depardieu) and 2) Always Say Yes (with Jim Carrey). I look forward to your new victories!

The surrounding world is gray, sad and boring to live. Green melancholy started up, there is no getting away from it, it seizes, tortures, sucks out vital juices ... Loss of interest in life. Tired of life. Want nothing. How to deal with it? What to do, if ?

If there is no interest in life

What to do if there is no interest in life and everything is dull and joyless? Why is life boring? Where did you disappear to ?

Reasons for losing interest in life:

1. Fatigue.

When a person does not know how and does not want to, turns his existence into a continuous race for results, forgets about spiritual things, negative energy accumulates, poisoning his life. It pulls down like a chain and does not allow you to “fly up”.

2. Feeling like an unnecessary person.

This feeling calls into question the value of the individual, its usefulness, the very meaning of existence seems to be a mockery.

3. Obyazalovka.

If a person goes through life guided only by principles: I must, I am obliged, I am forced, he looks like a barge hauler on the Volga. An “eternal debt” constantly hangs over him, like a huge cobblestone above his head, and makes him unhappy.

4. Aimlessness.

Life is like a tumbleweed: where the wind blows, I move there. Please do not confuse goals with desires. Desires are more mundane. It is normal to have desires - to love, to dress nicely, to earn good money, to have a family, to live in abundance, etc. Their realization provides, as an individual, as a separate person. Desires are necessary for a person for himself, as ensuring his comfortable and pleasant existence.

4. Imagine that this is the last day of your life or the last minute.

A person who has a gun pointed to his head hardly thinks that life is not interesting. Awareness of our mortality helps us to appreciate life more and be aware of every moment.

5. Stop, give yourself a rest.

Relax. Meditate. Get out into nature. Meet the dawn. Sit by the fire, contemplating the fire. Watch the flowing water. Listen to yourself, your soul. Remember the good moments of your life, feel them again. Reread your .

6. Find or remember your purpose.
9. Go outside and smile at everyone.

Make new friends. Recall forgotten friends, arrange a meeting with them. Be open to new contacts, suggestions and, see opportunities and say “yes!” to them.

10. How to deal with the blockage of feelings?

There are two options here.

First: to look into yourself and figure out which ones you want to hide, which ones you are trying to get away from, to avoid, which you do not want to be aware of. Accept, feel, experience and let go.

Children do it well. If a child is offended, he will cry heartily, and then, with a free soul and a smile on his face, he will take up his favorite toy. Everything, the emotion is won back.

It is better for an adult to find a place where no one will disturb him. Calm down. Focus on the breath, and ask yourself: what feelings do I really have for my father, mother, myself, husband, wife, son, friend, for my own life. And enter into these sensations, completely immerse yourself in them, despite the fact that they are completely unpleasant. In this way, the energy of negative feelings will be discharged and there will no longer be a need to block them, the “border post” will be removed. Joy and interest in life will return along this path without hindrance.

The second option is to contact a psychotherapist.

11. Laugh more.

Start your morning with. Make a list and watch comedies, funny positive films every day. It works!

What to do if there is no interest in life ?

As you know, any correctly posed question already carries an answer. And if a person sets it to himself, he is already on the way to his solution. I think you get the idea, the answer is to do. Share in the comments if you have experienced such conditions and, if so, how did you deal with them?

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What to do if there is no interest in life and everything is dull and joyless: 77 comments

    How is it no interest, but where did he go?

    admin Answered:
    January 3rd, 2013 at 08:14 pm

    That's what I'm talking about too! But there are people who are bored and dreary to live. This is a very unfortunate condition.

    It’s not clear to me how you can lose when there are so many interesting things around Life is so short, you have to enjoy every moment while there is an opportunity

    Vika Answered:
    February 15th, 2014 at 09:19 pm

    Why so many interesting things? For example, I don’t see anything interesting at all, everything is so monotonous.

    Rostislav Answered:
    August 9th, 2014 at 00:27

    I don’t find any sense and interest in life, and I don’t see it!

    August 11th, 2014 at 09:41 pm

    Rostislav, then just live and watch the world, do not look for interest and meaning. Maybe this is not given to you, or maybe, in the end, you will feel the taste, color and music of life.

    In each article, the same thing seems to be taken from the same source. There is nothing new. Rejoicing in something that does not please is like taking medicine that does not help. Violence over feelings is not right. And shutting up those who live worse is also not true. As if these people are suffering because of me, I broke their lives and made them like that. Or is it a guide to what to strive for? That is, for the worse. And as for feelings, there is a ban on them, especially for men. And as a rule, they begin to drown and condemn those who are not satisfied with their life. And if, God forbid, you do not hold back and splash out, then they will begin to condemn you even more. When a person is not satisfied with the way he lives, he himself begins to feel that he is somehow not like that, and when those around him begin to hint to him from all sides or even say it point-blank, then you yourself understand what kind of person.

    October 2nd, 2013 at 09:27 pm

    Alexander, you correctly noticed that everything on this site is really taken from one source - from my thoughts, experience, conclusions after reading books, articles, passing trainings and life events.
    The call to help those who are worse is not aimed at committing violence against feelings, shutting one's mouth, interrupting the flow of one's own emotions. It is aimed at redirecting this flow, in order to learn how to selflessly give, share. If you have ever done this, helped those who are worse, with a pure heart, then you know that after that the soul is filled with joy, warmth and the desire to do many good deeds.
    But I would ignore condemnations and hints if you are confident in what you are doing and how you are doing it. The task of a person is to be himself, to go his own way.

    Alena, a good psychotherapist will prescribe a medicine for an acute period, if there is such a need. In the future, his task is to push the person himself to solve his problems. A good psychotherapist does not give people ready-made recipes, but only directs, helps to awaken thoughts in the right direction and find a way out for the client himself, based on his experience, knowledge, desires and feelings.

    And the acute period is how long? Some here are sincerely surprised “how did it disappear?” But like this. It's been missing for me for 5 years now. There is no meaning in life, and there are no special joys either. Suicide - cowardly reject, because. it's just a problem for others. The advice here is good. Something I tried, something does not work. The main thing - . And it's hard to find and accept. I won't go to psychiatrists. I no longer have family and friends. “... and when those around him begin to hint at him from all sides or even say it point-blank, then you yourself understand what kind of person ....” - Yes it is. Everyone strives to poke his nose and advise the "recipe". From this falls even more, and the feeling of own worthlessness and uselessness is aggravated. And they genuinely wonder why it doesn't work. Because "a well-fed equestrian is not on foot"!

    December 28th, 2013 at 22:30

    5 years is a long time. And really nothing in life does not change? Have you tried changing yourself? Start reading other books, do things that you have never done but would like to, communicate with other people, try to understand those whom you think you will never understand? Read about the Karpman triangle (). Maybe you are playing this game?

    Change? What for? I don't want to read other books, communicate with other people. Understand the problem of motivation. I do not want anything. Because I don't see the point in it.
    New Year's Eve used to be a bigger holiday for me than a birthday. Now all the holidays are just another number on the calendar. Passed and it's fine.
    I often convince myself that I have a lot of positive things. Wow, some people don't even have that. Some have disability, homelessness, alcoholism. So I still have nothing. But this is not enough for long.

    January 10th, 2014 at 08:42

    If motivation is the problem, then you don't have a goal.
    New Year is not, it is a ritual. You can also meet him while reading an interesting book or over a drawing of a project that is important to you or behind the eyepiece of a microscope. The main thing is that you know why you need it.

    THANKS A LOT! I'm very glad I found your site. The fact is that I am, one might say, a little disabled, my arms and legs are intact, but a year ago my thyroid gland was completely removed ... it was bad with it, and without it it was even worse ... I can’t return a lot, I can’t get pregnant, although I really dreamed about it. doctors can't find the right dose of hormones, and there are complications in the kidneys and heart. All I have left is a shadow of what I used to be. the mental state is also not normal, the doctor prescribed antidepressants, while I drink them and everything is fine .... I'm really angry at myself for wasting my life on others

    February 2nd, 2014 at 05:15 pm

    Nyusha - forgive yourself and learn to live in a new way, look at the world with different eyes. If you are angry with yourself, then you do not fully accept yourself. Perhaps you want to see only positive qualities in yourself and turn a blind eye to the fact that a person is woven from many virtues and is not alien to shortcomings. Love yourself for who you are now and then you will be able to cope with a difficult situation. I will be glad if the materials of the site will be useful to you and help you with this. Write, ask questions - we will think and decide together.

    Hi all!
    In 2011, the most important person in my life, my Father, my ideal, whom I have been following all my life, died. Starting from the moment of my death, I began to drink, and I drank for two long months, I simply could not stop, I had a fight with my sister, cousins, I lost quite a few close friends. Then I decided to pull myself together, I thought that the problem was alcohol, and took the risk, coded. One problem went away, stopped drinking, began to work, but became nervous, took everything with hostility, the days became so gray that at times I just lay in bed and didn’t want to do anything, and trying to find something for myself aggravated it even more depressive state. Just the other day, I got drunk again. Now I hate myself, my life, I feel worthless in this life. And the problems and all the dullness, as if pressing even more. I understand that some actions, activities, hobbies will help me, but I don’t know where to start, everything is so boring.

    July 3rd, 2014 at 12:35 pm

    Artem, I sympathize with you. The loss of a loved one is a loss that is irreplaceable by nothing and no one. It's hard, hard, sad to tears. And, most importantly, that it is impossible to do anything.
    But you have memories in which your Father is alive and no one will take them away from you. You can contact them at any time. When things don't work out, think about what your Father would do or what advice he would give you.
    You can hate yourself, but not for long, then it is better to analyze yourself and figure out why you did it. It would be nice to use paper and a pen and write down: why you are dissatisfied with yourself, your life, why you feel worthless, what problems you have (better call them tasks). Problems tend to weigh in when we run them around in our heads. When we start asking questions: what can I do, how, what can I do right now and then act, life begins to change. If you have any questions, write here or personally through the contact form.

    no, I don’t want to, I can’t have the strength, two years ago my son died 17 years old, yes there are still children 20 years old and 14 years old, but I’ve been in a coma for 2 years and I drink antidipressants, I sleep, I don’t eat much, I lost 15 kg, I can’t and I don’t I don’t want to see or hear anyone ... my husband is supportive, but he is also already in such a state as a zombie ... ..

    November 27th, 2014 at 09:42 pm

    Vera, you suffered the hardest blow - the death of your son. It is as if a piece of your heart was cut off and the wound is still bleeding. They say it heals, but your grief will always remain with you. And you need to learn to live with this, especially since you have someone to live for: for yourself, for your children, for your husband. Two years is already a decent time, if you can’t cope, contact a psychologist - your existence in this state can hardly be called life. Specialist help needed.

    My brother is a disabled person of the second group (a mentally ill person) lives with his parents. If someone knows, then living with such people is unbearable. From the house he took out everything that can be taken out and sold. Mother and father are pensioners. They have literally turned into zombies already. I live separately, I don’t have a personal life because I have to pull my parents. I practically live for them. I work in a factory surrounded by rude and evil people. I would really like to stop my life path, because I no longer have the strength, when Mom comes home from work, she calls in another tantrum and tells what her brother did again. Life does not please, but on the contrary, each new day is like another test.

    December 3rd, 2014 at 08:43 pm

    Olya, your situation is really difficult. Think about whether there is at least something good in your life? My opinion: the plus is that you live separately from your parents and brother. So, you can build your life the way you see fit. Yes, it’s difficult and difficult for you, but action is needed to change. Start with small steps. What will they be? This is entirely up to you. Ask yourself questions. What do you want from life? What are you interesting in? What can you do right now to improve your life?
    You cannot change the lives of your loved ones. I think you yourself understand this. Change your life. Let it become interesting and joyful.

    Hello, I am 14 years old. I would like to consult and get advice on how to be ... You know, after looking

Lack of interest in life means that a person has a sense of the meaninglessness of everything that happens to him. It seems to a person that he has no prospects for further personal and professional development, and all the good things have long been left behind.

People can face this problem for quite objective reasons or due to personal characteristics. In the first case, the reason for the appearance of a lack of interest in life may be a negative event that has occurred, which led to the further occurrence of a depressive state. This state, dragged on, can make a person completely apathetic, devoid of any manifestations of initiative being. Such events include the death of a loved one, breakup of a relationship, termination of friendship, dismissal from work, etc. Any of these phenomena leads to stress in humans. It is important to be able to cope with this condition in time and return to normal life. If this did not work out and the person is completely immersed in negative thoughts because of what happened, depression sets in. Depression can pass with time if a person wants it and strives to overcome such a state, and his environment helps him in every possible way. Otherwise, there comes a state when life seems completely devoid of meaning and bleak. Often the situation is aggravated by the fact that the event that led to depression was followed by one or more events that only aggravated the person's condition. They can be a direct consequence of what happened (for example, first there is a dismissal, followed by lack of money, and this, in turn, leads to a deterioration in family relations), or they can occur in a completely different area of ​​a person’s life. Other objective causes are serious illnesses. The presence of a serious illness or injury that limits a person's capabilities and does not allow him to live a full life often leads to a loss of meaning in life. This is especially true for people who know in advance that they are doomed (for example, cancer patients in a severe stage).

Often, the lack of interest in life has no logical justification. Everything in life is going smoothly for a person, there are no significant problems, but he still feels unhappy. This may be due to a temporary period in life, such as a midlife crisis. In this case, after a while, the depressive state disappears. If the reason for such moods lies in the pessimistic disposition of the personality, when a person is naturally prone to depression, apathy and fear of failure, then it may be necessary to seek help from a psychologist. Such people initially program themselves for a bad outcome of events, for the fact that nothing will work out for them. It's no wonder that with this mindset, they actually fail one after another. The meaning of life for them seems to be lost, and the ability to set goals and strive to achieve them is absolutely absent.

To overcome this condition in yourself, you need to follow some simple rules: lead an active lifestyle and play sports; rest more; listen to your favorite music; learn to think positively; communicate with people and be genuinely interested in them; go on an exciting journey; set easy-to-achieve goals and accomplish them.

So, a lack of interest in life may appear due to the presence of serious health problems, stress or a pessimistic temperament. But, whatever the reason for the appearance of this state, with the right approach, you can get out of it and life will sparkle with new colors.

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