Video walkthrough of the godfather. Guide and walkthrough for "The Godfather II" Godfather 1 walkthrough

The game has different ways of killing enemies, called "Execution Styles". Execution styles will only be credited to you when you kill a person belonging to one of the warring clans: Barzini, Tattaglia, Cuneo or Straxi. If you try to perform an execution with a policeman or ordinary people, the execution will not be credited to you. If you have a different name for the execution, then just be guided by the number of the execution:

1.Execution "Black grip".
We beat the enemy with our hands until he dies.

2.Execution "Big Boom".
You need to kill the enemy with a bomb. It is possible in two ways:
1) Shoot the enemy in the knee (so that he does not run away) and throw a bomb at him, and while he gets up, the bomb will explode.
2) Bring the enemy to some car, then shoot him in the knee, then fire at the car so that it catches fire, and while the enemy gets up, the car will explode - the execution will be counted (if the enemy quickly gets up, you can shoot him in the knee again ).

3.Cocktail time execution.
We take out the Molotov cocktail and throw it at the enemy.

4.Execution by hitting the surface.
We beat the enemy with any melee weapon (baseball bat, iron pipe or police baton), and when the "Run" message appears, press the appropriate key.

5.Execution "Grip of the black hand".
We beat the enemy with our hands, and when the inscription "Run" appears, we press the corresponding key.

6.Execution "Tverdolob".
We beat the enemy until he has almost no health left, then we bring him to the box on the left or right, the inscription "Throw" appears, press the "right" or "left" key, respectively, and beat the enemy on the box. The enemy must die and the box must break (the boxes can be found almost everywhere, especially in warehouses and villas).

7.Execution "Last breath".
We capture the enemy, then press the "Choke" key and hold until the enemy dies.

8.Execution through the oven.
You need to throw the enemy into the furnace. It is possible in two ways:
1) You need to bring him close to the furnace, then press the "Forward" key - the main character will bend the enemy over the edge of the furnace, then press the "Forward" key again - the main character will throw the enemy out of the furnace.
2) Lead the enemy to the edge of the furnace, and when you get very close to the edge - let go - then the main character will push the enemy and he himself will fall into the furnace.
Ovens can be found in bakeries (bakery shops).

9.Execution "Road rage".
We get into the car and shoot down the enemy.

10.The execution of the silent killer.
We sneak up on the enemy from behind, take out the noose and strangle him.

11.Execution "Colored glass".
We find a structure in which there is breaking glass (glass showcases in racket buildings or booths with windows in warehouses), beat the enemy until he almost has no health left, then push the enemy onto the glass so that he, having hit the glass, dies, and while breaking it.

12.Follow your executions step by step.
It is necessary to throw the enemy from any roof. It is possible in two ways:
1) You need to bring it close to the side, then press the "Forward" key - the main character will bend the enemy over the side of the roof, then press the "Forward" key again - the main character will throw the enemy off the roof.
2) Lead the enemy to the side of the roof, and when you are already very close to the side - let go - then the main character will push the enemy and he himself will fly off the roof.

13.Execution "Getting under the wheels."
We beat the enemy until he has almost no health left, then we push him under a moving car (as if he was hit by a driver).

14.Execution "To the wallpaper".
We beat the enemy against the wall until he dies.

15.Execution "Demolition of the hat".
We beat the enemy until he has about half of his health left, we take out any pistol, then we shoot him in the knee, then we approach him, the inscription "Run" appears - we press the appropriate key (the enemy must be on his knees!).

16.Execution with a pistol.
We beat the enemy until he has about half of his health left, then we take out any pistol, the inscription "Run" appears - we press the appropriate key (the enemy must be standing!).

17.Execution "Without a face".
We beat the enemy until he has about half of his health left, then we shoot him in the knee with a pistol, then we take out the Thompson / Shotgun, we approach the enemy, the inscription "Run" appears - we press the appropriate key (the enemy must be on his knees!).

18.Execution "In the guts".
We beat the enemy until he has about half of his health left, then we take out the Thompson / Shotgun, we approach the enemy, the inscription "Run" appears - we press the appropriate key (the enemy must be standing!).

You need to shoot the enemy in the shoulder so that he drops his weapon.

20.Hit on the kneecap.
You need to shoot the enemy in the knee so that he falls.

21.Execution "Gunshot".
You need to kill the enemy with several shots to the body.

22.Execution "Metky".
You need to kill the enemy with the first shot (in the head).

Author: Salieri-boss


In order to somehow explain the emergence of a new person in the Corleone mafia family, we are first shown a short introduction, where we act as the father of the protagonist, who seeks to sell his life at a higher price. The torment of the poor fellow does not last very long, several machine gun bursts at close range very rarely leave hope for a miraculous recovery. The death of his father is seen by a little boy, to whom Vito Corleone, who came to the rescue, promises that when he grows up and the time comes for revenge, he will not miss his own. Next, we create a character in the editor and go to the wedding of Don Vito.

The Alley

After a scene in which first your mother asks Corleone for patronage, and then Don Vito Luca Brasi himself for one favor, we find ourselves on the street next to a couple of punks. Luka has already managed to send one of them to the next world with a piece of pipe, you just have to finish off the rest, at the same time getting used to the local control system. At the end of the "warm-up" Luka will offer to walk a little, bringing you up to date. As soon as the map appears, run to the house marked with a blue cross. Here you can save the game, as well as escape from police or bandits. After saving in the room upstairs, answer the phone, then to the blue mark next to the door.

The Enforcer

Luca Brasi, frightening local drivers with his formidable appearance, rants about how it has become good to conduct business these days. Talk to him, he wants you to make the owner of the butcher's shop (it's on the opposite side of the street) pay Corleone's bribe. Old Emilio will prove to be a tough nut to crack and will not want to pay. Destroy property, beat the butcher, but just do not forget about the indicator, because it is easy to overdo it, and then the victim herself can attack you. After proper "processing" talk to Emilio again, he will agree to pay. At the same time, the door to the back of the store will open, where the illegal business is located. You will not capture it, like a butcher's shop, here you are supposed to invest in them. Climb to the second floor and, having found an underground gaming club there, talk to its owner. He will not become stubborn, he will easily accept money, and from now on this institution will bring you additional income. Go outside, at the door you will encounter a police sergeant who will need to give a bribe. Yes, people in uniform are corrupt as well. But for some time the police will turn a blind eye to your atrocities, the green indicator next to the mini-radar symbolizes just about this. Take the money to Luka. He will ask you to visit Paul Gatto, who can be found at the Falconite Social Club.

A Grave Situation

Together with Paul, you will also get to know Monk, the guys decided to teach a lesson to the hooligans who brutally treated one girl. Follow them down the street, then turn towards the funeral home sign and beat the spirit out of a couple of students. One must be grabbed in an armful and slammed with his back against the wall, and the other must first be shaken in his hands, and then crush the gravestones with his head. The mafiosi would decide to bury the guy alive, but at the last moment they change their minds. Then talk to Monk, Luca is waiting for you in the alley on Bowery Street, you should not make him nervous.

Sleeping with the Fishes

Follow Luke, he will teach you how to properly handle weapons. In the world of Godfather, automation helps to aim, and in addition to the usual shooting, you can accurately shoot at certain parts of the body: if you hit the shoulder and the enemy will no longer be able to shoot back, in the knee he will fall or roll on the floor. Having messed with the revolver, take Luka to the Luna Bar in Midtown "e. The time for the trip is limited, so try not to travel for your own pleasure, it will still have time. Upon arrival, Luka will go to negotiate, and you will watch the meeting through the window. Unfortunately, your mentor in this place will be brutally bang, throwing a noose around his neck - punish his killers.After the shootout, you have very little time left to get to the house marked on the map in Little Italy.And the police, awakened by the noise of firing, will not let you get bored on the road In the room, there will be a phone conversation with Monk, who is waiting for a meeting. However, until this task for some reason appears in the list of missions, so you can do duty raids on the owners of shops in the neighborhood. Then return to your room and pick up the phone, Monk is waiting at the hairdresser's on Mott Street in Little Italy.

The Don is Dead

It will not be possible to talk heart to heart, an assassination attempt has been made on Don Vito Corleone, and the killers are still holding the barbershop windows at gunpoint. Run out into the street and shoot the villain who is hugging Frankie, Monk's sister. After that, an episode with a chase will begin - chase an ambulance through the streets of New York, in which they are trying to kidnap a wounded don. The roads blocked by cars will help you find your way in time, because you can’t miss the fugitives. You will get a short respite when both cars are on the bridge to Brooklyn. Perebeyte small gangsters and force Barto Leone to speak (similar to how you knock money out of shop owners) - he will point to those who ordered the crime. Climb into the ambulance and drive to the hospital located in the northern part of Little Italy, you can still try to save Don Vito. The life bar will tell you when it's too late. After the race, return to the Corleone mansion and talk to Tom Hagen there, so far there is nowhere else to rush. He will promote you to the rank of Enforcer, the first step in the Corleone family.
Then chat in the corridor with Nicolo Chico, who will inform you of the desire to see you from the side of Clemenzo. Tesio blocks the exit from the house - he will always gladly give you a fresh order to kill, if, of course, there is time and a desire to take on extra "wet" work. Clemenzo, who is waiting in a bar on Hester Street (he is standing next to the piano), is very worried about the state of the don - he will ask to visit the hospital and check how things are going there.

Intensive Care

It seems that our young gangster is up to his tricks on Frankie, and she does not seem to mind too much. Talk to the guard at the door, he will take away all the weapons, then go up to the second floor to Monk's room and talk next to the patient's bedside with Frankie visiting him. The conversation will be interrupted by the killer who burst into the ward, you know what to do. Michael Corleone, the son of Don Vito, appears on the scene, he will say that the basement is full of suspicious elements. Get down there, shoot all the bad guys, and then take Franky to the ambulance in the underground garage. Go back to Don Vito's room and find Michael there. The police who arrived at the shootout will want to arrest him, but the family lawyer who arrived in time will quickly save Michael from problems with the law.
Run to the corner of Mott and Bleecker streets, you will see a fighter of the Corleone family, Alesio Baroni. He will report that Clemenzo is waiting for a meeting in a tailor's workshop on Mulberry Street. After that, you should visit the owner of the flower shop Rosa, whose establishment is located on East Houston Street.


She invites to go to a party in a brothel, located on the second floor. Talk to Monk, Sonny (he's in a room with two girls) and Paul there. Suddenly, a police raid led by a ferocious sergeant will fall on the salon. Go downstairs, bribe Nathan Mahone, who is guarding at the front doors, and he will open them. Then turn left into the alley, silently eliminate the cops, trying not to catch their eyes, and go into the warehouse. On the second floor, talk to Rosa and arrange an accident for the sergeant on the roof. To prevent anyone from thinking about the murder, drag him to the edge of the roof and drop him down. "He was drunk, fell off the roof, that's all," says Rosa, who came to the rescue. Get down from the roof, click on Rose and return to the Corleone estate.
The next step - the rank of Associate - was taken. Leave the house and chat with Jaggy - he will recommend capturing warehouses to undermine the financial stability of rival clans. But this is so, in between times, the main thing is to listen to what Danilo D "Amico will say. If you have not been to Clemenzo's house in Brooklyn, now is the time to go there.

Death to the Traitor

Don was framed by Paul Gatto. Together with Clemenzo you will drive up to the restaurant. Go inside, go up to the second floor and take dynamite from the box. Then talk to Clemenzo in front of the entrance, run after him through the lanes to the back door. Get inside, plant explosives on the second floor, next to the billiard tables, and run out into the street, trying to be in time before the building blows up. It remains the case for small things - to deal with the traitor. When you arrive at the place, finish off Paul Gatto. He will run to hide behind the containers, blowing up the crates in the narrow aisles. Now the chase is on the agenda again - bring Clemenzo to a new apartment in Brooklyn, on Henry Street. There will be plenty of police on your tail, so it will not be easy to get to the garage hidden in the alley safe and sound. After the mission, start doing side tasks, like contract killings, capture a few shops, then return home and answer the phone. This is Monk waiting at the restaurant on 4th Avenue. Go to the restaurant, in the back room you will find Monk. And for what? To convey Tom Hagen's request for a meeting, as if it couldn't be said over the phone. Go to the Corleone mansion, Tom is there.

horse play

It is necessary to teach a lesson to one Hollywood showman, who, although old, but life has not endowed him with wisdom. No one can go against Corleone! Follow Rocco, trying not to get caught by the guards of the estate. If someone makes a fuss, then you have only 30 seconds to remove the insolent person (there is only a wire noose at hand from the weapon now). It will not work, the whole yard will come running, and the mission will have to be replayed from the very beginning. It's a shame. First you need to get to the stable, where Rocco will behead his beloved horse Costa Voltz. Then clear the road for Rocco (it is forbidden to kill maids and servants, only guards), he must bring the head wrapped in cloth to Voltz's bedroom, located on the second floor of the mansion. The corpses do not need to be removed, they will evaporate on their own in a few seconds. There, first wait until the maid hides in the room on the right, and only then go to the boss's bedroom. The deed is done... In the morning, Voltz will find the bloodied head of a trotter in his bed, which will make him extremely sad.
Talk to the man with the icon above his head in Villa Corleone, he asks you to go to meet Tom Hagen in Midtown. Tom is waiting for you at the hotel on Madison Court, take the elevator and you will see him. Now this hotel room is yours, yours and Frankie, the family does not forget their heroes! Cheer up Frankie, standing by the window, she invites you to relax in the new bar. Decide what is more important to you, hanging out with a girlfriend in a new club or family business? That's it, go to the Corleone mansion, they are already waiting for you there.

A Recipe for the Revenge

The family is discussing another murder, in which you are far from the last role. Drive first to Luis' restaurant in Midtown, on 3rd Avenue, before Solloso arrives. That is, until the end of 4 minutes. Then go to the restaurant from the back door, avoiding the eyes of the guards, and contact Terry Blake. He needs to be convinced that you desperately need to use his toilet (a couple of blows to the face or a short walk, grabbing him by the scruff, will be enough). When he opens the door, go to the toilet and hide the gun in the drain tank. Next, watch the famous scene: Michael first talks decorously with his interlocutors at the restaurant table, asks to go to the toilet, returns and ... does his dirty work. Then go outside and get into the car with Michael. Take him to the docks of the Hell's Kitchen area. Michael is forced to move to Sicily and leave America for a while, but he will return soon.
Leaving the docks, talk to the guy with the icon above his head, he will give the message of Tom Hagen, which is waiting for you at the Falconite club, this is on Hester Street in Little Italy. Tom will not talk for a long time, because Don Vito Corleone himself wants to talk to you! Why such an honor? Yes, because from now on you are accepted into the Corleone family and promoted to the rank of Soldier, and Don Vito himself will conduct the ceremony! After a momentous event, answer the phone in the lobby, Frankie has prepared some kind of surprise, he is waiting in your apartment in Midtown, in a hotel room on Madison Court.

Now it's Personal

A romantic evening broke, a gang of thugs broke into your apartment. Kill the attackers, and then beat the soul out of Elmo Marciano on the first floor. He must tell where the villains dragged your girlfriend. It turns out that in the old church, call Monk on the phone in the hall, he should be aware. After the conversation, get into the car at the hotel and drive to the intersection on Lexington Street, where you can pick up Monk. The brother will show extreme concern for the fate of his sister, but still pull himself together. Take him to the church in Brooklyn on Dock Street, the most convenient way to get there is via the Brooklyn Bridge. The main entrance to the church is closed, go around it on the left and shoot all the bandits in the basement, reaching the main hall. Unfortunately, you're too late, Frankie will die in your arms. But the mission will be completed. Leave the church and talk to Mario Costanza at the entrance, Sonny wants to talk to you - go to Hell's Kitchen, to the gateway next to the Italian Goods store, on Galvin street.

The Silent Witness

Enter the store from the back door and in the warehouse, on the second floor, talk to Sonny. Then get Michael Santana to speak, he's in the room next door. Although family member Tatalia will not say anything, this is not required. Watch Sonny throw the poor guy off the wall. It's time to go to his funeral, the funeral home is located in Midtown, on 34th street. Inside, shoot all the gangsters, the elevator door will open, go down to the basement. There is a crematorium here, soak the guards and throw Bruno Tataglia into the stove so that others would be discouraged. Then again, bandit a little for your pleasure, until one day the phone rings in the apartment. Sonny suggests meeting at Villa Corleone. Drive there to find out that Sonny is asking to meet him at a hotel in Midtown.

Sonny's War

Bloodthirsty Sonny does not want to hear about any negotiations, he decided to start his own showdown. Talk to him at the hotel, then take him to the bar in Hell's Kitchen, located on 41st Street. The main thing is not to be late, you only have two minutes to get to the bar. Inside, kill the guards, go down to the basement and make the owner speak, Nicolo Gambio. He will easily betray his boss, who will try to escape in a truck. Jump into the car at the entrance and chase the truck, and Sonny will start shooting from the window at his pursuers. The chase will end in a remote area of ​​​​Hell's Kitchen, in a railway warehouse. Enter the house where the truck stopped, go up to the second floor and watch Sonny extract all the information from the fugitive. Get back in the car and drive to the docks, the same place where Michael Corleone was dropped off on the steamer. Three minutes are given for this, but you should not worry, because it is very close. Once in place, seize the warehouse, it will be more serious than extorting money from small shops. First you need to shoot a couple of dozen bandits, and only then flex your muscles in front of the owner. After the capture, talk to the messenger with the icon above his head on the street, he will tell you about Sonny's desire to meet at Villa Corleone.

Change of Plans

After the meeting, get in the car and follow Sonny's car. This is perhaps one of the most difficult chases to deal with since the beginning of the game, albeit a short one. When Sonny reaches the checkpoint and stops to pay the money, he will be shot immediately. At the same time from a dozen trunks. Chase the killers, they will land in a warehouse in Hell's Kitchen, on Chelsea Street. Get out of the car and ask Shamus Broderick about who he works for. He won't say for sure, but he will hint that you can find it right here in Hell's Kitchen, in a club on 34th street. Go there, there is not much time, go inside and talk to the local boss. A hard nut to crack, you just can’t crack it - stick to his woman, then the limp bandit will instantly tell you everything you want to know. The thread reaches out to Barzini... Go back to Villa Corleone and report your progress. The authors believe that five minutes should be enough for this. Vito Corleone learns about the death of his son and convenes a meeting of the leaders of the five families, at which he tries to establish peaceful relations with everyone. From the outside, at least, that's what it looks like.
Don has died, go to Villa Corleone to offer condolences and pay respects to Michael Corleone. From now on, you become a Capo, a couple more steps - and there will be a Don! Talk to Michael again, he asks to meet Monk at the hotel in Little Italy, on Pitt Street.

Order to Kill

Monk will offer to go to the hotel and track down some agent there. Just go up to the top floor to look at a curious scene. First, Monk will shoot the FBI agent, and then Michael will ask you to remove... Monk's faithful friend in the interests of the family! Follow him to the club on West Street, where you will finish off the poor fellow. On the street you will be met by a family fighter who will tell you to meet Tom Hagen at Villa Corleone. Where to go? At a meeting with Willy Sichi in Brooklyn, on Front Street.

It's Only Business

Talk to Willy near the club, he will outline a plan of action in general terms. We go into the building, start shooting, kill Tesio ... The difficulty lies in the fact that too little time is allotted for searching and killing the villain, about three minutes, and the bandits in the area are like herring in a barrel, so better use the Thomson machine gun. When you fill up Tesio, go outside and talk to Tom. He conveys Michael's request to meet at the church at the intersection of Prince and Mott streets, in Little Italy.

Baptism by Fire

The final mission, Michael is very hopeful that the future for the whole family will be laid today. Go to the flower shop in Midtown, on 5th Avenue, and talk to Clemenzo there. Although you have not yet reached the fat man, the timer has started (13 minutes), and at the same time, a mention of the first target, Don Strazzi, has appeared at the top of the screen. Clemenzo will send you to the St. Alban's in Midtown. Arriving at the place, follow the fat man, then go up the stairs one floor above and check with the gangster in front of the door, and if Don Strazzi drove up in an hour? Then ask the next bouncer in front of the door and, finally, talk to Strazzi himself Escort him to the elevator, Clemenzo will start firing, then finish off the badly wounded don. Talk to Clemenzo, now you have 13 minutes to rid the world of Don Cuneo. But first you should see Willy at the Hell's Kitchen hairdresser. Take him to the Savannah Hotel in Midtown, on 49th Street, not far away. Upon arrival, talk to Willy, he will open the back door, follow him to the hotel and shoot Don Cuneo. If you hesitate, he may run out into the street. Then talk to Willie again. The next goal is Don Tatalia, talk to Rocco at the Brooklyn Club, on Front Street. This time, they won’t let you calmly get to the place, they will constantly try to ram or riddle you with bullets from the cavalcade of the car behind your back. The most annoying thing is that you won’t be able to get rid of them, and until the very last moment, sticky black cars will appear right out of thin air.
Rocco doesn't know where to look for Tatalia, but suspects that he is hiding in a brothel. And here is what you need to find. Go outside and talk to a woman in a black dress to the right of the entrance, she will tell you the way - the Saint Sebastian hotel. It is located on the next street, and you can get there on foot, unless, of course, time is running out. Go up the hotel stairs to the third floor and through the door on the right, slap Tatalia and talk to Rocco. Then go to the police station in Little Italy, where you have a meeting with El Neri. The plan to eliminate Don Barzini is as follows: drive up to the park in a police car, then wait until El Neri starts shooting, then kill Barzini and get away from the police ... After the murder, jump into any car and tear your claws until the timer stops at zero . You will be chased by the entire police district, because the alarm level is five "badges". Return to the church in Little Italy, the christening ceremony with Michael's participation should be completed by this time.
After the scene, talk to Franko Baggio at the church, he will report that everyone is gathering at Villa Corleone. Go there, get a new status - Underboss. Above is only the don, which you will become in a very short time. Talk to the man with the icon on his head and start preparing for serious operations. Now you need to blow up all four villas of rival families, their location is marked with blue circles on the map. Find a dynamite vendor, buy two bundles, and plant bombs under each of the two buildings to eliminate one family. You need to get out of the houses before the explosion, and time, as always, is running out. Repeat the demolition work four times (the location of the mansions and their basements hiding behind the guards' boxes are identical). Go back to Villa Corleone, you are now the new don, congratulations!
After becoming a don, you can achieve more. Become the Chief Don of New York, for which you need to capture all the legal business and buy up the illegal ones, purchase all the real estate, pull off all the contract killings. These classes, of course, smack of a fair amount of routine, they will no longer be accompanied by interesting scenes from "family life", but after all, the title at stake is quite serious. You have to sweat to take it.

So, 2006 was blessed with a game like Godfather, released from the electronic pen of Electronic Arts. True, this happiness was only for publishers, as users were a little unhappy. Is not it too much? Who knows. Someone jumped in delight, shouting about a good alternative to GTA, someone tore their hair, horrified by the wrong money invested when buying a disc ... Opinions were radically divided, but The Godfather saw the light of day. For a long time, for a short time, but it existed in the games market, however, without keeping the competition. So, let's take everything in order.

When you start the game Godfather, your virtual father is killed. Yes, here is such a banal plot. And the GG has no choice but to join the ranks of the mafia himself. So, here you come to one don, get hired by him and start work, doing all sorts of small assignments. Logical, isn't it? Since you are still a small fry, it means that the orders are insignificant, like a violent offer of protection to small entrepreneurs. But here's the bad luck - you grow in rank, grow up to the right hand of the Don, but the tasks do not become more difficult or more sophisticated. You are still personally engaged in extortion, knocking down old accounts from debtors, dismantling with competitors and other worthless rubbish.

But let us down not only the plot of the game The Godfather. After all, you can miscalculate with the plot, but compensate for this with the beauties of the graphics. Here, in New York, the player has access to five districts, which differ from each other only in names. The same sad courtyards that evoke the idea of ​​autumn in St. Petersburg. The same machines that completely "materialize" just a few meters before the hero. If you dreamed of relaxing in a quiet courtyard in New York - forget about it. For the Godfather game, the key is the word "dreary". I don’t know how it was possible to release such a game, having other excellent masterpieces to its credit.

Also in Godfather, problems can arise with orientation to the terrain. Due to the fact that the city is monotonous - it is very difficult to navigate the terrain. Even when you are nearing the end, you will not be able to perfectly and quickly navigate the city. There is almost nothing noteworthy.

But in Godfather, the weapons are chosen interestingly. You can perfectly shoot through the leg of the enemy and see how he suffers. Or it’s quite tolerable to smash his head against the wall, which is very damaging to his health. True, and here it was not without a fly in the ointment. Clever developers have introduced auto-aim into the game The Godfather. It hasn't been like this for a long time. But even with this shortcoming, you can shoot beautifully. Not to say that everything looks very realistic, but it is done really beautifully.

Summing up, it should be said that Godfather does not deserve the title of successor to such a spectacular masterpiece as the Mafia. Half copied from her, half - from GTA. What happened can be called a game. But with a stretch. Who needs stretch? It is better, in my opinion, to play the unprecedented originals of their genre.

Well, lastly. At the end of the Godfather game, when your Don is wounded, he will be admitted to the hospital right away, without taking off his suit. Great storyline, right?

Real power cannot be given, it can only be taken.

x / f "The Godfather"

America in the thirties and fifties, powerful Italian criminal organizations, conspiracies, family, honor, laws, moral principles and bloody business. The romance of gangster sagas is familiar to many of us. Some are not hearsay, most - from books and films. "Once Upon a Time in America", "Scarface", "Goodfellas", "Casino", "The Sopranos", "The Last Don", "The Godfather" ... All this is an immortal classic, ignorance of which in certain circles will cause at the very least uncomprehending glances.

World masterpieces do not need any continuation or any changes. But the developers of computer and video games clearly do not think so, otherwise how to explain the birth of Scarface: The World is Yours and The Godfather: The Game? Tony Montana and the nameless thug have already had a lot of fun turning classics into god knows what. The Godfather by Mario Puzo is not about constant showdowns, but the first part of the game brought everything to them. Needless to say, it failed miserably, and few people were pleased with the announcement of the continuation? However, more and more new videos persistently tried to convince us that everything will be fine, that we will see something completely different, and even with a strategic regime and a powerful economic component. Not that we believed it, but... a spark of hope lit up.

Families First

Forget the nameless guy who ended up in the Corleone family purely through the kindness of an elderly don played by Marlon Brando. Now we have been entrusted not with an ordinary pawn, but with the newly minted head of a mafia family under the shady leadership of Michael Corleone. The protagonist's name is Dominic, and he was destined to take the place of his boss, who was shot during the coup in Cuba. Now he has to put together his gang and assist Corleone in every way.

The second part of the Coppola saga is unofficially considered the best (six Oscar statuettes confirm this opinion), so the developers tried not to deviate from the plot. Here, betrayal and conspiracies are fully shown, the difficult relationship between the older and younger brothers, as well as the trial of Michael Corleone, in which Dominic is assigned his role.

In addition to the story tasks, of course, there are a lot of additional ones: taking over a business, fighting enemy families and helping ordinary citizens who, by virtue of their convictions, cannot deal with problems on their own. Weaklings...

The Godfather II features three locations - New York, Florida and Cuba. Best of all, the developers succeeded in the post-revolutionary possessions of Fidel, while instead of the Big Apple they slipped a small stub of it. In any case, in these territories we will have to face five hostile groups. Michael Corleone asked to expand the business, but the only way to do this is by capturing other people's enterprises. All of them are networked: diamond smuggling, drugs, adult entertainment, arms smuggling, car theft, etc. ( see table for details "Types of business" ). To complete the last task, you need to become the owner of all the "rackets" (that's what the business is called in the game) and destroy all the families. The latter is carried out by blowing up the main residence of each gang.

The capture of enterprises is no longer as annoying as in the first part. There are more different buildings, and the opponents are a bit wiser. Although this does not save them: a tree, it is a tree. The only, if I may say so, the dignity of the enemies is survivability. Sometimes you need to release up to twenty rounds from a machine gun to deal with the next gangster, and in fact they can be attacked by thirty in one skirmish.

If after these words you thought that the battles in The Godfather II are not dynamic, let me dissuade you, because ten types of weapons (five of which are upgradable), magnificent explosions, well-staged hand-to-hand combat, spectacular execution scenes (for each weapon - different) and participation in fights, partners are forced to get involved in more and more fights. Wait a minute partners?

Table 1
Business types
Enterprise network Town Network Capture Prize
Gambling Florida, Cuba Increased damage from firearms
Arms Smuggling Cuba Can carry more explosives
Diamond Smuggling Florida Body armor for the whole team
Chop Shops Cuba, Florida Access to armored vehicles
adult entertainment Cuba, Florida Hiring security guards is cheaper
Prostitution New York Brass knuckles for a team in hand-to-hand combat
drugs New York, Florida Double the revenue from the entire network
Construction Florida Exploded buildings rebuild faster
gun running Florida Increased amount of ammo

Renewed family

The Godfather II has three major differences from the original 2006 game. One of them is the ability to fight shoulder to shoulder with assistants. After all, Dominic must put together his clan, and for this he will have to conduct a rigorous selection process, accepting only the best of the best into the family. There are six types of companions: engineer, bugbear, medic, demolitionist, arsonist, and brute. Everyone is good in their field, and the main parameters (survivability, task speed, strength, etc.) can always be improved by spending a certain amount of money. The same goes for Dominic, by the way.

This is a bug: assistants always and everywhere follow you, and sometimes even resort to magic - they teleport. Get into a two-seater car, put the pedal to the floor and drive to the other end of the city. As soon as you get out of the car, the henchmen will be right there. Maybe a bug, but very useful.

But even if you teach the ward everything you can, he is unlikely to become a better shooter. There are four types of weapons license: basic (basic), advanced (advanced), master (master) and expert (expert). Each partner initially has a certain license, and, believe me, masters and experts are extremely rare. If you are free to cross a bugbear and a demoman just like that (upgrading to the rank of captain or assistant), then you can buy a permit for a new weapon only after playing in multiplayer mode.

On a note: each of the five types of firearms can be upgraded twice, gaining greater stopping power and rate of fire. To do this, look for trunks highlighted in red in places that are unassuming at first glance.

And this is just the second cardinal difference from the first part. It was widely advertised by the developers long before the release, and videos from online battles appeared much earlier than the records from the single player campaign. Apparently, Electronic Arts made a big bet on the war of the mafia on the Internet.

So, we have four game modes in which up to sixteen people can participate:

  • Team Deathmatch(Combat between teams). The task is to kill all enemies in a wall-to-wall collision. Classic.
  • Demolition Assault(Assault with undermining). Three Demomen must mine three objects in enemy territory. The catch is that each new target appears only after the previous one is destroyed. In addition, opponents are trying to undermine your buildings, so hurry up.
  • FireStarter (Pyro). As an appropriate member of the team, you start a fire throughout the area, setting fire to propane tanks and barrels of gasoline. The more you managed to ignite, the greater your score multiplier. By killing an enemy Pyro, you will become the owner of its multiplier and, accordingly, you will receive its points.
  • Safecracker. In the role of a burglar, you must open the safe and hold the position for as long as possible, earning points. Naturally, there is more than one repository on the map. For example, the one that is in the center is the most difficult to keep, but at the same time your work is rewarded much more generously than when guarding a regular safe.

In principle, The Godfather II multiplayer mode does not offer us anything radically new compared to other projects. Except for a few things. First, by playing as one or another team member, you gain special points that can be spent on improving the weapon license of the ward.

Secondly, as in the single player campaign, there is a chance to play as the head of the family. You will not be able to run and shoot, but you can look at everything that is happening from above and help your team by giving out enemy positions and supplying friends with bulletproof vests, ammunition and the like. At first it's fun, but then it gets pretty boring, because you really want to be in the thick of things.

And since we are talking about the view from above, then it is called "Map of the Don", or Don's View. This is the third noticeable change from the original. By pressing the tabulator, a three-dimensional image of the city in which you are located appears on the screen. Here you can manage your family, check financial reports, hire security guards for establishments, look for bribed representatives of the authorities (policemen, politicians), monitor the completion of tasks, etc.

If one of your enterprises is attacked, then it will blaze on the map, and shots will be heard behind the scenes. In this case, you can either come to the scene yourself, or send several people to resolve the conflict. It is also completely optional to capture buildings on your own: send two or three wards to work, and you will save time.

Family mistakes

Naturally, the strategic mode brings a lot of new things to the gameplay, and the story missions and business management are quite interesting. But what about the side quests? Let's face it, no way. Dominic can approach any passer-by and offer him his help. Don't you think it smells like crap? The head of the criminal gang himself runs through the streets and almost begs to be allowed to do something. What's next? Politicians go to guard parking lots?

Moreover, additional missions are needed only at first, so as not to be left penniless. Then all these explosions and murders turn into a monotonous burden, for which you don’t even want to take on. In order to somehow cheer up Dominic, his comrades offer him to give out the coordinates of the minions of the enemy clans in exchange for some kind of service. There is no sense in this, because all of them can be killed during skirmishes on the streets of the city.

Another unfortunate moment is that the main character can neither swim nor jump. The die-hard mafioso is not even able to climb a box, and once in the water, he instantly goes to the bottom. Perhaps the warehouse of weapons in the pockets is the reason?

The atmosphere and events of The Godfather 2 are well sustained, but the plot of the project is rather predictable. Plus, the game is very linear. On the one hand, this is a meaningful step - the action is limited by the scope of the film. But on the other hand, why then do you need several answers in the dialogues? What is changing? Never mind.

About the schedule, too, can not respond positively, although it will not be possible to raze to the ground. Superbly designed explosions, pretty landscapes and good detailing of the characters just don't let you do it. But the picture is spoiled by the drawing distance, weak physics (but compared to the flying cars from the first part, this is a noticeable step forward) and general detailing. Although what to demand from the engine, which back in 2006 seemed to be a poor relative?

The only thing that pleases in terms of design is the dialogues and music. The actors tried very hard to match the images, but the classic, beloved by many melodies from The Godfather simply cannot leave you indifferent.

Mafia is immortal

Unlike the game. It, of course, found a place for a new, good idea: few people managed to implement a strategic mode in an action movie. The fights and battles on the network are also very good, and the overall impression remains generally positive. The Godfather II turned out to be much better than you might think, but nevertheless it lacked a lot of little things to the title of "great game". Perhaps a few patches and work on the bugs will allow us to plunge headlong into the romance of the criminal world next time.

Before entering into an unequal battle for a place under the sun of the Sicilian mafia, let's talk a little about the correct behavior in a given situation and analyze the controversial points.

  • The Godfather II carefully protects the protagonist, not allowing him to swim or jump. What can we say about falling from a roof or at least from a box ... But there is one tricky way to make Dominic fall from somewhere. To do this, simply hold down the run button (default left shift) and rush to the edge of the roof. Remember Neo's jumping over buildings trick? Turns out they did this back in the 1950s.
  • With the next racket, it is important to remember that every owner has weaknesses. To identify them, beat the visitors, smash the premises, or cuff the owner himself. Something will definitely work and increase your income from this point by 25%.
  • When you are able to adequately arm your teammates, do not even think about an assault rifle or a shotgun. Where better to give revolvers and sniper rifles into the hands of comrades-in-arms. In terms of lethal force, nothing compares to them, but the rate of fire is far from the main thing here. As a result, you will get an almost invincible team.
  • To advance in the story, and most importantly - to reach the last mission, you must destroy all the criminal families and capture the entire business. So, as soon as you get to a new city, without hesitation, start crushing enterprises for yourself. Doing it later is a hassle.
  • We will assume that you have successfully coped with this and now the final task awaits you. The most important thing in it is not to pay attention to enemies. Yes, yes, that's right: there will not be many of them, even the troops of the Tatar-Mongolian army would be envious there. Don't waste ammo, be sure to enlist the support of a medic and run straight to the main target. Well, partners will cover, if anything.
  • During the siege of an enemy residence, absolutely all assistants should be in your team. In addition, it is better to start the fight from the car. Drive around the yard, remove the outdoor guards, and only then get out of the car. It is desirable to use a revolver and a sniper rifle. A well-aimed shot will kill instantly, and this will save a lot of time. No need to run headlong to the place that needs to be mined - you risk not reaching it. You have to walk slowly and carefully. Once inside, search all rooms for safes and weapon upgrades. Well, before you plant the bomb, plan your escape route in advance, otherwise you will be killed by the explosion.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to help honest citizens with their problems. Naturally, this is not about crying into a T-shirt. Murders, fights, sabotage, arson... All this - for the sake of money or important information. The latter, in fact, turns out to be not so useful, but an extra couple of thousand dollars in your pocket will not hurt. The only confusion is that passers-by often ask Dominic to mine the building he owns. This frightens many, although there is nothing terrible here: the blown up enterprise will be restored in 15-20 minutes, but you will receive ten thousand dollars. I think it's beneficial.
  • Each building must be guarded by the maximum number of guards, otherwise you will quickly be deprived of business. If you see that the enterprise is under attack, immediately send the two strongest assistants. They'll fix the situation in two minutes.
  • To make life easier for ourselves, we are offered to blow up and capture buildings with the hands of assistants. The first is a useless and unprofitable occupation, but the idea of ​​​​sending a few of your people to the development of new territories is quite good. It will save you quite a lot of time, but it can deprive you of part of the income. In this case, the saying "time is money" takes on a new meaning, but I would advise you to choose "time".
  • Dominic can easily find out where one of the key members of the enemy group is hiding and how best to deal with him, but is it really that important? The answer is no. You can kill them all during the siege of the residence, and spending time on stupid showdowns is pretty stupid.
  • The most important thing when robbing a bank is to pre-adjust the car to the exit through which you are going to escape. Ideally, this should be a two-seater sports car. When you get behind the wheel, pedal to the floor and drive to Dominic's lair. Do not pay attention to the police: the place of two dead cops will be taken by four new ones. Well, don't worry about your partners - their ability to teleport never fails.
  • No crime on the streets of the city will go unnoticed. If you just stole a car in front of the crowd, then one of the passers-by will definitely call the police station and lay you down. Above such a “rat”, an icon in the form of a red eye usually lights up. You can either dissuade him from a rash act, or demonstrate to everyone what happens to traitors.
  • Often you want to take someone new to the team when all the places are already taken. What to do? Label the most useless member of the family as murder. He will be found and killed in a matter of minutes, and one of the posts will be vacant.
  • Do not forget that you can buy, if not everything, then almost everything. This fully applies to representatives of the authorities. Fulfill their requests and in exchange you will receive untouchability from the police, the opportunity to put one of the members of a hostile family behind bars, and the like.
  • And finally, be extremely careful in Cuba. The territory here is small, and the mafia and the police are quite strong. There is nowhere to hide, but a firefight cannot be avoided, and it risks dragging on for a very long time.


Without partners in The Godfather II nowhere. This is understandable: the don of a mafia family simply cannot travel alone - what if something happens? Three henchmen can go along with Dominic, while everyone else is guarding important objects or relaxing in the company of beautiful ladies.

Our hierarchy is as follows:

  • Don- Dominic.
  • Consigliere- Tom Hagen.
  • improvised(three specializations).
  • Two capos(two specializations).
  • four soldiers(on one, very rarely two specializations).

Career growth is extremely simple: you can choose your favorite and raise him higher and higher until he becomes your deputy, that is henchmen. Each member of the family is an expert in a certain, not too legal business.

  • Safecracker.
  • Engineer (Engineer).
  • Arsonist (Pyro).
  • Demolitions (Demoman).
  • Bruiser (Thug).
  • Medical.

Each specialty is unique, so let's talk about them in more detail.

On a note: the best team (the three you take with you) should consist of two capo and improvised. The three have a total of seven specialties. improvised must be proficient in medicine, safe-cracking and fighting skills, one of capo should be an excellent demolitionist and engineer, the second - an arsonist and a medic. Two doctors in a team is an application for a swift victory.


This guy's calling is to open locks and safes. But if the door can be knocked out with a foot, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to repeat the same trick with the vault. At every enterprise and warehouse, in every house and store there is a safe, which contains from one to four thousand dollars. Sparsely, but for starters - very personal. In addition, robbing a bank without a safety net is like sending a team of milling machines to the Olympic Games.

Engineer (Engineer)

Don't expect an engineer to help fix a broken car or anything like that. His favorite pastimes are cutting holes in bars and de-energizing buildings. The first is very useful if you like to go behind enemy lines or suddenly appear on the battlefield. In addition, some fenced areas turn out to be hiding places in which upgraded weapons are hidden.

As for playing around with the light, this is an extremely useful trick when robbing a bank or when attacking a warehouse. The enemy is in the dark, sees nothing and becomes an excellent target for a killer with a silenced pistol.

Medic (Medic)

The specialization speaks for itself - before us is Dr. Aibolit, only instead of a hare without a paw - a wounded Dominic, and instead of a thread with a needle - a shotgun.

In the first half of the game, you can do without a doctor, but in the second half you will need his help. In particular, this applies to almost all tasks in Cuba, as well as the last mission. I'm not talking about the seizure of the residence of the Cuban mafia, during which two doctors may be required at once - in case one of them is seriously injured.

Bruiser (Thug)

Why exactly "thug"? This is not only the most appropriate translation of the word "bruiser", but also a clear description of Dominic's partner - there is simply no other word to describe him. A healthy kid with a high forehead and an intelligence of "minus thirty" in his eyes - that's who our comrade-in-arms is. What is the use of it? Well, he fights much better than the rest, besides, he knows how to knock out the door at the right moment. Why others can't do this is somewhat unclear, but nevertheless, without a goon, you run the risk of failing certain tasks and being left without improvements for weapons.

Demolitions (Demoman)

An ordinary average person who, on his first visit to the museum, will say not “What a beauty!”, But “TNT in the bottom left corner, and we will put dynamite under the stairs.” Perhaps this is the most important, even key, of all partners. He destroys enemy enterprises, he blows up banks, but most importantly, it is he who blows up the residences of competing groups. So, if you are going to raid the mansion of a feuding family, do not forget to take a demoman with you, otherwise you will leave with nothing.

Arsonist (Pyro)

And this is a real pyromaniac. With pleasure, he will make a fire on the bar counter or set fire to a barrel of fuel. It makes little sense, though. In fact, only in one mission will you need the skills of an arsonist, in the rest you can do without him, leaving a warehouse or a restaurant to guard.

Don't worry, let's break through!

Mario Puzo

Mario Gianluigi Puzo- a famous Italian-American writer and screenwriter, who started talking after the publication of the novel "The Godfather" in 1969. But is it really all that he managed to do during his life - write a crime saga and go into oblivion? Of course not.

Puzo was born into a poor Neapolitan immigrant family in 1920. He spent his childhood in one of the most disadvantaged areas of New York - Hells Kitchen (Hell's Kitchen). It’s almost never talked about now, but in those years it was the launching pad for most famous criminals, especially Irish ones.

After graduating from university, Puzo went to war and served in the US Air Force. However, poor eyesight did not allow him to stay on the front line for a long time, in connection with which he was appointed a public relations officer in Germany.

In 1950, he wrote a short story, "Last Christmas", and in 1955, his first book, Dark Arena, was published. The plot of the novel revolves around the relationship between an American soldier and a young German woman, and the action takes place in post-war Germany.

Between the 1950s and 1960s, Puzo (under the pseudonym Mario Cleri) wrote stories about World War II for various men's magazines, and also worked as a writer and editor.

His next book was published in 1965. It was called "Happy Page" (in another version - "Happy Pilgrims") and told about the life of Italian immigrants in the United States during the Great Depression. And although critics praised the novel, it did not become popular.

And in 1969, the gangster saga "The Godfather" saw the light. She instantly became a bestseller, immediately winning the attention of all of America. Mario Puzo instantly became the luminary of world literature, and everyone heard his name. Even he himself did not expect such a reaction, since he sat down for a novel in order to ... earn. With five children in your arms, being a government employee is pretty hard to make ends meet. According to Puzo, he himself never met an honest gangster and wrote exclusively from what he could find in other literature.

In 1972, the little-known director Francis Ford Coppola presented the film The Godfather to the public, the screenwriter of which was the author of the book of the same name. A few things were changed to make the movie look better on the screens, but that didn't stop it from getting eleven Oscar nominations. As a result, he won three statuettes, one of which went to Puzo. He received the second in 1974 for the script for the sequel to the film.

All subsequent works of Puzo could not be compared with The Godfather, but they still gained popularity, and some were filmed. For example, "The Last Don".

Puzo died in 1999 from heart failure, having managed to publish the novel Omerta before that, and in 2001 The Family was published, completed by Carol Gino, the writer's widow.

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You are on the page of The Godfather: The Game, created in the Action genre, where you can find a lot of useful information. The game was published by EA Redwood Shores. The walkthrough of The Godfather: The Game we found will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also for the game The Godfather: The Game, codes and cheats are simply necessary for everyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

Considering that The Godfather: The Game was not released in Russian, you will obviously need a localization to make the game clearer, because the passage in your native language is much more pleasant. You will play alone, going through each stage without anyone's help.

Reviews and feedback from readers will help you understand if the game is worth your time. Given that the game was released on 2006-03-21, we can say that it belongs to the category of classics.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and fix the gameplay. You can download them in our file storage.

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