Recipe for eggplant baked with tomatoes and cheese. Eggplant in the oven with tomatoes and cheese: recipe with photo

Using eggplant in cooking, people do not really think about the benefits of these blue vegetables. Many people like them fried, others prefer to stew or boil them. We offer several recipes for such an appetizer as eggplant baked in the oven with tomatoes and cheese, which retains all its beneficial properties. This dish is incredibly tasty, and the spicy cheese crust is the perfect accompaniment to vegetables.

Eggplant is a healthy vegetable for the human body, as it contains B vitamins, which relieve insomnia and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. One blue one contains a lot of vitamin C, PP, as well as micro and macro elements - magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus. Thanks to folic acid, blue baked in the oven, doctors advise pregnant women to include in the diet, and nasunin, which is contained in the skin of the vegetable, has powerful antioxidant properties.

Eggplant is a tricky vegetable to cook due to the fact that it darkens quickly after peeling and is bitter. To make the fruit baked in the oven always tasty, you need to know a few tricks:

  1. Choose medium-sized blue ones with close-fitting calyxes to keep the fruit firm, the stalk fresh, and the shiny skin unblemished.
  2. The blue vegetable is very oil absorbent, so use a non-stick pan or minimum oil when cooking it.
  3. So that the little blue ones do not immediately darken, use stainless steel knives to clean them.
  4. To soften the bitter taste, cut the vegetables into pieces, add a little salt, leave for half an hour. When the fruits release their juice, rinse them under water.
  5. If you bake whole blue ones, then pierce them with a fork several times, making holes for the steam to escape, and then send them to a preheated oven to a temperature of 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Quick and delicious eggplant recipes with tomatoes and cheese in the oven

Be sure to include baked cheese dishes in your diet if you are watching your weight. By replacing them with the usual high-calorie side dishes, you can quickly achieve your goal, because this is a product with a reduced calorie content. Raw eggplant contains only 24 calories per 100 grams. If it is baked in the oven along with other vegetables without oil, then the calorie content will increase slightly and will be about 120 kcal / 100 g. We offer for your consideration some quick, tasty and healthy diet recipes for stewed and tomatoes in the oven.

Stuffed with melted cheese and tomatoes

Stuffed eggplant is a great snack for every day and a chic decoration for the festive table. The stuffing for the blue one can be anything, and we will consider the simplest recipe with tomatoes and processed cheese. Other varieties of cheese are also suitable, then the taste of the snack will change a little, emphasizing its features, for example, parmesan or soft cheese will give the dish a richer taste and a touch of piquancy. So, for the eggplant stewed in the oven with melted cheese and tomatoes, we need the following products:

  • two medium blue fruits;
  • 4 ripe red tomatoes;
  • 200 g of cheese, preferably processed;
  • 3 small cloves of garlic;
  • greens, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, pepper, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar - to taste.

  1. Cut the washed eggplants into plates along the size of about 5 mm, but do not cut to the end by 1.5 cm to make a fan.
  2. Sprinkle each plate with salt and pepper.
  3. Cut the cheese into thin strips, and the tomatoes into rings.
  4. Between the little blue plates put 2 strips of cheese and 2 slices of tomato.
  5. Pour boiling water over the remaining tomatoes, peel, cut into small cubes and put in a frying pan with rast. oil.
  6. Add chopped garlic, lemon juice, sugar, salt to the tomatoes, fry until a sauce is obtained.
  7. Pour the eggplants stuffed with tomatoes and cheese with the prepared sauce, then place in the oven for 20-25 minutes, after which the delicious appetizer is ready.

Hot sandwiches

You already know how to cook eggplant baked in the oven with cheese. Let's look at how to make a great vegetarian breakfast - hot sandwiches with eggplant, tomatoes and mushrooms. This harmonious combination of products will not leave anyone indifferent, and thanks to toasted toast and mushrooms, sandwiches will saturate the body for a long time. The dish is prepared very quickly. Ingredients:

  • two small eggplants;
  • two tomatoes;
  • 100 grams of any mushrooms;
  • 100 grams of homemade sour cream or mayonnaise;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • one baguette or loaf of bread;
  • rast. oil, salt, herbs.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Rinse the blue ones cut into circles, put them on a dry towel so that the moisture is absorbed and the oil does not “shoot” during frying.
  2. Put circles of blue vegetable in a pan, fry in oil until golden brown on both sides.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into slices, mushrooms into thin plates.
  4. Lubricate each piece of bread with mayonnaise, and sprinkle with chopped garlic on top.
  5. The next layer is fried eggplant, then mushrooms, and on top are round slices of tomatoes.
  6. Send the sandwiches to the preheated oven for 15 minutes, then decorate with finely chopped greens. Enjoy your meal!

Baked boats with minced meat and mayonnaise

"Boats" is a tasty and popular vegetable dish among housewives. But eggplants with vegetables can be safely stuffed with any kind of meat, which will make them no longer an easy dietary snack, but a full-fledged dish that is served for lunch or dinner. Ingredients:

  • four eggplants;
  • 300 grams of any minced meat;
  • two st. l. rice
  • three bulbs;
  • two st. l. tomato paste;
  • two st. l. mayonnaise;
  • herbs, pepper, salt.

  1. Cut the eggplant in half and lengthwise, wash, remove the pulp, which is finely chopped separately.
  2. Wash onions and herbs, chop finely.
  3. Mix rice, onion, minced meat with eggplant pulp.
  4. After filling the halves with a mixture, connect, tie with threads.
  5. Place the "boats" neatly in a saucepan, cover with water, add salt, pepper, tomato, simmer for 20 minutes over low heat.
  6. Then put the stewed blue ones on a dish, remove the threads, brush with mayonnaise, pour over the sauce remaining after the stew, sprinkle with herbs, and serve.

Potatoes and chicken with Mozzarella cheese in pots

Poultry meat cooked in pots with potatoes and eggplant is considered a culinary masterpiece. And if you cook a dish in the oven with mozzarella cheese, then it will be worthy of the attention of true gourmets. The recipes for such a dish are handed down by the hostesses, constantly improving it. Let's get to know one of them. Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 kg chicken fillet;
  • two eggplants;
  • three teeth. garlic;
  • three bulbs;
  • 50 grams of mozzarella cheese;
  • 500 grams of mayonnaise;
  • rast. oil, pepper, salt.

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes, pepper, salt, add chopped garlic, leave to marinate for half an hour.
  2. Peel and fry the onion until translucent and the diced eggplant until golden brown.
  3. Peel potatoes, cut into cubes.
  4. Put in layers in pots: fillet, onion, potatoes, mayonnaise, blue ones.
  5. Fill each pot with boiling water so that it does not completely cover the top layer.
  6. Cover with a lid, put in the oven for 40 minutes.
  7. When finished, remove the lids, complete the composition with grated mozzarella cheese.
  8. Send the open pots to the oven for a few minutes, and when the cheese begins to melt, remove the finished dish.

Cooking blue with garlic baked whole in foil

For fasting days, eggplant baked in foil with garlic is perfect. After processing in the oven, many housewives freeze blue ones in the freezer for the winter, because cooked in this way, they retain all the useful elements and vitamins. Whole baked eggplants are prepared on the oven grate, but we will consider the recipe for cooking them in a sleeve or foil. Ingredients:

  • 4 medium eggplants;
  • 4 tooth garlic;
  • 50 grams of any hard cheese;
  • 50 grams grows. oils;
  • salt, spices.

  1. First, prepare the garlic sauce: pass the garlic through a press, combine with vegetable oil, salt, spices and mix.
  2. Rinse the blue ones under running water, dry with a paper towel, make cuts across or along the fruit with a sharp knife.
  3. Cut the cheese into thin slices.
  4. From foil, make 4 pieces of large rectangles, on each of which place an eggplant.
  5. Pour garlic sauce generously over each fruit, and place one slice of cheese into the cuts.
  6. Wrap the foil, put the eggplant in a hot oven for 30 minutes.
  7. Unfold the foil after the time has elapsed, and continue to bake the blues for another 15 minutes, after which the dish is ready.

How to Fan Bake with Feta Cheese and Grilled Ham

Grilled eggplant is a great summer snack that is easy to make on vacation. Cooked like this, vegetables are much healthier than fried, and even the most distant person from cooking can cope with the recipe. To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 large eggplants;
  • 150 grams of ham;
  • 150 grams of soft feta cheese;
  • two green or yellow bell peppers;
  • olive oil, lemon juice;
  • pepper, salt.

  1. On the washed blue ones, make longitudinal cuts, but not completely, so that a fan forms. Do not cut the stem - it will hold the plates.
  2. To make the fruits cook faster, pour boiling water over them and hold for 5 minutes under the lid - they will become soft.
  3. Cut the ham, cheese and pepper into slices.
  4. Pat the blue ones dry with a paper towel, and then make a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice and marinate them for a couple of minutes before frying.
  5. Grill eggplant, pepper, ham on both sides.
  6. Then stuff each slice with a piece of Feta cheese, ham, pepper, salt and pepper. The dish is ready!

Rolls with vegetables in the oven


Eggplant baked in the oven, diversify your menu daily. These delicious and simple dishes do not require much imagination and a fat wallet. To prepare them, you need the simplest set of products: tomatoes, cheese, eggs, sweet peppers, minced meat. Our numerous recipes with photos will help you not to make mistakes in cooking. But it's even easier to cook oven-baked eggplant with the help of a video. See some original options with vegetables and cheese.

Easy recipe with vegetables

Festive appetizer “Peacock tail”

Eggplant accordion “Lazy ratatouille”

Eggplants have a unique taste, they are healthy, satisfying and at the same time not too high in calories. True, by frying them in a pan in a large amount of oil, we turn them into less healthy and more high-calorie food. So nutritionists say that the best way to cook “blue ones” is to bake them. Eggplants baked in the oven with tomatoes and cheese are especially popular among housewives. Indeed, with a minimum set of products, it is possible to get an exquisite and very appetizing-looking dish without spending a lot of effort.

Cooking features

  • Ripe eggplants contain much less solanine than unripe ones. Therefore, for baking, it is better to purchase fruits that have an even rich blue, even blue-black color. However, overripe and stale vegetables are also not good. It is better to refuse to buy sluggish and soft fruits. Too large eggplants should not be taken either, unless they have grown in your backyard and you feel sorry for throwing them away.
  • Salt will help get rid of solanine. To do this, eggplants should be soaked in salted water or just salt them, cut in half. The bitterness will go away after 20 minutes. After that, the vegetables will remain well washed and squeezed so that they do not have excess liquid, the presence of which does not improve the taste of ready-made dishes.
  • Eggplants cook quickly, so if the recipe uses products that cook for a long time, they must first be heat-treated, bringing them to half-cooked.

Eggplants baked with tomatoes and cheese are prepared according to different recipes. However, they always look beautiful and appetizing. They can be eaten as an independent dish, served as a cold or hot snack. They can also replace the side dish - they go well with meat.

Eggplant baked with tomatoes and cheese

  • eggplant - 0.5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the eggplant, cut off the tails, cut into circles 1.5 cm wide.
  • Wash the tomatoes and cut them into thin circles with a special knife. The knife must be very sharp, otherwise the juice will flow out of the tomatoes.
  • Cheese grate on a grater with small holes.
  • Lightly salt the eggplants and leave them for 20 minutes.
  • Shake off the salt thoroughly, rinse the eggplant circles in cool water, dry with a napkin.
  • Grease a baking sheet or baking dish with oil. Lay out the eggplant slices.
  • Pepper the eggplant, if desired.
  • Sprinkle each round with cheese (use no more than half the cheese).
  • Arrange the tomato slices on top of the eggplant slices. Sprinkle them with the remaining cheese.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place a baking sheet with vegetables in it. Cook 15 minutes.

The resulting dish is versatile: it will be delicious both hot and cold. It is better to serve it sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Eggplant baked with mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese

  • eggplant - 0.5 kg;
  • champignons - 0.3 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.25 kg;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • sour cream - 0.2 l;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the eggplant, cut into slices about 1 cm thick, put in a deep bowl, salt, mix and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse the eggplants in cool water, dry by spreading on a towel.
  • Wash, wipe the mushrooms with a paper towel, cut them into circles (you can just cut off the legs, and cut the caps in half lengthwise). Cut off the topmost parts of the caps so that the pieces of mushrooms are flat.
  • Wash tomatoes, dry. Carefully cut them into slices so that the juice does not flow out. It is better to do this with a sharp knife or even a special knife for tomatoes and citrus fruits.
  • Finely grate the cheese.
  • Pass the garlic through a press, mix it with sour cream.
  • Lubricate the baking dish with oil, put the eggplants in it.
  • Brush the eggplant with a little sour cream. Put mushrooms on them.
  • Lubricate the champignons, put circles of tomatoes on top.
  • Brush with remaining sour cream.
  • Sprinkle with cheese.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put the eggplant pan in it, bake for 30 minutes.

Eggplant baked under cheese with tomatoes and mushrooms is not only a very appetizing, but also quite satisfying dish.

Baking eggplant in the oven with tomatoes and cheese is not difficult at all, and their preparation takes a little time. But the resulting dish looks very tempting. Its taste is also unlikely to disappoint anyone.

Eggplant is a very interesting product. They are wonderfully combined with almost all vegetables, mushrooms, legumes, meat. They are fried, stewed, baked, stuffed, canned. If you are looking for something simpler, in a hurry, then let's cook eggplant baked in the oven with tomatoes and cheese - a dish both for every day and for the festive table. It is suitable as an appetizer or a warm salad, as a vegetable side dish for meat. I can eat it as a completely independent dish, because its taste is so harmonious that it does not need any additives. This is one of my favorite eggplant recipes. It is loved not only because it is tasty, but also because of the ease of preparation, and even a small amount of time spent on cooking it.


  • 2 eggplants;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 70 g of hard cheese;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • some fresh herbs to decorate the finished dish;
  • 20 ml olive oil.

How to cook eggplant baked in the oven with tomatoes and cheese

The first thing to take care of is to turn on the oven to warm up to 190 degrees. Since the recipe does not require much time to prepare, the oven will be ready to accept vegetables by the right time.

Next, wash and cut the eggplant. Cutting is best done in the form of rings (or circles) with a thickness of no more than 5 mm. We put the eggplants in a deep bowl, salt, mix and let stand for half an hour. Then rinse under running cold water. Thus, we will get rid of the possible bitterness of vegetables (although now there are eggplants without bitterness on sale, but they cannot be distinguished from bitter ones by sight).

Tomatoes in this recipe were used in the country, so their shape and size are different from those that we are used to seeing on supermarket shelves. But despite this, the dish will be no less tasty and spectacular.

We wash the tomatoes and with a very sharp knife carefully cut them into circles. Try not to crush the tomatoes so that the juice does not leak out.

Next, choose the form for baking the dish. It can be a pie dish or a frying pan without a handle. We spread the circles of vegetables, alternating them with each other. You can lay out eggplants with tomatoes in a circle, or you can just strip them (suitable for square and rectangular shapes).

Three cheese on a fine grater. Drizzle vegetables lightly with olive oil.

And immediately sprinkle with cheese.

We send the form to the oven and bake eggplant with tomatoes for 20 minutes. During this time, the vegetables will be baked and saturated with juices, and the cheese will melt and even have time to brown a little.

A delicious and healthy dish is ready. It remains to add some colorful colors in the form of sprigs of fresh herbs (I had dill) and serve it on the table right in the form.

There are a lot of eggplant recipes. These blue vegetables are fried, stewed, boiled or baked. In the latter case, a particularly fragrant and healthy snack is obtained. If you add tomatoes with garlic, then a festive treat will come out. How to cook it? Eggplant baked with garlic and tomatoes, you will find in the recipes below.

How to cook delicious eggplant in the oven with vegetables

Eggplant with tomatoes and garlic in the oven cannot be called a gourmet appetizer, but it is not a shame to serve such a dish on the table, even on a festive one. In addition to the pleasure of the taste, your loved ones will receive a dose of vitamins. For all its usefulness, this vegetable is considered very capricious in terms of cooking, so for any recipe it must be properly selected and subjected to special processing.

It is recommended to buy blue medium sizes. It is important that the fruit is elastic, and the stalk is not dried out. In addition, there should be no dents or scratches on the skin. To make the finished blue dish really tasty, you need to follow a few recommendations:

  1. It is better to fry this vegetable in a non-stick pan, because it does not absorb oil well.
  2. Cut the vegetable with a stainless steel knife, otherwise the flesh will quickly darken.
  3. Pierce the pieces with a fork before baking.

How to remove bitterness from blue ones before frying

Before any method of cooking eggplants, they must be rid of bitterness. This taste is a consequence of solanine, which is present in large quantities in blue ones. Almost every housewife knows how to remove bitterness. The most popular of them are three. Here are the methods:

  1. With the help of salt. Wash the selected blue ones, cut according to the recipe. Grate the pieces with coarse salt, then lay in layers in a deeper pan and leave to stand for 20 minutes. Due to the evaporation of salt crystals, a liquid will appear on the surface, with which bitterness will come out. After the specified time, it remains only to rinse the vegetable under running cold water.
  2. By soaking. Rinse eggplant again, chop. Next, put the slices in a separate bowl, pour water with salt there, observing the proportions for 1 liter 1 tbsp. l. Cover with a lid, press down with oppression, leave for half an hour.
  3. Remove peel. If you perform this procedure, then all the bitterness will definitely go away.

How long to bake eggplant in the oven

In general, the cooking time for blue ones depends on the specific recipe and on what the vegetable is baked in. For the oven, it averages 30-40 minutes, given that the temperature will be 200 degrees. It is important to turn the slices over after 15 minutes. Readiness can be checked with a fork, toothpick or match. To do this, they need to pierce the eggplant. If you do so easily, then the vegetable is already baked.

Eggplant Recipes with Tomatoes

Eggplant dishes with tomatoes and garlic are recommended even for those who are actively monitoring their weight or trying to lose weight. The reason is their low calorie content. There are only 24 calories per 100 g of raw eggplant. When baking, this parameter increases to 120. You already know which blue ones to take. Tomatoes are better to buy dense, so that it is convenient to cut them. In addition to these ingredients, greens are used in recipes. For decoration, you can take parsley, dill or basil.

Raw eggplant with tomatoes in the oven

In the first of the delicious dietary recipes, eggplants are baked in the oven without pre-roasting. They will need about 500 g. In addition to the blue ones, the following are used in the recipe:

  • tomato - 4 pcs. medium size;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;
  • fresh, frozen or pickled mushrooms - 300 g;
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch.

First of all, you need to rinse the little blue ones, cut them into circles and get rid of bitterness in one of the ways described above. The next step in the recipe is:

  1. Tomatoes are also cut into circles, and squeeze the garlic through a garlic press or finely chop.
  2. Grind the cheese with a grater.
  3. Mushrooms cut into circles or cubes.
  4. Mix sour cream with garlic.
  5. Take a tray, lay a layer of foil on it, which then oil it.
  6. Arrange eggplant circles first, followed by tomatoes, mushrooms, a little sour cream sauce. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  7. Turn on the oven, setting the temperature to 180 degrees. Send vegetable cakes to cook for 30-35 minutes.
  8. Sprinkle eggplant baked with tomatoes, herbs. You can serve at the table!

Roasted eggplant with garlic in the oven and tomatoes

For a festive table of eggplant with tomatoes and garlic, you can cook another delicious dish in the oven - rolls. They are eaten not only hot, but also cold. At the same time, you will also spend a little time on cooking. To get started, stock up on ingredients from the following list:

  • little blue ones - 3 pcs.;
  • mozzarella cheese - 50 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise, spices and salt.

To prepare the dish, you need to follow the following steps step by step:

  1. Cut blue ones into thin plates, pour water over them, leave for half an hour, then dry them on paper napkins or a towel.
  2. Take a non-stick frying pan, fry pieces of blue ones on it.
  3. Grind cheese, mix with finely chopped tomato and crushed garlic. Sprinkle with salt and spices.
  4. Put a little stuffing on each eggplant plate, wrap it with a roll. Use a skewer to secure.
  5. Bake eggplant with tomatoes and cheese in the oven, setting the timer for about 15-20 minutes.

Eggplant and tomatoes in the oven, diced

Using this recipe, you can prepare a dish that is often served in restaurants. It will appeal to lovers of more spicy and refined tastes. Products for cooking are needed:

  • ripe tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • white wine - 200 ml;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • eggplant - 5 pcs.

To cook eggplant with tomatoes and garlic in the oven according to this recipe, you need to do this:

  1. Cut the blue ones into cubes, salt them, and after 50 minutes. rinse under running warm water.
  2. Chop the pepper into thin strips, pour over the tomatoes with boiling water, peel and also cut into cubes.
  3. Line a baking sheet with foil. It must be lubricated with vegetable oil.
  4. Put eggplant cubes in the first layer, then tomato, pepper strips, onion half rings and finely chopped garlic.
  5. Season to taste with salt and spices, drizzle with olive oil.
  6. For 15 min. send the dish to the oven, then take it out, pour over the wine and put it on for the same time.

Spicy Eggplants with Tomatoes and Feta Cheese

This dish makes the perfect combination of eggplant and feta cheese unique. Parsley gives an additional subtle aroma here. The list of ingredients for such a dish includes the following products:

  • parsley - a couple of branches;
  • tomato - 4 pcs.;
  • Feta cheese - 50 g;
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • blue medium size - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves.

You can cook eggplant in the oven with tomatoes and cheese according to the following instructions:

  1. Cut each blue vegetable lengthwise into 2 parts. Make a cross-shaped incision on each. Carry out the procedure for eliminating bitterness.
  2. Put tomato slices on top, finely chopped garlic, sprinkle with a little olive oil, add salt.
  3. Put improvised boats on an already oiled baking sheet, send to the oven.
  4. The dish will be ready in 40 minutes. provided that the heating temperature is 180 degrees. After the specified time, remove the baking sheet, cut the Feta cheese into cubes, spread on the baked eggplants.
  5. Sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top.

Eggplant baked in the oven with tomatoes and garlic fan

For a more original presentation, you can bake blue ones in the oven in the shape of a fan. The list of ingredients is this:

  • little blue ones - 2 pcs.;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • any hard cheese - 200 g;
  • large tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 head.

The cooking process is described as follows:

  1. Cut the blue ones along the entire length, as if in circles, but without bringing the knife to the end. The vegetable itself should remain held together at the bottom. Prepare them by any method to eliminate bitterness.
  2. In a separate container, combine chopped greens, crushed garlic with mayonnaise and spices.
  3. Slice the tomatoes. The optimal thickness of the slices is 5-7 mm.
  4. Cut the cheese into thin strips, as if for sandwiches.
  5. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or grease. At the same stage, put the oven to warm up to 200 degrees.
  6. Lubricate all sheets of the eggplant “book” with garlic mass, fill the gaps with slices of tomatoes and strips of cheese.
  7. Bake the dish for 2/3 hours.

Check out other recipes on how to cook deliciously.

Video: blue with tomatoes and garlic under a cheese crust

Today I want to bring to your attention a delicious and original recipe - baked eggplant. Moreover, now they are in the most that neither is the season. This year is such a hot summer that eggplants have grown in large numbers even in my garden, which has not happened before. Therefore, we will cook from them.

We affectionately call them "little blue", and many housewives love to cook. Mostly pan fried or baked. Fried, they take in a lot of oil, and therefore not all people are recommended for food. But baked - this is what you need. They are not baked for a very long time, which means they retain most of their vitamins and useful trace elements.

And there is something to keep. In the East, eggplant is considered a "product of longevity." I will not list here all the vitamins, macro- and microelements contained in it. Because on this topic you can write a separate article.

And today we have a recipe. The recipe is delicious! No matter how much you cook eggplants according to this recipe, they are always eaten just for one or two! It is a pity that only 4 pieces fit on a baking sheet. You always have to do two batches.

This dish can be used as an appetizer, as a separate dish and as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. And everywhere it will come in handy!

Eggplant fan with mozzarella - step by step cooking recipe

We will need (for 4 servings):

  • eggplant - 4 pieces
  • mozzarella cheese - 250 gr (or any hard cheese)
  • tomatoes 8-10 pcs
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • garlic -2 cloves
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • basil - 1-2 sprigs
  • spices - to taste
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste


1. For cooking, choose medium-sized eggplants. Large ones do not need to be taken, they already have a rough skin. You don't need to peel them off the skin. When baked, they will look very beautiful.

The more flowers, the more effective the dish!

In addition, in this form, they will retain their shape better.

2. My “blue ones”, carefully cut off the “skirt”, as it is cut off, and part of the stem. Then, with a very sharp knife, we cut them into plates 1 cm thick, not reaching the very end of about 1.5 cm. That is, we cut them in the form of a fan. A thickness of 1 cm is the most optimal. They will bake and not overcook. The pulp will remain juicy and tasty.

3. Salt the plates on both sides and rub the salt a little into the surface.

4. We lay out the eggplants on the table or in a flat plate in the form of a fan. We press the top with a cutting board and put some weight, a jar or a small saucepan of water on top. That is, a certain press is formed, thanks to which the “blue ones” will become softer, and bitterness will leave them.

5. Leave them in this form under pressure for 15-20 minutes.

6. Immediately make garlic butter.

7. Grind the garlic as finely as possible and pour it with oil. Pour half a teaspoon of ground black pepper and the same amount of spices. I use a mixture of spices, it has coriander, rosemary, thyme, paprika, a mixture of Provence herbs. But you can add those that you like more.

8. Mix the contents and leave to infuse.

9. My tomatoes, dry them with a paper towel, and cut into circles or halves of circles 0.7 cm thick. The size is correlated with the size of the eggplant and the tomatoes themselves.

10. I also like to use bell pepper in this recipe. I love this combination of vegetables. I ended up with red pepper today and I'm using it. But for multicolor it would be nice to have yellow or green.

We clean it from seeds and cut it into circles, or cut the finished circle into two halves. Again, look at the size of our vegetables.

11. It is very good to use mozzarella cheese for this recipe. It is now quite affordable, it costs not much more than usual. And the taste with it is significantly different from the taste with ordinary hard cheese. But if for some reason it is difficult to get mozzarella, then use regular hard cheese.

12. Mozzarella cut into slices of 1 cm thick. And then in half again if the pieces are large.

14. We managed all this while the eggplants were under pressure. Now we take them out and slightly squeeze out the excess juice. It is not necessary to be very zealous, do not squeeze all the juice.

15. Lubricate the baking sheet with oil. We spread eggplants on it and collect a beautiful fan right on it.

16. The first thing to do is generously brush eggplants with garlic oil. We use a silicone brush for this. Spread between the plates along with garlic and spices. We try to distribute the contents evenly so that all the pieces are enough.

17. I put tomatoes in plates in a checkerboard pattern. This is so that the fan is not very thick.

You can remove the skin from the tomatoes first. This is in case they are very thick-skinned. To do this, you first need to blanch them for 3-4 minutes. But I don’t do this, I have my own young tomatoes, and in this form they will better retain their shape.

18. We also lay layers of bell pepper in random order.

19. Then we lay basil leaves between the layers. They will give a wonderful flavor to our dish.

20. And the final touch will be mozzarella cheese. We lay it out between all the plates. During baking, it will spread beautifully and give a toasted ruddy crust.

21. Place small tomatoes in the baking spaces. And the rest of the bell pepper. We will decorate the dish with them when serving.

22. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. And let it bake for 20 minutes.

23. We take out a baking sheet and let it stand for 5 minutes. Then we put it on portioned plates and enjoy the look, taste, color and smell. We eat with pleasure.

The mozzarella cheese spread and gave a wonderful fragrant crust, which covered the tomatoes and peppers. Under a coat of vegetables, garlic butter and cheese, the eggplant retained its softness. Their flesh is tasty and fragrant.

Someone adds mayonnaise to this dish. But I think that it is completely inappropriate here. Without it, the dish is both healthy and tasty, and can even be considered dietary. Despite its lightness, it turns out to be quite satisfying. I cooked chicken separately for it, as my husband simply does not eat enough without meat. But having eaten only one eggplant herself, she already refused the chicken, as she was full.

I would also like to note that the eggplant fan looks very impressive and original. Such a dish can be served on any festive table, and it will certainly become its decoration. Personally, I do not often meet him when I myself am visiting. That is why you will not only deliciously feed your guests, but also surprise them with your skill.

And don't think it's hard to make. Everything is done simply in one breath. And what a pleasure you get when you cook such beauty! After all, this is the most beautiful culinary creation!

Enjoy your meal!

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