Calcium and magnesium preparations for children. MRM Bioavailable Calcium and Magnesium for Babies Vitamin D Calcium and Magnesium for Teens

If we compare the human body with a building, then trace elements will be the building blocks for it. One of the most weighty and necessary for the full functioning of the trace element is calcium. If, suddenly, it turns out that there is not enough of it in the body, then this will affect the condition of bones, nails, hair and, of course, teeth.

But, before prescribing a course of calcium supplements for yourself or your child, do not forget to consult a doctor, because an excess of substances in the body is also harmful. There should be a measure everywhere. And only when the doctor prescribes calcium intake, you can study the rating of quality vitamins in order to choose the most suitable complex for you.

The benefits of this mineral are so great that it helps a person even before his birth, or rather contributes to the birth of a child. How does this happen? The fact is that the tip of the sperm, directed towards the egg, has a tip of calcium and it is thanks to it that it penetrates into the coveted shell. And as soon as the baby is born, this element is also required for his development, and he receives it from the mother's breast milk.

Calcium is one of the main elements for the "construction" of our skeleton. But the substance easily leaves the human body when natural processes such as sweating or bowel movements occur. If after this additional intake of the microelement into the body is not ensured, then the withdrawal of calcium from the bone tissue begins.

As a rule, after 35 years of age, people experience bone loss. There is a natural aging process, the element is removed from the body slowly, but constantly, and in the end it can come back to haunt health problems. For example, the arrival of diseases such as osteoporosis or arthritis does not bode well.

In modern megacities, the level of air pollution is high, in some places radioactivity is increased, which is fraught with cancer. Calcium ions play a beneficial role here as well, as they resist the deposition of strontium in bone tissue.

In addition, calcium should be commended for helping with digestion, participating in the work of digestive enzymes, resisting allergic reactions, regulating blood pressure, creating conditions for normal blood clotting and normalizing brain function.

10 facts about calcium - in the video:

Daily rate

Our body cannot make calcium. We get it exclusively with food or in the form of drugs.

  • Babies receive their micronutrient requirement (about 200 mg) with their mother's milk.
  • Children under three years old need about 500 mg. Children under eight - preferably up to 800 mg.
  • Teenagers under 13 are advised to take up to 1300 mg.
  • The norm for adults is 1000 mg.

An adult can get his norm of an element by drinking a liter of milk, but at the same time he will be provided with extra calories, will receive an excess of saturated fat and milk sugar. You can try to get your dose of the substance with the help of sesame or poppy seeds, which are rich in calcium, but the gastrointestinal tract may react badly to this, because everything is fine in moderation. That is why it is often easier to get your daily allowance with the help of special drugs.

So, for example, being an avid lover of the healthiest dairy products, the consumption standard can be safely reduced by half.

Which one is better absorbed

Pharmaceuticals offer an abundance of calcium-containing preparations, and one can get confused when thinking which company is better to choose and which one will be maximally absorbed.

The most important thing is to understand that calcium intake must be synchronous with vitamin D, otherwise there will be no sense. It is vitamin D that is the conductor of calcium into the human body, it allows the intestines to absorb the microelement and ensures its full absorption by the bone tissue.

Medicines that contain calcium can be divided into three types:

  1. Monopreparations. These are means where the trace element is found without additives (calcium carbonate, calcium lactate, calcium citrate and others)
  2. Combined. These products include vitamin D, which is very convenient, as it eliminates the additional purchase of the element.
  3. Multivitamin. These are preparations containing a whole range of vitamins.

To find out which company is better to buy the drug, study our rating of quality medicines with calcium.

Rating of the best vitamins with calcium for children and adults

11th place. "Calcium glucanate"

These tablets are designed to compensate for the lack of mineral in the body, reduce intoxication, fight inflammation and resist allergies. It is better to take "Calcium glucanate" when the meal has already been completed, and at the same time do not forget that after chewing the tablet, you should drink a glass of water. Admission is allowed for children from 3 years old. Suitable for pregnant and lactating women. Price: about 200 rubles.

Calcium glucanate


  • Large area of \u200b\u200bapplication;
  • Treats various diseases;
  • Restores the balance of an element.


  • May cause constipation;
  • Forbidden with a tendency to thrombosis.

About the benefits of the drug in pediatrics:

10th place. "Complivit Calcium D3"

The vitamin and mineral complex "Complivit Calcium D3" is very popular with customers. These vitamins are recommended by dietitians to stimulate calcium and phosphorus metabolism as effectively as possible. They are made in the form of fruit lozenges, which are chewed or absorbed during meals. Calcium content - 500 mg. Suitable for people over three years old. It is better for pregnant women to refrain from taking such a drug, and if they take it, then only with the permission of a doctor. Average price: 250 rubles.

Complivit Calcium D3


  • Relieve symptoms of osteoporosis;
  • Make up for the lack of Ca or D3;
  • Cost.


  • The manifestation of allergic reactions is possible;
  • There are contraindications.

9th place. "Kalcepan"

For women who want to alleviate the symptoms of osteoporosis and regulate the hormonal background that has changed after the fortieth birthday, the combined substance with calcium "Calcepan" is suitable. It contains not only Ca, but also various herbal extracts, as well as microelements B2, B6, D3 and C. The release form is in the form of pills. Cost: about 450 rubles.



  • Due to the rich content of the drug, calcium metabolism is normalized;
  • Takes care of the beauty of hair and skin;
  • Helps to synthesize collagen;
  • Restores bone tissue.


  • Not suitable for children.

8th place. "Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D3"

"Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D3" can be called a family complex, as it is suitable for different age categories and will be equally good for children (except for the age up to 8 years), women, men and the elderly. The drug perfectly compensates for the lack of Ca and establishes the full functioning of calcium metabolism. The average price is 250 rubles.

Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D3


  • Containing both Ca and D3;
  • Serves for the treatment of osteoporosis;
  • Suitable for elderly patients.


  • Children under 12 years of age are prescribed only after consulting a doctor;
  • There are contraindications;
  • For kidney disease, use is prohibited.

7th place. "Kalcemin Advance"

The combined vitamin and mineral composition of the drug is designed to compensate for the lack of vitamin D3 and improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system. Calcemin-Advance tablets have an oblong shape and pink color. The active ingredients contain 500 mg of calcium and 200 IU of vitamin D3. It is prescribed in cases when it is necessary to replenish the supply of a trace element, as well as for the therapy of the musculoskeletal system and for the treatment of osteoporosis. The approximate price depends on the form of release of the tablets and varies from 400 to 900 rubles.

Kalcemin Advance


  • Suitable for teenagers;
  • Quickly compensates for the lack of an element;
  • Enhances nail growth.


  • Unacceptable for urolithiasis;
  • Age limitation;
  • There may be individual sensitivity.

6th place. Calcium D3 for children, manufacturer "LUMI"

This vitamin and mineral complex has proven itself as an additional source of calcium and vitamin D, and is well tolerated by children. The course of taking the drug quickly replenishes the calcium deficiency, which ultimately contributes to the full growth and development of the child, strengthens the bones, and has a beneficial effect on the general well-being and the ability to learn. The drug is recommended for children from 3 years old. It is produced in granules for preparing a suspension, in sachet bags of 2.15 g. Price in pharmacies is about 8-9 rubles per 1 sachet bag.

Calcium D3 for children, "LUMI"


  • convenient packing: one sachet at a time;
  • pleasant taste that the child likes;
  • price.


  • possible individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • age restriction (from 3 years old).

5th place. "Calcium D3 Nycomed"

Having studied the recommendations of consumers, we place "Calcium D3 Nycomed" in the fifth place in our rating of quality drugs. It is a vitamin and mineral complex containing both Ca and vitamin D3. It is available in the form of round snow-white tablets with mint or citrus flavors. Its main purpose is to regulate the exchange of trace elements and eliminate their lack. Suitable for children over 3 years old, teenagers and adults. Dosage 500 mg of elemental calcium. The average price of a package is 285 rubles.

Calcium D3 Nycomed


  • Improves the appearance of the skin;
  • Fights brittle nails;
  • Suitable for the prevention of osteoporosis;
  • Normalizes the activity of the heart.


  • Not suitable for small children;
  • There may be an allergy to the ingredients.

4th place. "Calcium Sandoz Forte"

The French drug "Calcium Sandoz Forte", which is a combination of macro and microelements designed to stimulate phosphorus-potassium metabolism, has proven itself well. Outwardly, they are white effervescent tablets with a subtle citrus aroma. Dosage of 500 mg of ionized calcium. Suitable for adults and children from 2 years old. Price 330 rubles.

Calcium Sandoz Forte


  • It has proven itself in osteoporosis of various origins;
  • A good helper in case of allergic reactions;
  • Liquid form of application, suitable for patients with swallowing problems.


  • Stool problems are possible;
  • Migraines may occur.

3rd place. "Multi-tabs Baby Calcium"

If you have a small child from 2 to 7 years old, then the package "Multi-tabs Baby Calcium" will be a wonderful option for a balanced combination of vitamins. This drug ensures proper bone formation, helps to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent insidious caries. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor. The average price is 500 rubles.

Multi-tabs Kid calcium


  • Variety of tastes;
  • Wonderful composition;
  • Like children.


  • Allergies are possible;
  • Price.

2nd place. "Vitacaltsin"

The composition of the drug includes the active substance calcium carbonate. Prescribed to patients suffering from hyperacidity of gastric juice and associated gastrointestinal diseases. Designed to neutralize hydrochloric acid, and thereby reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Also indicated for osteoporosis, childhood rickets, caries and other health problems. It costs about 100 rubles.



  • Wide range of applications;
  • Affordability;
  • Efficiency.


  • Allergic reactions may occur;
  • Difficult to find on sale.

1 place. "Kalcemin"

Often consumers ask themselves the question, what is the difference between Kalcemin and Kalcemin Advance? The answer is simple. The difference lies in the amount of trace element. In Kalcemin it is half as much, only 250 mg. This has a definite advantage, since when a person consumes a decent amount of dairy products per day, a large dosage of Ca is completely useless for him. In addition, “Kalcemin” can be used by children from 5 years old. The duration of the course of admission is determined by the attending physician. The price varies from 300 to 900 rubles, depending on the number of tablets.



  • In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it ensures the assimilation of the Ca element;
  • Helps slow down the process of bone destruction;
  • The condition of hair, nails and skin improves.


  • May cause nausea and vomiting;
  • Allergic reactions are possible.


Trace element Ca plays a key role in human health. It is important that there is a full-fledged intake into the body, because then many troubles that entail diseases will disappear. But, saturating yourself with a vitamin, one should not forget about sports, since without physical activity, the performance will be low.

How to take calcium supplements correctly - in the video:

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If necessary, you should take calcium supplements, which are prescribed only by a doctor. In this matter, one should adhere to the golden mean and remember that both a deficiency and an overabundance of this microelement brings significant harm to health.

Why does the body need calcium?

Among the main functions of this microelement, the following are distinguished:

  • participates in the process of blood coagulation;
  • normalizes the metabolism of carbohydrates and sodium chloride;
  • contributes to the correct formation of the human skeleton;
  • controls muscle contraction and hormone secretion;
  • reduces the permeability of the vascular walls;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.

When to take calcium supplements

To answer this question, you need to know how much calcium a day should enter the body. An adult needs 0.8 g of a trace element per day. For women who carry a pregnancy and breastfeed a baby, the rate increases to 1 g. As for children, according to international standards, the daily requirement of a child's body for calcium is:

An increased amount is required for those who are involved in sports, constantly in contact (professional activity) with dust, which contains phosphates and fluorine. If a person uses steroid hormones and glycocorticoids for treatment, then the daily requirement for calcium also increases.

Lack of calcium can also occur if you follow a low-calorie diet, since the intake of a trace element in the body decreases. Such people need to monitor the sufficient intake of this component into the body with food, otherwise the desire for a beautiful figure can be very expensive - health.

If a person does not receive a sufficient amount of this microelement with food, then it is necessary to additionally use preparations containing calcium. The price for them is different: there are both expensive and inexpensive, but effective drugs with calcium.

Indications for use

It should be noted right away that it is necessary to take medications that contain calcium only as prescribed by a specialist; it is unacceptable to prescribe medications for yourself. So, let's figure out when you need to additionally take calcium-containing drugs:

  1. The acidity of the gastric environment is increased due to the large amount of hydrochloric acid. This condition is typical for stomach ulcers, gastritis, which occurs in acute and chronic form, duodenitis, erosions formed in the gastrointestinal tract, reflux gastritis.
  2. Rickets. A childhood disease arising from a significant lack of calcium and other trace elements and manifested by a violation of the growth of the child's bones.
  3. A large number of teeth affected by caries in both adults and children.
  4. Hypocalcemia, or a decrease in the amount of calcium in the body. It develops as a result of a violation of the processes of absorption of a trace element, its insufficient intake with food, as well as due to the use of corticosteroids and in case of kidney disease.
  5. Tetany. This is a pathological syndrome that develops in muscle tissues and provokes hypertonicity.
  6. Osteomalacia. A disease associated with a decrease in bone mineral density. It does not lead to any functional disorders, but serves as a signal of developing osteoporosis. Osteomalacia can be detected using densitometry.
  7. Osteoporosis. A disease that occurs as a result of a significant decrease in bone mineral density.
  8. Postmenopause occurring in women with signs of osteoporosis. In this case, the use of vitamin D supplements the treatment.
  9. To eliminate the symptoms of hyperacidity that develop after drinking coffee, alcoholic beverages, nicotine, certain medications, as well as as a result of non-compliance with the recommended diet.

Classification of calcium preparations

All medicines containing calcium are divided into three groups. Each has its own application characteristics. Which calcium supplement is best? This can only be determined by the attending physician, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease and the well-being of a particular patient.


These are medicines that contain calcium without any additives. The list of such medicines is quite wide:


Unlike monopreparations, vitamin D and other microelements are added to the combined ones. The advantage of combined medicines is that the body receives simultaneously two important components - calcium and vitamin D. The latter is also important for the health of bones and teeth. Combined funds include the following:

  • Calcium D3 Nycomed;
  • Calcemin;
  • Calcium D3 Classic;
  • Complivit calcium D3;
  • Natekal D3.


The composition of multivitamin calcium preparations contains many vitamins and microelements, therefore, the human body is enriched not only with calcium, but also with other useful and necessary components. We are talking about preparations-vitamins with calcium, namely:

Mode of application

In order to get the maximum health benefits from treatment, it is necessary to take medication correctly, strictly following the doctor's recommendations. Consider the method of application, the dosage of some funds.

  1. Calcemin. Recommended for adults and children after 12 years of age, one tablet twice a day. The drug must be taken either with meals or immediately before meals. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.
  2. Multi-tabs. Can be used by adults and children over 4 years old. The drug is taken once a day with or after meals. The duration depends on the degree of calcium deficiency in the body and is determined strictly individually.
  3. Vitacalcin. It is prescribed in the amount of 0 mg per day. It is recommended to chew the tablet and drink it with a glass of water. If the form of the drug is effervescent tablets, then they are dissolved in 200 ml of water.
  4. Vitrum. Adults and children after 12 years of age are taken during or after meals, one tablet per day for days.

It should be noted: if therapy lasts a long time, periodic monitoring of the amount of calcium in urine and blood is necessary.

Can i take during pregnancy and lactation?

During pregnancy, calcium supplements are allowed from the second trimester and not earlier than after 13 weeks of gestation. During breastfeeding, you may also need additional calcium supplementation. Let's get acquainted with the signs that indicate a calcium deficiency in the body of a woman who is carrying a pregnancy or breastfeeding:

  • rapid destruction of a large number of teeth;
  • fragility of nails and hair develops;
  • the risk of onset of untimely labor;
  • late gestosis of pregnant women;
  • severe toxicosis in the early stages;
  • risk of termination of pregnancy;
  • increased nervousness and anxiety;
  • cramps in the lower limbs;
  • muscle tone is increased;
  • primary weakness of labor.

The doctor may prescribe the following drugs for calcium deficiency in expectant and lactating mothers:

  • Calcium D3 Nycomed, which contains calcium, as well as vitamin D, which promotes better absorption of calcium;
  • Calcium gluconate also has 500 mg of calcium in each tablet;
  • Vitrum, Elevit, Pregnavit and other multivitamin complexes, which are intended for both pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • Calcemin contains 250 mg of calcium in each tablet, the drug has a significant advantage - it is better and faster absorbed by the woman's body.

The dosage of all drugs, the duration of therapy is set by the attending doctor.

Contraindications to the use of calcium supplements

The main contraindications to the use of medications containing calcium are the following diseases and conditions:

  • hypercalcemia, i.e. an increased amount of a trace element in the body;
  • individual immunity of the drug components;
  • hypersecretion of the parathyroid glands;
  • malignant neoplasms with metastases in bone tissue;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • chronic kidney disease, in which there is organ failure;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • phenylketonuria.

Side effects

Undesirable effects include manifestations such as:

  • an allergic reaction proceeding in varying degrees of severity;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • flatulence, stool disorders;
  • hypercalcemia (develops as a result of excess calcium intake with drugs).

Calcium preparations will help to cope with the problem of calcium deficiency in the body if the patient strictly follows the specialist's prescriptions.

Magnesium and calcium: compatibility of trace elements and benefits for the body

From a very young age, everyone around you is talking about the benefits of calcium. Toothpastes always saturate them, it is recommended to drink milk and use cottage cheese for the beauty of hair and nails. Everywhere there is advertising of dietary supplements with it for the prevention of age-related osteoporosis, and there is less information about the effect of magnesium on the body.

However, taking calcium supplements does not prevent catastrophic tooth decay. The nail plate delaminates and breaks, and in addition, osteoporosis overtakes over the years. But in addition to these problems, a decrease in muscle elasticity follows, which is subsequently fraught with a heart attack.

Why does this happen? Preventing the deficiency of a trace element in the body by increasing the consumption of foods rich in calcium, taking dietary supplements rich in minerals, a person gets a completely different effect: bones become fragile, muscles, on the contrary, become hard, and joints move worse and worse.

The fact is that a person needs calcium, but there is no point in using it without magnesium, since calcium cannot be absorbed by the body without it. In this case, it is not postponed where required. With a lack of magnesium, Ca molecules take its place. If there is more magnesium than is needed, it is simply excreted from the body without consequences.

Benefits for the body

Magnesium is required for all biochemical processes, its need for humans is similar to the need for water, food and air. But while a deficiency in vital elements is obvious, magnesium deficiency needs to be recognized in a timely manner. With a lack of magnesium, the following problems arise:

  1. Chronic fatigue.
  2. Insomnia. With a magnesium deficiency, the nerve cells of the body become more irritable, as a result of which sleep disturbances occur.
  3. Hypertension. Mg helps to dilate blood vessels, which in turn helps lower blood pressure to normal levels. And with a lack of it, headaches can occur.
  4. Muscle spasms are a symptom of a lack of this trace element.
  5. Diabetes. The substance helps to produce insulin, which is responsible for the absorption of sugars by the body. Therefore, bringing the level of magnesium to normal can not only lower the risk of diabetes, but also significantly reduce the rate of its development.

The role of calcium in the body is no less important. An adult has up to one and a half kilograms of this metal in the body, most of which is concentrated in teeth and bones. But there is a percentage that contributes to:

  • blood clotting;
  • the formation of nerve fibers and their reactions;
  • reduce the likelihood of allergies.

Low calcium levels entail:

  • nervousness;
  • depressive conditions;
  • sleep problems;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • brittle nail plates;
  • joint problems.

Magnesium and Calcium Compatibility

Magnesium promotes better calcium absorption. And if there is a lack of magnesium in the body, then taking calcium supplements will not be beneficial. Their interaction occurs immediately after ingestion - in the stomach. It is quite easy to achieve harmony between these elements. It is important to build a daily diet so that these two substances are present in it in approximately equal amounts.

Or include in the daily menu foods that initially contain potassium and magnesium, such as soy tofu, and at the same time reduce the amount of foods that reduce the absorption of these substances.

This list includes: salt, coffee, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, beets, animal fats. They increase the loss of calcium and, as a result, reduce the content of these elements.

You do not need to completely remove them from the menu, because they benefit the body, it is enough to reduce the amount. A balanced diet is one of the simplest and most effective methods to help the body maintain a balance of calcium and magnesium. But it also happens that the minerals that enter the body with food are not enough, in such a situation, taking special drugs will help.

It is important to start taking vitamin complexes and dietary supplements only after consulting a doctor. After all, an excess is as harmful as a lack. As a rule, doctors recommend taking calcium D3 and magnesium B6. They contain an optimal dosage that can help the body with signs of deficiency. Calcium D3 is a compound of calcium carbonate and vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 promotes the absorption of calcium in the intestines, while the result is quickly noticeable - muscle spasms disappear, the condition of hair and nails improves. Magnesium B6 contains magnesium lactate dihydrate and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride).

You can find out about foods rich in calcium by following the link.

A useful article on vitamins for improving memory.

Admission rules

Doctors assure that it is important to combine calcium intake with vitamin D3 intake. Foods containing this vitamin should be eaten 4 hours before taking calcium.

Is it possible to combine the intake of calcium and magnesium supplements? Opinions differ on this issue. Some believe that calcium will not be absorbed without magnesium, while others are sure that these two elements should be taken separately.

Daily intake of trace elements

The daily dose for a person is about 0.5 g. This amount should be ingested every day. More accurate dosages depend on age, gender, health status:

  • the least amount required by children. A child of one year should receive about g per day;
  • a child of 7 years old requires 300 mg per day;
  • a teenager from 14 to 18 years old is needed;
  • a woman under 30 needs 310 mg;
  • a woman during pregnancy needs up to 500 mg per day;
  • a man under 30 needs 400 mg, over 30 needs 420 mg.

The body's need for calcium:

  • a child from 0.5 years old needs up to 400 mg per day;
  • children from 1 to 18 years old - 600 mg;
  • women and men over 18 years old - from 450 to 800 mg;
  • if adults are actively involved in sports, then the need for calcium increases to mg;
  • during pregnancy, a woman's body needs up to 1500 mg per day.

Dosage while taking

In order not to harm the body, doctors suggest taking calcium and magnesium in a 2: 1 ratio. For 1 gram of calcium, count 0.5 grams of magnesium. To improve the absorption of Ca, almonds, buckwheat and barley groats, cashews and millet should be introduced into the diet. It is better to limit the reception to 1-2 months. It is up to a specialist to regulate the duration of the course.

During pregnancy

At the onset of pregnancy, it is very important to monitor the state of magnesium and calcium in the body. In the absence of these elements, serious violations are possible. Since an overdose of these elements is no less dangerous, it is important that the appointment is prescribed by a specialist based on analyzes.

As a rule, the doctor prescribes the intake of magnesium B6, 1 tablet 3 times a day until the 12th week, in the third trimester - 1 tablet a day. Calcium from 20 to 32 weeks - 1 tablet with a dosage of up to 500 mg 2 times a day.

It is important to remember that it is better not to take drugs at the same time, a break of 3-4 hours is desirable between doses.

Harm and contraindications

Magnesium preparations should not be taken if:

  1. If the body does not tolerate fructose, as well as in violation of the absorption of glucose and galactose.
  2. Phenylketonuria. This disease provokes metabolic disorders and liver failure.
  3. Hepatic and renal failure.
  4. Allergies to the components of the magnesium preparation.
  5. Children under 1 year old.
  6. During lactation and breastfeeding.
  1. With increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. With an increased content of calcium in the blood, an excess of vitamin D3, or cancer.
  3. With renal failure, kidney calcification.
  4. With a low content of phosphorus, zinc and potassium.

When purchasing preparations with magnesium and calcium, it is important to realize that not all of them are equally effective and useful. The form of release, dosage, compatibility of components, diagnosis (health problems) are of great importance.

There are three types of drugs on sale:

  1. Multivitamins. They are usually prescribed for pregnant women and children.
  2. Monopreparations. Contains calcined salts, chlorides, glycerophosphates, calcium lactate.
  3. Combined vitamins. The preparations contain other vitamins or elements that mutually enhance absorption.

There are quite a few preparations with pure magnesium or with other microelements. Magnesium is usually supplemented with vitamin B6.

When choosing a drug, you should pay attention to:

  • origin (organic or not);
  • digestibility;
  • substances that promote assimilation;
  • manufacturer.

It is very important to observe the correct dosage so that the body receives all the necessary trace elements for normal functioning. A balanced intake of vitamins provides a supply of energy for the whole day, protects against diseases and maintains a good mood.

Vitamins with calcium for children

The growing body of a child must receive a sufficient amount of a variety of nutrients. Calcium is considered one of the most valuable, so parents should know why the baby needs such a mineral, what foods should be in the children's diet to ensure its intake with food, and what vitamin preparations it contains.

Calcium value

A mineral like calcium is very important for children because:

  • Without a sufficient amount of it, the formation of bone tissue is impaired.
  • It is required for the growth of teeth and the formation of dentin and enamel.
  • This mineral is important for muscle tissue and the nervous system.
  • He has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Calcium is able to normalize the rhythm of the heartbeat.
  • The presence of calcium in the children's diet promotes active mental activity.
  • This mineral strengthens the vascular walls.
  • Calcium is involved in the immune system.
  • Adequate calcium is important for the health of your skin, hair and nails.

The next video just talks about how important calcium is for the child's body and what a lack of it can lead to.

Childhood needs

Every day, the child's body should receive calcium in such an amount:

How much calcium is needed in mg

Lack of calcium

If the child does not receive calcium from food, this will manifest itself:

  • Increased irritability.
  • Weakness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Peeling and cracking of the skin.
  • The appearance of "jam".
  • Decay of teeth with the formation of foci of caries.
  • Increased bone fragility and deformation.
  • Deterioration of the condition of the nails.
  • Numbness in the fingers.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Growth retardation.
  • Convulsive contractions of the muscles of the limbs.
  • The appearance of rickets.
  • Curvature of the spine.

If a child is severely deficient in calcium, the heart may malfunction, bleeding from the gums, vision and immune function problems may appear.


Paying attention to the intake of calcium into the child's body, choosing a suitable supplement with the doctor, is required in such situations:

  • Insufficient calcium in food, for example, with an unbalanced diet.
  • The period of intensive growth of children, in particular during teething.
  • Frequent fractures and dental diseases.


Vitamin preparations with calcium are not prescribed for:

  • Intolerance to their components.
  • Severe kidney disease.
  • Urolithiasis.

Calcium foods

A child will receive sufficient doses of calcium from food if his menu includes:

  • Milk and products from it.
  • Sesame.
  • Hard or processed cheese.
  • Almonds, hazelnuts and other nuts.
  • Legumes.
  • Bran.
  • A fish.
  • Eggs.
  • Seafood.
  • Apples.
  • Meat.
  • Cabbage, radish, cucumber, celery and other vegetables.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Cereals.

In the first 6 months of life, babies receive calcium from breast milk, so a nursing mother should pay attention to the presence of calcium sources in the diet. If the child is artificial, a mixture is selected for him, which contains enough of all the minerals necessary for growth.

Vitamin Supplements

There are quite a few multivitamin preparations, among the components of which calcium is present. But before you purchase any of these and give it to your child, it is important to remember that a doctor should prescribe any calcium supplements during childhood. At the same time, the pediatrician will recommend how to change the diet of the toddler and what physical activity he needs to provide.

Calcium supplements are often recommended twice a year to prevent inadequate dietary intake. Usually, this mineral is combined with vitamin D, since in such a combination both compounds are absorbed better. Also, in many preparations, calcium is combined with magnesium and / or phosphorus. These minerals improve the absorption of each other and contribute to the retention of calcium in the bone tissue.

It is important that an adult gives a single dosage of vitamins with calcium to a child, controlling his intake. If a child accidentally drinks more than is allowed at his age, it can lead to allergic reactions, manifested by rashes and itching of the skin. So the storage of children's vitamins, including calcium, should be given special attention. Moreover, sweet syrup, cute animal lozenges or delicious chewable tablets are popular with most babies.

You can hear important information about the absorption of calcium by the child's body in the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

The best drugs and their names

Additional intake of calcium into the body of children can be provided both by courses of vitamin preparations, in which this mineral is represented by one of the main components, and by multivitamin complexes, in which calcium is only one of the many mineral compounds.

The most common sources of calcium for children are:

  • Multi-tabs Kid Calcium + - multivitamins intended for children from 2 to 7 years old. The supplement is a chewable tablet, of which the child receives 13 vitamins (including D) and 7 minerals.
  • Complivit Calcium D3 is a supplement containing calcium carbonate, supplemented with vitamin D3 in a dose of 200 IU. The drug is presented in orange chewable tablets and is recommended for children over 3 years old.
  • Calcium + vitamins are chewable multivitamins in the form of bears, recommended for children over three years old. The basis of such a drug is tricalcium phosphate and vitamin D.
  • Alphabet - vitamin complexes in which nutrients are separated and placed in different tablets or sachets, due to the peculiarities of their absorption. In one of our sachets, our baby for 1.5-3 year old children is combined with folic acid, vitamins D3 and B12, and pantothenic acid. In yellow tablets Kindergarten (for kids 3-7 years old) and white tablets Shkolnik (for children 7-14 years old) and Teenager (for teenagers), these compounds are supplemented with vitamins H and K1, as well as chromium.
  • Calcemin is a tablet preparation approved for use in children over 5 years old. Calcium in this supplement is represented by carbonate and citrate, and is also supplemented with vitamin D, copper, zinc, boron and manganese.

Also, in order to prevent calcium deficiency, children can be given such multivitamin supplements as Vitrum Junior, Pikovit Unique, Multi-Tabs Teenager, Pikovit Plus, Kinder Biovital and others.

How much calcium is in the daily dose

Vitamins potassium, calcium, magnesium: what is the strength of the action of vitamin-mineral complexes

The popular pharmaceutical phrase "vitamin and mineral complexes" has become a part of everyday life of modern people. The drugs are prescribed for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal system, for many acute and chronic ailments. Essential for a person every day in large quantities: vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, are contained in every cell of the body. The reserves of macronutrients in tissues and blood plasma must be constantly replenished through food or pharmaceuticals.

What does the human body need potassium, magnesium and calcium for?

Mineral salts are part of active metal-containing organic compounds - enzymes and vitamins. The chemical complex calciferol is an antirachitic vitamin D.

Magnesium is known to have:

  • pronounced anti-inflammatory effect
  • participates in the transmission of the heart impulse, restores the normal rhythm, in case of its deficiency arrhythmia develops
  • an aqueous solution of magnesium stops the loss of ATP molecules by cells as energy sources

At the same time, potassium takes part:

  • in maintaining the balance of functions of the nervous system, in the transmission of oxygen and impulses to neurons (cells) of the brain
  • together with magnesium in acid-base balance and water-salt metabolism
  • potassium salts contribute to increased urination

And so the calcium we need is capable of the following:

  • stop blood, normalize blood clotting, enhance the effect of vitamin K
  • be a support and building material for connective tissue (bones), nails, teeth, help the absorption of vitamin D
  • participate in the transport of nutrients across the cell membrane (envelope)

The strength of metals lies in their fruitful partnership. Magnesium helps to absorb calcium, and potassium enhances the effect of the former. The deprivation of the body of the magnificent triplet of chemical elements brings metabolism to an unfavorable destructive direction - increased nervousness, the occurrence and development of heart and joint diseases.

An excess of elements is as dangerous as a lack of them.

Too much intake of vitamin-mineral complexes into the body is fraught with complications. An excess of organometallic substances and hypervitaminosis leads to metabolic disorders. It is within the competence of the doctor to determine the overabundance factor in the internal environment of a chemical compound based on the results of a biochemical blood test When magnesium is exceeded by more than 2.5 mmol / l, changes are noticeable on the cardiogram.

The characteristic reasons for the accumulation of metals in the body are the presence of the following pathologies:

  • hormonal disorders of the endocrine system (with diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction)
  • hereditary diseases
  • drug intoxication
  • malignant tumors

The bulk of unnecessary substances are excreted from the body through the organs of the urinary system. With her diseases (pyelonephritis, kidney stones), the normal course of events is disrupted. In serious cases, with chronic renal failure, it is advisable to prescribe a hemodialysis procedure.

Common symptoms of an excess of elements in the body:

  • weakness of skeletal muscles, impaired coordination of movements
  • depression, disorder of consciousness, drowsiness, apathy
  • heart disorders, decreased heart rate and blood pressure
  • suppression of nervous reflexes
  • dehydration (diarrhea and vomiting), dry mucous membranes, skin, hair

Hyperkalemia, -magnesemia and -calcemia are relatively rare. However, they have significant implications. With an excess of potassium and magnesium, doctors recommend taking calcium gluconate, since the salts of this metal are actively flushed out of the body.

This can be observed with:

  • laxatives taken by people on all kinds of diets
  • threatened miscarriage, pregnant women are prescribed magnesium compounds (sulfate or hydroxide)
  • frequent and uncontrolled use of mineral water with a high content of ions (charged particles) of magnesium

Excess calcium is most likely to occur in older people with constipation. Within 1-2 months, they are shown drinking distilled water.

Potassium and magnesium preparations for the heart and blood vessels

Asparkam. The combined drug is prescribed by cardiologists for coronary insufficiency and arrhythmias. The medicine contains salts - potassium and magnesium aspartates. During treatment, there is a decrease in oxygen starvation of the cells of the muscle tissue of the heart.

The drug is dangerous to use when:

  • an initially elevated level of potassium in the blood (hyperkalemia)
  • acute and chronic renal failure
  • in combination with atrioventricular block

The drug is produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection. During an exacerbation of the disease in adults, they are prescribed to take 2 tablets 3 times a day, for 2 weeks. Then the same period is allocated for taking 1 tablet. A weekly break is taken, and the monthly course of treatment with Asparkam, if necessary, is repeated. More often, with intravenous administration, patients note side symptoms (dizziness, nausea and vomiting).

Panangin. In terms of composition, release form and contraindications for use, the drug is analogous to Asparkam.

  • significantly improve the metabolism in the heart muscle
  • fight arrhythmia
  • help assimilate other cardiac drugs used in parallel by cardiopatients

In the absence of side effects and control over the level of potassium in the blood, Panangin is often prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day, for preventive purposes, for pregnant and lactating women.

Magnesium preparations

Magnerot. The active ingredient in a synthetic tablet preparation is magnesium orotate.

Doctors prescribe it:

  • in order to replenish the lack of magnesium in the body
  • with atherosclerosis
  • in violation of lipid (fat) metabolism

Reception is long - almost 2 months, takes place in two stages. From the beginning of the course, during the first week, take 2 tablets three times a day. Then 6 weeks - 1 tablet, possibly twice a day. Magnerot is approved for use by chronic alcoholics and during pregnancy.

Magne B6. The combined preparation contains magnesium lactate and pyridoxine hydrochloride (a B vitamin). Available form: tablets and ampoules with injection solution. Oral ingestion is accompanied by a sufficiently large amount of water - 1 glass (200 ml).

Contraindications for the use of Magne B6 include:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug
  • renal failure
  • intestinal dysfunction (tendency to diarrhea, with abdominal pain)

Maalox. Along with other components, the medicinal product contains magnesium hydroxide.

It is produced in the form of tablets and suspension for oral administration when:

  • acute and chronic gastritis
  • inaccuracies in diet
  • heartburn
  • stomach discomfort
  • abuse of nicotine, coffee, alcohol

According to the therapeutic actions of Maalox:

Magnesium and potassium for seizures

Neuromuscular disorders in the form of painful muscle twitching are a pronounced symptom of potassium deficiency in the body. Cramps are observed with dehydration due to:

  • diarrhea, vomiting
  • taking laxatives or diuretics
  • bowel cleansing with enemas
  • starvation

Kalinor. Effervescent tablets contain potassium salts (citrate, bicarbonate) and citric acid. When taken orally, the product must be dissolved in a glass of water and drunk in small sips for 15 minutes. You cannot take more than 1 tablet at a time, more than 3 tablets per day. The doctor prescribes a course of treatment, the duration of which varies from several days or weeks. The acid that is part of Kalinor can provoke the manifestation of allergic reactions in the patient. With persistent dehydration of the body, the drug is not prescribed.

Expectant mothers, breastfeeding women are often worried about seizures and anemia. The proven Materna complex replenishes the lack of minerals and vitamins. The pharmaceutical product contains 25 mg of magnesium. The calculated dose is not dangerous for the baby's health. Even provided that the woman will consume foods rich in magnesium. In addition, the medicine contains a wide range of vitamins, iodine, organic acids, iron and calcium. And also trace elements: copper, manganese, zinc, chromium, molybdenum. The vitamin and mineral complex Materna is taken, 1 tablet per day.

Potassium, calcium and magnesium preparations

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of similar medicines containing combinations of macronutrients and vitamins.

Berocca Calcium + Magnesium. Coated and effervescent tablets contain 100 mg of magnesium and calcium. According to its medicinal properties, the drug is also aimed at ensuring the full development of teeth and bone tissue.

The doctor prescribes a multivitamin and mineral complex during the period:

  • growth of the body of children
  • long-term illness
  • before and after chemotherapy
  • treatment of polyneuritis (alcoholic)

Pregnant and lactating women will benefit from the drug only if:

  • monitoring the biochemical parameters of blood
  • absence of allergic reactions to components
  • severe diseases of the urinary system

Macrovit. Contains nicotinamide, vitamins A, E, C, D, group B and calcium pantothenate. Release form - lozenges that dissolve in the mouth. Children over 10 years old and adults are prescribed up to 3 lozenges a day. The drug is recommended for active people involved in sports and who do not have the opportunity to regularly eat a variety of foods. Macrovit, subject to the indicated dosage, has no side effects, contraindications for use by pregnant and lactating women.

The complex drug Duavit, which got its name from the two-color tablets, is available in a blister pack. The red shell contains vitamins, the blue shell contains macro- and microelements.

Duavit is also required for:

  • insufficient absorption of food for various reasons
  • the diet of patients with type 2 diabetes
  • avitaminosis in the winter-spring period of the year
  • heavy sweating
  • heavy menstruation

Potassium, magnesium and calcium content in foods

Potassium in food

Potassium. A healthy adult needs up to 5 grams of potassium per day. A ripe banana of average size meets the daily requirement for a chemical element. It should be borne in mind that ordinary table salt, aka sodium chloride, contains impurities and potassium chloride.

Potash products are also:

  • millet porridge
  • brewer's yeast
  • dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots)
  • bran wheat bread
  • vegetables (cabbage, pumpkin, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers)
  • nuts (almonds)
  • fruits and berries (red currant)

Recommended recipe for an energy drink rich in potassium ions for a healthy body. In 200 ml of warm water, stir 1 tablespoon of high-quality honey and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Drink in long courses in the morning on an empty stomach.

Magnesium. When less than 400 mg of a macronutrient enters the body, a person experiences chronic fatigue syndrome and headaches.

Buckwheat is a cereal storehouse of magnesium compounds. According to experts, not cooked, but steamed version of it will deliver a useful element to the cells of the body in its best form. To do this, pour the washed buckwheat grains overnight with a fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk). In the morning the porridge is ready, you can use it with honey.

Calcium. Of the miraculous chemical triplet, all functional organ systems need the most calcium. An adult without chronic disease needs about 1200 mg. Calcium compounds in an aqueous solution are absorbed by the body.

In natural products, the macronutrient is contained in:

  • parsley
  • cereals (rice, lentils)
  • seafood
  • liver
  • vegetables (celery, cauliflower, onions)

Dairy products sold through trade networks are not inferior in terms of the content of macronutrients to home production. On an industrial scale, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream are specially enriched with calcium chloride.

Chemical elements and their compounds enter the cells of the body along with food and water. They are components of the cellular structure and participants in metabolic processes in it. For each of the metals under consideration, an optimal dose and a list of foods with a high macronutrient content have been determined.

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The best calcium supplements: how to choose?

Calcium is a vital element for any living organism, one of the main building blocks for the skeleton and all bones, an irreplaceable, active alkaline earth component involved in many basic metabolic processes in the body.

We consume it with food, but current trends are significantly reducing the already small doses of natural calcium in foods. The only way to fill up the deficiency is to use special drugs. However, how to choose the optimal form of calcium, which would be quickly and completely absorbed by the body and at the same time would be inexpensive?

What are calcium supplements for?

The choice of the necessary drug must begin with an awareness of its importance for the body, as well as the beneficial properties and potential risks of taking the drug.

For adults

Calcium in the adult body performs a wide range of vital systemic functions. It is basic for bone and teeth tissues, normalizes blood clotting, and ensures normal muscle contraction function.

Recent studies show that it is calcium that slows down the aging process; an element in complex therapy acts as an inhibitor of cancer development. For middle-aged and older people, calcium is necessary to fight osteoporosis, menopause, as well as high blood pressure and some problems of the cardiovascular system.

This element also blocks the absorption of saturated fats by the human body, normalizes the digestive tract, and fights "bad" cholesterol.

For kids

Calcium is the most important mineral for children, starting from the first days of life. It helps the child to fully develop and be healthy. This element in the child's body is involved in more than three hundred biochemical processes, from the formation and development of bone tissue to the work of muscles and the cardiovascular system.

Calcium in various forms regulates the acid-base balance of the body, protects blood vessels from permeability, regulates muscle tone and blood clotting. An insufficient amount of calcium can cause seizures in a child, multiple sclerosis, rickets, pathologies of the development of the lens of the eye, poor blood clotting. The full development of the baby, including the active growth of the skeleton, directly depends on the presence in the body of a sufficient amount of the above substance.

Diseases for which calcium supplements are used

Modern research by scientists on the occurrence of diseases directly or indirectly associated with a lack of calcium in the body is actively published in the foreign press. According to reputable doctors, this problem can cause up to hundreds of various diseases and syndromes.

The most famous recorded cases:

  1. Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone density and an increase in skeletal fragility with a significant increase in the risk of fractures.
  2. Rickets is a childhood disease caused by insufficient mineralization of bone tissue and leading to a change in its structure.
  3. Osteomalacia is a disease similar to rickets found in adolescents and adults.
  4. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas.
  5. Climax is a syndrome of physiological decrease in sexual constitution.
  6. Renal and hepatic impairment.
  7. Changes in thyroid function.
  8. Cachexia and anorexia - wasting the body.
  9. Bisbacteriosis.
  10. Cardiovascular diseases.
  11. Broad spectrum infectious, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
  12. Acquired defects of connective and bone tissue.
  13. Pulmonary and heart failure.
  14. Hyperplasia.
  15. Various neuropathies and stress.
  16. Disorders of the digestive tract.

How to choose the right one and what to look for?

Almost every modern person, in addition to natural calcium contained in foods, requires additional intake of drugs, due to the steady decrease in this useful element in the daily diet. For example, pregnant women and children need at least one and a half daily required dose, and patients during the recovery period - even double. Which calcium to choose? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

At the moment, calcium preparations are divided into two large groups - these are complexes of animal origin and medicinal substrates.

The former are nutritional supplements created from limestone, oyster shells, dolomite, animal bones and other products of the natural base. This type of drug is inexpensive and comes in high dosages. However, there are two features here - the concentration of calcium directly in the mixture (it is lower than in classic factory tablets), as well as various natural pollutants, in particular lead, because it is it that accumulates in places where calcium is deposited. At a sufficiently high concentration, this pollutant can damage the brain and cardiovascular system, almost and even change behavior with the appearance of aggression and a general decrease in intellectual functions.

According to the research results, the least of such negative additives is found in chelated forms and calcium carbonates, most of all - in the bones and shells of oysters. Therefore, if you are going to purchase calcium preparations based on natural structures, be sure to choose preparations with the maximum level of purification.

In addition, it is advisable to use calcium preparations together with phosphorus and magnesium - this is how these components mutually enhance the joint beneficial effect on the body and make up for the loss of these minerals. If there is a lack of any of the three indicated elements in the body, then, no matter how much you use one or two others, they will be very poorly absorbed. Vitamin D3 (aka fish oil) and vitamin C should also be taken as an additional modulator - the former catalyzes the absorption of calcium, while the latter is a kind of balancing for other minerals.

Preparations from purified substances are most often various compounds of a semi-synthetic nature in the form of salts. They are available in the form of solutions or compressed tablets. Here you should pay attention to the salt formula itself, because each of them can contain a different concentration of elemental calcium. So calcium gluconate and calcium lactate contain only 90 to 130 milligrams of pure substance per gram of substrate, while calcium chloride - 270, and calcium carbonate - more than 400 milligrams per gram of compound.

A list of the best drugs with a description

Calcium Carbonate with Magnesium

This combination preparation contains a large amount of calcium in a bound systemic form. It is used to compensate for the lack of balance of calcium and magnesium in the body, has a pronounced antacid effect on the digestive tract. Does not cause hypersecretion and soy acid-base balance.

Children over twelve years of age and adults take two tablets after meals, dissolving them in the mouth. The maximum dosage is 12 tablets per day

Possible side effects: hypercalcemia, changes in stool consistency. The drug is contraindicated in systemic renal dysfunctions, patients with hypercalcemia. It is prescribed with caution to pregnant women until the third trimester.

Calcium Chloride

A drug that systematizes the balance of calcium and calcium in the body. It is used primarily to combat hypocalcemia, as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of thyroid and vascular lesions. It has a positive effect in the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, endometritis, nephritis, eclampsia. It is used as a hemostatic agent and as an antidote for poisoning with magnesium salts, and also as a diuretic.

Available as a solution. Adults (intravenous administration, very slowly, drip or jet) are prescribed 15 milliliters of solution 2 or three times a day, children - from five to ten milliliters of solution twice a day.

Side effects: bradycardia, fibrillation of the gastric heart muscle, fever, heartburn, pain in the epigastric zone. The drug is contraindicated in thrombosis, atherosclerosis, hyperkalemia, as well as for intramuscular or subcutaneous administration.

Calcium D3 Nycomed

One of the most famous calcium preparations, combined with vitamin D3. The complex replenishes the calcium deficiency in the body and promotes its absorption. Calcium D3 Nycomed regulates the absorption of trace elements in the gastrointestinal tract, prevents increased synthesis of parathyroid hormones, increases bone resorption. It is used in complex therapies for a number of diseases, including osteoporosis and other conditions associated with calcium deficiency.

The drug is taken orally. For children, one tablet twice a day. Teenagers from twelve years old and adults - two tablets three times a day.

Possible side effects: allergic reactions, gastrointestinal disorders. Calcium D3 Nycomed is contraindicated in people with renal failure, patients with sarcoidosis, phenylketonuria, allergy sufferers and the elderly, children under five years of age.

Kalcemin Advance

This complex preparation, in addition to classical calcium, contains in the form of sulfates, oxides and other compounds, also zinc, magnesium, copper, boron and colecalciferol. The medicine actively regulates calcium metabolism in the body. The pharmacokinetics of Calcemin Advance is currently the subject of a comprehensive study and has not been fully studied.

The drug is used to reduce calcium deficiency, strengthen bone tissue, as well as prevent problems with the musculoskeletal system and other diseases associated with hypocalcemia. The dosage for children over twelve years of age and adults is one tablet twice a day.

Side effects: vomiting, nausea, hypercalcemia, flatulence, allergic skin rashes. Calcemin Advance is prohibited for use in children under twelve years of age, with urolithiasis and renal failure. During pregnancy and lactation, this medicine should be taken with caution, accurately calculating the dosage and not exceeding it under the supervision of the attending physician. Up to 20 percent of the calcium you consume passes into breast milk, so limit the use of the drug if you are giving your baby any calcium supplements.

Useful video

The program "Life is great!" about food with calcium

Choose the right calcium supplements, use them wisely in practice and never get sick!

Calcium is a vital element for any living organism, one of the main building blocks for the skeleton and all bones, an irreplaceable, active alkaline earth component involved in many basic metabolic processes in the body.

We consume it with food, but current trends are significantly reducing the already small doses of natural calcium in foods. The only way to fill up the deficiency is to use special drugs. However, how to choose the optimal form of calcium, which would be quickly and completely absorbed by the body and at the same time would be inexpensive?

What are calcium supplements for?

The choice of the necessary drug must begin with an awareness of its importance for the body, as well as the beneficial properties and potential risks of taking the drug.

For adults

Calcium in the adult body performs a wide range of vital systemic functions. It is basic for bone and teeth tissues, normalizes blood clotting, and ensures normal muscle contraction function.

Recent studies show that it is calcium that slows down the aging process; an element in complex therapy acts as an inhibitor of cancer development. For middle-aged and older people, calcium is necessary to fight osteoporosis, menopause, as well as high blood pressure and some problems of the cardiovascular system.

This element also blocks the absorption of saturated fats by the human body, normalizes the digestive tract, and fights "bad" cholesterol.

For kids

Calcium is the most important mineral for children, starting from the first days of life. It helps the child to fully develop and be healthy. This element in the child's body is involved in more than three hundred biochemical processes, from the formation and development of bone tissue to the work of muscles and the cardiovascular system.

Calcium in various forms regulates the acid-base balance of the body, protects blood vessels from permeability, regulates muscle tone and blood clotting. An insufficient amount of calcium can cause seizures in a child, multiple sclerosis, rickets, pathologies of the development of the lens of the eye, poor blood clotting. The full development of the baby, including the active growth of the skeleton, directly depends on the presence in the body of a sufficient amount of the above substance.

Modern research by scientists on the occurrence of diseases directly or indirectly associated with a lack of calcium in the body is actively published in the foreign press. , this problem can cause up to hundreds of various diseases and syndromes.

The most famous recorded cases:

  1. Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone density and an increase in skeletal fragility with a significant increase in the risk of fractures.
  2. Rickets is a childhood disease caused by insufficient mineralization of bone tissue and leading to a change in its structure.
  3. Osteomalacia is a disease similar to rickets found in adolescents and adults.
  4. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas.
  5. Climax is a syndrome of physiological decrease in sexual constitution.
  6. Renal and hepatic impairment.
  7. Changes in thyroid function.
  8. Cachexia and anorexia - wasting the body.
  9. Bisbacteriosis.
  10. Cardiovascular diseases.
  11. Broad spectrum infectious, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
  12. Acquired defects of connective and bone tissue.
  13. Pulmonary and heart failure.
  14. Hyperplasia.
  15. Various neuropathies and stress.
  16. Disorders of the digestive tract.

How to choose the right one and what to look for?

Almost every modern person, in addition to the natural calcium contained in, requires an additional intake of drugs, due to the stable decrease in this useful element in the daily diet. For example, pregnant women and children need at least one and a half daily required dose, and patients during the recovery period - even double. Which calcium to choose? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

At the moment, calcium preparations are divided into two large groups - these are complexes of animal origin and medicinal substrates.

The former are nutritional supplements created from limestone, oyster shells, dolomite, animal bones and other products of the natural base. This type of drug is inexpensive and comes in high dosages. However, there are two features here - the concentration of calcium directly in the mixture (it is lower than in classic factory tablets), as well as various natural pollutants, in particular lead, because it is it that accumulates in places where calcium is deposited. At a sufficiently high concentration, this pollutant can damage the brain and cardiovascular system, almost and even change behavior with the appearance of aggression and a general decrease in intellectual functions.

According to the research results, the least of such negative additives is found in chelated forms and calcium carbonates, most of all - in the bones and shells of oysters. Therefore, if you are going to purchase calcium preparations based on natural structures, be sure to choose preparations with the maximum level of purification.

In addition, it is advisable to use calcium preparations together with phosphorus and magnesium - this is how these components mutually enhance the joint beneficial effect on the body and make up for the loss of these minerals. If there is a lack of any of the three indicated elements in the body, then, no matter how much you use one or two others, they will be very poorly absorbed. Vitamin C should also be taken as an additional modulator (aka fish oil) - the first catalyzes the absorption of calcium, while the second is a kind of balancing for other minerals.

Preparations from purified substances are most often various compounds of a semi-synthetic nature in the form of salts. They are available in the form of solutions or compressed tablets. Here you should pay attention to the salt formula itself, because each of them can contain a different concentration of elemental calcium. So calcium gluconate and calcium lactate contain only 90 to 130 milligrams of pure substance per gram of substrate, while calcium chloride - 270, and calcium carbonate - more than 400 milligrams per gram of compound.

A list of the best drugs with a description

Calcium Carbonate with Magnesium

This combination preparation contains a large amount of calcium in a bound systemic form. It is used to compensate for the lack of balance of calcium and magnesium in the body, has a pronounced antacid effect on the digestive tract. Does not cause hypersecretion and soy acid-base balance.

Children over twelve years of age and adults take two tablets after meals, dissolving them in the mouth. The maximum dosage is 12 tablets per day

Possible side effects: hypercalcemia, changes in stool consistency. The drug is contraindicated in systemic renal dysfunctions, patients with hypercalcemia. It is prescribed with caution to pregnant women until the third trimester.

A drug that systematizes the balance of calcium and calcium in the body. It is used primarily to combat hypocalcemia, as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of thyroid and vascular lesions. It has a positive effect in the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, endometritis, nephritis, eclampsia. It is used as a hemostatic agent and as an antidote for poisoning with magnesium salts, and also as a diuretic.

Available as a solution. Adults (intravenous administration, very slowly, drip or jet) are prescribed 15 milliliters of solution 2 or three times a day, children - from five to ten milliliters of solution twice a day.

Side effects: bradycardia, fibrillation of the gastric heart muscle, a feeling of heat, pain in the epigastric zone. The drug is contraindicated in thrombosis, atherosclerosis, hyperkalemia, as well as for intramuscular or subcutaneous administration.

One of the most famous calcium preparations, combined with vitamin D3. The complex replenishes the calcium deficiency in the body and promotes its absorption. Calcium D3 Nycomed regulates the absorption of trace elements in the gastrointestinal tract, prevents increased synthesis of parathyroid hormones, increases bone resorption. It is used in complex therapies for a number of diseases, including osteoporosis and other conditions associated with calcium deficiency.

The drug is taken orally. For children, one tablet twice a day. Teenagers from twelve years old and adults - two tablets three times a day.

Possible side effects: allergic reactions, gastrointestinal disorders. Calcium D3 Nycomed is contraindicated in people with renal failure, patients with sarcoidosis, phenylketonuria, allergy sufferers and the elderly, children under five years of age.

This complex preparation, in addition to classical calcium, contains in the form of sulfates, oxides and other compounds, also zinc, magnesium, copper, boron and colecalciferol. The medicine actively regulates calcium metabolism in the body. The pharmacokinetics of Calcemin Advance is currently the subject of a comprehensive study and has not been fully studied.

The drug is used to reduce calcium deficiency, strengthen bone tissue, as well as prevent problems with the musculoskeletal system and other diseases associated with hypocalcemia. The dosage for children over twelve years of age and adults is one tablet twice a day.

Side effects: vomiting, nausea, hypercalcemia, flatulence, allergic skin rashes. Calcemin Advance is prohibited for use in children under twelve years of age, with urolithiasis and renal failure. During pregnancy and lactation, this medicine should be taken with caution, accurately calculating the dosage and not exceeding it. Up to 20 percent of the calcium you consume passes into breast milk, so limit the use of the drug if you are giving your baby any calcium supplements.

Useful video

The program "Life is great!" about food with calcium

Choose the right calcium supplements, use them wisely in practice and never get sick!

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LECITHIN for children

It turns out that such serious symptoms in children as impaired cognitive functions, fatigue, headaches, disorders of speech and psychomotor development, chronically poor appetite, frequent colds, may not be an unknown terrible sore, but a banal lack of lecithin.

You need to pay attention to this from the very beginning, i.e. since pregnancy, because no less depends on lecithin in the diet - the mental potential and the nervous system of the child. The daily requirement for lecithin in pregnant women increases by about 30% and is 8-10 g.
Pediatricians are in favor of breastfeeding for this very reason - because of the lecithin that can be absorbed. As it turns out, its deficiency in the first year cannot be compensated for throughout life.

For children over 4 months old, lecithin is poured into the milk mixture at the rate of a quarter of a coffee spoon 4 times a day or half 2 times a day. As the baby grows up, the dosage can be gradually increased to a full coffee spoon 2 times a day.
For girls, you can take any soy or sunflower lecithin from this one.

By the way, if you have a large bottle and you do not have time to use it up within the prescribed period, pour it into a bottle and put it in the freezer, Omega-3 will not lose anything from this.

And this gummies with Omega3 for discerning young children (I took my nephew, let's go with a bang)

CHILDREN'S vitamin D
, or such

If you do not give vitamins all the time (they already have a vitamin D norm), then you need to add 400 IU. From spring to autumn, if in summer it is constantly in the sun, you can not add

zinc is added to it in a dosage of up to 6 years, herbal components that contribute to the development of cognitive functions and stress resistance are there and, which I wrote about. The course of the B-complex is 2 months, at this time we do not drink multivitamins, but you can drink bacopa (we divide the bacopa tablets for children into 3 parts, drink before meals, always with fats).
This complex is from 7 years old, if earlier - with the permission of a doctor.

With the B-complex, in the interval between multivitamins, for children over 6 years old, it is good to drink (especially boys) and
calcium with magnesium two in one (which come with vitamin D, because we won't have it anywhere else for this time)

Instead of the B-complex, you can take this concentration aid for hyperactive children.
Instead - because it contains a number of B vitamins, plus GABA, DMAE, a complex of plant components for the brain, nervous system and general strengthening components.
The course is 1.5 months every six months.

FOR THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. With ADHD, autism, developmental disorders.
Jarrow Formulas, Acetyl L-Carnitine, 250 mg
1 capsule twice daily on an empty stomach, starting with one capsule. Course in two months. Do not combine with concentration aid. Works better with lecithin.
Contraindication: epilepsy
The drug is for adults, therefore, divide as usual, based on an adult daily dose of 500 mg.

SEASONAL ALLERGY, animal allergy

These tools are both together:

13-14 - 60mg (two capsules)

At 15-17 - 100mg, there are capsules .

Here's another convenient liquid form with a pipette, 1180 drops in a bottle (not frost-free).
It is very convenient to dose up to 5 years (for whom 10mg is not enough in the composition of vitamins), from 6 years it is more convenient to give capsules of 30mg.
Again, based on age, we assume an adult dose of 120mg Q10 per day:
at 1 year - 8 mg
at 2 years old - 12
at 4 years old - 16
at 5 years old - 20


From the age of 7, you can enter courses - for the development of cognitive functions and speech. I have already mentioned it, for small children we divide the tablet into three parts, one third per day (250g), for teenagers 250g. 2 times a day. You can find Bacopa with 225g tablets, but this will be much more expensive.

Colostrum Plus from Symbiotics supplies the body with lactoferrin, immunoglobulins and polypeptides. The minimum levels of these important components in Symbiotics branded products are verified through laboratory testing. This product is guaranteed for quality and purity exclusively from dairy farms with a USDA Grade A rating. Only from the first milking. Laboratory tests have shown that the product is free from pesticides, antibiotics and rBHT hormones.


Help with digestive problems.
For children, a jar of papaya enzyme, natural digestive enzymes and probiotics in gentle doses.

Natural Dynamix, Chewing fiber Natural Dynamix, Kids, Gummy Cuties, 60 Gummies

PROBIOTICS with prebiotics

The Green Vegetable Nutritional Tablets for Kids include broccoli, spinach, spirulina, chlorella, kelp, and other nutrients not normally found in a child's diet. The lactic acid bacteria found in baby green vegetable tablets support healthy gut flora, which is essential for your baby's health and well-being.

IMMUNITY, treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza

Scheme to tighten immunity (remember that hyperstimulation of immunity is harmful, you do not need to be zealous)

Then, these sweets with echinacea, zinc and vitamin C
for a month. For the little ones. Younger than 4 years old, one thing is enough.

Do not forget about probiotics for children, they are very important for the body's defense.
You can take breaks between courses, depending on the infectious load around. These drugs have a different principle of action, there will be no unnecessary stimulation of immunity.
Apply during periods when everyone is sick around - spring, autumn.

For chronic infections, take systemic enzymes
divide the pill in half, give according to the annotation, you can drink for a long time, take for a start for a month and a half. Plus basic treatment.
Contraindications for enzymes are poor blood clotting, prompt surgery.

For sprays, if needed, take the silver one from the silver article.

EpiCor for children
is also a very powerful thing, you can take it into the circuit. Does not allow infection. If a sick person starts drinking, it quickly relieves the symptoms. Just like the previous ones, it is suitable for long-term use.

Another option:
immune complex with echinacea and black elderberry, small children one spoon


Nature's Plus produces an excellent quality, highly detailed Animal Parade children's vitamin series. All products are hypoallergenic, they have not forgotten about anything, there are probiotics, and enzymes, and superfoods, essential acids, vitamins together and separately, with high and low vitamin D content (winter and summer version)

For babies and toddlers (up to 4 years old)

Vitamins without sugar (SUGAR FREE series) vitamins (low in vitamin D)

B-complex + calcium with magnesium is also suitable for the sunny period (there is the same amount of vitamin D)

And you cannot ignore the raw vitamins for children, produced according to the latest technologies - from MegaFood. They can also be safely taken for the summer, there is not much vitamin D there, and all dosages are very restrained.


FOR GIRLS 11-12 years old there are special multivitamins for pre-adolescent girls

VITAMINS FOR TEENAGERS (12 to 17 years old)

The best vitamins for adolescents are those that go separately for boys and girls, and include female and male phytocomponents, additional minerals and antioxidants. hormonal development requires support and balance.
Here are two pairs of jars, there are differences in the compositions, so it's good that one manufacturer, then another, both manufacturers have modern forms of substances.

Now about GROWTH

This is such a hot topic among teenagers, because they come to their senses precisely in adolescence, when the growth zones will soon close and it will be too late.

I can just give a tip where to run, because I know from a person who went through all this with his child.
You need to go to an endocrinologist, he will send you an X-ray of the hand, which will show if the growth zones of the teenager have closed.
If they have not closed, then the doctor will prescribe injections (they are different for boys and girls), from this surge you can grow a few centimeters,
and only at this moment (when the process began) the best complex calcium is needed, which has everything for a thorough completion of the skeleton,

The growing body of a child must receive a sufficient amount of a variety of nutrients. Calcium is considered one of the most valuable, so parents should know why the baby needs such a mineral, what foods should be in the children's diet to ensure its intake with food, and what vitamin preparations it contains.

A mineral like calcium is very important for children because:

  • Without a sufficient amount of it, the formation of bone tissue is impaired.
  • It is required for the growth of teeth and the formation of dentin and enamel.
  • This mineral is important for muscle tissue and the nervous system.
  • He has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Calcium is able to normalize the rhythm of the heartbeat.
  • The presence of calcium in the children's diet promotes active mental activity.
  • This mineral strengthens the vascular walls.
  • Calcium is involved in the immune system.
  • Adequate calcium is important for the health of your skin, hair and nails.

The next video just talks about how important calcium is for the child's body and what a lack of it can lead to.

Every day, the child's body should receive calcium in such an amount:

How much calcium is needed in mg

If the child does not receive calcium from food, this will manifest itself:

  • Increased irritability.
  • Weakness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Peeling and cracking of the skin.
  • The appearance of "jam".
  • Decay of teeth with the formation of foci of caries.
  • Increased bone fragility and deformation.
  • Deterioration of the condition of the nails.
  • Numbness in the fingers.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Growth retardation.
  • Convulsive contractions of the muscles of the limbs.
  • The appearance of rickets.
  • Curvature of the spine.

If a child is severely deficient in calcium, the heart may malfunction, bleeding from the gums, vision and immune function problems may appear.

Paying attention to the intake of calcium into the child's body, choosing a suitable supplement with the doctor, is required in such situations:

  • Insufficient calcium in food, for example, with an unbalanced diet.
  • The period of intensive growth of children, in particular during teething.
  • Frequent fractures and dental diseases.

Vitamin preparations with calcium are not prescribed for:

  • Intolerance to their components.
  • Severe kidney disease.
  • Urolithiasis.

A child will receive sufficient doses of calcium from food if his menu includes:

  • Milk and products from it.
  • Sesame.
  • Hard or processed cheese.
  • Almonds, hazelnuts and other nuts.
  • Legumes.
  • Bran.
  • A fish.
  • Eggs.
  • Seafood.
  • Apples.
  • Meat.
  • Cabbage, radish, cucumber, celery and other vegetables.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Cereals.

In the first 6 months of life, babies receive calcium from breast milk, so a nursing mother should pay attention to the presence of calcium sources in the diet. If the child is artificial, a mixture is selected for him, which contains enough of all the minerals necessary for growth.

There are quite a few multivitamin preparations, among the components of which calcium is present. But before you purchase any of these and give it to your child, it is important to remember that a doctor should prescribe any calcium supplements during childhood. At the same time, the pediatrician will recommend how to change the diet of the toddler and what physical activity he needs to provide.

Calcium supplements are often recommended twice a year to prevent inadequate dietary intake. Usually, this mineral is combined with vitamin D, since in such a combination both compounds are absorbed better. Also, in many preparations, calcium is combined with magnesium and / or phosphorus. These minerals improve the absorption of each other and contribute to the retention of calcium in the bone tissue.

It is important that an adult gives a single dosage of vitamins with calcium to a child, controlling his intake. If a child accidentally drinks more than is allowed at his age, it can lead to allergic reactions, manifested by rashes and itching of the skin. So the storage of children's vitamins, including calcium, should be given special attention. Moreover, sweet syrup, cute animal lozenges or delicious chewable tablets are popular with most babies.

You can hear important information about the absorption of calcium by the child's body in the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

Additional intake of calcium into the body of children can be provided both by courses of vitamin preparations, in which this mineral is represented by one of the main components, and by multivitamin complexes, in which calcium is only one of the many mineral compounds.

The most common sources of calcium for children are:

  • Multi-tabs Kid Calcium + - multivitamins intended for children from 2 to 7 years old. The supplement is a chewable tablet, of which the child receives 13 vitamins (including D) and 7 minerals.
  • Complivit Calcium D3 - Supplement containing calcium carbonate supplemented with vitamin D3 at a dose of 200 IU. The drug is presented in orange chewable tablets and is recommended for children over 3 years old.
  • Vitamishki Calcium + - chewable multivitamins in the form of bears, recommended for children over three years old. The basis of such a drug is tricalcium phosphate and vitamin D.
  • Alphabet - vitamin complexes, in which nutrients are separated and placed in different tablets or sachets, due to the peculiarities of their absorption. In one of our sachets, our baby for 1.5-3 year old children is combined with folic acid, vitamins D3 and B12, and pantothenic acid. In yellow tablets Kindergarten (for kids 3-7 years old) and white tablets Shkolnik (for children 7-14 years old) and Teenager (for 14-18 year olds) vitamins H and K1, as well as chromium, are added to these compounds.
  • Kalcemin- a tablet preparation approved for use in children over 5 years old. Calcium in this supplement is represented by carbonate and citrate, and is also supplemented with vitamin D, copper, zinc, boron and manganese.

Also, in order to prevent calcium deficiency, children can be given such multivitamin supplements as Vitrum Junior, Pikovit Unique, Multi-Tabs Teenager, Pikovit Plus, Kinder Biovital and others.

Drug name

How much calcium is in the daily dose

124 mg in 2 chewable tablets

You will learn even more information about calcium by watching Dr. Komarovsky's program.


With age, all organs of the human body wear out, including the most important of them - the heart. For example, 99-year-old David Rockefeller, trying to prolong life, has already performed the sixth young heart transplant. But, since not all people, for material and moral and ethical reasons, have access to such a procedure for replacing this important organ with a more efficient one, it is worth turning to the aspect of preventing its diseases.

Traditionally, in addition to quitting smoking and excessive alcoholic drinking, weight loss and normalization of lipid metabolism, a number of recommendations for the prevention of the development of cardiovascular diseases and their complications include potassium and magnesium preparations. How effective these funds are, and in what other areas of medicine they can play a role, we will consider in this article.

Potassium in the human body not only helps the conduction system of the heart and regulates blood pressure. but it is also responsible for the transmission of excitation from nerves to muscles, and also regulates the intestines and maintains water-electrolyte balance, takes part in the regulation of protein and carbohydrate metabolism through the activation of enzymes. With its help, proteins are synthesized and glucose is converted into glycogen stored in the liver.

Potassium is rich in leafy greens, dried apricots, raisins, soybeans, peas, beans, bananas, melons, watermelons, kiwi. Somewhat less of it in black bread and potatoes. Among animal foods, the amount of potassium comparable to potatoes is found in beef and milk (see the table at the end of the article).

An adult, depending on physical activity, may require from 2 to 5 grams of potassium supplied with food per day. For example, 1 banana has a daily potassium intake. Moreover, potassium is absorbed from food by 90%, provided that there are no problems with absorption in the body and profuse diarrhea or vomiting.

Magnesium is primarily involved in energy production as it helps break down glucose. It participates in a variety of enzymatic reactions aimed at increasing the resistance of cells and their regeneration (through protein synthesis, DNA). Improves neuromuscular transmission due to the synthesis of B vitamins.

When interacting with calcium, it participates in muscle contraction, maintaining vascular tone. Magnesium also ensures better absorption of calcium and regulates its level in the blood. For this, the ratio of calcium and magnesium in food should be 2 to 1. Due to this, bone density and teeth are preserved. By stabilizing cell membranes, magnesium allows potassium, calcium and chlorine ions to penetrate through it. This achieves coordination of the heart rate and a decrease in blood pressure.

The daily requirement for magnesium is 400 mg per day. It is found in cereals, legumes, cabbage, nuts, sea fish and seafood. There is little magnesium in milk and cottage cheese, but it is easily absorbed from them.

For any drug, including those containing potassium and magnesium, there are indications and strict dosages. In this case, the drugs should be prescribed by the attending physician, and not recommended by a pharmacy employee or an article on the Internet. Therefore, "harmful fantasies" that the more these substances enter the body, the safer the heart, will have to be left.

The maximum daily intake of potassium is 6 grams. When 14 grams are consumed, cardiac arrest may occur. The initial excess of potassium in the body can be observed when:

  • chronic renal failure
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • with extensive injuries with tissue crushing
  • against the background of radiation or taking cytostatics.

With long-term use of high doses, you can get complications such as:

  • irritability, suspiciousness and anxiety
  • muscle weakness, heart rhythm disorders
  • intestinal colic, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • frequent urination and diabetes mellitus.

The limit for magnesium is 800 mg per day. You cannot die from it, but in case of an overdose, you can earn chronic fatigue, kidney stones, hyperthyroidism, psoriasis. In this case, it does not matter at all whether medications are taken or whether they are dietary supplements with minerals. Magnesium is excessively retained in the body during CRF.

This is the most popular and inexpensive magnesium and potassium pill, which is usually eaten on both cheeks for most heart problems, from arrhythmias to angina pectoris. This source of potassium and magnesium aspartate is actually not all that harmless.

  • Its main purpose is to compensate for the loss of potassium when taking potassium-sparing diuretics (Furosemide, Torasemide, Ethacrynic acid, Diacarb), for example, in the treatment of hypertension or chronic heart failure. But potassium-sparing diuretics (Veroshpiron, Triampur, Triamteren, Amiloride, Eplerenone) are not supplemented with potassium-containing drugs. Hypothiazide and Indapamide also do not require potassium supplementation.
  • With ventricular arrhythmias, Panangin is able to normalize the rhythm. But more often with paroxysmal tachycardia or atrial fibrillation, it is used as an adjuvant. It is also used for atrial rhythm disturbances (extrasystoles) in combination with antiarrhythmic drugs.
  • For prophylaxis, it is more often used in the elderly with recurrent extrasystole, paroxysmal tachycardia, against the background of low blood potassium, during the period of increased frequency of angina attacks or unstable arterial hypertension.
  • When treating with cardiac glycosides, Panangin improves their tolerance and smoothes side effects.

Contraindications are. acidosis, myasthenia gravis, atrioventricular blockade, cardiogenic shock with low blood pressure, hemolysis, dehydration, potassium and magnesium metabolism disorders. The drug is prescribed with caution in pregnant and lactating women.
Interaction with other medicines. combined use with beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, cyclosporins, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increase the risks of potassium overdose.
Price: 50 tab. 120-140 rub.

This is a cheaper version of Panangin with a similar composition (potassium and magnesium aspartate), indications, contraindications, side effects and dosage regimen.
Price. 56 tab. 70-120 rub.

Other analogues of Panangin. Asparkad, Pamaton, Potassium-magnesium aspartate tablets and solutions for infusion.

Orokamag - potassium and magnesium orotate in capsules is used in the complex therapy of unstable angina pectoris and supraventricular extrasystole. Not indicated for pregnant and lactating women. It has contraindications and side effects similar to Panangin.

Magnerot - magnesium orotate dihydrate in tablets of 500 milligrams. Side effects include allergies, appetite disorders, nausea and diarrhea. It can be used with caution in pregnant and lactating women, provided that the level of magnesium in the blood is balanced.
Indications for the appointment are magnesium deficiency, arrhythmias associated with this trace element, progressive angina pectoris, atherosclerosis. chronic heart failure, myocardial infarction. spasms of muscles, blood vessels, endarteritis, disorders of fat metabolism.
Contraindicated. with urolithiasis, renal failure, liver cirrhosis with ascites. in children under 18 years of age, with intolerance to milk sugar (lactase deficiency), impaired glucose absorption.
Price: 20 tab. 300 rubles, 50 tab. 600-700 rub.

It is a dietary supplement with a combination of magnesium and calcium. It is used under the same conditions as Magneroth.
Price. 30 tab. 350 RUB

Convulsions, tingling sensations, crawling creeps are associated with impaired neuromuscular transmission and can occur against a background of magnesium deficiency. The situation is also worsened by the deficiency of B vitamins, in the synthesis of which magnesium is involved. People can begin to suffer from muscle twitching, called seizures, when:

  • Dehydration
  • Electrolyte disturbances against the background of diarrhea and vomiting
  • When taking diuretics or laxatives
  • Thoughtless bowel cleansing with frequent enemas
  • When fasting

This is most often observed in the elderly at night, when one or both legs begin to grow numb and involuntarily twitch, often causing a lot of trouble and disturbing sleep. Individuals face the same problems:

  • Alcohol abusers
  • Poisoned by lead, manganese, cadmium, aluminum, nickel, beryllium, cobalt
  • After resections of the small intestine, in case of malabsorption in it
  • With diabetes mellitus
  • During treatment with gentamicin and antineoplastic agents

At the same time, seizures can be widespread and seize a variety of muscle groups; pregnant women and children can suffer from similar conditions during periods of intensive growth. In order to cope with these unpleasant phenomena and sensations, patients are prescribed courses of preparations containing magnesium and supplemented with B vitamins.

These are tablets or oral solution. Contains magnesium lactate dihydrate in combination with pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6). The amount of magnesium in a tablet corresponds to 48 mg of bivalent magnesium.

  • in addition to muscle spasms, the drug can be used for magnesium deficiency
  • heart rhythm disorders
  • spasms in the gastrointestinal tract
  • sleep disorders, increased excitability or irritability.

The course of taking the drug is shown (on average, within 4-6 weeks). They drink it at 6-8 tablets per day in 3-4 doses. Tablets and solution are taken with food with water. The solution can be preliminarily diluted in a half glass of water.
The medicine is contraindicated in renal failure, children under six years of age, fructose intolerance, impaired absorption of glucose and sucrose. Combined use with levodopa is unacceptable. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as it penetrates into milk and through the placental barrier.
Side effects: nausea, vomiting, loose stools, flatulence are known as undesirable effects.
Poisoning can occur only with a significant drop in the glomerular filtration rate of the kidneys and manifests itself in a drop in blood pressure, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, depression, respiratory depression, and heart rhythm disturbances.
Price. Magne B6 50 tab. 550-700 rub. Magne B6 Forte 30 tab. RUB 700-800

Magnistad is a tablet containing a combination of 470 mg magnesium lactate dihydrate and 5 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride. The special shell of the tablets dissolves only in the intestine, ensuring maximum absorption of the drug. Indications, side effects and contraindications are the same as for Magne B6.

The popular pharmaceutical phrase "vitamin and mineral complexes" has become a part of everyday life of modern people. The drugs are prescribed for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal system, for many acute and chronic ailments. Essential for a person every day in large quantities: vitamins. calcium, potassium, magnesium are found in every cell of the body. The reserves of macronutrients in tissues and blood plasma must be constantly replenished through food or pharmaceuticals.

Mineral salts are part of active metal-containing organic compounds - enzymes and vitamins. The chemical complex calciferol is an antirachitic vitamin D.

Magnesium is known to have:

  • pronounced anti-inflammatory effect
  • participates in the transmission of the heart impulse, restores the normal rhythm, in case of its deficiency arrhythmia develops
  • an aqueous solution of magnesium stops the loss of ATP molecules by cells as energy sources

At the same time, potassium takes part:

  • in maintaining the balance of functions of the nervous system, in the transmission of oxygen and impulses to neurons (cells) of the brain
  • together with magnesium in acid-base balance and water-salt metabolism
  • potassium salts contribute to increased urination

And so the calcium we need is capable of the following:

  • stop blood, normalize blood clotting, enhance the effect of vitamin K
  • be a support and building material for connective tissue (bones), nails, teeth, help the absorption of vitamin D
  • participate in the transport of nutrients across the cell membrane (envelope)

The strength of metals lies in their fruitful partnership. Magnesium helps to absorb calcium, and potassium enhances the effect of the former. The deprivation of the body of the magnificent triplet of chemical elements brings metabolism to an unfavorable destructive direction - increased nervousness, the occurrence and development of heart and joint diseases.

Too much intake of vitamin-mineral complexes into the body is fraught with complications. An excess of organometallic substances and hypervitaminosis leads to metabolic disorders. It is within the competence of the doctor to determine the overabundance factor in the internal environment of a chemical compound based on the results of a biochemical blood test When magnesium is exceeded by more than 2.5 mmol / l, changes are noticeable on the cardiogram.

The characteristic reasons for the accumulation of metals in the body are the presence of the following pathologies:

  • hormonal disorders of the endocrine system (with diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction)
  • hereditary diseases
  • drug intoxication
  • malignant tumors

The bulk of unnecessary substances are excreted from the body through the organs of the urinary system. With her diseases (pyelonephritis, kidney stones), the normal course of events is disrupted. In serious cases, with chronic renal failure, it is advisable to prescribe a hemodialysis procedure.

Common symptoms of an excess of elements in the body:

  • weakness of skeletal muscles, impaired coordination of movements
  • depression, disorder of consciousness, drowsiness, apathy
  • heart disorders, decreased heart rate and blood pressure
  • suppression of nervous reflexes
  • dehydration (diarrhea and vomiting), dry mucous membranes, skin, hair

Hyperkalemia, -magnesemia and -calcemia are relatively rare. However, they have significant implications. With an excess of potassium and magnesium, doctors recommend taking calcium gluconate, since the salts of this metal are actively flushed out of the body.

This can be observed with:

  • laxatives taken by people on all kinds of diets
  • threatened miscarriage, pregnant women are prescribed magnesium compounds (sulfate or hydroxide)
  • frequent and uncontrolled use of mineral water with a high content of ions (charged particles) of magnesium

Excess calcium is most likely to occur in older people with constipation. Within 1-2 months, they are shown drinking distilled water.

Asparkam. The combined drug is prescribed by cardiologists for coronary insufficiency and arrhythmias. The medicine contains salts - potassium and magnesium aspartates. During treatment, there is a decrease in oxygen starvation of the cells of the muscle tissue of the heart.

The drug is dangerous to use when:

  • an initially elevated level of potassium in the blood (hyperkalemia)
  • acute and chronic renal failure
  • in combination with atrioventricular block

The drug is produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection. During an exacerbation of the disease in adults, they are prescribed to take 2 tablets 3 times a day, for 2 weeks. Then the same period is allocated for taking 1 tablet. A weekly break is taken, and the monthly course of treatment with Asparkam, if necessary, is repeated. More often, with intravenous administration, patients note side symptoms (dizziness, nausea and vomiting).

Panangin. In terms of composition, release form and contraindications for use, the drug is analogous to Asparkam.

  • significantly improve the metabolism in the heart muscle
  • fight arrhythmia
  • help assimilate other cardiac drugs used in parallel by cardiopatients

In the absence of side effects and control over the level of potassium in the blood, Panangin is often prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day, for preventive purposes, for pregnant and lactating women.

Magnerot. The active ingredient in a synthetic tablet preparation is magnesium orotate.

  • in order to replenish the lack of magnesium in the body
  • with atherosclerosis
  • in violation of lipid (fat) metabolism

Reception is long - almost 2 months, takes place in two stages. From the beginning of the course, during the first week, take 2 tablets three times a day. Then 6 weeks - 1 tablet, possibly twice a day. Magnerot is approved for use by chronic alcoholics and during pregnancy.

Magne B6. The combined preparation contains magnesium lactate and pyridoxine hydrochloride (a B vitamin). Available form: tablets and ampoules with injection solution. Oral ingestion is accompanied by a sufficiently large amount of water - 1 glass (200 ml).

Contraindications for the use of Magne B6 include:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug
  • renal failure
  • intestinal dysfunction (tendency to diarrhea, with abdominal pain)

Maalox. Along with other components, the medicinal product contains magnesium hydroxide.

It is produced in the form of tablets and suspension for oral administration when:

  • acute and chronic gastritis
  • inaccuracies in diet
  • heartburn
  • stomach discomfort
  • abuse of nicotine, coffee, alcohol

According to the therapeutic actions of Maalox:

  • anti-acid
  • adsorbing
  • enveloping
  • analgesic

Neuromuscular disorders in the form of painful muscle twitching are a pronounced symptom of potassium deficiency in the body. Cramps are observed with dehydration due to:

  • diarrhea, vomiting
  • taking laxatives or diuretics
  • bowel cleansing with enemas
  • starvation

Kalinor. Effervescent tablets contain potassium salts (citrate, bicarbonate) and citric acid. When taken orally, the product must be dissolved in a glass of water and drunk in small sips for 15 minutes. You cannot take more than 1 tablet at a time, more than 3 tablets per day. The doctor prescribes a course of treatment, the duration of which varies from several days or weeks. The acid that is part of Kalinor can provoke the manifestation of allergic reactions in the patient. With persistent dehydration of the body, the drug is not prescribed.

Expectant mothers, breastfeeding women are often worried about seizures and anemia. The proven Materna complex replenishes the lack of minerals and vitamins. The pharmaceutical product contains 25 mg of magnesium. The calculated dose is not dangerous for the baby's health. Even provided that the woman will consume foods rich in magnesium. In addition, the medicine contains a wide range of vitamins, iodine, organic acids, iron and calcium. And also trace elements: copper, manganese, zinc, chromium, molybdenum. The vitamin and mineral complex Materna is taken, 1 tablet per day.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of similar medicines containing combinations of macronutrients and vitamins.

Berocca Calcium + Magnesium. Coated and effervescent tablets contain 100 mg of magnesium and calcium. According to its medicinal properties, the drug is also aimed at ensuring the full development of teeth and bone tissue.

The doctor prescribes a multivitamin and mineral complex during the period:

  • growth of the body of children
  • long-term illness
  • before and after chemotherapy
  • treatment of polyneuritis (alcoholic)

Pregnant and lactating women will benefit from the drug only if:

  • monitoring the biochemical parameters of blood
  • absence of allergic reactions to components
  • severe diseases of the urinary system

Macrovit. Contains nicotinamide, vitamins A, E, C, D, group B and calcium pantothenate. Release form - lozenges that dissolve in the mouth. Children over 10 years old and adults are prescribed up to 3 lozenges a day. The drug is recommended for active people involved in sports and who do not have the opportunity to regularly eat a variety of foods. Macrovit, subject to the indicated dosage, has no side effects, contraindications for use by pregnant and lactating women.

The complex drug Duavit, which got its name from the two-color tablets, is available in a blister pack. The red shell contains vitamins, the blue shell contains macro- and microelements.

Duavit is also required for:

  • insufficient absorption of food for various reasons
  • the diet of patients with type 2 diabetes
  • avitaminosis in the winter-spring period of the year
  • heavy sweating
  • heavy menstruation

Potassium. A healthy adult needs up to 5 grams of potassium per day. A ripe banana of average size meets the daily requirement for a chemical element. It should be borne in mind that ordinary table salt, aka sodium chloride, contains impurities and potassium chloride.

Potash products are also:

  • millet porridge
  • brewer's yeast
  • dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots)
  • bran wheat bread
  • vegetables (cabbage, pumpkin, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers)
  • nuts (almonds)
  • fruits and berries (red currant)

Recommended recipe for an energy drink rich in potassium ions for a healthy body. In 200 ml of warm water, stir 1 tablespoon of high-quality honey and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Drink in long courses in the morning on an empty stomach.

Magnesium. When less than 400 mg of a macronutrient enters the body, a person experiences chronic fatigue syndrome and headaches.

  • high-calorie nuts (pine nuts, hazelnuts)
  • beans
  • sprouted wheat grains

Buckwheat is a cereal storehouse of magnesium compounds. According to experts, not cooked, but steamed version of it will deliver a useful element to the cells of the body in its best form. To do this, pour the washed buckwheat grains overnight with a fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk). In the morning the porridge is ready, you can use it with honey.

Calcium. Of the miraculous chemical triplet, all functional organ systems need the most calcium. An adult without chronic disease needs about 1200 mg. Calcium compounds in an aqueous solution are absorbed by the body.

In natural products, the macronutrient is contained in:

  • parsley
  • cereals (rice, lentils)
  • seafood
  • liver
  • vegetables (celery, cauliflower, onions)

Dairy products sold through trade networks are not inferior in terms of the content of macronutrients to home production. On an industrial scale, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream are specially enriched with calcium chloride.

Chemical elements and their compounds enter the cells of the body along with food and water. They are components of the cellular structure and participants in metabolic processes in it. For each of the metals under consideration, an optimal dose and a list of foods with a high macronutrient content have been determined.

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Jan 13, 2017 Violetta the Doctor

First about Panangin. The content of magnesium ions in one tablet is less than 14 mg. The daily dose of magnesium for a man is 400-450 mg, for a woman - 300-350 mg. So divide one by the other.

It turns out that in order to gain a daily dose of magnesium, a man must take 30 Panangin tablets a day, and a woman - 25. It is not good to swallow the tablets in handfuls, and it turns out too much.

Now regarding Asparkam. To all the charms of Panangin, two factors are added: the place of production and the price. I find it difficult to say what is happening at the pharmaceutical plants in Russia and Ukraine nowadays, so I would not appoint asparks to myself or to my relatives.

On the generic quality page, I wrote that very cheap alternatives can't work well. Are you expecting a stunning effect from the drug costing 20 rubles?

In general, study the table, evaluate the ratio of price to dose of magnesium. In my opinion, Doppelherz Active Magnesium plus B vitamins are in the lead in the inexpensive segment, and among soluble drugs (they have better absorption) - unconditionally Natural Calm (since 2016 - Natural MAG).

Nowhere is it indicated, including the annotation, when to take MAGNOX 520. Morning, evening. Before meals, after? Thank.

Ask the person who sold it to you. Annotation is an indicator of the degree of respect of the manufacturer to the patient and the doctor, if they do not write the method of use, then they consider you (and me) to be suckers. This does not appear in my table of magnesium preparations.

I order vitamins (dietary supplements) through the Internet at Even taking into account delivery from the USA, it turns out to be 3-5 times cheaper. Maybe this information will be useful to someone.

A drug that replenishes magnesium deficiency in the body.

Magnesium preparation. Magnesium is a vital element that is found in all tissues of the body and is necessary for the normal functioning of cells, participates in most metabolic reactions. In particular, it is involved in the regulation of the transmission of nerve impulses and in muscle contraction.

The body gets magnesium from food. A lack of magnesium in the body can be observed when the diet is disturbed (including when observing reduction diets) or when the need for magnesium increases (with increased physical and mental stress, stress, pregnancy, use of diuretics).

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is involved in many metabolic processes, in the regulation of the metabolism of the nervous system. Improves the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its penetration into cells.

Absorption and distribution

Absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract is not more than 50% of the oral dose. In the body, magnesium is distributed mainly in the intracellular space (about 99%), of which about 2/3 is distributed in bone tissue, and a third is in smooth and striated muscle tissue.

Magnesium is excreted primarily in urine. At least 1/3 of the taken dose of magnesium is excreted in the urine.

  • established magnesium deficiency, isolated or associated with other deficiency conditions, accompanied by symptoms such as irritability, minor sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal cramps or heart palpitations, increased fatigue, muscle pain and spasms, tingling sensation.

Film-coated tablets: adults are recommended to prescribe 6-8 tablets per day; children over 6 years old (body weight over 20 kg) - 4-6 tablets per day. The daily dose should be divided into 2-3 doses. The tablets are taken with meals with a glass of water.

Oral solution: adults are advised to prescribe 3-4 ampoules per day; children over 1 year old (body weight over 10 kg) - 1-4 ampoules per day. The daily dose should be divided into 2-3 doses. The solution from the ampoules is dissolved in 1/2 glass of water for taking 2-3 with meals.

The average duration of treatment is 1 month.

Treatment should be discontinued after normalization of blood magnesium levels.

Self-breaking ampoules with Magne B6® do not require a file. To open the ampoule, you should take it by the tip, after covering it with a piece of cloth and break it off with a sharp movement.

From the digestive system: abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, vomiting, flatulence.

Others: allergic reactions to the components of the drug.


Complivit Asset chewing contains magnesium and calcium, which help the child's body to cope with increased physical activity.

The new chewable form with a fruity taste makes the intake of Complivit Active chewing vitamins not only useful, but also pleasant!

  • prevention of vitamin and mineral deficiency in children from 3 to 10 years old;
  • to increase the body's resistance in children aged 3 to 10 years after suffering infectious diseases, with physical and mental stress, with regular sports activities;
  • with insufficient and unbalanced nutrition in children aged 3 to 10 years.
We live in an area with low iodine content. The child is 8 years old. Which vitamin preparation should I choose for my student?

You quite rightly pay attention to the prevention of iodine deficiency, because this element has a direct impact on the mental, physical and intellectual development of the child.
For the full functioning and development of all systems of the child's body, it is necessary to carry out constant prevention of the deficiency of all micronutrients. For this purpose, it is advisable to take vitamin and mineral complexes (VMC), which provide a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals into the body, for example, such as Complivit Active (produced in the form of coated tablets; contains 12 vitamins and 10 minerals, incl. iodine) or Complivit multivitamins + iodine (produced in the form of a suspension with a fruity taste, suitable for children who cannot swallow tablets).

The leading role in ensuring the normal functioning of the nervous system and mental development of the child is played by B vitamins, primarily B1, B6, niacin (synonyms: nicotinamide, PP, B3), and iodine.
All of these micronutrients are contained in Complivit active chewable preparations (produced in the form of chewable tablets with cherry or banana flavor, marked with a cheerful face) and Complivit multivitamins + iodine (produced in the form of a suspension with a fruit flavor) in dosages corresponding to the norms of physiological needs for children from 3 years old.

To strengthen immunity and the full functioning of all systems of the child's body, it is necessary to pay attention to the prevention of deficiency of all micronutrients. When choosing a vitamin-mineral complex, first of all, you should pay attention to the list of components in the composition of the drug. Complexes are preferred, including vitamins A, E, D, C, a complete list of B vitamins, essential minerals and especially iodine, which is indispensable for the child's intellectual development and normal thyroid function. For this purpose, it is advisable to take vitamin-mineral complexes (VMC), providing a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals into the body, for example, such as VMC Complivit Active (for children from 7 to 12 years old, 1 tablet per day), Complivit active chewing ( for the age of 9 years - 2 tablets per day), Complivit multivitamins + iodine in the form of a suspension with a fruity taste (for children from 3 to 11 years old). The preparations contain the necessary micronutrients in doses that meet the physiological requirements for children.

The son is 12 years old. Engaged in a sports school, training every day. Very serious stress. What vitamin and mineral complex to choose for it?

With increased physical exertion, with regular sports activities, to support the adaptive capabilities and full functioning of all systems of the child's body, it is necessary to control the prevention of vitamin and mineral deficiency. For this purpose, it is advisable to take vitamin-mineral complexes (VMC) - for example, such as VMC Complivit Active or Selmevit.
Vitamin-mineral complex Complivit Active is intended for children 7-12 years old for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency, lack of minerals and microelements during growth and development; to increase the body's resistance with increased physical and mental stress, with regular sports. Contains 12 vitamins and 10 minerals including iodine.
VMC Selmevit includes 11 vitamins, 9 minerals and the essential amino acid methionine. The drug is intended for children from 12 years old and adults with the aim of preventing vitamin and mineral deficiency, to increase the body's resistance.

It is a problem for my child to swallow a pill or capsule, and there is a need to take a vitamin complex. What drug will be the way out of the situation?

Pharmstandard company produces the vitamin and mineral complex Complivit multivitamins + iodine in the form of a suspension with a fruity taste (for children from 3 to 11 years old). The drug includes 11 vitamins - A, E, D, C, a complete list of B vitamins and Iodine, indispensable for the intellectual and physical development of the child, the normal function of the thyroid gland. The complex is suitable for children who do not like or cannot swallow solid dosage forms.

1 tablet of IUD Complivit Active contains 100 mcg of iodine, which fully complies with the Norm of physiological need for iodine for a child aged 7 years in accordance with document MR 2.3.1. 2432-08. If there is a justified need for additional intake of iodine, provided that the daily use of iodized salt in food is refused, you can additionally take a monopreparation of iodine in the required dosage.

The drug is taken orally after meals. The tablet should be chewed and washed down with a little water. Children from 3 to 6 years old take 1 tablet once a day, from 6 to 10 years old - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

For the full growth and development of a child, all the necessary vitamins and macro- and microelements are important. The main minerals are calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. They play a significant role in the development of the body and strengthening the health of the baby.

  • From infancy, children need calcium, because it takes an active part in the main life processes: the formation of bones, tooth enamel and dentin.
  • This element has a significant effect on muscles and nerve tissues.
  • It has antiseptic and anti-allergic properties.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the development of mental abilities in children.
  • Strengthens the protective functions of the body and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Improves the condition of the skin. Makes nails strong, prevents splitting, and hair silky and healthy.

The daily calcium intake depends on the sex and age of the child, as well as the general condition of the body. The need for it for children under 6 months is no more than 400 mg, up to 12 months - 600 mg, up to 10 years - 800 mg. An adult needs 1200 mg.

The body absorbs a maximum of 30% of this macronutrient from fish, dairy and other foods consumed by humans.

Separately, the tandem "calcium and magnesium" should be highlighted - these minerals are closely interrelated. With a decrease in the content of the second component in the body, the level of the first also begins to fall, and vice versa. Therefore, it is better to take them together. Magnesium is much easier to digest and helps to preserve calcium in all organs and, above all, in the bones.

Calcium is much better absorbed together with vitamin D, which enhances calcium metabolism in bones, as well as with phosphorus.

For babies up to 6 months of age, the calcium they receive from breast milk is sufficient. Although it contains a small amount of a useful element, it is almost completely absorbed. A formula-fed baby is recommended to use mineral-enriched formula.

Calcium found in dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk) is well absorbed.

After 6 months, you need to introduce various vegetables and cereals into the diet - natural sources of this macronutrient. And the favorite here is oatmeal.

Foods high in phosphorus and vitamin D:

Foods containing calcium alone are not enough to cover the little man's need for this microelement. Vitamins and nutritional supplements developed for children will help here.

The level of calcium in the body and the degree of its absorption is also influenced by a balanced diet. The use of cola, caffeine, fatty foods, excess salt - hinder absorption and lead to loss of calcium. Lactose, on the other hand, improves calcium metabolism. Therefore, it is so important that the baby consumes enough dairy products every day.

The shortage leads to disorders in the structure of the skeleton, fragility and fragility of bones, problems of the vascular system. In young children, a lack of calcium can cause retarded mental development, stunting, weight loss, rickets, bone deformity, poor posture, curvature of the spine and caries.

The main symptoms are: increased fatigue and irritability of the child, weakness, poor performance, dryness and loss of elasticity of the skin, brittle nails and hair, progressive dental diseases (caries and periodontitis), muscle cramps and sleep disturbances. Tingling sensation in the fingertips is sometimes observed.

Treatment and prevention are based mainly on a special nutritional program, prescription of drugs, as well as additional physical activity. One of the main sources of calcium are ready-made vitamins, which contain the daily dose necessary for children. They are usually recommended to be taken with or after meals.

Children's vitamins are of several varieties, differ in composition and form of release of the drug.

Method of production: syrups, tablets (regular, effervescent or chewable) with a pleasant taste for children. Effervescent options are best absorbed.

When choosing a multivitamin, pay attention to which components are contained in their composition. It is desirable that vitamins, along with other minerals, include magnesium. Such complexes must be taken with caution - there is a risk of allergic reactions.

The calcium and vitamin D complex is better absorbed. At the same time, we must not forget that vitamin D can accumulate in the baby's body and lead to an overdose.

Talk to your doctor about choosing vitamins for your child. He will determine exactly whether it is necessary to include them in the children's diet. After all, an excess of calcium is also undesirable for a baby, as well as its deficiency. In case of an overdose, there is a decrease in appetite, weakness, imbalance when walking, deteriorating vascular and blood circulation.

It should also be remembered that you cannot constantly take calcium. The duration of admission can only be determined by a doctor. As a preventive measure, it is sufficient to take calcium-containing supplements for no more than two months a year.

There are contraindications for babies with kidney disease and urolithiasis. Therefore, do not neglect the advice of a specialist.

Vitamins with calcium must be taken by children, since this macronutrient is important for the formation of the skeleton and teeth (99% of calcium is deposited in bones, joints, teeth). Also, calcium is responsible for blood clotting, neuromuscular conduction. Vitamins with calcium Adults should also take this mineral to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

The norm of calcium in the body of an adult is 800-1000 mg per day. For normal growth and development of children, it takes from 600 to 900 mg. Vitamins for children with calcium usually contain the required daily allowance. But this element can be poorly absorbed due to lack of vitamin D and certain foods. For example, whole grain bran contains phytic acid. Binding with calcium, it forms a calcium salt (not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract). Aspirin and oxalic acid also interfere with the normal absorption of calcium. The compounds they give are not water soluble and can lead to kidney stones.

Children's vitamins with calcium are best given after meals. If the vitamins include iron, then calcium will be absorbed better, and magnesium can reduce the calcium content in the body.

therefore vitamins for children with calcium should be given in combination with others and not separately. Such biologically active complexes contain all the elements necessary for a child's body. Calcium Bears include a group of essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Calcium Bears contain a daily requirement of calcium, so they can be given to a child without the risk of intoxication. How many lozenges to give to a child of a given age is indicated in the instructions. If a doctor has recommended calcium vitamins for children, the doctor should tell the parents how much vitamins to give per day.

It is important to monitor the level of calcium in the body, as bone mass continues to increase until the age of 25.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency are: tooth decay, hyperactivity and agitation, nervousness, brittle nails, sleep disturbances, growth retardation, numbness, tingling of the hands or feet, depression.

An excess of calcium is evidenced by: muscle weakness and loss of appetite, imbalance when walking, irritability, dumbness, and others.

Sesame, nettle, mallow, wild plantain, galinsoga, sardines in oil, ivy budra, dog rose, almonds, plantain lanceolist, hazelnut, amaranth seed, watercress, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, kale, soya (dry), asparagus, lentils, cow's milk.

How to enrich a child's diet with vitamin to the full? Read about growth vitamins for children


Every day a person is faced with a large number of negative environmental factors. All of them negatively affect the ability to work of internal organs and their systems. And if a person can cope with this on his own, then he cannot prevent the aging process, only prevent and slow down. That is why it is important for him to ensure that the body has enough certain vitamin and mineral elements. Preparations with magnesium and potassium are some of the best helpers for those who suffer from heart disease, blood vessels and others.

Potassium became known in antiquity. In those days, this element was widely used in the chemical industry, in medicine. Its benefits are:

  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • creating a normal ratio of water and electrolytes in the body;
  • production of protein particles;
  • transformation of glucose particles into glycogen.

The daily norm of an element for a person is from 3 to 5 mg. However, adjusting nutrition does not help to fully nourish the body, and therefore there is a lack of mineral matter.

A decrease in the amount of a substance can be easily identified by the following symptoms:

  • increased sleepiness;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • muscle weakness;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • manual tremor;
  • convulsive conditions in the legs;
  • slow heartbeat;
  • lowered blood pressure.

In order for the lack of potassium to be confirmed, it is enough to conduct a blood test. If a person is healthy, his amount will be equal to 3.5 mmol / l.

Potash overdose is extremely rare. It is usually accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • disorientation;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • arrhythmia;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • coma.

Often, an excess of potassium is indicated by the presence of erosive gastritis, intestinal ulcers, heart and respiratory failure. The reasons for the development of this condition are:

  • improper intake of drugs with potassium;
  • the use of large quantities of mineral waters containing potassium salts;
  • lack of insulin;
  • kidney disease;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • long-term adherence to the diet.

Considering what an excess of an element can turn into, it is necessary to use drugs containing it, observing the dosage established by the doctor.

The benefits of magnesium include:

  • increasing energy reserves;
  • restoration of cellular elements;
  • increasing the assimilation of B vitamins;
  • normalization of blood vessels, prevention of their diseases;
  • strengthening of cartilaginous, bone tissues.

Healthy people need 350 to 450 mg of the substance daily.

Symptomatic manifestations of hypomagnesemia are:

  • painful sensations in the region of the heart;
  • jumping pressure;
  • the possibility of blood clots;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • feeling of numbness in the muscles of the limbs, back, cervical spine;
  • loss of hair, teeth, increased fragility of nails;
  • the onset of a feeling of weakness that appears in the morning after sleep.

It is worth using drugs with magnesium with caution, as their uncontrolled use can cause an overdose. Symptoms of the development of such a condition are:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • lethargy;
  • slowing or accelerating the heartbeat;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • a decrease in the amount of urinary secretions.

Magnesium, calcium and potassium are known to have tremendous benefits for the heart. All complexes containing them are produced in tablets, as well as in ampoule form, which makes them easier to use. Their brief description is given in tabular form.


Magnesium is one of the most abundant trace minerals in the human body.

Children need magnesium to support hundreds of enzymes and healthy bone development. Without this mineral, your baby may not thrive as well.

In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about magnesium and its benefits for children.

Magnesium is a mineral that supports many bodily functions, including the nervous system. Its functions:

  • Helps transmit nerve impulses;
  • controls blood sugar levels;
  • supports protein synthesis;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • produces the energy necessary for the body;
  • strengthens Bones - Research by the Pediatric Academic Society has shown that magnesium is just as important for bone health as calcium.
  • plays a vital role in the transport of calcium and potassium to membranes in the body - important for controlling muscle contractions, maintaining a healthy heart rate and conduction of nerve impulses.

Research also indicates that low magnesium levels can lead to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and ADD.

Some children experience significant deficiencies in this important mineral. But most worryingly, many parents don't realize that their child is magnesium deficient until it's too late.

Magnesium deficiency or magnesium deficiency is a condition that can lead to nervousness, panic attacks, hypertension, epilepsy, depression, kidney and liver disease, bone problems, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Fatigue is a common problem in children with magnesium deficiency. So does insomnia. A lack of magnesium prevents a child's body from growing to its fullest. The faster you manage magnesium deficiency, the better it is for your child's development.

How do you know if your child is magnesium deficient?

Neglecting early symptoms can lead to more serious problems. Therefore, check for the following symptoms. Magnesium deficiency symptoms can be physical, neurological, cardiovascular, or muscular.

Physical and mental fatigue can make the child too tired to do anything. Low energy and weakness are signs you should be wary of.

Symptoms of a magnesium deficiency in a child:

  • Muscle cramps under the eyes;
  • frequent headaches (later can turn into migraines);
  • nervousness, agitation, anxiety and confusion;
  • difficult to fall asleep;
  • upset stomach (can lead to chronic constipation);
  • muscle tension such as spasms and pains;
  • abnormal heart rhythm (in the long term, it can lead to a rapid heart rate);
  • weak bones and dental caries;
  • blurred vision from time to time.

A blood test is not enough to detect a deficiency because it contains less than 1% magnesium. In addition to a serum test, your doctor may recommend an ionized magnesium, red blood cell, or EXA test, which is done by taking a swab from your cheek and checking it for magnesium.

The US Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) Recommended Daily Intake:

  • Children aged 1 to 3 years - 80 mg
  • Children aged 4 to 8 years - 130 mg
  • Children aged 9 to 13 - 240 mg
  • Teens ages 14-18 - 360 mg for girls, 410 mg for boys

Magnesium is abundant in our bones and soft tissues. It is also present in blood serum, but in a more modest amount. Eating magnesium-rich foods is essential for regulating the amount of the mineral in our body. It should be sufficient to support the development of bones, as well as for the normal functioning of other organs and systems.

Ideally, children should get at least 97-98% of the RDA for magnesium through a balanced diet.

Magnesium supplements have some side effects, so be sure to check with your pediatrician before giving them to your child. Buy supplements as prescribed by your doctor or pharmacist.

Magnesium supplements can be made with or without a doctor's prescription. For severe magnesium deficiency, your doctor may recommend prescription medications. Over-the-counter, multivitamins and minerals are usually sold, containing the amount of magnesium that a child needs. It is important to follow the recommended dosage.

Excess magnesium in a child's body, it can lead to nausea, arrhythmias, respiratory failure, severe lethargy, and sometimes cardiac arrest. The following are points to consider when choosing a magnesium supplement for your child.

Best Form of Magnesium: Among the most recommended supplementation forms are magnesium citrate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium chloride, magnesium glycinate, magnesium taurate, and manganese malate.

Avoid supplements that contain magnesium in the form of magnesium oxide, magnesium sulfate, magnesium aspartate, and glutamate. Magnesium oxide is difficult for the body to absorb and can even cause diarrhea. Taking magnesium sulfate can easily exceed your permitted daily dose. The best forms of magnesium are magnesium citrate and magnesium oils for topical use.

Medical indications and allergies: Talk with your child's doctor about any allergies and other medical conditions for your child so they can find the right supplement for you. Magnesium may not cause allergic reactions, but other ingredients in the supplement may. Therefore, when choosing a supplement, carefully study its composition.

Recommended daily intake: Be sure to check the RDA and how much magnesium is in one serving of the supplement. Avoid supplements that contain more than 100% of your daily value.

Ease of use: Choose supplements that are easy for children to take. If your child does not like to swallow tablets, choose a syrup. Sometimes, a child may resist taking medications and vitamins in any form. In this case, choose a powder that can be mixed into food.

Suction level: Minerals and vitamins are good only when the body absorbs them easily. Check how magnesium is present in a particular supplement to determine if the body can process it properly.

Remember that the best sources of vitamins and minerals are always natural - fruits and vegetables.

You should only consider taking nutritional supplements if your child is not getting enough minerals from the diet. Supplements should not be used as a substitute for natural sources of magnesium.

Magnesium supplements are available in two flavors: magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide. Typically, magnesium oxide is available in tablet form, and magnesium hydroxide is available in liquid or chewable form. For children suffering from chronic constipation, the doctor may also prescribe magnesium citrate.

Child Life Liquid Calcium and Magnesium is a natural orange-flavored liquid baby food supplement that promotes normal bone development and growth. The syrup also contains calcium, zinc and vitamin D.

Additional Information:

One serving (tablespoon) contains:

  • Calories: 15 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 4 g
  • Fats: 0
  • Sugar: 2 g
  • Magnesium: 115 mg

Purified Water, Fructose, Citric Acid, Xanthan Gum, Potassium Sorbate and Natural Orange Flavor.

Why this particular supplement?

Child Life Liquid Calcium / Magnesium does not contain milk, eggs, wheat, yeast, gluten or corn, which are foods that children may be allergic to. It also has no artificial colors or sweeteners.

Did you know that magnesium was born in the stars? Here are some more interesting facts about magnesium:

  • When helium reacts with neon, large stars form magnesium.
  • It is the 9th most abundant metal in the universe and the 8th most abundant mineral on the planet.
  • The body of the average adult contains about 25 grams of magnesium.
  • Magnesium is the 11th most concentrated element in our body.
  • 99% of the body's magnesium is found in bones and muscle cells. And only 1% in the blood
  • Magnesium is present at the center of the chlorophyll molecule and plays an important role in plant photosynthesis.
  • About 80% of the magnesium used in the world comes from China.
  • After aluminum and iron, magnesium is the most used metal in the world.
  • When it reacts with carbon dioxide and hydroxide, magnesium ignites. Water or spraying carbon gas will only intensify the fire.

Good magnesium levels mean your baby will be strong and healthy. Adequate magnesium levels in the body means that your child has enough energy for school, home and play.

Where to buy vitamins and supplements?

* When you go to the store, a discount code will be applied BIC301

Nadezhda Smirnova, Editor-in-Chief

Written by: 2018-05-30
Edited by: 2018-08-14

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