How often dreams come true. Is it worth believing dreams, and when are they really prophetic? Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

Do all dreams necessarily serve as predictions for the future? And if they report things to come, on what days of the week do dreams come true?

Dreams by day of the week: meaning Sunday night to Monday

Monday ruled by the moon is considered a difficult day. Dreams dreamed on the night from Sunday to Monday, regardless of the content, echo your emotional and psychological state and can be associated with everyday affairs, family and relatives, home, small children, as well as women, including mother. A short sleep that is not rich in content is considered good - you will be in a positive mood, personify restraint and composure, there will be little fuss. But if Monday's sleep was intense and long, and there was water in it, you will need to do a large amount of daily chores.

Monday Tuesday

Fiery Mars, giving rise to aspirations and giving impetus to action, patronizes Tuesday. Dreams seen on this day reflect your personal desires and aspirations. Being a male planet, Mars is also considered a planet of warriors, so Tuesday dreams will tell about familiar men, scandals and wars, upcoming or past. Sharp objects seen in a dream indicate your readiness for action. A vivid dream means that now you are filled with vitality to the brim. If the dream of Tuesday turned out to be calm, it means that you directed your energy in a certain direction, you will easily and quickly cope with any difficulties that arise on the way to success, and there are no scandals in your life in the near future. If the dream is unpleasant, then it speaks of the advantage of selfish desires and high self-esteem.

Tuesday Wednesday

Wednesday is ruled by the intermediary planet Mercury. Rich, rich in plots and action, the dream of the environment speaks of your sociability. It is pleasant and easy to communicate with you, soon you will have new acquaintances with whom you will have fun and well. They will be able to teach you a lot in an unobtrusive way. If you had a calm, miserly dream, or even filled with uninteresting situations, soon you will experience a lack of information, and no one can help you. Airy Mercury usually bestows varied, light and, most often, unmemorable dreams. But if you still remember the dream, when you decipher it, you will receive information about those with whom you often communicate (acquaintances, friends, friends, relatives).

Wednesday Thursday

The social planet Jupiter patronizes Thursday. Dreams dreamed on this day will tell about future prospects, work, your bosses, sponsors, mentors and patrons. If you dreamed of ancestors or pictures of bygone times - in life you have to study the profession of your parents and continue their work. Thursday dreams will also tell about activities that can bring success, and about solving issues related to public, social life. If in a dream you saw yourself as a participant in a major event, this is a good sign. Such a dream means that soon you will achieve success in social activities, you will have to quickly move up the career ladder, and your bosses will treat you well.

Thursday Friday

Friday is the day of the planet Venus. Dreams of this particular day of the week reflect our feelings and, as is commonly believed, often come true, being associated with our strong desire to fulfill something. Dreams will tell about the timing and ways of translating what you want into reality. The scenes of these dreams are associated with personal life, material status and creativity. If in a dream you receive money or acquire something, it means that your feelings will be satisfied, and soon you will be able not to limit yourself in anything. Dreams in which we lose or cannot get something indicate that personal life will be boring, soon we will have to reduce our needs, and material support will be scarce.

Friday Saturday

Saturday is the day of the planet of trials, fate and destiny - Saturn. He limits us by dictating laws, so Saturday dreams will tell you what to give up, what to limit yourself in, what rules to obey. Often these dreams talk about the prospects for the implementation of the plan, the sequence and connection of upcoming events. If the dream is colorful, it means that much of the planned is being implemented, and you are not threatened with serious restrictions. A black and white, gloomy dream, in which high walls, obstacles or crosses appear, suggests that plans will come true only after hard work and in the near future nothing will come easily. A Saturday dream can tell about the fate - yours or other people.

Saturday Sunday

Sunday is the day of the Sun associated with impulses of inspiration, love and creativity. Dreams, dreamed on the night from Saturday to Sunday, talk about what can make us happy, bring positive emotions into our lives. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, you may dream of situations or people that fill our life with light, saturate it with interesting things, or, conversely, darken your joy. A beautiful dream calls for active creative activity and suggests that soon you will have new ideas, as well as interesting acquaintances with extraordinary abilities. A dream can be a harbinger of an impending strong love or help you discover a talent that has remained hidden to you until now.

What days do dreams come true?

Every dream will definitely be reflected in reality. But when? Dreams come true on certain days of the week. How to find out on which day the dream will come true?

You can get the answer to this question by turning to astrology, in particular to the seven-pointed star of the magicians. It unites seven planets, showing the relationship between them. The fact that Monday's dream will come true on Thursday or Friday (maybe even at the same time) is indicated by two straight lines going from the patroness of Monday - the Moon to Jupiter, ruling Thursday, and to Venus, associated with Friday. On Saturday or Friday, you should expect the dream of Tuesday - Mars to come true. Dreams of Wednesday are realized on Saturday, the day of Saturn, or Sunday, the day of the Sun, since two straight lines from Mercury are directed to them.

The easiest way is to add 4 days to the day in which the dream was dreamed, thus obtaining a kind of table for the realization of dreams. If the dream was dreamed on Monday, it is realized on Thursday. If on Tuesday, it will come true on Friday. If it is Wednesday, it will come true on Saturday. A dream from Thursday to Friday comes true on the last day of the week, Sunday. If the dream was dreamed on Friday, it will come true on Monday, etc.

On Monday - the dream will come true for those who were born on this day.
On Tuesday - the dream can be fulfilled in 7-10 days.
On Wednesday - a dream predicts.
On Thursday, the dream will not come true.
On Friday - a dream predicts.
On Saturday - a dream comes true, but not always.
On Sunday - a dream you saw on this (on this) day, do not tell anyone. If the child tells you his dream, keep it secret from everyone.

Sleep by day of the month

1 number - Dream predicts mild family or personal troubles.
2 number - Dreams are soon and literally feasible.
3rd number - Not executed soon and partially.
4th number - Dreams-warning.
Number 5 - The execution of the dream can begin on the same day.
6th number - Joyful dreams; even if you had a nightmare that night, he is a "changeling" - everything will be the other way around and happily.
7th - Deceiving dream.
8 number - Dreams of pleasure and fun.
9 number - Senseless, chaotic, you can not attach importance to them.
10 number - Promise some difficulties; come true within 20 days.
11th - Difficult dreams.
12 number - Fantastic, mean unforeseen events
13th - Dreams of pleasures and good luck in love, come true within two weeks.
14th number - They are fulfilled exactly and portend good.
15th number - Serene dreams, have an empty meaning.
16th number - Quickly fulfilled and true dreams.
17th day - Comes true within a year.
18th - Sleep of good meaning.
19th number - Comes true in three years.
20th number - Happy dream, it is better to keep it a secret.
21 number - Foreshadows the fulfillment of desires.
22nd - Success soon promises.
23rd - Comes true, but predict trouble.
Number 24 - Comes true within 11 days - to joy.
25th - Fulfilled safely and quickly.
26th - Shows difficulties.
27th number - Favorable and fast-fulfilling dream.
28th - An empty dream, it doesn't matter.
29th - Resting sleep.
30th - Dreams promise success and come true in a month.
31st - Dreams predicting profit and renewal.

Sleep by days of the lunar calendar

1 lunar day - a dream, as a rule, does not come true if something unpleasant is dreaming. Good dreams can come true.
2 lunar day - dreams are empty, not serious, meaningless 3 lunar day - special dreams, they come true quickly.
4 lunar day - The dream is significant, it carries warnings. Often deals with karmic questions - about cause and effect in our life.
5 lunar day - dreams of this day often show a state of health. A good sign, if you cry in a dream, this indicates cleansing and recovery.
6 lunar day - dreams come true, but only if on that day you were calm and balanced, did not lose your temper, did not get irritated and did not swear. In this case, dreams will provide important information.
7 lunar day - be careful, the dreams of this day are prophetic, important and prophetic. Come true very soon. Most often, they are favorable, but you shouldn't tell anyone about them.
8 lunar day - prophetic dreams. Often associated with a cherished desire, or indicate a true purpose, so be attentive to such dreams.
9 lunar day - dreams come true that portend success. But often there are heavy dreams, nightmares, you should not believe them, and the bad will not come true.
10 lunar day is the exact opposite of the previous day. Negative dreams come true, but positive dreams do not.
11 lunar day - dreams do not come true.
12 lunar day - important - dreams - with a high degree of probability come true and offer help. Take advantage of this dream.
13 lunar day - significant dreams. Can show important new information about long-standing problems.
14 lunar day - heavy dreams, all sorts of misfortunes occur in them. But most often they do not come true, so do not get upset.
15 lunar day - prophetic dreams, especially on the growing and fast moon and indicating something positive. They talk about what needs to be addressed first. You need to be able to solve them.
16 lunar day - dreams are often healing, bringing relief from stress. Often irrelevant.
17 lunar day - meaningful dream. Shows the current state of affairs. If good - everything is fine, no - will show our dissatisfaction, lack of inner freedom.
18 lunar day - Dreams often show a problem that worries us, and how to solve it, or be cured if there is a disease.
19 lunar day - dreams are frightening, but they have little meaning. Don't pay too much attention to them.
20 lunar day - special dreams. You can see a dream by order. Before falling asleep, ask a question and tune in to see the answer in a dream. If the question is serious, it is highly likely that the answer will come to you in a dream. The dreams of this day come true quickly.
21 lunar days - dreams are often pleasant, but they have little to do with reality, as a rule, they do not come true.
22 lunar day - dreams come true. 22 lunar day - the day of wisdom, intuition, tips. In dreams, you can see the future or insights. Very useful information can be dreamed of.
23 lunar day - confused dreams, chaotic, vice versa come true.
24 lunar day - dreams are often pleasant, joyful and prophetic. Show how realized we are. If we have a bad dream, it means that we are not happy with our achievements and, especially, with our sexual realization.
25 lunar day - dreams do not come true, although it is possible that in the near future they will try to deceive you. If you had a bad dream, pray in the morning and say 3 times: "Where is the night, there is a dream." Before noon, turn on the tap with cold water, tell her your dream and imagine how he goes with the water into the drain, the water will carry him away.
26 lunar day - Dreams tell us who we really are, or rather, how we see ourselves. Therefore, it is worth listening to them and drawing conclusions. Dreams on this day are unusual. They often improve mood.
27 lunar day - dreams come true. They are often confused and confused. But they carry within themselves intuitive insights, reveal the true essence of people and situations.
28 lunar day - prophetic dreams and hints. They portend obstacles, difficulties in business. It is believed that they can be "canceled" by losing money, thus making a sacrifice as compensation.
29 lunar day - dreams do not come true, they are heavy, joyless, frightening.
30 lunar day - dreams of the 30th lunar prophetic. Fantastic, but inherently truthful, they have a rational meaning.

Moon phase sleep

The new moon is the time of rebirth. At this time, we dream about things that we think too much about. If during the full moon there are many emotions, then on the new moon - thoughts. New moon dreams reflect the deepest currents of our inner "I". In this calm depth, dreams prepare the soil in our souls in order to sow the necessary seeds in the following days.
The growing moon - in the dreams of the growing moon, on the contrary, something new arises that will soon happen in our lives. It is in them that we see exactly what and how best to start, in which areas changes are required. Such dreams are called fulfilling dreams. Their plots can be very diverse - from simple everyday stories to the most fantastic. But no matter how strange these dreams seem to us, very soon they can come true. Dreams with a growing moon are calling into the future, this is what is called “prophetic dreams”.
Full Moon - The most unusual dreams we see on a full moon. Everything that was dozing before wakes up and takes on a bright color. All nature at this time is filled to the brim with energy, the water in the rivers reaches its maximum level. We, on the other hand, feel overwhelmed with emotions that sometimes we cannot even cope with. This is worth paying attention to: dreams indicate those moments in which we show excessive emotionality. And what if, it is not at all worth worrying and spending so much mental energy on something that is still impossible to change? It is worth listening to your dreams and behaving calmly.
Waning moon - dreams with a waning moon show that which will leave our life, become unnecessary, uninteresting. It turns out that if we see a terrible and unpleasant dream during the waning moon, then this, oddly enough, is for good. Such a dream means that there will be less troubles in your life, and then the end of unpleasant feelings and emotions. That is why dreams of the waning moon are called cleansing. It is a pity that favorable events dreamed on the waning moon will not happen in real life. And yet, these dreams are good because in them we see what it is in our life that we do not need, and portend situations or changes in worldview that will save us from this.

Dream books online, other interpretations of dreams

Miller's dream book. Sleep and interpretation of dreams by letter:

Freud's dream book. Sleep and interpretation of dreams by letter:

What days and when dreams come true according to the lunar calendar.

The mysterious world of dreams, into which we plunge at night, is fraught with many secrets and mysteries. Dreams excite us, touch our curiosity and our soul, make us think about our life. But can every dream be trusted, and how can we solve the dream we had? The Moon will again help us to answer these questions. Its secret magical power, which excites our feelings and emotions, controls our subconscious, is able to help us foresee and predict the future.

The lunar calendar of dreams was compiled on the basis of thousands of years of observations and recommendations of astrologers. However, it is worth noting that the interpretation of dreams according to the lunar calendar, like any other interpretation, is a creative and ambiguous process. A calendar of dreams can only indicate the right way to understand the secret meaning of a dream and tell how true it is, but what exactly this or that dream means, you must decide for yourself by analyzing your life.
When interpreting a dream, first of all, pay attention to the position of the moon in the sky at the time when you saw the dream. The fulfillment of dreams according to the lunar calendar is determined by the phase in which the moon is and on which lunar day you had a dream.

Dream fulfillment calendar

Dream of the waning moon

With a waning moon, we get rid of everything unnecessary. Consequently, the dreams that we dreamed with the waning moon symbolize what will soon leave our life, become unnecessary, uninteresting. We would very much like fears and troubles to disappear from our lives, so if you had a bad dream on the night of the waning moon, then this, oddly enough, is for the best. All this will soon disappear from your life. That is why dreams of the waning moon are called cleansing. But the good dreams that were dreamed at this time, in real life, are not destined to come true.

The dream of the growing moon

The time of the waxing moon is a time of new plans and hopes. Our consciousness works on a problem during the day, offering us a solution to certain issues, and the subconscious presents us with its point of view on the problem at night, in a dream. We see in what areas changes are required, what and how best to change. Such dreams are called fulfilling dreams. They may soon come true, no matter how fantastic their plot was.

Full moon dream

On a full moon, nature is filled to the brim with energy, it boils and rages and overflows. We are overwhelmed with emotions and feelings that we cannot control. Everything that was dormant in our subconscious wakes up, takes on a bright color, unusual shapes. Often, dreams that were dreamed at this time indicate that in which we show excessive emotionality, for which we spend too much mental strength. Think about it, maybe it is worth behaving more calmly, not wasting your nerves and energy on what cannot be changed.

New Moon Dream

The time of the birth of the new moon is the time of change and rebirth. At this time, we dream about things that we think too much about. On a full moon we are overwhelmed with emotions, and on a new moon - thoughts. Dreams show us the deepest processes of our consciousness. They push us into thoughts, which can then take on real forms.

Dreams by days of the lunar calendar

Astrologers claim that dreams come true according to the lunar calendar, they are "prophetic", on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 24th, 28th lunar days.

"Empty" dreams are often dreamed on the 2nd, 9th, 13th lunar days.

All other lunar days are considered "half-empty", i.e. you shouldn't rely on them too much.

If you had a "prophetic" dream one day after the full moon (usually the full moon occurs on the 16th lunar day), then such a dream will be long-term, but if before the full moon, then short-term. It is impossible to specify the exact time of the dream, it is individual for each person.

Dreams and lunar days (when dreams come true according to the lunar calendar)
To find out what lunar day is today, see the calendar at the bottom of the page!

1 lunar day A dream, as a rule, does not come true if something unpleasant is dreaming. Good dreams can come true.
2 lunar day Dreams are empty, not serious, meaningless.
3 lunar day Dreams are special, they come true quickly.
4 lunar day The dream is significant, it carries warnings.
5 lunar day Dreams of this day often show the state of health. A good sign, if you cry in a dream, this indicates cleansing and recovery.
6 lunar day Dreams come true, but only if on this day you were calm and balanced, did not lose your temper, did not get irritated and did not swear. In this case, dreams will provide important information.
7 lunar day Be attentive, the dreams of this day are prophetic, important and prophetic. Come true very soon. Most often, they are favorable. But you can't tell anyone about them.
8 lunar day Prophetic dreams. Often associated with a cherished desire, or indicate a true purpose, so be attentive to such dreams.
9 lunar day Dreams that foreshadow success come true. But often there are heavy dreams, nightmares, you should not believe them, the bad will not come true.
10 lunar day The complete opposite of the previous day. Negative dreams come true, but positive dreams do not.
11 lunar day Dreams do not come true.
12 lunar day Dreams with a high degree of probability come true or indicate a way to solve the problem. Take advantage of this dream.
13 lunar day Dreams are significant. Can show important new information about long-standing problems.
14 lunar day Dreams are heavy, but most often they do not come true.
15 lunar day Prophetic dreams, indicating something positive. They talk about what needs to be addressed first. You need to be able to solve them.
16 lunar day Dreams are often healing, bringing relief from tension. Often irrelevant.
17 lunar day Significant dream. Shows the current state of affairs. If good - everything is fine, no - will show our dissatisfaction, lack of inner freedom.
18 lunar day Dreams often show a problem that worries us and how it can be solved.
19 lunar day Dreams are frightening, but they often do not make much sense.
20 lunar day Dreams are special. You can see a dream by order. Before falling asleep, ask a question and tune in to see the answer in a dream. If the question is serious, it is highly likely that the answer will come to you in a dream. The dreams of this day come true quickly.
21 lunar day Dreams are often pleasant, but have little relationship to reality, as a rule, they do not come true.
22 lunar day This is the day of wisdom, intuition, tips. Dreams come true. In dreams, you can see the future or insights.
23 lunar day Confused dreams, chaotic, come true on the contrary.
24 lunar day Dreams are often pleasant, joyful and prophetic. Show how realized we are. If we have a bad dream, it means that we are not happy with our achievements and, especially, with the implementation.
25 lunar day Dreams do not come true, although it is possible that in the near future they will try to deceive you.
26 lunar day Dreams tell us who we really are, or rather, how we see ourselves. Therefore, it is worth listening to them and drawing conclusions. Dreams on this day are unusual. They often improve mood.
27 lunar day Dreams come true. They are often confused and confused. But they carry within themselves intuitive insights, reveal the true essence of people and situations.
28 lunar day Prophetic dreams and hints. They portend obstacles, difficulties in business. It is believed that they can be “canceled” by losing money, thus making a sacrifice as compensation.
29 lunar day Dreams are not fulfilled, they are heavy, joyless, frightening.
30 lunar day Prophetic dreams. Fantastic but inherently truthful, they make sense.


On March 18, the world celebrates the Day of Prophetic Dreams. Prophetic dream - is this the final verdict or one of the many options for fate, do you need to unconditionally believe the prediction received or is it still possible to manage your life contrary to any predictions?

Knowledgeable people say: if you apply the appropriate rituals, conspiracies and fortune telling rules, then you can look into the future, see a dream that will surely come true.

Dreams can promise favorable events (good luck, an influx of money, marriage and the birth of a child) or trouble, illness and death.

When do prophetic dreams come true?

In a dream, the soul leaves its body and wanders, connected with it by an invisible thread. If the soul flies away to the other world, a prophetic dream may occur.

Duration of prophetic dreams- up to ten years or more.

A dream-vision will inevitably come true, so it is important to understand it correctly. In such dreams, a person can see Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints, dead or alive, but far away, close, unclean. It happens that the dreamer himself visits the dead.

Vision dreams are always filled with special meaning. For these dreams, the time and day when they were dreamed are not relevant, they are true. An unpleasant dream can be drained into the water or other measures can be taken so that it does not come true. Everything is meaningless: the prophecy will be fulfilled. Vision dreams are both false and true.

Fortune-telling dreams always come true if you make a guess before going to bed using special words and rituals.

Dream-omens do not literally come true.To understand these dreams, you need to know the language of dreams, which consists of traditional puns and symbols.

Empty (bodily) dreams never come true. They reflect the daily reality of the dreamer, his memories, experiences, and so on. Nightmares are related to bodily dreams. Do not expect blows from fate if you saw a nightmare in a dream, drop your anxious thoughts, drink water and go to bed further.

Babies under one year old have prophetic dreams that show their entire future life. It is believed that angels amuse a kid laughing in a dream.

When do we have prophetic dreams?

Prophetic dreams are rarely seen and on certain days (except for visions), which should be taken into account so as not to rack your brains over guessing symbols that are not destined to come true.

Prophetic dreams are most likely during the Christmas week, starting from January 7 (Christmas) and until January 19 (Epiphany): the departed who came in a dream tell us our future destiny.

On Christmas Day, people are trapped by evil spirits. According to the healer Maria Semyonovna, at this time she has freedom: Jesus was already born, but not yet baptized. Therefore, evil spirits take an active part in fortune-telling on Christmastide: they speak the truth, but they will take their payment for this, since they do nothing for free.

On any church holiday, a prophetic dream may occur, but it must be fulfilled before noon (lunch) of this day. In the old days, they said: "Festive sleep - before dinner".

3rd of every month also expect prophetic dreams, and on the night of the twenty-fifth, the dream will be empty.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday always predict fate. Friday is considered a special day: on Good Friday, Jesus Christ was crucified. It is believed that important things should not be started on Friday so that they do not turn into failure.

Dreams that were dreamed on "temporary Fridays" are filled with special meaning and accuracy of prediction, they are also called Great or named.

Great (named) Fridays:

  • 1st - first week of Great Lent.
  • 2nd - 7th April. Before the Annunciation.
  • 3rd - on the eve of Palm week.
  • 4th - on the eve of Ascension.
  • 5th - on the eve of Trinity.
  • 6th - 7th June, on the eve of the Nativity of John the Baptist.
  • 7th - 2 August, in front of Elijah the Prophet.
  • 8th - 28th August, on the eve of the Assumption.
  • 9th - on the eve of the Day of Archangel Michael, September 19.
  • 10th - 14th November, before the Day of Saints Kuzma and Demyan.
  • 11th - 7th January, on the eve of the Nativity of Christ.
  • 12th - 19th January, before Epiphany.

Other days of the week:

  • On the night from Sunday to Monday, you can make a dream. Expect both prophetic and empty dreams.
  • From Monday to Tuesday - dreams are empty (bodily).
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday - dreams can come true.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday - empty (bodily) dreams.
  • From Thursday to Friday - dreams come true (up to three years).
  • From Friday to Saturday - bodily dreams.
  • From Saturday to Sunday - a dream can come true before lunchtime.

Vision dreams do not depend on the day of the week, they are always true. If the symbols are repeated in a dream, then these dreams are prophetic.

You cannot unconditionally take on faith the interpretation of sleep proposed in dream books. When trying to solve a dream, keep in mind that its meaning depends both on the signs deciphered by dream books and on the dreamer's personality, his life experience, and state of mind.

Compare the plots of dreams with real events that take place in your life or are planned. The same symbol portends different events for a married woman and a girl, a man and a woman, an adult and a child.

Whatever the prophetic dream, it is just a prediction, a warning, one of the options for your destiny, which you have the right to create yourself: to embody a good dream in reality, to erase a bad dream from your consciousness.

Dreams always mean something, no matter what symbols or signs they are filled with.

Every vision is a code, a hint, a riddle worth decrypting. For this, dream books are needed - reliable assistants, guidebooks in the world of dreams. They help to understand the intricate symbols, predict future events in reality, bring luck closer, and avoid mistakes.

But besides dream books, it is worth considering additional nuances. For example - the day on which you had a dream.

Do you think these are myths? It is known that all days of the week are influenced by a particular patron planet. And each planet controls certain properties of reality and affects certain aspects of human life.

Therefore, some dreams come true, others can be fulfilled exactly the opposite, but still others do not matter at all. How to figure out when prophetic dreams are having, and when they are not worth paying attention to?

First of all, in general terms it is worth remembering which planets the days are ruled by, and what this affects. This will help you more or less to navigate and understand how to correctly interpret dreams, depending on the period of the week. So:

  • - days patronized by the moon. She rules the emotional and sensory realm.
  • influenced by Mars, he controls strength and courage.
  • ruled by Mercury, the planet of airiness, tranquility, lightness.
  • under the influence of Jupiter - everything is connected with deeds, activity, actions.
  • patronized by Venus, planet of sensuality and love.
  • - the day of Saturn, it is associated with trials, fate, fate.
  • under the influence of the sun. It is a star that gives life, energy, strength and joy.

Knowing this, it is already possible to interpret dreams wiser and more attentively. The dreaming period can help to understand what he saw, and draw reasonable, maximally correct conclusions. But, besides this, it is worth using a dream book - it is the main guide to the tangled and mysterious world of our dreams.

How to figure it out?

It is worth understanding very well why prophetic dreams are dreamed, and why sometimes they do not come true, despite the “prophetic” day of the week.

First of all, if you found out that on certain days of the week, say, a dream is worth believing - do not rush to expect that all its events will come true in accuracy and in detail.

This often means that on these important mystical days, the dreamer should especially carefully leaf through the dream book and trust him. Not specifically the plot of what was seen in dreams will come true, but the meaning indicated by the dream book.

Although, sometimes it happens that dreams come true exactly, but this is a rarity. It is difficult to understand why prophetic dreams are dreamed - this is a rare case when the universe throws an accurate picture of the future to someone in a dream. Maybe this is a mystical accident, or maybe the gift of a dreamer ...

However, the days of the week are worth keeping in mind. This scheme of actions will be most correct if you had a memorable and vivid dream that you want to decipher.

First, take into account when the vision happened, what the day was - and understand whether it is worth attaching importance to it. If so, then open the dream book and find out what the vision promises you, what to expect.

Then draw your conclusions! Nothing complicated, the main thing is to use logic, intuition and be more attentive.

When will the dream come true, when not?

Now you can consider individual days of the week in more detail, and figure out which days you should trust what the dream book says, and on which special days you should not even disclose it at all.

In addition, the patron planets can correct and redirect the meaning of what they see, paint visions in other colors, give them an additional, narrower meaning.

1. Monday is the day that the emotional Moon protects. Everything that dreams this night is somehow connected with the emotional sphere, with feelings and sensuality.

What the dream book says should be believed, what he said will come true, however, it will have a bright emotional coloring. And, perhaps, you will worry more than you really are.

In addition, dreams on this night may not be prophetic, but only reflect your inner sensory experiences, dreams and emotions. One should not expect that what he saw will be repeated in reality - the Moon is changeable and cunning.

2. There are very important visions on Tuesday. Mars is the planet of strength and aspirations, and whatever events the dream book foreshadows, they are associated with your spirit.

All good things will come true if you show strength, determination and character. These dreams are prophetic, but in order for them to turn into life, it is worth applying the will. And if the interpreter points to unpleasant events in the future, then this is a hint - you should be stronger in order to avoid troubles.

3. But who dreamers should not trust at all is the changeable and airy Mercury. Whatever phenomena and signs you see on Wednesday night, most likely, these are only hints, fantasies, and there is little truth in them.

However, if the interpreter portends a very great happiness or wealth, be sure to believe, your faith will help to pull what you want into reality. But remember - everything depends on you, not on the dream book.

4. What dreams have visited you on Thursday, the day of Jupiter? These are important dreams, they show the state of affairs, prospects, often come true. If you should trust any dreams, then those who dreamed on Thursday in particular - often it is his dreams that come true, they are prophetic.

But remember - everything here is connected with activity, and even if the dream book indicates feelings, romance, love (which is rare on the night of Jupiter), then it is worth thinking, reconsidering the meaning, translating it into a more business aspect.

5. On Friday, as many know, prophetic dreams are dreamed. They should be trusted! Often it is on this Venusian night that dreamed events are repeated in reality in reality, exactly, literally repeated.

But it is these dreams that are associated with love affairs - and even if the dream book indicates an increase or profit - one way or another, it will come true, but it will be somehow connected with amorous affairs. Keep this in mind as you interpret the vision!

6. Saturday dreams come true extremely rarely, and even what the interpreter talks about sometimes has no basis in reality. Saturn dictates rules and laws, and often gives advice and warnings through symbols and signs.

Therefore, on this night something far from very bright and pleasant is often dreamed of, often, on the contrary, alarming and scary. If you see something that the dream book interprets as advice or warning, be sure to take note!

7. But Sunday visions are wonderful in every way! They are created by the Sun, the planet of life, love and happiness. Any negative aspect of the interpretation can be safely canceled if it is Sunday night. Dreams on Sunday are not only true, but also happy - they do not bode well!

This may seem difficult to the dreamer at first, and many neglect this knowledge, but it is important to take into account the time of the dream, this largely helps to understand, to get a more reliable answer, whether our visions will come true.

Often we are surprised - why did the dream book lie, the prediction did not come true? And the answer is simple - the day of the week dictates its own rules. Consider this, be able to understand what you are dreaming of, and always be happy and sure that fate favors you! Author: Vasilina Serova

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