Two is the best. What is "dvach", "forchan" and other imageboards

Imageboards are a very broad category of Internet resources, which include the Dvach and Fochan portals. The name comes from the English word imageboard, which translates as "image board". This is a type of web forum where photos and other graphics can be attached to posts.

Imageboards originated in Japan, and English language forums have adopted Japanese style and culture. The technology is based on the Textboard concept, which differs only in that you cannot attach graphic files to it.

The atmosphere on the imageboards is relaxed and informal, thanks to the anonymous posting. Sometimes this feature leads to the appearance of aggressive and negative comments. Users can leave comments and messages without registering and creating accounts. Moreover, some sections imply exclusively anonymous comments and messages. If desired, the user can follow or use the same photo to stand out among the anonymous. But this is optional and often frowned upon by other users.

Usually a file is attached to each message, sometimes several files. More often only images are allowed, less often you can attach music. All saved files are stored on the imageboard server.

Archiving is not enabled by default. Each section can contain no more than a certain number of threads. When a new thread (discussion) is created, the oldest one is deleted. If archiving is still necessary, it is carried out by third-party services, in which case old threads are transferred to a separate directory.

Imageboards differ from other forums in several ways:

  • No archiving by default;
  • Anonymity;
  • Ability to attach files.

What is "Dvach"

The most famous, popular and demonstrative imageboards are "Dvach" and "Fochan". Both sites have a large number of sections and are built on a similar principle. Discussions are posted in threads, united by topic. Users discussing the topic are anonymous.

"Dvach" is a domestic imageboard, the idea of ​​which was borrowed from a Japanese site with a similar name. The functionality and visual design are also similar. There are similar sites in almost all countries of the world where the Internet is actively used.

There are 40 sections on Dvacha. Among them:

  • Cars
  • Anime
  • Design
  • Job
  • Series
  • Space.

And much more. Only two of the sections are debatable, few topics are devoted to politics and public issues. Most of the sections are general and dedicated to entertainment, such as anime.

Feature of the site - graphic editor online. It was used by post authors to create their own images.

On this resource, each section has a specific topic, which allows you to structure a large amount of information and discussion. These sections are called boards. Each board can only have a limited number of threads (discussions). This is due to memory savings and lack of archiving. The oldest, unpopular threads were removed in favor of new ones. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on the site, and anonymity allows you to write witty messages with complete frankness.

What is "Forchan"

If "Dvach" is one of the most famous Russian-language boards, then "Forchan" was very popular in foreign countries. It was this site that spawned a huge number of popular memes, which then spread all over the Internet.

This English-language resource appeared a long time ago and gathered a large number of users. The basic principles of its work are the same as other imageboards: anonymity, no archiving, the ability to attach an image.

Fourchan was opened on October 1, 2003 by Christopher Poole. Japanese imageboards were also taken as a basis. First of all, sections were created for posting images, discussing manga and anime. The site quickly gained popularity, new discussions appeared on various topics:

  • video games
  • Music
  • Literature
  • Policy
  • Fitness
  • Sport.

In 2007, for a short time, the imageboard turned into a regular forum where you need to register in order to leave messages. This did not please the users of the resource, who openly expressed their indignation. It turned out that everything happened because of a hacker attack, the consequences of which were eliminated.

Another unpleasant incident occurred in 2009, when a user decided to joke and posted information on the site that a shootout would be arranged in one of the American schools. The police occupied this school, but the alarm turned out to be false.

Communication style on imageboards

There is a special atmosphere on imageboards, which is largely determined by the anonymity of users. This gives freedom, and in some cases - impunity. There is moderation on such forums, but users are punished only for the most egregious violations that violate the law of the country. This is propaganda of violence, Nazism, insults. At the same time, even dangerous messages often go unnoticed by moderators.

Here they do not follow the topic of discussion, so it is sometimes difficult to find useful information: it is lost behind hundreds of flood messages. Anonymity allows you to reveal dangerous, usually hidden topics.

There is also a special phenomenon of the general stream of consciousness. When many messages come not from specific people, but from anonymous users, they are perceived as a general line of information. At the same time, the desire of a particular user to identify himself is condemned and seems to be a betrayal of general principles.

Imageboard sections

Imageboards are divided into sections by topic. In theory, this makes it easier to select a thread of interest and not interfere with users discussing other topics. In practice, threads often intersect and, for example, kittens are discussed in the topic of cinema.

Therefore, the most popular topics are the Brad, Chatter forums, etc., which are designed to communicate on any topic. There are special rules of communication ethics. In these sections, you can even find pornography or other dubious content. On the other hand, memes that are popular in the future often appear here and viral content that diverges all over the Internet.

Some imageboards have boards for international communication, which is most often conducted in English. Here, memes can gain global popularity, and national cultures are intertwined with each other and with Internet culture. On any board, you can create a topic “for your own” and conduct a conversation in your native language.

In international discussions, jokes with flags and national attributes are especially popular. For example, on a German website, the upside down image of the Polish flag is popular, England is depicted as a British gentleman - in a top hat and a monocle.

Communication on imageboards attracts with informality and breadth of topics. However, now the popularity of such resources has fallen dramatically, and many young Internet users have not even heard of Dvach, Forchan and other similar sites. - Forum for everyone and everyone, everything is here.

From sections with games and anime, to sections about weapons and history. Sections where a discussion of some cartoon character can turn into a real political discussion.

The biggest and clearest rule for all forums of this type is anonymity.

You can not reveal your personality, the whole essence is built only on this. Without registration and SMS; D

Everyone will be able to find a suitable section for themselves, and if not, then you can always go to the most visited branch - Brad /b/ You will definitely find something to read there.

Each of the forums except Brad, has its own theme. There are discussions adhering to the direction precisely on their topic.

There is a column on the main page news, you can click on each of them and read more, or participate in the discussion.

There are only 15 points in the rules

Yes, and the bans themselves are standard, which all sites have, do not break the law, do not throw off malware, in general, blah blah blah ... They can still be banned only by IP, and at the same time the ability to read Dvach is not lost , only you can’t post - and many don’t need it anyway.

The form of posting and creating threads and for answers in them is the same:

In addition to the text, you can attach a video, picture, drawing.

There are also mobile clients Dvacha, for any platform, you can read more about this in - /mobi/ Mobile devices and applications .

Compare the view from the mobile application Dashchan and version for PC, using the Books section as an example - /bo/

In conclusion, we can say that Dvach is a platform for communication, information exchange, without being tied to a person. Here you can not be afraid to seem stupid, or ask some intriguing question. But you should understand that anyone can sit on the other side of the monitor. So it's better not to listen to advice from two

What is "Dvach"? is a popular imageboard site of domestic origin that existed until 01/17/2009. This resource stood out among its competitors in that it did not have registered users, and all publications were made anonymously. The web forum gained fame thanks to its resonant content, which was uploaded by the users themselves.

What is "Dvach"? What was a popular Internet resource?

The imageboard resource contained about 40 thematic sections, the most notable popular was the category "Delirium", which did not belong to a specific genre. Most popular Internet memes were posted there, which were often borrowed from foreign analogue sites (for example, "Forchan" - All the trends and jokes that gained popularity in the world and Russian Internet were related to the Dvach imageboard.

What is "Dvach" /b/?

A well-known category on "Dvacha" was completely copied from the Japanese imageboard "Forchan (". The content knew no boundaries and rules - absolutely everything was published, contrary to universal human values ​​and moral principles. In the heading /b/ it was possible to "post" everything that does not contradict the current legislation (however, this rule was not always taken into account). The forum was not much different from the "forchan" - almost everything was borrowed, down to jargon and slang.

Jargon and slang of Dvacha users (

The Russian-speaking audience communicated with each other in a distorted language with great enthusiasm, exchanging sharp jokes and various kinds of content. It would be extremely difficult for an uninitiated person to determine the semantics of the words of the regulars. For example, new guests of the web forum often had the question: “what does sap dvach mean?”. And the explanation is quite simple - this is the usual greeting of the members of the forum. The particle "sap" meant an abbreviation for the English expression "what's up", which in translation means the usual "how are you?". Among the inhabitants of the forum (in particular, the /b/ section), it was customary to greet the people with the phrase “sap dvach”.

Also, within the imageboard, one could come across the phrase “two thread”, which is also not immediately clear to a new user of a web forum. Thread in translation from English (thread) means "thread". On "dvacha" it was used as a figurative designation of the direction of the discussion (a branch of the discussion).

Regular guests of the category "Delirium" called each other "/b/tards" (which was read as "bitard" and is close to the English "mentally retarded (retard)"). Users, endowed with self-irony, ridiculed themselves and each other in the sense that the nature of their interests is nonsense on Dvacha. There is another version of the origin of the word "bitard" - translated from English, the word "bastard" means "bastard".

Runet and world records

The category "nonsense - /b/" was the most viewed and active on Dvacha. By 2009, the number of publications in this section reached six million. What is "Dvach", every schoolboy and teenager knew! Every new day, the category was replenished with thirty thousand new messages. The second most popular category was /vg/ (very good), in which various life cards (useful tips) were fasted, and the number of publications did not exceed 250,000. The online community "Dvacha" was one of the largest imageboards in the world ("Dvacha" ranked second in popularity in the world after the Japanese "Forchan").

Anonymity on "Dvach": what does it mean?

The most important and notable difference between Dvacha and its peers and competitors was anonymity. The ideology of the imageboard was based on this - the forum preached anonymity. If other sites provided the opportunity not to register on their resource, but simply to be able to view pages and make any publications, then the developers of Dvacha literally forced their community to anonymity. Given these connotations, such a concept as "anonymous" was born within the site. However, if desired, in all categories (except for the /b/ (“Nonsense”) section), it was possible to leave data about yourself: the author of the publication could write his name and leave his tripcode along with an email address. The inhabitants of the Dvacha web forum did not welcome such users, because such actions were considered contemptuous. Within the same site, the concept of "tripfags" was born, that is, people who do not adhere to the unspoken ideology of the site - anonymity.

There was also the concept of "deanonymization", that is, the calculation of the identity of an anonymous person. They did it in many different ways. Some could specifically give out information about themselves in order to expose their person in order to promote themselves. Basically, such upstarts were subjected to mass condemnation and ridicule (sometimes "harassment" outside the web forum, this was called "raids"), because the advanced society "Dvacha" was difficult to outwit.

How has anonymity affected the life of the imageboard?

Anonymity gave users complete freedom of opinion and speech, they were proud of their forum. You can say absolutely any thing, regardless of morality and the universal order! Most often, this led to endless disputes and mutual insults among the two-audience. It was believed that an anonymous dispute is the fairest way to let people express their arguments and dissatisfaction with the opponent, it is impossible to "crush" with their life authority and status.

The ideology of anonymous permissiveness has turned the site into a real garbage dump of negativity, black humor, trash, immorality and extremism. Often, all insults to each other and other resonant information on the site were not taken seriously. Not everyone understood this kind of atmosphere, and this only added fuel to the fire of Internet trolls and a rare "cattle".

Woe to "Anonymous"

On January 17, 2009, the most popular Russian-language Internet resource "Dvach" ( was closed (more often they say "drank") forever. In the last years of the resource's life, many "oldfags" (people who remember "Dvach" from the very beginning) often complained that the forum turned into something other than a previously successful imageboard. A lot of ferocious conflicts and the phrases "Dvach is not the same anymore" led the owners of the site to decide to close it. There is also an alternative version of the termination of the site - they say that this decision was caused by pressure from the federal services.

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