How to make tkemali from blackthorn. Blackthorn tkemali for the winter - recipes

Tkemali is a delicious, spicy sauce with a slight sourness, which has long become popular and loved not only in the Caucasus, but also in central Russia. The seasoning is so delicious that it is preferred even to ketchup or mustard, and for good reason. Tkemali from blackthorn according to the classic, verified prescription is made from plum or blackthorn only with the addition of natural ingredients and spices.

From year to year, blackthorn pleases its owners with a bountiful harvest, but, as a rule, it is very rarely harvested for conservation. But in vain, because it can be used to prepare not only a delicious tkemali sauce, but also an interesting alcohol tincture, liqueurs, and can be used to make jams and compotes. And the main beneficial effect on the body - a cleansing and slightly laxative effect - makes preparations for the winter from blackthorn plums not only extremely tasty, but also useful. It is especially good to use them during the New Year holidays to restore bowel function.


Tkemali using blackthorn can be cooked with the addition of onions, sweet raisins, vary the acidity and spice of seasoning to your liking. This classic sauce perfectly complements the taste of meat dishes.

For cooking you will need:

  • Ripe blackthorn berries - 1 kg.;
  • Large bunch of fresh mint and cilantro
  • A tablespoon of dry mint and cilantro;
  • Coriander seeds - a teaspoon;
  • Garlic - 6 cloves;
  • A pod of hot chili pepper;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • Khmeli-suneli - a tablespoon;
  • 50 ml. apple cider vinegar.

Blackthorn tkemali - a classic recipe

We offer you the most convenient recipe that will delight you with its ease of preparation and excellent taste.

Vinegar is included in the sauce so that it can be stored safely in a cool place. If you plan to immediately taste the turne tkemali, then use this ingredient to a minimum.

Additionally, the recipe may include various greens, both fresh and dry (marjoram and basil, oregano), fresh carrots, mustard seeds, thyme and caraway seeds. It all depends on the preferences of your family, but the addition of cilantro, chili and garlic is a must.

Blackthorn fruits have an astringent effect, so gloves should be worn when processing berries. The berries need to be sorted out, the stalks and seeds removed.

Put the resulting plum halves into a saucepan (preferably thick-bottomed) and put on a small fire. Periodically, the mass must be stirred so that it does not burn. The berries will release a fair amount of liquid so no water needs to be added.

After 20 minutes, the mass must be cooled, then chopped in a blender or meat grinder, and rubbed through a sieve.

Pour the puree into the pan and heat it up again. Add sugar and salt, and after 5 minutes, when they dissolve, we taste the puree. If everything is fine, close the lid and simmer further.

Grind chili pepper, garlic and fresh herbs, add to the sauce along with dry spices, mix and simmer for another 20 minutes, add vinegar and bring to a boil again. Blackthorn tkemali - a classic recipe t is easy to prepare, it turns out spicy and incredibly tasty. The sauce is ready, it can be poured into jars.

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Marina Dokicheva.

Fall is the perfect time to start stocking up for the winter. A good alternative to traditional and classic preparations of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, currants and raspberries is rolled sloe fruits. The thorn crop rarely fails gardeners. Its fruits are unique, they are distinguished by their characteristic astringency and pleasant sweetness. The recipes are amazing too. You can cook delicious jam, jam, meat sauce, compote with apples and much more.

Features of blanks from the turn

The turn is a rare visitor to gardeners' plots. Much more common is such a culture as thorns. This is the same plant as blackthorn, it has all its vitamin and mineral properties. But the fruits are much larger, not so tart in taste and sweeter.

The blackthorn is a wild crop, and the blackthorn is a cultivated hybrid. The fruits of both plants are called thorns.

When preparing jams and sauces for the winter, it is necessary to take into account the taste characteristics of the fruit. The thorn plum has a rather pronounced tart, astringent, sour taste. The sauce from it will be an ideal addition to meat and poultry, improve digestion when taking heavy and fatty foods.

If the fruit is harvested in late autumn, it acquires a pronounced sweetness while retaining its astringency. The turn is harvested in the same way as the plum, using the same technologies, but the taste will be different in saturation and flavors. And if it takes courage to consume it fresh, almost everyone likes it processed.

Sweet sunsets for the winter

The fruit is quite dense. Before preparing blanks from the turn, it is infused in granulated sugar for at least 20 hours. During this time, the fruits will release juice and, mixed with sugar, will give syrup. Additionally, the following cooking rules should be considered:

  1. 1. In both early and late varieties of blackthorn, the degree of maturity is determined by the dark blue, inky color of the skin and pink flesh. Only hard fruits, slightly unripe, are suitable for harvesting.
  2. 2. The turn is boiled whole, divided in half and removing the bone. If the skin is removed according to the prescription, then before that the fruit is doused with boiling water.
  3. 3. Not all varieties allow you to remove the stone, so there are ways to prepare uncut fruit.
  4. 4. When making jam, the turn is boiled as a whole, then rubbed to separate the pulp from the stone and skin.

Blackthorn jam

Required Ingredients:

  • turn - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • rose oil - 2 drops. This recipe uses natural oil, but if this is not available, do without it.


  1. 1. Wash the berries thoroughly. Place in a deep saucepan. Sprinkle with sugar in a ratio of 1:1. Add water.
  2. 2. After a few hours, put on a minimum fire. Cook for 30 minutes.
  3. 3. Remove the berries with a slotted spoon, put them in pre-sterilized jars.
  4. 4. Boil the remaining syrup for another 30 minutes, stirring constantly.
  5. 5. Pour the berries with the resulting liquid.
  6. 6. Close the jars hermetically with sterilized lids.

Thorn jam

In order to prepare sloe jam, you need only three ingredients:

  • turn - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Prepare as follows:

  1. 1. Rinse the turn, cut in half, remove the bones.
  2. 2. Pour half the sugar, add the same amount of water, set aside for an hour.
  3. 3. Use a blender to puree, add the remaining water and sugar.
  4. 4. Put on fire, reduce it to a minimum and boil for about 40 minutes.
  5. 5. Arrange in pre-sterilized jars, cork, turn over and cover with a warm blanket. Wait until they cool down.

Compote with apples

For such a compote, based on one 3-liter container, you will need products such as:

  • turn - 0.5 kg;
  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • water - up to the neck of the jar;
  • sugar - at the rate of 250 g per 1 liter of water.


  1. 1. Thoroughly wash the turn, leave it whole.
  2. 2. Wash apples and chop coarsely.
  3. 3. Sterilize the jar, fold all the fruits.
  4. 4. Pour boiling water to the “shoulders” of the container, close the lid, wrap it in a warm blanket, set aside for 30 minutes.
  5. 5. Drain the water from the jar into a container in which the syrup will be boiled.
  6. 6. Add sugar, boil until it is completely dissolved.
  7. 7. Pour the resulting syrup back into the container. Roll up with a sterile lid.
  8. 8. Turn the container over, cover with a blanket, wait until the compote cools down.

Pickled Blackthorn

If you make a turn according to this recipe, then it will taste like olives. You will need the following ingredients:

  • unripe turn - 1 kg;
  • water - 750 ml;
  • 9% vinegar - 50 ml;
  • peppercorns (allspice, black) - a few pieces;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 2 tsp without a slide.


  1. 1. Rinse the turn, sort out, remove soft, dried, spoiled fruits.
  2. 2. Arrange in sterilized jars (preferably a small volume - about 0.5 l).
  3. 3. Prepare the marinade from the remaining ingredients. Pour hot into jars, set aside for 15 minutes.
  4. 4. Drain the liquid back into the pot, boil and refill the containers with the thorns.
  5. 5. Seal the jars hermetically with sterilized lids, turn them over, wrap them in a blanket, set aside until they cool completely.

Blackthorn "olives" are infused for at least a month. After this period, the jar can be opened - the product is ready for use.

Sauce "Tkemali"

Blackthorn sauce is almost the same as cherry plum sauce. Take as ingredients:

  • turn - 1.5 kg;
  • marsh mint (regular is not suitable) - 10 g;
  • cilantro - 15 g;
  • ground coriander - 5 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • dill - 15 g;
  • ground hot pepper - 5 g;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • water - 400 ml.


  1. 1. Wash and sort the fruits.
  2. 2. Pour in water, boil over low heat for 25 minutes.
  3. 3. Add salt and these spices, cook for 10 minutes.
  4. 4. Remove from heat, cool, grind through a sieve.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Last year, I went to Georgia before my friend Olga. We have been friends with her since school days, but two years ago, she married a Georgian and left with him. And a year later, as I said above, she invited me to visit. During this week that I spent with her, we visited a couple of restaurants, and I tried a lot of meat dishes. I liked Georgian cuisine, and I also really liked one sauce that they serve with meat. Upon returning to my homeland, I contacted Olga and asked her to find out for me his classic recipe for the winter. Blackthorn tkemali has become the most popular sauce in our family. I tried to experiment with its preparation, and used plums instead of blackthorn, but the result did not please me. Therefore, I left everything as it is, the only thing was that I reduced the amount of pepper a little, because it was too hot. Be sure to try the meat sauce.

Required products:

- 250 grams of turn,
- 1 hot pepper,
- 1 clove of garlic,
- ½ teaspoon of salt,
- ¼ teaspoon of sugar
- 100 milliliters of water.

When preparing this sauce, many people add various greens, ranging from mint to cilantro or dill. Due to the fact that no one in our family likes this greenery, I did not add it.

Recipe with photo step by step:

So, first of all, put the turn in the bucket.

Pour water into it.

Boil the turn until it becomes soft.

Then select all the bones.

Squeeze the garlic to the pulp of the blackthorn, which is pre-peeled.

Then add salt, sugar and chopped hot peppers.

Connect the blender to the power supply and use it to puree the listed products.

Pour the resulting mass back into the ladle and boil

In our recipes you will find a detailed description of how you can make an incomparable sauce from the turn, which will perfectly reveal the taste of any dish, especially.

Adjika sauce for blackthorn meat for the winter


  • ripe turn - 1.2 kg;
  • drinking water - 300 ml;
  • tomatoes - 600 g;
  • young garlic - 1 head;
  • hot (red) pepper - 2/3 pcs.;
  • sweet apple - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • kitchen salt - 3 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 5 teaspoons.


We wash the turn and put it in a saucepan with a thick bottom made of stainless steel. We add water to it and send everything to the included heating pad of the gas stove. Having brought everything to the boiling stage, reduce the flame and continue to cook the turn until its flesh becomes loose and the skins burst. We move the contents of the pan into a wide metal sieve, let it cool slightly, and rub the turn with our hands so that only the peel and bones remain in the sieve.

We pass the tomatoes cut into slices through a fine strainer of a meat grinder, after them we twist the peeled hot and sweet bell pepper. Lastly, we grind the completely peeled pulp of a sweet apple, cloves of young garlic into the same container and, having mixed all these vegetables, put them on fire. After boiling adjika, cook it for 60 minutes, and then add blackthorn puree to it, neutralize the acid with sugar, add kitchen salt and continue to cook our incomparable sauce for about half an hour.

Recipe for spicy blackthorn tkemali sauce with pepper and ginger for the winter


  • turn - 1.5 kg;
  • drinking water - 350 ml;
  • dry cilantro and mint - 1 bunch each;
  • hot pepper - 1.5 pcs.;
  • - 1 PC.;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • sugar and salt - 1 dessert spoon each.


At the bottom of the pan we put a bunch of dry cilantro along with a bunch of mint (marsh), pour out a clean sloe, fill it with water and boil. When we throw everything on a sieve, we throw away the bunches, and we wipe everything else in the way we already know. We introduce finely-finely chopped (peeled) hot pepper into the blackthorn puree, young garlic cloves passed through a special press and fresh ginger root grated on the finest grater. We adjust the taste of tkemali with sugar and fine kitchen salt, mix everything thoroughly and put it on the already switched on burner. We cook tkemali from blackthorn for 25 minutes and distribute its entire amount in glass jars prepared for conservation, which we then roll up with sterile lids.

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